HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-04-07, Page 4APRIL, 1905
4.11 *Sit.
••••••••• i•••••••••••
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it •
'country, by stirring up sectarian
strife for purely partisan purposes,
When t' here is no real reason for do-
ing vie the criticisms and ingioliations
ief theMail might be allowed to pass
almoticed, but, considering the dan-
ger whilth sueli amuse may lead to,
it is the' duty if every good citizen to .
tiondemn it in the strongest possible
. .. *IF* ,11-0,0' • . Trouble
*•• 4,0. The heople of litanitoba, or peril
•......• • • *0 • • 4.1
haps we might nore properly say,
NEW ADVERTI$EMENTS the members Of the Manitoba Gov -
ir The fign,,x two, mu our each en:merit, have become unduly excit-
one, dentilea the. page of theftf 41' On ighiole the
edvskihrement will be found
Two. Thirde-Greig Stewart --1 ' •
Were you there -N. Boreal 0°-8
Spring Opening -8. e, Ouno-5
Carpete-MoKinnon % •
Clothe- Feets-A. Mmitard d Bon --5
ZaetefFrowere--(1 Aberhart-8
Farm for Sale -Alex 0 unpbell-5
Farm for fiale--Oharles itherhart-5
Giri Wanfted-Mre.ltepherta-
Spectader Loei-Brpoeitor Of8Je-8
Baby Carriages-Kueobtei awl liulienzle-5
Drainage Oontreet-Sa.ree Jordan -5
Eorsee for Sale -4. 1 Johnston -5
Apple export -Huron Expoi1tor-5
Flax Land Wanted-.-itoBwen and Geiger- 6
For Bale -B. Lattimer-il
Wall Faper-8-Ames Graves and 0o.-8
Seeds -Beattie Broe.-8
Bain Co -F. A. Ed wardic-8
Bargaine-Wrn. Bowden and Sone -8
Buggy' for Wm Allan -8
Calreefor 8rie-aBughltiehmond-8
Wraith or Bent -A D. Sutheriald-13
Bull for flate-Bnsrb Atieve-5
Betrayed iare-Wm Eidg-5
Together -a Aberhart4
Caretaker Wanted -James Wation-5
Auction SaIe-T 11 frau au --6
Wall Paper, eto -8-Alex Wileon-8
Formaldehyde-- Alex Wilson -4
rem Elheee-u wells and Son -4
flecood,fland Watches-4°bn Bolger -8
Cream fleperstore-iD, Metialluro-5
,,mmommat *0
the gsvon Oxpoitor
SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, April 7, 1905.
Unfair Warfare.
Tbe Toronto Mail like some of its
less prominent conteranoraries, is
doing lea level beat to foement sec-
tarian 'strife in Viiia co' Vary,. with
the evident hopc that it may In
I}II wayinjure flir W18r4 Leerier
with his flrant alippertarnt The
following le a eample of what ap.
ttltrti alinaat daily in lig aditarhil
inilina, !in Marfing,to the agita.
ed lover the Autonomy bills now be-
fore the Dominion Parliament. It is,
not the •sohool clauses that are trouo
bling the Manitobans. These they do i .
ings age. A report sa.ys.
not eeerct to mind. The same system eteees dinner *mated a prec
is proposed for the new provinees for Speaker's dipners for all
that is in :operation in Manitoba, to tome. Liquid, refreihments
. oonfined to mioeral whter
that was sanctioned by the people of coffee " This inovation, while
I ' .
. that Province, and that, by universal ita.ble te Mr. Bt. John and i
etionsent, is giving the very'best.sat- right direetien, will be hard o
but In the inspectora as well. L
Saturday's Gazette announeed
eralsehtinges and no doubt tliere
Others to follow. We notice t
Mr. je Paisley, tif Clinton,
been superseded by Mr. Alfred
With, of Hullett. i,The inspectors
Rest und -South „Huron are sat
far. If the new appOintees, ere
-and suite -hie men, no person h
rieirt Itni make serious oomplain
account of the ohenges. -It is
on the out going men, bit such
the forturies, of War.
* * *
Mr. at. 'John- .the new. Speak
the'Legislature, has introduce
i?ther iconimenclable inovation.
gave his firsteoffitial dinner a
,Parliament. buildings a few
• 4 e
Manitoba for at extetiolon
thelhordero of that Provittee ut.
the Northweot Autonomy bine it
4g Why proVince ivhich ought
to be made target thug held down?
The story is told by 14e Soleil,the
mouthpiece of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
in Quebee. Manitoba has exercised
its freedom. Mapiteba has adopted
a ,school system too modern for Sir
Wilfrid Laurier. Manitoba has de-
termined to give the pe,ople a sound
edueation 'at the expense of the state,
and to leave dogma to the churehes.
For this.offence Sir Wilfrid is " pun-
ishing" the provinr by refusing it
the extension to which it is entitled.
If eve have eoercion. for the new pro-
vinces, we -have, in the treatment of
ganitoba, insolence. What a com-
binetion of improper motives and
qualities this wereive scheme !has
produced I The issue itself ha ls a-
risen in falsehood. Sir Wilfrid told
the Liberals ef Ontario and the
west that he was an antioteereionist,
and that he intended to rule on that
basis. Never aid he announce to
thein that it was his' purpose to lei
his on peculiar educational views
upon 'the Western Territories by
force, land contrary to the public de-
sire in that porticular. -Yet it is
now clear i that white figuring as a
friend of freedom, and as a provin-
cial lighter, he was under promise in
another !quarter to violate the anti -
coercion pledge." •
A 'paper of the pesitiop and influ-
ence of the Mail 'should be above this
sort of petty warfare. It should not,
for the sake of ecoring a temporary
party advantage, indulge in mean
and utilikely insinuations, which can
only have the effect of embittering
sectarian strife in this country,where
all should be peace and unity. It
sliciuld leave that sort of thing to
the more unscrupulous and less in-
fluential of its eontemporaries, such
as the Toronto World, the Hamilton
Spectator, the- Ottawa Citizen, and
journals of that ilk. In the first
piece Le Soleil, the French paper in
Qucibec referred to, ie not the mouth-
r,ie.ce of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He has
a teundredtimes declared that he has
no journalistic mouth piece. and that
he is not responsible for the utter-
ances of any paper either -in Quebect
or elsewhere. The Mail might, with
equat truthfulness and even greater-
fairuess, beld Sir Wilfrid responsible
for- the utteranoes of the Toronto
'Globe, which has declared itself op-
posed to Separate schools in any
form. In the second place, if 'Mani-
toba. has "exercised its freedom " in
educational matters, will the Mail
please explain who it was that en-
abled them to do So. Was it Sir
Charles Tupper and his colleagu.es.
Did not the Mail support and. up --
hold the Tepper Government in its
efforts to coerce Manitoba and. to
prevent that Province from exore
tieing its freedom of which the Mali
now boastsAnd who was it who
took his political life in his hand,
and, in opposition to many of. the
highest dignitaries of his own
stepped in and prevented Sir Charles
Tupper and the Mail from .coercing
-Manitoba and securing for the peo-
ple ef that Province, as the Mail
puts it, " a sound system of eduea-
tion, leaving dogma to the ehurele"
Tbe titail knows that it was Sir Wil-
frid Laurier who did this, and it has
never forgiven him for having done
so, end this is one of the causes for
Represent hatred.
The tilait must have a mighty poor
epinion of the. Itntelligente of its
-readers if it thinks it can lead them
to believe that Sir Wilfrid Laurier
is now trying to "punish" the people
Of 'Manitoba for doing what he help-
ed them to do, and what they could
hot have done without his help. If
the -Mail has any evidence that Sir
Wilfrid is " under promise in another.
quarter" to do what he should not
do, it should produce it, and not in-
dulge in mean insinuatiobs. The
vety feet, however, that it does not
firodure the evidence is tho very best
proof that none exists. If Sir Wil-
frid, in the Atonomy bills, had left
the West "free," as it ,calls it, it
would have been among the first and
the loudest in ,condemning him for
'having done so. It stood on the
fenee on this question for several
weeks, Tracey to jump down on either
side, until it was definitely decided
what the educational clauses in the
'Aiitonemy bills were to be, and then
it -took up its try against "coercion."
Were it not for the injury such a
Must likely to inflict alto* the
.enitobe win not ;be ithe drreh, appreciat
there. Hence, the M
k -
SO ;
are I
r of
. St.
time I
the '
d by
peel* are not worrying over the some 'of ' skins whore so
. , What eeems to frequently *guests at State funetion
school 'questiona
they think kit this nature and who wee at
trouble them is that -
their Provinee is too small and they eustomed tiff the good old 'ti es to
gt w
!want its borders extended in every eell filled- up with good wine at
direction and they want this done ne 'cost to theraseiVes.
* * * _
now looks like a postage stamp on There eeems to 1205 a mis
now. They say that their provinte
the face of the map. The Main rea- ataiadittg respecting the sta
son why the present bill does, not Liceve (inspectors. Honj.
explained when the bill was intro- no, Provincial fiecretary, .711)provide for this extension wafully s
duced. The people of the west do
not desire to be united to Manitoba
and would fight against any Soh
(011:etter4V:ettra6ls glhetiAnt:
elare they, will never give. It was
stated, however, that ,11tIonitotaa is
entitled tie an extension chat and
north, but Ontario has put in a
_claim for a portion of this territory
and before anything definite van be
done it will be necessary to etteet
settlement between tbletie two pr
vinces, But the- Manitoba Govern'mentwill brook no delay. e It is re-
ported that the Qeeerement have
asked the Lieetenantefievernor
dissolve )tha liwilififtinv end Ofildr
DPW eleetion. Title the govornorIt
I Need t o do, Now Rome of the mem.
!bora threaten to reoli and In
Way Offilita Oilleite hat the ity.
ohot will be. time alone will develop,
Whatever grit -vette Manitoba may
have. or whatever 1,4114 ohe may-
, have, 4t 1 diffitettit to fitllitifilve what
advatittto -an appeal to the peepitt
of that proviete by their Provincial
representatives ban have, It is net
• the legislature thet has the settling
ef the • matter, but the Dominion
Parliament and the Province must
take what is given. 'A...general elec-
tion every other week would not af-
fect the result one iota. Besides
this, there is no difference of opin-
ion between the people of the Pro-
vince On the subject, as all, both
Conservatives and Reformers are
anxious to have the boundaries of
their Province extended as widely
as is practicable and a general el-
ection evill not make them more un-
ited in this respeeit.
It is shrewdly suspected, how-
ever, that this is only a pretext. The
facts es stated, are, that the Gov-
ernment think that this would be a
popular question to appeal to the
people on and that the present Gov-
ernment,. who are rapidly losing
easte with the people, would be en-
abled to extend their lease of power
by aboot two years by a ruse, of the
k' d proposed. This seems quite
e. The present Government,
h Isupported so largely. in the
ture has never been a strong.
'or e popular Government. They have
sueceeded simply because circum-
stances happened te be in their fee.
voe,. The Liberal party are weak
and times have been, so good that
peciple,had net nautili time or incline. -
`off to think about politics. But the
hoe has ,come that the members Of
the !Cabinet are commencing tit real-
ize that. unless some !such ruse as
that stated tean be resorted to, they
tahnot stand another election 'and
-hence their great solicitude 'about
the bOundaries of the Province. Mr.
Roblin and his ;colleagues have never
been noted for their adaptability
for their present positions. They
itehieved 'them on the shoulders of
Hugh John Macdonald and because
he was his father's on and not on
account of any special ability and
merit on their own behalf. In fact
many 'of them at the time of their
elevation to the Cabinet were littk
known- in the Province. and sarae of
them at least, bad they eemained in •
Ontario would never have reached a
municipal council. It is notisurpris-
ing, therefore,- that men of this-
etapah should resort to any dodge
to extend their term of -offiee.
, Should they 'carry out their inten-
tions, as at present reported, it
would be a good tiling if the peo-
ple would swee,p them aside, and place
better men in the positions they
now 'occupy. - The change, no matter
whn 1- the eio I i ti ca I Complexion,
could +scarcely fail to be in the inter-
ests of the Province.
Le isl
Editorial Notes and Comments
The Toronto Star remarks: "Pro-
vincial Treasurer Matheson has dis-
'Covered a deficit. You can general-
ly find anything you want to find
in this world.if you go after it the
right way."
There is a protest and a counter Hymenial,-A very pr
protest in West Heron. A cross pe- was solemnized at the
Cameron, N:. 1?. P., -whose election -
M or, Mr. end Mrs. W.- R. R
tition has been filed by 1VLr.
hns been protested by his opponent, •coneasion 16, Howick,
Mr. Dudley Holmes. It is very ter' Nellie, was married to Mr. J'.
' D.. `Scott, of the same ow,
o rbey.
iss Maggie
room, while
11.1'y Mr. C.
the t sof the
given away
r. Leonard
note of the
Hon. Mr. Harcourt, the
present bride, played the we ding mantle
leader Of tbe Opposition, seems di- The bride was arrayed in a beanti-
posed to take an optimistic view of fut ovtito dimity with lc iffon trim-
* *
with musk and singing. Mr. and
Mrs. Scott' are to move to their
home On the 4t1t concesidon of Howe
iok, allitpresent, wishing them 'ben
voyage through life.
Notes -Mas Jessie Robertson Spent
a week with relatives near Brussels.
-Mr. Geo. Rieke is spending a few
days in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. R.
Bleck Ore in London -this week visite
deg the la.tter's brother-in-law, Mr.
M. :McLennan:, who is ille-Dr.Brawn
was in Tavistoek last Week visiting
his son, Mr, J. Brawn. -The yl) f the Presbtiung
I ten c
were entertainea at the manse la.st
Thorsday eivening.-Harnilton &Rob-
ertson shipped a. tar • load of hogs
and one of 'cattle on Monday. W. R.
Thompseh & Co. also made a ship-
ment of -lumber to Berlin.
ues ef
. lia.n-
paxtment has charge of the I ispect-
' at Lo-
re ape
ver, 15
'refer -
the 'in-
during good behavior and ef latency.
As tregards tominiesioners, the act
epeeifiee "that each Oaf th m shell
oeatie to hold office on the let day
bf December in eaeh year,, o until n.
new board or agme:ority th 'roof 'has
been ,appointed, be he ma, be re-
eppointed." Inseeetore " ellen be ap-
pointed by the Lieetenante leetat'llar
filen 4414 to t1 ITIA A4 ‘Ito LI etennelle•
taoletreer limy Will* fit,
At it meeting in Toron
bye ugo of theme hootIle
teational Waimea of the utonotty
bilis, title of the moottkere. it, J,g.
Willieon. editor of the Toroeto
NeeeS, deelared that It ;woe d be woe
lees to, get up petitions ot to (watt
upon teally, atieseinellsbing anything
in the* weyt of preventing the pas-
sage lof the bills, as he fel sure Ole
bills would pass with a si ajority of
about 811. . Th,e Govern sent has a
normal majority of 65, an' Mr. Wil-
lison expects that enough b position
members. twill -vote for t se bills to
carry them with about 81 majority.
The eourse he advised was that every
effort be made to defeat the Gov-
ernment and .all who su ported' it,
when next the people ge a chance
to: do so. This, howeir r, did not
suit the temper -of tbe m ting,many
of ' those present wishin to make
the schips fly right now. We are of
the epinion that Mr. •Wi lison is a-
bout fight as to the ssajority by
which the bill will iee c rriede But
if it is stiJeh, that it will command
the o1id Support of all the Liberate
in Parliament and as t,r Willison
admits, about 15 Consirvatives4 is
that not one of the best assuraocee
that lean be given that it is -about
i ,
right land that t hes th sympathy
Of, a (very large majority of the peo-
ple of. the country aim st irrespec-
tive of party. And is it net pretty
good evidence also, that it would be
futile to try and defeat be Govern-
ment for passing a me, sure Which
is so manifestly approve of by the
lers, is reported to have said t
speet,ors, like commissioners,
pointed eInnually. This, how
not 'the ease, as may be seen b
enee rte. the law. The comm
are tappieintea annually, but
speotorships are permanent
ments, and are snpposed to
ol a few
the ed.
Notes. -The fine mon
we shave just bad, likew
and 'also Northwest- sc
been the theme for rem
cussion reoently. II
.many wheit‘re shootin
mouths on the latter q
know o Thing what the
about. --Mr. Francis H
been en a visit to Buf
as. visiting friends at 8
other -points. He was
INVCC.-1Vir. John Rae,
around. assisting in the
the ibeef ring, -which is
fished ore the 14th cone
Killop.-Mr. Herbert Be
the fifty -acre farm of
Olio price agree
$2,700.' We are plea.sed
'Mr. siefil Mrs. Haegy
mining in tbis section.
McCulla,,who lives ne
eloughed a field of s
Mr. McCune is an enter
en-lify. -John McPbers
coifing 'cord Wood. on
noon la.st.-Mr. Wm. H.1
beet, was visiting frien
lop one day lately. -Mr.
who idled in Blyth xecen
known there. He was
sister of Munn Brother
'our sympathy to the wi
dren in their berea.veme
Nab was away attendin
funeral. The deceased
whose • name was Ross,
Michigan. Mrs. MeNab
there before his death.
h of March
se' the war,
ools, - have
rk and dis-
off tbeir
estion don't
are balking
ckwell has
alo, as well
-ratford and
ibsent about
jr., has been
formation of
being iestale-
seion of Me -
1 has boueht
. Ludwig
upbn bcing
to say tha
Mr. Francis
r Leadbury,
d last week.
rising farm -
n had a bee
riday after -
ray, of Bib-
s in IVLoKil-
am. Flicker,
ly, was well
arried to a
• We tender
ow and Atil-
t. -Mrs. Mo-
ller father's
resided in
had reached
tty wedding
residence of
ttan, lot 12,
on Wednes-
tl -II their daugh-
doubtful if eithet petition ever tomes
to trial. In -the mean time they will
furnish grist for the lawyers and a
little extra work for the court offi-
the Rev. Mr. Radford,
The bridesmaid was--
Scott, sister of the
the groom WAS attende
cials. But. both petitioners being Ruttant of Toronto, br
bride. The bride was
by her father while
Ruttan, Of Jamestown
Inwyers, they will get their law
oheoper than ordinary people.
• *
the situation. In his elosing epeech mimes with the usual br'dal veil, and
carried a large bough t Of esrna-
on the debate on the oddness he tions and looked very p etty. The
launched lout in this way: "We are parties took their positions under
beaten but not dejected. - We are an arel. of evergreens and „roses. Af-
vanquished but not depressed. We ter tle usual congrat lations, the
have a brilliant record in a legis -e guests repaired to the ining room
lative and administrative way, and where a sumptuous dinn ,r was serve'
we ere full of hone for the 'future of ed, ell present enjoyi g the fine
the pertv and of the Province. We spread prepared by the ostess. The,
will aid in perpetuating the valuable presents were beautiful and showed
legislatiee week of this Heine in this the esteem the young couple are hold
and every session." ,in by their many friends. The day
* * 1 was all that could 'be d _sired. Rel -
The heads are •commencing to drop atives were present fro Fordwich.
into' the basket. The Ontario Gov-
ernment are nief onfy making
changes in the license cOmmissioners
Jamestown, Merritorie
Palmerston, with some
own . town sh ip . The
spent veep enjoyably
twood and
tfrom their
'vening was
nd sociably
funeral In a body. -Some of 'our
I .
young men have gone to work wttfi
the cement gang on the construetton
line et the 0."11. It. 'Messrs. Sabist-on
and Jsehoston are nowfxunning two
eeparate gangs which ,are working
between Monkton and Idteverten.-
Fall Wheat in this section of the
eountry appears to have stood the
winter well and if favorable weath-
er tentinues should give an abundant
yieId,.although th e% area sown as not
ad earge as in tormer years -X good
many have started erroughing sod;
but the weather is ,yet f too chilly,
a nature for sceding.
St Columbane
The Late Man. Dorsey. -Mrs. Cath-
eriee Ddrsey, 'relict of ,the late.Mieh-
ael Dorsey, died suddenly last Fri-
day morning at -her home on the
Huron .toad, about three 'quorters of
a Mile east of ,St. Columbare The
cause of death was oat -dims eyncoipe.
Rush messages were sent to
and Dr. Michel and Father Mc-
Keon. Father McKeon arrived in
time, and fortunately Dr. Gemmell
end wife, of Cromarty, happened to
be passing the house en route for
Seaferthat the time, and being
ealled in did all in their power to
help .the dying woman. In less than
fifty minutes she breathedher last,
surrounded by her sorrow, stricken
children and neighbors. The funeral
on Monday was one of the largest
ever held there. The requiem mass
was sung and the sermon preached
by Father MeICeon. Father Noonan,
P.P., Of Dublin, was present in .the
sanctuary. The pelt bearers nem
jo,mes and John Shea, Albert ItiOr-
tune, W. 3. Devereux, John O'pon-
nell and Louis Devereux. Miss
nlc, Dorsey and Mr. Frank Devereux,
of Eleatorth, ably aesisted in the
vhoir, 'Many wore present from Sea -
forth. TuoketeMith, lifeWillop, Dube
tip ana. mbbort,
Ponnoil Mooting, The lIullett
aounell met leot Monday at the mill
Of -the Mile 30 -000filder Whet woe
to be done tiontigning *Milan made
In :the road #euth of itinn e bridge,
by the„waohing away of the large
tittring the Spring freeiltit.
The kititiiiitel Wee tti fill the gap Ise.
stead' of bridgleg it. The teembeee
of ehe tauten were afterward)) en-
tertained by Mr. Win. Rhin, who re-
sides Dear at hand.
Briefs. -The young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Rands took very ill su-
denly on Saturday afternoon. The
(lector had to be eummoned. We are
pleased to state however, that he is
improving. -Mr. Cole, our egg mer-
chant, is again at ,his accustomed
work.-Ilev. A. K. Birks visited a-
mong saline of his congregation on
Tuesday ielast. On Tuesday evening
Mr. Birks gave_ a very interesting
address, at the League .meeting. -
Mr. James Sutherland left here, for
Petrolie where he has engaged with
the Petrolia Oil Company. -The re-
gular meeting of. the ,Women's In-
stitute will be held at the home of
Mrs.. j. D. Hin'elley An April 12th,
at 2.30 p. m. The subject, "House-
cleaning," will be. given by Mrs. 'H.
Campbell- and Mrs. Hinchley will
give a demonetration on Angel
, Cake."
Notes. -Mr. E. Zeller, the Herald.
Editor has enlarged his printing of-
fice by putttng -an .addition to it
which will give mare .room. -Mrs. C.
Witmer has removed to the village
and occupies Mr. C. ,Bawer's house.
1 -Mr. John Weslah has eenaoved to
1 ' Waterloo where he engages in t he
hotel lbusiness.-Mr. L. Charleswortb
who recently took unto himself a
wife, has moved into Mr. S. Rannie's
house, -Mr. Ed. Bossenberry, the
'popular auctioneer, is kept busy
these days attending auction sales.
Ed has few equals as an auctioneer
and as a censequence his business in
this line is growing. -Mr. Justice
Mellick has opened an implement
sales room in Mr. G. Holtzman's
building and Is selling Massey -Har-
ris implements. -Mr. Pe Leibald says
be has already one thousand rods of
, wire fence to put up. -Mrs. 'Anna
Miller has rented Mr. 11. Weil's
1 house and will move shortly. -Mr.
John Meidinger has been at Buffalo
! visiting his aged fathen-lt is said
that Kr. R. Johnston, the. popular
proprietor of the brick hotel, in-
tends adding ' another story to his
hotel building, as the growing busi-
ness of this popular and well kept
hostlery demands more room. -Mr.
Wm. Calfae is doing. a big business
in 'sawing wood, with his circular
saw. -Mr. W. 'II. Hoffman was at
Crediton last Sunday. -Wm. Kereher
and Oliver Surarus, whci have been
here visiting their parents, have re-
tured to their homes in Michigan. -
Mr. C. Greb has had wire screens
pieced in front of the windows of
the stores in his block to protect
the plate glass, as lie shad one win-
dow broken recently. The idea, is a
gooa one.
Obituary. -We this week ere -cord
the death of another well known
and 'highly respected resident of this
'vieinity, Margaret Kelly, relict of
the late James Ryan, who died at
leer home west of this village on
Wednesday morning of last week.
Deceased had been in failing health
for many mopth.s so that her end
was not unexpected.. Mrs, Ryan was
among the pioneer residents of this
district. Accompanied by her hus-
band they located on lot 30, conces-
sion 14, hfoKillep, which at that
time belonged to the Canada Com-
pany and being of very industrious
habits acquired besides this consid-
erable property, leaving a family of
four sons and three daughters in
comfortable circumstances and who
will long cherish with loving mem-
ery a mother's tender and devoted
care. An ever kind and bbliging
neighbor, who will be sadly missed.,
not only in her own home, but also
in the neighborhood where she was
ever -ready to lend a helping hand to
those in need. The funeral on Friday
was largely attended. interment be-
ing mede in the Roman Catholic
cemetery, 'Ith. line, Morris. Mrs.
Ryan was in her 66th year. Her bus -
'band pre -deceased 'her four years
ago, aged 67.
Local Itenis.-Quite a nuanber from
this vicinity attended the funeral
of Mr. Jas. Douglas, %he; on Monday
of this week, the procession being
one of the largest ever witnessed in
this' iescality. Deceased -was a mem-
ber» bf the Canadian Order of For-
esters and tliat Order attended the
Btiefs.-Eph. Cober left on Tues-
day of this week on a business trip
to !the west. -Rev. David Pierriee of
Wingham, OCcupied the pulpit; in
Melville 'church -het Sabbath. Rev.
Mr. Ross took Mr. Perrits's work in
Wirigham.-P. Hogg, of Wellesley,„
was here for a few days this week
on business. -Mrs., D. C. BOS-q, Mrs.
W. Kerr lend j. Leslie Kerr were
in Stratford for a eouple of days
this lweek.-Will Griffith is still in
a precarious condition from appen-
dicitis. It is feared an operafion will
be Inecessary.-Stewart Scott is in
Toronto this week undegoing an ex-
amination preparatory to entering
the employ of the Standard Bank. -
Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, of Morris, is
itt present very seriously ill at the
_home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. nett, Thomas street. -Workmen
are busy engaged title week eleaning
the burned Maria out of the Mc-
Caughey ibloek,i which was crecently
Purchased by Will. Kerre-A meet-
ing of the fire brigade will be held
in the council chamber next Monday
evening, for re-orgonization pur-
poses. -A J. Lowick has purchased
the house ion John 'etreet, belonging
he E. B. Creighton, paying $600 for
it. -A ireteption will be held in Mel-
ville 'church nail Monday evening,
for the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ross, to
which the congregation aoe invited.
The reverend gentleman will be
Presented vilth 1 own that even-
ing, in hener of his haying received
the degree of D, D, -On Friday a
1114 WOOkt i Wil1 14nown eemeent of
lireesole, in MIA pereon nf Ur& John
;Tomos, vaiteed away at tho home of
her Rieltard MI 3*hP1 11
eeneeemion 4. Morrie. The old lady
who With ill her PIA yeiir. itad been
remarktibly mart un to tt few
week§ tigo. The funeral took plot
to diruotatio 13ef11etery ott Monday af.
gin Cesto-iiils is the mem *ilia
you should_ prelate Mt 016 MithY doe, lteeeembet
prices are right. See them. F.. A. Etholiiidg. Bap
w e have releeosia Vo' ladies and gentlemen id .7 a.
Moving, -At , this season of the
year there is -usually eoosiderable
moving. Seierb,1 hove been chang-
ing their place of residence in this
vicinity. Albert -McGee has moved
from the Sauble line et.o one Of A.
liTaftel's farms in G.oderich town-
ship. The place be vacated. is now
occupied by James Porter. John
'Sootchmer sold his property, which
.was occupied by Thomas Sanderson,
who hes bought and now oce-upies
.the property on Colina street, for-
merly towned by Mrs. Walwin, to
Riehard Smith, who has eented it
to Albert Townsend. James Fergu-
son has moved back from Port Do-
ver and Albert Vanstone, who occo-
'pied his house, has moved to Charles
Tippet's premises, opposite the Ai -
'bion. James Campbell, Who sold
his farm on the Bronson line to John
•Scotchmer, has moved to Bayfield
and is the guest of John Tough 'until
he 'gets a suitable place. • Wm, El-
liott is having considerable improve-
ment made to his 'place on Utilise
street by having a stane founda-
tion and cellar put under the house.
Albert Calling has purchased Mrs.
E. Elliott's peoperty on Louisa
Briefs. --Miss McEwsan, Cf Bruce -
field, was the guest of Mrs. Wm.
Mustard this week. -Mrs. Jennings
received word, last week of tbe ser-
ious illness ofi her father at Park-
hill and is now there. -Miss Lily El-
liott has resigned her position as
organist at Trinity -church. Nees E.
Marks is to take the organ after
Easter. --Clara Galpin had a birth-
day party, last Friday, to whith it
large number of her young friends
were invited. and a very pbeasant
time was spent. -Robert Bailey has
received word of his.appointinent as
head waiter on board tele --Govern-
meet survey boat " Bayfield".and
expects to assume his duties shortly.
-Miss Clara Weeds is home from
Brumfield for a visit. -Mrs. Whit -
mare, who has been seriously ill the
greater part of the winter, is able
to be out agaire-Albert Mason 6nd
Robert Lamont, of Brucefield, were
in town Sunday. -Mrs. Dougan, of
Southampton, and Mrs. Morrison, of
Seaforth, have been visiting Mrs.
Thomas Caraeron.-A. E. Erwin and
Thomas Stinson teik - in the Beaver
Minstrel shoe' ae Goderich Tuesday
evening. -Mrs. II. Brandon, of Bel -
grave, was the guest ef Mrs. Wen.
Brandon a few days this week. -Mrs.
George Erwin and Mrs. H. W. Erwin
were tbe guests of -Mrs. Se Cleave,
Bauble line this week. -Frank Kee-
gan has gone to Port Huron for a
few weeks. -What Bayfield is par-
ticularly in need of is a good dress-
maker. There is a great opportun-
ity here for a good dressmaker to
do well as there is no opposition and
no person near who goes out to sew
by the day. Suitable premises earl
be secured and there is not the
leag doubt of there being pleety to
do at good prices. Some one should
take this up at once. -A most en-
thuseistie meeting was held at Dr.
Smith's office Saturday evening for
the purpose of organizbag a foot bail
team. It was decided to call the
elub " The Lakesides," 'The follow-
ing officers were appointed: Hon.
President, Wm. Mustard.; Hon. Vice-
presidents, It. A. Edwards end Har-
vey Sperling ; president, .Dr. G. W.
M. Smith; vice-president, A. E. Er-
win; secretary -treasurer, George E.
Greenslade; captain, T. 11. Brown-
lee; managing committee, James
Cameron, Mado Whiddon, Te Muse,
tard ; tmasept, Eddie Sturgeon. Pros-
pects were never se good for form-
ing a first class team. Steps may
be taken to. join the Intermediate
League. -The League meeting at the
Methodist cburch Sienday evening,
was particularly interesting. The
life and work of Fanny Croslety, the
noted hymn writer, was taken up.
Isifiss Mary Parsons gave a sketch ;A
her early life, Miss Unmet Erwin
gave an interesting paper relating
to her work as a hymn writer and
eMiss Clara Erwin told of her later
life. A solo, "Saved by Grace," by
Miss Meta Erwin was beautifully
sung and the song services were com-
positions of Fanny Crosby, whose
81st birthday was recently celebrat-
ed. -Miss Maud Pellock and Master
APRIL 7,, 1
• cid Shoes for Farm
The buy season on the farm is about to commence. Plowing and
ing will soon be the order of the dap . Strenuous work su.ch as this is lee
quires good footwear, and we are seedy to supply all your needs in tbig
respect. We believe We have the beers Iine of workingmen's shoes
by any manufacturer, and at prices within reach, of every Man—sieees
that are honest values, that are comfortable on the feet, and at prim
that should int*est every econoxnical buyer. Note a few ef our prices:
a Working Shoes at $1. and $1.25 a pair ; better linen, with slugged soles, at $140.
and $1 75 a pair.
"Winner," a epeoial line, with tanned soles and solid throughout, for $2 a -oak
to see our genuine Sip Shoes, msde with smooth •inner sides, at $2 50 &IA
hand nutde-solid, staving, comfortable end waterproof, all sizes in 'stook, gen,
French kip, price $3.50.
WILLIS & SON, $e4for
ole agents for the -Slater Shoe for men, and the " Queen Quality and
shoes for women.
atold Pollock have gone to Lon
n Ito attend the Forest City I3usi-
ess College. -Robert and William
alley' have been busy rushing Mrs.
rgan's house. -The recent spring
flood in the TiVen, caused considerable
damage to the north pier. A great
portion of the work that was done
on it last fall Meng torn away.
Wm. - Bewdett & Sons are sedEng 3 cakes
et fic toilet soap for 103, 4 packages Qom stareh for
I/5o, 4 plugs quaker snioking or chewing tobacmo for
260, abo brooms for 26ot 12ao prints for You
am always do betior at BAWDENT, Hem%
' 047.1
The Sovereign Rank of Camels, clharteri
ad by Dominion Parliament, 42 branchei in Vaned&
and agents in all parts of the world. Interest -on
depoeise paid four limes i yen. Absolute moutItY
unexcelled inanities, courtsouo treatment, modern
methods. Your amount is invited. if. Arnold
manager Mansell branch 19844(
Personal. - The 'Winnipeg Free
Press makes the following,reference
ti) go. W. A. Cook, manager for W.
Bowden &iions, werehante of this
Village; "Mr. W, A, Oook, late of
the tGeerge Craig Co,, who went east
game time ago, has bought' oot tito
hotiloeme tho LL Ploicard (lot. Hole
AO i 1IOW eenditottng that
well known departmental dam
Title young tom will be moil mimed
by bi§ `many friend§ it thin eity
tiartieularly by the Young fvfen'a
Union of Ht. Andrewltureh. of
whieh imelely he woo a very ttetive
-worker, lloweveri all ivielt hint ev-
ety s ii08 bit
The Wrong Person -'-In the issue
tif the London Ad-vertiser and Fres
Press of Mantle 170, a paragraph
appeared in the police court prooeed-
ings- in that city, and in this. para-
graph appeared the name of Coen
Simpson. Mr. Simpson has not been
away from his home in Hensel/ for
the past two' months, and he 'wishes
it known that the pees= in question
had no connection with him whatev-
er. He has written the Free Press
and 'Advertiser to elear -up all .dout
in the matter and trusts that his
numerous friends will accept this
Brie& -Rev. Livihgeton of
London, .will preircle in the Methodist
church here on Sabbath next, morn-
ing and evening. Mr. Livingston was
at one time stationed at Kippen, and
his many friends in this section wilt
Pleased to hear ;him again. Rev.
r. iMedd will take Mr. Livingston's
ork in London. -Trade is some -
hat quiet in our :usually starring
illage, as the farmers are all 'busy
vith spring work. -Our spring mile
beery openings were vory largely
ttended, and the pretty things
hown were much. admired. --Rev. W.
. Doherty and Mrs. Doherty were in
ondon this week, attending the an-
ual,meeting o the'Women's Auxil-
try 'Missionary- Association of Huron
iocese.-Mrs. V. G. McDonald has re-
t rned ;from Detroit, where she
b en visiting her, sisters.-LMr. H.
ooper, who was manager here for
t ie R. Pickard Co., of Exeter, dur-
g all the years they tarried on bus-
ess and ontil they recently sold out
t Messrs. Bawden and Sone, left
h re last week. Mr. Hooper while
h re twon the very ehigheet respect
of all and proved himself a. worthy
el -imager and good business Man. He
ev.11 be missed here by aevery large
ti ole uf friends. -We are pleased to
re ort that Mr. B. Hoggarth has
ben . improving nicely during the
pat week or two. -Mr. D Maear-
th r, 8., was in the village this
we et visiting his brotber.--Rrs. H.
Ar old was in London this week vis -
RI g relatives„ -Mr. Jelin Goetz left
her this week for Orillia where he
int Das making his home, together
wit his mother and ,sister, 'Mr.
Goe z hvas a good teitizen and we re-
gre i losing him. -Mrs. Sutherland
and giss Sutherland were 111 Clin-
ton last week renewing acquaintan-
ces. The Rev. Dr. McKay, generat
age t foe foreign missions for the
Pre. bitter ian ehureb, preached in
Car nel !church on Sabbath morning
and evening Jae, delivering most
able addresses on each, occasion and
mak pg strong appeals for the rouse
whic be has so much at 'heart, no
-offe ings, in response, were *very lib-
eral id it is hoped that the amount
give entourteging as it was, will
yet e supplemented lp oreer thel
the oney for mission work., greater
and ar more extending than it has
ever' een, may be more fully met. -
Mrs. J. E. Blackell was in Clinton
last ereek, her former borne. -Mrs. C.
MoAl ister was In Senforth clueing
the ast week visiting, ber sister,
Mrs. obert E. MeDon-
tw o is an admirer of good totems,
viten ily purchased a span of very
hands me blacks. -The Bell Tele-
phone Co. ha v(1 eompleted the put-
ting i of the new telephones and
fg Em
their employees left on. Wednesday,
_Mr. B. MoMordiee of thetLendam
road has sold his fine farm propertz
on the London road to a Mr. Gra-
ham, of Montreal, a relative of Mr,
John IShepherd of this village. Mr,
. Graham .certainly, has - secured-
fine farm itt every respffilt and i
, willed' it walla be hard to a
for " buildings and location. -
Higgins, of Exeter, is here vis
her eeyt and Mrs. Kumeston tuad lam.
' *
ily -Mr. D. W. Foss was in Seafortle
last iweek.-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trig.
; gerson returned home lash evtieh
after spending the winter. 4nonths
with Mr. Triggerson's 'relatives in
the Algomatrim' triot and Teport a
very injoyable time, but at thxp same .
time are better pleased than evez
with this fine settion.-rMr. and Mrs,
Alexander Johnston, :ofekikenkt. for-
merly ef Henson 'vitro 'IV Berman alit
Kippen this week visiting relatives
and 'friends, who ° were 'pleased to
,meet them \ligaitt.:--Mr. R. Dryeda
of Drysdale, wixi recently pureh.
ed Xr. -J. Macarkhur's fine dwelling
intends movi tote It next weck
Mr, 'guest' t hu , ear the .psnt
moved into Mr Mi11er't new dwaI.
lirw, Wo,gra mead to ioar
of vond oltixon a Mit Dryfal _
and family mot or vjlla
.Afro, /Deihl. 11.4 111 1-
Villiilf Ole Wdek VIitiII3' )%1 1e
Motherland...MA W. Al Pridhom.
iiarkdaleL(fte Imre Wolfing hie book
Alit_ Mr; w. A. Clook.,.---M000re. W.
i Miller and 316kti a Wbo-di who we
Ito Calgary a few vteeko ago '
eaoh purohastd a section of land it
1 that vicinity and Mr. Vtrood has solc
his prize mare . for $i,20e.--Air:.
Manna, Our tonettrial artiet,, has
ded another hydraulio chair to thee
equipment kit hi e -barber shop Ifeee
Manus is bound tg keep up with the
times' and his enterprise entitles
him te the liberal 'petronage of our
iaIO syr
eeasen it-orY f
I is app
tbe y
nien ar
=timer 1110
43rien, is still
Is ovie eoo
e -Mr. Joh% of
awe -Tint ting
uron roadt
oin airs. ja
*across the
etone ;f0113144 -t
Ircloving his
ond put
Sad ath.
*jog life was
itait week wb
neession pa
It brief and
mess, at the
years age 1r
ro-ep. at
much tr
bout three
sero wild 1,
e fn the
d. The
'ray bee
be di
dgc, t'
NOT= -OF Dessorereroer.--Neties is here-
by given that the parimerabli heretofore exiating
between the nodereigned as_ general xnerolumt.
Icippen,, has tIde day been dhaolved -wielded sole
sent. All mennots of the obbvepartnireidpWin be
payable to iota Ballow and Alt debts of mid -parte
nerrhip will be mild by mill John Balfour. SI
John Balfour. O. L. Ilio0andleee. Dated at 11p
March Sind, 1906. In commotion 44$h the aoave
notice we beg toleorin t publiolhat on the Isir
of April, limey tialthrell will ester into part.
nership with Mr. John Balfour, and the boathook
which um always been known as the Post enbe
Store, will be carded on by ihom, Where they will ,
endeavor to meet out to their customers the aim »,
straightforward treatment, that isa alwaye been
the motto of this AM. and which tumble its, -
popular and we alio desire to autiounoa that fort_
week', beginning withithi Bra et OM, our Store
sett be full of barge -ins as we have a lot of goodie
that win be sold el cost. 1946-2
Briefs. -Mx. mi.' Graham, Of -
ton was in this vicinity- this week
calling on many of our farmers and
taking vontracts for the growing
of sugar beets. He Ls meeting with
good success, but the scarcity of'
farm labor militates against formers
going into the 'ibeet growing bus
ness.-Mr. aeol Mrs. Wm. Johnston,
Sarnia, were visiting with Mrs.
Johnston's mother,:elefrs. Wardell, of
this village. -Mrs. R. Mellis is visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs. oar.) Hut- -
ton, of Forset.--Xr2 Squires, an lold
and el:mar esteemed resident, mht.
has been iconfined to bed mealy all.
winter, is still keeping poorly, but
hopes Ore expressed that witA fine -
weather the will improve enough to
get around again -Mr. Harvey Cald-
well, who has been attending thie
London sc,ommercial college, has
formed a.partnership with Ms -
Balfour, in the post office_ store,And
the two Will make a strong firm, as
Mr. -Oaldwell is well known te and, .
-popular with the people of this vie-
inity.-Tbe many friends of Mr. John
McNevin will regret to learn that
he is net progressing health'. wards as
rapidly as all of us wish, but he is
receiving every attentien that meal -
nal skill and Wiling nursing oan af-
ford und it is hinted the fine weather
wilt effeet an improiniiment. His son
Alexander, Of Alvinsion, is at pres-
ent et leamee-Farixters are already,
working on the land,, and ploughing -
Is the common occupatione-The Ogg
wagons are once merle en the
rounds, and, judging from the quan-
tities taming into 01.11' Stares, the
hens Iliave got 'fairly settled down to
business for another season. -Our
anerehants and xnechanies are
wearing e.railes, as business is boom-
ing einee the advent of spring. Kip -
pen is not so boastful of its great -
ns as mane of its more aviring
neigh/bore, but the business is helve
all the earne, and needs no; special
booming to bring it. - Mr. Peter -
G ra n t, Eleven's old -reliable and well
known !market gardener, is again at
work, icleaning up and. making ready;
for the ea -rattier scampaign.
Grant is now in his 84th year, and lie
Temarkably active for that age.
We do
vents smut in oats and barley, the cheapest iueurance known
the amount at risk. Full directions on each bottle.
not bottle "Beaver Brand," but we have abundant proof of
superiority over many cheaper solutions Get the .genuine.it
old at 35c and 60c per betties and has the cut of a beaver on the,
jQ 0 ICI
ViRelqee.. A
ket for ill }hie
trecelette ere
tee, in *bowing
here quoted u
/..5 to 260 ;
dairy tubs,
to eao ; ;toll
Me to 23e; I
medium dairy
firm bt symp
'nuke*/ Job
ger potted fe
Eggs -Are *el
are steadily in
tine's large.
easy tone.
Ontario stock
to 80e out of -
on trak and -
$1 ti2 to $1.0
85 to $5o
over or mi
-Sheaf -atm
heavy, /7 50
for bran in
for tar lots e
.aherte and
She W
tion» ly go
pre)ra, and:
prose horse
$170 ;doing
$160 tiO
hand drivers
are quoted
tfrigerator b
sheep, 1.20 to
oerl:eTh eaue
eve; w si
Niece this da
off t'inozn-er akeildew kwibe"
igkeeee faeureetl.
ottw ihuf theerthcdote thm t,mlin le ie do
• Gomm
pee,osrucaitygef ga
- 2e43131ofemiu'leflhs1nieitioP6001,1,:et:ffiseaoPtroil
ereeaLee to
COVIE1,, $3,50
$6.25 sh
Springers, s