HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-05-26, Page 7oJ
4 we
Lleava. hie owo
4 by wa.V of thee
Hotel, Kipp
sGorge Stroae.
ht Tueeday_
- Cheseeede '
ea Hotel,
ay—By way of
e ti Hurno
for moon e
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Bracefield, for
o Cook's Hotel,
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Hine Green,
to Nieholsoree
n smith to Joba
12; Hay, for
ranee Hagan's,
n to hie own
until the fee.
leave his- own
d to E. Beira.
noon ; then to
inten, for the
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odArich Town..
7th coneeesion,
; then to
•- Goderioh
1.1 Line,
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✓ eeed to Adam
Stenley, Ler'
ofp the night.
letCeede, 4th
noon; then to
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Me, where he
owing Moridey
table, Dub-
in erciai Hotel,
ce to tid, Sib -
ht. Tuesday—
tiolmeaville to
nee to Dunlop,
Wjjj prbeeed to
noon; thence
non, for noon ;
ittitt. for night.
Blyth at. 10
Mien to Daniel
Will pro -
pont; thence te
rerneili until
[gt own ;dab e,
Feick's, Logan,
stable for the
Murray'e for
for the night.
labkirk's, con-
e hie own stable
To the Dom -in -
a; then to P.
18 niget,
farm Road, for
r4EICIeti, MalCit-
y—To hie oven
▪ dt remain un-
ornieg. lfrate
renieet of etoek
• wen he
en, then beelr to
E be met lay ap-
e dietanze vein
Loose is too
a to need any
o in00.
sure, $10
geed draught
1950 S
109074 Ing C)+Vfl
iu efigtIci and go
W m. Work-
mith, nom ;
y and Booth
conceseioa i.
iesday—Eaeb to
no Mitchell at
aioa Hotel, for
p Dick's Hotel,
Walten. at elca-
o Myth, at
Fe. Frid—
1 Hotel her noon
rieurng. Set -
where he win
',.tteriilsy mere-
5 b.
stand ser -
lee of
payo•ble at the
'belance when
!payable when
'pxyable orhen
payable when
Y Prop.
tag Stallien
his own shelf°
two loiles north
•, 16 balds high,
4 : toeice in 1901.0;
.tr.d: Farm, Olnev,
:s present °soon
will be seen b3r
vary best blood
Ps, f!: g sire of Dan
Abdallab, 15 fr g
:barrio -ion trotting
8. 2.4./3;, a world's
he same bind a
Duroe, all eons ot
34ei 0 Marobrino
it Chief, Clark
Cay, and 'sire ot
;ood, high golug
Terme.-415; all
(1-A: net& GOVEN-
For pedigree
eafintb. 146$74
les east the
nuf me turas
0 to make
cost the con-
sumer nes more than the oriftnary
• hied. They are easefully m e of
best materials and under the
moG- gid inspeotion.
have light handles—having the
'weight in the right place. You
ould hardly believe the differ-
ence there ia using them compared
w ith others.
UnUcd htterieg, Limited , Tong°, Can.
ale GRIEVE, 'T. S., hotel graduate ofOutarlo
Viteriesty College. AR diseases tit Domeatio
ensair treated. Calle proteptly atteedeeth and
swim mooetate. Veterioary DentilitTY specialty;
ata zeeldence on Goderich street, one door
soot elltr Ecett'a Beaforth. 11124
it°Maria Veterinar College en Houorary mem.
NARBURN V. 8.--effonoriny g adulate of the
ore theMediettl ern:elation of Or Onterio Voter-
eserealiege. Tecate oleeases of ell domestic &camels
hy the meet tredern principles Dentistry and Milk
lent a epeciaIty. Gtlice oppoeite Hotel,
Mee Street, Seaforth. AP orders left at the.hotel
Ub veceiee pros pt attention. Night calls received
eioffierre 1871.62
lertieter, Solicitor, leotary Poona eto. Roney to
Dithe Seaforth Monday*, Fridays and Bator.
• film open every week day. Over Flamers
Maio street, Seeforth. 1904
._Ft. HAYS,
tealiSisrioSolr, 11-1=ovneyaBLoz anejmNotag tPublieat omf,
Rank, Seaforth. Money to loan. 1286
BEST, Betriater, Sollothor Oonveyanoet
J.Votary Ofithea up slaws, over O. W
hWa bookstore, Main Street, fleaforthe °Marko
McCaughey 1 Holmested, Darriater, Satan
MOLDISTED, successor to the •late ern et
jeaveyaneer, an& Solely Sadie* for the 0611
familiar* Of Commerce. Money to lend. Pam
Ise ask.. Moe- licett's Sleek, Meta Street
rolOKINSON AND °ARROW, Barristers, Solicit.
Jj ore, eta, Goderich, Ontario.
ove an ‘,1 ay' you g3hIlula ha" 'r"r°
lived a century ago I will tell you been a poor daughter to have put
ie Sure, 'Thou wietild he
ernnagel Xt de •
IS LOVE FOREVER, 6 such secrets out of my hearing. hAy
tru • _
th th—the, whole truth, few srou
, do indeed !deserve it. And Matt God dear girl, I trust thee like my own
BY A MtLIA E. BARR. send you and thy
together, for soul. The honor of thy name avid of
he is a good lad—a lad an Y good y father's heuse is in thy hands.'
"I never saw the young man, !Rb_, girl may safely love." In. England ore Mexico, this aide the
leigh, and I cannot say I am ch "Why has he never written to me? ;world or the other ou wilt 43/31SD2-.
impressed, in ny his favor.' Areaeon Why has he hid himself away? If ber that. The ;past has a lien on
To r him total silence, within ' the there wore reasons forbidding our thee, and the future has a right ill
bounde of honor, seems to - me im- ,.xuarriager, he might at least have thee. No man and no woman cart
obable. I think, with you, at told Imo them. He might have come live for themselves alone, unless they
Franeesca ought to do better. art sand ! bid me 'farewell.' He Might be selfish as the brutes that perish. t
it is -necessary to get absolutely_ rid have sent me occassionally some ' Then she lifted her face and kissed
of thit old lo
ver before Francesca token ra
of his ,remebran.ce," i him, and he saw her pure, stroiig
can he induced to consider -a new "When Lancelot left hie hem e and soul shining through her eyes, and
I 1:31(”1/ something of YexiceIf'
yoting his lbw, he believed that the were he felt the assuranee it gave him to
Leigh is in that country, he
one. .
will not be easy to find. The Mexi- insinimounta,ble obstacles, to hi Mar- be beyon.d all spoken words or oaths
can, dress is pietttresque. No hand- rtii4inge3,1 withyou,
He heliei'ied—", cesca and the Wire returned to 1 ‘4110. , my dear! Thou makes me
you, not only a that or written bonds. As soon af3 Frame' : ing their veils so great and long.'
chair Atherton, Dicic and Loida went back feel or eper and eerie as can be,"
etthis, to Alderson Bars, ;to complete their ; "Ann the queer old garden, too,
dear, own arrangementst From Alderson with it zigzag ways and its somber
s eith- they' would go to iverpoel, and the cluster co jshrubs, its twisted trees.
eress, squire and Clara, omised to bring and, strange plants. Francesca fan -
1 had Francesca there t� meet them. Be- clod she heard voices behiod thera
ve her tweeze now and then there was only and strange words and weird trembe
the , to be an interval of twelve days, but , ling—"
ar, he Clara aaid even that was ten too i “Wilt thou be quiet, Clara" Now,.
rokeo- many. The small deliberations, the then, let us talk of the mill, and
look- doubts evoked purpOsely to be talked something this-worldlike--other world -
'most &weer, the fears useless to cortibat liness is . none of our business yet."
com-, 'while they were so ',far off, the small 1 "Very well, Rashleigh. 1 suppose
t that.* consultations -about the care of it is the fire makes me remenaber
bovine clothing, the form I little notes! of such things—the fire is full of dreams
m ,
lt,at- farewell to every ceuaintance, 'the Or perhaps th
aps it is e pattering out- ,
. i wonderful foretho telt about such side, or those dismal church-helle, ort'
Surely ! trifles as pins, needles, and hair- . that enost wretched woman's vqice,
dressing—all these [petty incidentals singing love -songs in the sterna; the
Leigh ' of travels annised , and a. trifle -an- , while she istarving for a crust of
e irre- mitred a womate so heady and impul- ; bread. Open the window and give,
econd, . sive as Clara. ' i her a shilling. Poor soul! If you ,
ividual "A ticket taken ' and ten hours' *ant something this-worldlike, 1 are
, sure she will do."
tice and I am ready to go round
forefathers, and she transmitted n,ono the world by the [ great Wall of The squire obeyed his wife s wish,
to her children. In fact, her insen- China,". she said; "lend you are tak- and then sat down with a sigh_
ity Was the result of long -co tinued in lots of things, Francesca, that "Francesca is far out at sea now,"
anxiety ever tending to the same you will throw aveaer before you get he sold,"put she will return in' six'
end. ' The strain was to -'great upon back.". ' months, eh, Clara?"
deter, However, all events come and go "In six months she will ranter.,
grave whether we have .tietience or not, cui-ed of the Leigh fever—or at least.
and the moment arrived for Frances- convalescent—or she will come back
-e or ea's last words of farewell. She Leigh -forever! In the first cote, we
paid them with tears, with an' un- must carry her to pastures new for
at once
iten the Dower HOUR, can be re-
furnished and beautified. Lanceaot
had a wist to buy more land, and it
is not right for the lady of the mate
or to live aWay froen the manor." -
"Francesca has not „•et come to
her kingdom. X am Leder of Ather-
ton Manor at present. There cannot
be two at the same time; so that is
no reason for putting Leigh House
out of consideration, It is a pretty
old place, and it has associations
that no money can boy, Francesca
has told me about its fine rooms- full
of sad consciousness. She said she
could shut her eyes and fancy sbad-
owe walking quietly about them, •
every one in' dark garments and wear -
,some man would deny, hmisdf the and then the doctor :drew In
pleasure of adopting it. And leis. onto' to Francesca's and drop
nione will have. suffered that change voido to its lewest koy—"m
which - La t in races delight themselvee 1 he believed that his mother w
in makine. The wisest way ,is to let t or ar iesane woman or a mur
Prancesea go with her friends. Young ; I had the same awful ,doubto
girls believe their attachments to be loved Martha Leigh as you I
immortal. Thee- seout the idea that .eon, i and I understooa wha
any material thing can influence . young man suffered. My d
them. 'My clearest husband, the sea was the most hopeless and
air, the change of air, the .fresh men hearted of mon; and though h
end Wo Itte IA , the WOnderful cities, the ed at me with .such eyes' as
now clothiag to wear and ,. the new tempted me to say a word .
viands to eat, will all insensibly Met A
tovt to him, I.did not dere—
out that sentimental idea which has
time,' to do so. Now, 1 alli
been so well nursed by her seclusioo ced of two circumstances whiC
among the ve.ry scenes and cireem- erially affect, his position.",
stances which gave it birth. When . ,"What are they, doctor?
lenencesca comes back, -we will , give yoo will tell them to ine."
her a. season in London and marry i'll'ae first is that Martha
her to a lord." wits actually insane and qui
"I would 'rather she married a mid- sponsible for her action; tho
dling well-to-do Yorkehire squire.'
that ;her insanity was an in
"Very good. Then we will. aave
trait; she had no taint fro
fine house parties and bring some
Well-to-do young squires to her feet,"
"My word, Clara! ThOu can talk
a man out of bie boots."
"That is a poor compliment, Raeh-
leigh, after 1 have talked a York-
shire squire oue, of his heart." '
And the squire drew himself up to
his full inches, and a liuSh of pride
and love coveree his large, open face;
and he bowed to his wife, as men
have almost forgotten how to bow
in these days—a noble inclinetion of I
both soul and body, a mingling of
venerat ion , :courtesy, high -breeding
and a sincere desireoto please—some-
thing very different from tke casual
nod or the passing tilt of the hat. ,
Ilaif an hour afterward, Clara, end :
Francesca were trying to decide Upon
the proper trunk for the Mexican,
trip, and the proger clothing Witty
which te au it. ) .:, '
eaduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On-
tazio post graduate coulee in crown and bridge work
-at tlaskellei Sellout, Chicago. Loreal anesthetics for
-oinlatee extraction of teeth. Office—Over A Young's
geocerry dor*, &Worth. 1764
Poe rum. rod nem 015 Sberbourne 81. to hie beautt
101 new tiliCES, 486 Yourg ht., opposite Carlton St.
Dr. John McGinnis.
Mee and Residence—Viaoria Street,
Ilene 78
41reduate of 'University of Toronto [faculty of Medi
eve, member of College of Physicians and Sur-
otontof Ontiolo pose graduate coulees Chino
ZiticelSehool, Chicago ; Royal Ophibehnic Novi
fel, London, Ragland t University College Hospital,
London, England. Office—Over Greig Stewart's
tine. Mein Street, Sestforth. 'Phone No. 5. /light
:attain -veered from reeidenfae on John street. 1890
Office and Reeideace—Goderich etreet, east of the
daraeito church.
eneenore No. 46.
Droner ler the County of Huron.
DM. SCOTT' & MackAY.
emlit Or 'Wet, opposite Methodist ohuiroh,Seoforth
OE COTT, gradeate Viotorio and Aiin A.rbor, and
member OiliSrl0 110110,6 of Physicians end
Surgeon*. (kroner for County of Huron.
MeoKAY, honor graduate Teinity Univeesity,
gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
Wiese cot Physicians and Surgeons, Ontai.ri
:1110MAS BROWN, Licensed Anotioneer for the
• • Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at
4.": M.. Campbell's implement wareroome, Seaforth, or
IrA EXPOSITOR. Ofiioe, will receive prompt &nevem
tiesetten guaranteed or no chug°. 170841
AMU G. Mc1.11013AEL, lieented auctioneer for
the °entity of Huron. Sales 'Wended to in any
eget of the county at moderate rates, and satiefaction
gairenteell. Orders left et the Seaforth t office
Jr at Lei 2, Conoesiton 2, Hullo% 11 reedve
troop went -toe.
A UCTIONEERING.—B. S. Phillips, Licensed
CI_ Auctioneer for the ootmeer of Huron and
eolith, Being a praotleal farmer and thoroughly
eederstancling the rein° of farm stook and implo.
otrk, placee me in a better pereition to realize goad
Chargee moderate. Satlefaction guaranteed
:lbe pay. MI oreorsiott at Sennett poet oflioe or
t Lei 28, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly
tterided to, 170941
The thIlillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company'.
When a current of lift sets strongly
itt . one direction, it is remarkable
how many !smaller currents set in the
Same direttiOn . Within .two days
there came. a letter from Doctor
Thorpe to Francesca, asking her if
she could give him any information
about Lancelet.
"The next heirs," he said, "are al-
ready moving to get charge of the
property, on the supposition that so
long a -silence indicates death.".
This letter set Clara to asking
queStions, and finally induced in her -
a Strout; belief that Doctor -Thorpe
was at least acquainted with the
reasons for Lancelot's dararige and
determined ei twice. ' •
"And you ought to know these
reasons., whatever they are," she
said, positively, Vt. Francesca. "Ie -
deed, my dear, they may be such, 11.s
would justly prevent your seeking
your lover, because a Meeting might
only be re -opening a wound. ,You
must go and gee Doctor Thorpe.
You ean go to Leigh this afternoon,
stay with Mrs. Idle all night, arid
J. B. McLean, Pzesident, Krppen I'. 0.; Thome§
rarer, viee.president, Brumfield P. 0. ; Thomas E.
RAM any -Tress.. Seaforth P. 0..
WlIliani Cheeney lieeforth ; John G. EITIOVO, Win.
40100 George Dale, Seaforth ; John Benneweie,
Dublin; Jamee Evens, Beeohwood ; John Watt,
Oarlock; Thomas Fraser, Brumfield John B. So
Lam, Elppen ; Jamea Connolly, Clinton.
BM. Smith. Horlock ; R. Hinchley, Seaforth :
"2" C111101:fling Egmondtille •, J.Pi Boltac-s
1111* P. O.; George Murdie and John 0. Morrisov,
1 to their respective poet offices -
other ueir ere, will be promptly attended to.
Partin OEFircus to effect insurance, or tranev.ot
erplicauces to any of the above efficee addreeeei
certain faculties; indeed, my
when We try to see beyond th
wane still on this side of
Must. either raieerably decei
fatally injure oursolves."
"Stie was insane th -h L disguised emotion With a desperate
, , • , new lovers ' t
. a
celot left?" feeling that even„ at this final mime "And in the second, what then,
, en, o en an -
"She had undoubtedly lost he,
C eat she must abandon her intention, claret,"
mental ba,lanee. But when: Lancelot and stay by the father whose blank, 1 "There is a choice of Atherton Mill
left, :there woe still so muele Method speechless grief and i anxiety were so and the Dower House, or of Gat
in her madness, she was so itsistent PitifUlly evident through: all his at- Mill and the old Leigh home. Is
On her own Sanity, that it t-,as‘ritiillit;
equally '
tierimgpktsercahtiesfrisi.iles and nods and way- , there not a choice?"
The squire. and Clera, did not wait 1. "Not yet not yet, Clara,. Whatev-
er is the -pc, .1 handicapping fate by
illl • for the lifting of the anchor. The forespeakince a e? I'm very tired. Day
pracleically a murderess, for seui host squire thought it was not lucks to and day le' ite enough. Let six
of purpose and wicked into It with-. ' watch those going away our of months eict se That is what I say,
held the medicines Which \You d have sight. . - , I. eh, Clara?"
saved her husband's life' Lo you Lan -
"If you do, they paver come back "You are right, Rasbleigh; day
it again,"
he said, with a childlike day, and the comfortable night to
possible even for me to so
wooer). As insane; t and yet
impcissible to say, 'This wo
understand What a cruel str
eelot was in then?"
"Yes! Yes! But was such
sieence necessary?"
"I am sure it was the 0 ly wise
head gravely.
eoicl you? HOW could he h ve Old
"No, no, Clara! i am not super -
and kind thing. What, could be hive
to haethe signs
you? Can a 8011 accuse his nether? stitious; not a bit of it. But, then,
Would you have • continued to hive it is just as well Te
him if he had done so? And let me on the right side. h, my dear?"
She laughed and, turned the con -
tell you, that bits utter silence is ' realize the full importance of the
step she had taken. She sat in her
the expression of the noblest ere.1- versation on Loida.. • like a child 4st
et - "Row complacently cheerful' and
enial and self-effacement. 1_ his life solitary state -room
yours also. Ito hoped you w uld for-
get him, and love and .be happy with
sono more fortunate lover. IA small,
selfish man would have deindnded re-
membrance, if he had brok n your
heart to Obtain for himself ucht con-
solation to his pride and nelf-love.
Peer Lancelot! He was I made of
earth's best blood and • niiblest as-
pirations. •Seme men wrld have
caned his honor to his de d father
and his refusal to touch a penny of
what he believed ought stil
return to Atherton early to-morroWe
I dare say your father will like to
drive you." r
To this plan there vvere no objec-
tions made, and both father and
daughter threw away all thought of
their parting and enCleavored to
Make the. tele as charming to each
other as possible. Doctor Thorpe's
house was not far from Micheline,
and in the evening Francesca found
him there and at Iiherty.-.
How is it that a bachelor's house
can be known the moment it is en-
tered? Everything was in the neat-
est order,. .but Francesca knew there
was no wife in. the tidy place. Doc-
tor Thorpe sat by a large ere; he
had his slippers on, and was reading
and reeking- notes from a folio on
a table before iihn. He was a little
-astonished at, lera.ncescea appear-
ance, and said, with an air of
apology, .
"My dear young lady, a letter
would have answered my letter."' •
"No, it would not, doctor. At
least, I want to tell you something,
and ask you something. am going
to Mexico to look for Lancelot—Un-
Iess you know of WV good reason
why Lancelot. and I ebught never ea
meet again. 11 you do, in. such a
case as this 1 not only ask,- de-
serve, your confidence.''
"Going to elexico to look for Lan-
celot! My deur, let me kiss you for
the thought! lily dear, if I was net
an old man 1 would kiss the feet.
that dare so sweet and true a pil-
The tindereigned is prepared to pay the htgbee
Oath price for an unlimited quantity of first-class
Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple
Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Loge
Delivered at the See.forth Bow and Stave Mill. Log
Ao„ be cut an even length, except Soft Elm. Soft Elm
WI be Mil 11,13 and 16 tam Wili also buy
13asswood Heading Bolte,
40 Inches long, at 55.50 per cord, delivered.
Willa's° buy timber by mea,eurennent �r by bulk
bulb. Special attention paid to custom sawing, a
46160.10n gliOranteed•
e„ v Fee
Tor Your .Protection/
we place thia label on averY
package of Scott's Emulsion./ I
The man witha fish on his back'
10 our trade -mark, and it is a I
guarantee that Scott's Emul-
sion will do all that is claimed
for it. Nothing better for lung,
throat or bronchial troubles in'
infant or adult. Scott's Emul-
sion is ,one,of the greatest flesh -I
builders krioi.vn to the Medical
world. •
We'll send you a sample free.
Torontia, Ont.,
rourid eachay Ye' blessed
"Rashleigh, I do love you are not weep."
superstitious—art observer of freits
and signs," And Clara shook her
Far out at sea! The squire had re-
membered the fact with a quick, sick
terror of heart; and at tbe same
moment Francesca was beginning to
was ruined, he did not *ish to 1. tun
! . . sa is ie she po ed mon Di.k's aim,
tt f d1 k • • .a, • i adrift from home and love, and she
Did you notice her, tashleigh? _ eler was afraid of the dark ship and the
1 whale air seemed to say; 'Look at moaning ,winds and the breaking of
,Dick telderson—at mie Dick Alderson! the WaVeS a.gainst her _temporary
i Consider Dick's wisdom. and Dick's shelter. The water was so dose to
bravery and Dick's knowledge of hei•—only a plank between her and
everything. Did eerier any husband i eternity! ,
At that hour she was too much de -
love his wife as muOh as Dick loves I
me? Were ever any couple happy be- , pressed a.nee too much tel to re -
fore? Does not every sensible pet- . member how, much in love sho was.
• Her father iand her dear home, and
, son wish to be as ick and I aro?
Women who marry late in life are the orderly,' calm life to which she
,, was accustemed was the supreme
such fools aboitt th ir husbands. craving of her heart. Some days otf
"Clara, when you married me, y;ou
been his father's a very qurxotic pro- worst was Over; a brilliant sunshine„
. were— ,
ceeding; I think he acted Under the e'l know, Rashlei h—I . know. - I
. an atmosptere charged . with oxygen
noblest impulse that goveros us—love was a fool, also, about my husband. and ozone Oen made life not only
greunded upon. justice arid honor. I thought you handsomer than. you possible but also full of anticipated.
Now—now—he . may wieely and law- are, and better than! you are. I in -
fully be morel worldlike. ;• Now he vented •for you all the good qualities
which nature had not given you. Yes, i delingdhttts.fterthe ii.ifinite monotony of
nine days et sea, how charming,
h about you," i how wondeieful. was the first glimpse
The, jolting of the 1 ab and its rat- of that great city rieing, as it were
tle over the cobble tones broke the out of it! it was also the happy
confession into char ing little bits. month between Thanksgiving and
In spite of his glo my forebodings, . Christmas, 'and New York was -wear-
He has been a little set against Lan -
the squit e could not help smiling. He ing all her holiday decorations,„and
ce?.ot." - ,
"I do ,not blame hire for being set felt bound, also, t defend Loida's displaying all her beauty and.4111 her
a, ainst Lancelot. Any fether judg- absorption In her husband. wealth. ;
e. She has to suppositiont that Lancelot had drift-
ed so. far ikorth as New York, yet
nd she lost ten
Francesca felt herself to be over on
waye my dear.
the watch. 7 The comers and goers in
n these things, the betel, the gay coMptiny in the
da as really a theatres, the loitering crowd on the
enain thoroughfares, were under her
very delightful woman, besides being,
constant iespection. It was_ impof3-
in her present state of Dick -ador-
ation, a most sensi le companion for sible to say in what'place Lancelot
Francesca, She wil talk' Of Vick and might be found; therefore she would
wonder about Dick I a good ' deal; and seek him wherever her footsteps led
that is a great deal better than an her, and surely love would bring
so terrible-eof love eo eender. tile hourly canonization of the young them in some happy hour together.
Bute New York had nothing to tell
tragedy woe too great fer realization Saint Lancelot. flow dismal is this
at °nee, but i drove away sleep and square, and the old yellow church, her and nothing to give her, and as
eornpelled her through ehe long mid- and the rain trailing down the dirty far as Lancelot was concerned Wash--
oight houts.to sutler all its pangs; windows! How dreadful is black ington and New Orleans were equally
net only e with her lot lover, but rain and bleak winds inclosed be- destitute of hope and comfort. How -
with the lonely, unhappy mother, tween stone houses!"
who had slowly died with her heart's "Let us be thiinkful we have got
Actual Sterility in Women is Very Rare -11 -
Mothers and Children Make Happy llotnee
1, to have ' I .1 inert iniseee followed, and then the
m y take what death has loft . him /ewes decidedly fool
without a single reproach, from his
sensitive conscience." i -
• 1 1
r"May I tell my father these things?
i g in the dark would be, I es, . you She su dre a
nay tell the squire., Ite has no Clare,". he said, ."
s all places in his makeeup. When' years of her lovt-11
lee sees the right, he. will say the make it ' up some
. 1 - Think of that': '
right." , i
; These were the main Points of a - "I do reflect up
1 i .
conversation which lasted' far into Rashleighe and Lo
the night. Every fact and deeail in
it spoke to Francesca, for her absefit
]over. She remeMbered LaneelOt'S
great love fer his father, she under-
stood the living agony of the affec-
tionate son in thS preseece 'of doubts
deal for him, There had never been the least
Many women long for a child to bless
their homes, but because of some dc.
bility or displacement of the female
organs they are barren.
Preparation for healthy maternity is
accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkhamis
Vegetable Compound more successfully
than bytany other medicine, because it
gives tone and strength to the entire
female organism, miring all displace -
merits, uleerra,tion and inflammation7N-
A woman who is in good physical
condition traosmits to her children the
blessiugs of a good constitution. Is
not that an incentive to_prepare for a
healthy maternity?
If expectant mothers would fortify
themselves with Lydia, E. Pinkhanfs
Vegetable Compound, which for thirty
years has sustained -thousands of
women in this condition, there would
be a great decrease in miscarriages, in
suffering, and in disappointments at
The following letters to 'Mrs. Pink -
ham demonstrate the power of Lydia
Pinkhatais Vegetable Compound in
suela eases.
Mrs. Keener, Hebron, Yarmouth,
N. S., writes
Dear Isirs.
unutterable longings and despairs un-
satisfied and unlightened.
Ad' they rode slowly back to Ather-
ton, Friincetca told her father with
conscientious distinctness all that
!Doctor Thorpe had confided to her.
The squire listened silently, bending
slightly forward, with set lips and
eyes cast resolutely down. 13ut when
all had been spoken, and she asked,
"Do you blame Lancelot, now, fath-
er?" he a,nswered, "No? I do not
blame Lancelot. I say he acted athe
a man of honor should have done. I
am sure his. raother was but of her
"And I reinember that you thought
her very queer on the day of her
husband's funetal:"
"On the. day of Stephen. Leigle's
berying she behaved to me as no wo-
man in. her senses would have done.
And I did winder at it; beca,use for
simple worldly mit and plain com-
mon sense the leeighs, father and
son, mother and daughter, have , been
enown her and wide for many a gen-
. (wart ion. have. heard said since I
was a boy 'that a bird. out of Leigh's
. nest was always a wise bird; able to
melee ..its way, and to hold , its
"Doctor Thorpe said she had be-
come insane With fretting about Mr.
Leigh's speculations endangering her
home; and by. .encouraging the idea
that she could see and talk with the
"Poor •womalin! • Maybe now she
was born when -those bad planets
and tho moon went opposing one an-
other. : Thou heard What Dick said,
about • Saturn and •Mars and. Mer-
CUrY, .and I am very sure, Mrs. Leigh
was insane enough to have been born
in the thick of their opposition. It,
is a queer . world, Francesca, arid
what we do not know about it would
make a big book, my dear," --
el thought 1 ought to tell you all
that Doctor- Taoepe said to me."
under cover. Now, then, draw the
blinds , and come to the fire. It is United States. The young Irian bad
very cheerful," gone to Mexico, he had been heard
Clara latighed. 1' front in Mexico, and it was his opin-
"An open fire," she said, "is an
' ion he would be found in some small
ever, as Dick said: "No one had the
lea.st expectation of either xneeting
with or hearing of Lancelot in the
Englishman's fetieh; he thinks it
ought to give ccimfort, under all
circumstances." But she put a chair
before the blaze and tried to fall
into her husband' S mood of concen-
tration, and she i soon found herself
discussing with aolmation the prob-
abilities of the little drama at which.
they had both, hoar assisters and
spect eters. , -
"It, is possible; they may come
across Lancelot Leigh, but not at
all probable. We will consider first
the possible. Suppose, Rashleigh,
that Lancelot is tound; suppose Fran-
cesca and he are iliarried, then what
is to be done with them? After mar-
riage comes housekeeping; and
toting men who go away to seek a
fortune never find one,"
"Lancelot has his father's estate.
There is no reasbn why he should
not take poseension of it. He can
sell the mill peoperty for a pretty
SUM at this time; and the house—"
'It would be / e crime to sell the
house Besides, that poor old wo-
man could nevec rest in her grave it companions. And as it was not the.
such. a thing was done. I think the bad season, he was enabled to show
interior village of that country.
And Francesca answered:
"To be sure. She did not expect
anything until Mexico was reached."
And Loida pitied her effort to
smile, knowing that her _ heart was
heavy and anxious, and that home-
sickness and love -sickness were striv-
ing hard within it.
At length they were in Vera Cruz,
that melancholy city of unfinished
and decaying gra,ndeur. Dick was
now quite at home. Francesca.
thought she had never teen him so
important, so' full of pleasant au-
thority.,' so very much Senor Alder-
son. He assumed again oe semi -Mexi-
can costume; he spoke the language
with a fluency and a force that as-
tonished the ladies. Indeed, Loida.
timidly suggested "she believed Dick
was really swearing at the servants;
she hoped he was not, but it sounded
very like it."
Dick only smiled at a still more
pointed inquiry on this subject,
though he was rather inclined to vol-
unteer information of all kinds tis
" Before my baby was horn I 'Wag in very
poor health, hardly able to get out of bed in
the rnornin and often to dizzy that all
01 my child, for it helped me give birth to my
boy and also made me strong after the 'child
came. I am, therefore, very glad to recom-
mend your Vegetable Compound to all ex-
pectant mothers, and feel sure that it *yid
help them as it did me."
_Mrs. Mae P. Wharry, Secretary of
the North Shore Oratorical Society,
The Norman, Milwaukee, Wis., wade&
Dear Mrs, Pinklaitin
I was married for five years and gave
birth to two prenuittire children. Lydia B.
Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound was recom-
mended to nae, and I am so glad I took it, for
it ehaaoed f rent a weak, nervous woman
to a strong, happy and healthy one within
seven mouths. Within two years a lovely
little girl was born, which is the pride and
Joy of our household. Every day 1 bless
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
the light, health and happiness it brought to
our home."
If any woman thinks shi is sterile,
or has doubts about her ability to carry
a child to a mature birth let her write
to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Ildass., whose
advice is free to all expectant or
would-be mothers. She has helped
thousands of women through this an -ye
ion's period.'
Women suffering with irregular or
pain.ful menstruation, leticorrhoea, dis-
placement, ulceration or batammation
of the womb, that bearing down feel-
ing or ovarian trouble, baelcmche, bloat-
ing or nervous prostration, should re-
member that Lydia E. Pinkhaufs Vege-
would look b ack to me and Ida really did not table 'Compouna holds the recordor
to take Lydia E. Pinkhaltes Vegetable Com- the greeetest. nuraber of actual eures
seem worth the living, but as soon as I began -
pound I began to get better, In fact I feel that of woman's ills, and accept no substi-
this medicine really saved. my Die and the life tube, \
WM Women NM Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkbam's Adyke and *catkin&
Want your moustache tn. beard
a began.' brows or ricifigack? Use =um or memos came.. aoarecie, mania sole
— 1
Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills.
Ayees Pills. Keep saying
this over and over *gain.
The hest laxative. il'ariat
Free to Church Bazaars
and EntertaMments in aid
of Charitable Instriu
A quantity o
aleable sample packages of
ed Rose
Te a
will be sent by express„, charges prepaid, o any chUrch
Society, for sale at a Bazaar or Enterpainment, to be held
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The application must be sent in or endorsed. by
Clergyman who will state vqhat ChuYch he is in charge of.
This offer is made for the p-arpose of introducing Rea
Rose Tea to people who are likely to appreciate its superior
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worthy objects.
T, ESTABROOKS, t. John, N. B.
feelings of the dead ought to e
consulted a little." You would resign
the nott at ettherton to Lancelot?"
"Most .glaSly, I am running the
mill for the, salce of the village, not
tor the profit"
- "There is th4 Dower House. It is
a pretty slant and upon Atherton
` ground, Rashleigh. " .
"My dear, wien: I die that is your
house, and -o" ,
'Indeed, it is 'not my house, sir,.
Dq' you imagine I could subside into
Ele second-rate jdowager? If I am so
unhappy as t survive you, I have
my own hou.e in Boston, United
-States of Arnerica. I shall- go to it
them the city, with its , domes of
various tolors, its grand cathedral,
its steeples shooting up hito the air,
its large, gloomy houses, with 'their
deassively greeted balconies. The rich,
picturesque &roses of the men of all
grades and of the lower orders of
women added greatly to the Eastern
look of this far Western city, And
after sunset there was something
dream-like and mysterious itt the
quiet. streets. For then the presence
of the noble andowealthy women was
revealed by theentirmur of voices, the
rustling of fans, and the white -robed
beauties—blanched by the rays of the
moort—sitting behind half -opened
Venetian blinds.
---:burns coal, coke or wood -with equal facility.
Flues, grates, fire -pot and `feed -doors,,. are "
spepially constructed to bsurn any kind of fuel, and
a special wood grate is always supplied.
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Write for booklet.
1 London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. St. John, N. B.
E. A. LA TIMER, Sole Agent Seajorth.