HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-07, Page 7ON EXPOS
t any one
W weeks;
s never
need, the
very few
ed so that
d sweet.
re giv-
Ail Done
Herat eleme
and bright
'i9;s rightly begun.
When good
rooms and
rushee are used
takes very
ittle effort to
hem° a tractive.
made'and It ke all
018 make labor light. For
arw "the standard goods
V. s. hotter gnduite- ofOuterie
lesteeir-ary Calker All dtaeases at Dalmatia
tweed. Calls promptly attended to an
nate. Vet e 'nary Dentistry a specielty
mete on Grelorkee street, "one door
offi SelfOrth. 1112-t
legmen V. ge etenorary g Ideate of the
tarialleterina College an Honorary mem-
elledieel Ass° Wien of the Oaten° Voter--
. Treats di Mee of all dolomitic animate
modern pr nciples Dentistry and Milk
cialty. dice opposite DWI' Hotel,
Seeferth. At order* left at the hotel
met att uteri. Night cans reeeivee
1871,52 -
sick -headache.
ears. ta. NZ:
.resteaeneeestaistee ire
Ly. It has, perhaps',
The prohabilitica
kre busy turning out
and. There is still a
ring and make you.
esher Co4.
ug, and te enlarge the
eiett- has already been
for sale at par, 10 per
any, in sums not to el: -
ea can be paid at any
nt of fall amoneb.
the amount paid in
eli Reserve Fund shall
teg;nnings, and haa
es aceumuleting a tub-
$ 3,141 66
5 61e oe
d, 043 :33
5,20S 50
footive. Every share
Limited, has an ea-
efimented stage. This
-elding 7 per cent. and
f the shares.
rice'. The market i*
end Separators used.
ate& rhea() woald
ad. Thera ir*
ada, which gives the
1 UV.
iSellettor, (nary, Pnolle eke Money to
ugh eel ays, Friday, and. &due-,
ofgea open et ry week day. Over Pickard's
Men street, el orth. 1904
eolidtov for the
Dead= lisneffsei
eveyamer and IS
km Bank. Offeeene
. Roney to loan.
ove for an Ho
Never hied. the Court looked fairer
than it: did that Maytime.. The
clematis arbor was darkly green, and
the.seent of a hundred flowerS and
herbs was he, the air. There were
birds buildies- everYwhere; the men
were whistting in the fields, the wo-
men singing through- the house as
they threw open -the long -closed
mants and hung the rooms wri
snoy draPeries.
But May is not all sunShine and
flowers; oleo morning, about the mid-
dle of the month, it was very chilly
and raining heavily. The ladies came
late downstairaand they eat their
breakfast without much conversa-
tion. The ,drip• of the rain was 1110-
notonotts and mournful. The
"chirp,' 'chirp" of the birds had a
freeful, put-out-of-thNway sound.
There Was no mail but a letter from
the squire to Miss Loida; a, very long
letter,- from which there fell some
architectural plea,- Francesca glanced
at it with a little curiositye and Miss
Loida. answered the glance:
"lt_ is a plea for an orchid-hoese,"
she sa id .
"W?i tver can father want with an
orchid -house?"
"I will read his letter, and then
we shall understand."
The letter, however, did, not appear
to be satiefactory: Alias Loida turned
it aver and baticward, and was cer-
tainly much ern lea [-nesse(' . and Fran-
cesca, with some in3pLlthncc, , asked:
"What is it a.11' about, Aunt Lot -
"My dear -I hardly know what to
say to you. no you recollect how
much your father has written latc4y
• about Mrs. Mott, the American lady,
who is so much admired in London?."
"Yes. Is,she coming here?"
"I think .She is coming here."
"'dew dreadful! I cannot bear - the
thought of visitors. I hope she will
not stay long."
'I am sure, my dear -I do not
luiow how to tell you. Francesca -
your, father has married heed'
"Vy father! Married! Loida,` that
is impasible!"
"It ie true. He Seee's Mrs. Mott pre-
ferred a quiet wedding. They are ,
gone to Paris for a few weeks. -Sheri
wants the orchid -house built, and.
yield' father, has written to ta Man in'
Drayton to 'come here and attend to
the buil .dieg of, it. He will probably -
be here taeday."
"How 410W' 'Meng of „fp:the:
• '
"No, my dear. Your father has as;
much right to marry aa you have:
If you had leered him alone, he
would have been faithful to you, no
"Hew could I help loving. Lance-
lot?" .
"Perhaps your father could not
help loving this charming American.
Francesce, you have yourself to
blame, You fret, so eontinually about
Lancelot that ft aitpeared necessary ,
for your health and life to do some -d'
thing,. Your fatter 'went to Parlia-
ment. hoping to take you with him
to London. You . would neither be
happy at home nor yet go- with him -
to London. My dear,\ the beet of
men, the tench rest of. fathers, grow 7
wary of sorrow that. wild not be
"Fethee is an old man. The idea
of inn' marrying!"
"He is a very handsome Mad, in
the prime of life. The idea of his
marriage is not more absurd than
the idea of your tharriage.''
'Aunt Loida, how an old people
be in love?"
'They love better, they love less
selfishly, they love more wisely than
the very young love. .And Lr1 people
over twenty years of age are not
old. I have no doubt yo r father has,
made a wise choice; m,6 doubt what-
ever that Mrs. 'Mho- op. isa. charm-
ing, lovable woman: and if I were
you, Francesca, I should meet her on
that presumption. Of course, there
must Lie other changes. That is al-
ways the case, for one change brings
another. I shall now leave this
'house, iand go to iny own louse."
"Aurit Loida, if you leave. I shall
leave Oso. Let me go with you."
-Your movements must depend up-
on your father's will, Francesca. Do
vet remember what a little fret I
had the other day, because my house
was not rented this year? You see
now that it is a fortunate thing. I
can go directly to i
"May I not live with you?"
eehich a step would look like des
!seri ing your . fat her. and it would
mar .of
-r L Boo;
es enearylisbN
Pepsi's bookeicre,
ter, holleitor, Conveyance/
Offices- we Wits, aver C. W
Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
ItOlanalrgas 16900909 So ths late Inn DU
Nee°00211 Itohiesied, Marristerp Solicitor
cal:yrraosk Otalir aolisltor for the Can
lase,gesleof Oora ewes. Money to land. Parra
for Ale. Wes SootVs /Rook, Kahl Street
Seaforth- -
-MORMON GAMOW, Barristers, Solicit -
1.1 ON, eim, Clod rich, Ontario.
18334 Alth18 DARROW L. L. B.
Aides* alloys] bollege of Dented Boredom, of 'On.
tido pceb graduate course in mown and bridee work
etdasWi's Bohm], Chicago. ' Local anasthetioa for
palm extraction of teeth. Office -Over k Young*
:gteemy store, feetteortit. 1764
Sseremoved fra
teem offices, 4
-rwr, ToRowrp,_
418 Sherbourne Steel hie letanti
s Young fit., opposite Carlton et.
Dr. John McGinnis,
Office and Reeldebee-Viotoria Street,
- 'Phone ia
Geadnate of Unit -entity of Toronto Vacuity of Medi-
cine, member of College of Physiolans and Sur -
odes of Ontario ; pes4 grtvinsie courses 'Chimed '
Maul School. Ohio -o: Royal Ophthalmic Hospi-
tal, London, EegIarI ; University Oollege Hoapital„
;Ando, Etude,
store, Main Str
,pailt answered
Office -Over Greta- & Stewart,
et, Seaforth. "Phone No. 6. Nicht
m residenee on 'John street. 1890
s*A.1-lonrrpr •
The Toners
No workmen ill the world cart do so ottglk
urine the same intefligencee that eur own
Anterman work me and W0911e13 are capae
' hie of. That ie why
America is now beating
the world innnanufac-
tures ; all due to the
'brain and muscle of our
Yankee men and
'Unfortunately where
there is smoke, dirt and
dust and little sunlight
there -also can he found
the germs of disease.
Nature's great disinfec-
tant is sunlight. It is
in the factory, the work-
shop, the office, that
men and women stiffer
from diseases which are
iwthe dust and the bad:' -
air. Stich disease
germs enter into the
blood in two ways,
either through the
lungs or stomach.
1 After years of experi-
ence fri an active prac-
tice, Dr, R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., discovered a remedy
that is a blood -maker and tissue -builder,
at the same„ time al.leviates a cough, Ile
called. it Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
cievery--an alterative extract that assists
in the digestion and assimilation of the
food -so that the blood gets its elements
- from the products of digestion, the liver at
the same time is started into activity and
there is perfect elimination of waste mat-
ter. - The germs of' , malaria, catarrh
or consumption find -a rtile field if the
body is not kept in erfeet order and
the blood pure. • , .
, Because the stomach is diseased there
, is a diminution of the red corpuscles of
time blood. This is why one is sleepless,
languid, nervous and irritable. Sensitive
stomachs groan aloud at the irritating cod
liver oils, but they will get all the food
elements the tissues require by -using the
"Golden Medical Discovery."
' The ',Discovery" is absolutely a non-
alcoholic and non - narcotic ' medicine.
There is nothing else "just as gocea."
Dr. Pierce's. PleasantPellets, theL best
laxative for old and young people.They
cure constipation and. biliousness.
(Ace and• euce-Goderich street, east of the
iddihodist eb h.
. Tsrarrnoter No. 46.
ner for t o County of Huron.
oRaiscorr & MacKAY,
Gain le street, opposite Methodist church,fieaforth
.Dfs flOTT4Igraritude Vietorla and Ann Arbor, and
member, Ontario College of Physician' end
*mom Ornener for (leant? of Huron.
Dr. MicKATe honer evadnate Trinity University,
geld meialist Trinity Medical Cellege. Member
80114610f Phyriclues and Surgeons, Ontse.a
t riothitig eth
arrived at, and the
in saying little mo
"Bow lovely you
"How handsome a
you are, Dick!"
-Row happy we a
"How good it is
"Suppose I do Mean that?"
'If you care more for Lancelot
than for your father, then why
should not your father care more for
Mrs. Mott than for you'? Let us be
.fair, 'Francesca." .
"Father has treated you badlY,
also, Loida."
"No, he has ,not. our father knew
„that as soon as Dick Aldersou came
home, I should marry Dick and leave
him. Love asks its equivalent. Nol*
love abides that is on one side on.
Come, my dear, do not 'fret. Let dlis;
go to- my room and consider' things
calmly and kindly. There are some
prepaxations to make for the bride."
"I will not talk about any bride, I
Wish I knew where Lane -clot was."
At this moment a servant entered
the room and said:
"There is a person to see you,
Miss Vyner. I put him in Squire
Atherton's office."
"Wh"Who4s it, Sarah?"
"I have never seen the person be-
fore, miss.''
"He can 'come in here, 'Francesca,
can he not?" •
. "No, he cannot, Loida. I have a
bad headache, and hn will be talking
about glass and meksurements and
steam heat, and such things, until I
am half crazy .''
"To be sure, it is the man_ from
Drayton. I had forgotten. It ie the
Meg BROWN, Lieensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Enron and Perth. Orders len at
e. N. Campbell's implement warerooras, Seaforiet, or
enet &el:enroll Oleo, will receive wrap* attention.
1-.1081100* guaranteed or no charge. 1708-11
plumb. Me...MICHAEL, licensed auetioneer for
en the canner ef Huron. Sales_ attended to in any
part of the county at moderate rates, and satisfaction
guaranteed. Orders left at the Seaforth pest offioe
oe at Le* 2, (lonceselon 2, Mullett, will receive
prompt gitt.mtleo. liele-tf
ext. degleeeer for the coantries of lemon and
prfietioai farmd th
farmer and
underateeding the valeta el farm deck and imple-
mank placeg me in abetter peeition to realize good
Pees. Charnee mecierate. Benefaction nuaranteed
or sop. All Orden left at leleenll pent ofilee or
1 Int .28, Ceneeselon %, Hay, will be promptly
Mended to. 170941
The litelCillop Mutual Fire
Pleural:ice Company.
1. IL McLean, Provident, &open P. O. ; Thomas
terser,' vice-president#Brooefield P. ,Thomas E.
tam 8orreereas. Seated]) P. On
Witham Chesney liertforth I John G. Grieve, Win-
tsiop; George Dale, Beater% ; John Benneweite
Drour James Evans. Beachwood ; John Watt,
Ifsclk; Thomas Freese, .8racelield ; John B. Mo
Use; Pepe): ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Bak Herieek E. Hinehley, Seaforth :
mesa Cumming 4=c:entente t J.W. Yea, Hennes
5i1O4 George Munlie and John C. Morrison,
ea desirous to effect insurance, or transact
otheebusiness, will he promptly attended to.
A licatione to any of the above °Mew) addressed
'lot respeetive poet °thee%
Ine =denim:ion le prepared to pay the teethes
Otth price for an unlimited quantity of firenelase
Bat Elm, Rook Elm, Basswood, Maple
Beech, Ash, Hemlook and Oak Loge
D4VerOd £11 the fieaforth Saw and Stave Mill. Log
to in eta an even lengtb, except Sett Elm. Soft Min
10 ,be but 11, 13 and 16 feet.. Will also buy
Basswood Heading Bolts,
' te incites long, at ell.60 per card, delivered.
WftI eke buy timber by meneurement or by bulk
Bimetal attention paid to custom sewing, &
hoiden guaranteed.
ue or fired Was
ours went by
a,ve grown, Loi -
ad brave-lookfng
"How good to do•rightl't
All Dick's advent es, and what he
had seen, and • wh t he had done,
and the money he had saved, and the
love and gratitude in his heart, and
the ways of the future -all' these
hinge were but to ched with a ques-
tion. Was there njot all their liven
long to talk abou them?
Finally, Loida r
cesca, and they w
a..........,....Al.fetG ikitil
.iagillrWiarWasrAr•se,a.,..-.,.u.-..-.....-..-,-...--- — — - • -
Gives the'True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies
30313&117Ci-GI-X116611fil .ALMITXP 2f3X1.,"
the World Use It.
feeeeeees eeeeeee4
membered Fran- . omen would' be a Song of joicing•
was another power coming 'low; a
nt to find her. to the thousands ready to pc 'eh.
She bad gone u' stairs; she- ''' a" To lose her lover was one kind 01
„,. e power that had an evil reputation,
The squire was not at thi time
weeping bitterly. es riously troubled about thee mat -
trouble; to get a stepmother was
"She wished n w she had. never ter He was traveling on th conti-
seen Lancelott hat trouble there another kind. She. felt if her feth- " . bright,i.
nent with his bride, and the
er was already a stepfathei. As soon, bewitching lire. Atherton, in de it -
Atherton! What changes were as she was silent and Sorrowful, as ems for the newspapers in •Whe-tever
had been eince he came that ay
lowing blink Ile • ad set a door open soon as she made the house dull, he ,eapital they happened to be
had gone away and found another to
In the meantime changes wer
a.ncl so many sorrowa had come m
amuse and comfort hi. That was
gress , at Atherton Court,
'through it, Oh, .1 she had. only been
the way she looked at the squire's would bring still greater
a Poor girl, L
taken her with
cried out, with
"Father also is
promised to fin
had gone, -and
He ,can think
of getting mar
much. for his
gets his poor 1
her heart is br
In her passi
did not even
aurit's face an
sorrow so en
that she had
other's happi ess, and no syrapathy
pelled to return and see her -or die.
ncelot would ave
ini1" Andthen she action, and, of course, if she was The most evident was, of
a fresh bitterness: . Vick's return. This return
right, the squire was wrong.
. 311411Y things, the first of w
deserting me! He Toward evening she went down-
stairs and saw Dick, and Dick' the settlement with his credi
out LancelotThe day before the one a
e has not done so. pleased her very mueh., He talked! '
f orchid -houses, and with her about Lancelot and offered
led; he can think so to write to the mines and see if he
01V life that he for- was :there. He promised to inclose a
ttle daughter, though letter which Franeesca would write,
eking!" He assured her that, If Lancelot had
mines, General Bias, who
reached the .
nete complaining she
was now the saperinten.dent, would
'otice the joy in her
find him out and deliver her letter.
xnanners Her own
He told, her that it was utterly lin'
rossed her .perceptions
possible for Lancelot to forget her; ,
o intelligence for an -
he knew he said, by his own ex-
perience. Lancelot would be com-
with it. Loida, felt chilled by :this
'selfish abeorp ion, and she sa , w
ltb some: decision: 1 And love believes whatever trove
. wants to believe, Dick was so Bybee
every one. Are you the ouly wo- pathetic, so hopeful, so sorry for
man :that h ever suffered? You
Francesca, that she found heraelf
dFtancesca, you are very unjust to
talking freely before him, He entor-
know well th t your father did every -
ed into her grief; he put it into euchl
thing possibl to redeem his promise
expressive words; he saw so many
to You. e wrote to Lancelot's
ways. out of it. No one had ever
mother, an he got what answer eomferted her as Dick did, For this
back -1 'Th.0 knows as anuch as I
eves the m
told that his can's nature, his gift, his
orchid -house, of curse. Sarah ten`
him I will' see him in a few min-
She talked a little Icinger with
Francesca, and then, with the plan
and the letter of directions, in her
hand, went to si30 the builder and.
discuss the arrangements with ,
She was much depreseed, in spite of
the calm, reasonable way in which
she had taken the news of the
squire's marriage. The idea of a tot-
al cha
ange of life s not pleasant to
Loida. Her heart fell fathoms deep af-
ter she had left Francesca, and she
slowly walIced through the long and
potnewhat intricate passages leading
to the squire's office. The Cojert
had become home to her. She dread-
ed the idea of makin,g another home.
And she had grown. little despair-
ing about Dick. She., would not ac-
knowledge the feelieg, but it was
there; and somehow this discussion
with a stranger about a fancy of tlae
new mistress pained her. She could
not help feeling that, Rastileigh Ath-
erton had been a little selfist for his
bride. She controlled herself better
than Francesca, but the thoughts di
both women were equally bitter,
Loida, was always reserved, and her
manner with social inferiors had dis-
ti tly an air of pride. She entered
office quite conscious of this feel -
do!' Be wrote to Lan.celot's 'Amy -
,en ,s power, the attribute which had Made
prosperous'. Ile WAS a son of
Viet$ . unknown to him; . him
been, instructed,consolation.• when .
Mil_ was SO d "And he is really -quite haxrdsome„
ice of it at Bail 'Moser's Loida,," said Francesca; as they
poel. Then he wrote to sat alone, talking, thet night.. "He
nd was told that the has a fine figure, 'too, and such gen-
ncelot Leigh was not on tie ways. But what a pity you did
ir books, What More net know he was coming. You, have
r 1 not been so -nnbeeomingly dreSsed
a. Mott had disappear- for a long time as you were thiS
Id likely have found out _morning, beide,. And then-, to think
er, and wa
that elle ha
the Atherto
posit the p
bank, Live
the bank,
name of
any of th
could he d
"If thip
ed, he wo
ing, accentuated by a sense that the
;surely prejudice all the countre-side
diticussion was disa.greeable to. her.
lagainst your.. stepmother._ But you
can make inc long visits." •
"Things go very hard with me,
Loida. If -Lancelot were only here, I
should not care."
"You concieem yourself, and excuse
your father ei; marriage -if, it heeds
excuse -by that very remark. You
mean that if Lancelot were here you
would be indifferent as to whether
yonr father maiamminuimmimmomurimmommined or not?"
The etter
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and ri ta te d; you
cough, and thpre is more irrita-
tion—more coughing. You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation—for a while. You take
and it cures the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation; cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation ;
builds up the 'weakened tissues
because it nouriShes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals viith
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
scon 6 BOWNE, 9Zgatt,11,417,
else to do," he was a man to build an orchtd-
"France ca, do you not see that house! When one . waits ten years
has made me very, very 1 or a lover, it would be Bice to have
a more m'm
roantic eeting.",
. _ . .
girl lifted her head from AU this was very true, and Loida
and looked at: her auntcould, not avoid a sigh at the C013.-
ida1" she cried. "What tradietion of small events. 'Every
ned? Has Lancelot come?" other morning, for a long time, . she
eaped to her feet and - her had put on some pretty chi„ntz or
transfigured with joy •aiid muslin gown. That morning' it had
' been so dark and wet, and she had
as corne! Only Dick.", . •
felt so despairing, "-what was. , the
er! Oh, Aunt Ledia, „hoa, good of it?." And though she lead -
startle and disappoint
imagined Dick's return in manY a
so eruelly? , 1 th ught it was Lane different way, it had never entered
orgive m, aunt, I am
selfish. I am -a bad girl. to the house as emerge ' ,person on
business, and she goeto meet him,
feel happy with you. You
hate nie." . feeling a little cross at the oblige -
darling, 1 pity you most -Lion, and consciously assuming the
know how you feel. I have manner which., least of ell, she would •
°thing like- it, often, only 1 knowingly have met her long -absent
lover with. All her ideal plans and
not to show. it. Come and
k. Come, it will do you expectatione had been ma.de in vain
_ by blunt reality. She had looked m-
ho seen Lancelot?" Ureter different to what she intended
tO 100k. She had worn the least
Then th
the pill°
has happ
And she
face was
'Wick '
"Oh', d
could, yo
There was se large eh -luting in oils o
the squire in hunting costume over
the chininey-piece, and the man
stood on the hearth looking up at it,
His back was to the door, but he
turned quickly as Loida entered, She
looked at him. Then she uttered a.
shrill cry -a cry of joy, of delight,
of -a,mazernent:
"Dick! Dick! 0 Dick! Dick! Home
at last!"
With the words on her lips, she
reached his arms. She could not
have told how; she only knew she •
was there,. and that tie% kno.,vledge,
filled her being with a delicious con-
- tent. The fruit so hardly tended for
ten years ' was ripe -was on their
lips, and all its sweetness realized.
For .some moinents there were no
questions and. no explanations. It
v, as joy sufficient to be together
Agaiin. No doubt of Dick's worthiness
troubled ttic meeting. He took from
his !pocket, a ring, made like a for-
get -mc -not. The flower was the orna-
ment; its golden stem was turned
into a circle for the finger.
"I have worn W over my heart for
ten years, Loida," he said. "Will
you take it from nie again, dearest?".
"Dick, forgive me for ever remove
ing it. Let me have it once more,
love, and not even • in death will I
resign it." -
"I have won the right to re -offer it,
Loida. The task is finished. . have
brought with Me moneY 'sufficient to
pay thee uttermost farthing, and a
little over, dear, for our 'own use. X
have sent word to every one I owe to
MOCt inc in the. hank parlor in ten
days. After that meeting, Loida.,
need we wait longer?"
With the sWeetest frankness she
surrendc3red all to his. will. And they
talked of - the glad future in that
confused, hurried way which is nee
teral to those who love and elect
after a long absence. There was so
much- to tell. nothing could be told
iii detail. Their whole conversation
was only like a table of "contents.".
It named the incidents, or the expec-
tations, Or` indicated the plans and
'weep qf the Coming yeerse no ware&
for this purpose, Loida and
ca went to Alderson Bars-Ilrancesce,
a littde reluctantly. She cOuld not
feel the interest she wished to feel,
and would have been -glad te remain
at Atherton alone, to breodi over her
sorrow, But Loida ,was anXious to
show her both Alderson Bees and
Vyner Halt It was not yet certain
which place was to be the future
home of Dick and herselfd Loida,
with a beautiful generosited insisted
on their living with. Dick's mother:
She told Dick it would be cruel to
go away frora her, No other woman
in pro -
ich was
Fences -
granef ull
ought t
felt 1 son
:see Di
• her mind to suppose he might come
pretty of all 'her dresses; he had
"Yet you wrote and told Lanceldt
been almost embarrassed -in her . evel-
to go o the mines where Dick was.'
come: indeed, she had repeated over.
"Die had left them a year ago."
and over the same words. Fate is
:"Oh) why? Why' did he leave
full of Such contradictions. 'One
them? ' Everything gees against Lan- would think she loved to' dash the
celot." - cup of joy she could not longer dee
,‘Cen. e down and see Dick. itwill lay'. So Loida, sighed and was -a lit -
4.) yo good." tie sorry for her -s own disappoint-
"' 3 ould rather not, Avnt Loida. 333
I am so miserable, I should spoilth
I .e.
011gh- 91* said:.
your leasure. But, indeed, 1 am r the beui bi5 truand good,
I th1,
glad ick has come. I look s -elfish, Itai'll'esn:tatter?"
, wthe body frt it does, aunt, I re-
but I do not feel so. Leave me alone , Isointsber the moment -I first saw
a litt e; I will try and come to .you
an houror two." cLancesiot coming e
up the terrace;
steps, winging, in the sun.shlue. iis
Aftr all, ie there any of the 'bare head and ,hancisome face, leis
aposfi,1it precepts harder than that no figure, hie air of happb;kess, and
ally, foe these 'results, unquestion-
ably eone of the less level headed
spectators, by voice and manner, en-
tourage end incite the heated play-
ers to deeds of violence towards are
ppponent. It has come to such a.
pass 'that e.ough, brutal players laze
lionized. by these hero worshipperA
fpr their misdeedee instead of being
treated with the .contempt their eou-
duct so riehly deserves. We bellevei
that unless these grewing tenden-
ides tan be effectively and perman-
ently eliminated. from. the:ee. games
they should be prohibited by legis-
lation and put on a par with buil
fights and doeking maths. Thesame.
remarks epply equally tid, feotbali."
Every mother should be able to
treat the. minor ailments of her little
Mies. Prompt action may prevent
serious toss, perhit,ps save 9.ehildn's,
life. s inple remedy in the home is
therefore an absolute necessity, amt
for this purpose there la nothing eisek
sd, lgood as Baby's Own -"Tablets.
These Tablets properly . pare all
stomach and bowel troubles, break
up icolils,allay fevers,destroy worms.
bad 80 nauch deserved thepoy of his eid teething, and make little ones
'healthy and cheerful. Guaranteed to
contain 710 opiate - peisonous
soothing 'stuff.- Mrs. John N. Pringle
Forest Ont, says: "I think
eau thank Baby's Own Ilablets fen
my baby's life. He WAS badly }eon--
stipated, - but after giving the
Tablets; tie was relieved. Iit 'OWE% I
also find them good when at all
restless, and feel I cannot nes, too
much in their favor:" Sold by all
druggists )or sent by mail at 25 cents
a ibex by -writing the D. Williams
Medicine -do., Brockville-, Ont. *
its eelf-de-
"'Perth Items.
with both,
places. Vyner was a much smaller . --Mr. Luther Turntr, ex -county -
place than Aldiarson, but lite grounds I commiesioner of the I -township of
had been made very beautiful by
Loida's father, its possibilities were
great, and it would not require many
servants to keep it oder. It was
which bids. us "rejoice with them i'lete voice, like a voice- out of heaven,
that do rejoice?" The joy, the took ell my senses captive. If he had
fame, the wealth that is not ours been little and. ugly and badly dress-
&fere se o weep with those that ad, and had had a disagreeable voice,
weep to play patron and comfort- 'do you think I should have, fallen in
er-et ese are offices highly congenial 'love with his good heart. I am
to tI c 'roost selfish. But the grace . afraid not. And do you think my
ions enignity which can rejoice with father would have cared for Mrs.
tb.os who do rejoice, which can. !Mott's. cleverness and good temper,
prai e the worthy without a secret if she had not been, M his opinion,
bate .de and respect the honestly 'th e prettiest, brightest little Newnan
weal hy without a cleaving envy, is In the Whole world?'"
much rarer virtue; and only those "And do you not think, Frances-
posssss it -Who are the beloved of dee, that it will be a great thing to
lOod-men and women after G-od's have 'the prettiest, brightest woman
iown heart, in the whole world' at Atherton_
constant presence.
But Mrs. Alderson had ian equal
generosity. She insisted on the
young people. going, to Vyner
She pointed out the fact that the
two places were only a tshort dis-
tance from each ,other. She was sure
they would be happier in their. own
home. She was good enedgh to pre-
tend that she ale° would bri. happier,
to be. alone in her home. It was a -
contest of' generous feeliu , and it
was at least likely that ge would.
be the most persistent in
- •
Francesca was charmed
Fullerton, gave a. Supper and must -
_cal entertainment lone 'evening re-
eeently to a number of friends from.
.Fullartou andeiDowniee A very en-
haPPY daY.at Alderson Bars when. joyable time was spent.
Dick once more crossed its threshold,
holding Loida's hand. All the sor-
rows and labors of ten year? vanish-
ed in that tread. They I looked into 1
each other's eyes and Were satisfied.
fivAatle" atuyMirfocrod'* ri rift ig4hesut rIteluwt, eh:hr 114 ititfrcrtliernlalg, el al heart
sueceseful every re.,spect.
years, passed away at the reeideneo -
of 1)1s son, Mr. John Butherford, of
after te, shoit illness of a
"Idullag."-Wagr atieverfoyntiiiI"Ods.)alle-Itt --The enteet given one evening
peaneasea, also exerted herself to add 6 week. The deeeased ev9.8 a re.sident
to • the general contentnient, and the. of Ayr, but had been spendbig. the_
Gaits cads, atistient • .1and other three, Women's _ Missionary Secie.ty Of the
• winter with this son here.
last week hinder the auspices of the
The mazio 'was good and. the lecture
-Loney, the Cornwall hockey T. ON. Race on the sights of Liver -
player, who was tried for bean- pool and 8f. Louis was much appre-
slaughter at the recent Cornwall as- elated by the audience.
sizes was acquitted. It will be re- -Ors Wednesday„ Mareli 22nd, the
membered that during a lioekey home of IMr, end Mrs. John Thom -
match which Wen 1130/11g played in on, Logan, Was the scene of happy
Corxrwall last winter, one of the event, when their second daughter,
players named Lone, in a scuffle, Miss Sadie, was united in the holy
s,truok another player named Laur- bonds of matrimony to Mr. William •
in, and from the effects of the blow Jaekeon, second eon -of nr, end Mrs.
Liurin died. It was held by the James Jackson, Fullerton. - The Rev.
.jusy oat Loney- aeted'in self defence H. E. Currie, Aletlaosilet minister -of
The Grand Jury in their present- Menktore was ithe officiating clergy-
ment Said: "Wo cannot too strong- man.
ly lcondemn the growing tendency of —The Twitter 'of arranging for a
introducing brutal L methods and rural telephone gine, between Strut -
rough ;house tactics into the games ford and Sebringville, with stations
of lacrosse and hockey, which fre-: for farmers Wong the line nail be in
quently result in painful and perm- the hands of Mr. 33enroehe, the
anent injuries to the participants, Stratford. manager of the Pell Tele -
and sometime4 death,1 as in one of the phone Coma -Amy. Nothing. defirtite
cases before 114. We fare of the opin- has yet bem deeided ion, but if
on that the press in giving 40 Mlnalf thieens its'equaletleinlennu:enitbev,r.iit liskut,iscyrbipe:
tome an accomplished fact.
—The 'contract for the erection of
a kteW Roman Catholic churth in the
city Stra.tford- been let to a.
Chatham firm., the contrnet price
being about if14,000. This does not
include heating, plumbing or wiring..
The total cost a the building will
be in the neighborhood. of $20,000.
The !church. will be of pressed brick
and grew stone, 120 by 53 feet, thU
chancel eelumns to be of Myeeniaii.
ida felt hurt and depressed by Court?"
"It is so easy for you to ask that
the want of Francesca's sympathy,
and yet the suffering girl
was question now, Loida. You are not go -
not entirely to blame.
ing to tive at Atherton Court."
wa enduring that most a l"That is true. When, your -father
sor bog and , distracting form. comes home, I shall go to Alderson
of sorrow -a grief that was not Bars to live."
'So 'the prettiest and brightest'
sur, that was doubled by its mys- I
will not. put you in the shade. You
-ter and its hopelessness.- If Lance -
will not have a stepmother at Alder -
lot had dared to make her know the
wh le truth, she would doubtless son Bars."
ha. re borne it as bravely as hiinself, I shall have a mother -
Bu to be told by a piece of paper inelaw." '
th t they must part forever; to bo"But suppose---"
"• eio
tol My darling, we will' `suppose'
she must forget her lover, and . more t,4? -night: We ought to' be
no reason for forgetfulness given e to
.bej left in absolute ignorance of, his "leaP.
"I cannot sleep. I shall go on 'suer
de tination, without any prom- ; 4,_ , I J
is for the future -was a situ- P6s-"'
at on devoid of comfdrt, unless -.Then,said Loida, as she stoodsmiling, at Francesca's door, "here '
sh could find in pride or in anger iii
to confront it. Frances -
a problem for your suppositions:
spar& and proznmen
tests are largely
ArTe ,ff1,344111 •
e to these con-
esponsible, mor -
A PrOMillent Mont
How Lydia, E. Pin
th st rength
eI had no pride where Lancelot was
concerned, and to be angry with un
lo g was for her impossible.
Tor was she, indifferent to the coat-
i ge of a new mistress to Atherton
C urt. Hitherto she had been the
p wer behind all other powers. Her.
W!11 had been law, she had been vire
t elly the lady of the manor. -There
s Serious
even for those in robust
health. Take Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the
Lung Tonic, it is guaran-
t ed to cure any cough.
Your money back, if it
and $1.00
'Supposing I were you;
Supposing you were me;
Supposing each were somebody
I wonder who we should be?" 11,
eal Woman Tells
arres Vegetable
Compound Completely Cured Her.
The great geed ydia E Pinkham's
Ideg„etable Cbmpou d is doing among
the women of Ainriea, is attracting
the ate-13.1ton of many leadine sclen-
ists, and thinking people gener1113r.
The north of England was at this
time like the prophet's roll-writtefl.
evittue and without 'with desolations
and raourning and woe. The total
dearth of cotton, the closing of the
great Lancashire and Yorkshire fac-
tories, the consequent idlenese of the
.immense population fit for no other
kind of work, the famine and naked-
ness and pestileece which no private
nor yet national. charity could far
' assuage, made a -terrible totai of
sectional miserY:
But there was, at least, a- speedy
' hope of peace. Dick was sure that a,
few months -a year at the utmost-
, must finally cripple the Rebellions
There would be a. superalamdance of
cotton; then the great ehimaeya
• ;would smoke once more, and the
noise of the spinning -looms Xnakel
4E411.k Oat 'tT,1114'4, 91 Ware
;11•40.., ,1,11 A.
The following
many thousands
the Pinkleam oll
beyond question
ham's Vegetable
remedy of grey
could not produ
5u1ts among sick
letter is only one of
-which are on fdeein
ce, and go to prove
that Lydia E. Ptak -
Compound. must be a
merit, otherwise it
e such marvellous re-
am). ailing women;
Dear 3.1-rs. Pinithaxa :-
"Scan after my uirriege my health began
to decline. My a 'petite failed me ; I was
unable to sleep, en1 I became very nervous
an&l had b1I(X);1119; Mils through the abdomen
and pelvis. irnmsJ with bearing -down pains
thl riods became more
became a burden and
ily lusteed of a help and
Plukhanne Vegetable
me within three months.
ustner it -I felta change
d at the time of my next
a eat differeece, andethe
IF.hed tuitil I was welh
ook better tide; I did be -
and tbere is great rejoic-
ver the wonders your ined-
tire M. A, C. Letelifer, 732
treed, Quebec.
suppressed (it painful
weakness of the stoin-
n, bloating, leueorrlame„
ous prostration, di
don't -care" and
ft-9,1one" feeling, ex-
aehe or the blues, tliese
and constant healer:Ales, causing me much.
misery. Themo'
and more painful. n
expense to my fa.
pleasure. Lydia
Compound cured
,9oon after I beg
for the betthri a
period 1einticed
pain gradually
lam stronger
fore I was tuarri
me; hi the house
ieme worked."
Cadieu.e. 3t., Ide
If you hee-
itch, indigesti
flooding, ner
TIMS, faintri
"want -to -bed
citability, bac
are sure indieations of female weak-
ness, some deeangement of the uterus
indeva,riaa tr nble. itt oucb eases there
is one tried nd true remedy—Lydia
D. Pinlibaari Vegetable Compound.
affias<IIIMPAima Nges
Pleasing Experience of Donet
Laflamme after using two Boxes
-of Doddia Kidney Pine.
St, Marguerite, Dorehester Co.,
Que., April 3.-(Speeial)-That Dodd.he
Kidney Pills not only eure the ordin-
ary, everyday Kidney ills, but read-
ily vanquish the most advanced and
dangerous terms of Kidney Disease
has been often proved, and the ease,
of Denat Laflamme, of this place,
furnishes one of the most atriking
examples. Mr. Laflamme had Dia-
betes and his doctor could not help
him. Dodd's Kidney. Pills cured him
completely and permanently.
" tifyiDiabetes is all gone," says Mr.
Laflamnae i n speaking of hit;
case."Two boxes of Dodd's Nidney
Pills cured. me. I recommend Dodd's
Sidney Rills to all my friends and to
all those who suffer from Kidney
Get Rid of That*bough
Before thesummer Conles. Dr woad% isorrigy,
Pine Syrup conquers (-Dough% Cold', Sore Throne,.
Hoarseness, Brenchitie, and all Diseases of the
Throat and Lunge
Wherever there are eiekly noteple with week
heart* and deraceed nerves, MilburtA geed send
Nerve Pile, will be found se effedeal medicine
They restore enfeebled, enervated, exheuetede de-
vrtallzed or over.worked men and • women to vigor-
ous health
For °helm 'Who, Choler* infentee3, Crones,
Colic,Diarrhoca,Dysentery and Summer Ooi*int
Dr Fowlers* eNt= edloi Wild etrawberry is a prompt.
safe ends= cure that hes been a popular favorite
for' nearly 80 van
f !DOAN'S KEDICX7 PLIZS act on the kidneys, blender
and =luny organs only They care beekacheee
weak brae rheumatism, diabetes, eeneestien, in-
ormornatsprevel, Bright'sdisease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys
and bladder -
Suddenly .A.ttacked.
etildree are often attacked suddenly
and dengerene odic, Orampe,Dierrhene,
2.bolere Koreas. Cholera Infareeeen 04
oes Extracte4 Weld Strawbeliel fe *
MO care, 1614 itheetd always be 300
Spring' Methane.
Ass ring needleine Bon:leek Blend' Mete
ne ecei ft tones up*. viri40 sod r
impurities from the bleed, teeft Rev that
ednweary Teeliog ereselessf fail" Win