HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-06-09, Page 8Leaders
during the present season are
Sherwin" ii .ams x" Paints
"Insurance" Gasolin+ Stoves
Gold Medal" Binder Tete
Our New _ Story
Next week twe ,00ntraence the
publication Of the great serial storY
"Ehen Hoiden." This is undou'bted-
day. .0 is evidenced by the fact that
so tgreat alas be:en the demand for ;the
book ithat it is now in its 265th
thetiesand. Its greet tstireeegth
taee and tits homely yet touoliing les -
'eons of dife. "Uncle Eb." holds the
sympathy and interest of -‘the read-
er from beginning to end. No person
should nliSS this splendid story and
in larder to give these who are pot
now subscribers et eh!anee to read
it, we will send THE EXPOSITOR
from NOW !until the end of 1905 tor
FIFTY CENTS. This will give them
the full story. Start at once, and
have the Story kora the beginning.
Farm .Bought—Mr. ',flames IYLoGill
wlilo recently %sold this farm neer
Constance Ras purchased the term
of Mr. John. Sproat on the. Mo-
Killop rand iifullett town line paying
it 'good buildings 'avid is within a-
bout three miles of Seltifer,th. Mr.
McGill gets possession in October.
He thee Secured a good! farm, phew
purchase. Mr. 'McGill lied -some ;no-
tion xemoving to Ccrlorado Where
111,3 has friends bu.t his many feiends
hero (svili Rao pleatped to learn that
he flies !decided to'remein with ue.
Dea.th la Mrs. John Cameron.—
Out readers will deeplY regret tek
learn of the death of Mrs. John
Caonemon, !of MuJekersmithowhich took
pIalee fWednesday forenoon. litre.
Cameron IhIad given birt* to a young
daughter on Sunday. The deceased
was the eldest daughter of Mr. Wm.
Carnochan, )of iTuokersmith. She was
thappily married to Mr. 'Cameron
about a year ego, and her surround-
ings and. %associations were all such
as !to make life most ,d4eolea.ble. She
was ana exceptionally amiable and Girls Wanted.—A dining room and a
lovable woman and ber early de- kitchen girl. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Pink.
raise is a. severe bereavement to nay, Royal Hotel, Sestorth. 1956-2
Ur !young !husband end parents and Telephone No. 8 connects you with the
relatives amid be deeply rogxet- . home rif 22qTria ; wo would like to speak a word
sted a very large circle of ,friends in your ear—rine us up. Beattie Bros., Seaforth.
will ibe' extended to the ,bere:aved
Our prices are low and goods of the
Hardware, Stoves and Goal.
President General Manager
Capital, Fully Paid Up—$8,000 000.00
Reserve Fund and un-
divided Profits $ 3,634,000
Deposits by Public $ 29,700,00o
Total Assets $ 39,226,o0o
Every hanky for the transacting of a
Collection, made on all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances made to Femora. Speoial at -
elution paid toithe collection pf Sale Notes.
interest allowed from date' of deposit.
Deposita of $1.00 and upWards received,
livid interest paid or added to account Juno
30th and December list.
S. MAY8, Solicitor
James Watson,
Successor to W. N. Wat son
General Fire. Life and Aceident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent.
Dealer in first-olass family and Manufac-
turing Sewing Machines and Cream. Separ-
ators, viz.:
New Raymond aCkd White Sewing ,
Machines. andNational Cream Sep-
arator In three sizes
Also sewing inaohlrie needles, oil; attach-
nxents, repairs and sundriee for all kinds of
sewing maohines. Prices right and ina.!
Insurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bicycles. North Main street, Seldom'.
You can get a general education in anyl
hod, hut Goble t the Central, fer b
radical Busiaees Training. The °allege
hal a continental reputation for thorough.
ess. Opportunities are for theme who
re prepared. Our graduates always Imo-
ceed. Yon may entei our ;gasses at any
time. Write for a free catalogue.
matob; will be given as silver m
by. 4the (league. Thos. Lee, 'Lond>sba
is the whiner torr this nitah; ad
former lanes rWretrrte John Newcom • _
sir„ E. Rundle, W, .Wthitely, • ail of
Goderiah; (township. team. A . =en
match will be looked for an the fix t,
and if tGoderiah township team ` wi
the ;trophy hya ithis time thley, will
Football.—The Junior EUTOns «;e
to Stratford on Thursday of la
week, and prayed their final gra
in- the (series with the °lass io Ci
team. The jgame was a. close a
well rrontested one, but the you
Hurons proved their worth, by w
ixug out by, a snore of one ;goal
none. This ,puts them a tie in t
(round with (London, and will gi
them am oppport unity for the chat
pionship which, of we acro not
mwahi mistaken, they will, take a
vantage of. We hope yet, to Im
the pleasure of cornag,ratuiaiting t
juniors as ohatnpions of ,this dit-
triot and - later as chpmpions of the
HURON UposrroR
The Coonty, So and 0.1E. Cont.
vent ions.—All . workers In' Sunda
ties should weraember the annua
'county conventions to be iheld i
S. on Tuescroy, June' 13th, aed the
14th. 'The pasogrammes for each rea.t,14
ering. are of a practical and intr.:el,
esting lehaxacter and such speak
as Mr. off. A. Hardy, Proyineiil Traino
ing Teaehero and Mrs. Dune in, Pri4
Toronto„ in addition to the count31
olergy and Workers who are billo
ed. ter topics, ensures discussion
which Will well repay a visit. The
people of Goderich! will provide en-'
teetainment tor all ,delegatese and
the eessione twill be held in Viotoria
street Methodist and Knox Presby-
terian !churches.
All kiods of Panay Ice Cream, Water
, Le and Sherbet in brick or bulk for weddings or
parides at Seatorth. 1956 2 -
Oar big- June tea male is proving very
popular—the price, the terms, the qurlity are right.
See us about your tea. Beattie 13roe., tleaforth.
House and Lot for Sale,—For sale, a
house and lot on Jarvis street, Seaforth. For fur-
ther partioulars apply at premiees to Mrs. E. H.
Memnon, Seaton 19654f
. Having purchased the re.
malting etook of ,SALT now
on hand at. the salt block, we
will offer the Banns for sale.
I while ib lasts,at former prices.
W. E. Kerslake,
JUNE 9 1906
tires rand roll the latest fixing.—Mr.
W. A. Cnc% Chas pu:rohased ra six
arse power gasoline engine to re-
place the small one he had in use in
(lois 'bakery. He got it from war- 3.
Swan, agent, Bxueefieid.—Mr.. N.
Peck, of Stanley has rented this farm
and thee p> .rcihased. the handsome rRos-
iden,ce tof his father-in-law, Mr. J.
Moleinle i in Egmortdhville, and will
come ito aeside there. Mr. McKin-
ley (hap tpurehased the residence of
Mtss (Ewing on Market street, Sea -
forth, for '$1,$00 and will move to
it ;as !himself and Mrs. McKinley, dee
sire to be nearer town and especi-
ally! •the Methodist churc'bl of ,which.
they; are anembers.--A little -eight
year Qid son of Mr. Nelson Glow met
witlit tan ;unfortunate accident atthe
Bell 'Engine %Works one ' day this
week. In some away; he, got his right
hand. !caught in the cogs of a lathe
and las a result [had =tci have the two
(centre fingers ainputtated at the
second joint.—Mr. ;Alf. Hill, of%Gris-
wold, Manitoba, Was Galling on old
friends in town this week. Mr.. Hill
is an old ,Seaforthi boy. His other,
Mr. Wm. Hill, was . a leading mer-
chant and business man of Seaforth
for tseveral yens, having built and
°coupled the store now owned and
aoeuipied by Mr. James Gillespie. --
A ;Ga'vernment inspector, of electric
lighting meters was in town ;this
week . and inspected the several
meters 'in use in. town. He 'charges
at Wee of $1.501 to $4 ifor each; meter
inspected, which seems tot be an ex-
traordinary high charge. He was
there about two thours and- (ear/ted
away( over $40.—The present o«et,
cool tweetthe'r is hard foe the 'grow-
ing tern'and unless we hatve a change
soon ensilage will be scaa'roet aaext
Nvinter._Mr. Kel'ehan, of the Hen-
sall engine works ,and Mr. G. C.
Petty, of Jlensail, were in town on
Wednesday looking 'up business.. Mr,
Kelehan makes 'a; specialty, of gaso-
line and seal oil engines.--M'r. J.
Tyerman and Mr. George W. 'Sper-
ling, who were injured a, tcoapiea of
weeks age by. the tailing of a soatf
fold, axe rocavetrring nicely, and. will
soon. be .a(ble to attend to busier:
again.—Mr. Wm. Sieeth; has 'been
awarded the tcontxact ref tremtoving
a,nd fitting tarp the cottage On Gode-
rich street recently purchased: by
Mrs. .John Kerr. --The Bible class of
the Presbyteriian.cthu;rch• will bold
an entertainment in the ethurcli' on
Monday, ;evening. An excellent pro-
gramme is ming estranged, and a-
nteing (others staking part care Miss
Bessie Young, Mee Edna; Pickard
'aid Miss Beatrice Scott. After, eh'e
programme thus hem given light re-
freshments twill be served in the
Sunday, 'wheel !roam. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to ail. A small
admission (fee Swill be oh'a rged,—We
thieve !been agni;plta.inlng of the exces-
sive wet weather, bust Posst.xn'atstter
Dickson has hold urs of 'a June a few
lyears sago, KKvhe,n. it rained every dray
in the month, and tgtill the crops
were ,good. " Things might be worse
than they ,are. --Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Gotsch, lof Ohie :go, are visiting their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and airs. L.
Reinke, Egmondville.--Mr. John Me -
Garvin, of Tuckersmith, last week
delivered to Mr. Samuel Gliddon, of
Clinton, ca handsome three year old
gelding for ,which he received the
sum of $200. Mr. McGavin always
keeps; the,'best in horse flesh .and he -
knows 'how to take one. of it.—Mr.
.and ,Mrs. ,George Town and son, of
Gerrie, took in the traces last week
;and. (also visited their parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. Harry `ivtivn.=Mr. Malcolm
•McKay and Miss Potheringbam, of
Tuokerstmitb, were married on Wed-
nesday and base gone to Philadelphia
on their 'homey moon trip. On their
return they 'will take up their a-
bode in Godericb where 1Yir. McKay
has pirchased a handsome residence.
Mr. ,arid Mrs, McKay have hosts of
friends ,who will join with -The Ex-
positor in wishing thein much happi-
ness in =their new. relations and. in
their new home.
Successor to Hamilton & Kerslake, 0,4th
oxpeoted home on a visit this eum-
mer and. his aged mother, who had
looking longingly 'forward to that
event when a telegram was eteceie-
,ed on [Sunday announcing, )his death.
lit !was a severe shook to her and to
the ;other friends. atelre. Mr. Wal-'
late was la thoroughly (reliable,
'Steady busineelo tman and was rapidly
beeomin.g wealthy* and it would only
be the deleaSura of disef,tse that oaus-
d', Ihim to 'commit suoh a. terrible
pt. The sineereit synalia.thy of
any iold thriends 'al. the deceased in
his vicinity evill be extended to the
oerovving anothex end wife and the
ther bereaved 'relatives. The xe-
A Clever Student.—Miss -Mabel
Govenlook, daughter of Mt. john
R. Govenlock, ; of this town, has
jest distinguished herself in To-
ronto. Miss tGovenlocle has been at-
tending the Lillian Massey1 school of
first place in the finel examintation
of both, junior and senior yeaxs,also
the ionly sotholarship offered in the
senior yeae. In xecognition of her
work and ;the expellent standing tak-
en at thex examination shek hes been
engaged es a dem.enstrator in the
College at a good salary. just now
Miss !Govenlook is on, a demonstrat-
ing tour. in the Chatha.m district.
We icongratulate Miss Goveniock on
her, excellent standing and the ap-
preciation. of dior work as shown
enlook is a graduate of the Seaforith
Collegiate Institute.
Regular 50o and 75o music for 10o
post, paid to any address. Write
for catalogue then order as you
need music. Over 5,900 copies in
stock. Also regular books and
folios in this edition, 50e. We
are opening a mail order music
businese, so get your name on our
matling list.
Pianos, Organs, Graphophortes, Sewing
Machines, Needles and oki. 4
Under the Auspice. of the OtNADIAN ORDER
Court Flower of the Forest, No. 8, C. O. F.,Seaforth
bave made armegeraents with the G. T. R. so run
an exedrsion to Niagara Falls on
Friday, June 16th
Including all stations between Geilerich And
A Special train will leave the several stations on
Friday morning at the time mentioned below, arriv-
-lug at Niagara Falls about 11.80 a. m., and return.
Ing will leave Niagara,Falls at 8:00 p. m. All tiok-
ets good to return on env regular train ihe following
4sy. Train leaves outline as follows :
Station Tinni Adults Children
Clinton 7:10 2 05 1 06
Dublin 7:83 2 06 1 06
Mitchell 7:45 2 00 1 00
Seheringville 8:00 1 80 90
Stratford 8:20 1 66 86
As there has been np extursion from this district
to the Falls for some thire, this will give a splendid
epportrin4 ts view the Natural wonder and
-beauty onside great wttorfall, also to Ice the great
waterpower theit is being developed for the benefit
of Canadian,. f
Everybody come and epend a pleasant and profit.
able day and you. will never regret it.
THOS. OLIVER, Oblef Ranger. _
1951-3 HARRY SPEARE, Secretary
Wedding Presents,
as long as weddings are in vogue (and
that is likely tct he for some time) our
jewelry store wall contribute its ehare
to the joy ef the occasion.
YOU' eau% very *Yell do without us.
where's a pleasinA array of material for
Oome of them are,nob at all eoetly.
ome are medlar:a !priced.
Wedding bouquets and funeral designs of
ankle& supplied on short hotice at Aberharl'e
drug store. &Worth. We ate agents for the Dale
estate, Brampton, the largest flower growers in the
"rWidh. en buying locoing get "Ideal," wh' chi
is edwitted by the great ',number wno ars putting I
it uT this season, to be the bebt nrade. Chesney &
We haVe now in stook a full supply of
best Portland Cement. Chesney & Smiley, iliettfoolh.
Ice cream for weddings, socials, parties,!
etol Only pure cream used, and prices right, as
AberharFs drug store, fleatorth.
Eilume extra value in dinner 'lets for June
at O.. Young'e, Seaforth. Get the prices. 1956 2
veg cheap etd light for summer wear—samples in
south: window. W. H. Willis, sole agent for DOT -
°Tr Dodd shoes for women and George A. Slater
eh ea for men, Seaforth. 19564
For Sale—Two new buggies, one rubber
the& s. Barton and Son, Seatorth. 19564f
yro01 1 Wool Don't forget that we al-
ways pay the highest price for wool at No. 6 ware.
hoirres. Bring it along with or without your 'grain.
Still have some Duthie Turnip Seed at
James Beattie, Seafortb.
A. 'Young's, Seaforth.
Good opening in Vaforth for woodwork-
er.end painter, one tha can do both. Lots of bust.
nem tient kw. For information address lox 5
bealorth, Ont.
Second-hand pieno.—A good square moo -
on -hand piano, manufactured Oy Thomas & Co.,
Ba ilton, for sale cheap, apply to Mtn, George A.
, *anted—Butter, eggs and wool. Our
wool market is as sky high as the eggs. -Gelogrogoe-tfE.
Ring, Winghem.
See the "Insurance" gasoline stoves, the
writ stove which prevents escape of , gasoline if
bur er is accidentally blown out or turned open.
enescey and Smiley, deaforth.
Rouse and Lots for' sale.—For sale the
bailie and iote on Jarvis street, fleaforth, the
property of the late Mrs. George Sewing. The house
haat stone foundation under it, with new forum
an d 1 every convenience. It is in the very best
of repair. There are 2 lots in connection. Will be
bold, on the moat ressonableterms. Apply to Miss
Etat ey, Seatosth. 1966-1
Leaving.—Mr, and Mes. Henry Col-
bert, of Egmonderille, left -on Tu.es-
day, for glicego and other; places
where the3f intend spending, ;some
weeks eisiting friends. Mr. Colbert
has !disposed tof ;his =business in Eg-
neortdVille Ito his sons end is leaking
a,round" far suitable place, where
he may tspend his declining ,yeaxs in
been efotively engaged in business ip.
and es hie health has not been satis-
factory otyl.ete he is seeking ,a change
with the hope of impxoyeaneet
this ldieeetion. Mr. end Mes. Col-
bert have many friends in this vi-
cinity ell of whom will regret should
they' finally decide to locates else-
where and when they get through
looking round we 'hope they will
finally !determine to locate' either in
Sea,forth, Egmondrville, among the
friends and epenes of 'their eaelier
4Seaftrty and Brussels.—Mr. M. G.
Cameron, 6YI. P. P.,t who is interest-
ed in the Heron and Bruce Electric
Hallway, in.mompany with'. Mr. Pet-
.erson, zoniulting engineer fors the
last ton &heir Nvatyl tot Brussels. The
object of these gelnelemeaa was to
go, over !the wouttel between Sea.forth
and ;Brussels to !spy ,ctut tbe lend
with the view tot thei eonstruction
of an electric 'road between these
two points to ,connect, with the new
While here Mr. Cameron and Mr.
Peterson had an informal conference
in the eouncil room with Mayor
Cluff. the members or the town
council and a, number' of citizens
with !reference, to ehist echente. The
project is, es yet, thosvever in its
inoipient stages and nosthirig defi-
nite loan be said about it. .1731it if the
C. B. or any other .company with
the necessal7y capital to ceurry it
out take a hold of it and mean bus-
ineSS, they, will find Seaforth ready
and willing to ao its full share,
whatever that may be. We want
and require additional railway; fa-
eilities and whatever company', or
corporation is prepatred to meet our
wants in this respect may depend
upon trbeeiving all 'the aid we. should
possibly give them.
County. Rifle Me.tolf.—The
!shooting metch for the trophy; at
Blyth .on aay 24t -h: was participated.
in by teams fr,oni the following As-
sociations in the County League:
Godeeich township, Goderich town,
Blyth. At the 2.00 yerde eange Blyth
and doendesboro led off and. the fox -
Mel: mem by 5, Oaptein McCominins
Makirtg 21 tout of a possible 25, as
did Thomas Lee, of 'the Londesboro
team. Then • Auburn end Goderich
township tea me ghat t oge thex, the
latter winning byr 10„ D. Patteesono
of ;Auburn, Making '21. Goderich and.
Brussels followed, Godericli win-
ning by 15. When the Sanford :Learn
sh.ot, 1.T. Goldthorpe made 20. In
the 400 yards range the same teams
shot, and tor both ranges the higilae
est eceree wane: Thos. Lee, Londes-
eombe, ;Godexich township, 38 cede
Goderich township won first by 331,
liondesbero 317, Auleure 309, and
Blyth 296. iArrangemerits were merle
for. ta ma.tch. at the Point Form on
July 1st. Mlle best marksman of e0.01i
na some run hit° quite a lot of money.
But you wet etaend your money ex -
big money's w:orth here if there ever
was anywhere;
prove what we koli you vvhen the mas-
a ion arrives.
John B-ulger,
anvas shoes for men, boys and children,
Travellers. —The following were
toketed to distant points this week
y W. Somerville, railway 'and steam -
hip agent : '');Ir, John Kale to De-
troit ; the ;Beaver Lacrosse Club to
delegate to the, General Assembly
rt to*Chicago, vie boat frorn Owen
ancouver, *to spend the sum.mer
with her sister, Mrs. M.olifillan;
v. IE. ,A. Savers, of Brucefield to
lifton Springs, N. Y.; Mer. and Mrs.
alcolm McKay to Philadelphia and
tlantio City ;ear. Pu Jolis to Sault
Ste Maxie ; Mes. G. 2, Henderson to
s eliding a couple of weeks with
The Goderioh-Efullett School Case.
The appeal of Thos. Churchill a-
inst the award of the curbitrators
pointed by the county council,
me up free heering in the court
Toronto, before Tsfr. Justice Ang-
, on lYfonday, On behalf of MT.
urchin it was m.oved to set aside -
vaxd of arbitrators whereby we-
n seotion No. 4 of the townships
of Goderioh .and Hullett was dissolv-
e and a new mien seotion formed,
d certain iots not in Union School
g ound that when the award eves
ade five yeaxs had not elapsed from
t formation of Union School Sec-
t on No. 4, and upon other gxeunds.
gunaent was hefted by counsel on
Loeal Briefs.—We notice that Miss
t of this town,haS been engaged
%assistant, teacher in the Zarich
blic echool. Miss Beet is a clever
ung ;lady end a good. iteache,r and
;Zurich "trustees have 'not mede
y imietake in engaging her.—Mr.
mimed Ilerrieg, of Chicago, 'an old
lend of the Creswell ;family in
T ekersmith; was the guest of Mr.
Edwin Clesswell fon a. few daya
t is !week. Mr. Herring is an 'cold
11 wspaper man o.nd for several years
e as editor end propeieter of the
Peaxt, Jae old end. respeeted resident
of Exeter, was in town last Friday
Stewert.—Xesses. Earl and Gareet
a,nless, eons, of Mr. John Wankss,
.o Vaxna, ovhile visiting their sister,
t °le a turn et fishing in. Silver
'0. eek ten ;Mr. Turnbull's faam and
eke the eytes of the expert nimrqd
N Wk. -' They captured .a 'obeautiful
eekled (ttout which measured 14
i cites in length • and. weighed •one
F. inier. our new photographer., met
w th a severe and 'unfortunate ac-
cident .which will lay him ep for
some time. He was standing iu i3.13,
G-t.11211'S Istore en Feidary last, and in
ing a, bone in one of his legs.—Mrs.
Fielayson, sr., left on Tuesday_ for
e" lt her sister who ;resides there.
w 11 wish her a prosperous voy.age
end a pleasant visit.—Mre. Harry
Stearart and little son lett on Tuee-
day tor ;Toronto, on a visit to Mrs.
Stewart's perental home.—Mr. end
M s. John !Schnell, ef the 14th con -
co siert !of. Hay, spent Monday night
in town. Mr. and Mrs.. +Schnell had
:bean on a driving trip through the
contity of Oxey, seeing- the country
anfrl visiting friends by the way, and
i were ion &he ToCtUrrn trip when here.
Ba.rring the rain, they had a veal.
sen, of Toronto, spent Sunday here
with this feather -in-law, Mr. D. D.
Wilson.—Rev. Mr. Carswell, of Duff's
clberroh, ilVIcKillop, !preached in the
, in the absence of the paistor,
v. ;Mr. IBirles„ who was at the
rrance„ of this town, who, al -
tilt -ugh 83 ye a rs of a ge, is still
qu te active, called at The Expesitor
bite. We IhOpe our old friend may
sti 1 be long spared to continue such
co panel sof the 33rd Huron Regi-
ment, aecompanied by the Tegi-
tan Wilson, kft on Tu.esday for
Lo don, to put in their annual drill
th. ee. They are a very creditable
lo king body, of young men, and
loelred tspick 'and .span in their new
fractueed this leg a few weeks ago,
g. nicely, land is now able to sit
end. !get around. by the aid of
tches.—The annual meeting of the
th (Huron Farmers' Institute will
be theld at Hensel]. to -morrow, Sat-
rday.—All !should bear in mind the
4 ateliers' OBxoursion to 'Guelph, on
the e0th tinst.—Mr. James Bergin wee
in town this week, sporting a. sprain -
d 1 ;ankle, which makes him ignite
anr.—IYIr. Alex. B. Smillie, Tu.eker-
in 1 year ‘in medicine ;at Toronto
n ieesity.—Mr. J. Wesley Beattie
eu.roliased frora Mr. A. M.
lea 'bell, one ef .the 'handsomest rigs
lhave yet eouno to town. It is
; Stretheone trap," with rubber
with feelin.gs of 'deep regret, com-
mingled with Isincere sympathy,that
we mooed elle death of Mr. Thomas
Mniphy„ of Seaforth, which took
place at the ,hercuei of his daughter,
Monday, May 29th, after a very
brief !illness. Although 88 years of
age,1 Mr. Murphy was !active until
within a few weeks of his death,
when the went for a few weeks
to %enjoy, the hospitality of hie sons
and; !daughters in the countxy, but
.ka.sotsaiddenly, taken when only a
few days in. th.eir Midst. Mr. Mar -
was horn in. the eounty of Car-
low; Ireland; and came to this coun-
try!, in 11847, settling on a. farm in
the "township lof Hibbert., Ile was
one of the leading, influential citi-
eon.% Of oommunity, end like
,InanY other.s of the pioneer class,
he rose, !rapidly, to euocess. About
sixteen years ego he ;retired from
actiVe Aervice on the farm, making
his home in Seafo.rth; Wheee he, aLeo
had a wide eirele of friends. Ills
declining years were bxightehed by
the devotion of his wife, who, hav-
ing sttained a tripe Old ege, is still
tenacious of aife. Deceased was in-
terred an St. Columban tremektery on
Wed.nesday, May "31et. The funeral
service was held in St. Coluralaan
ohurch, being performed, by Rev.
Father McKeon. He is eueeived by
a. ,wife, three Sons and five. daugh-
ters,' He was a good, kind, con-
scieetious, true man and his memory
wee be long cherished by many out-
side el his intimate tawny, oonnec-
Death; of !Mr. Wallace.—The
- depatith from Winnipeg,
Manitboba, dated 'June 5th„ appea.red
in the palters on Monday : " Driven
46, a ferraer, livieg five miles east
of !the city, blew ;his brains =out Set-
urday evening :with a shotgun. Wal-
lace was sick in bed and while Mrs.
Wallace twqs out he ,criawled out of
bed, !secured loaded shotgun, and
placing tthe !muzzle in his mouth dis-
cherged it." Mx. iWellace, the gen-
tleman here rekterreft to was well
known in %this vicinity. He was a
Sern 10f the late Samuel Walbece of
Tuckersmith', and his mother, .and
brother !still reside on the old home-
stead. Mrs. Wallace is a daughter
lace was extensively= engaged as a
builder and contracter. Albout 14
:years ;ago the wemoved to Winnipeg,
took ne a farm near the eity and
-continued to work wt teade
a. jbuilder And was doing well. He was
H TO 131J.
YOUR SUMMEIk OUTFIT to the best advantage may come to you at this.
season of the year. Let us remind you that we axe specialists in Ladies'
Outfitting. Not only do we excel in all the latest Dress Goods
Novelties and summer Wash goods, but in the smaller datails of
Ladies' Apparel we also carry a complete assortment.
Our summer supply of Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,
Underwear and .Whitewear is now in stock ready
for your inspection. See our whitewear spec-
ials corset covers 300, underskirts 75p,
and nightgowns at $1. Tan and
fast black hosiery from 10c to
500 per pair. No better
value anywhere.
v gals
ice Tuesday and paid ;his tlnrty;-
tennu.al subscription to The
positor and his 'fiftyefirst annual
spription Ito the Toronto Globe,
ohly ionce daring all these years
he aniss paying it on the very day
eves due in..adeance, and. on this
ptional time he wes butt one day
et i
Ctollegiete Shooting Competition.—
The following is the list of the
scores made by the veriou_s high
sehools and Collegiates in shooting
corapetition for the shield presented
St. Thomas
Mt. Forest
•Goderich and Guelph were enter-
ed in the eompetitiem, but did• not
Thomas Collegiate Institute Cadets,
wins the 410 prize( donated by Mr.
Beck for the highest individual
A zoo'
A co
Does not . the rainy
weather we are subject to
these days suggest to you the
idea of purchasing a rain coat 1
We have a beauty on sale at $5.00 while •
others run from $3 to $15. The styles and
prices are right. Come and see for yourself. We
have ready -to -put-on skirts from $2 to $10 find our new
muslin waists are wonders. For 75c we can give you a Blind -
some muslin waist and at $1, $1.25 and .$1.50 we have them
with embroidered fronts and elaborately trimmed with lace and inser-
tion. For the children our dainty white muslin dresses are just the thing
at from 75c to $4.50. We cordially invite you to call and we shall deem it a,
pleasure to serye you in any way, and remember for
dollar in
which a
the best
Come an
duce :
150 Men's
200 Me
175 Me
75 Mtn s
115 Men's
75 "
The E. BleFAUL
Dry Qoods Co.,
well, of the Bluevele. road, left last
week on a holiday trip which will
take them through the United States
to California, and feom there to Van -
weaver and back CLOTOSS the contin-
ent by, the Canadian route. They
will spend two ori, three months on
the doorney.—Revn iW. J. West will
High Court meeting of the 0. F.
at Genanoque, next week. Mr.West
also %attends the G -enteral Assembly
of the Rxesbyterian. church at King-
ston. Mr. John- B-uegess, high and-
•itor, will be present at the High
Court meeting aed is visiting in To-
aonto and. Owen Sound on the wayt—
Miss Lena Wolfe died eaddenly at
her home in Tuenberry on Saturday
morning. She contracted diphtheria
while in Brussele and ethortly after
being taken home the ettack result-
ed fatally. The funeral 'MIS held on
Satin' day afternoon, the interment
being made in the Blu.evale ceme-
tery. Rev. W. 'J. West Iconclueted
serviee.—Miss Edna McDonald, of
Molesworth, was visiting at Mr.
George McDonald> this week.—Mrs.
W. J. West and Rena, Willie and
Jamie West are visiting in Whitby,
—Mr. Roy Mason -ill with. inflam-
King and Harry McHardee Gode-
rich, drove to Bluevale on Sunday
afternoon for a day's visit.
Lumley- Notes.—The fine weather
;of the past few days is making ev-
erything IgrfOW end the farmers
sraile.—Mrs. C. E. Harney last week
visited Iher daughter, Mrs. G. Col-
well, lof Bervie, who presented her
husband with twin daughters:—
Road work is the order of the day.
—The tr.ement %Building Bleck Com-
business.'Xr. Whit/OA ;received two
emoders in lone dayelast week and- one
the next Cement blocks are the
, coming building material end the
1 people lase not $10* to reeegniZe 4
Seaforth, Ont.
good- (thing ;when they, see it.—The June Ist.—Mr. 'James Wallis preach -
heavy wind 'and, rain stone, whrch ed an the Methodist eirtn=ch Sunday,
passed over this neighborhood the eVening, Rev. Mr. Snell being away.
first of the week, has done consider- at toonferenee.—Albert iVenstone,
able olteraage in unroofing barns, etc.
—The 'concert given by Mr. Kexshaev,
of .London, in school No. 10, On Mon-
day evening, was poorly attended,
owing to ;the reiny, evening.—Robert.
the youngest son of Mr. Thomes
Passmore, who has been ill the past
week, rsvith pneumonia., is'reetover-
ing.—The moving of Mr. E. Stone's
baxn by Mr. Treble, of Exetete, has
been gx.eatly. delayed. by the wet
weather.—Miss Blossom Anderson.
who has been ill for some time, is re -
yet tunable to attend school.—Mr.
and Mrs. Miller., of Bervie, at-
tended the wedding of Mrs. Miller's
iseice, Miss th Cann, of this place, on
Wednesday.—Me. and ars. Jas. And-
erson this week attended the wed-
ding of Mrs. Anderson's Isistex,Miss
M. A. Earl,'of London, to Mr.Squite,
of Whalen.
Notes.—Me. C. MoDonald,,e. for-
mer Bayfield boy but now antember
of !the sM,o1Donald end Willson firra,
Toronto, presented a beautiful eilver
baptismal bowl. lest week to the ses-
sion lof St. .Andrew's ;chi:I:mil, thus
completing the communion service
he presented • to 'the elaurch, two
yeaos ago.—Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Eg-
naond:ville, pxeaehled la very helpful
eermon at the preparatory' service
in St. lAndrevY's last week.—Mr. Wire
Whiddon. and taiAlly have (removed.
to %Goderich and- will, be very meich
missed in iBayfield.
For- the Ladles.—Don't forget the
cooking demonstration, which was
a„nnounced last week, to take place
in the town hall, on Monday. after-
noon, June 12, at half -past two. One
of the demonstrators, Mrs. Jean
Joy, will show how to nook several
kinds of meats ana vegetables and
Miss Shattleworth fsvill tell how to
mer fuse. As many as can do se are
lunch which the members of the In-
stitute will serve imraediately after
the afternoon session. In the even-
ing the tWo ladies will give achlreS-
ses on interesting topics and a short
programme will also be rendered
by the best local talent available.
A silver collection. will 'be taken at
both raeetings.
Breezes.—Mrs. Wesley Snell, of
Exeter, is the guest, of Mre. (Revoi
Snell and Mr. W. Seelt !spent Sunday. -
here. --Mrs. H. Darrow Was in. LOT1A-
don a few days last week.—Mr.
Saturday" after, a week's 'visit with
his eistee, Mee Little.—Kre H.
Little and family movet aiere last
week axidesetemed the Stacie route on
is still go
prim belo
Boys' p
II. McKay, R. Bailey and Misses F-
Fowlie, L. Elliott and L. and C. Er-
win -were at Soeforthl r aces last
week..—Our foot ball beaan met their
first defeet of the season kon Satur-
day evening et whee. the
tourtie 'and =last eoame of the seriea.-
was played. Our boys were eoneider-
best players were Unable to be pres-
ent and ethers .1:titcl to take unat-
customed positions. The wore was
3 to 0.-eMrs. lames Johnston is vise.
iting Sarnia.—Do not forget the
Dominion Day telebration Hay-
field. The icenninittee in eharge are
planing for la goiel day's sport One
event project -M.. fox the forenoon,
-on the squaxe le a, runal !school feet
ball ,competition 44or a valuable.
prize. !This genoCkWfor juniors ante.
should create easiderable interoata
Dots.—Miss Mary Dewar ot Kin-
cardine is the guest of ber aunt,
Mrs. Levi Makins.—Mr. joint MO--
•Naagitton cot Goderich 'this week.
attending the -county eolincil.—A.
special sermon for the Vereeters
will be preached in 'St. John's phurch
cat Sunday evening next at seven el.."
clock. The members of the order
will attend, the service in a body.—
Miss Tite was the gueet of Miss E..
Logan last week.—Mise` Kate Rum-.
ball is the guest of her sieter, Mrs.
Levi Ma_kins.—The many 'friends of
Mrs: James Keys, of tho Parr linee
will be sorry, to learn that she is
not enjoying good health.--Severar
of OUT young people attended. the
razes at Seafortlat on Friday, last.
Notes.—Miss Eyelyn or
lin last Ave,ek. Miss Darwin a gen-
eral favorite here.—The ground is
so lull of water after the reoeur
rains, that if tally more tOilleS S0011
it will 9204re to lie on top.—This being
the plonk spasm thie plaoe is can-
vassed by- no less' than six different
ladies from Clinton, Dublin, Brod-
beget), etc., each being in great neeor
of 'support, which they; got very lib-
erally.—Weddings are the order ot
the gay 11(Axi. theeed. of no less
than five heving taken place 021
Wednesday:. While if they lead waited
until ThurSday see what a fine daX
they would have had. looks it
the weather elerk 'poeuxe/- some ex.'
tra. just tor fun to try their tallegi-
Bole' BA