The Huron Expositor, 1905-05-19, Page 5nfr
Slater Shoe.
Kin Shoe, the Geier'.
shoe for men, and
oliday fooeweer e
"ty, was en
T hesaupson,
Lr. Alex.
!age. The tern
by Rev. Dr. Gilro
very ha d s mese ly ate.
•d charming and yee
many driends of the
wishing therm long
lappiness.-At tha
e in Carmel ch.tirdi
rirnin. last, 25 now
tdeled tO tilk-ommue alnedske
n iean ts. Thie;
the feet tethat
ly given by the
Ix support of a rnJf
own in the forekges
t giving in the 1j -
church, evide'neser
life o,f the cone
is a niost pleasing
, the ministrations
e Mr. Smith, whet la
y able, earnest and
heed -Ail roads wilt
on 'Wednesday next,
will be it he event ef
re invite you to see
.ntate !wires in black, nuy.
am, black and rievy YON:,
pa de chene. These are thi
Olouable geode anti oar valose
get la the-lerge Iowa atom
trt,etatil June 16th, w wErt
ne goods purchase of $2 sad 4
tern," your own choice. P.
:odder', Surgeon eyea
fits glasses properly.
:el, Seaferth, Thurter
se adv.
—The moving picture
n at hayfield 'Weir
-eciated by the la.rge
judging by the ap-
-.titter as the ceenaio
Imre thrown on. A
iewhat disappointed -
pictures ran the preen -
dews and illustrated
'of stereoptican char -
)11 wiefb; 'tpei oxygen
-W, H. Speare,Cline
:reegaen F. Renen and
eat week to fish at
X Wm. Johreston
nadved here, (min
ton Caine ran is home
owim4 'to an at-
' . We wish him
• Hugh Mele-ay'eof
d engaged as bar -
Albion laotel.—Are
left on Monday for
--W. Trott need .wife,
s in town Sunday,—
f the Front Road
topic at the Leaeine
and Teed a very in
on " The Porgiviyg
reon 8, Wire and
en. were e; ueets et'
eenday.—eirs. Janrs
ed the sad news of
eese of her son, W.
T/r with his wife ani
to the NorthiNest a.
t ago. She purposes
S( him shertly.—jae.
nrif d ltOree Monday
a plehsant W Inter
Lfl1Ck at Washington.
t, ;of Goderioln
hcr sister, Mrs. R.
Nehl has /Teemi to
footbail tearn. The
t he Late rmediate
ween Bayfield Lake -
11, was played here
lour boys winning
to O. This makeet
Ions of this district.
f IfennaIl adneirere
[fir team •and tbeY.
,tel win. Thy a'ro
but are behind in
weather was hean-
VaS a larare turnout'
o were greatly in-
sne. Play wax late
leers of both teams
(-pen eneetged in the
0 game with Owen
'.ra.rttec ommenced
• rrnost and pla.5r.
art to finish..
edon, Surgeon eye
erlaseee properly-
Seaforth, Thurse
other riteke in
;ion Fuotbells.
they know the
tkad keep their
if you wan
75. Then we
y ono perfect.
will bring you
In • .4 Son Ot
ntylifl, a Downey., has pas-
st te'ear's exantrnation at
egricattikal tollege, Guelpli.
lley. of Mitchell, is
-*tittering Melt blood poisoning,eans-
na" by a, ent tthie finger and K. ie
feared that it4e finger have to
L*61MA ry-lav
• — *Vel'- raise $8,500 for ere
boding ithe Waterworks :eystem, will
te submitted 0.1 the ratitt-paYerS
letLtobe!I It.O be voted on on jam)
Ling oningreteation of Mounit',
Pleasant anon, Fulittaiteen, recently
teresently Mr. tet -id Mrs. Roy, who are
leoirtit,g for fthe Nortleweet, :with' a
table and ftwe Peandeonere rockers.
On Thursdese tidie` 25%, at 1 °Week p,
we. sheep. on Lot .4, min R09.4, it miles
owe of Brueefielch Hoi. R'gs, House -
bald Furniture, etre Chas, Mason, pro-
prietor ; eThoe. Breeen. auei-loneer.
)3141lirrnt. May 1 8th, 1006
-Wheat 05 to 1 05
ode pow bushel... gm .14.7m Mika/. OW OM* OM 0 i0 088
pees pH bushel Me OW OW 91* op sr ea 0 t35 to 065
Bastogne/ bushel- eaa•.iimeor mo;sser 0 46 to 0 45
seessee-No. le loose „a - 0 16 to 016
- 0 16 to 017
0 .t2 .0 013
2 60 to 275
8 50 to 700
5 00 to 535
-0 30 to -0 26
0 73- to 80
1 25 to 100
5 00 to 6 90
2 76 to a 2.5
040 to 060
7 00 to 800
1 25 to 2o0
*4*0 05
7 60 to 820.
BOW, tub. -
10111.•.•• OS Oa di* 6111, a • OM
„ psir IMR OM • 41-111101
per test a. ow 4,...,0 l•
100 Alma sr orilmi- r• v.* • *it
ge a• ow at •-•
430.1119.! elf blijr
mum per baatelee es, te, es fee
WW)4 per core flange - se -
Ineodperoorct (short).
*hteolthy Beetle.- - me, .4'4* a. low am• 0.
4111010er. Pe? Mem OM OM • A.,••• re NW MO OD
V0114 Pet 100
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, May 1.64.-Batter—The -demand
ia dull, but receipts *re large, and the mar-
-kat has an earty toneQeoroaions are un-
changed. Creamery, prints, 19 to 20o,
:aolide 18 to 19o, de4ty pound rolls, good
to clioina, 17 to 18e dairy larwe rolls, 15
to 16o, medietnidaiete 14 to 15c. Cheese
Steady. Old is quoted at Hee for large,
and 12e for twins, and, new at 10 to 10te.
Sege—The market ie kill unsettled. Eggs
are selling at 14o, 141e and 15o, and, while
-some dealers quoted fie market firm at the
etwo-higher figures, ot ars eay some .large
shipments of good eggs are offering at 14e.
• It is freely stated by !home dealers, whose
ideas favor the higher prices, thet the
eheaper egg,- are being sold' in an Pffarb to
;keep priced here are a low level. They
' -claim the Men who ar4 shipping the eggs to
-this market are mine 13ie and. 14o in the
country, which, if trate would intake profit-
able sale here at 141 lenpossible.
Moneneee, May 16—Egize— Straight
stock, 14i to 150; o. 2, 13 to mac.
Butter--Ceolee creamery. 19 to 19to'• tin-
dergrades. 17 to 18o, hairy. 17o; rolls. 15
to 16o. Cheese-Or:mike 91- to 10e 1 d • Qua-
bees, 91 to 910.
Grain‘. etc.
Tononio, May 16th-Wheat-'Whit0,
-$1.02; red. $1. to $1.02, ; goose,77o ; spring,
v95rs ;peas, 70 ; vets, 46e.; barley, 49o. Hay
-No. 1 tirnothi,* $1.4 to $11 ; clover ne
mixed, $8 to $9 ; aheaf straw, $10;
loose straw, $8, dreseed hoes light, per
owe, $950, heavy, $9. MillfLed-$15 to
i$15,50 for bran, and $17.50 to $18 for
Aorta, Man'-tobs, $18 for bran, and $20
for shortie at Toronto arid equal points.
Horse litiliket.
TORONTO, May. 17.—The following is
Buena & Sheppard''s weekly report ig pre -
maim prices : Single roadsters, 15 to 16
hands, $15 0 to $1,15' • siegle oohs and car-
riage horses, 15 'to 16.1 hands, $165 to
1225; Matehed pairs and carriage horses,
15 to 16 I. hands, $350 to 50O,$delivery
horse','1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $165 to $190 ;
-general purpose and express horses, 1,200
to 1,350 lbs.. $175 to $200; draught harries,
1,350 to 1,750 lbs., $180 to 8240; ser-
viceshle second-hand workers, $60 to $90;'
serviceable eeocescl-hand driver'', $70 to $85.
o t,
Stook Markets.
Terverteoore Mar 16-Anierioan cattle,
-51 to 6a ; Canadisiss, 5t4:;
LexoPer, England, Ma* 16 -Export cat-
tle ere quoted at 11 to 121e per pound ;
frigerator beef. to. i9io per pound ;
sheep, 14 to 14io per pofind.
.BUFFAX,O, Icy 16-s-Oatbli3-Primo end
shipping steady ,• other e her to 15o higher;
prime ateers, $6.15 co $6 561; shipping, $5.50
to 36.10 ; butchere, $4 75 to $5.85 ; heifers, -
$4 50 to $5.75 ; aows, $3 75 to $5.10 ;
bulls, $3,25 to $4 50 ; Stotkera and feeders,
$3.50 to 84.75 ; etotk aeifers, $3 to 33,50;
froth cows and springeri, steady, good
to chOioe, $45 n) 356, medium to good,
$30 to 340; 3onnnon, $20 to $28. Hoge—
Slew. and 15o to 203 lowet ; heavy, $5.50
to 85.55 ; mixed and Verkers. $5 55 to
3560, • pigs, $5.50 ; rougher, $4,65 to $4 80,
stege,33 to $3.75. Sheep and Lambe—
Sheep slow and steady; larehe aative, 10
tel5clower ; lambs, $4.50 to $6 75; year-
lings, $5 50 to. 35.75; wether, $5,25 to
$5.40 '• ewes. $4 25 to 3450 ;obese', mix-
ed, $250 to $4.75.
ToaoNTO, May 17A-Cattle-Exporter8-
The highest) prices reported for shipping
nettle wee; $5 85 per owt, Prices ranged
from Q5 40 to $5,85, the hulk selling at
about 35 40
to $5.65 per owt, ; -export bulls
sold at from $3.75 to $4.50, and export
cower ab $1.35 to $1.75 per owb. Butchers -
Prices ranged from $5 25 to $5 50 per owe)
tor choine pioked lots, equal it quality to
the best eeporters ; loads of good at $5 to
$5 25 ; medium ab 3450 "to $475 ; com-
mon at $4.25 to $4 50 ; ewe, at $3.75 to
34.50; canners, at $2.75 to 33.50 per owe.
Feeders ---There WWI a fair demand for
short -keep feeder, but the market for
them is beginning to suffer, on account' of
the exporters declining. One coremisaion
'firm received a telephone menage canceling
en order for a load of feeders by a country
dealer who had received a cablegram in-
-forming him that Molest shipment of cat-
tle had jullit sold at a loss of $15 per. head.
`Prices for short -keeps of good quality rang-
ed frcnn $d 25 to $5,35. and one ()holes lot
at $5.50, good enough to export ; medium
feeders acrid at $4.75 to $5, and light feed -
ens at $4,50 to $4.75 ; stockers sold all
the way from $3 to $3.80 per 100 pounds.
'Inch COWS -There was atecol demand for
intioh cows and springers, ae only about
eix were offered, these eetlig at $30 to $53
-each. There were sevetal dealers and
'many „farmers looking fot a supply. but
could not geb them, . Vera Calves-Prieee
'ranged tram $3,50 to $5 $0 per cwt., or
from $2 to $10 each. Sheep and. Lambs -
Deliveries were light at frglowing quotat-
ions : Expert ewes, $1.75 tii$5.25 per owt ;
heckle $3.50 to $4 per ow. ; choice year-
linglarnhe at $6 to $6 50 tier oWb ; spring
Jambe at $3 to $6.25. Hogs -About SOO
hogs were bought by Mr. Harris at a de -
'cline of 153 per owe. Peke are $6.85 per
owt for aeleote, and $6.60 for lights and
fate, all fed and watered.
MONTREAL, May 16e -Cable advices
were weak and prices shoWed a deoline of
le to lie, with sales of Clenadian cattle iO
Liverpool at 1Id, and Aniericans at 11-11 to
12o, while in London Cancidians sold at 11.1
to 12c,and Americans ab 12o. The eupply of
cattle, ehep, lanibe and ()elves was com-
paratively small, but that, of hop was fair-
ly -large, the number being in excess of that
of a, week ago. The demand for hogs
Paid-up 09ital, $8,700.060. Reserye Fund, $3,500,000
B. E. WALKER, General imager. ALEX. LATRDe Asst. Gen'l Menage
, $5 and under
Over $5 and not exceeding $10.
Over $10 and not exceeding $30..
Over $30 and not exeeedi g $50..
6, 6 3 .centil
or • to • • 6 cente
10 cents
15 cents
These Orders are PAYABLE AT PAR ab ani ffle° in Canada of a °bettered Bank
(Won excepted), and at the principal banking pante in the United States. .
• They form an'eecellent method of remieting small sums of inoney with safety
.• and at small come
F. HOLKESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
from paokere waa good on Friday and Sae-
urday of last week, and the market in oon-
eequence showed considerable etrengtb,
which resulted in sales being made at the
highest) Point yet this season as sellers re-
alized $7.75 to $7.85 per 104 pounds far se. -
looted. lots weighed off dare, but to -day the
market showed some weakness, aa the sup-
ply was fairly large, for which the demand
was not quite so keen as packers were fair-
ly well stocked, and at preeent prices they
are nob disposed to buy much ahead,,
therrefore trade was rather slow, and sales
of neleoted lots were made ab $7.50 to
and mixed lots at $7 to $7.25 per 100 lbs.;
weighed off oaree Anther faoter of the hog
situation which probably had some influ-
ence on the markee was the easier cable ra-
vines from London and Bristol on Canadian
baoon, which noted a deoline on inside
prices, as compared with a week ago, but
Liverpool cables on the other hand were
firmer in tone, consequently the condition
of the market at present is somewhat mix-
ed, but, notwithstanding this facie the im-
pression among some of the trade here is
that hogs will eventually sell higher, as
they claim that supplies throughout the
eountryare small. There was no mamal.
ange n the oonditicn of 'the market for
cettle. The supply was small, for. whioh
the demand continued fairly good for local
eonsumptioneand prices are firm. Sales of
prime beeves were made at 5/ to 6o ; choice
at 5 to 5o: good ao 41 to 50; fairly good
_at 4k 4ic); fair at n to 40; common at
3 to 3io per pound. The trade in sheep
and burin' was quiet, as the receipts were
very 'midi, but the demand was good, an&
prices were maintained. Export) sheep sold
at 4o, and butchers paid 3i43 to aae per
pound for small lote. Lambs broughb from
$3 to $5 each. and calves soli fairly well at
prices rangieg from $2 to $6 each, as to
Blitt1S- •
hlicGRATH-In Hibbert, on May 14411, lo Mr and
Mrs Peter MoGratb, daughter
MoPHER.SON-At the Tebernaole Manse, lirliana.
polls. to Rev Neil and Mrs McPherson. a son
DOBIgicrr..-In Clinton, on may Oth, to Mr and lire
Lew Doherty.* daughter .
IART-=-1n Hallett, on Kay 6t11, to Mr and Mrs A
John Hare. a eon
JARVIS-In Goderksh township, on May leth, to"
Mr and Mrs Joseph Jarvis, a daughter •
GALLOW-In Cloderiele. on May 1Ith, to Dr and Mrs
W F Galley!, la ton
nneds-en doderiole on shy ,5th, to Mr and Mrs
Robert Bell, a daughter
FINLAY-In Lower wingham, on May 10t11, to Mr
and Mrs Alonzo Finlay, a son -
GRIGG-1n Goderioh tewnebip, on May 8rd, to Mr
and Mrs R Grigg, a daughter
McCOWAN-In Etanley. on May 9th, to Mr and Mrs
Motlowan a dauellter
hicrADZEAN41n fereyeon May 8rd, ta Mr and Mrs
James Morenizean, a daughter
SHORTREED-Ip Monis, on May 2nd, to Mr and
Mrs Wm Shortreed, a son
MoDOUGALL-In Goderich townehip, on May 8rd,
to Mr and Mrs Peter McDougall. a daughter
REYNOLDS -In Mullett, on May 8th, to Mr and
Mrs John Reyninds, a eon •
HOLLAND-JERVIS-At Winnipee. on April fah,
by Rev J G Bioton, of the Presbyterian church,
Mr Thos .Holland, of Winnipeg, to Mies Cecilia
Jervis, formerly of Clinton
OAMPBELL-RAYSON-In Toronto, on April
29th. by Rev De Turnbull, Mr Thcs R Campbell,
to Miss Florence Alice Rayson, daughtee of Mrs
J Rayson, of Clinton
ROSE-hfoTAVISH-At the reeidence of Mr W H
Green. Wingham, on May 4t11, by Rev D Perrie,
Mr Walter Bone, of TeesWater. formerly of
Winghatn, to knee Oatherine E McTavish, of
WALK leln-MoLAUCHLIN-At bit e residence of the
bride's parents, 4th line, llowlok, on May 8rd,
by Rev A B Dobson, Thee Walker to Miss Eliz-
abeth. only daughter of Mr and hire Robt Mc-
EWING-In Seaforth, on May 161h, Sate Kerr Gar
loway, relict of the late George Ewing, aged
66 years
BROWN -In Egmondville, on May lith,Neil Brown,
aged 82 years and 1 month
ROGERS-In Brussels, on May 14t11, George Rog-'
era, aged 57 years and 26 days
GORDON-In Goderieh, on May 711, Rachel Arro-
otrong, relict of the late Robt • -Gordon, aged 68
BLAKE -In Goderioh, on May 7ten Ann Wileon, re-
lict of the late John Blake,- aged 90 years, 8
months and 8 days
VAN EVERY -In Goderich, on May 9t11, Edward
Van Every, aged fifty-four years '
MONTGOMERY -In Turnberry, on May 10th, Jane
Watkins, relict of the late A Montgomery, aged
se years. 6 month, and 10 days
lifoINN ES -In Grey, on May 101h, Robb Mannes
aged 67 years
WALKER -1n Clinton, on May 901, Thos A Walker,
aged 47 years, 1 month and 20 they@
SHIELL-In East Wawanooh. on May Ord, Andrew
Shiell; aged 86 years, 10 months and 23 days
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night oalls answered at Mr. IkleKenziers
residence, Church Ste, third hoose north of
public wheel, west side. Graduaee Massa-
chusets College of Ecubalming; Boston, U.
Knechtel & McKenzie,
100 AcreFarm for Sale.
The undersigned;lifers for sale Loh nunab3r 4, in
the 51h Concession, Tuokersmith Township. This
is an improved farm with pod house and barn and
as the owners are desirous of making a sale they are
prepared to sell on reasonable terms. For further
partieulare apply to
Solicitor for the owners.
&Worth, Ontario.
DAted the Ilth of Hay, 1903
All persons haying any claim azeinet the estate of
Finlay Rom, late of the Township of McKillop, in
the ()aunty of Huron; retired farmer, who died on
the 19t11 day of Deoember. 1901. are required on or
before the 10t11 day of June, 1905, to eend to Arch-
ibali So • tt, MoKillop, (addressed to Seaforth P. 0.)
one of the executors of the will of the decesaed,
full particulars of their claim and.of the securities,
if any, .held by them duly verified by an affidavit;
After the said date the executors will prooeed to
disbribute the asset) of the estate amoug the pert -
les entitled thereto having reference only to the
claims of which they shall hive received notioe as
aforesaid. After such distribution the said execut-
ors will nob be responaible for any part of the e4 -
ata. to any perinea of whose claim they eba ft not
have received notice: as aforesaid. This notice is
given pursintat te the Statute in thebehalf.
Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated at Seaforth, thie 16th day of May, 1905.
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
No. 40,727 A. T. R.
Will be bred to a few mares at his own stable,
Lei 26, Concession 4, MoKillop, two nailea nerth
of &Mottle
WILKSHAM 19 a solid bay hers°, 16 heads high,
sound, and will weigh 1,200 peunds ; foale 1 in 1901;
bred by Thos. Tippet, Oakwood Stook Farm, Olney,
Illinois, and was purchased by his fresenk owners
last winter, from his breeder. It will be seen by
his peligree that he carries the very best blood
known, as he *IMMO to Geo. Wilkes, g g slre of Dan
Patch', world's obampion-pacer, to Abdallah, 16 g g
sire of ()rem)! 2.021, world's chamnion trotting
stallion ;,to Herold. ahead Maud S. 2.031, a' world's
champion and still ohampion to the same -hind of
hitch; to Cuyler and Messeoger Duroo, all eons of
Hambletobian 10: he alert has crosses Mambrino
Patchett, Kentucky Prime. MambrIno Chief, Clark
Chief, Bourbon Wilkes, and Henry Clay, and sire of
dam of Geo. Wilkes. He is a good, high going
trotter, and promises to trot fast. Terms -$15 ; all
'contents to maree at the risk of ownere. GOVEN-
LOOK BOOS , owner, Seaforth. For pedigree ad-
drese Bert Govenleok, manager, Seaforth. 1463x8
lan &STURM. To -RENT. -The undersigned - has t6
let on lot 5, c noession 4, Stanley. a ,quantity
of good pasture, which will be let at a fairiprice per
bead. Plenty of fresh water. Apply on the prem-
ises or addreas DAVID CAMERON, Kippen.
STEAT CATTLE.-ntrayed from lot 18, coneese-
ion 1, McKillop, on May 121h, two two-year-o'd
red heifer' and one grey one with redeish neck, 18
months old, shorn on back and without horns.
Any informetion leading to their whereabouts will
be suitably rewareed by leaving word at the EXPO tit-'
rrtne 01/111Ce, Seatorth. JOHN FLANNERY.
MEACHERS WANTED. For Zurich Public
.8 Sohool. a ratis teacher, holding profeestdnal
certifiaste, se principal. &leo a male or female far
one of the junior departmen's. Duties to com-
mence after midsummer vacation. Appliestions
will be re ceived by the trustees up to 8 o'clock, p.
m., Saturday, May 27th, 1905. FILED HESS, 80,
Scoretsry Zurich Public: Bohm!. 19534
MO THRiSHERS.-Applications on behalf of the
I. Murray Threshing Company will be reoelved
by the undersigned until Friday, June 28rd, for
three experiencee men capable of running althreah-
ing outfit, including a treotion engine. Applleante
to etzte experience and salary desired. ROBERT
MURDIE, Seatorth. • 1958-4
IGISTRAY OATTLE.--itrayed from the premier)a
re of the underaigoed. Lot 28, conceosion 10, Hilo
bort, on Tuesday, May 9th, 12 head of young cat-
tle -1 spotted steer. 1 roan, reds, 1 heifer in calf,
2 lirindle heifers and ono lame steer. Any infor-
mation leading to their recovery will be suitably
rewarded. WM. NICHOLLS, Chiselhuest.
triSTRAt CATTLE. -Strayed from lot 18, comae -
Es Mon 10, hieKlilop. on Saturday, May 1130), 10
head of cattle, six yeerlinge and four two -year-olds.
Of the two -year-olds there', was one rel steer, do -
horned •, 2 red heifers one with four white lees ;i,
black heifer. Of the yearlings there wan a light red
bull; 1 grey heifer ; 8 red heifers and a small red
steer. Any information leading to the recovery of
the abnve animals will be thankfully received and
liberally reyearded. THOMAS BOLTON, Winthrop
P. 0, . 1953-4
MURK FOtt SALE,-Tbat very desirable proper-
ty situa ed in the township of Morris, in the
county of Huron. adjoining the village of Blyth,
containing 1i0 acrea, beloneing to the estate of the
late Junes Legen is now offered for sale. On the
prennees are a good 1 dory brick house, large
barn with stone basement. stables, drive house, hog
pens and ,other outbuildings. Ale) a lot in the
village of -Bleed): containing one sore, more or less.
If nob previously sold this property will be offered
by public auction about the middle of June. For
further partricelars apply to JAMES LOGAN, 30.,
Blyth or S. B. GORWILL, 871. Wellington Ste. Lon-
don, Ont. •195841.
CLEARING OUT SALE of Hoven Rigs, Home -
hold Furniture. eto, Mr. Thomas Brown has
been instruoted by 'Mr. Charles Mom to sell by
public auction, on tat 82. Mill Road, 1emiles east
of Brimfield, on Thureday, May 25, 1905, at one
o'clock, p. in., sharp, the following valuable prop -
party, viz: Stook. -1 good general impose horse,
8 years old, 1 driving horse, five yeers old, sired byt
St. Blaize, 1 farrow cow. R1g4.-1 McLaughlin
rnbbentired buggy, new itst fall, 1. McLaughlin
road wagon, 1 Portland Gutter, new last winter. 1
set single learning, 2 loather fly nets, 8 horse Meek-
ets. Household Furniture. -2 bedroom suites and
toilet sets, 1. cherry bedstead and bureau, 1 wash
stand and toilet set, 2 bedsteads, 1 single bedstead,
1 child'e cot, 8 mattreasen 2 stands, 2 wets woven
wire springs, 1 coil spring, 1 White sewing machine,
1 extension table, 1 kiteben table, 1 easy hair chair
and rocking chair, half dozen dining room chairs.
half dozen kitchen chairs, one couch, one hair sofa,
1 secretary, 2 cooking stoves one good as new, 1
daisy churn, 1 wathing machine and wringenabout
80 preserve sealerp, stair carpet and fixtures one
large piece linoletm, 1 °look, milk pans, wash 'tube,
sereea doors, hat reeks, lamps, crooks, and mime).-
ous household articles, also one dinner set of near -
ler 100 pieces and numerous • other dishes and glass-
ware. Everything will be sold an the proprietor
has sold bis tarn! and is goiog west Terms. --Sal
sums of 85 and under, cash ; over that amount, 6
months' credit will be given on approved joint
notes. A diecount of 5 per cent. per annum will
be 'Hosed for cash on credit amounts. CHARLES
MABON, Propriet3r ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer.
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & Cheviots
Vickerman's Serges and Vicunas
A fell range of the above lines, also Scotch and danadian Tweed Saitings
and Trouserings.
Satisfaction guaranteed and pricee moderate.
_Speare and Page; Merchant Tailor!,_
Under the Town Clock, -
ON &
More NwciGoods.
' Oiir trade this kl.tring hits' been a record breaker. Never in the history of
our big cash store have we had suchlarge sales as during the last two months,
and still tbe rush continues. Our stock 'in some line's got pretty well sold out,
but he large shipment. of new goods we received this week puts our stock in
goo4 shape again. B ow we mention a few lines of new goods we have just
rece ved :
Ali.ever los in bla k, ereern, arob and white, at 36o, 50e, 76o, $1. $1.25 and $1.75
per yard: Ladiea' belts in black and colors, in new designs, at 25o, 35o, 50o and 750.
NOW parallels in Week and facto, stripes and floral patterns at 50e, 75e, $1 and $1.50.
Children's parasols in wh
650.. , Corset oovers in white
cardinal, sky and piok, with fancy frilling, ab 25o, 45o and
and black, made of fine lawn and muslin, trimmed witik in-
serbien, lace and ribbon, 4t 25e„ 35e, 50a and 750. Ladies' vests in all sizer, with long
and abort sleeves and eleeiveless, at 7o, 9o, 10o, 12ic, 15; 25o and 35o. Lediee' balbrig-
gen Vests and drawere, v ry :special, at 50o. Ladies' ooraets, made by Crompton, D. &
A., B. & 0„ B. & L. andWray, at 50e 153, $1 and $1.25. Crompton s tape girdle, re.
grilse price 50o, for 35e, The new 0. 8. C. merest. itraighb &one, bias oat, with hose
eupporters attaobed,ein t ree stelei—Bat Wing, Peggy . from Patio, and June Bride—
greatvalue at $1. Ladiere stook and eurnover collars ro block, arab.' and eream, also
sequin stook collars in bllek aud white, in great: variety, at close prices.
- -
se -
s B. B. Gunn will pay 143 per dozen, trade, for fresh eggs this -week up to
Saturday, May 20th.
Choice .Butter wanted; Al produce of, all kinds handled, and be prices
13 &la
May sale going oT in all departments.
Suits made to measure a specialty, and satisfaetion guaranteed.
Wry us as an evidace of what we can do for you,
4elel• 144+14, •144•444•4•444•444
B. GUNN, Seaforth.
you would put away every dollar you save by buying your clothing
and fUrnishings here, it would more than surprise you how easy it is to save
moneY, We will gua antee to save every man $2 or more on every suit pur-
chased bere. We are saving money for others, we will save it for you.
I n extra special suit, sizes 35 ta 41:, well made, good linings, Halifax
tweed price $5 25.
nother suit worthy of your consideration ie a nice dressy, extra good.
lining and tailored t perfection, regular price $10, special price 88.
We also have a g ea.t many other lines at prices away down.
Men's sox, 3 pair for 25c, also an all -wool sox, 2 pairs for 25c. Work-
ing s irtS, 25c to 75c, all sizes. Overalls—moles, blue, black and grey, 50c to
75e. Stripped over s, regular 85c, our price 65c. Underwear, 25c to 75c,
good jvalues.
taple lines to elitar : 500 yards flannelette, plain and fancy colors re-
gular 12i -c, to clear at 81e a yard, 250 yards towelling, regular 10c and hie,
to clear at 70 and 100 a yard. Best standard of shirtings, regular 12ic, to
elear lle a yard. tra good, value in black sateen, regular 180, to clear at
15e yard. Heavy cttonade, regular 25e, to clear at 21e a 'yard. Table
oils, regular 25e and 35e, to deer at 20e and 30e a yard 40 inch cotton, re-
gular 1.2ic, to clear at 9e a yard.
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous.
Batter and eggs taken as cash.
a mocks
Cheap ones, Good Ones,
Best Ones
sLoo TO $7,00,
What' gi more restful than a comfortable
bammosk in the ehade ?
Come and urn what beau flu' ones we heves
Knechtel (I McKenzie,
Furniture and Linde aking.
I end
Markt Snots
' Seraforth,
pry rod
Four Gourstiont
Inaugurating the
Early Summer a
We are determined to attract to this ,store every
-tan and woman who believes that a saving of
money on reliable merchandise is worth consider-
ing The opportanities,offered at this Sale are such
that thrifti, buyers should supply their every want.
We promise that we will surprise even our oldest
customers by the values we are now offering.
Ladies, vepartment.
Early Summer Sale—Big Ribbon and Rem. -0
nut Sale—Saturday, May 20th.
Silk and Satin Ribbons, all shades, from one to four inches wicle, for Iess
than half price.
Shirt Waists in colored, bleck, white, etc,, in. muslin, lawn and eateene
tO clear at 2gc each.
Neckwear stocks, cream lace collars, embroidered turn -overs, collar an1
cuff sets, at 15e, 25e, 35e and 50c each.
Shirt Waite in Japaneee wash silks g and cream. delaine, with red, blue
or white embroidered spots, special at $250, $2s75, $3 and $3.75 each..
Shirt Waist Suits, the new Summer styles and materials, at $3.75, $1.15
and $4.25 each.
Also the latest novelties in Sicilian and twei.d shirt waist suits at $7.50
and $8.50 each.
Cravenette Coats, perfect rain protection and dressy eoats for all oeca-
sions, specials at $5, $6.75 afid $8.50 each.
Dress Goods Department
Early Summer *Sa ea
A Ole of dress goods remnants at half price. table of dress goods
worth. from 35e to 50c, to clear at 25c a yard.
Twenty-five pieces of drees linings to clear at Sea yard.
Fifteen pieces of brown waist lining, regular price 15; to clear at 10e.
A quantity of dress trimming; worth fron;t 5c to 25e- a yard, to ales; at
one cent a yard.
Ten pieces of colored sateens, worth 13e, for 71,e,
Double fold moire skirting, worth 50c, for 25e.
Speciat line of colored muslins et 10e."
Two speeialkin Parasols at 50c and 75e.
Staple Department
Early Summer pale.
1PRIZE CONTEST.. Four pieces of bleached table linen, special 50e a yard; 28.1 einbleached
table linen for 17e, 35e unbleached table linen for 25o; special bleached linen.
table covers or $1. each.
See our white bed covers for $1 each a pile of .18e mole kin eottonade
for 12e, a quantity of mill ends Of cottoned, from two to five yard ends, at
one-thitd less than regular price.
Local Improvement Notice.
Take niOtice that the Municipal Councel of the
Town of Seaforth intends ti build cement sidewalks
on the fo lowing portions of ebreete in the town of
&Worth, yiz.-
Stdawalk No. 00, en the north side of Crombie
street from Victoria street to Chalk street, 4 feet
wide. • !
Sidewa lc No. 0, on.the north side of Goulnlock
street 1 ron where sidewalk now ends to the west
side of V ctoria street. e feet wide.
Endow k No. 1, on tbe west side of Victoria street
from the south side of Godeeloh street to the south
west oon4er ot ViotOria Square, 4 feet wide,
• Sidewa k No. 2, on the north side of George it.
from Ma1i street to Thome)! Kline's lot, lit-, feet
wide. j .
Sidews k No, 8, on the sou h side of James street
from tne'yeest side of Hole Arcot to Ann Street
acroes road to connect vith widewalk 'heady
laid on west side of Ann etre t, 8.feet wide.
Sidewalk No. 4. on the so te side of George street
in front of lot 64 in Goultno it'e survey, 8 feet wide.
Sidewalk No. 5, en the eas .side of Ohuroh street,
being a o ntinuation of side, elk already laid down
past lots and 91. in james Beattie's survey, same
width as treet already laid,
Sidewalk No. 6, on the south side of John street
from Beetling to Louisa street, 4 feet wide.
Sidewalk No 7, on the soath side of Market street
between Jarvis street to Louisa street 40 continue
to north weet corner of lot 60, three aad a half feet
Sidewalk No. 8, on the south side of Gouinlock
street !rein Chalk street to Coleman street, 8 feet
wide. '
Sidewalk No. 9, on the west side of Main street
from RailWay street to the end of pretent plank
ewidee.walk in front of Mr. J. Laird's property, 3 feet
And to seers 60 per cent. of the ooet upon the
property onting thereon and 40 per cent. upon
the rrope y flanking thereon. A statement, show-
ing the laids liableeto pay the assesmente aecertain-
ed is now flied in the office of the clerk of the Mu-
nicipality and is open tor inspection during office
hours. ir) estimated cose is llo per square foot
alai Weitin the proportion above mentioned.
A Couri of Revision will be held on May 31st,
next, at10 oiciocet a. m. at the Council room, for
the purpotte of hearing complaints against the pro-
posed asegornent, or accurany of frontage Measure-
ments or tidy other couiplaInt, which persons inter-
ested may desire to make and yehion is by law re-
cognizable Of the court.
E ; JOHN RANKIN, Clerk. 1958.2
Dated title 17th day °OM y, 1905.
Annual Meeting.
The annual naeetiog of the Farmers' Association
will be held at Blackeins, ie. Monorail, on Tuesday,
May Sabi ot gee o'cleck. A meeting of the direct -
ore will beheld et 10 a, ra.1 All in sympathy will be
made weiceme.
19534 R. p. McIrEAN, President.
Open to a pupil of any school in the
Counby of Huron. To the boy or girl who
writes the besb advertisement for thee store
we will give a regular $4 90 Watch, either
ladies' or gents'.
This coatese will bs to advertise wetohes,
clook; jewelry repaking and optical geode,
and to aid you in this contest we invite you
to come in and see our stook, and dek any
questions you may ?Attie,
The canted will close on May 30th, when
all advertisements meet be in. These will
be examined by coffipetent judges, who
will give each their epeoial attention.
The watches are on exhibition in roy
R. McNaught,
Practical Wetchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
and pptician,
Boots and Shoes
We annsunce the arrival of our com-
plete stock of 01:10iee selections in Spring
and Summer Boots and Shoes. Elegant
style', and new novelties thab will surely
please yore Never before have we been
able to offer so large and varied an assort-
ment of fresh and pleasing styles. These
goods are the best productions of the teed-
ing manufacturers in Canada and the
United States and are the lines they make
their reputation by. We buy direob from
the manufacturers for cash, therefore we
can give our oustomdrs the advantage in
style, quality and price it is ponsible to get
for them.
Richardson& ll'Innis
Sole Agents for Hagar, Sovereign and Jure)
Wright Shoes.
About Jewelry:
1. -Every article in our stook is thorough-
ly good and reliable. Just what it
pretends to be.
2, -Our lines are so comprehensive and
varied ate to insure satisfactory' select-
ions, •
3. -Our guarantee seen& behind every at -
tide we sell and -our reputation is well
4. -Quality and style eoneidered, our
prices are the lowest possible.
5. -We insiet on pleasing you for we de-
sire to make every customer a perman-
ent customer.
111 DATV Jeweller &
l' •
Ail I. 9 Optician
1Pardno Block, Seaforth,
A table of remnants of prints, flannelette, wrapperette, flann 1
00 -4041. -40 -404.4 -tent* -044-!-4044.44+9•440.41
Carpet Department
Early Summer Sale.
Lace curtains, worth $1.25, for 90c. Six pieces Japanese matting, worth
20c, for 15e. Union carpets, regular price 50e, ;to clear at 38. ; all wool 1,,,,,,bcar-
pets, regular 85e, for 65o; tapestry carpets, regular 75e, for 64 - also a queue
tity of remnants and ends carpets at special prices ; a quantity f lace cur-
tains, samples, cheap, special prices on all kinds of rugs ; another large ship-
ment of four yard wide linoleumn, choice patterns.
Clothing Department.
Early Summer Sale.,
Men's silk and worstedsuits, all sizes, worth. $12.50, for $10 Men'g
tweed suits, four choice patterns, made to sell at $10, for $8. Dark colored
tweed suits, regular 38 suit, for 36.75. Seventeefive men's suits, worth from .
$6 to $8, for $6.75 ; 100 pairs boys' knicker pants, special, at 500 a pair z
special clearing line of boys' school pants, worth from $1,50 to $3, our sale
price from $1 to $2. We have the best me* wearing pant in the market, at
95e •
New goods just to hand—the latest novelties in ties, mapther ehipment of
American sunimer shirts, all the new styles in men's linen eollare-2 for 250.
Man's wool hose, fine quality, two pairs for 25&. Men's cashMere hose, all
wool, searnlesii, special at 25e.
Men's Clothing to Order—$19 black and blue worsted for 318 ; $18
imported tweed, suits for $14.50 ; special int men's pants, made to order, for $1.
W111.11€K4RD & SON
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main a
Notice to Creditors.
Notlee is hereby given tbat all pernane having any
claim against the eetato of Fenny Payne, late of the
Towusbip of Maintop, in the County of Huron,
married -Amman, who died on or about tale ett day
of August, 1904, are required on or before the eth
day of June, 1905, to send or -deliver to the under-
signed, solicitor f or the adminietratrix to the said
estate. full particulars of their claim duly verified
by stlidavin A.nd futther take notice that after the
said 6t11 day of June, 1905, the administratrix wIU
proceed to distribute the estate among the persons
entitIvl thereto, having referenee otaly to the
claims of whL:h ,he shall then have 'notice, and
after Eruct distribution the administrateix will
not be re.sponitible for any olaimof which shet*hall
not have received notice. This notice is given -pur-
suant to the atatutoe in that behalf.
Dated at Seaforth thla eth day of May, leas.
seuatesR'l03; the YASaiministratrix te
uid estate.
Between, all stations in Canada, &Ise to
Port Huron and Datroit, Michigan; Sus-
pension Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y.
For tickets end fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE. Town Agent.
A. F. PMLLIPS, Depot: Tio'keb Agent.