The Huron Expositor, 1905-06-16, Page 88
-4hir .-LiOttets
during the present 4eason are
4Sherwin Williams" Paints
"Insurance" Gasoiine Stoves,
'Gold Medal" Binder Twine
13er prices are low and goods of the
Hardware, Stoves and Coal.
Presidene General Manager
. Capital, Fully Paicb Up --$3,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and un. •
'divided Profits $ 3,634,000
Deposits by Public 6;29.700,00o
Total Assets $ 39,225,00o
ivery facility for the transsoting of a
?moral banking business.
Odieetions made on al/ points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances made to Palmer.. Speoial at-
Aention paid to the oollectiOn of Sale Notes.
Interest allowed from date of deposit.
Deposits of $1.00:and Upwards received,
ind interest paid or added to account June
afitia and December Best.
R. fi. HAYS, Solicitor
, 1 1
James Watson .
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire. Life end Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent.
Dealer in firat.olaul family and Manufac-
turing .ewing Maohihea arid Cream Separ-
&tore, • z.:
N ye Raymond died White Sewing
Machines andNetional Cream Sep-
arator in three sizes I .
Also sewing info:11110 needles, oil, attach-
ments, rePaire and anendries for all kinde of
&owing machines. Pricer' right and ma-
chines fully guaranteiid,
'Special Servieet-The Workmenand
Canadian Foresters lodges will at-
tend senvioe in tne Presbyterian
church on Sunday evening nextewhen
a spe.eial sermon wilt be preached "t6
the brethren by the emanate Iten, F.
H. Larkin, The members et the
lodges are enquested to meet att, the
lodge room .at 6.15, and it is desir-
able that there be a laxge turnout of
both lodges.
Insurance Agent, and,„kiesler in Sewing Machine
and Mucks. North Main �treet, Sesforth.
' A Challenge.-Deree Sir, - would
you be so kind as to insert the
following in year valuable tpaper and
you will greatly oblige me: The
Wortnuan & Wand baseball teem of
-London, would like to arrange a
game of baseball for eluler lst, with
the Seatorth boys. We stand Sec-
ond ba the Wholesale Lague and
play clean and fast ball. For terms
and farther information 'address j.
MoOonnell, care of Wantraan &
Ward, London. John MeConnell,
Yea can get a general education in any
chocd, but come to the Central, fer
radical Business Ttaining. The college
has a continental reinitation for thorough.
eon Opportunitteg are for those who
re prepared. Outigraduetes always sue
Geed, You may entei ou clams at any
time. Write for a free oatalogne.
• ELLIOTT & MoIJACH AN, Prinelpale
Our CustOm rs
Are growing in huinb re every clay and
all join in 'teeing that our line of mu-
sic at 10a is the greatest value ever
offered. Get your n
and get a catalogue.
Mail orders given Promp
member the address
G. M. BM -OWN & CO.,
dealers in
Pianos, Organe,,4raphophonee, Sewing
Meohines, Needles and Oil.
ars M. Baldwin & Co.,
Institute Excursion
Vntario Agricultural College,
Tuesday, June 20th, -1906.
me on our list
attention. Re-
Trains leave as follows :-
First Special-
Clinton •
Londesboro 1 20
• Arriving -at Guelph at 10;45.
'Excursionists from Belgrove, Blyth and Londee.
boro leave by the regular morning train going
south, °annotating with the excursion trainat 011n.
Second Special -
BrucelleId 1 20 60
-Clinton 8 26 1 20
Arriving at eureph at 11 c'olook a, m,
Returning trains will leave Guelph at 6:80 p m,,
the Goderioh train leaving first. A epeeist train
Will meet excursionists for Londesboro, Blyth and
ilelgrave at Clinton. Tickets mill be good going
only on one train, valid to return the following day.
Committee of Arrangement -Thos. McMillan, Sea -
1 orth P. 0.. R. M. Young, Carlow; S. Smillie,
sall ; Dungannon. •1957-1
7, 40
7, 65
8 10
8 35
8 46
$1 25
1 20
1 20
1 16
1 15
1 10
1 26
• 60
7 16
7 26
7 40
8 05
Adult children
$1 20 60
125 66
126 66
125 85
Wedding Presents
aa long as weddings are in vogue (and
that is likely to be for some time) our
jewelry store will contribute its share
to the joy of the occasion.
OU can't very well do without us.
Where's a pleasing array ef material for
eir gifts,
Some of them are not at all costly.
Some are Medium priced,
And some run into quite a lob of money.
But you can't spend your money ex
travagantly becauee there's always a
big money's worth here if there ever
was anywhere.
prove what we teli you when the moss -
i011 arrives,
John Bulger,
Clever Students.-Gr.aduates of 'the
Seafceth Collegiate Institute have
been winning laurels for theraseeves
and honors for their alnie. roater.,
At the recent 'examinations at the
Toronto University, Miss Carrie
Knight, who took such a: remarkabLe
standing last year, this year Stood
first in the first olase honor list!
in Glassics,witining the Moss scholarL
ship and 'fourth in first cleeet bon-
ers In moderns in the first year
course. In the "third year list Mr.
Jiohie A. Gardiner, of McKillop, was
tlkira in firstt °lase honorte in math-
ematics, lanq Mr. R. Dancaneon, of
Grey, passed saceetssfully in all sub-
jects in the same year.
eTliir the ;Went with the amine regaa
foe its precepts as the laimete.tif
lobes or them and to inspire in th
n.idesixe to exemplify ithent not on'
in the lodge room,but in their ewer
day dives :and in their erontact we
their fellow men. The beautiful de
tures has given on leech deg
land ancire eepecially on the thica,t
symbolism of which, as never lee -
tare tgiven W this prederessore
office were, truly, inspiring. A
to this his instaliatilve• and tin
in addresses on .the 'occasions of
,visits Ito the several ilodgete and
must admit that one retiring D
eterict Deputy has, during this br
teem of, Office, done much to ,eno
elle order and to inculcate in
minds of this brethren g teue
Aard tf6r the great and g,rand pr
°Ties t O.Ugl3Jt by Masonry ili its v
bus degrees land for which be
placed the lodges in is district
der -much" obligation. to 'him and
deterred Uaimself all Ithe mem
A Visit 'Bo The' Oampe,T.he m
bars of the county council an
• number of the county, officials
ited the vaunter clamp at Lo
on Thursday nigh;t of lest week.
council held night sessions arid w
ed at high pressure throughout
session -that they Might aocept
invitation extended them byt
fivers of the 33rd regimein;t to s
a night with them in
working overtime for three da
county's business was disp
in time to perniit a the .council
ing Goderieh' by. the afternoon
tar London. They were met a
London station by the office
the regiment and the band, a
corted to the camp grounds,
theyWere entertained at din
the officers' mess. The
Was' most pleasantly' spent an
ea'uncil returned to thein hone
of the militaey spirit, so 'the
year, -we may not be surpri
find the nuembees of the cowl
in red ooats with the rest '
" sogex boys."
All kinde of Panay Ice Cream,
Ice and Sherbet in brick or bulk for we
parties at Neil's, seatortb.
Our big June tea sale is pros,' g very
popular -the price, the tams. the quality re right.
See us about your tea. Beattie Bros., Elea orth.
Go To Guelph. -WC again ,remlnd
one readers of thel Formers' Excur-
S1/003, to Guelph' on Tuesday next.
The rates are 101Wi a,nd the -trip .is
plig)ItfUl 10110 while there is al-
ways something new and interest-
ing to be seen at tle'cr College and
form. The new Tilactionald Institute
is in itself a eight' that dist both in-
teresting and instructive while the
union school and the dairy have
been, added of late yeaes and all, are
interesting.- The beautiful and spa-
-clans grounds, also awe a. delightful
plaice in 'which to spend an hoar or
two. At this season of the year
everything in natal* looks its
peettiest. Every person , who ea,n,
should take in this excursion. Be-
sides the pleasure the, College and.
tl. furnish edeication and. inspir-
, Fifty Years Married. -Our worthy
old townsman, Mr. Alex. Cardno,and
bbs worthy partner, .celebnated the
fiftieth tanniversaey tot their paa.r-
eiage on Thursday of last, week; and
among the presen.ts received by Mr.
Car deo in ooininemoration of the oc-
• casion was a beautiful gold beaded
cane presented to him by his ehild-
Ter). on which was engraved his name
and the date. Mr. e'Cardnp is SIM,
quite/ active and if neoessarY oauld
-be tag alert in e, businese deal as ine
the old elays, but Mrs. Cardno,
xegret to say, has been an invalid
for several years. Me. Cardno is one
.ref the pioneer businesn men, of Sea- -
forth' and 'to his enterprise and busi-
ness push the town owee much of
what it is to -day. He has manv
friends here and elsewhere, who will
join with' us in the. earnest hope %hat
he may still be spared in .health for
Maity years to go out and in among
us, While the peayer of all nvill be
that his beloved and flged partner
may also be long spared to him.
Chareh Concert. - The concert,
given under 'the tanspic.cek of the Bible
class of the First Preebyterian
church on, 'Monday evening, was a
great suocess. The church wale well
filled and the audience was. delight-
ed with the 'programme. A 'glance
at the names on the prognarnm:e
Would -warrant one ia expeeting
treat and on this occasion there
could be no disappointment. The
choir nave .arrthem and s quar-
tette, Miss MoFaul end Mile Beat-
rice Scott eang a duet. Mile Be'Stsie.
Young gave tw.o readings. Mies Ed-
na Pickard nley-ed two violin selec-
tions and Miss Beatrice Scott eang
two solos. MT. Ebel' Foley gave a
lapraotrous reading as hie oontribu-
tioni Miss 'Bothwell and Henry -Lar-
kin, an instrumental du,et and Little
Miss Heine French', a siong. At the
close of the pr.ogeta.mmte the audience
event to the school. loom to pertake
of the eareshments and. to vend' a
social time. The proceeds of the en-
tertainment, which 'go t °weeds the
furnishing of -the vestry in the new
church, amounted to about $75..
A Nanriow Escape. -Mr. Jas.; Beat-
tie had a nerrow escapee from • seri-
ous injury at the railwey stwtion, on
Friday... at/turnpike last. He was
standing .on the outside platfarria,
talking with a'friend who was go-
ing away on the afternoon 'express,
when a frieght train, which was in
the yard, backed doven the, reiding be-
tween the mtain track and Ithestetiori
platform proper. It was coming
along at a naeraer clip, just, as the
express was coming in, and, ate Mr.,.
Beattie had his back to it, he did not
notice its approach. One of the oars
struck him on the shoulder and
"knocked him down. lie fell across
the main track, in front ef the in-
coming express. Fortunately the
express stopped before it :.neaached
Me. )3eattie, or he might bevel 'wen
killed. As it was, he was fort unate
enough to espape with only a bed.
fright and a slight shaking up.
The railway authorities should have
!things .fixed at the etation there.
In .order to get on and off the trains
the passengers are compelled to terOfiS
one of the track* and - very often
while the expressee are coming in
treiglit- trains are shunting renamed,
frequently at high rate. of speed.
Mdsonic.-Brother iGeorge Malcolm
of IStratford, having nearly .come
pieted this teem of office Disteict
Deputy Grand Master toe Huron Dise
trict, if desire thus publicly to ex-
press may own appreciation and au I
know tthe appreciation of the Mas-
ons of tthe district, of 'the eery let-
licieut, kindly and able inrinner in
which he has discharged the mane -
what hanorous duties of his office.
and the verb?' great rienvice lias
done for Masonry in :this district.
He was anost received and
.glad.Iy welcomed in every lodge in
whic.h he visited. The reason the
commanded isucli respect is because
he practised outside -the dodge the
excellent preeepts :which are incul-
cated by Masonry. He ;Mks made a
study of Masonry end dies k301,11tht tO
eaforth impress his fellow raembere where -
S -
vis -
of -
the ;
d Of
d. es -
-e'd to
11 out
f the
diner' or
1956 2
• Wel
Hot Surnmer.daya are here. de one of
our " Insurance" gaeoline stoves, wbtoh are per-
t eotly safe for children to operate and th y cannot
cause an accident. Chesney & Worth.
During the balance of June the will be
big reduetloos in fancy china at Aber rt;s967d7g
store, Eleaforth.
House sod Lot for Sale,-Foit sale, a
house and lot on Jarvis duet, Be.forth.j For frr.
that .partiouiars apply premises to Mrs. E. E.
Hamfflion, ameorta. 19554f
Girl Wanted. -Wanted a good girl for
generalwork at Wilson's hotel, Brneen Id. High.
est wagont. Apply to Mrs. 0, Wilson, B oefleli.
` 1057-2
We have now o band s fine etook of
-beat Portlar d Cemen ()homey & 8 iley, Ees-
forth. 19574
Furnished Room -Three nice furnished
front rooms in the Oidy block to let eh ap. Apply
to 8. WI Cady, Seaforth. 1947x2
Girls Wanted. -A dining ro m and a
kitohen girl. 'Good wages. Apply t Mrs. Pink -
nay, Royal Hotel, Seaforth.
Our prices are low on screen °ors and
windows, sythes, enaths, wishing m blues and
chums. Chesney & Seaforth. 1957-1
Telepbone No. 8 connect!' yo with the
"home of 280 Tea; we would like to s eak a word
in your ear -ring us pp. Beattie Bros., Ileaforth.
,Wedding beirqUets and funera deeigne of
all kinds eupplied on short notice t Aberhart's
drug store. &Worth, We are agents
Mate, Brampton, the largest flower
Iee cream for weddings, soci
Ole. Only pure cream used, and p
Aberhart's drug store, Settforth.
Some extra value in dinner e
at A. Young'o, Seafcirth. Get the pri
For Sale -Two new buggies,
tired. S. Barton and Son, Seaterth.
Still have some Duthie Tur
A. Young's, Seaforth.
Berger's Engliph Paris Gre
teed pure at Aber -hart% drug store,
Two desirable residence] in
vale cheap. One op Goderloh etre
James street. Apply to R. 8.
Secondhand piano. -A goo
ond-hand piano, manufactured ay
Ham Ilton, for sale chtsp, apply to
Sills, Seaforth.
flayloadere for Sale. -Th
or the Dale
roweie in the
Is, parting
ices right, at
ts for June
iopn.:1310r11999:555d6b66. h.t22t ae rt
eaforth for.
t and one on.
ay e B Bate r ,
square see -
homes & 0o.,
re, 1George A.
latest and
the beet. Call and eoe simply m °bine. For sale
by Thomat Brown, Deering agent,
Having purchased the re-
pairing Meek of SALT now
011 band at the salt blook, we
will offer the same for sale
while it lasts* former prices;
W. E. Kerslake,
moonset to Hamilton & Kerslake, Cfth
when, 'the town's inteneoltIS may, be
iePordized, 'Deese to supply, tlee, said
water upon 'giving the Elecerio Light
Company one month's notice to 'that
effect, and that this motion be/em-
bodied in the fageeepient between the
ceerporation and the Electric Ligliit
Company." Also, That the report
of the committee tappoinbeid to ar-
range an agreenaient withi the Elec-
tric Company be received and accept-
ed as read, the different clauses not-
ed and meeting with approval of
council and that said committee come
plebe the finial arranierments of
g.rtrement and report to council." At
this meeting the committee report-
ed that 'the Modeles Light Campany
declined to Accept the, conditions re-
specting the water supply and. Ithe
following resolution was pasised:
" What the motion passed on :the 8th
day of June by .this council 'in re-
ferenoe to the Seaforth Electeic con -
trent and water ir.ates be and the
samo-. is thereby rescinded." The
cou.n.cil adjourned. to meet at the call
of th,e ietyo.r.
Wanted -Butter, egge an
wool market is as sky high as the e
King, Wingham. '
Canvas shoefor men, boy
very cheap ard light for rummer
south a indow. W. H. Willie, eol
othy Dodd shoes for women and
shoes for men, f3eaforth.
wool. Our
ge. George E.
and children,
ear -samples in
agent for Dor.
mire A. Slater
1. 1967-1
Wedding 13el1s.-The
end Mrs. James Wilstan,
was the scene of a pr
on Wednesday las t, when
daughter, Margaret E.
in marriage to Mr. R
eldest son of Me. James
town. The ceremony,
at 12 &o -look noon, by 11
kin, pastor of .the
churolnand was witnes
number of the relatives
couple. Miss Ethel 'e
of the bride, was brides
Robert Soott, jr., of
groomsman, while
and Luella Smith act
girls. Mendlesshon's
was played by. Miss
After the .cartemony
wedding dinner 'was
and Mrs. Scott left
Toronto, Niagara Fall
,On their return they,
their residence i thei
on John street. xnA
presents testified Ito
of the young people.
extends heartiest con
whiah we will be ice
wide &trek of friends.
T(YWn ing of tb town coun
ltouday evening. Am
mount of $712 were
ered to be paid. A b
the town watering
hag new rates for s
as alsoa by-law prov
watering, Theme Wag only one ten-
der tor the constru
sidewalks, that of M
at ten cents per sq
tender was aocereted.
instructed to write
Mitchell for infor
ing the fire alarm'srtera in use in
that town. At spai meeting of
council held on th 8th inst., the
Irene of. Mr.
in ISeaf or th,
tt3e 'wedding
their eldest
Was united
y, W. Scott,
tt, of this
v. . H. Lar -
d by a lar ge
of ih0 young
Olsen, sister
aid, and Mr.
Paisley„ Was
Larissa Scott
d. flower
edding march
ea t r ice Scot t.
a sumptuous
rved, and Mr.
a trip to
and Buffalo.
will +bake up
pretty home
arge.artra3r of
he popularity
The Expositor
rat Illations, itt
ed. by a very
regular mea-
n was held on
unts to the a-
assed end ord-
-law amending
yelaw and fix -
me was passed
ding for street
tion of cement
. F. Gutteridge
are "toot. This
The clerk was
a the clerk of
ration respect -
committee appointe
agreernept with th
Company for the
town, and the supp
'to armange an
Electric Light
lighting of the
ying of eleotric
current to priv.ate users reported
to the oou,noil, when the following
'motions in xeferenc
passed: "That the
the Electric Light
$8.50 per mionth;
not binding themsel
!whelk amount, and
thereto were
water rattle for
ompari3r/ will be
he municipality
es to supply 'the
ay, at any time
Death' •of Neil Hill. -Oar citizens
genenally were shocked On Sunday
-evening last to learn of the death of
Mr. Neil Hill, which sad emeint oc-
curred at the home of this 'daughter,
Mrs. Ernest Dawrenc,e, In McKillop,
adjoining Seaforth on the north.
Since the marriage of this daughter
last winter Mr. Hill has been-meling
his home, with this daughter. Sun-
day morning he was out and around,
and after dinner he event to his room
to have a sleep. After a 'couple of
hours his daughter went eip to
waken him, when she was hooked
• to find him dead, the having appar-
en.tly, slept away. For over thiety-
five years Mr. Hill thas been a. Testi-
dent..of Egmondville, where the was
highly. respected and held in the
highest esteem ley, all evho knew
Deceased, who was, 73 elear.s of
age -was a nativ'e of the north
t•f Ireland, On coming to Vats coun-
tryhe settled in St. Thomas, where
be lammed. the trade of tanner.
Later he moved to Clinton end then
to Egroondreille. Mrs. Hill prede-
• ceased 'bim about two Veins. He
leaves three eons and one daughter,
The sincerest sympathy of all will
be extended tto the bereaVed ones.
The remains W0T0 intenred in the
Maidandhank cemetery on Tuesday.
Presentation. -A number * of the
friends .of lit/fr. and Mrs. Chas Mason
waited on them at the Dick House,
Seaforth, where they ELM gtaying,
on Wednesday etvening, and present-
• ed them with a kindly and. compli-
mentaxy weeded address atccompan-
ied by .a h'andsonie gold watch and
chain to each, as mementoes of the
affection and esteem in which they
are held. The address was teed by
Mr. M. T. McLean and the presenta-
tions 'were made by Mr. T. E. Hays
on ',behalf Of -the donors. Mr. Mason
and family are removing to Manitoba
where lete has already two sells. Mr.
Mason and his son, Atthar leave to-
day, Friday, and +hey will be follow-
ed. by Mrs. and Miss'Malson in a few
weeks, when they get a home re -
pared for them. Mr. Mason has en
a prominent figure in this 'county
tar over forty years and tew men
are more widely or better known.
He was among the first to engage in
the imparting of Clydesdale stallions
from the old -country and he has
beought into the county many valu-
able animals and the renown the
county of Ilu,ron leas attained as a
horse producing county is very large-
ly due to the enterprise of Mr. Mas-
on and a few others like him. Him-
self and. Mrs. Maeen leave many
warm friends behind them, till .of
whom will unit with The Expositor
in Wishing them health, 'bong life and
prosperity in their new western
Travellers. -The following were
ticketed this week by Greig & Stew-
art, C. P. R. ticket and telegraph
agents, Sefatorth: Illoraze and Wm.
Townsend, Tuckersmith, to Prince
Albex t, Sask., and. ret urn ;' Mr. aria
Mrs. Timothy Kelly, of Dublin,. to
Winnipeg ; Richard Beck, of Bay-
field, to Strathcona, Alberta, rend
return; Mrs. E. A. Fox, late of Sea -
forth, from London ta-Ponoka, Al-
berta; Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Win-
throp to the .Sault, Ontario; Egil-
son Esler,, of Varna. to Sten Oa o na,
and return, ; Margaret Calder, of
Seaforth, to Rea Deer, Alberta, and
return; Mr. and Mee. A. P. Verson,
of Seaforth, to Strathcona and re-
turn; Mr. Thomas Verson, of Tees-
weter, to Strathcona, and retuxn ;
Mr. Thomas McMichael, of Seaforth,
to Mint°, Manitoba.
7 -The following wore ticketed to
distant points this week by % Som-
erville, railway an steamship a-
gent: Miss Emma Reid, ot Verna,
to Portland, Oregon; Me. J. A.
Murray to Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs.
R. W-Scatt to Niagara Falls and
Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs, George
Black and Mr. and Mrs. 'William
Black to Detroit and Chicago; Mr.
James Purcell to Perth ; Mr. C. Mc-
Gregor, of Constance, to Gananrique.
The Seaforth Show. -A union
meeting of the dieeotors of tlite South
Human and Tuokersmith Branch Ag-
ricultural Societies was NO et
Brumfield: on Monday last -to re-
vise the prize list and make other
arrangements for the union show
to be held on the grounds of the lat-
ter society, in. Seafarth on Thursday
and Friday, September 21st and. 22nd.
Seeenal important additions and. al-
tVratiOrIS were made in the prize
which should add materially to
the interest in and attrapttiveness of
the show. It was deoided to do away
with prizes for implements and. oar -
Tines, and to give all exhibitors lin
these classes free entrance tot the
shlow for the purpose of 'exhibiting
their produets. A sweepstakes prize
will be offered for the best animal in
heavy and light horses, and in .thoro-
bred and glade eettle. Prizes will
also be offered for the best four
colts from any' one sire, both in
heavy and light hawses, and for the
four best shoat horn or grade cal-
ves from any one sire. Prizes will
blether be offered for the best dou-
ble and single turn -out, oonsisting of
horses, harness and buggy. The Sea -
horn! poultry association were re-
presented and their suggestions with
regned to the areangement of the
otiltryt Het so &I to bring IX tho-
oughly up to date were adopted.
'Expert judge a were seaeoted tor all
the leading departinents. The bzanah,
so.oiety will also Arrange for a 'goad.
ilst of speoial attraetione, 0110111 as
the usual speeding Contests:,
A' Good Colt. -Our veteran libese
buyer, 'Mr. James rArebibald, has
just puechased from Mr. 'Hugh Gor-
doll, of MoKillop, 'One of the tiaaest
two year Old fillies that ie has lever
had the, pleasure of "hanilling. She
weighs 1,465 absena for quality and
finish' it is -hard to find her equal.
After the sale had been made Mr,
Thomas McMillan, of Hulaett, who
is a lover of a good horse happened
along by Mr. Gordon's farm., and,
getting his eyes on her could not
resist -the temptatTon to make her
this ow -n. 'The price is $225 and she is
by the noted stock horse, " Flash-
wobd'e Last." -Com.
Foaotba.11.-The first home gatne in
in the senior W. F. A. sea -lee was
played, on the receention grounds. on
Friday evening last between the old
time eivels, the frangers, of Berlin,
and the Huiroes, Despite a threat-
ening evening a good erowd was in
'attendant& and. delighted to see one
of the fastest games played here for
some time. The Rangers are strong -
ex this year than they have been for
some seasonls and are in champion-
ship form. There, was considerable
speculation as to the strength% of the
Merge* but ell fears were set -at
gest on Friday night. The team
showed up stronger than for several
ge0SC6115, and with' a. few minor
-ohlanges should, land the Champion
: -
ship. They played a. snappy, fast
ame and rushed things tram the
beginning: It was anyboay s game
.Thti, canoe time and both beams „
worked to win, but the Hurons prov
ed the stronger and won out bya
score of four to three. Brown Jack.;
non refereed the game. he line up
of the HUT011g was as follovrs : Goal,
1Y1cLeod ; ba.oxs 3511cLean and F. Sills ;
JUNE 16. ...VA
The month of June weddings is here again and
homes will be starting up all over our fair county.
true Canadian delights in comfortable home surround
and it is here,that we can assist you in making home
pleasure. Out of our immense stock of House Purina
you can secure the necessary articles which will ten
make your little -home " Beauty Spot," We cordially
vite you to inspAct our stock and we guarantee that y
will fitid no better values anywhere.
• 0 R
House Furnishin
Makes a suitable covering for bed-
rooms, smoking dens and the like.
We have a great variety of patterns
Prices-, ....,... ...15o to 35e
belt becks, Mthrzaer, McKinnon, p.
Sills; left • wing, Brine, Leitch;
celeteea Chattel; right wing, Gar -
lin, Mortenald, (Captain).
-The next game will be played
here this, Fridaye evening with
Galt, who harve held the champion-
ship for two or three eon-SO.130. Galt
%ewe the proud title ef Olympie
cialampiens of the world, won, at St.
Louis fair last year, and will, if pos-
sible, prevent Their *colors from be-
ing lowered. But the Huroes think
they stand a fair show of doing the
trick. It will be the best game, of
the sea -eon. Don't forget Lt t eer-
ening at 6.15. -
--The Junior Hurons are Clam -
pions of this district, In 'hhe seeks
they were 'tied with London, and the
tie was played off at Stretford on
Wednesday, resulting -in a ,victory
for the junior Hurons by, two goals
to none. The juniors h,ave worked
hard throughout the season and are
deserving of all the glory that is now
theirs. They are all young players,
and from tbeir improved showing
since the -opening of the season they
will be a 'great source ofnstrength
to the seniors he e season' or two.
They will now have. to play in the
semi-finals, but with what teram
has not yet been 'decided. Thee fol-
lowing is the team; Goal, ijohn
Roberts; backs, M.' SleVa, Q. 8ills
halves, J. Carlin, J. Sproat, iWxn.
Sbapleton ; right wing, A. McKen-
zie, J, Carlin; 'centre, H. Ohlettl.q ;
left wing, L. Leech', 3. Love.
-The youngsters are at it too. On
Saturday. last the Parks defeated
the 6queres by one goal to none.
The winning goal eves scored by Rus-
sell Best in the bet Minute. ,
The tWorkmen,-Beaforth 'Lodge'of
United ,Workenen had the honor of
a visit troni Grand Mister Workman
3. M. Peregrine, of Hamilton, on
Tuesday evening 'last. The visit was
somewhat Informal and very shont
notice of it bad be.etagiven or there
would have been a very anach larger
'number of (the mena'bers of the lodge
present to tmeelt the 'Grand Master
Workrean and visiting members from
other lodges would, also, no doubt
have !availed 'themselves toe the
ilege. Bat the Grand Master twee
at Palmerston visiting the lodge
the,re barring one alight to spare
he very kindly decided to employ it
in a flying 'visit to ISeafortli. As .it
was there was a vor,y (fair aitt•end-
a nee. The Grand Mastea gavo a
moat interesting, ingtructive and
inspiring address. The Workmen
Society s the pioneele mutual bene-
fit society in Ceatarice That It has
done 0, good work 'goes without say-
ing as it as fbeen.the mediurn of dis-
tributing 'millions of dollars tor the
xelief Of the wido-w find ortihan itt
the way fa death 'claims all of which
it ',has promedly .0.11ii satisfactorily
settkd. Like all Other sodWtiele it
has had its difficulties, It arrived a1
a period of its existence when it was
found necessary for 'the necurity a
its .meinbers to ince...ease. th:e rate of
esseXstment. This has been done and
althou*gh it has naturally panse'd
s.ome complaint among the anemibers,
it is for their 40W11 adVantage, as the
Society has thereby been placed on
firm financiel basis and they are
still given insurance at the, actual
east of carrying the nisk as proven
by expert el uthorities and at a much
lower rate then is offered by the re-
gular insurance companies, while in
past years the members bine had
their !risks oar.ried for one ha11 of
what regular etonpanies !would
charge. The Grand Master was ten-
dered a most hearty 'ote' pf 5henks
forhis visit and this excellent ad-
dress. A.t the Close of tlee meeting
o t h er George Pa ers an invited
the members to .aoconap-ahy the
Grand ,Master te• the Kandy Kitch-
en ,to partake of bis hospitality in
the shape of delicious ice cream,
an invitation which was, unanimous-
ly 'accepted. !
Runaways. - Saturday afternoon
'was a time or runaways. Wheth-
er or not the horses had become de-
pressed by the continuous wet and
wished te have a little fun we ,
not peepared to say. At any eche
they suoceeded in creating oonsidcr-
qble About the middle
of the rafternoon Mr. Peter Dill's
delivery horse came tearing down
Main street, and around the 'Domin-
ion Bank 'earner, where it was
brought to `ta stand. still without
having done any damage to either
itself or the rig. A little late:r a
team of 'herses came tearing .up the
street from the station land were
only; stopped by getting rtrangled in
the harness near the residenoe of
Mrs. M. Robertson, North Main
street. The horses belonged to the
Messrs. McDonald, of Walton. (They
were at the railwayl and the driver
Itt artistic designs and rich colorin
to 25c
to 500
WOOL....... , . .. up
TAPESTRY... .. ..,.25c to 75c
dz Wilton......$1.00 up
In fine Nottingham lace and new
patterns. Prices from 250 to $7.50.
Specials it. $1, $L25, $1.50.
Also in Ohenilks, Reppsand Tapes-
tries, $2,75 t� $15.
- We have a complete assortment in
spot =sling and in frilled nets in
plain and fancy grounds. The range
of prices is immense, running from
10a to 50e.
Door Mats, Floor Mats and
for all parts of the house
MATTING.. -750
MOQUET.,.....$L25 to $6,00
See our window of Efouse FuxJ
gs and come in and compare
In handsome Oriental, Floral
Block patterns, all qualities
widths ; prices from 37io to 62is -
square yard
Oilcloths from 12ic to 60e
To fit all rooms MA to suit sit
purses in
rUNION4 50 to $ 6 OD
WOOL. -00 to 9l0
TAPESTRY: 50 to 15-00
BRU8SEL8............416 00 up
Seaford', Ontario.
one of them slipped on the pavement' j. been in rather a critical eceidittonr
and fell bat managed tto right :itself although at latest accounts she was
and they. made off again. , They improving. -It will be remembeeed,
made a. fleece run, but aid not do that at blie last assizes. at Goderiebe
any further damage lblean brea,king Mr. Wm. Wright, o1! Neackeeer4th„
the 'harness. As a gnand final Mr. secured damages .against the Grand
Trunk for injuries receivecl to him-
self and the killing of a hemat
the Main street -crossing here -
summer, The- railway company ape
pealed the case'sacoessfully, sottat
Mr. Wright will after all, get ate, ,
thing. -While . assisting et a barn
raising`on his farm, in McKillop,
Monday, Mr, Peter A. O'Sullivan
the misfortune to 'have a larg
stick of timber tall on his hot
bruising it badly, so that iehe ener-
getic Peter has been compelled to
use a eane.-Mr. T. E. Hays bei
unable to purchase cattle at what
he considers =remunerative prioee,
to place on his pastare lands in
Killop, is buying a number of young
'horses and will pasture them until
fall when he will dispose of thane_
-Arthur S. McLean and: W. Bites -
deli., son of )11r, A. W. Bleaedeli, of
Fernie, British' Columbia, and feria
erly ,of Seafortlf, have passed their
first yeae'i examination at Mt -
Gill Medical College, Mentrealr the
former takinghonors in two seb-
jeets„-Mr. Rey Willis sang I. W01,1
rendered tolifertory solo in Ste
Thomas thureh last Sunday evening.
ing.-Mrs. William Pickard was .in -Mr. I). J. Aitcheson, of R-oxbore,
London this eveek 'attending the ptirchasea a very handsome young
golden wedding of .an aunt and uncle driving horse frem Mr. John Walker
there. -Division ,court was held here -of:the 1.40.1 road, Tuekersmith, this 1
on Tuesday. Them were satveral week, for which Ire paid $150.-G.
small cases but 1108130 of much im- M. Baldwin & go., this week sold
portance.-Bev: Mr. McLeod, of Nova two handsome pia,nos to 1101"g0119in
Scotia, brother-inela-w. of Rev. Mr. Oxbow, Assinaboia, and one to Lon -
Larkin, is a .guest a -t the manse and
will preach in -the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. -Mr. T. G.Scott
has had his residenee on Sebnatreet
nicely, painted. -Mr. Luke Fortune, Mr. Robert Morrison, of &Imlay,
whose fine farm is a Short distance 'pad a large organ to Mr. Jonje
past •df Seaforth' on the Huron road, Hine:Hey, of Iluliett.-Bev.
haa reoently had his residence Larkin had a busy day on WodflOS-
greatly. enlarged and improved.- day. He celebrated three Jane WC
Mrs. O. C. Willson, of Detroit, is dings. -Mrs. J. C. Bartram
dlere visiting her daughter, Mrs. daughter of New York city, are here
Walter Willis and -other friends.- visiting Mrs. Ilartra,m's parent.Mrs. Martin, of • Chatham, .spcnt Mi. and MI". 11. Town. -The fam-
e, the guest of ing which we take from • e Dwelt-
rkin.-Miss Rae Massachusetts, paper, refers to 4
home from To- former Seaforth -boy, bxother or
had been pur- Mrs. John Dodds, of this town: “.0
suing :her musical 6nd other studies. of the most competent ohauffeues
-Mr.. B. B. Gunn, M. P., was home these parts is Mr. Herbert Morr
over Sunday. 1/1r. 0-1111n must be of the Casa -ell Automobile Stet
getting pretty well acquainted with This is attested by the num
the route between this and Ottawa. persons who visit the garage 05
-A ,o'oople of Italians who had a Moody street for demonstrationnSe
tame bear caused quite a stir a- "Mr. Morrison is et thorough roe-
mong the school children on Tuts- chanic and understands tile eonstrode
day., The animal went through a tion of all the -various makes.",
number .of antics much: to the de-
light of his young spectators and no
doubt causing delay in many din-
ners. The performance took place at
noon on the corners between the
J. R. Goiveigook's driver took a run
to itself. The animal hied been left
standing in the neighborhood of the
salt wiarks, when a traction en-
gine frora the engine works earcee a-
long and. frightened it. It upset and.
&alleged the buggy some, but no
further dage rmulted.
Local Briefs. -The' Electric Light
0.0aparny are placing new and im-
proved. transformers on Main street
and are making other improvements
in their plant with the view of giv-
ing the people the very best possi-
ble seevice.-Mr. and Mrs. Johns,
of Elineville. in Usbarne, spent sev-
eral days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Clapp and other friends in
town. -Mrs. Norman Hill spent sev-
eral days last week at Bruseele vis-
iting Mr. Hill's _parents. Since she
left home Hill has removed.
from Cranbrliok, B.ritish Columbia,
to Penticon, where lief has started
business for bimself.--The Messrs.
Jackson, of Egmondville, are exea-
vating the foundation for -a lerge
new addition to their tannery build-
-den. This enterprising firm its get.
ting a wide reputation end. their
business is eonstantly inereasing-
They also sold a fine Bell pilule to
Sunday at the tni
Rev. and Mrs.
Dickson has returne
Yonto, where she
Cudenore, of Hensel', with his stit
of men have commenced work at the
brick xesidenres of iree iMesifM
Devereux, east of the town.-
John Murray, thresher of Efullett,
Queen's and Royal hotelsP
.-Mr. rziii left here this week fora trir
Mrs. 3. L. Ballantyne and little through the west. He will visit idity
daughter, of Kincardine, spent Sun- Dauphin district where bis father/
day with' their uncle, Mr. William Mr. Wm. Murray, forraerly of Tupkt-
Balla,ntyne.-Mr. W. Walker, ac- exsmitle, resides end will then pine
countant in the Dominion Btua.k, is
in Toronto this week attending the
marriage of 'his brother. -c -Mr. 3.
ce.ed to the Pacific coast. Be01-
poets to be gone about a montlie-
Miss Katharine Coleman, of Hawn -
K. Ricblardson, of St. MOTS, NMS ton, is the guest of Mr. and Mra
in town this week. --The Bank of F. Coleman -Mrs, Fulton, sou ova
Commerce opened for business in daughter, et Washington Stabe,
their new building on Monday lastvisiting o.t Mr. Robert
The new premises are tomplete and May, sr, and Mrs. May, jr. and rsr-
comfortable. An excellent photo ,of John Judkins, all ef London, voi4i-'
the new building will be found on visiting at Mr. J. Hewitt's this evertet
page two of this issue. -There is --Tbe regular monthly meeting 'n1.
great rivalry between the different the Women's Ohristian Temp0ral:10f
pans,y growers in town. The latest 'Union will be held; at the home d.
to enter the ,arena, is Mr. Andrew Mrs. 'Wm. Goverdock. on ToeidaY.,
Calder, who, the other day. present- 20th' inst., at 3.30 p. 111. All ladies
ed us with) a bouquet of forty-five interested, itt tfee work are luvitea
different 'varieties. Mr. George to attend -N:,rs T leicAuliMe awl
Murdie has thirty-five varietles and Miss Emma Lanferche, of Beilft
1111010 eomijeg.-Miss Mabel litartry, River, are at pre..sent -in town sperel.'
daughter 41 Mr. Wm. Hartey, is ing a few days' holidays at Halve
seriously ill at her home hero with thorne Ridge, the reSidence of gr.
bronchial pneumonia, Miss Hartry and Yrs, 3. 3. ,Darwin. -Mrs, Thoz,
was unloading lumber when !the af- has been teaching in the neighbor- Kehee, 0± Mrashall, Michigan,
tern:Don express myrtle along and hood of Essex, and becoming ill, she little daughter, are holidaying 1,1
frightened them, They nearly col- left there arriving home on Satur- the home of Mr, and Mrs.-iTanzw
lided with' the Grip thotet, aeleere j da yt last, since which, time give 4)0 Relioe.
Don't fret
j,Lve one day a
re worse them
ud flannei tro
:bbO,. socessori
t prices,
bby st
A fanewJ
A. pair of
A comforta
have n
A cool sui
ncy Dal
.A fine
T -0 piece
From Ti
your measure
keep moving,
made to theii
may be your
Black Wont
Fancy worsti
Fancy time
Pair of fine
peree tage
An ow]
have loop' si
them into in
factor if pat
Come and g
Boys' p
men S
OW Rain
Boys? Ra'