HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-10, Page 5TORE
tha go
Ca 1O 1905.
Wit*. --- 10 • r
Ilaroh 01b, 1005.
„ Sol 406te
0 be
pose peen..ew 0 66 tO
ioseley per bushel— ...... 0 46 10
01044 Re. 10010 0 19 to
0 18 to
zwo per 6 17 ori
our oper oor morrow * S to to
zee eaten new—. 650 to
Elesteer Ito - .... 5 0010
sheep eklose. Arf• of ask *la 0 80 to
rotaitoee rear b'og inewiele - 0 00 to
so (retell) per banelet.... e. am .1 26 tr
wootl per 00ado,00M1)-t.-0;.te.... 500 to
Weed per cora ahOzta. 4:44 • 275 to
plea oer Ofigoormgroolooro 0 40 to
over alittilorogo. lor goo it** 6:04. .0 aor so .• 6 DO to
Timothy SeedOe...... — 1 26 to
spew, per 05 to
I.'ork, per HO. — (ea.:eat— — 70 to
DadrY *baskets.
Gerre. March 7l4i—Batter-eReceipta
aMeries arts fair pad prices are steady.
tubs are qaotedielominally, as there
' i
rename on the markete , Lerge toile are
slightly firmer. OredieSety prune, 27 to
Sc; good to chinceit dairy tube, 19,3 to
medium dairy, 11. to 18o ; ioferfor
*Mee dairy, ltia to llte ; ;pod to choice
>dairy pound rolls, 22s th 24e ; large dairy
cone, 203 to 210 ; rnetiPtiti , dairy, IS. to
194 Oheese—The mart is steady and
quoted tutehanged au lAie per pound for
twins and Ile for large. Iggg.—Are riteady.
New hid are tooted untitkitaged et 231 to
tele piss dozen. Limed, kee meeting mita
only a quiet demand. They are quoted un-
013aeged at 18e.
Meeerezen, Marcia ,:h.—Cheose, On-
tario fall whit, lOilo to 443 ; colored, 10e
to 10/o ; (tube°, 101 to. ',10,303. Butter—
Finest grade, '28 t') 30 ; tordinary. finest,
.26 to 27o; western deiryspa Ito 23o ; roll
butte*, 95 to 26e. Eggta-Streighe cold-
tOrage stack at In- to 10?0,1; No. 2, 17e to
19c; ALlentreal limed, : 21 .4 22,3; seleeted,
te5 to 26c, and aew lanl. 28st.
1 rt
.,. _ Seeds.
TORONTO, Karon 8—Therii is an increas.
siug inquiry for field (merle, but the quality
In the country does. not sett* to siie choice.
Reel clover, $8 50 to $7.0 i alsike, "oom.
men, $3.50 to $5.60; timothy, $1 to $1.50,
all f. 0. h. Toronto. ei•
Grain, etO,i,
eeneasertit March 7th—'Whoa---White,
$1.06 to $i.08; red, $1 06 inti $1.0S ; goose,
92 to 930; apingl $L02 itOereal, $1,07 ;
peas, 70e; oats,46ie ; boric% 52. Hay—
No, 1 timothy, $10 to $12.50, ;clover ormix-
d, $8 to $9 per ton. Strawee-Sherrif sbraw,
$11; loose, $7,50. Hogs-fpressed hog,
light, $7.50 per owt ; herivy,e07.25 per owt.
Mi1lfeed—$14 to $15 for bretilin bulk, $17
to $17,50 for ehrt, east and wet; :Mani-
tehet $19 for shorts: $17 for a bran exports.
. -
Live Stock Marts. -
LONDON& En,41tirufst Mittel( 7th—Live
tattle arequotect at 10e to lti! per pound ;
seirigerator beef is 8 t3 Sleeper pound ;
eheep, 12 to 13a per pound. 1,'"i
Lrvide2oon, March 7th—Aekericau oat.
tle &Id 4 Canadians, 5ed. s ;
i'letisteow, March 7tu—Aeaeleate eatble,
eve to eid.
Meteerenere Mar& 7th—The Inttehers
were present in large number ee brie trade
ents slow, and lees mese is watited on ao.
count of ?Wednesday being the ;keginning of
lent. Prime beeves eold at. 4o to near
5e par pound e pretty g:oa 04b10 si to
near 43/4., and the commonsttelk, at 24 to
2ers per pound. There were , ei'number of
superior large milch oows " beet
tleght from
Toronto. A Ctnebec buyer httienht 31 of
the heat of them, at $5e each, tnoe $5 en
the lot. Comm011 cows &old at425 to $45
each. Mr. Riohotte beught two euperier
calves at $26, and a choice eprig- lambs for
.8; small calves sold at $2,50 bpi', $5 eseh ;
„sheep sold at 4 to 5a per *0poundennd spring
per pound ; itleets at 5t
Iambs at $5 $8 each. lime ee fats hogs
edd at about 50
to 6o per pound.
Tided and t let I
eave addrteens„
ter.tainine; awl
nsteumental select ino
Mies Whiddon and ler.
;rwn wing, and Miss
ei ekereeel le n t ci•-•
Woods was chair...
Va na
to buy any quantity', ,
timothy seed. Send us
quantity. Beat t ier
(tad seedsmen, Sea -
and.—Mrs. Davidson,
Mr. Devidson,, of this
Vied a oablegra in. on
conveYing elte sad
the. death of her mo-
rguson. The deeet It
Marcie 4, at the reel-
dertea sed, Idra ter side.
Aberdeenshire., Scot -.
82 years of age.
-.might tow this
The many friends of
here willoettatteid f
st eyrapalher on az-
, bereavement.
ter. John Sparrow, who
!etlea, witle a load rtf
ted• home on Saturday..
id trip. He says them
t any a000tent west of
ute.—The lave i ins
tenet Instituee hold at
ookhi -paesod off very,
Wed needay a f rno on
as tt. largo a t id'irdan co
membere were add -
insets well's both lielp-
truetive.. Miss Lot t io
instrumental on the
was tutteh appreciated
,present. The Ilex t
ea held at the home GE
:Way. The subject to
" Housecleaning." by,
1 and a demonstra-
Ing by the ladies.
=her left 'this vecin-
lay for points in the,
atones theee were Mr_
for Deer inn,. Dakota;
ertand _ for Kenton,
!ert Madeile for Win -
lay evening *lac Mr.
entertained a few of
bir thelaes party.—Ort
the Seefor th
isit t lee K in burn
. ladies of the Ltnigue,
bring a basket. oe
Ante Leaeue will talert
regular annetisteaconi-
[ pan. sharp. The top-
• everting was very,
"t3fr.. R. Clarke.
EilaMose*. r _ones to
for ehis seeeore.
eeeet turnout of both
Fors at the 111011
Aedey. it was one of
oreossful fair.s of the
Ol-eood deal of stock
•t o p r 1 cos. M r-
iL ot East Wail. an-
ts for $210.—e1r. J.
tA Manitoba NA
—11s4 E. Graham,
was yleiting her sis-
Ve. J. Sims, Lee re -
Nees Morrison k -
"cif McBee tilt,
et. for this E,4-• teort.--/
lissionar'y tern iety ref
church had a .very,
Li lost week. The
seisted of efresir-
nd- readings. T it
ated to •$17. Tiro
Ue Presley t f• Hart
:eying a musical ter -
%Ines of Wednet
:erlingto.o, the only
roevet -of Vast
I on Tuesday after
. se -The choir and
! Young lecoplet' So-
roh, tothe mim-
e; ere enterteined
Tuesday e
raueical arid .social
'oe-od.—Tho loc a I un -
Endeavor and Ep-
ees:iv-Hos hes olected
efficere for the on-
resident-, Mise Ella
1.iry. Mr. A. if:Wil-
e Mr. Ifenry Wan-
Itriss J. it. K irk-
Imitioe, Mr. .E.Ben-
'semen-% Miss Se ralt
iebei Steinhoff
mples ready for
Irked in plain
witli anything
irgain prieee.
in March, be-
g proposition
our rooms, and
0 40
O 06
0 45
0 20
0 19
0 le
2 75
6 85
O 26
O 76
8 26
0 50
2 00
8 20
BUFFALO, March 7bh—Cat bet—Market
airly aablve ; steady. Prime tifere, $5,25
o $5.65; shipping, $4 65 to $5.0 ; hutoh-
ere, $4.55 to $4e0; heifers $34 to $4.75;
news, $2,75 to 64 15 ; bulls, $20esto $4.25;
dockers and feeder'
s $3 to 6.345 ; aback
oeffere, 62 to $2.75; fresh eowaiserd spring-
ers, steady ; good to choice, 843 o $55;
medium to good, $32 to $45; eeinmon, $23
to $30.1loge—Active, and 5 to 10e higher;
pigs, 25 to 300 higher ; heavyanteeed, York-
ers, and pigs, $5.40 to $5.45 ; roteghs. $4,60
to %SG; stags, $3 to $3e75. tebeep and
Lambe—Active on good graders ;e;elow on
medium and common ; native honks, $6.50
to $8.60; were ern lamb() $7 73. 'po $8.20 ;
,yearlings, $6.75 to $7 ; wettieee, $6 to'
66.25 ; ewes, $5.75 to 66 ; sheep, mixed,
2•50 to $6.
TOBONTO„ March Sth—Oattltee Export-
ers—A fair number of cattle vssiereffering,
hut the quality wee not good, fiide of the
offerings beingof hetser thistle ltnediam
e. There s little clispositiele 'towards
eager buying on the part a the .cleeders, hut
many had spa3a to fill, and the d Oland for
cattle was therefore active enougti,. e tak e
ears of nearly all the efferings. (Zealeee,
however, seem to think trade Alneopeete
foreshadow lower prices, followirget lessen-
ed demand for cattle. Quetatiooe are use
changed and Ube market was &orally
.steady and every tbing was FOCI:, Choloe
are quoted at $4 40 to 34.90, good 'le med-
ium ab $4 25 to $4 40, good cows itkt, $3.25
to $4. Bittohere' Oetele—Whilet 04 run ot
cabbie was fairly large the quality, of the
offeringe was not gem:rally good, ,T There
war, however, not much change Tint actual
prices, and qemtatione are about., P-Oteady.
Good to choice are quoted at $4.1.4 to $450
heir to good at. $3 50 to $4, mixed: lilt
to $3 75, common at $2 to $3, and howls at
$2.50 to $4. Stricken and FeederieseA good
few unfinished export (Abdo wereon the
market, and fa- these there wee bdithe de -
on the part of farmere 40 were
looking for ehort-keep cattle. Offeetngs of
other lines were not heavy, nor watinbhe de -
mend active, and trade wai quiet, "With an
flaaY tone. Quotation‘ are uddleenged.
Feeders are quoted at $2, 50 to 84.0, and
stookera at $1.30 to $3 40. Mileb
.1.he demand for good cows contintireideetive
end a fairly good lot were off fringe eteriees
- were eteady, rouging from about t $$0 to
$60 eaah. Sheep and Lambe—The run
oontinuea light, and dealers find dieliatelty
in getting all the stick they neede; 3every-
thing was sold eerly to.day and pH* were
firm. Export sheep are quated t $3 50
to 85.25, and mixed $3 e0 tfo $4 50.
• Grarefed lambs are steady et $8.50 t,o 37;
barn-varde at $5.50 to $6 50, and „brings
at to $8 each.. Hogs—The nterket is
firm in tone'Selects are quoted 18'a high,
r at $3.75, fats are tia nigher at $5.50, and
iehts are lower ab $5.25
Horse Market.
TORONTO, March 8.—The follOv'ing are
the prevailing prices at the horse •frepo
tore ; Single roadatere, 15 to lit ..hands,
$150 to $200 ; Riegle cobs and 'earriage
horse*, 15 to 16 1 hands, $150 'td, $225 ;
matchel pairs and carriage horses: 15 to
16.1 elands, $300 to $450; deliver' 3torses,
1,100 to Lee' lbs., $140 to $160 ; keneral
purpose 1.,; exprePs horses, 1,200 to
.1,350 lbs., to 6175 ; drauglit horsess
1,e50 te 1,7e- ., $150 to $200;,: Service.
able eacentd-han workers, $50 to $fp_I eer-
Nike hie second and drivers, $58 581
seam, on Febreary 260, to
*;•$ e, a daughter
7.4 Febtuary 27the tb ter and
, on FebruarY ileth, to kir
• slower t, eel '.
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reiervil Funtil $3,5
HON. GEO. A. COX, President,
J. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX, LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l
110 Branches IN CANADA, THE UNIT
Fa.rmais7 and GraziersP Baiking1
Every facility afforded farmers and graziere for their banking busielese. N3tes die
counted. Salo Note a earthed or taken for colleetion. .
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed ab current rabee from date
of deposit. interest added to the deposit twioe in eaoh year, he end 9f
May and November. The depositor ie subject to no dela± whet- '
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any- portion o
She deposit. ,
Deposits rnay be made or withdrawn by mail. Outeof.town ate:Ante reeeiye every
F. HOLMESTED, 'Solicitor. G. E. PARKE'S Manager.
EISEMAN —011AMNEY—At the residences of the
bride's ptrento, West Wawanosh, on February
28t13, by Rev T B Coupland, of Auburn, Mr R
Henry Leishman, of Arcola, Manitoba, to Miss
Elize Alice Chamney
REID—FARROW—At the reaidenoe of the bride's
father, Goderloh, on February 25th, by Rev
N Hazen, Mr Robert W Reid of Brooklyn, N Y,
to Mies Bertha 8, Meet (laughter of A Farrow,
Epq, Clollector ot Custom eg
MUROWITOHELL—In °Maw?, on March let,
byRev Dr Cook, Mists May E Twitohelt, of -Olin-
ton, to Mr Silas Mundt, of Stanley '
DOUGLAS—NICHOL—At the residence of the
-bride's perents, Morrie on Montt 1st, by Rev
John Ross, B A, Mr Janes •Dough(' •to Miss
Myrtle M J, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs
Robert Nichol, of Biorrisi towhaliip
CLUFF—it 250 Robert street, Toronto, on Merch
41h, Lillian. May Gain, wife of Mr Wm R Cluff,
ROD of Mr Samuel (fluff, of Tuokeremith, aged
20 yeaes'and 1Q months
MUSTARD—In AbOIene, Kinn% on February Sth,
of pnoumonia, Thomas Mustard, second son of
Mr Hugh Mustard, formerly of Brucefield, aged
52 years
OLIVER—At Thermal -3n, on February 27tb, James
• tormerly of Brussels, in his 90th year
JOHNeTON—In Goderich township, on February
28th, Margaret McKee, reliot of tbe late George
Johnston, aged 90 yeart,
ELLIOTT—mEaet Wawanosb, on February .28rd,
John.Elitott, aged 80 years
HAMILTON—In Carriek, on February 28th, Mrs
Margaret Hanoilton. aged 72 years
APPLETON—At Victoria Hoepital, London, on
February 21th, Rebecca, daughter of Mr Thoe,
Appleton, of Crediton, aged 21 yeare
Funeral Directors,.
and Embabliers.
Night calls answered at Mr. MoKenzie's
residence, Church St., third home north of
public gehool, wept side. Graduate Massa -
&fleets College of Erubalming, Buten, U.S
Knechtell 8/, NICKenzie,
r 111111111.11.1111
On Saturday, Match 11, at 1 o'cl ok p.
K ()
m., at the Reotory, -SSaiorth, Honsehold
Furniture, ete. Rev. J. W. Bodging, pro.
prietor Thomas Brown. auctioneer.
• OnSaturday, march 180. ab 2 o'olook
p. m., at tit° Qiunints Hotel, Seaforth, a
ohoiee 50 sore farm being Lot, 4, Coneee-
sion 10, Hulletb. Mrs. Frank Nies, pro-
prietress ; John Zapf, tempt ; Thorium
Brown. auotioneer.
On Friday, March 24bb, ab 1 o'clock p.
m., on Lot 6, Concession 14, Hullettone
mile north oi Harlook, Farnt Stook and
Implements. John A. Watb, proprietor ;
Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Wednesday, March 22ad, et twelve
o'olook noon, on Lot 26, Coneession 3, Me-
Killop, one mile and a quarter nor i h of
Seaforth, Perm Stook, Implements and
Frousehold Furniture. Robert Govenlook,
jr., proprietor; James G. McMichael, auc-
On Wednesday. March 15th, on Lob 27,
Concession 2, MoKillop, Farm Stock, lap'
Temente and Household Furniture. Geo.
Gray, proprietor; Thomas " •Brown, auc-
On Tuesday, March 210: ab 1 o'clock
p., m., on Concession 2, Stanley, Stook
Steers and Heifers, 2 and 3 years old.
Alberb Nott, proprietor; Thomas Brown,
Oa Friday, March 24th, at, 2 o'alook p.
m, at the residence of the undersigned,
North Main Street, Seaforblee Horses,
Cattle and Household Furniture. Arthur
tealeraith, proprietor ; James G. Mc-
Michael, auctioneer.
QRAZING FARM. -146 aores for 'sale or to rent.
Apply at once to:11.:8.,HAYS, Beaforth.
UCTION SALE of Farm Stook, Implerneuts and
Household Furniture.—Mr. James, G. Mo
Michael has been inetructed by Mr. Robert Gocen-
look to sell by publio auction oh lot 26, conoeseion
8, McKillop, one and a quarter miles north of Sea
finish on Wednesday, March 22nd at 12 Wolof& noon
the following property, viz : Horses. -1 heavy
draught mare 11 years in foal ; 1 Yeneral purpose
mare supposed to be lo foal 5 yeare old ; 1 general .
PPO' horse 8 years old ; 1 two year old Galt. Blf.
ad by Flaebwood ; 1 one year old mutate? colt ; 1
six year old general purpose horse. Cattle. -7
clioice export steers ; 2 butchers' cattle : 8 year-
lings ; 1 newly calved cow • 3 cows In calf ; 6 !can
year °hie. Piga.-2 young 'brood sows heavy in pig;
nine store pig% triplet:I:mute-1 Brantford binder
In good wolking order; I McCormick mower ; pea
puller and pea bunaher ; 1 Oxford gang plow; 2
walking plows ; set diamond harrows, 6 sections
and doubt° trees for two or three hereon ; turnip
sower, Coleman make nearly new ; Bonnier Frost
& Wood make nearly new; 1 geed drill combined 14
hoes ; 1 good hay rope 116 feet and pulleys and
lexica ; 1 covered buggy ; 1 cutter and a road cart ;
2 wagons and 2 sleighs; 1 hay rack a r stock rack;
I double inoul4 board plow ; 1 double barreled shot
gun ; a good collie dog; 2 lusts double harness ; 1
set single harness; 2 horse rakes ; t set ecales,
(1,000 lbs.) ; 1 ten horse power and 1 jack ; I Wet
son ensilage cutting box, forks, shovels and a lot of
other artiolea too numerous to mention also a
lot of household .furiture, a quantity of hay and
roots. Terms. --All sums of $5 and under, cash;
over that amount six menthe credit will be given
011 furniebing approved joint notes. A discount of
per cent. per annum will be allowed off for cash
•on credit amounts. Hay and roots oath. -ROBT.
AEL, Auctioneer- 1943-2
I The Winthrop Creamery.
OM. 01M.10101111.
of the patrons and all others interest-
ed/in t• he Wwtbrop creamery wilt toe—beld In toe
caettanery hall on TUESDAY NEXT, March 14th at
2 o'clock p. zn., for the purpose of appointing dir-
ectors, salesman and secretary -treasurer for the
coming OflO601]. A large attendance is deeired.
1943x1 Secretary.
DAR51 FOR BALE -e-for at4e; the east 13
4, on the llth mincessionlof Tuckers
table. 60 amea, nearly all cleared and 1
state of Mfitiyation. There le, On the pr
gond bank barn, 40 ft.x 66 and a oo
dwelling homotose, also a gool atd of win
Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN WH
Chiselhurst, Ont. •t 1 ,
If of lot
1513, con-
s good
mina, ta
r fruit
GURU FOR SALE.—For sale lot 22, o ncession
U 11, township of Hibberb, con5atciog 100 stores,
about Nacres cleared, underd ained, wel fenced
and in e high- Otte of cultive ton, the ba me is
well timbered with hardwood., iThere le a good
Melt house and bank barn. There is plenty. of
good water and e good orchard( , 11 18 with n a mile
and a helf of Cromarty and abOut, seven Dal es from
a railway. Will be sold oo key tern3s. Apply on
the premises or addrese O. H.IKERSLAR Crom-
arty P. O. i942x4
mondville, a comformbl two store frame
houee with brick foleadation,ico tains patio , sitting
room, dining recut, kltohen, abc bedroo s with
closets and halls and good caller under tb hone&
Ileod and soft water bonvenient. , Tbere i ale° a
good. barn 20x80 feet. Over an aore of and on
which are:the W301013141 varieties of all-kinde f fruit.
,The tellies ate in good malt ani Oa place it; well
underdrained, Id is situated Oil ODO of th finest
lots in Egntorldville and will bo sold ree °trebly.
Apply to NEIL- HILL, Box 79, Seatorth P. 0 •
Efialooldville, a oomfortab e gratne hou e with
three acres of land in le very" feitile•conditio with
plersty of WV and email frulte ror family e also
large barn and outbuildings in good Feed . The
house bas been receetly overheu ed and c ntains
seven rooms with abeam cellar, fu I eize, goo wood
shed, 5140 summer kitchen and an excellent spring
well and good cistern. Any person desiring a com-
fortable, quiet home of this deecription, co enient
Ito toe n, ehould not odes thie oppottueity, ill be
sold noteonably sled on easy teirris. For urther
pertieuffers apply -on tbe prereieet or addre s Ego
mondvile P. 0,, Wel. BUBOLZ t43 tf
A Mimi SALE of kerns see' cattle.— smos
Jones hes received instructions from Illiam
Rogers to sell by public atootion lit the eattle yards
in the town of Mitchell op Thurtiday, march 16th,
1905, the following : 1 heavy dratight gelding Oiling
2 yeurs old, gob by nonvoter, (impionted boree) ;, 1
roads'er filly, rising 2 Writ old; 2 -newly droved
about time of ale ; 6 cows due to &sive Moon time
cows with calves by their side; 8 :owe due tlorelve
of sale * 6 cows due to calve about 3st of April ; 4
heifers rising 8 years cli in good Obspe to put on
grass; 2 farrow cows ; 8 steero tt log 2 year old.
Sale at 2 (Mak. Terms. -8 niontbal credit on fur.
nishieg approved j Ant notes, 4 pdr cent. o for
caeh No mime. WM. ROGER., Propri tor ;
JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1 ' 1043.1
IV , .1-7--- I
A ITOTIOls SALE.—of Farm mine and Imp.m
ents.—Mr. John Watt use i sttuoted Thomas
Brown to sell by Public A.210E1013 a , lot 6, oo Come
ion 14, Bullet, one mile north of 11 I` iricok, on day
March 24th, at 1 o'clock sharp, t following Wu -
able property viz ft—Horses —One" pan of neat bed
geldings rlaing, 5 and (3 years, 1 t general purpoee
horse rising 6 yams, 1 general purpose mare rising
6 years old 1. colt sired by CoPribrottie P ide.
Cattle, oto. -8 cows suppoied to be, in calf, 1 fa row
:ow, 2 at cows, 8 deers rising 2 yeere old, 5 he fere
tieing 2 years oil, 6 steer calves, 6 heifer et& ft, 1
brood sow. 18 51310 hop, 60 bens, 3 turkey bonn
and 1 gobbler- Implements. -1 now Igaerey-HArris
mower, 6 foot cue ; 1 hey rake; 1. NoX.on @tied drill:
1 sot diemond harrows; 2 Fleu y Plows. No. 211*, . 1
twin gang.plow : I disc harrow ; 1 'umbel, wagnie;
1 truck wagon ; 1 hayrack ; 1 gravel bole; 2 oote
bobsleighs, 1 °Wheel fanning toil ; 1 root pul et;
t set new scales, 1,000113eo, 2 sots toan harnes ; 1
set plow beefless, 1 hay oar, fork, reps and, allege •
I stone boat : 13 logging (mains ; whiastrees, neol-
yOkaa, forks, shovela, and a lot of other articles too
nun:wrens to mention. No reserve las the pioprtet-
dr has ;odd his !arra. Terms of sale.—All sunlit of
$10 and under, oash ; over that arrlount, 8 months'
credit will be given on furnishing epproved len.
dorsed note. A dimwit of 4 per dent. per annum
will bo slimed for cash on credit atrounte. JOHN
A. WATT, Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, And
ioneer. I 19184
For better pervlati
than we render ret
wrote of time. No
one could supply your
wants beeter than tee.
The one commodity
in which good cpteliYb
is imperative, is
Dr g 8.
Here you get thein
in their best and pure
eat etatee You can
rely upon them abso-
lutely. The feet thet
they are L moderately
priced doers not meau.
inferiority here.
Ten bt
Dottie ju receive
2113e. for Ts.
Our ow Neuralg
Cureeguarenteed, 2
a bottle. '
" NeverlFail" Cor
Cure, 100 1 box.
"Our Oven" Con-
dition Sveder for
. •horses, 25clapaokage.
Sachet J uniper Kidney Pills, for rheumat.
tient and sore hack, 25c a box. 1 ,
• Sleighs selling ab big reductio, to dealt
Big bargains in china, ! •
We are agents for Cook't COtton Rocrii
Compound* and Prof, Dyke's Oit of Pines.
OARDNO'S - - BL001
Full Range of Up -to -Date Patterns:
A Trial Order Solicited.
Speare and Page ...Merchant Tailor's.,
Tinder the Town Clock, SEAtVINII.
New Spring flats for Men.
We are maklug a is/nodal show of Men's Hats in the new Spring shapes and ehades,
making special menblos of our leaders—King Edward, Whitney and Sifton. We also
show severel new blooke for Sprirg in etribieh p,00de by such :makers as Knox, You-
mans, Christie, ete. We show some special Hoes in fine fur felt Hats in black and
color., all new styles for Spring, ;it $1, $1 25 $1,50, $1.75 and $2, else e, 13pecial ii130 of
wool felt hate, new ehapes, at 50, 75e and $1
Men's New Spring Neckwtear.
We have just receihei mitt passed into stock a magnificent assoeSment of new Spring
Neckwear for men. in Paffa„ Aeoobs, rour-in-hands, Relate, Bowe and Stairg Tier, in an
She new colors and eludes, at 15a, 25o, 35o and 50e
Boots and Shoes.
Our Spriag etook ot Boote and Shoes is now open for impaction. We show the
largeet and beep assorted stook of shoes this Spriug we ever.ctrried, including the cele.
brated King grality Shoes for men and women, the Williarne' Patent Adjuetable Shrei
for working men. They are made �f whole stook, waterproof, ani wear like iron. Our
Ladies' (Worth for Spring are bere en all the new siyieo, in black. San and chocolate.
As tan shoes are to be greetly in evidenee this seam, we havelaid in a heavy stock for
men'women, miasma' and children. Ladies' Rubbere from 35c3 Up
We pay the highest price in eash or trade for butter, egg, dried apples, ote.
March Sale
AT B. B. GUNN'S, C4th.
DRY GOODS—Wool Blankets to clear at $2,25 a pair. Wool Hotiery to (dear at 253
a pair.
HOUSE FURNISHINGS—Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleume—speoial discortratit this
month only.
GROCERIE Jepan Tea, 253 a lb. Fine blended Black and Green ab 300, 40o
• and 50a itib '••
CLOTHING—Ten dollar suits for $7.50 ; odd coats frnm broken suits. $1, 50 each ;
Boy*? odd Vests from broken mite. 50o ani 75.3 each. Men's odd Pantrefrom
broken suits at 75e, $1, and $1.25 it pair. Wool Fleece Underwearj this
month sold at 75e a putt.
• We are paying 20c a lb. for Choice Roll Butter,'
$1 per bag for Good Potatoes,.
B. GUNN, Seaforth.
T -1* -NAT
cm -i IT! 1:=1 irsoirAas-T-Y-
-vcr3Erso .A__LR,M "USING -
Wm. Sinclair,
Daniel Regele;
T. A. Dodds.
Frank Kenney,
Roberti Frazer,
Wm. Fortune,
Mr. Harris,
John Taylor,
Joeepft Worden,
John McCallum,
James Hay,
George Gray,
, Broadhagen
Dublin ;-
Wal eon
John Jackson,
Wo3. Balfour,
3. Alexander,
James Jamieson,
George Savenson,
Alex. Broadfoot,
Frank Evans,
J. F. Haekwell,
Hugts MoIntosh,
Thomas Wheately,
J. C. Wood,
Ater. Rase
Le ed levy
, Winthrop
The cheapest and bast Condition Powders on hhe market to day, They pile on ihe
flesh and make horses eltek and fee It means health to your (stook andwealth to
everyone who -uses them. Some of these people have told ue that they made froei $25
to $50 out of it single psokage when fisting horses far market. If ib will do thate then
you are missing it golden opportunity if you don't use them on your stock.
The price is reasonable,
3 pounds for 50c, at
Spring, 1905.
- jrt • e'r Jekree eeereseeeeereer
We cannot boast of having the largest store or stock in Huron county,
but we will surely convince you that we have the nicest stock of Sprig goods
you will see in Seaforeh. Don't buy one thing from a 5c liandkerch,of to a
$12 Suit, until you see our stock. We will save you money, and giee you
style and satirfaction. We give a written guarantee with every article you
purchase here.
Men's Suits—Hackberne's—they are good fitters, stylish and arable.
Boys' Suits—W. E. Sanford's, the best made in Oanada. Look in our
South window.
Shirts—VanAllen's, considered by all who have ever worn thefe, to be
the best made—a guarantee with every shirt.
Hats—Walsefield.'s English Hat is a dandy, from $1 50 to 32.50—no
big prices.
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will „make us famous.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
Executors' Notice.
Sonia, .M1•10,
Notice is hereby given that all persons having
any claim against ithe estate of Moses Hanna, late
of the township of McK111op in the county of Huron
farmer, who died on or 'boob the let day of Sep-
tember. 1908, are requIred. on or before the 25t13
day of March, 1905, to send or deliver ter the undereived, solicitor for the exebutots, full partidulara
of their claim and the seourity, if any, held by
them duly verified by an affidavit. And further
take notice that afier the said 25th day of March,
1905, the executors will proceed to dietribute the
estate among the parties entitled thereto having
reference only to claims of whioh they shall then
hive received notice end after such distribution the
executors will not be responsible for any claim of
which they shall not have receleod notice. This
notice ie given pursuant to the statute in that be-
Dated at Seaforile the 2nd day.of March, 1905.
Solicitor for the executors, John Hanna and W. E.
Hinchley. 1948-8
Important to Farmers.
Sell oats and bay corn and save 20e per 100 lbs.,
Of $4 per ton. Corn ie the best feed; 3 bushole and
10 pounds of oate, make 112 pounds, which at 42.0 a
bushel nets $l.40; 2 bushele of corn, 112 lbs,, at 60o
per bushel le 81.20, This reprosente a saving in the
use of corn of 20o per cwt or $4 porton. 1 have the
best American corn, and it is much better value
than Canadian corn, which cannot be had all clean-
ed out. I pay 42e at present for oats when cuotoui-
ers buy corn The price of both corn and cote may
change any time, acoordiag to the market Seed
pews, clover and timothy for Behr Cash or time as
W, Gi PERRIN, Clinton.
I' (1)0LmLitelt
ea;t"of SEes;afltrili the
elgigo LRoad,abnobxoucton a_
taining a lady's fur collar. The finder eau have the
same by provteg _property and paying charges and
applying at Tito EXPOITOR OFFICE, Seaforth.
Special Settlers' Trains to
Special Train with Colonist Sleep-
er will leave Toronto at 9:00 p. m.
every Tuesday during March and
.April for liesuitoba and North
West. Passengers travelling with-
out live stook should • take the
Pad& Express, leaving Toronto
1:45 p. m.
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depob Tiokeb Agent,
Wedding Rings.
We have supplied the rings for quite
a number of weddings in the pat eighb
years, and have yet to learn of a com-
plaint. Our rings are nob mob rings,
hut vnought and hard burnishede so
they will not wear away so fast, e.nd
hove a good celor and shape. Our
reark—J. B.—is !stamped in each ring
whether 10k, 14k or 18k, sold by
weight, and every one warranted as
stamped. Initials and date will be
engraved free inside if wanted.
John Bulger,
Jeweller, - Sego
Corn*, Maht,
Markort Sreets
This is a season of new and beautiful goods in all
departments. From the great Eastorn markets
new goods have been arriving daily—new dress
goods, wash, goods. embroideries, laces, carpets,
curtains, woollens, for tailoring department. To
make room for our Spring display, of new goods,
we will sacrifice all Winter goods and mazy odds
and ends at prices that wLU challenge comparison.
Dress Goods Department
Newness is everywhere in evidence throughout the aetne1&t.
are showing the very latest weaves brzught •out this season.. New
You will be well repaid for the time spent inspecting our ne
goods • Large shipments from Bradford and Manchester, Englan.is have beev
placed in stock. Some of the new goods 'are in silk and wool 'Voile; in colors
and black; silk and. wool Eoliene in colors and black. Large range of faller
Crepe de Chem, also Box Cloths, Amazon Cloths; Cheviots, ete4 new Prints
new Muslim', new Vesting, nearly all wall goods now in stock.
Ladies' Department
All the new Embroideries to hand—Swiss and l'arizian manufactuse.
Ladies' Kid Gloves to hand, in all the new and most desirable eludes?
two dome clasps, assorted embroidered points, at 59e a pair.
- Twenty-five dozen Ladies' Lawn and ,Nainsok Corset Ooverss
with. torchon, lace, extra valne 270 each.
A full assortment of sizes and styles in Ladies' Print Wra.ppere
specials, at $1.19 and $1,42 each, made with flettnce on skirt -and rte
Muslin House Dresses, in fine patterns of blue and white d pisk,
and white, special at $1.75 each.
A few novelties in Shirt Waist Suits to hand.
Clothing Department
New imported Suitings just to hand. leyou are not •a customer of
ours, we feel a trial order will make you one. Try us for your next suit te
order if you want the best value, best fitting and best made suit you ever
wore, We say this in every confidence in our ability to prove it. Just give
us 30 minutes time to demonstrate it nith the actual cloths.
Imported Tweed Suitings from 14 to $20,
See our specials in Tweeds and Worsteds at6143 and $
Special values in Pantinge. See our $4.50 Pant.
The flrst shipment of our $10 ready-to-wear Suit to hand—foree
Fur •Department.
The balance of our Ladies' and Men's Furs to be cleared at unheard
of prices.
Men's Fur Coats, worth $22, to clear at $14.
Black Calf Coats, worth from $24 to $30, to c
ear film $16 to $22.
A few extra quality Ooon Coats. See them, it will pay you to buy.
Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Bocharan and Electric Seal. Theai
Igoods have to be cleared.
Mao several lines of small furs to be cieared regardless of cost.
Will. PICKARD -at CO.
Oppottte Town Buildings Gomel Main and Markt% Sta: