The Huron Expositor, 1905-04-21, Page 20 Ft
.S this
ached mer--
t this ye4r.
1011.10 11S e
fnts Spring
:e 1904,
price nom
as to select froom
r Draping.
hoioe stock
b0 the fact
'or this dis-
tillation to
hing that's
d Thursday after -
triage. The subje.ct
be ° Work amongst.
usaat, a hearty me.
catred on friends in
h Connor, wee the
the eneeting of the
Eld Friday evening,
and Charles Tref-
[s 'tear Orand Ben&
iss Mabel Steele is
&wood this week, -
ho had hie foot in -
few weeks „ago. Is
otrt the best .rtna of
..rder of the day sa
sthes for 3. -du moor
-csr garret. -
tent Sueday at her
he doctor's care. -
rove sowed a little -
not be general for
:11urdaelt, of
t the home of
3.irirtg- the week. -
spent a few- days
week wit h her
.n. -Mr. Ernanuei
!,turned loetroite
f the lith ponces..-
hittler„ who for
3 has had charge,
harness making de-
ad to retire from
account of ilIhealth,
t: to California.
.try young menet-ell
active worker in
Alliance and Sun-
tais fo his depart-.
n-rited with a gold:
by the niernbere of
'eft for Buffalo thia
ithdtzto a few days
Rene of (toile rich,
te London tide
illnets of her
:evading the Gast
r• 41 friend.t here
a for the sum of
ttirtt hor.4. Le arm
r: perking factorY
ee in Clinton on
' Mr. Percy Jef-
hs'e About 4/
..rrx 1.(= rirrveii With
%tied in ;the
1, eery ;sad
McLEAN BROBis Publisher.
$l a Yearn Advancee
Clothing I
No need for Tie to preach tc the mothers of boys re-
garding the boys' Opinis to attention at this season, in the,
f l +hes Most every boy must have a new outfit
for Spring and Suloraer days: 4
Knowing thie-t4 be tl case, and our good luck to
gather in one of the largest stocks of boys' wear at the
sroalle4st prides ev0 known to the Irade, enables us to offer
to mothers all the iSpring wearables for the boys at big •
else sale Prices *Ill continue while the goods last. Note
Boys' piece plahi :Stilts (tweed), sizee 22 to
30 -
Boys' two- piece AUcked pleats suits, sizes
22 to 30
Boys' two piece 14-tfirfolk jac)let suit (tweed),
sizes 22 to qoi
4-, two :piece Norfolk jacket suit, fancy
tweed,. sizek 22 to 30
" two piecelNbrfolk jacket suit, fancy
'cif, three pieee striped and checked
tweed suitg,:sizes 27 to 33
three piece4 fancy tweed and. worsted
3 and 4 *be, sailor collar,and fancy
vestees and., yolk snits, size; 21 to 28
two piece agorfOlk jacket suits fle
blue serge, 4izes 22' to 28,
two piece iNorfok jacket, fine blue
worsted suAsi sizes 28 to 33
oaa anickeii good wool and worsted
odd knickergi cotton- -
sweaters, finest assortment of tolors.
-2 -union
sweaters, fancy patterns in, wool
caps in fin6 blue beaver
belts, wh#ezi black and brown
shirts, fancy pattern; flannelette, soft
collar ;
shirts, soft and stiffifmnts
shirts in fancy stripes, strongest material
stockings cotton; ribbed
stookings in: worsted, ribbed
collars, turn down and with wing
collars, stand up and turn down styles
ties in all the leading styles
ra,incoats, 'waterproof rubber
raincoats, 4ravenette
hats, black. and brown
2 00
2 50
New Doctors of Divinity.
At the closing exercises of Knox
College, Toronto, hold lest week, a-
mong those selected by the Senate a.
that institution to be honored by
dandy silk hat, and will be one of
the first to reale up and congratulate
him if the caloevd is mot too big. And
if he fails, I will tell. him where he
awn buy a colt 34 month,s old, (I make
this plain,) sired by '' Prince a Iturl-
the 'degree of Doctor of Divi,nity I ford" that has already won first
were two Reverend gentlemen who
are tw-ell known in this 'county, viz:
Rev. Ijohn Ross, B. A„ of Brussels,
,of tTc‘ronto.
'John Bass is a native Cana-
dian and -was been smar Fergus, Ont,
sv.hdre the received hie early educe -
bon. He Stook a. brilliant mouree io
,philoseplay tin the TJniversity of To-
ronto, under ethe tete Professor
Young, and. was regarded as the first
roan of -his year in Knox College.
Graduating from Knox College in
1879 he 'served acceptably us assiet-
ant itect the late Dr. Topp in Knox
church', Torento, and was called
from thence to Brussels, where he
,has 'ministered ever since, having
ettnapleted his quarter century of
tservice. The onion of the two F'res-
byteriatn 'churches in that town was
consummated about ten ,years ta.go.
The Ministry- of Dr. Ross has always
been characterized by earnestness,
sanity and dignity, end he has had
the joy of seeing the memlaership in-
crease (from 116 to 450, The retie -rut
a Dr. Ross freni Toronto was made
the occasion of happy gathering
in Melville 'church, BrutsseLs, on
Monday evening of last week. In
the presence of a large audience Dr..
Ross wee presented with a congrat.
panied by a handsome milk pulpit
'gown. After 25 years of faitheul
serviae Mr. Bois and his congrege-
titsn seem to. be more firmly united
in dove and esteem than they ever
were before.
Rev. :T. A. Turnbull is a native 'of
the tesenehip of Usbortte, and be-
longed to a 'class in the Clinton high
;school, Many of whom have risen to
places lof distinction. Matriculating
2 75 40 the University Toronto with
high shonore in 1874 his. whole 'col-
lege !career was sone of distinction.
• it 00 He was medalist in natneal aciences
and maintained a high position int
Ids theological course in Knox Col-
lege, graduating in 1881. lie went
the Toronto 'University, and began
his Ministerial work .as aseistant
Revr Dr. Pre in Gaderich. He gave
excellent senvice as minister of the
First Chuech,' St. Marys, and in 1891
WM (Called to West Presbyterian
-Church, Toronto, where in "down
town " situation Ise has succeeded
thuilding up one of. the strongest A,
comgregationts in the eity. Ile 'has
always been a loyal eon of Knox
College and for several years has
been the ehairnaan of the Board of
About, hat, Big Horse.
Dear Expositer,-In tegard to the
.article I Inaticed_in your issue 9f the
7th: hist entitled, The Horse *Ques-
tion," 1 think it would have been
more a0propriate had it 'read, "
Old Blast from an .01d Horn," but
that is inpnaterial. Now, sir, Imust
say that I am mot 'easily amused
but that article thoroughly aisiused
me. ffor the 13rucefield item was on-
ly a small sample package -thrown
out ut random. I knew some one in
the South, who thought the bad a big
horse, would swallow it, and so it
happened that Mr. T. J. Berry was
the mon. Now,I knew that was a
powerful em,etic and so it proved, es
it ;caused him to throw off a mass of
indigigestible matter.
I might ,state jnet here that I. /never 'seen either of those big
horses, but I knew that ,Mr. Berry
al-wayts had a big horse,or be thought
he had. In teference to the ages of
these Dolts he attempts to give an
unintelligent explanation of them
to lain intelligent public, 'thereby
showing his.presumption. He .also at-
tempto to throw dirt an me and
thereby :besmears himself in such a
manner that he won't get it off this
soaring, if ever. Then 'he tries to re-
lieve 'himself by the plaraae " rising
in the spring," but before I finish
this article I wdll.give Mr. Berry a " rise in the fall."
• Mr. !Berry mentions high prices in
connection twith those colts. Now.
sir, there was no price mentioned and
only twa of those colts had changed
hands at that time. I suppose he
is eo uSed Ito quoting high prices,
real lor imaginary, that .be thought
it !should be there.
He states that "Prince Of Hurl -
ran years. Correct, and he is still
doing an al business -at the old stand
and I will give you an instange of
-pow a is done. I met one of our old
bations the other day. He said, " I
have another foal five days old from
Hartford, and when you write the
Jnaii in the South with the big horse
Fou aan tell him that $100 won't
Ie regard to thoee three men be
mentions .with good colts, I know
thein 'all, and the 'only 'surprise .see
in his statement, is tbat flley have
not been offered more mon,ey,as they
always keep the best manes that
money- cap procure.
I MUSt say that that paragraph
about " Gartly Gold '' reads very
-nice if. true, but I must admit it
looks slightly distorted. I exclaim,
werily 'truth is stranger than fiction
for if this borse was drawing the
money in Scotland Mr. Berry says be
was, and as I harve heard he intends
tot atand him at $15 here, must say
he is not the financier I took him to
be, for I can assure him he will get
3 50
3 25
5c to 1 25
Bring the Boys to the big store, where
will find a big stock, big assortment,
and at, little prices.
2 50
4 25
There is not it store in the Province of Ontario more
thoroughly equipOed with all your requirements for Spring
wear, than is our Aore at the present'writing. To see the
best ot everythind in
Suits Rincoats Hats Shirts'
Ties Oollars Work ShitAs
Work Pants, Smocks .,etc.
...ou 11 be a visitor and a buyer at our store.
reig & Stewart
Johnson Bros.' Old Stand,
I Arlie' Lendon tin *the draft cities
-tuaid he can be bought for $800.00 and.
lif she can buy lira for any less,
Oat ;presen:t th,an he ever gave to any
tof this patrons, and be can stand_ him
at £3, and. it -won't coet him anything
for printer's ink, as his 'sire will do
the edvertising.
I, Now, Sir, when I consider the good
udgnient of Vile Berry, in iregatrd to
or,se weights, I don't for a mom-
ent think he has eny reference to
Prince of Hurlford" when be men-
tiions the sixteen or ,sevetrteen hun-
rted pound horse. Hoping to bear
a new blast from the old born, re -
Main the defender of the. horse that April 6th. The contrasting pa.rties
and see our new selection of Wall. Pepers.
outclasoes anything we have ever at-
tempted, either in low or better grades.
Many fine patterns are so beautifully color.
ed Vast they are at once an interest to the
critic!, and -will be a continued delight to
the purcheher. Abg, our moderate prices
will enable you te decorate the home ati
small expense with varied yet harmonious
effects, and thus add to the pleasure of liv-
ing in It.
Pieture framing a Specialty
eires .the good ones.
Yours truly,
The Parliaments.
were, arliss Lottie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh MoBurney, and Mr.
Robert Scott.
-Piper D. E. lYfoDonald, nf Wing -
ham attended the golden svedding
anni:versary of Mr. and Mrs. Stew -
The Autonomy Bills etill hold the art, sneer Mode,sworth, last week. The
"big gime have all Apolicen, and every- hatre resided oni the same farm. The
farte at Ottawa, but (now .that the bride sand groom of fifty yeaes ago
thing new that oan be said has been bridesmaid of ',fifty years ago waa
said, the discurion is dead,. dead. So
1 . pre -sent on this' happy occasion.
much lad. is this the case that it is _Dlr. iGeorge burry, of Nile, hos
hard 'to *keep a quorum of members som thifi farm to Mr, W. MeNee far
in the House. A few evenings ago, $1,180; Mr MeNee gete posseseion in
Whon an Opposition member was the Tall. 'Mr., Currey has since
making his best points a mem- bought the Groins:nett presperty in
bier called the attention •af the the same neighborhood, paying in the
Speaker tot the fact What there Wne , neighborhood of $1,000.
not a quorum present. At the time . J. A. MeGregor, editor of
there were only ten membere present ' the Thamesford Star, and son of Mr.
on the Opposition side, one of whom' D. iMoGregor, of Wingham, was mar -
was ,sound asleep, and still fewer on ried Oast week, to Miss Bell M.,
the 'Government benches, but. the daughter of Mr. Hoig, of Kinloss,
Whips nootured the smoking and read- Bruce eounty. There Wen& 120 guests
ing rooms, and about a score of present, sand among the presents to
Government Supporters and a couple . the bride was a souvenir, which was
of Opposition members °wide in. given ita the groom by the bride's
Speaking under such circumstances, grandmother, ovdr twenty years ago.
even on so hot a theme as theechool I -The sGoderitch Star of last week
qnestion, must be a chilling buei- says: It docks as if those who bet
nests. It is expected the division on that trains would be running over
tie eeeond reading of th,e Autonomy . the C. P. R. to Toronto from Gode-
B 11 will take place early in May. BY . rich the coming fall, will be losers,
t at time the new !Minister of the as the immense quantity of earth
I teriche Mr. Oliver, will be back hi to 'move, abutments for bridges to be
t e H,allse. The probabilities snow • built, 1-a,ying of traoks and building
ar 'that he will be elected by accla- fences are much too heavy jobs to
m tion. Thee House adjourned on dbe scompleted inside of six months.
dne.sday for the Easter holidays,' _Harry tKirkby, of Morris, who
and will not -re -assemble until next was e student at the thetaria Veter-
Tnesday. That August body, the Sen- inary College, paseed his Printery ex -
la t meek until the Ord of May. leeses
at;, having nothing to do, adjourned ; amination. Ile took honors in Dis-
and Treatment, Physiology,
—. I Ch,emistry and Materia Modica. This
There is a good deal,of private leg- is !certainly a good showing, especi-
islation before the Ontario Legisla- ally toensidering the fact that Mr.
tute, but es yet %Ile Government Kirkby went direct from the farm,
have not introduced any of- their where be had been working hard, and
measure*. The budget discussian is !jut tot school „for years.
atilt in progress, but, as the Govern- 1 -A well known and highly re-
nt 'shave little itcodefend and the epected resident of Aelifield hen pas -
The Largest Cliithing and Fur Store in Western Ontario
Reduced Rates to Coast Points
Commeneirg Marsh lab, and daily until May 15th inclusive, tapeolal one way second
alma colonist rates, via C. F. R., to Vancouver, B. C.; Victoria, B. 0.; Westminster,
E. 04 Seattle, Waah.; Tacoma, Wash.: Portland, Oregon, from SEAFORTII, $43.05.
Stop -overs will be allowed going and coming. For books awl information and tiokets,
apply to
'esthete. little to 'attack, the de -
e is coMparatively lifeless. The
hers are taking a breathing spell
on Thursday adjourned until a
k from next Tuesday. Thse Prem.
tannounced that by that time 'the
ernment hopes to haye something
e for legislators to do. In the
me n time, being new to the busi-
ness, and much of the time since the
session opened, being taken up with
me ting and hearing deputations on
g eat variety of subjects, they 'have
nb been able to do much in the way
pr entation/ to Parliament. Mr. Bruce Bessenberry, son of Mr. Hy.
Gainey has given notice of a motion Bcosenberry, of Grand Bend. The
'which, when it comes up will likely happy young !couple left for a short
ratee a little breeze. His motion is wedding strip. We join with Mr. and
to Strike from the 'records of Ithe Mrs. Bossenberry's many frlends in
Legislature the report of the corn- wishing them a happy and prosper -
,tion, and the motion aensuring Ga- 1 -The .superintendent of stations,
mey, which' VMS passed -during the F. C. Elford, Ottawa, was Holmes -
Ste ttan-Gamey episode. If Mr. Ga- ville 'recently disposing of the bal-
me makes his motion it will likely aline of bis household furniture,
be learried, as most of the Govern-, horses, harness and rigs, also in -
meet Gide will support it. Ile may- gtrueting •the new manager in regard
fro the recorde of the Legislature, tion. Ile is of the ,opinion. that the
to the workings of the poultry sta-
crane the reports and the motion
sed away an the person of Ken-
neth McKenzie, postmaster at Loth-
ian, twho died after an operation in
the !hospital at Detroit. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie shad been postmaster at Loth-
ian since the opening of the office
- there and was well known in the
northern part of the counti. He
, learns a widow and several children.
: -On Wednesday of last eveek
happy event took Place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Taylor, of
the Bauble line, Hay, When their
third. eldest datighter, Miss Myrtle,
was united ite marriage to Mr.
no premium here. Mr.Bertry's hoesee
always appear ta be great prize
winners egress the sea, but my mem-
Dry does not recall a single instance
-where he has won a sulostantialpnize
at any of our leading fairs with, a
Clyde horse owned and exhibited by
him. On the other hand "Prince of
Hurlford." was a winner twice in
sudeepstakes as the best Clydesdale
0. P. R. ticket, Telegraph and Dorainion Exposs Agents,
ry eiell take "Garty Golds" to those
but he will not obliterate thera
from the memories of the people.
Huron Notes.
-iThe young people of DashWood
have formed a lawn tennis Club.
buildings will be enlarged so as to
accommodate the keeping of aix bun-
dred hens, instead of tsvo hundred as
at. present.
_Annie Henderson, wife of Mr.D.
B. Andersen, of the Bluevale road,
't-tIJohn Sheehan an old resident of died at the home of her father, Mr.
Goderich died recently at Memphis, Thomas Henderson, Wingham,
TC13111., after an illness of several Friday, April ith. Deceased bad
_snohn Dunn, of the Huron road,,
neat Goderich, had two fingers taken
off bis left hand last week by a saw
in the planing mill.
land -Mrs. George Achemon, of
Goderioh, *have returned to that.
town rafter spending the winter in
--Mr. R. Henry, who bas bought
theitkinell farm in Hullett, has rent-
ed his eighty wore farm on the lath
concession to Mr. Id. Johnston.
the county judge. In the
the bill a costs is .piling u
quite apparent that only
yer,s twill profit by the n
tangle and the longer it
the better for picking. 0
subsoribers, !Only 108 hove not paid. ed$247,504 for missionary purposes.
-As Mrs. Arthur Cowin
was pulling deem a min
on !Sunday of last week,
struok a needle which
stunk in the window fra
needle penetrated to the
broke toff aud the isurgeon
-There are now 25 the
laws in fiance in Grey
The Clark draine pays its la
resent fin 1905. While la.rg
of money bee been expended
age, tted more is to be app
Grey thownship owes much
good done by the marrying
tried by has iEeen verb ill and has been a
meantime great auff-erer, the great mental as
and it is well says physical strain telling on her.
the law- ---ff."`.-._
f Clinton N. Y., accepted a call to St. Peter's
ow blind Luther.= Church, Berlin, in success -
her arra ion to the late Rev. Mr. Von Pireh.
e. The -Henry Bankis, 83 years of age,
bad been .
was butted by a ram in the yard
of his son-in-law, Alex. Bennett, of
hene and.
ty, and was eo seriously injured. that
be died a few hours after. '
nage by- -The factory of J. B. Gateman &
°.twill3hiP* Go, pearl button Manufacturers, et
' a5Pesi- Berlin was partially destroosed by
amount • nee, eausea by on overhea.ted stove
on drain- on. Monday morning. The loss iS
oPriated, placed at between $3,000 and $4,000.
to the . -Gordon C. Flemming, who is ue-
the &surplus water. No sma portion Central Prieon for obtaining money
of the work is to be done y t beforel from a Windsor ineechant on a
all the drainage schenaes
re tom- worthless cheque, although only 22
years of age, Yeas three wives.
hitt came _ass an instanee of the high' price
from the south of Eng and. Isst of +horses in Ontario just now, a Bee --
spring 'and worked all sum eteefitth ery ;stook wan sold. in London, last
Graham Brothere, of Stanley, -Ts so week, by auction, and eleven horses
g bring- age for horsos of that sclass.
; ors .zontinue to occupy considerable
Clinton, space in the Ontario Gazette. teat
nem Mr. week's issue -contains the .0ames
Purchase eighteen new officials, the naMeS
ful in piecing the majority of them
ekes his in positions without mach delay.
Mrth B- The farmers throughout the eauteatcyt
das 86th are ,demanding a large number of
Sth. Mr. hands, and they are offering $10 to
earty fon $20 a month with board and washing
spending the winter an la
place he returned this epri
-Mr. John Torrance, o
has bought ninety agree
-Arthur Couch. Part of the
is tin the river flats so that
ranee twill have quite an
mestureage. When ' he
present place -some three .
it nensisted of about fifty
he ihas been adding to it tent
has 160 acres.
-Mr. ff. Fishleigli, who
home twith bis daughter
Gerry, Brussels, celebrated.
bithday oti Saturday, April
indimations of the earthly
beginning to loiter are evi
-Messrs. Peter Lamont
Fritz, of Zurich have purch
3. and A. Bawden, Exeter,
which !they paid a han
Natelay. Grant is grey in
was raised by Woodho
-Mr.. sand Mrs. Joseph Ra
Drysdale have the educe
pathy of their many fnien
sad bereavement whith ha
them. On Sunday morning
their eight year old eon pa
the Klause of death being it
tory rheumatism followed
tack of bronchitis. -The
was of a bright dispositi
be much missed by the to
-Mr. Fred ICiabfleisch
cha.sed the 75 acre farm
the village of Zurich from
Vollandtior the eum of $4,
Kalbfleisch will get pos
the first of October.
been a sufferer fox nearly three
years with consumption and for
many 'monthss had been living with
her parents. , Andersen, Who
had lived nearly tat ler life neer
frieuds and her death: art her 35th
year is very much regretted. A hus-
band. and throe children survive.
-It is said that the late Mr. Me -
Gill, of Stanley, left no less thee
three wills,and the executors,Meesrs.
W. 'Graham and Mcdtlaughton,
-tehne,DiaroeheprrteypaOrringganteCompany, of aro !not quite tsure that they heve
rebuild the got them all yet, but eo far as
of their factory which was de- known, one executed in 1904 ls sup-
yed by fire last winter; posed Ito be the final one. IP leaves
ohn -Wright, oftBrussels, has an an estate worth nearly $20,000, the
ngten. Pullet, ten months old, bulk of which! is said to go to his
is making a record in * laying brother's family near St. Tiatoraas.
Special settlerii' trains will be run by the C. P. R. to Manitpba and the North two fains next fall and bring back
durlog March arid April, leasting Toronto at 9 p.
A bequest of $2,000 is made tosvards
r. tit. 3. Miller, of the 2nd .con- the iehuroh to which the.originally be -
thy property, iT1 Clinton, for -The Clinton Nesv Eta of last
0, and intends removing to that week' says: Mrs. Worthington ae-
Ito reside. ceieed vord of the marriage of her
r. /Daniel Kernick, formerly of fourth .deighter, Isabel, whieli took
rne, was married last -week, to plane et Tela, Honduras, on the 7th
Mr's Martha Brewer, of Exeter. of Morels. The wedding was attend-
13ot the bride and groom -are over ed by over two hundred guests, and
seve ty years of age. ot was 'held. at the home of Mr. Bided,
_iefter a few steeks illnevs,Adarn general :manager of a large planta -
N. 1Hutchison passed' away at his tion. The groom was Mr. Frank
home sin Howick, in his 77th year. Morris, a. natine of Vernaont. Miss
Mr. IiIlutchison was one of the pion- Worthington was given away by Dr.
deer r4esi exits of Howick and was held Brand, of Detroit, who had aecom-
in. thigh'esteena by a large eircle of ponied ber south in the capacity of
neighbors and friends. He had been guardian.
suffering with pneunaonia. -The Clinton News -Record says:
-tight ear loads of roalt elm " Forty-five suits against as many
square timber will shortly be ship- I shareholders in the Cold Storage
ped crom Clinton 'station to Quebec', ' Company were lentered for trial at
and an addition nine &rloads will be 1 the session of the Division Court,
ahipped from Blyth end Londesboro. held in Clinton laat -week, so there
The iStuyerts are the well known firm I Was a larger tette-ride/lee than has
of ;Mains and Poire, both experts in , been seen at the 'court for several
square timber. I years. The motions were for non-
-One. day last week as John F. payment of the call made for the
Dale,I Of Hullett was driving in Clin- purpose tof winding up the Company.
ten lepposite the Molson's bank his NO decision Was given, it being sue-
horee tell and was dead almost be- tessfully contended that they wore
tore !Mr. Dale 'could gef out of the out a jurisdiction. Forty of the
buggy. It was worth about $100. motions rahould have 'been tried at
- toetty ceremony was Blyth, the remainder at Seaforth and
!certain to otempetent men. ..
enement -Fire ae Sunday destroyed the-
ca. barn and sheds belonging to Mr.
led Chas. Gektrge Brooks, a, farmer; residing On
eed trona lot seventeen, zonceseion 30oven Hurt
he entire an township, three miles north of
ant," for Ripley. So far had. the blaze ad -
e -figure. vonced before it was discovered that
lor and. only two horses were sassed from O.
Bros., destruction. The entire /remaining
stoek, numbering twenty-six he,ati. of
,saf near cattle, three horsetiand, all the horni-
est 'win- ing. implemeets, together with =may *
s in the tons of hay' and a quantity of feed.
befallen were oonsumed. Less 'estimated at
sed away -Work has conameneed with -much
flammes- attivity on the fine new cow barn
y an at- S. Price and Sens, Findale, Ont., on
little lad their big dairy farm. The wane ilta%'''' .
and Will bo be constructed of gikiss, afford- .
ing pat- ing an .abundance of light, and* a
las pier- tle. It will atcomodate ane hundred.
adjoining cows abd will be paved threughout
n. Henry with cement. No feed whatever *will
00. Mr. be contained in the barn, it being
ssion on mixed in an a-djoining building and
c intends chrried on ears to the cows. It is
moving this flax and- saw mills from the intention of the firm to send to
the 11.4th concession onto the preper- Toronto daily a speed:all:Y. tertified
ty next fall. 31/Ir. Volland, who lives milk far infants and. invalids, whieb,
on the farm at present wil move on- no- doubt, will maoh exceed the or -
to this farm at _the Brous° line. 1 dinary milk in price.
-One evening recently he young I -Mr. ,Alfred McDougall died on
haine of Mr. D. Steinbach ' honor of had been very feeble and iconfined to
Misses Beatrice and Am and Mr. his meant for about 4. year, suffering
Garnet Steinbach. It as a fare,- from a general break-uP of the sYt-
well party mad ,the yettng ople took tem and heart disease. He was a
this plan of showfhg t iT esteem brother of Hon. William McDougall.
for the Missei and Mr. Steinbaoh. The deceased -wag a barrister by pre -
A !suitably worded addres was read fession and practiced far many years
in Toronto until he was appointed
solicitor for the succession duties -
brooch land Mr. Garnet w th a toilet
.11 a wiush position he retired a little
cot. Miss Beatrice rep -a
few well elrossen wor
thoee 'present for the kin
them. The remainder o
ing was pleasantly spen
and !other amusements.
of iBlyth, have tsold the
rights to °manufacture
versal 'combined. cutting
Co., of Hamilton. Mess
Martin Blehmond were
reeently, and completed
In addition tp the 'sale,
Richmond secures a g
with Ow 'company to eu
manufaeture of. these
will take up his residen
bitieuts !city at once.
combined nutting and t treshing ma-
chine is considered to th ve no equal
for threshing purpose , and the
Messrs. Riehmon.1 are t be congrat-
ulated Ripon their goo duck.
t thanking ever two years ago, ills 'retirement
ness shown , was due to misappropriation of funda
in -games : were pending against him in the
, undee his tare, and aeveral charges
thel even- I' courts, but 001.1Ia alot be brought to
atents ar:cir of 'health*
their uni- inured at Winnipeg about 1 o'clock
a;iedrlfharLseli; Saturday afternoon when Main
Street is most crowded. It appears
12. t I ih0eaht r in idilatol.
' Dingwall Company's shop, and, al -
that about this time a. large num-
ber of customers eame into the D. R.
Mr. Martin
d position
ent,tney eould not attend to all the
though. there were Sour clerks pres-
erintend the patrons. About 15 minutes after the
achines, and crowd had diminished in the shop one
ill tili6 alli- of the assistant:4 went to the ring
he universal showing ease near the window and
was astonished that a tray of wain-.
case in queation ss'0.3 being repaired,
and bad. had a temporary door -plac-
ed on it near the window, pending a
permanent glass _slide, and. it WAS
1 a'Oeident, With diamonds mostly, and ranging
threugh this opening the thief skill-
fully slipped the tray. The contenta
consisted of ,a dozen fine rings, eet
while sitting value 'being about $3,000.
e serious. Ile in value from $100 ta $700, the total
ie butt of his -A Frenehman named Alexander
oot, with the Detneeee -,
s of Penetanguishene, has
his. StA3_, ma, 6b, • ,aanfeseed to the killing of his wife
his toot to Margaret DeRreches, and his step-
daughter, Annie Prestifie, a girl aged
about 14 years. The terrible orime
was looramitted at their home op
Thursday evening of last week. Des-
roehes Bays be end the, woman bad
eeme croes words and as he had an
axe in. his hand he struck her on the
in the breast daughter corning in from church at
-One morning recen ly, a 15 year
old- son of Mt. Otter neon, of the
Huron 'road, Goderich ownship, had
might 'have been a fa
and 'which may seet pro
was tout shooting, and
on a boulder, resting t
22 lealibre rifle On his
muzzle 'leaning against
The trifle elipped fron
the greund, and although it was not
cocked, it went off,. e bullet pas -
sting upward, 'through the liver and
lodgiog in the breast one. He was
sololle, three quarters of a mile
. from bome, and he was so weak from
the floss of blood. the it took him
five hears remelting t ere. Medical
aid was at ,013/00 sum
'bullet is still lodged
bone, though no tro
pated from it.
-One morning recen
fortunate areident ha
daughter tof James an Mrs. Hall, of she was on the Around, and, not be -
the fith line of Morn.. She was ha ing ware of their being dead, took'
the ;bush engaged boi ing sap into his jaekkaale out of his pocket and
maple eugar, and w s lifting the stabbed both victims in the eeck.
kettle toff the fire w en the flames Ile.theai etripped the,rn of their zlotb-
caught her clothrrag, and in a few Mg and. three-- them dewn into the
seconds she was enve oped in fire. ; hole :under the floor and took the
Miss Hall wee alone, b t fought ber- ! clothes to wipe the floor. After tnis
oieally 'for her life, retuning for I he took his' gun and left the houee
help at the same ti t 'would end started for Midland The man
, a duplicate of Hurlford's winnings performed at Belgrave m.a1:160, by Godertole The !lawyer foi. the 0131, -
Smillie Bros. will treat him to a Rev, 3. A. Hostig, en Wednesday, pany will apply to ,the Higli Court
ly 731-05t 1133,-
1 Miss Maggie
this natunent, he struek her with the
axe a,nd breke the handle. He then
took the other axe whioh was lyieg
alma by, and struck her again,while
probably %aye .SUCeun lsed had not has been arrested and will be ri•
the neighboring bush
help. The tbalance of
clothing was speedil
lady twee sertously bu
Cutehe.on gave Miss
te get horae with,
was sought. Sinee
n,,whe was in for las terrible erune.
the burning who, the following day, not seeing
not Ibefore the unfortunate young thevictims, wont 0,7.43T to at and see-
ned. Mes. Me- g bloody clothes lying about
all a garment he gave the alarm. The murderer
d medical aid made a full confession to the auth-
n the patient Mos as seon as he was arreaed,