HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-10, Page 47- I4 Df% TrPn iw&u wS e*�Wljshtd in e Teritoriep now �-_O, Pc—Afr. 0. gathering was lnitended%as an, o porm- and No, 2, Tuelpeeeraltbri on Filday LZAM NO SHOE STOR -.and Pont in - theli
E. A"~ -MAP %� 1905 lmnc4i It sh*Wd, not, 140 lnf,�rficred Jeftei-son, of 1, st libbert, v6o sold his' tunity to Iie,frldnds; of -this Vathy last, which: resulted' In a Ue� T St wltb,�no,-.v. It hop 1 d bei Jef b to itlie farm a ciouffle - of wee k1go, to Al couple- � to bid -will- be plaj*d, an Legilo. atuTes- It R awle'j-4or $%buu, lat ds, ea- log the them, 9004-Vy(� an'd return game dt judgm?eAt of the a M T W T ' 8 God speed-1prior-tD ttheir early date Nvhe& the b4�ystronx Ithi XIVI h W -cannot�be clalmied -thati the 004*1tu-, ter 'the -,X, bo Ithei OOtbwesit whith- ea�f will"put up� a bJg flg%b to,win or thweat IrA p tiaro fov- the X pri. -be -of AprIL' a- ro- er , they &'rie, going In a couliq of tion TkquIrie3 it and ih Ithaft Sir W and' f amity d -f -fortht, wore this
14 AN Weeks. dropped. It Is stgitod, i1frid i it�r iat Artio a . W i -4. tie;�V 1 2 .3 w. t hoe game. and ffts. Jas. Dick 6�0 E s Sho li
t3 r� M
I Seii 0 8 9 -10 11 - Laurier, rcogniting -Ahe wisaikoess 461;ig, Well; at 0 w week frionds ther vilig,gic. his position in ths TeVee b has forms imit there in er far in.ip� 12 13 14 15 16 17 at& —Mr. John VII-euker, of Auburn, -was in all 0 , agreed 'to drop ths Paragraph from "rAtions.—Mr. George, Martin- the We -1.24 25 -buy any- quantity "Visliting his -166th_er-_fA4aw, X This modem thoe for all the features that go to 21 22 .3 -open to Ts. women has
On r�!Dftd, d -u she for the fair sex. the bill. WeA known . horsie man ro seodi; don. Lood 26 2 28 29- SO- 31 A despatclV from Ottawa. stwte4 -bai returfied firlom of 61,6ver and tiinot q i Thomps th� TAE poular 'the '�dl' cou , g quanUty, Beattie past week.—Mis. Dotte,. who -is on H6n-Mr. Sif ton and the ill r' I 'y o a, vis -It hn): from Zion City, is vk4t- WE nt with him a . ory Bros,, 6 cers -and s
that Govo6in-. Aas '�ro v men't iupport6s who. unite with 'him suiprior- he �t Stu 11011 for th. 042-3 tog f0ends "In -Dori ter's Hill.—Miss "Ill opposing the ednoatior;al'olapi NW ADVERTIt ses which he -wit av I It _sRWZNT his d is, rg(ati V during the co —A Ma6-gle W4tsoji, of the villaige, is on i of the bill, ha Sefvloe& Recognized
y r, ax ba 'few A visit to her auat, Mr Jas. Dick, it is upto-date in every respecri. It. has splou to:rAativm dfauo' which they il�ave tin s a good I hibraes and ppy gathering asswhled,- a e of the plito on wh1oh the subbiftbod to thia !Go r me tof no ys teven! 9s ago, at thb Tesidenoe of Mr.' of eaforth.—Mrs, French, of Port ne GG00 kho 11 did wearin qualities. It eds no break*
ve 0 U k ju Ing 1UP s t w hat the if nt 9 James Stephenson, Goshen Elgin, 1-9 visiting her parents, Mr. their approval. It- 19 as, forllow.' and he ayi he thinks fias g itim ne, and it is -reasonable in price., Getting U%.*y—G,ii1g- & Snowarb -1 -wh4-,n Mr. and-Mre. StE "In na. for the ProvAffi'ce 66 if this horse, series him and hi pa� and Mr Jompb Upshall, of, the eSoSpring -Bryfen-9. Wihid & Son -4 Xegislatur may exclustvely. trionT.as well us �Id G1 nic has-, no Ji.ited by a surprise party, �'Our new Sprina and ummer 8tyJes of the EmPr-s" e Y oun p anon & Ca -5 #5 W -nate. Ratis for mea—MicKi madq up <)if t h. eople of th Shoe have now- arrived, and evi-ry lad mA-k 'laws in- rdl 4-lon to ed h Ill be for�u 'Winthrop who de- Spring 1905 St Luks church, who came bo, -do e tion, subject and . accardin t9 o&rate 'Pabriaa—& NL10FAul Go.—$ Do not forget tho meeting of th. wash OWM'g prov M Orris. hio�,Or to the worithy bosit and bost- sires a -stylish asy-fitting shoe aru' a m SUiPt'nga—Speare & —5 the fd1l. isions: No-. -he new goods, pring patrons and 91 Interested' ini the- -1d fail to see It Fr some, years r, and. Mrs. price, shou ot tbihg in auy such law shall re-. Gden Weddlig.—On Wedin sda: Sbaphemon have. voluntarily lbaken. Winthrop reamerk, to be h-Uld In y A Few -1. V. Fear -5 judicially. affect ' any right ox allPtper—Alex. Winter—l' evening of 4of -the ohurch,�and their ser- the cieamery hall on Tuesday next -nges in price fro W 'NA week, Vm., , mn'd charg The Empress Shoe ra In $2,00 to $3.00 rsct -to Sep Ft. Patrieks' Day Conoert-1 Mrs. Johns LOL11 Old and well knowix vices, hve beep so -at 2 Q,"01"k a 'pair, and can much pprieci-. be bought in Sea -forth only any class- of iAuction,' ale—Jobn A, Watt -5 jrsid,�ntg of t�o firs'L `I�ne, oel brat- ompted _t the date of thei� .6ns hayp- a 4t.ea aind th-PIr_aVtic9 lbftn pr The Farmers' Instituter The i from Rxeentore Notiae—R. 8-f Haye-6 f this act, undor fhe ed the 50th aaniversar of their by lovie for th-c welfare of thp, Farm�orsl 'Institibte ni nieet! -, in, this —5 marriage by a athieriqg that he entire 001 a- Vlaice on Manda last was quite Property for"Sale�Neil f 4el tiy.�s oburdli" erms f ohapters 99, 30 and y Pbuod—Exposit3r Office-iiin-5 I yable; tion looked forward' totEe time allocess. The attend-anido at he af tor- t -a Ost -and friends, when 31 f the oainanveg of the time 41 Farm for Sale—'John Whiteman -5 was spieiiit. The UP he ppartunity Nyould, -noon meeting, not q�afte*a-s la.rSle
Girl'Wauted—Unt. Wm. Ament-8 t1u) yeaT the -%ve. ding f1f 8 to and sent it's -'elf 'to eale-Ithem,to, s�Zk� -ao it shoula have een in. A fine a 0, n
I Th resul t Was the gxthering- above alstrict as this is the ceatre Mit Lost—W. Harvey -8 Northwept Tetaifto-iles passed Saah Davidsqg, 60 ram WII LIS Sea ir.
%fi. d Mr.
Prc!pFrty for Sale—Ww. Rabolz-5 If th bove will sdtisfy,,te d18-, Goderlo tomhip %erxed to, Mrs. Stephe on was of, but thos, faua ibo attend nt in' ref ns Sale agents for the Slater Shoe for men, and th Queta Quality" and Empreft, !''the of Gewrg� n, 1st first Wdili6d '.and presented with, a 'v�ere the losers gs the addresses sntrs w e ean S" _�ao gici4d reason
Delivery of Impleme ntv�T. Bro why - arid &-M it sho,61d noi be, adQp for 'wotnen. Glrla Waintod—Mioses W 61 by: line. whom, everybody!� knows, The' handsome rock ng chair, then Mr. riven were both. ij�tiereatlrlg "d1p- Anotioa Sale—Wm, Rogers -5 the Gover4met, It diffis.in Words late Mrs. S. - Shaw." th sister St hienson nLted structive. )D�r. Reid spolrbi wi% odd- was prege
Auobiau,�ide—R. ooverdoek-5 frobi the lauge In -th�-, bill, and that. of Mr4- Johnston- i�as brI4 U Pow-fort-aV- 'and up-tot,A rable, leng th n the breed in -.r of ex,edting a number' of nea dwell- :reSul tS mai sl e Im arm S ceiv In ithe viffago cong XMS Mr. and. Mrs. John t ed -chair. Mr. Stephenson repied 4m their digestive orans, thi4 su-mmm.— gentlemign a!gain Igate alb 0oati4uQ0—F. A Edwarde-8 ig all. I The wille the same. On 1 7
Seed -ariis—W, E Ker4ake-8 In both cases the �soho6j.:� are guar- many ratuiatio'ns;f It and on e- ay behalf of hlrn�sclf nd wife, In'aat 4,nd r. Thos.. MoMfilan, the presid- JMr. 'Jud Mrs.. WiflIa=-M<Ar were in Ideal Fistice—Onesuey & Sruiley--S anteed as, thqy they -now ex which i�ere both A-aterbalnin�g -Anf.,, ist- -a;nd,' they. had sto�llife's battles' Adw-en- speech. expressing their thanks. ent, f the Instit-dtie, took U th, Tor a -to; this -vvAk, :visiting their Instruefiv. InstKumenUt Winthrop Creamery—A. X. Cnt�111-5 -as they have been icsUblisheid by law,,, jolyingL so �,good Merssrs. Stephens n, Armstrong and- Subject of growing 610 o 'r, Mrs. Case —Mrs. Kelly', of weregiveii, by Miss Whiddon Atd ver as a f er- daugh-te Importalat tn Riirmers—W. G. Perrin -5 instead of 'being -left at, the taprice,-' health. lt. All thelr.:;oH ldre were Fee presion t4d h8 gifts, af ter which Zuwioh, visited ,Mr. and Smith; A. E. Erwil sang, n 'Xiss ___
t tilizer. The enning niseeting
Special Xotiee—X—W, A. Willis -8 of, a Provin-dial egislatirre, -and the pilesentl vIz-.i -R-ob 6; er' I and U - h, of gam�es and singlog wre,ontee,;j into largely attended and .thr*� rovl&tons of ' tjlo onstituion aTe Mainitoba; Wm., RIbh4rd,,, dwad,,` With hearty good will. Their -many *Was Of the. highest order, lst week.—Miss 'Nicholh, t. Lou- taitions.. Dr. , W. Woods r XTP. Wim. StoAeman, several days Evans 'gave sevearal excellent
thus eomplied with, so that a gii-ie t J.1. was ch v Silas and Ms, G. m4ttlhews all- -of friends wish Mr. and Afrs-' Baker oc, 'her sister, man, Stiepbe:_11_ -cupied the chair to the de- don, w10 was visiting I* ss Morris, towfiship, an4� Miss, 6, ah, -at son pa -any years -Of VrOsPerltyl end a 11rht of all present and by'his witt MTs. trquhaxt, has returned o, L ance ndt ftrnbhea to ataY. cla r
of the. people. In short, the .1a.w' Y ho��- The ho. -5-t had�� tfie di nor o�- fair share -of so4id comfort by the rema`rks kept the audic-noe in oontin- on will -be t4o,;�@Iled with. -;a d' don.—Rev. W. J. Do�tert, of St. n no! class f illing t. Cha, U Varna rqevels c�,air an ot her fireside in Eha old arm good humor. The sinlam by Paul';s thurdb, Is holding Leniten we are pen to buy, an)r Uat SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, X&Toh 10,1905. will have cause for biomqjplalnt. This earlic ears, Mrs, Baeker' and M in ite chiLrch evert Cl V 'ti th,
ioes in 144
Is all that s Teq:utriad. r
eqn eand, has been very o - e, an d -Y seed. Well received and h-lighly, -a nesday evening.—Miss Helen 81vann
wpm-- ppreciA t- stating It
sistently ciouno6ted h Me hodLsm A, Constitutional oint. t - - Dashwood. ed; the 'recitatin by iNa'ter E ari liais -been v1siting ftle& ki Tuekar- Usborne. In the chuxc4 up ers, aqd ,.,eeds. men, rages, battle of words, sit!' ti ty Ross, IT1w in tz corn of his We are- o)?en to ))AY any (quan Besslo SomervUle, and Wm. Cal R I atends forth. h't Autonomy Thames ,aad No -ties. Mrs.- James farm for many a 1 o ng -of clovier qnd timothy ryeed. Send Zm Mopadz4an, ad a read- taing a tirip to the Norffiiegt In Norh Wes R day. n fact. US Mr. I the Johgton home was 'the 'on's sample. statinig,quanUty. Bea!btj, In- by MI r8 Died iia Scotland.—
Anderson, a:titon-dea th� wedd 13111s as th zaalip. st6rm cedtrA ing of Stopping. p1qc -hug 0 Were the inteTiz,5ts a MS be4th, and pur-
-4rods f times, Bros., 'groo. wife :of Rev. Mr. Dilvidson, �of jb1i her, brother, Mr. George E.'-Earlo, ers and seedsme, Sda- all rendered and pleas p0ses staTting - nexb- *Miss ' t raots% such dis- of' Whalen, t* 1i 46-atb,4�in,zs, eir pre- for t i1i. and 3rr
but, as is usual o Miss May 'Hafn, of at -chfo 1942-3 Ing to the audience. Mr. J. John- Smith, f linton, was Ini'the -.ton dolighte(I ence � witij last week, the guest jGf Saturda.1 last, eonvey4ng sth6 sadt J which hap y event occurred on mii4ies were approprl*'te t suit- Hotel Sol, cussions, the prjufficew ot :the peo- Zion P 4 as b d.—An Impoitant deal the, aud! 3LTS Bl= March 1st. Their many friends ed ,th04 visitors. Jt!and Mrs John-, his vioin S0100tions, and ne tiee-of the death *f her inw-�� #le are being appealed to more than wish Nvs put through inAbis village last 'more 411,0a Tusda evening Mr.. James ter, AIrs. -Vell 4
�y Zuso them he4Uh, wealth and,prspierity. s ton wpre and ar oted, $their Week. Mr. Louis. Moser,' oved that he Is a master cef that Bell, who 0* Th6 deiaft or what sl�ould �, the main qetion, _� M f,. geniglify WFIO [has pr , was rr;ecently m&.,rried, an -d Henry Anderson recontly sold i arl d 11-c I 43 conducted the hotel here for instrument. The aeomp his brokr. Xr. Wxa.. Bell, ento Wok place, n, March 14, at Ithe rest- aniests,
prov,d is Alost -i,-kt of by ma�iy and -'the Als- handsome own- _'��SC107t* ,or hat sho;Wld bie. the maini.gue9tion sorae cattle to a Dublin bu of ,66.sahj ityp That misses Si Dur tained, In a xaqs�t hap Aeoeased, Wa Ir
Y&r. Te&l yero and who eref, mpson nd rAnd,
ted the present y and, Success- Newbu
th-eir paall� 'yea 9 4g s.� =y, b or equal to ful mnoar, tho lairgest number f r-gh, Aberdeenshire. sum for thie,;u.— fine buillding the mcaston some 'years i�go, sod lid p etf ormed -Mr. ed With all t divergies to the, side Rich,ard Smith- has �w he, blesMngs of -this lif tbeir parts -to pefe a landland, hwas 82 yea�rs ,of gge 0 the -property ana 'license o, Mr. W. 6tion. Dr. Reid their reltive% and friends who, eve orest papers might; zopy Jh* and bye and''byby th ti blss- ZiMm% vp- witV Mr. SOL n Marganc tor thie� sumT, e- be r, Who has spoke -r mount
ing-'s, f tbe, llfp announoelnent. Tho- many frj issues -It is not esseirftid to a, pri been engaged, in on the devielopment and trial J110t -M a-11 occasidnof this kl4d, in Eff ioi,6nt hired help- is becom- tter U Is th ish bf the Of Young horsies. It was it Very MilleT.5 opera Uaffl, nd not -with-
in. distussloa of this question to Ing so w er many frienda, exc, The arce article 14 itht.com- PuTchasi& prico is ellent ddress, Which standing the Mrs, -Davidson here Will
In U19 neighbor- was verY. lartgq number fo- 'Ng in the advant eq or disadivan- munity.—Inspectori7 Tom ireCentfy *is- -worth lis-teninr to her the dincerest Ant- aith. lio,od "nt, there was ji� -P v on. UZ ited the sohi6ol in seetto 10 attdi of $9,500* and althrough the 4�11(1 fom, which a I Priest lwasn'- t1ge, a, Separate soho<fti, mor Is -it ot colui�nt grat 'ul lessons could. be �)OUnt ot ber berzavement,. vrice paid for It its-, high, Mr, ZI-m- many Mef Ing to, add., to of their
learned, a Retturnie&—mr. John Spa Well pleased witli the' mer ill have one of the est built 11d it showed that the doe- gests. In tact, severYthifig went *as essential -to thp subjectV (to-Alsouss Frnwrs'. Instit'abe,—T e East schoolhouse aud gave hL04 in the coautry. , He will %et tor was quite &E home on his su� I was in Manitoba wtb a the question of P ere- Huron Fr-mieis, Institu,o me6tins bell.—The rovinciall rigb1s. Port of the soholars' u)ader the ur a f I jct, and bas a praciticail knowled IATS' InStit horse$, returned home n Saturday. a ternoon ril edher ossiession some time In Ap ge aT 111 ate meeting# T he, disonssin, of thes f what he, -vvs saying. a questloi in t10n . of Miss Madge. Miss. Mau' Our Rallway.—Messrs, E. Elo bad a. good trip, d 'and even ng WeR. F. Paul—' Mr. Thoni's in Miller's hall, as fairly( -well &t. s there Rorton of' Hurondale, als�' well atfiended.. rmwa)m wpr, tti as V1,31ted -.wVl I in and- Jain� Xe 'In, one -of the leading far� tended in the aftorom, i,bm* wast of
Instruc lie MIDMIII in thie, is no snow ofiany this, connection -5jm#ly bee - I ouds. .1th e the sZool the same day,—Mr.' o. 164 I terestIng, Woodstock 'last week n tonnection ers of Our county, and who is fast evening at thre, concert, vhicli was gre;4 issue and irritates ffio sses nd talk� were Igivien . b aare �seot&r Morgan is busily. eriga1ged r aw,4 lan and eotfonA prejudices ot the gravelf a silo the of H lett,ttud, o Vroposed-Jine of rallway coming to the fon.t! as a pubile a vrY good one and mn-oh -enjoiye�jf 0011119 Sn from that city to some int, on speaker, gave a very, practical v � I Dr. Reld, of G�or'etown. Mr. -Jaz. p ad- the attedance wa13 eT le Matthew Thim Y bias. se- y) 1wrge.— Constance. aJso drawing ;R womws TnSti*tUt*_—Th8 me0-iny
peop . It a fac - t belyond dis- me-r.—Mr. ps� s OConnell, o the uxion, oaa, pre- 'Lake Tfuzon, The copan drss thie, advantages of LrM 'life, Mts- WTI911t, Of Seaf Orft�, Was herme that the -a d and 1gravo ' I oliartex, and word
ft701 curel seems to, havb� and a Of enc,ouragment to this WQek -on a visit.—The friends, f the the chair �n tho a te-rUo: Mr 'D. Molitityre, who, is hom, a System of Separatet scho, PUttJDg a foundation undicir hisbaxin. ObenWll, ana Mr. lets Of the -back of it. Mo_ farmers sons and dsughtex,,s, Tecom- of A. of the Huron od, pre- Mr-- W B. Ciook's jrmwied off Very, '1� Is Jhn Miller has gone- on a sided, a tte evie�pg- m6 Ing, prd, Kenzi & Manp, the great rllway mending them to 0 -tick to the farm, at PTO-Sient oiI aocount� of IlljaieSsf Will Su"ossfu'lly . Wednesday afernon eqndlY ia fact thaI that system Was visit 'to her atent * prmote r was vil that could be de- ea )L m,.
sl hob16 In St'a:lt- sident Meg aqi The rde be pleased to. I Tn. itha�Vj io Is I illan r, are supp,os�'d to be clonceded to tl�pmi try act of. the ford.—Mr. John .5 d' Dr. 1 id both A and spoke well for the -the ek 11VA�F
pushing the scheme, the qlns�lto be 1)eople, proving nitely_—Our last. There was a larg 13ell'. this 1 6 - -line e attenda aqu en E in � praise ot the, S t. Dominion Parliament Which rgan- Ife and if in of this Section.- A very lilice sum prparing for he 3pring opeings. ed. jT
moved his W) amily. to Ex- waxed el connection w1th h, New Ywk rs and -Several new me=ber were a411- !zed the eter. They have taken a huse 'Columban, orbhestra, seven 0 h subjeebs 'wiere lboth help- m tnt<� Territorlies'aryd gave f W h'O Central rallway. No bonuses will Was Teldized tio.ri the Slk CI -de —A Urge quanliti of wood anA On members furnished th-d mu tils -, Territoi governn�rent. The flua�ion st-reet.-'Mr. Bell inten ar, i 1*99 *ful. aiid instructive, Miss -Lettle IS 19 o- Saturday.' A vo obO Ozkd'from, the,townships by te Uospitiat Toronto, and all present marke,L_Mr, Cook ave an fnstru.
ent the
ion now to decide Is: Now Ing out to th-e to of th Lnks, pio- men (ndly qusest' west shortjy.—The osed b3i0 rather 14oKeaji. a id second compny. The line will -ru.n. from, ��Pent -,11 -most plea$alit�- and profit- and Mi-;. Jj'Winkenwader, who'have tat grandchildren of Mr. R,Ichard'Xo�ns . piano Which was Anuoh appr6clatta- that the sfatus 'is ibeiAig cban;gea. Woodstock 'to Exe� able, dvenlng._R� S, been spendilig the. winter ver pleas- by�
ed -by -Councillor acQu'all, elicited ter,, andromi Ex- Y the , ladles preseat. The next Terltorlo-.% to Provine gathexed a1 their graifd-fatber's 1,oud etr to eitbe�r Ga d end, ox, Bay- antly with friend!,% in, this
es, doe ap-plau _n -saience. --v* WtV =40ting W.01 b lip-ld iat the haine e
home, on the evening of his-- 80th Se fpro the f 11614. for ko f. the CiOnStit'llticl Of 'the tountry re- These - Initltute in lef - their home, in North Dalcoiiiiii b * tbLda , and pr I speakero are do- HensiaU.
that th samei Schoul system Y esented him ivith an, -ta
quire The subjeret , _ al- be taken Is HouseleanIn 31 aYd' Ing good -work �a.ftd# will The Sovereign Bank of Qan-)�tieif charter. ta, this Week.—The =.any, friends f
(t. --- V"d, Of the to-jvs]�I..V in vogne as Tvrrfliorles maust ress 'and a� beautIf iff cane.. The 1 Mrs. John N remain be well In 8 Colum- Tuckeramith. 4 by p9minjo, p&rl1&meDk 42 branihes!u Can4da Of 'a Mrs, H Vammipbell anid a-,demontra.- ie� t lie ,change moxe than lir- 'ban. Mr. J'amles Evans, f �eo) and Agents In oil Tuckersinith, will be piLea�ed. to .4
as Provinces ? Or do cia g4ntleman was' Parb of tbo wo riat intereab on plsde and 'thanked Lion oake maldng i�y the free them f rom their if oxmer W1I_; them kindly. W od wa�� n.g Out West End Notes.—Mr. Beaton, of depostle PAid fOUr 61MOX A Y64T. AlMobte security learn that, he Is reoo*,�,ring 211celY Locals.—A m r lef, t 't' liep t 'busy, rlit ions' The iev4ningls ClIntlDn, unex0elled hoUliks c0urt80M, trealifteat, Diode umte join-, ,was, %pelit in social" oc-oupied the pulp*,t, his o -- - and ermit them. 10 stapt chat, tickets Tor new members. Dr. I at methO& Y61r &;6unt il invifted. H. Arnom f rom. her Ve-r3r, serious ity ts 1�'tha a#ew in thl-,.re Reid Tunerls Tuesdxj tor Voln A
sp6n "tir,�ty, U& Songs,, re'elttions, s church on Sunday ast.— William G 'is - A
reading I e to., explained 'how everyi rdi la InAmWer Iffenull branob -etz of thi -village, beftr f ar ws , t. miotig� thise -vveri� tfnidlled by the obligatiGnsof'th -man Irl lar- Mr. Levi Stng, of Sarnia, moved known as the aiad all departed, wishing 'him I Gladman & �banbury, barrhters, at Haim. ash kIn4 had a mair�
Y v 'a ow for Deering. -D�Lket.
A; t. of 1,975 whl' happy. returns.—Mr. Isaac Joh mer may 'help a cow to, In to hig -fa wta. Dun
ch, gave, them,"tetri- ins Is in, here 4we lie wni mnlde 'raw esca I a all TueWay, Thursda and 6aturdays. 102-tt Pe Oine' dO last week. &Pplei that Is stutk qn, he- thro#. I[ in uu r ir 'Suthetl4nd - for stancel if. -the for om an at re, As Mr. and, rs. Stng Fed#—'100 tonL. of Manitobs &horby and he e rallway fraek on exi Mier, suffering - fr tack --of the To Purbell sta:rt'ed roars f 7 I
IV- Thmp- i Main sirt his fealn,goit stuck on Manit0ba; RObr Maddle -for then it must be clmr that� t �lause ter ,by sking the dector " 11' c, aud Mrs' h- are iviell kn<ywn here -their ma -117 O%er f6ed un handi osts -taken In exch C. O trionds, eased to w Take &dv&ntA&e of the low price of teed md W go: I are 01comp- account of the I-ack of snow on !C.h peg --On Pr!Aay evening in Sir Wilfrid Laurler"s'Aut-nomy siO, of Hensall,' visited Mrs�. Thtomp- 160111d,�hc poo7cow faiStM4i
Wm. Lindsay entrtained a tew, bill., which I-,. bein Mrs'. A. ell- f, this blef apple -them back,—f4r. George and MISS Price of Arain. D. Urquiti* nenggl cstm"l mifil,
Ao, bitterly de Mok. While up again in -order toschw in this predita-met, his ifiends at a bir-thdat Warly.—Og
1942.3 mounced by ome, is rig -hit -mark. -has ne Routiedge, of P4irk River, the way freight camelioniX and the Tusday evejog plapie.—Another old,, land' hie eud9 Min andijust end should be p lately' be --moom assed. Ytbe.latter en rqmo-Ad, belog 'the, old Noritili Dakota, return p Ithe we-s1t, Sale -of Horses.—Mr, T. J. Berryl eng-ine on, o;f nt I a pleaaz: nore, of the, -end iLeague Wil I visit the. Is the oorrect vers.1 school ho i �the fa Exeter next week ving spe t has xaaao a sale, of 11 t
- r, -he UNV. tog n,6f Mt. I C, I I 11 a r ee 3' sl<'Igh lga-Ve It su6l a bobst hat the kw In seeiz the erec- More Qood Ho [ winter with -friends an(I Tedwtives his splendid Atook hors", viz.: The horse L� eagw.'Alll , the ItLdi,e, the Lew,mo 00 taind in the �;ootstl John ;0ole- It h rses.—Mr.1 Willia s, with a ii-ttio
tuition, m extra pesuas- are xpeoted to bring a th!enp ft, Is equally clear t tion Of twol3rickitychool herq.---�Mr. and Mrs. Josiah White, three year old Shire Bed- I ion 0- b li# Sir in Usstead Bawden, of the firm.. af 11awden & n the,part -of the drier Ewd -v�ras * pu who" �capi-e en. -ham. Banker 11 a I inac h. T Wflfrld is wrog and that -�e is frotm Manitoba. Co, sp;-,nd - he visiting Leaj -will iake TIthased byr &�. Wm, McDonvll,, the, wel orse with im- I able. to take theoaa out of harm�s th;,Jrge he Tgg�;ar -and Mrs. porter' I hiii winter have now' decided Ito, -e- ens. sulbstanic.6 a4ia -piety, of qu4il- Pybus. for lr�dw;6iod, ors. Im;_ OSing on the, Territories- conditions V3 PlaM, Way, o injury having rieslilta! to mieno
uTned.fr main' here for the pxesen-L G. Ity and.just the, kind that there IS a 1 either tbe, Ing at 7�30p.m,. Sh
which sb.iffet be left- �ta �tem, to He TY;1411, Seafort, vi -sited Tot om the old �o nti�y his Kin-, J1W 11orses oarp. -The tiv- awilen vehil lie 1,.3 very, 'Eheim,selyes when 'they I ge cliles.' Is to ItaSt Tuesday evening was set -Vie' for relatives here last W�Ieek.—Mrs. Week. Mr, B Gorey, who came with them return- good d0m4nd for In the lat hi
broulght With verr grateful tio'tbe S e&ret fto alt er Fee, engineer Tt. larke, Ha.'rris, a1id si ter, Jennie Wifter,of him' ea home ast week.—We r, -The purchaser as Mr. W aWy laken.-by :"-'ach rOvilcial qCaus-under his thre'e' Clydesdalo stalj�ions, 1tW'O of the train ter 11is, timely leag that Mi. Tha O'_ took with him a� llssistavice TJ;� clause of the conigtitmd Miln,T�9 visifed their brothers, If -he Shire Stllions and o I , of Manitoba, who on , I Brien 4s
Mssr.,3 e, h,ackaoy. sieriou4ly aiiii says the next timie . . .................. govern W. and M. _Miller,.Of f brood mares. The �athier b e g e ts, es;h that suffi6red a. re- ijkz this matter we the Tli-Qy are 'said, to ibei the ill; ha -dug. humber stuck In ia snow. drift he pea t . as. foil boundary, ion Sabbath last.- coul.d be got in -the Old lri and ftlie-y vere, 'attack of kemorx.hage of 'the two $talllons wer pair beau-'! will - cheerfully- refurn the O.Ws. Note&—miss Ella 4goes to sbomaqih.— iz. Goore Turnex de- iful --three year. -old Clyd-esda
In and for each Pro-vince,the are certainly a goo lles, '� PlIment by, hitching hi� t1ko best tfirm d lot, probably Aivered a mare to Mr. X 9 I -"Baron Moffatt" and ng ita on the Zurlchas a for his i, 3u�t t of 4 vely t NV Legislture may 'excust, Hibb ert hive ievtF Impo��it_ Lord- 'Car- Ire and dra,�rjn�,r it out.—Miss _-Ther� as a good turnout of bohil 4Mintqn, on Monday for shipmazt, o both Of Which rie a fair- Shepherd, of Cli ton,aw he e
lziiaikiO I&W-9 In uca- rer Lh. InSP eGtOT -ed and &hat Is sa a ood deal. t r last -sellers and kuyers at the elatio to e The Neii ing a Size n"d for SMilldnss, zod qtialitp week visitin .—Coun- They wer.e ladiea,.In fl -the Nofthwgsic, friends._) the
00D, subject -and -according Ito ty coun. ' rbe, hape. In- I , �n J , hoz. fa! 7here, on Tuesa 01110r_ Willistm, White, of �Ieed Messrs. Bawden & A New 'Schlool.—The. trustes of oarxn.oL be beit Y. It was one at- provisions: en. The have, WIM key Match with. the Beavers df Ln- the most
_Hibbert, a, se flashy beads and ziecks. !short back dOnj on Wednesday evening last# on season
s Dean app.6inted Ilop uccessful fairs �of t
eq exceptionally o r t un .1, be ukersmitb,
have be section -No. 2, T 'Nothing in a -DY Such ila, shall and .1 good deal of
Prejudicially effect any r tOr, f Or South' Pertb, as ,§uc- in this r it W have 'lot the contract for a new two nd. 900d barrels aad wbt.vvtry. our rink I-jensall Won, stock e§ cc . e, belle e, lth,wt of essor to M Cappin, the many irorses they lh�av o lding will be of ds at 49�od prioes. Mr. ht he xesigned. hors should have, first- stndingv ( scr 3
rivylgc with -re-'�pezt to, do- Ix Impot-t- and feet. . Shall. of East Wa 1h, 21 to 3. Robert Ma
The ppointment comes, as a gredh bric with a Tllq -purchaser of- the. two ,ed from lit old AGIIAtty, b ey have int blasemenit. It which any, 5urprise to the ConServativs will be an med . f the never Iost o 'e. it is ' up to dat" 4eho.ol in levq.ry last na horss WAS Mr. Tabn osh, sold . hiorSie for 2,,.— `van irrial if ytng ito of Pers&ns have b n reape BiLvifteld. ha$ 90J10 to Manit,oba w,46 V. y law in riding, who were n,,t waQ thiat-Mr. knw also, -that Itheir ente p' I ct and w1ill haye all the modern Wma, -of New Rockford, NorLh Da- 0 car l XISS E. Grahaxn,,
rise has , kt, Who spent fiome, m Wing.to tte isab thats good Man the Province at tq, unio." White Was an apllnt for the,,po- conveniences, and when coleted onthis in t I
n Appreciated by the public' and i his Y. -Were
The fd1lowin-9 Is"the tlusp in Sir sition. The new ' sector is hvell neig �of Who was TwUng her sis- -'uustle W UNad Our February q.zle is th ewaraed. 'Were bad, we have dolded to eloads 'bill which is mahnd. ob- known as a str ha!-% beieq gene' will be io'ne of thq most complite and hboitood durlAg the Nvinter 0 Y Gontioue itfor sw ter here, M_ -vs,
e as they ure Wren to the 116L All wool 00 homoVunaln lse s Morxison is a- Ong temPerai co This Is as "it should b 'Vie fthool buildin4s in, the bkslonger snd h4v W. J. Sims b .0 n ,cOmf or ta V141ting TCI.tiV-S and ftien.di v41 . ugh ioviding weafth for ctlon, broWn sod My at f6a ; "a our apaptal ftunfleiG _gle a addeil ise-varg now Urgaing turned home.—Mis oted to- worker' -and the aPpoint&ent,tho' edtintY and a credit to, ithe sC a first class judge of
for thiel counitry in har ,iof Molaea, unexpected, should lbe a satisfactory well as fo -themselves, fit 6, 7 and Sic new skirU at gpe()I&I priceL Como ry tablish e r Tlxe rvisilons of section 93 It is expected hat It will 'be ready hores �and he claims that h1,,% puiiiii mUlin
4=,e. The poitio eS M (quotad above) at tha Britis 1p BrIfs-.—We are I for occuancy af ter the sum -m er vq- chas,es -ire the kind of to -4 n. of Ins ector, if ghfd to- note tha�b I thab. mind vaB wbAj wo bsvo. F. A. Zdwgrdo, Bayfield; The Nvmelps,* this Iseas
America, Act, 1967, shall properly, attended 'to, Is no sinecure.- Dr. Amo, has suf f Icien U aation. The oontraet for the- c' the Ame I , Ionary "clefy L rican PeOPIC want nd are
n a t _xed. the metdis 'his recent Illness t - be IrIng for as tbpy nxv, loath to Broeyom—NIr. cessf U1 a very, ap#ly to, the sai - a provinms as, he half hundred applicants who y xeqovp work ha, been let inq Edrd Ea�Y,Jes 1 passed able, ciat and rick u _ on Im
-a' th da,tD upon wbkh thi�u. ced *have, no eaiuse tb attendfo his I to Messrs, G. T. Makay nd R Gu d- breed to 1,,er�phc_ronq �Lnd Beig and wife r social last vs -eek. The i -tint, practise., ain.—Misd lans who have been spening prograrame, Of di& so, in tthe. p't, thlo Winter here, 'te,ft for their home mD its, musip -mc-S into fo5ce the, terxi- -fy Te -r- -Barns, s 'been re a1g, as mil- I they clai 8 in A C -G for compl, Mr. Wlte� h h a' mo're, -and for the capentier w,ork althugh they consisted Xef rrsh-
tory oGm-Irrised !signed his .10 !county coun- liner in tllq in tbattherp, ar Langdon, nd reatItzig ther - position P -,In were dl 'esta, lish fMr. to Messrs. Reynolds -and Ingram. -0 'too, many -North Dak*ta, The a grovice, ci Taw boned and m , week.—B - to $17. — The the expes- ,or. Rumor it that there will The contracts have fallen in,to good agrl lbred', 11-15 t proceeds 'amou-ated day for,
bD E. J. Spac,kman.—Miss ra. Hawk- the last named 0 en SPO!"6r left onju"- LadiV - A�Iid �of the - Presbterian -
1n, I hV, said s t ito( fill /&haw has made. �m hands, with the rest0b that the bQ rsez -to - pdnee-
e;- the vacancy'. The names mot,prom milliner With, wrk will be don. ni) In the the-�quallty of S Elm1ra—Mrs, R. .Rouaft church Intend having
tion bein taken 'to Mea�a th -W-
-in ID bes t of -requir a took thie)r went o Lonilon on Saturday. Mr. Dial 'on tb-e L g ainmon. said dac, r11 InentlY mentioffed refirm h - ! Rouai-t. and family. went, the wee eveliffig Wenesaax. MIeS 01 st'yle. Mr. T. W. Forsyrt-11, ithe, vet- —COT11, Mls�, Olive Qu�ne� as ocept d a, 'k the 22ad list,
srs. Lather Turner, CI -ling...... e —Arliav�ton, the wdy .0 aTe, et� - 'this shwoo& ern and - worthy Brie WaA PrevIOUS—H. Drhinann was at soli of Mr. i(Ix ford; R. HoggarLh, ir., 'Cromarty, tion, wfil no krww bimself wh a'ssis'tant a Lotdon �aind Toronto ,this weOr -on 0tion as mIlline D teacher in Ithis G. flughes, the mai4i one in dipitte. if this Mrs. John Evans, of IM& I,e Lodge, Berl en t the stati iherf
the oil nd Olivier Harris, BeLbel, 'Co ' n- who w&p so se,rIO he 00manences to " teach 'the Toiing -tak has bl!Aines.3,_Capt�, sh" d Tuesd af-te
Cer k- Rin John �erxuson- . r a licreria-0 -now, 111010as.—The -chhoir 'bow Provincs W01 hve imposed on Mitch, P I Im n1 th Idea bow to ;shoot his' Place being tilied by, Mr. h<m returned made law, the Ing brr. White's ap. - usly Injured. in & en a JiWtioia in Lur,
runawv -accident a short 'time ELgo*p to Glev a I S c ho-ol. f tO-X members of the Youag 1?eople-3, -says: Not bet- 1waa here last week th gu st, who was Iformer- Recorder Jmles RoUtbron, a-continumiace -of tor selection coula f M .32A('%d'n9 ' '00UP'le of- months home. clety of TrInty, church, fo the parato 'schooit e have (been Made ly' 'a'SsWtant her(-, 'but was iqblI,,_,,,cd our Young fdiks spp_n t ber t lie z Srstc,m which jons.,_MISS Ethel S,,veo-t 0 rs' uber of,
es ito a of about forty, wee entert1jae# for 't1le Ofice 'Of licen-,%e insp.�ectior pf through Illness to, resign his posi- 'very 002A.I.t time ait Mr. W. J. they ilow have, and which hs exis otion as a milliner.—gr, Ray Fn, A t - than.lias been made� In the at the Rectory on Tuesday n gone to IndiatV Briefs,._Mr. 'imo - v- A very pleasant m In kd there forr thirty yea P0,11n t son has Lion Xojr a t -,—The R sOn'-S, SaUlAe line, Tu-ef
d, N. W, - Pickard CO., d ay, rs' 1f it is 4b;t Inelit f Mr. W. White, of Hibb Campbll MeMordle, who ha ve� oaxrled -on a large i,aicniur_ ening. USI -cal and soial the matter w1i'll bel 0PU0,110-1 Thoi�gh Mr.- White waq er;4. T. he -r he intends toto cer —Miss of Niagara Falls' evie al Is paYlag a 41 sning was enjOY-3.—Tho local Un-# ��i
The, the to evgrbody Ma:ry`;A.Tom,1- who has bee here for -a num- I af Ion of V on 'ire farmied. To rre, -as this- appoint. to Vancouve p t tian Endeavor. vvnd- Ep� ,L,(�g&la.Eures, hoe, so a tri ant visit to the parental. home here her of year Chris te Is 'Ment Was concernedi hie Is In every Portland, Oregon, 9U6 societies h,4.s elce the whole- clause of Coln Lem( ish ColVmbla and -of Mr� anaMrs. R. McMordl�.—Mrs. Bawden, jx., Of BxoLer, who will hoert-, on Fric4y. last 'or t ld _r, Brit"' have sold oivL to Mr. xK.`%iOn Of 'the 'Marmore In- w -h
the oi�insti_ Xetux ed following officers for tho co- ft-n$e Whl�e hse'and will provel last Week.—Mr. and Mrs, � h ome 1 Gilmour, Of OOSO Jw, N.W.T., who Vety' ' hortly take Possession w4_> 1)oOr1Y af tended- VOrY Instr H. Par- has been speniffing a few montlis Mi�ss R,,a.thw IL10- Suill-, year : 'Presidet. tiv%-,' addro�ses iere given. by, Mr. _An aPplies. Tho other side :re- himself true' 'to, his zame. sons, who havei'beeA v,,Islt nig friends here with her faYher, Mr. Gilbert Warrep, of,Act, dly the first parb of the NotS.—Mr. Cteminsh-w, of t&oscl ell, f neastt Varna, * dersn; secretaZY, Mr. A. ff.
dnd igno,res tile latbar prt. In this vie vlsltlr)g her sister,_Us, I-),Ow,,5On, of 11, an�11)r_ Reid, of initY, Inten x turlifing t,6* I McDonald, and, Other friends, started ford; treasurer, Mr. aw, N. W. T., i,� visiting -friends din their home in Edmont 'the Commarola.—Miss C, exec ime it Ow, lwan-
nd around Cronlrarty.—'Mr. Th,o&. shoftly.— for b -&,r home this wcqk._M1&9 Edna, -Tuckersmith is v wiAd be greatly we`"bd11ieVP- it less; press reporter, 74issi, 13, Kirk- Ithe read differe J
two, sides. As wo bayt, 'bef;5re Br-olm, is Mr. Chrlesp Wilson, o Woodham MoNevin, of hr �to, th ifarnlexw by; lookout comm.,tto Tonont dvantage to mttenfl tb�ese ey.—Mr. and Mrs, mcetlngs, 4--r, 'Mr. ohn Somers, MISS Sara think 0, Is enjOY149 ft Miss Bell Cho, .B0
thel Whole dau4e, ha,.,,� be -ot9l, died last we�kof. 6 f th VUI I t at the parental hoftle! here,.— ThQs. Welsh vor e tre are ni y, A'atea w, iring'fromi farming and. h a c, r e ugh t a home In, Egmondville, IF?tmae - c' � n ito be Bent h. Mr. Wilson ha resided n 31 pleasantly 1pntr� learned, ley, kjss� lub wtiort, he will spend Ilia remain�icr I Rev. Mr. Mar-t1n, of iExeter, coiidu�[_ Itined 8. numfb -hel - -wai 61 Exeter, previous to hJs emovl *t4 r friends on i,4 however, one paxagraph "of hN days enj .0 of t e The evening the serviceg In bliss Bierit4 -Carr. Of, the bill In tU4 ciannectio oying In, etirement( Woodliam, xbout ten St. AndTeNV.14 Tuesday and Priday -an d ek,—Oibr buildeers af-e takirq.ad- -a which f rom, farml !in in onffig -ago, church on evenins of -last
41"'hL w('11 be CliminateC .and for some years onldutotc�d two Sunday laist -delivered dustriouis nal wt]e�ell fernullptloye)d, life. the splendid sermons, MT. IMartin Le, as born In Imprves arate so,1k.00,1s, but I' Norris, jr., en_ Irblnd 140 1840 an (t Is t as the Years 'pass b�_Mr. to &r4w matefilaltor buildin -xidthing t-0 do With U.10 oontlAu�an6p- Mr. axid I-VIrs.. Hugh L M�451on p tot hrg. H vanitu-90'01 -ther continued o;j
arl- borne a:l>put to, r. and ",Nflsws M,01,r,, dall4lyt0 thlrb -ye r.
,4 of Mr. W. "Int -Mince. T9 olaiise is to the,, ingford and Hibbert friends m, le ago.—Mr. Mr -4. Sim -on .4
-got vith their tiortained a number of 'their K) I Oct Us- and Mrs. Win. Turnbull and X T1 L Ciamvbell, of Fairqu,har, .Moir, Ifuntsville, 'effec' that "In. the �pproprladon �Ved- W, W09tOOft-, wholas.re ideft in St. 'returned �a their ly H.1 n t.
osday evening Of'last To 'visited -at the hospitalble, ibo� <&-publfo moneys, by Catharinc5 Zor some ti 0 th-as-we- th*� W<1theT and rmds erer favorable Mr,, aidd Mrs. D. illa. me of home ,this week.—A Vatbeir or- -new of eduo� turned to Exdter.—Rev Of tble village, MeMbs have, Mr. &Ot- thl,3 Week recenLW been ad"d and It go ibution of any-tio an -a' 'a id t10 t(he Ild those, who, at-ande, blad, a p�ood tiewell, of St. Thomas., ;N Ill icandudE '*�rlth.Qult SaY`- it* tho choir of Crr 1 the dis -1, I Our new Spring-jitjck of
money's pa OMC—Mr. aad Mrs. Davic! Miller 1116, that they had a good time. The Fr Ida el ebuirob.—iDn Wall PELper is here, arid sampi-les ready for vin 1 your ins - 3
cc ari,sing the missionary servie in Mai -A y ("vening Of last week, Mr. and I PectiOn. We have a beautiful 11ne, all warIced I P, In in. Who have, been residents On the, 6 People of Faequhair do n(xt for. Mrs. Ale,x.. Buchanan, of Turh-.Cr- 8) and invite compalison as to quality. and price with f th<5 rhodl fund estgblihed by oonmssion for the past fI Ph Street Mdthiodist -church n Sunday theIr old! time friendq ana Mr. agnedt smitb, very pleasantly enteftaine figure Mything Ae 'ears, nexL—kiss M, Taylor h d the m1' d from nywhere. t, thereshall intend moving over to the eigh rs. Hay.
111i� Dominion Land, ve y
dWriminatin S- th in, aire, always delighted to a number of their fr`Iends,._Wo 're. F-chionls nd eniag, of last epday jpv- short Itim Dltz, ne ot the prosperous _f arme We have also a grzat lot of odd lit betweeni, th the fortune tio dislomite. her fleft -wrist have hheni -for their J.
P N, the while toboganing 'Alp, Wet to 14t&t6 tb-a Mr. 13, Jlo,-�gar linep tO clear out At bargain pr,-- Ls r, a n d weak, about fif by f -such Mony's shall be ap-, tbeir f riends, gathered a:b their -home ago W111c, tobogigai Ing 6 e, -1,011 nd ot the London road, ne, Mntin-a-es quite, ill, ivith very How would it suit you to ha to the supporb of public and sprained air here, this littio, if any, change in hl5. e in Marchp,be- si%ho.ols -in equitable Ishares OvIsIons f or t fore the S 6ng rush begins 4 We bave an intererliting proposiVio Win, -ositkn for thei for you, r -:.- -_ .
hei ton, lof Goderlch� ha -9 m (1 a Pr�op- for whiob he ecelved,the handsa-me, a13 VeTy good.—Quite a inumber When coming to town, bring the siz her rigb t nIng 11 Mr. Wal- weeik disposea Of a fine 5�bung marb tion.—Ouir buslnieSs men report -trade with basets 61 pr wrist. condi-
Innr, man and a well wbith W,�v nicely han 'tuned v esta!bIls, ment of YOUr rooms, r ledby' MMrs. knitting fac, -a 1 slim of $200. Mr. Deltz handles jaud this 'vicinity intend I -said in juslifkaUon of tUs l -Chubb, of tOrY here. he Prioo- 1 hores and it appaTently, -.ihoT-tly got particulars. idta fte th Staf f a, a , pays.—Mr. Out to the wegf. j at there is no use In, con- ,g ni 0uncam, Of sition is und-,r the ponsi( +44,-+45+, &az.- U ia'rquhar- The eraltioin by .—On- Monday even- hit -tant-a-stic, wa - John Bowden, who has been s ending e i Poar(l i) , Ston 24d isters 'Provis- tripl)ed until. ol Trade.—A the, winter &t the home Of his sistr, entertained in a w;=er 10 ri not � the wee, hours Of num1ber f the friends :(f Ing Air. James,Jhn
ia . � . maUer Mrs )Ka -Y, f Stanley, bs mothing to be dsired, a larzge ;Uum- made for tbeii maintf(n- tile morning when the r. and Mrs., Thog. Mv that Iet
But �! thI% is a whia dispersed, i�r,atherino - Th T
of Miller the pleasant Elme, �hey 1'M1ne%,,,--An exciting and inter,cisting vicinity.—lVe are pleased U for hanking Mr. and Mrs, OM41s Ogden, frotm Alfferent retrned to his home &h th Capper ber of their frlea& from Hensall and 1)�-ovidecj, for in the act` parts, surp.rised ; I
a-, Itheir res LLSON
-Y whiab se ALEX. W evenrngs sy played bdtw"� rates�chodls were bad enjoy�,d. and- wl$,ko Idnce a few and spe t I 9=10 of f oo tiball waL to earn
them pros. mos t en :,t"t our enterprWag DRUCIt BOOK AND FAOY GOODS STORK OYa�le ve Ing, t v9SM1041, md SEAFORUH, iThe Ue team of No. 4 school, Staaley,, qoucklior, bl�r. A. adtp intemils rain.