HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-06-09, Page 1t at - -"- knr-te spow.,womm, _ .s the ,ry thquisite. ging gnarl nd Oren- etian rectal). ..amaline or many others. )es from the warm, ex. d comfort um to be kist suits the o and 16c, and crop - pc are very polka spots id spots at hose dress- ady-to.wear E -BIG-11TEL NUMBER, --re" IldieLEIAN BROS., Publiebers and to meet e stook than est styles m. 'are- sure to: - It of stylish m 0.00 to - andlustros traost daily. and every de -- sing your very dol - DS CO. rllie. A few in some oases. ehanged hands 5estxd, and tei. gre removed for :11 or otherwise ;.s. The roll tas' as the revised the year 1905. :f the, court ot at for getter 101. concession James Robert- ni statute lab - 1 placed in div - 1,500 of debe3a- tt1on, issued for Lsing road mak- rring et 1.22 per repayable in 5 cats, were sold Seafotrtle at s preeented by and others in- -t the 10th, lith II.R.S., and tile ▪ S. which it is uct under the rses act, and as. ted would pass riseven lots, the. eouncit such as is re- cn of the rses act which hority to con - sufficient out - he pc:titian was tion passed as foimested ap- u no with a r the improve - n Harpurhey-. (Lunen to close 'used streets in village, which y useful as a "es, etc., and const r uet bag to ain street. carer ul con- , a ttcr ,as the le a good one. IfX Weill- ell sat -- iv% Arcount-i were L$156. The new rt,fal to start 29gh inst. The will bo held ft:1S, June 2ite Smillie, toe. McNair od- a Tuesday e:ven- _ fuer echoole. N4",. McNair. tweld ITtadtt a ir--,istlitee irk very kindly 'I1; hy .j.rjng t her hte-,..bend t. :2- • lie re --- 1 '24.! ,d2lesocial ti.,- 1yif. f fe- • church, On -prointed fer 1 h c- roe- - Women\ if it. The i 1.0. held . e. ',II let de- t„iiiff•xt 4 V. Ft I ti( -- Eel OE 0,:nnires fi,,hes for .1 :tie" In the of Toronto, tel its r(•Ia- eeet.iral edue eral seeakitr.; liferar3 pro - (1,11. weell 4 and :tes: sar.te.tattete FURS AND FURINTISH INGS 0, we're right after him. We want to put 'him one of our suits just for a trial. Our boys' suits g short of perfect suits, and we know he'll like E LL SELL NO TRASH. oth and good making in boys' suits earn their cost' fine. They cos1 a little more per suit, but less per d look better. Boys' suits in every knownstyle, om cloths of all patterns and colors. iaiIriceListSeiIing Now plain 2 piece suits, ill sizes, $1 75 Norfolk Jacket,. 2 piece suit, all sizes,- 2 25 tuck pleated 2 piece suit, all bizes. 2 25 blue serge 2 piece strapped suit, all sizes, 3 00 blue worsted 2 piece belted. suit, all sizes 4 00 3 piece suits, sizes up to 33 2 75 3 piece suits, sizes up to 33, worsted 4 50 fancy Russian blouse in tweed $2 50 to 4 00 fancy wash suits 1 50' to 2 50 odd knickers 25 to 75 sweaters 50 to. 100 AA•worrookowomAAAAAAAAAAA Raincoats needed more this season than ever before. flLtfli find women, boys and Is, all need these garments and at present prices there's, no reason why all should not have one. Look over the rides below One lot of Men's waterproof and mud proof, different shades, and all sizes,each Onein .lot of boys' and young 'es Raincoats, all sizes,' each One lot of women's waterproo coats, assorted shades and sizes "Otie lot of girls' waterproof coats, One lot of Women's Cravenette Ooa s $6.60 to $8, Oiie of /Ten's Raincoats, all sizes, regular $6, $7 and $8 coats, regular price each each each each 32 50 2 25-- 3 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 e prides quoted above do not cover the whole of our stock, but in these re are plenty of No. 1 coats, guaranteed to give excellent service. +44144.44444+INH+44,44 4 Leading Prices in Shirts. The Beavers Defeat New , York. The Beaver iacrosse team, of Sea - forth, on Saturday last defeated the team of the exegceet Athieitie Club of .Brooklyn, New. York, on the ground of the Ore:scent club in that city, by a soore of seven goals to foux. The Boavers went to New York on ithe jiiritation of tlie Cres- cent club, eine of Iargeet io chubs in •th t city. The Crescent club is the o ief expottent of Can- ada's hational game in the :United States and halve on different occas- ions defeated the best Canadian olubs and -just wecently defea:ted the Tor- onto Varsity teeth. This -2 viotary is a high honor for the BeaVers, and shows that° when it comes down to arnateue da.ctrosse the Beavers cans not be bea.ten. We heartilyt con- gratulate thera on their, victory. The New Yorkers were entirely oat elassed in every respect. The Beavers bad there. going all the time and duet/1g the latter 'paot of .the game played ." rag" with their op- ponents. /The line upof the Beavers was as follows: Mulcahy, goal; Pin-. ner, pohat• ; Bethune, ea -yew, point, Stewart, first defence: Orooks; see- ped defence; Barnsley, third defence ; Smith, -centre; iBroadfoot; third at- taok ; T. tIohnston, 'secoeul attack ; W. jeginston, first attune; McKay, outeide 11301:tle; Jackson (captain) ie - side' bome. The boys report an excel- lent and enjoyable trip. The Brooklyn !Eagle makes the fol- lowing referente to the game: For the first time this Season the leorosse team o'l• the Crescent Athletic Club yesteeday feel before the attack of an invading itWelve. The winners rwerei the Beavers of Seaford:I', Ontario, Canada, who de- feated the home players by'e, ,SCOre of 7 goals to 4. ITheyi were also - the ovititois in the first half by 6 _goals to 2. It was an ideal day for a game and s s than four thousand personss:journey to Bay Ridge to wit- ness the oontes . They were Mr4111 Te - paid, as the game, barring a little playing -fee time.on the pert of the Carvidaina, date in the second .half4 was ns pretty as alay of the season; The Ceneadia:ns tutened out to be a big strapping lot of fellows, who though they said they were oot in condition, outplayed end outgene,ral- ed the ,Grescente in a most ast-on- ishing way. The attack field -was unusually fast. Smith showed up well and so did -the rwo Johnston boys, while Capain Jackson, for a men of his weight, kept even de Casanova guessing. Down on the de. fen,ce side of centre, Stewart and Bethune both played well. The star of the eggregation, however, was Mulcahy, whose game before the net was in meek -ed 'with -est to the poor work of Rose. -the Ores. - cent's goal. Crescent started the scoringsoon after ...the whistle. Wall lauded- the first goal on a pretty shot, only tO home Smith of the efsiting teem tie t ,up two Min- utes later. O'Rourke was respon- sible or the second goal which was made after eight minutes of excit- ing play. Then the Seafortli team commenced to play in earnest and five goals-esneee tallied.by them be- fore the half .019sed. Pour of these were a:nade in t leree minutes, which gives an idea of the vapidity of the Canadian game. T'hese 'shots were made bY1 McKay,. T. Johnston, Jack- son, ISmith and MeXay. In the sec- ond period Jackson scored after throe Inainuttes of play. From • then on the Cresoenits tpok the aggres- sive, us the visitors did saothing but • kill time.. This style of play peov- •ed disastrous nal Wall scored twice this them 'more' before the game eq.ea.s- °hutch la not evitho The ,Sestforth Ra0(01. .1 tb,at the h The 'anneal sneeting of the- Sea- the aloo forth Toarkielub Was net& on th,eir. subject, la exCellent grounds on Therisday and the unto Frida,y, of lest,week, and was with- oonnectio out exception, tlhe best of teeny. good poeite in 144----ei ter 'as th s Controller, xate !meets held by, the club. weetber. on fftleuesdayl was perfect, and as a consequence the Itaxgeet adaTess lac first Ilay' crowd in the history of inegnifiee. t the races was present. Thursday; nine Cite te eight a slight rain fell, but by T moon on Friday. the sny wee again, ser,v,es ict• 'clear and the rain proved, e boon fume the by putting the tra,ok in the pink of /here is condition, and as on the previous itTenai s day, the errowd was a record b.reaker, year4. -the priveeds Ate both; daYs- =aching peria,nce •elese ton to a. thousand dollars. As ing dune well es being iaegely, attended there ciettes wes ja goodfield of horses :ill egEt011 ,1,/,04. take class and in the lot were many, fast: strong ra OXIBS. Tite, racigo, Loo, , wore elesele wbeele contested and (full of interest to tne eie ties ? large orcevd. The officers et the isertho, club, and paetioularly, the indefe- the ye tigable sectetaiy, bffr. '1.1J Broder- crease le ick, !axe to 'be congratulated on the. key vote dein suocess of thie.yeces.The follow - To ing tie tie score '2.50 Class. : mtount done la Brack Bird, Sheppard &' Wil- long cage leu,glaby; ,Toronto i 1 1 sme of Owen 1GrilIagner, tA. Bedferd, setae= Chatham 4 2 2 Rev. Darkey Hal, iV.T. Herods eyeeattaer,,sy Guelph! 2 S 3 form, I krzettViyalLeo, Boasehborq, . 3 4 4 strenu Mettle Chireet, F. W. Tatar, some 0. Seaferthi '5 5 5 and, Time 2.24 1-4, 2.24 1-2, 2.21 1.-2. finance fit's a swell shirt, with all the newest style,. kinks and pattern uncles, we can beat all competitors, because of our immense stock, to 171 The price for any of these 31 00 We can show you a range of Shirts in adittlet lower grade than ibe above, hat quite as nice to look, so large M range that it will Ihnitpuzzle you which to choose, sizes 14 to 17i. The price of these 75c or the semi-clrest and general knockabout working shirts, in dsrk alight colors, collars attached, soft.—the price of these 50c Our lowest price shirt for men and boys, is the light weight 1toUare4 shirt in flannelette, size 12i to 17. Price of this 25c V ***********************040 Our Straw Hata, from the nobby new styles in dress straws, down to the brim and medium wide brim, in sun shades, contains nothing but the 'best. Sailor shapes are probably the leaders in fashion, *es for these Everiother style shown in good range at prices Bun Shades in all sizes Our. 25c to $2.25 50c to $2.00 10c to 25c - 0 -Butter and. Eggs taken as cash. oirviookikowovv~Movvitowykft Greig & Stewa Johnson giros.' Old Stand, smPoit'xiit. •Th8 Largest Clothing and Fur Store in Western Ontario , Honnesekers' Excursion to Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest. Going Dates, June 13th and 27th and July 15th. Odfor Two Months with stopover allowed anywhere going or returning 0 ..A.TME3 .A.S H'01.a..30WS:..... Manit 1 .eits ha, and return 8 30 00 Yorkton, Assinaboia and return $ 33 00 lusg, Manitoba, and return 31 50 blooseis,w, Assinaboia, arid return 334 00 ft, Aesinalxua, and return 33 00 Regina, heinabeia, and return 3 75 Mitaitoha landeeturn 31 50 Calgarry, Alberta, and return 38 50 Assillaboie, and return .12 50 hdmontoo, Alberta, and return 40 50 -PuMeraber that these are C. P. R. excursions and you should buy your e„tfrom a C. P. R. agent akd make sure of all the priveleges agreed upon, i„ 1-r all particulars and maps and. phampletselte. apply tc 2.2a ;01 ss. Dell Bars, C. Fk, Ben . Forest Col. Hunter, TI. Honsall Oollingwood (11,0tokee, Blackbird, IShepperd Willoughby, ',Toro Etattie ff/a ‘guson,'Jj Teesw Billy, A., air Listotwel Time, 2. 1-4,,2,2 2.16t• i Cl ett, i1 1 dock, 3 2 3 Nevilles, Collangw od ' 4 3 2 Wisdom Etng, Tavistopk 1 Bertha W., �. Mah TisianordonKto eswiek, Willoughby, .Thep Single D., Dr. Man Mitchell Happy, Meek, ckson, Toronto Time, 2.19, 2.29, 2.19 34. Free' F In All. to 2 4 1 Coxbett, e 5 6 5 6 5 5 14, 2.20. 1-2. • 1 1 1 5 2;2 pprted & to 2 4 3 ere 3 3 4 Texas tRooker, Coilingwood Helen, It., J. FM Toront Cleopatra, F. IGnes North Bay! Old Maid, A. Bedf Chatham. Time,fa.16 .14, Ju ges—Ed. Wilrese Rya Br Is, St ter-oletr. S evilles, 1 1 '2 2 2 IWALL PAPER' WE EXTEND YOU A CORDIAL INVITATION TO VISIT.US, and see our now aelection of Wall Papers, Ib outolaeses anYthing we have ever at- tempted, either in low or better grades. Many fine patterns are so beautifully color- ed that they are at once an interest to the critic, and will be a continued delight to the purohaster. Ango our moderate prices will enable you to decorate the home at small expense with varied yeti harmonious effects, and thus add to thig pleasure of ing in it. ...- ALEX. WINTER, SEAFORTIL, Picture framing a Specialty., long the dine. Membership, 48,636; '4 5 5 inereage, 123; missionary, "ineome, $4,409; W.. M. 8. income, $3,848; total' missionary, $8,893; total con- • nexiontal !funds, $74,840; ter oircuit pueposee, $240,749; loner *new 1 churches end eight new parsonages *have been-lbuilt at a -coat of $50,000; grand total, 4450,653; increase, $9- . '594. 3 3 3. d, .151 3-4, 2.17,1-2. hristie. Exeter ; itchell; P. Scott, iten Buffalo. Cortferenoe. ting of London Methodist church. k itt Listowels The Lon40 The lamina' Confereeee of till was 'held last w Offi e Elected.. ., of kineardine, was el- , On the lpfirst all•ot, Rev. Joseph Philp, B. eot.ed p iderft. Among these -re- ceiving 0. oi iderable ;vote for president*Rev. David Rog'. sli;e:rlWdR/13.1 / Going. .k vote for a secretary of the Contexe,n(le esulted in the el- ection of Bov. L. A. Fear; of Am-. herstburg• Pev I. B. Wallwin was elected assista t secretwry. Fol- lowing the elect on Of °Miracles came a deputation o the town council headed be tifty. Watson, extending a cordial Iweleo e on behalf of the citizens of Listo el. The St- IdMan Case. Considerable time was spent lin the investigat.n of a charge of broach of proiiise against Rev. T. A. Stead o Point Edw-arcl. The "mthe melte-lige re ported that whilst p canted to consider there was ley dence to show that there had bean a violation of a con- tract Wein; rr circumstances "jus- tified the b ing o the p,rognise. The Canfere e refused to accept the finding of the committee, and demanded to sear the evidence in the case in °rear to reach a, judi- cial conclusion and avoid any sus- picion of un ul favoring the accused minister. The report of the com- mittee was ul in:lately upheld. The a eperence Rally. It * The Con er nee terapor.ance ser- vice held o hu.rsday evening was the most 1 g ly-attended of any of :the publ c etherings. Perhaps -this was pa tl a crionted for by the presence of M . F. S. Spence, of To- eonto, on- o the epeakers, ,of the evening. Toe newly elected presi- dent, Rev. J. :e1i Philp, 13. 0., oc- cupied the ohlir and preeided with dignity an wisdom. The first e ress on the quelition was one •' 4eiv. II. D. Moyer, of . Moyer 'gated that " The Methodist 'd the Saleon." It was t reason, he declared, d united the ohu.tch and h1 tne wording of his d he proceeded to ehow t u ate and incortsisteat tween things ISO op- eir spirit and charac- loon and the ehutrah. Elpeece, in rising to [audience, was given a reception .ana a gen- qua salute. Mr.S,pence e resent Government de - di for an attempt to en - p esent license law. But . eed for a eepitition of as'on effatts of by -gone n Imuch more rreal eem- vo k was done .th,an is be - no ." The temperance so - is it What they once were. ti- tempetranee societies as see were ten years ago. our Band of Hope So - I few tministexs preach 2 temperance once clueing There has been. en 'in - pen cent. le the whis- mg' Of •ouir Oa.nadian people. you way does not a - to much, unless, you have t Ideal mare than that the diay of voting," was Spence'e 'cloating pointed ( . Chown, of Toronto, pee- ohibition and moral ee- en .outline of the pest k. He said his was a life; he had travelled ,000 !miles, dutring the, year, ki g at thei work froaeth,e ide, said wertvero not on He serged -the Confecrenee the matter ef local op- isansilip must 'give way deeper sense of loyalty. be represents is a buxetau III ; tion, Touching the pol- ue.:tion, twa are on the Way • , . things. He emphasized eivlege of local option 'and n the question of gambling islation being enacted to with bo.okinaking on the ks of the county. He anishment of. the bar was ans to an end. Probibition inal goal of alb temperance s. Conference appreciated tbe Chown :by a strong re - artily Carried. �r. Gtriffitli and W. j. Gra- ; B. IA.,, ,of Monteetal wore ed end Ilatappile adcleeseed thrs ceo REM STEWART, Agents, 0. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Dominion. Express Agents. - 2.25 Class. Ore Wilkes, ,jr, C. Brother Stratford , 3 1 e War, B. Ward, Toronto 1 2 4 Never' Again, C. W4 Karn, Berlin 2 5 2 Topsy, Simon, A. Bedford, Chatham. 6 3 4 Miss Breakaway, 'tiV. Hays', Kingston "5 6 6 Riley, 113., H. !Scotto • • Toronto ' 14 Time, 2.30, 2.29 14, 2.29 11-2, 2.20 1- ' 2.19 Class. Irene 0/, Bedfogrd, ' °bantam '4 1 .Easter Sunday, i'Ar• Knight 'Stratford 1 i 4 Billie P., A. Murdock, Markdale 2 2 1 2 Ma,ytell, A. Hays, Kingston I 3 3 3 4 Maud Keswick, Sfi'eppard & Willoughby, oront o Time 2,20„2e19 1-4, 2.19 1-4, ' 2.2 2.20 0-4. , / 1,• t , . -the aloe to tak 21 lbe.Tlitswe 'oef. of int 46 saitnidalt 3 the to be • adi:s°o ktaew y 5, ,do t * Said the only m was it 'e work work [of solution Rev Utraoncl;i Gonf 1 1 t jtfinisters' Stetions, ' The following are the chang-es in this distript: Wingbern, T. •It, Gundy, La D.; Gcerie, C. P. Wells, B. D.; Ripley, B. Idettgliford; Bethel* J. C. Poraeroya Whitechurcti, S. C. Edmund , Clinton, (Ontario _street), W. LE, 'Kerr; Baerfield, T. A; Stead- man; Elimenle, H. J. Fait; jKippen, W. .Baugh; Creditoza, W. 3. And- rews; twain, j. E. Holmes; ',Wood - hem, Baettett. year, at Wind -see. The Oota___4_._fere.nce is to meet next Huron Notes. --John Straiton has suoceeded his father, Alex. Straiten* as Stab:0A agent at Goderieli. —A little three Year old daughter of Dr. Hohnei, of °Clinton, fell the other clay, and broke her arm. • —The/ manY friende of Mrs. {Rev.) Baker, of Walton, will sympathize with her in the death of her father Dr. Ilarrvey, .of Wyoming. —Adam Goenyie of Wingleam, hes passed his examination at the ;College of Pharmacy, Toronto, standing 8th in the honor list. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road, neer Wingbam, have gone on an extended trip to the western States and Western Oana.d.a. —John Coultes, third line, Morris, Vas purchased a fine Shorthorn thoroughbred bull, imparted from England by W. 3. „Biggins, of elin- ton ; it is ,a really, magnificent eni- mal. —Mr. David Oantelon, The well- known fruit dealer i of Clinton sus - 'that the early plains are gaearly all killed, and that the early chorales hive also suffered severely,. The - apples, though,t are seareely, if at all, damaged. --- --Thomas Jackson, a forme r tree- ident 'of Clinton, was accidentally snot at Penahroke reoently. He was taking a eifle out of a e.anoe when it _discharged and the bullet enter- ed, this abdomen. He lies geixeet died from ithe efifeets of the .Wcident. —Quite a number of farmer e in the South side nf trsborne, have had sheep worried by dogs during Vhe last week. Among those who lost were Quentila • Betrryhill, Herman Kyle, Frank Cornish and Abner Ful- ler. The latter was the heaviest loser, having Jost eleven in all. —Mrs. Walter Hicks, sr., of Gode- rich township, died at the residence of her ,son in Go.derich, on May 26th, after an illness of several months' duaga.tion. Deceased was 80 years 'of age. She was a native of -Devon- shire, England, and had been a tretsi- dent of Goderich township for a. - 'Out 'fifty. years. ---,Mrs. A. Morris, who is over 40 years of age, 'left Clinton en Iffon- clay, of last week ,for the Norithwest, but when she retched Huntsville 'it was found the journey was mare tha,n she ceould stend; she was tak- en- off the teain andi 'placed under the doctor's care, and the friends in 'Clinton notified. —The good people of Mount Oar-. mel in the township of Stephen have the material on the ground for the ereptien of ,a new $5,000 school building this summer. It will be provided with all the modern im- provements and couvereenees and when com,pleted bif a credit to the enterprising aiepplle -of the see- timl--Owing to ill health Rev. S. M. Whaley bus tendered his aresigna- tion ae pastor of the united ,cherges of St. Helens and East Ashfield. His people will regret very much! to Lose such a good minister, not to - speak of the eXtre,me good will thak has always existed between pastor and people since Mr. Whaley's in- dection. about fen years ago. . —George Gwynne died ,at the House Of Refuge on Saturday last, Aged 78 years. 'He came'from Wingham, and had been an inmate of the House for some time. He wtas a pain inmate, having turned OVOT )is pension from the British Government of ninety &niers a year to the county. His remains wetre laid away, ip Clinton cemetery. --Mary R. Findlater, formexly of Mor.ris township, who hes been studying medicine .in the Women's Medical College, of Pbilladelphia., was g.raclueted kora that institution as Doctor of Medicine on Wednesday, May 17th, Dr. Il!indlater- goes to Boston in July as resident physician in one Of the best equipped- hospit- als of New England. —There -died in, Whitechureht on Thursday, May 25th, one of the most esteemed resident* of that place, in the person of Mr. William John Kew, in his, 69th year. He bad not been in robust health of late, bat the news of his death came as a shtick to the community. The late Mr. Kew was a native of Norwich, Norfelk county, England, having been b,orn there ir_ 1836. He came -to Canada in 1857, and since then has been in the terqpioy of the Grand Trunk Be.ilway C:ompany. In 1863 lie married Miss Anme Welsh '2 the family came to Whiteehurch, where Mr. Kew has eince ,been the capable and effitiont agent of the G. T. R. He Nvias a erominent mem- ber of th.e Methodist churoh,, and took an active interest in -the work of that body. For the past twenty- eight years hea hes acted in an offi- • capacity, in the Church at NVihite- church. He leaves a widOw and fam- ily of ten to mourn the loss of ekind and affectionate husband and fathe,r. —On Monday of lest week, Mr. D. S. Cook, of Clinton, met with an ac- cident which might lave been of a serious nature. Be was;helping to rernorve a stove. from Gentelon's store, end. while it was being lifted from the hack platform p his dray, the platte,rm collapsed w1 Mr.Cook partly underneath. His ribs and leg ail. Mr, Butt purchased a cow, a. were badly bruised, but fortunately very fine specimen of the breed ea?.d there were no breaks. a big prize winnee serval time.% * Ge Olen, of INInghatn, a travel- good company. er, wes'passing thr,ough, the znarket lame gin London, Monday afternoon. Canada. during ilea progress of a. heltv..Y" —The Orange Grand lodge have windetorra, ivben a. homed from 0, decided to aneet next year in Toron- scaffold was blown down, striking to. There was a strong pull from him. He was !removed to the hos- pital, where - his injtrries We're Sault Ste. Marie but Tor -onto wen. —Some erheet Medicine liat dis.„ found to be of an internal nature, trict is 24 incites high. Weather eon - and it ie expeeted en operation maY". (Helens throughout the welt, are id - be neceesary in a few. 4days. —A pretty May wedding caused a eiya,hiweinthd. tehetrognrgaibnuidsgrowing rapid- fdleunteeterof Wof.-Hex.eanitedmmenrts.avrt atth,soen.res5t1h-, Loess alas been —M.r. Henry, C,orby's distillery bus- eonverted into a lira- co'ncession. Morels, on Wednesday, ited liabillt ycompany. The incor- porator§ are 1YEr. Corby, Mrs.. MarnigOotby, Mies Alice Maud Cor- by., 'Belleville; Mrs. Matilda Maria Laidlaw, iToronto, and Helen. nose O'Hara, Ottawa. The ca,pittie stock plated at $1,500,000. There is inter° money in whiskey making, than, in whiskey drinking. —The .alt Horse Show, held list 'week, Wasthe most sueoeseful of the, five annual shows held theze._ Two thousand Spectators attended. The grand etund ma's ocoupied by,- women. ins becoraing zostumes. The Hon. Adam iBook, of London,' was present witle a string of 17 .bores, while Mesere. Gray ,So Murray, of Toronto* . had ta string of 13 -.ramble steeds. Enth;uilasm prevailed as eaolgoevent was. put on. —Mr. Dyment, of Barrie, was the largest winnex Nth& Ontario jockey, Club meetihg held in ronto' with Mr. Seagram 'second. Together they 1W031 abOut $17,000 Of the purses. distributed by the elub an indisputable evidenee of the faot that lin anost years ,Canadian farmed horsee,tean fairly hold their Own a- gainst the viiitors. Dyment has tabout $9,000 to his oredit due chiefie it o iZongor4er's splendid.' vie- tqries. —Charles Stephene, a former resie dent of Windsor, now employed- on the Southe.en Paoific, in California, came home after an iabsentae, a sev- eral yea= tio visit' relatives, bring- ing evith &ion his bride aged 22 years'. On Tu.estlayaMiet. Stephens was taken ill, and was Xemoved to the hospital, where she gwas operated upon for in- testinal itroubles, 8he died the same evening. Mr. Stephens took the (remelts batk with him to pall- fornie. A sa.a. home going. John iMeEwen,. who for sev- eral Wears has been acting under the an -vides of the Presbytery of Tor4 ant° as a visitor to the •BeeSbylter- ion hospitals in Toronto, dita last Friday at Lakefield, where he had. been in elarge of a Pxeiby.texian congregation. Mr. IftEaven was for many years intimately zonnected with. Sabbath school work in the Province. Re ;was one of the. rst graduates tram. Knox College, onto, and Mae over. 80 years of —It understood irdmi -Qt that the bill te amen'd the etinainal node, So as to p-revent th,e manage - anent of treeing eseociations from be- ing prosecuted for betting on the $1 a 'Tear in Advance. nine o'elock, to assist itt the work of eaerying some rims down. He brought the firet loasi down and had a second load in readiness to carry, down, when he stepped on a thin partition, eausing bile. to fall to the floor beneath, a distance of a- bout ten feet. Mr. Aikenhead. fell head. downward, causing a hone at , the back of the skull to be broken. - It was at first thought the injury would prove fetal, but Mr. Aiken - head recovered consciousness About noon, and no serious results are now fared. —Mr. E. Butt, of the Base line; Hullett, and Gel. Vercoe, of Col - were itt Sairllia last week, and bought Mr. W. R. ateavett's heed of Polled -Angus -cattle, eighteen, in May 24th, at 12.30 p. 01.1 when Isaac' Jackson, of Ilensell, was uhlted in neaerlage to their third dagghter. Miss Mabel S. The interesting -cer- emony was .perfarmed by Rev. A. E. Jones, of BeIgnase, arid was witnes- sed by the immediate friends Qt the bride and- groom. —A happy event took place at tite gome 3fir, George 1/fillex, Goderich township, on May 24th, when his daughter, Miss Ida, was married to Mr. BellrY, Steep. The ceremony WAS performed by, Rev, F. Swann, in the presence of a nambetr: of guests. Both beide and groom are populer erne* people, who have the best wishes of all for their. future hap- piness. They take up their residence on t he Simons norm, which Mr. Steep laas rented. .—On May 24th, two of Stanley's popular young people- joined heart and hand. The, groom was Mr. 3. Boyce, jr., of the Bronson line, and the bride, Nellie' lialtexadaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs... Wm, Baker. The oe:remony was performed in Seafortle Mr., and Mrs. Beyee Mt for a short trip to eastern _points, when 'they. will bake 'up their Tepi,-. dence ,on. Mr. Boyee'e farm, Bron- son ,line, Stanley. We join with their. many friends ba avish*g them joe and happiness. —The late Luke B. Jaeobs, of East Watwanosh, left ea bequest .of $6-.- 400 to the Yukon and Northwest Mis- sions of the Methodist chard:h. The mobey has been paid over, to the church by his son Mx. A. H. -Jacobs. —After a pa-lora:acted illness there passed Away Ork Wednesday of last aveek, at. the xesidence,of heir eon, Mr. .3. T. Curie, Winghton, Ann Coenyn, :relict Of the late Datvid Cur- rie, who passed over the stream ineny years ago. -The deceased lady was one of the earliest settlers ef the vicinity, ooraing to Winghi333. When the country was an almost un- broken forest. To da' this was to bear no small bardehe and to endure many privations. She was a native of Deta.nd, and came to Canada, w -hen quite young. She was 77 years of age. —The financial reports at the ad- journed Easter vestey meetings of the English cherchee in the Myth parish. shows a eonsiderable increase ell round. The surplus at the Bieth eppointraent was $53.19; at the Bel - grave. appointment $35, and at the Auburn appOintment $17.50.`The war- dens eleeted' are as, follows: Blyth —Messes. Feank lYietcalf and T. W. Scott; delegate to Synod, Frank Metcalf. Belgra.ve—Meors. B. Mc- Murray a.nd Henry jehnsiin; dele- gate to Synod, Mr. Its McMurray. Auburn—Messrs.' J. W. Medd and Wm Bamford, delegate to Synod,Mr. Thomas Woodcock. The reeeipts and disbursements for the Blyth ap- pointment were $687.22, and $634.03 eevectively. —The anniversary, services- of the laying of the corner stone of the handsome new church. at St. A.ugus- tine, were ;held Sunday_ last, May 28th. Fine weather and' large, con- gregations morning and everting contributed to make it a success Rev." G. R. NOrthgraves, of Seaforth, editor of the Ca,tholic Itecord,preach- ed at both: services and delighted all by, his powerful and eloquent setr, MOM. The text of the .anuivepsary serraon was from Aggeus 8, 10; and the speaker dwelt mainly .ukcon the .w-orship of God, and the duty azad obligation of man to adore and sertve his creator. A good many visikors from neighboring towns we,ra present, inoluding Winghim, Goderia, Blyth and Iiucknow. Al- together the del, was 'very gratify- ing to the pastor, Rev. Father Han- lon, and the voluntary offering was both handsome and generous. —The handsome brick reeidenoe of Mr. Daniel Coughlin, Inspector of Weights and Measures, situated on the town line, between Stephen and, 1 McGilliee y, ahout two miles east of Mount Ca tael, was totally destroyed by fixe o Thursday night of last week. , e• fire originated ort the kitchen roof, from a spark from the chimney. A stiff breeze was blowing at the time, consequently, the flames soon's-woad to the main part of the dwelling, and all was soon reduced to the, ground. Mr. and Mrs. Coughliar were Away at the time, but a number of 'neighbors were soon on the seene, aria succeed- ed in saving conelderable of the con- tents of the lowea. part of the house, but. all in the upper part were de- stroyed. This vves one (if the best houses and peettiest homes in the neighbonhood. track will he eleopped. Betting on. rape ttracks is now permissabie,lint while 'this is so, there is a elausein the triminel; code eegerding betting - 'houses which does not exempt track management, and it was to make this ,ela.use conform to the other :that Ole bill was introduced by. Mt- Bszreau, of Three Rivers. It pas- sed theoug.h aonamittee end etands, for 431.. third realiipg, but it will not /likely. be hea:rd of again at this sess1:041. —The deeth took plecetevere sud- denle,lest, Saturday evening of 3Ylksst Osla . Olouston, -eldest daughter of 'Mr.. E. Cloustoe, General Man- ager of the Benin of Montreal. MTS. 'Clouston end ihOr two daughters re- turned .1! rim 'Emote the day, before, leaving Mr. Clouston to retuee later.. Miss( /Mauston. mete .dressigag to - go out dinner i w#13.' party' of friends, twhen othe suddenly; zoilape ed, and expired in a few minutes. Here 'death is attributed /to hetet' j. failure. Miss Clouiton, who was 2s year,* ,Old, was to: have been OM Of !till; bridesmaids at ehe ,Beardmoxe- Mackenzie wedding this week in To- ronto, rwhieh was one of the most fashionable of the season.: —The following from a London paper of Wednesday, of last week, re- fers to a tenther of the Labe 3. 3 Aikenhead, of the London Road,Stan- ley: A serious accident bef.el Mr. 4 Alberti Aikenhead, of 230 Burwell street, yesterday. Mr. Aikenhead. Who is manager et the Pigrest City port the Statistical Committee, wt u about ehow g„ a general increese all a- Twenty:eight years ago Bent Goods Co„ we , p ars r 0, Re T Church's PrlOgress. . Ti. W. Reid presented the re - —Mr. a. P. Ocekbuten, seeretary of the Muskoka, 'Lakes- Navigation & Hebei Company, Limited, and widely known tbroughout the Province, for his long connection with the develqp- mitt lot the Muskoka district: died suddenly! at this residence in Tor- onto on Friday Mr, Cookbuen ar- rived ilataro.e from C-eeepenherst the same evening, where he had been in- specting a new tanallillerlhome, which Is just about completed, ,He made no icomplaint of feeling unwell and retited to bed about 10.30 o'clock. He did gnot go to sleep, but wasIalk- ing gvvith this familyg regarding some changes which he thought he would make in this new- home at Graven-.hurst "before wm*Ting the next' na,ontli. A dittle later Mrs. Cock- burn noticed that he was breathing quite theavtly, but she paid no par- tioula.r gattention, to it. In a few; minutes he thad another beaTT, breathing spell, an :becoming a- larmed, Cockburn, called her daughter into it33e TOQIII. A doctor was hastily summoned, but before he -arrived Mr. Cockburn had passed a, - way. Heart failure was the eauee of death. Mr. Cockburn was born in the county kof Stormont, Ontario, 68 years ago. He was a. member of the first ftegislatung of Ontario, and ion different -occasions been a member of the Dominion Parliament. He wus a Liberal ittpolities.