HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-03, Page 8Stoves Reduced Before Out StOcketaking, Which. ire cOMMence Feb - nary let, 'we will offer the balance of our stock of Gook and Heating Stoves both Coal and t Woe& at a liberal dis- count for cash. We have a number of ,good neeond - hand heating stov s and these are put Iseeve yOfar order with us for CIIIESNEY SMILEY, Hardware, Stoves and Coal. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. President General Manager Capital, Fully Paid Up --$3,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,634,000 Deposits brPublic $29.700,000 Total Assets $ 39,225,0oo BEAFORTH BRANCH, Every facility for the transacting of a enteral banking business. Collections made on points In Canada and abroad. station paid to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed frotn date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Deposits of ..$1,ea and upwards received, and interest paid or added to acconne June 30th and December Sid. Manager. R. S. HAYS, solicitor ROYAL HOTEL Most Modern Hotel in Seaforth Fully equipped with hot and cold water bath, Ladies' Toilet f Rooms eto. Every attention GOitiet Stable in Connection, T. PIRINEY, Prop. ous School. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Who largest and most snoctessful Com. mercial and Shorthand school in Wertern Ontario. -Our courses- Ore np.toolate and rectital. Leading colleges in Oanade and tee •Unitecrfitates employ cur grad uates M teachers. Write for free (fatal ogue. t You may enter at anytime. ' fkiatios, Organs, gew,ing Machines rand Gramophones. Sold -bn the Easy Payment Plan. W keep a large stook of the best moires on hand. This etook litinget ior cash and is sold cheap._ All intabdieg purchasers should tall before buying. • . G M. Baldwin & Co., Sleigh Bells. iuntille all tbe very beet line. of del& belle, all styles and prices. Horse Blankets. Call litut see our lioe a horse blankets • with end without stay on etmpo '; Prices 751 to 84.0e The Ar4 consideration in buying far robes the quality. We guarantee our Galliiway, Biebop zed Saskatchew- an Roties to the best quality that menet tian buy. Oar prime quality ' tcciinfidered, are the lowest. BRODERICK'S Ramis iihop Cady's Block dame; Watson, Succ‘sor to W. N. Watson NOFFH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. once seta, rtsal Estate and Loan Agent.' Dealer hi 08t -01a88 fOthily end Manufac- turing Sewing Machines end Crean Soper - New Rayieend and White Sewing MaehinceendNational Cream Sep- arator inehree sizes Also sewiteeinachine needles, oil, attach- ments, repaire,aed sundries for all kinds of lewing machines. • Prices right and ma- chines fully gitaranteed, JAMES WATSON Insurance Agetit, anti dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Main street, Seafortb. Good Work Good Material —111 ALL OUR -4 -- ter BRING YOUR PICTURES TO BB e 'Won 1 *•IftrIt AK 0 TOR and the Royal and Qu4o's vositor 011 M4"2"Y night as Ate. aae. DISTRICT MATTER13, At-honee given by the staff and Ou- pils of the Collegiate Inetieuite, Friday evening leer Was a most ea- joyable flinotion. The pupils and their friends qi.orourgfily enjoyed the promenade and „inusic furnished for it by the Seaforth orbiteistra. Vocal solos by Miss Iya Podds, Mr. Heys and Mr. Towartrwere pleasing featuree of the. programme. The as- serobly hall was tastefully decorat- ed for the oecasion and refreshments were served .during the evening. and Miss Beatrice Scot't were in from the poentryS when ite the old show Ogroileids, the en limning to a deep pitch . swerved to One side, setti ()Utter and (getting in the deep snow_ on_ the side of 'the, tc got stuok. With some difficult the term righted and no injury,. save ta. .somewlhat unpleasant experie co, re- turned Yeral harles e con - trier OlLe can be t Pres - Scott iving oppoe- Well Done. -The rink „of eurlers who represented .the Seaferth solub did themseltes prou.d. They won tee first prize- in thee console:tit:in metoli, the trop\hy being the Guelph cup and a rliandsome- clock for each : member of the rink. This suotiees ris grea.tly to (the credit of 'their -Skill, as there is no rink tiere for prac- tice and‘they are net all Scotch eith- er. The rink is rioraeosed of Win. Beattie and Win. MoDourgall. Tho trophies Were GIL eXhibittiDD in the windowe of Bright 13res. The nue* remains he poseession of the winning club until next seasoe, when it (is put up fee oonipetition again. Coming to Seafortle-The follow- ing despatch /Toon Stratford afe, peered: in the deity papers a few • deys ago: Stratford is losing an ineustry in the removal of the lo- to.1 branch of the Canada Furniture ' lel•anufactureree. Limited, to Sea, forth. This is in line with 'the Cen- tralization policy ot the company, who have 8 factories in WInzhara and will khave two in Seaforth. The l000l branch will close eon April 1st, when the factory and machinery will be sold under the hammer. An at: tempt ..'was made to ferm a local oom,pariy to operate the works, but this has apparently been dropped. about ten o'cloolt, as a long freight • train was going west ore the Grand !Trerik, it -split while tonging down the tirade east of the water tank at Sectfoeth statton, The engine and the front part of (the traie stoppee at the' tanle tin Ig•et ovater, the engineer not knowing thet the hinder part of his train had ,earted cemea.ay with the troet part. 'The detached. cars came aloe; and pitched into. the tars , attached to the engine with sechetoroe as t o seriously smash sev- eral tars, knocking two or. th,ree of tbera tiff the traek. Fortunately there ewer, rio person injured aed further then dapaaging several cars there wes no other serious demons done. The auxiliary was sent for to Stratford and within. an hour after :t its arrival the traek was eleared teed ready for traffio again. The af- ternoon express from the east vvas deleyed° a couple of hours wale* o for the. track to (be cleared,. suIted.-Mr. eTothe Case -r home lest week' from the,Nor where he bad, been , for naonths.-Mr. and lam. seen by eeference to atiother -The Bible ,oless of the Fir meet of ,the eburch, on Mon ay ev- ening last. An excellent pro ramme oivest rendered, and those- pr nt eu- ioyed it very much, as well as the time ,. given," for eociabili yo -The (gate Way, is, in meet places danger - ever, -business in town' is te ner,ally good. Lase Saturday wits on 6f the busiest. days 'of the eeason he 45us- iness streets being crowded. moat of awl tredition eays it must go out ther of De. MoKay, of Se orth, is laid up by at). attack of infla femation mother, went- to the ct y to be with hira &axing ss. -The football teame of the publi and se- parate schooes played .an interest- ing 'game oO Saturday lase, which resulted in a tie, each ski scoving two goals. There is g•rea rivalry. betweeri theSe !two teams. On Mon - hockey metch with a pict ed team from Eremendville and Lit le Soot - Lend, the Parks wenn' after a . close game by three goals to (none. min, was this Week DA tOW 11181W:1g his MO ther-in-Iaw, Mr.. Janaes Su ther lend, and friends in Grey end he goes fromthere to Toronto eo visit his daughter, 'Mies* Ca rite, who and two organs to pur.hasers at Trolit Creek, Muskoka. hey" also ..go a a very fine Bell pia o to, Mr D. J. eletcheson, of 'weir eareurhey. ' Thie OM of the bes , ten Is tiles en- terprieixeg firraohave twee Mr. New- ton MoT•avish, :nephew of Mr. and ' who has been the etto.nte al corres- pondent of the Toronto Globe for some time. has also been appointed the Queloee metropolis, thus °arra- biniog the dutiee of the two eosi- time,. This is the eirtit , time -that he dual position of bust eee repre- boon kaltdfity the ono rson,, lane • Minitreiti* is( 'the most tin ortapt of Gliolient branches. rem our friendly match with the liditchell club, in that town, on Friday evenit g last. The pleyers were most hospitably en- tertained by their Mitchell friends, and spent a most! enjoyable evening. The easiting team came out victorious •by a ecore of 47 to 31. The following is the score : Seaforth. Mitchell. Won won draw Sutherland 4 Thorne 1, I 47 31 24' There were 17 men on each side. Local Briefs. -Mr. A. R. Sampso at, one :time teller in the Domini° -Bank, Sea.forth., is 'now assistan manager of the, branoh in ,Winp peg. Mr. Sampson is forging to th Irene -While driving en from. th south on VTiday and while cress irug the railway track, a yolng ma His horse got erightened at an en glee, and seeing, ran one side of th cutter onto a mound of snow, whip upset it. The man wee thrown. ou but was not ,pauch injured and „Ith herse was captured at Dick's h stable. The cutter was some, bro en. -Mr. C. Sperling. of this town, e Cation, ovbieh waited op, Pretnie Whitney end his collegues th Perliamept, buildings, Toronto, las leased his farna on the North Road McKillop, near Seaffirtht to Mr. Er years. -Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, wh have been visiting feiends in thi vicinity for oeveral weeks, left fo their hom.e neer Regina, on Mon day. The Expositor ueites with tbeir many friends in wishing, them a pleasant journey and hopes to se them back again sooneeMr. Geor.ge Gray and family intend moving to the Nor tbovest this spring. They will be ,acoompanied iby Mrs. and Miss Gray. They expect to. locate near Calgary. Mr. Gray le making the chonge mainly on account of his edjoining, the reetdence of Mr. Wm. loands.ozne re,sidence on it in the staring,. It is one of the 4aicest resid- ential spots in town. -Mrs. Black- well, of San Francisco, California, and her daughter, are here visiting ley hes purchased t'he lots on John street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Alex. Sutherland, from Mr. Stephen Lamb, and intends erecting O, nice reeidenee on them- this epnivag. Cady will be pleased, to learn. that he is Tee.° it* o-ra is recent isee- ere illness. --The Electric Light Co - any have put up a lang,e, new osite the reeidence of Dr. Burrows. a new kind and from it ithe lamps the private residences in the &laity are runsalsor -those in the Irecneeine. of Mr: McTa.vish, we have .no *el Cho Win prove e aeldifernee duties and res tied have been placed o Robert Eamon eltpped an ily ex the, eide walk ton onsibili ties fell heav- day last week. Ile wee toneiderably sh,aken up, but 'ware not teari•oue y injured, and is •now, we are plea d to learn, nearly all right egain.- he date of the Seeforth•rece Meet t been fixed for Thursda day, June list and 2nd. tioe will, ass usual, o purses, and do everythi power to. make. the meet Re. touctoese- - ful, if (net mere So, then ane (yet 8 ,yeer Las and Fri- essocia- 7 ' SEEDS. itiartince Higginet Timethy geed and Clover Compare our aarapies and' prices 'with other defilers before buying. Our quality la good and our price is right. samearemiiimm E Kerslake" Successor to Hamilton & Kerslake, C4th ger; hc.s gone 'to Strethroy to evork oil the new baek building theeta tor Boyd, of, Stratford, are Speadirig a, eolidays with their par - cats and triends in town, -We ere sorry to leern that Mr. WilliameWea. she, er., of the town t Hullete, as very poorly, He is sufferenre' '--The moving pitturee et 'the ,grea..t International Ceingress of the Sal- vation army In London, England, showia in the town led]. an, 'Wednes- day eveninrg were 'really good and life like sand go to exemplify the !im- mense extent ot mad tb.e great work being done the world over by the Salvation Army. The toronet solos were also very skilfuely,elaeced. The audience we's (not so large as Male exoellence and deteitest of the, en- naent of the Lord's supper will be in the evening. Serviee on Ash Wednesday evening' at 7.30. -Mr. W. C. Landsboreugh, of Tuckeremith, left .here for Vancouver, B. C., on er, Mrs. Cook, a Varna, left on Friday for Irvington, Calif o-rnia. They. tree taking advantage of the present redueed rates to the Pa- tific coast and were bicketed out by W. Sornerville.-St. Patrickle Day will lie celebrated in St. James' seored concert under the auepices of the old and ,popular license inspect. tor tor Etest Huroe, was in tovon on Wednesday. He was oil one of his periodical inspection tours. -Mrs. Tagney and family, Chathapehave :removed hack to town after an lab- sence of about six years and occupy their own hetuse in the East (ward. than any other place she has beeu in. -Many will 'regret to hear of the very serious illness of Mre. Thome Murphy, of this town, who bas tno been confined to her bed fer eo time. Her advanced (years mitiga very mueh :against her recovery,b all hope for the beet -Mrs. M. Ki sena, of Trenton, is at present vi iting an to•vve, the guest of Mr George A. Sills. Accident. -On Thursda„y of lest 1 weoko /Mr. 'Peter Canipbell, of the BrODSOrk line, Stanley, met with a waling colt in the etable tvhen the animal %eared up, and. miming down against the manger, fraeturing sonie of this Abe. The injuries, although not dangeraus, are painful and. will lay, him Beide for seme days. Bluevalee Listowel, spent Sunday at his home Duff and leiss Anderson attended the f aneral ef the tete Mr. John El- liott, of East Wawanosh, on FricOly last. -Miss -Cora Messer, who at tends - Listowel high (school, was home over principal of our school, spent Satur- day at hie home io Brueetield.-Rev. the Presbyterian cherch 'last Sala- - bath afternoon. The, congr ega Lion WaS small, 'because of the stormy, - weather. 1 Sodom. Dots. -Mr., John Penhale had a un oaber of [sheep worried 'by dogs one. 'night last week, some of twhich and Mr. W. Green, or Carliduff, N- Crystt4.1 City, .Menitoba, have been orn friends ea Sodom end vii- einity, previous to their return to their prairie homee.-Mr. Samuel Stereake, who has been unwell for it number of tmontbs, has improved in 'health, and is now able. to be around again. -Miss Minnie, McDonald, of Sarnia, is visibing relatives •here. Winthrop New spring shoes -stook complete s;eth the very latest---mmples:of new goads in both win. dowi-lots more inside. -W. H. Willis, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladles and George A. ' Slater same for men, Seaforth. 19424 !. cohould 'bear in mind the cancert ea the hall here, on Monday evening next - in connection with the Ear - mere' Institute meeting-. Some of the. very best iavailable local talent has lateen secured and a splendid programme, both, raileipal and lit- •erary has.been prepared, which will be seiteele and pleasing to both old and young. Several epeakers froin a dietance will Oleo. Pe present. w in, .aid of the. Sick Children's Hoe - me pital ia Toronto. The* enter taiin- te men t will be (good, the Objeot a most ri- ' should be limited 'only by the eta- s- , pacity of .the hale Wall' Paper. --.Samples lobes!) Amerlo wee paper, burlaps, minding and up.to.date dec atione. 13orders seine price as papers they mate Not Aung free of charge but for 7o per roll in the MOD who do the good work. Walter Smi J. J. Peterson, Seaforth. 1954. th r a es __:eristnrcliee ofwnetvi gilt:giallo mitwe Women's' Institute. - The *Wom- en • en's tnetitute will meet at eire liorn.e II, of Mrs. W. B. Cook, on Weuartesday, a March eth. The (subjects foi die- :: eussion are "Caro and selection ef in. Happily Wed. -On Wednesdaty ev- et enizoe- of last week, Mr. George A. Somerville, of Medora, Manitoba, Slater shoes for men, esaterth. Int March. the month that stook needs ju little extra -we have it -Clydesdale Stook Fo Beattie Brae., Seeforth. Is beyond doubt the extra needed. Sold onnily2.1 Rug Lose-Loet somewhere between E mendville and Michael William% fown line, Tooke Auction Sal, at the Rectory, Seaforth, o mon, &Worth. To THE, LAD.1198.-SwItobes made194 maims. elm R. Rose, over W. It Watson's offle aturdav, March nth at 1 o'clock p. m., Bum eeen any day btfore Bible, Rev. J. W. Hod ne, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Have yon clover or timothy :feed to bu or owl 7 See us or tend satnplee. Beattie Bros. Seoferth. 1942-1 For Selo cheap a dumber of pairs of &st- olen hand made toots and shoes. . .Apply at reel. deuce of Me. Jan atm. Egmondville. 1942x1 1,200 rolls wall paper at out prices and ng free of charge for caeh only. measure your owe and.secure the snaps. J. Graves, practical per hanger and decorator, fleatorth. 19424 C Stanley. We are open to buy any (quantity cloyee and timothy seed. Seed us The Institute -The (regular month - meeting of the Women's Institute ill be held On Thuirsda,y afternpon, me of lens. 3. Spackmap. The sub- so is fe noble- one as well as interesting •d a full attendance of betel old. so d. new znembers is requested. 1 ou sp et formerly of Morris township, was at be h.appily u.nited (in marriage to Miss Sadie Jamieson, eldest dauighter of Mr. Gavin Jamieson, of the township formed at the 'parsonage, Seaforth, by Rev, A. K. Birks. The bride was most becomingly attired an, blue silk trimmed with/ Russian and. a yoke of white embroidered Silk. Her trav- elling suit was brown with hat to n mateh. After an (extended visit of about a week, with relatives and reends the young touple left the ellowing Tuesday for their new May their joys be ineny and trodbles heldeeSieoe the ile.st sterile the Sea 1 forth Milling Company have been be aecount of the bad weather and .o.rt of Teed in a supply eriod when e up in the nesse Min - element on ninge next . en ter tain- tho best of ma,y Want ere wet be offend the wet be flats ly (the audit. or the dear always look art of Men- a otood crop e been fine, re looking round Ham - roads. farmers have rue s and they are now laying to tide Olean .over the the roads: /will be breaki spring. --The Beaver La strels give their enter Monday. and Tuesday .ev in Cardricre hall. The- neents are likely. to be to laugh and. grow fat no thieg calculated to °most 'sensitive ana ,there of fun for aft. It le lik n, ences will be onl • Decay of the la e tion far anether year e old home paeor that. we fer so anxiously., This • itob,o, -wes blessed with lott year end prioes ha cons.equently things e bright for th-o country t offering his (splendid f4rrn far sabe Seatartie on Saturday next. It is ene of the best fa,r.eas i !this district e grocery store for eever 1 years, has a of going tot the Canadia Northwest. , is a steady. reliabl young man. - cand should succeed in hat new oa:na. e progressivoi country. If is succee ed our rteade.re wilt regre to learn of in vi the death of ano.the pioneer- of this district lin the p rson of Mr. Dodds .died on Wedneef y• after oh 77 yeers of age and w s one of the residente McKillcip -Mrs. M. C. .Cb;osne,y, of Item street, has re- troit.-Mr. John Mei avin, one of the progressive term rs end horse raisers' el efeKillop, ecently pur- which is a very su color animal. Mr. Arehibald paid $26 tor her. (She weighs nearly' 1,800 °mitts and is otherwee equally lig od: Mr. Mc - Gavin purchased her for breeding don, is here visiting her - mother, MrS. J. S. Porter and ther !friends. -Mr. john fScott, of *oxboro, ship- ped a 6ar load .of fat cattle (of his own feeding to Toronto on Saturday. -Mr. Wilson Hall, af London, forra- erly Seaforth, died in that. bey on Tuesday. Ite was ia brother -in - went 'to 'Iondon .on ednesday attend the funeral.- r. Andrew Calder, who has a wi e reputation cently sold two pups to a gentleman in Toren to omd one to a gentlemag in Montreal. Mr. T. . inters,psint- Pa of sa fo ly ie NO Notes. -Quite a. number from here attended ;the oyster supper at Mount Pleasant last Monday eveningo-Mr. W. Dickison, after spending several ampbell, has returned to Winni- ego r. George Beaver spent Mon- ey and Tuesday in Londen.-Mrs. 3. ameron, after two weeks visit with r ion ds in _Exe ter, has returned o me. -Mr. William Crawl d en - ends going west in the spenig.- e are sorry to lear,ri that Mr. T. n last fall, had the naisfoetene to all and, hurt it on'e teay hest oveek me tiene again. -Mrs: Wm. Bray visibing her parents in; Exeter u Id a valuable horse to Mr. T. andford, cif Exeter, last .ween,_ epees. Andrew and. Jaznes Camp- % of Cogan, spent v few days ast week on'the Thames road. -Mr. hn Bell and family intend moveng Exeter this week. We aro earry lose our old friend, Johni from. r midst. -Mr. Char les Hackney .ent Saturday in St. Marys. Football. -An interesting, game. of football was played on the grounds of No. 14 school on Thursday of last. week, between the :team of thee schoal and the 'teams frcim the sehool in section No, le. Despite the feat. that the snow was pietty deep, (the game •was well contested, and re - nutted in a. victory for the boys of No. 10 by a ecore of one to ippne, The 'llatty-s of No.. 110 are ;naturally eery; proud of their victory. The (game was refereed by Will Aikenhead and was, !mai tilte:SSea by (quite. a num'ber interested epectators. the very latest --samples of new gools in both win- dowe-lots snore inside. W H. Willie, sole agent tor Dorobnv Dodd shoes for ladies and Georce A. Slater shoes for men, Seaforth, 1942-1 Grand Concer t. Wilson's hall , Brucefield, on the evening of March 17th, when the foglowing well known talent will take part: Miss Susie McGill, Lendon, (singer and Scotch and Ir'isla, dancer ; Will McLeod, coin - es vocalist ,and dancere Seafoeth; Walter Pickard, tenor ; John Mc- Donald, piper ; Mr. Reid and Miss panise. 1942x1 Notts -Mrs. John Caskey, nee home in Portage -la Prairie after spending a very pleasant visit of teree months at her home here. She was accompanied by her mother and will vieit for a short *tame tin London,oguests of Mr. John Aiken- colm Aikenhead, principaf of Blue - vale publics school, paid a short vis- • ed at his hom.e here last Saturday. - Miss Eraily Clark, of Varna, is tet efesent quite 111 at the liorcee of her sister, Mrs. Charles Reid, of the villaitte.-Mr. A. S. McGregor, London, of the Sun Life Insurance Company, was in the village on bus- inets Met Tuesday. -Mr. Thomas Malloy ie able to be out for a short time ,after his illne•ss bite ds very weak. -On. Wednesda.y of last New spring shoes-estook complete with the very latest-eatnples of new goods in both win- dowe-lots more ineide. W. H. Willis. sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes Mr ladies and George A. Bleier oboes for men, seatorth. 19424 Notes.--Mes. Jas. Campbell, who spent the winter wifte her brothers and sisters and other rielatevee, has returned to her home in Moose (Taw, 1N.W'.T.-Mies Ada Drake has retufa- ` ed home from her vieit to Cons:4110e. -Miss Morrison is the guese of Weiss St. Marys, is the guest of Miss Wil- la. mimber of people and all lead a Monday night. -Mr. Clemanslaw, of IIerron.-The Women's Institute met at the loam's of Mrs. Dalton. There were twenty nine at the. tweeting, end a profitable and enjoyable time was spent. Literary.L-The regular meeting of the Staffa literary society was held in the town hall, Staffa, on February 28th, with (the- president, t3irr. John H. Norris, in the chair. After the business of t he sac iety had been transacted, Mr. F. Tuffin took the chair and the following programme was rgiven: A clarionet solo ,by Mr. by Mise Butler, Miss Wilson and. A. Cotton; vocal solos by Miss te.„ Drake and Messrs. IL Templeen,an and E. daforpeth. The subject, "Re- solved that ithe horse is of More benefit to mankind than the COW," wae debated. 'Miss Ethel Norris and Messrs. A: Norris and H. Templeman on fhe affirnaative and Miss E. -Davis and M,esers. 'A. Oliver and IL litt. Dor- MEAT DI6PLAY 'FABRI Something over 201) pieces of New, Waistings, Skirtings, Cost Cloths and Materiais for SHIRT - WAIST SUIT Ranging n Price from 25c to per NOW READY FOR INSPECTIO manor au The New Spring Dress Goods 1rom over the Se& 'now in Seaforth. They are delayed somewhat in co but they are here in plenty of time The variety ceptionally large and many of the Novelty 'Dress Le are really beautiful. Broad Cloths. The new Costume (Botha, are med. km in weight, firm, richly -finished and are shown in the loveliest shades of blue, green, brown, as well as in Grey and; black. These- ' handsome cloths are 48 to 54 inch:es wide and sell at from $1 to $2 per yard. INI)figtirf). Mohairs and Sicilians will be very much worn this Season =larding to the leading faehion-journaIs. We are showing a splendid assortment in very attractive shadings and patterns. Colors.-Crefun, Sky, Navy, Red, Garnet, Brown, Grey and Black. 114)irolty !Irene, There are sortie elegant novel clinging fabrics, es pecially suitab Gownings and weistings, such. Ines, Voiles, Orepille, Crepe D Embroidered Orepolines and other ne* tninge in Silk, Wool Silk and Wool combined, priced BOo to $1.50 per yard. hive fixed Fancy Su ting .The New seasim's fancy Saitings in nice light mixtures, as well as Ohecke, Spots., Flakes and Hair Stripes The old time Shepherd C. in Black and White, Blue and and Green with White -will be erably worn The fancy suitings picked from, 25c to $1.25 per ya THE SHIRT WAIST SUIT Promises to be very popular, and the favorite inateriali are likely to be Taffetas, Mohairs, Voiles, Pongees, Liuen and Cotton effects in Sheer and medium weight Some of the styles are very smart looking. One style or waist in particular, will be neatly ta,ilored,with vertical lines of tucks or p aits,eonintenc- ing at the shoulder and drawn down to the belt. The skirt will be of the plaited type, stitched frOM the belt down over the hips and then falling free. Ask to see our new pattern book, there are some very pretty styles shoWn NI I •LLINERY'd The New will be complete early in March, an immense ifariety of Hats will be shown The shapes will be smaller than last season, lets of flowers and ribbons will be used in the trimming, aro the fashionable colors will be Light and Dark Plum, New Blue and Navy tints, Myrtle shades, and IMBrowns with a golden tinge. KEEP OUR STORE IN IN 4 When you are looking for the newest thingie remember that we al e specialists in everythine pertaining to Wonietem and Childreni,s Wear.. THE E. McFAUL DRY GOODS Seaforth ',Ontario. exciting deb,ate (the judges decid the debate/ a draw. The next; raeet bug will 4:le held on 3Yearch 14th, o the subject, " Resolved •tha.t annex ation oft Canada with the, Unite States would ;be preferable te Grey. Irlarried.-A quiet but pretty wed dines took place at th residence o Mr. 3. p. McIntosh/ Cranbrook, on tWedateda.y, February .22ncl; when Miss Mary Ritchie, sister of th hostess, end. Mr. Charles Brodie, of Seaford], were mairied, The bride wore her going away gown of brown Freetoe zebeline, with- hat 'to match and (tarried an ivory bound testament. Miss Alice Jean Foreest, of Cranbrook, did her part as roa.id of honor: in a very dainty manner. Mr. and Mrs,. Brodie lef en the 3.30 train tor their home in Sea-• forth. The kindest wishes of hostie of Cr-anbrook friends/ go with' the bride to her new home. . The Sovereign Bank ai Canada, charter- ed by Dominion Parliament, 42 branchee in Canada and agents in all paste of the world. Interest on deposits paid four times a year. Absolute security loathed& Your account is invited. H. Arnold unexcelled facilities', courteous treatineeriZZ manager Bengali branch all Tuesday, -Thursday and Saturdays. 18624f Feed. -100 tons of Manitoba short' and other feed on hand. Oats taken bi exchange. Teke advantage of the lJtv price -of feed and thehigh price of grain. D. Urquhart, Bengali oatmeall9m4211.1.3e. Briefe-Mr. William' Chapman, sr., has been . visiting relatives and friends for the past week or Ise in Caledonia. and neighborhood. -The Presbytery of HuTon met in Carmel ;church last Tuesday. -Messrs. G. T. 3YfeEta.y and Roland. Cocimore have purghased a fine new cement ma- chine from. eur new foundry and in- tend manufacturing eon:tent blocks in Henson this summer. Being good practical men their enterpriee will, no doubt succceed.-We are also pleased to learn along the line ef and Me. Thoraae Welsh have each, purchasee fine (building- tote off the Roberthon estate et the west end of the village, _and intend e-reeting some mat dwellings as soon as spring opens. Others also intend following their good example so that :this summee prornises to be , busy one it the building line. Rea- sall: is bound ta grow and prosper. -Mes, H. B. Ingram is in Lucknoev having been tailed there through tile esf her father. -Mrs. W. Chapman, sr, ead the misfortune last week to slip al head ef a stair- way in toxiiing down and fat fallow r-eceived • 'very painful injuries, al- "eoutitant the Molsons Pestle is Wheel judge ed quite tat hie home tie. Matte - Mr. King, London, is takingeleitnii n foe the present, -Rev. Medd4ga - a, leeture in Ailsa Craig- on iirm..5 evening of Last .week. -The m friends of Mr. 13. Roggen% will gret to learn that he has been a is still quite but all nvill bope for • his recovery in the `near futuee.- e Mr. and Mrs. George Trott verY pleasantly enteetained a number et their friends en'Wednesdoy even - 0 -Mr, and Mrs. We Wood, of London, Mr. and Mrs. John 8hepherd.-Prof, Sunday evening last which was much. enjoyed.-MisS of, Wingbara visited Mrs. F. C. MeDon. ell last week. -Mrs. A. MoDonelt spent a few days in St. Marys lest week. -In the- eeturn hockey match with Voodoo on Monday evening last our boYs did not meet with the sixo oess they did on the home trioir, Lonilma winning by at number _ goals. -Rev. Dr. Henderson, of To- oe Sabbatt last, delighting large congregations both latt3rning end eve ening. His sermons dealt with .the rmission work and the reeponse made fo his iappealo for fueds was very; liberal. -The concert given eitieliat ler's opera 'house on Tuestlay ev- ening last under the auspiees ' attended and ninth eejoyed. The ean- Professor 'Thomas Scott, who 'taught niusic here twelve years ago but who is now residing en the tweet. lie was ably assisted by the followine Trott and Setlery; etrrs. A. Murdock Murdock playing the aecomianiner erste and -the Rev. W. J. Doherty act- ing as ebairman.-3Y1r. J. E. McMill- en wes in St. Marys last tweek visite ing friends, -We reoret to learn -that Mrs. C. ;A. Redmond, is quite but hope soon to see her in the nnicty- Mrs, Weis -miller was in Toronto this we•ek.-Miss Ida Peart, of *Sar- nia is visiting ber parents. -Mr. An- drew Dougall, of Wbitewater, Man- itoba, was married on Wednesday to Miss Maggie Tunic, sixth daughter, of the late Joho Imrie, of Tucker- ed by Rev. Mr. Smith, at the manse. The eoneratulations of many friend5 will be e•xtended to Mr. and. Meer Dougall - Boy -Th report 19 ip„ eirculatIontlia ng interest in 'the Sndustrles ef the E. B. Eddy Company, at Hull near 'Ottawa. The report pletes the puroliele price at $4/000,000. these COR sell, t Co elms Stopeiv steel •