HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-14, Page 2� I - - . . - . z � I I I . - I . . ; - - � � , I . . I � 1-1 I � . I a - ­ I ! I 1 , . I - .- - � I I I . E I—— I � I � I .1 � ,­ , I , - - . J. . - I z I 4 - 1. . - �: I : I - I - I I .. I 11 : � . � . I � 4 . , , I - � - "' � i . ; - I . - : � - � �. � . . - 5 � `!, :�t � I � . � I i � i I I ,I " I . I I,- . . I � " I I - i-. - I T it. . . I . I � , t `- ., I I . i . . � lj� . I . I I . . - .1 . - � T t�-­! � 1� I I . . I A : 11 - I - - � " . i � = , . I - I � I- --VAI 2 , I . . - / �; I - - THE -.' -HURION EXPOSITOR - I I - ; 7 I - �11- t I � I I A � . 0 -a I It :S I i , I I ­ - , 4 ; I . I � . - . . - - - I I i -4 � - ; .- , � - , � -4 � - - . I , � ­� � f : ... -� � I �- 't . - - ,-� I ow I . � : ,-. � , R -r -- . � ­ - % � i "y - . , - � t , , - . - - , � rz ; 1, 17 r - z I I �- -� . � I . . ­ - -� - . , -i� , � - : . 4 � � - - -1 . . - t - - �. I i , - . . T. , 4 - - � i . z "� � - .. �1- I - , ': - I - - - ; ;7 . - I : , - ­;-. I I --: :N - . . � , � �­ ,; � X � 1. :� ­ ;c� . % . I � , --- I I - - � � �!, . - i .� . . I � -1 � � - � � 7 . 1, - - zi� - ­ - I z�� � I - I . t� - .14, 1 � . - - I . i�., � � - , I I I L- . � - - . - 4 1 1 �� � . - I-, . - I- � - - . : -ll .. 5- 7' ,. 1- - - �� I . - I ­ 4- ­ � - � I - - I . . - . - � I ; I - -, � - - , I i . t, I.. - I -: � � - � . - I 1! -1 I � ­ � 11 . I I . - � . ­ . - � . I - - . I - - � I I - , . �'. � � -- I I I . � , - -1 I I � - � . - . I - 7; 1 . - � , ­ � . � - I - - I - � 1, - - I . 0 r� l 1� I - - 7 1 , �, - . �, 'F � .1 -- f ---------- -- �­ - . .1 � I I . I - � - -- - - - ----- --- --- - ---- ---- I - � - --- , .. ­ ­. . I - . - ., � - . . �. -­ -­­ - . M - � - . � . . , . . , . 0 I . V OV001tSi ,. than ayiy. other provime, but, sa i ( "It I - .1 IN - 11 ` !! , . --- . - -i I . the � ithermometer noon. - I -.,, ,----- I - : �- --- - ­ - - - - ­ - --------- - - ------Z=-r ­ . � ­ - � I � - - � . I i -- - - I ­ . I - I ­-­­ - - - ­ - - 1 , - - I -- � � I -oswto 90 ir. Me . - - -.*I"'- --- . I . - I - . lip - I -- ,- - - - , ---�M� � 1I.Nim'"N" W 4�` ' I I - This warm wp,,7e - ---- - - -m-_ I -1 . --- fl�� , � I . . , - * I , %hr � I ;O�� g.4 I �:. . % ! I JP . . , - _ must lie the icommissioner: . c s I re q 4. �d ti ail 11 +lia for famed . - is - #t - I I - I � f., codedl ,zhol parts -ol: the provinCO'Bave- war.� 1,110 0 J . - . �. .0%16. 1; ­ � ­ .1 -- -- - ­ � I .. I � I I - I 'L, . % -reptitation of suppl ing ihe fin-est� dhinook, for not a,broath of wind Ar IF fw.drb aft * - 1! EAFOUTH, FUIDAY f - yi AL z- - I ! 7 tareamory butter i -A . I Thislyl ff C I 1 .­­ -q-- .... - - ­ - =11- _ .1. e - I . , - AM011h I I April 14,1905. Canadii ' was �10!rring at the time. It Is quite I I 4 1'r '. ., AM , � �: --777= . - 11 --. Me A % (f tt, J M, M F.M . I , rS ' ' 1- � ` says4he witness, is a ,very proud po- truel,that Clio weather was unuival, - - When . I,. 1 4u - i -6 �� I � , What They Do M thel- - .' but let me ask any reader if Uty re- - 1-1 - I I ,.'. � � - ­ �- l, _ ' sition ,to hold among the -provinces 'ber within their eNperierwe any . 11 "I ' - , 11 . , � Un#ed StSteSi, . . I and one that by 6very exertion we Inem � ------- F,� - ' heer" when its ! ------- i6- ffi-�@W~�- , . - -� I � Line weather s as a -song o c I ' I � 11 . Mr. Williag F. O)raf ta, of Was&- must strive to keep. Ontar1q, we. guabi zontinued spell of A The ket-Je's So,ng Come- !' I ,-Y - ` . . . � A Then the nerv-da ' are wealk.. , n, p. I V*, , *dio is "an officer of know, and . that young giant, the duri#g ,the months of February and ' W - . - r Red Feeffier ingt* , ,, Manch, in that , steanung contents are to be po1dred ove , IL i everything goes *Arong. You I * - West, ure apt to tegara our province . Ontario? During ! � . . Me ,Reform 1,p4greau, whose 6onstit- imelseed was �sowjz, and at Medicine ; . V are. tired all the'�Jllme� easilv . � � . as ,a sort of . what among men is . t . . ; I , � I I lncju4� n . Hat lifted a bandful of isoo full , Ceylon T ea: I . ,, uency ,a, Canada as well as sometimes ioalled a " hayseed."' r I - A . 'Us . i -is pni 1. . M ,,, neO,Yous, and the primitive,metheds of �somo of 0�jT 1 of erminating grai of NAO.at, r � forra in quality and Wscouragec the 'United States," in -, lot -ter .tp Red Feather Ceylon 'I ea A I I - ,- Your,"t, � 11 11 . . I ; irritable .,heeks a re . agriculturalists,' -their rude, and out t Wat r wafi runninit evoryw re, I 1, I the montroat Witness',contributes . le ' 4 1 . . . gossiped at their dooTs with I ,�, . . t U 1`1 a I %. of date. implements. and t,heir toler- I W10M n flavor -and is PU p in le' nly, I parchnient-lificd p=k-- � it a low facts t tam cohtioversy now I 1. sleeves rolled up, bare -he, � - � I .4 0 aded I . I � .-W . I I . * I I antee of rddugtaro, chicory. molilot, I tho-Ir I � � . � pa raging in Mo Dominion in i�zard and other pest- weeds, there may eli-ild, en were revelling inthe muddY ! agges-never in leacL , � �: li - I .. 9 ree S. Calgary, XwLeod and I ' . . I . � ; I � to. sectarian ! education in ,tihe - be some justifieation for. the gneer, tt I . -40c, . I . . er pound ,l -!� � I I . , Black, Green or Mixed, one price p I r pal -e and your D60a �s thin. s,&,o0l`1 but, to quote ,from -au Amerkean .other p1mes affected by ithe chinook ­ I -- - -­/ W , $,'I Xr,. grafts is, apparently � o ,sadden ' - , I octor sa''§1 , . -humorist, " there �re no Allies on" *our. win I I ' . . . I . , Your d , y i� you are fory mucJ14 oppo'Wed to what we call butter.' � � .1 . . lc&an�es'.�,,but this was .not a sudden V . i - t h r eatened with n - Separate,;an4 what are mailed in the - . * chang -it wz�,s -a condition that had . Get P,ed Feather Fii your CUP. " .- . I . ,. I � ; . - I . I . breakdown. He I drders this States - Parmak al �' schools. But he The Canadian Senate— slele=s, at 00me, 0 stay. .0 - - �. - M . grand old family �,Jfi, edi�ine. . - -A-despateb, dated Calgary, April I �, - � I oir Qf` pon-sectarian rel -length to lialve wakened up to -the - �i s in - ftbv,. ig- 4 2ri I rq�, it For more than 60 yeara I N i �d, �gives another coloring to the i . e 5" 'ye' ious. instructio.-4 in the public schools fact Ithat it should try to do-som'e--, above.� It says:, After six weeks I I Sargaparilla In. Tay hi'inlly�,-4tt a d , r'.2 , I I at all tima.4. and a woiltdorMl ithedlFin'Tio writm' . and in this we qtsree With him, as we thing'to justify' its existence. It is I summor a severe- snowstorm -broke I , � ' - . HotT, #44 Raven, coun. believe Chat if 'Xr. Craft's illeas 'in I I I t I Alberta this evening, V pure bloW-D. 0 1 ; ,, doing good service �by placing itself n ra , a bottle. I J. 0. AYSR GO., this reEjpex,,t rore, carried out in 0 he, mercury is scarcely above '-M ruggl.q - "- T,owell. mails. � bn tocord as WA&Aeeply disappoint- �� V d - WV1 � f or ".,* Canada, ,there �Vould be little need . " � 11 I - . , freezin point. The snowstormpre- � i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - , I ed und regretful at tbe ic,ourse of �thB . I I - - � . n � � \ i�� ,and less desire'for separate sehools, British ,Goveirnment -in o6ntinuing vails Z nerally, and4,uriously. -Some ' . I ' . '' . I - ; 4 �W 1 eitimr Protestapt or Catholiq. He appreh�nsion. is f6lt for some.flocks 1 1 7 , " ,I I e,,�rves says ' theCt o tsi4e'the -large cities, go 'of !sheeo, but with that exception the I i P V, eak N, adian mttle up- ' " ­ '! 4 � 'I', , -J., - e in the national on- false pretences. If the, embar ' sudden ,,,, . I �, -irwith Aue-y"t -sich-oals in the ",TJnited States it is . - rable ng is -completed . . -­�40ftftwl­---"�§ � . , 41 as a general ri,41, were continued, as a frankly pri)- , hange is regarded as very I . " ! Keep the bowels ref; . � 4�sL - All seedi j I te'etionist measure, we c,Quld Jauve, - Pills, just one pill.,( each nf�ht,, still t -he tcustoiA - It ,,, . � to open the schools and tmo'�sture is badly needed. The � I . -1 � and�lshlould haive, nothing I . . , readjAgr of rthe Bible and I . -I! � � with ithe to say; but , , . I ' � e- snow hn�lts as. xapidly as it f alls.,The rose land endorsed every word, szry- ­V-&­--��-IKI;7 1. .W� ... . .1, the !recitation of' the� Lord's prayer, so dong as it -is continued upon th I prairie , dog ,00ntinue to wear a - � . . and th � at "the n`p�t I i,ve and rural por- false 'Pre kence -'that. pur. cattle were light g� toat insteads of his rich 1116 tbait hia learned to play qards , . - I I . tions* of the !J�ijted rptates, wl4pre or iare. the viotims of contagious I y not in ,his .own 'home' nor in the, MO. V this'is dune, are' disease,,the mexe vigorously'and the brown, I whiab­ comes with real ' I M1.11 yprymuoh like Can- ' _ spring. I.Some,of the old tim' saloon 1but in the homem of young $ � more bif ten protest is made the. bet- � - friendw, mand the fascination provdift . -V- . -_ - ada in their moral ideas and habits 11 . I or s Pre . . -- - - f - . 1, 0 ter. Coming from, such a, body as dict +hq�,t a dry` spring is inevitable. too much for him. Anotber story . ;.I; � and �?ro�-,ee4s : 7 . ' I i ­ --- � Jr% 4 � �, ; In the icity of Waehington the Ahe Canadian Senate, y6 protest a- I �­-;­-- was -told'of a mother.who bad her ,1 . %Xrand `runk-,�,' kailw' I i ' . '.- . gaiiist tile 'Cahimnles . 'uttered by 00 Reward, $100 1 eyes opened to thre dang,er of social .. , � - . Syste.ML: , - prmchers - are � afmost . unanimously long succession of dis*tngenuous The ,r a this . paper will be.� card playing. 'It was ,her hab ­ I ,f as -king, ithat, in 44dition ,to the read- �t . I � it ol � '- itblo 1. . ' , British ,Ministers should make a ,con- pleas'e(l ,o learn Mat there is at least . - Railway Tirnoilt ! ing of the Bible (without toomment . giving as well as attending progres- . I . I � .1 Trains leave Sesforth " iolld*K! . and ' the repet ton ofoth(i Lord's siderable improssioh upon- British one dre ded disease that.szi6rim has I sive euchre parties, wlwr-.; she often . . * . I T - . I ic - won prikes which .4he �xbibited to 9.0 A. M. For Crinton. G004�h WiRghm AD Prayer, ' the T public men and the Rritish pu�li . been -ab e to cure in all its stages, I- H-1noardine. � " . . T Commandments �Phe discussion in the Senate, too, and tlim is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh her family. One morning her young, ' �id' rich . ,u�ded as a Atand.ard - - . � 29.4e p. m. For Clintonand. ,0�10 sh-ould be expo 1, I will I belp to, strengthen the, hands Cure ' the only pogitive cure now � soii ,said to her " see, mother, I won S &oj p. in. For Clinton, Wi4ghain maid Hinear far Christian moT qls in some'author- - � .. ' dine. i R � itative text 'boo,]� provided by the of Sir -Henry Campbefl-Baiinerman,- kno�Nvn , 0 the muedical fraternity. ; these bills playing icar'ds'*ith some ' , �" . I l beral . yart.y,who - C rr I dis Board,,Gf EduoatjOp , I 10M p. w. For Clinton and *10r1oh., ,at , being a -Wnstitutional' - , men q met in town last night." The. ­ � For 8ftstford.,,;,,',,Gue1.Pbi Toronto,. ­, in )order to,pro- , , 7.59 0, W , 'has announced his Infen'tibn of re - I 00111s, Worth 134 and points wed;; vide against ie4.chers introducing . . - ease, Teq ires a eons titp,tiona I treat- , hqrrified mother exichilme'd, ­Wby� . I moving ,tbe embargo'should- the Lib' ment.: all's Catarrh Cure is taken - my son, have you been gambling?" - Belleville sad FOLtboro and Pointe - their personal 604arian � views. The. , I e%A. -1 1. Wost interest -Ing 0%per � iment in this at th6 internill�, acting directly upon, the " WbT mother," was the- reply, "I R.37 p. in. For Stratfordl Gdl.040'b, Toronto, Mon. next general eloction, which cann7ot bloo . ayer. 6t � whole matter ' J n at length in tedman mucous surfaces of 'the learned fto be an expert'Ri treal and polotes eA� . � W- Re - -- 'i) and Tordulo. my 'book .9.0 r.V( . I "'i and the prizes won 5,89 p. in. For Strosaordi 60h, 6 i , bo­=�!,eh longe'r put off. Senator Sys ereby destroying the foun-' home be re by � 7' - . I atical Christian I -" , T 11 Scirviology-the McMullen's TeS0111tion calls UP- at- dation, * f the'disease, and giving the yourself e-ven werc, only different ­ � . p,�p of a book en - Londono ELuron 1. d Bruce. titled,. " E,"y 1p,p I sscyn in Clixistian tention of the British Goveinm�nt. patien-to-s rength by building up the' in vllue." By seeing the danger ht,r !, act indubitably established' co "a NORM-, 1.,.� !, puseuxer Training," for 2& years in a school. stitut on and assisting nature irk folly was leading her son into. she ' . , ; London dsp%d­0-*# 1 4,ib AAL 4.50' P M I of QLth6lkos A . In . 4 . Protestants,*. the that Canadian herds are no peril oing -its work. The pr prieto'rs bani.4he(l, the ajocursea things from . 0 6.43 nd also to The foect 'have .so ch faith in her bome. Contra&-.-- ..--#... � 0.18 . 7 .0 , Xxoter- .: . ,� 0.80 ,a B4 hook boving beell prepared by a British lierds, a its ocurative &05 Catholic !priest, th6t stringent regulatiogs exist gov- . powers lt t at they offer One Hundred XP -S. RITTY CAHOO-"\T. 3Ten8&)1-.:­-­- , . T1144 14pprovect by a ' . 111ppeft'.. ­-­--.-..-....-. -..-. -- I 15"o '613, 1� - board including t�e .staunchest of erning the importation bf foreigh Dollars ff any form tbat it fails to -,--- � � . Braceffeld­­­.... " `� 9. 68 6.29 _ � � by Pi�ot-e - cattle intpr th.is country. . cure, Se for a list of t'-stimon- � OlInton..- --­...#. !� to -lis O.S5 Presbyterians, t s- - -- , e Rhelumatic Pains Quickly _ L. 10.80 t4rnts seven days algh, . - --- .. ials. , L*udesboro ­ - - - - 1 8.62 week, with- I I � I . Reli6ved. �- Myth- - - ­ -.... - I � 110-88 7.0 out Ithe slightest t -in all this Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat s . J. CHt 4atibiL . ENRY & Co., To- Ralgrave-­ ­ --- �' 0.50 7119 - time, beaau-se there was no school Aft.htg, ar`8 quickly relieved by Cresolem 16do, Gh i - - � The. excruciating ptcins obaracteris7 Wingbwai arrive,...- .. %�� IX -00 7.86 - fund �to quarrel orvq' I vablets. ten cents per l>ox.' All druggists, Sold by all druggists, 75c, . tio of rheumatism and sciatica tire - 90"Ka HoUTH- ." "I Passenger. , r. The book was 11 I I ' Wingbaw, depart... - .. - , 0.60 A.K. $.lop. approved by Bislrop :Phalen, of Pitts- 1, - - --.-"-- ­ - . Take HT 11's Family Pills for consti- quickly relieved by applying Obam- . - I so) *ve---- .. ­- . I!!, L V.01 8.28 burg, -for use in inixed schools,where ! A P-ight Move. pation. ' .,, I , I berlain's Pain Balm. The great pain �9-17 ­ - ­ ­­ .�, V.14 18.86 � !­­­ ". I relieving power of the linixiient has .. L the childr6n came, from thomes of � - Londesboro.a#.....- -*V 7! 7.22 9.65 Provincial Secretary Hanna bus Why Ge -any H and delight of Minton - ­ ­ - ­.. - - ,; � �.47 4.16 "I various religions, apd whle)re it was sent ltbe . ' � circular to the ,�ffi as No Tramps. been the surprise - AM impnaotiodble ,to m41ntaln paroc�bial sever,al 1� ational Magazine s ys: To-' thousands of sufferers. The qdIck - " B7uoefield ... w , fol 0�y � I The* -N . -..--...,. � 8.06 . nspedbors ,, and com- , d' relief from pain which it af fords is WUPOn-'so.o.. - - -- '. l, 8.15 4.47 schools. This text 130-ok clearly Lcen day the 1�1� of the laboring man in . EIGUM11-ce- --,-..W-.. . , - provinoe. -it li-as , , . - ! � � 8,22 4.52 proves,that the coMinon Christianity iiaissioners i;r'W�tb'c Germany 's i alone -worth many times its cost. For Ezatar­­ il 8.35 fi.A5 'the 'Tight. ring ),lnd is in the right in many c etter' 0036141ts.... 7- ." -- v. 8.410 b.16 can be satisfactorily expressed in it ,.direction ,and is creditable ,to its than ' tha of o&4. The German wile. by Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Sea - I . , . 140don. (4;W;1:`*7" 1 9.45 A. M. &W r gnizes the right of every forth. � I I - :1 ng 4ist�nct arid full authior and looks as if he means' busi- stlltc�' '600 -1 .,,. , ,�=n"w 0 ---),- - exposition of Christian morality,a i . � , man -to live -we . do not. When the �r.1.4,,:Omwv,p.vcmAI;W,I!Z.Nvvlpv--.--.�._� ­­ nd ,np,ss: . I I I I � Palmerston and Xilicardine. it is tT6 writer' � 'most German Rbor6r becomes old or fee- - .. ;� 4 em,Phtatic !- Dear Sir, -The vdrious Boards . .� Goura NORTH. Paso. 1: Pug. mixed opinion ,�fter a lopg stud ' . . ble the sflite ponsions him honorab- Paltner8ton ...... - 7A0 p.ba. -12.80 p.m 6.00 a.w matter, that no pl,j ,y of this of Liquor License ' Commissioneps ly. 1n . � hout the Prolvirwe . -and the Ethel., .. ­ ...... 8.25 , 1.15 810 90 I tried,amywhere ican be comparecl with ide electric cars for 'two .. Brunfels. .. . � ­.. &36 :4.1.26 9.00 liquor license inspectors are ,remind- `ct�n r Grand Mogul 13luevala ...... .. ­ 9.45 1. i.86 9.26 th­L9 for securing sat!sfactory ,re- isd -that in coinsi'dering applications cOnts-welpay five. German cities , - Wrl4ham... .. .. .. 8.56 11.47 11.16 suits without prorpoting sectarian which mey come before them for have pulllict,,batbs, public laundry � Son% Bow M., P"S. � Mixed. 'Pase., '.1jitterness. By ,ell m e.9fablisli n - : . _ ea]55 we must licenses in no ease must "they allow big parks, free icon- I W,Wgb%M,. .. .. .. 6 53 &.in j1,16a.m. 2.46 p.m b�old to the priftiple that not'only political considerations to influence, verts,and many -other features Nihich sluevale'..". .. .. 7.02 1 � . .1,36 , 2.65 the Wlts, but also the conscience is their decisions, I . Rotten Po" erty-61though they may Bruosele .... .... .. 7.16 � I 2. so 808 � 7,25 , 1 '12.60 8.18 ucate -the wits It has been reported to me that not rema e it. . I I 'Grand Mogul 'is not Palmerston ........ 8.10 ,onscienoo is to pre- in certain diAtrictal Patronage Com- The mrollary to this is that the 3.00 la'nd lnegle,et the r M ' , - I -1 .. I � - . � ­­ ­.- pare a boy to be ltbio more danger- mittees -are assumibg to direct the :�ror permits no tramps to ter. - . � I -11 . Empf exposied to store dust or � ous nrimin,al. As one has aptly said : boards -its to what licens6s, shall be rorize, bis highways. The police is microbes. The clean, � � . 11 An ignor,int 'thief may rob ft is5ued­n.nd 'to wb.om. This practice ,organized for rural patrol as well � I 1l, I . � frei,-,b,t ear, but your edue' -nnot be permit%W. Licenses ob- as city rork,, a;nd every loafer - . � � 1, . . ated thief ro a . is ait-,tight packages are the I 0 I'll, will,go, -and steal th,e wh - - *1 stopped a d made to give an ajecount . . . . . . . I - ole rail,viay. tdined4n this way will in every ca.lie b.iin,,r, I , ,In Jngland vagran&y .� be discorntinued at the earliest op- oE ' -per s protedion I . . .� houseke,- ' Good Points. . . , partunity. has b , ) ub c nuisance for gen- I � I � . . ' " the Weve I r I 0 1 ttawa cor- ' The Government i sincerely anxi- I (� � th us it has bec.ome'of against inferiority and JvWaWshed i,'�79- I 11. F,' G., .9 rations-wi I � I ... ' re � ons f � that the ficetise ilaws shall be late Yea�s alm,ost -a public dainger. . spondent. �oi the' Toronto St,�r- in din. - 00pi Cough, Croo�p, Bronchitis � strictly administered, and on a non - Wh Ing . - Gar -many � has no tramps. The man - Cough, Grip, AR-thma, Uniphtheria ; one of liLs recent ilettqrs, has the fol- partisan basis, and expect your. besk ivh,o is rithout work 1-n G,ermany � . IoNving good poin Q It comes to you 1'ree 7 I ts, Referring to, a.ssistance to this end. Default in finds no �nducement to remain idle. I le oppo� these pardaulars would not only A alaternil, government sets him to from ad u Iteration— the nic- Cresolene is a boon f0 Anthme-tics - Dr. Sproule, the. leader Uf t i , I , svch ihard work that the, would be I ; destroy the useful-neas C=qotF-NF. ia m long estabiish,e4 ind standaxil remedy I sition 'Ito the school ,clauses of the ,of tbe-'J)oard I est possible blend of the for the disonseg In4leated. ltcurei�b6causetheafrren. ' ' responsible t-berefor, but would in u-nemployad finds it dimidedly to Ili.,; I I I Aut,Dnomy bill. . dMll AtTkIlig)FUntiseptic Is carried Over the fflaemed sur- I . s some ,d,dgree reefloict upon tbia whole interest to seek sonie otMr e;n�loy- ", finest teas of Ceylon -and � .. � . farts of tho bronchial tubcs with '*-very breath', giving I His equable beha,vio:r in -811,01i del- system. . - mont as soon as possible. . . � . . 1. , e �&, prolouged and constant treatment� ,.,Thoso of P. consump- - icate circumstances has `cit --- affords you double th " i - Tonle bronchitis, fiud miratian, and soille people are pre- majority - tive tondeut-v ur sufferers from ch It is, confidently hoped -that in a , , 1, Imme(bate viler from Coughs or ffiflamed conditions of of cases this .-tvarning is un- Lever's Y�Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant Soap tisfacalori of" just a .S good " I I ; pared to admit that If Dr.. Sproule neoessary, 'aidd tbat in no oase will it Powder is a boon to any home. I, disin- teas th�t are sold in bulk, the tbroat. . . . . . . � V .. � hadn't six --h ,vioknt op�inions, and if be lunlhe.edea. � I . . . . Vality-Crepolete is sold . - * ' e same time. - 0,5 '51ce i he wouldn't spe,.­z -oftener th,Ln .ects and c CA sa 20 1�y dru=ists or gent pre� " T # I twice i � Where the number of applitcanis I . or packed in poisonous lead. paid Ahevelpt of prive. in a 'session, be 'Nv'Ould Ile exceeds the. number of licea&es to be, -.� - -­­ -1 - - - � A Vspo-Vrtnulene out- . P �' really a fine fello�v. Oz�ly the, other Individual Responsibility.�, Grand Mogul appeals to the , , . day a Quebeo �, miemb � granted t,liDs6 applisailts. who 111*A �Published; by request of " A Moth- ' , fit induiffing a buttle ' of I � . er ,said that if ptwsanally taie most desirable and palate and tones up the VrLsulene $1.5,1J. Sent] for --- . � .I. ; Dr, Sproute Mid had the ben er " in Hensall.) � buoklet '. 1, - 4 1 . P -tit Of -who,94e, hotels are the best appointed , . I n freo illuntratfLd , .. - t a -liberal education in some. sectar- Who is, responsible ? At a mass erves. LFFxr,,t,.Vu.rq, lflo­ I.ta., - ,, . and Itibe most suitable for the public . I . 0 .r : ian inslitutiGn such as ,they pneour- accommodation should always be n Aing A&'0zAs.'-1R8 St. JaruenSt., � � I . I We held in a Presbyterian stitute for bitters. . , Xontreal, Cat.ada, . . age, in Queboo he -%v�ould have been A .06 I ; , preferred. - J hurell ig Portsmouth I P . ! a crrea.t nian. All of -i, � M - which goes to i It is t1l.e duty ! 01-s to- aftvrnom I I- - , �f(,--'Oinspect ill Ore presenoB of over , d" - I I 81101V . that br.eadth and charity of make, a fair ,,q-nd inipA ill 200 nien, 'a ,converted- gambler and S R -1% ON 0 0 - I d rtial report A U - every instan,oe, so t,hat boards itay ex -sal %arand Mug I I min are not peculiar -to Ontario. oon-Ireeper made a .9tatement OR Ity � T c a I Flvax Land Wantled. Ind-eed',. as this debate j?raceeds,somo have the. best and most xeliabla ill- like this: "'I have been in the sa- The uuderd"t-d are preparod to takb a quant of the Ontario mea-L­rs confess forintition before bliem. loon business, with, a gambling of good clemn fl.ix land. ah.t sod ttreferred Aigheat shamefa.eealy that Quebec is seeotd In many cbunties there, are places "00111 -attiwhed for the last four years ,- price paid fnr tho rig M ktnd. --Aho a qusatity of to noile in that virtue dt toleranz ! .0 good Wan flax oa,d ts bf- leh but. by the ton. No e ailed avotels wbich are merely drin,k- and knOW AGM thing about what I (ISold at 25c, 30c, 40c z.nd 50c seed to be sown in low swamgy ground. We pay whi-,Uh'-other provinces preach a grea c am going 0 say. I do no't' believe the higheat priee far go xl b-It."ff %X. Apply to the &-al and practice too little. , t ing plazvs, bbe bar .1)eing m7ide'tlic per pound, black, green or mixed. underilgaed at 61ther Hensult 01- Se%forth . - first te-onsider,ition and , cconimodn- that the g4mblind den is nearly so Advertising appropriation is divided " lO47x2 MIDOWEN & GRIGER. Another Good­poiI4. tion for man and beast but .-u.lcoll�- dangerous, Inor . does it do anything wkh buyers of Gmnd Mogul Tea . It There is another Liberal 14tmber ary. 'Make the I i cle., nse s of s like the litirin that the sooial card �* uch through prernium couparns in the i -let ius name, �no names, 'for that pla-evs live up tG -tibe requirement,,-, party does in Ube home. You ask my packages. Ykelffann & MeNann, .%vould Le tellink-wbo hag a trank, I or refuse t1h,eir .licenses. Wake them re'a-90,n.? - W�ll in the- gambling 7 il:ot 'to ,say brusqutl, way of sa * kp�ep 'hotal I - , room the ,vlind�,%vs ar6 tightly closed - ----- ying . - SC Trusting that your mciipancy of curtains p�illed down . . --- --- . . John M oM ann, sr. John McMauD, ]r. things. He Was !f0mewhat exerci ,d . -- -- . . tJJV, I)LO"itioll Will i thing is coAducted sebretly for fear r (Succes,sors to John 901dann, ar.) Over the original clauses, but when " be agrecable afid , '� I -­ 602 ­ - �t you may - pyap!�� - � ,4� � Are vow prepared tn bandle all kinds r f horses. thil amendments canic down he ban- Pleasant to you, and blu I of detecti6n. As ,a rule, none but , IZ , 33ulers may rurchase ho,i,es it their able stables, . I ONTA Egtnondville, at any time. C ishL'd doubt, and nailed ,his flag' to be able to say th,rit the- promises I gamblers eAter there, ,while in the , 00 I " . I I 1944-tt the mast. He intends to stLck by made b,r the. G;over - ,I liarlor, all I 1ho. are old enoYighhave -' A --- nment ;as to the ,­ � ; .(- I a I his kmder, and- be resents ally que-s- rigid ,enfor-cement of the law will be access -to, th I game. Those too young - ' � - , I I P �A, - I McKillop Directory for 190 1 5. - -your dis- zn�y w . .- . - - - tion whioli wodld imply that he filit"hfully carried .cut in I to play abeh the others as ,' �. " �- I L I I migh-t be -wavering. trict. - they play. 1 It is too often made " L or I t3jld" . - DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve,.gebahwood P, O.' : " What do you think of the am- - . I ani very truly your-,, tempting and attractive by giving '; siness Ac ' X. ROWLAND C0UnoL1JJQr, W�Jtf)a P. 0. �L I 1JI F Mcf,WAID, Counoillnr, St. Columban P. 0. -1 ended clauses V he was askekd, ! W. J. Hanna, prizes, servi� g refreslim-ents, etc. I -1 0 1.0ND0r4 �, ern, I " � . 011AHZE1 LIMP., Councill p, Winthrop P. 0. " Look here," replied the stafwart. I - Provincial Secretary. .Could Jlev� see the, difference, bd- ! ",-a . . I 1� . A D " I �carne - here to -vote not to think L - ­- I -1 - ---. - . I I L . JOHN X. GOVENLOCK, Codijoillor, Winthrop P. 0 �JL tween play�ijg for a piece of silver ' Each punil Is ffirell in- � I MICHAEL MIMI E, Clerk, Wluthrop P. 0. a DAVID M. ROSS, Troneurer, VVInthrop P. 0, ght I - Moulded in'to a bbimble or olip, . dividual instructiom - . I gui�.,;.4 the fellows who got el . and ; n. - SOLOUGN S. SHANNON, J. 11. Sanitary Inspector, tb�ousand dot-lars a y(,ar for think- i C:1 -A- 9B W C30 X;L 2: -41. . playing for bhe money. The princi- i H The '.Shortha.nd lf�yste L Winthrop P. 0. - . In . . ing ican do -it better than I can, for 13 ears tho The Kid You 11avP Alvyns Bouj�l ple is bbe s4mq, and whenever pre- i r.3 t usell by all I . I tanerlit is tba I IL 7�= W I owspaper and court re- I * I solia for the bill." . r- of jedrds no' matter ,bow ,imall the : porters. . I fifteen hundred. At any rate, I'm Siguature �r perty ohang�.s hands over the luck ,, LS , .. of "ZI/-//4'(-� -�- . I : As -a matter ,of fact, the Housp, 1,1 as "' �, , . alue of t, Q, prize, I believe it is I ki m re the only, : thlought it out pr'AtY well), and. the . V, 11 "�� I Best aptenvR of 13ook- _ gambling. I;ave, you ever tAltought of , 09d 66dicina that � ' aniended otau-ses are The Glimate in the West. . it in tbl7s 114ht ? Where do all the lceeldng, Pentuanghip,Arith- regarded as 1� wetie, etc., thoroughl WW Will cure Dia- hil,011Y ,satisfactory. The v I The, special correspondent of 'the .1 gamblers co�ne from ? Surely tbey 0 y ote m'.'y Globe, I Lau,rht. 0 . , $,0teq. L;ke 'majority than Nv.as who has been . travelling I are not taugbt in the garxibling dens. 186ght's Max expe�dted. It IS not impossible that through tM Canadian Northweit and 11 A gr�.en ban is devGtd of Fituationfi guaranteed L adfle. - . . . 41 unless he ' Ki ' contributing a series of very inter- I common sense, never enters a I;am- I te -,very GradaaLc . . r �Ase this di*- nonic of the - Conservative members estingAetters to that, paper, while - bling i1rall for -be knows be CATALOGUE I . , - r ?- y lqiLse was i tbr- edu- - ARIL � Irl- from Ontario will . . in W will be I - . J - PI -11S ,4 C'Qi ra b I e until cational. clauses. They bave not an- innipeg was blessing himsclf J robbod of e*eryb'hi (M- I - L DID d's�!�kidney Pills .nounced their predilqctions In fbe that -he had take)a his,coon skin over- sesses, in, -a very few minutes. 114D I \A/(P 1--"'. 0 ' . cured A. Doctors House, and will, likely onough I coat with him and was lbemoan....g I Illaz 'learned le-Isewhere. Perhaps at i . .. L -j 00 . , not 5 speak tit all'in the debate, but a . -voto * h I I' -;P �O,YWZ 17--. ':z'>. F�� - I thems�lves conreg- having tcx be burdened with his cloth .� oine, he whiled the time ,a-.�ay by - - Nr -1 that ytthout Dodd' -z civericoat -as lie, had no use -for it. But 1 OrptiliAl, NCI - f,or fair play to the minority, from i playing a sogial game With, JX1lT4nts, I C'JR E,tj,-,GRApHLR-,.P PA� Kidney Pilig they a I 80111 when -be got further west be found.1 broffhers, sisters or -perhaps frior,di!; . ' . 'Pr ro e of Mr. 'Borden's supporters i 01VIV less a�gainst Di � 1. I It ,was the -coon skin that was super- I ai-ave taught bim the mt. Wheh lip- . . a- L wlro haive not been suspe6ted of- that . � I Men. Doad's Kidney . weakness, is not altogether . fluous. But ­,vc give his experiences � zome,s proficient enough ,at home or CdOWS Coifta Root ri.,otapmtid. I Pills are the %rit medic�na L an lm- in his ,oivn words. He says: Before I among this frl�;nds to win prizbs, he , thlixt ever cuted D'abetes. 'w,obabitity., It is an open secr6t I -left Regina. however, it was the I L TindleO ravorlte, I alat some of the back benclies wiere, - oftimes beco es so fascinated that -1 "I 'I - 11nilations-lox na=raeand fur ,coat that had become super--,' he seeks the . I TO th4o only safe reltable pill, are advedisel d to do so, orpposc& to Dr. Sproule'.9 extreme egular gambling room -, - regulator on 'Walo'h woman but the madj�jua that dges iiieth,od,;, and returne f wous, ,a na by the tirne Calgary and thinking be ic n win every time. T ­ can idepend. "in the hour - � . i Petitions they -, Edmonton wcre reached both gar- , Irtme Tead and I do not doubt it,that I and timp, of need," 11 cure , Vere a.4ked to, I)re- inents were, left in the hotral while I Ole. saloon me and ganibl I Prepared in two degrep.1 Of I sent, ,%vith their conipliments . L' , . 7 ers ichuckle . / . ,� . -- . � t s and amil-pee ien theT read in the . Strengtfit . No. 1 and No. 2. a I the owner. strolled about the stre-L � � . - I No. I. -For ordluary e-ases in his jacket, and found it at times papers of the, )arlor games given by / Is by -far the best dollar ` Editorial Notes and Comments* oppressiv'e. T.be, fact is that from the 11adies. They feel confident that zaedicine known. 11oh' n L 8' "" 'o' . AOUL . - lb7o. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees � " 0 � , The .-Yontreal NVitness, with ,con- the ,18th of February to the 14tb of. s0m-a of tile en who attend these "Itronger-three dollars per boz ' . _ I ' sid(,rabI6 pride for Its Province di- Nfarzli there was an unbro-ken spell funetibns, wi 1 s4me day become - TAdles-ask your druggist for Coolem . I -of bleautiful weather in that western their ,1�atrons., Says an ex-jambler: Cotiou Root Oompound. TaRe no other U , U S rects att.entioil to the statemcat re - I I ­ ' I � ciountry. The -greater part of that "I ,say ti)e. pa lor' game, is the, c'ol- as -all Pills, mixtures and Imitations are !� . mad, ,I]n- ' celitly niade by 'Mr. J. A. Ruddick, ))eriod ' I spent in Calgary, Edinon- ; lt,ge wbere ga bl<�rs are . d dangerous. No. I and No. 2 are sold and 'recommended Mall drugT.Istv In the Do- , is Dodd's 'Rildney Pills. dairy commis.,iloner, before the Ag- ton, XmUod, Medicine 11' t R illa educated. In lie name of G;Vd a #Jj Tainion of Canam . Mailed to Any address - � , C, � i fifty cents.,A box at all lzltlid that tha province of QuebeCLPro- n. of- N!e'me huulanity;ourqtjl� this accur-aed p16,a- on receJpt of -price and four 2 -cent postage dru * I - was t le same- sure, in i( F, - ggists. 'I, � omes, burn .up yo' r � OtO mN, 1, � Dodd's Xldney Pills are rivultural Committee at Ottaiva. iTe arid Saskatoon, and i Q1 , I I _ plaws ,the weathei � Whe coula Colupan .- ' ' alm, warin, sunny days, with dnly dcoks and was your hands of suOli WLudzer,, put- ! - bably 1pads in the productioll of io" 11 , . A- - I � ---------- - Cheese and butter. , Not only has the faintest indications of frost at - a pernicious le il.11 I . For sa le by 0. Aberhart J. S. F,ob- Quebec been for many years a Jarg- nights. At Mr. I "' William Pearice's I * In the sam mass ;neetiug men- t efts, 1. V. Fear, and Alex. Wilson, , f -r prp,ducer of creamery, buttex h,ouse in Calgary, on r�ebtuary,26tb, i tigned -'above, a other ex -gambler a- %afOrt�h. 1 ,. � � I , . - _ . . . , . -- , ­- ­ - . - I L � I 0 0 I it f -- 'I if, � - . - . , .. �. I . Ak .. 0".. Am I . - . � . � . - - �06 - -w 1 t # I - - � -1 ......... �� - ­ -­­ ­ 00EEWFF1­--­1-, �. � - �.- - - - 1MEMEL---­­­­ � 7 ­ - , 111010111y, � �� I- - ­ - i . - � , - - ::- - . --- , I . . r� ­ . - - �; - � - I ; � w - � - I . � - . - - . . I " � `T�- -�, - - � - . � - � crac . � - . *Ar"lla- ,*W. -%<-- r J& %or I - I 1! 4 Ebubt *4 -i P I , I p-100 N T � - , , � I - , � - 1710N co . i � . � - Doubt +� - � . VA Bul - - d1z".4 YOU . . I 11 . I - tve oxe I I . . . , I - I �, WWII& I � . I - I .... *,a f�e-Ah . . p � : . Of <. - I .1. I -��- � � -- ­�11& # I 1� . . I �; " . � �� " `- - ��11 Ali I , I �, " t ..... - , .. I 4! ,� I . � - � I- I- I t � ISee w -hat . I .i. ?'I, I � � � - 11� ­ . I I . � I -1 I "INO&ZO - �., I I i I I .. - I I � �!111 Is 1 2-3;. 1 - . .ry -"M-% . - � � �- � I S P R -1 N U ­­ . ) - I I --­.� � . - - - . - I J % .. . 11 . . . I I I I I I, . I I - - I - --.��-- . . � . . �� I - - - , 11 I -f.il S ­ . . 1. . =. I -- .0 , - pru,.ng-, �.. i -�- I ­ . .�,� I I "I , " . - - -­ , � -�­� ----------- �&!:­ � i 1� A A A A 04 - 11 ... I 11 I I ------,---- 1V'W1-W�--N`1W 11W1W -­ .'r . . . . �- � . �: --� . � . I q � . � , � 11 0 . We invite everybody vho has the leiA intentiou Of ... - ! I ,bujing a suitor raintoat, to be sure you have a Jo*r . I - I I a Lhi )ugh our clean, xiew aud eimplets stoek, You. wM ---.- - I , . . � I i n"' � i ; surely lind something you vant at Che most reaeo __r_ . r . I . _ : . ­ I 11 p 0 PM 'IeS. - I . r 1. I - . . ­ i Afen's Suit's from $5 to $1-3. EVery'qUit Is wbei*.4 - ! I I an you also'get a written guarantee vii,th every sulk _, I . � r ". � .­. - I-; - �- W t more vDuld you desire I I IA". - I I It I Boys', 8�its from $1.75 to U. This is where VS - . � .. . F hi� P. This line has been no'gleeted, but now you Iii" I I � I C - th4E opportunityp'Us have never had before A Wir r. 0 A I Shirts -Surely, our llorth'wind-ow will nouvince a . _ 1� P � - ny-r- y I I- peyson that they are ri0it. Listen to thope e t4lft- r � I I 901 - , I . I 1� I abaac them. I C, � � - � � 11 ) I -WakefieWs,-Custowers who have bou_rM_ - ' I G � th� Hats - - I -1 in are a6ertisiug them for us. -- I I I , � - "T EPA" - . - I � 11 )�:F. - ,� I TSI-, � I I - '- I I I . I Latesb Styles ani'd Loweat Prices wirl m�ke � I . - - . . � I Butter .and ea s taken as cash, 11 - i 11 09 I ! - . - - - ­-, 11 . I r I r � I If. -9 - ' LOT T �, . I �. - � I I --1 I mt I -,I I . --- . � ,I : ^ XX -.i .-. � . � u Trifling Cold .... I., � C R'% Em A Ill P : I I . Has been the Lmllaby So 1-�-- .�z of Many a ; - Victim to eacir Last L ang 51"p. � I A cough should be Iloosexied as � . . Se "e% "e%- 4 --.Ir§-,"---. . speedily as possible, a*d all irrita-' ... PC" CL&vwfa � tiou alliyeff before it Oettles in the I lungs, , Once settled there Bron- - - Are before the ; 4 6hitisand ConsuinptU = follaw. Public Again. I . I 1 1 1 � � �� DR. WOOD'S I - .. I ICO ON In Oily U" Witt . , I *WAY ' ' SYRUP "'� - - � bbelf besuwml ealwal-l# NOR PINE -1 1, �r . � , . � 7� � . � �boWJe#--Wk7tho1r:b6W,*.*- - I I I..., ,.;,�', ­ I . is just -the xemedy yoi4 require. � -- ­�`. �;, � al skimming devW im4� , � , , The virtues of the 14orway Pine ., !�,-,:­." "'.�W Idefloble", off Uumcag � ... and Wild Cherry � 13ark, with bowl. only two pieces in the bawl. mitking it. to� - � � � othef standard pector4l Herbs .and Inueb easier to clean, eoster to undergUnd and 6**- 1 "I Balsains. are skilfull ier to operate. The lightest running ind ino5t dar. . I'll, - - y combined ahle rao6ohine yet produoid. � It ebould sh-0 W : to produce a reliabIie, sd-e stud notedtlast the Met.r.to bai neither a mum'nr v I effectual remedy forlall forms of small tu4.4 nor long onee nor complicated devins - Couchs and Coldi. of any t ind to be zlesned� The bawl lUelf iv OW - ­ - t3� I ptyinz.- Every part, easily "Aawme with As I . 6. Mr. N. D. -,Xacdonal"d, Whycoco- "* ... Ur'� i _ ng I =nv.t1hsU1cs1 advantag,t,s i6eluAlug Geed ' magh, X.S., w�it�es, - 11 I think it fling arrangemeats s,3 well &$JgDed s,J , . to save halt 4of the 4o1Vu4u%11y,o,Rqulred by maohlweo - - my duty to let � know what ! self �0 - - - kreat good Dr. Wood's Norway � of We Unlit H%ndle taken bff in a teoond wittoit . Nwrenchors.-rewdAver. inereasesquantity of "eaft I 11 Pine Syrup did for Ine. I had a 20greant. improves 'he qfiality a thq butWt - . bad cold, which s ttl d i ,�4n provieessweetamd wa-m milk withthembir-- . � ' e' n 41 animal btat in it for tbo calves, whicb, v..th ,% -.. chest, and 1. could ,g, . g to )fttla corn xneal, or aritie such tubAltate Ad"d- ��t .lothi. ' I cure it till I trIed Dr Wood's Nor- ed, in ikes a fir wore valuable thouAb leas expmiriVe - -, way Fine Syrup_ T�e first bottle 4boa $or SOUUg bt0o,k than stale skimmed =11k, - ThPF6 ate fact's which Any user or dairy exp3rt wW , helped me wonderfidly, aud the � - - I mufirinie Inspection kJndl.v invited. Remembet � third one cured me. I tht,old etand, A. X. Cantp'5611'4i .warer�ainir, SeXx - �� I for -06 . I READ WHAT A UM SAYS*.�Perkt slr�-Hav- Q. - � ,L- Price 25 cents p�r bottle. _J Inir purchaped a Welotte Cream, Sepoirat ir frow. your --- I I 01=1 �­` I - i .� I agent. D. megallum, ,over tarce years ago. I etrang- - --- . i , I I , )v recoramend it tvr ou jerlor vointe, emy turning, . . --- � *durablllfw� In competition �z � irleau setrating, and .­ - i, -No Breakfta�t Table Wo tried a Da la Vall and keO tbe Mebtte in , . i prtference. It hi&s Paid for itself I Ing Ago'end cut - I I . emplete *� ithout- I nowng for repaim FREV ROGLMSON, Hullett � JW I ' Dear Mrs .-The it Weiotte " - Separator .vblcb ! I � : - purebased from y,cur age I ut, Xr�Dn i , Dean WWI.= � 7 - I . .1 , about ten months ago, hss g1van grest siMsfactioa I I vvould renommend the 11 Nelotte 11 Separator lei, . I I irreat siver of labor, and is a gOD! WVeg=e0t, At there Is a considerable increase of butter comp%YO i with the old metbods of setting Tnilk, &n4 to Asa � � ; ' I bette, for the calves. Yours truly, JOSRPR Air i An admirable food, with all ,` QV &IV, St. Oolufnbam, Out ,� � I I � � its natural queLlities intact, I I � i tain Dear Mrs ;-The Melotte Creatn ftarator which ,_ : -:dtted to build ul�, and main i I purebastd from your agent, Mr Dusoan W04 - robust health, �tnd to resi%t luni, has Aw equals. it any. For durability and L-'. I winter's extreme cold. It is i working ft. cannot be exaelled. It runs very Jight. . ( a valuable die-�,, for childv,-en. I .1trlbop, 10 y�wt old, has done sM the skimming of - - I I ow � I and, with the new eldinwing device, Ix 1 1 e4al . 4 lycleaned, It dnes Its; work cloiLn and - i . I .N-nand'makes a gr4st deal taore btitser. In my ­ . . i opinion, from Vis paeohar.10AI co 104 of tao L fttruct - I . m2blue, V it sbould he & long liver, so the gerring is -- I'll, I ail encaeEd, vvhlnh excludes It from all 11 dait fmd 11 I , ; dirt." T.ho hxudle li3 a gmat advantsge over oth - -.. I . 0112M - -1 L ret it Orin be taken aff in a 9,co-nd witboat Wre 11 � - ! or soteo-driver. The -tinware also in vxcept4nnilly �� LLL . ! r,7he Most Nutritiolm heavy 2ud I would P.dvita *11 intending purchme'.1 .. - � I . - I and Beo. onlical.' 1. to try a Malotte., J081f WULLAN. 1,� - "I'll I I I I I pear airlis .--Vra are quite ta+hfted w1th the .'- . 31t lotte Separnfoit which we pureb4�sed froin ynur%, - I L . , - xp�nt. lir D M-joallum, Laud find It a fifst-clsss % ' - I -, � - ff I "'.. Mil - � � .... ­'$.. :� %�- eh;tnwer of ini k, rd&IL on&-quarW mom butler - � I , , ­-­� � I I . � - i �, BAB W that) by th,3,cJd'.A3'efLeM n1joblUd, 1"ery 44911Y Under- . - - � M � - - . ., . . - stood and o -L OQ &OWUntof I peraud ; essy to *T�Sb. - - . ­ . � , -- � 1, . I , LL, tba alroplicity of the 4kim-nWeg A-ft-Ine - A 17my - � I I ' ' 1. - L�-_ gre it labor saver In the way of - . from, - I . w A I ��.,!!- , - I 0i6y.ii!W,;14Jk I -;w-` - I - � `�. - OAR � 3 the bmn to the house, and from the boW t,,) tho I i ­ , K i�:i � I , , I . i barn to feed. In fact, we would- not do Wthout IL - 1. ; , ­ _ L I 'r -Z tu ­ - , -1 f- The AJv"do=ue-hba"ar,Ja*-" havb -ewfflc . -, , . : e.4� - - - - a ,�& 1. t-! FPC I A(a k. 0 . WJtb the aiql=al tat in 14. and for Plize It fs Juit the I I I . I . � V � I , lhlng� As I ha-ve Wad several i6ther nixonivest I , L .. � i find the Melotft by All odds tho superior -ivathim. ancl And, In my hutubto j idgm - tbere Is , eat Idonit think i a bptter waohins in tbo jrasrkek JOHN 13. HEN- . � - I �� .. - W- I P - I G %a�f - I D&880�N' ­ , MWAN XcCALLUNI. Agent, Seafmth- - . A WALKER,, Agent, Staft. I C' A R I I - ­' D TS- 1 iojo4f I ..... L L I I - I L The finest:atd larg st line of baby- � Oaretaker Wanted. I'll, - I, I Appll"Uons will be carriages and go -c � ever skown in UnNI lfondxv- April 170. forthe podtioa ,of eire- Senfoith i's to be see - at Knechtel & t%1 �(COi of the Presbyttrian Churob, fes- . . . for�b- Vatles rf-quired eau be soneWood on 4ippill- I MCK(-rnzielst ranging in price from. �CAdoust mi offloo. Applicautt to staite F,Al--.y 82.25 to $30. ao'me early and make 't"i"ed with or wltb`4 "W'd"ce. � , ' JARn WAMN, '. 1 - , 1!047.2 &-Cretsry Cowwitti!e. - your choice fron,. this splendid aafiort t . I -­ -- ------- I A Menu.- ; - I � , i - L F.0 I F,0, 0 i Drainage Oontract. Vtll by Lfbe under- 'L- A n ech tel & Mn I n RALED tenders will be rboel ' ' � . or. enzie I i k'*3 910--d until 3 biolock p, in., *0 310-nday, Aprit I I ! 18th, for the conatruction of the � Fmiture a n*d U`Pd§d,&ak1n9-- ' Staffa and Tyndall Drains, . � . -1 SEAFOI�fffl. In the Townebip of Mhberl. Plans and � I may bo eeon at the cffl 3o of the Merk. -A deposit 4 1 - I .-- P 11 . qual to 5 per eons, ot the aTnount rd tander rilub-t �Z I be encloeed and will be returned -when contra,et U&6 . .-�l � J Export Appie Trade. bpen signed. - �-z , - - Twdersmupt bear the bons fide gignaturo of the - I- I - ' - - - � , eontravtor and hie surettoo, - or Oej will be raled . - A partner ol out, of the rt cips) Arms of fruit out, #& inforingj. I L - - I Westnen In GlasKotw, Soot1% d.'will be In this dl& The lowestor any bender not nocessAylly accpptm _ �'l trict within a MNY weekii, an would lfka to -meet ed. I . I - I A with nn agent or Urge fruit gr wer who could Ju. 4 JAMES JORDAN, - I 0 haence ahtpments of apples, etc� Address Cleek, Towneblp of 111bberlt I � . 1 THE RUPION 49XPOSITOR. ; D.2blin r. 0. I - I I I ontaft - - -1 1947X4 I SeAforth. Dublin, V.&rch 2.8iii, 19114 MOAT -Z . I . : i I ­ - I I � . - . � . � I - I -. . -1 .I-- . , A- . I . . . � . � �L- � .� .. I � � - , . � : . .- . ­ -- - . . . A . � ­­­ ''' ­ ­­ -­­ -- --.-e '­ ­­­ - - - ­ ­ "- ` ­ ,- . - , ---- I I ­ ­­ . I . . - � - - I � . L� - -- 4 1 . I - .. I . -1 . . - � - - R. - - I"" - LLW-"1W-- -MMUNNOW&AIM"W"WW" - - -----..----"-"- , - B=Z 'VOR 8 - .aerslog ba -zerd book. A Amm - ar sewl %- . - I- I -&­� . , � - I I I a. FOX a . I -1 - - I I '- ��', 06016 of , VMS I - - ... All I � , I ac " -1 -00 - 'w �, I., -410 . L, M -ON! 8 60"Wall" =W,84011."s . sit; 4W . - A0W � VdC�&&1A6,*"* hivo SOLNA 1­ � - 8 soe.eumm 1 Te&tadti DY Im - O" �01 4t stoog. APP17 I -1-ackegamitker! -Vw--- - -- , � -, - � . I . I lum 1-1 � 'r t8o ASS, 7r74 - 61P for mr ,rkol WHOP, & lhlwalm Tm-lited iiumber a V*VAW.0 j*nuw � . --- � EI I v,r9Ay 31=1 l 1=-dorwlpe� blal* 'Eheep, T- NO'�Vg Pr4wty , I at 1& con P.O. . -�. --"END QA:18 A is mw ftsole srucegeld, an ft t3tyof AMIRICAN 'tablt Ur I �- Wa - X, ON-ty To Te"Nov fivin of tawx VV 4 --� W 0- -9 0 n - - "Nily t z 1% . A I - - -- D"WXG R1 signed 4M = and 13udwow wsgwn. 41stRM, � and 00 awy,ftr& aU ,tbeir i4m 1� 0 R P-1 0- V S " DiRs . Ui � Ififf, . "ONE OEM 11 SWI ft",amrm, - 1. COUVV . -.- the fml ucteariesior, wluftzonml tap--fio,or, th's GIMS, V 'apawerouzzo tha -UtIM04 0 awtem=d -S WIF llpoehiw I V"Wentauel E11- . T-PXd 0 ­ . Mae s�niptoj di ".vvr- reglectodcok BronebiatTrot lthm=tum. . Night fiwe*rA � Ifetuorrbagesi ftiusin thso , i ��, plausepe" Xxtreint. kibi I ACXUrr.-Ial am I Dr� slocunal A - Un tit the last It - U the tautter , . -mugh,orthoz, 31Y rtmody, , Vough ,and Im psychine MIU � Alkelconlvampt Itis well to - u2fnal e1w;0401 . lstheremedY� , I . V.-Wetim - r a � i ps"'U111 Forsale-sts off i-harge U 3x X"don druir, lifrAlved. 370 J Dr Sloeuv ,P;Wenfion 4 xaA4.pd free V; � � ; : . - AWAW -411-Us PUB I I .1W - .1 33� ,W L' .."""- I i I FT 7 E Ao-t 4 VPHOLSI �� . REPAIRI . � � 1�"o 7, . W-1 - � �, VINE ell -AL, PILD � - - I A' CAL 4 L z A - 4 I . r # L - J i � - � ! C MA � � FIEN _ : � t , I L : 1--� . p � - Seri . I A timpAe. � It . ieA.W11-0-19u, Cr*ks� � T &ornbl - 1=3? 0114n, - I I 1-1 a I - .. , . . - . . . . - I . L - - : * I �. .