HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 7e
ee aeao
ove for an Ho 1 The Memo* and theMosqutt�
k give'
roons have
boon assoeieted with
The oxplination of
Seal% like magic, and
are enatirely worn out,
verbial new broom,
Esita Merles
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it has, perhaps,
he probabilities
my turning out
There is still a
ad make vote
al& nt.
d ale rga the
a already been
at par ; 10 per
stime not to ex
can be paid at any
tuit amount.
an -aura paid lit.
ve Feed shall
4ning9, and has.
ulatirg Leh -
atatate ree
rge Every share
.uoted, hits au es-
ai stege Thiel
7 per cent. and -
The markee-is
Seperators u3ed
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Thera a, ee-
h givea the
ei tea,
jag oftt$91, V. 3., hooter eneluele ofOoterle
Veterinary aellege. Alt diseases of Doateett's
-*shoals treated. Ceti, proreetiv et%ended to ant
elegesumeretel. Veterinery Dentist; a epecielee.
Ode* aod i Alden's, oa Gelation etti , , one door
.essi Of De $eOttlt &floe, f3.03011, P 111.24 .
— e
110.111)B1 V. S.-Renorary tr ed rate of the
LOntario Veterinery Oellege an Houorery mem.
itheltediesi Meecletion of th t. 0 it trio Vetere
leelyoellege. Trate detester of aft domestic aulmele
, byte, most modern. principlee Dentistry end Milk
row s speoialty. Office oppesite Mors Hotel.
mate Skeet, Se sforth. AP orderi le Pii at the hotel
wilireceive -prompt attenticri. Night one reeeived
Modica 1871.52
'fiinister, Senator. Notary Peirele eto. Money to
in Reatortli Mondays, tertdays and Setups
days, office open every week day. Over Pickard's
' Item, Mainetreet, Seafortle 1904
• ,
R. .8. HAYS,
Berrieter, Solioitor, Conveyancer sad Notary Publio.
eellaterfor the Dominion Bank. Offloe-do rear oe
lieltdebut Bank, fleafartle, Money to loan. 1235
T If. BE's'r, Barrister, Solicdtar, Conveyancer
Notary Pnblio. Odloes up stain, over 0. pi
leapit's boasters, Main Street, &Worth, Ontario.
°*Ticife-the greatest joY of it came
when Francesca had retired, and the
throe loving bearers and toilers for
honor's sake could sit down togeth-
er and discuss the eventful meeting
of the next day. The call for this
meeting had created a, Sensetion
throughout the countryside. When
*Dick' had riaa.de 'the promise to his
Creditors ten years previously, there
had been in his resolute words some-
thing which inspired ,belief; and the
Yorkshire farmers of that day clid
not readily give up an impression.
If any of them had ever doubted
, Dick's assurance, they now :positive-
ly denied the doubt. One and tai
said they had been as easy in their
minds as could be; and things Iied
ludipened so, as showed they were
about right."
It- wasrethen, a pleasant crowd
that gathered in the old bank. The
building stood in the main street of
Tipham Market, a plain, low house
of two stories, tae windows of the
lowee one being covered -with dust
and cobwebs, The upper rooms- were
inhabited by an old cIerk who heel
been connected with the bank from
his Lu hod Everythipe relating to
tts affaira were in John Stead's
te. 101111STEter summer to Ike late flem of
MoCesighey Holmested, Berrister, Bolkeitor
oniviyarsaer, and. gaiety Solicitor. for the Can
adienilank of Conimeroo. Money to lend. Yana
for tele. Odlen In Scott', Block, Kale Bisset
1.1 ort e eto., Goderiah, Ontario._
Oedema of Treend College of Dental Surgeons of On -
tufo pose graduate come° in crown and bridge work
$1 daskell's Sahool, ChhAgo. Local *aesthetics for
nAnlesa extraction ot teeth. Ofilce-Over A Yawl
ireoery store, Se.aforth. 1704
DENTIST. TO ttolTro,
Has removed from 4U1 Sherhoneee Se. to hie beenti s
tame ess Yonag oppolite Carlin/1 St.
Or. John McGinnis.
Ozse and Residenoci--VIctorie Street,
7booe 73
Greduate tIcivera'ty of Taranto Paucity of fdedi.,
eine, member ot Oaileee Physiciane anti Scir-
mot of Onterio •, Irma; graduate covses Ohlowo
Nintgidlicho.11, Clanago ; 'Royal Ophithslinio Ileepl-
tal, Louden, Enzienci ; 'University College limiter,
earldom Enelend. Ofilse-tker Greir & Stewart'
Mrs, Main Street, Seatorth. 'Phone No. 6. Nicht
mils answered trona residenee on John street. 1890
De, F. 4. BURROWS,
heed and hands. He knew ite indebt-
edness to a farthing. He had paid
out far 'Mrs. Alderson every shilling
of 'interest. The books of the bank
were the pride of his life; he could
show them balanced to elate, on de-
, wank at any time.
To :this old mart and his wife and
their niiddle-aged sons and daughters
the (*clearing up" of Aldetworatabenk
was tut affair that stirredatheir little
'world to its centre. Jelin Stead
had a new suit of black broadcloth
made for the occasion: and :Mrs.
. Stead and her two daughters, baving
cleanee their rooms to a •point of
shining perfection, put on their best
diets and sat down in the parlor
as -if it was Senday.' •
They were unexpectedly, rewarded.
• Not only cltd Dick Alderson come
imstoirs-they exeacted so rnuoh ot
Dick -but Dick brought with him las
• mother and Miss Vyner. It was the
first:time the ladies had ever ben in
the bank rooms, and the Steads -con-
gratulated themselves ever after-
ward on their forethought in having
them in such exquisite -order. Few in
spite of their preoccupation !with.
Dirk's affairs, both ladies perceived
where praise would be delightful, and
both gave it withottet stint.
•Yet they were listening With all
theif souls, the while they talkea of
the most commonplace matters -lis-
tening for Dick's voice, for he had
pronaiS.ed to Call them at a certaiii
point of the proceedings. They could
hear the murmur of voices the open-
ing ,
and shutting of doors, the 'vague
stir more apprehended than real,
which is never absent where there is
a number of human beings together.
Depositors of small amounts aael
been paid of/ loug, long ago; it was
only those to whom the bank owed
large SUMS WhO Were to be satieffed
that day* . About sixty men were
present, and it ,seemed to Loida that
it took • a very' long time to give
each man a check which WaS already
Made alt. But as she was impale
iently listening to an account of Miss
Margaret Stead's attack of ' ague,
there was - a sudden sense of move-
ment, and then a loud and oft -re-
peated cheer, and Mrs. Alderson rose
up .nervously and looked at Loida,
and Loida. hosted to her side, -and
the ladies went downstairs together.
They saw .Dick at the foot of them,
and Loida called to him: We are
corning, Dick; " and in a fear mo-
ments thee' entered the bank with
him. 1
The company were all standing
Some had checks in their hands,
others ' were buckling them. up in
t heir capacious pocket -books , Such
a, crowd of large. rosy, pleased -look-
ing men! it gave a sense of new life
to go among them, They were all
talking, and all talking together.
Ifearty laughs emphasized their
words, They •had all been partakers
in a, deed which. ma de them think
wel of their kind, and they were as ,
happ , and as satisfied with theme'
reeves, as if they had each individu-
ally been the doer of it. in ono
sense they hat. For if Dick Alder-
son had worked and saved, they had
trusted and waited; and they all felt,
that their forbearance had not only
given Dick- a chance, but bad also
strengthened the hands ana bear!, of
his mother to do her part,
When she ciliated the room, they,
gave her a • ringing cheer. They
crowded round, and shook her hands,
and told her she had a tine son, and
that they were glad to see him home
again. And when she said "Gentle-
men!" they • hushed in a moment
there noisy- talk, and, hate in hands,
stood still to listen to her.
Sho looked at them with a happy
'Gentlemen! Dick lies done his
Office and Residence-Goderich street, east of the
klattedlet ohnrch.
TatsPflONE Pro. 48.
Coroner for the County of Huron.
'‘h street. opposite gethodlot olurroh„Seaforth
DR COTT, goadnette VI* de and Ann Arbor, and
• member Ontario College of Physicians end
spreacse. Coroner fee County of Huron.
Dr. HaegAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
geld modelist Trinity Medical Cellego. Member
0011cp; of Physiolkna and Surgeon% Ontat-3
f1111011A8 BROWN, Lnensed Anotioneer for the
L Counties of Huron find Perth, Orders left at
. V. Campbell's imprenuint wareroome, Seatorth, or
tee /tavern °Foe, will receive prompt attention.
nitisfaction natant led of no °barge. 1708.11
ANEE1 G; MeSUCHAKie licensed auctioneer for
ee the county of linroni. Sales attended to in any
part ot the county at moderate rates, and satietadion
gametes& orders lett et the Seaforth post office
cr at lot 2, Concession 2, Hulled, will receive
PrOmet Afiention.
AUCTIONEZRING.--0. S. Phillipe, Lioensed
Auntioneer for the &Janine, of Huron and
erth, Beteg praetioel termer and thoronghly
enderstending the 'aloe of farm etook and imple•
merits, places me In Pr better position to realize good
price'. Chaves moderatt. ilatistaotion znarenteed
or no pay. All ordereleft at Rennet! post Mine or
Lot 23, Coneetnion 2 Hay, will be promptly
ttended to. 17001!
'he DIciliilop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
3. Mordent', Preeldent, Rippen 1'. 0, ; Thome,
baser, vice.preeident, Brucelield P. O. ; Thomas E.
Dam Seoy.Tress, 8eatorth P. 0..
Milt= Chesney fieefortih; John G. Grieve, Win.
temp I George Dale, fleaforth ; John Bennewele,
Dubin Jsmes Evens, Beeohwood ; John WM*,
nuke* I Themes Prater, Bencefield ; John B. Mo
raiz, Rippen James Connolly, Clinton.
Rob'. Smith. HarWalc 14‘ ninohl0V, Seeforth :
James Cumming' legmondville J.W. Yea, Hohnee
eille P. 04 George Muffin and John C. .
Parties desiroue tO effect insuranee. or treneact
other business, will be promptly atteeeed to.
Applieations to any of the stove oill3es acid re seed
to their respective p)st 011138u.
The undersigned N prepared to pay the high ee
vain price for an unlimited quantity of first -once
krefie Elm, Reek Elm, Baeswood, Maple
6-2 Beech, Ash, gernlook and Oak Loge
Delivered at the Seelorth Saw and Stave Mut. Leg
tribe enema even lerigth, except Soft 11,11m. Soft Elm
k to out 11, 13 end 16 fee'. Will also buy
Baesweed Heading Bolt*,
40 Inaba long„ at ism per cord, delivered.
• Will else buy timber. by meanurement or by bulk
bush. Special attention paid to custom sawing, a
leelaction guaranteed.
What has come to pass in tliousan
years seeins hardly credible.
aeo *itCOlint*Ia-
Ifinett Itit * breaking he
Sb* thought that nobody now tar-
ed for her-eta/it is, theyd id not care
about Lancelot, or putthemselves
to any trouble to find o t what had
become of him. Her father's long
I. alelenee convenced her that he had
I his heart aled his hapainess with
him. It -.Mad° her sad to think he
- could be dining and feasting aid
going on all kinds of pleasureemak-
AW itigs, and never remertiber her de -
o . e
e spear. And Loida was fie entirely
,e.or ' taken in) with Dick and the.oefure-
'"ve '
man, a weakling in comparison t modern . ishin 01 Vyner Hall a d the get-
g ° .. ..
Mare was able to conquer the li ge meta bag ready of . her new bridal gar -
eters of thousands of years ago, ouch ae limas, not to speak of , the charge
the 'Mammoth, and to -day the/ e dead She kept at Athertoe, that Francesca
-.ono sersomastratoftwair*******atomae.
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.,
The Largest and BestCreanieries aid Dairies? in he World Use
70,23.117431.1q-Z313119S 1712ELikelrernin.
on title toRie called attention to the ' - f ith f t t '
for the scientist to devise metho for kill-- about Lancelot. 8 o Leigh. There were several men busy / . o . e trs erm, and no helping
forever; yet the mosquito an y have never could get a long talk with her as sne entered the farmyard of
thing always interfered. Every one . In its precincts, and one of them as- average milk production of Canadiaa hand tares extended to guide ilyn past
never been conquered.. It is n time . ome erson r • '
ing the mosquito and fly, so that they will
was forgetting Lancelot aut herself. sisted her from her saddle. He Said cOWS, -which is less than 2,000 pounds tlee troublesome examination week.
go to join the mammoth and the monster per year. Considering the cost of President Soltarman that deter -
lizards. The mosquitoes and fiies are dan. She could feel that his I very name i Mrs. Leigh was. at home, and opened production' there can be ne profit rained to make an example of his
gerous enemiesof man bemuse they spread was a bore, an. intrusioe, a cloud I a half -door Which was on that side. to the farmer, and the situation is own son, and. young Sehurmen was
' ' '
contagion. The ihosquito-often carries the across the sunshine, a false note in of the. bouse, and told her to go made worse by the preseent low forthwith expelled from the univer-
erm ofmalaria with bis The house. the song; of happiness. i to the roem at the end of the pas- prices. The remedy preposed is tW
o sity and told to earn his On living..
h t' for So -the summer sped aiway. The sage. She followed his direetoins, make every cow stand or fall by her
ly spreads Wins of dieease over our food.
ese ac e ia g , ever wu.0
the weak spot, find a place in our blood,' squire was expected home
and then we suffer from grip, catarrh, con- leer, and Loida and .Dick
suniption, or malaria. married immidiately afte
_Dr. R. V. Pierce% ebief consulting para.•the old life at Atherton
in Septem- treading as softly as if she wished record. When Mr. Grisdele took his felieer workmein youag Shur -
would be to conceal her presence. At the door ()barge of the lierd at the Experi- man wandered. around the eountry
.ward. All iedirated she etood still; she was mental Ferro. at Ottawa, in 1899, the for a, short time. and then applied
oure would Sick with =certainty and fear. She e 33 ;Ayrshire grades were giving 5,000 for a job at the Gorden Bridge Co.'s
Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., says: eThere pounds each year. By special atten- works. He was inexperienced in
elan to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical new IDAS- • was afra.id now to provoke the an -
would be no grip epidemic% the germs of • then be past forever.
tress, with new ways, 'Would take ewer of her doubts. Perhaps suspense ton to feeding and by diseardivg every nue of elm work, but when -110
consumption, er malaria Wotild find no Loida's place, and Francesca, know with hope might be easier . to bear some of 'the poorer esOW;.4 the average was toid3he could begin at the bot -
place in the -human economy, if the bleed that her • 1 other would, i many re- than the certainty she had come to was raised to over 6,000 pounds in tom of the ladder, the Meed of money,
In a few mornentri she tapped at 1900, and the following years showed was so great that he gladly accepte
were pure, if the lungs, hetat and other ask for.
organs were fed on good blood. poisons spects, be a different ma . There
would be changes of will he might
the door,•and thee. opened it. There Nova
cantinued gains. A datrerman in ed the job at 75 eents a day,
• Scotia has doubled his returns
should not be allekved to aceuttrulate in the • . -----
not be conscious- but which wotad
body.: to be safe it is best to take a gentle was no one in the room, and she sat by adopting these method. Speak- haniberlain's Cough _Remedy the
laxative at least onee a week." Such a be peat -daily evident to he For Po
She had beerf warmed and refreshed the Wrench -Canadian COWS, or Can -
of breeds 1Vir-. Grisdelt said that p
Bestand. Most opular.
down. The place was familiar to her.
vegetable laxative as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant one can' live among str nge people
Pellets contains nothing waieh could ham and un.der strange in. uence for
tssu D AT
there on the day the snowstorm (ran Jerseys, th ft " M hers buy it r tip il
ot 1 y for ere y eh -
For putting the blood in 'order, and as a months and remain unEatered by tho • a t , seys, as ey are o en nal-
the eystem. . drove her to refuge in Leigh. The led, stood at the imad of the list for dren, railroad men buy it for severe
tissue -builder and tonic for those weakened circumstances. very. same pardor, and yet there ' eeonomical butter producers. It was eoughs, end. elderly people buy It for
were changes. 'the big oak chair bt f 'gored Out that the cast was • only la grippe" Ally Moore Bros., Eldon,
by cougas, colds, catarrh, grip, nothing will These considerations rneved her to
Iowa. "We Aen. more of Chamber -
build one up quicker than Dr. Pierce's take a desperate step. '
the master was not on the hearth. -nine 'cents per pouna- of butter, as
lain's Cough Remedy than any other
Golden Medical Discovery, This is a med- "Loida," she said, one evening, as
It was 'set back against the wall in compared with eleven cents for Ayr -
His slippers shites and thirteen rants for Short- kind. It scants to lapse taken the
without the uee of alcohol. e i th . t• and thinking-
icine made entirely of roots and herbs .
1 ce sat sewing a a corner of the room, .
. ,
, 'Waldo, will you go with me to Idle -
Dr. Pierce'S Medical Adviser is sent free hohner,
and pipe, were not visible. the dogs horns. -
lead lover several other goodbrahasat
There le no question but this medi-
he loved were no ion er riretche 01
On receipt of stamps to pay customs and
mailing only. Send ei elle-cent stamps
Jan 9 nItaly.
"To Idleholene! Why, Francesca,
their sheepskin rug; gone was cite)",
the other had voluntarily left his VA. LTTABLTI TO MOTIERS,
_ for coughs and colds, wheth.er it be
eine is the best that can be procured
1 J i i Why (LI, you want
: home and gone over to Caossley's toa oatild or an adult that is afflicted.
for paper coveted, or eo stamps for cloth , •Baby's Own. Tablets are for elttl-
binding, to Dr. R. 'V. 1' ere, Buffalo, N. It'l 1 , to go home?"
.,•0.,sseee....„11..40t. ° 0 dren eof all ages -they are equally It ahvae-s cures' and cures quickly.
• "I vrant to see Lancelot's mother. .
been ancelot's special tokens were
livo, The violin and books that had
beef to atone for his fault. T., 'hie ,
. hohnea and X would ri e over to
. removed. Excepting the big Bible on well -grown !child. They will prompt. faatb.
a book visible, No pile of news -
had tion, teething troubles, diarrhoea,
good for the new born babe or tbe Sold by Alex. Wilsen, Drug:gist, Sea -
We could, stay a day or two at idle- b
mother,, • ask you to blot .it out , of h t
hire at 'church and at market as you.
if he. ifind, something out."
: be quite right, Francesca.' .
spect and your confidence as ,
papers, no guns in the corner or end isimple fever. The Tablets break
y r forfeited thenr to meet ' "I. do not think that cotrse would
trout -rods against the walls. .The up tolds, prevent eroup,and promote
used to meet his father. If you ane
not do this, be hones straightfor-
ward men, and say; ay, we can- going away from me. ,1
• j.
the folded -down table, there 'was not ly ware colic, indigestion, collet pa -
your Memories; to give him your re4 • letigh. Perhaps -per aps1 I might
"Yes it would. Yes, it would.
at sou aro i room i t?
room, in short, had the air of a
n which men never
...... . came. not to eontain a particle of opiate
healthy eleep. They are guaranteed
hor be left e-- ---• - ---- - ,. a. ..•...._,..a. or any of the poisons found in so-
oraan.,Frantesca was glad oi a few ' Inca called " soothiaag "• medipinee. Every
mother who has used theee Tablets
speaks igf them in the highest praise.
MM. T. Timilek,. Pittston, Ontario.
says: I have uSed Baby's Own Tab-
lets with the most satiefantory re-
sults. 1 loam recommend them to all
mothers as a remedy for teething end
th t tibles of ohildhoiid" 'You
not forget.' Then , lick will go
away from here, and will go with
him; and we will begin life elsewhere..
Diet, ghitlemen, I can trust Dick I Ine and if he would, ea
.,I hie now? Dear Loida,
' can, indeed!"- as a last kindness
"And I cart. trust Dick, too. I can I go,
. me this satisfaction. If
trust him With all my happiness,
here With a strange
never saw Lancelot. am to
peak to? Father will n t listen to
were alive, I arn. sure s
taents' reprieve. A depressing sense
of sorrow stole over her. ,She could
ettfole to not escape its yonetratin ' influence.
before you. It was as much in the ai as the
o 'me, give moisture was. She felt 11 at ease,
my moth& , half -inclined. to run away and abart-
tion her intention. But the fear was
e would let
with all my estate, with all the ays
This mornin.g i 1 found a i not positive, and her intention waS.
of my life, even unto t e gia, e.
verse which I said weep
_Friends, if the love of life is also
the love of heaven, I can trust Dia( , anti then the thought c
- Leigh came into my min
for all eternityY! aim verse• :
It was Loida. Vyner ' whe spoke.
She looked at the gathered gentle- It i
rne go.
n to 5her, So she sat still opposite an open
going to easement, watching th.e slow, per -
de It was • sistent rain. It made little ado, but
It Was drenching everything. The
biras sitting; droopy and silent on
the ivy boughs were already draggled
and miserable in it.
When Martha Leigh entered the
room she went straight to the open
window and closed it. Her -move-
ment& were hasty and irritable, and
she turned angrily to Francesa, and
"Thou miglit hey lied the sense to
glint the window when it was raYn-
ing, do think. Whativer does ta
want here? And who art. thou?"
Francesca's first • feeling was ore of
proud resentment, but when Martha
turned her face and she saw the mis-
ery it reflected, she was humbled be-
fore ouch sorrow. Rising gently, she
went close to Mrs; Leigh, and said:
"I do not wonder you have forgot-
ten me. I am so much changed."
"I see. Poor lass! What has been
the 'natter with thee? Why -a! Thou
art Squire Atherton's daughter.
do believe thou art."
,,rgrettr Ra4600111,4•Mall
I N some conditions the
gain from the use
of Scott's Emulsion is
very rapid. For this
reason we put upr a
fifty -cent size, which is
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the gain is
slower—health cannot
be built up in a day.
In such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine.
It's a food for tired and
weak digestions.
eared fotoaeleafolejoeali
scorr & BowNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ont.
Vre. and $i .00. Aff drogglets
•- Mother, mother, up 'n heaven,.
menk and then sho turned to Dick
and put her hared in his.
TI ed.° was. a confusion of smother-
ed _ ejaculations. Men looked into -
their hats and fingered the Madras
silk handkerchiefs which lay it.
them. They were all much moved,
and not quiek exprebsing feelings
of this kind. For a moment there
was 41. painful silence, and enany eyee.
-were turned upon one old man,
Squire Gerald Granby, a magistrate
and a person of great social power.
He • was restless while Loida was
speakinw and he looked steadily at
• Staled upon the. jaspe
And, be witness have
All the gifts required
Hope that blessed me,
Bliss that crowned,
Love that left me -wit
Let me go to Leigh, A
"You shall go) dear.
Dick to go with us. B
DI& go for you?"
"No. am sura c
than any one. Lancet()
a very strange woman
rot know how to man
of Ina/
a wound.'
I will ask
t cceeld not
n do better
's ntother is
Pick would
ge her; but I
the young man standing betWeen his think she will bo kind to me, for
mother and • his betrothed. Not a - Lan celat's sake."
.anY- ` "Then we' will go to! Idleholme in
man to decide quickly about
thing, Squire Granby, in this case, a few days -perhaps 4.xt Monday."
*eek away. I
came to an instant determination.
"Gentlemen," he said, "eve have
the name of being honest men. Dick
Alderson has proved he is an honest
mare That is about the difference
between lam and us,
"To be sure1 ale be sure, squire!".
"In this resPect, alien, he has an .
advantage over us. We know -not
by words, but- bY deeds --that Rich-
ard Alderson is an honest man.,
- will give him a hearty welcome on
my beset and at my .table. will
give him my vote and my friendship
in'the hunt and the militia, and if he
chooses to open the doors of his
father's- and his grandfather's bank,
he may put the check he has just
given me down as. the first de-
posit!" .
Then what a tumult there was!
"Hear, hear!" cried some. "Hurrah
for Granby and Alderson!" cried
others, A crowd shook Dick's hands
agan another crowd gathered round
the generous speaker. Ars. Alderson
leaned upon her son's fthoulder and
cr d for joy. Lolda went to Squire •
G nby, who was an old friend of
,....-- .._ •
the faintly, and gave him both leer
hands, and he said:
"Thou spoke like a good woman,
Loida. More good 'women like thee
would make more good in a. Tells
me when thou marries Dielc, and I
will come and give thee away. Good
gall Good girl! God rove thee,
my dear 1 ','
And so with kind wishes and kind
words tumbling over each other, the
happy company departed. Thee' the
chie actors 111. the 1 i tale d ramie -also
went homeward. The hour dreamed
of, worked for, end.ured for, waited I
for, through ten long years, ha.d
been realized. Mrs. Alderson wept
eoftly, and happily, and Dick and
',oldie leiSsed her teaes away. Dick
c was sll nt with his felicity, Loida,
in all or life, had . never been so
beautiful- and so lovable, i lier long
socluoion had given a kind of anti-
que bon. ton to her that was charm-
ing, and her affectionate, loyal na-
ture imparted --to her presence a liv-
ing sweetness.
into this wonderful joy Franceica
could not enter. She was glad to.
_return to Atherton Court, There
were places there in which Lancelot's
personality was still strong.' She
could not bear to think of •him in
strange rooms, for in places they
had never been together she could
not catch the spirit of these im-
• palpable- impresslonS e of agencelot
which remained like pictures in the
air of those spots familiar- to .their
love and their hopes-. •
• And she did not lilee to trouble
Loicla's late joyful spring with the
-gloom of .her Own' despair. Perhape,
too, Loida's spontaneous sympathy
was not no* as active as Frances-
ca's needs demanded. In spite o
every effort she coul I make, itaspite
of the new hop?s on
• life Francesca was
If she coula only h
. If she only *new where he was! lf
she only kiiew he wises weal If she -
only knew that he I still loved her,
then she . could bett r bear to. live.
As it was, *he hat. d every day, for
she went weeping to: sleep:and vvoke
1 up sleijpg tO tit4o6tst,-tioAsockg-LArs
very side of her
very miserable.
ar of Lancelot!
"That ,is nearly a '
cannot, cannot Veit s long, londa.
Why not go to-morrce v? Dicke me
turns to Alderson Bars on Satur-
day, and, he may not aome back tor
several Stays.; . Loid , days sepia
whole yeah to inc. 1 am so wregte
ed that every moment. is an hour."'
"Then • we will eo , to -morrow.
Leaving at nine o'clo aa- we can gal-
lop there in five hoer. , and Dick wal
be a suflicient escort. '
' The decision arid romptitucle of
•Loidee acquieeeence eve some heart
and h.ope to the sorrring girl, and
sho was ahriost chee•ful next motn-
ang when they caetered together.
through. the park Lend on to the
high -road to Leigh.
ful morning, and th
being made in the d
ea aierself desired, i at did leer a great
deal of good. And ala Idiehelme they,
met •a glad welcome from the sceare
and Mrs. 1 d le. Alintieed • Was in Italy
with his sister.
"Ife wanted us t go with him,"
said the squire, " ut, my mistress
thinks nothing of °reign countries "Sit thee down," she saia. "I can -
and their ways," I not tell where he is. I don't, know
"Thomas is right," answered Mrs. whether he is alive or dead, well or
/die: "I say the West lading is good sick: and if he hes forgotten his awn
enough for any Chtistian. And it is mother, is it likely he thinks about
very dangerous traVeling about,What i thee? What did ta come here for 7
with . steamboats, nd rallwaY-sarri- ' Crying end taking on in such a
Thou oughtn't to do it. Will ta hey
ages, and custom- louses, and ' such
-like, not . to epealt of the unknown , a eup of ten?" '
things you get tol eat and drink. ''I. Willa, nathing but a word or
' f • •e es two you will not give me. lio you
t WIJ•1 boauti-
physical Okla
ruction i• remota
"And whativer does thou want
"I want to know where Lancelot
can't tell thee.
where he is."
There was a tone in her voice that
shocked' Francesca, it was so final
and so broken-hearted.
"Have pity on me. You are his
mother, you must bavo 0, kind beert.
You are his mother, you must, know
where he is. Haae pity on me. I ant
SO miserable."
"I cannot help thee any."
"You can tell ine where be is -if he
is alive -if he is well -if he still --
thinks of nue" -
She was holding Martha's arm; she
was trying to make the wretched
woman meet her imploring eye'
Martha would not look at her. She
removed Francesca's hand and led
her to a chair.
I don't know
er ro •
can get the Tablets from any meth-
-one !dealer, or by mail tit gs cents a
box by writing The Dr. Williamit'
Mediotne 06. ,Brookville, Oet.
•When 1 was in . I
ago, 1 never felt
I, Thomas?" e
Still, they were
Vats Mexlean
very pleasant ex
And in the morn ng a little diplo- ' aavaa. aati twoulea •aaars S. aro" thtal
limey secured to Francesca the cite IVA' put eyes on him, Dying! Whate
cumetances moves try for her vadt. to , i‘er axe women made of now? If I
• Lancelot's moth e . Dick went with, i ran bide his loss, I think thou may
her, and be Was ireeisely such an ese I make shift to live without him. Ile
cort as she dashed. He did not ; was none of thy lad, anyway."
trouble her to to, k, yet if she Wished 1 "Ile was! Ile was! He loved me,
to converse abo t Lancelot, he. was 1 and I loved him. . I love him yet,
full of sympathy and hope. i better than my life," She covered
There was no unshine • when they ! her face with her hands, and sobbed
left Idleholme only n, xnild, hazy, ' as a child in overwhelming distrese,
, ,
diffused light;
ate a minute; did not see I am dying of grief?
, lon't 'thee in Ile to me about dy-
much intereseed lag of grief. I bore the led. num.
periences, and ed him at my breast. I avec! and
InOVed and hed my being in him for
Has to Work for Livivg.
Son of Cornellia President in aIllack-
smith?s Shop.
Wielding a. heavy sled in t*
blacksmith shops of tile Groton
Bridge Company, Groton, 4n4scour-
ing irons whieh. are newly brought
from th,e moulds, Robert Schuman,
Cornell, '06, son of President. Jacob
-The London to .onship board or
health ihas been called te; meet in
.special eessien to consider eneens to
put 'a stop to the alleged eldpnient
of !slink veal ithe te township upon
a. Alne
OWhat extensive wales It is
said. that two car loads of the veal
has eneently teen received there,
and that the animals rW-eigh as lit-
tle as 25 ponnds eaeh, aud are bought
for fifty cents a, head. Medieal men
there Olean that the eonsumption of
melt imeat is liable tel work great
injue:y it the public; beaitil,'
Get Rid a That Cough
Before thaeummer. (mines. Dr Wood's orwV
Pine Syrup congtien deuebs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Hoareenees, Brom:tit* eyed all Diseases of the
Throet and Lungs th-
Wherever ere are eleklee people With Week
hearts sed deraoreleicreee, Milburn'. Mart and
Nerve Pills :will -elite Veined an °fleetest medicine
Time restore enfeebled, enornited, tabooed, de-
v'telized or oveaworkal men and woman to Vigor-
ous health
For Cholera Morbue,WSera intentain. armee.
.e'Dlarriesgenysentery mdeatmener Complaint.,
Dr Yowleion Extractot Mid Stiverbeeryle4 p
safe and tan euro thai has been * popular fet -
for neatly 00years
Gould Schurrnan, 'of the nniversity, • 6
is 'working side by side witle the
other employees of the shop to earn
a. living.
The young man's troubles coni
ed hen he entered 'upon his
0011TS0 COnnell. He found diffi-
culty in devoting his time to books,
end: 'Vas decidedly averse to
ging." His scholarship dropped ao-
cordingly and be found trouble in
passing his examinations.
; His sophoraore year found him
more averse to wrestle with hit;
etudiee. Refusirig at first to heed
the iteounsel and finally the orders of
his Ifather, fottna Inmself hopeless-
ly istrande
d in his work at the end
nd just as they in le SOb,
reached Leigh Douse a. soft rain be- flffc 'tse continued.)
gan to fall. an cesea looked at 41.
Dick. and he sn Red assuringly back, 4 -The night ,school in 8ection-1'4.10,
as he said: • Grey, closed last week, after a suc-
"I am not afraid of rain. I will do eessful term. Beforeclosing.the
h I resented
as we proposed
Hall. want
,hours there; th
Pr you. Is th
She said it
ride on to Crossley members • o
o talk a couple of their •teneher, Sam B. Lamont, .with
:a a will ca.1I at Leigh a beautiful gold tie pin, set with
t what you wish?' pearls. Thos. Dougherty read the
as, but her heart fell address, and Miss S trate Buttery
madethe presentation.
Hoars ness
Is the ign of irritation
of the air passages caus-
ed by a cold. Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the
Lung ronic, will cure
you. l'housek..nds of
peo1eJ know it. Your
money back if it doesn't.
25c, 50c. and $1.00
nolVV8 KUMST PIUS *01011 the Mateyo r
and urinary *vies only They euro beeleaehee,
weak beck, rbeureetlem, diabase, conesistien, in-
samination, gravel, Bright's Aimee and all other
dieesses arieingirom wrong *dim of tbeqcidneys
and bladder
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often atteeked suddenly bevl palefte
Ind dangerous aolie, Cremoe.Diarrimele Dysentery._
Cholera Morbus, Cholera InfeeLate, eto De Pawl-
er'e Extract of Wild Sirawbelry le- a pr reed
sure (lure, Allele& should always be kept in tbe bonas
Spring 134edicine.
As a spring rnedioina Burdock Blood Bitteesee
no equal et -mem up -ens eystml Ana recuovw
impurities from the blood, end take eWay that *le
ed,,wmry feeling g0 prevalent in the ipring
To Make Cows Pay.
At the 28th • annual meeting of the
Eastern. Ontario Dairymens' Associa-
tion bold last week at Broekville,
Waitlye, of the Experiraen-
tal Farm, Ottawa, sok e of "The
profits from 1e0W1i." He said his ob-
ject in making the investigation was
to eb,ow the wide difference in the.
profits obtained from good andpoor
cows. Some farmers were getting
an average Of 190 pounds of butter
from coda cow annually, while -others
who were at as ,much expense for
feeding lcould only obtain half that
amount, These and similar facts are
the basis on whittle Mr. Whitley and
NZ J. E. Grisdale are earrying on
eel votive crusade against the poorer
eaws, lOEx. rOrisdaleA whet alp. spoke,
That in addressing Mrs. Pinkharn you
are confiding your private ills to a WOMall
WOMen whose experience with wo-
man'S diseases covers a great Many years,
You can talk freely to a woman when it
is revoltink to relate your privete troubles
to a man -besides a man does not under-
stand -simply because he is a man.
Many women suffer in silePee and drift along
from bad to worse, lenowing full well that they
ought to have bannediate aseietance, but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from exposing theme
selves to the questions and probably examinatione of
even their family physieitne. It is unneeeseary,
Without money or price you ean consult a, woman
whose knowledge from actual experience is great.
Mrs. Pinkheants Standing Invitation;
Women suffering from any form of female weak-
ness are Invited to promptly eommuniCate with Mi's.
Pinkliam at Lynn, Mass. All letters are reeeved
opened, read and answered by. women only. A
woman can freely talk of her private illnesd to a
woman; thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs, Pinkham and the women
of America which has never been broken. Out
of the vast volume of experience which she
has to draw from, it is more than possible
that she has gained the very knowledge
that will help your ease. She asks noth-
ing in return except your good-vvill, and her,
advice has relieved thousands. Surely any
woman' '
rich or poor, is very foolish if she
does not take advantage of tido generous
offer of assistance.- Lydia W Piolthara
Medieirte Co., Lynn, Mass,
Following we puhiish two. let -
a 44 As you know, I wrote you that mytiocterr
ter$ from at woman Who accep-
ted. this invitation.. Note the live. I then wrote you, telling you my
"Dear Mrs. Pinkhame-
For eight years I have suffered something
terrible every month with, my periods The
pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand
them. My doctor says I have ovarian ancl.
womb trouble, and I must go through an op-
eration If I want to get well. 1 CIO nOt want
to submit to it if I caa possibly help it.
Please tell me what to do. I hope youT can
relieve me.” -Mrs. Mary_ Daandelatiltia and E.
Capitol Ste, Benning P. Oe Washington,D.C..
• Second letter.
t Dear Mrs. Pinkhano-
" After following carefully your advice,
and taking Lydia E. Pfnkharn's Vegetable
Compotu4 I am very anxious to send you
my testimonial, that (deals may know their
valueand what you have OHIO for me.
ments. I' renewed your advice and am en-
tirely well, I can walk •neiles without an
ache or a pain, and I owe my life to yoii and
to Lvdia b Pinkhanfs Vegetable Compound.
I wish every suffering woman would read
this testimonial and realize the value of writ-
ing to you and s -our remedy." -Mrs. Mary
Dimmiek, 50th and E. Capitol Streets, Ben. -
fling P. 0., Washing -Wu, 1), C.
When a medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many women
• whose testimony is so unquestionable,
you cannot well say, 'without trying e
"1 do not believe it will help me.' if
you are ill. don't hesitate to get a bot-
tle of Lydia, la Pinkha,nds Vegetable
Compound at onee, and write Itirs., Fink -
ham, Lynn. Mass., for speolaradvie,e—
it is free and always helpful.