HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-06-23, Page 5•
Women emboeliea are -
nee -fitting, and, thaw -
nitep gracefully
and stylish apps
D. all the latest
d low shoes, and
t, elongola kid
ing shoe at a mode
v» nd
•-• nuttan spent
:iendein. Zurieli.
e sr., was in in -
her d u Ott ern'.
es. Wm- niclney
visiting her si
eee R. R. Glenna
Mr. Theis. Glenn, ee
etch, a eptieeal St
me Sabbath erten..
t he sk•tin rink
lea ted far the oceasiee.
Leo be a :special sea.
David McGill,
yearee ago VCr
. vice of
'an church, 'is,
vfe:ting amo
wile i't• 1.11.eaSa
.—Mr- Colin Had -e-
1 a nice driver f
eletell.--Itev., Mr.Oo
evill conduct eer
nr.ti1it church oe
Medd pre.aching aunt-
an to the -.Model Ferret-
, eveIi eiatronized
'65 tickets ix•ing sold
Florenet• McEwen,,
e: John nIcEeven, who-
a' Oat:lane Normal a'ol_
nOI,. , is hone far
rrort Sinurions, a Loa-
:hiweek vieiting Bee.
.Ir. Geo. nIcEween was
ing the past week.—
", Rich. Warring
, learn tlia.t she cone
eif the erye or ear eall
specialist of Londone
- fir 0 td SeaeortheTune
,—Irt our iseue
e (nine ct ion evith th
as it was stated
t, of this towel -Lehi
•-•• carry out his cone
fhe parchase of tire
q.r. Eckert says he
tc make the final
1 he ceuld obtain a
which he claim
at the. -Lime. On re --
paid over the money
eassession of the teeth.
Sa good__ one and We
et may long be spared
uits fit.
—The council met at
Le nth, all the mem-
sent . eolved that
ether eviele the reeve
impowered to set/ any
on the Mellott or
dile, and SiN; tee t front
e lands teereon. The
Sohn O'Ke•efescore- e
of Seaforth Seperate
Ind of taxes. from Uri -
Linn No. 1. McKillop,
rill next meeting. Ae-
mount $66.`26- were
lered to be paid. A*
tuleitions from the
sections will soon be
' s -creta ry t reete aware -
exit in their names to
II do se :it once. All
ne roads P re reminded
st hey ere required to
weeds between the
le !Ids and the c en trio
he council- edjeurned
at G. K. Hof-
, on at urday, the
le . et OM' &clock pan.
is Green„
John Coclirane.—Art
reepected resident of
it the person of Mtn
pieced .1 \vay very
of his daugt
'none near Centralia
e of Step:ten, on, Sat -
Lie Mr. Cochrane lead
kith his deughter for
lie had been in the
usuel good health
.11!..r of 1fi. death, Vlben
.F lid proceeded to tne
light work, but,
soon ret erned
bed. Some few
iughter went to call
-••r consternation end
und her fether dead.
ne, peseed ete tier quiet
to sleep. He was n.
Ind, ;Ind W'iS 75 yearn
- one of t ht pioneer
I es, end waS
, conduct an4 sterling
ee :le vi•ry' atLy nee
remains were taken -
ery other make in
_Indian Footballs.
; they know the
and keep their
lan if you what
,rd w
Then we
ne perfect.
1 bring you
News Notes.
—Little Gordon Ranter, of SL
eselasys, was out driving with his
_Shetland pony, the other day, evaeen
the harness broke and the animal
wan away- The rig collided with a
rest and threw the lad out, injuring
- nam. severely.
—Mr. Brown, of St. "Marys, met
with a painful accident last week,
Ife was climbing into htis !Ash wagon
aelehen the horse sarttd for ward,
and. he was thrown aoross the front
of the
rig. This retegited in a betels -
side and a broken rib.
.—An Englishman, named G. Law-
lor, who has recently been working,
fen W. Re Brown, on a farn1 near
'enroolit, Manitoba, has received a
'letter, stating that his uncle, 4
diamond merchant in Aus-
tralia, is dead, and hats left him
the wholei of his fortune, Which is
'estimated to be about $250,00n. He
eats theewn up his sitqation as farm
• _George laicEe•ven, carpeinter, Ot-
tawa, has been acquitted on th.e
ohaege tof forging e cheque for
.$750, whieli was iritencled f•oir Mr.
George McEeiven, ex -M, P. Homan.
M0E-wen's defenoe was that he sign-
ed the cheque by mistake, thinking
-it ,was for some lend. Hie explana-
tiort of indersiner, It as n MoEwian. "
' instead of "Mae -en" as that on
U. previous oocasien he had received
. a oheque bearingthe name "Me -
eon" and had -to indorse it in that
way. The juty was out two hours
Rea rendered Verdict of riot guilty.
It is alleged the $750 will bei repaid.
—On Saturday af t er noon Mrs.lnia,ry
Ruckle, of Tasoelaung, accompan-
ied by- her daughter, Mies Thema,
-was driving •on the tenth line of
Dereham, intending to vistif friends
at Avon. The horse heoanee frignete-
tened, and 1.9.11 ,OV)eiT half a mile,
-keeping on the road. When neer
Delmar it started to kiok, and get-
ting its leg over the sehaets, came
eci a stop. Mn. Ruckle alighted
teem the rig and immedietnly drop-
ped down in what was supposed to
be a faint, but eiThen an attempt was
m.ado to nesustiate ,her it was dis-
covered that she had passed. away.
—Very Rev. Norman Macleod, D.
D. minister of the. Iligh Morena of
Scotland, Ievernosse, who Was, at
the recent trne-eting o•f the Presbyter-
ian General 'Assembly, and. remained over iSunday in Toronto, deliver-
ed three ism:mons in the city on Sun-
day. He is a 'splendid type of the
Highland Soot, with an, .excel lent
voice, who idelivers his remarke. 'with
earnest diree.filene. The afterneon
service which (he cenductea was held
In St. (Andrew's church, King street,
ander thc auspices of the Gaelic So-
oiety •M Canada, and the sermon and
hymns were ell in Gaelic. There
was a large. ta
large. r‘Ross, Canadia,n Govern-
ment cernmeroial e. agent tin Mel-
bourne, Australia, in a letter re-
ceived at the Trade and Cemmeree
Department, at Ottawa, states that
owing to the great development in
agriculture there is a. heavy de-
mand fog egrioultural implements.
Canadian plows are favored. very
much and 7here is apparerrtly a good
field for nanadian manufacturers,
who are peomrit to aot. Canadian
carriages, Mr. ROSS says, are very
popular, axed some Canadian firms
have sent ,teut• -representatives to
study conditions closely.
—Mrs. J. Mainex, Ot London, was
terribly burned ab.out the head and
shoulders by the /exploding of a •glaso-
liue etovefr a few days ago. The
stave was, burning very low'and
_Mrs. Mantex was pouring a little
more of the fluid in the small tank
at the top Of .the stove, when tlhe
flames suddenly ,shot rup and envelop-
ed her. The wrapper she was wear -
ing was buenedeto a crisp, her hair
aleo catching fine from the wrappier.
Parties using these 'stores should
be very cal -dui not to replenish the
supply tank witteut f irst extingu,ish-
ing the flames. '
he. retiort , submitted by, 11.
Ride Haggaarde who, as commission-
er of the colonial office., has recently
been investigating the conditions and
character ,ot the farm oolonies o_r-
'ganized jfl`i.the United States by the
Salvation Aernye has bean issued as
a payliameletary' blue book. The re-
port speakmoat favorably of the
tolonies and enees that similar set-
tlements ;Might he successfully es-
tablished in the 13ritiele colonies to
provide for the surplus agricultur-
al populatiene of the -United Kingdom
In different parts of the Empire, es-
pecially in Canada, where, accord-
ing to Sir -Wilfrid Dueller, the Gov-
ernment is prepared to set aside
240,000 Acres fa this purpose.
—Mr. Wtre Re.dpatle the wealthy
sugar mariefa c tarer, lVfon tree I,
had. an utienviable experience with
his automobile the' other day. He
had just left the sugar refine-ry,
and was shinning along towards the
canal on Beigeurs street, when the
Automobile became, unma migeable,
and before he or the few spectafeers
were al,VAM ot what was happening,
the vehicle and , its occupa,nt rush-
ed headlong into the canal. At that
point the current is quite strong,
but Mr. Redpath displayed a fam-
iliarity • with water equal Ito his
acquaintanceship with horseless oar -
Tinges, Re _rase to the. sur:nce end,
with 'the assistance of a plank
that had been east �n the w-ater,suc-
ceeded in reaching the badk. Need -
'lees to ease more difficulty was ex-
perienced in recovering the vehlele.
—The steamer City of Calling -
'wood, of the Northern Navigation
Company, eves burned to the 'water's
edge at the G.T.R. clocks, Colling-
wood Tuesday morning. The steam-
er w S one of the beet equipped in
the, line. The. lase is covered by the
insurance et $80;000. The Coiling-
w,00d arrived at 10.30 Monday night
with the Britannic in How, having
Teen sod, that steamer f rem Oanip
reek. The fire started at 2
n. m. in the enefine room the crew
escaping by jumping overboard. The
fireman and tW10, deck hands lost
their lives. The Britannic wee bad-
ly scorohed, but eels newed 'envoy by
a tug. The Grand Trunk's loss
through the burning of eheds is es-
timated at $20,006. The sheds ever°
'completely burned witli five ears.
-The steamer wan insured. in )1 he
British Ineyds fer$80,000. The total
lone is $125,000.
—It was announced in the Catholic
thurches of the. Diocese of London,
last Sunday morning, that His. Lord-
ship 13ishop McEvoy has decided to
visit IIis Ifolinese Pope , Pius X, at
Roane some time this fall. It is the
rule that each bishop must visit
Rome as soon as possible after he
Is' ordained, and, as Bishop McEvoy
is now in his seventh year of the
bishopric, he deee-is the present year
sarrixreenopIeer one in which to meet bhe
head of the church,. On
Sunday, July 2nd, or Sunday, J-o.ly
'9th, a collection Sill be taken nil
in all the churches in the dicionee for
the purpose -of raising a fund known
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500 -
B. E. WALKER, General Manager.
ALEX. LAIRD, Ass Gen'l Mane
$5 and under
Over $5 and not exceeding $10.....
Over $10 and not exceeding $30.....
Over $30 and not exceeding $50.....
3 centts
6 cents
• • 10 cents
• •• 15 emits
These Ostlers are PAYABLE AT PAR at any office in Owed% of e Ohtertered
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States.
They form an excellent method of remiefine smell sums of monry with safety
and at small C030.
F. IZOLMESTED, Solicitor, G. E. PAR10ES, Manag r.
Hot Weather Goods.
The hot' weather is now upon us in earnest, and we are fully prepared
for it with a range of light Summer dress materials in all the new styles and
ere fabrics, also blouses, corsets, hosiery, gloves and whitewear of all kinds.
There is no use suffering with the heat when you an get nice cool goods at
prices like these
Black Grenadine, 42 inches wide, in fan.oy P tripes and floral design, worth 75o, for
503. Oegandies, in different qualitiea. at 14e 153, 20o, 253 and 35o. Blaok muslin in
pn and fancy striven at 15e, 203 and 25o. White hewn, 1* pude wide, at 10o, 14o,
15o, 20o and 253. Fine zaphyrs, in colors of pink and blue, worth 15c, reduced to 14o.
Cotton voiles, he plain whale also spots and ohecks, 34 inohes wide, regular 15o, for
12 1e2o. All•over lateen in white, cream black, champagne and two toned effects, at
35o, 503, 65; 75o and $1. Ladies' large lace miliaria at 50e, 75,, $1 and $1.50, Ladies'
Summer corsets, made of fine bat•iate and netting, at) 353 and 50o. Ledies' tape girdien,
regular 503, for 353. Ladies' white and cream taffeta,- gloves at 153, 20o and 23e.
ladloe' black, white and °realm pare silk gloves'in all Bien', at 25; 350 and 50o. Ladies'
ooreet covers, very special, at 253, 35e 503 earl 75,3. Ledien' Aire waists, made of fine
white organdy, nainaook and inualin, great value at $1, $1 25 and $2. Ladies' ailk
bane In black and colore, at 25; 50a and 753, Boys' linen tenets, with sailor collar, it
snap at 753.
-&I,W Q INT 333 E) I 0 If]
as Peteede Penceewhich will be pre-
sented by Bieleop McEvoy to the
Holy Father when the visite Rome.
This moneY is used to -pay the ex -
pensee of the very large `erecuitive
staff na.aintained by the oltunclenblere
being some thousands of clerks em -
Owed in.the offices of the Vatiean
at Rome, where the business of the
church in: alleparts o Me world is
tr anseeted.
—A strange, curiosity thee been
diseovered. in a' creek near Metcalfe,
in the eounty of Dundas, recently,
by Hugh Kennedy while fishing. He
pot his hook caught in some ,object
in the bed of the creek and. upon
pulling it to Rand was surprised to
find that he bad ihiooloed an old flint
lock musket. The lock and barn& of
the weapon were perfect, but the
stock was worn by the water, part
of it was gone, itheugh the wood was
sound. The ramrod was am n its
place, but it bad been warn, very
thin, the end ihaving worn; to a point.
It has been . ascertained stbat the
musket, which lea_d been, lost for up-
wards of seventy years, had a pa-
thetic bistory. A brattier of •tlhe
late Capt. Joseph: Hanna and t cous-
in named James were pent to carry
dinner to a number • of mein who
were working at !the 'relax of the la
through which ±h ereek means. "'They
were given the imusket also to carry.
In croseing the creek both boys fell
in and were idnowhed. Their bodies
were afterwailds recovered, • the
lads' arms being docked in embreee,
but - the gun remained 'lost until
fished oat as above neer:Wiled.
Oa Saturday, Jane 24th, at lo'clook,
p. m., itt Diok's 'Stook • Yards, Seaforth,
Ftock Steen, Heifers and Cows. P. A.
O'Sullivau, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, auct-
Oi Wedneeday, June 28th, at 1 o'clock,
p m. ehare, on Lot 25, Conceesion 2,
McKillop, Farm Stock and Iinpletinents.
Rev. A. K_Birke, Executor; Jas. G. Mc-
Michael, auctioneer.
FO,11 Wheat
eat, per busied
Pelts per burrito'
Seeley per bushel- _
e aster. No. 1, loose _
flatter, tab
Celts per dox-......- —
Flour, per 100 the— -
Hay per ton new ..
Hideo per 100 lbs.- - ••••
Sheep Skins.... ••
Fotaaoes per bag (new),_
3alt (rototi) per barrel-, -
Woad par oord.(long).. - ,.-
W3od per oord (short), ••
Apples per bag-. - •••• me • • • •
lover Seed- --•••-- ••••
'knobby Seed- . .•
vellow, per' lb- - - - - — -
Pork. ner IGO ..
Wool (waehed) ..........
Wool (unwsehed)
„seeroura, June 23, 1905
$0 95 to
me :no =No ••• • • • •
oak sow now ••• • •
0 95
0 4010 0 40
cip to 085
0 46 to 0 46
0 14 to 0 16
0 16 to 0 18
0 16
2 76
6 86
0 28
O 20
8 26
O 60
0 )2 to
2 50 to
8 50 to
6 00 to
0 80 to
0 73 to
1 26 to
6 00 to
2 75 to
0 40 to
7 0010
1 2510
04 to
7 50, to
16 to
2 00
8 en
Live Stock Markets.
LONDON, England. June 20h,—,Cattle
are quoted at no 12:13 per pound; refrig•
eratur beef, 43 CO9,na per lb.etheele,13o to
143 per lb,
• LIVERPOOL, England, June Deb.—Can-
adian cattle, 6cle Americans, 5i to 60.
13CIFFALO, June 20—Cattle—Are slow,
arid 15 to 20a lower; prime steere, $5 25 to
$6.75 ; ehippiug steers, $4 75 to $5.25 ;
butohere', $4,25 to $5; heifera, $3 50 to
$4 65 ; cows, $275 to $4; bull', $2,75 to
$4.l0; stookere and feeders, $3 to 5420;
stook heifere, $2 50 to 53.25; fresh cows
and epringece, common, steady ; others, $2
to $3 lower ; good to choice, $42 to $52 n
medium to geed, $28 to $40 ; common, $20
to $28. Veale—Aotive and strong at $4 25
to $6.76 Hoge—Strong and 50 higher;
heavy and medium, $5.65 to $5 70 ;-• York.
ere and pigs, $5 70 to 55.75; rough, $4.80
to $5 ; &tap, $3.25 to 53.75; deifies,
$5.40 to $5 60. Sheep land Lamhe—Ao-
tive and steady ; pring riembe, $5 50 to
5775; yearlings, $6.60 tei $6 65 ; wethere,
$5.15 to $5 25: ewes, $4 to $4 25;
iaheep, mixed, 52.50 to $47.
MONTREAL, June 20—Cable came firm
and unchanged. Sales of American cattle
in London wee made ae 12e, while in
Liverpool States sold -at lln to lnte, and
Canadians at 12o. The exporta for the
past week were 4,158 cattle and 48 sheep.
The demand for ocean cattle freight was
better, and all the space for the balance of
this month and the first week in July bee
been engaged at 301 to Liverpool, with
agents new asking 35e. London has been
let at.253 to 27s 6i, now 30s &eked. At the
East :End Abattoir this morning, buyers
were out in large numbers, but sales were
not any too brisk. The supply of etook
was in (moose of the demand and the qual-
ity in all grades was not any tco eatiefact•
ory. In fact, it may be (Lid that prices
, showed it downward tendency, as the mar-
ket apparently, is well overstocked, and
especially is this true as regarding lambs
and calves. Quotations a sba.ie lower &eau
lest week. Best stook sold atfrom nio to
53 per pound ; fair to pretty good, 3eo to
4-io per lb.; 001E111011 and, lean, 2io to no
per lb. Sheep and Lambe—Quality good
with !Air demand. Prices bacl it dow ward
tendency. Sales were rather &lose, ith it
drag on lemba. Market apparently over.
otoeked. Sheep, no to ilia per lb.; Amble
$2,50 to $4.50 each ne00eling to quell y and
weight. Otelven—Supply in exoess sf de
mend. Quality only fair, with quo stiens
lower than the previeus market. • The
ellen:wet stook sold at $8 per heed, while
from $1 to $6 was paid for the d fferent
sizes. Hcge.—Qaality good, with slow
demann. Prime lower, with quotaeiona at
53 to 6no per lb., the latter • paid for elects.
TORONTO, June 21—The market toetay
was not the moat eatiefectory, one epart-
mei* that of exporters', being co pletely
demerelized or writ of buyers. Tia total
offetinge in this br noh were far too liberal,
one dearer alone featua to get even an offer
for three car loads of probably t e best
grade seen thie spring. The mar et for
ebeen and lambs and calves, on the other
hand, was more at,t4Ve, end the bu k of the
offerings found rea,dy purehasere. he ru
corieiteed of 06 oars, made up of 1 500 cat-
tle. 908 Afar), 900 hop, and 13 oalvea.
Export Oattle—The trade was i it bad
way, the eupply-being far in excel; of the
rather limited demand. Un er ehe
heavy offerings prices deolined to $5 and
a5.25 per owe One or two odd les were
arrangs,d at $5.50,but those were ery few.
Butchers' Cattle—Values were it rifle low-
er, declining' a little below,' $5 nd $5.15
for choice pioked lots, everythi g from
1,000 to 1,110 pounde and equal in qual-
ities to the boob exporters'. The beet
tirades were very aoaree. Stec ere and
Feedere—In eyrnpathy with fat attle, the
market was dell, and the tone, if anything,
easier. The beat offaringe wer none too
liberal. bitch Cowe—Only the •est were
wanted. About 20 came for ard and
°hanged hands at last week's pri es. from
$30 to $50. A eale of one cow a $55 was
rerorted, Calves -The receipt(' ere light,
and most of be offerings were caned up
early in She day. Tire best ari good de-
mand: Sheep and Lambs—Sp ing lambs
were a thade firmer under an aci ive trade.
There is an improvement) in tbt demand.
Hegs—flee hot weather is havi g its effect
on the trade; which is very d II. Prices
are therefore unehengad.
.Dairy Markets
TORONTO, Jane 20—Butter The trade
Is only moderate at best, all,gr dee coming
forward freely. Pricee ermine e unehang-
ed at : Oteamery prints, 18 to 20a; solids,
18 to 19q; dairy pound ro Is, good to
choi3e, 15 to Hon dairy; ergo rolls,
14o -to 15o ; medium dairy, 13 Ito 14e ;
dairy tubs, good to choice, 1 to 15e ;
inferior dairy, 12 to 13e. 0' eeee—There
i� somelnorease in' lineiness a Seturday'a
advance. Job lots are still 10 ti lOio, Eggs
—The demand today was o ly fair, add
dealers repore no tehangel in te prices at
16io to 17e.
itiloNTREAL, June 20— Eekr — Straight
itock,15io to 16o ; selects, 17tlo 18o; No.n,
14ic. Butter—Choice oreaDiery, 1.9io to
19ne • under grades. 18n tor 193 ,• dairy,
16u to 16 -ho ; roils, lene to 16c. Cheese—
Ontario, 9e to 9g-3; Quebec,
ToB,oNTO, June 30—The bee., grade of oId
potatoea is selling`a little better under ehe.
'either brisk demand. Prio 's, 60e to 70o
foriOntario on track here, il.nd $1. 20 to
$1.25 for new, hiive not alte ed.
- •
Gram, etc.
TORONTO, June 20—Wheat—White, $1.
to $1.02 ; red, $L02; springl, 90o ; goose,
78 to 801 ; barley. 403 ; hay, No. 1 tim-
othy, $9 25 to 69 75; cloefer or mixed,
$7 to $8 ; straw.$10 tie $10.50; dressed hogs
light weight, $9 25; heavy, $8.75 per cwt.
Millfeecl—Bran, $12.50 to 513; shorts,
$17 to $17.50 for oar lots oateide. Mani-
tobe $17 for bran; and $20 or shortiebage
inoluded, on track Toren ,o and equal
pointe, 1
Horse Market.
TORONTO, June 21.—The following is
Burns & Sheppard's weekly report of pre -
veiling prices ; Single road tern 15 to 16
heeds, $130 to $165 ; eingl(ioobs and oar -
(lege horse. 15 te 16.1 1and, $160 to
$200 ; matched paira and 4arriage horses,
15 to 16.1 handle $300 to 5450; delivery
norsea, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., i $150 to $165;
general purpooe and elm.* horses, 1,200
co 1 350 lbs.. $160 to $190; tlraught hors,
1,350 to 1,750 lbs., $200 to 5225; ser-
viceable second-hand work rs, $70 to $90;
serviceable second-hand divers, $50 to
There is no Excuse
for any man who will pay a big price for his clothing. We have advertised
our clothing to be the cheapest aacl best in town and have proved. what has
been said. No o then, we will give any person wanting a suit a (lance of a
lifetime :—$12 suit at $10 ; 510,50 suit at $9; $9 suit at $8; $8 mit at,$7 •
$6 suit at $5. We give you 'what we advertise.
This, is a special department of ours. Wehave a
Boys' Suits • great assortment at prices that will surprise you.
We will not be undersold.
SThe time has come when yoi
wilt go a vest. You
h i rts•
• will have to have a nice shirt. Look n our windows and if
you don't see what you want_ come in and ask about them.
SOX :—Three pairs tor 25e ; All wool sox two pairs for 250.
WHITE VESTS :—Regular $2.50 vest for 52-25 ; Regular 01..75 vest
for 51,25.
DOWNEY-In Reaforth, on Jun 21st, to Mr and
Mrs Harry Downey, it eon,
DODDS-In MoKillop, on June 120, to Mr and
Mrs Peter J Dodd% a son,
MELICIC-At the Bronson line, ay, on June 7th;.•
to Mr and Aire Alf Melick, e n
McOLINCHIE-At the Goshen line, Stanley, on
June 10th, to Mr and Mra Ro ert ticOlinehle,
KALBFLEISCE-Ia Hay, onajune 18th, to Mr and
Mrs Ed halbfieleoh, a eon
PECKITT-In (Linton, on June 1 th, to Mr and MIS
Fred Pookitt, a daughter
FISHER -In Clinton, on June 91i, to Mr and Mrs
Walden Fisher, a son
FOSTER -In Usborne, on June 9th, to Mr and Mrs
Wm Foater, a eon
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us rfamons.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
KENNEDY -LAMB -At St JaM09' church, San.
forth, on June 21e1, by Rev Fathers Northgrat ea
and Clorcoran, Mr Colin J Kennedy to Mee
Elizibeth Lamb, daughter of Mr Stephen Lamb,
all of fieaforth.
MoCALL-MoARTHUR-At the manse,Seaforth, on
June 2101, by Rev F a Larkie, Mr Wm A Mc-
Call, of Morris, to Mite Letitia McArthur, of
HESSIAN-BUtTON-In the Methodist churoh,
Seafortb, by Rev A K Birk% L L 13, on June
21.81, Healy it Hafnium, of Toronto, to Mise F
Edna Button, formerly of Winghtm.
POTTER-MoINNIS-At the manse, Blyth. en June
21s1, by Rev Dr tioLean Me John Potter, of
Wingham, to Miss Marguerite McInnis, of Luck.
DICKSON-DENHOLM-At tbe residence of the
bride's parente, Blytte by Rev Dr McLean, on
June Vat, Mr George Diokson, of-MeKillop, to
Miss Lily E, only daughter of Mr and Mrs John
CO0M13-AIRTH-In Exeter North, on June 8th,
by Rev Wm Martin, Mr Ed Coomb, t3 Miss
.6"frietinn, Meth, both of Exeter
PROUT-le-10 Exeter. o June 14th„ by
, Rev R J M Perkine,-Mr Win Prout, of Vietorla,
B Orto Mies Kate Atkinson, daughtlr of hire
Jane Atkintoo, of Exeter
DUCHARME-DENOMIE-At St Peter's ohuroh,
' Drysdale, on June Ath, by Rev J A Loisere, Mr
Oscar Duchanne, Jr, to PilidS Celli* daughter 'of
Mr and Mrs Alex Denotnie, of Drysdale
PATRICK -MANNING -At the residence of the
bride'e parents, Morris, on June 1410, by Rev
Mr Ltng Ford, Mr Harry Patriek,of Woodstook,
to Miss Sarah 11, daughter of Mr and _Mt s John
Manning, oft/Sortie
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & C eviots
Vickerman's Serges and Vi
A full range of the above lines, also Scotch and Canadian ¶weed Suitings
and Trouserings.
, Satisfaction guaranteed and prices moderate.
Speare and Page,
............ ...JaiIors.
Under the . Town Clock, - SE FORTH.
CLEARY-In Tuokezernith, on. June 19th, Bryan
Cleary, aged 53 years and 1 month.
LANG -in Wrexeter, on June 1410, George Stewart
Lang, second son of Mrs 11 Lanz, aged 37 years,
MOGGAOH-In Goderioh, on June 11:10, Isabel a
Tullach, wife of Alexander Mogoekt, and moth.
er of J L Grant, of H. hi Customs, aged 83 years
and 6 menthe
MOSS -In Godench, on June 1010, Sarah Claxton,
relict of the late George Mose, in her 79th year
CHISHOLM-In Goderleh township, on Juno 121h,
Alex Chisholm, azed 71 years •
HEIDEMAN-In Zurich, on June 91h, Mies Ida
Heldman, aged 30 ye.r, 2 months and 18 days
ISAAC -At Luoan, on June 1310, Ida Ann Sweet,
wife of Mr Wm !man, and daughter of Mr T
Sweet. of Exeter, aged 28 yeara
MoDONALD-In Morrie, on June 161h. Peter Mc-
Donald, egad 57 years, 7 months, and 7 days
DEARINGi-In Stephee, on June 12th,Wm Dearing,
aged 74 years
00011RANE-I0 Centralia, on June 1013, John
Cochrane, aged 76 years
McLENNAN-In Clinton, on June 910, Roderick Mc-
Lennan, h native of ENG -shire, Seetland
FAIRBAIRN-At 6 Shannon street, Toronto, on
June 510, after a long. illnes3, Isabel, wife of
Rev R Fairbeirrt, formerly of Dungannon, eget
68 yearkrand 10 menthe
DOWZER-In Clintou, on Juno 1410, J Malcolm
Dowzer, aged 31 years
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. MoKeuzie's
residence, Church St., third house rtorele of
public school, west side. Graduate Massa-
chneeteCollege of Enibalming, Boston, U.S
Knechtel & McKenzie,
All persona having any claim against the estate of
Wm. Campbell, late of the Townehip of MoK1113p,
in the County of Huron, who died on or about De-
cember 3"st, 1904, are required, on or before July
2410, 1901, to send to the undersigned solicitors,
a4dressedit3 Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, full truth:s-
aws of their claims and of the Eeourities, If any,
held by them, duly verified by an affidavit, after
which the mete of the esttte will be distribut-
ed among the parties entitled thereto, having refer-
enoe only to the claims of which they ehalli have
eceived notice as aforesaid.
DWG and DWG, -
Solicitors for Wm. A, Clafhpbell.
1858.3 Sault Ste Marie, Michigan.
Silver—Plated z Ware.
Wo have jus e received our special
June Wedding Stook of Silver -
Plated Ware,
which is of the highest qiiality, and from
the beat manufacturers. Special attention
is invited to the new deeigns in
Dinner, Tea and Coffee Servicee, Vegetable,
Soup and Pudding Dishes, Cream
and Sugar Sets; alag it large va-
riety of Spoons, *Knives and
Forks, Toilet Aviclese eze.
Our priees are the ver lowest, and the
qualities the best. t will pay intend-
ing purchasers to gi e es a call.
-J. F• DALy, Je!Atelter !Sc
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
I hereby respectfully offer to the public, and at-
test to the fact as genuine, a large number of Bell
Orga.ne and Pianos, some bought for eaeh but most-
ly taken in payment on new pianos as I do it
large piano businese Over the county of Huron.
Borne other makes in the Het, but -85000 worth,
some almost new. Call or write to
19513x4 Great Music Emporium, Clinton,
Corner Main':
and ,
Market Smoot,
For Dominion Day
Good going June 30eb, July 1st, 2ad and
Returning until July 4th.
Between all stations in Canada ; also to
Suspension Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y.,Port
Huron and Detroit, Mich. •
$68.10 Portland Exposition
•Good going daily, returning within 90
day. Special side trips to California
Homeseekers' Excursions
$30 to $40,50 to points in Manitoba, A.ssin-
,iboia, Samkatchewan, 'Alberta ; good *going
June 27th and July 15h; returning with-
in 60 days.
For tickets and fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot) Ticket Agent,
Long -
Do not inareaee values.
Talking at length does
not add one atom of
merit to anything.
The •
sold here require no
extravagant praise.
They prove their own
merit in actual use.
That is the test of drug
purity and drug
strength, and that is
the teat we invite you
to make.
Berger'e English
Paris Green 25o it lb. ee
Fresh Hellebore, no
Pore white Castile
Soap, 2 Ilea. for 25o.
"Never Fail" Corn
Cure, 10o a box.
Beane Juniper Kid-
ney Pills, for sore back
and rheumatism, 25o a
The 1..• pike
ugly ugmas mut
Comoro in
Four Countiaat
itei44-1•4•+4•44•144•:44:44+ + nee ex,
A backward season cause of terrific reductions.
Every department teems with a big stock, which
was bought with the expectation of a large and
early Spring trade, but the weather cen.ditions re—
ta'rded business to such an extent as has kit US
with more goods than we should have at this time.
We expect to make this the big week in the his-
tory of our store. To do it we have resorted. to
emphatic price reductions. The -jorices quo ea
below are bound to make quick :
Dress Godds Department
All the colored muslins in this department, ranging in priees from.
to 35e; your choice for 10c a yard.
Thirty-six fancy silk waist ends, worth from $4 to $3, go on sale a
A table of remnants of skirt ends and Arose ends at half price.
Ten pieces of dress goods, worth from 50e to 75c, for 35c.
Ten pieces of dress goods, worth from 40e to 50; for 25c.
Special lot of Parasols, worth $1.25 each, for 85c.
Ladies' Department.
A bargain lot of fine whitewear, consisting of gowns, raids and
covers, slightly soiled, to be cleared at 25 per cent. off the marked price.
Ladies' white cotton drawers, regular 25e to 35e, to clear at 19c a pair.
_ Ladies' white cotton 00tEla covers, regular 350 to 65a to clear at 25a
One dozen children's colored print dresses to dear at 39e each.
A large importation of lace collars in white, oream and black, to clear at
wholesals prices.
Five hundred pieces of ribbon, worth from 4e to 100 a yard, all colors, top
clear at 2c a yard.
A lot of ribbon ends to clear at less than half price.
Agent for Prof. Dyke's "Oil of Pives,"
and Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
and Foreyth foot ball,
S aple Department.
Five pieces cf marble table oil cloth, worth 28c, for 17c.
Three pieces f table linen, worth 28; for 17c ; two pieces ofotable line
worth 30; for 254.
'PEACHES, WAMTED.-Female Teacher wanted Red Cedar
at School Sectien No. 4, Hay. average attend -
user, Zola P. 0.
LICK, Secretary -Trees-
1958x3 HINGLES
Erma 20 pupils. Appliastions reoeived until June
30th, 1905. ALFRED J. ME
Fcontaining 99 acme, eituated on the London.Oar Just Arrived.
MURK FOR SALE -Lot 35, concession 1,Uehorne,
Road, 1 mm mile froRepeal, and 4 miles from Exert- 1 sews —....
er. etts in it first clue state of cultivation being
well drained a 110 tile, nearly all eummer !allowed N
and eeeded to grase,nee.rly ail termed with new Car-
ter wite fence. On the farm ia a stone home and n CLUFF & SONS
plenty of outhuildiege, including one of the fined _
poultry houees In Ontario. There are two twat's, it LUMBER YARD and PLANING MILL,
spring creek, and a flowing spring that would fill it
three-inch tile. Apply on the farm or to Mensal"
pod oftiee. BENJAMIN HOGGARTH. 1958-41
One piece of turkey red tabling worth 40; for 28e.
Twelve only damask table covers at half price.
Four pieces art muslin, worth from Go to 7; for 4?ic.
Seven pieces of art muslin, regular price 10; for 61e.
Eight pieces of art muslin, worth 121e, for $ic.
Twelve pieces of sheeting, werth 12 1-2c for 9 1-2c. Five piece*
worth 10e, for 7 1-2c.
Millinery Department.
Never before such millinery prices. This department won't be bothered
with any left -overs. Reductions here are the most substantial in our history.
Hats, flowers, ribbons, chiffons, etc., at half prices.
Clothing Department
The greatest bargains we have ever offered in men's weed pants, worth
from $2 to 54 per pair. About 400 peirs in the lot on sale for $1.50 each.
One hundred pairs of boys' knickers, worth from 60e to 80c, on sale at
500 per pair.
Men's colored. shirts, all sizes, soft fronts, worth from 80e to $1.25, fw
Twenty-five dozen of men' e cashmere half hose, worth from 30c to 50;
on sale at 25c a pair.
Two hundred men's summer caps, worth from 25c to 50c,
A table of men's fine strilw hats, worth from 25c to, 75; for 15e.
Many special clearing prices in men's suits. See our specials
and children's suits.
04+4••••••• -•04 -4 -se -e -e -
Clothing -to -Order.
We don't know who your tailor was itt the past, nor who your clothier
but we want to tell you right now if you buy your clothing from us you
willbe one of the best dressed men.
Some specials in men's clothing to order now on sale at prices $3 to $4
per suit less than our regular price. See what we have to offer,
Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wool.
7 DMA=
Oppo.Iternna Building, Comet Main and Muket Sta. Settorth,