HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-31, Page 10a
Ideal Fence.
Ideal Field Fencing
Ts this season much ,reduced
in price. Farmers, get our
prices before buying any
-7 other kind of fence -all No.
9 hard steel wire, Bold by
011E8NEY & 81VULEY,
Obi Stoves and 00A11
President General Manager
Capital,,Fullv Paid Up -$3,000,000.00
Reserve F .4 and un.
divided Profits $ 3,634,000
Deposits by Public $ 29.700,0oo
Total Assets $ 39,225,000
Every faeility for the transacting of a
?attend banking business.
Collection' made on all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances made to Palmeri. Special at -
anti= paid to the collection of Sale Notes.
Interest allowed from date of deposit.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received,
and interest paid or added to account June
30th and December Slat.
R. e. itaTe, Wiener
A Famous School.
Engine's Marl have learned that our
raduates are prepared for poeit'ons el
Ong. No school in Canada ean do mo
for its students than this one. Our grad
uates always secure Positions. Write fo
our free eetalogue, it hs a handsome one
. Spring Term opens April 3rd.
Pianos, Organs,
Sewing Machines
and Gramophones.
Sold on the Easy Payment Plan.
We keep a large stook of the
beat makes on hand. This stook
tabought for cash Audis sold cheap.
All Intendieg purchasers should
eall before buying. . .
G. M. Baldwin & Co,
James Watson
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire. Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Beal Estate and Loan Agent.
Dealer 1 firet-clasa family and Mautifse-
luring Sewing Machines and Crean] Separ-
ators. viz.:
New Raymond and White Sewing
Machines and National Cream Sep-
arator in three sizes
Also sewing inachlne needles, oil, attach-
ments, repairs and sundries for all kinds of
Beefing roaohizes. Prices right and DM.
'chines fully guaranteed,
insbrance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Meohine
end Blololos. North Main street, Seaforth.
When You
Byiy- Jewelry
You must take your dealer's word
for s good deal, Moat people are
not experts in gems. You can rely
on what we say about any article its
our stock, and we have now in our
new Spring oteok. Yon are welcome
to look around.
John Bulger,
with reasonable prices
we guarantee superior-
ity of qualities. No
where else is it pos-
sible to obtain bet.
ter -
hag good to Others. The deceased
... . ember of the
Presbyterian !church, Egraondville,
although of late years not privileg-
ed to !attend the services. She, had
'perfect faith in ber loving Saviour
and not hong before _her death ex-
pressed her thankfulness to. Him for
all the blessings Lie had bestewed
en her, Sho had a family of two
eons and Ione daughter, and is surs
vived by tone on Pearson, on the
homestead and the daughter, Mrs. A.
itlelhhein, litictant Forest. Her son,,
William J'ames died 10 year: egg._ •
.............••••••.0....*.te.•••......... - .,
A Life Membership. -fan Lour taafi
very 'pleasantly epent in Um rooms
Pi IlsitannialMS1401114 lodge on Friday
eVening, 'when the memb,ers met tst
'hid good-hye to Right Worshipful
Brother Itsv. ;T. W, liodgina, on the
ovo of Me parturo from, ;he town,
and to ?pre ,III; MM. 'wall rt token pf
.lhe ostoo, . of tils Prothro • of Wit',"
Illillial And itlielr •oppTa4i,ati• ii Of lilli
1164'lliefiti l;f1 11;1T Ifotge tt-nd o d*.lfl Tila
Wfiffillildill f41)14(10 t OF r (-)4 °pint:el:0
mut prootoitid to Ite, Hod I o a looilim
plithoillitfy tiddtesti Riff!. I bt WOP-4
sillpfill lirotlier ilitilatitytit in'effigrit.
'ed. him 'with ti life iiiiiibe ?Alp Ora
tifte, ktf: Hodgib§ Made tt ISdin
taid very siiitable reply till 8hott'll
dresses commendatory of Mis Hods
gine as a Mason and n. c Uteri and
expressive of big valuahl services,
always so ;cheerfully rende e(1 to the
ledge and its membersean their re-
gret at this departure, we = made by
several of the officers an' members
present. -The members d Monocle
Chapter also presented ti . Hodgins
with a very handsome Pa.t Z's jew-
Hog Troughs. -Best galv nized steel,
450 per foot. Reid & Wilson, Swam.' 1945.2
Use Sherwin-Williams ' pain , it is posi-
tively the best that can be Made •fo both outside
and Inside use. Sold only by Ch ey & Smiley,
Seaforth. 19401
House and lot in Egmondvi a for sale.
Apply to P. V. Burgard, Kgmondvill . 1946.1
Calves for Sale. -I will be t Walton on
Tuesday, April 4th, at 11 o'clock a ., with a load
of good calves. Hugh RichmOnd, ewry.
.Another splaahy lot of men latest style
shoeijust received -the swellest in own. Samples
in south window. W. U. Willie, sol agent for Dor-
othy Dodd shoes for ladies and Ge a A. Slater
shoes for lien, &Worth, 1946.1
Something hi h-olass and elevating.-
Theatre goers of Se orth will have an opportunity
of seeing one of the best attractions tourbg Canada
M the opers house next Friday ni ht, Maroh 81.A.
Mr. (Judnoine un ergene oonMd.r le expense In
mooring "Th. Imperials" to appea here end no
doubt the !oven of good plays will appreolate hie
efforte in trying to plexus the pnl lc. "The Ins -
varlets "have appeared in the largo 1 hOuses in •On -
tag° end oth press anti esubBo e nnot speak toohighly of Mr. Don Leno and his oo pany. , "The
Imperials" is an unusually large for ipany carrying
ing m
21 people include °hoe of trained vetoes. The
production cannot fail to please the mod critioal,as
it appeals to all. The production opens vet* •
musloal comedy introducing some of the foremost
features before the public and clone -with an inter-
mingling of comics opera and high elms vaudeville.
Mr. Don Limo's reputation as m En lieb Character
Artist is well known to ihe play -go og public and
this alone ould be a guarantee of 10 standaed of
the attestation. The production is ery gorgeously
coetumed and every number is roperly staged
and executed. Tee prices are very reasonable con-
sidering the attraction. Seats ere ow on aisle at
Aberbart's drug more, 26, 86 and 19464
Take your csoupon that yoi
gob ab your
door So the Maple Leaf Store and g 11 Isar of Rich-
ards soap free. 1'. Dill. liesiorth. 1946-L
Be sure that you examine 1 he merits of
" Ideal." the strongest field fence ads, before de•
ciding on any other. We have al on hand a full
stook of fencing raettrials and eu plies at lowest
prices. Chesney & Smiley, Seeforth 19164
Wanted, a good strong boy o do deliver-
ing. Apply to W. E. Kerslake, 8 orth.
Mattlandbank cemetery car taker want-
ed .-WrItten applications to be Den to Mr. Walter
G. Willie, Seatarthwho will give pe niti for funer-
als and attend to 1511 01 iota until i appointment
is mule. 1946.1
• Lost, on Wednetclay, Mari h ,22ad. be-
tween Seatorth and first tulle and a quarter or the
Mill Road, a panel of laundry, io finder will
oblige by leaving it at the Kxeoerro ()MGR,
. Sea.
forth. 1946-1
The -Don Lewes' imperials h been the
attraction at the Grand for She p t two nights.
This company has been receiviog g houses in
Chatham and their production us ell worthy of
the eplendld patronage they are re lving.--Chat.
ham Daily Planet. • 1948-1
Seeds at A. Youngs, reale ned export
red clover *seed, fne from rib -gra.., 4Iiks, lumen,
whlte, dutch, also orohard and Kent oky bluegrass
and timothy seed, the best we cruld buy. A.
Young, deeforth. 1944-2
• Seeds at A. G. Ault s, consisting of red
clover, MIMI) and beet timothy seed, yellow and
white Datoh onion sett*, also good verietTe of se. d
potatoes and.fresh garden seeto be had at A G
xgostior ',vas toonsIstent
titian .44
It is by strictly main-
taining the purity and
strength of these that
we hope to make you
our frienda.
Pure fresh helleboxd
30o a lb.
Nyal's Blacsd Puri.
fier, $1.00 a bottle, the
best medicine for the
Buchn-Juniper Kid-
ney Pills, 25o a box,
for rheumatism and
sore back.
We carry a large
line of up-to-date
ruses, and oan fit any
Come in and see us,
you are always wel-
A Good Appointment. -The Clinton
News -Record understands that "Mr
IL 0. ?Bell, formerly of Wingbam,
son-in-law of IMrs john 13e11, of Clin-
ton, will ?receive the appointment of
Crown Lands agent in Fort Francis
district. This is one cif the best jobs
in the *1f1 of the Provincial Gov-
ernment in New Ontario. Mr. 130E1
is now iliving at Fort Francis, and is
engaged in the lumber business." Mr.
Dell 18 a native of Seaforth, und
eon of our old. townsman, Mr, Thee.
Bell, the well known furnituro man.,
ijfacturer of Winghans.
Petah lof 4, W. Lairkl.-The
Wh4h wo folio from. 4.;.fia AWE,
No lEilitillror tifar,oli i4l3; worfm to
m mil of gb Jolm "AIM of ilk town,
It tykyo "A woll known inioingoo
nitit1it4 vtrytiuddwily ab hi§ bump,
Aghltitid Av#11-litt1 1irn1iyaftOt nine
o'Ititook 4mA Thufodtly tw.onitig, 116
had beeft ebgtigedittbustiloss•111this
city -for over 18 yeats beteg Otte of
the firm of A, W.. Laird & litiq the
glove tooncern, 390 Main street, 1Sfiri•
Laird was 43 years did and was born
in illaysville, Cartad'a. He had been
enjoying the best ,of health up to
the time of his death. He is surviv-
ed by his widow, one son, Leonard L.,
his father, one brother and three
Death bf Mr. Dickson. -Word was
received here this week of the death
:of Mr. Robert Dickson, one of Hur-
on's pioneers and a brother of the
late JamesDickson, ;of Gederich, and
John Dickson, of McKilIop. He died
on Saturday in Chrystal, North Da-
kota. He was 81 years of 'age. He
had - resided in Dakota about ten
years and previous to that he had
lived in Detroit for a time. About
fifteen years ago he lived in Brussels,
having sold his farm in Grey previ-
ously. He Was a man who was very
highly 'respected by all who knew
him, land always continued to take
a aleepeinterest in old Huron; its peo-
ple and affairs. Of a large and once
prominent family, there are now but
tWO [left, Mrs. James Scott, of Har-
puthey, land Mrs. A. Chisholm, of
Manitoba. Mr. Dickson leaves -a
family of four sons, all or whom are
in the West. The remains have been
brought to `his old home, .and titre to
be linterred in Brussels leemette47 tp-
day, Friday.
Honoring a Huronite.-Mr. Jebn
Scar -lett, of McKillop, has been sig-
nally ;honored by his brethren of
the Orange Order. At the annual
meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge
pf Ontario 'West, held at Midland
two, weeks ago, and at a •meeting of
the Blank Chapter, Mr. Searjett was
appointed Grand Master of the
Grand Blaick Chapter and now bears
the title- of Right Worshipful Sir
Knight. We !are not very 'well versed
in the titleS and internal workings
of this order, bute we presume Mr.
Scarlett has attained pretty near the
'highest rung in the ladder. We con-
gratulate Our old friend on the dis-
tinctions conferred on 'him by hie
brethren of the Order, and,. from our
knowledge of !him, we haye ne hesi-
tation in predicting that be will
wear his honors with dignity, and
discharge the duties pertaining to
the high position with fidelity and
creditably to himself and in the
best interest e of the Order.
legem, for Prof. Dyke's "011 of Pines,"
end Cook'a Cotton Root Compound,
CARDN'O'S - BL3011
0 Raga
Travellers. -The following -7, were
ticketed to distant points. this week
by W. Somerville, railwa,y and steam-
ship agent: Geo. Gray and ,family
and IS. T. Calloway to Calgary., Alber-
ta; Mhos. Plumtree, Hullett, to Wol-
esley, Assa.; Geo. Hanna, Tucker -
smith, to Yellowgrass, Assa.; Frank
Mann, Harpurhey to Moose Jaw,
Assinaboia ; Miss. L. McCutcheon,
of 'McKillop, to Winnipeg; john
O'Brien, Brueefield, to Holt:afield,
Manitoba e W. J. Campbell, Walton,
to Winnipeg; ,Mr. and Mrs. Learoyd
and family to Rat Portage; W. R.
Blericha.rd to Sturgeon Falls; George
Stet Ite Saginaw; Miss Jeffrey to
Buffalo; !Miss Clara Story to Battle
Creek, Michigan; P. 3. Ryan to Buf-
falo; 'James Ryan., Walton, to Mont-
-The following were ticketed by
Greig & Stewart, C.P.R. agents:
Mns. F. 'Stewart and 'children to
their home in Winnipeg; Arthur
G-albraith and family to, Regina;. W.
Keyes, Seaforth, to Hartpey, Mani-
The ,Late Miss Young. -The Clin-
ton New Era of last week makes the
following reference PO the late Mies
Young whose death was announced
last week. It says: tt The grim
reamer on !Monday Last visited the
home of e_ froraer Clintonian at Sea -
forth, and removed therefrom a
beautiful and exemplary Christian
life. We speak Of Annie E., the eld-
est daughter of James Young, for
many years a respected resident of
Clinton. Twelve years ago they
moved to 8eaforth, where they have
since resided. The mother died and
was buried ;here before going to the
latter place. The deceased who was
about thirty erears of age, had been
a sufferer for many years with hip
trouble, which practically wasted
her y.oung life away. When a resi-
dent ,of Clinton she was an aetive
worker in !the old Rattenbury street
Methodist church and Sunday schpol„
and is remembered by many in town
who, ,cherish pleasant recollections of
her noble Christian 'character. Of
the family but the. father and a mar-
ried sister remain, who have the
sympathy pf their many old fiends in
The Late Mrs. Chesney.-Mrs.Hugh
M. Chesney died at her home, in
Tuckersmith, on Thursday morn-
ing, March 23rd. The deceased was
81 years and 5 months of age; She
had suffered during the past winter
with asthma, 'but had got much bet-
ter the past two naonths, and was
quite smart for the two weeks previ-
us to her death, and had remarked
she had not felt so well for years.
Her death was due to Old-.ege and u.
general breaking up pf the system.
Mrs. Chesney, whose maiden tame
was Mary Pearson, was born within
14 miles of Edinburgh, in East Loth-
ian, in 1823. She, was married to her
late husband, Hugh M. Chesney, in
1858 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She
came to Canada 46 years ago. She
spent all her married life on the
farm 'syn -which she died. She was
predeceased. by leer husband 15 ifes.is
ago. Mrs. Chesney was of a most
amiable, loving and unselfish dispo-
sition, and was a loving wife and
devoted mother. She 'was a general
favorite with all who 'had the pleas-
ure pf her acquaintance. She never
was happier than when she was rig -
Ault a, Seals:nth
When buying your wall papa at Graves'
you have the largesb eeleotion, loweet 1 prices, up.te-
date goole;and best viorkmaeship, afld in one day's
natio° .1 Graves 4 Co, 8eaforth 1946x1
Onion aets.-Just received a hoice lot ot
Dutch Sete and Multiplier onions. W E. Kereleke,
Seaforth. 1946.1
Now is the time to feed took Food.
Pratt's has been the longest on the m rket and has
stood the test. Try it, at the Maple t Store, P.
Dill, fleaforth. 1948.1
Spring Work is at hana and y u wiii find
our prices low on all gardening tools, rakes, hoes,
spade., step ladders, carpet beaten, rushes, etc.
Ohs sney & Smiley, Seaforth. 1946 1
For paints, oil", varnishes an
supplies Try our linoleum varnish
Co, Seaforth ,
Horse Clippers. -Hand and p4wor, large
assortment. Reid & Wilson, Seaforbb. 1946.2
To THE LADIES.-Switohes ntade from
combings. Miss E.. Ross, over W. N. W1 Won's, office.
North Main Mimi, 8thforeh. 1886-41
Wall Paper. -Samples latest American
well paper, burlaps, muslin, end up.to.date decor-
. Miens. Borden same price as pipers they match.
Not hung free of charge but for 70 per roll in a
clean workmanlike warmer. Samples an be seen
and orders taken at the Kandy Kitchen. We are
the men who do the good work. We ter $rnith,
J. J. Paterson, Seifert . 1954-4
Graves and
The Best That Growl
An Aetion for Damages. -9n 'Mon-
day and Tuesday of last we k, evid-
ence in 'the case of F. Burgd d.& Son
vs. the !Township of Colborne, which
was adjourned ;from the sittings of
the County Court last Deeerdber,was
heard by His 'Heiner Judge D yle, but
argument has not yet beehe,ard.
The plaintiffs were partners at Eg-
mondville as potters, and on the 9th
pf June last Philip V. Burg rd, one
of the !Erin, while driving- tetwecn
-Loyal and the road from -Benmiller
to Smith's Hill, got into a soft place
in the road, his horses sinking and
be/coming mixed cup in a water hole.
In their' struggles tbe horses Sustain-
ed internal injuries, and et the
time the etateraent of claim Was de-
livered pne of them had not Yet re-
covered. The plaintiffs claimed $150
damages and the 'costs of the action.
The defendant township ;clainis that
the road in question was not in or-
dinary use, was used in fact 14 :only
one or two people and only in the
dry season. Very little money had
been spent Ion it and owing to the
hills ft was of noepublic use and
would cost 'too much to ptit in order.
The plaintiffs, the defendant !claims,
were aware of the !condition ef the
road and had been waened of it con-
dition. A large number of withe,sses
pn both sides were examined.
9 '
Council Meeting. - At a special
meeting of the town 'council held
on Friday last Mr. William Elliott,
who has been ;clerk and treasurer of
the town of Seaforth for therpast
33 years handed' in his resignation,
tO take effect one month frona that
date. In reference to this the fol-
lowing resolution was passed "That
this council Ilearn`with regret of the
resignation of Inle. William Elliott,
pmeammmeama ,1
You can't afford to waste • weeke and
months of time and energy in growing,
so-called cheap or. bargain seed". Winn)
you want is full sized paokete at popular
price", see& that are tested and tried, no
kw s
dieeppointment wit 'them, pur money'
worth every time. you want to make e
num of your year's- ork, Wirt on get-
ting our moods, tot merely beoause we any
so but became they are known to be abeoV
utely reliable. You get what you think
you aro getting every time,never any guess.
'work about results. Vie make sure in ad.
vanes that the seeds are right and guaran-
tee valuee to be always the best.
W.M. Kerslake"
sumeolsorto Hamilton & Kerslake, (Nth
K) fork and troasurer, and, wlille with
1111114.8.440 g"o9opt ihnrgagnit-
WM, lirtt'joln in wlolung oar gotoomorl
plork long ilifo mn4 prooporitysv Tho
WfIP4 tO itdvPrtiwi fog
iJ)J)1tfl fot, !Hie pooition of Own
16 Wilt anti ibfetiourof, L Ito ottimy to fie
490 per iyottfLaini Itig iptilleationg to
Iiiiti Aptil1OLJi Tlio following
itsolution woo knisvid' " That do
tilt *aim:album !made by the -valuate-r,4
employed by (the !coin:toil and the oleo -
trio lightcompany, taken colleets
ively, are very nearly the sante as
the first 'valuation of ;Mr. Kelly, the
mayor is authorized to take the ne-
cessary proceedings to submit the
by-law to the vote of the electors at
the earliest date possible, at the
first -valuation, viz: $19,300." The
by-law:will likely be voted on about
the 25th Of April. The; tcouncil ad-
journed -to !meet at the ?call of the,
Wedding Bells. -The !home of Mr.
and Mrs. Josiah Tyreman, North
Main street, was the stelae of an in-
teresting event on Saturday after-
noon last. The occasion was the mar-
riage of their only daughter, Alice,
to Mr. John E. Best, son of Mr.
Frank Best, a Seaforth. The cene-
mony was performed by Rev. A. K.
Birks, pastor of the ;Methodist
'church, in the presence pf about,' fif-
ty relatives and friends, among -them
being friends frera Preston, Berlin,
Elmira and. Hamilton. After the
'ceremony and congratulations, 'the
company sat down to a most pump-
tuous wedding dinner. The remaind-
er of the evening was most pleasant-
.ly spent in social Conversation and
games. The bride was the recipient
of very many handsome and useful
presents, which fully testified td
her popularity. The groom is a steady
industrious young !man, with .a host
of friends, who will extend heartiest
'congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Best
left on Wednesday for Sturgeon
Falls, where Mr. Best has a good po-
sition. The Expositor unites with
the many. friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Best in good wishes for their future
4tappiness and !prosperity.
Unpleasant. -Major Anderson had
a couple of !unpleasant experiences
last week. Towards the end of the
week the ice in Silver Creek pegan to.
break up and go down stream, and,
as there was danger of damage be-
ing done rto the reservoir at. the wa-
terworks, the Major was.busy cut-
ting away the hoe to procure an out-
let for !the extra water. While thus
engaged, on two different occasions,
he fell into the icy stream. The
!bath Was not a pleasant one, but the
gallant -Major stuck to his work,
and everything ended satisfactorily.
One day, a young man of an enquir-
ing turn of mind, ventured out on a
plank near to where the .Major was
working, when the jam was broken
and the lonrush of water made it ne-
cessary for both the young man and
the Major to seek a place of refuge
on a clump of earth about three
feet square, and here they were
stranded fully a hundred yards from
dry land. There was no brave TC8ZU-
ing party on hand, so the Major's
evv ready !mind- evolved a solution.
He got,the young fellow on his back
and waist deep waded to dry land.
However, all's well that ends well,
and the Major still lives to tell the
a big prize. The eulogy is as fol-
lows: Of all the animal friends of i
man be is the greatest. If I, as you
are about to sit down to your Sunday
dinner, might take from your table
what she had pisseed thereqn, I would
remove the icup of milk waiting at
the baby's chair. I'd take the eream,
the loheese, the butter, the custard
pie, the cream, biseuits, the roast of
beef, and leave* .you a meal of pota-
toes and 'tooth -plc -Ica. Every scrap of
her from nose to tail, is used by man.
We uso her horns to oomb our hair
her skin upon our feet, her hair
keeps the plaster on our walls, her
hoofs 'make glue and her ,tail makes
soup. Her blood is used to make our
sugar white, her bones are ground
to fortilize the soil. She has gone
with man ',from Plymouth Rook to
the setting OUT/. it was her eons
that turned the settlers' !clearing;
jt svas her eOns that drew the prairie
ootooner for the sturdY plOneerS
thjs amlotry iw1ijgi obo fqilqwn4, and
whon 41ho 11”t'o rumroli W48 &PO Plqi4i0
.11111:. 4.°1•111 plenlialinitqlmtoTtfoottnoil4
Ifilitg of thin gromt ountry,"
JAW lifidgs----MT, and Aliso Mul.
5 •
1w11itiid uf linfouttex, won
hitt at rur, A, Moittitfolil Ofonlyfook,
()trey township, lost week,.1/W,
Isatte /stiller has leased her resid-enee
in town, which has beers ooeupied
by Mr, Will McLeod for sdine.time,
to: Mr.' Reid of the Bell Engine
Wprks,' for a term of tWO years at
an lemma' rental of $120. -Mr. John
Jamieson, of the Huron road, west,
hat fhe misfortune a few da.ys_ago
to, get tbis arms very badly scalded.
He was assieting in killing pigs and
.his feet slipping he fell against a
barrel of •scalding water his arms
going into the water up to the el-.
bows, -The town water cart appear-
ed pn Main street for the first time
this season on Saturday last, March
25. Its services,however'were not
ref:mired to lay the dust, but it was
being ;conveyed frem its winter quar-
ters to the repair shop to be put' in
order for the coming campaign. -The
Hayfield stage name in on wheels
fpr the first time this season on Sat-
urday last. This is another omen
for an early spring. -Mr. Andrew
Oke returned home from London on
Friday. He is considerably improv-
ed in 'health and his hand is better
but it twill be 0. good while yet be-
fore he will be able to use it much.
-Mr. W. C. Learoyd moved his fam-
ily and effects from here to Rat
Portage on Saturday. Mr. Learoyd
is in business in that new and rap-
idly grpwing town. -Mr. and Mrs. G.
Grey and !family and Mrs. Adam
Gray and Miss Gray left on Tuesday
for the Northwest. A large ntiraber
of their friends were at the station
to see them off and to wish them a
safe journey and success in their new
home. -Mr, and Mrs. David Sproat
pf Belgrave !were in town on Satur-
day. -Mrs. Parker, Of Toronto, is at
present here visiting her mother,
Mrs. W. Govenlock.-A young son of
Mr. F. Burgard, of Egmondville,had
a narrow escape from drowning on
Saturday. He was standing on the
brink of the river at the bridge,wben
in some way he slipped into the wat-
er and was carried by the strong
current down the stream until he
reached a log of which he got a
hold and in this way got to the shore
and save his cold bath was none the
worse for his adventure. -Mr, John
Hagan, of Eagan Bros., Hills Green,
was in town on Monday delivering a
very handsome team of Agricultural
horses whioh they had sold to
Messes. Archibald & Cudmore. These
horse e were iftve and six years old;
they are black in color and well
matehed and a particularly hand-
some -pair. They 1w -ere sold for $395.
They were raised by the Messrs.
Hagan, who are good horsemen and
successful farmers and in these re-
spects are following in the foot-
steps 'of their worthy father. -Rev.
Hodgins preached his farewelj
sermon in St. Thomas church on.
Sabbath last and despite the unfa-
vorable weather the was listened to
by very large congregations com-
posed not only of his own people but
many from the other churches in
town. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and
family left for their new hotne in
Chatham on Monday afternoon. -
Miss Minnie Best, who is teaching
school in Elmira, spent Saturday and
Sunday here with her. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Best. She came to at-
tend the (marriage of her brother. -
Mr. G. M. Chesney is having an auc-
tion sale of 50 steers and heifers at
Dick's stook wards in Seaforth on
Saturday next. This will afford a
good opportunity to those who may
desire to get ;cattle to pasture for
the summer. -A tar load of very fine
stock steers, arrived here on Friday
morning last for Mr. Wheatley, of
Hullett, near Harlock. By some mis-
take Mr. !Wheatley had not been no-
tified of their/ shipment and when
the eattle !arrived there was no per-
son to receive them and they wene
allowed to tremain crowded up in the
car until Saturday when Mr. Phil-
lips, station agent, had them un -
jaded. Mr. Wheatly turned up on
Saturday evening, 'claimed his steers
and took them away. -It is next
Monday vening that the District
Deputy Grand Master is to spy his
official visit to Britannia Lodge,Sea-
forth. We were in error last week
in mentioning the date of last Mon-
day evening. -Mr. Archie Barton is
nursing a thumb that is afflicted
by a felon. -Mr. Robert Fanson was
down town on Tuesday for the first
time since his severe fall on the side-
walk about six weekS ago. The many
friends of Mr. Fanson will be pleas-
ed to eee him around again. -Mr. W.
M. Gray, of Toronto, was calling on
several bf his old friends in town
on Tuesday. Mr. Gray looks quite
natural and. time seems tp deal very
leniently with him. -By special in-
vitation, the !Beavers Minstels go to
Goderich on Tuesday night next and
will give their entertainment there.
We can promise our friends of the
county town a real treat and an en-
tertainment deserving !of a ;crowded
house. -Mr. Charles Willis, who bad
been on 0. visit of a cohple of months
at the parental he,me here, left on
Saturday for the west. -The many
friepds of Mr. John Smith will re-
gret to ;learn that he suffered. a par-
alytic stroke on Sunday. -Last week
we mentioned that Mr. 8. W. Cady
had lost an overcoat from Dick's
hotel. It now turns out that (the ;coat
was taken in mistake and Mr. Cady
The Minstrels.t-The repetition of
the Beavers 'Minstrel show on Fri-
day evening last was an unqualified
suocess. The ball was filled from the
stage to the doors and every part of
the lengthy programme was enjoyed
to, the lull, so much so that each
song was bearily encored. As on the
two previous appearahaces of the min-
strels, the singing was of the best,
with the choruses exceptionally good.
The dancing of the Misses Sproat and
Miss Cora tDodds was a leading fea-
ture. But we have already given a
review of the programme and a re-
petition now would be superfluous.
The entertainment was given for the -
benefit pf the hospital for consump-
tives at'Gravenhurst, a most worthy
andl laudable cause, and the members
'pf the minstrels are to tm !commend-
ed fqr 'giving gratis their services to
help bn this deserving institution.
In the Course of the'evening, Mr. J.
L. Killoran, on behalf of the looal
'committee of /the Sanitarium Asaeci-
ation, in a neat speeoh, heartily
thanked the minstrels and the citi-
zens generally for the hearty manner
in whieh they had responded to the
call for 'assistance to the institution.
The proceeds amounted to .in the
neighborhood of $150.
The I3owlers.-A most enthusias-
tic meeting of bowlers was held in
the Oommercial hotel on Wednesday
evening for the purpose of re -organ-
izing for the coming season. Judging
by the attendance and tee enthus-
iasm shown, bowling promises to be
more popular than ever. The dates
fixed for the annual tournament
were Tuesday and Wednesday, July
4th and 5th. The following officers
were elected; President, James Mc-
Michael; vice-president, W. D.
Bright; secretary, W. D. McLean;
treasurer, j. S. Roberts; patrons,
13. 13. Gunn, M. P., II. Eilber, M. P.
P.; !chaplain, George Murdie ; man-
aging committee, G. E. Parkes, W.
0. Willis, R. S. Hays, J. C. Greig, 3.
M. Best, Alex. Wilson; grounds nom-
mittee, W. Ament, T. Richardson, A.
Wilson; skips, W. D. Bright, R. S.
Hays, W. Pickard, J. C. Greig, Alex.
Wilson, J. S. Roberts, T. Richatdson,
J. 'C. Steele, W. D. McLean, A. E.
Gibson, J. M. Best, NV, Ballantyne;
referee, John Shine. Mr. John Hen-
derson has been re-engaged caretak-
er of the green and ,will start_ at
once to get it in shape so that play-
ing 'can be commenced- at the earl-
iest possible day. -
The Noble Cow. -Mr. Thos. Brown,
the peoples' auctioneer, while selling
a +cow at an auction sale in this ve-
cinity,a few days ago,is said to have
indulged in the following panegyric
on the noble animal. It is needless
tg, remark that the cow was sold for
AATICii 3i,i
Winery °Penni
31st of March 4 First of AP111
'Store is b
and attracti
its New Spring Dress. The stook is thoroughly co
and everything is in readiness for a Smart Spring Bu
The departments are full, possibly more so thau
bef e and all the New Things ae nicely arranged and
ject to your' command.
ifigt/ZE ASMMO
This is our Opening Week.
We want to see you
We write this invitation to every-
body who cares to know the drift of
Fashion and who woula like to see
the Fine display of an Up -to -Date
Store. It is not enough that we do
as well as yoa expect, it is highly im-
portant that we do better. Come
then, and see our great showing of
Trimmed Millinery, Dress Goods,
Silks, and Ready-to-wear Waists,
Skirts Raincoats and Children's
he pi
trouser am
and vp
shades •Of
We might givi a long description of our goods,
mention our prices, but it is hardly necessary. All
need to know is that one of the best stocks in the co
IS IN SEAFORTH, open' for you to inspect, enjoy
make your selections from if you wish. ,
Seaforth Ontario.
els ho
trate Beattie am Satpgdey for eat. is -
Ing a rpw on Main street, on „Friday
night. It 'post them $3 a piece so
that they will not likely repeat the
offence for some time. -Mr. J. D.
lifeCallum has leased Dirs. Kemp's
residence On Goderich street. -Mr.
John Laird was lealled to Buffalole.st
week on account of the death of his
son, (reference to which appears in
another acoluinn.-Mr. P. j. Ryan,
who was spending the winter with
his parents, Mr„ and Mrs. Timothy
Ryan, of MoKillop, left for Buffalo
this week. -McIntosh Bros. do not
take hold of Hugh J. Grieve's dairy
business until the 12th of May. -
Mr. Joseph Canning, of Tunkersmith,
has been, appointed ohairrao.n of the
board a license commissioners for
South Huron. -Mrs. Boyd, who re -
Sides south of' the railway track,had
the misfortune one day last , eek
to, tall on the ice in, her yard nd
fracture her arra.-Miss Christina
Gray, lately of MoKillop, was ma
ried on Tuesday morning to Mr
James Aird, of Kamloops, British
Columbia. 'Mr. and Mrs. Aird _left
on the morning train to visit friends
in Ingersoll and other eastern parts
before starting for their home i
the Pacific. Province. The ma y
friends of Mrs. Aird here will u Ile
with The Expositor in extendin tla.e
most hearty tcongratufations and
good wishes. -The following appeared
in the Toronte papers on Tuesday:
"Dr. W. Gunn, of Clinton, one of the
best known surgeons- throughout
western Ontario, while in Toronto
on Sunday last, in consultation with
Dr. Cavan over a. Clinton patient,
was taken suddenly- and dangerously
111 and is now at the residence of his
brother, D. Gunn. His many friends
hope tor his speedy recovery." -Mr.
McNaught, the ' jeweler, has again
started busineres in his former stand
all evidences of the.late fire having
been wiped out. -Misses Minnie Beat-
tie, Lois Johnson and. M. Livens, who
are ta: ing" the domestip science
ours at at Mazdonald Institute, at
Gueleh, are home for. the holidays.
-V, ord twas received here. last week
of the serious illness in the hospital
at Port Arthur, of Mr. Wm. Copp,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Copp, of
Goderich street. He' is a cotniner-
eial traveller and was taken ill while
,on business there. -The millinery op-
enings in Seaforth take place to -day
and to-naorrpw, Friday and Satur-
day. The ladies should not forget,
as for the gentlemen they are sure
to remember. -Mr. A. E. Gibson
treasurer id the local committee of
the Gravenhurst Sanitarium .Asso-
elation wishes us to acknowledge the
following (contributions to that
worthy object: Net prooeeds of
Beavers' Minstrel 'concert, $12L50;
'Britannia Masoniz Lodge, $10; Sons
of Scotland, $5. -Miss Sheffield, of
Toreeato, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Sheffield, of town. -Mr. Charles
Aberhart is having his ice cream
parlor at the rear of -his drug store
repainted and nicely fitted up and.
expeets to be ready for the ice cream
season in a day or two. Mr. Aber -
heart will have everything of the
"hest and is arranging things with a
view to the eomfort and pleasure of
his customers. -Mr. Rufus Winters
who has been in the Northwest for
the past year, returned home this
week. Mr. Winter was 'confined in
Brandon hospital with a severe at-
tack of typhoid fever, and though'
getting along all right, still looks
pretty thin. He has 'come herae to re-
cupere.te.-Mrs. GeOrge Duncan, of
Woodstock, was called here last
week, owing to the illness of her sis-
ter, Miss Sutherland. We ere pleas -
is again in possession of the garment. ed to learn though that the, tatter
-Don Leno's ''' Imperials" will ap-
pear in Cardno's hall this, Friday, ev-
ening. This company is said to be an
excellent 'one. It has been got here
at considerable expense by Manager
Cardno, and his enterprise should be
appreciated by the people of Sea -
forth. -Mr. Arthur Galbraith left
this week for the west. Mr. Gal-
braith intends ranching in the Re-
gina district. -Chief Birchert had
four young men up before Magis-
is ren.o'vering.-Miss Florence Knight,
Maudamin, is visiting her grand
mother, !Mrs. Sutherland, of Centre
street. -Mr. /Wm. Finlayson has gone
to Galt, where he has secured a good
position in the Goldie -McCulloch es-
tablishment. Mr. Finlayson is a most
estimable yeung man, whose remov-
al from town all will regret. He will
else be mueh missed by the Huron
foot hall elub, of which Ile was one
Dr the most expert members.-W.ii
are pleased to see our old fr
Mr. Wm. Henderson able 140 be
again after having been confine
his Tesidente for some months,
annual meeting of the Beaver
orosse club will be held in the eo
vil chamber on Wednesday eve
next. A full attendance of i '
terested in the game is desired.
many friend's of Mr e John Melnt
formerly of MeKillop, but no
IStanley, will regret to learn
he is seriously ill with an atta
inflammation of the lungs. -Mrs.
Rankin /net with a serious ass/
on Friday of last week. She step
into. a trap door -leading tp the
lar, falling a considerable distas
fracturing two ribs and Ireceiv'
severe shaking up. -A telegram
received. here on Wednesday a
flouncing the very serious illness
Mrs. Hogg, wife of Professor JO
Hogg, of Harvard *University,
tote -Mr. W. C. McKay, of ToroSt
has recovered sufficiently to -
mit of his removal from the hos
al, and he is progressing Slowly
wards Teavery.-Miss Margaret Bob'
ertson, of the Macdonald Instits
Guelph, is visiting at Mr. and
James +Beattie's,
Dots. -Wood bees are the order
the day and great quantities
wood are being stored away for
win ter. -John Ford, accompanied
Mrs. Ford and -children, have go
to Detroit to visit their daughteT
Mrs. Farquharson. -Mr. k and Ma
John (Isaac have gone to visa friee
at Ailsa Craig. -Miss Nancy SM.
received g telegram from, Buff
stating that her sister, Mrs,
ner, twas dead. She left for that pl
Monday smorning.-Miss Maud Is
is tat Lunn waiting on her sis
who has had a severe attack
heart disease.
Another splashy ICA of men's latest
shoes jut reosired-the swelled in town.
Is south window. W.11, Mile, sole agent
othy Dodd shoot for ladies and George A.
atom for men, &Mort&
Notes. -Mr. L. (Beatty was in
eter on business en Saturday. -
Wilson Cook was in Clinton on 50
urday.-Messrs, Bert Benford a
Geprge Anderson have finished au
ting wood. They thave cut 300o01
this winter. -Mr. !Bert Bentford
hired with Mr. Guhr for the eu
mer. -Mr. Ben Higgins was in G
rich on business on Saturday. -
Edward Pilgrim is going to lea
the blacksmithing with. Dan
Naughton of fttarna.--4Mr. J. Bean
of Goderich township, sold six he
ars to ?Mr. W. Taylors -Mr. Githr Will
soon be started. at the Logan drabs
Another spiatehy lot of men's latest
shoal just recelvicl-thenwellest In town.
in mush window, W, Willis, sole agent foibW
othy Dodd shoes for ladies ihnd George A. $J**
shoes for men, seatopth. Ialfd
A Putehase.-Mr. William 3. dit0' I I
na, ef Tuckersmith, and formerly
Winthrop, has purchased the far'
farm stock, implements, etc., of the -
estate of Moses Hanna. This hornet
stead was purchased by the la
Moses Hanna from Mr. John Men
over 45 years ago and has been
occupancy by the family ever silltO -
and was one of the first farms tdU' -
en up in tbis section at that OW- ',"!,
Mr. Hanna has secured a fine WO
and is now in possession of it. TIO
brothers, George and Norman, left
on 'Tuesday of this week for Yelloi'
Grass, Assa., with a oar of settlefalt
effeets and where they nm.rciloW
land some time ago. They bar
with them the best wishes nf the
many friends.
-The horses of ;Mr. J. 11.
Quaige, twenty in number, svh
have been !up in the lumber wO
at North Bay during the winter,
rived in Mitchell 'one day last. Iv
and were all taken to' Monkton. ItTV
McQuaige is kane of the C. P. R. con'
tractors in the vicinity of Monkttst
and will resume grading operatic
as son ns the spring opens up,
nr mutual
store does,
were cert
Were re
SOft 11
are dra
doesn't fit
moral wreck
- decoking
of. We ha
learnst lo
Spring pet
our s