HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-21, Page 61905. TORE. me, Spring tin utally a pair eery latest style and Certadiatt ng your Enter es, the latest ie.. . for Seaferth, N. aer slioe-eup Amerioan ,Sh k.00 and $5 tte t • o Mr. II. Ellenbaurne . D. S. Faust, er.-Quitea. iners have done but the re-. stop 't o opera.. Tis Beatrice to Wingtiaree- ,, a position as :. 'Rev. W. J. nd received fottr -is the second the privilege become a mem- tier, oi* ew days et. itie Iker and her SIN at E. r, spent isees flottne.- Torooto, is re- in the eillage. t her home tm Gib .'pie returned to Tuesday, af ter at it *dr ii0100 f the Epworth' Octal eveuinge Epworth League ant, and filgo grant nee -The riti Mrs. Chariee $ffond ty rntnen relekel i Inv ss of funeral 1t1Ok ,r11041,:i 116 The by-law fel- ; new (&WH WO kr“ r kale. itetateet NI tivf- , -eel wee tveft the neigh -- re he wafO of Mr. Over 40 arirried te Mise zetd left for the ilytto ah far as ad lad to travel urney in a. wag - tad ten miles out c been yery sue- r- is the owner of Ile Wes known topular farmere country. He ne ehildreretwa 1. sorts, of whom. oldest daughter lirete on a fame rts. (inc son is Toronto. Miss rernidit Zit e• bereaved fain- ey of their Marty, mamma hn Spa rrott • t be ho re -- -turned front •Menitntri oitti e Me. Spar row; Ieet in tianitolia ed. owing to the ate Ontario and from the West- asers are, thre- at and harder to ee to be puehed. ver, got :rid of rative prices. Mao immigration is oar, but he was Seed by t he for - urine* in by the ter 'those people iatrt hence, their t country is not [e expenditure er riogingt them• to the ivest old friends. in- ttewarteend fain - family and Mr - and family, :).11 They ail reside -Wing well. h - that, retrieve& mill. whib urt1ir hervice4 tJy purchetted ii rd Ln as place, k his been -mr- com.-M r. John ho ,1; e twe:rt tI -4 six rolvily to VlSI t I.' rot', t le• re Mr. W•c411i.M2-1 on, 10 Firtrwet to witle eoliege, and. ed ", if yon you must lb., ':en to use it:. ONTARIa 1 1 • ‘- Et oil Etrosnott. LondesbOr0. iotes.-The eonoeitt glven by:the teagee eel W-edriesdaY night was well attended. ?Ir. K. Bolton's. address on "Forward bloveMeht " wee great- egoppreoiated.e-Miss t Young,tetteh- er in Sarnia businbss college, 'is spending the Easter holidays at her bUtte aere.-Rev. Mrblemerat's thrge seals are spending their vacation with their parante here.-11f.r. Robt. ettorrell wag unable to attend to his duties for a few days Ville et -eek, aw- ing to illneese but is *Gv,T around et - gain. -Quite a nuntbett, attended the school concert in Blyth Wednesday Dig -he -Our mercheaite still keep eggs at a good figure, paying 13o end it4c.-Mr. Fe Gray. teef Ann Arbor *Medical College, is visiting his home taII the 13Ett coocession. . • Ccinstsined, Big Eggs -it was reinarked that no tdoebt the new Loc4fl Government oats eomething to do with so many eotraordinary goose le'ggs, but a $iust have a gooxleal of Grit in Nee to lay an egg ,so targe. Aocident.-Miss i1 Det'ver, sister ne Geterge Dover, bade the mistier - bine tto be thrown front the buggy, receiving ta, broken arm, beside S get- ting eovere shaking uti. It appears 'Volt ithe heroe became f4glebetned and ran nway, eauging the above painful accident. Miss Detvei is doing as well as cam be expected tinder tbe DI eircIIMat =MS. it. Good _ Horse, -Mr. 11.. Celelough, ot near this place, recently deliver- ed to Mr. James .A.rttitbald, hcirse buyer, of Seaforth, a fine five year 'eta gelding for which he toceived the, frandsonte sum of $220.e It wee an .extra good animal and the price was eettrespandingly good. t col- -tough knows a good l horse and knows how to fix them 'Up to bring the big prices. - gottings.-Mies Bertha ',Arnaeterong, dtrussels, is visiting with her feleed, Miss A. Lawson. -The Misses Weeds tend Holmes, from ;,Blyth, were the guests ,of Mr. W. fl. Cook an Sunday last. -Mr. Jahn Itellapd and dangbter Etvelyin, from Cleveland,' beve Proved to our vitiate, fund will eotide with Mr. F,olleind'ie mother -in- * „Niv, Mrs. 'Cooper. Mr. toliand has •anged for the .SUmmer twithe. Fred. RogereOn,-Mrs. josopih Bands spent a few days with ihnri brother, Mr. N. Cunningham tige week. - The iregular meeting ,ce the La- dies' Aid d1l beheld on April 27th, at the home of Mrs. It. 1M. Next Tuesday evening ta business meeting will be held afte4l. the. 14ea. gut !service, to elect offic6rs tar the, ooinimpe year. A full ettitndanee of the members of the 'Sudety is re- quesited. Port A.lbert. -Last Menday ;to 1.PotfiTiPfl t. •L 1i1:fisit.VUJj fetttlfittsoi, ter 1441eteta fitif ty ti Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 11•••••••••••••••!...10.......•• HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. • ALEX. LAIRD B. E. WALKER, General Manager. proem a w - af- i et, * !:- - ' ' rhli"thlii ., iit4k1te01i: W4:4 iiii • I 0 t - ft 1t teetftteit 41412 , it*y,.=-Ott Piittiti litxtil 'lilt -- eldest and inogt tevectet our Moats was ref/weed front our ruidst n the persen Of Christina Bennett, widow Of the, late Theis. Ilawktese The deceased lady was in her 70th year and up to a few months previousto her death bad 'enjoyed good health. Io November of last year she oontracted diabetes said although the best medical skill available was eibtained it was in- ourable. She Was a inative of Fife - shire, fiecelaindr and came to Canada with her parents in 1842. About 1845 the family moved to Ashfield. In 1855 'elle was, rciarried to That. Hawkins, who predeceasedher - three years. She leaves to me:urea the loss of a good mother eight gretten up sons and daughter ; Dr. T. R., in Cameron, t Wiseman ; W. W. in Chicago ; Harry in tlae Soo; Mrs. Geo. Brister in Van - etude, B.C. ; Mrs. A. D. 'Jordan, in Franklin, Tenn. ; and Mee, Wm Gray, Teatna and Walter here At Port Al- bert. The funeral, whiclg took place on Sunday, April 9th, frinn the re- sidence of her son -in -1a -4S Mr. Wm. Grey, for the PerAlbeit cemetery wal me of the largesL. ever seen here-, (showing the esteein in which ehe Ilied been held by the ei-itire Gem- raueity. The pall bearei•s were ne- phewe of the deceasedi Rev. Mr. Hick*, the newly appointed incumb- ent Christ church, officiated. The t flora i emblems were i pillow of - retool mind lilies of the .4ralley from her hildren ; a sheet of white car- s froth her neicese Misses Net - d Hattie Donagh i a ellen( of tearnations from Mr. and Mrs. Howkials, and a, wreath of Aest. Gen'l Manager, • ' RANK 1VIONY ORDERS ISSdRD AT TE FOLLOWING RATES : • $5 and ...... . .. .. . . ..„. - 3 cents „ Over $5 and not eXceeding $10....... '1 6 cents Over $10 and not exceeding 10 cents • Over $30 and not exceeding 15 cents nage Orders are 'PAYABLE AT PAR at tiny of6oe in Celled% of a Cktrtered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the prinoipal banking points in the United &atm'. . NEGOTIABLE AT A FIXED BATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENGLAND. They form an excellent method of remitting small tunas of money wit`ia safety -• and at small cove • SEAFORTH‘ BRANCH. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARICES, Manager. MARKETS. Sassonvii. April 20th, 1905. Fall Wheat . , 05 tO 1 OS asts pat bushel— —.....-- 0 38 10 038 feu per bushel-- 0 65 to 065 0 46 to 045 0 19 to 021 O 1R to 019 O i8 * 0 14 2 50 to 275 66�4o 700 5 00 to 5.85 O 110 to 0 26 0 73 to 80 1 26 to 1 00 5 00 to 090 2 75 to. 8 25 O 40 10 0+50 7 00 to 800 1 25 10 200 0410 05 7 50 to 820 Seeley pest bushel— OM ••• ••• •••• al.. • • istasgin. 1, loose liter1300 ••• 1.00.••• OM 11. OW SO. Call per. dos— NO mil ••• a. or •Iw. • II ••• Flout, pu Iblenliraft 4M. ••• •••• pv•os Hay per ton new....... „„ Hilea ter 100 be mu saw ME am Owe 11•• • • all Sheep kins..s. ••• lam as •• ••• Potasoaa per hair. (newil.... 3alt (let 111)_lar boatel.. •• Wood par cora (101110** 1.• ••• 01. mo Wxed par cord. (abort)..— epplestrope...- oho •••:66 • • Rover me •••••.**.ao on, o* ••••• 19001.11 find OM 4WD ••• "shovr„ per Ih... ••• me • ••• ••• no MP a, Porkpie 100 Moo 0.. se Dairy Markets. TORONTO, April 18th -Butter -The re. osipte continue fair'with indications cf an biometry supply before the end of the week. Primo ore steedv, Finest 1-1b. rolls are quoted at 210 to 223 per lb ; large rolle 20 to 210 ;tube, 19 to 200, mud low grades at 16 to 180. Creamery print, 2f5o per pound, and 'solidi, 22 td 23a. Eggs - The reeelpto continue rod, and thto de - mend is fairly active. Case lots are quot- ed at 14 to 'Oho per (keen. Chem -The market is quiet, with prices steady. Large cheese are Polling at 11 to 11$3, and twins et 12 to 12,to per pound. Moterneede, April I8th.-Cheese, On- tario fail, white 12a ; teetered, 120, Egge-Now laid at itlin to 160 per d,,zoo. Batitar-Fiaciit creamery, 24c; mottled, 22 to 32o, eat lie pink white primteses from Resell°. Sheon- hale.1 The sorrowing relative's have the eincere sympathy itt the com- nailed ty in their sad beredyement,but their: bitter sorrow is Mitigated by the iessuramce that tilt- ir deer de 4 parted wasone ot thotie to whim the taster will say, " Ccgne ye Mese- ed Ott my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you frbfia the foun- datian of the world." -,•,•,=••• Pro" §0, fronong, en4 efilieto efe herge Felled fhelpid bi0114 Mg fift. (*ye to #142, haf) hale bagrineee Fet prett$dhditietititOOOtat-ifIfift 11E4 ed et #1 (t§ to ti ffla: feti nod whits p_gfif Yai itaa gaugek Mailitattiate Ittit dalivsfy tit iikks pow an tii8 006ifig 61, 714•1! g did& atfattkage4, fgrk t hottlitaiee 994o NO, 2, Ono Nd. a, 8940. Milifeed -ear:Metter goatee in the getreettl market at $17 for Iran and $18 50 to $19 for Aorta Manitobe, $21 for aborts mud $19 for bran. Hay -The receipts are moderate and priced uncbanged. Car lots of No, 1 tionotby ro quoted at $8 to $8.50 on track here tied No. 2at $6.50 to $7. Straw -The market is unchanged, with car lot -a quoted at $6 to $6.50 on track, Toronto. KINN ON & •1311 Mr E9a. .11.415. Another Large Shipment. This week we received another large shipment of new goods from Mon- treal, which puts our stock in good shape fat the Spring trade'. Most of those goods were bought underpriced for SPOT CASA and 'be sold below regular prices: Flanneletbee, wide widths in dark and light stripes and oheoks, very special, worth 7o for 52. Wool tweeds for bore suits'greau value at 25; 353 and 50o. Rock -feet shirting, fast colors, now pattern, worth17o, for 15e. Oxford shirtings in new pat - tome, fast Galore, at 100 and 12io. Cottooades and Moleekinenew patterns, at 15, I 20a and 253. New Gable linen, tialf bleached, very specie', ab 25o, Veand.50a. Ledeas' Reineoats in oravenette abd rubber lined at $3, $5 a,nd $7.50. 1S1teree rainboats in covert cloth, and rainproof. At $2.50, $4, $6 and $9. Men's felt hats in all the latest styles at 75-, $1, $1,50 and $2. Men'e Overalls, with and without bibs' at 503. 753, 850 and $1. Men'a fanotr and plsin shirts in great variety, at 503, 753 and$1. Boys' aad youths' finite, in tweed and fine twig.; at all prices. White a.ad grey pottona, extra value'at 5; 7c, 83 aria 10c. New Gingliams, in blue and white checks add brighe plaids, worth 70, tor 53. Men' a bevy wool pants, very -epeoial, at $1, $1.25, $L50 and $2. 700 poni3da each, at $5 50 to $5.75; stook calves. one year old, 450 to 500 lbs. eseb, at $3.50 to $3.75, and $4 per owt Miloh Cows and Springera-Aboet 40 mileh cows and springers, the bulk of whioh were of common to *net:Um quality, mold all the way from P25 to $55 each, the bulk go- ing between 330 and $45 tomb. Veal Ca1- ves--Ahout300 of the oaf data was offer- ed, but there was not one ,choice Eaeter veal calf in the lot. ,Several butcher were on the lookout for chola° Easter cal- ves, but were 'unable to get even one, Paten ranged from $2 to $12 each, or $3 50 to $6 per ovate but bad the right kind been offered $7 per owt would bee been paid. Sheep and Larilbs-Prietes for yearling lambs were easiert at $7,25 to $7.50 per owt ewe.' and wet hers; export ewes. $5 to $5.25; Woks, $3.75 to $4,25; spring lambs, $3 to $7 mush. Hogs -Mr. Harris quotes selects at $6 50, and lights and fats at $6. perowle fed and watered. emeeeemeemeela News Notes. - o engagement lent , yet taken plac between the rival peas ot the Ru.s huns and Japanese end definite 'info maim concerning -the location et $.1 P fleets is still lacidtig. There is t no to i;her war news thi$ week. -1. an. G. W. Ross and. the Misses Roes returned to Toranlo on Tues- day I' rum jamairo, wheie they had bean -for six weeke. Mr. ltoss' health onsiderably improved but :hie Meant'still treublde him. , He resume his seat in the Legisla- after the Easter hdlidays. -A pirge deputatiea trout. the Retail Mer heats' Association Itaf Canada waited on Hon. Mr. Hanna, Provin- tie'. ;Secretary, a few daes ago, geld - asked that the peddlers' license fce be ietere.ased, that thO transient tradars' a,ct be amended to make it quittt clear that it applies to such, and not only to the auctidheers ; that the giving of cupone be cbmpulsorily abershed, and that the division court act jie arne.nded to simplify the col- lect en of debts. Consideration was •protieised. is rhe will ture Live Stook Markets. -Lusters, England, April 17 -Trade firm- er; Amerioaneeattla, 6tcl ; Canadiane, to 6d. LTVE.RPOOL, April 17 -American cattle, 544 to fitei : Canadians, bid to 6d. Goesoow, April 17 -Trade sow, cattle 5id to 6d. t ANDERSON—In Wiogham, on April 7th, Annie BUFFALO, Apr:1 18 -Cattle, active e good Henderson, wife of Mr D B Anderson, aged 34 s cattle, strong ; common, easier ; prime yearand 9 amnia° stecre, $6.40 to $6.75 ; ehippiott, V 65 to nurretrisollothaawi.; kre R A Hut-Ohiscn, of a, a o k on April 5th Adam N $6 15 ; butohars', ' 65 to $5.85 heifers, Wingharn, aged 76 years, 3 months and 7 days $4.50 to $5 6fi r 3ows, $325 to $5 ; hulls. RATCLIFF.g—ln U•norne, on April lith, Violetta $3.25 to $4. ; stockers and feeders, $3 25 A Ruesell, wife ot John .N Ratetifia, aged 2, d months ' to $4 60; 'stock aeffers, $3 to $3.50 ; YOINaGr----Inn West Wawanosh, on April 13th, Mary fresh cows and springer. E toady to firm ; Young, relict of tha late Samuel Young, aged good to choice, $48 Jo- 656; medium to good, $35 to $45; :lornrcion. $20 to $32. Veale, 25o higher, $4 50 to $7.50 Room - Slow and 15 to 20o )ower; heavy, $5.75 to $5.80 ; roughs. $5,70 to $5,75; Yorkers, .$5 60 to $5.70; roughs, $4,80 to $4.90; stage, $3 to $3.75; dairies, $5 60 to $5.65. Sheep and lambe-Sheep firm; lambs, 25o higber ; lambs; $6.50 to $8'25; yearlings, 67.25 to $7.50; wethers,16 25 to $6 50; , ewes. $15 to $6.15 ; sheep, mixed, $2 50 tod $6 15; lab, °losing slow and 100 lower. MONTREAL, -April 18 - Butchers were out in fidl force, and there was an active demand, and pretty bigh pricepaid for choice Easter cattle. Mr. Drolet, of Qne- beo, bought two oar loads of choice cattle, paying from 6e to 61,3 per lb for them, and a little over 70 per lb for one very fine beast. A dealer paid 6it3 per lb for eleven thrum. motottO-In lisaforth, on AprIl lithe to Kr and - Mrs Malvin MOPhee, 1 daushtsr BEAT7IE-1n 011n10n, on Aptil 17bb, to Kr and Mrs Harry Beattie, 1!On Bnflolo, cn Maroh 81st, ta 11r and Mrs Gerald Men, a daughter eneeTAN—Io Ribbon, on Aprif 18th, to „Mr and - Mrs John Oman, a daughter Oell8W161414--et the IMMO, MoKiliop, on eth, to Rev D and Mrs Carmell,. a son EDWARDS—At Oraditon Baal, on April 2nd, to Mr and Mrs Thomas Zdwards, a son STONE—In etspben, on April gad, to Mr and Mr11 • Robert 8tone, a dtughter DATICMAN—In Grey, an April tth, to lb and Mal Joao datsman, dauibter • •••••••••••,- ••••• 0 Marilageta 1 Pri--41044140n-- 1 fil 1 of et wenn*, Ntr le .egi f '.ilre'rl',46y,,tlf ' " 14.9ff MOM!? I i• •'fthik �JMI fid miefft thet tiefAl * of C tit 6 1 A Mt Kci itertiltieyei- 6f Ray nossostatav-Tei(60-a-ai.ttie fierce tif bride's paten* 841ith1e 1160,_11ne, on eptli 6 tet Myrtle, datutbter nflit ani Mrs ROhert Taylor, to Mr Bruce 13ossenberry, of Grand Bend kloGEE—CLA BEE—Ab the reddenee ot the bride's parents, oo April 51h, by Rev R P armies, Mr D'Arcy MoOee, to Miss Ella Moo. Younged daughter of Mr J P Chaise, of Wineipeg, form- erly of Exeter BWARTZENTRUBER—DRANE—At the residence et the groom's parents, on April 2nd, by Rev J Bender, Mr JUG)) Swartzentruber, to Miss Agnes Dr ine, both of Blake SCOTT—MoNURNEY—At the manse, Belgrave, on April 5th, by Rev J J Beetle, Mr Raoert Scott, to Miss Lottie M3Surney, both ot East Wawan- osh DOCITS AND SHOES, Our stooktof Boots and Shoes is well assorted for lines e Heavy shout for working men, In all Meseat patent adirt•tahle -shoes, made of solid leather, they at $2 and $2 50. Ladies', 'misses and children'e thoes black, tan and chocolate, ab all prices, 0..A.8Et .A.1NTID CDINTM Ftlf3,TO Deaths. AIKENEfErS TuckersmIth, on April 200,1 Janet Murdock, wife of Mr John Aikenhead. aged 68 years and 9 months the Sprine trede in the folioed no $1 25, $1.50 and $2. Williams' are weeerproof and wear like ir on, and Oxfords in great variety in McKINNON & CO., BLYTIT. very choice eattle, and a number of ot er choice cattle were sold at about) 6 3 per lb. Prime beeves sold at 56 to Setc per pound, pretty good cattle at 40 to near 56 per lb., and in common stook 2e to n3 per tiotind. There were few superior miloh oowe on the. market, and thew. Fold at $50 to $60 each; the others at $25 to $45 eaob. Several very fine large calves were sold 'at about 6o 'per ib; the young vests Rold at $2 to $4 each. G. Maitpl paid $27 ior t43res theep, and other sales were made at $6 to $8 Falb. Spring Iambi, told at $4 to $6 eaoh. Good lots of fat bop sold at about 6to per lb. TORONTO,' April 19 -Cattle-Expor berg - Prices renged from $5 28 to $5.90, and one lot said by Maybee, Wilson St Hall, or four steers of extra quality, went at $6 per owt, Export bulla sold at $3.75 to $4.50, and export cows sold et $3,50 to $3.75 per cwt. Butobers'-Ohoioe picked lots 0 butchers' heifers and eteers, 1.050 to 1,200 pounds, sold at $5 25 to $5.30 put owt; loads of grod at $5 to V 25 ;'meditur, $4 50 to $4.0; common, $4 to $4 25; cows, $3.50 to $3,75 per owe. Feederr- Choice ehort-keep feeders, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs each, sold at $5 to $5.25 per °vet ; feedere, 1 000 to 1,100 lbs. oath sold at 75 to $5 per owl); fetders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. each, at $4.50 to 64 75; feeders. 800 to 900 lbs. at $4 to 34.25; stockers, 600 to Horse Market. Tottotere, April 19 -The following is Burnt & Shepparda weekly report of pre- vallieg prices : Single roadtrere, J5 to 16 bandit, $150 to 3900; single dohs anti oar- riagethoises. 15 to 16.1 hit de $150 to -$2504 mate:Ilea paint end caktiage horses, • ta 16 1 hands, $350 to $550 ; delivery horse, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $140 to $175 ; general purpose and exorete horses, 1200, to 1 $50 1133..6150 to $190; di aught horses, 1.3501 to 1,700 lbs., $100 td $325 ; ser- viee4le mend -hand werkere; $90 to $125; aerviteable eeeond-hand driverte$75 to $120. • 98year and 7 months HAWK1/43—It Port Albert, on April 7th, Chrietery% Bennett, widow of the late Thomas Hawkins, Eq., aged 69 Tian, and 4 months YOWLIE-In, Detroit, on Aprll 10th, W M formerly of Byfield, aged 72 years - Funeral Directors and Embalmers • Night oalls answered at Mr. KoKenzie's residence, Church St., third house north of public school, weat side. Graduate Massa - °bullets College of Embaming, Boston, U.S Knechtel & McKenzie, stAFORTii. Mail Contract. odic Spring. Corsair Maio and Market Smote Soaforth, Ontario. GENTLE SPRING with till its beautiful verdures is here at last. But, with all its peetic inspiration, it doesn't do away with the ne- cessity of buying. . eady:-Macle Suits See haw the little thingahave been looked after. Thereare no de- fects, no slighting', no signs of being shopworn. Note also the low ,prices, that's one of the details that makes our store the most eco- nomical in the town, without exception. Men's Suits from $5.00 to Neckwear But to match the !lemon, our store is filled with what you need at this thne. Come in and see our spring show its as beautiful in its way as that of nature. And our prices* won't give you a chill. either. Hats We can fit any head, oix counties. We aro not afraid of the biggest hat stores Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make 'us famous. Butter and eggs taken as cash. Notice to: Oreclitoro. OM fitelit.ar if r,tio @Ph*Pti Pi Wm/ Mitio lefal of tho Tevelotli Tookof§nAti/41 In bhe 1,4blinby et 1Y eon:NI dee 6e$414, Liodi • el' Nil ,th&-fi 8f6 1 di , of CU Of ON PI: WM4 Of 0 hiiof ettu c# delivee et Of fidVi Of the teem Of 0 mot, so .itOVa for th �xouoe of the said estafei their tiatteS tot4 eddrettite, the aII partieulars etthoir SIMMS, 4 itateavOnt 0/ their accounts and thenattire3 Of the seetnitlet, if any, held by them. And furthor take notice that after said date the said exectiters will proceed to distri- bute the said estete arming the partie• entitled thereto, having regard o to the claims of which they shall then have renived notice a -pd that they will net be liable to any parson or person, noaice of whose °Jaime shall not have beau received by theta at the time of such dietributiou. DICKINSON and °ARROW, colialters for PETER- RAMeAY Mo- . NAY and JOHM MoNA.Y, Executors. - Dated the 17th day of April, 1906. 1040-S To Watch Buyers, 'jlJti§fve the hatii. eleoEPInent, of WA&P,#ou thiPeroilou of the PFOV: inee, We will duplia&ts ttoy Fetiehle **Oh et de plot (owl you elpfoom eitafgatia1eay ilem of futftdo *mays eifidte We Sell keliallie iffatttleg from $250 u -p. 'We sell the 7, 11, 15, 17, 21 and 25 jewelled watohes ia the different gradee of nioklet Silver, trold-filled, and 14k Fond gold oases. We GUARANTEE ALL wATours, and if they prove faulty from wotkmanship, we will fully re- turn your money. J, F. DALYo Jeweller & Optician Cardno Block, Seaforth. PROPERTY IN SEAFORTE Vor Sale by Tender. Offers vriltbe received by the undersigned until Thesday, April the 25th, 1905, for the Stable on the grounds of the Presby • Orion Church, Seaforth. The purchaser will be rrquirect---lo have the building removed by the iirfit of May.1 Terms, cash. Offers will also be received until the same date for the purchased the CIOTPAGE and LOT adj the blame, at present mu. pled by sir. Georgelliart. Taro -m -0981i, or as rnav be agreed upon with the committee. M. Y. MoLEAN, 1949-1 Chairmen Com. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa., until noon, on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1905, for the conveyance of His • Majesty's Mails, on tie proposed contract for four years, six times per week each way, between HARLOCK and SEAFORTH, from the list of July next. Printed notices, onntaining further, ii - formation as to conditions of pro- posed contract, may be teen end blank forms of tender may be ob- tained at the post offices ot Harlook, Onnetanoe and Seatorth and at the aloe of the poet office inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON Superintendent. Poet Office Department. Mail Contraot Branch, Ottawa March 11 th, 1905. SPRING SUITING& I TROUSERINIGS AND OVERCOATINGS. Full Range of Up -to -Date Patterns. A Trial Order Solicited. idstetetteloWtrieWANtAAAAMA04"Ai Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors Under the Town Clock, SEAFORTJ.1 Notice to Creditors! Notice is hereby given that all puttee having claims against the estate of the late John Me - Nevin, of the Township of Tuckereroith, are recoil. - ed to send the same, properly attested, to the undersigned. at the liaison's Sank In Alvinstoo, Ont, far adjuetment, on or before May 31st, 1005,ns any claims received after that date will not be re- cognized. All parties indebted to the said estate are also required to settle the same with the under- signed at tne earliest possible date. ALEX. bfeNEVIN, 1949 -td Alvinetou, Ont. Th. Lormor* Pry Good/ 'got Clothing Concern la I Five Gauntly*! uantityg uality :a P4-7 Ink 116 Auction Sale of • Farrh Lands. The adminiatra.trix of the estate of F.nny Payne, late of the township of MeKillop, in the county of Baton, married woman, deceased, will rffer far sale by Public Auction, at the Commercial hotel fleaforth. on Saturday, the 8th day of May, 1905, at two o'clook in the afternoon all and singular that certain parcel or tract of 11,nd and premises situate, lying and being in the said Towns111,1 of MoRillop, runt being compooed of the South Lialtsof the North Half of Lot No. thirty-one, in the eighth concession of the said Township of MeHillop, containing by admeasurement 25 acres of land be the sonic more or less. The land Is all cleared, tree from stumps and all under gr.ss. Thpre is a Bina 1 orchard and a good well andpumo on the promisee and tho out- side fences are good. Terme of Cale,—Twenty per cent. of the puroba e moneg will be payable to the Vendor's Solieitor on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days. Further patticulars and terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale and can he had in the mealtime from the undersigned R. 8. HAYS, Solicitor for the Adminiatattnx. Dated at Seatorth thie 19th day of April, 1906 1949-2 WIIMINT 'You - HAVE COMPANY The Dark Side of Life • • At the very beginning of this business, 21 years ago, we believed t at greater f311000SS was to be won by selling goo s for as little as possible, than, by asking as much as they would bring. In the eady days we coal not give such values as we ac, - to -day. Now the quantity of goods we handle makes large purch ses easy, and that cuts down the cost. The policy of buying for cash and going du* ect to the sourc s of original supply, cuts down. the cost still flirt r, and applying the principle of small profits cvor its cost to us, makes tlae prices to you. lower still. Dress Go ds Department Visit this department, an you -will be impressed with the great varlet y at goods we have gathered for this seasoa,,--all the latest novelties that we could discover. Just to hand, Silks, chec and shot silks coned for shirt _waiet from 5000 $1. Blousings, fancy lustrend delaines. Muslim, in black and w ite, and black andfa-icy Choice selections of Vest ngs. Drees Goods—Jn crepe cie-ehtne Voiles and Roxom Ieadg shades, Silk eoliennee in black, b owe *tight and dark blue and green. 414g4n dothe'in All 0f1 is ever uppermost to those with defect- ive eyesight. Permit no to briehten things for you. - • If care, ekill and experienoo in eye testing and the fitting cf glesses can accom- plish anything, -then RELIEF and perhaps a PER- MANENT CURE is obeain- able tnrough our assistance. Eyea tested free by You wont your table to lOok its prettiest. Snowy linen, a few flowers and some of our silverware and out glees wlll ' give your guests many pleas' ant thoughts of their visit. We keep Roger*' 1847 Table, John Bulger, Jeweller, Seaforth Export Apple Trade. !woo wefferpniza A partner of one of the principal firma of fruit tsalesmen in Glasgow, Scotland, will be in this dis- trial) within a few weeks, and would like to meet with an agent or large fruit grower who could in- ffuenee shipments of apples, etc. Address THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Seaforthe 1947x4 R. McNaught, Mies -all the Every day new arrivals to ou.howing o garment bears the stamp of fashion. The qualities and the prices are right, as POkard's always are, Just to hand, ladies' ready-to-wear wash suits in vestings, duck, etc Special values in navy blue duck skirt4 at $1.75 each. Fine linen crash skirts, s'pecial values at $2.25 and $2,85 each. See otir shirt waists at E each, best value we have ever shown, ten differ ent bty)es. Other specials in shirt aists at $1.25, 1.35 1.55 and 1.75 each. Look at our tailor-made uits, raincoats, jaCkets and skirts, the 1rgs1 assortment and best values 41 er shown by us. goodg. depended cml, me! Peas:Moat Watohntaker, Jeweler & Engraver and Optician, OPPOSITE McFAUL;'s STORE. SEAFORTH. • GRAND TRUNKRAILWAY SYSTEM SINGLE FARE FOR EASTER HOLIDAYS Going April 20, 21, 22, 23 and 241h. Returning until 23r4 and 25th, 1905. entetettitetottee N oveltA De tment, Black and tan hand bags special lines at 55e each. n4- Belts in silk buster bro effects, putent and crush leatl arrow widths, at 25e each. Beautiful hand embroide ed white linen waist length.sf direct from mann- ) facturers ; prices from $3.50 t $4.75 each, Embroidered India linen waist fronts, prices fram 90e to $3 each. between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit ard Port Huron, Mich. Niagara Falls, Suepension Bridge and Buffalo, N. Y. SPECIAL ONE WAY J$XCURSION to pointe in Montana C3lorado, Utah, British Colum- bia, Washington, Oregon, California. Oa iale daily until May 15th. W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot) Ticket Agent. Good Work Good Material ALL OUR— tmaimaxammislanisimanffsm Carpet Just at present our carpe best in floor coverings. We itt the past. There are carpets in Erns Rugs itt all sizes and kin mattings in all kinds, new cur We are ready to welzome roll of goods. Department. department is aglow with all the newest er a wider range of selections than at any time els and tapestrieg wools, unions, etc. s, linoieums in all widths and qualities. New ains in all kinds and prices. you to this department ta shiw you roll after Clothin Pepartrnen The success of this depar ment has been won by the most liberal methodz Euecess deserved, becau.e it bnngs to tb.e men of Seaforth and. vicinity the best ready-to-wear clothing made at positively the lowest prices to beft.d. any- -where. The stock is so large nd irried that it includes almost every known style Our prices this season will completely revolutionize the trade. Special' values for this w ek : Another shipment of our celebrated $10 suits. These are silk and wo 1 worsted, made to sell at $W.50. New overcheck tweed su ts, latest cut, seven different patterns, made to sell. at 310; our price this se son is $8. A line of dark tweed suis,mixed patterns and. checks made to seII at $8 ; our price this seasen is $ Clothing to Order Our clothing to order is so near just what we and-ou tatingly guarantee every, det Our Spring woollens ar to see us for your Spring au constantly winning over customers. Our work is customers think it ought to be, that we unhesi- 11 of it. ready, our prices are moierate. It ill pay yott t. ° s WILPICKARD tar .BRINGr YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. Opposite Town Building, Omer Main an JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. DIRECT NIPORTERt3 tv:,_qatt.tth*