HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-31, Page 74- _ZL Apply at Once - or tsie Or tem A S, Seiforth. 19043 aim in fa/11/1 nig, arid Waiver :at once, WM erteat • FOR SALE.—Rare townships of nu OL Rum. Illyth, On. 4 TO RENT OR SE ' eore firm,-•Lo6 2 , Conoession 0, MeKi =net north of Beaforth, immediate poeserdO i 094 bindings, fine location, good crehard, frit ,i _ %eat- Apply to W. GOYENLOOK, Seaforth. 1945-31 C1.1.$E AND LOT POitiALE.—For Sale, a - good house arid lot, ell' ided on. West Will- iam ritreetieesteith. The-hrdiee:eontsinasix room', hard and soft wattr and retlititator kr kitchen ri,ad nit other MD venienou. Pot tenni, eta, apply to - JOHN RANKIN;-.Seaforth. a ii14Ii-tf OUSE TO RENT.—To ktitit- the comfortable house at pi esent oecukadt by _ Mee W. oyd. The haute it nearly OM There are swan mane and bard and eeft watai Apply to PETER DALEY, at BeatteeSi meatstoihjSeaforth. 19445x i, . .• • 1.1114DING LOTS FOR 9A46 , For e, Revers' i1 deeireble bldidieg Iota ill: sa - he. town of Boa - faith. These loge are eituatedUi A one of the beet parte of the town and are well. 2p1anted with the choicest:of fruit. Aptly to W;) Di. McLean,. at the _ FaceenreaOreien, Lea addl. ,",' " -1940.tf- _ .. ... . Rif FOR SALE. --For sal 4, on tbe llth coneesaion taing 00 scree, nearly an de date of cultivakm. There le, geed bank bane AO ft, x 56 9I$ dwelling house, also a good mint Tence reasonable, Apply to 341i Chiselburst, Ont. e east half Grief ckeramith, don. and in a good the premise', ise. Vale SUNLIGHT.SUNLIGHT SOAPand SAVE THE COUPONS, The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exclenged for Toilet ,Soaps for hich you have to pay out money every week. Users of stir LIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for thing. _ Ask your grocer for paiticulars or write us for Premium Lt. A gift is of li t Value if it consists of something, you. have o use for. In!exahange r Sunlight Soap Coupons you qui get. Sorb thing you need and ,- • —.......-- = use eVerydayleO, 2900 LEVER BRHERS IMITED, NTO, CANADA d comfortabl . Naafi:it ilitiGERS BUSI Eft than 96,000 will buy Lot, a, emicasion MeRinop. This farm int" 100 acres of land, has or. it *bank barn 64 tea, with e etone stabling. Also itg• 11-roonied.briels fa tee orchard, good Water,, 44 1. six miles Iron fleaforfh If miles -4f Constincapoat aka, Peaseatiert given at mine- tent to rm..4,, BLANSRARD or E. 111$011LETI worth, I 1925 -if WARN FOR SALE.—Por tele 1 (=anomie!, 2, ak7 .11. R. S., Tuckerneith, oe ts ping 100 aores, *it cleared except about five, octet Of good hard; wood. All underdraleed, wen ferieed and lo a good state of cultivation. A good briap,bourie and. two benison° with stone stooling underneath. Plenty of good miter and * good- bearing orchard. This isirm is well adapted for eitheellitock or grain. . About midway between, Seeterth ndOlintee. Ap ply on the premitee or Seeforth P 0. 11. TOWN- aleND, Proprietor. 1912-tf VNARIE FOR BALL—Poe sale, eLos 21, London 'Road, Stanley, contahiingiag, acres, 90 fume Pearled, the balance is good harawetal timber. . Tbe Iamb well materdrained and welt fenced, and in good eonditeen In every pertioulsWIThit an ex - natant fano, no better in the tow Hain. It is live miles from Clinton and a miles •Atelit Brimfield. Will be sold on reasoneole tenets ne the proprietor it in the implement burnoose. :1 Apply to In TORLINSON, Bruoefield. 1.924.41 - DARK FOR SALE.—In the toinehip of liaborne, X being Lot Ire °monition 2, eenMahig of the eat 200 sera of land in the townsfilpt well fenced and In good sten of oultivation. _Good brick house and, frame boo, convenient to aollea, church and anerket, being may 2 utiles from Easter. For fur - titer. partioularsi apply to D. O. MiHNNES, Exeter, OrTMOS. HIGGINS, env:Mora of the pattern B. 1. AWL% decarined, Or to GLADMAS tia-TANBUItY, seetatets, x5teT.- 19284 SALE CIIIKAP. In Morph y, a oornfort. able trick cottage with Sire rooms and hall, kiteben arid woodebed Mtached hsrd and .of wMer, stabling for three bad of cMtle or borne with ben hose and Pig Pen."a1est.od WI*" pump In nebIe, two and a ken acree of teed On wallah are the Choicest varieties of ali kindi of fruit. 'Me is e wore desirable- property. 10, any Person wanting a comforteble home. Apply on km Prem. betas address- .1011114 MoDONOG.04'':,. Seeforth F. 0, .1.. 19404f voilmm....010.0•04.. ,i,...._....., HOWE AlLEctileast)01BALLA2-7. it (inclob;brick faoea on North Main Street and ties: other W:si, Wit- jin lista Street. The bowie hi it. eine hrtable brit* -..mttege indeontales sbedroome, din hg room, sit- eeng room and kitchen, with good e ler under the whole homes Hard and 40fli water ilai the house. There lege° * geed stable and driving shed. All Muds of fruit on the lot. Apply to 1.'i L. • ALLAN, Londesboro, or to 0. W. ATKINSON;Ibeaforth. ' 11! 1906x4t1 egazauxeirof. FARM FOR SALreeter sale °heap, that beautiful fermin the towrehip of KAU- lop, known se " Tne Mena," situatte one and a halt inlies north of Seeforth. The tun oontaine one bundred mires of the choicest Ian There is A bank baro, large frame house, vidth heal:Mut Inge soma good water,* creek runningliirongh the farm, Good orchard and vineyard* under cut - Siltation and well drained. The situate is excel. tante near oountry school and near Ileglete In - attune 44an idea., country borne.; Immediate venerator). Apply to wie. °ouzel*, a, &Merril, • 102241 1118T ODASS EIGHTY-ACREFAJU4FOR SALE —Being West pert of Lott 1 and, Cenoine on a L. R. S„ Tuek'exemith. Good 1 honoreto, 11 roomed house, 40x28, with kitchen, trotelshed end buggy house attached. There is a neie, bank barn Sifx36, with wing extending to the mouth, 24 feet. Also brick arched roothouse, 40feetunder EanKwaY. All buildings. in good rater. Orehard contain* two and a hen hornet 601 _ winter fruit. „earflap are two neverfalliug went, 6 anas of bush. This fain la in a good state of oultiretion, weir fenced and underdrained, situated 2 itt lee from the village of Beneath For farther part:hinters apply to TII0MAS gatuerog, Mansell, Ontario. 18904f , Tvesinartex PROPERTY:FOR 8411 --In Eg- mondvilte, a comfortable two teteley frame house with brick foundation,toc..tainspatior, Wining room, dining room, kitchen, six bedrooms with closets and balls and good cellar tinder .,the house. Bard and soft water convenient. There is also a good barn MOW feet. Over an core bt land on which arenhe cheiceet varialee of all 104i1a of fruit. The fences are in glicd repair and the phice is well underdrained, It is altuatsd on one fi the finest lots in EgruondvilIe and will be 'eel Joaeonably. Apply to NEIL 1(11,11, Box 79, Seafort !P, O. Id 1943x4 TILLAGE PROPERTY FOR 8ALE.4-kor sale in V Egmendville, a comfortable frame bone vvith three acree of land in a very fertile condition with plenty of eased and email fruits tor fainiir ma also largo barn and outbuildloge in good tepair. The tome has been recently overhsulsd anti contains *even Mame with choice cellar, full triZ4 good wood ailed, also summer kitchen and an excellent spring well and good cistern. Any person deeirliiga com- fortable, quiet home of this deseriptlott ovenferit to town, should not miss this opportunity. Will be sold reasonably and on easy terms. Ppt further ridiculers apply on the premises or Address Eg• mandrill() P. 0„ Wu. BUBOLes :‘ 'Rat: • MRS. WM. SANDERS Dress Cutting SChObi, _ , For 310! will give a$& steam free, and teeth any lady bow to cut, At and put together any article in dress or mantle making in 2 weeks from &lid plainest -waist to the meet elaborate dress that eah be found. In the fashion book, without the use of piper pat- terns. I have taught over 1,600 this last' WIZ years, and offer $100 to anyone I mina teach, or bin prove erne they can learn ea much any other place in two yam. Just think of it 1 For $50 I *Ili teeth any one thitis a dressmaker, or good wawa ard airaWar, teachthis course, giving theni toy leech - ere 'certificate. Strangers rimy board al oohed. A suitable reward given to any one informing ma of any person trying to teach this courtei whloh 1 invented and had pateoted, that does riot hold a tertificete from me. bit xt oleos commences lion- day,AprIl the erd. Write for particulars 4 or see rileat iny erhoci In Stratford, appetite ,windeor liottl, on Albert ttreet, on Saturday, April let ism 210 5 p,m, Una WU. SANDERS, ',readier in Drees -Cutting, Box 169, Stratford P. 0, 1988.02 , • 4 LOGS WANTED. The undereigned it prepared to pey the higiusi Cain price for an unlimited quantity of firefrbiaet Seib Elm. Rook Elm, Basswcxtel, Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Iitige I/diverse at the Seeforth Saw and Stave *11 Log no out an even length, except Soft Elia Soft Elm to be out le and 16 feet, evil ale43 buy Baeswood Heeding Bolts, Fe - 40 Inches long, at 90.60 per cord, deliveried. Wilt (Ilse buy timber by ineatinoment or bX bulk! Mode Sealed attention raid to maim sarntig, a tiefaetion gtiaranteed. WM. ANENT. • y Trou Quickly WO mper- anently a0juated, amae;; fitted prilivrly. Dr. ()veins Lone:100i Treat. Eye, Mir' 1;:llose and Throat. k Lie at Visit APRIL 19, rcial Rotel, Seaforth I THE EVILS OF INDISCRIM NATE \RECOMMENDATION. ESS INDISCRIMINATE INDO SINO !Indorser Goes Onto His Trap as Un - i suspectinely and Innocentlyas the Wild ,Turkeys and Just as Fatally -- Vivid But True Picture 4-,,f the Misery and Injury to MoralslOatised , Thereby. ilietered according to Act rif Parliamen ef, Can. adia,1* di* year 1905, by Frederick Ver. ot Teresse.as she Do's of Airioulture. ,tutere. Los Angeles, Cat, March 26.—rhe this itermon the preacher points ot.T the many dangers in business and norals, of reckless indorsement and the evils id Indiscriminate recommendation. The text is Proverbs vi, 2, "Then art Snared with the words of thy Mouth." There are many ways of killing fsiltrne. The one is to go after, it With gern, ar- row or spear; to slay It, as "Scotty" McDougap. slew Kra,g, the - ,Kodtenay ram of gohntain Sheep range; or to Ile in wait tor it, as did Rou4syn George Gordon _don Cumming, the., might °lion -hunter in African jungle, or to relentlessly follow it'through American forests, as did Pathfinder in the old "orLt,ethaithheorunSdtsuocklz Tales'," or to course asthe old, English sportsman w to chase the faxes over the Lancashire flats; or to pursue it with hawks, as the knights of old in falconry would hunt the birds of the air. As the eyes Of the Jungle :Mona, exchs or the kinees of the -air 1001 into Mee fearlese and unflinching eY sj, Of man, thiP' banter knows that 'art un- steady leancl or aa bullet misear ing its mark one inch may mean his own death, The the "lives of the int ted" might become the "lives of the hUn erS." ITIghtyt must be the exhilaration .of a brave man When Idlling"big gam C Al- most 1nt9x1cated with excitement roust ton forest tm- be thatsmodern Esau; Chanter, adloi, in he solitude f an Africa dreds of miles Inland, hears the eveticl roar of a man eating monster co ng • nearer and nearer to the 'deer II cks. Lying -there, he knows that if h4 can only slay yonder mountain of hun- dreds of human lives, for a man h lion or tiger as been known t 1ietivlla he win save scores and perhaps for years upon human flesh. So fear- . ful do, the natives become of such hu- man destroyers that they have depopu- lated Whole villages and towns, fleeing from th.their ravages, •, ff Next to the actual experienee of Per -i sonaliy hunting the wild beasts of the forest is the faneination of reading about the cmarvelous deeds of the sportsmen Who destroy them. Hunting such animals eingle handed and alone always has had arnl, always will have an attraction for brave men. The hunter's life is a dramatic and an ex- citing ones " But there is a rnore ef- ectual means of depopulating the for - As of their game then the guh,, the rrow or the spear, The trapper's Work as always been more fatal to game han the aimed rifle of a Eft Carton, Where a modean Arnerican Nimrod has een able to shoot one mountain lion ri a night the trapper of the Hudson ay Fur Company was able to cerne to camp staggering under the pelts f ten, twenty, fifty wild beasts Itifietil n the same night, Yes, the trapp eel f a forest As the Rocky mountain ; -ork is tire mosf. widespread and d W- erous and deadly to the wild beasts ear might 1i -tit_ his great shaggy paw to a mercilves trap, whose iron ja.wfl nap shut and whose_ teeth probe their ay through his flesh te the bone, this Ible scene of my text describes ,tho redicament of the ledorser who !feel - thy beconnte the guarantor of a Of-41Pd an acquaintance's honor, As !Cid uln, tugs and pulls to get his leg lode d keeps on tugging ann pulling until _ last he pulls off tile leg or in des - ration" eate ft off to get free and then Net. hobbling away . to his den, ' So Ing SoloMon de:40'1MS the somewhat miler predieeinent Of the 'unfortunate an who 10:8 become a sure.ty for ;his lend. "My son," said he, "if thOu a security" for th Y- friend, * *' *1* ou art snared with the words of WY outh, thou ttrt token with the words thy mouth." • ft le maiming or. rfa fs sermon to wern my hearers and I •uction by an unseen lrap. The 11-1- rser's dangers are great. T pree0 tders , against these enanare1ne1t0 •1114 1 ftleto 1S'arn You against the file Itch are set for many of us At d en I warn'you against the indorse ' an unjust recommendation of 1 - ripetent friends or mere acquaint,: .es for posItIone which you do not teitive4, know they are able to OH, ese two exits came In the same eate-e ee ' illy is the e that of- a p7 Fleet, in dorser'e predi eam ell t , wild beast caught I, la muse he Is enticed I to its dangers unawares, He does nOt rifTIC ilit.ln • out OC ti. sillY Curiosity O from mere idle desire, like the ante- lopes that come nearer and nearer o the white flag waved by1 he hute e charge them, as a -wounded stag might lying hidden in the grass. le does nt turn upon this hounds, or an angry boar, caring not what happens, might rush against the fatal, epear held fait for ins destruction.. J.3t4 the indorser goes into his trap as unstispectingly and innocently as the wild turkeys are caught The trappers build a cage with a small opening, Then they scat- ter corn- along the path leading to the .P.-. at the RUA turkeys, r!11-2 V. -*-7-' neaas clown picking up the cdrn, walk into -the trap, and when they lift.their heads they cannot see tile exit and are easily. slain. He geee into it and is captured as the Mighty Bengal tiger Is caught in a (sage. The .agila beast makes one spring upon •the bleating sheep tie to the stake In the middle e cage, arid Immediately the trap - doer slams shut. $o the indorsers are caught and are like the victims that .Terelnialf describes as" "good man being entangled unaivaree in the meshes of sin. "For among my peeple are found wicked Men. They lay in wait as he that setteth snares. T•hey set a, trap. They catch men." Indorsers. are innocently caught :trap. How?. The merchant is sitting in his office, and a, .friend enters. He says: "Hello. lir. So -and -So. I am - glad to firid you in. I am In a linan- dal hole and want you to help me out; You know spring is here, and I must lay in my goods now for the winter My business was never better than now or prospects brighter. However', in order to compete with my rivals I must branch out and get more stock. The -wholesale firms, say if you will in- dorse rily note they will let me hote the goods. Of course there is abso- lutely no danger of your ever being called upon to pay. Will you Indorse for old friendship's sake?"' You pin the man down. By long argument he seerns to prove that there is no possi- ble danger of your being compelled to pay.' Then, for friendship's sake, you sign the fatal note. Or perhaps the man wants a reoppri- sible position. He is aboutfto be ap- pointed cashierof some institution. says he must have certain, indorsers, and down goes your name. Now, my brother, it would be all right for you to sign your 'tante there if you felt you could afferd to make good that pledge If it ever came back to you. But the trouble Is that most of us, with OUr present financial struggles, cannot af- ford' to pay. Aye, I go further than this—nine men out of ten, ninety-nine" men out of a, hundred, nine hundred and -ninety-nine men -out of a, thousand, never can pay or intend to pay the notes they indorse tor,. the benefit of their friends. As soofie as the notes fall dee .and come back upon the in- doreers they begin to squirm and -twist and try to wriggle out of their diffi- culties. Sometimes by fair, but, alas, 'often:by foul, mee,ne they try to shiiit and repudiate their debts of incieeee.- enent,.. even as some dishoriest rneff clear off their debts- by putting their money in their wives' namee and then, going into a bankruptcy court, ask for a clean financial sheet, Is not the picture true? • What would you do. if you were asked to pay the diehonest debts of year friends which you indorsed? Would you do it? Would you do It even if you had in- dorsed their notes and could find a loophole to crawl out? Would you do it, as did Sir Walter Scott? Would you do it. even thoughsit cost° you your life to die an honest man? Wenld you pay those innersed notes, as William McKinley paid the ones he indorsed for a friend? In order to -pay those notes he literally gave up all his own money and all his wife's money. A short time before his. death he was talking to a ministerial friend of mine, and he said; "Mr. Campbell, people sometimes won- der why 1 am so devoted to my' wife. Could any husband but an ingrate be otherwise when his wife willingly gave a,11 she had to save his honor?" William 'McKinley never expected to be called upon to pay those indorsed notes, but he paid them,' Would you pay, if necessary; those notes you are about to indorse, as William McKinley paid? Or would you repudiate or at least try to repudiate those debts, as hundreds, and thousands .have done? Dare you, with your present nnanelai burdens, risk, the sinful temptation of repudiation which you may have to face if you become a finanoial\ surety for a friend? • But as X see the Old Mother bear struggling to get her paw out of the fatal trap I do not pity her, even -with all her sufferings, nearly as mtieh as I do the little cubs who are dependent *upon her for the& lives, As I see a man struggling. In the inderser's trap, with all' his misfortunes, I do not feel nearly so sorry for him as I do for his wife and. especially for his children, who aro dependent upon him for finan- cial support. Yet to hear sorne people talk. you would suppose that in order to be kind, 'dying, big headed, gener- ous, a man should be ready to help all his friends and when they need °it t� sign all their notes, no matter what might be the financial danger that pan may run in reference to his own chil- dren, Now, my Mends, I believe' one of the best tests of a true, big hearted man is not how he looks after his friends' notes so much as bow he first looks after his own flesh and blOod, Do you mean to tell mo there is any honor, anY Justice, any big heartednesis in a man going upon 4 friend'e note skten in order to do it he may have to take- the very bread our of his • chil- dren's mouth and the clothing off their banice and the old horneeteati away from their inheritance? This is just what many men have done in order to win the name of being big hearted. I recall" to mind one of thla type whom the wtOrld eulogized, as a kind man, hut who purchased that eulogy at a fearful price. TI10 Illan of ' whom 'peak "was for'yeare the president of a - New York company. His income was at least $.0,000 per year; but, theugle he made much, he spent much. Every person in distress could go to him for uccor and get it. Me name was on scores of notes. Every little while he would gather five, ten, 5fteen, of bis flaughtess' friends together and give thorn a banquet and a "good time," The last act of his life was to buy a family -plot for a..policenean who was about to bury hie little girl, When that man died the _beautiful acts of up kindness which he did were recounted atthis bier. ‘ but would you fike me to ten you. the aftermath or the second sowing of that lifeof indiscriminate generosity? Zie notes he had signed for friends Ms - °state liad to pay, The moneys he ha,d ,lent here and there and everywhere t were never paid back. Caring for every One but those of his own house, he became in the sight of God worse than an infidel, His two daughters, to whom he could deny nothing • when he was t the pride of his heart the boy to whom - all e, had to deny themselves every- thi rg when he was dead. His only son, We sra the not afte gave unlimited pocket money and across the seas on pleasure trips, led a few years ago in Chicago for position of a Janitor, and he could get work at that. This was the math of the career of a man who pur hosed the unstable friendships of a fl eting Moment by being untrue to the est interests of his own wife and chil ren. Now, men, you have no right to h Ip your brother with an indorse- enen if at the same time it cornpelfi you o become untrue to those who are depe dent upon you, You have no right to gi e the luxhries to your neighbors until you first provide the necessities for y ur own household, Can you af- ford o pay that indorsement for your Wen ? Dare you risk the temporal and erhaps the spiritual- welfare of your hildren by that hidden trap? But another danger lurks over the Indor ,er's trap, By going upon a friendls note a man may be teaching his friend to be careless—aye, sinfully earele money. Dr. Bowers once rote.: iatTemptation resembles the rocks lwh1c1 rest their jagged sides aboy the vt ves when it is low waterNo .. ve sel d ,re come near them. But after while the tide comes sweeping into th4 bay and billies the rocks under 11004 of Water, so that the largett fillips inay inde in safety above their teeth o death together with the light- est ski " That is a beautiful orator- : leal fig re. 13at the incoming tide will soon b the ;outgoing tide. Then woe betide he boat that lingersthere over the jagged roelts of deatht yet the temporary linanetaf help we give our *Other by indorsements or unjust . credit niay be the means of carrying - them into aposition where they WW1 soore meet ternporat as yeelT as spiritual r XhIPWre • , Why 1empqra1 and spiritual wreck? you ask. • In the ,first place, f start with the pre ise that many people are tempted IJustt as much as they can bear.. lace upon them one extra temptation, and you may lead them to pecomeishonest men and women. For insta ce, the other day 1 was reading albout one of the great pre- ventives 41 crime which was decreas- ing the pr u portion of the number of our criminals. This preventive is the reg- istering aehine which is now plac- ed at aim st every cashier's desk and - in every street car, No sooner is the five cent illece collected than the con- ductor ha to ring up the fare. No sooner is the spool of cotton or the pound of Sugar or coffee bought than the register reeords the sale. At the end of the day, the clerks or conductors must have1 their registers tally with the arnoun of money on hand. Temp- tation is n w :being plaeed at a mini- mum, Les en ,the temptation to crime, and you I seen the number of future criminals. The indo sees trap may not only en- danger th ' indorser, but also the in- doreer's lo ed ones and the indorsee as well, But a rn n to become a security for a friend cy, art stequaintance does not necessarily , /mire to sign a, note for money, He cart, give to an acquaint- ance a letter of recommendation. That letter may; be of rnore value . than money. When : Ulysses S. Grant form- ed his farn us Wall street Partnership with Forth an i Ward_ he did not put - into that flri much money. Though he had been ni ut nant-general and twice President of th4 'United States°, he never*. I had much - o ey. He lived and died a poor man ut he had more than • money. He gave Ferdinand Ward a financial Art ding in the business com- munity and ho confidence of the pub- lic. The mu titude of admirers of the hero of A pornattox poured their 'aith into ie Once. As a result Ward was able to Cheat the trustful public out of lite hundreds of thou- sands, For the crime of that misap- propriation 'rd was sent to prison. What Illyss t. S. Grant,did for Ferdi- nand Ward so rike of us on a email scale have been do rig for our friends and acquaintances. If a man is out of a position and znts help we say, "Sil- ver and gold h a 'X none, but suck as X . have give 1 unto thee." This, however, f. is not the gift grace, but of a false letter of rece endatlon, We fre- quently give eh letters of rearm- mondation wbeh we know that the men to whom i we give_ them are In- , competent or at least unknown to no, and the result is that there are thou - of frainV being perpetrated all over the country not because !bad men are inetigating1, them—there are bad men everywhere—but because good men have alloWed their names to be linked to thoee fraudcareleesly. And there are therusands of good men out: of the positiono .in me which they are qualified to fill' merely because medio- cre and incompetent men or friend- uhip'e'sake have been pushed into those positions by what is commonly termed a, "pull." My brdther, never be secur- ity for a friend.at unlees you are first 41 sure thwhat y u recommend by let- ter le "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the t uth," But my text has even a wider sweep. If men despise th e for whom we un- wisely have Deco e sureties they "are apt to despiee us a.so, and if they learrx to ("wise1, US they re very apt to learn to despise the rel gion we represent, for. say what yOU wjth every, aafeeithe Chriatiall I ve now ever Sadly delinquent, of dod in whom he Profeesee to believe. We are or should be, the lights of the world —the cities set upon which cannot be.hid. If we are =faithful in our dealings with otherour faith lessness reflects on religion and is an Offense against God himselfe This fatt Is never better demonstrated than when a minister Is untrue to his Divine Master and his sacred calling. At the public funeral of a worldly man or a worldly wo4ati sometimeo in order to give comfort to the living a minister will try to sMooth things over, though the dead inn Ix -fay have been an ei- toTtioner, a ;drunkard, a libertine, a gambler or a despiser of the church of the Lord Jesus Ch.rist. Of course we should speak no evil of the dead, and it is not necessary that any one should cause pain by reflections at a funeral, but surely there is a lixnit to postmor- tem laudation. Yet he will tails about a twelve gated gospel, He will say there was pardon for Paul, who was the chief or sinner, and therefore there Is pardon for no. He will not quote the passage, "Except ye repent Pe shall all nkeevise perish," but he will talk from the text, %toe is love," and he *ill try to make people -believe that the unrepentant soul has entered through the paradisaical gates, But I tell you, my brother, even. with the men of the World It won't go _down. If We dishon- or ourselves by trying to become a surety for our friends we dishonor God also. 4- X would beseech of you, therefore, in the smallest details of your life al- ways remember you are the representa- tives of an.sus Christ. Spurgeon Tree said, "Many horses falI at the bottom of a hill because the driver thinks the danger past and the need tohold the reins with firm grip USA pressing" Many men lose their Christian disciple- ship at the foot of the hill after they have, climbed Calvary and descended on the other side. They lose it be- cause they do not serve, God in the lit- tle things,' They lose it because they needlessly throw themselves Into temp- tations' by becoming false sureties for their friends. They lose it because, un- thinkingly, they throw moral dangers In the ;way of others. They lose it be- cause when they dishonor themselves they dishonor Christ. May 'God help Us, one and all, to be true to Christ; then we 'shall be true W our fellow men ityecvery.Way. CASTOR I A • Nor Infants,and. cliiildren, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the -.•1 %Signature e —Mr. an& Mrs. ljohn Weber., o Sebringville, eelebratedi"- the twen- tieth anniversary ol tWir nearailege at their home fruesday -evening, 14th inst, and the evening was spent en- joyably. A lame number 'of Young people from South Easthope were among those in attendance, acooina panied y 'the Maple Leaf band, whieh played a number of appreele atea, seleetions. • , To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to ours. B. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Price, 25c. 1930-1 yr. —A very pleasant tevetit took-plavs at the home uf Mr, and, 'Mrs Chas. Verner, Stratford, one )evening re- rientlY, when Mi. I.Tohn Rover was presented 'with la beautiful -walking team with a solid sliver handle, and Mrs. Hover was ithe noipleni Of a .fine silk umbrella, xis a token of re- ispea from Mr, ililover!o fellow 4m- ployees in (the boiler department of the G. T. R.' shops. Mr. Ins& Mrs. Hover are (plug to Louisville, Ken- tueley to reside. 0.6;#•••••••••=•#.#41###...mmaimim•••••• A. Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itc)iing, Blind, Bleedtng or Pro - trading Piles. Druggists refund melney if PlaZO Ointment fella to Imre any ease, no matter of how long standing, in from 6 to 14 dayFirst application gives ease and rest, 50oIf . your druggist Inan't it, send 50e. In stamps' and it will be forwarded. poet -paid by Paris 'Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1930.6 in. • —Mr. &Elul Carep'bell, 4 pioneer and well-known resident iof the Gore of Downie, died at the Tesidenese of Mr. Thomas MeEwan, lin Stratford, 'apt week, at the age of 78 yea.rs. —On Tuesday, March a4tb, Adam 1i -filler, aged 82(years 'died! at, his home in Stratford, 3er. Willer spent the greater part of his life on a farm in North !Bestirs:pa, before com- ing to. Statford seven year ago. Treated by Three Doctors fora Seyere Attack of Dyspepsia, p;.,••••••••1 Got No Relief From Medicines, But Found It A Last In Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. Frank Hutt, Morrisburg, Ont., was one of those troubled with this most common of stomach troubles. She writes :—"After being treated by three doctors, and using many advertised medicines for a severe attack of Dyspepsia, and receiving no benefit, ,1 gave up all hope of _ever being cured. Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters so highly spoken of, 1 decided to get a bottle, and give it a trial. Before 1 had taken it 1 began to feel better and by the time 1 had taken the second one was completely cured. 1 cannot recommend Bur- dock Blood Bitters too highly, and would advise all sufferers limn dyspepsia to give it a u.4 1 REASON eaneeneeimmemeeeramaretiew Because It is Reliable. Some one has said : "A single fact is worth a ship- load of argument." A few facts: I introduced this tea to the public about ten years agoin that short time the business has grown to -Such proportions that we now occupy the largest Tea warehouse in Canada. This enormous business has been built up without extensive advertising. - The merchatits who commenced handling Red Rose Tea ten years ago are the most enthusiastic in its praises - to -day. The Merchants litho sell it, the people who drink it, have found that it could be relied on The brand, "Red Rose Tea," is accepted everywhere as a guarantee of the highest quality, and those w' drunk itareits best adVertisers. ., • Ask some of ybur friends about it. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St, John BRANCHES: TORONTO, Wi PEG. Ocanty _Furviture 4+14444+1*44444444++++++++ We invite attention to the I:Dag- ni:ficent assortment of Furniture Our display is large. Selections at this store are made easy anid every taste gratified. We are °if- ing exceptional offerings- through the *entire store, .10 ITINTIMIVX.A.METZTG-. Promptly attended to night or day. BROADFOOT, 13 COa M.11 -,Y1 0.orarl 8, T. HOLMES, Mann Is Ittriteyou wantto loo d Then keep then use Halt; Hair Renewer, and have a of earl life restored to your hair. Spring has come'again and come quickly,It hoe, per Lm caught you unprepared in the matter of clothing. The probabili are that it has, but we' were ready for it and are busy turning on suitable garments for those Who were before hand. There is eV chance for you. Our range IV spring suitings and overcoattnge still large, of the best quality and the latest style. Com4 to us and we will clothe you like spring and make you feel like spring, - galefefelefef4.41.449+144elefel4.1444* RIGHT BRaS The Robed Bell Engine St Thresher Co, (rAMITIEDN) fileatOrth " Ontario. Authorized Capital $200,000.00 Paid up Capital $91 900. M. Y. MoLEAN. Presideat A. YOUNG, Vice.;Presideut. DIRECTORS,: CHA8, MoICAY, M. D. J. URE IG W. K. PEABC/E GEO, Ma JOHN FINLAYSON ROBT. BELL WM, 14:WEAR)) M. Y. MoLEAN A. YOUNG MANAGING DIREOTOR—ROBT, BELL SEORETARY—JOH1f pntruYsow BANKHR8--Dom SOLICITOR—R, S. SAYS In order to meg the Increase in huhu,v which le atria , end to enlarge tit premises for building Separgorts, Wind Stackers end Foetlers which luta *Imlay been- comb:It:need, the Directors hive decided to offer 11000.00 sack for Isle et pt; 10 per cent. payable Olt _application ; balance so °idled for by thoCompany, in SUMS nob to ex- ceed 15 per cent, monthly, uatil sills paid up. The whole Amount nett he paid g soy time at option of eubseriber, and dividend, will date from peyment of full emanate The Dividends will be payeble yearly on February 1st, The remaining pro6te, in csath And every year, over and above th e amount paid he dividends shell be set aside to form &Bums Fund, moil such Peeserve Fund shall reaeh $25:000,00. This is a successful going 00/100111, whieh his risen from small beginning.,and hu eta:dial zeurve. greedy paid the/ per Cent dividend promptly eaola year, holdall acuumulging lobe Salem in 1908. S�liiiz 1904., Dividendi paid in 1003,—, Dividendelpeid in 1904, .., RelleV70, MI•If ••••••;1,444•444- 4:44 444. 0444 Depredation Bine Rae. 1: 70,631.29 114,09122 . .....„,...$ 3,141,66 . ... . • „ ... 44444400 5,613.55 44,044 ** •# 4444+,044444 '-'6,948,38 .•........;... :*•yrf**atili 549408450 1444444441,14#4•4•444440 5,338,89 hal#OWN.WW/10 f26,245.98 There le no warersd stock. Every shareholder is on equal feetlege Every *her represents Actual alte The neobere Bell Engine* Threener Cre, Limitcd, hoe $14 tablished busineste wioh is increasing repidly, and peg the experimentol ateige, Thia' is no speculation, hub a legitimate propel:Mon for inveatment, yielding 7 per owe And Ae•cumuieting a reserve whielt will largely Interests the par value of the ahem . The Engine end Thresher btainess atutede it only in ite infancy, The market Almost unlimited. About aeven-eights of ail the Threshing Engine, and Se a use - In Manitoba and the Northwest are imported from the United Stotts. be bought from the hotne manufecturere if they could supply he demand, Tiier duty of 24 per cent. on all goods of this eines imported into Osneds, whioh giv Canadian inenuftecturer a decided saveittege. Sead oubscrptione or write for inform:Won to The Robt Bell Engine & Thres A 01 It 8, HAYS, Soliacor 8eafort ,