HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-28, Page 3� - � . . . . . I I - I . . I � � . .... - . �_ t ­�- � . �� , , � - . 9 , - . - - --- I — � . I � � . � a I � "A", , , 4 -_ ,..,.-- - - � . I - I - . , � - � I � , , - . 1.� I 1. -1 1�`, A-VIU I 1 1. - . - I . . I ii: � � I . � .- _.�, . � I 11 . - _ ­." ". f,_ . . � , � !". 9 . 11. I -1 I -.-_ ot�.T. �- - . ''. . ,I 1� F � -,; ;��__._ - - ­ 9 1. - NA ! it __ - IL 28* 1"56 . 19 : � I ; � - - I.. , � 1 ,9 1 4i. - - � A - I - , . � 7-�­!-_ 9- __ 1� I � I � I �.. . . 21 I $ � � , 4N . pti - I .-1_ � - __ ' , ��'­%;! -.-V - I Z I , ;,- ­ � . I . - � zt 4 — __ _­ , 1� -� - 19 � - ­_� �- - �­, � !77774 _; - �-, _;,� . . If � - � - - I , . -,;? (" W _10 _�:_­ !17M -_ �_ ­ - 1, �4�_i � � �,:� � . � _ . � . �,V 1-1. , -, , I I . . - f -­_ - i 5—� . ­­­ - �� , - �. 4 ,�'aT, .Z ­ -".111, :� ,� . . I , i. ,.v I .. -, !�,� I _�, �_W___ ieW", , , �, 0:: . - I 1�* I . - I � �f - . . . - . ­ . I I - ­ : _ W . ­ � . "� I ­ALE .............. ..... � � _$ ' ' I . � � 1 9. 011wo a r, P);Sideut ontarld. Ounday � �, __ . 9 , . � .. , I..."Illllkt - , - I L . ­ - - I I � . i , i - I - 1* ; . . , ,-. I � I - � , L L q. - - I I i� - - . - )UL t , 'Vilow-! . ­ � . . I 1� �, ,_. '. .- _ L 1� i '' I lif�a i .1896, 13,971 -out � j)f a' Sbbool tiosWatiOli , - � - .1. - . - � - _. I . i. ^ 4 ----- - . . .- - - .� .- . 'L,. � I ; .. .1 of SU14961 In - - 1 , 1 9 1 - - it - � 9 - ._ . . 1, . . � ,,, L Lry Rev* I I . 0 . - .__ � � , 9 'WEaK TIRW V40j?.j,*_ I' 1 tbere were 1,718 out of a -total. vOt'e - a9luel . . - Need N6VL_ Blood JU * I pftn tot&I ,ivote � of, 885,600. - T'he d , e", isecreltb _ 0. 18. S. A., 'and . 29 . I L I L , - I . � — ---- ---- - . . . S Imipia;- I - - I -1 1 9 - . � ; ' .. Ift, - 9 I— I . 3111m- I . . ­ . - L . - "I'll �._ 1,17, -, -j I, th-6refor a - � I ' B. - . � � . V, : , , tiom e, � �re&4qnt over 4,20 - Dr. "OafnWIS of L,6ndoli -, it" - � . �. - . 9 1 Y" - - L I . - t. ,&er L . . I I � 9- . -1 ­ VT -7, , , '9, L 1K.'' .11 7 tbe'xmcofrd,of t -be We- -5�arkfiltl, and otbers, The. ' - j-- 9 . - - . Vriw, Iffevatini, &Ad Stmn 1,1 ,1 I ,hries, . � - � p at - n I I . ­ :1 , .m. ---p?. - per "D . , ... .� . . L - 19 - I � �,,Ood ., ii)�n . ere modt'interelting and - `I t U . .. . :A " � L .1 L k�'� ring JOLI IS bad "blood. L It 1 jS mdiug gen6ml� *C't Weetinga lsv . � We W - ... . I .1 I L , -tic" � � - I - I . b� isub�eqt .'a up ,of PYA� �� . 5 . 11 . q L im,puriti,ea. (tbat, if#q,,� I � IV tl, of -Vergus, t s take . I � : � - — ­ t Nve 4ge4 mrith - ",,,,0 —Dr. W. H Jobos L value to Suhday qcbool workers -Ur. . I - � , I theaii�mlves ffelt- in manY ways, OMPY. bue of the, oldest via most highly're- � � I f �, �� . . agton 1. -Ford is sec�etAry-treasuTer of I 1, - - Sp,ected,� physidi"s in Welli) P - � LLLL -11 . . ,do-*& . I o_j pimples and eruptions, Poor d'4'Kf1`$' . * , . I sociati I d W G B. Sawer Bottle of Liquocone and Give it to YOU to Try'& , ,_ 9 1 the As .� -died last week. He was aia ac- t�l 9 1 - �, I LL 4 n4 ; . on ,. * , *.r,t- � . A 50ce 1 . '­, - 11 11 L, Irl. 0 VVV tion, v,ccasio, I boadaches, twing,6ki,pf, county __ - tive jublio citizem, teing surgeon-. superiintendent ., the home I- . . I , I'll L I . . . r)aeumatism, !a lazy feeling in t',J�o . . � . � -- I MeM �� LLL - I . � � 05 Tnwors I �, : - . meInt., . . . I I I Varl000le - - � I - .11 marming, and a strong desire to cvy6id Major i)Df -the 30tl battalion, Pr,esi- -s eV!ecto vitalizing, Verers-G�'Lll Stoll , I * '... t 9 . , . -1 Mit- - It are exhilaxating, Gol1,=!%1ee .W,ow)m-v Due"" 9999 "I L wNd left to know about I.Aquo (,On � � I . _: - There rias nev& been a eiertiou. Sometimes the nezves qf�& dent of the 1horticulturial societY,sec- _Mr. Charles 9 ace, lteted we want you tself can tell purifying. yet it is a,gcrmicide so t 4 � -4 . - � �� � - I I � depr"d,,: reta �of the public libraxy board, chell. in lanua y has,been je -zone, and the product 1 bot- All diseases tbat be - - - of thve� E more t1j&n we. So we ask you to let certain that we publish on every ILVIn With f"er­sn Suftna";' . I � ,1,sirung,you &eel dull anZL - . ry dm(m- you roution-an catuTrii-a I contagious d1wAAw#-'%al I � r6 W,w- ao,cretary-trea � _ L 999 ... 4 - Oent frer 0-f *1,060 for a dilsease - I I . . . . . . - __ __ 141 crac'kcr made in C=- ada that' agth is slipping aw�y. an iactive member of the -the results of Im ure or poisoned WOOe 11 � , . . , tT&=no "ts " a _- I I - L I YOU "n . lington )agricultural aocietY, aitd, ton Printing an Publishing,co. us buy you a bottle --a full-size boitle- t7le an o Vitalitswi, I - - La,nd your strei , � i�l � �Lhat germ that it cannot IzIll. The reason innervouadebili . . - . 9 . . V accomplishIng WLM "U" - - -1 .. only be put right by enrir,'.�'- ti I )his. To . . - -Mr., 9.i Losl' Boyd, on "of Mr. tD try. Let it, prove thatit does - � L - - . � � i i: L iends like' _Ceint -as c, m ty I aro vegetal),16s* and - . - L won fr I i�ng_�t� jillood -and driving out the illnesso w c -Boyd, of �bjstowel, has merit- Mdicine cannot do. See -What 9, t6nie Is th2­t germ% I L - . � . . I . L 999 . . . , impurities. Purgatives Won't do ON I ;i6mmiasloner for Fergus district. James oe Ms. Liquo:40ne-like an ,e-,0cZZ -Of Oxygen- i inder, n I at iare dis- it Is. Leaxa that It d s kill ger . Free* . moo-A-We7r's . 9 . ,he L ed ithe Uappy amd,somewh V s, " do, Is deadly to -vc- tal matter. L 50C. Bottle L L I -they lualy make you weaker. -, Wtmt ' -Burned 0nijost to a c hv Unction of taking two scholarships Then -you -will use it aIN aY , WO ,C - I - 11 - and "" 9 There lies the - G -11t value Of 1AquO­ 11 S", - I ; - I � I you Ineed -is a tox.iia, the bept body iot James McBride, a weal 4 . Z'r . - -9 . ­ I . � rL fifty three yeaTs Of jln'toonnection witl-chis divinity coarse and as millions of others dol jr�ijj it yon need I.AquoZon% andi *hZ4 - L . . I toinie, tha 'ha s .y e, t farme , 9 agei , ' .jonate -of 1;� iox,Cotlege, having ,This offer itself should convince You zone. It IS th(3 iyaly'Way 1'.UIDV,'n to . - I . Perfection . t medical science - the r n i neverArled it, please send %M tbl%,: � ' t - - ' y ' he n ' , lo as a ua y au ELn I 'jh �slf ' � I ' - as )., e' . _ cl�Ljm. We germa I .I] I tD LL LLL 1 disc.aivered is * Dr. Williams' Vjo)k �ouind tamong the rulins of his ho., e, - ji, the body without 171 'in- the I L � , - "I I . _ -,N-arded him ,thd special GOrdon that Uquozono does a.s VO � � -A mail YOU Sa or -ii . . . . . i 'Pills. These tpills actually make lnew,, abmft "A mile south of Bell's 0 r- I a � . 'Any drug that kills germs Coupon. WeWill the .., - 0 L Mo'rtiM,qr scholax�hip, with which -Would ,ce;rtainly )aot buy a bottle a:A.d tis-suo, tw , � =-w Sodas be en In- der on u local druggist for Q fUU-' I � %.-�:__W��__ - � LLL - , (Crea -rich, tred -blopd, 1-wace the mrves.,lap4 pers, near Ottawa, last week./ r 2 11 - ' � . gy Lto i , r�vas made by Mr. Pair ok i is a Purse 'Of $125, ' aind also 'the BI- give it to you if t there was any doubt is ,s polson, and it cannot be ta:k- L an knows that s1ze bottle gad we vill. pay t1le drmg- - I � h and -_ ener we,jkt diwav:ery -want those results; teirlially. Every* physici. V � ' .1 i . . . . . . I I bring 1healt L whQ 11vds neax he ,' izabe scholarship, $601 im of results. YOU ' st Ile I I 1i _lple_cz irL any gist ,ol.irselve I . . They bave made-thena6on L deSpondent 'an , year �class-. - you want to be well and t6 keep well. .-medic!'no is 4IM40 you; to shay. . . ose abc ut the third '-Y - germ dise - 0 ��� d easily tired Man ap4 H,� r 2. ill Scott, a for' It- This is 011r fteft . --mmill, larme: s n .. homestead. Ele arose ab . gift, made to, coliVIUCO I � I w;,Om.e4n. , X=. Charles Blackbwn, McBride i 'g,ain, an esteemed Old resi- �kjd you can!t,do that-nobodY can ase, I I ;I , I . . "I . ' I 'For 5.30 )Wclock and his attention was , -Mm. 1E _ � Ile . you what,Uquozone Is, and what *, I r _&cger I-Lungry ; Made US -1 Aylesfdrd Station, N.S., says: I dent of tlj,e� noxCh �Nvard, St. Mary,,!, ,without IAQuo,zo - ean do. - . . .1 I 11 r . - I � . t teoi years Dr -Williams' PiRk attracted W ithe McBri& housP4 rem .1 ' week after a brief illo,ess - In justice to yourself; pleaS%, I'- � . the'Pas boly medicine I b-4"., whiobc the, smiake was pouring in ev ol- died bat Germ Diseases. � accept It to-daY, for It plw,�v ' -1 rim% ' �, . .,double the size of our factory pills is the dod me4i- umes. .gb.astly siglit, n�e,t hi ; � bf-, pffleu la, agel 171 years. 'She I � . . I taken -when I foand I nee .i ­ ' - MOT the town We Paid $100,000 These a -re the 1,�nown germ dise-"es. der no obligati0l�-'Whate'v' s' ' ' d twaan a resjdent�� of : ; and made every.- cine. Laat�springl wasleelingpoor- when %e investiglated further,' 01M ha. that medicine can do for these Liquozone costs 50e 'Ir. tt � 11 � � . . I the firstyear . I -a b : for. marly balf a century anii was For the Americaa, rights to Liquo- All . . . . . . I - ly -Pwlas weak, easily tired' and 4'e-4 heap of brickog and morta'r I , " m6d. 111ar husband, the We did thl% alter testing the troubles is to help Neture. overcome I � ------I - . I I :� . I ? . of Dr.,' WT Id McBride. He lived al , in : hidhly astee zone. such results are Indi-, e: zk* of MOONEYS PTeSsed. I Tg4t three boves ' rms, and , : Egan, aied 32 year�s, � -_ the ge I I . bod)r 1 & I �. . � . �, ,Mr. 316bin product for two years,"through physi CUT OUT THLS COUPG$ . ' - . . I P I � - lWilliams' -Pink Pills, and 0�ey m�de 111,s 11youse. I I late LIquozone attack,% rl _ ty uncertain, i I - . , 3 as a result Of injurie% sus- stans and hospitals, after prGvIng, in rect and �4� cut . Z I - CREAM Ifeel liljn�.a knewper&n- They 4re, -Acmrding to ' 11 y sio-iice AwX fort'hisciTertna.ynotapPearugai'2- Y'll"'at - �y � 0'a al � I - I PERFECTION me Tarli, , I Illy- thousands -of different the bianks and nmil it t* rhe X,Iquo-­04once, . . - f tained 'on the GranaTrunk Rai cam, that the germs, wberever tbey are I - � I beat medic,i][10 I know of whe,n, made betore amad tbe to, al � -rmfj which cause a disease I . the I . I Qhn 11.0al"s a f a.mjLly of four Boos and jr-t-ozone destroys the cause of any When the gc A CO Willy, 5!j8.54 Wabash,&ve., ChiC290- � 11 t clainadian 11re insur-ancie in QJ C - L I - SODAS when they think of the klmd is out of condition.' are destroyed, the disease MUSE, — , 41. I d a medicine this sprin ighters, �-. I germ disea-se,. ' ........... .g—: pa,n. . $1,218,853,2 , sease is ....................... . - if �rau dee . - lea U e3 —Mr. Jobin � pougb! passed away lAquozone bat!, for,mare than 20 and forever. That is Inevitable., My ,A1 � ' . ddicious crackers. I ,aind Itbiere are,,feW peo#16 who (10 pot - raceived, ;$13,171,819, and the t�as - I on Saturday night, : � bject of I 1, I have never tried Liquo7onct but if 7=_ t �� 111r., 11: I 1A -falk 1 1 1 9.171111 a a1iLrywLnkr unvth'ncr very suddefuly . I years, been, the constant su A stbra a xTILT vever—Tnfluenzm —i U Sunply Me AL .,�_ bottic fret I will ta7s:t rL t _____ """IV ,E � � , . - i-14, - �_- - it 14V )RELL, i -11 I I ise Furniahing f. Ld Cloth -tug De- i 4 I � I . ' . �ies, pure spim.. � F . : r ; � V .ewure, Royal [ity Ind super.. Ulunlfty in this. . z , - . 50. a pair,now- - - :a . , yard': 4 xneWs. � I . w Aaw thia mouth W_ ItL � . g. wauta ;- Z . )r,ft t h. .. i - 1CILIAN �._.,""N-w �" `WE � D LU A � I A T.- IERIA 1 4- ) r s .paraa s. I � . � . I .& t. before the! � u4lic Again. . � � � Lo in dally use W, ;� beiinfiful enarae,M'11, ,casing, their new 8pir- � kinuning devire A00; otaess�, "if balancing, j � � '� bawl. m-.ktn,K it so � � undaratand and eas- unaing and most dnvr� I , It ehould also ba belther 4� numbe� G - complicatod. daviceS, �eb)wl Itself to self y xect,"Ible with Itt �.- - I ding G uring�� I ,U C�U,0' I I v � s; , 0 I 8-�, '. gned'vi � tequlred by tusablues ia R tiecond without 7 - �:aquqiatlty of cresto I . my of the butter : 1� .101 with the rl^tqt- � '4ves which %ah & � , a4�&a *dd, . U;!h uub Abough lesslexpensive: tale skimmed atilk i � r or datty e%part will ' winvited. kwmernbet . . 111a wireroom!f, Sea ; � I ' � i—Dear. Sir —1lar I - S;P&Xat;r &L2 youir I years ago, f strong- I-. 7 points, easy turniqg, lity. Irk competition. --tp*. the h1clotte In it lang sXa and cost AW19agoXf Hullon -- 1, separator which r Duncan OoCal'.ura . 04 irreat 4aloat"1104 � . . tte" So. piarator Is I goQ4 Investrulento 911 - a, of bUtter cOmparecF - W Mik sad Is also I truly 4089pa No . 9 � am Separator which � hIr Duncan Idocal. .For durability and! - It runavery light, all tlie SkImmIng of . . rakt(uming device, to I - I ;jU work clean and, . ar& batter. to mov I . cong4ructioa of the - .er,, a* the 0oring Is .from all 1, du9t.4ad I vant-agre. -over ottleM � nd with nt wreveb I -0 � !;c is exceptionally .Intendiox purohnsega � � LLAN. . � . I vaithdied with the� I urehamd from your' I : finj it a firot-clasa� "quarter ulorle batter' W. very i;aslly under- , Ai,uh, on "wount. or ; itig devioe ; a very " carryinz milli from ,n. tho house to thO �� n(pt do without it. 'Ays having the milk . . - pigq it ta Ju3t the :I Other wacninoo, I . tt superior w4chInO. . z� d(�Wo think thefc, hl � 5. J01IN B. RON- . I i . ; . � . . I Ag, nt, Saafo. th. , � A-;Itr;�, Staff&. � I . — - . . . - " 7 P, !.% �Oal i 7-.01 ;_ :. I . � -4 UZC_�f I�Lgfi.-P JZZff1Cd7V . - 4LI., V.- V.- I.I. 1� ---a1-.q1,xb- �%­.' ui.d raliai)10 . � . "!rVion. 11asbvm, .�,Crivf-d rtall Imod - Ir v�,% carb. All dru,-- i -, it, tha Doaduior- - . Ctt;.Ida Sell and ( �1­1..Gwud ag being . ­ il, ;y mediciva 6f . L- .� - - i t I ia t cnre3 and - it proruptly and " � Ilt �* f 111rous Iveak- � "P. . heref, InIvotmellf. . ,0- .4,�l " thil 0:XcCMS1ve, , � - N ""mul(I.71I.P. Men 't ,t-�- b7ad to ItihmnitYr W1 I! Early Grave - Z for E�-,. Und Ivir, ­:I.t�r4lyj!j,ty on re-, : '43 -- ! am.ohlvt� Ad&e- C(X(k&1l,ftnyi r, Ont , Canadsix hart, J. Sv Rob - k Alex. .WiDWAs � I . : . i . - - I is - I - _t "4L*Q J�-L& I I I KIdpey D%eweo r ake a few Doxepi of Dr. I I � ril 115th, at h�,s home, in Strattard. jociendfle and chemical reseax-ch. It Is Abscess.-Anvemia � . � fa,vtorable to the-compaini . I Bronebttis ,. 1,&Gri ;_ . . .. Pink Rills,. and ,you will find an ira- but ing he retiretil as usual mot made by compounding drugs, nor "NOM ­­ ... . ..... *................O-.#. ... ,I 1. � .. S I jace r1869 -the Canadian peolile, h4vie, 1 On that even 0 33lood Pofsof%7 Leueo t � � . . prpmed appetite a,nd M_'V healt1l _al14L I 11 9 foubd with alcohol. Its virtues are de - Iver 7 3bles - 11 L - - . � . ok bat wm. Nals Tro, 0 I I - __-­_­­*,*­' , , V ., . . about fnine 0,010 - -rived Drightla Disc -160 . I ... ­... 1i i I . streingth ,such as 11,6 'Other medicipe pa jum.s $201,580,5 55, . J � ld In fire, prem . orning. De4th Isolely from gas—largely-oxYgSn gas-- Plowel Troubles am rt 11 Its � -neXt In *�­2***1­,***­* � . . � r,_,un Igive, you. There is no disease 'of while in return the oamPani0s Ill .Ve I dead in his bed ,Congh-_4�01ds . 13" I .. t, - 11 ___ ____ , L "rt - ple" I 111usy I - , ­.__��­­_..._ .... . .... : ea 40,321,502. The 0 �n- I WaS pronounced, to be due to he' by a process requiring Immense apPa CofturnpWin the blood these pills will LnOt eq - paid in loss $1 bad beem a r". - esult is ccll`a�rou;; � C __ ? . fret " ratus and 14 days' time. The r , r,jv-e f�sil adtiress--write P'V%*1uV- , )Deceased ('j0n0tlPntjOU . at 8 FOP. SALE. .. b(L,m $364,& 0,_ I f itilure. be- --cane" 8 I a 71) is j -simply because they maie the -new., - adian life companies . I r 37 yeaxts, -tarftL - ____ _ I . . b!at drives disease from 166 of in,surance, in foree; nine Blit- : dent of StXatfGrd f a, a Uquid that does what ox7gen does. Or rrilev, Skin Dj � log -20 1 rich blood t . -%V a9 Dysentzry-DIII by Htomaeh Troubles 13hvbi , or . pjt&I=6tugjngjjquoxo, I . "Omqs li-OR SALL-&.-The undersigne ipa,nies, $42,601,715; American i ,ing 4 ditch contractor. M - It is a nerve food and blood food ---the Dxndrul$w­Drop I I . NUORTH , e Pink Pills isb 0(w � '. , - ThroatTroub Wi I for 0 te-.L . a* I 1? 6 baa for E%10 on -Lot ,16, 001:108WOn 2, flay, & the system. The ganuin� aompanie, ', $180,631,886, or it- I bo Wales and when quite a most - RKIOAP=Ia��. ?0-0-.^.f-iAQ1.t - - I __ have the fufl ,name, Williams� s rin fin helpful thing in the,world W you � up-ta-dsw tboruft�hbred Shorbhorn I 'O egiment - *ii�� ,aamber Of " Dr, , . I 11-40 ,h Ls r i — — I "Im, I buu#, they are of the low got b1deky type. dark rod Pink- 'Pills for Pale People," On t1le * $587,873,767. The , premium inc, ae I young bman went wjt1fL 11 i 11:1=10::8�8�,:K6 - D��� � I . i i They are all elig- � Efriti�h, ,' to ifindift and 'Malta. Mr. Gough I law$^ - ding A . - in,00jn,r and of choice bM ,round each �ox. Sol4"by - was - Cainadian $11,959,100; ' . *<)_1�0*<K�-00000000**_ - IbL. for re�-.atratlon and i r - ta oold ramonably.. wrapper e fame tc; Cainadia' at ti�be -time Of the, . I . . 4 I 1948-tt , all jmeAicin mail at !'50' $1,473,614; Americ,itu, $6,536,710, '�O� i (f xds ______ - . 3 0"he King () joffN ELDE% Hensall P. 0. e dealers or by I en�a I rtly af ter-sv-4 - , � 11, f Terms I � . cents A boix ..or six boxes for $2,50 tal, 2$19,969,324. The Camadian cKAm- F j h !ra'd and sho . ______ e__ A's -4 2 0 - ` . , R - 0. A'fid Consumpiloals cimsed byueglext- � ; - L , I 10 ' purohas6d this discharge. 4F ACIZZ b*ng 11 is consumPtio-n- - - , .. _r ZICZMR SIIEEp AND SHORTHORN CAnT illiaMs, Xedic�ue p,jnLje,9 ireceived in premiums $11j9$9,_ - r We Bev by writing the Dr.W . I 0, and paid out .$4,145.080,, The I _V_ 1_% Le- I I M I I Let . r heap and Durban Cd. ,Brockville, dnt. c4wpotnies receirved $1,413 - & a e dangerous Cousim I ew 'thoro hbreA Let —0— Br!Ush $ t-, .AL gB W cp TL T .4%. - 6 tnx to care tb - O&WO Of � sexeq_ Addread amondville P. 0. 0 Ij . I .. -a farm, M1111 Road, TuekenmiW ROBEF I � t $1,141,044, while t> F AP 1372-1 �_ Fearful Murder. 6 514, lanA paid 011 i-v*d $6,- Bears the 11)8 Kind'you flane kelays Baufflit t, � ' and Colds. . [, ,-; 7PRAS & 130118. - the A-merlaaa oompanies reoe . .-��_ . % . 0 The bakamic odor of th-� utwly� � — .4 I . I _. -A brutal murder wa,s 'co)nmitted - atun 7r 1 r Z - er cut pWe heaU aud bivilgorstes the ', Q�110RTIIOELNS po-a SALLE.-& few aroadly bred . 5361!710, iand paid out sa,232,715. SIgni I � � __1 �'_'ell " , r 4te une 1mile from Rodney village, El n 1_._�_ of eZ The Ladd � tive � - , �-.-, . - W. . 91 � ,-, . . " 1 , . - lunj -Ong-llml> 8 ivi- , . I , ' M � ;;; h Shortho n B 13 with regi, 6ounty" on Wednesday last. IN4.21's �0_ - K$P jkd even I .j, me . Use Levet's. Dry Soap (a powder) to M Sto2l,rnonths� Prices from $50 to 01 It olf a well koao�vn tum alic, cows and heifers at aboah the astne exy, sister -you'll like - Stranger Then Fletion, is a practical demonstration of � prove and revive amid the per �en a # Eliza Low . wash woolens and flannels, - i id the Pines, This fact has long - 0 1% low Bar Ire sows four wonthe old Rodney, was brutally I but t1ke I - �� � I 1932-tt xasi"Ut 50�f A raovpal b�e�vh, of promWe ca -50-, 0 1-1 I been known t0! , - ; b MI l Eth k 11% 32 - PROr-RESS." 0 physicians, - - murdered at an early UOtLr Wed " - it- . rqade hil tbe'mofre novel from the - I I �of the t .� ;B -home of Ban'la. ! : -___I— 1! emlitid hetijug princip,le K , PfLHORTHORNIS FOR SAtE.-Forlsale tour young day fmorain g at tb : Perth ItOras. . . f WA that - it Nra� brougb t by a Ma4a (0) . pine bm never before been aelpaT- Iti - I $Cotoh shorthorns, azed In iniin Coville, R railway 6e0ti*n,etn-,! ; -has tbut'both 6 In 0 0 L' .ed agALXI�t it m�foiman , and I - Thage calves are all 51red . Mcrore hns pure . . a %O ited Xnd refined, " flE is iu � , � reds and one roam P loyeo, :- one mile north of Ro my, , _�.w. .1c. J w , Progross " . . t Irnportod ' W T, veTy, beat '_ , wa-9 4 tb,d :grocery u, . plaintiff and defendant ,are no 0 DR- - I trator ,of the, eximio � siness jj Mr. R. W. U- . WOOD'S . ewok. A ly on t 21 Concession ', H. R - S., The �perpc I I I mariied, was tried at the Elgin c0u; .MONTREAL .. '' 0 'th or ffeaLfurth � 0,, A, & J. BROAD he,avity tmasked 111,11n, supposed to �e_ j3aj�,jo, Mitchell. ` I receqitly at 8C Thomas, I I NORWAY PINE. SYRUP. : Tucke , ty faissizes � Clothin `_­_ � FOUL . . 1938�tf a:trami3, who called at the house 4414 -Mr. 1rho,mas Cockwell, of Xji�aa, b,efore Chief Justice R.Ileanbridge. ,9 I - lung- , . _ I money. Mr. 00�ville, Wa's bear im a field near bis build- V g it combines the lif e -giving ���������::���������������������� I demanded sbot a ; It Was the �oase ,of J;imes A. Leamn, J, A is a striking demonstration cA &Way Ane I - i . 'heaung Viltue of the X IMPORTANT XOTICES. , : e, and, bis wife IN- kngis;o'ne day not long ago. rp, ,Edward C , � " I away 'lat the tim aux��ered I 10, of mapletolo, against M i with other sbsorrbent� expecto-jal-2t � , , Mrs. Ha:j?ry Baxte±, Miss *Serapbine what can be SIMS. N. LLED. L G -jag RU L.,�­The undersigned will Lng,an invalid, Miss Lowery . -Mr. jaind . Biddle, flormerly accomplisbed in , 9 and soothing lffe6S iknd U41 - I - . keep for Be OOL, On . concaesto me. tllje idoor whein admission was. fsou9bl"' - Yorkshire, J�nglamd, . are visiting, White l6f port Rowain, South Wal- . It cum Con s Colds, Hoarse . . �. I Ach a by the unkri-6wn man,, which *as a" with -I'Mr; Geotge Baxter, of Mitcb�tl. kESS wholesale tailoring by a,combi- . _ gb, P � � a bull, to aw '� * 't,ownsh! , f or $2,000 dam- . . ,saboro ed.poll L i 6- sing�a , . p . -1 Aff1V'-V%O`11s � e . � � dn er of on ereivei. Torms, $1 orAing. T�e 9;LMiss' Florence Harding, of # I I 0--4 1 ,new, Smuchitig, And 11 ' I L 1 :9 L . BEST G. MURDIE. bftt OM o'clock in the�'m -ghm, jB visitingv her pare _. ages. icrpos.exam�uation, 1,earn -was =tIon of artist specialists. ,of the bronchhd tv,ber, and.alf pas- - , I I yable Jann let, I 0 . I Stranger asked for money, .,and wben _ nts in pt. . In . B k, r� '�_,� - . Mrs. M, B. Lisle, leagle � - . . 1917x4 e sei ys.n Her father, Mr. B. W.Ha;kd- ___�.. ..op imp&. -4 L I he twois refused h - . I asked by defemdant's vounsel, Mr. � I ., . When buying clothing look , Talve us;ed L- �CiEZDOALTS, AND BARt,gy.-The undersigned cry wid dragged he'r intV the yaXd �ng, is in pdar health. ; . — � . I - qgjy� . L Hi4 M.S., wfites. L . . � Slaght': - . 1gorway Pine Syrap for fat,,n, one milo south of death wit.bi . of. Mrs. 11 . r iWeadps t . Z- bim for Mae on his where 93e beat her t,d a -Mr. Scott Burton, igon - - What ,w,ould you thinkwouiabe .� Im. dy,, on the London ftoiWl, Stanley, a quan- he label with the man climbing the ladder.' ., 'Brueeffeld. a�vy club. He then entered flaci Burt=, L of Listowel, was stricken in "llans and 'for 't I . . - h$#Adth1nkitisAfiUCVe%az __ � '! fitjof AXMGA'9[ ]BALS111% OATS and MA1.qC0=AL BAR- , lie, gecurea what money was , with a partial stroke of Var&lysis, a fair equivalent i I � *6 LLLLLL 11 . I Vver uud, Ar -um- - . I W MURDOCK. Bruce- I howse nild cmfts ff,or your aisappointment?" faith 1. 461A . suitable for seed. -100N . 19"41 s. Colville NVI-9 a isbort time agorim a westorn town.. Witfness: " Oh, Vll leave- that to Ig I berof hcrt haTt' 9t"'t - . � Un,11blC VD raise an lala=, and r'L-aWS -While plaYifng with a jjigger, On the ijury to dcoide Ill Sold by Leading - Clothic.rs Throughout Canada. in it as it car" evmT time- c of 'the crime did -not reach the neigh, the track at the Atwood cerhent 11 Your - ffisappoiotment was some-: - - . Price 25 cents Per b*Wc- - : years, from 1500 to or. first mortgne on - ' _ I - - I I 10959CON01 0 a I 11 or tavrn PrQperv. &If* from w!) to 61,000 on 1yors, -aintil about 8 o"clock in .�Ile I %mrks, one day last week a daughter I � Q*******K)��04j-0<.k-Q 0 - -, - � 01 , the , what jappeased a few mo(nths later _;i� 0 ', I , ��_0_0 L -_ . I roperty, Private funds, morining. The ,victim rime .0 Roberi Campbell was Ife 'c"00*<.)�0 - fintmalt a e M lwrn R OFFICE, Seafortb, 4 'Mr. 'ruln by imarrying yaifr present tv" V' � 00'3`�fAe- - othing . - Ma EXPOSIT& ,�jbaut 65 V I Witn"s: -Well,![ touldn't marry Brand 01 y be had froin Greig & Stewartt 04th. __ If t) ca . g � ____ in ,the habit � . " 0""'Up - I - � __ ainiob to A,tT 5 - Mris. Wm, Timms, lot'Mitchell, who I _.� '� - I a AtT . f,ara 'of age, IfUnd W-1-4 divr )c-ijnd boar ankle injuxed. ' Progress '10 ­`�" . 1938 tf W 1111.44 . !;* '-' I of ,spending eqnsidera le -The U-yp,ar-old son of Mr. and Miss White, be use fshe was ippw . - SIGN ? � � ­' - __ � �] ot lber time -as comp., 'Mr,s. iBiddle." - ___­­ - 'i4 � I I . I � C6ville, wbose, 'husband, owing to left -home some, time, ago, bas boon is Aren't YOU ,satisf ied -with -your � ,- 1. OF THE "'#"x,P­'P��' SAW 1 0'%- LE N T R AL . t�e ,natuxi3 ot big ;wcupation,'fTe, lboated mear M,00,se Jaw, Assa ., where presei . nt Wife?" - I - . ­ �. —_ � � . . 1 I i quantlY thas to be away from liome he is working on a farm f or $16 a the - . - . I � . I Witnasg: "Yes, -but I haven't I .. . over inight­. - .. I M-onth. - . Miss , . s,,Ime love for her I 'had for Miss . I , H.ARDWARE I I __ a— .- � � � 'i -Mr. ;aInd Mrs. Walter Thomson white", , * � - - � ::� ::� � . . .. , EED TO- FATTEN ­ tb�14 - intend 11taking a trip Ito Enghind in wife here to -day? 0 0 1 . C4ngft, colds, hearSt"118, all d Othef 4 anad- Q. -Is ,your � . . I - - - . I - I . - 0 R E. Aume,uts are quickly relieved by Cresojene June, 'in evonnection with the C A. -Yes. I -_ --- . I.-, - t=4 - r:4 1 - S I jablets. ten cents per box. All&uggists I 1-jan Manufacturers.* They will %ail Q.-Wbat does al3e think of- you in _: .- - I . 0" , I 'Line . . — . P , P a : Allen = . - o ,� from i'Mointfeal by the, . your �present position ? � ce, lnoney�% so just a few -14, —_ , . . i , U�; -41 I , . I . ! turbin sicamer Victurian. anything One Steers are bought, rais4 and fattened to Mal, I - 0 . : ased, - Ne-ws Notes. : A. -She doesn't say . A 0 CD - i I -At ?a recemt meeting of (the pub- � . I � i I CARLOAD OF THE BEST the othe words as to how this profit can be made and, in many instances, incre 1� I I way ior T. amount of food that is V"t- � �_ -1 I- I -The %annel lio�tel in Listowel. NV118 � lie ischool. board, Mitchell, it was un- Q._Sd�.,.our Presiant wife isn't quite Theincreaseinweii1it in steers, is ducto the . 0 "_C� P � -11 . i fVM1m1QU. and �the greater the amount dige�ted and assiml- � . W' oampletely - deztroy-e�d by fiM last i - sly decided t' ith Ole-,veland Coil Sprmig ire as )satisfactory ,as you think Mis!5 digested and assimilated, . . *1 P-2 � Tuesday. . I the on*del school there, - a3nd the sec- Id -haie been ? -in weight- in close confinement the feed- � ft - gD.j pmd 0 . . White, ,W)Qli I lated, the greaten the increase � JUST ARRIVED, PRICES RTGHT .,$4,995 -iA,,as obtalped I ted Itio notify the , I tariety of the open field therefore, the food must n R I I 0 -The, isum bf d ! retary was iinstrue I A.-Nid. . -ing ration lacks ' the ) . ,mvy 7) added'- this is Clydesdale Stock � 0 M "11 I e Show 11'el L r Ito thalt effect. . ; Q. -Well, in ,�J* points do you salt; pepper and g ' . for box seats at the hors ig , n4pecto rit 5th, a quiet ; have the I I . a human being, ff the food is made U2 . OF01 ,Ln iThronto this week. The h -On -Wednesday, Ap I I �,_, . , �est Miss WE'te 4iitolasaes your I FOO�L It stands to reason, that like . � Dead Soft Weaving wire think . ' I gravy I I it will CD :* I 1 box 'wais $150, 1 1 addition of the I I salt, pepper an( . � �;� � I 1, Feube Hooks �Md Staples prim o`bt.Aned for a ! weddiing was solemnized at the.'home* * wife ? ; . � more palatable 'he .water.)v n 0 W - I V aind itbebwyvest $55. 1 of Mr. and Mrs'. A. Quipp, on the i A. -She's ia younger *oman, "a nice cat n�ore of -th�y=eg it likes -because 11 it inakes C mouth - I 9� I _' I - We are bgents for the LONDON FENCE -,M.r' Jas. Laidlaw, iex--%,var4.e-P' bf I 14th iciancessian f Elma, when thelir. I lady of -riefineMent, respeotable in This is --,vise feeding." 'Zurthexmore, it will d') them more good C -Z tZ et - of t be � c ! i the food; but after it is di&ested, it 0 1 - M MACHINE, the beffit me.de in Oanada. Wellington county and son : da,ughter, ,`Mtss Eliza, Wds naited in avery -way, 'shape aind torm. . because it not only helps to digest ' ' portion of it, This 0 ,.t. n = I . � I I : obn A. McKenzie, Till I I weight, 9i rig em a a I Late jamet Laidlaw, �cx-'X- P- P , be s marriage to Mr. 3 beathl $hall Part. , helps the blood to take,ttp Or assimilate a large prol . b._(� 0.54r.elr ,v. Mx. Curri�. The guests were Q. -So ,you. have mot been abl . where the profit comes in by, putting oil extra. . � I � A Complete Stock of ,n npp�Anted e i e to Is i M-70 0 P�, M I ! by R,P . # pen 8 1: , I . ' hat bnngs top market pnce� e f CK ?.w & � I SPAIYES, SHOVELS, DR I IN- urf Guelph to,%N�,nship_ I mostly 'Tel'atives. te� Miss WhitO fr,Dm nice, fat, sm6dth finish t , e I , 0- M - entirely cradioa _ saved. inc (D 0 M bo�z "In A I r. Monteith, 'NlinLster of ithe, home of Mir..qjnd Mks, Me- 3/. andover I 40 CD - , I - , . ur tfnind? I can be shortened thirty days at least; this is money X ING and GARUDEN -TOOLS 'n "' has given -ao,tice fil tbp- -At Wed- " I +Of a ,Q I X . A.-Ncr, itnor neVier over and above the ordinary feeding increase is, easil.y Y C-1- 0 � A�ri 'uliu're, lFarlaind Bates, Amulree, un L will. ,I bill to, aMeO thp, I very pretty wed- about ber 1 1 k Food at an time W"- I = I * , Legislature laf � -nesday,,April 5th, a .per day. You can stop feeding Clyaesdale Stoc i -NA !P� - $0 I ' P-rolvid, I - i .-Do you dre In . �0 C"t_ W P-4 - CD 0-04 � I I _� See our LAWN' MOWER h Q If you find you -Cannot feed Clydesdale Stock I - ;a _. 1 � -� I 8 I agricuttl&re u,nd a:rt,-, aot by I ding took place, when their 'daug I do. injurioas effects. 1.0 � . . A. -Sometime out I h6 dealer . in oney will be -cheerfully refunded by t] trl CD = = I I ing tbat toNvnahip fairs be, bAa14 i I ter, i9iss Barab, was umited'in mar- Q._Remntly T I . � Food at a profit your m - - � (D P W :-7) MW I I t Estimates given for th t central lo,calitY. I I riage to Mr. ja,me-s E. Hyde, North E in your district by . 3 1 - &n p -.;.A ow C TMOLS , A. -Yes. I Lrom whom you buy it. It is sOlcl I - . -_ __j W C_<1 )NMA a Furnace and 13lumbmg Work -Torranto is to ha; -.7e its f irst �-`lcy Eastbope, san of Mt. and Mrs. Gk A. . I what qther re,_,peots does I I I ___ i� (D . summer Q.- n - — m, Clinton. § 1Z , - go rected this Pex - . A your Nvife? Bros., Seafortb.' = 0 tZ ,74- e�._ Wl � I I raper e s been -given by the I 11 * carci Ilyde. The )cerjemoiny was performe Miss C%Vbitc out-DL689 Beattie . I - Lev. A.-.,Sfewiart, of Lomdon. any -,�jfe ,.oa,-nit milk. - J. Snider, Brucefi-eld. � Alf, SO-rut0n, Hensall. I PT I i George A. Sills, mi-9,"'O'D h'a by P r. p. (). D,o,bsd-n, who left St A.-WAII, , . - ing S ta,f f a. J. G. Moser, Blyth. so 4 - =4 0 W � *1 .of Cotntrol to a company i'of mpital- -, - 11 _ Q. -Do you think you are do P I I - ot a fifteen stou �uild- TH - staff, on into F. D. Hutohin-none I I . M !,sts 1W ere -Marys collegiale Instit,xite quite ith-e right t4ing -by *orning W. Neat, Walton, Ont --160- -M M_ fflow.....MWER"M " W - cl- Or' C) - _ . i . - In gr ro-n . the oorner of Young a44 Col- notiec, may 'have to gue aind rnalk�'T,.g thLs coiiiparison i 1""* n ,.. 1= '.� � � 19eaforth - - Ontario. ' , e lrv,,pts. Qnemontb's I pay the,,sal- -ciourt !mein )i your -svife? . 96 X barin is c_ befoxe the ,board wit to 11the.detr � 10*1 0 ­< C -. 1,!+4 . marriage, of M.r. LGgie '-Aa Miss -fblayto,T1_,L another ,V ' vro,uld Nave 0.d 0 A Miss IN bite ____ (D � 'A Sore Thromt amd Coughs -The .).,,T. ary due "him. may sue tor salaxy, A. -Well, L � SPRING AGAIN :0 10 S = M -, � . doinnell, son of the late Reiv, I -.Alss f ormer t�acher, fitted �the bill better. . . - . _1/ '. 0 (-,91 tZ I A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat �vtacdanncll, of Toronto,, ,'t4q. . hckiding tb,at she is entitled to PaY H . Ls itc�rdship S�i a n ammfflm� .' . i ( to , F 1-4.0t: 0 Iroq-L F lie hail never — irritations isfound in LOiS. tOO11k place was iof 18 y I . . . ic TaLblets McAllister, f0f ,,. I - for a month during whi6h ,she perierace , ea rs I - -, - = '-d - '" . Cresolone AnIsept Mr. .;Nf don uc;h:1 a cas� cuhme before him. 7 - -_� � & 1.1a.st ,%,,,v,e-k at Kiingstob sio'k, 'the Xparcl claimLng that they had ,s . I tz C+- ". CZ � *th . '!4- CD M cfo ,I 0% P � . ,.v.,,Is jilted per aps �.w C They co%nb;nc the germicidal value of Cresolf!'ew, jilell will be assistant should pay only 'a pprtion of the. .,4 IA&s: If , (% the soothing ties of slippery elm and licorice. . _s fa Tule w a man I S k , M All DruggDsts I large, 'Hamilto-n Rrcsbyt " b �isl nt anc Spring has come again "and come quickly. NO '-P11-1 Pill""" month'S salary. - he* tpooketed is ippotntme 11 The I P 0 P . "If Zf Th Ze 'Urt in -very -red in the matter of dothi . robabilities I 0-i 5 . . - e q$L 010 , Sal,vation -A-rmy barracks, S a , callglit you unprepa 9 I -At the � mothing ab . . - M- r. unlis n to c-Ome in- are that it has, but we were re , _ck,broukbt 41 a ver , ,, last week, Fsaid ' �ady for it and axe bus� turning out P M t-1 . 4 * Z Toronto lha,st we Stratford, une evening ual �hirg fal a ma M ..., " . ant in an Melinda here is still * . C -t- tZ I.a. a ) � dict of $300 f or John B. Gr, Arthur ' D,,vv s amd Miss t,a iaou:Tt aind say that ht had gotten suitable garments for those who were before hand. T � I - 4iqnverewn .ictiQn against the, W�llkeY 1�17Q,94 Of Street, -both f itlat city, were un- a wry infetior wife Ito t)1e One he i go of spring suitilBgs and overcoattrigs is 'I . M P Of; ("D 0 6; -5 Po,rdwich, for $2,000. G raplit Wa"4,qPcr_ ited in ar iage according to the might' have. g,dt. He had olaimed clianca for you. Our ran ' I (!O . CD !-.!I 0 p Now ..... I � w. f3till large� OL e best quality and the latest I style. I FOR MINE. � atLng a saw in 'defendant's f.jotbry. prescribe - . of the ATmy. Brig- t ha t Islyz t able to work as 0 f tb " CD <� - 0-4 _,vjj0-n tile- gu,-Lrd broke. Wvi b -and Hargr6ave, assisted by Major � of ,39, 'his premant - . . 11 clothe you like spring and make you " W 'One 01f tjj0_ bone -A adier , the haTd as HLs lordship come to us and we wi C4_ 0 2 - r,true.k flie, &�Nv ,,%T�d Rawlings, ,of :L�onaon, performed w�fe b r 60. 0 , What do you expecia in the Shoes you. buy? . . he Other e I I ft �V, 0 1 . in the little finger was inja'riad,, d, c("rem onS&ted t mmle d-0, v%7 ca. i I y upon- the plai'liti ff ' feel like spring. - . P Good quality in the leabher, . -Woodstock public sohQ01 nn , lie, I action - . � I 'e'*. 4#: 1p� * , W CD M , D _ rv4oes W connP f.o.r his a.etioaf, The jury tretired, e7c- _'e_ -_*._#:_f_*_ rd, - - I , . - ... . �W.'V __*-V _11'. - .0. I _LP_ there it - ' aln I ,++*++ , I I" � religioas , ++--.U+. P 11+4ft bi- C) a Comforb in the shape. 00t169L'Ite 11-nst'txl�-e bo�l s '11"Lve` ' -W li d ,'In IPA,gs than 4alf an hour return po,inted -1 committee to forinulirte a Er,9. (Dr.) Ahreof;i. 0'rgaDist of .et for .the, defemdant, I i . 2; GQ I - Correctness in the style, , ' , -A, . ed with a verdi 1. .OA 0 . . The Beeb Money's Wortfi. geheme - by Nvh_tch mn,nual,-Araining Knox'r,hurA, Stnatfard, entertained and the . ,Qase was dismiss�_,d with ,60*=% so 0 0 , I ' Ute.,L the L ! ,_ � a - Wd L In and Instit ing ot last week. The . '... �L C5 lla� You are gn4ranteed this combination n,nd Admestic isOie,nw clip be intro- 'boir even - r home ccqsts7 i (0/' " "I k,, of the ohurc�iat aip tko Sovereign Shoes ; they look well, we duoedinto'the schools 'on Friday - act ice e, , BRIGHT BR Jf = ` ar The trustees were unapim'-o-us oil the Ir ,�hejd' its regular pr a:rlY ChamberlainOs Cough Remedy the T Im 0-6 wdll, fib well and keep their shape till you ject. They ,appear ta, Tatj1Cf Hko c bo, vening, ,af tei which I Mrs. Beet and Most Popular. .. If& CD , iqub, �n t he e - d . ,= t -_r' el�_ .2 are done with tbem. the facl.q 11-p there- Ahrems Was very pleasantly 15urp,T se ., Mothers buy �t for croupy chil- T - 1Z P CD aut� flar priced, I n lirirdwa:MA me'r- Ieul � FVBXISHEB,8� SEvIFOBTH Sovereign Shoes are popt _ytr. -W. D.- Dixo by bei%ng presented with a be t he dren, railroad mem buy it for severe - . — It -_ f:14 U2 1 $3, 83 50 and $4,00 in both men'a cjj�jjnt, iof Sprucedate, OntayLci. 'drop- ' . ralt dish, the gift -of . &rg ' Cut glass .f I . coughs, and elderly people buy it for __ . . and wometes. . - I bn Ilioor b;mlth f Or � . I y Moore Bros., "Eldon, i - ��ft t -t- j P . ped dead. While ' bea rt choir. - la grippe," sa No :Breakfast Table MR& WK SANbERIS *b 0 gome time. sufferiing from -The + - We sefl more of Chamber- . U . Call and see our. new Bpring atyles, they araupd as WWII ,wenty,sixt-li annual c:onven Iowa. � coraplete wit),out 4_0W#_ Z n i %re sure ter please'you. tro-able, lie Nid been tion )of Perth County Sunday School lain's Cough Remedy Dress Cutting ,School- . (t We are sole agents for the oelebrated nind rwas; ip his dining room fixin-n rt soeiation was held in tb�e Central � to bave taken the . . W � 6 PV . . I . Lsn,gmuirls Trunks and Valises, whiah. for .;to;vc, wbon lie gliaaenly stTaig � hte-ned As. cli,arch, Stratford, On kind. It seems. .brands." I I -For 610 I will ;Live a $5 xygtam,,free, and teach vay - ­­ � ' � ad. He leave-, a .Methodist lead twer several other good .1 I durabllity and lawnesa of price have no np aina f(kil iow,r de., Tuesday u(nd Wednesday, April 11th There is nd' question'but this medi- I ady how to Gilt, fit and put together any firticlO In � . Lt the f ir r1a c drew or Mantle making In 2 weeke from the platne3t 14 '"Pann ar" 'Ift)[ann, equaL I widow nind. two dhildren. nd fi2th. On 9t day 'the eine is the best f'bat-can be 0 an ba found em, � I i ho.stler, Nvam at- emning session � it be waist t the most eis6borate dress that a _Wrn. M cLc:,%n. ,It wa,,g = af ternV= and ighs and colds, whetbe, I in the fashion bock, without the uiss of paper Pit- John momann, sr. John MeMann, jr. acked 'by- q .stallioin in the Dake -Wednesclay meetings� were for 001 adult that,is afflicted. t�erns. I have taught over L,W) thl$ last six 'VeArs, � W . (I child or an I (Snooemors to John MaXann. sr.) I IS 1-10hLw, bar�`ns, in St. Thwpas, -,L _fe-w ing,alternoon �and evening. Lickly. A,U admirable foodp ,Wjtjj all sad off ar $tog to anyone I oanli teach. or can prove � - Ridhardson & IdInn' ` I ,nm1o"di, held w"rin 'eluded Rev. S. It always tures and cures qi: , es intaetq to me they can learn " much any other plaice in Are now ycepared to handle all kinds of hotses� . . .6 , - nd bitten �a6d st . The two yehre. por$5o I will teich r -purchas a horse,% � � . days n 9( n, . aiat Of speakers in - its natUrfa quautir . uyery Mal &4 ibeir ssle stabboa�, I ,. :1 Sold by A,lex. Wilson, Druggist, SP -a aintain just Oink Off It I H FORTK upon, treceiving injurit�.9 wbiew Ynay n, General Superintendent - any one that Is a dress maker, or gooll "wer &r a Egraondville, &t any tAme. 1144-tt SEA She,140 f orth. fitted to build UP Md M ist teach rm -,ma,q dislocated Sunday BOV601; R�cT. L. H. and to res drawer, to teach ihig O.Ourea, giving them m - ly . Sole Agentis for Hagar, Sovereign and Juat priow r,9,1tal. Ome a Baptist I I =====p robust heal-th, - straugare may board at school. I ,�t.hthe elbow and tNe fle-sh Of tbla I. vjjnteVg extreMe 001CL it is arf oartificAU. McKillop Directory for '1905. Wright Shoes. - . 0 diet -for ChndreM A suitable reward given to ,%fly OnO Inform tug me . t re � a iiAuabl of any pprioa I I -r.n off and tNa rerm almas ---- __ trying to teach this course which I iw_— i - It ______.__ , ID 11',r T11 t of -00, -Soo - -,va ' . I M Invented and had - a DANIEL MANLZY, Reeve,, Bwbwood F. O.'� I Pull IT OU 1H �C I kk.t. Re s also patented, that does not hol I W1-a:-T:r.T_,q- -Y-Cru , cut ia,nd bitten on the face mnd:F&-n1q- . 0 cerfiblficate from me. Nexh Wals commences Mon- M. ROWLAND, Councillor, WAltou P. O. � - as a .9maller number 'of - o 0 jay, Ilay'the lat. write tor parilculsm or am F McQUALID, Councillor, St. Columbsu F. 0. . -There iivi, %W sm * � me at my wbooi in Strattordo opposite WIDd60r GlIARLE3 LITTLE, Cou'acillort Winthro-p P.0. I I - , ion * STA I - Albert street, on saturday, April 29th. 1K. Councillor,WinthrOP P- 0 , - Em I tuer, as we I W. reje�oted iNjilots iin the last Domin' 0 FOR * 'I st class this sum joHN K. GOVEFLOCI I I HAV:Z compkmy . .ploe.tio.n .tban anY P'rchvious clection. 0 09, - � rlboalael;l ;Zitively n y a i of may. MRS. WK. mICHAEL HURDIE, Clerk, Witithrop P. 0- � 'T Thisme.,'Xis, -OLf ,odurse, Oiat the ballot . * MOND leave for Winulpeg the ca( Box 169, atrat-- DAVID K. ROSS. Treseur er, Winthrop P. 0. `& D I A PERFECT *- S&NDERS, Teacher Dren Cutting, - SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P. 8"Itary ft-SIX-etor. You wont your table to look n,c,Av, ,in uqc is better understood by * + The Most Nutr4t10U,Q JAS -52 I . 4% XM=X=W- — — Ord P. 0. Winthrop P.O. I � 4 s. inot ,,L eon- 'a ---.--- - ___ - - __ lt� prettiesb- Snowy lineu, the HOME + - ornicaL -_ I , el(,,,otors. Viere, 1. * and Ecou I - _____ - - -_ - �_ - a fe w flowera and some of our pre individn- 0 -a ff iff" + -_ - I . � I% ff IL" �. W___________7___�___ - - ______ _ I silverware and oub glaes vvill , q h,-Lve, -not purpo-xly marked 0 I&P DYEING. + — — 'I, vo,ter, - - 0 Z ­la IV - # - - . I give your ,guests many pleas- . t'hQir ballatsl for wore t*Hmn one. ,can- * 1) I &A S � * -"-r* eatthoughtsof their vidt. One Dn%r P,V -- - qww�� didatc, fbe idea being .0 koe,P Pt'Gm- * r + To Cure a Cold M SAWY -in Two Dw-, : ,',%. We keep Regera'1847 Table, LqeS ,n,I-,jdC t6 TiV11 m%ndiilates. When * 1=3ffl&=WM __ + "" _-_� I �'. 0 . . . . 0 1 0 '.1 9 %le- - - . Ware. V 01 . for these c4iws 1# — 4� 42%6, . 0 0 M Sw Ir. el I � an ,alldWan,0Q, is M"Ide AND BEST. a rable-ts, 10vi -7 .; thiat the lnumber 4 EASY MUSE9, BRIGHTEST 4 211"I"A . . .� LL� a- -0 1. �_3 1 1 1 — the 1probability i 0 -10 0 .N D. " + Take Luative Isromo a � d. _2& //",,,rm�� lbalL 25ce -0 f ,,,,1(jent.,tlly spoiled is I THE AIDIA * monthS. - M NZOR �t� - � .,t ballots I- - * ASK FOP inp"tlz 9 - I 11 4 - � .v_Q . The r,ejdated ba I TAKF_ NQ OTHF-r-S- * seven wmsm bmes Wd - N ,ry;jsm,,jjl lfndeed 1 - John Bulger, 0 DealC.-S. I + . - . lots ,in .NLOvember last numbered 6.- 4 All Druggist -3 and . 4*0** �__ - . �=_ - i I �030.186 4V � * I - Se.'aforth -WO tout Of a total vote of - . I **** I *""i�** I$, 01*0*#**0 --- - -_ . I � . � I , "liout the Dominion, I13 A00 I , th,roug : . . . - I I I I . I I . t Z I � ... f -:- I �! i -I , ; k 7 -� - . � � Z:Zt�,.i L 1, - �, ,;� � MT.�_! I . Z q t ��l - - I i . � W _,f_7,j - - . , �, . � 7, � .;� � � -IS I ;. ��_ z3 � j - - I �;�r - �. % ­ ­ I - 1. ; 11��, . - 1: - � . i ��, 4 �- - �� j- � I, , '. 4: 1 _� � � - i - I . i- 7 I - I I— ', ' I - I- 4 1 �_ '. - _. - � . � ­ � � � �., � I , , , � 1 . � -1 � � �_, 'k- ­ ­,�r �m I Pwr �­ f t_­� - I—- ­ U I 7`t,� - 1 � M &­� r � . I . RFF' t I . I . . I � . . __ r� � I � � I . � L � . . I I . .. - ­ - � I ­ __ - I—- I __ � - . I . 1.�_ � .. i I � . I I . - ! � ; - ­ w I . . I . ­­­­ . _____�_______,___ ____ ----,--------- __ -..-. . I ­ . --I--- � _______­_ ____ ---.I-- 11