HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 5a&hoenew
stylise in Aeoeteie
Swell paeane
VIOt ▪ kids, a own.
,.and the modem
tee latest sterleee
Pair Oxford
Ylieht comfort.
Ptt I▪ ts shapes thei
• ttt jnet prioe,
from $1 to $2
t we can ihow vote
re p'eaei
d Bla telt-
d pioneen:
returning here
and mak-
eriy of
age this
uela, un-
SeiVat iOn
erts hall
!ing by ve Captain
of Bermuda,
guitar musics
embers of the
Ncirris and Mr.
-rtn-ined a num-
Friday eleeo-
y enJoystble
rs. Hotharra, of
�k, and her
the Staffa
en tm Friday of
teresting event
me of Jel,re. Weis-
er grand-d,augh-
was married to
of Hibbert, on
last. The eere-
i by Rev. C.Wil-
presence of the
relatives. The,
id making their
loession, Hibbert.
g to enjoy it.—
Statfa, has been
Mrs. Campbells
estning is the or-
s Aggie Burns is
r severe Utiles.%
rst of Dr. Gem-
Irs, John Kemp,
est for the ;met
g a little. -Miss
friends in Mit-
of Stratford,
Jame e Mil -
Ms Camp-
uperat Ines at
rie sold one
irivers 'bet week.
-Miss Grigg, of
her uncle's it
seseiete- purpose
ism by giving a
'hursday evening,
rrey, of Toronto,
,rale enter t ainere
I secured for the
:afent from Mit-
ices. Every body
tage of this oc-
xod concert.—Mr.
moved his family
-vacated by Mr.
• iltiani Cray ford,
tr, !Cent a few
th ter relativee,
t he west .—M ra.
tag in Sea forth.
tie Kraus -o; f (Xi -
on Thursday
C.trrol, art old
or of this parielo
Pu Monday.—One
n were disroLcssed
t urday evening,.
Monday morning
t oar No.
by far t he sus-
at lively clip,
te and bolt be -
tri St. Coluinhan.
in the ynijxtby
it.s and beheaded
ring Dublin the
rd then it jumped
ut ,:4ixty of the
at Stratford
on Mondoy nd
Co[uiabuj to re -
rails. The mil.--
denta, tiii
e " wearing
t erne off."
.—The &esp. :tro
deing their best
he order of the
wr1Ship .is• not
1)7 itSamhtiotm
and this -.seek
is to Land with
t.mtre,i 9 1-!, by
the \le-
i:ripI b; hie
--T1. 711$“•,5.1
toy. nship, ru-
fine young
be ueil knio.vrt
I. for which t lwy
it LS' figure of :4.4280.
tnon always keep
-ti get the long
;IS '1 17..) /
- t Ow beam
sired 1.ty
ane known,
t proof of
liar on the
tered Into Rest. --Andrew Brem-
ali eld, well known, and highly
pected resident of the 4th canoes -
.810, pasaed away on Monday aftcr-
noon of this week, after a Very brie
illness, lasting but za. Sew hours. De-
ceased was an exceptionally stout
and Xtearty man and his deraise was
entirely unexpected. Heart failure
given as the cause of death. nr.
Bremner was '73 years of age. The
funeral took plate on Wednesday af-
ternoon to Elmo_ Centre cemetery-,
Itev. 'D. B. MeCrae conducting the
861:4`ee: are also 'called upon this
week to record the death of Mary
yang, wife of Peter Sinclair, 14th
rencession, at the age of 31 -years,
Docea.sed was taken ill last January
with anaemia, which turned into
consumption. resulting in death.
Ilrs. Sinclair was married to her
eneIVI bereft partner five years ago
iseet January and two small hildren
are left in his *are. The funeral
took place on Wednesday afternoon,
interment -being made in granbrook
Mernorium.-Mr. Duncan Reb-
eriaan, whose sudden and unexpect-
.ed death ocou,rred on Monday morn-
ing, Manch, 6th last, was a Huron
boy. He was born on lot 12. eon -
ion 13. Grey township, on eltotob-
atilt 1864, being therefore in his
-41st 'year,. Two years ago last Ile-
leenaber he had a slight attaek of
pluriey team which the apparently
legained his \violated strength. Up
te, 'this time sickneso Was urikno-ven
nee hira. During the last six months
previous to ,his demise a cough
'troubled him at times. His phyai-
'Weal was called and.,,pronounced the
patient strong and healthy withethe
mention of a slight bronchial of -
'friction. The deceased was becoming
gradually Worse notwithstanding the
advice of his physicians that the
'illness was only temporary and cal-
led 'for no alarm. It 174. -as not until
two days before his death that a
third dootor 4iscovered- an abscess on
the right lung too far developed for,
esatoh ,Uope. He complained little of
pain 'and neter murmured until a
low days before death. The end
oame -with great suddenness. Ile was
perfectly resikned and bore his ill-
ness 'ioatientlyt Re died as .he
'The last bout- on earth was spent
in.conversatiOn with his mother,eis-
ter and broth -Sr which strangely and
prophetically leveled an unforeseen
separation ilbre bel OW. The late
9311elearr Robeitson was a quiet, un-
assuming young man, whose ideal
was the horaee He wee his mother's
faithful (rienel. He made few asso-
elates but ovied the honest and true.
The hypocritoi or flatterer had Me,
plate tor dilth. Farm life Was his
oho ice. The family removed, to
Bruce county, near Paisley, in Oc-
tober, 1893. tit:moan- was a- keen ob-
server of al' Matters pertaining to
f,the farm and was excelled by few
e8 -11. judge at stook. lie was "also
we'll read oil al/ publio questions.
His early eduitation was received at
Cranbrook, Mie Alex. lef,eNair being
hie first teacher. His father died
'ori the 4th of ;;1,4:arch, 1891, in Grey
township. 11i-ks mourners are his
aged mother, Mrs. John Robertson,
his only sister, Miss Maggie, at borne,
'his brother Datiiel who is left alone
fon the farm 4hd feels his position
keenly as the interests Of the broth-
ers were alwayS identical in prosper -
Ity as well ae adversity, ; James M.,
Mite is teachinO= school in the home
eeeticm. and Jahn who. has been in
the mining disttiets of British Col-
umbia for a nuhaber of years. The
funeral took nlace from the family
residence, 4th ; concession at Bruce
township. The senvices were con-
eluoted by his ,ORvoted -pastor, Rev.
P. M. Maachet.,11, of St. Pa.uPe Pres-
byterian chureh, Glarais. The ire -
mains were ta.lettia tee Kincardine sta-
fion thence kti Brussels cemetery
where be rests btside his father. The
gratitude of the. family is extend-
ed to the many friends and neighbors
win. so kindlytsympathized in the
'hour of bereavement.
When we kneltto see our Duncan
. •
A.nd heard hiselast faint' M00.11,
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,
. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'l hanger
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents
Over $10 and not exceeding $30.. 10 cents
Over $30 and not exceeding $50:....... 15 coots
These Orders are 'P
-AICABLE AT reit at any office in Chinado. of st Clhartered
(Yukon exceptod)i and at the principal bankiugpointe in the United States.
ieeeteereenet AT A FIXED RATE AT
They form an excellent method of remitting small sumo of money with safety
and at small cost.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Mena er.
a,nd scarce, buyers being unwilling to bid
the mint' doors, Quotations are for oar MoL A etluG;111.1t7 atria toulgortro, on April eth
lots. $17 to $17.50 for brio, and $18.50 and Mrs Patrick McLaughlin, a eon
to $19 for shorts. Manitoba, $21 for 'Worts' ROB B -1n Morris, on April 14,, to Mr and
eph Robb, a son
and $19 for bran. eEeel4e—In Bluevale, on April 4th, to
Mn Watson Jo eot, a son
,ITANLEY-In Goderieh township, o J April
Horse Market. Mr and Kra Robed Hanley, a daughter
OXTOBY-In Grey, on March 81st, Co Mr
Tonotteo; April I2 ---The following is George Oxtoby, daughter
Burns & Shoppard's weekly report of pre-
vaidivg 'prices Single roadster', 15 to 16
hands, $140 to $200 single cobs and oar- ' Marriages.
!dans, horses, 15 to '16.1 hands, $175 to BROADFOOT-WEIR-At the thienee of the
$250 ; matched paire end carriage home,
15 to 16.1; hands, $360 to $550; delivery
horses, 1.100 to 1,200 lbs., $120 to $175,
general purpose end express horses, 1,200
no 1,350elbs., $160 to $220t draught horses,
1,350 to 1,750 $175 to $250, eine-
vicesble second -blued workers, $90 to $130;
serviceable seoond-hand drivene$75 to $125. •
Liere Stook Markets.
in competition with the. market ready at
FROST—bin .6,feaforth. on April 611), to Mr a d Mrs
to lir
rs Jos-
t. and
fa, to
nd 1Ira
levirerooe, Apri; 11—American Cattle,
6d to tied ; Canadians, Eeed to 6d.
LenitioN, England, A.pril 11—Live cattle
are quotettat ilia to 121a per pound ; re-
frigerator beef, 84e to 810 .per pound;
sheep, 130 to I40 per pound.
MONTREAL, April 11—Che heavy dull
weather of the lot few dap has apparent-
ly had a slow efftot on the local nettle
trade. At the East End Abattoir this
morning, notwithstanding the close prox-
imity or the Easter 'mason, -trade was not
any too brisk, while snivels were hardly
up to the average of this partieular mom
The gully of stock wies fairly good and
many sales of best cattle were made to good
advantage, but on the whole the market
continued to arag, and Gales were not any
too satisfactory. The best beeves brought
a shade over 5o per pound, while fair to
good sold at 32 t3 40 per pound, peer mud
common from 24 to 3in per pound. Mild)
cows brought $25 to $50 each, aceordiug to
quality. Sheep were quoted at 4 to 50,
end in a few oases 50 per pound was paid HORT1101114/8 FOR, SALIC.-The uncle
for ohoioe, while sprirg tenths Nand hovers 0 haft for sale on Lot 10, Concession 2.
at $3 50 to $5.30 each, Calves in alt Wise prubstrh of iM;taitte truuseld ah
&BO qualities were offered. The smell and ruuttior seu.Y.croef :how% 13wresedic YThlyP:rel
thin were run off at $l $3, and 43 50 ible for registration and will bo soli teas
each, while the better class sold at $4 to doliel ELDER, Herman P. O. 1
$10 per head. Hogs*were in fair demand,
with the quality quite good at quotatione
ranging up to 60 per pound fer selects.
\Boos -moo Apr.1 11-4/atele—Aotive arid
15 to 25e higher. Prime steers. $6.15 oo
$8.50; shipping:, $5 05 to 56; hutch -
are, $5 to $5.75 ; heifers, $4.50 to 55.50;
JOWs, 8.375 to $5 ; bulls, $3.50 to $4.50;
bride'* parents, Sesforth, on A 12th,
F Larkin, Mr Charles 11 Firoadfoot„ o
•sets, to Miss Florence' Weir, daughter
JitOlet Weir. of Seitforth •
CIALVER.P-P03111.111THWAITZ--At, the
dist parsonage, Holumsville, oa Apri
Rev F Stewart, lir A ()lived, of Petr lia, to
Miss B Postelethwalte
y. Rev
of Mx
1st, by
SMITH -In flealiorth, on .Aprif- 9th, John
agn4_68 years •
MoNAT-1-10 Tuekersroith, on April 10th, W
• Na', aged 72 years, month sod 16 day
BREMNER-in Grey, on April 10th, Andre
ner, seed 78 years .
8INCLAIR-4n grey, en April 9111, Mitry Young,
wile of lir Peter Much& in ber 85th yea
R0SS-10 Toronto, on March 110th, Merger°
third daughter et the late Roy John 1
Mc -
FERRIE-In Kinlass, on April lst. Samuel
aired 87 years, 4 mouths and 7 days
BAXTER -In Turnberry,iin April 4th, Mary
relict of the late JobnBaxber, aged 68 y
ass, of
Funeral Directorl
and Embalm rs.
Night cells answered at Mr. McKe
residence, Church,Sb., third home no
public sohool, west side. Graduate
°hunts College of Embalming, Boston
Knechtel WicKen
th of
More Ne liv Dress Goods.
iCorner M
Market Sreete
e Seneeetie,
We have just received another large shipment of our special line of deem
goods, for which there is such a great demand. Our dress goods trade has
been a record breaker this season. Never in thy/ history of this big store have
we sold so many drese goods From our long expeiience in business here, we
know what our customers want, and we always have the right goods at the
right prices. Below we mention a few of our special lines :
Cord de Soie, Wok, brown, navy and green, 44 to 54 inches wide, at 503, 753 and
$1.00. Crespine, in black and cetera 40 to 50 inches wide, Se 50e, 753 and $1 00. Mo
halm in black, navy and brawn, 54 Moires wide, the correct, material for ehirt waist
enite, very special at 50o. Lustree. in bleak and colon. 40 to 50 inches wide, bright
glOssy finish, at 25e, 35o, 60o, 65o, 75o and $1. We also show a large assortment of
plain and fanoy venetian's. alpacau) sages!, evilest), °teatime and broadcloths ab popular
PriaeCsbiTON WASH GOODS -We show a great ranges in this deparement. Fancy
printed =Wine at 8 103, 1f4e, 15e, 20a and 25e. White muslin* In etripes and floral
designs at 5o, 10o 15.0 and 20e. Organdies snd Whin Buena at lOts 15i, 20e, 25o and
35o. White vesdegs in fatiOY weaves, brobedes, etc., 12io 503, Also a large assort -
meat of zephyrs, brocades, limns and mercerized goods et righo priets.
EASTER .MILLINERY.—Now is the time to order your Beater millinery. Our
stock is now et its best, and you eate gee a better selection now than later on. Mies
Hood will be plerreed. toahow eou the Went novelties.
0 ..A.1sT 3D 01%1"M PPii 331
see:wirers and feeders, $3 25 to $4 50; stock
ateliers, $3 to 53,25; fresh cows and
springers. strong to .52 higher; gond to
choice, $48 $50; medium to good, $35
to $45 ; :Sommers, $20 to $22. liege -
Slow and 15 to 20o lower ; heavy and mix-
ed, $5.80 to 55.85; Yorkers, $5 70to $5 85;
pip, $5.60 to 55.05; roughs, $175 to 55;
stags, $3 to $3.75. Sheep and Lamb,—
Active, and 15o to 25o higher ; lambs, $6 50
to $8 50; a few at 58,60; yearlings, 67.25
to 57.50; wethers, 56.25 to e6.50 ; ewes,
$8 to 58.15; sheep. mixed, $2 50 to $6 15.
TORONTO, April 12 —Cattle—Exporters—
Prices ranged Irma $4 80 to $5.50 per owe,
with a, few odd cattle at a little more
h wiped away the others' tears ; money, Export bullbut the bulk mid at 55,20 to 55.3
Now eaeh musk weep alone. per owe. s sold at $3.75 to
But higher shalt - our raptures flow $4„ .t per cwt. • Export cowsold at $4
• ,celestal plain, er cwt . Butchers —Choice picked lots
On you
When, loved and', parted here below
Meet ne'er to part, again.
—Stephen Deo Oos, wlio received
quite e legacy throualt the death
of at daughter in France a few
yeah ago, droppal 'dead at his home
in Mitchell, one; evening last week.
MG April 18th, 1906.
Fell Wheat . $1. 06 to 05
iests per bushel — 0 33 I0 0 33
Peas per bushel- e. ft 66 tie 0 65
&warty per bushel- 0 45 to 0 45
Sister, No. 1. loon - — 0 19 to 0 21
Batter,31111- . 0 1e to 0 19
0 )3 to 014
Flour, per 100 _ -.. _. • 2 60 to 2 76
HaY per ten new-- - - 60 to 7 00
Hides per 100 lb._ _ 6 00 to 5 85
Sheep Skins.. SO to 0 26
Potatoes per baz (new),..._ 73 to se
Salt (retail) per barr..
0. 1 25 to 1 00
Wood Pal aard (long).4e4 -..- 6 00 to 620
Wand por oord (thort).i -.. 2 75 to 8 25
Lteppeerper bag..-- 0 90 to ft 60
Clover Seed-- -. -.... 7 00 to 9 00
Timothy Seed- cerOY 1 26 to 2 00
Tallow. Per _ Oe in 05
Pork, per 100 The.. - - 7 50 to 820
of butchers,' °edge, equal in quality to the
beet exportere, were in demand and sold
readily at $4.60 to 55.15, and one or two
loto at $5.25 per owt in loads of good sold
at from $4.25 to 54.50; medium, $3 90 to
84.15 : OMB, $2 75 to - canners $2
Dairy Markets.
, -
TORONTO, April 1.1th-Butter-The mar-
ket holds fairly stead*. Receipts( are large
hat( the demand is Aottee. glut ations are
Unchanged. Oreatnery prime-, 23 to 25o ;
•801ide, 22 to 2364 thedium dairy tube,
160 to 17o ; inferiee dairy, 14a to 150 ;
wed to ahoice deity pound roils, 210 to
.22a ; large dairy rcrile, 193 to 200 ; medium
dairy, 17 to 180. Oheeae—Holds a firm
tone, and is queted etoady at the ad-
vance. Large are +Tabbed at 12e, and owlets
at 140 per potted, iEggs4Are firmer at
15c. The purchaidog in the country for
pickling purpoeee reeporielble for lighter
reeeipte here. It
Mom:sere April lItie-Cheese, On-
tario fail, white atid:oolored, I2o to Mo.
Eggs -New laid at 14io to 14/1 per dozen.
Butter—Finest oi!ets,rnery, 24 to 25e ; roll
batter, 20 to 21d in Ea,ikets.
Term°, April llelo—potaboes—Coa-
tinue easier in teees Quotations are un-
changed. Ontariaaere (rioted at 603 on
track, and 65) to 'QJ out of atere ; eestern
oaftts6tOooret! 65o on Ilia*, and 70 to 75o out
U $2 25 per owt. Feedere—The demauid for
feeders is still as great as ever, eapecially
for elaort.keep steero of good -quality,
1,100 to 1200,lbe each, which sokt readily
at $4.75 to $5.10 per owt; feeders, 1,000
to 1,100 lbs. eaeh sold at $4 50 to $4,75
per owt; feeders,S00 to 900 lbs. each, at
54.25 to $4 50. It must be remembered
that these prices were for cattle of fair
feeding qualities, and some of them good
etieugh tor export. There were some cat-
tle 1,000 pounds each, of COMMOIli inferior
quality, sold at $4 per owl', Mitch Cows—
About 25 milk cows and springers sold at
from $30 to $60 eaoh, the bulk selling at
335 to $45 each. Veal Calves—Prloes for
the common to medium chases of veal
calves deolined fully $1 per met, hue choice
new milk -fed waves would still bring a
oboioe price. Prices range,d from . $2 to $8
earth, or $3 50 to $5 50 per owt, for the
bulk of offsraige, while an extra pelf would
bring $6 to $6 25 per cwt. Sheep and
Lembe—Tbe demand exoeeded the supply,
and piing went still higher, especially for
choice grain -fed yesollog ewe and wethee
lambs, and surely the farmers of Ontario
will see the advisability of oastrating their
buck lambs when they see the pricers paid
for each clams. Export ewes gold at
$4.75 to $5 50 per owt; export bucks at
$3.75 to $4.50 per cwb ; mixed sheep,$4.50
to $5 per owt; etiolate yearling larnbcowes
and wethers„ frain-fed, sold at $7 2'5 to
per owt ; heavy buck lambe sold,
aY. a
rk rad
JI slip
• Notice to Contractors.
Sealed Tenders will be received by the holey
sienna up to May tat for the Wildlife of ement
abutments on the 5th concession containing about
100 cublo yards. Addrew
3, E II kleNwELL,
1948 3 Clerk of Stanley, Varna
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders addressed to the undersigned and
ed " Tender" will be received up till 6 &Weak
Monday, April 241h, 1905, for the erection of
room and baeement Public School Brick or
building to the village of Wroxeter. Tend
the whole work or for the different branches
p. m.
vs for
itow going on in all departments
In will be considered: Plane and speolfiest o a may
be seen at the residence of the underaigned or at
the officea of Stewart,Witton and Tayl 'r, Architects,
Brantford, Ont. Loweet or any tender, not necess-
arily accepted.
See. Public School Board, Wrexeter
Dated at Wroxoter, 8th April, 1905, • 1948-2
Good Work
•""•'AT"'"'""*•••••'"^"•'"°'.... -
4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -4 -1 -H -1-1-1-11444+e 44-1-1+14-1-1-1-H-1
DISCOUNTS —Ten per cent. off for caeh in the Honse Furnishing
Department, and 5 per cent. off for cash in the Dry Goods and Clothing De-
SPEOIALTIES.--Grocery Department— High grade coffees, pure spices
and blended teas.
MAIL ORDER -DEPARTMENT—Snits made to measure, Royal
Brand, This occupieset class by.itself—individuality, originality and, super-
iority have been and are the keynote and corner stone of popularity in this
LINES TO CLEAR—Wool b'ankets, regular price $3 50 a pair, now
$2.85 a pair; grey flannel by yard, regular price 80c, now 25c a yard; men's
odd coats to clear this month at $1.50 each; men's overalls to clear this month.
at 50c e pair; youths' odd vests to clear this month at 50e each.
Highest market price paid for first-class produce. Potatoes wanted.
B. B. GUNN, Seaforth.
Good BIAterial
0 11" S
Done on Time.
In our Jewellery Store we have a Opoo
iel department Fenced off," to
speak, from the main, Elio* room. 1 In
charge of thin is an expert workm n, a
mechanic. You should call at thi de-
partment quite ofoen, as your watch
should be examined at least one
year ; or the claws of, your a ond
ring may be worn icfrand you runi the
risk of loeieg the stone.
We 14ever Charge
The standard of perfection, the highest in quality, and the Jowest
price. Reliable farmeis and threshers recommend every farmer to tile it to
destroy smut in grain. A few cents - spent in Fear's Formaldehyde, with a
little trouble, gains you many a dollar in your crop.
MR. JOHN MURRAY, the veteran thresher, whom you all know, says: "Where
Fear's Formaldehyde has been used, I find the grain free of smut, and I oars 'heartily
recommend it as the beet formaldehyde on the market."
MR. R. B. MoLEAN, President) of the Farmers' Institute, frays : " teeted Fear's
Formaldehyde last year on my grain, and it gave every setisfaction ; the grain WM free
of emote and an excellent yield.'
MR. FRED. ECKART, of Brodbagen, says "My °ate and wheat were very
dirty with smut until I used Fear's Formaldehe de three yens ago. Sinee then I have
used it every miasma and my gristle is clean, and yields well every year. 1 say it will
pay every farmer to uee Fear's Formaldehyde on both oate, wheat and barley.'
Words of praiee have been showered in from all eider, but i he above will be eneugh
to convince any tensible farmer of the superiority of Pear's Formaldehyde. Get a bottle
early, and treat your grain before the rueh Spring sowing begine. The price is the
same ail laet year -35a a pound—at
for examioatiore, and all work le t in
our shop will be fixed in a ,thoro gh,
workmanlike 'mincer. It will be one
on time it is promised, and ite p ice
will be reasonable. Special ateen ion
given to clock repairing, and also ny
kind of jewelry work. Try us
$7 75 .
$6 to $6.50 per owt; common barnyard
lambs sold at $5 50 to$6 per cwt. It will
be seen thee ewe and wether lambs are
worth $1.25 per owt more than buelts,
which means from $1 to $1 25 per head
more for wetbers. Spring lambs sold at $3
to $6 eaob. Hoga-The run of hogs was
light -832, all told. Mr. Harris quoted
prices es unchanged at $6.25 for selects and
$6 for lights and fate. These prices are for
fed and watered.
G*11, et -C.
ToROXTO, April 11,the-Wheat-White,
$1.08 ; red, $1.06 to $1.07 ; goose,
; spring, Si 0O eas, 703 ; oats, 46to ;
srley, 48e, Ray -No. 1 Timothy, $10 to
511, clover or itilxed; $7 to per ton.
Strew -Sheaf stflear, $10 to $11 loose, es.
tfoge—Dressed loge, light, $8,40 per owt;
heevy, $8 pet . net, Millfeed-Ie firm
Gardno Block, Seaforth.
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received at the clerk's office, ea -
forth, up 1111 May 1st, 1905, for the following, lz.:
L Street watering at so much per hour.
2. For congtruotion of sewer oo Birch St eet.
PI tee and speoifications to be seen at the 01 rk's
The lowest or any tender for either of the above
not beeessoity accepted.
W M. ELLIOTT, Clerk,
1948.1 Sealorth.
Eleafortb, April Lith, /905
Cleveland Coil Spring Wire
Dead Eioft Weaving wire
Fence Hooks and Staples
We are egents for the LONDON FENCE
MACHINE, the beet made in Canada.
A Completie Stook of
Estimates given for
Furnace and. Plumbing Work
George A. Sills,
Seaforth - Ontario.
Full Range of Up -to -Date Patterns.
A Trial Order Solicited.
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors._
Under the Town Clock, a SEAFORTH.
Going April 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24ti.
neturning until 23rd and 25,h, 1905.
between all stations in Canada, also to
Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Niagara
Falls, Suspension Bridge and Bafftlo, N, Y.
to pointe itt
Montana, Celorado, Utah, British Colum-
bia, W athington, Oregon, California.
On rate daily until May 15th.
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. ,
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent,
The Dark
Side of Life
Public Meeting.
At the ery beginning of this business, 21 years
ago, we selieved. that greater success was to be
won by elling goods for as little as possible, than
by askincr as much as they would bring. In the
eafly dar s we could not give such values as we do
to -day. Now the quantity of goods we handle
makes la ige purchases easy, and that cuts down
the cost. The policy of buying for cash and going
direct to the sources of original supply, cuts dam
the cost till further, and. applying the principle
,of small profits over its cost'tto us, makes the
prices to ou Jower still.
Genaern la
_ Four eceeeetine
•Dress Goods Departmen
Visit this dep rtment, and. you wiU be impressed with the great variety
pi goods we have g thered for thie season—all the latest novelties that we
could discover.
Just to hand, Silks, check and hot silks, correct for Ebirt waist
from 50e to $1.
Blousings, fano lustres and delaines.
Muslins, in bla k and white, aad black and fancy
Choice eeleotie s of Vestings... '
Dress Goods In crepe -de -chine, Voiles and Roxem cloth in
alt t3ie
leading shades.
Silk eoliennes black, brown, light and. dark nine and green.
Sicilian cloths t all shades. .
Every day new
garment bears the at
and. the prices are ri
Just to hand, la
vestings, duck, 'etc.
Fine linen eras
See our shirt w
ent Styles.
Other specials i
Look at our tail
assortment and best
Readystoowear 11
!rivals ada to our showing of summer geode. Evevy
nip of fashion. The qualities cau be depended upone
ht, as Piekard's always are,
tee ready-to-wear wash suits in linen crash mercerize&
navy blue duck skirts at $1.75 each,
skirts, special values at 0.25 and $2.85 each.
ids at $1 each, best value we live ever shown, ten
shirt waists at $1.25, 1.35, 1.55 and 1.75 eacb.
r -made suits, raincoate, jackets and skirts, the iargcat
alues ever shown by us.
No eity. Department,.
Black and tan land bags, special lines at 55c each.
Belts in silk bister brown effects, petent and crush leather in narrow
widths, at 25c each
1 Beautiful hand embroidered white linen waist lengths, direct from enaneee
lecturers, prices froni$3.50 to $4.75 each. ,
Embroideied Iiidia linen waist fronts, pn es from 90e to $3 each.
is ever uppermost to thoee with definit-
ive eyesight. Permit ue to brighten things
for you.
If care, ekill end experience in eye
tasting and the fitting cf glasiee oan wont.
plioh anything, thee
0 RELIEF and reerhaps a PER-
MANENT CURE is obtain-
able tarough our assistance.
Epee tested free by
A Public Meeting will be held In the Town Hall on
To discuss the Electric Lieht By.Law. Mayors Bell
of Wingham and Hendrie of Kincardine, are ex-
pected to be present to address the meeting,
1948-1 N. CLUFF, Mayor,
R. McNaught,
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Ergraver
• and Optician,
Dress Cutting School.
"" For 810 I will give on system free, and teach any
lady bow to cub, flt and put together 'toy article in
drese or mantle making In '2 weeks from the plainest
waist to the most elaborate drcite that ean be found
In the fashion book, without the use of paper p4 -
terms. 1 heve taught over 1,600 this lest ate years,
and offer 510010 anyone I met teach. or can prove
to me they can learn as much any other place in
Iwo years, Just think of 11 I For 060 I will teach
any one that is a dress maker, or good rower er d
drawer, to teach this course, giving them my teach-
ers' certificate. Strangers may board at 'school.
A aultable reward given to any one informing me
of any person tryingto teach this eourse, whieb 1
Invented and had patented, that doee not hold a
certificate from me. Nrxt ohm commonces Mon-
day, April the 3rd. Witte for particulare, or see
me at my school in Stratford, opposite Windsor
Hotel, on Albert street, on Saturday, April 294h.
Thia is positively roy last cleat this emurneress we
leave for Winnipeg the end of May. MRS. WM.
SANDERS, Teacher Date Cutting, Box 159, Strat-
ord P. 0. 19 -52
aipet Department
Just at present
best in floor eoverin
in. the past.
There are carp
Rugs in all si
mattings in all kin,
We are ready
roll of goods.
The suceesa of
EUCCES8S deserve&b
best ready-to.weee
where. The stock
style. Our prices
Special values
suits. These are s
New overchec
sell at $1O; our pr
A line of dark
8; our price this
our carpet department is aglow with all ehe newest
8. We offer a wider range of selections than at an
te in Brussels and tapestries, wools, unions, et.
and kind, linoleums in all widths and qualities. New
new curtains in all kinds and prices.
welsome you to this department ta Flew yon roll after
mg Departmen
this departnient has been won by the most liberal. methode
cauee it brings to the men of Seaforth and vicinity the
lothing made at positively the lowest prices to be bad any -
is so large and varied that it includes almost every known
his season will completely revolutionize the trade.
fer this week : Another shipment of our celebrated $10
ilk and. wool worsted, made to sell at $12 50,
tweed suits, latest cut, seven different patterns,
ce this season is $8
tweed suits, mixed patterns and. checks, made
eason is $6.75.
Our clothing t
so near just what w
tatingly guarantee
- Our Spring evo
to see us for your S
thing to Order
made to
to sell at
order is constantly winning 'over custom e. Our work is
and our customers think it ought to be, that we milieu -
very detail of it.
liens are ready, our prices are moderate. It will pay yote
)ring suit,
Oppaattee Taint Buildlug, Omer Main and Market Str.