HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-05-05, Page 7;tea, and after Lich inietiOr ? idly, and for produce the ipts.frorn the dity This is kot the second ultv has been teas together, .tngtli, and this ed Rose Tea. Hy on getting as you use it. [ha N.B mag- Ilurniture. elections easy and e are giv- through LN day. CO- PO •-te -T11=re rerdures is here at het. nit do &wet' with the ne. aftfr. There are no de - Note also the /me ore the mest eve- te friu $5.00 to $10,15t villa what you ueed at r its as beautiful in its give you a chill either. the biggest hat stores in Di S make us famous. cash. rhresher Go, ) Capital $91 9 O. G, Vice -President, RCE GEO. MeEtVEN Wal. PICKARD RELL 'ERB-DOMINION BANK . kffering, and to enlarge the .0 which Fele already heel' took for Bale at par; I0 new ;emperor, in suing not to ex - 3 timoune can be paid at aThr lament of full amouet. above the amcunt paid euch Reserve Fend shell beginning-, and hr- beeides ecoumulating ensd 70 631.29 114,092 .. - ... 5&I3 5•S 6,943.3.6 a 208 50 . ... 5,338,89 $26,245.9S I footiega Every share, Co, Limited, has an ese experimental stage. This et, yielding 7 per cent. ad value of the sharea. its infancy. The markeebt Etoginee and Separators tool ted State& These woski ehe demand. There Canedae which gives the [1.4 esher Co. LIMITF.T.) 3.13T1-1, ONT. 1945 House dean _and bright before thedity is rightly begun. When good brooms and brushes are used it takes very 'little effort to keep the home attractive, BOECKH BROOMS see the best made, and like all ood tools make labor light. For Lt years "the standard goods VETERINARY 1 OBN EiRlEVE,V. So h000r graduate ofOuterio Vtierirety College All diseases of Dorneetio islands daesied. Calle promptly attended to and **rages Moo.tett. Veterinery Dentistry a specialty. CtreA in residence ou Goderich street, one door east tr Brews (gee, Seefortb. 11124 FBARBURN V. B.-Honormy g athlete of the Wed° Veterinery College an Houorary mem- ber of the Medical Association of tbt Ontario Voter- toseyCellege. Tr eats diseases of all domeatio animals by the most Err dern principles Dentistry and Milk Fever a specialtyc itco opposite Dick's Hotel, Main Strees, Eleefortb. AP orders left at the hotel will receive prompt attention. Night calls reeetved at offioe. . 1871-52 LEGAL JAMES L eaneiter, Solicitor. Notary Public eta. Money to our.,In Searoeth lifondaye,- Pridaye and Sitar. 'days. Office open every week day. Over Pickald's more, Main Meet, fleaforth. 1904 R. 8- HAYS, sondater, ffolielbee, Convoyeacer sad Notary Public,. oolleitorfor the DominionBank, Offics--in rem of Domlekin Bank, fiesforth. lloney 10 0an. 1286 BUT, Bandelier Solicitor, Oonveyaneee IfoktrY Public. Oferes up dein over G. W i.o.oft bookstore. Maia Street, fil•11011$1460ntsslo. WI/ entromeor to Qs labs Sim of X . lieflasghey Beheaded, Beridater, Solicitor 13:avower, and Honey Solloitor for the Cart felleaBear of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm for ale. OMoe Is Ikeire Block, Reis Sneed atatth. IYCKINSON AND GARROW, Banistem, an, eta., Goderich, Ontario. E. L. DICKINSON. 182341 CHARLES GAIIROW L. L. B. DENTISTRY. 41.0100,01aalal. F. W. TWEDDLE, DENTIST, odukte of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of OD. bolo pan geadua4e course hi crown and bridge work at daskell's Sahool, Chimp. Local anesthetics for -abileee extraction of teeth. Ofllee-Over A Yerdees grocery Aare, Seaforels. 1761 DR. 13ELDEN, PENTIST, TORONTO, Fee rf 'sieved Win 418 Sberbourne St. to his beauti- iul new dikes, 468 Youeg $t., oppoMte Carlton Si. 1816-18 111411110Ala Dr. John McGinnis, Office and Reeldeoce-VictOria Street, SEAFORTH 'Phone 78 DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Graduate of Univertity of Toronto Faculty of Medi. aloe, member of Cellege of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario; pees graduate eoureee Chicago Zlinical School, Chicago; Royal Ophthalmia Hospi- tal, Louden, England ; -University College Hospital, London. England. Office -Over Greif; /1 Stewart's tore, Main Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No. 6. Night otile Dowered from residence on John street. 1890 OR. F. J. BURROWS, SEFQRTII eamanapaIgana.* 1 a heare ThE HU11,04 EXPOSITOR. epunons. Tau see, you could rent• prrnce-s name? Why, then, take io ove- for ah Hour thro milt from Mr. Leigh's7 and when. Mr. Leigh returns 11 IS LOVE FOREVER. doubtless relieve you in a ver \ ' fita,ble way of your responsibili BY AMELIA E, IdARR. have such a fine idea of the -that if you decline it, I think 1 I speculate myself. 'Clara Mott A I CHAPTER Xlpt . ton, Cotton Spinner,' would n t be call. the watch together, and try- and . A WO filled with duty\ may be a a had name for a firm. T have lot . thank God, and talk about knaves, , .. yety noble life, but the heart craves ot money as good as idle." -what then?" . y some tender rosting-placeis built by Squire Atherton idoked at his wife "Did ou say 'love,' Qlara dear?" lover and Wanting them, 1uty- is very with some anxiety. He could not "Yes, Loida dear, I said 'love.' I like a clay of sunshine, oi an orchard tell whether she was in arnest1 or think peace and rest are suffocating without singing birds. It was these not. Clara made the impos ible atmospheres for love, That is the little resting -pieces built y love and thing happen' so often. Her ,face was reason I have labored like a galley- sympat het t hat made lif endurable speculative and thoughtful; shel was' slave to set Rashieigh to work in a to Fa anceeca. during thb following smiling, and yet she appeared te be: mill. I am in hopes the mill will weekslier hopeful c,o versations mentally addieg up a sum. ' He stir the stagnant air, and give love . with •Clara -t he tears she [ could shed thought t the su es- some chance to live andgrowAny in her ccimpany-the letteria sent here tion into an unmistakable and ipre, plant but a weed dies M perpetual and there for information -Li the things posterous joke, and she only mailed sunshine." a, suppilyd topics of converdation that a little more, and said, with a lnod Dick "looked t her with a bright touched Law. lot and male tangible of her had "You will seethoughtful face ." ' sources of comfort and. eampassion- Arid no maa's heart is proof "Have you heard of Nirvana?" he p . at interchange of feeling) and thus against the continual drop, droof ' said"And what do you think of enabled the unhappy girl io bear the an: idea. The idea. either wins 1 the such a, state, Clara?" long • recurring- days that hrought her heart or hammers"I think Nirvana might be the it hard as iron "1 no tidings of her lover, Squire Atherton's heart could. I not heaven of a Piatonic oyster, or a s. They were not days,. hotvever, de- ' be hard to his wife's reasoning, an Jelly -fish in tropical easI could never dreamt of Nirvana." he taught him such clever waiS Of void' or interest in other klirections. s"But, Clarao the jelly -fish has al - answering and combating prejudices Clara was moving them in many re- . yer, note of him, but let him go, and pre - will sently rail the watch together, and pro- thank God you are rid of a knave.' y, " Peace and rest, indeed! You may bid Ian, peace or rest, or even love, stand in hall any name you like; tut -if they do not her- stand? And if all you can do is to Offiee and Reeldence-Goderich etreet, eaei of the Mothodiel church. TELNPF101913 O. 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. 138s ORS. SCOTT & MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, "44313'1 IA street. opponte Methodist ohareh,Sesforth DE CIT, graduate Victoria and Ann Aehor, end &ember Ontario College of Physioians and Surgeon.. Coronet for Octuntydof Bur* Dr. MaorCAT, honor graduate Trinity UltverritYr gold medalist Trinity Medical College. I Member Colicre of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontar.a ' 140 AUCTIONEERS. rprioMAS BROWN; Lioensed AnotIoneer for the L Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at ". M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seaforth, 01 toe Exreeirox Office, will receive prompt attention, estiefletion guaranteed or no °huge. 1708•11 -ready explained that it is destitute that he soon felt a kind of plealsure ge on- "And that is where it is, Dick. We for have sensoria, an& sensoria maim spects to wise analein yi ends; 0 , from her first coining to 1 Atherton, provoking an antagonist to filet. He was sure of victory, she had been grieved by the desol- he-never doubted his own argura . ation of tbe village and tie stagna-/ ' Nirvana impossible; though, indeed, and he never suspected his oppoeept tion of in tereets 'Which 0 tig, t to have I have been at some places here that had any argument worth conswere even woree ider- , been workiiig steadily foi! the good . Shall I ever forget Clara taught him the word*. *of all. 'rho squir,e laid the blame on jug' "Mrs. Sykes and her evening party?" "obsolete," and he blandly defined. . . the war, and felt himself easy in thus ' I was not tbere," said Loida all tare aocustoms and oiudices ' b shifting the respondinility.1 It was - - I_ Ytt, • "Unfortunately Francesca and 1 , that word. She led him to barrel riot pleasent, therefore,1 to have were there. It is easily described: specin. Wsat about the room, quiet, aa gt1 contempt for that condi io Cdara continually introducing an un- e s she called "behind the tifnes" ; and funeral, in the midst of many so glorified the present era., with all candles, I was hysterical with the opened, , its progressive thought and in ve-, Tta5bleiorh," ahe . said agai d, mensilence. I had to go to the piano and ts, that Squire Atherton, in; . as they rode through' the village to- sing, (ii, I should have shriek*1 . gether. "Look at thosl' cottages pect for standing emptY." , fihimself as being a " , adopting them, conceived a• langelltian re- . mill. What a pleasure to hear the am anticipating the opening of the advance of his neighbors. rush of fitment, the rattle of naachin- "I do look at them vety often,h greatly in ansWered the s'quire, evith SoMO Such changes were not, of course, I ery, and the 'hum -m --m' of wheels." i r 1 t made at ,ohce, and yet they were . "Clara dear, I have heard the noise TAAINS G. McMICTRAEL, licensed auctioneer for el the county of Huron. Sales attended to in any out of the county at moderate rates, and eatisfaetion guazenteed. Orders left at !he Seaforth post offioe O r at Lot 2, Conoetrelon 2, Mullett, will receive pomp% attention. 1882-11 A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillip, Licensed Orn. Auctioneer for the oountlee of Huron and Perth. Being a praotiorJ farmer and thoroughly anderstanding the veloe of farm stook turd imple- ments, places me in a better position to realize good prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All °niers len at Heneall poet ofiece or 4 Lel 28, Comeeelion 2, Hay, will he promptly ;tended to. 1709-11 The McKillop Mutual iFirs Insurance Company. •••••••••••••• FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 01•11•4••••••• pleasant subject. -Mutt mill ought to temper a en a g e quickly made; for the mind, w n money buildieg those cot 'ages, and of the mill. 1 thought it dreadful. If while ihe mill was running the rents put into favorable conditions for cotton could only be spun -Without 'were worth .gathering. Now they are growthprogresses with that ma lie- noise.,, 'going to Mill, or they are sheltering lous celerity which distinguished all; "I do not suppose it would. then mime miser able fatuily whose head mental -movements. It takes years be spun at all. Fancy a silent fac- hagone to Oldham or Cliitheroe--or tor the boy to become a man, but a tory!" cried. Clara. "How oppressive s few lasehrs -ie often sufficient to make it would be! No one could do mono - even to Anierica,, in search. of work. "Open the 4411; itasideigh.", . a naan turn out of doors his prosient ferent, mind and Welcome ono entirely dif- , tonous work withcfut noise; it would be unendurable; it `would drive the 1 look at then? very often, i Clara." "I tea you it is not mine, Clara. . i workers crazy." . 0 Squire Atherton's transformation : Dick sprang to his feet. It belongS to that young Man whom about Francesca S killing herselfwas effected more gradually. He , "By Saint George, you are right, i! ." - floated in his wife s companions ip Clara!" he cried. "I have seen such. - ' ' "You ought not to speak of Miss Atherton as killing herselfl though I midmost imperceptibly into a. hig suppbse we all do kill, olitSelves, in and wider stratuna of thought. opinions, repelled at first, still str SOMS way or other, eating,t drinking, loving, fretting, worlcing, ven hung. : tire against his feelings and intell 4 ing. Squire Foxly chose limitingand flay by day he became posse But 1 alti talking about the idle mill and enthused by them. Tom and the empty cottages. i I should money, to make himself ,the bre giver to thousands, to become a rent the mill, if I were yOp, and set ing fountain of wealth, to double: every loom to work. I de not like value of Atherton land -these id Omani& J. E. McLean. President, Iltponn P. 0.; Thome! Eraser'vietoureeddent, Brucefield P. 0. ; Thomas r. Gem Beeydreas. Seaforth P. 0.. 11011101101111. William Chesney Seafortit; John G. Grieve, Win - D 1 George ale, Seaforth ; John Benneweis, Dublin; James EValle, Beeohwood ; John Watt, Herlock ; Thomas Fraser, Brucefield ; John B. Mo Lean, Hippen ; James Connolly, Clinton. man% Rob*. fireith. Harlot*: 1 Hinobley, Seaforth daeree bumming Egmondrille ; J.W. Teo, Polmes Mlle P. O.; George hturdia and John C. Morrison, eu41tore . Parties desirous to effect ineuranee, or transact other business, will be promptly attended to. -Applications to may of the above efferee Addressed to their respective post offieeo. LOGS WANTED. The undereigned is prepared to pay the highee Oath price for an unlimited quantity of first-olase • Side Elm, Reek Elm, Ringwood, Maple Beech, Ash, Hemlook and Oak Logs Delivered at the Seaforth Saw and Stave Mill. Log to be out an even length, except Seib Elm. Soft Eitn to be Mt 11, 18 and 16 feet. Will also buy Basswood Heading Bolts, Winches long, at 83.60 per cord, delivered. Will also buy timber by measurement or by bulk hush. Special attention paid to custom sawing, a lielaction guaranteed. WM. AMENT. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT TiE HUHN EXPOSITCR OFFICE BEA.FORTEI, ONTARIO. ND WITNESSES REQ UIRED to see Atherton village so' mournful grew into stringent, motives for and povertY-stricken." tion, and he was led into a men "It is poverty-stricken; there are 1 condition he would once have so many people here who have no Pudiated with. Scorn - as ono f -business here." er noiseless mines in Mexico -penal ser- [er) vitude. Dear mei 1 was thinking of ck Mexico, feeling glad that I had still t, a hold on the! country. After all, ed ., there was a great charm in going to ke work evertomerning with the hope of Id- a 'find' that' might be a fortune. iv- You sow a field, and know almost he t� a shilling how much its harvest est. will be worth. You go to your c- . mine,hh‘oping everything, for every - al i thing is possible; and in mining you e- set your hopes to 'the possible, not lse , to the probable." alike to his principles and his, ord r.. ', "You still have a hold on the "Then find business for them. Open It must tee admitted that he country?" asked_ Clara. "What do the mill." squire was also influenced by Dick y,ou mean?" 1 - I- Alderson, for Dick and Loida malde "I did not ell my Sright in. the 'Clara, if I diii not love you so much, 1 should be angry! a frequent visits to, Atherton; a d San Rayas mine. -I could not sell ad - the Mexic n. vantagequsly t the time, and now' I monotonous cry of yours. Can you Dick's descriptions of not imderstand that 1 sho id feel it a great degradation to ecome a 1 revenues from mining, , greatly grandees, who drew their Mune se 4(1... i failigimadexioefo is ' ytl for?'thamt yt hlearset has]thtselterns cotton -spinner, a zuere tra er?" pressed his imagination . If Mexican ' a new labor pened up; that is, a Why ebould it be more degrading to nobles were miners, wily could nb, t • new vein of liver. I may have to 'I cannot understand it. at all. spin cotton to clothe people than to ' 'English squires be manufacturers? . retnrn and lo k after my interests in Indeed, it often seemed to Clara girt ' ite" " Loida dropp d her tvork and seem- grow seem to me equally honor- . Dick had 'a secretjonging for the life grow wheat to feed theni? The oc-- able. As for trading, it is the most he had abandoned. She noticed th t ed unable to Peak. hand and ans ered her terriDick took her ancient, honore•ble, and eitterprising every time he came to Atherton e ir fied in- -of occupations." dwelt with more loving enthusia m ; quy with. shall ta assuring smile. h i "Ia. e you with nae, Loida 1 -if'I have to. go. ' erceived a singular ad-. "The agricultural and pastoral hie stands higher-, Clara." "Then it ought not to stand high- er. And you have too much sense to think it does." "Its anti ity-" "Anticnittf is worn out. Besides, on the adveuturous existence whi he had led for ten years, S noticed that he had not re -open the bank, though he had been quested by a unanimous call of t people in the vicinity of Tiph Market to do so. And Clara, p If antiquity is worth anything, trad- ting these and other things toget ing has plenty of it. Those agricuk, er, argued that Dick did not find ri tural patriarchs, counting their sheep ing about his fields and going to t and oxen end squabbling about • hunt a sufficient exchange: for the e water -holes in the deserts; are com- citement, the danger-, and the ri monplace peoueb. put against the results of his Western experience. It is trete., he had Loida and great merchant companies from Midian traveling down into Egyft had his mother, and he had on with alai swordsmen and all' nay, two, . really charming home kinds of weeltly, Itashleigh, I have heard With considerable weariness your monotonous cry abOut doing your duty tiy. the land. ;Veil, sir, , you are negleeting your duty shame- fully; v ou 44'4 to *10 b IC the value of every .foiit; pf land 1111 Rtherton village.' ' ; • "Mere are 'certain. prejudices, Clara-" "-I. tun sure ',clou have strength G of character enough to follow your con- vict kens and your interests, ,and .let 'certain prejeclices' go to the limbo appointed for such useless lumber. I should rent. Idle mill, if I were you; then you can rent your empty cot- tages • and make every one happy and Srprire Atherton rich. AVfr. Hors- fa.11 has befeen to 'spin cotton." . 'Ido not, indorse Mr. florefall's opinions." , • -Squire -DilayLon is vaporing about 'landed gentlemen' and coming to you to box-rew money. I do not sup- pose- you. iedurse Seuire Drayton's d i Then Clara vantage, and be glanced intelligent- e- ' ly at Francesta as she answered for Loida, the quiet English lady being t- nonplused by ithe very suggestion of her going to Mexico: "Loida, .how[ charming! How de- lightful! perfectly delightful! Loida, how I envy you! To go to Mexico! To b eathe its exquisite air! To See such a picturesque life! I would give a reat deal to be you. Rashleigh, I am sorry nOW pme suaded you t begibe spinning. We • might, have one to Mexico with What more Could he want? Dick and Loid . What a, trip it would "Phe trivial round, the corm:Lulu have been! A d then we could have task, come back by way of New York." The squire could hardly have look - May furnish all we ought to ask, if she had suggested a summer's trip but Dick could not -attain to this to Jupiter, with a return call at the conditiont, And Clara sympathized moon: And he. ansivered, with an al - with him. Loida's sweet repose, he most comical 'decision: gentle content with life and Dic her failure to see Dick's restlessnes Cot' SCOT mulsion 1. • When you 943 to a drpg store and jask foT1 Scott's Emulsion you know what you Want.; the man knows You ought Ito! have It. Don't bo isurprised, though, if you are Offered sdmething else. Wines,! cordials, extracts, etc., of cod liver oil are plenti- ful but clon't imagine you are getting cod liver oil when you take them. Every year for.thirty years wp'ye been increasing the sales of ;Scott's Ernulsion. Why? Because it has always been better pan any substitute for it. 1 Send for free sample SCOTT EtOWNE, Chemist* Toronto, Ont. , COG, and $'100. All druggists ed at his wife with more amazement Room to .deny oureelves; "I shall never 'go to any part of America, in this life, Clara." irritated her. She felt herself come • Clara shook her head with the air polled to try and rouse in the placid of one who pities and consoles. lady a.. thought that this sameness', "Never mind, Rashleigh," she thougha sameness of love and hale- said. "This life is only a chapter in pine,ss, might bocoxne a little fatie , an eternal boqk of life. The scene gulag to restless spirits.. One of of the next chapter may, perhaps, be these discussions brought, out a fact laid in America. I think we have which made her think well of Dick's good reason to hope so. An Arneri- forethought, a,nd also showed her a can wife in this life is a kind of I 0 way full of possibilities as far as, II to an Englishman that bis next Francesca was concerned. experience may be in America. Re- - 'bey were all sitting together one' gard me then, ashleigh, as 'a prom - evening, in the fall of the year. It ise of good th ngs to conie."' ve s chilly and rainy, and there- was She was ha py, ,she was hopeful, a 411 ttle fire in the grate. The squire 1I'.saw adopr opening for Fran - was smoking, Francesca :.-eading, 1 ceocae though Francesca did not yet -, Loida sewing, Dick lookieg into the r see It -Tor "Ett's-eTT:tstZfid 'as 'Mata ivab fireOr the far West -Clara doing-li not ready to kiraw any attention to n.othing with her hands, for her rest- I it, she talked less mind -gave her -sufficient employ -1 way represent ment.. The' languid melancholy of au- but which tut= was distinctly preseet, for un- 1 and Loida anid Francesca plenty of occupation. to 'apprehend, In the morning there, was a very large mail, and no ene had the leis- ure to percelire that Francesca re- ceived some uousual communication. It was an old-fashioned letter, fold- ed as letters Were folded before the days -of envelOpes, and it was seal- ed with wax, 1 -though wax had long given place th mucilage. But the writer of this letter was .311artha in a fashion which no .d her real thoughts, vays gave the sq-uire less it be in characters of vivid vital- ity, it is true that- "The- swift' beat of the brain.. Falters, because it. is in vain In autumn. tho fall of the leaf;" and tee chief ioy seems to be ouiet and to rause -secretly over our own d rPa/11S. "1 suppose this is what is called a peaceful, simple, sweet, idyllic life," said Clara. "I think 'peace 1 Leigh, and Martha was faithful to and 'simplicity.' idols quite as little the -old onethols she had used in her entitled to worship as graven nue ages are. What can people do such lives but foid any solitary tal- ent they have la a napkin and bury , it in a field?" "But then, Clara dear," said Loi - da„ iti lwr sweet, low voice, "we are out of danger and out of temptation, and the Vrry air is fall of peace and . rest, and • our hoop:4,3' are full of love, we desire in this peace, and rest?" It' looked at Dick, is eyes or indorse ven the. faintest of •as looks contra - ns even as they and what ino•re ea unhappy world. bu shed spoko who did not lift 1 her statement by smiles, Nodule (.` la dieted the asserti youth. - "I'll niver seal my letters any such way," she said to Lancelot, when envelopes were first brought to Leigh House; "it's a way out of nature, end I'll niver tie the one to ask my tongue to do ' the work of my hands." Francesca gue writer of the 1 ;sed in a moment the tter, and her loving care -beat with a fresh hope. "Surely Mrs. Leigh had heard from ncelot, Or p rhaps even -Lancelot I t ..aaakr • ter of 'the sad eiiiStle, though large and dear, was shaken by the palsy THE MODERN* MOTHER. of death, "itfy dear," *said the clYing woneian, Children shudder at castor oil,and with goed -reason. Castor oil is a "my dear, I am going out into ,the relic of sga. time barbarism. Not only great dark. I may live one week or is it 'repulsive to the teste, but it happen two •„ weeke, no longer; so gripes and. tortures delicate 01111 - come to me if you can. . My lad ha. s dren. Modern mothers use Baby's never sent me another 1meg His site Own Tablets, a gentle laxative which once has been a sharp knife; it has does not gripe, a comforting mill - dug my grave. But he is not dead. clue, which may be given to a new - Ile will come back here again, Tell born babe without fear of harm. him I died bit 'ung the very thought of him. Tell him not to judge me. These Tablets `cure all the minor ins a little ones, and promote natural I am going to the righteous Judge deep and Tepose. Mre. R4 H. James, of the whole earth. My sentence is Fenaghvale, Ontario, eiays; • "I find saw Yoe. I have been rucked with Bgraebayt's 60EtatiensfacTijaienlet'tsn, anthaa do nol with Him. I have suffered since 1 pain and with heart -longing and know how a could'get along without with fha2rful looking 'forward. I them. They make children well and would like to .see your face once keep them ,well." Arid you have a more; but I can die alone. My deaf guarantee that•there is not one par - lass, it is a, hard fate to dree when. tide pf opiate or liarmful drug „in you have 4 o stand in the way of . this medicine. „Belli. by medicine Fate, I did what I thought was • dealers or by ma, ii at „.25„ cent,s a box right to every one -dead and alive- 'by writing the ,Dr. -Williams Medi - and I got the way of tthe stand- ,cine Co., Brockville, Ont. between ill from both and all. Sal- , ly Wood has married young Newby; i ad come' home " She slipped cut of the . breakfast- arlor as quic ly as possible, and, 's hesitation between her room, she chose he garde*. The maids would be up- tairs, and she l felt as if she could ot endure thei eye and the ear of ny woman. Itio she walked down wort. made. An as soon as Loida ; fter a momen eousod speaking, !she said: , 1 the garden and •Saf ty!" Out ,of temp- i tation!' I do no think much of such words. Thee are mere words -the i Dogberry and Varges of morality, i And then, with a charming mockery, I the terrace t� the lower garden, she quottti: " •Istett are to bid any and,. in the solitude of the apricot I man gtand in 1rthe prince's name. 5 andards, broke the seal, It dwas But how if he ill not stand in. the f.Ipm „Ignitlan . igh.,_ .And everyelet- ••••••;••••••-. Perth Items. they think Lancelot is dead. He is -Miss Robertson, of "Listowel, alive.. Stand by that. Say you 'are died very suddenly one day last sure of it. You may be. One that week. does not lie has told me so. And -Mr. David Salisbury and family Lancelot dead would have spoken a of Mitchell, have gone to reside in word le> his mother. It is the living Dunkirk; N..Y. that forget us; the dead have bet- ter memories than the living. God -Dr. I. Robertson, ot Stratford, Mexico and Texas. has just returned from e trip to bless you! I fear I shall see your face no more,., It is very dark to go -St. James eherch, Stratford, away. 11' there was one to hold my have extended call to Rev. T. G. -Mr J VANN-ex& who has been in has come right. It is all a maze of ' • sorrow and trouble. I have been •- the employ of the G. T. That Strat- three days writing this; am just ford left last week With his family stepping into my grave. Good-bye, for Minnesota. my dear. Tell Lance -it is all over. I can write no more -pain and pain and sorrow -and a thick -cold dark' ness. God -be merciful. Pray for the soul of Martha Leigh." No word from Lancelot. No word at all. •The letter was a. blow. Some how, •slie had always anchored to the belief that Lancelot's mother and home i would bring him back. And the strange old woman, with her heart full of love, was ding. All her longing had been useless. Lan- celot had not felt it. What did le matter if he was alive, when'the cir- cumference of the world was between them? For the first time she had sentiment of anger against her lover. No circumstances could excuse such cruel- neglect of his mother. And oh, how cruel his silence to her was! " She did not weep. She had passed that pcissible comfort. The source of her tears was dry. With the letter In her hand, she went back to , the house. Loida was there and Clara, To one of them she must speak; and after a moment's thought she looked into the parlor- in search of Clara. The quick sympathy in her bright face answered the unspoken request. /In ten minutes she was sitting by Francesca's side, listening to the last words of the lowly woman going out into the dark without a word of love to cheer her. hand! Have I done wrong? Nothing Wallace, of Oakville. "Francesca, you must go .at 0116 to Lergh House," said Clara. "I° will go as soon as possible, Clara.must get My father's per- mission." "I will give you that. Your. fath- er has gene to Haretop, and may not be back until to -morrow night. would go at once -this very hour," Francesca smiled. "Of course you would go this -very hour, Clara. I could not do anything hi such a hurry. It mould znake 1110 ill. Things have to be considered." "I had forgotten that it take an English lady three days tq consider, and then three more to move upon her. consideration. That is a week. And the poor, heart -broken woman has given you a week; so you may possibly see her alive. If she had written to me, Francesca., I sho-uld have packed a valise and been On the way to kr at this eery mom- ent." "You have been trained to think and act as if impediments did not exist, Clara. I have not. Hurry petrifies me. I should be ill and a trouble instead of a help," • , fire ou If the puse was on , y would brush your hair and put your collar on, I have no doubt. -lf you saw Lancelot coming up the terruce, you would wait witil the footman brought you his card. Francesca dear, if you would only be in a hur- ry. or go into a passion, or shriek. or say a iewf,dreadful words, or do any other wentanly thing, you would - not need th6 doctor. In spite of Your hea*-Sickness, you would get some life! and some color. Do put 1-ffe rottigelii a Teas, `anti sent Trimos- sible messages to the stables, and be on the way to Leigh in forty minu- tes. I will help you." "Mrs. Leigh will not, expect me for a few days, and I do not think dught to go without father's per- mission. He is so jealous wherever Lancelot is concerned." "Verea well. I often wonder if the earth going round its axis does pot Put on the drag whet. passing Eng- land. Life's wheels run so slowly here." "I suppose there is to tell Mrs. Leigh?" "Nothing I would tell her. 1. a letter from Captain Denton morning." "Is there any hope, Clara?" "None, my dear. The captain sny's he easily found traces of bini nt Vera Cruz,i-lat Bocea del Rio, an.I ;At other towns between 'Vera Cruz and Mexico. He stayed at Ow Alereado Hotel, in the Plateros Mexiria and his trunk remained there for inimy weeks." “Then Benton supposes him to be dead?" "Ile thinks so., .Assassinations are as corn.mon as the nightfall, .1, stranger's life is not worth a dollar unless he is able to protect himself. So Benton says." "He found no certain trace of Lan- celot's death?" "No more than of his existent:le". "Then I will believe Lancelot's mother knows more than a detective. She sees furtb.er, and feels where she cannot see." "When you comc back from Leigh, I have something to say to you," "You can say nothing, Clara, that I will not gratefully listen to. All your words are good words." "Thank you, dear!" And Clara kissed,- the pale, young face, so full of seduese end repressed suffering, and wondered that the lit- tle mystery in her epecch roueed .neither interest nor curiosity. "I will get ready to leave, Clara, and when father return.% if I have . his permission., there need be no de - nothing new bed this -Mr. Murphy, of the Royal hotel, St. Marys, has been fined 4320 and mists1 or selling liquor without a license. -Mr, John Sykes, of Fullerton,' has purchased Mr. Thomas Robin - eon's .h.ouse and let in Mitehell for $1,150 and will become a resident of that town. -Mr. Alex. Hodgert, of Russeldate met with an accident while shoeing horge last week. The fourth fin- ger of the left hand was torn away from the hand. -Mr. B. C. Johnston, foremen of the cabinet shop at the Giobe-Wer- niche factory, Stratford, et -as pre- eented with a gold mounted um- brella by tellow'employees, previoue to his departure, to Detroit. -An interestp• event took place at the home of ; Janaes Scott, sr., Cromatty, on 'Wednesday kit, the -occasion being the Marriage of his fourth. daughter, Miss Ellie, to Mr. 0.' Francis, oheesemaker ot Usborne township. The Rev. IL A. Craneton, B. A., performed the ceremanY, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and -friends. -Dr. Gilbert Atkin, who lett verton a short time ago, to take up a position in the Calgary Sanitar- ium has gone to Banff where lug will take charge of the Hot Springs hos- pital. -Miss Marshall, whose home is in. Brampton, but who has for eonie time had charge of the dress mak- ing department at Walter Bros. store, Listowel,died last week in St. Joseph's hospital, quelph. -A quiet 'Wedding took place in Stratferd, an tWednesday, April 12t11, when 'Mr. Robert Simpson, Of Mat - bell, was united in marrtage to Miss Elizabeth Brown of the ,same place. Rev. D. Deacon, was the offic- iating clergyman. -Mr. William Boyle, a fernier res- ident of Mitclaell, and son of the late Thomas Boyle, of Logan, died on April 12t11, In Patterson, N. J., the cause of death being typhoid pneu- inonia. Deceased Jewess a widow arid tight children. -Mrs. Wen. Jeffrey, sr., ef Strat- ford, died. at her home thene on April 13th. Deceased came to Strat- ford with her husband in 1871 and has resided there 'ever since. She was a daughter of the late Rev. Dr. McLeod, formerly of Cobourg, and has twri brothers in the ministry of the Presbyterian church. She leaves a family of five sans and one daughter. -Miss _Annie Mary Paokert,daugh- ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Packert P! . , Ewe tie aon'tinnei.): Dyspepsia of Women ABSOLUTELY NEEDLESS AGONY Caused by Uterine Disorders and Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetabie Compound f Stratford, was married on nesday, April 19th, to Mr. Vh,ailes Franklin King, of the Dominion Geo- logical survey, Ottawa, eona son of Mr. J. B. King, -of Torontogrand secretary of the I. 0. 0. F. The cer- emony was performed by Rev. R. Martin in the presence ef the im- mediate relatives of the family. -While attending a funeral elle day recently at St. -kerys, the Imre driven by Mr. Charles Wood, of East Nissouri, became frighieeed by a train and plunging forward, the shafts of the buggy caught in the spokes ,of the buggy in front. Fortunately the driver kept the_ an- imal frOM Tanning away so that no one was hurt but the two vehicles were somewhat dameged. --Miss Della Trejicy, a popular young lady clerk, who has been with the dry naiads firm of White & May, St. Marys. for the past seven years, and who alas secured a high sllaried position with a firm in Cass City, Michigan, left last week to enter on her new duties, and was,before key- ing, presented by ht A staff associates of White & May's. at the store on Monday, with a very handsome On Thursday evening tif-last week a quiet weddinTg took place at the residence of M.4-. and Mrs. James 11. Carter, St. Marys, when their daughter, Mary Seaborne, was united in marriage to Mr. J. Walton Peart. Only the immediate reia- tivee 'of the contracting parties were present at the earemeny,whith was performed. by Rev. Thorane Man- ing. After a short strip south,Mr. a.nd Mrs. Peart will take up their ref3idence in St. Marys. A great many women suffer with a form of indigestion or dyspepsiawhieh does not seem to yield to ordinary treat- ment, While the symptoms seem to be similar to those of ordinary indiges- tion, yet the medicines universally pre- scribed do not seem to restore the pa- tient's normal, coedition. MTS. Pinkham claires that there is a, kincl of dyspepsia that is-ea:used by a derangement of the female organism and which, while it causes a, disturb- ance similar to ordinary badigestion, cannot be relieved without a medicine Which liot only acts as a stomach tonie, but ha.s peculiar uterine -tonic. effects also, As proof of this theory we call at- tention to the case of Mrs. Henry Bea.ubien, 58 Sparks St.. Ottawa, Ont., who was eompletely cured by Lydia E. Pinichs,m's Vegetable Compound after everythineelse had failed. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinktiam I id been troubled with i kndigestion and general stomach disordeni for nearly a year. I had a soreness in my stomach and was un- able to digest my food. I dieted and doctored without success; but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought me permanent relief. I used three bottlen- and it eared Inc of inv. stomach trouble'and built up nay gen- eral -health. I now enjoy a splendid apre- tite, ean eat all kinds of food, have no trouble with indigestion, and know that I owe it all to Lydie B. Pinkhauts Vegetable Compound." No other medicine in the world hal, received such widespread and -unquali- fied dorsement, or has such a record of cures of f emale troublesas has Lydia E. Pinlehtun's Vsgetabie Compound. ilikaamaMmiaml -Get Rid of That 'Cough Tasfore Thestinnter comes. Dr Wood'is Norway Pine Syrup crooquere feroehin Colds, Sore Throat, rielmwebtas• Brosibbige, and all DIScesea .-6.1 the Throat:and Lunge wee et ei Wherever there are tick!), people with. heart. end deeenned nerves. Milburn's Heart *rod Nerve Pills %HI be !trued an effeetuel medicine They restore enfeebled, evervatedexhaustdd„de- v'talized or oven worked *en sod women to vigor- ous healin +II II :IP For Cholera Morbus -Chrders !effectual. Creeope„ Colio,DiarrhotenTlyeenterysnd nunriner Complain4, Dr Forteteelxteace of Wild Strawberry's te prompt, safe sod eure CUte that bee been is popular favorite for nearly 60 yeara •••••••••-•-•-•-••••••66.111,... DOAN'S Enrage PILLS Set on the Velneye, breeder and urioary cep!). maly 'They tura backlit:bee week book, rheurratittro, diabetee, congestion. In demolition, g,ase1. Brigbire disease snd all otba oirepsee ailsbog from -straw action of the kidneys and bladder ill Suddenly Attacked. thildronsre Often attacked suddenly by • ilnfu and dangerous collo, Crampe,telarrhoes; DyeenterY, Zibolieret-jliorbue, Oboists Infaeteato eta Di Fowl- er's Extract AM Wild Strawberry is a Rene/A and -sure cure, whichishOnld Always be totals the hare Spring Medicine. t fpriag medicine Burdock Blood B no equal it ter es up the flatten and re Ira pinities from the-bloodand takes away ed, weary feeling no prevalent in the spriog Cook's CottonRoot kmtapoun 14adiee Favorite, To the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman; can depend. "in the hour and time of need." Prepared in two degreesof - 15trength. No. 1 and No. 2: No. 1. -For ordinary ewe fa by tar the best dollar medicine known. Ttj, 2 -For speeiat eases -10 degrees tricoeurer-three -dollars per box. , tagRep-ask your druggist for 'Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations are. dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are aced and recommended by all druggists In the Do- (MIrdon of Canwda. Mailed to any addrese On recelptoUrice and four 2 -cent postage OtamPli. Tb.0 COolt Company, • Windsor, Ont. For sale by O. Aberhart. 3.S..Rob- erts., I. V. Fear, and Alex. Wilson, Seafor th. 0 :inessAc Lorvoti Each pupil is given i dividual instruction. The Shorthand System taught is that used by all newspaper and court re- porters. Best systems of Book- keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic, et e thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed te every Graduate. cern-owe perz. Wrn.01„0 01 fkotteretb .10Tr1CaCculkiTtNteatell1 get 4 3rand Trunk Ra vay Valois 1034,6 Sea li Sforthg iows:YStefoiM, Rai way lime Tablo 0.1,0 a. Da. For Clinton, Godortch Winstsm an 1.2.0 p . L43Formardioiteri". snd Godesioh ffir p in For Clinton, Wingham and Illness dine. 1O87p at* FOr Maim and Goderieh. 7.68 a. en For Steatford. Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Baye and point@ wart; Belleville and Peterboro and points east. $37 p. na, For Stratford, Guelpb, Toronto, Mon. 6it .83 p. m.trEorejakimidtrittiol"rdirits, Ge::t Iph-aod Torooto, IIMM••••••• London, Huron and Braes. Paesonger. 11.15 AL 4.50 P 9.18 6.48 9.80 6.64 9.46 6.05 9.60 6,11 9.58 6.19 10,16 6.36 10.80 6.62 20.88 7.00 10.60 7.13 Wingham arrive..., .. 11.00 7.36 entree SOUTH .•• o Peterenor. Wingleatm, depart- .. - 6.60 cid 8.10 P. ..-- 7.01 3.23 .... 7.14 LS 4.110 7.12 2.46 ZIII$031- 7.47 .4.16 6.06 4,28 10‘,Pen.., ,19. 615 4.47 8.22 CH 815 5.15 Lenexa A. M. 6.20 DOM Noma - London, depast... otiqttattott C413111SUSt..... tets.s. attaita • • Heramil... 41,Ntot4t Nippon.. art** t. • *SO 4-1/ 44 BiaNdeldm.04 It* oftlirl.**1 Losidesisor0 SIP .11 • ...- • netersve........ Palmerston and Kincardine. 00MG NOWIS. PAW. DAM ilfiXaa promeonnou,,o...._ 7,40 p.m. 12.80 pont 6.03 ant Ethel- _ .. ,..... 8.25 1,16 810., Brussels.. ,........ 8.36 1.26 0.00 131iirera1e.......,.. 8•46 , 1.05 925 II/Ingham.. .....• Z.-- '8.05 ' 147 11.1.6 some soma. Pane. Mixed, Peat Winghato-, .... 6 69 ems 21.15a.m. 2.46p.m Sioevele........ .. 7.02 11.65 2.65 Bromelei %. a , • i r Ave,' tp* 7.16 12.30 068 Ethsi.. - .....,....* 7:26 - 12,60 us eAtweaalt......... sae LW „