HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-05-26, Page 5__
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4ft A-&
� Sugrorth,
�Paiity" and is Empr"Y
-the store, recently
7 � bunt
r os-, where- he wfii bav& 2
: _ ,
aost up�tlo-dat,e butehW-.
� ek
- co,unty.—Tho new uft-
� _ _
d his d6tif�s, this W66k.
� �-__
1 Stanley. � I -
�- ms, Thursday Putl v—* - ,
4 and 2nd. Tbe iZ
; - C7
,I*ck. Lots of H -or -aft -
I - ,
.3-,,�ion 25c. .,I
; -
Crin. . Nlr. Ediu*,_ Ift
F M -ay 194-h, 1 notice ti,
C . ,%i t h ypw - -
� connection
'he proceedingpq of tk----,'
wcil: " Mir. John Y*_
red to ,pin-.�suade tifti
,rant him a'abange Lc I
' 'the Logan drain, which- - I
,under progTess, but. tl�a -
� 1104��'1.4-�e their way, c1w I
I .
1 i
u Ls request." This stait* -, 1
,irely it varian�ce., w1tN - I
7 i
z L% true 1-appeiaredb,- I
-�ley- council anid laid 3z -,y, I
, 1
th(,nt. The members of 1
. 2
. - vishted
: pAwsonally s I tba_ a
_ I
ianimeasly a -reed to do �
� - � - i
suggested and the Nvark - � i
Y comple-ted in the Nvay I
� i
Ped and for -which t htl-. 1
s nks.—JOH_ I
� 1� . i
1. � �
. _:
- I
I - I
� -�, A
� Hibbert. - a
� -
I .
Ices, Thurs,,day a na Fri-
- 2nd. The W
,,t and 1-1
-Ick. Lots ot 140r.96 --
Z. -
,issian 2�uc. - -
. I
�, —Ont -of tlio,st frap- I
Mls. I
iljt sMooth tlw,� wrinkl;s -
�.11� I
-res axid render our fee. ,
Is beatific -as they alb 4
'I bieing, took place on I
r -
�tst at the home of Ns. i
� .
-he 10th concessi -
I _on,when jQ
, - �
. �
, dau.(,hter, .1-ifiriam A, �;
; � the hody banda ot mat- :
� i
- �
� -
Ir. J. Franklin -11orto% - z
� - -
� of Air. John Horton, (CT
litaba, but late of Tuck- ,
r -
; .
The appaintf-il hour tle
,arranged t1einse-tv-es in
,wal bank, thf-,, bride be -
way by her brother-bI�
- �
3n T. Mitchell. At the.
� .
;if the wedding marabs.-
.. Jarvis Horton on the
: -
p-ampitnied by 'his siste
I , on the oririll, Rev- X-- -
4vmsall, ably vorfoTmedi I
t �
� ovremomy in the pres- -
' -
' - h -e
,t ont undred gu .sts�
nis ever, all adjoarneit- ,.
- I
. .
A, _r_��
I roam, wh(_-re they pax :_
i;eddinx suppr-r, the P-X,o �.
VI-tich e'otild searcely bQ - �
,� -%v -
p, bridf� -w; h,m&4o,m0kr1
11"m silk awl the brides- - - -
�-11111.r. 1141 -ton, in ercvam -
,-,dli; looka-d clwrining,_ .
� tt,,bouqut-t of CarW- �
ro m Waz; supporte-4 ,
ef-r4-moiV by Mr. Roger 1
�� . J
i The brido I I
of the bride. , �
TJ -rt'-,-i rlio,;t popular , �;
. *E fact exi-nipTified i.
t bill A
. . �
itutible ,and wseful pre&- � ��
I -lif �
,4 .- - was made tho re- I
. the groorn is a pros- -
'farnwr of TuckersmitX '
'. couple em.,-Urm in tbeig -
,� under th4- mo.st favG)C�
� I
- -'s I �_
A Ila - I
I I roxeter. . I.- I
� .
- .
i - wazt-
X. "I rat .Nfrs. Ste � .
- ef- Stewart, of Bruls' -
. turdav witi.i. ivs. a. �
- � . -n ;of TaffN-
John Bnxw , .
_ ui--,t (if Dr. aiid WS -1
. 8111itli left for Ham-
-, wbert- lif� has SO-
�!lfly, .,
.. ,
,, i on
_ in tT�e TradeTg ,
I -
� ]:". If(.-itilaiiii wa-7 gut
I I - ILL-; final eXalo,
I liftZ
- C
�. ,all-, -P' Of Ph,LrMa0Y-_
7�.,_%Irl1j. I, -,ell a soci,al ,Off-
�� -
_.��f 0�6r-r,-vular racat
�.—A niveting ,was hOld
�_J �1:s' .storf, 'Friday eff-
�i`i'rvrs w4.re elected X61�-
. I ,,xr-n-rintr for spo'rt$ �
I "
2 1i -
i� Or! t 1 4. fi r1lit Gf July-' .
� i ion witli -"11001-- I
" U%, held in Linton's
4 :
', I t, h. �
7 -
� I
. -
- - - I
)N S
�:very other make in
!03iatlon Footballs.
�be ; they know the
reeir and keep their I
I �
� �
. i - 1
4 . ..
� -
I ; I
. � . .
q .� ...
� .
� I
I . -
, .
- - - I
� I I I
. a
" Then if you Want . .1
7 � I
� �
� I �
� I
I �
I ,� i
�r S1.75. Then we I
�, every one perfect.
.Clard will bring you
i 0
,�� _r .
�_jo'_N -1
3 S' ) T 0 1?1 I e,. I - I
T - TAF 4 -
� .
i .
F - M--
� ��._ L11 - � . I I I � % . . �
� 1:
� I
% .*p". 01*0184 r ?t_�Ii
i - . � , I *^ � Mark" Sevisto I -
11 .
� lt!�je._ .X lbuslnes6a THE , - 4 I I - �1
. ' and _� I . -A
� - CANADTAN * I -L-1 -
15, 0S Zt, I MCK - U -V & ' C 0, � ""wr "Or 'I ' I cry ca' _*"
� vN
, -1 I A NK - -1 N,, N de' . �_
, �t,=Xa. L I � . Pack 8 f
. forthe i - ard - i.,
. Son =-=
ir -tbe,, 0-1-0 �E . * - =. _
- I 01 W n's IwtitutO - Ontario. I *0 I,- -
I � .
a Z=I%q.�, yenft:r. evmning, I I I - I � .
I ��Wjil be 1'01 I � r .. Z "I Ali �� � ':B1,"Y0`X33:-. il !,,t"- == - Z=:==�_ =Z = . �__
- I I - �: . . %.-..I..-..----- _.
0 tu. �
NM 29 at 7.31]� at the home I 101: � OF ' COM I X-4 I I I � __ . -
stephbften. All =letmbe�rs i . � i!-,, , � � . , ." 1. � - i
Ws., �Geo- ' _' I � .F.- I � - 4
to Im preson". el : . i , - I Ladlei,' 81kirts and Shirt Waists. I . .-
, -
.1ATe Tecinesttd - 1
- � I Paid.upcapitia, svoo.ow. ueseme ftud, $3oMPO 1 �1_ I
— — . 1, � i -
- � . I �- . . t* the
- ililfrus � I . -"-rr :_ We have just m6de-a large,purchase of Ladies' Fine Dress Shirtsand I-111ame--mura, in -"-m I i I
I. _;�_ . ; . �9 � 11
i . i, ! . . r ,�_
SsAmm 3k%, 25th IM � . I 11EAD OFFTCEq - TORONTO. Shirt Waists, which were offered to us much below their value. for .spot cash. .1 R
it rp .. Wbftt ......... � .... 01�.__.io gii IZ 0 fm . - I z
,*., . � � ; - to yo
Z;tl poi P2shs1____.�*__.._ 68860 a 88 . . . � � T,: I We bougbt the whole lot, and we now hand them ove� u at about 25 ----,a
� _' . . . ALI . V,M LAIRDO A09t. Gen'l Manager, ' _W_ -
re" "i buoei____.0'V ____ 0 65 to 065 R.. E. WALKEN General 4, anager. , I per cent, lqs thau regular prices. Below you will find the facts : I IT/,& -IV
- - - i - � � � I . Ir - iz
1;WgItype __ � �� #60 0 45 ic 045 � I , � ! I �
r bushO .;I*- � � ' i- -
—777t- . I dies' Plain Lustre - ,.
g,d#.- X(L 1, lev" � _J�� __ _.. 0 14 ia 016 . I 1. � Mer alupk�j =
L%diss'Plain Sergi Skirts in all sizeq, worth 81, for 89c. )is �� ��
js��;;41ub ----------- 0 U to 018 I - 11 61 rn- harlv ;'S'uln -S I .
I .
31mr dox-_ __ - .*.__*0_ 0 j2 so 0 is Skirts, lined throughout, worth 82 25, for $I-75. Ladies' Btack 0 eviot k rts, tri - I
� 2� bo io a 7-0 ,8. (surn- t/ . � . �
1 P4 . - ! .
IN 'Porlsolw — i -0--e.- � mad with cording, very Opecial, $1.75. L,Adloo'Black and Navy Homespun Skirt ,�, I �
. w__ ec. �w,j.____ 8 50 to 700 � 11, . . �� t i _. � I .+*I+- - __ I
I r Wn 116 � Mr weighbo)-, trimmed 7ith strappiog and buttaue, worth $3.65 for 6-1-75. Ladies' Black *+*4 # # 4'. 0 0 ip is � I I ++ + + #,;�
�3jl 1 100 1W_ - _.�6__..., 50060 5 86 � . ISSUED AT THE FOLLOt,4NO RATES: -
ff 41w;= , J . . I Vicuna Skirts, 7 go-ree, �rimma4 with silk pipipg and strapping, good value at $1, for . 4 .
O...- _**-*_*ir4V_ 0 80 to 0 "_ ., " , S,3.2 � . TJ - , .
#sheep r big (now".', ,,*.. - 0 73 to 80 1� 1 5. ,Ladise Black Vi 'us skirts, trimmed with cord' ,ng and ornaments, regular priee
40 . I 1'� $5 and .-under ..... I ......... #... 11111k 3 C'e to . -We are detarmined to attract 'o this store GVOTY
Mn"01 s bam"I_;�i .. .... I 26 to 100 . , 1'.. 0 -to t 0 f -
sat ( ) I i . 14.50,for$3.95. Ladies, Fine Black Venetian Skirts, 9 gores. box pleats, trimmed,wi.th I �
X !...._ 50040 6 20 Over 85 and not'exeeeding $101, ....... 6 ce to Ladisi? Summer Orese Skirts, 0 - .
wo"Paw I I I silk strapping and buttons, worth $7,50, for $6.25. man and woman who believes that a saving of i
w.-04peroord (29-4-)-.: -i... 2 76 to S 26 . �1
Applq#=r-b&g___j_ _;#.'�__, ... 0 40 to 0 50 Over $10 -and not exceeding $3Q�, . .... .. , -10 ce to made of white pi us, trimmed with muslin embroidery, very special, $1,75. Lsdies' I * �
Fd�var __ - _*&*_.0_._J,t.i*. 7 00 io 800 1 , Duck Skirtp, in mck with stripe@ owd polka dote, with 3 rown of strapping, a snap at money on reliable merchandise is worth con�ider- -
. I
1moW Seed - - -,-. ee,A�_'_: _- - 126 to 2 00 : . Over $30 and not exceeding 8560....0. 16 ce to $1.50, Ladi i3' Linen SkIrta, in grey, blue, green and natural, trimmed with white - - ��h I .
. "I
i ^%I)ow, per lb-_ � -.-.A,--- - 04 to 015 : I . I . � . ing, regular $2, for 81 50. . . I The opportunities offered at. this sale mo suck - �
�tPork, per 100 too* - go- , These Orde are PAYAB -E� . at any offiee�i�jn Canada of &� Obartered Bank P'P � . Mg* . I
. rs Lla A� rA I , I . \ ! I � I . I I
t I - ___ ___ n excepted), and at the principal bankiJ# points In the U' ited States. - I . -
(Yuk6 , , 1 'Shirt Walstso-:-, 11 ir every Want. .
Dairy IA6kets. ; � - I
i � I that thrifty buyers j�houlcl supply thel I
NEGOTUBLE ATA FrXED "' ,kTZ �AT � - . - &iRto# trimmed with haverbion and tucked biek and front, I I �
t-LORONTO, May 23.�4'Fggki-The string- - � . : 4, White Muslin Shirt �v , - -
. � snoy in'the supply Conitnues , and Compet' THE OAN _1V1MEi0E, 'LONDO�, 9-_-JGLAND. goed value at 75c, for 504 .Fine White Muslin 91216 Waisbe, trimmed with insertion We ptomise that we, wiU surpriSe even Oar Oldest
� I eon, ADIAN BANK OF 00. � I .
Ition is becoming -keen4, with the r t and tucks, worbh $1.25, for 953, Black S,tteetk Shirt Walsts, very upoolal, worth $1,25, -0
. I
. � - ' - . d with while, very - ., . -
that prices are higher �* n at 15 to 15je They form an excellent method of remiUlnR smOO sums of mone�j with safeby offering. -
� ai for4I. Lim n Shirt Waiets, in blue, red, grey, and champ %gas* PIPS customers by the values we zro now
� for case jots here.' 73kitter-The receipts and at small coso�? � styliob, at $1,25 'Also a firie asoortmetib of fine Organdy Muslin Sairt Waigto, trimmad � � . - �
- i I I medalions, at $1,50, $1.75, $2 and: $2,50. --- _.- _____ -----
I , ; - . �:, _�-=_==�--*
. I . BR4 N � , . ��
era light and the, msrki� has a momewhat � I � . ! with all-over embroidery,linsettion and
--firmertovestprevional iotations. Oroam- C Ka ; �
, &Iry po,Ana rolls. L�� _K�S, manag
ery prints, 1 $. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 11 , . E. PAR er. . C.&B .A. - W 13 C) W , M! :PM'X1'0:E3 .0 10. 4 I a
" - -
` - - - :=====� � �
16 to 17a ; e,)mmon dv,ity,14 to 15c ; Isrve -- .=-, - � I - -r-T-r%" . -1�ry Departme,1,111
dairy rolls, 15 to 16o ;[.� 1�edium dairy 13 1, i,, 1/ I V 16
P - . . M1 Vilifle
. �
. . i, -*KINNON & 00.1 BLI T H's .
to, 14o; choize daio,'� tabs, 14 to l5e. . � I
,,, � Me., . -
'Che"se-Supplies are A.6, the demaud, is Deathe. . �� . � ---- - - � I 1. I I � .
� � i .
I �In MoRillop, on May 22nd, William I I avalk
� qmiet acalbernaakebU'Weak, at IOJ 1`01 LAwRENCF a . , : . I - _* OmAR6 %0' 'O*LUMMIER ts - -
lgrgeandlQV3fortw1u' fiJ�a jobbiDg�vay pnest Lawrence. elJo t sOn Of Mr Jan'05 W .I: $100 1 r. 16 ir ti ALEN �
11 . . .Lswrence. aged 84 yeirs. 6 months and 22 days I
here. � . . DODD-At Nile, on MMY 18th, Hoary Dold, &ged Round Tri P I
Wwmit=�, May 2$-Bggo - Straight - 78 Yeals � .� May List of Val u es Good �
I . �,
I - I . -
I i I 11
atack., 15o, to 15J3 ; setOots, 170; No,' 1, I&OEVOY-In Goderich, on May 16th, John Francis I I 1� GODERICH to I . I I "I The greatest Clearing Sale ever known in the history I -
. McEvoy, eldest sou of John and Mary McEvoy, I Avm� I N ^ -
15io. Satter -Choice breamery, 18J,0 to . aged 29 years and 8 months 11M 1
18 � dairy, MILLIAlf-In Guelph. on MAY 17th, Mirth% Cluff A Harvest Tor the Thrifty. of this departme-at. Goods go on k1le 61 prices never be—
. go ; undEr grades, 16� to Me ; , 1
16c to 161-o ; rolls, 151a ibo 19jo. Cbsese- reliot of the late John Millian, of Calborae, agea C I..
. I ur clearincy E
. 81 yearo . � 11 � fore heard. of, Here are a few of o mes :
� "Onsario, 9*0 to 9Jc ; Q06boo, 91 to 910. % - is
I . GREER-10 Godetiob. on Blay 16th, Robert Greer, U TRO . --------------, .
. - a At I 0 a%ed:61 years . .1 SDA�Y, JU* E 20 * . . I n F" F trom
Gram, bta. BALL -On the Bage ]line, Bulls% on Mav 12th, Ann . ,� The home with thei largest iue,ome doesn't always possess the, fattest ba k
. - e late Wm JDail, aged 72 JU 8 22 ,Xwo large boxes of 'lowers, worth '
&Y ' �Geat-Ontario reA Gorbett, rellob Of th . 11 Pturn T�hursdayr I ' 0 -
ToRoNm M 23 9 , a, b months and 6 days account. There are occ� ants of two storey cottages wh could give the own �
- year ,, ' . �STHAMRR GRZY11 UN D - 4P -
white and mixed were Im at 96 to 97c. _FA Blyth, on May 176h, the inf%nt 01, P
I , WOETT-,In god 2 � Two Days in Det OR era of palatial residences point3 on home finanicing. there are women in 50C to q tor 15c to 25C.
1 I I-
out,side. Goose was (Inked at So9 to 84.3, daught" of Mr and Mrs F F Fawcett, a � 0 , I le, H. Ayer, Exon. -'oney bags who show buying judgment that man �
.. months . f Agent charge of households' n�, . .
and spring ab 90 to 916� � Momitoba was 11 . I _ _ e 1� eili' g at half price, . .
99 FLUKER-In Hullett, on May 11th, Alice, wife ol a Fifteen ends of V n
� I riorther4 wm quoted at 31 . 1. shrewd men of bu i eps don't possess. The knowledge of se in .
higher. No. r J awas Fluker, and daughter of UrJ4 Dyek, I i � sirl . . - 9, paving, I z
. I . � rq,a
to 9910 ; No. 2, 90 to gj�ja '. and NO.' 3 at Be year � I � knowing a good thing the minute it app�ars ,. I - _. .
Dakot%, on May ' 0. a I I hal' price.
� 119 to ' ill' 'I colors t I
. - T110 I (;raftou. ]qorth a
.89-1 to 90c, the track, Mke points. - , Grind , 8034�-A Children Half �are I I I Chilion at .1 ..
a . 12th, Rlehatd Thomas Thomp6on. eon of Mr and I , I .
ing in travr-ft 6a mord., Barley -Nominal Mrs SamueliTitompl3on of West Wswanosh I ag 1 $1 �00 Lace Ourtains fromb0o per �air to $3.50 per pair,* all Eizes. ' � . �
- Imb, Jame'A Moore, one-wjy with' Bagg � � price,
at45oforNo 0 43jfok,.N�o. 3 extra, ona mOORE-1n Anburn, ' . 1, � . -Underskirti, from 75c to $1,00 each) black sateen. lftibtons at half .
� 0"' al a . . — . . .
'-I 11 mon b f, Ladies'
-44a for No. 'I>, any froTghts. Vats -,TJ In- aged 69 ye%ra and � . - I
charged at 39 to 40o wt6r,, 41 to 422a es6t, PITZpATRICK-In Birtle, Manitoba, on May 2nd, . �� . Flannelette Blankets from 75e to $1,25 per pair, white and colined. , . - I
- iorge Fitzpatrick formerly -of Brussels, aged . A . Laces at half price. �
Ge The 8 �ial Excursi n Train - .
and 40' to 44o on the trick, Toronto. Peas s7 yeArs, 9 months P',nd 22-d.ye f I * - -
- +,T_ 9 * e_ V_41__9_V__T_V_ I'll—
, - will le4re Stratford ud-way IMPORTANT !-We will pay 14c tradefor eggs up to Saturday, May 27th. , -+ 1-4-44-1.4-1461-44
� -Nlarkeb is unchamg4a at 69e outside. I - NMNMMNEMN� stAtionst: to Goderich uesclay � - 9 -r � 1� .
. -
MilifeEd-Bran is. qaoto at $15 and. shorts � - : . I I We 4ill pay the highest price also for good butter. - I
Manitoba mornitl , June 20. . 1-1 I t I . "W - -W, 1-� - -
hani a d way - i 11 I
I 1. . � � . . train ,NT -Suits made to measure, satiefaction guaran kju CL -
- -1111 �11 _. SPECIAL DEPARTMV Dress §'& -- -
at $��iq, bulk at mill$ west. fit $120,50. . 4 - We ill, handle y.,ur Produce to your satisfaction. Try us, ' 'w � v-pul-
bran, in'smoka, 48.50 gkid ihorts Funeral Directors- � Front Wing
� stationsil, take niornba teed. GoUr-%ds un-ent -
� . . - � I .
Live Stock �Markets- . and ,1;! P . I
June 2Q, ..,ounecting at Clinton I � I -14 . _e_ 0_.__9__Q I
I Embalmers. . *++++++++-H-H-1-i-H4-1--. 1-1-4-
May 23rd, -Cattle � - (7.4o a. p.) with Speci Train . I � i
Lwimozi, England, , Y ' - ''
are quoted at, Ilic to I�Je per lb.; refriger- at'Mr. KcKenzle 13 ro lf�cll- - I
- I - 1� Night calls answered T 'n
ator beef 9jo to 9J�o pet � lb.;.sheep, 13a to residence, Church St., third house north of . I .' R,eturning- mer Sale. -
� 1410 per lb., . public school, west side. Graduate Mass%- , i . � Be, ,B. G"UNN, Seafarth. 1� Early Sum - - ,._�
L1VMU,,ocvL, England , May 23rd,-Arner- chusets College Of Embalming; Boston, U.8 SPUC14L TRAIN LUAVES I oi � -
, A . . . . I � -1 . - e of dress goods remuants at half price. A table dress goodR I . .
fo" cattle, 57d to 61,,d ,- Canadian, Qc,d to GODERJ�,QI� VOR. CLf�qTON . I A PH - I
U ___ I
� I � Kn-eChtel & McKenzie,. ,.. � . I worth from 35e to 50ol to clear at 250 a yArd.
Mo�- ftme stronger with §TRAT-IRPRI) ON ARI � EASY* I Twenty-five Pieces of dress rinings to clear at 5o a yard.
qT1,.r.AL,-Cab1e 4dvisea from Liver.
. ,
Pool 'In cattle rices 4'Amerioane cold at - . bF S . T1 'AMER THUR�DAY INA-iX ING MONEY IS . . I
. p . .
prices io to -10 higher. R, ___ __ ,� I I � � j� l�i st lining, regular prite 15c, to clear St 100C. I
. -
Ili to I*a, and Cana ilam at Ilia to 123. - � ffMD9KMM M01 I Fifteen pieces of brown wai . .
London cables were wk4er with pricea J3 IMPORTANT NOTICES. - . . �_ ,.�� NIGHT 1� E - . - -r-
Ja lower. American 0tble Fold .at 12jo . __ i I I If you would put away every dollar you save by buying your clothing 'A quantity of dress trimmings, worth from 5e to 9'56 a yard5 to Cle"' :C. FO � I ��
and Canadians at 11144'�, The detriand tor TJLL FOR szRVICZ.-The undersigned w1H � * I and furnishings here, it woiAd more than surprise you how easy it is to save one,cent a yar(l. � . . �
-ocean freight spoice, beM ler very limited avd P3 keep to r seryloo- a thorobred Durham bull oh GOOF"RIGH BA�N D t' ry man 82 or mor it PUT- ' � -
� . Pliver (3j eek Fa4i, &dJ Aniiag Seafortli, to which a � _: money. We will guarantee to save eve e on every ou � I'll
I stexrnship companies finding it diffioulu e served. - Terms 41.0 I I � Ten pieces of colo -red sateens, worth 130, for lie, I
, 11whed number of cows will b M6,0NUGHT - chased here. We are saving money for others, we will save it for you. . �, �
to fill Itheir ves,adls, iullfacr,, some of them JuHN ARCHIBALD, Seaforth P. 0. - 1964-3 1) . I . i 11 I � 1) --
- I 16 An extra speci%l suit, sizes 35 t:) 41, well made, good lini b I
. are sailing with only "If a exrgo of live ir_ I ngs, Halifax Double fold moire Skirting, worth 50e, for 25e-
_ �
. wol ppj6d its cffiring freel� ra-� 9 1 . I . - .
stock. Liverl .q�p,V -A-14-D MILL PR - 8 PAn ONDAY9 JU#,E I tweed, price $5 25. . ! -
at 30s, London at 253��'and Man3hester at V For gate ,the old Bell Farm ,*nd -Mill Property, - � *V __ - , -al line of -colorec muslinIs at 100. , -
- Another suit worthy of your consideration is a nice dressy, extv� - good �
308. Trade in cattle *as rather olow and on the London road. Tuokoramift, recently ocou- . � Specl I
� , I .
. d Pled by the lats Jehn MoNevin. There are 100 . : I � - - linings, and tailored to petfection, regular price $10,Qpecial price $8. ' �
I 'r had a downwar4 tendency all rcun . acres, all olearf d but. about four acrep. Good I F, or Detroit I e also have a great i many other lines at prices away down. I T,wo specials in FaTagOls at 500 and 75,0.C- 1
p Ined and in a
eicepat for good, larke shippine steer,]. buildings %nd the farm well undordra I W . A 04 � -
Prime beeves sold at fr6m 5je t6 63 ; Igo)d high state of cultivatfOrl, all seeded to gy,148 eXeept . Leave Go(�erich%for Detroit 8.30
. I zt)oui 8o acres. 'Al5o the grist and saw mill Prop- a:m., Tues ay, June 20,* CAnada Men's s6x, 3 pairs for 25c ; also an all -wool sox, � pairs for 25c. Work- 1_A9491iq I
cattle, 4a to 5J(-, and 6,amtnon sto01;,,,9'Jc to ertyonthefarm. ItlowltlilubalfamileotHIPPOn, - Time. f` ing shirts, 25c to 75c, all sizes, Overalls -moles, blue, black a -ad grey, 50c to . I . I - "
. -3b, Milkmen's strippers, 3o to 41j. A s%li and a good buffl- � I I e_*1 ' -0-11.
station and 2 miles from HoD: I o 65c. Underwea'r,,25c to 75C) A.10 I
very large fat ball, weighing 2,380 pounds. neps has always been doneat the mills The. farm I rich 75c. Stripped overalls, regular 85c, our pric A/2
. eparate. RetuTti to Gode i
.5 . good values. R te D
at $25. to 8 0 and� mill ProPertY will be sold together or s ,,�)'rap I ep a f ,T Yn e _1 V T"'.
9:)Id at 5c. M iloh co 0-6 sold Jy to 8 16' �urohpser. *arms enoy. Apply to . I,eave Def�oit for Goderich I P.
each. Calves sold at $2 to $6 each Ship- DAV,D uC. &LEEAN, Kippen. 1954-12 ' Staple lines to clear : 500 yards flannelette, plain aud fancy colors, re- I I
pars paid 4a for good 1�rsz� steeo' ;nd the A mi�., Thursday, June 22, Stan-
� . . I gular 121c, to clear at 81a a yard ; 2.50 yards towelling, regular 10c and 12'e, 1 Aaw%
� . dard Time. !) 2 b ELAM60W MUNUM& �
c, � U P n n I 1"w "to- W9
butchers paid 3J to 4 ,�i�r lb for the othera. � , '
I to clear ayt 7c and 10c a yard. Best standard of shirtings, regular 12�c, to Early ' Sal - ��
Lambs Paid at 63 to $6, each. The market --- Reti4rn Jo, Detroit 11 -
-for live hogs was eanier,, owing to the weak- __ . 1:6 clear at lie a yard. Extra good value in black sateen, re,gular 18c, to clear at I
0 derich for Detroit'.8 "'
er cable advices on Caiiadian bacon, which . Leave Go . ..30 15c a yard, Heavy, cottonade, regular 25c, to , clear at 2 le a vard. Table I -
dem'and a.m., Frid4y, June 23, Car�ada ' U Four pieces of bleached table linen, specUl 50c a yard ;. 28-- unbleadhwl -
noted a decline of Is 6 39, Tho - �, I oils, regular 25c mud- 35c, to clear at 20c and 30c a yard : 40 inch cotton, re- J. 35c unbleaohed table linen for 25c; special bleached linen
I was, fair and seleoted 461d at 87 to $7.25 Time. I a - hien for 17c; , -
. I table 1i .
- I , �
. t . ular 12�c, to clear at 9c a yard. - -
- and mixed at $6 75 to 07 per owt. " *1 ___ , - i 9 . I . table covers for 81 each. - I . 11
. . JavyrAmo, btay 23-0atble-Slow ;, &4 I (ow 11 � � : ______ . , : a JAle of 18C moleskin cottonade . �� __
, 1, W . � 'o -W .
. .
able butchero! gradea steady ; othe ra 10 tb I WHITE �, STAR LI�E: See our -wbite bed covers for $1 each
I c lower -, prime'steeia $6 ito $6.25 ; abip- -.1i, , ends., at
5 � I I 1� ,V %-� 111W1111 I = TS I for 123-c ; a quantity Of mill e�& Of eottonade, from two to five yard - � �_ -
' ��
ping, $5. 50 ,o $6 ; but6hars', $5.75 to $5. 85 ; � ,6 I � , � I - Q� ..
. .
. heifers, ,-A to $5.65 ;- �ows, 63 25 to $4.35 ; t , 11 i I I - one-taAwd less than regular pTiC0. . . . � .
) . I i Latest Styles and Lowest Prices WiU make us famous. - �
oatla, $3.25 to $1.75 , 6tockere and feeders, ti. L 11 . - - I
! ... . -nals, etc. . .
. . �� I wrapperette, flan - __.
A .1 A table of remnants of prints, flauuelette, -
I I .1
, ator-k hat . i-��... I �
13,50 to $4,75 , Hers, 83 to $3.50 ; ,e Bntter and eggs taken as cash.
- fresh cown and opringars, steady to strong; � I '11'.� , . � Boots and Shoes I I . __ �. -- , . � -_
;r_�01. :. n1ve . . �, ___ - __ .____ I --- +#44*** 0-0#04040 I
# - � � :
) I 'A 6 - . I
to choice, $45 po $56; medium to k I . � .1 ,
to $28. 11 * I
e3o to $40 ; ,oi4imon, $20 J V _% : '47-1,1 �-: *.�- ^ ). � '�
� A A .- ' �. . .�
golad". - 6� V ..%, %seV _., - , , POR,8PRINW I
900 0 '_ ;�,:* i . �'-v Mr
'�,j d. v '- $4 5 �. �RU Our- 1 )-h ." ' .
-Active and a a . - 00 to 86.50i . 'Y'_ 11 ,'�� / - NJ � i
J. - I 11 ,
Veals , ,Af. -
I ,� , .
" . � . SIGN R
I . § I 0 �
Hogs-Aotivejand 5o t - Ila higher ; heavy, 0. I I . 1�,v ,f4W, ;; - " - !6 arpet Department.
- � X I .
I A 'I - , %j�$ , I",
.0 \"�S --J.,,,4R1',-00," CIRCULA -C
I I ,I- � - "
I . I'My'll , . I �
- � . . . 1" 111, � IIKI�' I A"%L
- " "Y"y.- t " - ��'�t"?-'��
$5,70 to &5.7-5 ; mixi , d Yorkers. 85 75 . . �, . ��,
I � � , 1-0220 � 11" -'�' ,,W, ' . �
- Z5.80 ; pigs, 85 75 ; r6ghs, $4.60 to $5 Q5 ; High I I . , X OF T M ""�I'� - SAW i
For the Brid-,,6 DaintY We announce, the arrival of o r com- :::, � � ..� - � �__ 00, �; 1". � .�,; _T I I
Lr -;,v, - ,
staga, 83 to $3.75. 84 ' - d bamba- priog " � YJ - -
' e siook of choice selections in 8 " �' -,,N.'C�64p"4 Earl Summer v ale,.
- �;11LF&P. I I
active ; wethers, 100 htoLer ; lambs, $4.50 FINGER P .1 Y
FC � ;
.. , plet '? -I ,� " . .- 4
- a C, Summer B6 ts and Shoes. legant:
to 56 85 ; a few, $6.75 . i yearlings, $5 50 to g line of the , Position � .
05.75 ; i $5-26, 0 fo-3.50 ; ewes, We are ehowing a oharminj styles aud new 1hoyelties that wil surely I : , I . . I ' 1
wetheri, 4, '..; �ix- pieces japftl�ese matting, worth 11
I Nejer' � Q -,-_ i -Lace curtains, worth.81.26, for 900. 3
. most important rings thsCiare made. before bave . e been has� . I
plea -me you. . in �ublic esteem . � . 09 . arpets, regular -price 50e, to clear at 38z - All Wool Amr-
�4,75 to 85 ; AheeP.- mplkxod, V2,50 to $5. 1 a& I X 00c, fol l6e. Union c i
, , - .J 11
ToRoNTo. May 23.--�Cattle"Exporuers- I THE -WEDDING " RIN(3r. able to offei so large and varied a assarb- been well earned. likl� . I . * -
. : I I i�`11� -for 62c - also,a quxii-
- These L We hope to rct ain arpet.9, regular 75c, .
� The best offiringe SoldIt 85 66to $5.75 per We also have a large apsortmelat of wedding ment of fresh and pleasing styles d- I -\,N i M - 111110 � pets, regular 850, for 65c ; tapestry c �1. J . .
With a 8j, , rns aaa- to Suit 9,11 .goods are the,best productions of Oe let,' it by even better ser- 1 ,4 ,-,
bwt. D.18 of tq�o very, choice loads . c, . , Y . , tity of remnants and ends of carpets at special priees ; a quantity_of late cur- I
ringa� bhe latest patte ing/ -manufacturers in C d Jle vicb if possible. �� & I "M . �
at 1$5.80 pFr cv�b. Th bulk'sicld at, $5.40 15981 us before ., .. prie,es oa all kind's of rugs ; -another large ship- I
pocketbooks. Drop in and ' . Unittd Stbste3 and qre the llu'e'slbe�" ke But ib is hard � , It'. "It . WOMER N tains, samples, cheap; special ��
to $5 60 per cwt.. - teern, Ft,ud $3,75 to you buy, _- . . .1 1 V111W M a ment of four yaxd wide linoleumus choice patterns. I _.
81,50 for bulls. Butchers' -Trade In this their reput6tion by. We buy dir rom gee how we can im- I
----. a I I L___J � 1��
. r -M I . �
- the manufacturers (br .cash, thereltref we prove the character of '-' ... I .. 11111- I I I 111,11 _�
. . I
diviaioD was brisk'agsdn slid considering 8 . it . . I --I-. I go ,
- - �
Pupils, don'b forget the contest, It close rs th-e ad' ge in r.. N, -, 5 i
the wgaknms in expoiter6', prices were . n can give our oustome vana our '.,�::- �.,A�lt in - C -i . , ;
I he 30bh. -A 84 watch free to the wi - n LN to get �, " I
on t I style, qualj.ty and pfice it is poss! - " -_ `
I nor. . - 1,X -1 ) h, I Z!
"" 4
i $5.35 per awt., with $5160 for picked lots, I for them. . - 11 1%, '.
.1 ,V'l " " 11" 4 1
1 %� I 13 �
: , . �_� z
� t
t weighing froin 1,000 t041,175 lbs. Fair to a R . . I ' I I ' P �C-:",OFQ ga, -* . -Cloth'il Departmu,nt. �
well m4atained. The bost.00ld at $5.25 to . � - V e, t�o %"� t74 9D .
� � Drugs and .Al . I t -Cl 1"I t�. z W :.1
. 0 a) �� UQ 9 P
. bw,4 at 65 to $5.25 per CD � I
r . R. ]vicNaught -4, PJ _
",goo,l steers were quol I Richardson & MInnis jle - - .-. I * - �_f t:,- CD i
Cwt., common to medi4ln at dianes I - I 0 AM& �
. a . $4.80 to,65 per �_ It- M �-- 0 on I I ;
awt., and rGugh, inferipr to middling, at I)ractical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Eugraver � , I c, I I . - � :0 . - P VZ, Ct- 0 0 � i
. ill �
� . $1 75 to 84 60 per owb,. calves ab $5 to � and Optician, SEAFORTK We buy only the ! � . ' , - )no hj CD CD ��?- . �J Early Summer z:iale, 11
Wei I ,�r, ,?2 P 0 1-d !,
$5.50, sheep from $5 t,d $5,50,, bogs, $6.50 Just puresb and beat � )-.A 0 0 1 .
E McFAIMS STORE. , _- Sole Agents for Hagar, Sovereign an . '. 11 �
-od sod waterod, and $6.76 Off OPPOSIT . * I . . 11 No 1:3 - - C, PD � I
per owt., f se)l them ab a rice , - L -or ..
� Wright Shoes, p t .�, *Dwlmalk I-% CD Men's silk and worsted suits, till isizes, worth $12 50.r.1 , $I 0 Xein's �
� o �'d 1=' co �, tz .
c . ovack purchased 30 SEAFORTH. I (� that refutes the idea, � . , T 0 r ,:--I- -at $10, for $8. Dark eolored i
_____ �
- __ - b drug profits are .�'," .
. �, W . '
loads ; exporterp, S5.29 -'-to $5,65 ; bulk sell - I tha # .1 " . tweed suits, four choiceyAterns, made to sell I I
. CD W i
ing at from $5 40 to SG�10 ; bf st butcher's 7 I IV you :4 - , i , � , � C -t- 0 01Q Cn M tweed suits, regulat $8 sait, for 86 75. Seventy-five men 's onits, voTth f rom ;; -
- extravagant, so I .1. a , 0 P, 0 0 .-., , �.
. *
,% to 9,;5.75; fair to goo. t 85 to 65 25 * 11 73 am osn'buy here confl- 41., . PD 0 0 �-� P, 86 to $8, for $6.00 ; 16 pairs boys' kaicker pants, spedial, at boo a pair ; . ,I m
" 0"M.- U . . PCI � 0, C:1- 1:
I - . I
mon. 84.70 t6 -$4 85 ; i ugh and inferior, malk I 93davo 5 FACTS �v
, - dently. - . I 0--d 5Q to$3 Our sale I -_
1 4,50. Re. ' ' '� It-' special clearing line of boyi' school pants, wotth from $1.50 0-11 , ,
I "' 7777" �A CD M 02 - -
83,715 to $4.50 ; bulls, 6 .75 to$ Y : Fresh Hellebore, *. I W n I . �_
, , ,,�* M Ct" � I � .1
� X,-1,:!,;,`,*,��',;, I -, �� We have the best men!.s aTM pant iu the marketi-at ��
LEWIS aud' CLARK, About JeWel - � 0 price froin $1 to $2. 9 �_
Donald and Maybeeitol the following list: 303 per lb. " `;' I.."10":4 , . ��. 1E0 5 C -t- 0 - 4
. -1 " Z- � .1 s
Olt .111. 1-io- �_, " I
I I \ - I . ,'' . .,*0,-0e'_1 C.1- t,o CD �- - k
'$5.10 ; 3 canne a 4, - PD CD ;-- * . I �
11 batahers. 1, 150, at � r, penterinial Exposition ,.-Every article in our sbook is thor!ou$h- Insect Powder, fil ,�'. � I 0 :- �4 95c, a pair. ' . . U, �
1,020, at $3 35 ; 2' bufdhers, 1.020, at 65 ; I � r Ib. I'll, ,_'U_�`.i:l,; 1 I - � 17, M n� I— 9 I -th b LAI ies, suother kipment of
! 'it 5�,, P3 - U-) New goods just to hand I e Wast nov as in ti ,
I - - I at '�, t C -Fl, C> 01 - 11 a -
10 butchera' cowp, 1,140;- at $4.80 ; 2 but' PORTLAND, OREGON ly*good and reliable. Just w I I .. 11 CD PZ5 -
. pretends to be. - � I . = ill Amelican summer shirts, all tile new styles in men!o linen collars�,9 for 25c. -1
chers? co,wo, 1,210. at $4-35 ; 2 butchere' __ � �Never F&iM-orn Care 103 per box. M t -d C, :4 1:�-. .-
2. -Our lines are so oompoehensive and - ,. ,D p ID t� Men's wool hose, fine quality, two, pairs for 25c. Men!o cashmere hose, all I.
� . -1
Ill . �
cawo, 1,200, at $4 25 ;�i,42 butchers, 1,010, SEAFORTH Oatmeal Soap, 3 cakes for IOL = ,
$68 10 FROM 8 e c leob* . - ,_
at $5.10 ; 8 butchers' o4tvs, 1,060, at 64 25; varied as to in ur satief t I - , f� GQ wool, seamless, spacial at 250. - I
I ". Castile Soap, 2 Jbs. for 25a �d �-. --, I
going daily until September 30bb, I " -
Men!o Clothing to,Order-V9 black and blue worsted for $16 ; $Is .,
'27 exporters, 1,300, at $5.65, plus $10 nine Good ions. ' ' I - 0 r:5- r7- t:� , . �3 1 . Y
� ,4_70; 1 butcher bull, valid returning within 90 days from date 3. -Our guarantee stands behind ev : ar �� g CD 0-q - 1
butohers, 970, at Q " - am CD o 1-.. edouits for $14..DO ; special in inen!s pants, made to order, for $1. I
I I �
. ion, iii well imported twe �
1.240, a,b $4 ; 2 expalft bulls, 1,650 bo %f issue - . tiole we sell and our reputat 0. ABERHART, ?I - i�
I I Ln PLJ �;- (3> . F
* Special side trips to California points. - known. I q - "
8,110 ; 19 exporters, j,210 at $510 ; 34 :0 IT -4 ;
. - C -Quality and style considered, i ou r DRUGGIST, 0 Pt P* ::e - i:
exporters 05 - Ahw CD 1-1 t-0 - a 11 0 IV% J_J_ - i
11 , 1,390, at 65 - - Homeaeekers' excursion to points In Man I . ) - Pi pJ CD " �-7 " - LLer, hggS -
. __ I."- I I itoba, Assinaboia, Saakeatohewan and prices are the lowest possible. , I Agent fnr Prof. Dyke'o "Oil of Pines,' , wo �j CD --4 Highest Prices paia ior juu & 11
5,-Weinsieton-pleaoing you for we de- � .1
Birt6. Alberta. Rates $30 to $39 50. '. - l and Oook's Cotton�Root Compound, "I , �-d F- P rf% .
. �
� - ' . sire to make every customer a porman- P 0 P = . - �]
on Mky 22nd, to Mr and Mrs ani Forsyth foot ball, cc twil . and Wool. . 11
WYATT-In Realorth. . Good going June 13bb, 27th and July 12. �!o 00 0 0 . . 7 Z
Th(jmas WyR0, a daughter) ent oustome.r. 1, _. OCK 0V 0 P . '. Y _-.1
hy Iltb, to J)r and Valid retutoing within 60 days. I & OARDNO'S - - . BL t__4 r.4 1. . � I - .
�-GALLOW-In Godorlah, on ht r_U 0 I -1
I � Jeweller a)
mris Gallow, a son I ,-W
For ticketti and full information call 0 k M O,P 0 W . . lt;j
. I
. .
� �
LANF-In TucknYsmith, oA � May iftb, to Mr and __"ALY . S 0 DIRIECT .
. Mrs 1homoot Lane, a dad'khter :, . on J. F. __Vg 9 Optician � 00 * .& t:
zhsWi on Alay 11th, 0 Mr W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. . . � M C_�_ ,,--.0'14 � �
NwHoLsoN-ln win I t�. (n 0 CD C;- -WIN T:
abd MrE['Wm Niohelaonj& daughtor A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent. Cardno Block, Seaforth. 4 . .,0 ZI.-I
� A -U
'KaGOWAN-In Lra1a%W%NYftosh, on May ;3th, to . I i A CD Pi (D V V opic"R11 4L S-1 ONT IMPORM R8 � I
0 P �
� 4
Mr and Mrs Wnt McGow!An, a son . - - __ : . rr, P, 0 . PA I i i
t I)AR M , 'T1
,lb.irne, on M&Y 16th, to I . (D C -t- Ct- Cr .. ding. Corner Main %rA 19-arkst fts. Sesdfotth. -
-COLLINGBURNE-In qht Opposite Town Bull � -
* i
,ud -Mrs 3 Edgar � it . . I
. Mr r - Oollingburne,'(nee Ida REID CE " ,.I CD -0 0 ::� r r% I ,.
� � I ,L;l
, � .
Tiernan, Seatorth) a daqighter � I I __ L
. 'L pacific Serges, 'Worsteds & Cheiot' - .� Z, Ul I _1
0-t- I
a t 0 M 'HL. "i
I . JOW& I . &me into the prewl"s of 1 1
r Mamakes. . � l!XJ It P, � MRS. WM. SANDERS I the undo . ed. TAt 2, Concession 2 NoMl- ;�A
GUARANTEED =0 (D CD _� ,,q
,1jQ114TOS11_BOYLE-At 0 Augustine's Catholic i C -i- IOP t the ddle of May" a grey ye-urmt -
bo,,,abou I
0; , r._J 0 Ct- Clt- Dress Cutting -School. r. Theownercan ,bavtthasame by proving z
i church,on MaYlfth,�,V Rev Father Hanlon, I 0 0 H7. t:7W :4 U i�
I P P, aulfttei by Rev Ifather Pinoonneaulb, of
ted. daughter of birs Hqnry Vickerman and Vicunas CD cD CD CD 0 9 a yoperty and paying expo�zos. JACOB BRVXBR, .
ublin. - - . i
Clinton, Katie, youni . I am improving my dress cuttilig course. Watch - 1054.9 0
Boyle, and uleoe of mrEF# J MoCanghey, of Clln- I for partAelliars which will appear in* few weeks. In
FAST COLORS. .� ; ge Stock on hand 0 1
Of at Augustine,sonot. ABSOLUTELY Lar @4_ If
ton ww, Atolatoah, . I the meantime, for the benitit of the pnblio, beware 4
Ur to"' � - - -1 W of advertisements not hearing my nsmelas I have I . i
bha,les McIntosh of,elluton, also Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suiti� :* Meeting ot the Huron County-
'-DgClqEa_p.&D9R-At D %qhwood, on May 10th, by A full range of the above lines, . 99 160 - heud of a few ems. trying to te*oji, that baven't . i
0 1 Cou ncil. -
Rev P. Rifort, John Debher; j r, Of the Babylon i- - taken & teacher's course from tact and so are not
. Line, Ray, to C14wra, da4ghtor of hir Jamb Ro� and Trouserings. 1. PRICESRIGHT. Now . I I 11
. der, of Da�hwood : . Satisfaction cluaranteed and prices moderate. t I Q qualified. Anyone tbinkinx-of learning from any � A
b I . tlier Persor-, write me lint, and I wilt Ut them The Council of �,,he County of 1ruron will meet in
- ___ __�.&�&A� I I am the the Oouncit Ohamber in the Towa of Goderfej, jkt
-.'� � , es cf 2,11
ents, Hentryn, on vvy'rlobh, by Rev P $list. � r 2 ecloek� on Tuesday the Ztg day.ol, June no,XL
I .
scoonddaughtor of Yrflind Mrs Hear 0 61 F'w`w� .... �_"' hant Tailors ! All accounts againat Vbe wunty mug be in the
- B D, of Ethel, Mr Irmo Murr to M el ,' N_ W U _"'�'� ,
he n%
" �* d-; �
" P "'�!"" E lifich
MURR-FOG&L-Atthe b§wo of the bride's par. : AN 10"i- 0 0
,.� � kn w 11 th" r - '
Jnv,nto of �b� u =nn 'e -
eel I �v 1juaht L h
ao� �
. I m CLU FF & - SONSP oja-tt 13 t egg _�
.---- -
n 0 , r —e, � M - e,.r.c --- A t M. -'s bAnds before the firstv day- of Inaeang-
.-OLARK-COULTEX-At the recto , it . Speare and 'a.s ....... . . � ... . ........ ;iiiiiiiiiiiii;;...Z..., � � I LUMBER YARD and PLA ING,,� ,L ON*- 01Tn AYDEM, tlork . -
. A n f t . � it-,
Rev 0 R Ganne, X EA, Teo 10 Is Tescher And Inventor. W. LAIJ ,Mr-,,,
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