HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 6te"--
4) q
itreitl., ESTATA
ZING 7ARM...--10 for eale or to
ly at Masi to It.& rtja
SL— -M in feriae in
ta of Hut rris,and W
seateCloun y rd Huron. fl4d:et once. WM
OLlit'linfe Blyth, Ont. 177441
D AN' A te—For sale, a
• - '"Oet
XI good. house EVnd lot, sitilated on Wet Will.
taro. stteet,Sealotth, The heeieecontelem Rix rooms.
bled end eoft watf r and retigeratet in kitchen sett
it other oonveniencee. FOIttenne, to apply to
JORN RANKIN, Feeaforth, 194641
— OUSE TO RENT.—To *int, the comfortsble
how& at te aced, occutithd by /dm W. Lea.
royJ. The house is nearly Oitw. There are eeven
raOrrIS sad bard and eat watett Apply to PETER
'DALEY, at Be:Adele nerat stO9t Sesfotth. 1945%;
IJILDING LOTS FOR, SA. -Por sale, several
desirable building late fp the town ot Sea -
Forth These lots are eituateettin one of the best
Ostia of the town and are whit, plented with ttpa
choicest of fruit Apply to Web, Mclean. et the
EU0b120.110.7PI0E, Leafs:nth, 1940.tf
• ESS then 25,000 will buy Litt 88, Conceeolim 7,
• NcEillop. This farm Matelot+ 100 stereo of
gag:3,d lend, hats or. it a bank bate 64x64 feet, with 8
lone stabling. Also a good Seroomed brick
bone, orchetd, good water, ho. It le six miles
from Seaforth and ti miles feom Conetanee
office. Poeeession given at once'. Apply to WM. R.
ARKS TO RENT.--Sonth pati of lot 17, Comes.
• tdon 2, Menton, 85 aereet tad east half of lot
17, tomeetsion 3, Meitillop, 60 reeves. Thie land is
all cleared and the greater patkttutderdreined. It
has been under gnat about 4eteors. There is a
tsood spring on the property. :'The banns ow be
zented either Jointly or separateSy and for tilling or
grazing purposes. Apply eo J. L. KILLORAN. Sol.
-icitor, Seaton!). 19404
WARti POE SALE.—For szlehit 29, coneeielon 2,
R. R. S., Tnckertenith, ehhialning 100 acres,
all eieseed except about five of good hard.
wood. All noderdmined, well frieM and in a good
estate of cultivation. A good h and aro
t arns one with stone uiioling uftdfl0Ith. Plenty
orchard. This
e/ good water and a food bea
ism is well adapted for eithe .,, stock or grain.
About rcddway between Samoan end ainton. Ap•
ply on the premises or Sestorth aq 0: EL TOWN.
ttEND, Proor___2e!___or. ._.,,,.___22.4.!..y
r1. 00 acres of land in She tovrtiShip, well fenced
YOR SALE.—In the toWnebi of Osborne,
being Lot lee Concession 2,... a tug of the
wad in goad state of archived:in. '000d brick house
And ftatne bun, convenient to reheol, church and
easeket, beteg only 2 milee from Zeeter. For fur.
ahetaaartionlere Pply to 13 C. iihINNS, Exotea
or THOS. 010011113, execute/9 o Ibe estate of 13. 1.
Higgins, deceased, or to GLDANa nal/BUSY,
lietioitors, F.aeter.,
a .
WOE, SALE pH/CAP.—In Haralitirhey, a comfort.
er al3le 'beak cottage with, Ma'am -me and halt,
with kitehen and woodshed attaohad, hard and soft
Water, stabling for three head of ,eattle or horses
with TOO bcuse and pig pen, stio good well and
Vamp in stable, two and a half fares of land on
which are the oholoest vedettes ot 11 kb* of knit.
This is a most degmble reopen ' for any 'person
wanting a ootofortable bomb. App1y on the prem-
ises a:address JOHN MoDONOG 4l SoaforthP.
—73a-irE i ---"N ----A-D 11774 -*LOTS bitor sale, brick
ftir house and 2 lots in Seatortat. One lot fades
an ortb Men Street and the other on Wed Wit.
*AM Stied. The house is a eetidoetehle hdok
wattage and conteine 8 bedrooms, dining room, bite
Meg room and kitchen, with good ewliar under the
whole home. lautt and sots wean it: the house.
Tamale also a good stable and , driving shed. All
Weds of fruit on Use lot. Apply Ail .I.,_ L. ALLAN,
leteldesb0-10, Or to C. W. ATKINSON, Seater*.
V Ego -wed -tide, a oomfortable frame heave with
'three acres of lend in a very textile Condition eith
'plenty: of large and small fruits forfoitally use also
serge norn and outboildinge In geed repair. The
louse has been recently overhsuled sod contains
even IC -OMP with chole oellar, fuihrize good wood;
the-tl, aloe swan:ler kitchen and an4xdieet •Pring
well and good cistern. Any person'ed ring a ooro-
/oriabis, quiet home of thit desoriPtion, covenient
aotown, Ohould not miss this oppoitunity. Will be
-sold reasonehly awl on easy t_erma For further
vette-thus apply on the premiere hit address Eg.
,enontiville P. O., Wile SODOLat 1943.t1
VAII,M FOR SALE.—For sale Let 21, and Emit
V Halt of Lot 22, Concession lee Bibbed', ma.
„ teiningie0 goes, ail in a good steal ,ot cultivation
-sad most *Lit well underdrained vdth Ills. There
acatle.estabs house with hitch:fa, and miler ; a
large bank bon 50 x 90 ft, with stage stabling ute
eleeneath, also a straw shed 86 x 50 and a driving
emote 20 x SO. There is a power vrindmill on she
barn, which supplies water and -grinds grain.
4There are two good wells and a epriiie °role It is
-en seeded to grass except 80 scree, which is No. 1
.eude. Thpre is a gooi orchard. Tap farm is 1 mile
front Cremate and seven suilee trot 2 good mar.
tees. nab:mot the best hams la Ontario and
win be sold on easy terms as the prinatetor desires
to retire. rbi further partloulariaappar on the
Virettlifie3 Or address Orem:Iry I'. O. ALEX CAMP-
BELL. 1947x4
'LIAM FOR SALE.—For sale lot 29, on the itth
C COTICNOIMI of Ilibbert, conialnlat 00 tioreasil
In a good state of cultivation. There s on the pre.
=loess Wok house and brick kitchen and a good
cellar. There 19 also a large bank haat, 60 x 40 and
a leant* of IS feet, with stone stabling underneeth.
Also *shod 80 x 80 fa and a driving house with
.averythipre complete. There are thine never hailing
wells oe'the promisee, there he else" large archrrd
amd good garden There are ten ikd Sfail wheat
vown and thtO ere are 40 acres seeded' own. Either
- oultable for hay or pasture. All the fall pleughing
is done. The farm is well underdrained with tile
and well fenced with wire fences.:lt Is Lua good
locality, being situated two and a legit miles from
Chiselhuret, where there le a poattbilice and two
ohurches, Methodiet aud Presbyterian, 8 miles from
Reatorth and there b a good gravel- road ruuning
put She issm„ It is in good conettain and will be
weld on eemoable ter.ne as the paprieter wlehes
-to retire. For furthes partleulara apply on the
prerniees or to CHARLES EBERHART, Sten. P.
V., Ontatio. 194741.
Qttickly and per.
manittty adjusted.
Glasses Iftied properly.
Or. ()Arens
Treats Ete, Ear. NOSP.
and Throitd. Will be at
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
All day Wednesday, &pie nth.
Notice to Creditors.,
To the matter of Daniel 813ilebulti, of the village
of Zurich, in the County of Matadi merchant, in.
-Notice Is hereby given that the said Daum Stein.
bad:. carrying on business as a teach/bet at the
add Village of Zurich, has made an assignment un.
der R. S. 0.. 1697, Chapter 147, of all hie estate,
credits and effeett. to Joseph 81)011,0 the Village of
Daehwood. Banker, and john F.-Itiokbell, of the
Village of Zurich, Implement agent i for the general
benefit of his creditors. A meeting of oreditora will
be bed at the Dominion hotel, in ,the said village
of ,Zurioh, on Wednesday, the fith day of April,- A.
-D. ION, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon,
to receive a statement of Web'. Appoint inspectors,
and for the ordering of the 0410 of the estate
generally. Creditors are requeend to file their
claims with the asIgnees with mole and particulars
as ?qui. ed by the said act, on or before the day of
elicit retain-. And notice le fuither given that
after the 25th day of Aptil, 1906, the assignees will
proceed to diattlbuto the aasets of the estate among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which shall then had been given and
Unit they will not be liable for the moots or any
part thereof so distributed, to any,iterson or persona
Of whose abate he shall not then have had nottioe.
JOSEPH Sra ELL /it JOHN Itlitliti3EIL. Assign-
ees t OLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for the
Aesignees. Dated at Exeter this 27th day of March,
A. D. UM. 1946-3
Prayer for Restoration -Powerful Ap-
peal for a Renewal, of Spiritual Ties
and for a Rekindling of Spiritual As-
tivities-RevieVe of the Years Shows
-Only Character Remains, All Things
Else Change,
.Entered according tq Act of' Parliament Of Canada,
in the yeer 1905, by Frederick Diver. of Toronto,
at the Deparunent of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Los Angelee, Cal., April 9.—To th
indifferent, and especially to the back-
slider who has' gone back to the world
and its pleasureet, this sermon makes a
powerful aPPeal for a renewal of Spir-
itual ties arid, El. rekindling" of spiritual
activities. Tbe text is Psalm 11, 12,
"Restore unto me thefjpy of :thy salve,
Oh, ,how quiplely, the wheel of for-
tune may whirl ,aronnd! Whit we are
to -day is no earnest of what we may be
to -morrow. Rich and affluent, prosper-
ous and. happy new, that does not
prove that we shall be rich and happy.
and prosperous, : with a multitude of
friends hinging around us, next week
or next month or next year. The night
follows the day ps well as the day the,
night. The people living an the South
American republic of Chile reckon his-
tory by this or tbet or the other earth-
quake, which ha e made the heaving
earth rock dowa, homes and clestroY
whole cities en towns •and villages.
Some, of us Tn4r. reckon the passing
away of our lives by the epitaphs
which are chlaeled upon the tomb-
stones of .our aaried hopes.
"Year of Ilida". we say. "Oh, that
was the year of 1.tnericals awful black
Friday, when my aortune like a snow-
flake melted avvay in an hour. Year of
1881. That sva.6 the year I lost my
brother or ;wife Or mother. Year of
1905. That 'wee the year 1 vt-as injured
In a rafiread, aceident. On aocotmi of
that broken hip a lostj my position at
the store and oae to give up my life
einsprance policy and become a poore
helpless ineritlid, a burden on my
friends. Ah. I am not as I peed to be.
Once 1 had enough for myself andef
Others. Now 1 anye less thau nothi
I am dependent upon those arotned
Better days! dh yes, scores of you
have seen better days in your body,
your property and Your families! But,
alas, many of us, like the writer of the
words of my text, Inane seen better days
in our spiritual .condition. I do not
know whether thie author held, as do
the Methodists of. <air day, that a good
man might lose hie hold on salvation,
but one thing is sp re—he knew that he
had, fallen from geace. He had once
tasted the joys Of iivine sonship. He
had once waded P.We 'deep, knee deep,
waist deep, chin eop, into the great
depths of God's joys and had drunk of
those living watera But now he has
climbed out of those depths and stands
shivering' *on the lagged rocks of evil.
In the cold, biting W1nd% Tieus
we find him crying out iiji ihe words of
entreaty: "Oh, anni, bring back to me
the happiness and the exhilaration and
peace of my pose Ospel. life! 'oRestore
unto me the joy or thy salvation!"
Have not sonic of tis need to offer
the prayer of the psalmist? I know
that there are marly who are in the
potation of this psalmist. I know, fur-
thermore, that if you will only return
you may taste a,gein the gospel Joys,
and they will be sweeter to you than
they ever were befere. An eminent
minister of the croee a short time ago
told me that the greatest blessing of
a revival of religicala was not found in
introducing strangere to Jesus, but in
bringing back to his eervico those who
had once been found at the foot of the
cress. "And," saia he, "when these
'wanderers return they make the very
best workers in our Christian church-
es." May Ged help me to prevail on
some of you backsliders again to taste
the gospel joys!
But I never did like praying for
'everything in general and for the uni-
verse in particular." In order to be
more explicit we -would divide the
psalmist's prayer under three or four
distinct headings. In the first place, I
would have you make the prayer:-
turn unto me, 0 Lord, the joy which I
experienced when 1 first begah to re-
alize the heights and the depths and
'aid' lengths and the breadths of thy
sacrifices for me. Restore unto me tae
joy which came to my soul when yeats
ago I first approached the communion
table and said, 'Lord, I believe; help
thou mine unbelief.'" Then the tidal
wave of happiness rolled over us in
surges. Then we said to ourselves:
"Saved by grace! Saved by grace!
Oh, God, I thank lthee that I have been
saved by grace!"
Once our souls were aflame With
gratitude for what God had done for
us. No sooner were we converted than,
like the psalmist, we cried out, "Even-
ing and morning and at noonwill
pray and cry aloud, and he shall hear
my voice." But after awhile °Ur Joy-
ful enthusiasm began to cool. We
grew indifferent. We turned our backs
upon God. We now find reading the
Bible a bore and praying a drudgery
and talking to Chris: and waiting for
Christ to talk to us a task instead of
an endless pleasure. Oh, my friends,
do you want to feel again the exhilara-
tion which came over you on the.day of
your conversion? Then make the pray-
er of my text. Make it day in and day
out. Make It and continue to make it
as you rehearse. all Gad has done for
you by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Oh. that to -day we could have the thrill
which surged through us when we first
felt that God had purged us with hys-
sop until we were clean, that he had
• washed us until we were whiter than
I3ut gratitade to God for what Christ
has done for Us is not the only joy of
salvation that is burled and needs to
be renewed. One of these joys that
We have an unlimited euentiby of
good, sound, CEDAR
POSTS, 4, 5, 6, 7 and i 8 inch tops,1
whieh we sell at prime bonsistent with.
their quality, also a WO stook of
whieh we cot to fill anv bill.
If yoa want Cedar Potatoor Hemloole
Lumber, it will pay yard to give us a
needs to be resurrected is the one we
used to find in Christian service. No
sooner were we converted than immed-
iately aye went forth to try and save,
some ode else. Then when we brouren.
a brother or sister to the cross thr
came over us another joy which we he I
not hitherto conceived, the joy of
ing men and women for Christ. T, .
is no joy on earth greater fhaii that.
Not even the joy of being saved our-
selves can be compared to the joy of
knowing that by the grace of God we
have been able to save some one else
from perishing. .
The man of the world who has never
experienced this,joy cannot understand
it. 'The exhilaration of it is couched for
him in mystical and unknown tongues.
1017 4 For years and years I could not under-
stand when Paul meant in his letter to
4; 1.
haren or s
°es no
ink woollens
. keep you, brothbr. He will
k you under the shatlote of his Wings.
1 you maite the prayer of ney text
now? Will you continueito molte the
earnest prayer, "Uphold me with thy
free spirit," until at laet he delivers
Vett forever from all sinful temptations
at the great -White throne of heaven?
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Sunlight Soap
contains no adulteration or excess alkali. It IS just pure saponified
fats and otls 1Th4 is why it cleansles your clothes perfectly in bard
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All dealers are authorized to return your purchase money if you
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k,...,. ,es•ki 'tt.
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The Sunlight Maids find that flannels do not-thrink when, washed the Sunlight way
the Romane. X telt he "cTici" not Mettle
what he said. I believed he was oily
using an exaggerated oratorical figure
qf speech :when he said, 'Tor 1 could
ish that myself were eau/and from
Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen,
according to the 'flesh." The more I
studied that pastage the more I felt
and do feel to -day that Paul literally
made this praYer,'"Oh, Christ, if there
Is no way to save my bro'Aiers, rriy sis-
ters, 'my efriends, my people, but by
blotting my name out of the book of life
then destroy me for their sakes!" In
other words, Paul said, "Destroy me.
if by my spiritual -death others might
spiritually live forever in thee." And .
yet is not -this Joyful willingness to be
sacrificed to save others experienced
by the hew convert always?
Oh, apostates;. oh, Ye negligent and
slothful church members, standing idly
'about in the market places when God's lucky young man who seemed to have
vineyards are filled with, the. . , no ear for -good music. Every popular
air, lverytmusic hall jingle, every ne-
in the eitting-reeam is one. The loving
caress of a Mother's or a wffee hand
Is. pother. Tte playful prattle of a
litt a child, the quiet prayer, the sweet
me rories of long years that aro past,
are:others. The hopes of the years to
conr being talked over, offer the high-
est Jeri this side of heaven. 0 man,
do net think that associating with men
of he world offers to you the acme of
ple eure, If you cannot find any en-
jor ent in the fellowship of Christian
peo Ae, then the soonet by the grace of
God You kill your diseased spiritual
app tite the better for your own en-
joy' ent and the better for your life.
Thet-you Cart govern your love for
the good and your dislike for the bad
or the indifferent was illustrated 'to me
by rihe -experience of a lady membea-
of y. dharoh who is a very, fine must-
cia.tels He; brother was a hanriir . go
clusters just ready for the plucking,
you have known in' the past the joy
of salvation in the saving of souls!
Why, I can see even now the reflection
of a past joy upon your faces as in the
Attlee when eau need to labor in the
Sunday schools and bring little chiat
dren to Christ. • 1 can see you now
smiling as you used to do when you
broughl your friends to the revival
meetings and la,bored with them to az-
cept Christ. I can see you now going
up to your minieter. and ea.rriestly and
rapturously saying: "Paator, keep on
praying. We will get them. They are
bound. to give their hearts to Christ -
We will get them yet.", But now the.
world and the flesh have crept in., You
do not work for souls as you used to
do. you do not have the old joy of
saving souls. Oh, my friends, will you
not pray that this joy may come to
you again: "Lord, God, give me the old
thrill of being saved by thy sacrifice..
But do more than this, Lord. Give me
the Joy of saving some one else' for
thee. If it be necessary in order that
others may spiritually live, that I mils*
spiritually die, then, as Paul wiShed,
let me die for °thine honor arid glory."
13ut in this psalmist's prayer . we
evould find another Joy. It is this: "0
God, restore unto me the joy of Chris-
tian fellowship with _Christions! 0 God,
make me again love church services
and the prayer meeVeigs and the mis-
sionary gatherings and the convocation
of ehe young pelvis. of the Christian
Endeavorers and Itheworth leagues and
the Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip!
0 God, may I desire to associate
thy disciples more than to go with any
other- class of people on earth!" You
think this is a strange prayer to make.?
I do not. When I make it, I know that
one of the surest signs of -the true
Christian life is to be found in ;the de-
sire o9 a Christian to be where other
Christian.s are, Yet, if mistake not,
some of you never go 1.0 the midweek
prayer meetings or to Sunday schools
or to out cottage prayer meetings. -You
look upon these meetings as al bore, a
drudgery, a tiresome hour, wasted for
duty's sake. When you go to these
meetings you do so under protest.
gro elody that had a.jellei ring to it,
he k ew by heart. All the noted college
Song he could singuntil the very raft-
ers choed. But the deeper, sweeter,
heliet calls of the great musical mas-
ters fell unheeded upon his dull lars.
lairds brpther, who was a fine athlete.
' had Ws leg broken and was brought
ehornel from college and .had to lie in
bed ler about six weeks. During those
six weeks his sister hadato contintially
prattle& for a difficult performance
whidh\ she was about to give before a
famous musical society of the city. At
first tjie brother protested, He want-
ed VI zear her play some of the popu-
lar al s. But as the language of the
'flluSiOE4j masters kept pouring their
th-ouga ts into his neind and heart
through 'the Veritibule' of his ear there
etita.s barn in his soul a love for the tru-
ly gre t music. The old songs which
he one loVed he now despisesThe
trulyb autiful musie he etre despised
• now- h lives. My friends, if you do
not love the society of Christian peo-
ple the is something wrong in your
life. YOn have a diseased opiritual ap-
petite. The nooner you go with the
truly' consecrated 'people the sooner you
will learn to iove their society. Do not
make tl e prayer of my text, "Restore
unto Me the joy of thy salvation," un -
leas b4 constant association with
Chrlstla4 people you do all In' your
power t develop that, spiritual joy.
But in order to fully grasp the beau-
ty (if th palmist's prayer 'aou must
remember that it is given with the ab-
solute, knowledge that in his .own
strengthalte was nothing, but that in
Gods sttength he could be everything.
David at \this time was standing under
the shaddws of his past sins. God had
blessed him again and again, Yet just
after these many manifestations of the
divine lovire,he had fallen back into sin
because he had depended upon pis own
strength. I Thus David says, "Restore
unto me the joy of thy salvation and
uphold me by thy free spirit." That
means in plain English, "Oh, God, bring
me back th they loving grace, cleanse
me from On and then by thy power
do not lt me again wallow in the
"Yes," you answer, "I do look upon quagmires otnd the bogs and the filth
these eeligiouS gatherings an st bore, of evil...
But I am not responsible for my likes
and dislikes any more than I am to be
blamed. because my favofite color is
blue, my favorite flower a carnation,
my favorite musician Beethoven, my
favorite novelist Thatkeray, my favor-
ite artist Rubens and my favorite poet
Longfellow or Tennyson. I like what
I iike and dislike what I dislike, and I
cannot help it. Now, if I dislike to as-
sociate with the class of people- who
rhake up our distinctively religious
gatherings, such as are found in the
missionary society, I am not to blame.
I am no more to blame than I am be-
cause 1 dislike codfleh or mackerel and
like apples and grape fruit."
Ah, yes, my brother, you are to
blame. You are indleadually responsi-
ble for your likes and dislikes. If you
do not care to associate with Christian
people in Christian gatherings then it
Is high time that you learned to enjoy
their society, and the quicker the bei -
ter. Because I do not love them nMe° taken back io her past surroundings..
that is no excuse why I should not Every night efere- she 'goes to bed she
learn to love these people. Supposing calls her foster -father to her side or
I was a, dyspeptic, supposing I had for crawls up i 'to his lap and puts her
years been living on lobsters and veal. little arms about bis neck and says,
and hart and pork and cabbage and "papa, you 011) let them come and
highly seasoned salads and rich pas- take baby away, will your' Sometimes
tries, supposing on account. of my dys- she awakes nt night and calls and asks
pepsia I was sent to •a sanitarium, the same que. tion, "You won't let them
take baby aemaY, will you?" And the
' great, strong I man, with te rs in his'
simplest diet." Beeause I tell my phy- , eyes. says: "No, baby; no, daughter!
sician I do not like plain toast and milk ' I will not let 'them come and take you
and Cold bread and good, wholesome
beefsteaks and ' potatoes would • 'hat
make any difference?- No. My phyei-
cian would reply: "Then the sooner
you learn to like theta the better. You
have a diseased appetite. You must
develop a healthy appetite for good.
wholesome, simple foods."
Now, my Christian friend, by - the
same law you may have a diseased
spiritual appetite for spiritual associa-
tion. If you cannot find enjoyment in
communion with Christian people, then
the sooner you. learn how to enjoy'their
society the better. You are exafer,y in
the position of the -frivolous girl or he
dissipated boy growing up in a Chris-
tian home. Such children are n ver
happy unless they are off at sorry par-
ty or visiting some neighbor or attend-
ing some theatre. But after awhile
they Will find thaa the sweet, gentle
fellowships of a Christian home offer
the best kind of enjoyment, The quiet
readiag Of 5 boole by the glowing hPeela.
It is only by doubting and continuing
to distrust 'our own strength that we
are led to ly entirely upon God's pro -
treating pover. I would have us feel
our depend nce on God when we make
this prayer exactly as the tittle adopt-
ed daughter of a dear friend of mine
feels toward her father. Some months
ago this lit le girl was in a foundling
institute in lone of our large cities. By
this institut on she was sent west and
put into a low Mexican's home of ig-
filth. There my friend
d said: "She shall not•re-
She shall come and be
ahd live in my home." He
It, Then he and his wife
little girl and put . clean
her and put her into a
bed. They surrounded
hat wealth and love could
oust: that little girl is now
a and one-half years old)
continual terror of bane
norance .an
found her a
main here.
my daughte
took her we
washed the
clothes upo
clean, white
her with all
give. Yet, t
only about t
. she .lives in
what would be the first order of my
physicians? "Put that man on th
away from me and ma.minal Go to
sleep now; papa will keep you safely
by his side!" So David, as a heart-
broken sinner, last reaches up and puts
his arms up in plea to God and says:
'Oh, Father, keep me. Don't let me go
back to sin as 1 have done in the past.
Keep me, Lord; Keep me in the power
of thy love." Have you not, oh, man,
sinned after Gd has restored to you
again and again the joy of salvation?
Can you not say to him now: "Keep me,
Lord. Keep mil-, Father. Keep me."
Thus, my friends, because you have
again and again come to Christ and
tasted of the JO of salvation and then
fallen aa•ey de not let your broken
'resolutions keel': you awey from the
Saviour to -day. First get a clean sheet.
Say, "0 God, rgive." Then make a
prayer, an earn et prayer, which will
be a continuone irayer for every morn-
ing, noon and n ght. Let this be your
prayer: "0' 00 4, keep me, keep me!
O'Isord. keen mel every .aten 1x eV! And
Sir Redvers Buller and Elia 'Tenant.
Oho of the bravest of our generals is
trilsthe of the Newton estate, near the
Village of Newton St. Cyres. On going
over the estate on a recent occasion,
he came in contact with a tenant who
failed to recognize him, and who was
fiTh ef complaints. On finding out the
identity of the general, he requeeted
him to vieit his house sorne hitle dis-
tance away, and his wife would show
him some dilapidations that 'urgently
required attention. On reaching the
cottage, the general was confronted by
the female occupant, who invited him
.to enter; She showed him over the
premises, pointed out the requirements
and waxed wroth because the 'visitor
did not appear to agree to all her
wishes, Then she threatened that lf
she could not get the work done she
should go and eee "Mr. Buller" about
it. Grasping the situation, the general
inquired if she would know "Mr. Dui- I
ler" if she saw him. She declared she g
should, as she had his likeness hang,
ing up in her houee, After consider-
able discussion It gradually dawned on
the woman who her visitor was, and
his likeness was really in her house.
She was then full of apologies, but the
general assured her she had done no-
thing wrong, and left her to her owa
reflections, assuring her that the neces-
sary wants should receive attention.*
Columbus a Hired Alan.
Mr, Christopher Columbus discover-
ed Asnerica on wages of "450 a month
and found." In a ledger onde -belong-
ing to Queen Isabella and recently un-
earthed in Geneva, be figures as a hired
man. His job lasted six Months, and
he. got 1300 out ofditt
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
flignature of
-joseple Smith, head of the >for -
mon church, has bought 67,000 acres
of land in Alberta and proposes to
establish a. .colony of Mormons. ,The
price paid was about $400,000. The
plan is to divide the tract bate small
farms to be settled upon by Mormon
colonists trEnn Utah and elsewhere.
Although the deal has been elosed
the Mormons are not expeeted to
take 'possession' until late this fall
or early next year.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blinds Bleeding or Pro-
truding Piles. Druggists refund
money if Pave Ointment fails to cure
any ease, no matter of how 'ion
standing, in from 6 to 14 days. First
application gives ease and rest. 50e.
If ,your druggist hasn't it, send 50o.
in stamps and it will be forwarded
post-paid ;by Paris Medicine
St, Louis, Mo., 1930-6 m.
-Hiram 'Walker & Son, the big
distillers of Walkerville, near Wind-
sor, contemplate erecting a monster
distillery, which win be the largest
in Canade, and will double the pre-
sent capacity. Plans for the erec-
tion of a reek warehouse Ito hold
4,000 barrels have been ooMpleted,
and one to hold 25,000 barrels will
shortly be built. The expenditure
will be about $300,000.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to eure. E. W.
Grove's signature is on each box.
Prioe, 25c. 1930-1 yr.
—One of the oldest munteipal offi-
'core in Ontario, perhaps the very
oldest in length of }continuous ser-
vice, closed his official career on
Friday evening last, when Mr. T.
Wills, ex -M. P. P., 'county treasurer
of Hastings, retired to private life
Mr. Wills, who is in his 80th year,
had faithfully served the oounty for
more than 53 years, 26 years as
county 'clerk and the remainder of
that long period as treasurer. Mr.
Wills wee elected in the Conservative
interest tb the Ontario Legislature
in d875, end .served his term, but, did
not offer for re-eleetion. He is still
hale and hearty.
Heart and Nerve
Are • specific for all heart and nerve
troubles. Here are some of the sympe
toms. Any one of them should be a
warning for you to attend to it
inedistely. Don't delay. Seriona break-
- down of the system may follow, if you
do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi-
ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness
of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint
and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and
Feet. There may be manfminer symp-
toms of heart and nerve trouble, but
these are the chief ones.
• Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will
dispel all these symptoms from the
Price 60 cent per box, or $ for $1.25.
• hits. L. Dcrey, Hemford, N.S., writes
. us as follows was troubled with
dizziness, weak spells and fluttering of
; the heart. 1 procured a be= of Milburn':
: Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me
so much good that 1 got two more boxes,
and afterfinishing them 1 wascompletely
cured. .1 mud say that 1 cannot teem*.
.1 mend them too bigiii
ed Rose
Beeatiee it is ,Recommended by the Best
You will generally find Red Rose Tea in a store
which deals in standard brands of high-class goods.
These are the merchants who do not look for goods
which give them the largest profit, because it pays them
best to sel/ goods which are the mot reliable and give -
their customers tir greatest satisfaction.
Ask a grocer of this kind his opinion of Red Rose-
Tea—his opinion will be honest, because nearly all other
teas pay him a larger profit tlaan Red Rose. He
probably uses it in his own house, and will tell you in,a
very few words why he recommends it.
T. H. ESTBROOKS, St. John, N.B.
Beattq Furniture
We inviie attention to the- mag.
nificent assortment ,of Furniture.
Our display is large. Selections
at this store are_ made easy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-
ipg exceptitIonal offerings through
the entire 'store, • e e
PromptlY:attended , to night or day,
%%130;C &
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
:Why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you willsoott
be without any hair! Just remeMber that Hall's Hair Renewer
stops failing hair, and /hakes hair grow. nolitirrankint=11.06"
ilair Renewe
Spring has come again and come quickly. It has,
caught you unprepiared in the matter of dot/ling, The probabilities
are thac it has, but we were ready for it and are busy turning out
suitable garments' for those who were before baud. There Iselin*
chance for you, ur range of spring euitings and overcoattngs
atill large, of the be8t quality and the latest style.
Come to us and we. twill clothe you like spring and make yote
feel like spring.
FUR.itr AILEBAS, BEell'ortr.E
The Robert Bell Egine at :thresher Co.,
Authorized Capital $200,000.00 Paid up Capitai $91,900.00
me Ontario,
M. Y. MoLEAN, President A. YOUNG, Vice -President.
In order to tre, t the increaPtf in business which is cffering, and to enlarge the
premises for building Separators, Wind Stackers and Feeders, %hien has already been
commenced, the Directors heVe decided to cffer $10,000.00 stock for sale at par, 10 per
map, payable on applicalon ; balance as called for by the Company, in same 210t to ex-
ceed 15 per oentmombly„ until all is paid up. The whole amount can be paid at any
time at option of subeeriber, Ind dividends will date trent payment of full amount.
The Dividends will be pa able yearly on February 1st.
e apt ititoafistaide, in nub and very peer, over And above the amount paid Is
n.0,0b $2.5,000 00. 0 form & Reserve Fund, until such Reserve Fund etuel
This is a successful going concern, Willa hall risen from small lag:nningre and ha*
already paid the 7 per cenb. dividend promptly each year, beeidee aeetunniating a tub-
stantiel reserve.
Sales in 1903- -- .. .
Sales in 1904. ,
• . • ... • •• • • 1140,2221292 .
Dividends pad 1903.....
RDetvseidrev:ds;paid in 1904 • • • • • • . • ••••• .. .. .. :•• • s ••• • • • • s'S g.lot 551,
6 943 :A
Depreciation Reserve.,
5 208 50
BillsRee. Reierve.. .
• ••••• •• •
e• • •••••••• 5,338,89
• $26,2459,
Thtre is no watered stock. Every eharekolder is on equal if:marg. Every share
represents actual value. The Robert Ball Engine & Thresher Limited, has an eo
tablished business, which is increasing rapidly, and past the experimental stage, This
is no speculatiou, but a legitimate proposition for investment, yielding 7 per centsad
accumulating a reserve which will Iregely increase the par value of the shares.
The Engine and Thresher butinesu in Canada is only in les infancy. The marke
almoet unlimited. About eaten -eights of all the Threshing Engines and. Separators used
Irk Manitoba and the Northwest are imported from the United States. Thee° would
be bought from the home manufacturers if they could supply the demand, There 14 *-
duty ef 25 per mt. On all garde of this clam imported into Canada, which gives thee
Cemedian Manufacturer a &elided adeantege.
Send subserptione or write for information to
ine Robt. Bea Engine & ThreshereCo.
Or R. 8. HAYS, 11Seabrth, Ont.
1.0111f 1341E141Z,
. Votiefinury
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