HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-05-05, Page 4-7- -7- �7 4 FORTH SIR -S �Iie a oV I Lga It W mail Abd uulre-�, the �6x'eoutl*0 Ot TOVO Ve he�r'w LEADING OE
urop. i r. wa's ow"iJAP as a very a uson died, 1855. r. ru 1905. tantlious sheet and -has ZradualV Conaervati've Association re' t-'� I 1 the t :a*,. aj4, (be Y011119 9 icking d- Mr. Wm it UP" it 'ht- W 413, h o sh
MA .1 - li _ - 'abbio& the Ferguson's second Wife was Mrs. gxowA o e one of the JW1d an Cle g d Not -
of bar agrono- Margaret Daleko vl',N�W York 40,' Biwa -and Giri 86 Aw fb of 1 g 4m, was, b rrol eat -best dai y papers ana is" a,u e ca X T weapon by whicli anarriagoi- were barn'tWo, W T a git " - t - *, I -.a �, , ciomma for the p6s U6 of Li di onot know; Ofat the Its eehaideal. ed of wlich Mrs. Thowas..Car- man e�_Ins -r f r 4 9. Tb -b was lok :1, nd must have aceldont- rodito aiemni peoto, tor t)lhiaf :township, atill ur- aAs'that Mir. John R4 r, who, d he The tm - diff Of GrOy .4.0 :1 2 3 .4 6 .6 ize-d.'by ihrighttoas nd: ability, ally u. d tbe trigger. ed ito Hfiro coun- the acted in that. 0 11 for. 125 votiver i- w9ent '-.Off, and tl* bullot es. :They romo Therels nooubt about ft., school elifl-Iren require b 4P Ist ad bout 33 years. -al 3 its news depa:rtment' is �nsurpassed as settling in 8 9 10 I - 111) if i ta be as d Kra.. Woods, -Wo was- -sitting tY A Ing c0ustantlY remindel .4-
0 by a:ny o contempor4ries. eaTak will aboxtly ilop, �where, that can be waies othorwiseq0U. &M W 14 15 I 6 17 1.8 19. 2 nship of Xo)Ki .. I __ - i , Kdo, If the rAque at. 10h as ready 'on the I bed, causing lmost 9 'Ferguson -rs ago. fact that Willieneeds another new air of shoes, r that X-&1ry1i9 2-1 22 23 24 25. 26 27 fferent St& dpolnt.S. een. made, in ;order to froora death.. JXrls, Woods Was Only 47 Mrs, died IS yea 7t fbotwl k1rom i �n 1 hen deceased has lived wit &again need repairing. BUY YOU , .�or Mr. Clogg, Such a:j tpe for- years since t h r school ohildren the bes 'of age$ na. Jaer daugitier. is em, 28 29 30 31 !r 9 a.that lulies of olitiCal - warZ his. daughter, Mrs. Cakdiff, 14thoon tim d. �Xake it * point to -buy - th A go1Qd m ny, Liberals cla, P OL Mr. about' 2 or 24, 0, and You'll be monew ahea Cession o Grey. Mr. Ferguson was
we -
Ines, BQ,%vm&n, who was the Con- —Thee BdiTol f R ilway Com-mis the re-bloction, by acclama1lon Of ., Ta store', and you will be Sure of getting the best. . The chool shoes -.the � a:t -el- a life long Conservative and a m -em- as to neatness - dunibility, tud- Ron.. Frank Oliver, fo(r tlm ooxfstit- lliervativP "nolidae at alooers. has given its depision in tb ate selected with the greatest care Ana NEW ADVERTISEMENTR bor of the 'Episcoplal church. The cti6n, it �s said, ,was c ff, -,I ed be of It"he F". Pail �..11
uency.oDf Edmonton, is,, proof posl- matter of the ciomplalint funeral on Tuesday was,largely-at- glance over theme prices will, convitice yowthey are:certainly oa 081tiOla but declined. Xi � Bowm an, merls' Association f. Canada as it
Air The figuro, between The parefithesel Altar each tive that the aubdnomy billoaxid.es� tended,, Itev. Ur. Langf&rd moiduct- '61, denotes tho, page of, theyapet an whiab the ve suppose, is- not disposed i bbe put the, Graind Trunk, Oauldian. Pacifio Bole' School Shoev, mide of the bist.grain leatker, for $1.25 to $1.50 a pair* ing-- an api5ropriat service, after $1.50,1* pair. be fount poetally the Educakonal clauses rf f -With the crumbs while shoula or $1.25 and
. t ilway companies in -On Rqs' School 84 oeo, made of calfskin, f -alf ind b III a which the remaIns were �taken to the -d9v^i �horae hide), for $1.40 and $1.75 a pair, Waists and Skirts�-E. XaFaul—V these bills,,which have been so; objec- live at deast h he is i'd �l ol bee, The 'a 10) a f Q� Que Brussels cemetr vbo nt, Boyes School Shoes, made of eot, leabber, for $1.15, S1.40. avol 16C, Mr. Clegg, h on xe- y To iterme &lity pebble
,o a legod t 1 at diseiimitnatk6n exists be- . Girls' School Shoes, made of bomb qu Contract Jgxpir4e4—Greig&SteNva.,rt.'-5 --ted � ta in Parlialnen t, and was made. The pall bearers -ere. mended, is a good a aild tw0en fb6 Tafo,s charged fox the Alex. G H. Farm To Rent are entirely ap#lro-ied of y the peo- uld aka capable In's pe or and trainsp '#6ti-on of giain and of grain' ardiner', W.- M. Smith, -Girls' Schoo.1 Shoes, made in box, calf. for $1.50 and $1.75 a pair. Xen Wapied-11. TYn'dall-5 Hainflton, W. Morrison, John are Card of Thank-e—J. Aikenhoad-5 Ple �of tho',new Provinces, . On tht i a plitical sense �he 'it a iarne a. pro :-i4n that bighor, Irates 'Try, this store for good Schgol Sho", oluct duct diff and Q. Clark. Oarol of Thank-s—R. �Steele-8 -other side, mailly on -and a. great P, more. char�irred. oin "'gra-in Ulan an f1pirr, Oat- Conseriatives Con- a positi largd _"dong been iromin( n , a pol:- To Ret—F. Homested-_8. tond'that the recent ef6at of, 'the. has, I , nlealj to.$ both �of'which were for a ffioaj, municipal and busitA oles, .1 Wroxeter. Haua for Sale—D. MolvUllan-8 -Liberal candidate in _�the co-naltitu- or] led on the sAme basis.of ol if -be is !noit -bn ex- vin- on War ou'lle, is rate the ropart and weoom- Noteq.—Messrs. Charles Sandq�rso-n o Ploture—Knechtel&MCKenzie-8 etucy 'of Mountain, for' -the ro iv �a t least wi ex-fMayor, jand 11as ..,Wen da Robinson eft for the to, ent—V. Hills—'8 Mal Legislature -of Mainitoba, i's all me of The Chief Traffic - Of - a nd A, mveral timei3; a membo r of the fi ' ilway Com- Northwest this week, the former go- Bois agents -for the Slater Shoo for men amd the Qaesn Qarity and E
Spring—Richardson&McInnis-- 5 Out� and out Condenation' of the eer of the Board te 'ra Summer Goods—Reid.%Wllson.-L5 Goerihment and their meosl�(Ms. 00�unty council-.�Since .1thO 111070 Was painle, ave. been ordered to Ireditce, ing to 1rince Albert iind the latter shos & -XcKonzie-5 We . are inclined to think hat boith written Mr. ller?,ff dis 144 1 and the xates'm-,ow ob on:41d, after jan grged n grain to to Regina.—H. MoD Our Neighbox-s W Mr. Clegg�s Api0lintment la b1n the, nce -of -about eighteen has no Picka,rd-'-f-Z -parties lay' too much stress on the anowitLeed. j�amB. basf4 h years to la settlement as it 1w old home. He -also ext-e-noled a spring Opening—B. B. 0�11n-5 re ns.. milled pr6dacts. spent -ih the States, Called on old ac- ywo In the case of Edmonton and I Mr. eek. qsrs been hanging 4n l,ong enough.__�Jrjr. I shonld they -visit London the Le 0 lWay4s T Hciuseoleaning—McKiniK6 �k- Co. -5 T . he grev still Mrs. C. Taylor, wie f t1i, q�uaint;�nces here ast w —me- W. Habkirk, O& Dungannn. visite:d ecei -a a wrm. w -t kn4rew Cal.rn;C9i- CharJes and George Stewart, of a
School Shes—R. Willis & Son -4 Olivr's unopposed return or ibat S e +,be fa ily %ere on Sunday.—,Quie from Mrs.,XaMoolie and S-4 - �,, - odastituency, one I -would naturally s�euding his Millions 41is hit t e: pstmaster of Cornwall, awok, Woodbridge, spent - Sipil . he m t h Somforth, Raee x- other - moxning to find two masked a number &rom here took in the as- couple of -hours were mos: Steer' r,4r Sale—G. Che —5 %1lage.—quarterly'meeting ias held
sney. suppose that if the feeling n the Mbition of munificeia_ce'�s 4ift of men in her -room. 6he evied out and nd socially pent, toast, s I'&eds—A. Yotang-8 new Western Provinces is as Atrong the, IvIetbdolist church 8unday sembly at Byussels on Tuesday ot; a a $10,000 them In and had a most elfjoy- Prevailing and Ui t ies, f or was told very po,litely bysone of 000 to rovide a:nn wGlass—C. Aborhart-8 e A in ggaknat the' Go-vernment . and the. 00416W pxofe,!3sors ho a!rE ai-of ale that she ,must keep very still oT he morning.—Mr. isti -Moxiaor6w1xo le eri -Flour Cook &-Son-5 -as some vvould lead, t�o� coIntinue in act , Id. b a forced to shoot. At -the' has been employed, in a bakery at ble time.—Master Gidle. ant e'�ening vloised by vOI unit . Autoftemy bills iv ice. Pro- voll spent -the Easfe�r olidays Nvith his Ainglik Par He's a
Corart of Revialan—A. G. Smillie -5 ll� toi suppose, the oppollents of the at Markdale, for some time, is enjoy- 11 IS .-:-'I,-
fessors in -the Uoitlool.'Stateg, Canada, same tizie -he pointed a kevolyer a- y uncle in Waltoai.—Mr. T. B. McAr- lowy and "' Aul Lang .Syno� 0niolis—B. B. Gunn -8 measure wold ha-ve placed a calnoli- her. Mrs, Tayloir's daughter, 14yeairs. ifig ,I fe-w hoJid s at his home Marriea 1 st. _`Cathaxba� Leeture—T. . Race -8 date In tho� field against Air, Oliver, and Newfoundland will baxe,inthe here.—The annual meeting of -the ter bw siglled 'With the Wingham, olstributin of -1th- inoomo- of the of age, sleeping on the floor above barchoaders of the Wroxeter Scale Intermediate'footbill iteam to - play St. Catharines Star of ApYil Lno other reason. than to i L nOtioe Of Xanitoba lour—Car . if but hr d. . Wb�t#ver may be a d4l of the was wakened ,by her mother's cry, vill, nor - doubt, has a length a vmry p 'e a strengthen them , reatly. —1tr: � R- Vlour—D.' Urqaharf-5 pe�rmit th dissatisfied ones an op- othads - by which' Mr. C niegie a- and can' down tairs, sternly do- Oo,. Ls to be held in Mi. John Doug- goril for hem and. N ty wedding wbiolitook plate in Girl Wantod—Mrs. Larkin -8 p-drtunity' of expressing their dis- n la' sho Thursday evening. A Ifiv- masses his -wealth, the -ways in which manding of the men what they ve city on the, day preceding, and idend Of tdn per'cont. has b
esn d,_ McKay and Mr. Jerry Graves ba
Canvas 8hoe�—W. H. Willis -8 a�Ltisfaction -at the polls, The very h omp6lle& ber to go Bavrs which sevral in this vicinity art lig -it are; cortaLaly.. oommod. wanted. They t Asigned with- the 8o�afarth Values—F. A. Edwrds_,-,8 fact 'that t1lis was inolt dome oes- a nt-a bed With hcr� mother, till ,talk-� clared.—The Rev. L. Perrin occupied
a 3le a:nd -greatly helpf ul ,to human- i again this year. Mr,:Graves hias also terestd- The Ceremony took Hiog Trot- 'lis Wilson -8 good way o show that the people n il y. the pulpit in the Presbyterian church gued With the _Lg —5—Reid & I I at .84af-owth football' -at the xeside ing 'ver politely; hoswever. One ot nee - OfAiderman R1
Pektlsh—J56 Bulger -8 �tb�_ West are (acht o much excited I ransacked be, place. Mole64worth, on Sunda3(,.—A number 'Bilack and as performed by Fresh V',bhut—Kennedy. Btbs,_8 aud . ,do not feel o �strongly on the the me thez of the, -Independent Foresters Lodge team. Mr.. A. W. Rqbinisn was in It is -quite evident haltit e Mail The tr in. w t Lucknov Ust week attending V*e'l Smith, Pastor f Knox thurch.
isaid to the pent Sunday af ter -noon in Wing -
Taylor's norv-es, and she I Svere
F. Daly�5 subject as sonie think -they do,. But, apol Empire is not imbued ' with a funeral' 61 a f rieiid.—The Blyth baise- cointretkog partle]s mx.` 3l'uic—G. M. RaldwLa-8 while this is the case', it may lso h4m. girt: " et me 9, drink f water.. I ball club purpoiss purchasing a erick D. Lake and Alfrett be wa. -On- feet fai t." "Dont disturb yor- said that the election 8 nolt spirit lot ove for its wo t ly 0 Death of rs. Knox.—After a long
illness, Christina Cowan, wif-c- of beautiful n6v nifoni, for ibecom- daughter of Mr. -ad Mr. in any reliable ,sense a -gap to the b porrY, the Moatreal Witness pelf," s, id' one of the burglars., ".I e 1a e o an Mr. John Itno;'pased. away at the Ing reason. iTh ',,c:k t and pant3will The bride es given way b_v
clings Oif the people. m ni reliable, -will geti.it for you." Going int be broNvn and tie stockings andeclap father and v�as gbiwoed mi NVllite Mr, Ofiver's a, d
C'Unktituetts we-roo no doubt, as -they f ir family residence in Havvick, on ly- journal -%vith the following adjainin' room; tho.polite burglar Thursily morning. A , so blue. We may expeaT tem toi do crepe -de rhenA over t-ziffata and I a rrowing L had good reason to be, proud' that, 6 oice, and gentle language., It sty : dr w 'I glass of wter mid gave it better iW the future-,Umn in the fell -ftbnmiuge, '91ih fll veil tf SEAVORM. FRIDAY, May, 5, 1905. their repr6santativ had been select— .11 ne of the advocates .6f the policy to beral. hoy welit -through te lbomse family consi,�tin iler Brussels et, nd oarr�ylng od far such a position. It is also A- fo confessEdnal schbols upon at tliei4 Jeisure, nd -secur�d about three sons axe one 'daughter and Rzat.—Mr. Stewart of the Bolimi nursery delivered a la*rge slp-mmt quef "Of �.White The Ill, !O left tok anourn her 16,3s. The Rev. TEe division ou the second reading oognized that a Minister .. f -the In- tple tT NVQSteT,n province i is the $500 �;vc:rth of jowelery$ They then jand shrubs in town on Mn- PY Young coupe are spending t. L. Perrin, paistar of the deceased, ftf the Autonmy bills was taken in terlor' hais mainy opportunities o ad--. hypnoritica.l. Mokntr�al Witne5s. This drbve- dway. Mrs. Tayloir says that daY.—Mr. Emery, of the, Bell fou& ll�pn;�ymoon in Albany and New oGndueted the funeral service, which I I nt -ests -of bis canstitu- " religious "I paper twas botl' , n. t�ey were carchinfrth r their will ta; Mum the i ei y� against t= dry, Soaforth, wais in town a couple and on return the Doinion Parliament ear',y on 001111s place Saturday afternoon. Mr -s'.
Ia e ey days this Nreek, ,reparing Roin"
ents that. would not. be av:iilablo -to remedial legWation on be] 1 o th ved all at belonging took their.aresidence in St. �Gatha Thursday morning and resulted in a e- member, Soi that the Can- Knox was a mo of I a privdt X� Among the guests from ]a, dist 0:)Pressed � minority of Mani oba. It to, her bo -asked them not to spoil it 'st worthy woman
majority for the - bif�s of V1, Mr. sideration of self interest as Well -eatea Sir ha' whose life was an 'son & HendersoWs boiler. Ar*
-example to those rles Tupper on the and one �of tei wrapped it up care- _M' a Carlisle were is arGund'- lier and who i4sired the Rorden's amenilment b,6ing defeated a the foeli;ng of pride, would oper- questi-an -a degree of brutality fully a d put it in � box. Poistmast- fate against Opposition to ;th Minis- that -only a- coarse and vul mid p, Tayl. iwa.q -a-at of -town far the love and respect of all -who came in- by -a vote of 140 ag-ainst to -.59 for. to intimate relations with ther. She Heneal-1. ntevior in his -own eon- eauld'descend to. Now, because Sir- llight. he irob s Flonr�Ono tar best Manitoba flour at ter f tho� I ht. ber' gained entrance Wilfrid Laurier. xiaposes to toerce a of CIL rope ladder. received. Feed -8 ohre Manitoba siborte and r Bavfield. stitucincy.- did. her part well in this life and Ilan. P by Mea James Sutherland, Minister As ar the result in the constitu-, t- vo provinces-, it is If ligio I she' has gone to her reward, leavin foodoahmid. Oatetskenin eXotiluara—glVe Ime a or- F. A. Bolwards. Bayflold. -has ency f Mount we .'eannot.see '6ehind memories of the sweojest fra� call. D. Utcluhat, HeavaN oatmeal URI. 1010 'no tii* ia*,�
in he Dominion 9 in- is -out hotly for the-, ache ne, and ues In floor -olls emir joili; TA - leums, CA
of �Publio Works, Exeter. in -how that. ca rt be taken in- ,try �seso,, aptually chage.8 these wla stand grance. ,:Goverlimenf, diea. at his Lhome We are runnin our flo'uring mill day &A ;R;ent. art muellus,olurtiln Brief .—The Metropolitan botel is s a-tidnolication ef the feelings evoli, b e prGvtnoial rights with igotry and nigbt. 0onsequen y we have a arge stock of Call sna iseethem. Woodstock on Wednesday afternon. about t, Cnge hands, Mr. C. Wind- brai and aborts for sale, sad wilaell brin atl$16 -per of of t Hibbert. the people he to aid fanaticism,. The religi Breeze.—Ir. K oarehouml, 10, is Com -
Mr. Sutherland -had recently return- aland,.O� Milvrton, having leased flie ton and aborts at 418.60 per ton. Our shoris are ay in-ofhin& 6f -those Of �be, rest of The Twv.aship Fthers.—At the fully *orth $2 per ton more thso spyingbeat hs been employed in London �ulity is sbjQoked at -the pa,rtts%n P . r6MLsep an Last. meeting 01, tho Hibbert 4horbL We have Also secured a I large quantty of d purchased Mrs. G -
d from Mexizo, where th had spent Wwnitobvi. nd the Territories on the treachery Of the oirgwn,and tho won- coun- the past f ive or six years inas h rey's i#torest in the business.—Mr. 1903 -old fall wbast for the farweW trade And am-lu much discussed soliool question. The d We are,no surethat f d path- '061flontopuppl you with our best mixe- last, week and. left Sat--arday-tto the winter and it was given out that he Mail oil J`ahivation -%vw.g appointe d lill. John Essery, ot Usborne, -fla Y y d family election was for a ,representiti -to a iA Empire -is entitled to, 5 ILI, minter nd his bea os r&t$2.0)p9rhxiadred. K, Dook &Bone. HO a situation in Saginaw. his health as much improved. But -mere 1 -Brantford. last week, visit- 5
gious con ont. the Proviincial. Logi,slature, ,,and the, t io - reli aunUy 11 on this 6, 5 and 6, and say Bailey loft *n Monday and - I lie took a bad t-ftrn Tuesday night ing th�ir�daughtqr, Mr. L. BroLand. result ruldt in any way affect an o.- ay subject. But, be' ithis as it William Dorsey 1was appointed path- The Sovereign Bank of Cansda, Charter. Spencer -on Wednesday for 6 rnv.-,t Hill has,gone back to and n pt . Stapl6ton _tmssed away Wednesday af ter- issue beore tb% DGminion Farlia- mdy, and without an7y pretelise of who ad by DOMID1615 PailiamdUl, 4-2 branches!n Canada -positiom iDn bbo a. Wni. Lee, of Lon- Soun, to take noron. He was 6ver married. He moInt. Be.gides this, the peoplo. of *the t tkLn-g up the udgels tor the Wit- refused to act. oba Roger, �gavhl_ and agents In all parts of -the world. Interest - -on
don, nixtherof Mrs. John Blatchford. deposits paid four times a your. Absolute security, the survey boat 'I Bayfielol�ll AW
oonstituenrl:y were noft'any more in- r ,oss, as t is anre able to defend cial land �surveyor was inst a6ted Unexcelled facilities, eourteous treatment, modern BrQwn went a few weeks - o- -was 56 ears� of. age. of thil village, (tied last week in to proceed, pur.4u-ant to' r Jivi.. at f forested im the kLnd,.,Vf schools which R,self tbLan iwo are to d`Q'f t'.. -t-P a 4 sufficient- methodbi Your coiountis invited. H.Artiold Tippety who jhai been ell I London., at,the age of 78 year.s.—Mrs. ly . AiX ..
xe f-0 be glvG, n to the� new Provinoes ic lay remark -in the first pla 3% that igned petition, for ja arainage, manager Herisall branch una4e*'�,, JohniTippett's, foIr SGund igense. Ull the Wet th� n are the p�eole of Rabbin-�, . former IrosidonI -is trying to fore eon EXPOitO Poand -or' oif Of E 'to d NWrk under the Muicipal Drainage 'Local 'Briets._. On. Tuesday evening -years, left Monday lar Chita ter, abit Messrs. John -an Act, to make the, necessar surveys,, The does ot of ten a- ainy f the Eastern ProVinceS. In f assinal se)loQle n the western his -fat-her ia Ricbar4 ariver, 6f this village, died last Mr. George -Trott stook a -snap in tb_ Into
fac-to so! fa s we Cain I rovineeS and the Nail ki ows it; last w� etc., ad file Ilia xe-port with the rm with the editorial jutlteranms eiliate 'Of gree -series Aut-oinomy bills were :little. disciras ek in Detroit, t -the age oif clerk ilt shot view of Messrs.. -Bawden & Sons secondly, there no -analogy between the earliest possible, date. mains we ed im th� campaign. Mr, Roblin, the. t he Vestern Fooitball Association, of the oranto World, ut -it d0os presdut -Autonomy bill,, nd lbe 52 years. Tho To, re tak6n to The coucit grant'd the Woment in- beautiflilly ;decorated �Easter atore Inliost )ieartily.endoxse the follow- St. Patrick's Raman Catholic church play -col here -Saturday afternoon. Mainitba Premier, ppetlod to the I remedial legislation on' *half lof -stituto the use oft the townsbip ball win4Q-ms.—Mr. E. Rannie, was ap in: cemetery J I tween the -Bayfkol Lak-esides as qhe', toppr sed minority of- M-initoba," Biddulph, for m pointed re&esentative, of the Hen- people to returin his nndidate. so efor the, Qnths.in wific to. I—lensall resulting -in a Victory W,
is rG(YM ia L Obt, -angthe eaTt Canadian koresters, to
huband a thet doceased
n 'his hands 'In. bi� deal- I 11011 r Carle,ij Tupper so, The lady hold their meetLngs. The McGrath �sall lodge," There t`ai is ti OIL, "y died -several years- a.&, and two'd[au- 1and 'ptorvis in at Ganan-- Our boys, the score being 2 to C TW
statutes for a general law. prohibit- hngs With the D minion Government 4,9poused; thirdly, the adv'cacy of ghters survive.—Miss ary K. We,- draLq by.4aw was read _ the Grand Lodge meet weather -was fine� and there vas�*.
for th extemsion of. t1fo ourfolirles ionally dopted. A special meeting aqua in JV)ie._Qn Thti-raday even -
Ing municipalitie from, granting 1he Witness in favor of th legisla-, ,o -red -to is anild in ompa.Ti- taway, da ghter f the, 1&te Samuel wia 9 r an t the members & the Masevnio good Both ,tar". of Ma(nitoba, nd be further assured in refe ing Im ,subsidies t0 Tallways, and.:,the time- gea or Mon- them: that be.would inot Con Westa vayl on the 20th of cou.ne hard, an tcb game was illte._,W, is t' e far uch a law. I' The rail- ith hat of &he, Montr al 4ax- day, the Sth. iof May, at six O?olock Lold
sider the v4pn ge here, together w0h viositing LP, April,.,to Mr. E. W. Helburn; of brethen, pent 4 very plea�arit ing. from atart t fillish� Tht 00*%
4 t t� �;! I return -of h143 candidate a political Ways that are+eing constructed to- e an Star, twNx igood Tor organs P. m., .,or the PurPosee of refereed by G. Riokalrt. Tho Paris. The ceritill'ony took placeere to Ay 'Wa
with the Distrie -day rosly endo,w toiry in any sense. The,- - peol)1e. 4,111cl ately' camnot be ac use' f4ar tbe g 11ing 0i tb8 oning t I Depi mailining game have b are. .. gene d ith v" ol of fMr. and Mrs. A. Gra;a. Master.—Ms. illiam. Dog- 1 -him t the Toidenee r
ridontly-* toak tit hs Word, ar�d iartiality to th-6 Laurier govern- eentre rotail and o
Public money , r public credit by o" perating he grad 'by he Dominion, or I Why doea he M- J. F Od. At ithp, annual vestry meet- as, follows.- 'At alensall, MoLi did what they could to einable- him nent. M. a �isr., has been, very seriously ill d, Way 13t the province'or i ot go or durtng the coming Admmer, , W it Bayf iel h; at He by both. Is tbere any xeasc a financi,,M operatios of to cure " favorable terms as T)os- �or " the Guzotte and�Stax a Wer a- May 24th.—MI'ss Washingto61
xn why ing of; Trivitt Memoril church, the 001,10,ly & , dur g 'Co" of Logan, w
the st. year warded tbe oontra leaed ioi ay is improving.—Mr.T. sible frw the Dombnion. for tbeir s for the Witness. these grants should be merel a p gave a partioularly Proviince. They were, ound ito'be very -satisfaGtury, drain, thpir o,nder being the.*low- Neeland has purchas.ed, 'of- the could, scarcely ' be f iminary to �614ing -up the munici- eating a4drest the L�� fint`
expected to do inytbing else. This nd Vod progress hadeen made a- e�st. Thionlas C0nnOlY enlered into dwelling8 which Mr. W, J. Miller, Canada 1,6ng all lines ot church work. The a agreement �ivjth the eDuncil t-ly erecto nexr Mr. Wffliam at 'the Xethoaist church -on 8 MAW
beingr te , .96 it is noms,ense to recell 3 -pal. , 1 seem 6poh�e . � - Every ord of the above is tre. for
evening had3t. She -on missrql%,-r�
claim the'eisult as a coin,derntition —A pet 6at aroused Ms. ane Rid- receipts for the year amounted to the oenstructton df tbo yndall Moir's.—The Sacrament'of the 1;ord's Mat of the municipalities in,On- of tbe. N, ban from Gleep in Motroa by paw- $1,7.45, and the disbursements o,%Vled, ,be'rs'elf to the weWpostwi,
arthwest Autonomy bills. The council Supper will be-dipeused in Carmel ad- Zil that important -subJ'eot._F* M-sk"fi, #r- in g a t -her f ace, and -%v h�l'etnr vs I o opened $1,674.1 The Ladies' Guild willectod j0ur,.n,o,,l till Presbyterian chirroh on the )3ezo.,nd tarla have already given liber�ally.ixi wolo.-Ok fl. m oil eommenced, the first -lift her eyes she saw the flaml� of fire $242 f�r missionary purposes. The, Tbursdaiy, May 25th. to. hol bonu4sm Naw, the countr is so Editorial Notes and.Comments. d court -a e.ugo', beillg last y in the kitchen.'The gas 9 �ove had fotlowr ng off icers were, electe-d— Ser Saturday.-- of- reviion sind gener hif
geuer-ausly servol. -that railroad' the AU.n.13all Observer -;says (that ,11 businss. 5 are ignited th-q. iwoodwork abd to ri ic.4 Root -or s warden, Thos. Hawkins; Gordon- scameron, of DeIrs n. day Preceding at 2.30 1). In., by Rev. hall tri d �o puE people' warden, J. J. Knight - tras- not moded exoept it be fon compe- Mr, Wm- MoClo, thoi well-kno*W Seaforth, wasiomae. for,,S
the Cat Mns. Rina un_fty�
n S*ffa. Mr. Samrors, �af Brucfield.—On Wea- the blaze out, but in d o lier urer, 1B. Samuel; uliditars: 6. if. Metcalf, wife, d-nd family, of -De tition. But it* of toxi o0ours Ahat Implement agent f that place, has O' nesday evening 4ast at the Queen's clothing took fire. nders and 1N. D. Hurdon; idesinen, NOtel--Mrs- A. Morrison 'bas, been hatel, a banquet ava,� given to, Mr. aftived Monday, to, Occupy ��t d received an appointmell S)10 r Tailroad prometers hol . up ceetfn- t under the ck gallery and IE Iiiat laid ul.) -for the ast two -weeks with Robert MeMordie' Of- the London beautiful sum. er Crown Lands iDepartment, as i the b, slid vn a post A. b F t, X.' D. Ifur- rosien m1iWicipalities with a threat that if. to the llextgallery, notwit t,ndirig C. H. Sanders , on- bilt is recovering rilowly. road, who Tocently disposed of his and Mrs,, aGee will shortly ot ever our -to-wriships n New On- 1' s proje lier adviinced age, 63 year, Neigh- veboipe committee, J. Davis, 9C. 1-1. Gordon -MitchOlf, of Stratford, -very fine farm and has decided to ak -xi-ot forthconting the, cted to their farm, near Brli6efield.. favr a rival munic t1t6u. Mr. MoUay hai§ lo.ng been an aw her and. Ox inguished S,.In d r s,' R. inney, E. Elliot, Tho. ws a 'visitor ftt W. Smale's locate in lrondoi;. On thi octas- road pality. bar. th n 1sh them TlAs is -an argument ithat will in-" ao bf ten tl,,L.t eek. _`Miss Edith of Ham- sion, a, large number of our most tive nd -,inf luential workel- in" the -fire in her clotbing,im time, ptr� Snders, L. Day.—It is net 11 "oeupt tile pulpits lot
the ix Beale Wi
ks -o his party, and hai, haps, to ave. hr life'. I ilton, pent -F,' Presbyterian and Methodist
variably bring results. It ' four generatios of the one family at 1VTr. D. I c h u rehof: Ls time )nvislz prominent -buainess men, tagetber ar.nPol thi's reclognition of stopped and a L Hatham Sundayed in tb this game wa iw —Mr. George Gooderbri, Teputed are r re-sento-ol. in R, e with Mr. -MeMordiels neighbars all
d next Sunday, at and sevtli 41* Mr. sucli as that propoised -would Stop it vices, to be oine of the,riobst m . in Can- same ime, but this ozourred few 7 of' Strat- frien4s in the, dAtriet, 'sat dow-n Te9pectively. ak on White. Cross most effectually. The Dominion da, died ,if his r�,sidance in Taro'n- days a re, at the residerim of '.�Trs. E. ford, spoke in. the Methodist church a. batiqut whi,ch for qulity anJ I P-re,side-nt Roosevedt is -in perooll the last government alo, should put'astop to an Monday. Ild was . native of Willims, of this town. Th&e. On 11119810.11.1iry woik on Sunday.—.All, quantity 'reflerlted. ucli credit up -
to -the GrandTrunk Pacific, nistic sp,Qrtsnian as well as Tananto C. lrodf,,son, of Toronto, as all Eiist ost, Dr. vT3Jaok.fll, and his ing of the 1100we nd was 75 years of ge'. Ile, Mrs. Willi.lims her rs.on, A-fr. on mine poddliAg their lvars around for M, L n Zo r- was presiolont of the, GO drhana & Henry Harny, lof Usborne; his er visitor at Mr. Joseph Nonrisl.� good wife. After supper Dr. 1ac- wgrant. a. yearly fiio63se 47- ul,,tr poitician Una attes, r decided t wekrehas bwrn bal" ting T -as ralld toihe chair and seveal Worts Campainy, millers nd - distil- daugh er, Collingwood he c-Onceft given Jast Thursday Elliotl-la and j)aro- `,a
bonuses. At Fort William they. ex-' - hteds and 0 W I ev - diarm�� half year,, o the River hotel acted, many nowsana,s of -dollars t1l, lens. - The oolmpainy is eputed to Brailt ard and' -her son, Mervin. "This eninLz, under the auspires of the lit- in a appy ;speech , in wilds of'ColorRdo bunting. boars. be, 'Te- -from that municipality al an 133- As the -fruits of 4iis labors it is said the. Jargest wo,. ks; Of the uiliqu group wa photo- er,"rY �-,*O'Jet)r was a sueess. The f r to the-P1440A.3 rc, It afforde ducement to -make their ej�mntls. that t1le ide-sf five beqrs and-flire �-itnd in.th -svorld. The d ceusd had gr I d by Mr. Senio,r.,Tho tLadies' hall wa,g filleLl tQ t. e doors. The III to;prei,d P nor there. Fart William agreed to giv -have. been s4nt east to just returined ifrom th i th, where A i 4p o Alic Presbyterian chureb. in- Pr,O9r,11llrnQ- I Mt could be -Gf so wort) vL guest as Mr.. �Me- , now furnace in' the' de-simd. The sh3ging f Miss I)Obs the nloney acaue it feared if it're find cured, aftdr which lie had spent the winter nd caught tei on Mordie n be deol) regrft on'and Wedding 'A�t t 00- fused to do, so, Port Arthur or ome di the evera ockta on,saturaa nd Ow �reoitlllg- of Mis,,j be residen the,� White Haas. felt 'at they were go," George Alaixt 0 will be shipped to Eisler, of, all other point on the 1-ake, would be cl'o- —,The eJeventh Cana ian Harse Mitchell, Nvere well received and the, los one NVII had pr Ioved blm.-Ro
Concexiion 6f Ist I - A' oepted. The ame hing bas beog pianO solos, Sho, whichwas held �in 0 Alast Walton. of r. Livns, of Sea- a 900d 111) day eveiAngs April Ntrpar
Aituency of, Mount -Lin, 11 2 Th Con. 'ron'trig at progressive mmer of Wedne
i n other pl- 10_ iTCe f ortb, and Feeaif,,y, of Statfa, th 0 ces. The compan week, Came to: I glor - nd Loo I Ttems.—Mrs.- A. R. Small, 1� Unity and who had for so 8 'elock p� M -i 'Rev. R. A. Sha b midnight an Saturday, "ith society who has been visiting friends in this m Id year,%; been foremst in many Hewali., pokP, the wayft vwara, sauld be Yoquired -to slect t-b--ir Manitoa, ha gone -back on its Li svere viiry ll renderc�d. )3ert Hdr- E'Ve go
route, locate their stians apol. ttr- cral reaoird. a,nd an Tbllrsda�y of vey, �,of Xoronfo, bXought down the Oo work9- Mr. -(aS surfeited Da satisfied th ts four vie returned to her ,bome in D. Urquhart, whicli, made Charles L� 3inks a ininaLs at paints. whith would erve 'rich house and 0l Nvck cict d a Coin.."rvative, in 61 days' rev -at of -a.nd legant me- G . din, irt b on Manday.—kr. Frahk repetedly encored. chair an of the banquet Committee. Jessie C. i&lair Mau 0(m and the public the bect. and wife In the 0 ptny per§an of Mr. McIntyre, o destry, with lovers o Tb�,, Horse MT. 0L. Xbris, president, filled read and I tbe, Le .. MeGalin left on Moinday of this the .011ai preented 'Mr. 'KeModie presence of' orty gaests. NEr. V,i A Compny 'of -such pretensions is jubilant ahol rapturau, Over "the r and "acquitted himself, as ith a lII(xa ki
1,_[ture _-tof �.Ucceej 11on. )Thom- s k t sume his studi!�q, at To- W 1). lidly wordd adress, and Dora X. Alairi 49�4- - usual, in iocular nianner,—Mrs. which ga-ve expreis shoutd. be,ashamed to on -gage illsuch Greeway. Mr. MeTntyre' majori f 1nest . exbibitio -ol, hor of Josh ever r1loreeto I 9.'re' s L."Alege. We wi-sh .4ion. to the strong -ter -of he bride, vere, wltw�sws tq� i pic, yu-ne peddling business and, iSCC-n I the di- 'F rank] success.—Mrs. and Miss Lizzie
w 146. Thi -is the first time a nd -Re -ilia is visiting her sis- attachmen, felt for Mr� MeMardie, the happy event. The &.rmony too
if n -America," and Tucker. of t1i,ey 'hve- nbt tbe decency to� docist r. k -
mare than p tified t ,the Par h ve ireturned from viqit- rk as a public place under an arch ief e*verge&%_,�
elected a. 0oso I, a r s ter, 'h s, F. 1). I-lutelli-rison.—Mr,. G. appreiation of his wo valuntaTily, Parl-.-iment should by record broaking aggre, ate. attend- Of Miteh an and the -regret ifelt thft he, was tastefully e ro , vtive to, ith-P Legislature and o ing f�"i`onds` at Hariston.—We ere -d oorated xvith law, TtIquire thrn to -act properly. equently the Conservatives ve y a.nee and the unqulift d ue the Bert cess of fa,vorqd la,,;t eek with a visit from Hillan, of evering his fconnection with those tr the =arriage Ceremony tile -w-e& -
'The is -being ,liberally re-. naturally rej�aice. the whole how both in point of the Re a Mrs. Johnston, of Sarnia. Lond.Gn, t1le Mr. ad- among whoin !be has esided for balf ding party Bat - down to a MWO v. ). n guest lot
imblirsed fruf the. Domiion rea- high, quality .and —Me A ler on Sundy.—M.iss Maggie Bryan, a, century. The. - bolpe was further suniptualls repast. The a-emaindW. - oso�s shown nd in poi it, of the on- in a O 0 CN n g 0�1 ; McNab attended the meet of -afford, wa ic 11 r in., tb pr- ury f Or am y, w thy ire likely Corporation takes gra el nod at Stratford lat. week. Sti a e9sed that himself and Mrs. Me- of the evening was �9pent in jpg&. -to -render the Country thoy om. a man�s farm and tirely 18"Itisfact,oxy filancial ot- ofk - being rushed to a village 1a.9t xveeh.—Tbe Ladles" In- Mordie. might bo- Jong tipared to en- ant Conversation an-& other li slickuld be satisfied witli .thtwitb- fP pays h In Come -%v fi� 7; b-ne O' ,a, 0 tpwn ball joy life in tho,' �oity of London to isions. The bride -,vvas the Teel.
1)a -v - n construction work of -;titlte will meet in &I
'out trying o' bleed the minor muni- therefor, ought the sid Corpa- a- oner nd jury 1111t Ori for th summer montllq. Piee-
R� The hanicing gang are which they had decided o go. Mr. f many handsome gift.j. The youm. eipalities� They `hc,ul4 be made. to tion to f tirther 'recompense the s tkol enquiring into the, do �tb f 11- 11 ow n I -
e'Pa r our villa C.—Mr.Louis MeMordie made a fe�ling and elo- eouple are to re,gide in th,6 illaize at
kebp their hands off t1iQ municipal- farmer far tlw. damage to his pr p- Ver-oild lad, named R'i9se'111 iP'e'nley, �o.tna has returned fro To- Myth. quent, r4ply in wliieh i -e assured his Kippen, They are uni v
friends that w`%erever his future speted and bel versally rt-
ities� We also notioe this coxiipany erty caused by the ex3avation?" i7 as a result of jdrinkin ;W.isky. . It to e was altending the Brio�hq--Another victim to the ed in the Commun-
0 d
S be _h
r . e 0 0 C he !ot may -be cast he will ever bheril;h ity. - The Expasit v join with
is Fincuriing 1,600 acres from the Do- w,A the question rithat faced ,appared from evidenc� -given by the Soho 1, of - Practical Sri n o.—Mr. whit " -ourg, consumption, in t 0 s nlinicm at Fort William for a merely Justice Meredith in the ex dead bos hither na�.q little Cam- Dan cCallurn s rented the house person -of Mi.gs Jae _�Qreigbit, pgs ywlng-
Middl ba in moist -kinly memory'the fri4 Z many 1-rionas
noiminal price. This is a big Wock s.size c-aurt, t London, Jast %% ek. panion, that Xusday lol st week, and lot elonging to Mr. D. Me- sed away )oil Sunday morning 'after and .a.9sociatiGms Of old 31 cOuPle in -Wishing them much i 1,31
'of l,nd. If it is all required for The Judge deoided that the er Russell an -a several 4her bcVs bad me a *fei- ling<�ring - illness ,sice last fall. 'osPeclally those associated with the new irelations. purposes of the rairwy the gift of the -gravel pit is ot entitle to been treated o! wbi-*y by Samuiel. den of our village, Her vore convYeil to, the, is �nat objectionable, but if some of red0(n1PC119t from the municipa ity, Symingto,an Atherley farmer- Sym- T Tamb.—We Lhave this week to Union celmetery on, Tuesla. There it is to b htd for SPeC1111 UVC PUT- an rogoont of the bole made -in ro- ingtan, itq alleged, �fter givi�g the reco d the death of another of the wa-9 a large lattend-anco. at the, fun- pases t urLn-g the gravel. boy�s several drinks. hpnded�,ove the best knG-%vn land in,ost highly respect- tral. The parents and family have sho.uld be curtailed ta-the actual * * * *_ bottla. to them half !full of 'Jiq'ior. ed pwneer,Tesidents Ot this vicinity, the sympathy -011 large -circle ot f requiremvrifs of the company. It Anvther )lead ha gone. i The Young Penley swallol'ved it. Ofi ar- in t pors-oll'of Mr. James Ferguson, Small. of. O.shaa, is FARMERS is not TiAt that ithe compnyallould riving home e was �',put to bed to be give n' tratford Heraid. ot last wee- I.n --,vhoi succumb; --d to an -attack of la at Pr,snt visiting,'her iunt, the public lands toliold'for sleep off the efifocts.,tibnt, as alarm- According to the report of the Agnicultural College, speoulaitive purposes and afterwards m Qinl c, of, ing qympt(kmg arpeated some hours C, ing of la-st rsbyterian 'Sun- imunced that r. Willia gr10 Joe Qarter.�Tlie .P roap rich WC14, having, Teached the Y;ipa old day aellqui, which 'has been conduct- the eXperience of Lruit growers who have tested it, profit, -i from their ale Listowel, licnse -inspector of orth later, medicil aid -"�as summoned. ed in the if wh'(-n tb(%Y b"ome vluablo. Any Perth, his ben .,notified b the, The ld -never re�nindd cosci age of -ninety yeirs. Mr. Ferguson 'afternoon du.Fing tho, ousneis, tras born in the county.of Leltram, ter moifth, thanges next Sun4 wll- waht to grow dlean,, sound apples, plums, elic., profit that iq to be av to you Mug -
made out of the License Departmnt thnt he � ugt� and, aftr sufferin.g�from convuls- Irel, the moriiing.—Mr-. obn wilf public lazols in this -way should go step -down and out to make roo, 1 -or" ions, died. ,nd, in the year 1814, nd, at the Ord is SDray your trees. into t1l PlIblie trovasur ge o (20 years, he removed to Man- -at present ,ca-afinod to the, hOue.— y insfead of his fliaw townsmn of onqerva- —Tbe little Hamlet 'of Strwtlimo.r(-, ebesLer, England, where. he iremained Mr. �Bro%vn and Mr. Tolden are ra"t, into the Coffer of the railway Com- tive fitb,Mr. R.T. Ke u - to-%in.ship, bout I wearing a happy g3mile t! is pally. n old resident of tl DIP. ATr in Roboro gh 5 fo bout 12 years, and -while there 11 U an- miles, from was hrown waro the- remi,son CL ooun� emp being that file IS t oin 8 ia e ex -W united in, marriage with, Misg were 4v
ardpli nd hs been pron incrit into a state of great excibement on Ann Hyland, 'in i'lle'year 1811, and to both presented with daughters.� The Taranto Ere ill ain municipl ffirs for it'grea' aturday by a ad hooting fatality the was boln six sons and a daugh- Messrs. NyJes, Morgan and John Hab- Vdth printed directions, telling you how and when to use IV&
n another tep f rd. Tt liqs re- many yarf;, nd, moreover in NvIiiall. ).1nio-1 Woods, of 'ter 'a hich tbree kirk. chf 'Brusels, visited in town on movv,d into a handsomp. np,�v remarks,. he ws ' till survive. On ] i �� of f ice Cdrnwatl, - was in�tntly killed by bei*�4 Thoma, Of Smith's F Sundy.—Mr. W. Peart, of Jucknow, .0 - alls; R
built exprssly for its famous n th-a her dauglitr, r n
yi a.
ea 'r
sioll ja dr 'b b t
b ho t
d 0
n e
'13 r 0 Arthur 11., and rs. W. 41. Humphries, _0,j visited friends here on 19undy.—The bon; pne soll n daugliter for' -three days. As about 30 years -ago, in McXillop, In fdopped through the village on Mori- and installed lot Of visiting hr son -in Wal JamP.s, having died con-struction of tthe. was �livr political IiLstory of b coun- NIQ further recomme datio I I
ar n is r m and irriprored achinery. Tbe St, nocss. A VV ing Mrs. Woods intnded returning to 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Frguso and fam� day on ecount of the �valuata�s not very ble nill- nearor h acti , PrIe- Cornwall on Satur - DRUGI� BOOK AND FANOY GOODS STORE,
Under Mr. Atkin ome we, notice Y.
gernont haq made rapid tr day morning, the 113, emigrated to Canda, anding in having .-conlo. to an 4 ides up- .1 eement wity paratianq are n progress :(xr -an- dughter oponed ' a trunk to gret MoUreal, and from there removed to ame of lihe owners of the property. SEAFORNI� 01-,rTAR,10. YYars- ben started, a felvv: )rears �rther decapitation. A mo ing of sowla articles 1e4t there by Mr. the guntv of Leeds settlinrr in th,,, This is the only ay to make torn
taut- _WU1 be lb
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�to J0 to I AttiLdy pigs, Sheep i
-44-85 t
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