HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 4a
APRILt 1905 .
. .
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leathere, - -
jj;'___-____ ------' 4, d. Ho;. also
I n ,� , old be ,X000 Ve
. � I .
� showed tbaf the interview between
__ - - ,'kl� -ifter," V6th jilt of
ably be loo d
wh'kh agree. We also wish to
� . -
�= ,$2oo 'of, #whjs amounti uom-
� -
. _
I inted to wait on,
were, appo
mr. 11"iAe= is, w uv uoAasK1*Aqr ,
_ -on'
haylug socumd -SUch & good positi
. .
I . . I ________--_W - * . . . . . . . . . .
-1 ,
-11, - "I �� I
hoes for. Easter.
- , and Mir.
the Manitoba deputation
say,that there exe no two men in the
' �
�� ii-AcUls of Usborue, Stephei
- Mrs C. H. Bennett and-family,wilic
. .
!", __
- �
IT .
. I-
lace thiree, days af`- -
Sb4rretti took p - .
� I
arty ranks h Huron who ha,�e made
P I � I
n , xeter asking oY a ,grant ,of 450
Z 1
from eimh of former and
1 ValVA ,been visiting friends in town
Xor Uw )�aist f We weeks, It - ft on Mon-
. .
P-0-00440640446440 1
� - - - - - - - I
- ,V
� .-
ter the Au,tonoiny bill bad: been in-
I .
troduiced into Parliament land Sir
greater saorifl-ceo for paxty a,md
,Who, deserve more generous Bonsider -
100 from the latter. Kirkton 'was
. -
' -
day uwrining for,ber home at Battle-
W. 'h
� .Por 11 7
- .. .
a have & new hot s"ted for Raster or 16 mav be a new mdt,or I �
- � . law-
the Is fin,9
� .
, -
r - a .
W-11triii had ex I ined'to 1he House
-hose In. power than Mr.
atim f rom t
gtod a mele'thig by
t this
represe I - .
Messrs. Shier and Leigh; Wiaoliellsom
ford, -X. T., W, e' ,e� -her. 4usbxnd,
,ho.,is weil known here, 8 manager
w. i
"d to complete outdt A now p5dir of sh %� -
frool! at All'youni - OelL -
, . - - -
have just wbatylon are looking for. The very Usest spylas in Atn#,!f�.
believe we mW�
I the policy of e Government, -with
�1 x , I)oun-
roga d to, the extension of the
Thomas Ei Hays, of Seaforth, ,and
Mr. Back above referred t6 0,0d -it
by.Messrs. J. G. Jones 4nd J'ohn Del-
. Z ,
of Ae Bank. of Hamilton. -Mr. GerW.
canand C
adian fine shoes are here awafting year inspection. Swell pit_w- -
. . I
. . f
I daries of th; brovince, -of Manitoba -
. will bo, a, shame if they do not To-
- 9
bridge and .Crediton by. Messrs. C.
th - con zinployed
aid Graves, NY o has
the has
leathere, - -
snasorasnew tons and - I
idb000latos; soft, 00AY-fitting vial Vda. a corx�. -
. - .
!'so that it would be Impossible for
celve just wid proper recognition.
ZwIeker and S. Brown. If Exeter
in ClodeAdh for past month,
plate lin a
an and ohildrev-.�t pripex within Teach of vvery _-
or men, wom � . _.
I either the G . oiVernment . or thw Oath-
� - � ____ I
gets the C, F. R.,and the propose(! el-
roturned home.-SIrs. W. Brown, one
Our two great a
cials for women are the famous I QiWitY" And -the uIlOdIM- I
- 3
& Z-11 I. U -11A 4,'h� V rdiFnha
_�... I
. . . -
� I i
00trie railway to rand clad it will
of ,flhe old residents of Blyth, who
shoo is the originator' -f *11 the latesb - *LVINiK � L �
The ueen Quality L _ - ��
. I I
I - I
F � OD10 01,U0, 0 LLIJ � rjairlorlaL.Notes an VOMMUO 11,13. ' T � pr1j'e, $3 7.5 L "
� a pAir , ,
C � I . , d 7 I . be quite - a railway . centre. -The at lane time was a esident of Morris, ., I ; Oxfili* � ,,4
� , I . overnmeot eve an -a the oib popular shoe in jhe United Staites. LLLL
- Q n were they dispose ' ,
� 'NT . Mr. Rdmand'Briseo � ,- �:L'
. . L 7,
. - . Ross-Tatlor Company, of 'this town passed away on Sunday after -a $3 A L-P&i .� z
� NJV1W A!)VKKTt-V,AA 1,�. -4 ,so to- do. He, also said he never re- I I . I ��
i Y's The g I E I the leaf :
.1111g'Ahne of CAnada. It, is styli'
� ted by 'the, Conservatives of Centre ha:vc received an orderf from a firm lingerinK illness of heart disease. T inprms `11 is scknowledg44 L sh, - 41
r . delved the lettor which Mr. Rog.vs 100 . . comfow I I
� Or The ft -UL - � %40-- , - sam afteir lanab .,;k 'as - -in Straftord for the material f or funerAl 1was 'held on Tuesday and was able and arable and sells at $2, $2.50. '$2 7.5 and $3 a pair. I . .- 1��
F , the delegates had addre,-Aed to Toronto . their candidate ,in sue . 9 I
5 0Ue.den0,tftLJh'. g4go of thet, ov,,00 WrO(+,the Salu I spa ite shape$ *�,
! X(ftelftemp- h WfIll ho found him before leaving. ]EIP, fiirtber .cession to the I -ate E. )F-. Clark., Mr. twelve blouses to be orepted iti that largely ,attended ,gho-winifthe high Our special tin for InZ in the Slater ,bhoe, the shoe that fits and ke *
i i I city 't held in tho ehos of st, lie, the shoo that outwears the Majority of slhoes iiold at sime P*,
� rview -be- . Bristol will be elootea by acclama his season. This speaks well esteem. in w4ilich sbe was , �,, � .: ;i,
E � I . 11)
I- Rpving Sale--Girefit & Stewa 4-1 L I he L V** �
I Fjw%r Sol - 8 R Gano-s tioln.ms the Liberals halve de-eided not f9r the enterprise -and -eapabilttie.5 jeommulnity. T; huisb,and and'fam- viz..- $3.A0&1id$5 apkir. I
& 00_fi L I tween the Manitoba 'delegates 9,nd I large I I I pric c - �-
Drew Good%-KaKinn -a . the Government was unnecessary as to put lip a �wbndldato, Mr. Bristol of our Exeter manufacturers. -Mf. fly ftova the syrapatby of a IU Medium Pri�ed shosp, we zarry a large 4480ftmebt, r4oging in a from $1,25 to ,
- -
I Shoes for ka#er-R WtUh 4 Sia -4L - Autonomy bill, and is a ,naffie of Napahee and ,has long *R. V. Pickard, for many years one of circle of frioinds.-Mr. George, Stow- - and $1.50 to $3 a pair for men, smd we Are confident we cat show V.. . :
Quatity and Qn't ity-v Pialvi-d & S -A-5 they had, in the I ., for wonion, � I I 1QK_
'HOUPOL FUftlJJhJ1144_9 ,40g,&Ul co -8 . G�pfforn- been active in politics on the Con- our largest and most enterprising art, rwibo: bas been attending'medl- . qualities that will please yOtt. L ... 11 L
[ . - I . h,L-5 spe6ch -the policy of the I styles &�d . - � I
I Tender* W%,Aed-W WiN*,t-6 L ment fox tb,c extension of Manitobals - servative. side. . ', merchants, Intends. engaging largely -cal clollege, at Kingston, is at pre.- I . - !
I , - , - - �
For Sale-Jeho Elde I - - . N __��, "
- . t North-vvest. He urediased a ativas There am4. at Dungannon. He I i
� ; �
Appreritia W-Inted-Clon an.d St.ples ritary ev at It. A. Gamey the' � L ` k ,
[ 1TOU08 to Ca t1tot-3--j K Harawo 1-5 . . boundaries. In short he showed . . in flarming dhd grain growing in the, sent -spending 41is holidays with rel- 10 A& 61 , "
r -i , h �
1 -8 f rum doteumei idence that Mr. � it is evident t,h- 1. . has p I . � e, ; � i-
. -E, G' V%-0Cgw001-8 ' is ,bo be congratulated on ffi�aving & * Ow -S afort - ---
. . 91 "�, .. I
Ekgit tor batobtag Rogcrs� charges and* ,insinuations : larp; tract ot land neax Fr,dbisbier, I . I �
- I
I 0WHI38 SthVeb--G. X. Ml'" . i - .in L .�Moe notorious, is not receiving Me mg'in a-. I been Gulcoessful. in pas 11 . 1 ,4 Qnsen QUSlity L" I �
Fistuer Oeaning-FA. Deu i -on -4 � . were entirely unfounded -and that - attention, from -his � Conservative Assiniboia, and intends putt acason ,V, sing fliis third I Sale agents for the Slater Shoe for seen, and the And " Empr*w _- L_'
. , , I I . ar�s examination. � L �:
� I - . FAster Rolfd&34-W. Aomervllle-5 many instances his statements were I bouf 1,200 ,wres of crop thIls'. . _ Mr. B. III Shoes for -women. . r
1, - ,Tud Arrlved--G, 4 � Sills -6 � absolutely false. . . ii, , friends which '*be thiirj,�s is 'his due He lef � for t)w west last -vv,wk and I ToNvinsexid, Who has been employed on . I I . I 11 .
Fomoug &hoo1_W)(ojk r.nd -KaLschUt -8 1 � . � I I . I ========-=,ML- - . I I
. Fallowing the statement of the and is; in ,consequence, feeling sore. ' took with, him eight horses and a I 711he 6tapilard staff, ba s resigned and -1 I
- The Dark f1416 -H. XW#%ugb" - 4 . I very- busy KIL"M I
Don6onTlme-J F Daly -6 Premier in the House came a: stafe- Mr.. Gamy was one of the .Speaker$ .complete outfit of machinery He is �busily'#ongaged getting up a botel a ipart of is h=d taken of t in the expoct t(a have a
. .
Tendem- WoMed * Wii. Bill 0_5 . ment from Mgr. - Sbaretti, in which : at the - Conservative 'convi:ntion in also took t�be material for tli� ciec- IL register in. Dungannon and viziftity. miJ I is p ogressiing t�vorably.-Mr_ in. the building line. -We. 4ro plea*d _ - ,
. . I '
- ralulis-4-0besnoy abd 4inlley-g rtb spent to leaYu that - X Richa-rd . . -
. now . he. admits having invited Mr. Can�p- . Tolpanto the other night. He wasre- tion of a house and outbuildings. i -Wa are glad to!bear that Mr. J�aba and f9ra. ni. Bmipb, of B13 , r. Blat*. - , . .
a for 14410�-S X. Jacob* --s I - . oird- one of o -.4vapeoeted pion, , " N.. -
. 1. R, f W I
Shaes--2--W� U. willff", . beft � to -a conference but that 'Mr. lceilvad with � Opers (I the singing 11q -was accompanied by H. Hooper J Moffett, ,%v(bo met with Aodh,a baid Sunday tw! friends in town -Mr . ur V:1 LL
11 I
- -
I I L , � ow.11 He and George Bagsh&w who will work I mooident in Toronto, by falling on jojl�n * ' n*Satur- business men, intends returning heft-.� I
T or
(NOV06- TWO— ft-PoAttv office -9 Rogers was not preftift and that -be '� of " He!s a Zy (� Fell I ,14cD aid returned 6 1 -
� - - `
-the summer. the 'lee, breakilng his bip bone, i ' lea, wit _. .
Vabltelloeling-4t. Cluff-6 ! that ,gentlemail an . him for Mr. 1xvin. a pl .�%mt visit ' ' )i ftom, Dakota this summer and mai;, 1
L had - -never seen d � thainked -thoifie &esent - for - the -%vitU L - Is Im- I day . � _11
I ,
. . . 'L . I _L bad never had ony conversation with' waxinth vf their greeting and icon- ploklard is a -hustler and his mapy proving inicely and ex cot,s soon to friomds!rot Seafor6h,-Joseph 13a,ak- Ing bis home, again in ,uensaI . . . . . . . .
_. I p L-)tr_ :..
I . ' %m
I . in I. P. Wells, of Mitchell, - fatmerly a' LL �
Vhr� has r f .
, gUrgril (5Xpj00ft#V - : , him. .it will -also be seen that Ngr. Ai ued: " I appreciate- the opbilons friends, here will be ploaaed to learn he able to mave around again.-J.G. I,ey , r urned to Kintail after -a , . . . . . .
Sbarr,4,Atl putg the interview be-_�of the, masses -far more *than those that he makeg a success of hb- new Moser an<1 son, Bly.t1h, ba,ve this week rn,antbis � Isit with friends around Aenaall, ,was in the village thw
I � *
, _
� - - himself a d -the Manitoba del- ;;of the tolasses. There are man a enterprise. hu9talled a fine, ar.etylene pUnt in -Wlalfvu,.� , Bennett, J. McDonald Week. -A 1"ture on Bermudia, .V'Jk6_ L � -
� — ---. - . . , .-,-- t weell'. n. . . a, I � -_ - - - . . - _ .� ' -
- different light from .Mr. .mang the cl,aases, some In the Co their -large hardware Otowc. It is a amll Dftt' �bc, Salyat-
a e �n-ai � -_ r. Wag -horn axe each pre- der the auspices of t _. LL :,.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, APrIl- 14, 1905. eg t " I I . L - - WA �,
, Bluevalei to bTlld residences Ws sum in U-4 - 11 �
� . Rogers. Ife, bad, no thought of aug- - serv,itive party aind. some out .,of it Kurtze 1906 model. -D. Somers - on paying , Army,, will be given I Millerl,s , __
' . Tuesday- even -Ing 1by Captaw
- -
. =�7_-� ' ' — . - . X" Rob U- �
. T . -'-- L geati , ' t , 1�,e could influence the ,w'ho acein: to feel that t(i� somee`xten - ' Notes.�Mr. Joseph Lee6hls qlx,-,- I Tuesday, -also in -stalled a. Kurtze gas nier. � -Kir. ert Jteid Intends ,en- neirt, 'A I
.he RogerS,L g t � I." generator and the light 1,9 very su- inX�praving bAs bwrns. I f I
auth, ritieT at. Ottawa 'to 'the pre- : il whik �i, n g y .
- Bomerang. laTgLnk:g,, A - le Lightbourne, a native ,o Rermuk-`,
. tion -sale of his bousehold fat ',t 1. L d� 1 -2
- .
!advantage ey* . I i do t of the ftvLme work hi&- ujtar� JaUjij " L
� The ong question of paramount po- judie0yor 4dvantage,of Manitoba, and th can politically. B . perior to Me electric, being mue-h will)�Ia and there -%411 also be g I - I -
en , on Monday of lasf wi-,el; %v ,�! 1.,-gvjv 'deal self tund 8 he is a -skilled mechanic and sin i .
litkaf interest last week was brOught he acquit -4 -the Federal Gorvernm t when it ,comes to wli,.-Lt Teward I a attended an4. the, 'oiddina i�ag good. more )poweiful ond a -great . tz gini by members ot iNe -- �
L -
�.of �tny knowledge of %his interview. to; get-booause, after' -all, ,%ve ar Mr. Robert 'G�riti.�,%'%vus- -a-motioneer. oboaper. - . . a limst vt ss -job ,may be axpeoted. Army. ,, 1 �
Z - - I come 'N� lork tibe railroad -is Still coh- . . � I _. . .
tor - the surUce by I a sti:te . -, , ... Z_ . V,, - -
- ., i . He irivited Mr. Camp)mll to call on 'all somewhat sclfish-w�en it . Mr. Leect In5 hlk4�n rooms with Mr. � "n L . . -_
ment by Mr. Robert Rogers, a mem- ihim 4h Ottawa, and thlis is Us ver- -`to that point some of the classes ar . Robet C S'hasv, in whose -h�use he will Hibbert . f. -to I : it is ex�ftt_ Stara I 11
I r I I. I . I . . ined to lair's hill, but -
� �
' '
N b,6r of the Manitoba,— -Goovernment. 8ion of xhat occurred: . riot so mul6h -guided by merit,.an reside. for fh,e present. -Mrs. Code Stock Sold. -Mr. David Hill, the ad 6hat i - the course of a'week or Notes. -The Misses Norris and '_ . -
1i L . � . I xx
� . I
11 L 4f " �� bef his de- I S Ip hor-Us'
I -
I . Tbig statement wasso extraofdina�y L On the. ,qve g ore l have nat such warm'friend bi fO returned to her home -at Trowbridge well known breeder of Short of two, -svox will become geneiilll,all a- Albert Narria entertained a n .
sl . I L . i aal-� .-
_ I
;� having been - parture fcir- tjie -west, February me as the masses." - on . . ber.,of their friends on FXIdV`ev1m_ .-
11111 and so barefaacd, and - - ' " I I I Fridayd-The snow went away the tawnsh of Hibbert, ba -,9 1*4g ,bh,e line. � � . I L
zz � I 23rd, Mr. Ciampbell ioame. I ask - I . I ma vera — . Ing last when - a very ,enjoyale L-
i I I . very quickly this year. -Mrs. Shan- recently so I important I 11
ii issued with all- the'authority of a� ad him if ,somethilig could L not be The railways of the province sboul non oll. Harriston, visited Mis. DI- sates f rom big herd. He -sold a.14 . ' time W -As spent. -Mr, . Hot4am, of L _.LL .
� 1. Henson. �4 �
1 Cabinet Minister at the balok of it, done 'to lmprov�, -the conditions * ment and' other friends last week. L . 11it-cmil,' di A , kst - -
i1i I . ,&y more taxes. This is .t'he keyno e _mlanths old bull to James Turner, � � e
i 11 L . . he So L rat Bankof CA weekt �and her,
. asda dbarter-
AS of the Cat -holies of his province , of the report of .the. Provincial Rai - �Mr.. Walter Davidson has bought lof atinlay; one to Thomas McKenzie.
;� that for a few ilays- it areated a - ThDoml loniftZliament,42 branch 01n0angda TkIn1aiSS WC -re ta"Xt to tble, St -
1 3 V ad b�yy, �]D , " aifa, .
-1 - most profound: sensation through- with respe-lot, to edweation. 1� I way 'Taxation Commigsion appoint d the house and-blaidicstnith shop of �of Lopan, and one to W ff. St*ne- And agvntn Sli V&rft Of Qe world* In"rest on .cemetery foi7 intermilint on Friday of L I
'ff :1 pointed out.,. thiat in the cities 0 11 at the last session of I the Le isl - Mr. John Wasman. , At ,thv, time GE nitan, of Hibbert. TbesO� 'bulls are all deposits P& four Vmes* out - Ab5o'Uteseallill"'y last iveek�-An. ioterest*
T U well lives, ,�ourau; treaftenite, moderh Ing event .
11 of *rig. "
.3 � put the- en.tire Dominibn.- So much Winnipeg and Brandon, for in., I tur-e and of which Mr. H. J. Pett ,� - tybs wiriti-ng- Mr. Wasmari -,had not from Mr., Hills Wellf known sf,ock 112OK08116d ok 04�* at the home . A� � . I
� I I Arnold , _ - I
so was this the cas� that it furnish- e, e ' f Banff." He has al- methods. otu acaount iv invited. to d_JJaUghL
i ata=6, t-be.Catheklies w r pay- i PiO06, ex -M. P. P.,. is Cb.airma,u h '81 decidbd on a. ne-,.v - Iodation. Mr. bull, " Prince lo ummuninger H deii, 8 -
- - I I null bratich I 104411 ta , when her L gipap . " .
; . ,m 0 s Wo ve `b e L
I ed the main tb�me of discussion in Ing double' taxes, I urged my I been formally presented to the'Le -! Waaman ftnd family -are, desir bl L go old.t ry pretty cif rs to A Horae,Mr. T. J. Berxy has `6er, MUS M. Jontsy Was married -to -, - * ,
I reques ground of fair- islature.- As to the method of I- - I citizens. -Mr. Harry" Brandon, of -William Oliver, of Hibbert. These . Mr, David Chapplel, � .
the Dominion Pa-rhament, . for kwo' Ing -Woodstock, was a recent visitor at disprose of the well known s4ilion, . I L �,f M!hbert. o# L - I
�, _ I
_ .
I . and justice,, andi referA : Mr. HilVs old stock bull, SL arl, _
d 0
pess . proving this tax, the report ,e,ate 1 1-�- ILZ'd %_ P, to Mr. �Geo. Cowa:rd, -of WedI108
� - .
, days. But, when the'ehargjas Made, to his-Inission to Ottawa, I re- c 'Mr. Philip Thomas'.-M.r, George "Doflanee.11 This about clears out . lr.� aay.evening liast. The -_ �
ly a!nd thoroughly jr-ts, forth I I itniear -B eter. 'L(Yxd Sfiaxp is a fino Molly was %performed by Rev. awg_
t,h_ L .... 11
.9 by Mr. Rogers were thus thorlou,gh-, marked t1at' from the point of lGemmissioners' opinion re type of the Uorse that leallvelit tho. ,son, Of Staff a. 10 the -0ye-muce of 'S -111, �
4 � , garding t, - Aittlbeson has gone ,to Nelson, nea!r Mr. Hills crop for t1tis season. Ife , I
* - Hamilton, to engage fn ths& 1. .- "I
)y probed and inquired into,, they . tview . of Ube Manitoba GoVern- fn --the first place, it Is pointed o t , ioTeam- alsol sold a 20 montl1w -old bsavy ,t -VVeighS , lei .
A I I MOB I , -clow byide"S L immediate r , atives The �
. wont some �alction on' these tin cry bu " a-Vaugtht -stallion to Mr. Robert Clark . px !table colts. He . . .. .. �
� . Were found to be so inme urate and so ' es ' that municipalities sh-quId not vi w siness'--yiffiss Nellie Burgess, L ,on -to ,900 Ibis. and has as wiveb. Young ,couple intend 'making thdx,--L "IIIIIIII, I
i would be politically expedient with, a jealouO, eye the amount�,of lot Owen Sound, is ,visiting her aunt, of Carlingford, in Fullarton.' Tbis __
I far feteb�d_that any un6asinessi they and tend to f"altate the acF-'Q'M- . lcorporati,- taxes which I L May Pass to Mrs. George MeDgnald.-Mr. Joseph 0olt .was L raised by Mr. Hill and was quality as any, horse in' the jeountry, home- on the 10th odneession, Hibber'Lt. L
UaA *reated.soon died oui, and peace plishmen,t of his objejol, inas- � W wi h Mr, Coiward success with May they live long to enjoy it.--' I
11 - I . the Proviucial. treasury, because it Lefth speint Sunday with friends at bred f rom old " Glasniolt.11 . " . I I
'q L - . 0 his V hase. . I Miss A. Herr,on, of Staffa has bom,-.
, I 'h a is f or Garrie, - Mr. Malcolm Aikenbead . . Visiting her aunt, Mr.g.'Campbed
.1ance more prevailed. Foir thie time. mua a Catbolic.Wll In any terri- . —, - --
]L , jo e�as ii� Md .9 'spen[ � , � , . I
9 - this stiWeat entirely left in the toey w1leb might be annexed to another, ana if the - t unday in Wingham.-Mr.,and Lqeal Briefs.-Spriag work with � .-
PF f M0 Me. - Cromarty.-Housecle-ming i's -4 -
0111 - - pha in -no of the . the or. w
� Manitoba w- Id natarally ob ig the 'Bar . To is w the order � L .
, -
.- . not f itid some means o Mrs. James Bqrgess spent a few - -der ,of the daY�-Miss Agile Bur4ls to I
1, ahade the mpmentous school quesstlo,n. . j(,.Ot . A Now Bridge. -A special meeting daY un a. number ,of vur villagers ----
� . to losinig.it'lle- right they had, the gemerat in, case of tbi6 countr ,s days here at the parental homes of . . -
. invDlved in the- Autonomy bill; . to ' separate Schools, -ana to be . 0 I ,a at work upon their plota.- recovering fro'm her seveilb 11111631% _,�
10 . %! of- blic Moirrig lecluncil -was helel on a
. wealth it wllt�'-Pe forcea to . curt . . I
Q. . *. ail each. During the winter Mr, Bur- re is here Under the treartment of Dr. Geni - L'
O' -
. . . Wednesday of last week, f or -Vhoe h1l r. t,: Ile Colwill _ this week - �_ )
41 Mr. Rogers' story is to the, effect ,subjected to the edu�ational con- aid to equtliat(q esaft to -gesS was ihstruotor at Strathroy L 11 �. �, L ,
ditions -whiieli existed 1p, Minito- , , �, etc., or r ? -3romp mel), ,Cnomarty.-Mrs. John Kemp$, , ,;t
kl- � purpose of considering' the re -build- visfti.� :at. his -.-The toot ball � I -
R . that Sir W�lfrid Laurig.r telegraphed I. direct taxatidi Then the red m- Dairy School. They . 4will .A ae I in bridge. The team f this village, ,had ja match on who has been bedfast. ffor the past ---.- ,- 49
.' I -
ba. MIT, - .Campbell then aAkea mendat de tl4iat 'the rail ys use in Listowel. shortly where Mr. -ternoon last with tb& malft, is impyov nir 9 L . - L
I , ., 9 me what wotuld'�be my d"ire, in be taxed at V.'�(, ra. e r B cleft :%v* to procure Tues - f af .1 - a little.-Mis _...
, . to the Manitoba Government askin . 11. 110, -4. inst�ucted - _.
. L . 104 , � urgess will be, centrally located in - ted friends in bflt_-�_ ---
� tbe= to send 9, &�putati to 13ttawa * � Uar'ia Nea ..
this respect- I then gave I & t of- thre from Mr. AiAsky, county engineer, juni of a, school in Tuckersinith, I v1si .11,11,
a � as Soon as. possible, 1 to confer with 'him . cent. on the gr64 receipts from t IT r the district where lie will be instrue- 14he)),.-Mr. A. Miller, of Stratford L -
15 the memorandum, which, has a.11- e province of D_ i tar during the summer plans and specifications for 'the con- of wh' h. Mr. Samuel Coulter, of thLs I I 1�
the lRominion Governmeh-t on the , I in L't I 11 business within - th I .-Mr. John t . -is' visiting bis�. -brother, James �N - �
1 III �i�
9 I - hie0t_,of the extension of the ' ready appeared be Vress. tdrio. The sh�Tc each municipa ity 1 Johnston, of the. hotel,j has sold out ,,�i ruation ol -I a steel bridge, with villag , is teadher. The game resulted �
- .-
11 au Tt ", is a condensed history of the . op-ment �wbutments, to be Placed over in a L ie, -Myo. Smith, of the manse, ler. and his siiter.,Mjss.U1ar.a�C;aMP_._ --
bounddries -of Mihitoba._ . In- respose . I I is to receive is -clearly explained, * nd - to Mr. Gill, of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. bell, ot Toronto, is T"Upexating a�t_ ---*, I
. I �
% . I - Intend to take 'a trip to . - he "I .
, d . the 'river ,on the Ith line, near Bod- has b oji at Lucan during t past -
R1 I . to th119 in,fitatioa the Manitoba GoOL Nvh�ode affitir.' It 'will be se,6n Ithat I the reason giftn 'why the com is- Johnston in, 'said brid I home,Xr. Josep'h Norris ..
d d6ilty , - L m sold �� '
. gi t -o haTe a span of week, in to the serioUS illnesoy 'of *001-1` ,�
sLioners -arr the west af ter a short time. L .
�_11 ernm�nt a.ppointed Ron. bfx. Camp_ Mr. Rogers has been prove - ive iat the views -they do. . -of Us-lbandsoWe drivers'last __,_ -_,
- - 'M L'. , . 110 fedt clear, of abutments. , Tble her - - r,' Ars. 11ossack, whose Nveek*
' � I
. I -bell aind Ron. Mr. Rogers a dcput-,� of both duplicity and f alsehbod !Ln -4 I This, the too mis!srion'- thinks w utd Ile for a go:oZI __ .
61 . I V I clerk was also 'instructed to ad -ver- laf-er f, r. a. time was des' ared of,but pr Miss Grigg, 'A' -
N - i 'n,maA.i. - p .
- tion to. proceed t0L otfa.wa �n J. I . W.-,,+.,. ,,,.,Zr,i`c!,_,_ - _*_,�_ I .-
_n_nfap has -plaided hhi�self nuiside the p A 'be a reasoniLble raie.' The ap i
� I . . ., . Use far tenders for t1be construction who, I re are now pleased to say, has � -1 ,& ," W ., �
. e .a I - . t �� , -, Ids rb,r�t�elx
I - ri) , . , f q
Ms. - - -or the be -tier Nveak.-The literary 801011B Y PU . 086 -,:- - 'a 1 f4
9 �vith �he Damlnlian. Government. . � On of resper-table discussion. If th' pointment of '' ,.Provincial Boar of * lie The Drysdale reporter for uf ,said bridg;Q and abutments as soon exper med a c)hange f - 0 t" _ -
bo n, w ose _ . n I . . winxtinir up the season by. givi - . . v 138 _.-
I -The $Expositor has again appeared on as plans and specifications are in his irnd * hnproving ninely.- The Rev. ,- Ing a _
7 the atrival of the deputation at Ot- people of Manitoba harve the self re- taxat' i ' ' h members woul be �
�11 tawa'thley to,und a letter awaitbag� spect they should -have .they will de- llcquir�& to give only paxt of t ed . keol- os
l . ir - t1he scelne.-'The ice on old Lake. Hur- W ' ais� I * _. - . - � q
, ,
,p, sessborr, and as soon lie consid- Air. ivingston, -of London, py-ewchr-411 gr,,id_,cohmrt ou Thursday evenini, I - - I �er's tilt -- I
I - . - r1i 20th. I � 11 1, -
them at the Russel House, whex,o mand his -resignation as soon as pos- time to the wbrk, with , kp . I bal � � . 1-ty r �
.4 .1, Dt ',on is breaking up and beginning to eris tbat a suirlicient number of texi- in th - Methodist thiarcib, on Sabbath .3trt Uaxvey- �of Tteron s Wei I
5- they a -topped, ,asking them to call at sible and place him .in a position Secretary 'an:d office tlifif ug- f 1,0.at and the f ishermen along the dioro tal-e. reoeilyxA bb-aeouncil be cAll- last, rning and evening, to very ,konle 'of the best doM' ent_efta . .. t
1 . I . ., is � -110 iners _i . ;W1W is � I
Sir Wilfrid's office, This the* t"hat he will not.'he able to �-Ting ! gested., It is further _. recomme ddd , line (hav of the day, has*been selcAlrd for tile 1.11
. �
I - ., I � - y did . 'tha telegraph, . e I xpress and slee in . ,,e .been forced to withdr4w ed to,consider the same. Mr. Taylor large cougrefga�iona, delivraring ex- - . - -IT
�, -and had a -consultation ivitb Sir Wil- disgrace on them again. - . t . occasion besides ,talen-t fro . . -'em.tim, -
I g .- the-mininj
, �r - - .9 'their inets.-Business at St. Jos,�-', was instructed to erlgage 'Messrs. -cell t ,Bermons. 0-a the fdllowl,kl* m Wit- -
, rs of the GOV- Another p oint of ,som e importance icar companies, as well as cle t , I - at " - �ch,ell and -other places. Everybody . . . . . �_ 41
� � has leaked out. It Was made known " _' " !present is at a standstill and Duff & Stewart to put the Summer Mod vening lie �deliverted hia - - `Umtiia, for
, ern ment, but did nut' arrive 'b' t any . . riallways, should also bie ta��x.:,PN pon owing to the, inclemency Hill bridge in A safe state of,re- famo . letture -on " Imagin�Ltion "' irk �sbtould take Advhntage of this Of- 11.,.� ... I
* the'.-diavassion th,91 the last- gr,o.*ss:- rcic&pts, with, th ad- funeral to
P. -de,filaite conclusion. Before,the c - , . ,, of the w 0�a_ $ -to h ,._d,
_ 't�.
o1i duiirig " _. I V-asio�n ea'r ood co
, ther the wo'rk is not y0A in opo�&_ I � 'vhe fully sustaine v, - 4 . ndert1mr..'! -
� .r imir as soon as posgible. whi ' ,d 'his - ,repu f- -, !deuce,
. I mv W%;4 -
N. -, ferenoe broke up Sir Wilfred ,asked letter b� Campbal and Rogers which 11 justed to their Ability to- pay. - The *- tion )oti 'the doick-'-The f ishing firm tatioi: able and i Bert Kerzlabe has moved Iiis family ' � Tes
I , - . 11 . � *Qwmship.
.1 Mes rs Campbell and Rogers to ,.re.- Sir Wilfrid says 'be (rid not receive rep' % . - . --.-- I -as an nstru,Aive, I
s ort will hardly coincide with the i of Mano toi the - f -- .
- . re and Sreenan axe repairing lectu - r. .The attendance ,was large arm Iftely valcated by &xE. '
I main in bhe city for a few days �ind was prepaxed in the ,rooms of the -opinions. of those who now on McKffiop. a.- � . � I .- --- - . Aucfboa by
I / e u h " al- their nets and expect to begin bus- lex. X -G- md- 1preciative.-The. retative6 and 8,%Vitzer� Mrs, William crayford, ---. F. "At. IV101
r4i when he wai ready io, give them a OPPOSM011 in th' House of Com- frol the Legislatirbe, They a. - I iness in the near future. -The bright A,noth�-_r 'Big Egg. -Mr. A lavely of Farquhar, t a- �-
. I friends of Air. Rdbert Moir, one of - A*U fewl- Z 1byteelan
latimi�. - I
.111 definite answer tQ their , petition m0nS at Ottawa, thht- 'the lebiter w.as ways hitherto, .expressed the op ra*o*a Mtbael, ,A the boundary iwest', b a 8 last wleek with lier re I
3; , sunny.days of the past week have iour -m-oot respected Tesjae�nts, and das,-"
�. a ' ,malus Nver
. ,
1'1� -,=cerning tb _e be, left - � � .1 . 9 w.rested the laurels for big goose p � -
�: e ,. ext in sion of t with a T-4anitob G6nservative that tbd Government -were, ob lini lia-ade, a wonderful improvement on, _ -who :llas ,now been. an invalid for a .'rior to' leaving for. the west�_X_ - . -...- -
� .
eggs from Mrs. Coates. Up.to last . tiou tbey
� e ga7e up too.muoh of the revenue hich the'laxid and many of our farmers numl ar -of years, will -regret to lea-rn ' s . seaform -, - � �
a boundarie-s of their province he member td- bh,_ posttd,.,that h ' �. G. .3eff rey I ' iting In.
11 " via
a I
N t
� r - - - ''I
I- . would send fox them -While they , it tot .a. messeftge,4 f o�� that purpose they declared-,A*Ould go to the Intl have started' seo-ding.-Mr.philip week Mrs. Colfties wa�s in the, lead, , ___ - 11 � NV h e re I -0, r
,�, - , -
�, � 4- � �
. r - - IOUJ§1 � - � I I : . q
i were wait Ing for Sir Wilf red's second and the messengei says he delivered -nicil�a�ities. Perhaps, however, now DU- but this week Mr. McMichael 1has 'that he has been very ser Y ill. I �' _� __ . -111, .... 11..� .... � I g"Utuapa-
.. %%%
I ..
.i �� I dha�me, who has spent the winter in I during the past week or two,-Aliss � , St oblumban. - - -11 ed W the
Al "invitatio.-D, the -Man-itoba debagates � the letter at Sir -Wilfrid's- -residence. that they ]�.'rve to provide t h c vay - one, to, report whi,�,h measures 9 1 _29 'I - " -
received a note from . I S'� t%,e lumber ramp H n y 12 1-2 in-chim. .Noiv who can beat Mary Hagan wass in -the -village on I 'Not". -Miss Xeggba- XrauskDpi � __ W1.0 .s.0 I
. . en-- , : -
,'I Mgr. Sbarret� � 411 'this .: goes . to show that the and means 'they, will �changc heir the Georgiari Bay, Ifas returned home. *t],,is one? . Tues(Lay ,on her way -home. to 11111.14 trained -1-L .
. ti, the Papal Delegate, or 'the re- ,sr-heme. � rolt,9n Thurr,4y. - -
. here for Det - 11 - � %OUT of %]
11 � -- W
I I - was hatched in Ottawa be- views in this res�pect. -1 lookiing bale - and hearty. -14r. Wm. Green from Easex ,coupty.-Mr. ztnd - last.,;-�Mr. Timothy Car,pol, an _.- . hen we
3 pmasen:tative .-,of the Pope o -f Rome tween some of 'the Opposition mem- __ .---- . Tunner. bas gone tok Owen N�otes.-Misa Gertrude Hicknell Al _-, �� �
. Somid I Mra. Clif ton, who have been resid- Fand xe.,�pected mem1jeT,o,f ls�b,. � -_ I ile
9 in this �Qountry, �asking them to -call bers there ,and the'small boxe poli" Exeter. I . . t1is P I 11 � .d
,,; ' ' . . v0bere',he will ,spend the summer on and 'her brother, Master Pet,Qr, ,vi.9- ents of our village during- the 'past I was- interred I ___�Qft, �.__ I I
" . .On him for an interrview. Mr. Rogers 6oians from Manitoba, the object, I ited at Mr. XoseVly Matthew's this here on Monday. 1. �A-U_a illu
k; . the Gover,nme-ut survey boat._I�fiss year, hav�, returneA to London. -Mr. It -
I � I Anil G�T-R- men: were dismL%eil - ; I-Ba.f.h wipi
�, tsays himself and Mr. Campbell. oall- of ,caur,se, -being to injure UP, Gov- Loleal ,Uriefs.-Mrs.' D. Job hoil& I
� `n re- Maggie Spark�s, a trained nurse of weekw-Xiss Mary McKay. spent a. Gelay � 't - � I
, 6rn ent. Mr. Bo,rd-n denied any ' .q - ;re Walker spent Sunday lztst at Stratford IIU t Saturday tv"eni - - , Now eal
, - in - or days rece-utly with her liere �� . ng, - , _'.... - .
11 - ed on the Popels'representati;ve as 0 . turned home la'.st week af ter a hr ee Detroit bo,lpital, is at present vis- 0()uPl'- witli his wife, who has been�.. At an early hour Mond -ay morn,
�4. months -visit ,%vith her daugbt r in itil �
7J requested. This gentle�mart se,emed knowledge of tb.Ls. But he need nd? Mrs. J�oselyh Mattlie-tr-9, and Ile,' I Ing - � Mot - uigh4
_� � � scareely have done so. Mr.' -Borden *is Sarnia.-The.AgrLcurtnral Socte , . I ,ag ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'rip ,� . re visiting. her -motber, Nltrs.Small- Grand Tr.unk freight car N .. � I
I to ,be quite Conversant with their y in- Sparks, of the Bromson 4,ue. 'Messrs. had pleasant time.-Ivl:r. A. D. Me- - - fo. 23;$* - �
� � � ' ' * I I ,� I ...
11 Lus-iness at t1W. Capital. and. made a an honorable gentleman -who w -end making extensive im r , noumbe.-Air. Albert Pym, --%vho 'has. out ,of pl).re s . , , - 04 "a
�', - ove- H. -Mero. aind W:'Shil TK -ay lhas pumhased a Ildndsome. span , YMPatbY ,for the susvl- - � - - I wheb lov,
- be have engaged been in the employ of Xk,ssrs.Brown rans. I
_� 11ropoAtion tio .them t,o*fh,c effe t ,qaorn to resort to falsehood and de- ml-nts Ion the fa,ir- grounds and -uiJd- , pended workmen, stra the
- . Clark, carriage . . I
1; CA I ' with Snowden Brag. for the summer. of drivers,. w$i1cb will be hard to & makers, for some and b,oum ' - - ddled - , _. _: . : meet no!
that. it they waald agree �mq)tion to 'in t. But ings this s-eason.-Dr. Rollins NY Ing along at ,a li-vely cliff, ,,- m I
. I I C
Z� tablisliment of Sepa; to the. es- � � alw ays "o -Mr.. �P- B. 11orner has pundhased a beat. . We colngratulate Arabic on t imp-, hais puiiahas6d Mr. Russell's it cut �eve , �
11 -takes -a deep interest i th4 ,ry fi-stL .1_a�j,j� ... ' �
,� -rate Schools fn same -Gf-bis followers, unfortunate- - ,new -wheel and"expacts to tak�& in his pnr,ohase.-Mr. PatrAk McLaugh- I 9 , and bolt be-' . �
� �
11�ul. .
�14 ung -and growing generation wbi shop, in Ex,eter,*and intends' -carry- twec�n n. , - _� �
' ly, are natso scru ous'an4 arp .
� . �
". Aanitoba they could -have- theboun- � ,, f it Y'O 1, e the ma-ces the coming season.-Mess.rs. lin w4mrs a broad smile this week- ing.,on business there. Mr� Pym is A 1�1 Seaflo:rtb and St. .Columba ��� .
J� darics of t nions for th-P, Manitob' Toronto last week intervie - d the I It is a boy. -Air, 1sr Of St. Colunibati the sympatby __ I _Stephi
, . . specti g the r .
C_t I liedr Pro -Ante extended and COmPa - Jospaph -Mousso a,nd Alex. Ch John Eigler has and -white- wo, regret Ca ch-OPPed, the ' �qultp_ h
�, it they wonld not do this their Iffi,nister of Education ie allet are good -tradesman, I
,; man- - 1_ at prese.int engaged inerecting wh bought a horse from Mr. Con. Eck t i6s and beheaded - All -
R, r,h,--,.^ea would be infinitismr.l. of . . . � "T preservatioit.,4of the ey i ht . 0 il� * id ert. Con always keeps good - losins him ir=L our -illage., we,wislf I tbt-, b,o!ts until nearing D-u-blin. tte -,: i0f --a- da ,
-1 o "' mills att Exeter. -Mr. G. C. Murray �
e dren in attendan, es'g ublic I . yeas ,
— , � mped ago
ii ,ourse they spurned the propogition The New Minister of the . called on fr' nds in the village on ler, af.Goderich, formerly -of Sea- into the ditch. About -sixty of tha - - in Xiteh(
� c qf- at the . I 110rSel-4 him all -success.-Mr. Xonathan, Afil- flange:.�, gave out and then it ju-'
.1 . schools. Judglng.;tr6m be I ie _ __ I Z
, I 9 .
, � . forth, -wa - __ I
- - �
11 of Oi,ildxon seen 4ow wear- I and, . '_ �k Stratford, -- - 4
I of Mgr. Sbarretti. They,continued Interior. .- 't -'n t I Sunday evening last. -Mi s Ida Dur- .
A in Ottawa far ,$ever,ll - . a!'days 9 . Walton. a in �tbe village this wee . : Nfiorkmen digmiss,3d at 11 � �
. . � 4
- t
� Mr.- Frank Oliver, 2A.P., of Edmo.-n- i -ng ,glasses, it is time th,at I m,ore at- -,-,,�ho 'has been' visiting friends Mr. Ed. DenDisoa has started his fastber _d at noon on Afond,ay a-nd -- -
- . __- and bas lost.none, of his old time ,.Nvere, pr�,c&lle
9 ing Sir Wilfridl�q inrvitation to the. . I a,n d ,relatives -in Stratford, for som "cleaning Pgain. Any one wi.9bing to bare th,1. stoutness or weight. -Dr. Blaickall . .
1. - ton, iva-.9 sworn in as MinisteT of the tv,htion ,was being'devoted by due -a- e I &_,spatcbed to �St, C0111maban .to re- 1 1
� . . z 1
.e- 1 1
- I smond conference, but no invitation I time ,past, has returned to her hom UAW r bedg or pillows cleaned, pleave call at ,Ed ,of the Qireeen7s ,hotel, is now prepar�ad ' .e- 1 1 .- I
.. tio,nalists to this importanc sub- e' Dennisonle, W&Iton. i),air the, dap rails, The - �
_�� d . � . . ml,s� -_ ..,
11 _
. 1. . 19481- for I he warbiest rays of the sun, 1,111) Was piged ,
. came and they- aceck-rdingly indite - a� Interior in vbe,Doininion Cabinet"on I at Dryadale.-Mr. B. J. Talhot, -one I -
';* letter to Sir Wilfrid � expressing Saturday, in 1 . � eict.-Iffi-4s MildmA Goodwin a., isted t I pfi,rely accidental, StL41 � ^ 1 -hu 'Wheel..
I . A,voe of Hon. Clifford 3 . -of Stanley's picked men, passed -Loioal ,1tem,s.-ReV- A. McNab and� havigg all the -,%vina' Wo.
. our -shades plarned D1,any -of I -' --- �. V*t i -
, by her iYupits -in. el6cutioli e a ' the 'Workmeu are, " wearing 0 _
I 340
11 i i through our barg. an Saturday last Rev. D. B. XcCrae, of CraVbrotok, in POsftiou, which give.s the ,hotel a. tilt SM�ile Va � 're ,, �
7 An I
1i their dLsappointment that 1hey had , Sifton, who rea`kgned. The, announce- very interest -in' entert inini nt _ that WoWt I&O ...off.,, ring - .-
11 not heard from him as promised and . . 9 a n ,, on 1r,0 �E&"Slgwne
ment of -Mr. Oliver's ippolintment the � ute eastward. -Wild geese and emchanged.pujpits last Sunday morn- smart summerlike appearance. -Mr. ,- SarloyiNnt
-1 reiierating their ,c,laims for the- ex- a I opera house to a fairly ,large ' . � . - -1 - 0.
. ___ 1!�W_ - qA"" No I
. . dunks )are hovering about in I ing and evening, " did alsa Rev. Hanson Petty is home from London. . .. I 11 I I .X
. __ I'll, ��� 'Antiar-"ab
; tensdon ot the boundaries of their c� InI (-' .'�-Oniewhat as a surprLse as it audienc,e -on Friday evening J St. - It numbeizs and sportsme, xrge. ,0 'Tuokersz�2itlx. . ... __ k'num,361)
Provinte. To thia. %shlowedpare and culture n are, every.- R. B. Baker and Re,v.'T. W"Icy cbs- -Mr- W. J. Miller, �earriage maker, . LL 1 wwma.__ -
letter they re- Nvaa gei)erally supposed that Mr. I I 19XV107 A.
� owilved no reply. . of the 6aicher aiid ability an apt-. where lnumcrious,-Miss Bella Thomp- - en,s, of Brus,sels,-:4Wr. Da!vid -I&- is' ex acted be -me f rom� the, we,iit this � 48m�other -Big Egg,-Thli geese aro - I y1mr, . .
I Scott, -of Regina, would, be S Son, ,teacher in school section No. I Laughlin, ,who rented his house to NM46_11e ,-Miss 3�4arte, of Lwarl, spent this yiear terta-tnly- doing their _. pper ---
. ness jbY the Pupils. -Efforts are be- ' - .b "ot ' � , 11 I .
t. The -inpresslan which Mr. Rogers' Me fortUnate man, although it was de - to- get up a cele rati Stanley, spent and Sunda ' Mr. -Charles Turnbull remov,Dd this ysevexal days �at -the manse last week. (und big ,eggs are the. order' of the- I . 11 - I I
I � . . ing m1a ion y � I Sh - 11
last ,with bier parents in Hensall. week to Gorrie, whn-re bie, purposes to Mr. .Pecte wasa so in the daY. ; But ,our fair X1 -
Public, atatement left on the, public -riot expe�,ted- t1bat the appQult ent ,ere/ on Vic,toria, Day. The atter , � .1 vil) age on -ip is 6-t - I I -
- I mind �(� h . I - tawmfih n - 04 -
� was that a �collusion exiated would be �aade until alter Me '30 is in the bhnds of an alctive!c mmit Messrs. .B. Watson, B. Turner, M. reside 4n the f uture. We, ,-,tro so;r,ry Sabbath. -Mr. and Mrs. James --Nk- poin g ,to be outdone by its anibitious '_ - - WI: - �"_r _M
- EdighDffer amd E Talbot are en- to lose Mr. XvLaughlin from oui , __ __ .__
between Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the of th-e .session.t HoW�ever,.th,e Governi tee 4rfd it is hoped their off or s wit ': , Mart li, of London, are this weA,k : n�" ighbor " Me,Killop, anil this Vreek - - - - 11 *w,4 �� - -
I .
. Pat 9 I gaged In the lumbering industry in midlit, .he hilrVing been a resident of visiti ig at Mrs, McM,artin's M I 11 - - - - - - � .
I .
. �
. .-
me Mr.M. Westlake's bush, aind are car- W41ton and 71cinity for many years. Rov.')r. Medd, -of this villa ge,preach- 41VIDOE"- egg Whrirr,h meakures 9 1-2 by : _.. - . _ I'll
. ws so a.t; to per- , lef iind as the Autonomy Bill will t.blat will draw a large cro d al6d - I Vkabill- - -
U1tA,-r her sohaol la. n getting up.& prog am bolme.-
Pal dele ate to force 'Manitoha to ment biwe, thrown down the gaunt- requit, i r.s. TI;L Colerlia;n is to .band with _ -
C 01 Inta e Oui lass will be I y
Mit of the 4establishme-ut of separ- be?. Me ch1vt issue in. the Die ti I k. a' leelebra-tion ere rying On a v,erY successful business. Gorriels'gain, and ',ed w'�th very much! acceptanice On 11, 1-2 indhes. It will keep the 3NIc- . Ullow. Va
.1te ofs there as a condition of x0ich ,niust take -Any person- desiring valuable in- , Sabbrith last in the Methodist church .K11110P goo,se liustling to beat t111 `
I , - scho ,,place in Mr. Oliv- t,h, ,t ' ow -11. -Mr. M. 13' diti ble to we extend a hearty -,veicomato. �Vtr. 9 fttk, W
ox, of I thi town, f - Vft 11
harving the boundaries of t.he Pro- e0s constituency on account of his ,bias ,.successfully, passe ' Jorm,it ioin regarding all lines of in- Turnbull ,on his return to our vil- bon4bn., of which Rtv. Mr. Living- 2114ord. . I 11 ...
. I . , ami -n- . - -
. -
- vince extended. Tlvat Sir Wilfrid having accepteA off ice,the result will atiGn at t1lis Strathroy Sabo 1. dust4 1w-oub! ' do 'Well to subscribe lage.-Miss -Annic Campbell has re- 4stone; is pastor, 'We are pleased to (lood Horse, Sold.-Tbe lWessr,.g. Xic- 11 �
- - -The Hurofn Expositor. -Air. k,d- -vi, with �iee . B. Hog is township, re- .
_41Tv,cially invited the blanit6ba. del-- ,be a .very fair test of' t -hp, op' * �)airy 0 for turned trom an extended .3it n ro& of tht
IDIODs lli-gi-ns' farm - g
t. -The 0 in sborDe .,a 7
f,-ates to Ottawa -and then ,tricked of tle-people wbo are most 00neorned N�.Jb.i ward Charles Stekk was in our burtr retatives and frienas in Seaf-Gith.- again after his very serious illness. ,cently (lisp l-
. ch,vvias recently -sold here y ., , 11
them into the net of the 11tapal , - auc- , ose d of a fine young giald- - T - ,
dy lon Friday last. We are always pleased. Mr. Lep Cam, F "'
We- in tlie� bill. .�4r. Oliver has al-rea tian .Ams_ purohased by Mr. .Wqlsli pbell has been on the - INI: v t. McArter, of Brussels, is vN- hm to Mr.T.J.Berry, the ,,v_tll t kstoh:oloditts
(rate in tarder that they, might be I left Ottawa to prepaxe tbp, ground to ;see Edwlaid in our midst.-AT.r. .sick List during the p-,Ot week, but iting her - father, 31r. Robert Moir, har.,man, of Hen nolvn_ . 1:
-u-nipted by him to bct�ay their Pro- flor $6,300. Mr. Wei&b owns he ad- nail, for which tlwey.. , butthe '
fur the .%ouffle and no aoubt th' 1ohn Sberrift has engaged with Mr. we -trust will gmn beable to resume WITO Ls 'seriously ill. -The friends of roceived the hInds' of $2801 " - Unchm-agop"',
� . . . V0 will Joseph -Rau for the sfimmer motinths. ,vir)ork.-Mr. John Bakter has re- Mr. Walter Lancaster will regret to The Messrs. oine f iguri_- - ,
--,vill be livild at once, or as 80OU have a very ,nitce property.- 'he .p,v- . AkXinn*n always keepr -solidda,
n he found they (Oction e '-I- joining farm and wit -h J�be t '
,Nvere not to be tempted he had no as tbia ne,ces.sary., legal formalities angelisti�r John loomes highly recommended and turned .from his home in Windsor learn that he was abliged to rot -urn good hor.;�es and always get the , 160 to I
further use for them and treated I Nvill -permit. . . . , meetings ,be Id n, the . . ' I i to St. 'Joseph's, hospital, Londor), price. This I long __�� � �� --
odist chu ch f or will no doubt prove himself sati.3fa,c_ 80 ,that work will now be resumed anima , good to
. tbt,ai with ,contempt. In short, -Mr. The new Nlinister ,of the Interior James street Methodist chu . toty,in every ,way. . with �rene,vvea energy on. the C. P. recently and will bope for his re- arly 9400d one, and ..- .. 1 -22.-;: :: . I
If Rogers plainly iniinuated that the was, "boxii in Peel. -county, Ontario, the past three weeks b r. and __ ____ tipped the, bpaw� - _. .1
, WeNair -vvt.re cloa Y -.--- - -
- Governn,lent ' i i - i ' M.rs. .2. .. ad las week. , � — R. -Mr. -,James Fernie left ,this w�e& cover ' �._Mr. J. MacArthur is in To- at. 1,840 IW. He was sircia to xil� . � dairy,, 17.
- ' iu -1853. He weift to Vbc NLorfhwest &L Thic .m-eAAfngS_ '%"OrO largely ,, ttended Blyth. , for Mitvertlan, having sec-ured- em- ronto this week. -Our contractors burn. ; 1. tons. &JA3.
of this Dominion was
1111d(Ir tl thumb of thizi Catholic of- an early period in hisoarcer and b& ,vA',1 ; j, 4.1. 4_11 . . Ploy'mc,nt near that villarre We'll - vwno�&_ T
. - t, I V� I I JA roughout.. - .Lnc. Brmts.-iAr. W, Taoser was in . i -_ -_ —
. ILCUlt and that he is dictating ,the oani,e* a member lof "tibe Nortbwest bowlers are getting i0to .qhlape for.. Clinton Thursday attending a Meet- all ,miss Jimmie; but knowing that Q
. . , -
I I - 114licY of the - Government. This it Coun,'oil in 1883, and was clee'ted to where 11xis treasure is, theria will his. , .
I . ' imp, ign merlc&ants to -w-I.- _W_1V _V__V_y_V___�. _Ir_�A � I
about looming art be a , tru. b will re- a I 11 a a 11 _. I
I I 1 Im Isa we � -it e 11-4 'm Z & 5 11
- - tbe D�gb%lativc Assembly, whic.h suc- will .havv, everytbing in recIt-Alinness as arra4hge turin in the autumn .-The r"-ent wet I
Will be seen is a very serious state, a Kood summer'n ci 1q, d they Ing ol* Me hardware -
. . .
nent and it is no wonder that, com- cf�eded t:li(, council from 1888 to 1896. is rca��. The meint .pn prices on certain lines of A_!J I -
. ing fro,ru the. .qource it did, it creat- I F(__)_)RM—AL 1J -a iiiii
. -e -%vaq elected to tthe Housei of Com- -allowing offi�c-ers Ir ,,v ., elect- goods.'_Mr. E. Kinghling had a very W<athcr fhas somewhat reto,rded seed- 1,
J 11 ,,0 .
vd a seusation in some'quarters. ,Un- mons in t,h,e genera,l elections of 1896, f lonorary pres le. - ev. Mr. fluccessful sale ,on Friday of stock, ink operations. Some grain has been I
easiness and unrest was, al I ed: I 1� i
I sor, a] I - the ) ws an independeni, and re-elected at sd-,vn and was put in in good condi- � � 1. I
. Perkins; president, =1MU ; vioe- I implementR and household furniture. t i0ii. I I
� - I nwre e.is.ily vauwd on account of -the *; the general ek�ctions of 1900 and 1-904 president, W. 1-1. Le7itt; haplain, 1 Mr. Purvis, of Ho,lyro0a, -
. diSr"s-4011-4 in progress cone(trning ' - 'Was t1be,
. I NOh�-n ,he was thei straight Liberat Rev. Mr. Martin; ,secreta y-tre,;Ls- auctioneer and certainly left'agood (From an occasional correspondent.) �
T. Bclrher.-Tbe n the public in these ... 1. � -"BK. 4 .0 I
. at Yr. Rogers P Edinonton Bulletin., He resides at Institute. held their retrular it'�ng Mr. Knighling, w1w has the Bell Company — i__ �
� fliere i.q no doubt th, "" " N "-
t1w 'Northv,e.st school question. And I candidate.:11e, is Vbe publisher -of the u r er, 1-1. Notes.-Walt*n 1.9 to ha-ve. a. tele- B 1UAVB1 '. rE; Z BRrA '
1. selected thi,; time to launch his � Edmonton. . J part.,;." pbone system; �
1. � . bomb agcniin,�t t1le (;ryvernment. . I ill tbg t,Gwn hall last Frid after- ronted ihis farm, irftends leaving for Will likely extond their line from . '14
, The nomination is fixed for April nooit. There was*a good att ndan�,N, &skatoon in t1he near future.-Mr.j.
. 311M), I , either Bru.-isels, of Blyth. -Mr. a-nd revents smut in oats - and barley, the cheapest iusurance known - I
I .
I - Ilut, ,Is , St (-VorY story bas two ,25th fuld t1le ek,,ction, should there and a most interesting meet ng.. The James Ainderson is at present on t1le Mrs. ,D. McLaugbdiin lix-ve moved- to 'f)r the amount at risk. Full directions on each bottle. � '.1
�. sides so has titis Gne. �-Sir Wilfrid lie one. on the 'Ind of May, but'the subject discussed was -H Clean- sick list.-Me-S,srs. Dowsaw and Til- Gorri, to reaid " I
�. 1-turier ,00nsidered tile Matter of ' probability, is t " - don, C. P. R. *ontractor. ,e. Charles Turnbull We do not bottle 11 Beaver Brand," but: we hsve aba - t I -
, I.,
- ,has -taken 'tbje.ir house in town an ndant Pr of of I
Ile nc,v minister will ing and Insett Pe;its. regen ta' d 10
_Uo" ,
. . -ufficilont inij)ortanca to' refer to it be el(!ctvd by acclamation. � W_ 0- 4 ,bere, are
tivi froin CreAiton' . fl, I A i. I-.,— 4. .�. .111 .0 : . . .
ill IN'(' HaU.Se. Ile produced all the. . I � Ox�m Cx" 1� a L ES 4i ork- again and intenct IV 1 ng V3 wi,m Trom Toronto 1.8 Superiority over many cheaper solutions, Get the jpnuine. It -1. .- I , -
correspondence in the matter. H e, I - ' -,- . Kirktori inet ,with the Exet r Board putting ion a large gang nnd Fyhoving ,%bere she has bevn foroed to stay i sold at 35c arid 60c per bottle, and has the cut of a beaver on the �- - `
hel ed � -_
I Tb,- Union '-\-eNv Era says: "Mr. of Trade, to con.,jult .over ma. Lt---, ,re- the work ahead, as th will ne on 1-i,ecount of tbe scarcity of houses.
1-howed that instt,ad of him having ! jo, lating to the proposed ext Sion of to icansidering t1hey h v(, so littlp I � .
. 'AQP11 I LbeL f,
�101191it flift interview witb the I)ce,k im.one of the Ses,sional , -Gordon McDonald brought up a ��
'Man the Stratfora br,qnr-h of tle C. P. d-an,e land (have to be finished by 0-c- car,of cattle i r m Tor t -o I t � Qk. - I �
t*rnriwnt - I 61-erks f 0 on as ' e_1 C 7 ' I ii
itoba Government it was that .Gov . eniployed at Toronto. while R. from that city via St. Marys; tober.-We iare glad to .,;ee ti.h,,It we I _XT L_ ��
It Msked for an iiitervip.-�v I th-o'Legislature I.,; ,sittil I rr. IR, isold a part of his load in Sea- , ,
01 IN P7, WT ..,
em forth. -Master Frank Dixon, of Sea I 1 4
1 'With Oil' Dorninian Government. His ,,ful in I b I%- - I A _�
_' sition is only worth $2 ig, Tbe po- Kirkton, Exeter, Crediton 'ana oil W. tMeLca,n, 13. A., W&S Suce , - _11'�Os A- )N
- ;i day, t ALE-&- -
and t,0 SaT,ni'l. Vie clnirninn egl 'I ined passing 'his second years examina- f ortli, is on a visit to his sister, 'Mrs. , . 1. . - -
'�,Ir_ Rog,--rs was in respouie to one been ' J. lRyarl.-Mr. Jonas Bae,ker has lea.:,- DRUG, BOOK A! -TD FANOY GOODS STORE. �
tolc*P"ra-111 4f h-kritation referred to by Ile has eertainjy earned sometbing that tbe, charter had Pb'!ained tioa for the ministry at Knox Col- � I
Exeter lege, and ,has aiceepted a position ,,is ed Xr.s. Campbell's resideAuce and willi SE�kFORI!Ifj . . . � � . . . . � - 0 -
better than that at the hands of dt a 160st of ,$600 and thn tr- . I I . - . .- . I - .. - � - - __ oNTAFuu.. I
he had Mctivt.-d from tli,u :4aijituba i his vattv. Hou,ever- nnw flinf li,Q n_ i _e ,r,-,.,7- -3 ,L'L---- "I I