HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-06-02, Page 5.-,-,---,----,,. __ - ___ _________ __ � ___ - - ___ __ __ ___ _:-----fflw-=M7_-.,jW _. - . - - - I .
- � -
. .
� . i
- .
- � . A _10TVAR ______ Ig To 0 0 N E N WX = W W in 10 W.411111L � -
I IM - vpem- "I ul goplo within erve a %P4X0 1
�c - 1�1_ _ 17- 08. - , I Paid -UP UaPltaly 10#1MUM SO, XrU11 , TOPWsuvv .i I—- - .
aa It .. , - . - . I � "I
- I 1W h bad bet - . � . ____ -_ -1 I I I
- - Guad'of I . I I -
I*- 0- bis voioe W O , � :,! I ...
6 ,� - it ,vv*-ek. He .
� . - - to Xajoics 1wa ; �
11 ,1-.f I moron � . � . . - .
.. 1W.06 IL - we girls 113L the I . HEAD OFFICEj TORONTO. I � I I Last week we visited Toronto on a bargain hunting OXPOdi
I '' . '. � . I I .... -it
- Mmm for Men &Ud . - akv� - thare W< . � .
. - IP, - , IT employeze mono,y. - . I - we struck right, We found# on acePPnt Of the cold,
�.I- u_s�d ilie I - I . and -
is this Inuell to, h'it- . � VIA$ iw� - L, to 1� ID 0 . of the wholesalers were left with large
- - , L �, - - L -4-N ,� I , beit. - ,. �. WALKER, General � Manager. ALF,X.'LAIRDO Amt. !Gen'l Manager, I lic ward splingi several
:11ort* , . . b W a
it; thty do, i - W11101 - . . . A they were anx
i Q1 V I . itima-tea itualt the. In -to I � . I ions to
. -�:j- -is w .�- , ir h
:. - - .t ' � - the* andeq whi
. I ' I
- I
U13V 91" good Vmw .. .- V 0e, eXL-U. tP., tho 'UM- . I q iantities of goods on - ,
. OF, I X610 I . I .
t h - . 1.1k I - � � M_ 0 N - Efl'Y' 0 R D E JMQ L i I - a. And knowing as they do thlat we
swaaa 7
. %ve aDy. notlej L - - . 'Inbryok-te-, who died 100 - �. . �d spoge of at reduced �riee
ke-. yon will no LLL - __ : 'kin oo of rle . . �BANK : I I ash for' -eve Fe bay, they out. the prices down to
L -b (14, - V_r - . atia Of beitween � � . I t C rything V1 -
- - , - -, -t I
odc All the iataw . I - t week, Itf t 'an es - -1 1 7. � - : : 11 I P ly spo C
- . I . I t, In baying goods the first On8id6rAtiOn
*W- ,$Soo,obo. 'All of this it I . ! tl,e. lowest possible oin -
. I L k and - P
- I I I
, I
�' relieble insilikaft � - I 11 riikoo( ISSUED AT THE.FOLLOWINO RATES:' . I � . � � we turn them down
aste. we ikn ft - _$ .. ax,eka, iias been, bequathed to his : . . . I - ith us is quality. If the,quality is not good
OW out � �_ - __ t I . I I olm
I - ! I
_UW V It ,w,ill pay"a tax of five pez - 1: . ra. We boucylit
ttafew O! ourbftk . I 0101 # ovh-jce. Had Mr. d ............... T ...... 3 cents � I . as the best goods, are none'tOO good for our costome 0
, I
- ... . ".., I . _��t. to- the Pr ter tho RoYid I � Over $5 and not exceeding $10. _.... 6 centaC i ! �� P etty heavy in Dress Goodall sus, Wash Goodst Whitewear,
LLLL __ LL ��. _r$ death come af . ,,. ` I t - � 11 Hen!s Neglige Shirts, Overallos
2N, L_ 'iboklelad bft;1 z1van, to the, now 10 cents � I i ite Underskirts, Corset Coveray
- iWat , I . Over $1 0 and not exceeding $30. ., ... - � - I L I 1. . ' ch Linol-
, now blueher, style L � ,ket,. an extia. three . I L . I ry We got % 0n%P in Scot ,
_ - I - i ,a and staple d goods.. I
sawssion D11ty
. at - . I at. wiould ha,Ve begn chatg4*_d Over 830 and not exceeding $50........ 15 cents . 1 - A 50c per square yar'11
Peerless- re.j "or 0,1 � I ' 1 �i as 4,sards wide worth 65c, to Bel' at
- ty goes to on -o person. ' ! '? .
Fla. " "_4 a r'lir ; __;j!tji__ V"P'01,r at any office in C&nad% of & Chartered Bank , i ain -of all was tu :
� revincial treasairY thas loseA These Orders are PAYABLr AT PAR 1, t the greatest barg
, . I lu - . ;
I � -4,ae r � $25,000 -and $30,000 as th;a (Yukon excepted)l and at the principal bankiag points In the United Statea. 4 1 I � .
:0,�:S. . � - 10"o I . I I NEGOTIABL,E AT A F,,IXBD AA,TZ AT I - ERY I
I - 'lot L is I ,W.t retroactive. - � ' ; M ILL I -N ___ . �� . .
pe at $1.25� !Va, , . k-C.-athbert 8n"nMe,TS§ a fairmer LONDONf ENG �
� � miles from Lansdowne, , I I Ve were offered a large lot of Now York sample hate, there being ,
- f 071q; tNvio ' . i . 1. It rather
. lu. ,k,ontenao county, d' d Satux4a f money wittl Safety I staggered us, but as the
.r te y cenent method of remitting small sums 0 - i 'D ,a
-SsEs, � _ . They form an ex . ver 200 hat in the'lot, a June trade, and
I - - meA byl I - . :
I .. �.boekin,-, initiries wecei and at small Coar'. 63 11 the latest style and got up especially for th I
ho'001ato shoft at L __ - jWM g He Was : a Lp-
L I - I z dragged by a c,ow. I . . � very lairge millinery trade and being,offered at I 86
. I L
: ! 11 I b6*9 , to I � BRANCH" .�
; I . aniM.al With -a. .rjGp4a .
� , 'tbe � I ed out the whole lob, They come in
I i ;:: �� kiffin; clean
. .
I . I �, t ian half price, we
� G.. E. FARKES9 Xanager. I -
� L - - hbor's. The -rope ibfta=e en- .. whit Lts, also le
1P ancl .5 -hoes for .- 20" F. HOLRESTED3, Solicitor. e chiffon, ready-to-wear and outing hE 9-
. , ' '- -eet and . . . .1
. I f . I
. 10 ed about the man's f I I Ilack and
, - --r
- . - - I -
�,,jgje .
I . A I threw ,him to taxo grownd, - - - 5 1 - I immed hats. They are the finest lot of hats
. R�,, L . d fancy untr
; Ru AMY, � I I orns an 0
1 � I �
o - I I jen started -off, drag g -him L I', I . ley are exclusive styles and being samplest
7 I �Ad- Iti . % Fe ever
. 4ainst a fence and then into being for selectei lote of oboice, well bred showed. TI .
. , 'Ich Cows -Few COWS were " 11, a - ; I getting 7 -Our
In I .-e,.
A I th
� .4 . Olt 0 awok j&Ives. M � ii., Don't miss i e chance I of
� - aeiding mao'hine. The front of his di I A W 1* - I . there are'no two alikO. .
a . .: . 200,uew up-to-date . at half price,
.Lwy iwas ripped open and 'he was offered,, the number of buyers -beivis as I I I . I . . ! ckpice of over . hats
I .
,arorth, � � numelou& The cows were reported as -be- I . L .
, i0therwise mutilated. Th(�_ deciewsed .
, Ung sold'at $30 to $50 each.. More good I � j , IL, . . :P]RTL0:M
y and 11 Empress-, - �,!Wa.q I promInent farmew in -his See- sale. Veal # L i .A.B3a: A-1q:D C)W:o L
_L - -1 .. a wite ,and tb�'ree`L cows would have found roady %. I 0
I & and leave.% � .1 ; � � .
� I , V, calves- Deliveries were large, selling at I 0 .
. .
--- L -
I � �L andrexi- oinjn�, from $2 to $12 each, or $3 to 86 per 0wt, .., - r. ON,& CO., BLYT:K.
7 ded -tot 10 �go as -1 � L 7 _.Dr, james Tharburn, 0- Pr had the bulk selling at $4 to 65 per owt# Sheep (_ Me I NN ,
I U, -sician .of Toronto, who . I . ; � � I
. , I � ; t,a+, phy and Lambs -Receipts of ,sheep were light, T I
I - I t " — � I I
L . W -A ,0,0intinually practisingr hispiro- and ' 11 . 7 , I . . - a
,the Previous wett, I in thut city &-nce 1855, died . but lambs are becoming moire plentiful, I N V " �
� . ."Ion . aiittiecheaper. Ewes sold at_$4-150 to 85 .1 W � . cuse
,gio Rapp is h re yewm. A "
er , . st at the, agie ,of 75 - $5 eacb, Ex '
- I - ,0 FTiaay la P ."W, -
c 4 _. . I .
1h2 " .%r-* .
: I _ . � per ewb ; spring lambs at $3 to
6 igan, Visitin'; at I _ 9 : There is no
� Oney. t I . ..
- -
- 1�1'o wb h choice lambs at a little more m f, .. X - .
r" , jlj�ad filled the positions of R�res- �
��a Ifvidrdau, W L ,,,-�. V # . ., .
gent ,of the oana,dian Medical Coun- - . ... , al!,: - adVertif3ed
.., -.-. I .
N X . . : I - I - . . fovally . ma pay tL big price
�, . 'N . . .
ho� L The bulk would sell at from $4 to 34 50 Y
�rt ja gnd the Ontario Medical Coancil. �stiich. 41 �. ., 11� . I .. 'and have .proved w
.5 _--t tirned- L � L '. . torhis clothing.. We have
Olt 4;L L ,C Hoge -Receipts were not large, and i .1 , n who will hot has
i ill -health. -A � ...c - ' a
I . U. - Harris I 0. I I be the chgapest aad best ia tow
I L I Ine thha also been 00mulfing physi- . pbr owt. Mr. - , . - "-- � our Clothing to .
Ar arded the con- - ... __ I ,. prices dibialined loo . . , . _
. -
- . I � ,..d=. tar, To,ronto Genara,l Hospital � bonght IjIOU at vub lor selootas and $6.25 - ; -_ I 6 benn at id. L o if then,, we will give 'any person wanting a suit a chailce of a
itt -,,ida walks to, I 4 . at 67 ;
I Upper 4Ganada College and ' all of which . S12 sait at $10 ; I
�this neax. Thero ' : � .and -for, ed witk per owti for lights and fate, � I 1 lifetim) :— $10. 50 sait at $9 ; � $9 suit at $8 ; 88 . Euit
I iniaently Connect were fed nnd watered. -we advertise.
� - F0_14: ytvs Pro tal enterprives. He- Fairly Do- For t ) I . yon what ,
r.5 , but mr. C: a] n Mor C, � May 30 -Cattle I 1.�e, -Bride's, Dai '' 66 suit� at $5. WO give - . ,
�Vf.S'k -'boirig eight; I - iia"Mmi j3UFFAW I., i . $$$ $4 be 6 S, .
t i . -as U150, Isurgeon I FINGER- � i , C)#.v*.* 0 0 4 0 0 - ++.*4-** .
Lk for the' Que6in's , ive 10(y to steers, 85 70
_V t, 250 lower; prime
-Te f4D(>t, t'hei V11- L I- � , own Rif les ,and -azo,onapanied that 9 . . - . g steers, $5.25 to 85.55 - L il, i 8 .
4ng aud loveling,. to $5 85 -, shippic ' We are showing a charming line 'of L fpe . This is a special department of ours, We have a
r tbI . heifers, $4 to -
egiMent - �tQ el' fr6nt at the 'time butchers's 84,65 to $5.W; '
. L - I � $5,40 ;� COWS" 83 to $4 50:; �)QIIL L F s ults : great assortment at prices'that will surprise you
Avho�m?--- f ine farm - ., ,J' t most important rings thab are madeil,:, B& ' S'
. . nian -raid in 1866. 0 1 y
z - -d -tile r�e_ It I . � 1�
- an the exast ia � � -1 .
I - %.4. 1� . i
. . L - --.—. .1 I _. I $4.5o; �stookers and feeders.13.50 to $4.00;' - THE WEDDINGMING ' p e will. not be undersold.. - 11
�imvrovenients to _. . . i . . � .
� L MARKETS. stock heifers, $2.75 to .83.50 ; fresh cows We also have a large &F-sortmiont of eng1ge- i *+.1.,? - # 4- #_
: 'buildings. Mr. . 4 I ,,.+..,i"6.1i4" 4 ++++**+++++
� tO I 1-467-4-
--- - _j Mont rings, the latest pattena an I
and a r'ingere staoily ,- good- to choice, $45 - , I
d- �,
Aid-jr f�ermeir and 510natm June I stj 1905 to ,9A ; medium -to good, $32 to $40 *, COW- suit all pocketbooks. Dro in - an c, Be ! come when you will go without a, vest. You
� . +
- L P _S : The time has
;nice and con*n� 11 -, -active $450 to I indows and if
. I - - -,!Wl wheat ............ s-98. Vests, . a
.-....- __So 95. too 95 � y " h, rt ; -
' __ . .. Mon, S-20 to us before you bu I ce shirt. Look in our w
e.-Misse.s. Lau ) L I I
p ma- -1 r buRhal ------ � --- 0 38 tO 038 7r ffogm Slow, 5a t 1�o tower ; . 1: . will have to have a ni
7 01-19 pe 0 1 I
i an& P bU&bej_L -------- 0 f35 to 0 65 86 - I . 11 I , and as� about them. ,
.� earl Nich- re" per � . . ou don!b-see what you want COMO in I
kX friends in Se I , � $1487 i ' ' - ' 60- - mixed, 85 66 to We will publish the best advertise out . . I
- so. 50 to i 8% I I .
� porbushel- - --- ---*- eav�, I I � I ..
- No. 1. looft - - _. _ 0 14 to 016 6.70 ; Olga, $5,75 1
1 1 -91AW. $5.65 ; yorker4%$5.65 to I Ig4. yet in.next week's paper. I � I I -fl++++4-+ 4;++'4;+++++ +++++++ -
'L kr,,tab --------- . I
�, . _ - 0 15 to 016 . +1 -
� . . . 0 j2 to 013 roughs $4,75 to $4 90 : stfl ' I
- jad I doz-_ -_ - - --oo - to 65 So ; L 0 65�, Russell M. Beat in the winner. �, pairs for 25c.
"I .
nm�_ c Mrr $3.25 to $3.75'-; dairies,- $5.40 to 85 " I All wool sox two
, i � 1 250 ; ,
. 109%9- - __-..- - � sox ire� pairs ior , .
ke. I - - Ivor - 6 50 to 7 00 Sheep.ond. Lambs-Aotive ; sheep 'steady; t L� � 2,50 vest for $,2.26 ; Regular $1.75 vest
- I Boy per ton ne,V.1__ .1 ------- � - W111�11 ST11 --]�egular $
� . lambSs S4 -W j VF1 .
. S....- _"-�-w I . I + $1.25.
Laki- football club . rwaf-perloo 3*� - ---.,.*A lambs itrong to 10a higher ; R. McNaugh ,!I
; - I vbeap,Wldn z .... - , 0 80 to 0 26 +0 $5.75 ; weth. L . 1,
W the season A`nd , .potjoeq per bw (now),- .. 0 73 to so to 66 7�5 ; yearlings, 85 50 - (I � . . . X;t
� ald turf grounds . e*&UL) per barrol . .. .... I 00 era, 85.25 to'$5 50 j ' 84 70' to $5 ; Pjautical Watchmaker, Jewel & Eng� or KRI!NM�������ii!�������:�i����������������
I -_ .. - 0 owes, er . LI&V �� .
I ! - =r card (long) -.'-_ _ _.. _ 5 00 to 620 sheep,, mixods $2.50 to $5. � I � j �1 . _. I
ge, thie-y. are hawd I I and Optician,- , I . �_'
. _ . ):eroord (short),_- .. _,.. 2 75 to 8 26 1 , - . � I I
t im"ting ILeld iu . Wood I I I I L I
� perbag_ - ----***- I 0 40 $0 0. 50 , . Lday June 3,d osolook p.r .9 OPPOSITE. M oFAUL'S $TOR I . - I:S5
, Other n1ohit the, - ZVI: Seed_ - _..11_jr__..9:* -7 00 to 900 on �atiir n ! !Lj � " 11
� , . . I : W
� I I
? ,� L . . 00 __ - -!,* 1 2A iO 200 -at MaDonell's Stock v 'I Hensall, 35 SEAFORTH. I , I . I - .
, rc-kulted as fol. F, Seed - .. - - , Yaar'da, I!
. '� 04 to-, 05 . I : I
� � _ g, _ It =,-�`Ver tb- _ - __ - - ug cattle, j1difers and Poeors. L I �; ? - E; will mak
.� o w xrd .- L- 4 - 'j T I - Price e, us famous.
,�(,.. . - 7boia 820 he d f yon I �L- � e t styles'aiicl Lowest
_ � '�Pakq per 1W Z-3- - a.-,- - --- T & . I f 1'' - & L, .
-1as; ma.aager,' 0. proprietor ; B. S. . I
i hoML151 Flannigan, � .
, P. Xevs- seere- - - ---.*— � . I Butter and'eggg takeu ELs cash.
t philli , auctioneer. I . . I . 01 ��_ - r
- I
. DairY ldarket$- . q P I �
�_�di gh-of iar' ' ' Boots and, Sh'"', S. - �.
L i � . -1 . I .
; jmart� I M&r,&et _ — L ' . ' L / " I
TOR -_N -m. may 39 -Batter -The B,.Lj!tjW. . P k .
8 . 9. �
. 1�. Boy�ce, A. R. ; -riii;T G� S
� , b6W& fairly ateady, and ia ctuoted un� I , . . G "� I _A -'M
[101son. G� Flveck- I , FOR SPRIN . ,:=, , rX � 3[
ish - t I - changed. Receipts of all kinda continue BLMV,j�,&jth( Rectory, seacrib, an bt&3r Both, . . 1 - I T\ /T M 3 M
� a stxte �that � . ". I 11 to, aev John and My@ Berry % daughter . I � I I
IsTge. Cteamery prints, 18 to 20o ; solids, . I . 1.1 - . . ! �
7 , . . . I I . -_
�a play, horne �aad - � L Ld r . E8LZg_jn Hilton,North Daiko&;. on blay 25th to I 1 � .
. , IS' I^ 190L -,_ dairy ponn rills, good to Dr& Mrs J Iraler. a daughter i . I
� anv aurroundin- "I - . r 3 ["; I ; .
_1* � 06 6' 17C ; de,iry lnrga rolls, 15 to, ORON N-ja Rtephen. on Ka.v 18th, to Mr and Mrs . 11 I , I � . .
:1 - chobe - � a Ouq COMA . . . wants. It is
- . -, da;icy tubs,j jji,&es Oronyu, & son - We announce the ea-A&Val of L COMFOP,T iswhat every Mau what he re -
1 ,16*. . 22nd, tQ Ur Bud m L I L
I , me-dium, dairy, 14 to 150 ; R -In Stephen, on may . plots skock of choiag selection n
I good to choice,. 14 to 15c. Cheeme.Mhe' RAY Rayta . _§pring , . - . -
- . .
. 11117obn r, a Son I I o do his best work, You can!t be comfortable
COA!, L 5 ummer Boots'and S.hoes. glegaUt if he I is t
I ,,
�Vood. - bou4s in the country are reported easiert _In Usborne, on X&y 191h, to Mr and Mrs and S. 11 . �res 0 0 . you must wear things beeoming-the
1, . I egg to the - j L - � - styles and now novelt'ves that will. U!aly ith heavy clothe L n .
. - k Costee, & son .
#44 thare is a Corresponding -eatin , on May 2M. to Mr , . I
rosepli Krauskoph. ETH ON -In -Usborve se you. Never before ,hime V b6on � , why you should come ho us and let us fit YOU Out
I . , 1. r. sort- - ; ,
L . _dj6jg,o Etheringlon, o offer so large and varied ani ,0-. �
� Xlr� (' V ,=%rkether:i,, New its voted at 10, to . . a dan hte pleal 0 Sson, that iff .
TNT H �ar� Smith . . It goods such as
-�edv 70joperpoundl. Eggi�ThOmsrket'holilt 0 Greyj ft MAY' 171a. to r and Biro able to ; comfort guaranteed sumMei .
� .r of Exete-r, KONA ith some bf our
a slightly firm- tone. � The balk of the bu4i- N M-r-gair. a daughtar Mont f fresh and pleasing styles-", These . I �
mhbre Durham _: owa it still be' 5JOL but sales aA Y -At SheIppariton, on Itay 17th, to Ur notions L of 1��'e'leiixd- ,. SUMMER CLOTHES,
, � a:= I i,d - Ing L done at 1, ! goods are the beat prod ' _ d th . a , ,ARP I
I .. � or Mysie" Mrs Daniel Carney, a son and Iffre ing manufacturers in Canada 0 SU4 UNDERWF , A -
he imported - Rap- i.re being made at 16c. . . SUMMER HATS11
,M G -In Exeter, on May 23id, to Mr make y I
FLE11 United St9tes and are the lines thpi . q �!,UMMER SOXo Etc
z �, Mo_,aRnL, Me,y 30-Egga Sbralght L Flemia � I
;; -hich 250 guilaeas - _W, a 501k . 216t, to Mr and We -buy di4ob from SUM Eit -SHIRTS . � I
I � ,
. I - eoek, 160 to 160 , selects, 180 ; No. -11, Liv Ett-in olinton, on K%Y - their reputatimi by' I 7 I L
.only bwo, maintils j&, James Liveztnore, a daugh,ter A faoturere for aseb, therqf6rie we
I " to M � , I I and the prices
I 14c, Butter-01101ce creamery, 190 . the Mann " *
- - .
I d 15 t o be con- __0 � ;ive our customers the adva0age in I We halve 9, large and well assorted 'StOck
L Lntierprise in pur- I _ 1* - under grades, 17�, to, 18jo ; dairy I . can g . I L .
- sty e, quality and pri e it is possi§ja to get - , table too. ,
. _ 16o to 16je ; rolls, 1510 to 10o.- Chrese-, .M&rriages, I . I 10 I I., . : willmake you feel comfor
knim-ftl which will n I I I *
'Onoxio, ah, to 9jo - Quebee.,L 9j to 9je' !EF�At St Bonitao obinrah, Zuyj�,h, o for them. : i
I - .9 HAA FOSI 11 I . .
. efit to lfi-% own M y loth, by Rev Father 8broeder, Ur 'JOhn I i I _�
Rgre to tile neigh- I 0 111chigan, to miss Clara, old- 0
, a Poteboes. H so, of Detroit, � and Mts Joseph FmIter, Of 1 1 1 .
. e daughter of Ur
I a Richardson &XInnis I 10-14 .
"M �
� i �
�:�j t�!i i XL;13t; wee
P el I
.S Mock
eliwl I
� I 1K ,========== I
.1 I
I ,i ____ I ToRa,,qTo, May 30-Tas markeb is Steady ;%y toNvoehip 1, L .1 �
� 'at GELIE.1118-DENOMY-At St Peter's chureb, Drys -
and Offoring freely, Ontario are quoted [joiselle, Air I L � I
: I , ,�
) - !
a- . dile, on M8,y 16bb, by Rev Father I 1. i 1 � BROS
,. 1M on track, end 65 to 75o out of store : Denomy, fioth of I J?IGHT - It
� vson.-The pf�oljlo ,.. - 4§s,ph Gelinas, to M88 MILTY I 'gente for Hagar, Sovereig - and Junt I I
, eastern, 65e on track, arid 70 to 750 i)nt sole A P -
I L . :1 i , - ,
-nod with ff.-elingm RES,�INKER-WALFER_-At the Lutheran church, - - Wright Shoes. - " .
L I I 0 , I &tore', by Rev R Eifert, M r I � - � ! -E.8s, SE-4FOBTE
rovir (if the. df-ath i�aahwood, on HaY 16th, � _FE1.8jVj8_R
I ------ &_ � . I
Z_ 4,Dn' - - I . ijenry Reotemier, Hn,#, to ,9jE;o Clara, daughbor .
I . .vilich took I M d Mro Conrad walper, of Stephen , "I
!.�.I� Al , 11�I!,Q,nyi Grain, etc. !�� r%?,'T -INTOSH-In Torout 0 1 1 � I .�
ol . I . . . of the I I A 51 I
. -Wheat-White, $1.02; ,h, brobher .
luple of ive(-ks, in ::ToaoXT0. TV1 ay 3a I y 24ib, by Rev, Mr Atelfitor , 0 Mal E I I I I
I 7 - rentoved -rO ng, 940; bride, Isaw Hetherington, of Colborne, t - I — - � I TV
� ey, 503 - - - S
.9 e h( redi 980 to $1.02 ; goose, 770 .; spri 3her, Colborne. . . e.
� ean MoIntoah, whoil tes( a id, CLA i1v
V4-rf- cold df-velop- - Feav, 780 ; OUS, 47i to 48jd; barl ? WE STEEL--JB1NK1N8-0n W'sy 24th, at the real LEWIS u XX t er-Plaled war I
I .- 'Inf . I I L6 $1�1 - clover or the bride's father, by Rev B. Clement, ' ' I � -_ Be .
. X , I; as. IIC- liad hay, No. I timoblaY, $10 ence of I
, -
w robu,' f or solnO. mixed, $7 to $8 -, Lheaf atraw,W.75 ; loo -,4e, its riattie Courtice, seacind daughter of GUE11 Centennial EXP�ijltiOn
I C - ,I
" " enkina, East Wswanosh, to M.r hi Kenzie, s)n RE(49X We liave just received our specip
;., ,z � unalylo to� Nvftfl� $9 ; dressed hoge, light, $9.50 ; heavy,' $9 a,me3 WebLter. of Ifullett PORTLAND, 0 1 - '
c [_j)uij but steady. ` — 11 I ju� " ,g Stock of Silver-
A thi, d1A(,,,:v-.4'% if& . per emb. � MiLlfeet 1� T"Al's IV OOUTTS-At Cranbrook manse, ol� way 1. � e Weddill -in- t1te
- niall, lighl-, however. PAces , by, Rev D B MoRae,Mr Rlobard A Unisay, H !
1� lir0rably Stocks are Still, - . 4th daughterof Mrand Mrs $68 10 -FROM . Plated -Ware, .
If-trs of age. 1,10 __ .show -little change at $18 to SID per ton for 0 089 Maggie, elle'ab Grey townahip %ily until 8 , , I
1. � . 1� - beirt Coutte, both Of � 24bh, by Good going di eptomber 30bb, and from Swim
I and co-nipanion- � 314nitoba bran in hag.i and $20 be $21 for N8011-10 Mori i.q, on Iday valid retarnivg -within 90 dayj 'from date WhIcl, is ,of the highest qu%litY,
: - b0avi�71 f or his . sh�rts, Onto6riG bran in balk, is $18.50 to .JAC SON-Wa me Jaoksov,-Of Hensall, . 1� the �6st manufacturers. Special attention
.. e-, A E Jones, M r lea I . . 1.
. rof Wr W H Watson, Of Issue % J;,;�
I Xr lw� i r t, arld re- lipl% and shorts $20 to $21 pero ton, mouille to Mies Mabel 8, daughte - is i4vited to the now deeigns in
, , , f Morris I Special side trips to Califi6r* POiDt9- Vegetable, It's, just the Capel
i on a cirount of his ' . I being $22.40 to V28 per ton. — P�jj�uts i1i ,Man - Din�er, Tea and Coffee Services,
. ----.* . '
� I Homeseekers' excursion to I Diehes, Cream to " drop in " of at
I __O�_ .
� 11 i,i I'lereaved Sbap and Pudding .
� . . and - ha'Ve f
I . Deaths. . I itoba. ' Asoinaboi%l Saskent
IV, will hnvf� the I i and Sugar Sets ; also a large va- - evening
I Horse Mat rket. I
a lar --re cir- . MC ENzIE-Drowned in Br Knives and
t � I I t
I of acebridge, Muskoks, on Alberta, Rates $30 to $39 50,1IJ . . of Spoons ooda, with a friend all
- I d July 12. ' r'et'y onr fountain.
. . TonoNmo, May 31. -The following is a second son of - "�� j k - '
I and f4sf�-vvhere, � Way 28th, D George h1eKenzi , Good going June - Forks, Toileb Aruicles, &a.
� Burns &Sheppard's weekly report, of pre- Mrs Donald McKenzie, Sei6forth, aged 21 yeArs . 13oh, 27th,,,#a � he
. is at the homo .1 I and 2 months - Valid returning within 60 d&A On . . -
vailing prices : Single roisdatere, 15 to 16 , Mary Lsnds- . prices are the very lovvsst, and t -
,�-Mondville, thi's � . ucoDIE-In.stanley, on May 25th � . Drugs
I � I - hand r- borough,wite of james Moodie, or, ag r tickets and fall inforgn��ton call on 1, valities the bebt. It will Pay intend
,% $126 to $200 ,- single Cobs and as if. (
'Johns, of Varna, . iv, urqhasus to give us a 041- I
;, Inage, hoLoos, 15 to 16.1 hands, $125 to years, Months &nd 18 days . ` I 1 I gp , -
Mr. lfutchiag:%, y 24th, Lqrne Hunter, W. SOMERVILLE, Town -"
, u Oronto, on Mai � 11 too tn�Ay be in th
$250; matched pairs and carriage heroes, HT . 1. I
ao *roild near tho , - . forraeriy of Bruggela, aged 831yearo . A. F. PHILLiPS, Depo6 Ticket Agent. � eweller & fauhion. What w
� elivery lay 20th, Lizzie Wilson . I 1.
horns, 1,1001 to 1,200 lbs., 1% . - - - .1; - - : = Ij I 9 optician dii
;in un,plea;�Ant ac- .. I . . J F. DATV J
. -erich tawriship, � BAI �In Toron -
� d 15 to, 16, I hinds, $300 to SWO ; d me to, on h I �
.- �12'5 to $175; vt1feo(JrH owa,fdrmeriYof Brossels, aigel . . Bpenae, certainly are
I - . � rheV help Save th
. f hie general purpose and express horses, 1,200 86years OR RENT,-' .
I yelists Pas- � ; . sjxjp, 14r) acres,
� to 1,35 40 to V225; draught horses Sh ITH-In Brussels, on Ma- 24b, Walter Smith, J-JRAZING FARM FOH, SA
� - th,� borse and l ,O lbs.., 91 t- ed 76 ysars, 4 monthe �ni 6 days - " Cautin ffarm. Stanley tow.. ' Block, Seaforth. sick from dying, anA
I ro i 1,32% to 1,750 lba., $150 to $225.; ser- T( r29Ey_jn Esat Wswanoebt oil May 24th, Miss Apply to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, 4jorth. tone up the BYStem (
.9 off 'the road. . I F,tt%CTunneY, aged i9yeara, 1 m6nth and 8, _; 105641 those who are ru
I vi . .
. . ca-ible second-hand workers, $75 to $100; _. : .---
. -
I out of i Ile -rig Serviceable secon&hand dr"iyero, $75 to I on may 10kh; Hel. FOUSE AND LOT POW SA�'F,.-For, sale. a . . I 4own. Our drug ator
h -rg severe- day'y_ln'Lower Wingham, j ` 1 becaue
, n q -,�;. FINDuA i
. I � 4100. � 4 j&ne martin, wife of Alexander Findlay, Muse and lot on Jarvis sfireO, seeforth. For A V 13 popu ar,
- .
� a, it not serlous- - F I � On . prew , J'f'�6 to Mrs. E. H. %.OW j Forks - we keep the best.
� I,- -I------.*— aged 24 years, 11 months and 19 days' rther partlaulikra apply at �! , 1956-tt � � -
- 11� ladi4-,; of tho . joNES._In. NOX1110p, oniday 29bh, John Jones, AMILTON, Boxfort-1. I .-
I I Ijive Stocir. MaekstEs- . . � I'l ' ' Come in and see u
� the -"4tfi by X - red 69 years . .- --�- - -_ 14 ____ '
I Ag Kelburne 3er �;tquaklng
: - EZ)g1al 0RUNG-In RuI103, On MsLy 218t, - _pig�s ifor I and a are always we
I XDQW, M -A numil o, 0.0� yo
river. Thf-y had Lo, id, -May 30th,-.0attle . TGS FOR SA r in June S1 ings
- I � � salek Also some brood sows��P litte
.1.1 -t -IX '11,1fl : are quoted at 11je to 12je per lb. - refriger- Sprung, aired b3 yeara P .
� . -r,<-ttjr]D_ t TOBIN-In Colborne, on Kay 19th, Willi lim Tobin, and no thorouahbred Improved Y k hlye boar with I . come.
. 11fl , t1r1r1d and stor beef, 846 to 9a per 1b.; sheep, . 13a to atho ped1gee 1 ;3 "n ' W
� d , 11 be sold, _�
41.1 1 1 � . . aged 29 ydars and:9 moi � This fit a good animal ,
:. .,q not No . � PHENSON-In Bruesela, on may2fth re,E 6�1y. 'ApplytoJAUES S,fi - i 7
� �OAT, Rgmond I
�aorm;,-nt dix per lb. I T 1. W Qfi. hen8nn Aved . f 1956x2 *D,ft1;,0_T%1 A
. I 6, wife of jur 0 - r I Ville F. 0. I I :
.. w-f-i-Olf of fish AVERPOOL, F,ngland, May 30L,n---& ek- may F1 C : . , - (jet -Tille viu
, I d 18 days 1. I
"IT rg. Ezidpr have loan cattle, 6d to 6,Ld ; Canadian, 5;j1d to 23 yearl, 6 months AD "� . ,
� ts . - E&CE[nR WANTED. -For 8�� 01 section No. 6. I � -
- I i ,1p,olding U, $000 -1 L I
.6a. I , od I F
Ie m--ttivd in their' T % male or female teacher,, 0. ABERHAO"r
; -
. . that thpe Ko,=WAL, may 306h.-Bubehers' were 0 eguseerbifloate, Duties to cowtpence hfier sum_
y may bo . rovan s. 0 . DRUGWST,
I njoy it i-* -' Out strong, and trade was good, with firm al - Directors wer holiday@. Applications ad jfjqo9e4 to the un- I
th tor e . uner . ,
r to I I dersigned received until i8aturd4g', June 24th. Per- -
� ))does all round. Prime beeves iold bic . gonsl sppiloatiote preferred. T99 I
z llially f rierldsom . - .. KAS 0OLEN AN, shaw4. Agent for Prof. Dyke's " Oil Of Pit
i - � 181 per lb.; pretty good -cattle, Secretary, Seaforth.' -, I., _Loot CoMpound,
. 40 to near 19554
- . -%a ; rough bulls, 3o to 4c, and common . �iid - Embalmers.' ir i and Cook's Cotton T
. I �
. , '
3 ^ _. . I stock 2t3 to; 31a per lb, Milch cows were - 9 ..@.� - . . Tendersw'4 rack..- . � and Forsyth foot ball,
&W 4_12� generally of x&ther poor quality ; a lot of Night calls answered at Mr. KcKenzie'8 - ,, nted . 13LO
. 1/ . . � - -
. - _; I esidence, Church St., third house north of 13 — ,-1.1 rst-clags work- CARDNO's
fourof thebest cows were sold for $0 ealed temiders wH11 be -recelv4 by the COU10011 of Patup in fi
I - prices ranged from S22 to $52 each. Calves west side. Graduate Mason- Q . 4, June 19th, 1905, ar
� . ublic school, � latoUlt U.8 the Townepip of StABIU, up _'. mainship. Gn � anteecl to .
I 1. I -,each. Ship] , per 4 husets College of Ea�balming, Bc , for the erection of a cement air of loo cubto yards. - - -
[old at $2 to $6 pers paid 4o . � 4
�ther mike .-An lb. for good large sheep, and butchers' 3je . � ,,%as and speelflostions can be een at the olerk's give satisfaction. 7
. � 1,
� I Footbalig. . - to 4o per lb.* for the others. . Lambs Sold at knechtel & McKenzie, office. Varna, A deposit of 00 Inueb be made on south Huron Farmers
ey know the DgS Bold at from . I pecruring contromb. - ' .—
. hom �63 to $5 each. Fat h, . 1956's 1 J. E. HAIR WELL, Clerk. Institute.
- -1 keep their vq
� . . . it For particulars apply to
1 '610 to a. little over 7jo per lb. Young Pig's - . ____ I
- .
. ' to,82 each. !-=_ __ 3 . onal meeting c
- sold at from $1 25 . . � - Please take notice thst the An w-Mers' Ina
. I ToRoN.To, May 31. -Cattle -Exporters- arilton, membersof the South Hu"n F
1mairiots. John Ch will be held In M111WO Ral), Men"111 on
. Prioes ranged from 65 25 to 85.65 per owt. � V V
I I ith one load oi 8 cattle at $5.80 per Paciflo Serges,Woriteds & qh ' SATURDAY, JUNE 10tht
Vn I ! i ,
� 1�� �' ibarp. Directors please meet
. *;
� if you want . Owb. The bulkparollmd at $5 25 to $5 50 per I . ,� � - at one o'clock, i sttend 'not of
� 0 to 64 625,and cows . i � THOS. FLANNIGAN, Agent, Beechwood- qlelock. Members are unred to
I cwb- Bulls iaofd ae $3.5 1 V �, . - . remenil
. 9 ; 195-05 cause chaugge is 11r,minOD6 In the wano4
. at $4.50 to: $4.75 per owt. Butohere-Plok- � Xed to hsve a lecture i
I lounas �, aloo became it is arran
I ; . -
. - 2d lots of choice butchers' Bold at $5.30 to Vickerman s Serges and ` I . - - importance of igood-lots and w1ndbrepiko an,
� ,
� � � 45.40 ; loadt3 of good a,t $5. 10 to $5 25 -9 � . I , 1. : � I to care for them," bY Dr. Clark of the De vor,
14 Then we - of 01 Crown J,ande. Oho ig AD stithoffty on
I .
. Inedium ab S4 80 to 85 . common at $4 60 7 . � ABSOLUTELY FAST COLORS. :1: Larner s School �d in the subJect Of the. lecture a
. one per!oet. 1. - I All intereste
I to R,4.75 ; cows at $3.75 to $4.29 CanadiaA Tweed Suitiug4� raphy. vfWd. i,eoture a
. i per owt. j : I t tbXee o'clock.
. ill bring yom A full rancre of the above Iiiies, also Scotch and 11 Teleg I S&N. MILTA
I .
M - Feeders and 8b.)okera-m-The decline oJ 0 "!I � , � THOS. FRASER, Seoz
� - — q proolOnt.
i Pricleg In shipping cattle has affected the and Trouserinp. 4 t . 1055 .�
nteed and prices moderate. � 7 . ...
: I lZarket for heavy short -keep feeders, and I Satisfaction giiara I � Entirel a new EYBtem of Instructlon, .Complete
- I t.leg-.aphy, Inoludin,r etand- ,
;'. - - - A A A fq AA__�__,__�� AA 04 A ,I reparat on tP rikilw&Y - or and -
� .,N .... r , the demand is not as great, although good 1 . . - - - - I- - i , P �c regulations, POO" Shingles
; i � � ard train rures A0 9 . -
. - , 1.
i � Prices are; itill being paid. Good qualitY � d for biroulare 9 ving full —
; I I fr eight accounte, e0i. sen
. I . Merchant Wlors-
: I ohork-keep fe .100 to 1,200 pounds ii, formation. -edmr shit'gles nov)
I I _I: ; lik 11 I , aders, I n d -Page, I Any quantity first-21asa C
� I aold %� $5 to $5 3o ps.- owb , feeders, ISpeare a i6 �,�� ROBF,RT L&RMOUB, wanufaotured and for "Ie in p,zyflold, apply
I I "I, J i I I's . ' I I principal and Proj)rletor,
I � . 1 1.61. to 1,100 pounds at $4, 50 to 84 75 - - ft 1055 -ti W. R. JOWEVE. Biv
I Town C10,0k) - - - PAFORT Stratford. Ontario. I
-1 Isede 800 to: I * ' UDd()r the' . - 19554
ra s 1900 pounde, at $4 to, 64-25) t- t ��
� 'ONTARIO. f .
. .
� I tookere, 83 to $41 per cwt, the latter price
� � i
: . �
. ft 1. .
1 1 . 11V I: I
i - . � 4
I 11 - 1�
o i . 1! . I
; I .
I -
I I . . I � -
I I .
. .
. I - ,p � % - �
� I t :! . .
; _ I I - I I I
I I : . I
. - i . ''I � �
z. a I .i . I �
M ., i i . . � �
I I . � . . I .. � I � - � �
. I - � - . I -
* -11 , - ___ - - . . � . . - . I . "I . . . I , �� I . - - . � .
I '" , � -
� �� � � . � - . , - " -_ .
� L - � - - � 1. .1-1 �: - � I., - -_ - I � , . . .
- _ .- _ - __ . . I I �1'j
. . � . ; I - :"
. � I I , I I �
� . - I 1;1 �
I � 2-,.--;-- . __ 11 � I .- : . .
.- 11 - .111--��l-.,----,—,.--.--,�.-,�- --____-Z-, . L___ ___ _ "I -,-_--- ------ -- 1-1. I—. -1 .... ____� ---�,-�--.-�",-----,---,,�---�.-,L-.----�,--,----�—�i�
' Ir
I �
The great June Sale that .opens here .
� I E" 2jad ,
- .
�' � V
11 - 0
with the -most gurprising, values of t1he
ill prove of 'reat . itupOrtiance
season, wl 9
.1 00
L Al-
to economy seekers everywhere -k __ ]"LT
� .1 b `e " to
a 4- elln W
ing uhat we can do .L� Y_ e omllut. CL
- 0 . .
I 1r% -in -r-rionth
maff,ethis a wulcomme bargalv. .W;w�w
to all. I - . �
� -.&W 11b.
- 14 ,
- & -
I U q :1
f , I
11 i ess ood.-J. 1 -)e --
juine Sfaes
. .
I .
. - ` IF
A table of waist ends and remnants of silk, all k1ndS9 at half prim,
A- table of remnants and ends of dress goods at half price.
A table qf- dress goods, worth from 40c to 60c, for 25c a yard.
' - �L -
A table Qf dress gpods, worth from fjoc. to 75c, for 35c t yal
A pi]e of striped f4iAingsi regular price from- 25c -to 30c� for 190.
Doable fold Moire skirtingit wotth 50c, for 25e. -
- th 15e, for 1.0c.' �
.i waist linings, wor
'pile of bro�ra i . .
A'quantity of tdmmings, worth from 5e to 25--i far le a yard- I
A basket, of buttons at one cent a dozen; . � I
� . .
I .
. �
. - . - - � . 4
� I
. . I . -T -m SALE a . �
J UN Jai .
I �
.1 - . - .1 . ' -
131ack and colored sateen and moire T-Tuderakirts,, regul&r .DricOfj from W.
I- I ,4
bo $2.25, on sale- at 50C- . . - I
- . A fresh lotof ribbon -ends to be cleared at less th%u half prim.
Fifty shirt walists in sizes 32, 34 and 3-6, in black � sateen, colored ana-
black muslin, to be alexred at 26c each. � . I
- A box of black silk and leather belts to be Cleared at 160 pe -h- �� .
Cushion girldles, with tosselo, at 25c each. . �
isle and lace hose at Special pinipes.
- L.adiee and children's tau I I - .
. I I
. �_
��, . . ++++4 -F I 14 i 11 §++44+ i f+++iH.+ I
Mi 0
'11inery, Detartmel,1111,
. M1 J.
I .L . I
JUN32i, - i
. .
. Five boxes of flowers, reigqla I r prices. from 25c .to $1, Your &olce -for 100. .
I A quaritity.of ribbons at half price. . _
i . sale at half price. � - I
Vifty pieces of Veiling on, I -
i . . -
i I
1 Narrow chillbus at half regular price. . �
1 A number of ready�to_wear �I'Hatq at half price. .
t; . . � �
I Laces at half prices, , - 1' . 1, �
# , 1.
. I �
1. - 0+4-+�� �� �� �_ �__ . I
t �
I '- Car* %et 11)evartment.* I
F -
— -r-", 1� .
I I __" Be .
d UN -tu z:oAJ.j
I .
� Is ,
Sev'enty-five cent TapeAtry Carpets on Sale ILt 55c : 850 wool carpets �
clearing at 65e; 50c union Carpets for 38c.
Special Clearing lines of ;Tapanese matting -at 160 a yard. �
Xquantity of remnants an � d ends Of ca-rpetseheap.
A quantity of laccicurtain samples cheap. .
1. We have some great baigains in tapestry table obver s. I
I I . . -
i _. .
I -
0 1
. I
I /" —F .
-1 4 Statile DePartmelfIll. .. . �. -
I .
� -0 �
JU N --W- SALEV .� .
. . I
- I
Table Vmens,* wbrth 28o)'now on sal� at 17,e, ;*- two patterns onlyt W04 k
�� . � �
35c, for 250p !. ' . �� I �
A few ende of -bleached table linen, sPecial at 50a a yard, . : - -
I Special line of bed covers at 01 each, . . .
A large table of remnants and ends of goods in flanualOtte; Priutt- *X&P- - -
special prices.' I . I
I .
. perette$'gilighamaj wAtonades, etc,t at . . .
0 . � �
. I
. .
- I . vo������
. I
Clothimy, D e p a r t , m _C,,;, n t, - I
. .
JUNEP-1 SALE*--_ .
;) &
0 � Three hundred pairs of men!s pants—an. overmake of one of our leading
manufacturers, These goodswere all made for this aewon!s trade, No old
stock, patteriis good, flo guaranteed, worth from $2 to $2.76, on sale at $1.50.
K Just to hand, a 9hipment of men!s shirts, new goods, soft fronts, reg,vJa,r
. from 75e to $1, a bargainat 60c, each, �, I �
. pnees
-L Three special, clearing lines -of menss suits, worth fr�m $7 to $8, for $6 ;
suits worth from $8 to $10, for $7.75 ; regular $12 to $12,60 suits for $1#.
A large shipmerif 'of Boya, Kuieker Pants, special value at 50c- ap.Mir.
American Underwear, in.ribbed and plain, at 25 per cent leso thpa regu-
- . . �
be lar - 4�
It -C Pri ihe latest styles and novelties in Straw Hats now in stock,
A few odd ends Of suitiDgs, worth. $17 and $18, we will malre to your
ben measure for $11,25. I,- .
be -
but It 1- '" I
the Highest Prices paid for 'mlteff, zg,w,"s _.
low 9 r2
.ry. I W
Ir- and 1w1w ool.
Xy. — - -
- ,PWAX I .^A . DIP. -ECT
I [ WN'', 11u, . I'D � .0
I 0 1 & N -1 IMPORTZIR5
�Ing ' �
d. - 0-ppothe Towa Buildlug, Corner'Matn aud M---"- Stz,_ SeCrorth,
I . . �