HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-24, Page 51905 ORE eather s ttrefeetory r`h ttlirigtersett lel footwear, isfactiou ; all -east po rk at all reef& 7 —Mr4. Sware 'returned last hero they had xrd Mrs. NV rite e same week eetethter, Mr. City. -Mr. he appearance the west tart k. -Miss Terra OR Saturday. f. A._ Malcolm near Lon-.. ✓ iu Htna1I ire past Nver-k. • vao in Clint ores rie week. -Mr. -thur were in illeo :Mrs. Me- fr. Thompson . McDonell and k:•0110 in Genie- • 0- e a horst, fan- ase4 a fly (tor rice' wan eg a few days S. David Shir- ,arents in To - hockey plity- eying a wager OD -the Alla Ye, but on ac- es: GerlieSt ha& lia-zel Fall, of dine her aunig thas rnturree. a We d nesit a yi it at the hour • happy event, .e of Mr. Paul reship of Hay. a hie second to Mr. Tun - of Mr. Itobt. Ship of Tuck- ne of the suc- tepected farm - The mar- tperformed try armel church, tee of a large , es and friends ie. The bride pected for her tee, was bee u - eon silk with 'reed a shower etions and the enio, lyourereet was imitarflr was ably sup- e Mr. Robert- Of.Terrtorty an} eetsts 'repaired. where a most f-vrtse Ltit ing. A f ter n done to the ' evening watt terse wit h ail o 'to melte a t i me . The eciplerti of a I€ and 'reefed Iht reepeci The pretty Thome.: El - w as f o wer W( . elk. which will asant mem - 1,1"('SP fl I The. :del( for I 1.eir •ill Ire foilew- of a 1,e_1, of tl e •v: • -e DIre. Jtihri etymon, hee her, ef• i.ii i El - up bin in terrier so tny days at Itlie petor t le, M el not She IF W;ii INTelsone seri t ltf e Dena nrs see. hr .t.11 Nit t yeu flown etsk tee!. five aa* sound as re is ereatev .--Our reel ires in le reit! will tatily 1& It pnii- se who the' fact ly to. MAR ••,•-• 905. tee- ITUROiS sx.Po$nott; 3 Blake ' Ed. Kallefle.ischl bits Rola his residence to Mr- Peter oughts, who will Taove to our burg. ntto heve not beard what Mr. Kalb- ' h intends doing, but wo hope e will not gine op hie talaoltsmith- hero.-Mr, Rcbert N. Douglas IlotSession ot the store he ourchased Ira* Mr. Ct., G. Nichol and 13 now ready to cater to tho wants of the ,farmens in this viedinitty. We propheey ,for Mr. 'Douglas a suocens- dui business career. -On Wedremday, niareh 2nd, the 'marriage took 'place • neatorth of Mr. R. G. Niedeol of t this pa,to Mrs. S. Motter, of ashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Nich al vill mak* their lronne in Hickson giore Mr. Nichol thee 'purchased; a 5f Ore. Wo wish theeea ; and prosper °U marricl life. troolloot Winthrop Notioe.-Our new Sarin' Stook ete In every partiottler !Everything blight, nd f.rIctly up -to -data The very latiret Amerlt let from Boston end BrOoton,t Mega W Ede aged for Dorotay Dot ohms for ladies erne A. Slater shoes for men, Seatorth. 19434 ti scene choice. Cat tlee-George ...ter- , of Winthrop, la S recently pue- d from Messy's. A. Mitchell tn OL Neleen, iIalton ciounti,two choice Shorthorn cdttle. nt a very kap price, One 01. -thorn is t he 'Im- ported bull " Greene -ill. Nietor " a pure Princess.... Royal, !bred. by W. S. nfarr, of Uppermill,l 'Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The Princess. Royal '.was eine of 'the late Mr.; Marr's hieehly prized„ Pamilies of 'She r thorns and. al the utspersion sale) 1 ast October :is head of this femily JIIQ.d0 the 'rand &corer of $850. This bull le abbeau- liful red. in tiolor, a terand : intinvIdu- di of the 'early Maturing kind and should prove a 'great benefit to- wards improving the stook, in. the oeality. Th.e other lyeas the beauti- fui four year old! --- par Cell cow, "Uerry Pr ineese." Ibt el; by George nampbell, Harthill, I Whitehouse, Eleotiand. This cow is n peen roan in odor, has an elicellent pedigree and is as !rood as ,her breeding. We trust Mr. McKee's etluolet andi en te.r - prise will be abundantly rewarded. He is taking the. right .way to se - 1 cure success. .. , -- St. Colurinean. Notes. -Last Satitdey and Sunday the weather in t is vidinity was fairly impish en, its waywaretness. Hain, Sunshine, i now, sutieehine, eleet, sunshine utokly f olio* ed. Taint snow, sienshi e, eleet, nen and etain.-At noon OD aturday the 'nor - ow elevated. ice r (lige In -the centre f the Huron Ir coat wag so slippery 1iat newer but a. 'blind. horse could oersua4edi to I, xtuieleen his pace. otting on the Iridesie board! of a. am :was easy in comparisone-On enday anornbeg oil the horse sheds ere were eirtpts- *about'. 190 r 200- i.. alkede knee: ma 7 remained, away fiteing. to the ..dsangerous condition of the highwae se --T e Misses Anna and :31argatet Startler, o; Clinton, were. the guests of tMiith: Crones, from Fri- day until Mondait. On Sunday morn- ing they ably aseisted the choir and sang Rossini's !t Perrine Gauchium faultlessly.-Mrte A. J. 'Kuhimann went to Paris on Monday on a - brief visit .-On Saturday, owing; to the. bid reads, wireless/ . niesa,ges were sent out annaurcini2.: the. postpone- ment of the npecial services tin honor of Erin's Apoettee previously herald- ed far SmIclay evening. -Mr. Owen Hart, builder and eontraotor, :is re- modelling the Stt, Columhan post of - five this week.' More apar,e 'is Te - quire& for Thei(.1 Expositor bundles every Fridate- iss Mary tKrauekopf entrained, here. 'for Detroit on Wed- (ARK'''kll'-'. needay. ! Slasokrue March 2,3rd, 1005. Pill Vitheitt.....„.. . . ... .......... ell 06 to 105 .1sts pee basket- -le .. _ _ _ - ..... .0 88 tO 0 33 YOU• per bathe_ ...,..... ____ 0 86 lo 0 65 7 Zstleypsr bushel- - - - - -.... 0 46 to 045 Reiter, No. 1. loops -, ... -- - .. '0 19 to 0 21. Iketter,lith..--..1- - - - —. - 0 1Ft to 0 19 vet dor....1.... if.- ... - - , ...... 0 i8 110 014 - 2 50 to 275 Hoe ear ton uoir-1..... - -- - ..... 0 50 to 700 Ridesper ItX1 Vat 1 '.... 5 00 to 6 85 81108118kina....... .i."..... ........ - 0 80 to '0 28 Potelosl: par bag*. KneWI., .... - " 0 80 to 1 00 Salt (retail) per "Joel- - .. ..e. 1 26 to 1 00- W004 per oord (Ion).. - - - - .. - 5 00 to 6 20 pr . Wetafereord ash It.... - ... -.. 2 75 to s 25 4ippleeper bag._.., ... - ...- - ....... 0 40 to 0 60 Enver Bead-- .. ............ 7 60 to 0 00 Theettly Seed- -1.. -. .. - - .. - - 1 26 to 00 - 04 to 05 , Palk, per 100 let 1- -. 7 60 to ta 20 Gram, etc. TORONTO, Manna 2Ist-Wheat-White, 1U8, red $1.08 ; goose, 90i, spring, SI ; derma,' $1 07 ; peas, 70..: • oats, 47a to 48e ; breleti, 52c. Hay-No.71 timothy, 510 to 312; oloVer or mixed, $9 to 310; per ton. Strew -Sheaf strew, $12 ; loose, tfogsee-Dreesed bop, light, $8' 25 o per awl) ; heavy, $7.75 oet cwt. Millfeed- I Lent firm in tone ro $1.5 to $15.50 - for bran in bulk, $17 to -$17,50 fur shores, east and Wet; Maeitalta. 320 for shorte, and $18 for bran experts. E CANADIA 13AN OF COMA/1E110E. _ HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Paicl-up Capital, $8,700.0007 Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 TION. GEO. A. COX, Presideate tT. E. WALKER, General Manager, ALEX. LAIRD, Assn' Goal ildAsnager, 1.10 Branches IN CANADA, THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND. A GENERAL BANKING- BUSINESS TRANSACTED. asmsessmesessmissea .ssosasmoloossaY141010001•7•011•11111011101 rarnaersP and Graziers' Banking. Every facility afforded farmers and greziers for their banking business. Notee dis counted- Sale Notes cashed or taken for oolleotioie? SAVINGS BA K DEPARTMENT. Deposite of $1 and upwards reoeived, and interest allowed at otirrent rates from date of deposit. Interest Bolded to the deposit melee in eaoh year, at the end of May and November. The depositor is subject to no delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portionof • . the deportit. BANKING BY MAIL. De colts may be made or wibhdrawn by mail. Oat -afar= accounts receive- every attention. SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. ROLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager. 4 1 11,t‘50 to 1,750 lb.t $190 to 0, .ervice. SALE REGISTER. able second-hand workere, $50Prto $80 ; On Friday NI h 24th b 1 ' I dk p ,A aro ,e. 000, . 'vieeable seeond-hand drivers, $50 to $80 m, on Lot 6, Concession 140 Hallett,. one ; .mile north oz Ilarloolt. Farm Mock and Seeds TeRosTo, March 22-Alsike Noe 1, $4 75 .25 ; teletk e No. 2, $4 to $4 50; atsike No, 3, $3 to $3 60 ; timothy, No, 1. $1.10 to L30;$Woo hy Nil 2, 90o to 31; red olover, No. 11 $7 to $7 25; red clover, No. $6.25 to $6,69, an per bushel. Potatoes. eaNTO, March 214. -Potatoes -Have au easy tone, and are quoted unohanged. %term stook, 65 *6 70e on track, and 75o to 80o out of etore ; eastern, 5a ()beeper at 700 te 75e on traok, and 85 to 90o out of stims. Live Stook Markets. Implemente. John A.. Watt, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. - On Firdaye Maeoh 24th, at 2 o'olook p. m., at the residence of the unders'geed, North Main Street, Seaforth, Horaes. Cattle and Household Furniture. Arthur Galbraith, proprietor ; James G. Mc- - Michael, apotioneer. On Tuesday, Matoh 28, at 1 o'olook p. m, on Lot 13, Concession 1, Hallett, three Miles east of Cliatort, Farm Stook, Im- plements lumber,. and cedar posts. Ed- ward Salem,' preprietor, ; Thome Brown, auotioneer. • ! , Oa Thursday, Mare* 30th, at 1 osoloek p. m., on Lot 21, Coneeshion_ 12, Bronson .Line, Stantriy,Farm Stook and Impiemente. Jamee Campbell, proprietor ; E. 13Ossen- berry, attotiOneer. LoXneate England,. March 21t -Live cattle are auoted lett% to 12o per pound ; refrigerataz .beef is n to h per pound ; 'beep, 12 ta 133 per wad, LIVERPOOL. March 21st-Amerioan cat- tle, 5d td Clinadians, 51 to 03. MoNesitto, March 210-0able advice' came weak and prices slo,w, a decline of .1 to le per pound, with Canadian cattle in Loudon quoted at 114 and in Liverpbol at 101 to 10o, while Amerioancattle in Glasgow sold at 111 to 12e. The butoberir were presents 1st large numbers, bub trade was slow, as higher prices were being asked all round. Prime beeves sold it 4i to 5o per pound; goodcoattle 32. to 42e, and the oommon stook 2i. to he per pound. There were tieveral very fine mile& cows offered, but there seemed, to be very little demand for thein. Prices ranged from $25 to 360 43a0D. Calves sold,at from $2 to $6 eaoh. Sheep were seam ; prices were from 4 to 53 per pound. There were a dozen spring lambs on the market ; prices were from $3 50 to $6.50 each. The market f3r hogs iwas Wong under sue active demand, and priaes phow an advance of 40 to 50a per 100 pound,. Selected lots sold at $6.75, fed and watered. RUFBALO, March 21st-Ciettle--Aotive 15 to 25; higher. 'Prime _ steers, $5. to §5.75 ; shipping; $5 to $5 40; butoh- an', $4.50 to $5' • heifer* $3.35 to $4. ; aims, $3 to $4.35 ; bulls, $3 to $4.00 ; stockers end feeders. $3 to $4 45; etoek &tellers, $2 25 teti 33; -choice move and opringoro,isteady1 goad to choice. $45 ,a 354, medium to ton& $30 to 342, tom - mon, $20 to $28. Veals-Stow, and 503 lower. at $1 50 to $8. Hoeses-Ac-tive. at& 5 to 103 higher; heavV, $3.651 to 35.75; mixed, $5.65 to 3570: Yorkers, /5.30 to $5.70 ; edge $5.30 to $5 35.; roughs, $4.80 to 35 65; Ass, $3.25 to $4. .Sheep and Lembs-Slow ; native lambe.$6.50 to $8.40: weetern 1mba, $8 to 3325; yearibags, $7 to 37.35; webers, -$6 25 to $6 50; ewes, $5.75 to 36.15; sheep, mixed, $2 50 to 3575. - - TORONTo, March 22 -Exporters -A lim- ited number of exporters meld readily et $4.50 to $5 per (menthe bulk going at $4.50 to $4.80 per owt, and we only heard of a pair ot mettle that brought $5 per owt. Ex- port bulls told at $3.50 to $4 per owt. Entehers'-Picked lobe of butcher.' cattle of choice quality Bold at $4 25 to 34.50; bade of good ab $4 to 34.20 ; medium,$3 60 to 33,90; ootnmon mixed loads at $3,25 to $3 50 per owt, come at $3 to $3.50 per, owt, rough to inferior at $2 to $2 25. FEEDERS. -Thera was a good ,dernaed for short keep feeders, 1,050 to 1.200 lbs elech, whioh sold all the way from $4,25 to 34 50, and one ohoirie load brourrht $4 00 per owt.; light) feeder, 800 to 950 lbs. eahh at $3.50 to -$3,75 and $4 per cwt. Damon COWS. - About 20 mile& °owe and springers sold at $25 to $45 each. VEAL CALVES -About 50 veal calves sold at $3 50 to $6 per cwt., with something choice at $6 25 per cwt. Sheep and Lambe. -The run of sheep and Iambs being lighb, pricee were firm. Ex- port ewes, $4.50 to $5 25 ; buoke, $3.75 to $4.25,per cwt.; yearling 'amble grain fed, 86 50 to $7.35 per owt.; barnyard Iambs, $5 50 bo $6 50 per cwt.; springlambs, $4 to $8 each. Home -Receipts of hop were 1ight-547 all told. Drovers report country roads ate so bad that farmers oannot, in some districts, Ret their hogs to the stations for delivery. Mr. Efarris advanoed prices 25o per owt„ paying for seleets $6.25 per cwt. and lights and fats, $6.00 per own, fed and watered Dairy Markets. „TORONTO IMarch 2Ist-Butter-Fair lots ere offering, hut demand is aotive. Prices are quoted anchanged. Creamery primp, 2.5 to 26o; solid., 23 to 24o, medium dairy tubs, 17o to 18a; iuferior dairy, 15o te He • ecod to oholoe dairy pound rolls, *-12o ; large dairy rolls, 20o to 22o, medium. dairy, 18 to 19o. Cheese -Fur- ther finnuett is reported from the British markets. Qtrotations here are unchanged et Ilia per pEund for large, and 11,10 for twins. Eggs -Continues eau in tone. receipts are quite heavy enough for the de- mand. Nearly all salee are now at 17o per *ten, lthough there is talk of still lower prices, 1401MEAL, March 21sh.—Oheese, On- ' halo fall whtte, llo to_12io ; colored, llt; t (tuber), 100 to 10o. Butter -Finest gradell, 26 to 270 for 30-14. tube; 26o for 70.1h. tubs ; choice fall and winter make at 4 to 25o'western dairy, 212e to 220; roft butter, a to 22e. Eggs -Montreal -21101110eped'rud°oInzeillul.4 113 to 19o, and aew Iaid at liorse Market. . TORONTO, March 22. -The following is Borne dr Sheppard'e weekly report of pre- tailiog primer Siegle roadster, 15 to 16 hands, $150 to 3175; single °oho and carriage horses 15 to 16.1 hands, 3150 till $225`; matched paire and carriage horses, It to 16.1 hands $30() to 3500; delivery horse, s 1,100 to 1;200 lbs., $125 to 3165; generaI purpoee and express horses 1,200 to 1,350 lb150 to $160 ; dataught'horses, Oa Wednesday; March 29411, ai I o'olook p. in., on Lot 19, Coneeeeion 2, MoKillop. 3 miles from Seaforth. Thorobred and Grade Cattle. James McIntosh, prop. ; Thomas Brown, auotioneer. 11111411101.101111M111111111MEBEMINC 1:3311tI2S. BRADFORD -At Hohnesville, on March 15th, to Mr and Mrs H Bradford, a sen Marriages. WEIR -RAE -At the residence Of the bride'e uncle, Mr Richard Wallace, Turnberry, on March 15th, by Rev W J 'West, It A, of Bluevalc,Mr Thomas Weir to Mtge Mergaret May Re, both of Turn - berry Deaths. YOUNG -In Seaforth, on March 20th, Annie 5 Young, eldeet daughter of Mr J01'08 Young e CHESNEY-In Tuekersmith, on Mara] 23rd, Mary Pearson, relict of the 1at3 Hugh M Chesney, aged 81 years and 6 months WOOD -Io Tuokerstrnth, on March Oth Ann Wood, relict of the late John Wood, aged 70 yeare IdeCALlOHEY-In Clinton,on Maroh 131h, Elizabeth Bielby,rellot oft the late James McCaughey, aged 76 yeare, 1 month and 26 days WALDRON-In Clinton, on March 12th, Mrs Thee Waldron, of the London road, ;aged 63 years and 2 months WEBB-In Clinton, on Maroh 13th, Benjdmin Webb, aged 67 years mengegmemememerneur Funeral Directors and Embalmers Night calls answered at Mr. MoKenzie'a residence, Church St., third house north of publio wheel, west side. graduate Massa- ohusets College of Ehabilmiug, Boston, U. Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH. Repair Work • sosmserosmossmosommemissms0 • Reeeivee the moat prompt and careful attention wben brought) to us. A high degree of skill, ob- tained by years of experience in the work, coupled with the 'erre of the best took, enables us to . turn our work that is satiefactory to the mot exacting ottetomere. You have the eeti@faetioni of knowing thatyour property i4 safe in our hand's, that .no work, however complicated, is beyond our skill and that our charges will be the tweet consistent with the tesb in workmanship. T F.,DALY jeweller 4114 , pptician Cardno Block, Seaforth. AUOTION SALES. A UCTION SALE of Thorobred and Grad e Cattle. Mr. James IloIntoeh has insttdoted Thomas Brown to sek by public auction on Lot 19, Comm. pion 2, MoKillop, 8 Witte from Seaforth, on Wedges. day, March 29, 1905 at 1 o'alook shstp, the follow. Ing valuable property, vlz.-8 registered bulls, one 8 years old, 1 two yeare old and 1 yearling ; 6 two. year old steer§ 6 two-yesaeold heifeve, 6 yearling steers, 2 yearling Ilea" 8 calves, 1 registered cow, 1 registered heifer in oak, 2 cows he calf, 2 mile& cows, 8 dry cows, also a four.year-old driver. Terme of sale-Eightmonths' credit on furnieh- irig approved joint notes ; a discount of 8 cents on the dollar allowed for moll JAggi McINTOSH, Prop.ietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 19154 UCTION SALE of Farm Stook andTmpletnents Mr. James. Campbell heving eol4 his farm, hoe instructed Mr. E. Boseenberry to sell by public auction on Lot 21, Coneeeslon 12,. Bronson Line, Stanley, on Thursday, March 30th, 1205, at 1 o'clock, eharp the following valuable property, viz : Hare -One heavy draught horse fl yew old, 1 heav1 draught horde 6 years old, 1 heavy draught here° 4 years old, 1 driver 4 years old. Cattle -3' tench cows, 1 steer 8 years old. 3 haters 2 years old, 4 deers 1 year Wel heifer1 year old, 1 ealf 5 weeks old. Sheep, Pies and Poultry -8 yew ling owes, l Row (Tamworth) with nine of ft. litter, 1 sow (ratoivorth) in pig, 0 pig e 2 months old, 12 pigs 4 months old, fifty hone. Irnplentente-bumber meg• on,"two top ouggieg, one new ; 1 e'en° box outer, 1 road carte 1 land roller, 1 cultivator, 1 seed drill, 1 Deering mower 6 foot cut, 2 plows, I. gang plow, 2 sets of harrows, 1 pulper, 1 godlier, chains and forte, 1 hay reek, 1 apple rack, 1 pig rack. 1 set bobeleighs, 4 gravel box, weigh soales, 1 fanning mill. 1 home rake, 2 croas-cut eaws, 1 grincletone, 8 ladders, 1 barrel salt, 16 (tor& 20 inch green wood, beeeh and maple mixed, a quantity of limbo, about 60 new basswood rails, a quantity of seed corn, a quantity of hay, 1 set double harness, 1 set of new dJuble heroes% 1 get plow harneee, I set single har- ness. Household Furniture. -I table, half dozen kitchen chairs, :2 cook stoves, one nearly new, two box doves, 2 bedsteads, a number of ;rein bag°, corn plantar, 2 corn hoee and other articles too numerous to mention. The whole will pogitively be sold without reserve. Terme of sale -All sums of $5 and under, owl ; over that amount 10 menthe' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 4 par cont. per annum will be allowed for caW an oredit amounts. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor ; E. BONEN - BERRY, Auctioneer. 10454 IMPORTANT NOTICES. T‘RAYING BUSINESS FOR SALE -The under- eigned cffer for sale tbeir entire draying put. fit and bueineee There are three teams .of horses, wagons, sleighs, harness, eta WI:1 be sold cheap and on easy terrine as the owners desire to devote all their attention to theit livery business MORROW BROS, Seaforth 194641 'DARK TO RENT OR SELL. -400 aore farm, Lot 27, Concession 3, MoKillop, 31 miles north of Seaforth, immediste poeseesion. good buildings, fine location good orchsrd, fall wheat Apply to W. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth. 19454 NON & 131J -2 -ma. .011.11WIRee, • , MILi . This eek we make a grand displayz-af new Spring Millinery in all the latest Paris and New York styles in lad es' drawl hate, ready.to- wear and outing hats, &were, teeth - ere, wings, plumes, ribbons, railings, and ell the novelbies in trimmings, also all the newest -shapes in untrimmed hats, which will be trimmed to order on short) notice by experienced milliners. No hat will be allowed to leave our show room except it is trim- med in the latest etyte and becoming to the wearer, Miss treed, who is well and favor- ably known as an exPerb in the are of Millinery, is again in charge of pato department. She visite the principal famhion centres, and copied the Imbed deagne in hats, etc., a shown in aria and New York. We tome no formed opening, bub a cordial invitation is extended o all to Wore ab any time and view iDur grand displey of Spring millinery, which ion mod to none in the oounby. 51111AT WAIST GOOD' S We slow an immense stook of pride suitebledor blouses and (tient eyelet *its in vetting@ odes, crepe de cilium., silk tamolinee, teffetare Japanese alike, peau de sale, hlaok and, colored betine, cotton voiles, zephyta, gingname, dimities, orgaudiere fancy mutrlins, bo. Yite jay the highest price for butter and eggs in oash or trade. C.A..SJEI A -WI) 01\1-M, PRICDIE1 14013:INNON & 00., BLYTH. L 'ROADS LEAD TO GUNN'S STORE. sinloloinieink+HttlefeltInloininlee tielefe1444,1÷171ole4 March Sale Now Gpihg On. 4-44-4-4-e-lat4-411.-4•4-.44-•-•494*-10-443 GROOI RY DEPARTMENT -Teas and Coffees a specialit and eggs always on hand. DRY OODS-Spring Prints, big variety end new patterns. a large assortment. HOUSE FURNISHINGS -Carpets, Linoleum% Stair and 1 10 per cent, off for cash in any of these lines. REA YMADE CLOTHING. -You will know 113 by the Odd Coats to clear at $1,50 each; tweed Pants each; Boys' Vests to clear at 500 each. Highe t market price paid for the best produce. Y. Lace Curtains, Floor Oil Cloths, "Royal Brand." io clear at 75e Choice butter 11, GUNN, Seaforth. gar WATCH OUR WEEKLY QUOTATIONS -SA Th TT OUSE TO RENT. -To rent, the ocmfor ble 11 house at present occupied by Mrs. W. Lea- royd. The house le nearly new, There are seven room and hard and eoft water. Apply to PETER DALEY. at Beattle's meet store, Eleaforth. 1945x4 ITOUSE AND LOT FOR ALE. -For sale, a es, good house ge3d lot, situded on West lain street,Seaforth. The house contains six rooms', ' hard and soft water and retigerator in kitchen and all other conveniences. For term, elm, apply to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. ' 19464f • SPRING SUITINGS.I TROUSERINGS AND OVERCOATINGS Full Range of tp-to-Date Patterns. ' A Trial Order Solicited ifaltAMOVAMOVVVIeelgteteVeNeroWi Speare and Page Merchant Tallors. 4...NIMMTERFNENIMIEffle Uilder the Town Clock, SAFORT a Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., (LIMITED:) Seaforth m Ontario. Authorized Capital $200,000.00 Paid up Capital $91,9000 M. Y. MoLEAN, President A. YOUNG, Vioe-President. DIRECTORS: CRA. MoKAY, M. D. J. . GREIG W. K. PEARCE GEO. MeEWEN JOHN FINLAYSON ROBT. BELL WM. PICKARD M. Y. MoLEAN A. YOUNG i I , MANA.GING DIREOTOR-ROBT. BELL i SEC ETARY-JOHN FINLAYSON BANKERS -DOMINION BANK SOLICITOR, -.R. S. HAYS and Corner Main I Market Sevens Seaforth, Ontario. e Lamest GOOd& 'ernt Clothing Concern ire Four Counties! a order to fleet the increases in badman which ie offering, and to enlarge the pre ises for building thilerabors, Wind Stackers and readers, which has already been CeOrnawed, the Directors have decided to offer $10,000.00 stook for sale at par; 10 per oentopayable.on application ; Weems as called for by the Company, in same not to ex eeil - 15 per cent. monthly, untitled' is paid up. The whole amount can be paid at any time at option'of subseribere and dividends will date from payment of full amount. • he Dividends will be payable yearly on' February let. he remaining profits, in caoh and every year, .over and above bhe amount paid hi divi ends, shall be set aside to form a Reserve -Fund, until such Reserve Fund shall redo $25,000 00. , 4 2 . !This is le successful going ooneern, which has rieen from small bf g'nninge, and has alre dy paid the 7 per tientdividend promptly each year, besides aoomuulating a tub- etattial reeeree. ,Sales in 1904 $ 70.631.29 Sales in 1903 Dividends paid in 1903 , 6 114,092 22 3 Dividendstpaid in 1904 5,6131,5665 Reserve 6,943..38 Depreciation Reserve 45,208.50 Bills Reo. Reterve 4 4 5,338,89 $26,245.98 , There is no watered etook. Every shareholder is on equal foot irg. Every share represents actual value. The Robert Ball Eagine & Thresher Co., Limited, has an es- tablished business'which is inoreasieg rapidly, and past the experimental steep. This is o speculation, but a legitimate proposition for investment, yielding 7 per oenb. and ac umulating a reserve which will largely increase the par value of the shares.. The Engine and Thresher bueinase in toinada it only in its infancy. The market is al oat unlimited. About seven -eights of all the Threshing Engines and Separators:bled in 1anitoba and the Northwest are imported from the United States, rhese would be bought from the home imanufacturers if they could supply the demand. There it3 is clu p of 25 per cenb, on all geode of this class imported into Canada, which gives the Oa adieu Me.nufacturar a decided advantagt. Send subsorptions or write for informeeion to The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Dr R. S. RAYS, Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. LIMITED SEAFORTH, ONT. 1945 Our $7 Man's Watch l Once We have many grades of Watchea from $1.25 up to the 23 jeweled at $35. The one we mention to -day is a good reliable and durable watch, and will, in ordinary uee, last 15 or 20 years at least. E'gin or Wan them make, in sorew ease, and we will warrant it and etaud by it, as we have sold tbem for the past eight yeare in Seaforth. John Bulger, Jeweller, Seaforth, Oats, Barley, Bull and Cows For Sale. The undersigned has for die on Lot 16, Genoese - 2, Hay, quantity of New Dominion White Oats and deo a quantity of Mandeehurie Barley. This is not the • Mensuary," but the " blindtrhurie," which yields 10 buehele more per ',ore than the " biensuary." My oats and barley lire both great yielders and are clean. I have also a number of High Grade Cows with calf to my old stock bull for sale very reasonably. I am also offering my old Stook Bull for sale. He is one of the very beet dock getters in the country. le very quid and right In every way, Be mud be gold gel I have pur- chased anntheir one to head my herd. Thie is a rare ohanoe for any person who desires to get a first ohtee anintal, whoae good qualities have been proved. For further particulars apply on the above named lot or address Reagan P 0 JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 19354 WAIT! fordthe bargaina in Jewelry and Silver- ware at tioNaughthe A reduction on all SOILED GOODS. No pricea ad- vertised, all goods left marked same as before. Watch my window. R. McNaught, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler &Engraver and. Optician, SEA.FORTH, - ONT. WHERE THE SMOKE WAS L._ Gut Spring is here; it is the time for rejoicing, and also for TONICS. We have them in great variety, just the kind that will do you good, make you feel like a new person. Better have a. bottle, end avoid the Iasel tude which mildly tomes with Spring. We have other things thab will also bring you joy. "Never Fail" Corn Cure, 103 a box. Our own Neuralgic Cure, guaranteed, 253 bottle.toma soh Cure for Indigestion, 75o a bot- tle, recommended by all who have used it. We tell football, la- crosse and rubber bane of all kinds. We handle only pure drugs, and our prices are right. We want your trade. 0. A8ERHART, e Days.-Storp for verybod SSP co#44-4-4,-.4-4-4-44-4414:#44-44-44-4÷. The first. showing of Spring goods at Pickard's indicates how carefully and successfully our stock for the season at hand has been chosen. it, is, a thoroughly metropolitan stock, such. as never, be- fore has been placed on sale in Seaforth. Whether ydit wish the most exclusive importations, Tithe standard productions cf our own countryyou will find them here in •satisfactory 'abundance and always at the lowest prices. For the 41Tightest and newest fashions, for the kind' of merchandise - that is most desirable, every one should patronize this store. Millanery Departmem. The event of the season. Oar Spring Openings -will be held on - :1;P:i ' OW% FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, and SATURDAY APRIL 1st. No article of woman's attire demands,such abstibree- subservience to the whims of fashion as the woinalf,s hat; This swim's showing embraces a wide scope of selection, the newest ideas, the **oat popular models. 0 nr inilliuers will be pleased to see fstiin their show rooms on the above days. , ogiagggimasemagaminsommaxa Dress Goods Department Imported and domestic dress goods, the newest in materials and coloring - you will find here. Silk Voiles, Eoliennes, Crepe de Chine, Roxona, Brillian- tine, Canvas Cloth, Wool Voiles and Shirt Waist Suiting% Vestings in --white and colored, Cotten Voiles, and specials iki white and colored Madras lihen. A full range of all the latest novelties in dress trimmings New Parasols just to hand. ugyoutzsasminausiamosin WONCUI\T S Clothing Department. If you appreciate quality and style in a tailored. garment, you cannot afford. to make your Spring selection until you have seen our new Spring Costumes, Raincoats, Skirts, Jackets,-Jtc. We have them in the most mi.- vanced ideas. They are the kind you just slip on and yon are dressed. DRUGGIST, Agent for Prof. Dyke's "Oil of Pines," 1 and Cook's Cotton Root Compound, OARDNO'S - - - BLOCK E3 atS.M" EVT3a Notice, Fay up. •••••..sma cord All parties indebted to 0. K. Holland, Beechwood on overdue accounts or notes, are requested to pey up as aeon ne Forteible ae the reouty 15 needed now, 1945-a 0+44 -+++44 -44 -.+44 -++++.4 -1.4 -4 -4 -4t - Carpet Deprtment. Splendid values in Carpets, Rugs and Matting% The big department - big in every particular -room, stock and novelty. The enormous growtb of this section means, if it means anything, that the public is quick to recog- nize enterprise and energy, coupled with great stocks an'd low prices,. Mattings of all kinds Is it not surprising that straw mattin.gs play so conspicuous a part in the Spring re -furnishing of every house? Our own trade in these justifies us in making large importations from China and Japan. I.n Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum% Rugs, &b., we are prepared to satisfy every want with a variety that was never so large, and a range of prices that were never lower. 4.1-1-44.44•14itelointelefefellefisit Men's Clothing Department Another stirring chapter in the won.der ul continued story of economies in dress that is beiag told day after day i4 our clothing department. We will just mention four lines ha men's ready -to wear suits : Our special $6,75 suit, good tweed, black and- white mixture, corrent ooz- e ve shoulder. This suit was made to sell at $8. Our $7.75 suit, brown check, latest styles, all sizes, from 34 to 44. This suit was made to sell at $9. Our $9.25 suit, concave shoulders, Made eeith hair cloth interlining, three patterns. This suit was made to sell at $11. Our $10 suit, a silk and worsted mixture, very dark colorings, all sine, front 34 to 44. This suit was made to eell et 312.50. Our price for this seasosnpwiecilallbvelle0s. win be found in boys' and children's suits, also in men's hats, shirts, ties, Jae. Clothing to Order Have you. noticed out clothing to order? Have you noticed the style, fit and finish I You will see them on the street every day. Only these who have made a careful comparison of our garments with others that seem to be similar, can realize the minute care that enters into every detail of the making of the garments we sell. It is not necessary to go- into particulars. Call, in- spect our stocks of imported wo011ens and worsteds, prices ranging from $14 to $28. SON DIRECT WIEPICKARD impoRTER a Opposite Town Building, Comer Main and Market Worth, • --