The Huron Expositor, 1905-06-30, Page 3HOME. .AQA1.. --AND OUT For Business We Will sell you Bedpath's No. 1 Gra.uulated Sugar for less money than you can buy it elsewhere. Get our prices be- fore you buy. 110me Grown .Berries We are h4n41ing Mr. John Walker's whole output of straw- berries. They are picked fresh every Taming. Specials in Clothing Dein For Saturday Only The Basil Imported Soft Front Shirts, regular $1.25 75c Saturday for.. .. • • • Meted Whits Vests, regular $1.70all sizes, on ki 3aturday........,••• ...... • ..••••••••••..;,.. 100 Pairs Pans, regular 82.20, Saturday only $1 25. Wei Want 100 old Tuxkeys, price 1.2c per pound. HE HTERON EXPOSITOR struotion and paid the coMpany. When it was firat laid detwn't ifew local monied men could have ;been coaxed to invest a farthipg irsk ithe undertaklug, because there wait lita ate business of a paying .oharacter in sight. Yet because of its ooeven- fence, its acdommod.ation and the ope- portunity offered far a a/heap and ,pleasant-ou.ting for. a few hours, for indoraers arid oatgoere, it has e,sreat- ed traffic." 'these exe just such roads as rhhat new proposed to be run from 13rus- sets Seafarth and from thenee Bayfield. That such a road would be at great benefit and convenience to the country people along the xieu.te and abusiness maker foe thg to-wns intereeted goes almost With- out saying. And that the enterpriso %AIWA he a paying investment' the expealence tof others prove. This scheme should bo pushed with auffi- °lent vigor to secure its SucceSs. It dorae some day and the tseener the .better. The pleasure traffw a- lone, to and falcon the latvet during the ,suramer Manthis would he A letrS donsiderable item and one sec,ii as Is .tot open toanyof 'the troads the 12/aunty Of Waterloo. The country thlleugh avialeh it would run is one of :the finest and, moat fertile in the world enti henceno .road would be ;Likely to drawes-ta larger business t,ra.fifici. iwould paitr and that from titeatiatr. What a Canadian Thinks of Quba Rev. -S. G. Stuart, pastor a of Kniax presbyterian oharch, South Londop, ‘; 46, C NN Seaforth. ( chid brother of Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury, of Bayfield, returned last week from Zhil wflexpolgtor isEAFauTtt, FRIDAY, Jane 30, 1905. Fraleriial Insurance Societies. The lOyal Arcanum is airiendly insurance taoelety with; -a large membership in the United StateSand - Canada. It has been in eXistencei for a gdad many yeaes and has a meraberihip of about ten thousand in Canada and. about four thousand •of, them', are in Ontario. , It cora- menced in the same basis as all the other sdeieEies of this nature, giv- ing life insurance on the mutual plan. That is by levying an assess- ment Lot ao roach per month on each snembe4 to meet the death claims as they aripse. 'Like t he other similar societiet4, far several yetars after its organizatton St got along all right bY,,. this method. But, as it is said, while the young rciaty die the old must die. Consequently the raemberit peraisted in growing 'old- er all the time and the older mem- bers kept' dying elf in ever insareae- ing numbers. This being the ,case' was aeoti found th.at if an even! as- sesement were continued. it would • be impossible to get young men into the society, as their assessments -would be coming so frequently to pay off the death claims of the old niem1er4 that they w.ouid. ultimate- beconle overly bardensom.e. In order to keep new blood in the so- ciety, therefore, it was found to be aleCessart to adopt a graded seal of ates by which the /members, wou pay something in proportion to the uost of. Carrying their risks. Mails graded stale has been changed from time to Eine to meet Oho exigencies of the soblety caused by the increas- ing age .Of members. At th,e recent meeting Of the Supreme Council _a new. scald of r.a.tes or assessments was adceited. This scale has stru.ck canisternatton into the hearts of the older inetnbers of the sooiety as it increases the monthly assessments on them at least four fold. It is elairaed however, that this rate, 'high as it, is, is based on the, eoientif- io oalcultItions of experts as athown by the actual, experience of the so- ciety sinee its orgamization. It is also claimed that, the table tof rates as now fixed will be permanent and. -will place the society On Kt firm and etcure basis so that young men need not hesitate to join. it and older men will be sare that their elaimewflI be promptly met when necessary. It is quite, passible that ;this is the ease. The, United Workroen„ a kin- dred society took similar action a few months ago and there is no doubt but, all simitarly conducted eaoieties wiI have to do likewise. In- deed we ,think that such a °Came is necesserY and wise. The action of the Workulen and Royal Arcanum has tioza eteated wide spread com- ment, as ,the kindred societies are very Iltillankaalls land 'awe a very large membership this oountry. This may ibe judged from the fact that they distributed ,over ‘Uhrue millions of Idolises in 1903 !ire death • claim, sack !benefits- and such like From this it will be seen that they are nab only numerous but that they ere 'doing a good. work in the country; -and if by raising the rates they ere plated on ti firm and safe financial basis none should. com- plain. - ,toelieve the• eleim they make Aleut they Tarnish. ,life insur- ance !at nottial cost can be, verified by the fig,alass. Several et t hem have been doing businees in the past 'at lest. th,ari cost, and hence Utley must make tip for this lees now by increased ra We can take the. Royal Arcanum, the new table of rates being before us, ;se Ian example. A tman of 21 -years ,of age is stillte,!-Iiven an insur- ance for fic3,600 for $1,89 per month, or say 1$24 bet- year. This is only $8 per year for one thousand dollaes insurance. This is about half What it witauld !Cost in a regular Aim •ine eurance 041'11[4[11y, Fuld at is therefore s‘orth .all be pays to Carry his, risk from year tt o se,:t.r. The en me Way be said la (the num who joins at thirty. An insurance for $3,000 vill eoNt hint $2.91 per month, or say $36 per e•sar,. being only $12 a, year per thousand dollars. But twhen routes up to the othe-r extreme la where the shoe einethee. A men 65 years:of tags anust now pay $16.08 per ytar, or, lin icound numbers, $195 a year, being $65 per year per thous- and dollars insurance. But the rive rfiber -who is thus t axed now should bear fin mind that the had his risk carried ifor nil the yearns he. has been a member of the society at less than actual tost, and bence be has received value for all the 'paid as be anent aleng.' Consequently, the W- ciety is mot indebted to him for any- thing at the present (time. So ihat, oommen.cing now, and supposing le lives to Ole age (of seventy years, and these who go over that are except- ional, for an • investment of one thousand dollars, Ibis theirs will la- teive at this Oath ale tsum of three thousand dollarS, besides Ita:vinet his risk married tin the anea,n, tbne. We do Ina know any tway inwhich menecan invest his money tethiclh wtUl give Saint laritything lake tsuclan. turn. • It is more profitable and safer ?than! Manitoba real estate. So that any skid traan who nsta raise the montly aasessments an not afford to leave the sooiety, aaad any young Man wisdesires cheap insurance cannot affard tto pass these mooleties by, ;bemuse the gets 'full teatime for the ' money (he. pays from year to year las ;hi -goes along by having his risk ,carried and has provision made for those dependent upon hini in the event 'ef this death. - The only objectionable feat tire abaut the ilrusiness is that the old-. er members (have been carried aforrg: at the lawer rates feeling perfeet security uptil they ere too old to get insurapoe in any other way. But this can therdly be properly blamed upon the aocie,ties. For tbis reasa on it its harity wise for a young man to depend. eentirely 'upon. society [in- surance, It is good while it •;lasts, and ia worth all it costfrom year to year even if the rate is sure to be plaeed thigh in old age as is now being done. But this is -not likely to occur again, 'at least to so large an extent, as :the, increased rates twill peovide Ito %I- very large extent •for old age payments. Inetead, there - tore, 'of the inerea.sed irate/a discoux- agine membership )11,4343.1d ,encou.r - age it, as the fiktci-ties alt3 thereb,y placed, on a firmer, ro:ore steady and a !reliable basis. and young men are still !given yery Cheap insuranee. • prepresarroarnsausasui .4 Case for the Railway Inspect.: rs. The Itailwaty- Commission, says the Weekly Sue, has appointed two in- speoto.rs whose business it is to go flora place tq plaoe for .that purpose bf seeleg that: the, companies live up to those stipulations of the rail - war act- that, are designed to insure the safety of the public and the con- venience tof shippers. 'As part of their work these officers will con- sult wIth shippers and cresidents a- long the rallivay routes to get at the bottom of all complaints. In this -way the board Will be able to remedy mapy shortcomings on the the part Of the railways without putting those ifolio suffer there from to the expense and tro,uble of per- sonal appearance at Ottawa. This is the best pieoe of work yet done by the Oramission. That body is now realir parrying out the object of its ereationl The commission vas intended tic> 1244 pasire than a court for the hearing and a dj Lidice tion -of ques- tions 'submitted to it; it was intend- ed to be a beead of investigation for the discovery pf grievances on its ow.n -account. .1 We are glad to see that the objeet' in view in creation Is being carried oat. It would be a good idea for these inspectors te visit Seaforth and ex- amine the rellay eroseing on Main street. It 11'11, a veritable - death trap and la entirely unprotected. Several very -(f,r`sells accidents have already loecaered at this crossing. Only a "few weeks ago, as a carriage containing a nember of ladies and gentleman, w s being dr i yen over the crossing a' very serious accident was only aveeted by the Coolness and skill .of the 4,river et the. vehicle. A freight train which was bid by other oars standing on the track was being backed ap and it was not !seen by the driver' of the velsiole until it was almost pp it. Had the train been moving swiftly, or had the driver been less alert, a serious 9ol- lision would, ilarbost certainly, have been theresult, with consequences which may .1se'imagined. The, oom- party should be compelled to keep a watchman at this crossing for au protection of that public ,and we have no doubt but a visit from :the a- bove. named inaeoectors would show this to be pecestetay, Local Eleptric Railways. The people of 'the county of Water- loo,• and. partular1y those of the prosperous and go-ahead tiywn of Berlin ,are • in a good position to judge ap to the utility and profit- ableness of local' electric railways. a six wetekal tour through Cuba. He gives some very interesting particu- lars copoereing that cou.niary, which becupled so 'much, public attention a few years ago, and in w,hich are now located 'a great many Canadians, and whio. are there, as elsewhere, 'talc-. ing the /lead. This is Mr. Stuart's third trip .to the island, the last of which was made some five years ago, just after the Spanish-American wax. Many changes were, noted., and Cuba seems destined to play a great pair t In the commercial life of [Ole North., American oontinent. One of the fea- tures of thisdevelopment is the fact that the Cardians arreeto tato fere. Several colonies of them are [located in the and they tare out [strip- ping their *lexicon cousins in nom- mexce. -They _first. were [seized with the possibilities that -were there, and were quick totake tadv,antage of every Opening. • While the Ameri- cans held, back, awaiting what be • expected would be the collapse of responsible government, tjae, Cana- • diens went about their businesS,and now control a large 'portion of [the business .of the country. Outside of :the Spanish bank e the only one doirrg business is. the Royal Bank of Can- • ada, and it so possess,ed the oonfi- den.ee of t he government Diat it gave .the bank the distribution of $30,- 000,000 granted . to the soldiers tatter the war. Canadians are to the fore in the development of the fruit in- dustry, which in four or Wive years will reach, tremendous proportions They are interested in the cattle ranching, and every year a vast a- mount of money is turned into the pockets of the Canadians. Sir Wil- liam Van 'Iforne's railway is no W in operation, and will be an influence in the feture of the islana. The road runs through the entire 1eng0h, of the island, many miles of it threitigh practically a primeval wilderness'. • The west part of the island is -Well developed, while a barge sectioe, of the eastern half is still a wilder- ness, covered with the fineSt bard - wood the world has ever seen. ISir William Van Herne has also estab- lished a port on the east coast; at Niepi Bay, which he anticipates 5vi1l be the great port of Ouba in Isme. He has also planted 3,000 acrel in sugar cane. • Sugar is .king in Cuba. Last year the price was 1 1-2 'cents a pound, while this • year the Planters lhave been getting as high as three ,or fear cents a pound., bringing into the country -$40,000,000. The tobac- co industry is also develpping. The cultivation of the fragrant weed is becoming more scientific moll year. Thousands of acres are grown an - der canvas, and this is producing the finest 'wrapper in t he world. Th,e country is naturally a fruit eountry but it has not been aievTloped along ,these lines., as the Spaniards would not allow the Cubans to grow any fruit, such as oranges or 4emons, tor the simple reason they would compete with the Spanish trader. Since Cuba became free the fruit in- dustry is becoming of great impor- tance. The Canadians were the first to take advantage of thiseand their 'orchards are just now beginning to bear. The cattle ranching is grow- ing, same Western .Canadian people being prime movers in this resPeot. Same idea may be gained t he elohnestsof the oountry from Ike fact that in two years tne Govern- ment has ,p,ald the interest on $30,- 000,000, given to its soldiers, made Government roads-somethieg which the Spaniards bad never built-epent enormous sums on public improve- ments and still had $11,000,000 in the treasury. The Americans are be- ginnin.g to realize the richn.ess of the country, and are pouring in in great numbers, buying all the land they possibly can. Real estate has risen greatly in -value during the pastyear in consequence. The English language is being taught everywhere, and the people are anx1rou.s to learn. Interpreterts are employed In .a11,. the stores and hotels, and the Spanish tongue is slowly but surety dying out. The last trews of the iniquitous Span- ish, rule are being removed., and Cuba seems, destined to be a fabul- :'eusly rieb nation. • Mr. _Stuart Nis a splendid collier,- tilon ea woods frdm that co un tr y. They are uniformly close -grained and hard. Some of the timber must be very valuable, and as there arc • Strattota; Miss N. L. Maitland. 8tratfor44 Mils A. MoKenzie, Lis- towel; Sohn B. Dunbar„Mitchell; delegates to Ontario EsItioational Ats- sociation, Mists JAInnie Willson, Mit- chell, R. H. Cowie, Carlingford; aud- itors, C. A. Mayberry and Gearge -Malcolm, St.r,a.tford, resebected by acclamation. iasaaaattaatesstaata Beware of Ointments for Catarrh _ that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely, de' trange the whole system when enter- ing it through the mucous surfaces. Suchartidshould never be used e) except ,on pre criptions from reput- able phy,sicians as the d4m6le they. will do is fen fold. to the good you. can possiblsovierive from theta. Hall's Catarrh Cirre, manufactured by F. S. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., eentains no ro:eroury, and is taken internally, • acting directly ,upan the blood, and mucous surfaces of the laystern. In 'buying Hall's Catar,rh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in- ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. t.T. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. I Sold by, Dru'ggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family. Pills for con- stipation. Several have •been canstru.cted in thousands of aCres of it a great deal of wealth, must acme to the estate from th.at source. The state is hope- ful, the. prOspects bright, and the Canadians are in on the ground floor, and will raake a great amount done by them says: of mancy. ' Wr.Stuart ig interested in a coin- pany,thatt is starting a large orange plantation in Cagle yarietis parts of that county, most t>f them centeripg at Berlin, during the past five years, The Berlin News Record In 4,eviewing the work " There has beep a larger passen- ger traffic devel aped over th.e Pres- ton and Berlin electric railway them any one, outside of railway circles, would have imagined to be possible. Many persons ere broaght here to shop and as many Igo from Berlin to eointson the lint for pleasure and the exchange of social visits. All will. agree that it is a connection of value and' convenience to the town, and a serttice the community would not like to part with iTake anoth- er line as on illustration ; the Bridge- port linc. It has justified its con - AIX' • 'Ta ; 'f't**-PS*44iiiigeart4 *On., 1 ...M.-. a.... • News -Notes. -Mr. James McLean, the 'old aM honored. Clerk et Puslineh toWnship, Wellington county, for .32years, now 88 years old, has resigned his p.osition on acoount of failing health. Reeve George Meldrum Jiasbeen ap- p%ointed to the post. ,--The Grand Lodge 'of -the Cana- dian Order of Oddfellows, at its an- nual ,00nventiara-last week, unanim- ously agreed to increase the assess. merit rates to go into effect Sep- tenthsr lst of the current year. The new rates ,will be about double the -present rates, -Mrs. 3. H. Scdhraidt, wife of the editor of the Colonist, pasled away at Stratford last Thursday [after a lingering illness. Deoeased's maiden narae as Charlotte Metzger, and she was born in 'Batavia, IN. Y. 65 years ago,. A family of Iseven sur- vive. Mrs. Schnaidt _was Ione of 'Stratford's most esteemed ladies. -Five thousand people control- • led by a aquad of police witnarteed Rev. 3. Armstrong, a Methodist minister, marry William Ilicks, and. Emily Marston, the ceremony takieg place in Workrna.n's window, at the corner of McGill and Notre Dame streets in Montreal. Workman gave the bride $100 and secured the "ad" of the season. -An infant of Mr. land Mrs. An- drew Graham, of Brockville, came to its death under peculiar eircum- stances% Mts. Graluam left the ohild sleeping in ;bed', for some time after arising. When 'she went to dress it for the day she picked it up and walked ,across the room, before mak- ing the • discovery that (the infant was dead. It ,had rolled over on its face between two pillows and Smoth- ered to death. . • -0,wine to the prevalence of diph- theria and scarlet fever among the school children, the pupils Of the Central sohool, Ch,atibtam, barring thc. entrance class, will !have a. few days tacked On to vaoation,, for ;the gehapt closed Jost -week. Since the beginning of the year 60 easels ef ,-diphpheria asaye been repeeted, uu'a since June lot, 17. The sanitary con- dition of the school ,will be thor- oughly looked into. _Marie Pare, a waitress. twenty- two years old, was drowned in the swimming taiak at the Bath Hotel, Montreal. The young woman- had been.at tbje. hotel only about a week. She professed to be able to swi‘ea and went into the bath alone. Some time later, when it was sezposed that she bad gone up stairs, her -clothes were found in the dressieg seem, and a seareh was immediate- ly made. An attendant diredosever- al times in the tank and managed to locate the body. e-For.the first time in many years a ease of hydrophobia has deve,lop- ed in London. On Monday evening Langford MacGregor, son of Dr. Sohn A. MacGregor of that nity was playing on the lawn in front of his house, when (he was a ttackd by a dog and ,his hand badly bitten. The father dressed the wound without delay. The hand swelled from the naoment of laceration, and it was soon seen ithat the dog which bad in- .flicted the wound was suffering from hydrophobia. The animal was located -without difficulty end is now being !watched. The MacGreg- or lad !had suffered great hgany.tho past t-wo mights and ,Dr. Mocaregor decided to take him to the Pasteur Institute in 'New York for ereat- mtnt. 1 -T)ie annual conv4ntien of the, Perth County Teachexe4, Association was held in Stratfoed last week. The. following officers were4 elected for the ensuing !year President, James Smith„ B. A., Stratford; vice president, MiaS L. C. Dent', Strat- ford; se.eretaryatreasetrer, W. A. Adams, Stratford, re-eleeted by saa • ("lunation ; managing committee, W. • D. Spence, St, Marys; 3, W. Ward, To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refu.nd the Money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Price, 25e. 1930-1 yr. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of IIIIMMINOME=21 • '4-.1 t• -.••13': - Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Visor not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. have used Ayr's Hair Vigor for a long time. It is, indeed, a wonderful hair tonic, vectoring health to the hair and scalp, and, at the same time, proving a splendid dressing." Dn. J. W. Tanana Madill, Ind. T. •& bottle. •J. C. ATER CO., drukgida.. fornoavammimmsm. Lowell, Mus. id Weak a• ea RiOrraft, tlr IUWI W1VJ IIMPAIMUJ IMO, MI MAI BY° ROYAL ° WARRANT' MILLESE PRINCE° MALES, They Thousands of women who do their own bakine know it is the best, by results—they don't care about the reasons—but those who have not tried it may want to know why it is the best. Of course any maker of flo'nr—with.° the same experience—the same facilities for seledtin,1 the belt wheat —the same tremendous plant equipment for milling, and the same process for i Eledtrical Purification of flour could make jut as good flour as R-T)YAL HOUSE- HOLD=if he had the genius for flour making. • But no other flour maker in Canada has all these requisites and facilities, -therefore no flour equd to ROYAL HOUSEHOLD is made in this country. In these talks we shall give you good reasons why ROYAL FIOUSEHOLD is the bet flour and why it is the cheape-St flour for you to use. - tavalneleara a„te. 131 Ft • WED RT,t !Nee Vera* SOuru- tatinghann Bly Bel • ce--/ foe A 111011! ate!, ^ 'I' Ili (4411) , ill Vwsf •-IP 11'1! • Parchment -Lined Red Feather Ceylon Tea is so packed as to he proof against air -and moisture. Its delicate, yet full, bouquet is therefore never lost. Black, Green or Mixed—never put up in lead but always in sterilized parchment -lined packages -40c. per lb. Get _Wed Feather irz your cup er ==1111.11111111",. AMININIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.1111111111.11111." 1 Queens -ton Cement • SOLD DIRECT FROM THE MANUFAUTURER TO THE CONSUMER - Don't be misled by statements of agents handling cement pay- ing large Commissions. Go yourself and see Queenston walls and floors built in your own locality. _ Our barrel contains as many cubic inches as any other ceraent, and as cement is gaug- ed by measure, not by weight, your cement will go as far. Write us for information. Freight rates and eseiraates cheer- fully given. 70c, per barrel, strictly cash, fl o.' b. cam, Queen- ston. Go in with your neighbor and get benefit of car load rates. ISAAC USHER, QIZTEIM M'S '1101\T_, C) O. 19•58-12 Turns Bad Blood into Rich Red Blood. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and puri - lying properties. Externally, heals Sores, ulcers, Abscesses, and all Eruptions. Internally, restores the, Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy ‘action. If your appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B,B.B. will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life. Shingles. Ary quentity firstaines cedar shineles nnw being manufaatured and for sale in Bayfield, at ply to 1955-tf W. B. JOWETT. Hayfield. IHammocks Hammocks Hammoc4s Cheap ones, Good Ones, Best Ones $1.00 TO zi7.00. What's more restful than s comfortable he.mmock in the shade? Conte and see what beautiful ones we hav Knel,htei • M.Kenzie Furniture and Undertaking. SEAFORTH. 100 Acre Farm for Sale, Tbe undersigned offers for atle Lot number 4, in the 5th Conceesion, Tuokersmith Townsbip. This le an improved farm with gaad house and barn and as the owners are doeirous of making sale they are prepared to sell an reasonable terms. For further partialars apply to - 11.5. HYO,Solicior for the owners. Seaforth, Ontario. Dated the I1111 of May, 1903 1953-12 IVIELOTTE CREAPP Separator Are before the - Public Again. 00,000 in daily nee triW heir beautiful enamelled ' - wl easing, their tiew nit al It -...tat-t:ellisjrtatta. frictigitionullessimin, gseldf l'hylaelar.t•e rirg ....,,_. sea. • bowl. Only two pieces in the bowl. malting it Mt mueb easier to clean, easier to understand and et& ier to operate. The lightest runnimt and moat drirt &blamer:hive yet produced. It toculd also be noted that the Melotto has neither a aumber 0, email tubes nor long ones nor complicated dolt*. of any tind to be cleaned. The bowl Iteelf is alit emptying. Every part easily teceeelble with tie unique mechanic:al advautagest imitating ateeraign °named all oiling arrangements so well detignedi to save half of the oil usually required by maahinee. ot this kind. Beedleaaken off in a scoond without wrenchorsarewattver. Inoreasasquantity of mama 20 per cent. Improves the quality of the butler and provides BR tut and warm milk with the natur- al animal heat iti it for the calves, whieb,t,..th& little corn meat, oz ionic auch substitute add-• ed, makes a tar worevaluable though lessexpentiva food for young atom( than stale sail:amen teak These are bole which any eser or dairy expert will oonfirm. Inspection kindly invited. liemenahM, the old stand, A. at, Campbell'a wareromni, Seit forth. . READ WHAT A USER SAYS:a-Dear alr,-nty Ing purchased a Idelotto Cream Separator from yoar- agent, D. McCallum, over three yeare ago, I -gang. ly recommend it far superior pointe, easy turning, dean_ separating anti durability. In corepetilloa we tried the Do la Vail and kept the kielotto W, ensoetthiernegeceiorIrtephssistop.sid,afotrplteaeifooloEnug:se jvi a saj iS4. Dear Sir : -Th " al elotte " Separator bisb 4 purchased from your agent, Mr Duncan Meeeataa about ten months ago, has given great sansitotits groat saver of labor, and it a good investineat, I would recommend the " atelotte ' Separator it s e a there is a cenaiderableancrene of butter eimpa0 with the old methods of setting milk, and is alic better for the calvee. Youra truly, -JOSEPH Xt! IQUAID, St. Ociumban, Ont. • Dear Sirs •--The Idelotte Cream Separator erbleka I purchated from your agent, Mr Duncan ile4ltit lum, has few equals if any. For durablitt7 awl! working it cannot 1370 ea -rallied. It runs very ltahti Oar boy, 15 years old, hart done all the akimraingi 1 five cows, and, with the now akiniruing device,* vary eaeliy cleaned. It does its worit elan), aolft neat and makes a great deal more butler. In rtY opinion, from ths meohanical construction of V* machine, it should be a long liver, ea the gearingU all encaeed, which excluders it Iron] ail clust sa dirt.' The handle is a great AdVAUZage over otian‘ as it can be taken off in a secoud withont wre0c4 or. serew.driver. The tinware also is exceptional heavy arid I would advise all iutending purebateft to try a Idelotte. JOHN IdeLILLAN. , a Dear Sirs 1 -We are quite ratisfied with Oft Melotte Separator, which we purchased front Via agent, Mr D lizCalluna sua find It a, first -Olt. skimmer of milk, making mac -quarter more battaW than by the old 'velem roaahine, very easily flutter stood end operated ; easy to waoh, DU ACMUnt At tbe simplicity of the skimming devise • a Veil great labor saver in the VMS ol carrying tillik Rot the bath to the home, and from the houseaofam barn to feedin fact, we woolci not do Withalltna . The calves do vouch bettor, always having the ettX with the animal fat in it awl for page it is just tne thing. As 1 bave tried fevered other intaifinaa 4 and the Melotto by all odd* the superior maollita,i___ and, in my humble judgment I don't thini. tbaaat a Ebeasteoil trre. whine in the naorkela JOIIN H 0 . D DUNCAN MeCALLUM, Agent, Seal .w 'D. WALKER, Agent, 13 _traoS 1946-11 NOTICE TO GRE nITORS All persona having any claim againat the es Win. Campbell, late of the Townebdp el MO** in the County of Huron, who ditd on or about ."- eatnber S'et, 1804, are required, on or before Afir 24th, 1905, to send to the undersigned soil addressed to Sault Ste "Mario; Michigan, full Wart of their Wakes and if the securities, if held by them, duly verified by WA affidavit, _ whioh the enacts of the estate will be 0,45V.W ed among tbe parties entitled thereto, having ewe only to the claims of whialt ihey shaH so* eceived netiee as aforeatid. DOIG and DOIG, Solicitors for Wm. A, Cam 1&58.13 Sault Sie Marie, • Staerate..- fisauseels...., "Ethel. Ilft41110feslelidve-11:671tfl" 41tUtlite,d.