HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-05-05, Page 5tQE STORE
flue =the verybsi
[latently reminded
)es, or that Marrs
m the best footwea
oint to buy them a
The school show w
,,,sa sad durability,
r are certainly good
• ted$1.,59 a pair.
40 a a 01.75 &pair.
)T a .15, $1.40 and ele
1. pair.
Ik also extended a
• -visit London they
reive a warm wek
nitiMordie and hirnsel
-ern were most agreeit
y spent, toast, Nona- tett
prevailing and, a p
; losed by an uniting.
or He's a Jolly Good
Auld Lang Syne."
in St. Cat harines.-
[nee Star of April
:Ity notice of a very,pene
whicie took place in tj
e d iv preceding, and
this vicinity are
ceremony tonk p
deice of Alderman R.
was performed by 'Rev
or of Knox church.
parti"s were Mr.
ike an Alfretta,
and Mrs.Bia
was given away bet
s gowned in whit
en over •taffata and Obit.
'With full veil ot sg
and carrying a
te carnations. The ha
touple are spending th
in Albany and NeW yor,
-return i.s1I take up
..nce in St. Catharine&
ereut-tsts from a distanee
Carlisle and Miss limit
erds„ Bayfield, hart entre& v
. stair oils, etinoleines, carpets: see
eerie, art, innalieneuristin eerineeiw.
ne leen].
•H. Moorehouse, who
m ed in London for
ve or ,ix years =teas home
nd Ieft Saturday to take
in :Saginaw. - Robert
t on .Monday and Jahn
a "Wednesday for Owen
take positions on board
boat " Bayfield." :Alen
t -rt a few weeks ago. -C.
us ,has been living at his
in Tippett's, for about six-
tteinday for Chicago where
Lives. -Th e opening game
termediate series of the
Football Association wes-
t Saturday afternoon bee
Bayfield Lakesidean
es -tilting in a victory fen
tie score being 2 to 0. Ti
a s fine and there was a
wiftnce.. Both teams work
d the genie Was interest-
eirt to finish. The match
4 by G. Rickert. The TO-
kitteS have been arranged
At Hensall, May 6th;
, 'May 13th ; et Hensall,
lidiss Washington,t
iie tt particularly intern
• ss at the League meeting
hodist church, ou:Sunday,
t. She spoke on •missions,
, Iserself to be weltl posted
portant subject. -Fishing
d. the first lift of there
last Se turday.-Mr.
1CTOII4 of Bell's foundry,
lona. fot Sunday. -Dr.
t and family, ese Detroit,
iday, to occupy their
uIxJi:.(I. resale n eel .-Mr.
c f• "tV ill sho rt ly re mo
U4.' ir Brue-field,.
euerneie. - e.l.r. Arther
curer the pulpite of the
:ind Methodist churchen
• eleven and se•ven en
et iveln. Mr. Beele wilt
*bite Cross work. Every
tie. -At the last meet-
trenee coMmiseioners,tnee
,. e
a yearly license ta
i Tea rrowis hotels and a
the River hotel.
Be114;.--.-At the rcaiden
Itirs. George Alair, oD
onetesSion of St1nI9en0i!
4" renting, 26t •
• Rev. E. A. Shaw, 0
- the ma Vine ddercil
Clinrles L. Jinks an
111811 and Wife, in t
oily guests. Mr. "Afft
rid 'Dora M. Alair,s.
tride, were witnessee te
• xit. 1Th' ct•retriony took
n rc h of e vergreenee
Prorated with roses. At-
e re el:remains the -ma-
lt down to a nees
et. The 'remainder
spent in pleage
i ani other diver-
. Was the recipient
eosin. gifts. The young
• eidei a t village ot
f.Y universallY re.'"
teloved in the commun.
cisitor joins withthe
h of the :happy young
bii thera much jOY
t inns.
,iIturaI College, an
tve tested it, if yon
hs, etc., you MUSS
per -b.,
tnd wlien to use
—The- _Western Gonad* initrnignae
n Aeinetiation edre arranging for a.
r ‘Washingtoxi correspondents
nought waste= Canada, to take
place tliee latter part of Inne. The
party will number about 25, gad will
consist Washington corns on-
qicuts of e the United States dad tee.
They v I spend about three weeks
in the iv$t, going as far Eas the
ouast, tUtd will keep their papers
panted ;as to their mov.emente, a
splendid t advertisement or Canada.
This is itiie ,first ,tour of Washington
correspotidefits ever undertaken, and
be 19,4 ttAkotte event in the history
of West etfi, ,journalism,
sirown, Rey 4th, 1905.
05 to 1 05
asts per 0 88 tO 038
Eels* per busitet__ 0 66 to 0 66
Earley per — 0 45 to 0 45
WOW, No. 1, IOW -.-.• 0 19 to 0 20
••• OM 17 to
tslio Per des -i-, ...••••• * cm•0 )3 to
?lent. 10$ -sew .0 2- 60 to
650 to
5 00 to
0 80 to
0 73 to
1 25 to
5 00 to
2 76 to 8 25
APPlei Per bog4- 0 40 to 0 60
"Hover 7 00 to 8 00
1 26 to 200
04*0 05
7 50 to 820
Hay per ton new_ „.
Bids' per 100 At
Potawee peritigi (new),_
Balt (retail) p4*' barrel._ „.
Wood per eon! _
W3od por cord ;(ohort).
0 19
0 14
2 76
imothy Seed+ •
per lb...„-, _
-Pork, par NO t -
Balk -sr Markets.
Tosorro. iMay 2 -Butter -Continues
essy in torsi, and receipts, of creamery
prints and deity _Tolls are large. Ccearnery
le quoted lowerCreamery prints, 2i to
22., solid', 00 lp 21o, dairy pound rolls,
good to ehoi3et 19 to 20o „i dairy large 'rolls,
18 to 19e ; , tradition dairy, 17 to 180.
Cheese -Hold$ steady to firm at 12o for
lige, and 1240 for twins. New is selling
eteady at I2o,e Eggs -The tone of the mar-
ket oontineet eitee. Prices are unchanged
at ..13.4 to 143 tier o0z3n.
MONTREAL. May 2 -Eggs- Straight
etook,114o ; Nd. it 13 to 143, Butter -
Choice) creamery, ,18 to 19c' • undergradee,
17 to 17air
-io ; dairy' 15 to 163 ; rolls, 170.
-.0heene, On;teitici fall, 12 to 12o; fodder,
11 to Hese
riun, etc.
Tolima°. Mak 2d-WbAckt-Whj6e,
31; red, 98o ta $402 goose, 75a ; apripg,=
150 ; peas, 70 ;.tilts. 470; barley, 480. Hay
--No. 1 timothe41,0 to $11 ; -°lover or
mixed, $8 to $9 leeheaf etraw, $10.50
loose straw, ; iiireseed hoes, light, per
owt, 39.25; heavy; 88 75. Millfeed-Firm
$17 for bran aiid $18 50 to $19 for shorts.
Manitoba, $21 ftit ishorts and $19 for bran.
ToRoTO M —The market. is easy
in tone, and quoted neohanged. Ontario,
'60e per bag on tie*, and 65o to 700 out
of store:- °Were; 00o to 65c on track, and
"70 to 750 cue of gene.
lifolose Market.
TORONTO Ma 4 -The following is
Burns Sr Sheppator la weekly report of pre-
vailing prtee iigle nadstsre, 15 to 16
bands, $17Zt •$.225' • single oohs atria:car-
riage horse. 15 to 16.1 Moods, $150 to
$225 ; matehtd kairs end oneriage horses,
15 to 16 t hand, 8300 to ; delivery
horsee 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $160 to $190 ;
general purpoise tted express horses, 1,200
to 1,350 lbs., $150 t� 8186; Mayotte bones,
1.350 to 1,750 ibis.; 3175 to 250,$inr-
vieeeble second -bend workers, 875 to 8125;
;serviceable second-hand 4riveres$65 to $110.
Live Stock Markets,.
LIVERPOOL, 1140 2-Ariterican cattle,
; Conadians, Olds
LONDON,England, May 2 -Export cat-
tle are quoted at 13 to 13 per _pound ; re-
frigerator beef, 91 to Po per Fiend; sheep,
14 toil5ie per pod.
Manatee., may 2 -Cables from Liver-
pool and London were stronger, and prices
ehowing an advance of io per pound, with
sales of choice American cattle at 13o, and
Canadians at 12ice The shipments from
Portland and West;*. John .for toe pasts
week were 2,329 cattle, 3,398 sheep. The
receipts of live stook here were 800 cattle,
IO milch cows, 200 ,sheep and lambs, 500
calve, and 1,500 lingg. The butohers were
cub strong, and there was an active de.
mend and high prieee paid for good cattle,
btuthe common stock were slow of Bale
Prime beevee sold et, 5i to 6o; good, 4 to
; 00111TROII, 2 to no per pound. There
were a dozen large belle in prime condition,
which were held an5d per pound ; ordinary
bolls sold at 31 to 44-e ; miloh cows sold Ms
n$25 to $50 eaoh. Colette eold at $2 to $5
each. SI -tippers are keying aao for good.
large seeep. Lambe Isola at $3 to $5.25
each. Supply of holpi, was fairly large, for
which the demand Wee not so keen, and an
easier feeling prevailed in the market, with
gem of teleoted lote at $7 40, and mixed
Iota at $7 to $7.25 per 100, poundi, weighed
off oars.
BITEFALO, May 2-f-tatt1e-Fair1y Wive;
15 to 25o lower ; prime steera, $6 oo $6.40;
'shipping, $5 25 to $5,85 hutohated, $4. 75
to $5.60 ; heifers, $4 ho $5.40 ; MVO, $3
to $4.75 ; bulls, $3 to. $4.15 ; stockers and
Indere, $3 50 toit84.40 &tack aeiferss$2 75
to 33.50; fresh bow d and springers, .good,
steady ; sommon. lotintr ; good to choice,.
-$45 ,,o $55; atedluiri, good, $30 to 0 ;
:Jon:IMOD, $18 to $28.. -Veale-=--Slow, at $4 25
to sa. ilogs-Fitiqy active and about
eteady ; heavy, 85.40 to 35.50; mixed,
.$5.50 to 85 55; Yorkere, $5.40 to 85.55 ;
Pigs, 3525 to 3540 ; rough:3,0.60 to 75;
etage, $3 to $3 50 ; dairies, $5 30 to 85.50.
Sheep and Lambs -Stow lambs, $4.50 to
$6 40; yearlingg, $5 24 to $5,50 : wethers,
$4.85 to $5 ; ewes, 84.25 to 34.50; sheep,
mixed, $2 50 to $4,754 '
TORONTO, May 3rde-Cattle-Exporters-
Prizes ranged from $4 0 to $5,85 per owt.,
wibla possibly a few at 85.90 per owt., the
bulk goina at $5.60 tcl, 85.75. Export bulls
soIcl at $3.75 to $440 per owt. Butch.
ora'-Choioe ricked lets of butehers' sold
readily at 85,50 to 35.75 ; loadi of good at
$5.25 to $5 50; misdate.: at 84.75 fo 35;
eommon at $4.25 to $4 75 ; cows, $350 to
14.50 per own Fee:dere and Stookers-The
demand for good quality feeders and stook -
ere was greater that) the supply, many
orders from fiirmere sect dealers beteg un-
filled. Short -keep feeders, 1,150 to 1,200
pounds eaoh, eold $5 20 to $5.30 ; feeders,
1,000 to 1,100 Ilos eaoh. $4 75 to $5 ; good
feeders, 800 to 1,000 pounds, 84.25 to
$4,50; medium feeder800 to 1,000 lbs..
13-75 to $4,25; good- etookers, 500 to 700
pounds, $3.50 to $3.74i ; medium stookere,
500 to 700-lbe., $3 25 to $3 50; good stack
calves. $3.50 to $3 75.; medium stook cal-
ves, $3 ; common stook calves, $2.75. Mitch
!Cows—About 40 milob cowe and springers
that told all the way from $27 to $60 eaoh.
There was a good dentrikid for choice qual-
ity °owe, but the hulk sold at $35 to $45
• each. Veal Calvee-There are too many
" bobs it- and scrub oalvee of light weights,
.many of thtne being: sander the Market
standard of 60. Ibis. when dressed, and too
.few of the good qutlity calves that are
wanted. Prices ranged from 82 to $8 eaob,
or $3 to $6 per owt. Extra choice calves
would eell for more Money. Sheep and
Lambs -Export owe n sold at $5 to $5.25
pBV owt ; bueks, $4 te $4.25 ; choice year-
ling tombs, $7 to $7.75 per owt ; common
yearling lames, $5 tci e0 per owt : spring
lamba, at $4 to $8 ech. Hogs-Prioes for
hogs' were firm but tirdohenged at 87 per
own for seleots and $6.75 per cwt. for
lights and fate, all fed and watered.
Paid -4 Capital, $8,700.000„ .Reserve Fund, $3,500,000
B. E, WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager,
$5 and i under 3 cents
Over $t). and not exceeding $10t .. • 6 cents
Over $10 and not exbeeding 10 cents
Oker $30 and not exceeding $50.... ... 15 cents
These Orders are PAYA4131 AT FAR at ant pffiee in Oetiada of a Clhartered Bank
(Yukon exoepted) and at the prinoipalhanking points in the United States.
They form an excellent method of remitting small slums of money with. safety ,
and at small coon +
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
FINLAYSON-In Tuokerernlith, on April 281h, to
Mr and Mrs James Finlayson, a son
SMITH -In MoKillop, on May 8rd, to Mr and Mrs
James Smith, a on
Ferndale Ranch,iAlberta, on April 23rd,
to Mr and Mrs John Hart, a eon
• Marriages.
SHANNON-DGRRANCE-tAt the MUM, Er(112011d.
ville. on April Nth, by Rev N Shaw, B A, Mr
%intern James Shannon, of Logan, Petth
to Mies Elimbeth Dorranoe, of Seaforth
HILBU&N-WE9TAWAY-4n Exeter, on April
20t11, Mr Edwin W Hilburn, of Paris, to Miss
Mary K. Weetaway, daughter of the late Sam-
uel Wastaway, of Exeter
FBEINTCH-COOPER-In Clinton, on April 25th, by
Bev H M Manning, Miss Eva, daughter of Mrs
Wm Cooper, to Mr Victor 0 Ftenco, of Wetaski.
win, Alta.
BOOLE-In Fannyetelle, Manitoba, on A p-11 30th,
Laura Jean Campbellovite of Mr Wm 0 Boole,
formerly of Beaforth, aged 24 years
KNOX-In Howiek, on April 27th. Christina Cowan,
wife of Mr John Knox. aged 72 year°
FERGUSON-In Oranbrodk, on April 80th, limes-
Fervson, a -red 90 yeire
TAYLOR -,-At Exeter North, on April 28rd, Eliz'
bthiEtheleen Taylor, aged 16 yenta, 8 months
and 8 days
FB.ENCH-ln East Toronto, on Good Friday, Mar-
ianna Lydia, wife of Mr F W French, principal
of East Toronto High School, and only daughter
of the late Wm Tayter, of Clinton
NIERGARTH-In Wingham, on April 20th, Man -
ford William NOrgarth, aged 2 yeare and 10
CAMPBELL -In Wingham, on April 24t11, David
Campoell, aged 73 yesre and 6 months.
Funeral Directors,
and 'Embalmer's.
Night oells answered at Mr. Molieuzie'n
residence, Church Sb., third house north of
public school, weep side. GraduateMe.ees,-
ohusets College of gn,balining, Boston, U.S
Knechtel 1 & McKenziel
On Thursday,May 11th, at 2 o'olook
p, m., at Dick's 'Stook Yards. Seaforth, a
ohoioe lot of Sbesra, /Warp, Newly Oalved
Cows and Springer,. P. A. O'Suaivan,
proprietor ; Thnrnas Brown, auctioneer.
• 1951x1
Popular Sllions with Routes.,
Geiger 84 Hudson, Peoprietore.
-Monday, My 1. -Will leave his own
stable, Hensall, and proceed by way of the
London road to Shaffer's Hotel, Kippen,
for noon ; then east to George Stroog's
Hotel, Tucker mith, for nights Tuesday-
North and e st to Henry Cliesaey'se"for
noon; then b� James Diok's Hotel, Sea.
forth, for niglite Wednesday -By way of
tne 2nd eon onion, Tuckeramith, Huron
Survey, to Tiltomas Coleman', for noon;
than Boron; o Mill road, and west to
to Charles W eon's Hotel, 'Brucefield, for
night. Thupday- West to Cook's Hotel.
Varna, for oon ,;" then south bei way of
Parr line, to Isaac ltaniton'e, Hills Green-,
for night. siiiriday-West to Nicholson's
Hotel, Blake, for noon ; then south to John
Geiger's, lot 21, 00110813E19R 12, Hay, for
night). Sat rday-Bast to James Hagan's,
Parr Line, for nooti. ; then to bis own
stable, whe a he will remein until the fol -
Monday ma ning. 1951.
Joh Chambers, Proprietor. •
. rvionday, May 1, -Will leave his own;
stable, CarJin'' Hotel, Staff:a and prat:sect -
to Robert odgson's, lob 4, concession 4;
Hibberb, f r noon; then to Collison'a
Hotel. Mit hell, for night. Taenleye--To
H. Victor's, Bornholm, for noon ; then to
John Leanest:Wee lot 32, concession 8. Log-
an, for night. Wedneedite -To John O'-
Rourke's, r ot 7, eonoession 6, MoKilloe,
for noon; then to the Dominion Hotel,
Dablin, fo night. Thursday—To Thos.
Melady's, lfret 27. concession 3, Hibbert, for
noon ; theli to Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, for
night. Friday -To Strong's Hotel Tucker.
emith, f�rl noon • then to Win. Albert
Ryokman's lot 27, oonoession 10,' Hibbert,
for night. Saturday -To his own steble set
Carlin's It tel, Stall*, where he will remain,
until the fillowing Monday morning.
:.1.............) ,
Ili4 os. Diokion, Proprietor.
.Frottusw OD'S LAST. -- onday. — Will
.leave his o n stable, Seaforth, and prooeed
east to lgnondvil1e, by way of John For.
tune's, td oseph Nagle et for nighe. Tues._
day -To .i1lchaeI Welsh'si, MoKillop, for
noon; th n to James Bean's, for night.
Wedneeda --To Colville Hilleneefor uoon ;
then to teorge Love's, MoKillop, for
right. Tnirrday - To Matthew Arm-
stronge, f r noon; then to Mre. Christ°.
pher Dale' , for night. Friday -To John..
Dale's, for ioon; then to Ira John% for
night. Se. urday-To hie own stable.
The CI desclale stallion, Lord Huron,
will stand at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth,
during the season. ' 1951.3
The following, Horses will stand for ler-
vine this seasen, anthe stables of
T. J. BERRY, ,Hensel'.
, No. 10,755. ,
TERMS, -To irseure, $15 ; $5 payable at the
time of eervioe ; the balance when
marea prove in foal.
TERMS.—To insure,j.36'
2;payable ?shell
mares prove in foal.
• No
TEams.---.Tot ti
insre; 1,22.
payable w n
marls prove in foal.
• No. 20,755.
TERKS.—To 'insure, 33; payable whe n
mares prove in foal.
T. J. BERRY, Prop.
••••• game
30 Good 2-year-o1d
For Sale by Auction at Dick's
Stock Yards, Seaforth,
Monday next, May8,
T. BROWN, Aactioneer.
Court of Revision.
Township of Tuokersmi t b.
Peen° Notice is hereby given that the first eitting
of a °burls for the revision of the assessment roll of
the Township of Tuokersnalth, for the yea 1995,
Will be -held in the council chamber, in t town
hall, Elegortb, on Saturday. eday. 27bb. at 10 ceolook
.s. m. All intereeted parties will take notioe and
govern themselves accoodiogly. Parties wbo have
disposed of their doge slime being assessed must
have them Amok off at the above aourt or the tax
will be collected. (
Dated May 2nd, 1905.
A. G. /MILLIE, Cler.
Men Wanted.
anted immediately, six good steadyf men to
rk in,--ponnection with the Tuokereniith Stone
her;" Good wages. Apply to
Direot from the faotory, wi
any middleman's cominiaition
therefore, sold by us at b
horn .
oKINNQN '66 O.(L,
'pp -y -1x
Housecleaning has commenced in earnest this week, and we are fully
prepared for it, with a large and well selected stock of Carpets, Linoleums,
Floor Oil Cloth, C4rtains, Art Muslins, Curtain Scrim, Coin Spot Muslim,
At Sateens, Art Silkolenes and draperiee of all kinds, also chenille and tapes-
trY curtains and tale covers in great variety. All carpets from 300 per yard
upwards will be mit and matched free of charge. Don't buy carpets till you
Ei6e our large stock of new carpet, direct from the manufacturers ; we quota
very lo w pries for large quantities.
I Hemp oarpete, in fancy etripenand floral vatterne, at 12o'18e, 20e and 25a.
Vision carpets in, new patterns, fast enlors, at 25e, 35o, 40o and 5oo. Wool carpets,
yerd wide, new aosigns, new oolora, at 85, 75o and $1. Tapestry carnets in all the new
patterns and colors, at: 253, 35o, 50.3, 65a, 75o and 85c. Brussels carpets, 27 Inches
wide, very special, at 85o and $1. Japanese matting, yard wide, new patterns, 12ic,
5o, 20c and 25e. Floor oil °loth. new desatns-1, 1, 1/ and 2 yards wide, at 250 per
quare yard. Linoloumn, 2 and 4 yards wide, in new patterns, at 3710 450 and 50o per
etiare yard. Lace curtains,taped edges, 25 iaohes wide, 2 -it, yards long, at 253. Lade
pirtaino, taped edgen 36 inceis wide, 2i yarde long, at 603. Nottingham laee ourtaine,
3 yards long, 45 inehee wide, $6 75a. Nottingham lace curtains, 34 yards long, 54 in.
.wide. regular price 1, for 850. Nottingham lace ourtaine, very special, 60 inches wide,
;3,ej yards long, look s itch edges, worth $1.35, for $1i. Swiss lace curtains, new designs,
,2„9. yards long, 54 to 0 inches wide, look stitch edged, at $1.25, $1.50, $1 85, $2 and
,Aavr) crnm
Mcliii NON &"00., BLYTH.
Spring Opening
Gool values always far close observers and thrifty buyers.
We make quality and close prices our businesa pi inciples. ,
Well assorted stock of great variety and latest patterns keep us in touch
with modern ideas.
Clothing Department -Special made to measure suits deserve your special
a4ention-satisfaction guatanteecle always. .
I Produce wanted—(important)—we will pay 13e per dozen for fresh
eggs. For choice butter, we pay the highest p•rice. Bring your produce to a
ogressive store. -
B. GUNN, Seaforth.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to express my armor() thanks to my
ftends and neighbore kir the sympathy and kind-
na Eig shown me at the time of the death of my wife
Old ohne then. It has • een a great help to me in
bearing the burden of gr ef, and worde would fail to
e?cpenses what 1 feel to lards them for all they have
done in my behalf. 1
1961x1 1 Tuekeremith.
• 1
.4--x4, 4 \
This is our No. 13, is a dro head, solid
oak Mee, swell front drawere, with set of
attachmente, for $18.00
We have ()there at $25, 335,040, $45 and
$50, Clall and see our splendid -line before
All kiate of Furniture; Window Shades,
Curtain Poles, eto.
Upholstering is our specialty.
Knechtel - c McKenzie,
Furniture and Undertaking.
You wont your table to look
its prettiest. Snowy linen,
a few flowers end some of our
efiverware and out glees will
give your guests many pleas-
ant thoughts, of their visit.
We keep Rogers' 1847 Table,
John 'Bulger,
Seaforth- - Jeweller,
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & Cheviots
Vickerman's Serges and Vicunas
A full range of the above lines, 1so, Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suitings
and TrouSerings.
Satis action guaranteed and prices moderate.
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors.
Under the 'Town Clock, SEA -FORM.,
Boots and Shoes
We announce the arrival of our com-
plete seook of choice selections in Spring
and Summer Beets and Shoes. Elegant
styles and new aovelties that will surely
pleatie you. Neer before have ne been
able to offer so large and varied an assort-
ment of fresh and pleasing styles. These
goods are the best productions of the lead-
ing manufacturers in Canada and the
United &eine and are the lines they make
-their reputation by. We buy direct from
the manufacttirers for cash, therefore we
oatflive our customers the advantage in
style, quality and price it ie possible to get
for them.
Richard§on & PrInnis
Sole Agente for Hagar, Sovereign and Jost
Wright Shoes,
The Dark
Side of Life
is ever uppermost to those with defect;
Eve eyesight. Permit us to brighten things
far you.
If care, okill and experience in ey
testing and the -fitting of glasses can worn.
plieh anything, then
RELIEF and perhaps a PER-
MANENT CURE is obtain-
able through our aesistance.
Eyes tested free by
R. McNaught
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
and Optician,
Cornoe Maim
Market Sr4141611
Sudo rth
ury Cloodt Wet
Four Count/oak
Our Neighbors
and Ourselves.
Our neigb.bor often is apt to hold the same opinion
of us that we hold of him. The good opinion of
others is of value to any one ia this world. It is
precisely like a business which. has the good opin-
ion of all its patrons, and of its neighbors, too—an
opinion earned by sinaply going straight ahead,
year after year, doing what is believed to be right.
A store earns the good opinion of all by offering,
day in and day out, the very best pods at the very
lowest prices it reasonably can afford. to charge.
This is what pleases and pays the people, and that
means it pays the store as well, for the best inter-
ests of the storii and. the customer are one and the
same. See us this week, we have special values
in every department.
.Saturday Bargain Day.
Thirty-five large lithograph cushion tops, regular price 75c, on 8 - u
1 for 25c each.
Twenty-five cusbion tops, conventional designs', on sale Saturday for 19C.•
Special line of heavy tapestry million tops, special, at 45c and 50e eeh
.An immense stock of belts iia silk, leather and suade, worth from Me to
75; on sale for 19c each.
Ladies' plain ootton hose, seamless, fast black special, two pair a for atm
See our assortment of black and tan lisle hose, for ladies and children.
a -
Just t) hand, a large assortment of ladies' wash silk blousee and hand
'em_broiderecl (hardonger) cushion slips in linen, imported direct 'from Belfast.
See our window display of these goods on Saturiay.
_ Twenty-five ladies' cravenette raincoats, in thr ee-quarter and long length
regular $5 and $6, on sale Saturday at $2 each.'
-,‘ 1 •
_ a
Large assortment -of ladies' Spring jackets, saite, raincoats, also skirts in.
Sicilian, crepe de chene and amazon cloth.
One way tickets at low rates on stale doily
until May 15th, to points in Montana„
Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Brit-
ish Coltimbie and California.
Mount Clemens Mineral Baths.
Thousands visit Mount Clemene every
year for th.e treatment of rheumatism,
digestive troubles and nervous disorders.
Situated neer petroit, it is quickly and
comfortably reached by the Grand Trunk.
The St. Oatherines Well.
The waters of this famous well are a
great specific for rheumatism, gout, neu-
ralgia, nervous prostration, and also serve
as a splendid tonio. Situated on ¬
line of the Grand Trufsk, eleven miles from
Niagara Falls.
Booklets giving information on applioe.-
tion to Agent, or by addressing 3. D. Mc-
Donald, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. IP, PHILLIPS, Depot Tiokee Agent.
The Old Family Clock
merits your solicitude. Ws
memories s p peat toyou, It
tick, so familiar to some who
are now gone, is a bond be-
tween the presene and the
peat. 11 1* is Went or oub
of repair bring it to us, we
will make it Itstlf again.
Ouv charges are always for the work we
do only, no extrae added. A111 work guar-
anteed to give satisfaction or no pay.
Try us.
J. F. DATI Jeweller &
Cardno Block, Seaforth. .
Good Work
Good Material
Carpet Department
We have gathered here the greatest assortment of new deignanti
special values ever offered itt Seaforth, and we cordially invite you to inspect
Specials for this week int'curtains, 3i yards long, 60 inches wide, for *1
a pair -20 pairs only.
Aapile of curtain ends to clear, from 15c to 25e each.
Two specials itt tapestry at 500 and 58c each.
Two specials in Brussels at 95c and $1.14, choke patterns.
See our special velvet carpet, with border, at $1,19.
An all-wdol filled carpet, worth 60c, for 43c.
Special value in union carpet, worth 50c, on sale'at 34c.
Two ply wool carpet, worth 80; for 63e.
Rug Specials.
Wool filled rugs, three yards by four yards, for $8.50.
Union rags, 3x4, for $6.25 all wool Ayrian rugs for $1175 ; tapestry
rugs, all sizes, from $7 up, Wilton rugs, size 3x4, for $22 ; velvet rugs, 3x4,
for $16.50.
Staple Departmei
White quilts, worth $1,25, for $1.
A pile of bleached, table covers, regular priee $L35,for $1.
Beautiful d.!signs in bleached, table linen i four patterns, at 50o a ya,
A table of remnants and ends in flannelettes, prints, cottonades, fee.
Clearing lines in art xnuslins, worth 100 and 1c, for, 7c and Oe.
Ten pees of moleskin oottonade; vvorth 18;oil2ic,
See our 5c grey cotton.
Clothing Department.
We extend to you an invitation to visit us, and see the best values
latest styles in men's and boys' clothing and dress requ12ite6 shown itt
section. Our assortment is -the largest, our prioes the m.ost reasonable.
thing is being done to make this our greatest and most successful seawn.
Specials in men's suits, latest style, made to sell at $8, all sizes for $
Large overcheck tweed, made to sell at $10, four patterns,. our price
all sizes.
Silk and worsted suits, all sizes, from 34 to 44, made to
two patterns only, at $10.
Oppozite Tow Blanding; Comer Main and }Luke