HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-28, Page 5aee.
1 penttlar this -
:.he Oxford,
Paid -u,
643ital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000
press" Oxfasala
Oxfords at $1
tak coronaIt
licher style, a
ads at VI 75 a
xfarets will pi
a 0
and "
Mr. Rober
le a na , of Winghaut.
placed on
in street,stret
ridge to the grng
iast year's cointractort
as been given the c
good job is assure
spent Sunday at
berry. -James Ballet&
die Kerr, tot Bruno*.
Monday. -Mr. Ge
few days with frier*
-Miss Etta Armstr
sited her mother for
seph Barton left fee
sed. -The Messrs.
of the 2nd conceesr
hosed a fine ye
us bnil fnout7 Mr. Jen
side. This anima
o d and weighs I
is a particularly
Ls lane. We trust
1 be succeseful wit
e council met _
bury, on the lgt
e members werepi
'k -was requested
Farncomb to ins
Ln, P. Pigeon to
rain is not finish
cost of inspection. T
rtise for tenders fwe
f Barron drain, te
eled at Leadbury,es
16th. The reeve! th
eenpowered to brorev
naunicipal loan tnn
nt expenses, Accounta
. of i$201.96 were passed
:o be paid. The Cold
to be held on Monday
Tay? at 10 o'clock a
:djourned to meet
Tuesday, May the 16
Murdie, Mee
!he beau.tiful 'home
Robert II. Taylor, ot
Hay, was the see
!t t y. we dd ing cpn Wed
5th, at high noon,whea
daughter, Miss Myrtle
rue the. happy bride OL
ssenberry, of Gran4
. J. Doherty, B. A., *
formed the eeremonY-
;reta Taylor, sister
tired , en white, was
ride. Miss Riker
E:r of tbe groom., a
while the groora w
- Mr. Sam Taylor, b
tide. Miss Recker none
lilyMendelsohn's wide
s the bride entered t
on. her father's Frifl
ber of choice preSeflt
eeteem in which t
nrc held by their manY
were present in itrgk
Drier their emigre t ul
t.pp y couple are spend.
(*.moon of Galt.
. _Mr. Clemont gztve eI-
rii Easter Sunday. -e
ong and mother, M
Beigrave, are visitin
ister, Mrs. Manning ,all
and MrS. David Flood,:
-ed -at the home of Mre
.Sunday. -Dr. L. White
"alker, of Gorrie, epent
is herthe here. -Mr. 1.
h.e auccesof el studeots
il College, Ann Arbor,
ays at his home herne
tiley, of Hamilton, re.
Ionday morning after:,
days. here . -Mrs.
tighter, Edith, visite'
Sunday lant.-Mre To
0 has completed ilia
the We,stenre Ullive
nee home for his" bell'
kezh) Whitley, of "Lone
Ler Easter vaca.tion nt -
.-.Miss L. Youing le*
"oda •Monday morning.
(Hee. returned to Lone
fter her vacatiort here.
nee.; still keep eggs ,i.fi
,s 0. Brighame teaari°
• .in spending- her di
here . -The DieSAM
. II, spont Sunda:yill
es s rs. Robert Ontraao.g
e lb le f t Wednesday fel!
We wilt them. Wad
ral College, ana
estedlt, if yob -
eta., you inaSu
-d when to
B, A
KM, General Manager.
ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager,
.5 and under.........,. .... ..... 3 cents
'Over $5 and not exceeding $10...... „ 6 cents
Over $10 and not exceeding $30 10 cents
Over. $30 and not exeeeding $50........ 15 Cents
Theo Orders areTi kAYABLE AT rka at any offioe in Canada of a Ohartered Bank
- (Yukon ex#epted)„ and at the- principal banking points in the United States.
They form titi excellent method of iremittine small sums of money with gaiety
and at small con.
F. HOLMOTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
42 Yearling Steers
and Heifers.
For Sede by auction at
At 1 614lock, p. m.
-42 Good '.Yearling
Steers and Heifers
Thisis the beOt lot yet offered
Tgazas.—sir mOnths' credit on approv-
telpsper, a dieoonot of 3o en the dollar for
Geo. Cliesney, prop.
-Thos. Brown, itiCtioneer.
at 2i to 313 per pound. The supply of
eheep and lambs was very small, for winch
the demand was fair. Sheep sold at 4:1 to
51 net' pound. and epring limbs ab $3.50 te
85.50 eaoh. The trade in calves was quiet
at prices ranging from $2 to $10 each, as to
eize and quality.
ToRONTO, April 25 -Cattle-Exporters-
Prices renned from $5 40 to $5.75, an C one
or two lots at $5,80, the bulk going at i$5.50
to $5.75 per ovine Export bulls sold at
$3 75 to $4.40 per cwt, and export) cows
at $4 to $4.50 per mete Butchere'-Picked
lots of butchers' sold at $5,25 to $5.50,
with 1 lot of 10 prime aeons at $6 60 per
owt; loads of good told at $4.75 to $5 per
met; medium at $4 25 to $4,50 • common,
$4 to $4 25 • cows, $3 50 to $4' per owb.
Feedere-The demand for feeders, especi-
ally short -keeps, was greater than the sup,
ply. Those weighieg from 1,100 to 1,200
lbs each, sold at $5 to $5 25 per owte
and even $5.60 was paid; feeder, 1,000 to
1,100 peritnds each eold at $4.50 to $4.75;
500 ton3001bs, each at $4 bo $4.25, and
stockers at $3 75 to $4 per own
Cows -About 15 milch cows and springers
at $30 to $60 eaoh. -More good cows were
wanted. Veal Calves -There are too many
" bobs!' and scrub calvee of light weights,
many of them being under the markeb
standard of 60.* lbs. when dressed, and too
few of the good quality calves that are
wanted. ;Prices ranged from V to $8 each,
or $5 -to $6 per own Extra choice calves
would sell for more erioney. Sheep and
Lambe -Export ewes sold at. S. 4550 $5,25
per ; buoke, $3.50 to $4. ; choice year-
ling lamb', $5 to $6 per owt , spring lambs
at $3 to $6 eaoh.. Hogs -Prices . for hogs
advanced 250 per ewb. Mr. Harris bought
about 600 ab $6115 per own for selects and
$6 50 per cwt. for lights and fats; all fed
and. watered.
Skirosuret. April 27tb, 1905. '
Fall Wheat- go 06 to 1 05
.lets'per bushel - - tO 0 38
per bushel_ - 0 66 so 0 65
Barley per bushel- - oat.- -.... 0 45 to 0 46
-diner, No. 1. loom 019 to 020
- 0 17 to 0 19
per ....a...-. r3 to 0 14
liour, per latt - 2 50 bo 275
Hay per ton new- - 650 to 7 00_
Hidesper 100 -.... 5 00 ice h 861
Sheep Skim... at, 0- BO to 0 26
rokalstell per bag - 0 73 to 80
Salt (retail) per barrel.... .... 1 25 to 1, 00.
Wood pey cord ....- 6 00 to 6 20
Weed per ord. (*holt). .. 2 76 to 26
A Its psrbag- 0 40 to 0 60
.;1 over Seed.- -7 00 to 8 00
°Iniothy Seed-- -.. - 1 26 to 2 00
allow, per lb...-. - 04 to 05
fork, per 190 Me. 04.• 7 60 to 20
Dairy' 'Markets.
TORONTO, A.pril 18th -Butter -The mar-
ket has an easy. tont* but. trade is quiet ab -
the moment. Quotneions are unchanged.
Creamery prints, 23 tie 253; subtle, 22 te
3o; medium dairy into, 16 to 17o ; infer-
ior dairy, 14 to 15o 41good to °hobo dairy
pound rolls, 21 to - large dairy. rolls,
19 to 20o ; meditate 'dairy, 17 to I8a.
Cheeae-Firm is ton ik and quoted unchang-
ed at 12a for large, and 120 for twins.
Eggs -The demand lighter, but receipts
are still fairly heavy. Quotation e are eas-
ier at 13-1 to 14o. - •
MONTRPera 25tio-Cheese, On-
tario fall, white 12ia ; ordered, 12,p.
Eggs -New laid ab 14i per dozen. Butter
-Finest orearneryi. 22o; mottled, 21 to
-22o per pound.. ti
TORONTO-, April .:'26 -The following is
Burns & Sheppard'e -weekly report) of pre-
vailieg prima : roadsters 15 to 16
hands, $175 to- $22o • single cob's and car-
riage horses, 15 to '16.1 hands, $175 to
$240 ; matched paiiel and carriage horses,
15 to 16.1 hands, $400 to 6550 ; delivery
horses 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to 8150;
general purpoie and lexpreas horses, 1,200
to 1,350 lbs.. $135 to $1.70; draught home,
1,350 to 1,750 lba4 $160 to $240; ser-
viceable 1second-hand _workers, $90 to $110;
serviceable secondeheilid drivene$60 to $110.
\ Another Large Shipment.
This week we reoeived another large shipment of new goods from Mon-
treal, which puts our stock in good shape for the Spring trade. Most of these
goods were bought 'Underpriced for SPOT CASH, and will be sold below
regular prices: •
Flannelettee, vei43 widths in dank and light stripes and checks!, very speo la!, worth
70 for 53. Wool twneds for boys suits, green value at 25o, 353 and 50.3„ Rock -fast
shirting, fast colors, oew patterne, worth 17e, for 1.53. Oxford shirtings in new pat-
terns, fart adore, at 190 and 12io. Cottonades and Moleskins. new peteernel, at 15o,
20c and 25o. New table linen half bleaohed, very special, at 25o, 350 and 500. Dulles'
Reineoats•in oraven.ette and rubber lined at $3, $5 and $7.50. Men'a rainnoete in covert:
cloth, and rainproof, $2.50, $4, $6 and $9. Men'e felt habs In all the Titeet styles at
75 , $1, $1.50 and $2. Men's overalls, man and witlaout bibs, at 503, 751, 85o and $1.
Men fancy aneplein shirts in great variety, at 503, 75o and Ole Ipeye), aid youbles"
suite, in tweed and fie serge, at all prime White and grey coteone; extra -value at 5;
7e, So and 10o. New Gingham, in blue and white oheake and bright, pled, worth 70,
for 5o. Mazda heavy wool pants, very speoial, ab $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.
MOUTH -01k April 18th, to Mr and Mrs James
Mollath, of Cliaton, a daughter
liNOX-In Mullett, on April 17th, to Mr and Mrs
George Knox, a son
diyth, ea April 17th, to Mr and Mra
John F Nivine. Nors
PARElta-in East Wrawsnosh, on A.pril nth, to
Kr and Mrs Alex Parker, a daughter
GLEN -In Starildy, Aprll 171,40 fir and Mrs
Edward Glenn, a son
AITORESON-In WIngham, on 'April 19th, to lir
and hies Wm Aitcheson, a son
GIBSON-At Grace Hospittl, Toronto, on April
17th, to Mr and Mrs T W Gibson, Deer Perk, a
Our stook of Boos and Shoes is well assorted for the Spring kettle in the following
lines: Heavy shoes for working men, in all 81z38, at $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Williams
patent adjuetable shoes, made of 'mild leather,' they see waterproof and wear like ir orn
at $2 and $2 50, Ladies', rnisees and ohildren's floes and Oxforde in green variety in
bleak, tan and chocolate, ab all prices.
MoGREGOR--HAISAH-ot the residence of the
bride's parents, on April 12th, by Rev -G hi
Dann, ot Whiteohuroh, aesisted by Rev Mr
Maxwell, of Ripley, Mr W A McGregor, of
Thameeford, son of litr D McGregor, of Wing -
ham, to Miss Belle W, eldest daughter of Mr
John Haigh, of Kinloss
JOHNSTON-BUN 8TON-On Wednesday, April
19th, Miss Lizzie Bimetal, of Fordwich, tc' Mr
H Johnotoo, of Victoria Mines
STEEP -In Cliaton, on April 1.6th, Henry Steep,
seed 84 yeare
PARKE-In hayfield, on April 18th, James Parke,
. aged St years
;REMIER-In Hullett. on April 18th, Thomas
Tremier, aged 62 years
maews—Near Iiippen, on April 14th, John Mc -
Nevin, ag.ed 60 years
PORTERPIELD-In Omaha, Neb., on April 16th,
Peter Porterfield, jr, eldest son of Mr Peter
Porterfield, elerk of East Wawanosh, aged 41
STEELEa-In Cranbrook, on April 2Ist, Mrs SA ole,
aged 86 years
ATKINSON-At Rolla, North Dakota on April 71h,
Mrs James Atkineon, (nee Nellie 'Montgomery),
formerly of Hibbert, aged 45 yeara
hiARI3S-In hayfield, on Aran llth, Captain Alex-
ander Marks, of Tobermoray, agcd 68 years
Live Stock Markets.
Lonoon, England, April 25 -Export cat-
tle are quoted ab to 13 per pound ; re-
frigerator beef, go per pound ; sheep, 13 to
. 14c per pound. n
BUFFALO, April 25-a0attle-Fairly aative;
good oentle, 10 to I50 lower; medium and
common, 15 to 25o lowe er ; prime steers,
16.25 Go $6.60 ; one 'str lots. $7.25 • ship-
ping, $5 50 to $6 ; bdtoliare,$5, 25 to iro5.85 ;
heifers, $4.25 to 85.50; 3owe, $3 25 to $5;
-abulle $3 to $4.35 ; ebockers and feeders,
13 to $4.75; stock aeifers, $2 75 to $3.q5;
fresh cows and springers, good, steady ;
common dull; good to choice, $45 en. $55;
medium to good, $33 to $!0; 3onicaon, $18
to $22. Veals-Ace iite and steady, at $4.50
to $7,25. Rogs—Nirly active and 5 to 100
higher ; heavy, $5175 to $580; mixed
Yorkers and pigs, $.1,80 to $5 85; roughs,
$4.85 to $5 ; atage S3 to $3.75 ; dairies,
5.60 to $5.70. Sheep and Lambe -Slow ;
Iambs, $6.50 to $8 • yearlings, $7 to $7.25
wethere, $6.25 to '$6 50 • ewes, $5.85 ,to
$6 sheep, mixed, 42 50 to $6.
MONTREAL, April 25th -Cables from
Liverpool on cattle oftme strong and higher
at 3.2io foe choice Adtericans and 12o for
Canadians. Londondeables were firm at
12io and Caaadianrte at 12o. The trade.
to -day in all lines wah quiet, with the ex-
ception of hop, for Which there was a keen
demand from some pitokers, and, as the of-
ferbage were small, the undertone to the
market was again stOng, and prices scored
a further advance of 150 per 100 pounds,
with sales of telectectilots at $7.25 per 100
pounds, weighed off ears. In addition to
the seave, cables froeo the leading foreign
markete on Canadian bacon. continue to
come strong. The triele•in cattle wae slow,
as the denaand wee Innited from butchers';
bob the undertone to the market was firm,
and prices were maintained. Choice becvee
were quoted ab 51: be 6o ,• good en 5.1 to
5io; fairly pod at 44 to 50 - fair, to
41c ; common, We to 40; and lower grades
Breed to Developed Speed
D ▪ -
Funeral Directors
is not too good
API4, 2.0p 1-2
enettitO Niels
80°0=1:11,' 1 ar • Cinthinete "I"
101nrinet Stints k
and „
WC). 29,8327 "T.
KAPLAti,-2.08ir,will stand for service at
His Own Stable in Brussels for 1905.
Keplan haft three of the moat important points in breading -SIZE, SPEED and
BREEDING, (Audis abeolutely sound. A student of the breeding problem will observe
at a glance at hie pedigree that ie is his rigby, inheribance to produce speed (bred from
Kremlin, 2.07t; his sire) Ksplan'e 'full leAetiiTar, Kavalli, with a. mark of 2.0n, four otiaer
sisters and brothers -With marks from 2.1A to 2.29i also from the great brood mares
which appear in his pedigree, who have all earned a place of distinction on the records
of the trotting homes of Amerloe, such as Almira, Alma. Clara Eventide, Vitala, Venus,
Miss Ituesetiand Woodbine. PRICE OF SERVICE, $25. Clara,
further particulars and
tabulated pedigree address
and Embalmers.
Night calla answered at Mr. McKenzie's
residence, Church St., third house north of
public sahool, west side.. Graduate Massa- -
ohusets College of Embalming; Boston, U.S
Knechtel & McKenzie;
Tenders Wanted
Tandem addressed to the undersigned and endor-
sed " tender," will be received up till six o'clock,
pm., on THURSDAY, MAY llth, 3906, lot the
erection of a two.room and basement public echool,
brick or cement building,in the village of Wroxeter,
Huron county, Ont. Tenders will be c moldered fest
the whole work in bulk, or for the different
branohoe therein. Mao ter the work alone,
with the material furnished by the board. The
Plena and specifications may be seen at the real.
denoe of the undersigned, or at the offices of Stew.
art, Witton and Taylor, architects. Brantford, Ont.
Lowest:or any tender not necessarily accepted.
VM. WILSON, Secretary °Publics School Board,
Wroxethr, Ont. 19504
%. 1 Concern In
I Four Conntlop
ae...........--.......,- e..,....a.....„---e—a........-a----------------......--
and 0 0 • 0
One way.tickets at low ratee on sale daily
until May 15th, to points in Montana,
Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Brit-
ish Columbirt: and California.
Mount Clemens Mineral Baths.
Thousandvisit Mount Olemens every
year for the treatmentof rheumatism,
digestive troublee and nervous disorders,
Situated near Detroit, it is quickly and
comfortably reached by the Grand Trunk.
TheiSt. Oatherines Well.
The waters of this famous well are a
greet specific for rheumatism, gout, neu-
ralgia, nervous proetration, and also serve
as a splendid tonic. Situated on d'reet
lino of thei Grand Trunk, eleven miles from
Niagara INis. -
Bookletiving information on applica-
tion to Agent, or by addreeeing J. D. Mc-
Donald, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
onto. .
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
EREFORD BULL -The undersigned has ree
eently purchased and will keep for service o a
Lot 12, Concession 2, Tuokersmith, fleet farm west
of Egmondville, the young pare bred Hereford bull,
"Jumbo," No, 150,186, to whioh a limited nunib er
of cows will be taken. Terms, $1.60, payable Se, n.
nary let, 19t6. AtdON MODELND. 1950x1.
'DULL FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned will
All keep for service on lot 19, oonoesston 2, Pdo-
Killop, the thorobred Aberdeen Angus bull, "Brit..
annia of TweedhIll 6th," to winch a limited number
of cows will be admitted. Terms- $2, palm* Jain
uary leta 1906. E. A. & G. td. lioINTOSH. 1950x4
EED POTATOES. -A limited quantity of seed
potatoes " Satisfaction" grown from imported
nglish aced. 50e a peck, $1.75 a buehel. Apply to
W. C. DAVIS, Hensel', or to JOHN VARLEY,
Chiselhuret P. 0. 1950.2
Pacific Serges, Worsteds & Cheviots
VickerMan's Serges and Vicunas
A full range a the above lines, also Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suitings
and Trouserings. i 1 .
Satisfaction gliaranteed and prices moderate,
Speare and Page
, , ........
Merchant Tai.ors.
Under the Town Clock) - . . . SEAFORTH
*A. F. PHILLIPS:Depot Ticket Agent.
Tepaers for Dredging.
Tendereeaddressed to the undersigned and en-
dorsed "Tender for Dredging " will be received up
to and inoloding May 15th, 1003, for the dredging re
gulled at the following places during the present
)ear : hayffeld, Belle River, 13eaver13n, Calling -
wood, Kincardine, Matched/soh Bay, Meaford, Owen
Sound, Trenton, Penetenguiehlne Point Edward,
Sainte. Pelt Stanley, Rondeau, Pot Burwell, Sau-
geen WOW Thornbury, Wiatton.
Specifications can be seen and form of tender ob-
tained at the Department of Public Werke, (Wawa.
enderrth include towing of plant to sad from the
works. Only dredges can be employed whioh are
regietereel In Canada at the time of filing of tenders.
Contracture must be re* to begin work within
30 days alter the date they have been notified of the
aceePtanee of their tinder.
The department is not bound to accept the loweet
or any of the tendert.
By order,
Departneent of Publlo Works,
Ottawa, April 20th, 1006
• Newspspers inserting this advertisement without
authority Iran the Department will not be paid for
it, 1950-2
Mortgage Sale of Town Property
und.'nd by virtue of the powers contained In a
certain mortgage, which has been registered, and
wbich will be produced at the time of sale, there
will be offered for sale by public auction, on
TUESI3AY, the 23rd day of MAY, 1905,
At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
Commeretal Hotel, in the Town of &Worth, tit
following property, namely Lot No. 89, in Jarvie
survey, et the Town of Sco.tortb, in the County of
Harm There are erected on the property a briok
block stores and a livery barn, all in fairly Igo -0d
repair. The stores and livery barn are advantage.
()ugly leaped, and as the property is situated in the
best bueirum part of the thriving Town of Seaforial,
a good opportunity is offered to any person seeking
an invettment in real estate. Terms -Twenty per
cent. of the purchase to be psi d down at the time of
sele, and the balance within thirty days thereafter.
The property will be offered for sale eubjeot to a re.
served btd. Further pertiouhtre and, conditions of
rale will be nestle known on the day of sale. R.
HAYS,!yendor's Solicitor. ° Dated the 281h day o
April, 1006. 1950.4
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endors-
ed "Tender," will be receieed be post up till the
161 of May, 1906 or at the cennoilmeeting at Lead.
bury on Tuesday, the 161 of May, at 2.30 o'c'ock
p. m., for the construction of the Barron drein.
Plans, etc. can be seen at the °Jerk's office, lot 24,
conceseion 7. McKillop township. or at Leedbury an
day of meeting. A deposit of $25 will be required
-from contractor !Intli bon& are signed. Tho lowest
or any tertder not neeeesaritv accepted,
M. MURDIE, Clerk of MoKillop,
1950.8 Winthrop P. 0.
License Transfer.
Notice is hereby given that 1, Thomas Dowedn, of
the village of Heopall, have made applicatioo for
permission to transfer my hotel licence, known as
the Commercial Hotel, to Thomas Heffernan, of the
Township of Hay, aud that odd application willbe
emesidered at the meeting of the board of license
cornmialloners, on or before the eighth day of May.
All persons insereitad will govern themselves ao-
1950.2 License Inspector,
At the very beginning of this business, 21 years
ago, we believed. that greater, success was to be
won by selling goods for as little as possible, than
by asking as much as they would bring. In the
eaxly days we could not give such values as we do
to -day. Now the quantity of goods we handle
makes large purchases easy, 911d that outs down
the cost. The policy of buying for cash and going
direct to the sources of original supply, cuts down
the cost still further, and applying the principle
of small profits over its cost to us, makes the
prices to yoa lower still.
Dress Goods Department
Pop _ Stall ions wit
The following Popular Stallions will.
stand for the Improvement of Stock
this season, health and weather per-
J. F. MaIntosh, 2roprieter,
Monday, May 1.-Wi11 leave his own
stable, lob S. conceesion 12, McKillop, and
proceed to Wm. Morrison's, Ir., 10bh con.;
cession, for noon, then to J. Shannon's,
12th concession, for the night. Taseday-
1 West to Wm. Mille', Huriett for noon;
Ithen to Mason's Hotel, Blyth, for night.
Wednesday -Wed to J. Preffere' for noon;
I then to J. Higgiabottom's for nighb.
Thureday-To R. 0, McGowan's, Weee
Wawanosh, for noon; then to W. Phelan's
for night. Friday -To Wm. Sholdioes,
Morris, for noon, then to James Hustotes
fon night. Saturday -Home to his own
stable, where he will remain uotil the fol-
loWing Monday morning. 1950-3
Visit this department, and you will be impressed with the great varlet y
oi goods we have gathered for this season—all the • latest novelties that we
could discover.
Just to hand, Silks, check and shot silks, correct for shirk waist snits,
from 50c to $1.
Blousings, fancy lustres and delaines.
Muslins, in black and white, and black and fancy
Choice selections of Vestings.
Dress Goods—In crepe -de -chine, Voiles and Roxom cloth in
leading shades.
Engagement Rings.
L•MI ImOlk ma
It's a matter of taste with a man
whether he prefers a blonde or a
brunette for his wife. It is also a
matter of taste whether he chooses
a Diamond, a Pearl, a Sapphire or
an Opal, to present his finacee as
Engagement Ring
=hem Evane, aeseseor for MoKi‘lop, has deliver.
to me the easement roll for 1906 and the same
was fl din my office on the 22nd day of April, 1905.
Any person w ehing to exainine rived roll can see It
at co)4offtee. The Court of Revision will be held by
the Cqtracil at Leadbury on Monday, the 29t1i day
Of Idaia 1905, at ten o'clock a, ne.
M. MURDIE, Clerk.
Dat'ed thie 22nd day of April, 1905. 1950 3
We have all kinds of peeeious
stoner), set in many beautiful de -
algae and omnbinations, to suit all
tastes, all fanciers, and all purses,
that are gems of the jewellere' and
goldsmiths' arts.
Silk eoliennes in black, brown, light and dark nine and green.
Siciliancloths in all shades.
0.4* -40 -e++44 -4-404++++44-404.444-4-v
Berry and Blair, Proprietore.
Monday, May 1.-Wi1: leave his own
stable, i mile south of Brucefield and go
1 south to 'Kipp= and east to Wm, Work -
meat* 10th concession,Tuckeremith, noon ;
then east, by way of Crow:fluty and south.
to Andrew Wright's, lot 17e concession 12.
Hibbert, for 'night. Taesday-Enst to
Raeseldale for neon; then to Mitchell at
the Hicks notate for night. Wedneeday-
.1 To Dublin, at the Dominion Hotel, for
noon ; then to Scalorth, at Dick's Hotel,
for night, Thursday -To Welton. at Ern-
igh's 11o501, for noon; then to Blyth, at
the Mason Holm for night. Friday -To
IClinton, at the Commercial Hotel for noon
and remain until Saturday morning. Sat-
urday -To his own stable, where he will
remain uatil the following Monday =tern -
Ing. i90 -ti.
Ladies' Readystoiswear Dept.
Eery day new arrivals add to our showing of summer goods. Every
garment bears the stamp of fashion. The qualities can be depended upon,
and the prices are right, as Pickard's always are.
Just to hand, ladies' ready.to- wear wash suite in linen crash, mercerized
vestings, duck, etc.
Special values in navy blue duck skirts at $1.75 each.
Fine linen crash skirts, special values at $2.25 and $2,8 5 each.
See our shirt waists at $1 each, best value we have ever shown, ten differ
ent styles.
Other specials in ehirt waists at $1.25, 1.35, 1.55 and 1.75 each.
Look at our tailor-made suits, raincoats, jackets and skirts, the larges
assortment and best values ever hown by us.
Jeweller &
Cardno Block, Seaforth.
Good Work
Good Material
Novelty Department.
Black and tan -hand bags, special lines at 55,e each.
Belts in silk buster brown effects, patent and crush leather in
widths, at 25c each.
Beautiful hand enibroidered white linen waist lengths, direct from manu-
facturers prices from $3.50 to $1.75 each.
Embroidered India linen waist fronts, prices from 900 to $3 each,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed Tenders will be received 'by the S twnley
eounoll up to May let for the building of cement
hutment' on the 5th oonceetion contaluin g about
100 cubic yards. Addreee
1948.3 Clerk of Stanley, Varna P. 0.
Right Prices.
Carpet Department.
James Berry, Proprietor.
Monday, May 1 -Will leave hie, own
stable, lot 21, 003a0ession 9, Ribber% and
proceed to Boehler's holed, Dublin, for
noon; then by way of the Huron road, to
Dick's hotel, tiaaforth, ler the night. Tues-
day -By way of the Mill road, to Wilson's
hotel, Prieefield, for noon = then by way of
She London road, 'to Shaft:Ws hotel, Kip-
pen,for night. Wednesday -By way of
theTown lme, to Blake, at Nicholson's
hotel for noon; then to Zurich, at John-
ston's hotel for night, Thureday-By the
Goshen line, to Hill's hotel, Crediton, for
noon, then to Centralia, at Mote hotel
for night. Friday -By way of the London
road, to Islawkehew's hood, Breton, for
noon; then by way of the London road, tce
Blacken hotel, Heneall, for night. &tore
day -By way of Kippen, to Stron hotel,
Tackeremith, for noon; then east
own stable for the night.
Livingstone & Horton, Proprietors.
Monday, May 1 -Will leave hie own
table, Staffa, and go west ond north, to
Charles Gormley's tor noon ; then east po
his own stable for night, remelting irntil
noon next day. Tuesday -At noon, South
Cromarty line, then east to 0. Davis'
Fullerton town line. for the oight. Wed!
needay-South-weet te Tftamesroad, to
James Ballantyne'e, sr., for Midi ; then
south to Kirkton, atTaylors for night.
Thuraday-South-weet ta John Horn's for
noon; then west to Meffattle hotel, Cen-
t rails. for the night. -Friday--North-esAb
to Roberb Sellery's, 2no. concession, Us -
borne, for noon'then east to John Del -
bridge's, Wincheleia, for the night,
day-Nortb to James Ballentynels, Jre for
noon, the along the ieentre road ato his
own stable, where he Will remain until the
following Monday morning. 1950
George Dale & Son. Proprietors.
Monday, May 1. -Will leave his owii
stable, near Alma,aerl proceed:1. mile west,
then south. to Eli Crich', for noon: then
west to the London road, then to James
Smith's, Bayfield roadefor the night. Tuea-
day-WM proceed along the Idelt °oases -
ion, Goderioh Township to the Huron road,
then to Clinton, to the Commercial. Hotel,
for noon '= then to hie, own stable for night.
Wedneedity-To fanies Martin's, Tucker.
smith, for noon; thin to James
lluron road, Maillop, for night. Thurs-
day -To John Scott's, Roxboro, for noon;
then to Wm. Stoiey'e MoKillor), for night).
FridaY,-To James darapbell'e, near Win-
throp, where he will remeein until Saturday.
Satarday,-West 50 Henry Taylor'e, one
mile north of Kinburn, for nooa ; then to
bi4 own stable where he will remaibi untit
the following Monday morning. 1950 8
Just at present our carpet department is aglow with all the newest and
best in floor coverings. We offer a wider range of selections than at any time
in the past.
There are carpets in Brussels and tapestries, wools, unions, etc,
Rugs in all sizes and. kinds, linoleuras in all widths and qualities. New
mattings in all kinds, new curtains in all kinds and prices.
We are ready to weleorae you. to this departruent ta shJw you roll after
roll of goods.
Clothing Department.
The success of this department has been won by the mat liberal methods
ElleCeSS deserved, beeaude it brings to the men of Seaforth and vicinity the
hest ready-to-wear clothing made at positively the lowest prices to be had any-
where. The stock is so large and varied that it includes almost every known
style. OUT prices this season will completely revolutionize the trade.
Special values for this week Another shipment of our celebrated $10
suits. These are silk and wool worsted, made to sell at $114.50.
New overcheck tweed suits, latest cut, seven different patterns, made to
selllat $1O; our price this season is $8.
A line of dark tweed suits, mixed patterns and checks, made to sell at
$8 ; our price this season is $M5.
Clothing to Order
Smillie Bros., Proprietcro.
Monday, May 8th, -Will leave bie own
stable, 11 miles south of Bracefield, and
proceed east by the 2nd concession to A. &
W. Btoadfoot's, Mill road, for noon, then
north and seed to George Irwin's, Alma,
for night. Tuesday, -West =les on
Huron road then south and West to G. B.
Hanley's, Granton, for noon, thence wesb 50
2ad concession, Stanley, stben north and
west to Edward H. Wise?s, Goderich town-
ship. for the night. Wednesday,—South
to Varna, then west to John Reid% trees-
nrer, Bayfield road for noon, thero3e by
the Goshen line to Wm. Stockdalds for the
night. Thursday—South and east to Jas.
L0'001111' Green, for noon, then north on
Parr line to Ralph Stephensonts fer night.
Frichey.-Eaet to his own stable. Satur-
day; -South to Kippen then esot to Alex.
Sinclair's for noon, thenee by Strong's hotel
to his own stable where he will renvein un-
til the following Monday roornieg,
Our clothing to order is constantly wirining over customers. Our work is
so near just what we and our customer!, think it ought to be, that we unhesi-
tatingly guarantee every detail of it.
Our Spring woollens are ready, our prices are moderate. It will pay you
to see us for your Spring suit.
1111111.11ECI4RI) gli; SON IMPoRTER
Oppoette To.— Building, aeriter M&ias. and Market SU:Seforth
James Leiper, Proprietor.
Will stand for the improvement of stook
t his own steble Lot 10, Conaession 4.•
Hallett, except on Thursdays, wl en he
wall go be Witithrop for noon, then back to
hie own stable. Mares can be met by sp-
peinbment also mares from a distance will
be kept free of charge. This torse is too
wen known as a stock horse to need any
further commeut. Terms to insure, 210.00.
Aire wanted a number of good draught
oolts. 1950 8
Innis, Livingstone & Rotten, Prop.
Monday -Will heave his oerm stable, Lot
7, Conoession 12, Tuckereznith, and go
north to conoefteion 2, L, R. S., Tacker -
smith, at Robert Eigie's for noon; there
north to Roger Pepper's for night. Tact -
day --=At tdelvin Clark's, Huron Rood,
Alma, for noon; then nest and north to
a0Siall Weyer, concession 2, Hallett, for
th.e night. Wednesday -To the Comtner-
cid hotel, Clinton, for noon; then to Alex-.
'Imes', 2nd concession, Stenley, for nigiat.
1 Thuroday-Weet to John G. Steep'e, for
noon ; then to Cook'e barrel, Varna, for the
1 night. Friday -At Rebore Elliott'e. Gosh-
en line, Starley, for noon, then to Iiichol-
son'a hotel, Blake, for night Saturday -
Test to James Coehranoe, TGWU line, for
noon; then arab to hie own stseb, where
I he will remain until the followg Monday
moreing. 1950