HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 8-
• 4111EILE
aJ relic
Ideal Pield Fencing
Is this season much reduced
in price Farmers, get eur
prices before buying any,
other kind of fence -all No.
9 hard steel wire. Sold by
-e Hard*are, Stoves and pm).
E. 13. mail, M. P. T. G. BROUGH,
President General Manager
Capital, Fully Paid Up -$33000,000.00
Reserve Fund and un-
divided Profits 8,634,000
Deposits by Public $29,700,aao
Total Assets 10 39,226,000
Every faeility for the transacting of a
'emend booking bushel's.
Colleotions mede on au points in Canada
end abroad -
Advances made to Flamers. Spada' ,at -
elution paid to the collection of Bak Notes.
Intermit allowed from date of await. 4
Deposits of $1.00 n1 upward i received,
said inteReit paid or added to 4000012O June
ofith and December 3.tat.
E, O. Lauf., itoltoltor
Platibs. Organs,.
Sewing Machines‘
and Gramaphones.
Sold tSn the Easy Payment Plait
We, keep a largo stook of the
best makes on hand. This kook
is hoeght, for oath and is sold °heap,
AU intending purcbseere should
Cofl befete buying. • • •
C. It Baldwin & Co.,
James Watson,
uccessor to W, N1 Watson
tlettoroi Vim 141. and Amidat Insur-
ante Ogtont, Boat Betide- end LOOM Axons),
Peeler in ilrot,clael Willy and Marmite.
taring Olowlog *whips and Crown Soper -
*tor*, vie, t
No* ti*yroorld and White Sewing
Moabite/ and National Cream tier
motor In three oleo
Also earbto re/whine nondlos, oil, siteohi
ironeserspeirs end stiedries for ail kindo of
*owing ruteldnes, ' :Prices righb snd mei
ealtion folly guerentood,
Ammo Arcot, it dolor in itowlog Michel
end Aleyultos Not* Mein Met^ Mosferth.
A Famous School
It pays to get Vrate1es1 Eduestion and
it Pays to get it in this nohoole We can
do MORS- for our graduates than any other
Business College in the Province,
Uommerolai Schools employ oolograd-
uates as teachers, they know that the
trebling given in thie institution is the
beet. Enter now. Write for • free data -
o ue.
LLIOTT & MoLACHLAN, Prinoipala
"When You
Buy jewelry
You mast take your dealer's word
for sr good deal. Most people are
not expert* in gems. ;You eau rely
on what we say about any article in
our stock, and we have now in our
new Spring stook. You are welcome
to Ieok around.
John Bulger,
di to
- Seaforth
with reasonable prices
ere guarantee superior-
ity of qualitlea. No
where else is it pos.
*joie to obtain bet-
33.E.1:7 G -S
It h by strictly main-
taining the purity and
strength of these that
we hope to make you
41rur friends.
anteed standard
strength, 55o a pound.
Insect Powder, 500
S pound.
Pure fresh helleboi
titio a lb.
Bluestone, 10o a 11.
Giouber Salts, 8 lbs.
-for 25o.
Our Own Condition
Powders, 25e a lb.
We want your trade.
We do not substitute,
you get what you ask
Wedding Bells. The home of Mr.
end Mrs. James Weir, of this toWn,
WaS the scene of an luterestingeoent
on Wednesday, the oocasion being
tthe marriage el their eldest daugh-
ter, Florence, to Mr. Charles H.,
Brotidfoot, o Brussels'and son of'
Mrs, J. H. Broadloot, Sitaforth. The
oeremony was performed at one ot-
clock by Rev. F. II. ,,Larkin, pastor
of tthe Presbyterian ciao:rah, and was
witnessed by eniy a few intimate
relatives end friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Broadfoot deft on the afternoon train
on a trip east. On their 'return
they twill make their home in Brits.
eels, Where Mr. Broadfoot is engage
ed in business. The youieg pouple
have merty friends, w.leo will unite
with The Expositor in eongratuld-
ttons land best wiehes.
/ 0••••••••0.............., ...-.............agemel.
He Still Lives. -We 'have received
the.following "Challenge" from our
old and esteemed friend, Mr. Jacob
McGee, formerly of Egmondetille.
" Who will treed on the tail of me
coat." He says: "There is a retire4
farmer living on the first teoneession
the great Napoleon Bonaparte, who
claims to be contemporary 'with five
reigning IVIona.richs and 15 Prime
Ministers of England, and also with
the great Napoleon Ponapopartetwho
would be pleased to hove a friendly
toontest in spelling and writing with
:any retired farmer in the 'county of
'Bruce or Huron, for, abag of flour
to be given to same poor persons. He
will give ten years advent, ge to 'his
'opponent. Address - Ja.oIi MoGee,
Luoknow P. O." We b lieve Mr,
Robert Armstrong, at iresent of
Seaforth; would be safe in except-
ing this ichallenge.
Me Band. -' The 33rd regiment
band, Of tilde town, has been re -or-
ganized, and all the old members
are !new beek Vito line, eio- treat there
is tnow a membership .of eighteen.
The former officers still hold office,
with the exception, that Mr. W. Page
has been appointed earPoral inateed
Of Mr. George Olivier, Who has left
town. 'Instead nf making the eUS-
tomary ' serenade of each store, on
Tuesday evening the bard will march
down INTAin street to the railway
station find return, and t'he members
of •the bend would be plea.sed to hove
the imerehante twoopt this hint, end
the eecretary, Mr. Milan Cletee, will
be !pleased- to thaw a. call inom those
wilio hove financial gifts for the
bend. A liberal response is asit0d,
as it requires 'eonsiderable meney to
keep the nand up, and, as the mem-
bers give 'their time and elaiente
gratis, they are leertatnly entitled
, to Wile liberal ,support of the citizens
._-.........................._ i
IMasotelo Night. -We inadv ertently
omitted tut week to make men-
tion of a very plettetint , meeting
'of liriteemitt, Memento Lodge, hold in
elm lodge room OD 010 evening of
lYkonday, Vile ard lust, It was the
ocoamion of an official visit by Dis-
trict Deputy Grand Master Malcolm
of Stratford, There wan a good wt.,
tendatree of members, The work of
Vim third degree waa exemplified by
Wortiblpftel VisiStor Ter. Cooper, am-
11114tod :by the .officere of the lodge,
The Dintrict Deputy Very highly
co inn 1 I Knee tett Woreitipful Master
Coupe r , bin b r 0 titer of f leers a fiel the
Atilltlboto of tte lodge on 1, 1m wery
laerreet and effielent manner in
witiolt the work W4141 porfortned end
Itleo 011 Ole eorreet work ef the
lodge in general, Tile brothren
then repitired from 'oboe to refresh -
intuit, A dainty Noon wen monied
in the repopttoir room and a inotit
pheasant Kiehl) bour was spent, Title
wee the find visit of the Dietriet
Depute to 13ritannia and the pleas.
U EOM of the Vii41t were mutual, the
offleer being pleased wit% the eft1.
eleney of trite lodge and the 'menthol%
were delighted with the eourtootiit
and gelltal Dietriet Deputy.
Jtigent foi Prof. Dyke's "011 of Pines,"
and Cook'Cotton Root Compoutid,
The 0ounc1i.-Tbe regular meeting
of the town council WAS held on
Monday evening last. Aecounte to
the amount of $340.86 were passed.
The following applieations- were re-
oeived for the position of clerk and
treasurer: Johreiltankin, 3. A. Wil-
son, H. J. Panels/Ltd, W. Ilartry and
L. L. lYfataul. Mr. Rankin was, on
motion, eppeinired and a by-law eon -
firming hie appointment was put
through the regular tkagee. Mr.
Rankin assumes his duties on the
fitst of May. The salary is $400,
which, with perquisites, will aiver-
age about $450. Permission was giv-
en to Dr. H. H. Ross, .74 C. Greig
and the Bank of Commence to tap
the water mains, subject to the pro-
visions of the by-law. Theelerk vs-ae
instructed to advertise for tenders
for street watering, tenders to be
received by the Lst of May. The clerk
was also instrueted to advertise for
tendera for the'extension of the sew-
er on Birch, ;street, a distance of 140
feet, tenders to be in by the 1st of
May. Mr, Campbell, Prorincial Road
Commissioner, is to be invited to
visit Seaforth at his earliest conven-
ience in order ' to confer ' with the
-council regarding the best manner
of improving the town streets. The
clerk WAS authorized to advertise
town debentores to the amount of
$4,000 for •sale. The mayor was in-
structed to call a public meeting in
the town hall on the evening of Mon-
day, April 17th, to discus the elec-
tric light by-law and that Mayor
Bell, of Wingham, and Mayor Hen-
dry, -of Kincardine, be invited to ad-
dress the meeting. The council ad-
journed to meet at the eall of the
The Beaver Minstrels at Godertah.
-The Goderioh Signal of last week
says:. "The Beaver Lecrosse Club
Minstrels. of Seaforth, were_greet-
ed day a large audien,ce at the Opera
nouse on Tuesday evening. The en-
tertainment was an excellent arie
and, consi ering the fact that the
erformer._ were pecirly all amat-
eurs, was highly creditable to tbe
talent and enterprise of our neigh-
boring town. Every number was
warnaly applauded and. encores were
generously given. The songs were
all well lebasen and. well rendered.
The ina.ke-up of the endmen was
splendid,while their jokes and local
hits kept the 'audience io a mood of
merry expectancy. The soles by the
'coons were bright and catchy, aS
-well as the various solos, duets and
eltorouses throughout .the whole
evening. Without partioularizing too
mucle, mention might be made of the
Line solo given by Will Hays and the
duet by Will Hays end Walter Piek-
ard. They were exceptionelly pleas-
ing. The quartette by the Willis
brothers was another very enjoy-
able number. Pleasant variety was
in to the singing !occatisionally Ity
'a Whistling aoccinipaninaditt, Will
'31,flotitiod contributed twetoomic songs
Whioh- were vigorously .applauded.
The Highland d,anetog .and baton
swinging also tvere good features of
the entertainment. Mr. Foley, us
interloeutoe, did hie part splendid-
ly. An oreheistra'af ten pieces pro-
vided excellent music, whieh was a
considerable factor in making the
shoW the great suocess that it was."
Death of Mo. John, Smith. -Mr.
joilm Smith, an old aridrespeeted
kreoldent Of -Sealorth, deported, -t'14
life on Sunday xnarning last. Mr.
Smith bad not teen enjoying bis us-
ual good health for the pestwinter,
but was always able to attend to his
usual duties until two weeks ago last
Sunday, when he was prostrated by
anatteck of parkelysis, which ren-
dered hira +completely helpless and
from w'hicsh he never rallied. Mr.
Smith was 68 years of age. He tame
to Canada with his parentobout
fifty ye,eits ago. They first settled
in Galt, remaining there about two
years, when they oame to Huroteand
lived b Harpurhey. Mr.Smith remov-
ed. tes Seafarth about 35 years ago
and was engaged in the veagon mak-
ing business. He as a quiet, un-
assuming nian and his death 'removes
itoetiver link between the present
and, the early days of this district.
His wife, died an the 14th of Decem-
ber last and he has not long surviv-
ed her, although! at that time few
thougth the separation would be so
obort. Mr. Smith lewves a leege
family, all of Whom are growu up
and most of them residentof Sea -
ed a young man to learn the Whoring. Apply V
Close and StaplesHeaton h. 1968.1
Lost on Mill Road or in Seaforth,
April Id, a black fur gauntlet. Pinder plesee r
turn to the Exposin it Orrice., Seaforth. 10484
Sherwin Williams paints give better it
Istection, cover more surface. and are 33101'43 coonom•
Cs) than any other paint. Held by Chesney and
Smiley, Seaforth. . 10484
Gloves Lost. -A pair of orbit° kid gloves,
between Main Street and Harpurhey. Pinder kind*
ly leave SRMiklit EXPOSITOT1, OFFICH, fleaforth
New tam and chocolates for men last sr.
rived this wrelc, "'simples in south window. W. H.
Willis, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoot' for lad.
lee and Hedge A. Sister shoes for men, Seeforth.
You will find OUR priOes IOW OU poultry
netting, wading, wringen,and churns. Chesney h
fissforth. 1048-1
house and lot, situated on the Corner of Market' and
High Street', liesforsh, one block west of town hall.
The hones contains 11 Roolut, a coed osilarand fur.
nave, hard sr d son wider, also a quantity oi hews
bold furniture and two new taptesty carpet* never
used. Apply tea. N. Jacobs, flesh:ugh, 1048x8
Cholas homemade erosple syrup and
maple sugar in stock at Beattie Mee, Realarth.
Use Sherwin 'Williams floor paint. It
dries very hard and looks vie% Bold by Chesney
and Hadley, Eleeferthe 1048.1
For the largest releotion of artistic well
pews, lowoot prices and .bcot workrrenehip, give
off a call and convinoo yoUreelf. Palate, 01111# var•
and every thiog in Ohobtrideldesning
line. Pull lure uctions on painting Anil color hap
many:moot charge. Jae. Olives std Co.0 Sin*
bath. 1904
Two fiity-iollon oil tanks, hoth in good
odor, ler Isis it Beattie Broe.,Sesforth. 1048
Egg. for hoitehirg,--Therotighbred hue
red Hooka or black Ilinoterie, deo cone per Milos,
L. 0, Veil Homood, sosiorth. 1041in1
010141414 STOVE% Dotrolt Vapor
*eves toThs timploO end NANA serflike stove
wade It IN s moll Winer/dor And -burns with a
and he mOnMinoed of ths Stipa only ol,this fitOrt1
flomilyblom flow) without ttpke or moo ool
over all Other undoes Os A, 8 11.• dtatatlf
For $8101 a gat building lot on Mein
Wore next to W. N. Witte0114 end, A eiliip 101
galeis eels, J, fAittirasrlOsafortis 1004
gttphse girl svotate4....Wittited at the
Quoores hotol, Soslorth, o good emu, Median girl,
one who onderriseds * tinto soaking, Wmomm eit
luoPth, Apply to hits, Tames Mayhem, ttuesn't
11064 Itsaiesiik 11/47
While @snit remelt's, sesfitime IN premis.
sd, oral WO tees Ji unw itt bond hiil tho father
vele *noes the sepoieted Otos to fro by without tete
meet% hie opportniiiti Will MAN Mi reaping thrie
io also will the fitrinetytho Is efiroleee l the Mint.
on of his erode illOW ws holVO toed ovary waste
ion to wino toy yon Sho hioi mob 4i roosonehlo
pricoo arid wo invite yout inspootion lobe%
ca.ordoro, too out sleek, Mettle Moe Moe
,lidggy for Salte-mot, Wm, Allan, kg.
mondinio, hiving her hose, hs deeirous et die•
posing of her buggy. Itt. 4 degle top buggy,
nearly now old in good condition, 40101 be don 41
A. EstiOns4 blaillulinith shop, fleeferth, most
Seeds at A, 0: Aunts, consisti4 of red
Waver, aIsike and best timothy edan
d, yellow d
while Dutch onloo setts, aid good viirLit es of seal
petatOel and fresh golden Need!, to be had at A a
Atilt% Seaforth 1940 tt
Potatoes from Wawanaeh et A. Ytung'r,
teatorth, A :good chore for seed, as:there was no
rot in that pawkiest year. 104S.1
Debate. -An interesting, entertain-
ment and debate, under the a.uspi-
cos of the Bible class of the Preeby-
terian church, was given in the base-
ment of the ,church on Friday even-
ing last. The ,chair was .pitoupded
1)3r the pastor, Rev. F. Larkinond
a plea.sing,inslrumental solo by Miss
lea Dodds and a well rendered vacal
duet by Mrs. Laidlaw and Mrs. Mer-
edith. This was folks:Peed by a de-
bate en the subject 'Resolved that
a man does more good to humanity
after forty years of age than be-
fore." The affirmative was upheld!
by Messrs. George Murdie and We
D. ,McLean,tetand the negative by
Messrs. H. W. )3rown, and E. Foley.
A number of interesting and instruc-
tive points were brought out on both
sides, hut after a summing up, the,
judges gwve their decision in favor,
of the .negative. The judges were
Messrs. Gel?. Ragers, W.. J. Moffatt!
a.nd Dr. Cooper.
A Successful Operation. -We take
the following from the Detroit Free
Press a April 8th. The young man
patient referred to is a son of Mr.
0. C. Willson, formerly of this town
and a brother of Mrs. W. G. Willis.
It says: "A bloodies, operation for
ankylosis, or stiffening of the hip
joint, performed upon Herold Will-
-son, a young man living at 27 Sib-
ley street, gives pranaise of min-
plete success. About 13 months ago
the patient became bedridden from
acute inflammatory rheumatism. As
a result of the disease, ankylesis af-
fected. the right hip joint, causinjg
a rigid adhesion of the moving part
The young man was in this eanditi n
sithe.n his case was taken in hand
„the three physicians who have sin e
treated him. Two, months wee
spept in preparing him for the o
eration, fortifying the system to
withstand the shock and prepari g
the tissues involved' to resist -ladle-
matian. the patient was then pl .0 -
ad undee the influence of an ane
thetic, resulting in complete relax-
ation of the muscular tissues,wh'eld
bad become more or less rigid. Tlen
by a system of manipulation, invol-
vin exact ealculations upon he
(aka omical 'relations of the pe ts
affected, the adhesions wore bro en
up end the ball of the joint for ed
beck into position.' Bandages II Id
the parte in niece until the strai ed
lweiments 'could readjust thernselvez
to normal conditions, This separation
was perforraed about four weeks ago
-at the young man's home. The
ks tg the leg had 'become flabby
e- est That Growl
P 1.4q
..You 4 t afford to waste weeks and
months of time and energy in growing
so-called obeip. or bargain 'weds. Whoa
youlvant is hill, sized packets at popular'
Prcles, se
worth ev
tins our Owed., nob merely beaky'. se -say
so hub because they are- known to he absol-
utely reliable. You get what you think
you are getting every time,never any guees-
work about reeditsWe make sure in ad-
, venee that the seeds are right and guaran-
tee values to be always the best.
Os that ere tested and tried, no
twilit with them, rule .monoes
ry time. If you want to Make a
your year's- Work. insist *on get
W. E. Kerslake,
Stleoes+r to Hamilton & Keralake, Ceto
and hOntracted from disuse,and they
are not yet sufficiently strong to
enable the patient to walk. The
artiou ation of the affected joint is
porfoot, however, and complete ee-
°every is thought to be a questton
of a 'Short tune only. The tfeatment
hats , een conducted along osteopa.
thio lines by Drs. G. A. Ford, W. W.
Robi ,son and M. Brokaw. This is
said o be the first eape of its kba.d
in troit."
Travellers, -Tthe following were
ticketed to distant points this week
by We Somerville, railway and steam-
ship agents: Mrs. 13arrows,to Ninga,
lettin.j; Willis Stery to Minneapolis,
Minnesota.; Dr. John Elliott to
Rhin Lander, Wiatonsin ; Wflliam
Hay, Tutokerstatth, to Bozeman, Mon-
tana Mr. Bay has acoepted a good
position at the Experimental Farm
zeman under Prof sor Atkin-
son, so n of Mr. Joseph A kinspn, of
• -
Knights of Pythias. A lodge of
the Knights of Pythias has been
started in Segforth and gives pro -
raise ef being One of the strongest
lodge.s in town. At a meeting on
1111 itsday might, ten now members
wer initiated, . whish brings the
mer±tberbip up to fifty. On Good
Fri ay the Brantford uniform tank
deg ee team will visit tilee Lodge, 25
or l0 strong and will smiler, title
seatiod 0.nd third degree on a large
number of candidates. In the after-
noon the eetiond degree will be con-
fereed and in the evening the third
- degree, This will be quitA3 an 'event
in the lodge and the Knights are
looking forward to the occasion with
eanisiderable interest.
Sniash-Up.,-A long freight train
dnawn by. two 'engines, looming west
from Dublin'on,Monday morntog
last, made a
lead mess of the railway
trook between that place and this.
Shortly after leoving Dublin, a car,
by' SOM means . got off the track
0? L11 With it. These ears
were drewn 11 tonsiderable distanee
a ng thn traelt, tearing up the rails
and doing other (11118(1. Q, when they
(fioully breke off and tumbled into
the ditch. The mishap 'was not netle-
ed by the traio hands Sea for
ivqts notched, The eight n'elook train
from the Weet web otailed at Sea-
fOrth etation ail day and no train
WO able to get In from tho East un -
tit about nine iosolock itt night, A
large force of Mei wits put to werie
es noon an the inieltap watt dittoovered
end worked diligently till day 81141
04 the trook iti good ardor when
the tritium that were welting sitar Led
00 their way, 80VOC41 wro bade
ly 14111asibed end theft' contents strewn
plena, the treek, bet 1110 penult wan
feeler:ell and further that! the tO1111)*
0 Pigity ItteonvenifillOti to pa 'men P1ti4
onebotiotted by Lite delay, i)o porton
euffered but the oompttity,
Death Of Mee MeNtly,--A minnow het
ro itt r k a 4)143 'Demi' W11114 term 41Jt ted. on
Monday lent by the (tenth of Mr,
%k1 lliitti MaNay, of Tuekerentitio Mr,
.Nay peened from thie life at hie
dine 0111 010 1801001111 oallotflinlon lof
fof Eginondville,
On Monday afternoon after a short
Uinta, having lambed the age of 72
years told 'doming a career, tbe ex.
perienteen of whioh would make an
interesting vedurne. Mr, McVay WOO
Ina floe of Kirkcudbrightshire,
Scotland, and was born near Praeton.
eame to New York when only 17
years of age. After eematning there
for a time he went to Charleston
South Corollate, where he engaged
In the dry goods businass. lie epent
eight years in Charieeton, when the
war broke out. He joined the South-
ern army, under General Buregerd
end took part in the bombardraent
of Fort Sumpter. After three
months in the senvice he enlisted as
• seaman and was on the first vessel
that eleared the blockade and reach-
ed Liverpool carrying Confederate
colors, 'where a elute was fired by -
a British mom of war, Mr. *Kaliay
placing the 'flag aloft. After spend-
ing a short time in Liverpool, he re-
turned to New York, remaining a-
bout a year, when he virea4 west to.
Illin,ois, where he remained until the
closed of the war, running the tisk
of two drafts into the North-
ern army, He returned again to.
New 'York where he spent two years.
In 1860 he roame to the Huron traet
to visit friends here and spent his
first winter with Mr. Jahn Logan in
his store in Egmondville. The fol-
lowing •summer he spent with the
late William McConnell on the ferra
and the following minter he spent
with friends in Huron township,
Brume county. He again returned to
Illinois and spent three years there.
In 1866 he returned to Huron and
was married to Jane Ramsey, eldest
daughter of the late Peter Ramsey,
of Tusekersmith. With his young
bride he settled, in the township of
Ashfield, on a. bush farm near Luck -
now. Here he evinced the same
pluek and energy he had displayed
in his former enterprises ana by
dint of industry and good. manage-
ment soon converted the forest farm
into a beautiful and oonafprtable
home for himself and family. He
continued to reside in Ashfield untir
1895, when he puecha,sed the old
Ramsay homestead in Tuckersmith
- where he continued to reside until
his death, 'his eldest son still residing
On the homestead in Ashfield. Mr.
McNair was, in many respects, a re-
markable man. He had seen a great
deal of life end being a keen observ-
er, was a most entertaining and. com-
panionable gentleman. He wns
shrewd in business, of sterling char-
ructer and gentlemanly and courteous
in manner. While he took an intel-
ligent 'interest in an public, affairs,
he never 'aspired to public position.
Had be done so his eirperience and
business ability would have been of
much public service. He leaves a
widow and family of two Brans and
two dauglaters to mourn his lads and
+cherish the mory of a kind husband
and worthy father. The sons are
Peter, of Ashfield, and John at home
and the daughters are Mrs. William .
Seleneton of Lucknow, and ,Elizabrith
Jatoe at .heme. The remains were
teni e tc ? rest in the Maitlandbank
etiOnetery on Thursday.
Local Briefs.-Mirs. 'T. Kelly, of
Dubliee ispent last week the guest
of .11rs. John Shine and Mrs. M. Hur-
ley, iSeaforth.--11.r. Hugh .Richmond
of ,'Newry, was in town with . a load
of naives Oil Saturday' last. On ac -
bunt of the early date and the soar-,
city of rank for calves at this time
of 'the year Mr. Richmond did .not
find this sales as brisk as laot year,
but the will be here with another
load in about two weeks when, die
willono doubt, fare better as he gen-
'ears has gone to Atwood where
ger. sWtalYrneef
epicerrally, cwthhateo gomosilteseatocok;i-
the Bell Engine Works here for sev-
eral 'has puriobased a harawaire and
;seed business. Mr. Prito is a good,
reliable young business man, and we
,oammend him to the good people of
the bright little burg of which he
will in future be a useful and pop-
ular citizen. Wihile sorry to lose
Mr. and Mrs. Price from Seaforth,
we heartily, wlsh them' health, bap -
pines sl and prosperity in their new
home.j-Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the Brus-
sels Post was in town on Monday.
Mr. Kerr drove out from Brussels to
take the morning train for Goderich,
,bit Owtng to the run Off bettveett
here 'and Dublin, the train was stet -
oral hours late and had Mr. Kerr
known of the mishap in =time be
might have saved an early hour stoat
-Miss Lizzie Govenlock, daughter
of Mr. Robert Goverdock left on
Tuesday for Winnipeg where she will
be married to a young and prosper-
ous farnaer of the Praire Province,
• former Huron boy. --Mrs. (Rev.)
Cosens of Brussels spent Sunday in
town visiting ther flitber and other
friends. -Mr. James Robb is prepar-
ing the foundation far his new res-
idence which he is erecting on John
Street. --The very handsome building
whieh is beingerected by the Canad-
ian Bank of Commerce here is now
nearly completed and tthe bank auth-
eritiee expect to occupy it in about
three weeks. -Mr. David MootiCeEg-
raandville, left on Monday on a trip
to British Columbia. Mr, Moore ex-
pects to be away for a couple of
months and will Visit friends on the
way out. We trust our old friend
will itave a pleasent visit and that
he will return improved in health.
-Mr. Samuel Parr, who is employed
with Morrow Brea., met with a mis-
hap one day lest week. He was kick-
ed in the left arm by a home, with
the result that a bone Was broken
between 011e wrist and the elbow. --
Mrs. Fred Gales intends erecting a
_residence on the lot on James street,
at the roar of her own residente.-
Divisien Court Was held here on
Tuesday, Only a few .cases wore on tne
docket and they were either settled
or adjoureed until the next court.
judge Holt presided, -Our old friend
Mr. Toblem Nash, fermerly of Me-
Killop, was in town tens week, Mr.
'Nsoli has just returned from New
Ontario where be has been for the
past year. Ile spent the winter ft -
bout thirty tnikernorth of New Lie-
keard, He does not think a great
dent of the country for farming pa,r.
remote lie *aye it -good don] of ft le
wet tind rocky and even the beet of
it, it will be Arty years before it
le fit for 41. binder end the met of
modern farm implements. lint there
is Jan of pulp wood end .0 goOd &Id
of good timberse-Mr, Olitilliran'm sale
• eattle at Ditties steok. yards on
Saturday wee 4 ti1100010. ILO Hold
41V431 $3,000 wort)), Afr,
tt hunt ter. -Mr, Daniel iVittniey,reeee
pf cl(illop, in in Toronto title week
repreeenting 91114 munleipality on a
Ile 11 tilt ten of munialpal repreeeetas
t Welt in Ontario Gov*
erIllnellt witih tile view Of hoeing
stetret needed itiliklig0f4 mole in the
munieipal itoteelVir, and Mrs, John
Landemboroinnie who have been
meending the winter very pleamently
with friends in title vicinity, leave
481 Mondey next for their home in
Witinipeg.-Mrs, A. lig Semption and
little lian are here on a visit to Mrs.
Sionpiton'e tither, Mr, D. D, Wileon,
and other friends. Mt% Sampson
will siltortly join her husband in
Winnipeg. -Dr. linereven is piVpar.
log to put an addition to inns reel-
donte.-Dr. Elliott was here tide
week from Rhineland, WiSOOnSintirlfl-
Hintz his parents, Mr. and Mee W,
Elliott. -Air. II. Gelb is haviug his
residence on Goderich Street re -sided
ond otherwise improred.-We under-
stand Mr, Wm. Elliott and family in-
tend removing to, Owen Sound ae
soon as Mr Elliott is relieved of his
duties here. He has two sons ana
other friends in that beautiful and
progressive town. -The fall wheat in
'this vioinity is looking remarkably
well so fax. It thickly covers the
ground, to the roots are vell pro-
tected, and in many places it is quite
green and healthy looking. -Dr. and
Mrs. Graham, of Brussels, were in
town on Tuesday. -The many friends
of Mrs. E. McFaul will regret to
leatn that she has been eonfined to
bed by illness for two weeks. -Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Scott, of Brussels,
were in town visiting Mrs. Scott's
_mother; Mrs. J. P. Brine. -Mr, W. H.
Rtanshard has secured it re.sidenoe in
Sturgeon Falls, and Mrs. Blanshard
and family are preparing to remove
there next week. -Mrs, Hugh Robb
leaves here for Winnipeg on Monday,
where she will join Mr. Robb, who
has a good position there. Miss
Robb will :remain here until mid-
eummer.-Mr. Robert Metifordie, of
Kippen, was in town on ,Wednesday.
Mr. 1VIcMordie has sold his fine farm,
on the London road, to a gentleman
from Montreal, for $9,000 ea,sh, and
gives up possession on the 1st of
May. It is one of the choicest farms
in the county. Mr. McMordie in-
tends moving to Louden. He has re-
sided in the neighborhood of Kippen
for 55 yearsandit will be hard for
him to leave the old borne and its ae-
sooiations, but he goes to London for
family reasons. -We would remind
our readers everywhere of the Spring
Show of the South Huron *Agricul-
tural Society, to be held in Bruce -
field on Friday next. As that is a
general holiday there- should be a
Largo turnout. -Mr. P. Muleally has
added a fourth chair to his better
shop, which makes it one al the most
up-to-date shops in the ;county. --
Messrs. Close and Staples have re-
cently installed an improved water'
heater in their barber shop, which
will insure a c,ontinuous supply of
hot water. They are bound to keep
up tei the times. There are few
towns, very much lorger than Sea -
forth, that have as well equipped
tonsorial establishments. - Mr. Jas.
Mitchell, of the Goderich Star, and
the indefatigable secretary of the
Children's Aid Society, was in town
Wednesday. He was despatching
three IA WO PM= ehiidren from
Winthrcip to London, where they will
be cared for in the Shelter of the
Children's Aid Soeiety. They are
Therei's lots of beauty in our NEW, FLOOR
spring. Last year we thought we had reached per-
fection; but we have done better for you -this year.
The smart designs, the colors, .the harmonious ef-
fects-alli combine to make our present Spring
Stock.nruch superior to what we could get in 1904,
and. bet4r than you'll see in most stores. _
he assortment consists of
N CARPETS Ranging in price irom-
$4.50 to $18 00 each
Fine gluality Squares, Art Design
1$20.00 Each to $55.00 Each.
Three feet
Mattings, 15c to 40c per yd.
dor Oilcloths and Linoleum&
to 12 feet wide, over thirty patterns to select fro
5c per yard to $2.60 per yard.
d Curtains and Window Draping
in great variety.
How it happens that we have such a choice stock
of dr pings and floor coverings, is due to the fact
of ge ting control of exclusive patterns for this dis
triob,I as well as the businesslike determination to
to 1ed the trade in HOUSE SURNISRINGS.
Corn and see our assortment. Everything that's
wort having from the extreme to the ordinary
will be found in our well lighted and convenient
carp t room.
Seaforth Ontario,
rgr 00.n,._ ol. B...be h d 'in the
re wit ivei y.
_Salvation 33k14 011 Thug-
81 11 will 0011141144:of npecial
'.Velook, Tim
guitar 11111510, end pinging_ ,by ' Mro,
Johnston, 0 Brantford: 'There will
be a 4111.144- .104)11001141410---ThO - Toronto
Huron 0 d Rope • Ansoolution will
bold its a -Mad -OXV11114100 tO 411l4 old
'county 11Saturday, ,,Tuiy fith, re
:turning the evening ,of the 10t/4
.:14"ireo. ,af:iett .01f1104 through tritium 'will
leave the thrion etetion, th0 'One for
0.oderinit the other for 1,aoknow.
Wednetit • fleet wits in 011oton on
'attending the_ division
court. 11. 411111 -the .defeeoe for nbout
of ilullett who were
1(13 forty f
Clinton l'$ork Peeking
. assessment _tor 14409k
,tweee :Aid in gettiog
thrown out, Mr, W.
,Coderittle was tatting
!file -Mite Sarah Llail,
visitin,g with her 'aunt,
11 the
for ,the
of Lend°
Mrs, N. Snowden, of Egmondville,-
Mr, W. allaghan has gone to I/on-
set] where be has oceured a !Attie.
tion for the summer with Mr, T.
A Big Egg. -I ;noticed in the Mo-
Killop ows last week that Mrs.
James elites' goose lays big eggs,
but Mr. Chris. Ward's goose can beat
it. The other day this goose laid an
egg tha measured 11 1e4 inehes one
way an 9 1-2 inehes the other and
weighed 11 1-4 JoUnces. This is not
the firs either. Her first big one
WOS liCk ger but not as big around
as this one.
Now no and chocolates for men just ar-
rived this eek. Samolss In scelth window, W. ff.
Willie, eel agent for Dorothy Dodd Mod for lad-
les and CI rge A. Hider does for men, fleaforth.
Item -Mr. John Britton has had
an old veil deepened from 27 feet to
92 feet It is drilled 30 feet into the
reick. Tic work tva,s done by Mr.Bell.
-Wm. Lindsay has leased the farm
owned. by Mrs. John Raids. Mrs.
Rands eeps possession of the house
and g Men and a few aeres of pas-
ture lad. --Mr. Jas. Stanley was Vis-
iting is brothers at Holmes dile on
Saturd y and •Sunday. -Wm. Hugill
was d aia to London on business last
Saturd y. --A very interesting and.
instru tive' topic was given at the
Leagut 'Tuesday night by Mr. James
Stanle . The subject was "Om t r as ts
in Conversatton."
Breezes. -Percy Biggert has gone
to Ba. 'tie to learn barbering. -Wm.
and A ex. Ferguson, Harry Falconer
and Jthn Bailey who have !spent the
winte at Merle have gone to resume
their uties sailing. -Miss MeDotald
of Go erich, has been the guest of
Miss erguso.n.-The interests of life
in,sura ee were pretty well looked
after icre last week. Rev. Mr. Me-
Lenna of Owen Sound, and J. Hoop-
er, of Helton, for the Manufaetarers
and is m. Robinson of Seaforth, for
the L ndon Life, canvassed for busi-
ness. Miss Nellie Martin has re -
tunic from a visit with friends at
Poert ids Hill. -Alex. Martin, of To-
ronto, is the ,guest of Mrs. Peter
Camp le -The Ladies' Aid of the
Metho f ist church held their month-
ly me ting Thursday at Mrs. John
Watson's, Bauble line. -The mer-
ichantbere resume the early closing
T esday, May 2nd. They will
close he same evenings as last year,
Towel y and Thursday,s,at 6 p. m.
Berne ber the tote Ts, Tuesday %lad
Thurs y. -Mr. F. A. Edwards our
valid meoohant, has taken the tg-
j the New Idea patterns, Any
patter ler 10 ents -N M Contine
of St. Joseph, was in town Satur-
day.- he tApril meeting a the W.C.
TX, wi11 iw held Thurnthly lifter
11,001-1, tAp 2044), at 2.30, at 4:ha
Methodist I1. rh4)I1U4(45, The subjeet
for :4 he day wJJ 1 be " Work anion
Lumbermen. wood, n hearty th
vitation is mote '&4 to oll, .
Note tov, L. Perrio or
e iuJJt in Victoria Weil,
ay ovenin Mr. it,.
He's eel on friends
1st The Vansti.
ti#lpbt O0nnor, -wee the
ieting of as
ay evening
Hui* oo
Edward and Cite
117 visit4'd frlende near tir
blunIi'tot,--Miss Mebel inule ha
jTflonuin ure b r who had bin foot 1wr Dashwoed this weeks,-
it•W weeke ago, 1
441)1(3 to wLlJk ith
setteon' Saturd ty Ittet,---110-
'out truteh,-.
tlYetip makern report The befit out 41.1
tliO Weaning is the order of the dey
don't go to your room in n hurry to
elating(' your olotbea .for you noir
find them in the 'cellar or garrete-
Miss Dorrenee spent Sunday at her
home in Stafortie-Mies MeKeisi Is
elek ,and under` the doctor's eare.
Some farmers bave sowed it little -
but seeding will not be general for
a few days yet.
N'fotes--Ylre. IT. Murdock, of Hen-
sel], 1WaS a visitor at the home of
her aaughter, Mrs. Cumphell,,
for la few days during the week. -
Miss Ella 'Rennie spent a few days
at Dashwood last week with her
sister, Mrs. Feulin.-Mr. Emanuel
,Fleischauer ihas returned to Detreite
-Alf. Gellman; of the 14th conces-
sion, is the new clerk at J. it Mer-
ner's.-Mr. Abe. Shiftier, who for
the past few ye,ars has had eharge
of iMr. Hartleib's harness making de-
partment, has had to retire frets;
that position on account of illhealth,
and intends ,going to California. Het
is a most exemplary young man,wen
liked end was an active worker in
the Young People's Alliance and Sun-
day sch.00l. Previous fo his depart-
ure, the was preseuted with a gold:
chain end charm by the nierabere of
the Alliance. He left for Buffalo this
week and after spending a few -days
with this brother in I3uffalp, will get
to, California.
Notes.-Mre. Hodgens, of Godertehe
visited her parents this week.-Mrse
'Whitley was called to London this -
week *Wing to the illness of her s
daughtexe-Mr. Howard Adams, of
Chicago, after spending the oest
week with his parents here, !returned
tin Monday last. -Mr. and M. Rieh-
mond, of Morris, visited friends here
on Tuesday last. -Mrs. G. Brodgen
spent a teouple, ttf days this week,
with her daughter in Illyth.,-Mrs.t
Coptlana tufd daughter, Mabel, vis-
ited friends here on Monday last. -
Mr. Bell, of Hensall, purchased a
fine leleck driver from Mr. Brigham
on Wednesday last, for the sum of
$150. This is the third hook beans
sold in the -past two weeks. -The far-
mer.s of this vicinity- who took
shares in the pork packing foe -tort"
attended the meeting in Clinton on
Wednesday last. -The many friends
,and school mates of Mr. Percy Jef-
frey were very sor.ry to hear of his
death on Wednesday% last. About a
year and a half ago he moved with
his father to Toronto and shortly af-
ter lib le -entracte!), that dread disease.
consumption. His remains were
brought from Toronto to Wingham
on Friday bet and buried in the
family plot. Iris death is very 'sad
as Perey s was a young and promising
life, at the age of twenty years.
gather one
an gos the b
atter of elot
ro Spring a
3. ee
rites be4
2 piece ;
two .11
-22 to 31
,t*o. iel
wear, than
best of eve