HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-21, Page 3fgooneesiMMOWNIM110119,11110110111
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EAFORTIT, FRXDAT1 Aprli 14, 1906.
You know the medicine that
makes pure, rich blood--=.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all -your
olks, used it. They trusted
it. Their doctottitrusted it.
, Your doctor .trusts it. Then
trust it yourself. There is
health and strength in it.
"T suffered terribly from indigestion and
thin blood. 1 found no relief .until I took
Ayer 's iim'separille- Four bottles - perma-
nently cured toe."
1Mas. F.• It. Inas, Mt. Kisce.7ei. Y.
f1.60 et bottle. J. c. Arsn CO.,
All druggl•tts.r 1.Owell. Mass.
'or maparanaminamen
es Pills are gently laxative.
,They greatty fild the Sareeparlile.
aran a Trunk RailvvaV
Railway Time Tab,*
Trains leave Ses,forth as follows :
S.50 a. no. For Clinton, Goderich Wiugham an
17.Af p. m. For 01fritsTm aisd Goderioh
• p. us. For canton, Wiugham end Kinear
10.37 p. m. For Clinton and Goderlots
7.53 a. es For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
North By end points weft •
Belleville and Peterboro end pointi
For Stratford, Onialph, 701011tO• Mon -
heal and point. east.
For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
3.37 p. ES,
523 p. m.
London, Huron and Brace.
50f0 NOM -
OWLS gee 9 9 es • •
01111 ......, ...• 0, dre-raweit•O
• is dm. 000
/11.11041100 Oa% Ozaff011. so • a as OW
allppert..... fid 000••••••• Ofi
B nileafialid.00 isss•S• 0100
UMW* ow dm se se See a so • •
Laadaeb010 40110 ale AM MO OM
IV 00 00 000 010 *0 Itia • • 0-* me . a
Be avem. 5 0 •00 se* es OM OW
tau retiP11,7‘ r
0.18 6.48
9.90 11.64
9.44 6.1.16
0.60 6.11
0.58 0.19
10.15 6.be
10.80 0.53
10.88 7.00
10.60 713
Wingtousa arrive." - 11.00 7.36
Soper Stem-
ilflughem„, depart.. ••
•• .10• • WO 4 • 00 04
• 00 0.-00 • • Me 0000 • • 001. •••
T40240111,010•1010 • ik• • • 411•1 000 ••
Cant= 0.• /00 ..fl MS Ila
BrUeenaga 0* • • 00 • 0 NW es • • SO
WV/Penes se es se mei S•
alliteeli Ref 111•1 es re as ewe se • • •••
Coster-- - OA ed. ••• 000
ODdirlidia0.0 •0000000•••••
13.50 AM. 8.10 r.
7.01 2.22
7.14 3.56
7.22 2,46
7.47 cm
8.06 4.18
8.15 4.47
8.22 4.62
8.35 5.05
8.46 4.15
0.65 s. st. 0.20
Palmerston and Kineardine.
Nouse. Parra Pam Mixed
relmersters.......s. 7.40 p.m. 12.80 p.m 6.00 a.rn
Ethel.. i Is- 8.25 1.16 8.10
Brussels. - .* • • lo 8.36 1.26 900 '
8.45 1.85 0.25
V7r.srbiUM.• •• •• 8.66 1.47 11.15
ni:/111G Sturm. Pao. Mixed. Pass.
-Meshes:5a.. a • 6 58 11.15a.m. .2.45 p.m
Brussels-- gtki 77.1°25 12,80 8 08
Slaersde 11.85 - 2.55
••••• 7.25 12.50 $.18
BaleserAZI...... . 3.00
E. ttabl ish a .r879.
Whoop ng Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Calm!), Drip, Asthma, Diphtheria
0 .
eresoiono is a boon to Aothmestios
oarsessxr. 13 a krig established and standard remedy
for the discake.) indleated. It cures because the alr Tee-
deral strowly antiaept lc ia carried ever the diseased sur -
aces of the brooch:4 tubes with. every breath. giving
rolouged and con.lant treatment. Theis of a consump-
1 tive tendency. or surerori from chronic bronchitis. nun
immediate ref fade coughs or inilareal cow:Miens of
a • Vawserreelsuenold
-4 • •
3 +7 drug4e,ti or seat. pre -
2 Pahl on rreipt of price:
A trapo-i'resolene ont,-
fit bell:ding a bottle of
Crecolone WO. Send for
free !Madman/ It ob.:let.
LEMING Mill t'n., Ltd ,
Ageatg,f...111 $t. Jani.nr Sr.,
rs:ontr,•ai. Canada. 30i;
it you intend building, or improving
your buildings this coming semen, and
require firet-olsee lumber and shingles
for thai purpose, bring along your
bili sarly and we will fill it for you
with No, 1 stook at a right price.
Ceylon Tea
Mountain Gro% al
Grand Mogul Tea is a
produd of the sunniest
mountain tops in Ceylon.
Prepared by machinery
from plantation to tea-
pot, it is the beverage
of hygiene.
No 'e'xposure to store
dust or rhicrobes-the pack-
ages lined with air -tight
paper 6r4ng it to you in the
nicest 'Possible condition.
insist ori your dealer sup-
plying yOu with this, the
best Possible blend of the
finest ani ripest teas. Dis-
criminating housekeepers
prefer a to bulk teas of
cioubtfbl value.
6rond Mogul
q Sold -only in packages at 25c,
30c. 40c. anti 50c per pound. We
divide btu. advertising appropriation
with you by putting premium cou-
pods each package.
A GoodSoherae.
A ine-w agency le 4 WOrk in this
year's imutigration,1 An extensive
and moll planned l'cieeme is 'being
carried out by the Stilvation Array.
which is showing as much energy in
ite immigration polloy':. cis in its usual
religious work. The Army began to
do eotnething in imMigration in a
small way some yes agta`but it
has now launched forth upon an en-
terprise of leonsiderelile proportions.
Arrangements Jaave already been
made for the first pqrty, and due-
,the latter part of:April a !steam-
er Is to leave Liverpool 4vith 1,200
emigrants or Canada,' These will be
escorted by the Arinesa officer, and
on arrival here will be'helped to find
employment an Ontarip end the West.
The iseherne is not suoa a, one as the
someWhat 'famous Bar colony, and
no effort will be made tp establish a
seen re te 8 -et t temeint. Tbe people are
being brought from ov!ererowded cit-
ies en England to findreomer homes
in (Cando., and to relieve the ecarcity
'of earns labor here; if they will ae-
complish the latter result the Army
will htuve the thanks of Ontario far-
mers now handicapped for want of
help. Emigrants 'who will stay in
Ontario are to be give la free trans-
portation over railway lines in the
province, end it is expected that a
large (number will aeeept this in-
ion tPa, 450 Railway- would halve to
pay on annual tax of $417,570; li„e
Grande:Trunk Railway, $668,100; the
smaller Ontario roadie $340,890 and
the electric railwaye about $124, -
25th snaking a total annual revenue
to the province and the municipal-
ities of $1,550;810. This would be
quite a Snug nest egg, but the rail-
ways will fight bitterly against any
such additional tax and it is doubt-
ful fif the govereraent will have the,
courage Ito impose it. •
. „
Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strong's
recommended by the medical profession as
a safeguard against infectious diseases.
Export ,Cattle Advanotnix •
The kniee of export cittle sliow
inga aa much firmer tendency both in
°made. and in the States. British'
quotations for the best American
cattle are now as high' as 12 1-1 cents
a. ,p000d, dressed weight, or fully a
,cent a pound higher- than this time
a .year ago. The condition of the
British markets has shown a rnark
ed *improvement during the last few
months, which can only be accoant
ed for by a lessened supply reaching
.these (markets. Commentipg on th
-advance in the Chicago market, Th
Drover's'. Journal of that eeityl• •at
tributes the home advance toetehort
age in good eattle. This has ..been
'brought about by heavy marketing
lest season. The high price of cor
and other cereals disposed farmers
to (sell their grains rather than fee
them, ;the :current price of cattle a
that time not warranting them in
keeping such heavy feed,lots. A sirn
iLar rea,son Might be assigned fo
local conditions.
Ontario prodoce has ruled at in/
abnormally high prime of late, th
result of which has already been
witnessed by the big advance in th
price of hogs. From the immediate
outlook the prespeat for a high°,
range In the price of good cattle i
promising, and farmers may witl
advantage allow their present .ptocks
of feeders to put on further flesh be
fore turning them into the market
Prices on the Toronto market: for ex
porters (last week wane 25 to 36 ets
per owl. higher than a week ago.
About Japanese Soldiers
"A Woman's Experience in the
Japanese Army" was the subject
of an illustrated lecture by Dr.
Newcomb Anita Megee-this name
is net japanesesein. Association Hall, I
Toronto, a few evenings ago. Dr.
Magee was not 'in the firing line, al-
though being superviser of army
nurses in *Japan, she was la.n tarpay
officer. Previously she had seen
hospital service in Cuba. and wee
sent to Japan to represent both the
Trained iArrny Nurses' &piety of the
United States and the Red Cross So-
ciety of Philadelphia.
The Incomprehensible Jap.
The (lecture was largely a plain
talk about things as they really are
and tor the past year heve 4e4en,in
losing distriet had the highest birth
mate 49.4, and Frmee Ed -ward °Dun-
. .
ty the fewest, 14.6. There were 492
twin bieths, 31 leSS than in iDog,
an,d four cases of triplets. Thefe
were :782 il1egitbate childnon born,
equal to 1.6 tper tent. of all the
births lin the prow/tole. The rate, in
England land Wales is 3.9 per icent„
and in Seatland 6.2. Th.ere were
19,830 marriages during the year.
Thirty-two peretcent a these were
solemnized. by 34eth.odist clergyanen,
20.6 by Presbyterian, 17.2 by Churph
of Englaed, 15,9,by Rom.an Catholics.
The number of deaths was 29,664, a
rate of 13.4 per thcarsand population
a Small,' increase over 1902. The
deaths from tesbeeculosie. -were 2,-
723. There were 125 euicides, and
1,241 deaths by accident.
Dr. Magee's remarks upon her .pia -
tures were mostly (compliments te
the Japanese. Like the soldiers of
the Queen" she has both been and
seen. A good share of • the bandages
shown in these vividly realistic pic-
tures !were put .on by her own hands
or under her direct Supervision. She
' has'seen miles of wounded japs and
toome in contact With thousands of
- eases. She ihas studied the Japs in
sickness and health, on the gym-
nasium green and on th,e• hospital
not, ;marching out towarunder Gen-
eral iNedzu and fawning back to Hir-
oshima 4ain either in ,a jinriksha
or a, stretcher -or as a handful of
ashes in a box. For the Japanese
. cremate the remains of their dead.
Hiroshima was Dr. Magee's head-
quarters. Here Wes the gaol depot
of distribution and here thousands of
_ the 'crowded ,soldiers returned to
hospital: Thither eanae the 'wrecks
e 'of Yang, riddled by the bullets
e and slashed by the sabree of Kour-
▪ opatkin's en.eri, and those who,storm-
ing the forts of Port Arthur, got
bullets, bayonet thrusts and shell
wounds. Hundreds of these stereo-
, typed, dusky fatces were shown in
' the hospital pictures. Moat. were
d variations of the "same old story,"
t with no particular 'interest, except
that they had been hustled from
- the 'unsentimental huge battkfields
✓ I and the trenches to the gentle at-
mosphere of a whole 'army of Jap-
anese and American purses, Three
c of Dr. Magee's visiting staff were
Canadian girls.
e Here and there the lecturer singl-
ed out a patient with ,a sting. One
r pallid icitap, who did not 'smile, had
s received more than a hundred bay-
onet thrusts at Liao Yang. Anotfier
paralyzed by a shot in the spine
' - was !getting a hot bath in bed. This
one, besides receiving. -five serious
- shot wounds, bad been shot clear
. through the body by a bullet that,
passed first through a knapsock cen-
taining picture postcards and n host
of trinkets. In another picture two
were shtown. One had reeeived twenty
bayonet thrusts. The ether, having
killed two Russians, was seized from
behind by a giant, pinned fast, and
tak6n 'prisoner. In an .ueetuarded
moment he knocked down two of the
captors, 'wrested a gun from an-
other 'and jumped for the edge of a
n tiff, let himself .aver and alighted
in tree. .His blundering -pursuers
hunted the ravine, but ,missed him
in the' tree. He dropped, found the
ravine full .of Russians, eseape im-
possible, decided to commit "har-
akiri" with tl)e. bayonet, but failed:
dragged himself to the edge Of a
stream end drank till the water
oozed out of his svounde ; was 'after-
wards found by comrades.
/""The TeiCovariet of theme men were,
marvellous," said the lecfurer. "Out
of 13,000 in Hiroshima hospital, but 45
died. No deaths were allowed on the
battlefield if prevention were pos-
eible. The 'wounded were brought
straight to the hospital for oper"a-
tion Deaths from typhoid -and dysen-'
tery were rare.. Bullet wounds, un-
less in a vital spot, were seldom
corpidered serious. The nursing was
as thorough as the heelth of the mei
was amazing. The Japanese women
were !models of patience, sympathy
and fidelity. Both they and the sur-
geons !considered the whims of the
patients as almost eee rad. Both
nurees and soldiers were irnblted
with 'patriotism and sentiment.
Editorial Notes and Comments
The -Minister 'of Justice at Ottawa
hies ;given make of a bill to 'cure
the techinical disqualification a-
gainst Mr. E. N. Lewis, meraber for
Wet Huron, arising out of his be-
coming a bondsman for a postoffice
contractor. Mr. Lewis although op-
posed to the Government politically
is being treated thus generously.
This should soften his; heart towards
his politieal opponents although it
may not affect his political convic-
iconteraporary gets off the fol-
lowing good thing on the new Pro-
vireCial Treasurer: Col. Matheson
reports that there is :no surplus. An
old Liberal , farmer .predicted this
three or four yeare ago. You let
them rfellers.get int() the treasury,"
he sold, "and they'll (came out end
tell us ther ain't no surplus. And
you - bet there won't be any after
that, neither." '
In the Yukon, west of the Mecken-
zie, end in latitude 61, is the wonder
eity of the world -Dawson, six years
lege st frontier mining (camp, now a
eapital of eight thousand population.
This is the progrese that Dawson
proudly points to to -day: Public
schools, bospitalLt and churches; po-
lice and fire protection; tSvo daily
(newspapers; electric light, tele-
phone land telegraph services; water
works ond well pawed streets, and a
total asseased valuation of $10,000,-
000. Improvement, is still going on
-.1fund kilo boom of a ft:w years ago hos
settled into n. more permanent
Cannda - is becoming a greafe coun-
try. In the re..11C4. River Valley,west
of Athabesc,a Lake, throe settle -
men ts have alre eV been made by
the Hudson's Bey Company. At one
of 'these posts, ball way to the artic
cerele,kend two thousand miles north-
WV:4 t of Winnipeg', there is n saw-
mill and a well equipped, electric
lighted 'flour mill, from which the
various trading poets of the Company
are 'supplied. Last season ten thous -
end tbashels of the best wheat were
grown !along the Pence River, a pro-
phecy of whet future development
may succomplish.
...0••••00 want
The Toronto Star remarks: Ti'Mgr.
Sharretti's special mission in Can-
ada eves to get better politioal treat-
ment dor his people, he leannot be
congratulated upon making a suc-
cess !of his job. But there is noth-
ing 'criminal in -having such a pur-
pose. lf there were, there would
be ut lot of Protesatent ministers in
jail. To elovate Iiim, however, a-
bovc the status of a Church official
with !no more rights than nor differ -
til .footing from any official of Can-
adiii.n 'Methodism or Presbyterianism
is Ito raise him on high that he may
be brought down as a political club
on the -shoulders of a party oppon-
If the re,commendatione of the
Pettypie.ce tilway Taxation Com-
missioYl fare put into force 'by law
it will -cause a liberal addition to
the Provincial fin Ilice.s and should
enable Trel.surer Matheson to build
up a surplus. Under it the Caned -
The Key That Unlocks the Door
to Long*Living
The men of eighty-five and ninety
years *Vega are not the round well
fed, but Ithin'spare men, who live
on a slender diet. Be as careful as
be will, however, a man past middle
age, will occasionally eat too much
or of some article of food not suited
to his, constitution, and will need a
dose of Phambeelain's Stornach and
Liver Tabilts to cleanse and invigor-
ate his -stOmach, and regulate his
liver andleowels. When this is done
there -is . o reason why the averitge
man shou d not live to old age. For
aale ler Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Sea-
, fcirth. 1
-Since IJuly 1, 1873, the sum ,of
$88,310,790 has been spent in 'con-
structing ' and equipping railways;
in eubsidizing railways, $59,287,995;
and in 'Constructing and eeuippbag
' canals, $66,966,699.
• -1V1tunitoba will require the help
et ninetylthousand new !comers this
i year in .seeding, hayingand harvest-
ing. Such is the opinion of J. J. Go). -
dein, Government Immigration Agent.
Last year fifty thousand were need-
ed. ,
J. 93. Hill, the St. Thomas dry
. goods instriehtunt, who was found
guilty in the general Session of ob-
taining goods under false pretences,
has been Isenteneed by Judge Win -
Chester ItOi sixty days in jail without
; hard Ilabot.
I -Richard Williams, an Old rest-
. dent of Thorold, committed suicide
Last week by inhaling coal gas. He
: set fire. to; the :coal in an ironesot,
' which he suspended from the ceil-
ing. When found be was sitting in a
necking chair near the pot. He left
' two letters addressed to friends.
' -About tarty Waterloo people left
: Berlin lest week for the West,where
they will (settle, in the Mennonite
reserve,llcated about 100 miles north
tyr Regina.1 Rev. Eli Hallman, of Ber-
lin, to. Mennonite preacher. will go
't out Ito lbedome the minister of the
i new leanamenity.
i -Hon. Thomas Greerrway, Crystal
: City, ISfanito'ba, M. P. for Lisgar,
and ex -Premier pf the Provinee,was
in Guelph lest week attending to a
tihipment iot Shorthorn and Ayrshire
. °attar) ,he had secured in that vi-
cinity, together with some special
lines • of . 'geode to further improve
;his magnificent farm.
-Scene twenty Indian braves and
squnws, 'consisting of a party from
. Garden River, New • Ontario, and
others frt the Caughnawaga, 'Re-
' serve. pased through 'Montreal a
few slays ago on their way to St.
John, N. B1., whence they will sail
or liendon, where they will be ex-
hibited at Earlscourt.
; -Mr. Benjamin Devitt, of Water-
loo, :tor many years lidense inspec-
tor !for North 'Waterloo, ireeeived a
letter tram the department. asking
him to (close his books for his term
of !office and to hand them over to
1VEreeFerdinand Walter, ef Bamberg.
If IM. Walter theeepte the 'office it
will mean his retirement from the
emanty notarial. Mr. Walter ie now
in the fortieth 'consecutive year of
, service in the coeneil.
-Dr. IWm-, Saunders, direateir of
Experimental Farms, has received
: information from the Superintend-
e.nt lof the .braruch farm at Indian
Head, akaisa., to khe effeesta that sow-
ing wheat there was 'finished April
6th, the earliest date in the farm's
history. The Superintendent says
that :many farmers have their fol-
lows 80Will and are now preparing
and sowing , stubble land. Never
before ihsss the grain been sown un-
der sloth favorable conditions or so
ea-rlYThe late: John Hesson, selio
drowned himself in the flume in
Ivforrisburg last week, loft an es-
tate worth 4iornewhore about $21,-
000. According to the will of the de -
leased. 'about i$8,000 of this is to be
divided among some relatives and
friends, while.the balance,which will
probibly "loath. $12,000, is to go to
Red Feather Ceylon Tea the 246th century tea.
sells always at one price -40e. per pound. In the T.7th
century, tea, not nearly so go d, sold in England at 40
shillings a pound.
Red Feather Ceylon Tea is the sort you would want
at any price. . Blended by exp rts, it is put up in germ -
proof parchment packages -n ver in. lead.
Black, Green or Mixed, one price per poun...-
Crirp, in
e eeirsti
the Salvation Army, 1:o he expended
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Popular
"Mothers buy it for croupy aril-
dren, raiiroad men buy it for seilere
coughs, and elderly people buy it for .
la grippe," say Moore Bros., Eldon, :
Iowa. "Wo sell more of Chamber- .
lain's Cough Remedy than anseotber
kind. It seems to have taken the .
lead over several other good brands."
There is no question but this medi- ,
eine is the best that can be prooured
for coughs and colds, whether it lee
a child or an adult that is afflicted.
It always cures and cures quickly.
Sold by Alex. Wilson, Dreggist, Sea -
' gsseeerseese._. 'eases..
News Notes
From the state ef Nebraska
alone during the month of March
262 ellen, 73 women, and 87 children,
bringing :with them an estimated
'capital of $431,250 and 80 oars of set-
tlers' effects, entered the Canadian
Northwest." So onnoune,ed Mr. Wm.
White, Lispeeter of Emigration Ag-
encies iin the United States. "Our
Spokane agency," he continued, " re-
ports that 2,000 people went &Om the
State }during the nine months ending
Mancli t31, as oompared with only 179
Lor (the eame period of the year pre-
viou,s. Great increases are taking
place all along the line, but the large
est are Dorn WashiIegton, Montana,
Idaho e.na Oregon. They have ap-
propriated (no less than $2,000,000 for
the 'irrigation of lands.. We look for
a total movement of 55,000 to 60,-
000 'persons from the 'United: State
tolCanada this year."
-The 34th annual report of the •
registrar -general gives some Inter-
esting details regarding the births,
marriages !and deaths in Ontario in
1903. The population of the prov-
ince ton December 31, 1903, was 2,-
198, 692. The births registered were a
48,742, 125,071 maks and 23.671 fe-
males. This is a rate of 22.1 per ,
thousand population, svhich is said
to ibe unsatisfactory. It is mach be-
low Imest European countries. Nip- n
in the. *general woric of the society.
Mr. Ileseon also left $200 for the
Door 'of Morrishurg, preference to
be 'given to the Salvation Army poor.
-Mr. W. Sinith, .of Ottawa, sec-
retary of the neat office Depertment
of Canada, end It'tr. Geofge Ross, of
Toronto, "geneeil post °Mee super-
intendent of the Dominion, are now
in Washington ineestignting the de -
'tails of rural mail delivery, with a
view to introducing it into Canada.
Tho shief difficutty in the way of
establishing a rural free delivery
eenviee in Canada, it is understood, is
that the ruraldistriets, except in
,comparatively few instannes, are so
sPaCselsr populated that the returns
from the servite would not be pro-
nortionate to the expense of main-
tenance. -Mr.:Limes Twrenride, i01.110 of If a g
Brent 'county, mast ener-
teeth ,yeld popular business rnen,died
muddenly last week at his leiime, the
result of takiree medicine from the
wrong bottle. Ile was troubled with
an 'asthmatic affeotien and had been
tising en asthma mums which consists
of !hi -0 ,Aimilar..bottles, one being in-
tended- for inhelina and the other
for 'taking. Hurriedly swallowing
dose ofter supper he got the bottles
confused. and took the fatal dose. No
great !inconvenience was at first felt,
and 'the time passed witheut munh
alarm fuaitil it was too late. lie.
leaves n 'large family .connectien and
w,a,s known and respected..
-Commander , Booth -Tucker, Mr,
H. Rider Hageart, the British -Com-
missioner, end Mr. Thomas South-
worth. Sunerintendent of the Col-
enization -Bureao, had an interview
on ernigAation matters in Toronto
last week. It was (suitea revelation
tO the Cornrnainder to hear of the ex-
traordinsrv earieurtural resources of
Ontario. :The Salveet
tion Armydn zek-
ng.-for =opportunities to establish
ts proposed icoloniee, took no
note of Ontario as the imnression
revaile in England that thie Pro-
vinee is wholly eettlecl un, and that
O lands remai4 for settlement. He
was aitenished to hear of the im-
mense urea of land in the northern
parts of the Province, the.bulls of
which is south of Winnipeg. Mr.
Southworth supplied him with all
necessary iinformation and sufficient
litenature :remove Yale° irapres-
Rheumatic Pains Qtuokly
The excruciating pains characteris-
tic of' rheumatism and sciatica are
quickly relieved by applying Cham-
berlain's Pain Balm. The great pain
relieving power of the liniment has
been the surprise and 'delight of
thousands Of sufferers. The quick
relief from pain which it affords is
alone 'worth many times its cost. For
sale by Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Sea -
-Mr. Andrew Lilley, who for six
yeaes 'has been leader of Knox church
choir, Stratford, has resigned,
-Mr. Dobson, (classical master at
St. Marys Collegiate Institute has
accepted a plosition in the Barrie
-Miss Nina Purcell, of Listowel,
met with a very peculiar accident
one day last week. While combing
Iter hair, she by some means raised
her arm in .such a manner as te dis-
loeate her eh6ulder.
-Mrs. Roderick McLeod, one of the
old residents of Listowel died there
On Thuriday, Manch 30th. Deceased
with ,her husband and family, set-
tled in Listowel 30 years ago. The
husband is still living.
-The thirtieth wedding anniver-
-gary of Mr. and Mrs. John Blair,for-
merle- of Milbank, now regidents of
Detroit, wet made the occasion Fri..
day evening, Manch 24, of a very de-
lightful gathering of fortyesevert
friends And relatives,
-Mrs. Lulu Milson, of Listowel,
familiarly known as Aunt Luci,died
at ,her home last week, at the age a
82 Tears. Deceased had lived for
many years in Listen -el and was
highly respected by the people of
the .town
-For weeks past J. Welsh & Son,
jewelers, Stratford,have been missing
from their vault at night small
quamtities of jewelry, until it was
estimated that fully $700 worth had
disappeared. They were at a Loss to
accetent for it, although variotts traps
were set to cotch the supposed cul-
prits. A few days ago it was found
that mice or rats were 'responsible
for the thefts end about three doz-
en (rings were recossetred with the
tags eaten off. It is expected the
balance will be found on tearing up
the 'floor of the vault.
Coughs, colds, Isearontem, sad other threat
Ailments aro quickly relieved by Oresolens
emblets, ten cents per box. AU druggists
Iis Rheumatism of the hack.
,The cause is Uric Acid
iri the blood, If the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sore, positive and only
cure for Lumbago Lai
Cleveland Coil Spring Wire
Dead Soft Weaving wire
Fence Hooks and staples
We are agents for the LONDON FENCE
MACHINE, the beet made in Canada.
A Complete Siook of
Eetinates given for
Furnace 4nd Plumbing Work
George Aa RH'S,
eaforth Ontario,
Now goin on in all departme
DISCOTINTS.-Ten per cent. off for cal t in the Rotzse Furnish'
Department, and 6 per cent. off for cash in the Dry Goods and Clothing
BPECIALTIES.--Grocery Department -High grade coffees, pure i)pi
and blend,Ateas.
314,-- ORDER pEPARTMENT-Suite made to measure, no
Brand. This maples a class by itself -individuality, originality and sap
iority have been and are the keynote and corner stone of popularity in tJ
LINES TO CLEAR -Wool b'ankets, regular price $3 50 a pair, now
$2.85 a pair, grey flannel by yard, regular pdce 30; now 25c vard ; men's
odd coats to clear this month at $1.50 each, men's overalls to max this monde
at 50c a pair; youths' odd vests to clear this month at 50c each.
Highest market price paid for first-class produce. Potatoes wanted.
UNA,. ,„
Tbe nose isone, just
at bedtime. Sugar -co
mild, certain. Thu cure
Wait your moustache or beard
ibeautlialbrownor rich black? Use
By the time 1ilsL. L. Hanson,
Waterside, It B., had taken
Three Boxes of FLILBITRIVS
She Was Completely Cured.
She writes us as follovrs :-
" Gentlemen, -I feel it my duty to ex-
press to vou the benefit 1 have derived
from Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.
A year ago last spring I began to have
licart failure. At first 1 Would have to
atop working, and lie down for e. While.
then got so bad that had to give up
altogetner and go to bed., 1 had Zoveral
doctors to attend me, but they did no
no good. 1 got no relief tmtil urged by
ts friend to try /Kilburn's Her and.
Nerve Pills. 1 sent to the store for a
box, and by the time 1 had taken three
waters of it 1 brisan tosget relief, and
by the time I had taken Care:: boxes
Wits isemplotely cured. 1 fool very
grateful to your medicine for what it
hats done for me.-idies L. L. HAISEON,
Waterside, N.D."
Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1..25.
All Meters or
TErg T. MILBURN CO.'Imaann,
lorouto, Out.
BECti Uti8o!C derp4
Each pupil is given in-
dividual Instruction,
The Shorthand System
eper a.nd re-
it:our4Leirtts, is that used by all
Ovstenift of Book-
keeping, Penmanship, Arith-
metic, o to. , thoroughly
Situations guaranteed
te every Gratlesee.
orric,ALcium\-....„wiN,GRAppgrt., L
The finest and largest line of baby -
carriages and gocarts ever shown in
Seaforth is to be seen at Knechtel 4
McKenzie's, ranging in price from
$2.25 to 00. Come early and make
your choice front this splendid assort-
Knochtel & McKenzie,
Furniture and Undertaking.
Are before the
Public' Again.
100000 in defy use Mtb
their hekutifit1 eriatinned-
bowl Geeing,. their new spits
.4. al ekimming desire asd
-• ..p. friotionless, self Wanting
bowl. Only two pleocs n the bowl. making it so
tiltleb eafier to clean, easier to undentand and ewe
ler to operate. The lightest running and most dur-
able roachloe yet produeed It thould also be
noted that the Meintte hes neither s nnrober 0
small tubes nor long ones nor complicated deVintt,
Of infield to be cleated. The bowl 'Setif 19 self
emptying. Every part easily eccessible with Its
unique weehanical advents:gas including Beering,
encased telt oiling arrangements el well deelgoodsr
to save hat at the nil usually squired by nar•ohinff
al this kind. Randle taken ,..ff in is recood without
wrench -or earesyd firer. Menages qr.setity of create
20per cent. improves the quality of the buttes
and nrovidee easset and warm milk with the natur-
e! animal heat In it for the -calves, which, ss.th a
little corn meal, or some Finch eabstitute adds
ed, !oaken a far o-nre valuable though ieseexpensivci
lova for ying stook than stele akinsteed Milk
There aro facts whims sty user er dairy export *HI,
warm. Inspection kindly invited. Remember.
the old otand, A. X, Campbell's WArermr. See
forth. -
BEAD WHAT A USEII, 8AY8:-Dear Sir,-Ilev
ing purchised a Melotte Oreem Sri:shpt.:r from your
agent, D. ticCellum, over three years no, i strong-
ly recommend it for superior point., easy turning,
clean separeting and durability. In oompetition.
we tried tb.e DA /a Vali and kepi the Melotte in
preference. It has paid for Itself long ago and est'
nothing feerepairs. Pm aoozasori, Hullett
Dear Sirs t-T,':ne " MelOtte " Separator which
pureireeed from your agent. Xr Darman McCorsurn
about ten months *Aro, hes given groat satisfaction
1 Would renommend the "MelotteA" Separator is
trreu saver at ishft; and ls 1 good snvestment, as
there ie a cooXdaratieincrease of butter compare
With the old methods of setting milk, and h else
better for Sae calves. More truly, JOSEPH Mc
QUAID, St, Belurnbai, Ont.
Deal 9108 ;-De etotio Or am Separator which
1 purahave traes yew' agent, Duocan Mad,
lu, has few equals, if any. For durs.bility. aod4
working it ofinvot ba egoriled. It runs very right.
Oar boy, 10 years nid, has done all the skimming or -
Eve corm, end, with the new skimming de lee, 14
V017 emily olesned. lt does its work clews and'
nest mid racks** great deal users butter, in mv
optnion, Iron the nhobatioal construetion ottbe
tnaohine,15 should be a long liver, se the feeling ie
ell °mowed, whir% excludes it hero *II • dust find
dirt," The handle Ss a greet itdvanWe over others,
M it can Ile Ulm of5 ia a s (mod sirMsent wrench.
or eorevodriver. Tbe tinware also is excer41orial1r
heavy and 1 would advi e ell intending. parobesers
to try a Notate, 3011$ 113sE4ELLAN.
Dear Sire :--Ws are quits setissed loth thaf
Ilelotte 8epsretor, whish sve purchased from ycur
agent, Mr D MoOMiurn, and find it a firet•olerst
skimmer of intk, making ote.quarter more butter
than by the ol4 system machine, vcry easily under, -
stood and operated ; easy to wash, on amount or-
tbe simplicity of the skimming device ; e very
great labor saver in the way of earrying nalik if003
the lasso to the house, and from the house to the.
barn to feed. In fact, we wonid not do without it.
2DwbeiteRshetbale:e:ento insinistch ibneittkear,naliwoos;;IirshasirgiotghtlegiallthIli:
Wog. Ae have tried several other ruisoblut% I
end, in my hutable_ judgment 1 don't Shirk tberc, It
tind the Molotte by all odds the 'superior machine,
a better machine in Use merket. JOHN 11, HEN-
DUNCAN MoCALLUM, AgenteSeefozth
D. W AL KER, Agtns, Staffa,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound..
Ladies,' Favorite,
Ta the only safe, reliable'
A regulator' on which woman
ean depend. 4'in the thear"
and time of need."
Prepared In two degrees a
strength. No. 1 and No, 2.
No. 1. -For ordinary 'cam;
Is by far the best dollar
:medicine known.
2-11'or special_ esees-19 degrees:
stronger -three dollars per box.
Ladies -ask our druggist for -Cook*
Cotton Root bosnpound• Take no other
as ah plOseatettures and Imitations arse
dangerous. No. 2. and No. 2 are sold awe
recommended by ali &umiak, In the Do- a
mirdon of Canada. Mailed to any address
on recenst otkriee and four 2 -cent pOpt006'
AtaM,Pils, Arne Voolc Company, ;
Winagor, Ones
For sale by C. Aber -hart. J. S.. Hon-
erts. L Tr. Fear. and Alex. Wilson?
Foit .BALE.
sd both sex
pply al: fermi_ Xs
scow% slic•
three tedaan4 -Ou
by flumta
of stook. Apply
Tuckersmith, or -
has for -sale s
rucefield, on the
tityof starriness i
oxvanimas to
60I,r a
In years, Irma
Urfa os town pro
first mortgage or,
apply at THX
e'saise Tends
-Or•ooll ittp tO 14
butments on t
100 enbio -yards
1948 8
ow tO on,
or mantle
the Ini
and otter Wel
to Ilde they rain
two yew. 31
any one Viet
drawer, to tee
ere oartifinit
A eteseleete*
deny per*011
invented and -
day. May thd
me at my irsj
Hotel., on Al
This vs porlti
leave for Wit
°is 1'. O. "
A simple, er
irritetscos is
They chmbirs
that SOlain
:its rg