The Huron Expositor, 1905-03-24, Page 4--------- - T' A A -7 qp" V 57. T 3 !IT V 0 4 _S' R son _d ft'. oftay Mither wedt o a fl st 04"s far The f4mily ave sen:te loy Mr. Vokson, of Exeter, -01N G-1 -EST -this 'is no new dlnoVert.. The man frkhdo In this ioinity -who, w bb gr�iimt e & a &tItion, a9guad by M 1905 had- -to do Ithe best he 6-oul, under Riwer. SEAFORTWS _�LEA he oirou &q-ts have ben ibr*009-fi�t to ltb�e Wt while regretti their tromovEL-LwM many TeSlac�tg�,Qf 24d Vlcn- -his Ir ion of 10a- r I I a raenn t fao.d th6 Gov-* most-1ileaffily tin itb 'w9thr The Ex-' ity, asking 'thait le4icney soul be. a IV T V T F 8 This is a ll�iqhtr aim dozence'aua 4 nt bialeds atzAimes, and still poator-&Wl Our Hand-mW&VA Shoes er-Ame ­hing item-�it in a )Vliftne�y may twell ex allown the IpJ71soAer. Judge Elliott, It s V, liothing -.1as.1can 11 f -sx, ana pro,,�­ howevcr, could, -not "e, 'his way elea-r r t, o I c t Westadbt off with a short 2 3 me from my, f rie d the Th Ale W.- et -0d thait. %Vjjk.n ltk�6 100 Won peilt W, itt r new 'wg'4era home. Wiit� Kee Your Fe Dry. (got 'to d oninifta tion term, His, h6nor "olm of the serio a 9 10 -�ot aff xa the; ventle t4i� is itat 'Mr. lie man who resh 16 17 18, mess 6,f the t_rjme ddwelt. om tho 1.3 it- "' I& -bo'TinvAtligat: and stoppea, Znbd of. accord. ibbert. 13OS- but as yot. Ino movement h as b ee fact -tilad Waftcoft bad,, takeu %Uch, -sh 0 tollowIng liot4se bom- There'll be considerable al I when 3 U 26- was, perhas, tho ,mo!§t pantisan Ndtos.-Th u the, weather begias to beak, and -,41 19 20, 21 1 22' ;.made inAlla.1dircotio, Xr.--Gordoll ap �d th-Is position. as a r OM, �advantagc h been ialpooited, for this �now, begins to move away. ust the kincl of weather that W. 28 29 30 31 member of th - CohulalssWn- Somp I n th. a! track but W4,he in- ,00unty -oons,tteble Under al ffie cir- s 6. 13outh 1 P,6r th , John Lo- -,pf the others who were asked 'to re- -tends Vo acconip for gan; ae6rixe,I). Lawxi-e,' St. X 11sh allyflil cum'staces the court,decidC4 -to im- a, pehir of good shoes an jbs6lute riecessitY, -Wb have on hand about fi��fty 'the farmel nd Ithe, ordinary sbipper. -si-Xil, Mr. Gurli�y Tor Instang 'Id I M�bon_ tell, -pairi�of haiM-niade shoe e7ry respect. e -is not ;pose a senceheg of. taine, months in s' that wi fill the bill i ublin. They are tul -ur own workmen a suffi-cient guarant jQ sGeorge Oli Those shoes were made �by o eel "of Da -v (Z 0) a olitleal, paritilsan 'In any ."nqd of he- will, bav� it -o push mi�ghlty ard, I all 00136 the entral. Wesitoolft' was t 0 lmogt dmpossitble to d1og Cahad- br-ought before S4ulre S for, found in e�%ry P hotice that er, near taffa, ent to Manito" mith air n ekther bf '.hi(gh or v -a-for t h term. nfte& Nv, eterfing 4uality and genuine A to be The leather Se Mr The Agn-;I t, 4, r ;the after 6601, the jan politidia s, �ba sentenc, -on -the other charge. Squire -11e 1purposes mk- r el 'hie W44htr some dvgree. irf-to Inig anytballaig lin Ig Ks `h oe )rWrdie provance alalL Tues ay. one, denotes of ft eisirrnat -bim a -Conservtva low used in these shoes is Frdne ip, the beat wearbag and moit satis Smith. also gave Wes -too a seve _0e Way of loolgishiflon, . thalt 68 a- at* can be made int a wead shoe. To farm-ir% teams rpr ame iind th wero'know -an I mtY e ihi famAdy oift late 49 perhaps if Itru; inland, d ij4posed- 't e,s leather th' Anotber Time -Grate 113Un jcted) to by tthe railway corporations :rhe every day, Oow-�-WM Pj&leard, Ron -5 ]has 'Voted more frequently with the isontec,6 as d-ld tto. couty jude. o. He eh ted, ert Roll EL 0 how. much the. public, are ihI farra--here to meclianics, in fact evetyb6dy hose work requi -es extra 90 d, fO t ris Bob ngine it � d Ttifesher 0��-6 ,Q servatives -than with ithe llifber- - n - 'a to Con Mr. osoph MooVo Ifo a term' of The nnteneas will Tun colicurrontly, en Lion All Roads -It 9 Guhn-5 Mr. beiag 1 1 e Woul d wb4ch mfeays tbt Westoo-tt will not i\ We% an recommend our hand acle shne give tire satislac als. But -that is uot the-poldl Pon. IflpCop three year. Mr. and, n. 1, got. up ono4tia�n b -part of the aita- bizeei 6 to 11 in stock o%r rice. $3 DO a pair. & Whitney and his vollezugaes are now own have his libert and, V-TOEV at,3- _Y Until AN PArmee; Problem-&ir ijqon -4 Jamw aTte­u d "he'Ifuneral olf ltb� abo tho ed tion -ver 'this quiestilm I I 0 thait does I responsibie to Lb -c' poople, for -.the late I Mrs'. J 3bln .,Wood, - a, old and Of the Year- Weltoott savect the I 0 !000-1 on of- wa. rally amowit--Yto _somethirlg� Repairing hoei, a Specialty. proper carryl this rail h4gy respected resident of Tuck- county authloritiesthe Itrouble of ex - Y PW uastaRflo P D4 they. are now �rowing Over 't'lle so- Pollin him, from the oontAabufaTy if -oar shoes tepaired ne' I-vand econamiaby and in the lLea are diep;aaduat on 0 V Itankin-5 enterprise and they cram p,h, who died bn March 9th and you Wat Y, &;i0Vjjbt,_P in b"fiYP Aueliton, Sale-Jamw Ch�ctp -5 1the Commission for havig. that eparatlei sobool qiio$_tiojx, by handig his IxeskgnaU,on to ucbge. was �Urled on the 13th, in the Hen- sible time, bring them to tiff, WAB guarantee atisfact ory work AWUon Sale-:-Jawes Alol6t 3tth say Itio most, is of �.very Elliott lafter he 5vas sentenced. No. trei� j6d UdOlY 'ore, Ithey 'did not- -whioh, to - done.. If, ther4 FaitRals or Pkent--W oovanlodk_5 for I lig com- iYf 13 Is, David Christk, a minor Importarr -it wotid be, a I s i�ilan c metqry. Deceas�ad hya 11ae confide the existff motion wa's taken )an it at (tbp, t1m6, -5 MUAt in mission they 'had a perfct r ith, L Girl Wanted-? -iKneoUtol-g L �h oice Jaet MoXellar,-- who d4 n - And tbfae -dollars, be Itt a� to ask for reshgnation the COMMiSSioneri Itto, appOnt -Br crown aUvrney would ihave -v§ked W, V rijg-bt I-sood 'any millions a doillars a yeax s lvm.. Me aren, hll of Hibbert, but It will7bo dealt wilth in a few Horge G%pPY9--2-Ro14,& wilion-9 into the pockets of Qanaditti farlbs� da I -lad, West-cott fnot.- done, -so the at -the Siaitford BUS - Repair Work -1 Fr r gulab d her Igo hretio,t-he pook WILLIS IN embered, now for _ht,§ disinis;al. Westoott has -a Men,� and M Wilt --R Mewaugh" otherg, in wbom It'hey ha.d. pts lCollege of the f armers iaf Ithe W!�tdrn by takial., thie h3lghest Sole agents Queen Quality !wad E Beaver Viositele-1 denm,to succeed them. lm action of 6,rOWIL Up f amily-Wes boo tit, it seems L for the Slatpr Shoe for the ertabd ng tha;. has beew taken- -there .3)00 Lawi#:4 needs Btaltes, -re f tNY,D shoes for -women. hz the Governmerit in, Ithis �respeot tor me, tim, 1has scoured'a tpos! tion had become awa cases. of eased meat hain!g 'In t.ra:tfpr.(.. Ww etto Kellar, 11 it Millinery ope"10jr-E Noraul CO -8 no efen ce and ho person, 1 as a '0114 V14uts--p, A 1beim sol by ato e Aliddlesox farmer.%and ixnderL th�rdats of. th..6 EaStr �U of it. L P_GL K Polland-5r '-who, s also gxaduato <;f the same Huron F ar*ers7 Insti;I- uvora-bile A - we The L a te Thoma!& Dodds.-Brlof re- of, exposure, 3 Will 1�aper--4 Gravep-� -Since -the bove was wrIttlon cplle e, dias at00%9ted,. a, pDsltjn. ,p- tube -VNr s held an the eol moll, cha ftnd -daug)-Acr, Holon,' !returned ence, =J, a coui f in m- 9trat Gilbert McItyre, or on Tuesday aftrnoon. Tbeprin Avee notice it which fiir Tolx:n Wilson,, f oGillivray, and b Tip p, To. Of k froni zon Say�5' ago - to� whbre they hat -a On a 'visit - WM seems to speak (wit adithority -bo t1he Oeillth of -Mr.., Thoma� notes for $25 from Thomas Dart, of M. P, In,a I< tter fromOftawa in re- cipal -Object Df 'the, was o bee The As a matifer of fa0t, Mr. �;ur;ej Ddds, -the ltb Gonoession. of". M I an,& an the lat. a. Lon -don b'dwinship. The e Ajoir TI Y 0 r solutlon�forwai&'_d bilh appoint a new secretary to Itake itb _ajSO re _UrrMd.' sam Week - It t I )POintmeal1t, tali ttbe urned, by -al d Killop, ibut Ube deceaed lie Me hro,dist 'ichufah, Mitchell, was offered re -from b af terward rut 'son place of th 'late Geo. Ho;od.. , A. rom ifisitiNg their ving of moile Iblia. a mere. chairmanship of the. Commission,hat W8 family. - 'y, 819AFO RIDAY'Maro 24,1903, eforan' to bhe educational McArthur, of Gr was the ni� J. CaSo of t TH, r he - de-clind,. owing Ito prssur of, potift, Mr. Doddv d id a ter cc in clauses o If b 'Auboiwmy bills npw-,- selected and will no doubt, fill thrp 1jettr, J,t r pr �$LA of 'hie AVerffZe �01 dyl the a CSS n - -6 ralne t1ock--on the 'Of befdr6 Par lani-ont says Ho- bill. -On. mornio _Vd 1 t 'e an tscakoaly be Mardh. Indo . g of th-Is of wo tonsplou- wr:y -br lof il privato business. The, U- sborne. -his t ous members of itbe Ixt Comm' salon tlauss as they eiam' A The Schism Brid0ed not b Sad Affair. -A vory-sa(I aff ai� -week, Airs. Baeker, isr., who has beier. of the 'railway traA*.-Miss -Vona 4 'gove Xote -on Baturday- The. :diffqrenoes bet-w*oAlthoi-Do- Mr. Taffray and r. Gurney, with­� �tsaid it'llat he twas III at all. He had- i ad jjrsn "of the eAr. itble rnmient th' occurred, In thistownship 6n Tuesdiry m akiuw heT home f or the past'few Shirra DI t Y in 1E been sufferl-g f r o -mi im 0 drew voluntarily." This as khost c, d for a an n 6t onng ths with he 41dawghter rs.G-P On GG-Vernment 'and- OM6 ;of c of last eek. A ty lint pox t Ithrm! ; b E h doei oman, Afin trion r ous w as not �s-TY- anid ta;nn.ot say thlow fdr. he n1: Clements, daiughter of Mr. Isaac Baeker, passd away very suddIamly and IdaUghter,,of al&_r. likely -the ca";."as the Gover-amot tow wy, but ino4bhing scri 'T. VRTdS 1.MPrOVI their supporiters at though t of lt.hwo he *Was aroUo"j MOS 3near Lu);� Vice �p at it -lie - very toLmmene'emeniit of tba, my be abl ito ;gg In isuipport of t1he Clements, of the fth. c _jicesiop, f rom d' n9 -have N"th-Mast school question, and career, waul,&, hardy be �soshbrrt uP the time 4nd(Abe �Aond4,� befidr;D A. four YR he INY"i pr.Wleges, sc ireit bo be 1grmntcil,E1Il. w1file suffering fronit Iteinporary men- who, was 78 lyxears,of aqe, 1had been �anA ith Alt viobvity duxitm -offence (to s'ablo Lobe! past i�ghted aq to lof Aw an a, about',the have been lhe,gcL9 a zlear upderstanding o& tal drangenint, had attempite tp bothered somewhat during 'the Past rs. A -'R ftib Oe a4 It On rien waTa in C1, *th theuma 'he 'former- home, this week . jpbe' %Ichsc eX61,66Ment A'-��gai ar,,d a t ion commit suicide. It seems that I tism, but nothia: thkoO'A6 11 - Imaxal obIV ju - be ida: at iis, death he NyAs inot so week i j r '�as`far -as tpoliti fluemeo -and w, Y serious -was looked 11for, sb that 11 This' w er, and A-ur Ot -yro o,time Ipast -lie un or`tu�.It-,_ vGlv�Od, Mr. MoInt . ifrankli �oon_ so ,�Past th W�Ieejwl bt more. In sympathy ell and- faward-9 eveohig miedioal JONI MMA in lie, is n. ected stat of death 'on a* qUjt0LL a cIla$ ;a 1fosses di4s, Qbjpdtin I o the had bee" jA dej -Tuesday 4�a havo ID dr- with the U�PjeS ItlitI *Itb Ithe -Grits. -all $Qt-tledr hni� now borth%j aid as, sent tor. The 'doebor "eeld­ axg "Mrs. 3 -P ple -.of sepaats Isohools, but wants mind over a recent marriage afftir, surprise. The remains', were taken Arthor's Ily Motioed�' t1l'o MI-jange. andi advised L upor 'to Ourich, & formor lVfutdook, Mr. 14" jE. Ues are a;,, �a­commbn to deal kfairly Rohere Dons LAU tinal in whir ch. she twa nivolved, a*d which f rom here en n a her bome, -on Wednesday 'afternoom, be d The s�nt f or. I tourse f actian,, br rather ajj�Ix..%_ L�ditorlal 14otes, and Comments- that 1. X _T q come in. doubtless preyed, so m4ch on, i- 3�&. .:T, hom tow'dinum he )passed awwk as If f%l-m 0,"00 twore F, C' �L�'& bo, tor t fakinig place on Thursd ri�h Morns. Lord *Ilobertsi or ."Little I iwas 77years mind as to dieraialge her mental-facul- t we Bob,t' tles, but it Iivas ;iever thhug-bit 'that- 011ie itay 4aS despatch from bo is onftely called by' oit- agb,. Ife NVa a natrve of' Rqi- INIODO�011, -1 h_ . -as W, 0 0Pquibe bors-ve fan ANN=" A sides. f Slbe W duld' resot to anT such. tashi r -Mr. has MoMfly urchased- a fly,, 'k9ro*Ire,* Scotlund., lie oa A, sme; the, igrefedt Saglish -whi W- a. rehable say.§:; 'The Council --.At the 'last meetInIg act fr�.% that 1Xbtempited. Wltbo�ult sig-- oll �take 'CaInaAa '57''yeaTs, �,ago, ana witIh his of II -r6 0 t- the Sotitli Afri war n- the Morris "uncil and at which nifying hr ntentiolos 6 aby per- The, Cdbine-.t beld a -council eett. w a-, few -atber av& lbxothers settteeL tw- rth�, �tdj'. the ni� her to -the days' ere prieslen For salej a @pan of working horses and # A a outdo. Apply ihe %vicatlier Vxnmda itbris ow bowA,,.0hjp of Moffillop4 The. Ideceds- reeve rs. D idi-ighlr-'- on-SatUrday, wIdGh laited ds san she secured- )her father's razor, oudilet to WOUsin Asetz, bdx 10, wit _h av was inatruvbed ito have �the and proweW tolthe busb, wlipro ni 111 anilir-ner and has-bonseated to bd pre- V Out. ray is Vigiti6 _elevm- o%lock in tb lnorni d, firs tt the f arm on the, Bodn� br d90 she ed Ig Sovereign Bank of Cana4a, obarter. rofito. Oftr 6bW lie evtoing ncl, 1U.nal-. sent a in Intliote& a horrbl gavb oll, lehe one eix 'cloak'in it, Ind lopoh, t 0 1- Anpelated �y Mr. a b sulls ncat' Ind ah o cession'. more -Wecently dwri- Ainsle c Inper, In kirder to as I &Ide of he hit 1y set160- the trial _,E"fbltlo.� _1jj Toronto. "BbbsP O� 11Qk and, throat Sevral edIby Dominlo Parlismeni, branchn In Canqdi CrA had Ju-tpu loy Me-isrs. George and %arls veitgin w -a V, r �s j3�d Mere tor five tuYws's ther or tnot It wl be Inches long, which la-limyst ended her and &gdats in all Oatk ot Me world. latenwi on mat sno"r, sb He TC id don on- the A-11sa ing oUt of (the AU`L0h0My`tiLIj� T lie will likly prove at ary 0 bav,� it ridbutit his deposits paid four sit' oever, Was no t f. 'A 7f -At Iftoon 'Wre9t Chin ears and- then !remoVed.b6 'the farm t, unexcelled antlWyrule trestuipat, ni Y CrAi 'link bn _ju�sday 'but tompromise Is -one khot -card than Ithe�� life, The wound, -11 illiam Clegg and others thodiL Y odern year, Mr. un -xjlxhrtS of �the antnoiii,04., rtian, Li Hung,', isuf f le _UUr &W hang dI& a few '!'con- I addrsed t e council Tesp6otInjZ the. iently a-0op to maus;a dea!th, and we unt,is 11W110. 1 H. Arnold '00 -of thie. tham­ 0 -tow �jelevated ic on tlie'7th000cesln where he, t. haa also, I L lost -it t -O be Cqj p -years a1X evidently regetting' 'the fted, sallIby 0. We -notice .;that the- t reside tantil deptit, He s!)Ije manaker lien Imak thev U ur-M. .6 deviaf Ion ro d at dots 9 and, 10, wn- hurried back to her 'home. Onreaph- lfhet nonei but 'dirchAors' ot ',the 'Vestern Fair aie' was ma.rric ;t6Ssion 2, st Gladman & $&,anbury, berristerso it Row. *elf aunt, x _61 Fall at ithe sa or. on- %iS Still'BUYVIV, eju who w, vismaix, ating that..owing ito, ithe saiences lof those hbo ticioik 1 makinlo. ii c�ffort ito have Lord Rob- and 'bereaved Arm n fwas Onlos t' exhaus Led, *LTuesday, %hunday, and Satwrd 62-tt ndinig leourse -ness of -1 7, 1 T -rotting tb there wh 1piersuae4l arter, d 4e t to� and tiarrow -ong, on, 'the V.4th of May, 57 �ears ithfg road It i 6vas'so �dxilf Led wilith snow stand, on 'the Jun -red er ts a -f London 6D open ithalt, h6w 'str tagered in tilt the door*fain-t od, bobjee th4 ado Is 16 .))am vas JO&SY �Gvinoes ito go*srn �hql and Local Briefs.- n­ also. bleeding. The servioes )of The roads In th llInes -On the following day ;they. j3f'hat it wv$. ioQmplebely imp sable Hay -0 ag. as I. I _n. ves. T�e, immpromits s tof ere immediat-elysu oned atid. calify am In a very -bad codiffion, af trno 18unday maerni-34 dukiAg th On Of 'last W"'k at, 1hp started -an t1hir lhion;zy moon rip to e rnosf iof. thie. winter Isea- the WGund w&2!,� dressa hour &0.2* -were emp ice itlivit`in the ve-arran1ge- Capadfi.- Of Mr. Ddd% familytilee of five O'clock Ja ML' drp, %q her- re-- 0 k e sqpported by th We not son and the- irdq Nybal 'to the very numerus pltoh- ry _hayp�v evvnv� 'we jjr. ral -e -the Qi*be6 Llb-. �Iet of uested that a 1graut o'berY Is doubtful, The 16ir eums tan-' holes and igelwtal breaking up. -Dr. ook iplaboo ji bnotbers =4. three sis- be i1pade toovards ithe, ergetion .6f a seaft, in he Ontario vgi�o were 1,00 the 'iawnAip. f Hay. to the 'eralS, a64 §ir'1Wjlf folfowi!W in surrounding the ioase, are indeed C. 0. Ro_-�s, of H�yde PAk, son of Mr. fbio 1161ne owivi an ters. The yoUgest bother as wirej f-ento )n li�c r00 d- sa&mnd the latber, who at Ithe .�,ime Gavin Ross, of Rodjver�llle, rteoentl yt iwa lature, which takes plit6o ait the ;one side -of it a o he,.Maldme PoAa- It mene ea rzked- in McKialop-1pav- d ­Axtnie Ito Air. 1),up- ter d aid An Te- was confined to -his bed and su& ar- xmmebuilfti used as daughter"; ves, ho Northwgf ',thlesys- ph iLelgisla. t4e fanilly a' This, they t 14o chased the f _s nt ri drwned In Rwrboo Idam; the imarflb�g*, of ll -seoni, pur he� guests of difficulty loom laind t tem of pamte schools whicj� P Ing from tbe 0 ect of svverat brokdn a store, and 100st 'Offim- for mfX1lY ran 8(<farf� P-1 t has term, th46­moinbers,f or Hon haiv-e Inc the deceased and Me!jsrs. _0h .� f. -des v, of MriI 1". ob t. s o was dciacd'that. at, igrant Of ribs, the years by the ilat, Yefvrs-r4hat all been resulk bt an aecidenT, Ifas existed t*ra for t'h1rt.Ty, advanced. I 'Mr. tff. Ellber, Mr. Jame. Sbowart, :,of the Itownah of Tuck- &nd,__Jamt,-s -Dodds 'Who are' -still an twenty-five cents -per wod of fen r - the topathy Of the antire ne t tak- is, Sep 'te schools which, Iin,-te- for -South Huron, has been plamd vi" jfh they _ablv, a ai- ron, of RodgrvIllo, nd ha I ving and Me sisters are Mrs,' erswith and, who ig oAe�. of -t1jo - -SUD- -otion f, -a bo madj& towards tthe ere 'a ex -books,- bor oo4.' oil, down in isections and 6onvieyed by cessful t� t well Up 6n the Mials-terlal pl-de and McMillan and Mrs.'Chales Diek o w 4,e -he southwest side of b n* bighl �wotjpWod,. farm - ire, bam n X teacher- and Government insp�ic- odciipis the fourith kliesk on ithe see- Of "MOXIIIpp, am,% iMis. Stewart, �of sleighs 'to Ify-do, (Park,- where the jL�rs this road, t ft -6 �ow'n thp f rs of,th adjoin- . I ar famed wast.. Tb(i mar- doetor'will ham ft� -re-er.ected. and t, �n,, ii;��t measure Up to he sitan- 6 d row, his desk mate bing 'Mr. Grey. Mr, , Dodd lef t ia famJ Went on Iffill's Green. iMZO cerenkonY Am$ iprfomed by 'dard, of; pblia scho6ls wore thVY- F. G. MeDiarnild- from., West Ehirin, four son's and -daughters, all inlaitAn the fell1w when Nots.-Mrs. James Jarrott R'S oil u.5 -ed -for a drug ,tore an4 pst-of- Ile satur 1Y oft ing lands to &b1ptd. The followillig sums 4Ncro V. Xr. SmItIl, 4Df CArinOl ithe public the Ma:�t pair %d desks being occuped living �jh a 1.1, in Qj6 -Vr�mst,,nm of a larxo tan rcefv i -rants -from , the sick list at p fl�m, The build.log wa found tor be the..victifility -of' the old, grantled for thelmprovement. of the in very (goo order, 'bW out 0:11V f unds." by 21r. . P. Downey and r. Hugh homestead exmj�t the joldest dagh. boundry lines oia jeofidiblo that the number from her qtbended'tbe so,c- 1 9 a ROM, n -amber of Ithe -riciatlies �MA friendR -nt �Of the Isp, it is said khat all is well thr�t ends �Clark. 'Air. X G. Cameron,of West dror4g frame4 andkbe best Of mater- of tbe ter, Mrs, William who re- ad ial at Mr. J. W. Hornr's, an, Ol'inig muxi1,Mb&Iitbds grant oim- d all ontratting parties. The bri lixg been Jusiod Ihl its- w0f Erin's Apost ial hav Huron, and. bXr. A. Hisio r port a igood time. -Mr. Sohn Hwg- ighly- re8pecte4. for h -Pr well aii& tb-is -little, (�hqxuvtaon ls� Hu. P, of IF, as t sides in Manitoba, The Oddest son ilar amounts: West boundary, $200; 1 --an sol -d- -his if Ine team of 1goneral 1) r� -Mr. Gilbert Dick traA Mr. Joseph -see- died a few cars IM90. Mr. 'Dodds East I Udso 4ed for -­8vn& roll, are also '-well up on Ithe _y now likealy to eind well y bouii lary, $150; ]Korth and jj -have changea their day for I ifvUIIv attirea. -in j4 Was beau- Hart, 11 13u�, after ond -�ow -of Itllk-1 'Oppositkon- beches. %vas; a Presbyteigli iii Irelligion and South- pose . horses to Xej�-rs. Ar-chibaal, & - boun darios, $50 loa-ch. reen -%Ilk Avith all, tho'situation'ris- just as 61r Wil- The position f partles,dn th House -a Liberal in 1politteG, Re li(I eell Reeve Cad4nore, of Seaforth, tior the� sum shippipg hogs, to Moday.-Wv are g the - I q-arnit nd U1410 Carfled it sbotvr-,r 'Kelly and Tay- pleased -to state thalt Mr. Benjamin a lice this wlezW Cod and C unlei ors is nea of $350. -MV. Gco --E. Troyer bowght bouuet af white 4oarnations -from 'an elder In )Ca*&n eburoh, Win-thimp, lo: 4 frid Lmirkr said lit la the flrsL rly vX-aefly reversed" r report (I aving andt engInver f be- �of dsome, four -yea r -old Ifoiggarth, who -has been. so seriow-sily inired- for The proposea pa;cilil.t� ma wtit Was 'tlho, first c�ion of 1%1r, t4r over twenty (Years. He orts r spleting the 'briesmaid, 11-iss The difforcrice was me Rob' e a -lid 1han ill, is somewhat limproved durilog itbe, Olimr Howat's la,:sit berm'.. Vhcu the' in - of qxem-p"lar"an ts�tcrlkn WGrds, and not of- senti am T�31 11 Nielly Hamlin," from t4er mnt. And patr ,g char- r6lway tr Issing east� 'of 131Yth and of 'the .1brIe, was Win3rilarily ons and Liberals becup'jed near-` actr, of'mof1B-;Aam ordinaiy I past eek. iss Blanche Potty Mr Thos. Han,dtord,, of Exetiqr, some tirei. The (A 0 YA Ivas ably 131111 that the engieier -stalte(I t-haiL a- spent a few days 1last wee in r o now t the half of the 0onservaI ive -eats on' ligenoe aqd *W9 "U,?Ti;ght and lbonor. lve ported b his lb have dt- l t timlo ,kzo._Fev. Mr. jShavL, called- on rother, Mr. Rober crossing Is 'the 6nly Wind; prac- forth. -Mr. anod, Mrs. Hopp a , stom of phra%eoloy -the, Opposition did.' Now Ith C6n- able In all 11s dealdiogs hhs fel- b Is place, but (that, Ithe i bury were, in th;3 v1sed . %yj Hills Grecn� frlei4s, thfis r, f' Co- servative'mambers overflow tio, such titcable at t villaige last week., Af ter rther ceremony nn -11 which sultg ;them, -thc4r �&fficultis. ow men. He, was ItYPIcl of the company in building -it-be. road W111 J. W. Horth, $teacher paia, fly- I visit con7gratuliti-ons the uests Tparre -thal: ithey ow oec inig visit tolExeter thf, other fLy.- -Inig Xr,' an -ft jMrs. S. T. Hop -r Who and scraples have dissolvpd. Sir upY as carli salerg -61 jt-hls� municisp,%Ijity jolit d -ow, t he -hill to a proper level Pe to the dining TOOM _VO a many seats on Ithe Mr. Ed. Troyer-i3oid and daghter of this plam.-Mr. OPOosi-tion or Lib- ad, -his deatsh ternolves ahortherof 00, and wider tho icut gufficliontl a heavy drau,-rht tsuxfi-Ptuous i7epasfin the kTUe!9E smse, F4U7W;h4*t .......... Witfrid' has declared a-jiid ov, McCloy,- who was in the, empl-oy- sr, eral side as did both the Paitrons and nGbIc, ld guiard; 1wh aid, so�T6,avh to Y' 0 team- of. hree-y.eall­lold Igeld-iii; r of a ks tot 1good. -view of ' *or buthel-.A. a-yain th-at atlie desired wa-- to le -ve Liberals pe mit thal. road- he of O*t-erm, w in waltinFX. Af ttr a during ndfor&, ofExp -op R. PickarA- Co., until they sold that Iterm That make tb1s, country 1wha it'is and M r. H a -ter, f a an-ey , ' -iw h way so to make it' 3ust -ad been done prx-otleally, a I to mcns that iLh Conservative In, thlis besides" a competerivy -ba- ilaVes to safe, lisitt has engagd out I*ft here flast -w-wk for Torn- temptin uters, ill espect 'to Ithe schools jri i prize. -Mr. John Co X vjamds. t ma _6jFtWA16j_ . W 14 -ink Farqu'har for'. the -sum' to he Thas secLird -mry 1good lorossi g. A ojigv ilist' of path- Mr. Fr, be ievpol the Lure n -umber ,s many as -did 'his family the iisherkanco ot a �Bf. masters w appoin't4ad tfor the sev- sj)ent in isecial jilircou-sill V �j'w%t 'as ith-a-y are t. both �ihe Libarals an(I Paltro' MeT.-Mr. Will Uj&cw rtuTwd position. -Mr. ames 1, us Com- well sp go fmt- and a good name. cral distrl'C S, IL tenumber'ot accoun ts M Prs 'atiDn.- \01, passed all(,, the -council adjourned wen, Sound. pres(tjit abdtaacording-mo bined in Si Iliver's last term. Surprhse and Ont f rom a sbort viisit. to., 0 isfortune to -slip on the lviS near truly joyous and itnerry --filne. hetandin-r of th-c--, Nvords; this -tN7,%s all Thursday event -ng last about..f timer' has left. our orty until the 1.9th iof may" -Mr. Frank La his -door last nve0k and renelvd bri& tht the� cktwocs ri -tho Au--tono when 'the I as made *he of - it, bur, my The Taro' painful injurWs, although, Yortuoul ji to I i t says: of 'the n 'friends 9f We- are sorry ito. lose such a 'Aumber f ve ighbors and- ince. t as a ;court _r , v4labje bill,did. On tho-ther who of* revision- and for wild Mrs. George Gray surpris jovial itizen ly, mo bones iwere broken. -Mr. H. to h' e d other bustiness. Mr. Frank 0 Riftirily opposed im, -nuch as Mr. of 01-e jgentlemen irho supporited Sir Ranni and Mr. 9. W. Ortweln, mer- ill whIell ..She P r Wilfrid L them by tking 'posessio of their has bopg*ht a, fine, tbreo y�ear- old beld. The P, retty Sif t c> aurler undr' 16th-eir rilreum- IF 0oug) rvsidvan�e without a:ny previous to- 14014ilkI rom 'Mr. Nicholson of Zur- chants, -have each 3ngaed newn-61- daug 'lid tht was, 'just what 111k�y wanL-.. s.tarref.,s liter f Mr. timmas are expressin itbeir oirr their n -5on. Mr., Exeter. feb, an' Mr. Geo SpAnig, the, former a Mir,,5 of - Tu timation �df -tenit lIze Troe'r bas al- A ed blittbay fared 01ta %_r, py" fib or tr bW- prise tlixt a-inan-who Stod out,�f or Mrs. Gray, howev Nots. �d, Mrs. lGeorge Sam- I SO boul bt olle from Mr. Halidtord, Rosi, of St. fKarys, nd thic latLer was 4&nessed, in 0 ror "d in -t h(� Jvsolutions Wflf rld r, 'proved equal to . -A' - 9 a M It t -jihts for anhthba in the ocows' Vnd aooji h, -their V 'Mall Cn r of Exeter. 'A,, -Yie Cochrane and is Gibson, of Blyth. -Mrs. 130- The, masiu. vas provinleial r jn `Iralina the in mbers of ri�,ht,�ml,..-rht be capable thou � One which7 will 1896- should be laj,-ain&t such r Maud Farquhar i� i biet, of Exeter, -nvas In the village carry with It -ta bidden uests domfortably 1prov14 t he ohoir of Cavan ntod sDetidIn.-:,, . of sinister nq ed P-resibyLeria ) -Rark. t m 01 _can d any pliasa M an . nitiqht for the -t-%,,o iprovinces f urthr west f or n ds o me residence 1, few nionths in iToranito, a Mon -day mitewing oris to all were, pr.t:5ei bo inverproted. td, ge furtber Itha wnd, feeltag qui4e it home. In church # at their b, -Mr. Will. TM n in 1905." .NLO person u due. -course t1ro l n Wedne ay evenIng bf last week' ' Consift is. busily mtg -Our councillors liav'-- bexf anxious- -they intendd or i(�esired. But ;it./ qtands t,,ha ff-dr he Invasi brealning situation -jolji exppe:$3 any wa�s made ipparnt. IThe worthy 11ost M r, and vs. Samwe'l are no Consitt -bare str- lw ays hho m o 111 t he, -t"- s t ,In,& wil Led 4is -q fancy driver, Mr. ly watobing th, draln:s 'dur�* b-e'PP.v i,-OuPle left Ithis 111oek fol; t1'eir i that they ack upon nnd hostess -were called to tb, f w 01�v sucb urprise. Th, I lias something ithat lean _4tep faat past -.vk to Izuard agaimt any st condibions are inost li-ospi-able ntertainers, an d, jit of a Sorile's Of- wrd-s wlitch -they.conogld- goes t 1900a Vvishets entimly -different. In i896 Ithe Ijjj_ and Mr, Cowan read to �thvm 3 witho i in the, If Mowbray, of Wh ier af and whkdh, metq -the views Saying tbat a Most ae f 1,11,Xli-t boea.-Tyrr. ind f riends. I)-ftial PrI o whorh ib an affectionately and foom�i�limetary Mrs. Wm. DijXnaA " church, who was-visjoint:z, Mr. and vy Couve, III, Q101sant eveining was en -at Sunday at OL b oth and Idorisiaqueny from th' t NIrs. 13. Thomson fand family o 48o 1h claread tb att worded ddress tn hich It vrvs mta(_ who were presnt.-Misrs. )Ross & 4 Mr. dmund Troye's.-1r1s.. ha s T- fline out thore will likely be Plwlu 'Nsfaoitobu at 1 Coxisitt, urned to her home.- $10 to $12 '61ove he Itime of edi that ae bjeut of ithe unexpeet- Ta�yIOTS -nem saw m jr., hiA a t. Miss Bawdn, :Ippen. t be, III, whioh was -rer suctcs�ful per t4M &r,*W- L-ailln and Lhe a-gita.tllon vill soon union had no-sciparate seboo.1 sys- ed visit was ILhe d"ire on the -part of Installed, b,r , n efes soem to of Clinton, Is -rWiting hr Uncles' Ale�MU&r io Gut, the Works, 310NOvin. Or the n4eighbors and friend of r. Seaforth, Is; ow �!in full operahoi: this wo-ek vjs�jt st,mu 6ther by 4law or pratice and s M md be the order of thq the Messrs. MoDonell -13r6s;.,',of thh.; lvas- here I jut Uiere is �anoth<�r section whiloll. t oUr was not V tittled to :them (11t Mrs. Gray to t5rpen`a-* '-,t social, h land tbey b evotheir yards f led wi th villmge.-Mlss' Minnfle Doan, f Zvr- tM, pre-jeant ,will iftot sa!t- f.lit, tim Ralph Woitk-man ill�;r his Pare 'Mr. anA Mrs. John 1AN fivii in tau* o.f the union. The ve. thir d U-1 y at (Varn.-Mr. J. Fer- s -in the -villaqe; this Nvaek bXbroly isfy. It will no o wfth t1lem bi3fo o ly of lo,, This' enter- I -9pet Suna job, Iva Mont fbas �a ate ro 1174,11 clk ffio.w Golnulanue at t bo Stisfactory o T,.I.I.itorles bav,e had a c f ' m L-110 oTd. thwile, i n p: C pen �vislt L�o hjs�- brtjjfr n -ding a day 'or -tso with her sls- been on and to prh e.9t has his Ima1erial all boni0 for the their vprci.&Lio�Tj Of It -h h- and, turn or the True �of the, Torot;o�*_N ivs, SM11001 SYStCM 'by Tirrhit of I for Pm ma ne, lerootion of his hew b The Lor on Wr rway to Torenijo ItIo visLt in Windsor and 1s W, World, Tele,rram . - Spr aw 9 the tr�e It -be, finisbed this ?Cown I arn.- peo- Ja. ino r. oui(t. j.]Ijrty i �t aVticle, all thlwork Ple and bois and f6ends imn 'he of with friends 1J, Weis- Grieive, -of- Loudon. -T e. Porte. bav(i it now in d, L ir Tegret leill9erformd a be up arms - 1905, wlwn. the -Ire 1-beir coiterniplated removal, Wnd al- in 'their own tw bo social In. Miller - very pleasantly ientrtalned Lend. going Wliil* fh4l Government an -d North- oks.-Mr. Fred Hag- tho near future. lato ith4e Syr U, b f riexAs on ffluesday evening Ihst, Oft uni6n., h4wDe it is 11'el by many, SO t'O Wish ltl),V.m Woll in their futture 91th, f St4phn, 11eft here last week are th -VauS Ptftr so t people that tbo require- Sir Wilfrid, LaurjIto morig the bom, where ever iffi�at with a earl load, bf settlexsl effeats �Anni,�P_rsary ".rvlves were bield- �jn as to be. k-�axty w TORONTO, Maro Tillents of the. lconstitution be observ- num- may -be, and Brussels- the tstur4y das ber, thatt itlie, 10on-Stihilltion to �bress �on'. their Carmel Presbyterian church oil tome. Mr. U. Rjolper, bf the to 15 25 ed and that the rights ofith accqptce more for EdmonNn, N. 1W. T., near w1floli 13riefs.-Robert Ieft on' Sabbath last,�Rev. country require�s 'thait th ani.6 s tangible expressians f 'their oof] R. W. Ross..- DrUh thrbt- WMIC at U10 in f tlmo-li ity, t4arantee-d to tbom Y VlacO he h4s, Itaken up, lan(I and will I Tuesday of this Week on a prospect- A., of Knox Ichurch, Guelpli, PTO-aCh- Sidkl Of h­fs finother, *-ho- ts very by zeet of Parliament,ana whiell they tem VC loonitinud, and., -to will lflib friendn-h�p. 'At the cmiclu- c)n;ga,,-­Q In Ifarming. He rwas a0com- ijlr tour to ithe weAt. in $7 do otherwie, woul(j -b-a a evenA!xug and POD -have f the a-ddr' both mornlivg- iaild enjoyed for t�irty y,ears, be Y# �Gf Ex�tr. is -sip Css, Mr. Thomas I pailled by Mr. Harry ParsonA.-The him a car Of -horses, bte. A fruit delivered on the: folliowing Monday at ihe honle, 2s s6aa, to 46-W. I 16f Mr.,Jobn R. Xt-Don� perrhanerilly ecur6d'totliem by the wrong to the iiii-orit%y but Grieve ad Mr. lRobert Garro on OPirall Ree tal last iweek, under the, Institute meting In 'conneddion with avenftvg his famow, Autonomy Bill so that they NvIll not tiOn of -tbo requirernejists of th6. C0jn_ bob-alf oif tI;ie assembled visibors,pre- au&Piccs a the- 1EPNvort1h League of the East Huron VarmeA, jn� t A TrIp of Tuokermith. Sho- is XvAlt"�- bas not jbmp in q of th<11 .1'ravy 60unall n,(j. in r organit & T i ;or preju- ir w I c� Ie Main 9 -rcet M6bhodisft church, by will be litld in the town diall herp, %ilcman -1w ,mbject to itbe caprica ' stnutlOn. In 1896 dQ5111te, Iffie d ; gotd *fr, and. Mrs. 'Gry 'wlthi a t:b e to the'Yukon.1 The Rverend jgon- on lber E;Isfer, I&S, MCDO &ee Of ucoo-ainig, egislatures, the i Mr. W. 'Hewlett, is a'very nble and at f)je eal 0. mun handsome n-nd comfortable (easy obai -of I on Thursday lifternoon e"Y tonei, as each. Mr. G-ra!y, foriT behaf of jnjs(%,If Ham-11tp, andi Mr_. 'Arthur Garth- week, March 30th. Tbspeker-g for preacher and his sernions on, 'Sloth MaY fri�eja& hpe Isoola 'Ve of iiex L same 'time p�ja;gillig vind Impre."I've. Tr some, -timd. X M A of 10c, sp;Ijj1t of )the* as have' quite 4iffe' and his. wife, made a suitble a:nd a, e, as sGloist,iof Londn., two K>f. to sele her '14-0 %O_�Gut of -awl lon, ie camservauj b the, occssion will lbe D. ohnston, Occassiong were listIened to w1th around -agin.-Ail the darze rees section we hare referrk,,d to* a,!i "True ()On�sthtut 131 ues rent vile V0 IZOV - w It in i)ower in. �ba Do- feeling reply. Besides returning Ofitarlo's -ost polMar lentertainers, of Forest, and 'A. Gilford, of -:Xea" '70 ecture. fully- sus- in our wooKhs bave Mt a to '75a vii tra Their Id( -a. is ito totally dfi!;rcjx-a.rd to Ttov the valuable gift , Nv)licll I w m a m �jcal treat, isuell ,L& is #not f6rd.` The meeting will :Icommonce, Yet been tut, the re.quireinents of -the runstltir�io_n Separ- thanks for s wbile,lAs- ate re more, pp -ritore. crVbooN_ Dn !.Alanitob aild I red a'tedj if or th s t often list n iained 'the high ireutadon dliwilleh %,s Mr. DavU fKyle roell tly 0Uj and th rights iof the minority und W'e edltoin thesie-parts., The 'It tive 0'o -lock. -Dodds & Mabklrk, -down pirl attK"nPt they were. very ably aidi(Id which prompted 'them Ithan or- -their attendane was mot as Large as ithe ha i heR as a. lecturer. The, at- in r�lln tive, jwhieb ineasui, ba new Pr9viryces a freie­ is the nalne bf a new f irin mer, f s the 'ontert as nis sound ")_s and, betk t�vd by 11 ha Mail. it was actual value it %Vfl rits Vigagcd tendance was ot as lare as is iitsn- fi!vt �-jt ill t a -A. v this --s not I e Jbgtj n Dab 4ara thy do noi and to which t-bempt for either himself or his wilf n-imenit just -i- I in tallorIn Ila 'Brussels. They hav lly tthe case ion, ann?verar.y- occasi- n, bell. Mr. Kyle,!S TORO.,mo th,ey re not )oanst 1 Luft 1 on ally, entiLl- to 'force 8*parata schoot-s �lko f led, but, still thre oliurch was well Iemed tho, store rin, the StrLito sions owinig t Itilo almost Imp- 43715 there is money a`"a- in kind' 'of. tree3.­-:0ur wer- Ate off�rins; but -led. It is fortunat, for the country on Manitoba %vho inpper -tll,(.,m lev-a suoli kindnd dear frjcndsiind f Illed, an those thiresent wre, more block Tormerly occupied by John ble state of Ithe roaAsy and 7eit It was zhanbs, af9 usual, lare, IaYiygp� in larqe hat its affairs beforo an(I contrar 0D -the requi , jielghbora', amlong hom )they had liv- quoted uildh are, maned by I ire- than del htcd._kss Martin Ilias ri- 11"'itt- C- J1, DOIlds is Nvell known m<,nts of fli Constitutlon, Iblit. sor__e almo-st sbneb Ichildbood wrid from I coerd oin her Tooent Illnss Very Voo cnsidering the very, un- stobl,-s of tgoads ifior t to 200 4f an, outrage f this Wilfrid L ncl here, bvinix recently ta mf_,rnber of he rvrfrl�Y trade. r school dut tutwo 170 t 1905 in. ob-cadlente .,to whait., lle an(j Idndness and WILIV fwbom they had Auburn. 11 iss, 134�rtha. Russell 1hag j. tt kind were to be ttemryte& by thos Opposed On, 1896. in whoin they had h1ways received uch 'has retu ned, to il�0, �V.S a( the finn of Ross & Dodds, 160 ; good in power.' much less carried out, At boen 0 H(q)kirk has been eirnploye-1 of -2-20 to 23a larg wouLd rais,- such U. storm as . would many others lieve to be in sitriat n 'Such ItCrins o f rienship and vone.to Isit TrIichds in GerzaLown, ]atc, in a larq,-e tallo-rin cOnf01*Mit goo split the Confod-pracy Into fraginenks nolf -onj lth the sVirfit nelghborhood, and Lbe oo UM dair% y uld s_ Toronto .nd, HftmIIton­-:The16rcdiLon ment in G, It. They k'xpect -to et I but the 101tter iof LlicN co-n�gttlrtion, Os4ure tbm that whatever their fu- literary ociety In of SaVed is 001 Gained* and, would inflit 4n- ll<.. maint te 9d'vinig. a MU,%]- I in Tunning order by the end of the nd 11 Na, r a r Qota nikn pon 'tins Iliat the &.pa I and entertainmen't in I week.-Phillp Amlit, of 'town, hws vstinihlo Injury, if not ture wherev-o-r It myy be c per pfliur system b(, continued. in the cast theY would, never forgeC tbe the Low L A FARM-EEPIM'S PRUDBLEIA. 54he 'country. Now that 4 -his troul6le- w -h.,,i;tl Iof eiterprising 11 disposed of Ills 130 acre farm nt-ar Eggs - new prov, gao frinwo n which village, 'n Mondwy evening next. It Cranbrook to Samuel r, practically, t inces. - The -dif te'retimi be- twi& r i lie i t hy b le 't lbefilnd at .3alfou of IBM ta *rw qat6 for .1he. air. 1ea.-,t, Nvo Positions '1-9 vary the Old borne, will b d oad5 are MpKillop, for the-. surn of $6,500.- oo i �and' 1'arlianiet will lye at Liberty to nia.rked. whIch 6Vill !ever, be, dsar to t'betr asjqa�bd Ic, no doubt t;omf, o'f our musi- 8, Scott ;w I licarts. Thys6 as in Berlin,for a, cou- s0zea iatho -h -,over,, U10 ent. �.r business f eal y over nd -t , profit prowrd witli tho propw -dis In lined will rlive How o Make .150 Per C take it pl, of, days this woek, beln,-,f called the 'eouatry ndi the peoplf� will soon 1.). T -Cordon, proan,004 the 1wll-filled ba vnd soon'thad tb t witli Seterif'-ed.-The L"doh Adverfl-3-or iebolls, of ebiseiburst, t%vals a vLcA- Parchase 8 lbs. of Animal Tonic for $1.20, wi white, settleml down to tbeir ui-;u.il quicit and hlid schedules bfore the keti5 theY bad brongh s a witnc,�is In a law ult. . M2 - P. for Ken L, + 4 -le We++ + 0o + + 4- le + + + + + + c fables most I of Sa(;ur#ay last �`ays"Njne moiltbis tor with his brotb�r hcr<1, iths IV Mix ! this -with I Ground Off, Caket 90c. This gives you 58 Ms. of con1mFttoe at Odawa Show- boutiftill spread, and 1frbm which I in the Qenfral 'Prison was the sell- -Geor., ge Smith and amil-y have re- 9umpLuousl i n 1 hat unrf�asojjble diLsorlmlIna- all partook mot4 Af - fence A Poor Defence, pv�ssed this morning an John movad from Brussels to Torbuto._ lb. 1-i0n8 exIs-ted;L between ter tI11'9 ft cOuPle uf hours were most tt" 2 lid X , thp_ f i i T. West4ott, the. leounty constable ot week Alex. McLennan was call- 0 Wes �jil and Empire - - y t In soBiaj cO SUPRIOR STOCK 'MOO ,4 0 e tG- imposedi -by Canadinn rorads, ver.38, 1who reoenfl ille, where. hi. br th , n t -taken In- ed to Tbamesvi roli throvighout Ontario Kxn on 9an,,,r and Mr. ra came 1, o custo 1Y for bla-ckmll. Tbere. Nvor ?Xurdocb, a well known Iformler Brus- At PFOfit Of 120 per ce t. on th pu h e. F d t d u 21 One of tbe, �Fachine orzans risies ricultural 'to 01IS farm vhleai quite �1. nYD wil I %-4 producjs and Ji*Vle� 6stock his chqrgev. igaInst (West-catt. The splite, bad, taken a paralytic stroke, r doze 0 to coniplili !that -),Tr. Whitney has parAshts; thirty,.:tjN,G w realize tbe other 30 per cent, in their improvement on your animalff. It- 0* donstined for th sc.,aboar s 0:6 ears a -go, first, to whichli-v plead guilty before. while, performln;c lrf-,3 -dut;1es s DOM punr — non-part4aa# commis- Mlrt'd With whal s bippers, in in- reldfd lon., it. ovr Squir fies the blood, aide digestion, and tones.'up the whole system Those Who - it Hol NK1011- rjc%,r , -a Smith, of Ailsa. Cra;tg, inercial traveller, The, tright side of - for the eonmruction iDf the and otli(,r poin -helil- 1113 ,pntly jojEj, t o Ml% JIM I h t ot 1 obtain' have used it bear testimony to the correctness -of thi's estim-at Co Ing mone. ts er"s b at, Mr. McLennan's face an& th 1pft ToR0=0 y, y hre, -4 , e, aud to the f ct Tendskdming Rjilwav by a purely hw% &.cided to 1�ush his, from a tbwnsb1p Man ide of his body are paralyse He that no better stock food can be purehai3ed. partw;iri One.,, 1B u t' A,� . hat terna,tiolial boudry 11WV13 to vay, e FOr further particulars,� apply to Could Mr. and as coriipm great Wc.,st. Bur"s a iige_vpq_�, d'also'k with whlt Am- re, Tiamcd John Wilon. 'The second was was rMoved to his home in T.Aq(lon Whit ney ; pu.rc),. or simdl,-Ix (j!js_ wjj.jjiTl Th only k1ally in- jvrt'can� rods an improv6d farm I 1�ljat df lalftern-VtIng fto obtain n" on Saturday last.-ne:v. John Ross non-parti.san �mun in mi-JeT.-, ot thP ffmws'. 'Ar Gordon cGmpjij;ne(j- 1) 01(l jame 'means from *Mrs. Dart, was unable to itake th,6 serivices In M wffe of Mr. Dart, a butcher residing norw)a, ilway char-ging -tbis sam nd sistinr, expedt 1-0 lot, church last Sabbatlf owinz 1N Alm t4ZI; the e(,urktry, uO1jP4r.t Jaff-ray, !re-. o of th(� T1 Ca h 0 a D In0 v_a tjv f jj r I inja a r7h anct bomeboily had 'to itake rates -Estrn 'Ontario po bere on !,near c don JuncLion, (this inorning to illness, and In morlijaz the V of A hi -13 111aep. It was�, bf C() E WILS' ur Ihts Tuesdin -next. DRUG, BOOK AND FANOY GOODIS STORF,7 to ham sible to find anyovae, �Y 'collect for itleman who !sb uld imPOS- to tlic seabord as the Mr. ray is ft 1:4-e- Wes'tj�,Gt was arralgiled-b6for JudZe, T)ulPit 'was occupied 1by Mr, W., H. shiPments it hree a 0 �t" bovsc -' 100 to, nd; four 'Undred Ws t, do well In he V dwaT Elliott, on the I-,- Kerr. The evellinig gervlo6 was mr.1th, SEA.FOR17H, S -eay, trellar atd A -ter obarje, L ble a �)leadedl guilty- He was TCpre- o S ON TAPJO arawn.-A MWWS."of the direct r