The Huron Expositor, 1905-03-24, Page 8a
• •
guRaN mrosiTon
ideal Fence.
Ideal Field Fencin
is this season much reduced
in price. Farmers, get our
prices before buying any
other kind of fence -all No,
9 hard steel wire. 1 Sold by
i •
1-4rdware, Stoves and Coal.
President General Manager
Capital, Fully Paid Up -43,000,000.0o
Reserve Fund and urn
divided Profits $ 3,634,000
Deposits by Public $29.700,000
Total Assets el 38,25,000_
Every faeility for the transacting of
relieve' bankieg business*
Collections Made on ale points in Canada
end abroad.
Advances made to Fanners. Special ate
elation paid to the concretion of Sale Notes.
interest allowed from, date of deposit.
Depoeits of $1.00 and upwards re9eived,
end interest paid or added to account June
30th and December 3.ise.
Ls. Mee, solicitor
Moot Modern H tel in Seaforth
Fully equipped! with hoe and -
cold water bath' lAdies' Toilet
veld to guests.
Rooms, eto. „tory attention
• `
Good Stable m Connection,
D. T. PINKNEY, Prop.
Famous School.
Busineas men b ve learned that our
actuates are- pre ared for posieons of
rust. No achool it Canada can do snore
for its students thee this one. Our grad
eaten always tecurerpositiens. Write for
our free catalogue, ht es a handsome one.
Spring Term ()peps April 3rd.
; ELLIOTT & MotACHLAN, Principals
. ,
Pianos, Ofgans,
— -
And Gramophones.'
- Sold on the Easy Payment Plan.
- We keep. a l'arge .atock of the
beat maker' oe hand. This stook'
is,bonght for cosh and is sold cheap.
All intending purehasere should
coal before buyingi . . .
Gm M. Baldwin & Co.,
Sreig Bells.
We beadle all the very beet lines of
sleigh belle, ell styles and pricer).
Horse Blankets.
Call and see our Hee of horse blankets
with and without stay on strain
Prices 75a to $4.000
The first cOnsideration in buying fur
robes is the quality. We guarantee
our GallowayeBishop and Saskatcheve-
an. Robee to the best quality -that
money can buy. Our prices, quality
considered, are the loweet.
Barmen IMO', Ca,kly's Block
Succesor to W, N. Watson
General FireLife and Accident Insur-
ance egent, Reel &tate and Loan Ageet.
Deeaer in first-class family and Manufac-
turing Sewing Machines aud Cream Separ-
/dors, viz.:
New Raymond and White Sewing
Machiece end National Cream Sep-
arator in three sizes
Aleo aewirg machine needles, oil, attesele
manes, repaint and sundries for all kinds of.
eewing machines. Prices right and ma-
chines fully gueranteed,
Insurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bloyolds. North Main street, Seafortiti.
Good Work
Good Material
1 Valetas of the 'Pest, P. Edwaed Len- The inci, That Growl
t ttronitxtireruiritir non; ,Chorus, Holy, Holy is the Lord,
• 4-eee eee St. James choir, eioprano solo, For- .
evermore, Miss IE. Beatrice 'Scott.; The onl ' guarantee you have that the
Instrumental ,solo, seleotecl,,T. B. I seede yotuy are reliable and will grow
truibieb ; Vocal duet, Lead. Kindly i the etre gth and the reputation of the
Death of Mee. Ball. -The Landon
Advertiser a litht week say: "The
&with, °centred yesterd.a? tif Mrs.
Sarah Hall, widow of Wilson Hall,
janitor of the Quebeo street school,
rwoo eveeks. ago. Mr. Hall, who was
,sr. found dead in bed about
lie; 70th iyear, passe4 aeVa,Y at (Tie-
tofia Hospital. She Is eureived: ty
one daughter." Mrs. Hall was al
one time a eesident f Seaforth. She
was a sister of Mrs. Newton Snow-
don, of Egmondvitle. She bad, been
an invalid for 'a good many years.
Lotion - Deux-tete-It will be re-
peembered that some time ago Mr.
j. G. Crich brought an action for
criminal libel against Mr. W. H.
Willis of thee Itovvn on account of
some statements ma"de by Mr. Wil-
lis In a Weer ave hail en amews-
paper. The case was to have been
tried at. the !recent spring assizes,
but Mr. Willis' eolicetors received a
,cemraunication from the County
Crown Attorney seeing thee "ee
had ibeen instructed by Mr. Crich to
drop the prosecution as he dioleoS not
intencl to pretend; eu,rther with tt.
It may therefore be eansiderett with-
drawn and abandoned."
The Beavers Dinee-eOrt Tuesday ev-
ening the meralaers of the Beaver
lacrosse club entertained the per-
formers in the ealestrele to a tom-
plimentery supper art the Comnaer-
°lel hotel. In tformer years It was
the custom of the. Flub to pine:me
each performer with coraplimentary
tickets fen the en,iteeea.inmenite but
this _year this was not -done, 'in-
stead the peeform,ers - -wee enter: -
tabled -at suppe-r? and it proeed,
most pleasant inovation. The sup-
per &erred by the worthy host and
hostess ,of the Commereial was of the
beet, and was thoroughly. enjoyed
by all. The tebles were then loleared
and Mr. Robert Wilson took the
;chair and a igood:prograrame of mon-
aaenhe! seeeohea wee gone 'through
Threshing Outfit Purehased.-The
Hilibert, Tuckersmith, and Sicleillop
Threshing Company, composed, of
some of the (leading tarmens of the
east a Tuekersenith, the west of
Hibbert and the south of MaKilloe,
'closed a deal with the Robert, Bell
Engine and Thresher Co.„ of, -See-
forth, on Tueseay ;last for the pur-
ohaie of their new threshing outeit
composed of a 20 horse poweV sim-
ple Bell Traction Engine and a Me -
Donald Combined. Threshing and
Cutting- raaohine and neind stacker.
The torap.ntition for thee outtilt, a-
mong the mantlfaetuiers was 'very
keen. There were , repreeentateves Sawyer ee Massie, Hamilton ;
George White en eons, London, and.
J. J. Case Company, oe Racine, Wise
c.onsin, present, when/ the ;deal was
closed, but the iconapany after due
enquiry; and 'consideration decilded
to patron eize • the home .establese.-
F.rom, Dakota. -Mr. William Smith:-
ers, 'who has many friends ameng
our readere, writes, exam Endorlin,
Nort.h 'Dakota, onOYfareltee3th, a•s
fellows: "1 a -tow take the liberty
of writing yon. few lines, to leteeny
friends in ane around Seaforth know
that ;vve are -still alive here en North
Dakota. We ave ha& La, very fine
winter here, d tie !the excepitio-a of
a few weeks, ity lob. were pretty cold.
This last month *tor so has been just_
like spring and (there is no Sign of
snow on the ground. Some of the
farmers are busy 'ploughing and get-
ting their ground ;reader for chested.
The immigrants, are tstarting to, go
theough here by the train loads, all
going to Alberta, and the Canadian
Northwest. t is surprising where
so many of them come from every
year. I am still ;working for the
Vale Road, orapeery. I was (firing
up till this spreng, when I passed
my examination for engen.ear, and. so
halve ,been running ;an engine •oal -the
road tor the past month. Wishing
be kindly remem.bered by all old Sea -
forth friends."
The Late William Smith. - Mr.
Wilhlam Sralith, the subject of this
sketch, who died. in Egraoadville on
the llth of March, 1905, first isaw
the light of kley on the 21st of Jan-
uary, 1826, in the township of Ems -
ley in the 'county' of Lanark. When
'a young man he learned the tanning
business With Mr. Halliday, of the
town of Perth. ,After 'that his bro-
ther, Thomas and 'himself went to.
Durham in the 'county of Grey and
started a tannery there Whichlthey,
vonducted • in company for some'.
years. He sold ode his intereet iln
this business to hie brother and tame
to Brussels in •this eounty and en-
gaged in _the tanning business in that
village, but owing tto a death in
the family he eold out in Brussels
and returned to. Emsley to assist
hid father on the farm. Finally his
'father sold the farm and they both
came to Tuckersrnith, about twenty-
five years hg.o Ando resided near the
Red School House for a number of
years. In 1887 he was marriedi to
the eldest daughter "of the lathe John I
MoNaughton and came to Egmond-
ville, where he 'resided untel
death. Mr. Smith was a man of
sterling integnity whase word as
as sacred as this bond. He was at con-
sistent member of 'the Presbyteelan
thuroh and a life (lone Liberal in
politics. He leaves a widow but no
family. He is also !survived bybis
brother, Thoma, of Durhamand
tWO sisters, Mae. McDougall, ot
North Dakota arid ;Mrs. David. Moore,
of Egmondville.
` St. Patrick's Dy. -The memory of
St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ire- '
land, was :fittingly 'honored. in Sea -
forth by a eaered /concert and
twain St. jamease church' on Friday
evening. Although the Toads were
bad and the etreets slushy and disa-
greeable, there Was et good attend-
ance, the oommodieue lend pretty au-
ditorium ibeing well felled, The en-
ter t a. in men t was g et en up under
auspices of the church choir, of
which Mrs. P. Mulcahy is the eery
efficient leader and. Miss Daly the
accomplished organist. The pro-
gramrae was well arranged and well
carried out and. It he several numbers
were delightfully rendered. The
preerarome was as *follows: Organ
voluntary, Miss Daly; 'chorus, St.
Patrick, St Jamee" 'chair ; Soprano
solo, The Da -v. -met Redemption, Miss
M. Beatrice Scott; -'violin. Cavatina,
Miss E. M. Connor Base Solo, 0 Dry
Those TeaesseePrank Devereux; chor-
us, Lauda Sloe, St. Junes' choir;
Tenor solo, Ninety and Nine, Walter
A. Pickard; instrumental ;trio, Calve'
alieria Rusticana, The ;Misses Daly
and Xi:iS Connor; Baritone solo,
Light, s. P. Mulcahy, F. Dever—firm you buy from. We Tare the largest
etix ; Sole, iseleeted, Miss E. -Ryan ; heed dealers in the county, which positioa
Chorus, St. Janues thoir. The inter. we have attained by telling only good,
mission between the 'Lest anal See- Beund, eel oted seeds, THE KIND THAT
ond parto of itbe programme was fil- GROW. You get your money's worth
led by an interesting address by every tim . It pays to get the beet unless
Rev. Father Norehgraves, an which you wan to be diaappointed with your
lee gave an !account .of tteeorigin and Eeasotee rorI.
career of pt. CPetrick, miking spec -
la! reference te -his zealous labors
for the prepegation of the Christian ,
religion in Ireland.- He 'also referred ucoesorj to Hamilton &K.erslake, Ceth
to some of the objectionaible laws
from -which Ireland has suffered and the ,
the consequetat agitation or home
rule. The Reverend gentleman was iflis
listened to .m.ost 'attentivete
ly and. the 'Leieeebe
only fault hes excellent address had the p 0
was that It was too short, 'but that
was unavoidable under tile eircura- : errellelegmPl;
stances, • ' the pa
. I, tution.
, Cheekers.-A checker match wag ' Chatha
'played ha Seaforth. on Thursday ev- perfor
ening of last Week between the 'clubs his rye
of ,Seaforth and Clinton, resulting en'Trinity, church. He returns to -day
a -victory for Seeforth by 18 garaes to and will preach his farewell sermon
liteor6:ansod14draws. The following ie , as incuMbent of St. Thomas church
on Sueday next, leavinwith les
•.Seaforth won Clinton won draw ' family for Chatham on Monday af-
ternoo -We learn t hat Mr. ,Andr.ew
Oke 1as sufficiently eecoeored eo
jushifye his leaveng. !the hospital in
Lando but he is still remailneng en
the ei:
14. y so es to be convenlenit 'to
the et spite'. for daily treatment.
The d otors • 'DOW have (good hopes
of eavr I. Iiis hand, but they are still
eradoci ed as to (whether or not an-
other' operation for the (removal of
a por ion of the bone of• the ftnger
elub rooms on Monday evening, the tat 'ire Toronto by a severe atteck
_Kmaayy, or ho.TheWrieaSSB:orjrni111111•OdininiWthe01.horpq:.
Clinton shortly. The 'club held, their
last tournament ofethe season in !the,
27th. ;play emrimenciag at 7.0 sharp. of pneumonia is limproTtnig and his
All players ate, crequestedi to be 'on,
• amormasusano
forth public library. The
will be given next week.
ary is kept conetantly sup-
th th.e latest and beet and
uler librarian, Mr. John
n., is always tteaely to ob-
supply the Tequirements of
rons of this excellent instil -
Rev. Mr. Iledgins (went Itie
on Wednesday, twhere he
ed his firet ofeletial actin
parish, a Marriage en Holy
Broderick 3 Hoover 2 1
McDonald 2 Wiltzer 1 3
Scott ' 0 Cook 4 2
Carapbell 1 Johnson 1 1
Shanahan 4 Holden I 4
Wilson I Grant 4 1
Coiling . 4 Watts 1 1
Kennedy 3 Melewen 2 1
18 16 14
Seaforth play the return game in
Mlllinery Opening. -The opening display
of tOrnmed millinery will be on Friday, Marsh Wel
and on Saturday, April 1st. The very lathes styles,
shapes and combination in trimming will be shown
in wonderful variety. Mike it a point to ree out
new millinery. The display is for you and your
friends. The E. MoFaul Co., Seaforth. 1946-1
• Hog Tronghe.-Best galvanized steeli,
450 per foot. 'Reid di Wilson, Seaforth. 1945.2
Wented.-Glirl to learn dress making,
Apply,tp Miss Knechtel, fleaforth. 1945x1
Seeds at .A.k Young., recleaned export
red clover seed. free hom rib -gree., aIsIke incept?,
white, dutch, also Orchard and Kentucky bluegrees
and timothyseed, the beet we could buy. A,
'Young, Seaforth. 1944-2
Get our priest' on Burlaps, varnished
golds, -silk ffset., eto Largest, wall paper stook in
the county Wall paper from 80 per roll up and
hung for Sc per soli We claim the best Workman*
ship in Seaforth and ono furnish the proof Janke
Graves, Elesforth 1945x1
.Special Notice. -Our new Spring Stook
b complete in every particular. Everything bright,
fresh and strictly The very latest
American styles from Boston and Brooton,liase.W11
Seaforth, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoe
for ladies and -George A Slater enoee for men 19482
Horse Clipperse-Heed and power, large
assortment. end& Wilson, Seaforth. 194512
To enn LADIES.-SWit.ohes Made from
combings. Miss E. Rose, over W. N. Watson's office;
North Main street, Seaforth. 188541
Wail Papee.--Somples latest American
wall paper, burlaps, mualins and up-to-date decor-
ations. Border* same price as papers they •match.
Not hung free of charge but tor 7o per roll in a
clean workmanlike maLnar. Samples can be been
and order° taken at the Kandy Kitchen. We are
the men who do the good work. Walter Smith,
J. Paterson, Seatortb,, 19644
many ' friends leope for his speedy
feacovery.-The snow is disappearing
very 113ra:dually . and without any
serious flood, but tbe roads both in
town and .country ere still eery bad.
-Mr W. W. Gov;enlook, ,North Main
sir -ft' , returned on Saturday from a
two veeks' visit :with her 'daughter
and ther friends in Toro,nto.-Mme.
Richeril Wright has reterne.d from
Rochester where she bad been vis-
itingher elaughters.-Some eelt dIs..
posed person threw la snow ball or
•olne sof ice through the (glass sign
of riesrs. Ori -ch Bros a few ;even-
ings ego. judging from treports it
wou? seem that some of our peace
officrs need some -sharpening up. -
Mr. F. Holme,sted was corkfined to
his -esIdence a couple of days by au
atta k of sciatica. -Miss Annie E.
You e, -daughter of, Mr. James
You g, of North Main street pas-
sed jpeaoefuiiy to the laeeber 'land on
Mo day last. Miss Younz, has been
a s vere, but patient sufferer for
sol, time. The remains were tak-
en Io Clinton 'for interment on Wed -
MS ay.-Virs. T. P. Coleman left on
Tue day to spend! a few weeks with
frie ds in Toronto, Hamilton and.
Oa ville, old home. -Mr. Frank
0' rien, who has *coupled Mr. R.
Me artney's fame on the Mill road,
Tu kersraith, for some iyears,moved
his family this 'week to the Morels=
fa ra in Hibbert, about a mile east
of Chiselhurst. Mr. O'Brien.has got
ia1, ood two hundred re farm there.
.Don Lewis Imperial Sweli Musical Oom- 11 will be missed in Tackersneith
edy. Carry eighteen people. Cierdno's Opera an especially around Brucefield._
House. Mareh inet, 1905Booked through thelinain 1)S1 s. Geonge Duncan, bf Woodsboek,
Hne ,oircuit. .• i945-1, ',is here visitting her mother, Mrs.
a , re mes Sutherland. -Mr. James Mc -
Local Briefs. -The regular 'meeting I tosh is having nn auction sale- of
of Britannia leasonie (lodge inaiel be hi thorouglabred, Shorthorns on the
31,th of this month; iereparatory to
ening into the d•aery lealiness.-The
: arpurhey people have got their
s'clewalk elearekel of ,now all the
e ay from they'Seafcirth boundary
est. -There was a meeting of the
wn icouncil on Monday evenlng but
ere was no business of importance
transected. -Mr. W. R. Blanshard
1 ft this week for Sturgeon Falls,
-here he will Ienera,ge in the bundling
usinns.-The Electric Light Com -
any have had Mr. John D. Barnett,
to his residence lby illness for iseveral tssistant mechanichl superintendent
-days, ;bet we (hope to sec hixn around of the Grand Trona Railway, at
again soon. -We mentioned lant week etratford, here to value the el-
thet Mr. Ell Makins bad simielled etriclighting steam plant. The ob-
over 19 tons 'of .coal off a car in (flour ject o± this is to ascertain which
hours and a half. Mr. 'Wm. Sclater of the two valuations made under
wishes us to eLate thaill the 'baleen his the .direetion of the ceuneil OEs near -
employ a man ever 70 yearsof age, est eorrect.-The funeral 'cortege of
who can beat Mr. Makins' ; accom- the late Miss Annie Young, . which
started ,for Cientop on Wednesday,
did not ;get mulch passed, Thornton
Hall _when they had to turn back
on =count of the bad roads. The re-
mains were sent by train the same
eveninee-Mr. George Holland, Mer-
chant of Beechwood, istarted for Sea -
forth witla his' team on 'Wednesday
afternoon and lied to turn back be-
fore he got ear end take a horse and
'cutter. It is ainaost impossible to
driye a team ori the roads as they
are now. -Professor Docenwend, the
tsTenial hair . artist of Toronto, who
always does a good. business here,
will be at the Commercial hotel on
Thursday of next week. -Mr. J. 11.
Reidis on the (invalid list at preemie
While in Toronto superintending a
large job which ehe furniture com-
pany have there, the fell off a dray
and strained: the ;cords in his neck,
and broke a boneein his hand, besides
being otherwise'shaken up. -Mr. S.
W. Cady is Imouening` the loss of a
very fine overcoat, some person hav-
ing taken it from a pee in the hall
of the Dick House one -evening last
week, while he Was in. at supper, and
leaving a very inferior one in its
place -Mr. limpleby has cosigned his
posi thin at the woollen mill and is
leaving town. - ;Another of the
worthy pioneers of this distrdet in
the person of Mrs. Hugh M. Chesney
'of Tuekeremitie passed away on
Thursday last at the age of 81 years
and five months. The funeral takes
plaice on Saturday, to the Etemond-
ville cemetery, service it 2 (Polack
and funeral at 2.30. -In the big fire
in Ponoka, N.W.T., east week, our
old friend, Mr. John A. Jaekson,
barrieter was so unfortunate as to
have his °Mee burned, losine his law
library and. other veluable docu-
„ .
Fire. -On Tbursday night ef last
week about `ten !o'clock the usual
peace of the town was disturbed by
ihe sounding °fern& fire alarm. It
was soon seen that a dense volurae
of smoke was lissuing from the jew-
elry store of Mr. Russel McNaught
in the Donainian Bank block. The
firemen and a large crowd of citi-
zens were speedily on hand. There
was plenty of ismoke to be seen and
It was thought that where:there was
so much smoke there must be Some
fire,' but it twee very diffinult te lee
cate It. However, to he on the
safe side willing helpers soon re-
moved the most of the( Stock to
places ef safety and the firemen eena-
nrinee menced to seareh in 'earnest ;for the
g this tire spot and finally located it at the
w and f bottom of a Ipaetition Wall almost
deer to ig, under a solid hardwood floor and
held; in the dodge room .on Mendey
evening next, and on which oacesioe
tbe disteict deputy grand' master
I will .make his 'offioial viset.-Mr. ,Geo.
Hart, janitor of tbe Peesbyterian
church, has been confined to his
residenee for two weeks by illness. -
Miss Dolena Wilson had the end hf
the first finger of her left hand
araputated on -Fridey of last week.
The• operation Was rendered. •neoes-
sary as the [result of a felom-her.
Robert .Govertleek has been corifmed
plishment all hollow. -A Toting
son of Mr. Robert Steele, got his
hand badly injured while working
the picker in the woollen mall last
week. -Mr. Wm. Habkirk has pur-
chased from Mr. S'tepleen Lamb the
handsome grey team -which have. been
in the livery tor three or four years.
Mr. Habhirin has purchased. 75 acres
of Mr. Rebore porenlock's farm,and
is Ig'oinre to (work ;H. -Mr. Hugh J.
Grieve has ,disposed of leis milk busi-
ness and stock to Moliateeh %withers,
of Moleillop, sons of -Mr. James Mc-
Intosh. They take poSsestseon, the 1st
of April. Mr. iGrieve's patrons wil
fixed the new proprietors 'abbe -tug, Te
liable young mee, who will serv
them as faithfully and regularly a
their former milk man, and, that lie
saying a zood deal es Mr. Griev
was very populate.with all 1 his( pat
rons.-Mr. W. C. locaroyd; Teturne
homc. on Monday night. Mr. Le.
royd is moving ins family from her
-Mr. B. 13. ;Gunn, M. 1'. was home
from Ottawa over Sunday. -A de-
spatch from London says: 0n
Salurday Murdock McLennan, la
London ,commercial traveller, 'vis
stricken with paralyses while on
business trip to ThamesvlJ1e. r.
McLennan was taken to his home lin
London." Mr. McLennan, is on ehd
Seaforth boy. Ile is well known no
the ibueiness men of this eounty end
was much respected and very
We regret to 'learn that Mite -
est advices do notegive .much hope
for his necovery ibut bis numereus
"friends ivill hope for the beet. -
Mr. Little, of iTuckersraith, sonein-
law of Mr. George Brownlee, has
leased the residence of Mr, Neil 1il1
in Egmondville, and lis emning LlJiere
to reside until be gets his own ees-
idenee on the 13Y1cMann property cl:nm
pleted.-The millinery opening
Seaforth 'take place; on. Friday and
Saturday of next (week. They p orn-
ise to be better and more atera tire
than ever before, and (the ladies may
safely anticipate a great fenst.-
Every person should bear in nind
tbe Beaver Lacrosse eVfbastrel en-
tertainment this evenenee en a di of
the Gravenburet Sanitariurn Ifo , eon-.
sumptives. The object is to raise
sufficient to endow a cot en :that
institublon which will be fr e for
patients from Seaforth end vi
The entertainment is good, tie ob-
jeet raost laedable land the house
should be erowded trom the stage
to the ahoors.-The Seaf,ortli filling
Company have hadi their erg tee re-
paired and the nill has been t
full blast, night and day duri
eveek.-Anotber good list Of n
popular books has been a
I +.
not zontigemes to the ntohe. The
blaze hed not isterted: although the
fire seelned to fbe smouldering and
(smoking int the rw'ood of thedander
floor, but how It got !there le still
a mystery., After finding the spot
the flee was soon 'effectually ex-
tinguiehed. Mr, MoNaught will aose
loonelderable by the eenneea.1 of his
goods and the disarrangement of his
buslness. The interior of the build-
ing was also earn un considerably,
and damaged by emoke and water.
We presume Mr. MoNaught %Sill re-
sume business When the building tan
; be put in order.
Faxen SoleteeMr. James Campbell
.lhas sold; his fine farm on the Bron-
son line, Stanley, to Mr. Xotlin
Scotehmer for the eum of $5,000, Mr.
Campbell Wends retiring. from
(farming and we ihope he may be long
spared to enjoy the fruits of an in-
dustrious and well spent early man -
'hoed. As he is givinig up terming
ihe will have an auction, sale of his
stook and chattels on Thursday,
lefareb, 30th, when that veteran, auc-
tioneer, Mr. E. 034Yssenberry, of Zur-
ict, will wield the hammer.
Seeoial Notice.-teur new Spring Stook
Is complete in every particular Everything bright,
fresh and strictly up-to.dato The very latest Ameri-
can styles frern Boston and ERC401], MM. W. H.
1 Willis, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for
ladles and George A. Slater &toes for nen, Sea -
forth. 1943.2
! An Exchange. -Mr, Geo. Brownlee
has exchanged farms evIth his see,
Robert, Mr. Brownlee taking the
eapt half of lot ,21, on the eth conces-
sion, L. R. IS., 50 acres and Mr. Rtebt.
Brow-nlee taking lot 23, on, the earns_
concession, 100 acres and 'they b,ave_
eaph, changed residences. Mr. ROA.'
Brownlee ;previously owned, ;the 50
acres. adjoining leis new place, so
that he now has a very finelarin of
150 acres. In the ‘texcha.nge the 100
acres was valued Let $5,600,and the 5Q
acres at $3,300.
Notes. -Miss Simmons hate (return-
ee from Brussels where she was the
Ignest of her brother. -Mr. 3. ,Lov-
ell entertained a large number of
his friends Tuesday evening.-Sehool
opened in the ttewn, hall on Monday.
-Reeve Harris was in Toronto last
week, -Mr. E. Armstrong eeft for
Manitoba on Monday. -Mr. !Neil Mc-
Neil and fatally deft' for Allen Park
last week where tbey will reside. -
A public; meeting (for all who are
interested in the erection of a new
town, hall this eutamer, was hem in
the town hall on Friday evening. -
Owing to the death of a brother,
Mr,. N. 3. Robinson left for Oakville
on Monday. -Rev. E. IA. Hall was 'en-
able to get ever the bad, Toads pn
Sunday, so Mr. ea 'Hartley occupied
the pulpit in tbeEpiscopal church.
Notes. -Mr. J. Phillips purchased
a fine Newoptrabe piano from Mr.
Hoare of Clinton. last week. - Mr.
Meyers, London, has been in our
neighborhood, purchasing stock or
London market. -Mr. Thomas Rob-
ertson has sold this houree to Miss
Holmes and Dr. lietcQallum will move
into it shortly. -Mr. James Hill has
moved into the house lately occu-
pied, by Mr. Mhos. Lawson -Misses
Hen-derson and Curry from Ridge -
town,' have opened up a millinery
and dressmaking shop. -Mr. Weed -
head, our tailor, has secured, two
apprentices. - -Educational (sermons
will be preached in the •Methodist
church on Sunny next by Rev. Mr.
Clement. -There passed away on
Sunday last Mrs. Robert Sanderson,
of Clinton. Deceased' was Well
knewn arounh here, having- lived
near the village for about 30 years.
She reeved to Clinton. a 'few years
ago. -Mr. F. Brown is able to be a-
round again. -Master Edwin -Adam;
of Clinton, spent Monday last at
home bere.
Notes. -Mrs. Chubb recently got
word of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Knowtel, of Detroit. -Mrs. T.
M. Hamilton. entertained ;a. number
of her Cromarty (friends 'on Friday
night. - Mr. 'Switzer has removed
with his family to Dakota, where
they will in future residee-Mr.Wil-
ibert Jonesetarted for his home in
Harniota, Manitoba, -on 'Tuesday, af-
ter • spending the (winter with rola-
ti'ves in this teicheity.-Mr. and, Mrs.
Wilson were at (Greenway last week
celebrating the *ever weedang of
Mr. Wilson's brother. -Mrs. iWnotaS,
and Miss _Hicks ef Logan., were II'S-
MOO, at Mrs. IT. M. Hamilton's last
week.—Mrs. brake en tprtaintetcli a
number of her friends last Wednes-
day eveningee-The Cho's= Friends
had an. At -Home (Monday evening.
They treated, their erien.ds to an
oyster supper and: tafter that had an
in programMe In ,evluich
those who took pare acquitted them-
selves most creditably and to 'the en-
joyment of their listeners.. All pre-
sent enjoyedthe evening very much.
-Miss Nettie Norris has returned.
home from visiting ;her nister, Mrs.
Sad) News. -On Friday night of lost
week, Mr. D. Se.therlaed of this vil-
la,* received a telegrana from Ken-
ton', Manitoba, from his freendi Mr.
William Hudson stating that his
son Sinclair was dead. Tee telegram
also stated that Ilie had died, from
'diphtheria and 'that ithe decitor in
attendance bad; ordered a private
funeral. The news was ell the more
unlooked for and shocking when
(considering that the 'deceased's -
friends were just treading a Jotter
posted by him ion Menday, March
13th, in which no evidence pf the
above was hinted et but on the eon-
trary he seemed; Ito be .in the best
of spirits. Up to the tame of writ-
ing nothing beyond the tele,gram
has ibeen received so that no further
particulars can be given. It seems
almost impossible to beIleee that be
who left our enidet only pone week
before last, a promising (youth of
19 years, is now nunabered; among
the dead, Sinclair was tilway8
bright, eheerylad, who (made many
friends whose ;sympathy is now ex-
tended 'to the bereaved parents and
to his brother and. sister.
Briefs. -No (service was heed here
last Sabbath as the, condition of the
roads prevented our (palter, Rev.
Mr. Birks, from getting here. -Mr.
Wm. M-cIntosh had Ito turn back on
Saturday last after having gone a-
bout one-quarber of fa mile as the
toa.ds were Impassable, consequent-
ly Constance and illa,rlock had to
read Friday's papeiee over again
while the little araps were making
fresh news for Monelay.-Mr. J.
Brown is supplying a largo amount
of wood bo the people of Kinbu.rla.
-Mr. 13. Riley entertained -a 'number
Our New
ready to wea
are priced from
50c to $5
Our New
ready to wea
are prieed from
3 to $7.50
I Spring Openin
50c to $2.00 per -
Millinery Opening
3Ist of lst of
Come and see our geat
play of Up-to-date Milline
Nolf ELT1E
&o &o (ke dzo
The Ei• MoFaul
Goode Co., Seafo
birthday party, fer his son. Charles, house and two wares, of land fro
rIckfr'siendsDay7. liTre OeoasiOn. was a - r. Wesloh Ihe.s purchased t
evening of 44 txat- hOeisapblitnhte.enrdsj-orberimi:lin:s t;faezlizeichier,:m
s-wtoMarpkri.esfj.o_or:trhsBeflistuRtertoonbemel:trtasoi4331tlbagra:41:41tea- oTtkel. setoorrineieenehiats door
do amero,.hhioe.c viz;
ill on Mo 'day afternoiOn lase ,:_but shoe store. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Witmer
under ehe tor's tare, she, is irecov- Ihvaity:_hbaeleven. beare:e4:nv 1:avniisbituirng-g vtirsiiptie__
pieurgomraislisle sIyorupbein lat,150401Ster3i:oeat.r T.thioxs.
ering.-Some have norametteed. Mak- ‘frviaetnetisrl.0-0Mcoru. nBteyn.-ja;ri.rivS.tirsaorz:
this industry. -On Thursdey, ela.reh entruber from Ilirnols, has been'
30th, at 2 p. na., there will be a here for a few day -s. -Mr. Ceivin
meeting of the 'Ladles' Ail& at 'the Williams has returned to Port Hut.
home of Mrs. James Ilhaohley. Tea on after a few aveelos otay, at tea
will be serve& from -five, to six p. home here,
ln. All the. ladies of ;the 'congrega-
tion will be ;
Notes. -Mrs. Peter, who'
was very sick- with pneumonia for-
a week or two, is recovering, and
will soon be all right again. -john
and James Lacey, who spent the
winter here with !their brotite.r Mull:t-
hew, left last week for Detroit,
where they have scented tgood posi-
tioes,-joseph Gauley, ovho spent
the winter here, ;left for Winnipeg
last week. He is a smart young
roan, and will kin weli in the West. -
The roads are in a very bad ist.ete
now. We think pathmasters ehould
try 'to make thean passable as isome
places are _really impassable, notab-
ly nearly opposite Mr. Peter O'-
Sullivan's, sr., on -.the Huron road.
Briefs. -Mt. Ernest Gies, of the
Blind line, said a splendid: typo oe
the farm horse to Mr. Johns Tor-
rance, of Clinton, east Friday, for
which- he received: the tidy GUM trf
$190. Mr. -Glee 'always has good.
horses. -Mr. Chris Locher SC.11Tagr has
bought out the bakery of Mr. Chris.
Eilber and tpok noseeesien MANI-
dxy last Me. ElIber hos been -com-
pelled to give up baking on account
of his health. Ile will eonducti the
confectionery business in 'connec-
tion with, 'the bakery as tormerly.
Mt. Charles Fritz the.s purehased. the
flour and feed stock of Mr. Schrag.
-.The property two miles and a half
west of Zuricb, on the Zurich roa&
which was sold by auction has been
:purchased by Mr. J. 3. Merner for
$800. 'There are 16 aecres of landi and.
It has on it a louse, 'barn and drev-
ieg eleed.-The Hey Agricultural So-
olety have agreed to hand over their
new agrimiltural !grounds to the
trustees of Zurich; for a term of
yeare. This will assure the village
of a suitable play ground, antle.park
for both old and young, This is a
good move and will be advantage-
ous to both society and the ivielage.
As soon as (spring opens shade
treee ;Will be iplantee, the ground
levelled * and everything nut into
good shape. The old ohow hall will
be sold if possible and: a new ball
Briefs.-Anotber of the nioneere
of this &strict has passed aweee.
We refer to the aeath of Mrs. Mary
Baker. She was one eif the first set-
tlers south of Zurieh and came here'
when the 'country was nearly all
bush, She was married tbree times
and survived all her husbands. A-
bout es year ago she -went to Brus-
seLs to reside with her danehter
there. The remains are to be
brought bere and interred in. the
,Bronson line cemetery' on Friday -
Mr. Benjamin Holtzman and two of
bis children, from Pigeon, Miehigan,
are here visiting friends. -Our mer-
chants have started hhe millinery
business for this season. They have
lots of nice things, just such as will
please elleeyes and delight tbe
hearts of the eadies.-Mr. C. Fritz
has disposed of the flour and feed
business which he 'recently purchas-
ed from Mr. Sehregg, to qr. S. Ran -
'nee, who will hereafter 'carry on
the business. -Mr, William Fritz has
leased the far famed Grind Bend
hotel from Mr. Joseph Brenner and
takes possession on "the first of May.
-Mr. H. Youngblut has removed his
raeat store to the shop one *door
emetic of Mr. D. S. Faust's store.-
Mr. Jacob Oesch has sold his house
and one acre of land on the Zurich to grew into each other's elfaiaciee
road west, to Mr, H. Fleishman. Mr,
than at or after midele
never showed a nicer variety. You iviii sworn*
them. Be sure and see our before you buy. lea.
*Awards, Ballield.
See tbe new pBarintreatititlw. white goodLW:
Bree.zee,-Robt. McMurray was at
London on business Friday.-Meaa
Nellie Martin has been visrititn*
Gaderich townehip.-Mr- and. ifeee
Wallace Johnston, Bauble line, en-
tertained a number of our young
people ttne eveeino, last week. --Mm:
W. Nicholson, who the.s been livine -
with her son John, has mored to
the village and now occupies Thomai--,
Stinson'e house. -R. Wilson, of Sete _
forth, was in ;town a few days last
ieeek.-Capt. Thos. Pollock, who hes -
been -Visiting- here, eeturned to Sete'
kirk this week. -W. 3. Peek staTtat
Tuesday for Rugby, iNorth Dakote,
after a, pleasant visit home. -Wee -
Robinson, of Seaforth, was here‘a
few days this (week. -Mrs. Clark a
Miss Lewis, of London, are ieuests of
Miss Marks: -Mr. axideMes. John Pei
Jock enhertaine,di a number ef their
friends Monday evening -A. Mc-
Gee moved, last rWtek to a farm of, Naf ter; 5n Celdeeleb
Golden exTedaling.-Mr. and elm
Walter McGowan, of East Wawane
osh, celebrated ;their golden wed,
ding a few days ago, surrounded by,
many of their eleseendante act
friends. Mrs. McGowan was the
fourth daughter of Wm. Cummins,
of Trafalgar, Halton leeway. The
Ac011plo were married tin 1855 by the.
late Rev. John Gillespie., of the Un-
ited Presbyterian -church, Esu -
Ing, who -died. tin Toronto threeyears
ago. Of ieigh.t 'children, two sons anet.
three daugleters survive. Anieng
those peeserre at ithe celebration was.
Mr. Alex. 14tewman, taf Tomato, who e
was, beet man 1st the wedding. Atter
an excellent dinner had been scrod
Dr. McLean, of ;Blyth, their pastor,
for 39 years, ;conducted 'a :short sere
vine, in the sourse of his remarkIC
ferring TO the ossistance he had ale
ways received in his church woe*
from Mr, and Mrs. McGowan. That
they may be spared ;to /celebrate
their diamond wedeltine As, we ero
mire, the ointero twish of dhe tem.
teems .friends of this worthy (=pie
here and elsewhere.
Briefs..Th;e regular montbly fale
will be held ton Tuesaay next.-fr. -
Joseph Viebeatley, of Harlock, has
purchased the residence of eft's. Web
Trewin for $800 and will occupy it. -
Mr. John McGill will leave, here for
the west next week. -Mr. Cherie*
Roadhouse ha e purehased Mr. Adam
Glousher's house and lot for $450-ee
bliss E. Combs, ef Jamestown, is vie-
iting Mr. end Mrs, James Cutten
Mr. D. M. 4McBcat1i hes disposed of
his mercantile 'business here to elre
Chambers, a Anaberley. • Mr. Mee
Beath dove not intend eto leave Ellyn(
but he has neat been enjoying
health and desires a rest from tee
cares of business for a time,e-While
walking along ate street in Toron-
to, on Tuesday of it week, Mr. Jh
Moffat, formerly of Blyth,
on the Icy side vi.-aik and broke
thigh bone in the fall. -Rev.
Howson, paltor of the Askin street
Methodist reaureh, London, preaebe4
to a very lar,en congregation last:
Sunday night on ithe subject, 44 lereef
Courtship artaelarriag' e treatireg
the matter in the light ofone of the
most serious problems Of life, Ile ad-
enecated early marriages eontending
that it was easier for ftwo eleeele-
itg 4
" atm