HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-03, Page 6a
eaas. NOM esAtee
S OR SALE. -Rare bargains in 1441139 f -U
OW11131110 of liaktitt Morrie, and Wooer -
'y of Huron. Inquire :at ono,. WM
Kolb, Ont. 177441
/DING LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale, severedWhich Are Now Stirring Churches
desirable building Jots in the tetwu at Sea -
forth , Therm lets are eituated fn Various Parts of the World.
i•f4 of the ton and are well -planted. with the
choicest of fruit, apply to W. D. McLean, ab the
EXMITOR Of Leaforth. 10404(
FAS than a6,000 will buy Lot 88. Cooriesei in 7, GOD IS VISITING HIS PEOPLE
Mai/flop. This ' farm contains 100 soiree of
good lend, has on it a bank hem 04x04tea, with
foot stone stabling. Alto a good 8 -roomed brick
bulge, orohard, good water, &O It le 1'1x miles Rey. The Talmage Contrasts Then: With
from Seaton h nd 1 miles from Constance owe
office. Posereeion given at once. Apply to WM. R.
FARM FOR 8ALE.-I50 acre, kit 82 and wesb
halt of lot 24, emceed, n 2, H. R. EL, Tuoker-
WIll be eold in biota nr rnpeparate parcels.
*geed f trm for whoa farming witn the b se of
faciiithe for dock raisluo. Trio huildi ge are geed
-comprising- a brick house, good bare and th d and
etone stabling. Apply to FIERSERT CUM Sea -
forth P. 0., oto W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario.
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, Louden
.m. Road, Stanley, containing 100 sores, 98 &fares
cleared, the balance h good hardwood timber. The ,
farm 19 well underdrained and well -fenced, end Iu
good condition in every Particular'', This is an S"
tollent farm, ect better in the township. It is five
miles from Clinton and J nines from Bruoefield.
Will be sold on reasonaole terms aa the proprietor
is in the implement business, Apply to F.
'OMLINSON, Brumfield, 192441
Other Famous Revivals, and Points
Out the Lessons it Teaches -When
God's People Plead With Him for
a Blessing They Put Their Trust
in One Who Never Fails.
Entered aceardinoro Ace of Parliament' of Can-
ada, in tae' 1905. by • Fred erick Di ver, of
Torentea-az the Dee t a A orioul eure. Obi a wit.
1 Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. this
sermon the preacher gives a vivid de-
Seription of thei-ukreat akenthg
'Which is just now stirring the Pacific
coast, contrasting it wale other famous
revivals and pointing out the lesson it
teaches to the nation. Tbe text is Re-
velation "dire 15, "Thetime' has come
for thee to reap."
"MUltitudes, multitudes in the valley
of decision," rescued by surrendering
their hearts to Christ. Oh, what glo-
rious news it is that reaches uts from
all lands, telling of old-fashioned re-
vivals! As In bygone days, God is Vis-
iting his people. On every hand- the
el-rolY Spirit is moving on the dull- and ,
lifeless churches, rousing apathetic
IMAM FOR SellaR.--In the township or emote% L
er- being Lot 13, Cot:tenni= 2, consisting et the •
beet 100 sores of laud in the township, well feinted
quid in good state of cultivation. Good brick house
and frame barn, eonvonient to whoa!, &meet and
market, beingonly 2 miles from Exeter. For fur-
ther partioulars apply to D C. moINNES, Exeter,
or T1100.R1GGINs, executors of the estatenf B• I.
Higgins, deceased, or to GLADMAN & STANBURY,
Solicitors, Exeter. 192341
VOR SALE OI/Ban -In Earphurhey, comfort-
able teick cede with fiverooms and hall,
with kitchen and w shed'aiteohed, hard and soft
water, stabling for three head of eattle or herpes
with hen le use and pig pen, also good well and
pump in stable; two and a half acres of land on,
which are the choicest verieties of all kinds of butt.
This is a moat desirable property for any person !
-meetings comfortable home, Apply on the prem. ;
lice oraddress JOHN MoDONOGH, Seaferfill P• •
• 19404f
• I
usz AND LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale, brisk '
house and 2 l
ts in Seatorth One 1 fa
on North Main Streos and the other on 14,111 tvg
Ham Street. The house is a oomfortable briok I .
ooltage and contains 8 bedrooms dining room, sit-
- Sing room and kitchen, wish good cellar under the
whole house. Hard end soft water in the house.
"There is &leo a good ateble and driving shed All
ldnds of fruit on the lot Apply to J. L. ALLAN,
londeshoro, or to 0. ar. ATKINSON. thalorth.
BEIhUTIFet -betwati rful arm in the township of WU-
FARM FOR SALPe-For sale obesp,
lop, known as " The Meeks." situsted one and a
bait nines north of Siaforth. The farm contains
nue huudred eerie of th• eholeeet Ind. There is a
'bank bern, lerger frame home, with beautiful -large
rooms, good water. a ore4k running through the
farni. Good orrhard andivineyard, all under iul-
tivation and well dralnedo The situation is excel.
lent, near country school and near Collegiaee In- 1
Istituto. It la an Well country home. Immediate
peasesaion. Apply to WM. GOVENLOCK, Seeforth
192241 0
Christians and bringing thousands
sinners to the foot of the cross. Austra-
lia has her Pentecosts, England her
Pentebbsta, rock-ribbed Scotland her
Pentecosts. Christmas Evans' beloved
Welsh hills have witnessed such an
outpouring of the Holy Spirit as no liv-
ing man has ever seen 'before. Rough
miners and cultured scholars, old men
and children -have been stirred by a
mysterious power and have turned to
the Lord.
Our own land is sharing in the
blessing. Great tidal waves of revival
power have rolled up from Georgia.
Great tidal waves of revival power nave
roiled forth, from Penns-ylvania and
New York and dolorado. -Great tidal
waves of revival power are now rolling
forth from California, to ithe far east.
Conquering revivalists everywhere. God
has harnessed to his gospel chariots of
revival fire an Evan Bober, a Chap-
man, an Ostrom, a Torrey, a Dieder-
wolf and a 'Shaeffer, the soul -winner of
ittle children, and scores of othe'r
mighty gospel chargers in this modern,
Werk 45f grace.. Truly God has poured
ut His Spirit upon all flesh. Our sons
nd our. daughtere are prophesyin
.7. Gliapman, when ne reacrtet,
heaven; will see there mady saved dur-
ing these revivals. But theald mother
in Israel, the old Christian elder and
deacon, the old Christian church mem-
ber, will rejoice with him in this, har-
vest. Christ from his throne will re-
degnise their services. "You won-
dered," he will say to the evangelists,
"why' it was that your words so moved
the sinner to seek salvation. It was 111
answer. to the prayers of these bumble
Christians that the Holy Spirit timehed
the hearts of your hearers so that the
good seed fell into good grord." Let
us thank God for sueh prayers.
These revivals teaoh another great
leseon. The vast number of people do
not have to be taught who Christ
They know enough about the gospel .0:1
salvation to be saved it, they will. They
must be led by the power of the Holy
Spirit simply to make a. stand, to come
to a .decision to do what they 'know
they ought to do. They do notsejeed to
hear- sermons on the authenticitf of the
Scriptures, the divinity of chtiag or
the doctrine of original sin. The # are
for the greater part belleverf in Chris-
tianity. It is, the personal appropriation
of these truths that they lack. They
love sin so much that they will
i -Being Wind part of Late 1 and 2, • Ooncess- 0
n Pot. R. So Tuekersmith. Good s000rete, 11 0
'toothed house, 40x28, with kitchen, worxIshed-and
loghoute attached. Thera is aanew bank barn
Whitefield and Finney and Baker a
artwright and .Moody, lead thou
, with wing exteoding to the south, 24 feet.
Alert briok arched. 'outhouse, '40 feet long, under c
gangway. All buildings In good repaiL Orchard o
contsins two and a half ,tor --o of choice winter fruit.
There are two never failitig .wella, 6 Imes of bush. f
This farm is in a wool etato of cultivation, well
fenced and underdrairied, eituated 2 miles from the
village of Heneitle For further partioulars apply
to THOMAS HERNICE, Renee% Ontario, 1 841
ur young men are seeing visions. Our
Id men are dreaming dreams. Oh,
pirit that inspired the Wesleys and
FARM FOR SALE -For vale ou reasonable terms
the farm of the andersigned on the North
'anted road, Meitillop, a mile north of Seaforth.
21 otintaine 176 aorta all cleared except abons ten
set* It is well uederdrableci. well hosed and in
*high slate ot oeitivati n. Them is a fine two
storey briok bowie, back berm; end other neceseary
outbuildings. There is a flawing spring close to the
buildlogs A large orobard of encase fruit and
about two scree of a vittery. This is one of the
ehoioest forms in Huron end1here is not a foot bf
waste lend on it. It is all seeded to greed except
about 60 acres. There are In sores sumo to fell
wheat and the fall plowing done. Apply to the pro-
prietor, geaforth. ROBERT GOVENLOCE.
FIA11111 FOR SALE. -For sale lot 29, on the 91h
conoessien ef Hibbert. °ordaining 1E0 soresooll
in ft good state' ot oultivetien. There is on the Pre.
rititlee a brie& house mad brick kitchen aud tt good
oellaa There la also rt large batik barn, 60 x 40 and
a leant° 01 12 feet with none undernaith.
Idea ebed 80x 80 It and a driving home with
evetything oomplete. There are three aever failing
webs on the premises, there halm a large orchard
with &good garden. There are 10 acres of fall
witeet sown and there are 40 ecres seeded dowo.
Eithor sultabie for hal or pasture. Ali the fail
hIng la done. Tbe farm in well underelrained
I tile and well fenced with wire 10000. It IS in
a g ad locality, being s tuated too and a hell milee
aro Obiselhuret, where there le a post office and
tw. churches, Metbodfs, aud Presbyterian, s miles
from filsaforth end there ie a goon grate 1 road run.
-nib past the farm. It is In go.d condition and
will be Bald oft reesonarde terms as the proprietor
withes to retire. .Por further particulars apply
the premises or tu GLI.AttL.E1 EBERAIART.'Sfiaffa
P. O., Ontario. 19,41-4
If You Want to
ISly a Farm,
Business -or resIdurice, consult nil Or
our 'agents before making a selection.
We have large liat of properties, many
of them are extra good value at the
price asked. We can save you piroo,
money and worry if you will allow us
to aesiet you in making a selecenute
-Let us know your wante, or gee our
catalogue -it (mete you nothing.
London, Canada.
E. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth
t. 8. PHILLIPS Agent, H19e07nsa-5211.
Quickly and per.
menz.ntly adjustixt,
Gl'asscs fitted proivrly.
Dr. Ovens
Treat.; Eve, Ear, Nor,e
am! Throat. Will be at
Commercial Hoiel, March 15,
All Day.
Next Visit April 19th.
-1VIcKillop Directory for 1905.
DANIEL MANLEY-, Reeve, Beechwood P. Oa'
M. gowLAND Councillor, W.Iton P. 0
MegLIA.ID, Councillor, St Colin -than P. 0.
ellitlierEe Liana. Council} -r, Winthrop P 0.
JOHN M. G0VEN1/10K, Counelnootianthro`p P. 0.
MICHAEL 1Mt:RDIE, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
T)AVID hi. ROSS, Tr, figurer, Wtethrep P. 0.
SO MON S. BRANNON, J. P. Sanitary Inspector,
Winthrop P. �.
MRS. WM. ...3AP441DERS
Dress Cutting School.
For $10 1 will give a $o yeti= free, and teach any
lady how to out, fit sled put together any article in
dress or mentle making in 2 weeks from the -plainest
waist to the turst elaborate drtss that t4an be found
in the fashion book, without the use of pauer pat-
e ' terns. / have taught over •,504 this last six years,
and offer $100 to anyone I can't teach, or can prove
to me they can learn as rnueh any other place in
iwo years. Just think of tt ! For 060 I will tooth
Any one that is a dress m 4cer, or good Sewer ard
drawer, to teach this course, giving them my twill -
Jars' cerUficette. Strangers may board at school,
atiltable reward given to any one informing me
Of any person trying VI tach this mune, which /
invented and had patented, that does not hold a
certificate from me. xt class coternonees Mon-
day, hfareh the Gbh Write for padiculars, or see
me at my sehool Stratford, appetite Windsor
Hotel, on Alberl street, on Saturday, March 4th,
from 1 to 6 p na MRS. WM. SANDERS, Teacher n
Dress Cutting, Box 169, Stratford F. 0. 1938 -52 -
n in this widening gospel movement
or the redemption of a sinful world for
What Is the meaning of all this won-
derful. manifestation • of 'the Spirit's
power? Is there any laW not yet dis-
covered that governs such movements?
Is it possible that in the spiritual world
there is a close 'connection between
cause and effect? Is there anything'
that we as individuals Christians can
do to -bring into operation these life-
giving shower e .of divine grace? Is it
possible that if we as Christian people
continue to obey God's law we can
have a perpetual revival of divine grace
In our churches and homes every morn-
ing, every noon and:every night?
These wonderful manifestations are
not the work ()fairly human agency, but
of God. Those feere the results of faith
,-the faith that moves mountains.
When God's 'people pleaded with him
for, this. blessing they, put their trust
In one who -never fails. ,The prepara-
tion in. the heart of man is with the
Lord, and when these believing men
a.nd women begged him to touch the
hearts of the people he heard and ans-
wered them. If we want a revival to
move a city -we must get that revival
by the "golden. tongue" of earnest
prayer. We shrill* never get it 'simply
by the "silver tongue"' of brilliant
prayer. Prayer, prayer, agonizing
prayer, prayer which carne from hun-
-dreds and thousands of -anxious fathers
a.nd mothers and brothers and sisters,
and husbands and wives was the pause.
The sane° lesson was taught us by
the movement ted by Campbell Morgan
a year -ago. After the great English
preacher had left. tfie Pacific Coa.st the
Ministerial T:nion of this city met to
discuss the results of those meetings.
One clergyman after another discussed
the causes of that awakening, but no
solution Was found. I confessed my
own inability • to understand it, for I
had heard Campbell Morgan in the east
when he did not seem to have any
such influence over .neen. Yet the ser-
mons which were powerless there were
practically the same sermons that Were
fruitful here. With that the Nestor of
the congregational ministers arose,
good old loving- Dr. Warren Y.. Day. He
said: "Brethren, you have omitted „to
state the chief reason. of Campbell Mor-
gan's success in Los Angeles. It was
due to the fact that hundreds and
thousands of Christians paved the way
for his success .,by weeks of earnest
prayer. The Christians prayed in their
churches; they prayed in their cottage
prayer meetings; they prayed every -
Where!" "Amen," said L "Dr. Day is
right." Campbell Morgan's revival was
doe chiefly to the fact that thoSe meet -
were lifted -up to heaven by thou-
zelads of pleading, praying Christia.ns.
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are a specific foraltdiseases and dis-
orders arising' from a run-down condi-
tion of the heart or nerve system, audit
89. Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleeploss-
ne• it, Faint and Dizzy ;leen.% 13rainPag.
eto. They are especially beneficial to
WQ10.811. troubled with irregular men-
Price 60 eenta per box,. or 11 for 81.26.
All dealers, or
TRE T. ntreatose Co., LIMITED,.
Torooeo, Ont.
.244„.1 •
A MK h.
rAii=,..'"tres'spjl6iC"4.11&iWit; rAniFFammair.tt
There 10 nothing ilhe donlighteallOap for Household Utensils.
When you have to use hard water it is not an easy matter to wash
household utensils. To do good washing you should have good soap
and soft water (rain water). if you use hard water you must have
good soap, and the best soap you can get is Sunlight Soap because it
sofittns the hard water and makes a. copious creamy lather. 'Use Sun-
light Soap for all household purposes and the results 4111surprise you.
Sunlight Sea, washes the clothes 2r1.1hite without injuring. the hands.
come to the desired decision. In other
loses, they believe, but they do
wish to give up sin. It is not infer:
tion about Christ, nor explanation,
the truths of Christianity that m
need. They understand, these things
already. It is the will that must b
captured. They do not realize theie,
danger, nor that they must themselves'
seek salvation through Christ. The sera
mons preacher]. by the evangelists prov-
ed that fact. -
But another weighty lesson is pressed
upon our hearts by • these meetings.
That iS this: ,The Lord's workris a
business. It iS not a hysteria. It is
not a few, holy 'ejaculations. It is not
lifting your head above the clouds so
that the mists blind your eyes and
chill your enthusiasm for practi 1
duty on earth. It is not a few spasms
and a few temporary gospel gyrnnhs
tics. It is a business -a busine
-which which We should study careful
and plan systematically and pre
strenuously with all our faith. and en
When these evangelists began the
net I
giortoith twits, flowing 'unnietuen aria
!tunchecked. Four thousand men and
Wornen, many Of them criminals, gath-
ered together in the midnight hour dur-
ing the tempest to seek Christ. Did you
'ever see or hear the like of it? Can e
anyone who witnessed that wonderful R
s.na transporting meeting. In the Grand t
Opera House of Los Angeles ever for- to
get the revelation? Were we not then
taught how Christ w ts t • ac
by their &hers, and too °nett
the hardships they undergo.
want you to pray for 4.31od'S evan-
gelists, Pray for them When, tired and
fatigued, they go to their lonely rooms
In an hotel. Pray for Dr. B. A.. Torrey
and Mr, Alexander, far far away from
home. Pray for these friends, Dr.
Chapman and his associates, Who are
now going up and down the land, who
have lately been 'among us. May their
joy be the peace that passeth all un-
derstanding. May their happiness be
ning many, many souls for Christ, God
gained from. the fact that they are win- I
bless the gospel evangelists, that they
may teach us gladly to do the Father's
will, whether it be like Paul in far-off
Macedonia, or in our home Tarsus,
"which is no mean city."
The Cinque Porte.
What are known as the 'cingue
ports of England (einque being the
French for five) are Sandwich, Dov-
er, Ilythe, Romney and Haptings. It
is said that the* five port!), were en-
franchised in the time of the Saxon
King Edward the Confessor; but it
was subsequent to the battle of Hast-
ings, 1066, that William the Con-
queror, in order that he might wield .
the resources of the seaports with
greater vigor, constituted this whole
line of coast into a junsdiction 'en-
tirely separate from the Counties of
Kent and Sussex, and erected it into
a sort of county palatine, under a
warden or guardian, the s seat of
whose administration was in Dover
Castle. The warden, whose office cor-
responded to that of the ancient
count of the Saxon coast, eXercised
jurisdiction, civil, military and nav-
al, uniting in his single person the
functions of sheriff, custos rotulor-
um, Lord -Lieutenant gaud Admiral.
Privileges equal to those originally
bestowed on the (amine ports were
subsequently extended to the so-eall-
d ancient towns of Winchelsea and
ye; and most of the municipal
owns had subordinate ports and
mut,. attached to them, which were
lied members.
an us o go forth
Into the highways• and the hedges,
seekdng sinful men and women wher-
ever they may be found?
i One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
tolled the city bells. The evangelists
and their followers worked on. Nine,
ten, half past ten -the Christian disci-
p1•worked on. Eleven, twelve, went'
theclock, What! Is anyone out to-
night? Oh, yes; the messengers of sin
areout to -night. Thisais the harvest
hour for the demons of death. But to-
night -j --aye, to -night -the angels of
rn4rcf- are calling and pleading. Moth-
ers, and fathers In heaven, wives and
children in heaven, over the embattle-
ments did. ye not see the prayers being
anawered in the midnight hour? Oh,
God, teach us, -as these evangelists have
tau ht us, that the mission of a Chris-
tian, church is not alone to care for a
few l people who are our social equals,
and. who happen to come to our
churches!- The 'greatest mission of
Chri tian churches is to go after men
and omen -to go after them i h ts
-of S il in gambling dens, everywhere
6 '
and nywhere—to go after them in the
mor ing, at noon and at midnight.
Bu lastly, I learn frorn the work of
these evangelists a lesson which ought
to in ke us, • one and all, ashamed of
ourse ves. 4 the churches of the Lord
Jesus Christ would join. together their
force to. make a conquest for Christ
they ould win the same triumphs for
the aster year in and year out. The
rnigh lest mission of J. Wilbur Chap-
man ncl.- his associates is to unite
Chris 'a forces. They have given us an
objec lessons of the victory that may
be w n by the united effort of all the
_ .
deno inations.
Sup osing every fall the Congrega-
'Y tional mlnisters, and the Baptist min -
_ Isters and the IVIethodist minieters, and
1 the C mpbellite ministers,and the Pres-
' byteri n ministers, and the Lutheran
Pres -
IJi* altar'.
The jiu litsu trick retently imported
afresh from Japan is not exactly, a
style of wrestling.
There are holds that make the op-
ponent suddenly and utterly help-
less. There are grips which, however,
lightly taken, make the victim wince.
There are pinches that paralyze
nerves and cause agony for the sec-
ond before the victim is released.
Then there are deft and suddeit-ways
of breaking bones and of dislocating
joints, of giving a slight but van-
quishing tilt to an opponent who is
off his centre of gravity and trielts
that make the victim's brain whirl.
A woman equipped with the jiu jit-
su„can throw a strong man down
and then proceed to tie his hands. -
Hark Twain to His Daughter.
Mark Twain has placed the follow-
ing over the grave of his den hter•
n aun g
work, as far as human agency was COu
corned, they had almost a perfect sys
tern of machinery. First, the meeting
were systematically and completely ad
vertised; seeond, all the; workers- of -
district were gathered together -made
one head. Some went into the else
ruses. Then other workers were de
tailed to certain sittings. Every thre
or four pews had their overseers or gos
pel sentinels, No sooner was a. han
raised /for prayer tha... a Christla
workerhsevas by that person's side t
lead him or her to Christ.
Then, not satisfied with all this, on
night General .1. Wilbur Chapman--efo
he is a general of men -marshaled -al
his forces for a grand charge upon th
citadels of sin. That night the Chris
tian evangelists and their follower
came from ali over the city.. Down int
the saloons and the places of evil re-
sorts they went. Everywhe'he the righ.
hand of a Christian brother or :lister
was extended. Everywhere a pleading
voice said to sinners: "Come, we
want you for Christ." these valiant
soldiers of the cross did not wait fo'r
sinners Ito come to the gospel banquet.
They literally followed out the com-
mand of Jesus, which said: "Go ye out
Into the highways and the hedges and
compel them to come in, that my house
may be filled." And come they did.
They came by the hundreds and the
thousands. The drunkards, the liber-
tines, the outcasts -they came. Oh,
how they longed to come! Can 'anyone
who witnessed that wonderful and in-
spiring meeting in the Grand Opera,
House of Los .Angeles Feb. 3, 1 90 5, ever
forget the revelation?
The elements seemed to conspire
again t the effort. When the -hours
drew toward the evening of that won-
derful night, we said to ourselves,
"Gael we go out into this storm,' even'
to bring sinners to Christ?" The rain
then. -was falling in torrents. All the
batteries of the elethente were unlim-
bered. "Crash! Crash!" went the
booming of the thunder. "Zigzag!"
went the lightning. An electric thun-
derbolt struck the North Methodist
Church of Pasadena and :set it on fire.
The cars were blocked. Freshets were
everywhere. After the theatres and
places of amusements were, emptied,
long after most of the great city was
aeleep, hundreds of me.n and worrien
marched throught the flooded streets,
sometimes wading above their 'ankles
in water. They marched singing and
praising God. They marched down to
the haunts of sin. Then, after they had
collected the Magdalenes and the hu-
man bredigals who had been wanovving
in the swine troughs of "the far cenn-
try," they started back to one of the
largest theatres in the city. There, in,
that theatre were crowded at least 4,000'
men.. and women. Many were in rags.
Many faces were scarred and seared
with the awful marks of sin. All, whe-
ther outcasts or rescuers, were anxious
about eouls-anxious about their own
souls ()mahout the souls of others. Some
'curiosity seekers may have come to
that meeting to scoff, but nearly; all,
before they left, -prayed as the poor
publican prayed. There were tears -
penitent tears -which welled up from
breaking hearts. Yes, those tears. were
minis ers, and the Reformed ministers
woul all get together. Then supposing
they hould say: "Let us join in sec-
tions. We will exchange pulpits. We
will p each for souls, no matter In what
churc we preach. We will have our
cotta e prayer meetings and our noon-
day p ayer meetings. We will send our
best reefs down into the slums." What
would happen? Not only would they
break down sectarian lines, but they
would teach congregations that the
mightiest business on earth is not to
build .ap a denomination, .but to save
iinmortal souls. They would do just
what Dr. Chapman and his associates
have done. They would shake the cities
and the states from centre to circhm-
One of the most farseeing acts Dr.
Chapman ever did for the advancement
of a gospel movement was to combine
evangelists of different ecclesiastical
denominations into a unit for the -
spreading of the gospel. Dr. Chapman
is a Presbyterian, and is laboring un-
der the orders of the General Assem.bly
of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Hen-
ry Ostrom, his associate, is a Metho-
dist. Tilts -Ian Hobson is a Quaker, Rev.
R. W. Stough is a Congregationalist. R.
A. Walton belongs t� • the Southern
Presbyterian Church -here there were ,
no northern and southern churches -
Warm summer sun, .
Shine kindly here.
Warn: southern wind,
Blow softnr here.
-I amen sod above, ( 1
Lie light, lie light.
.)----' Good night, dear heart,
- Good night, good ,nIglit 4
After ,this &et hint be anathema
who says that he never saw a good
Afraid of Strong Medicines.
Many people suffer for years from
rheumatic pa ns, and prefer to do t
So rather than take the strong med-
icilies usually given for rheumatism
not knowing that quick relief from
pain may be had simply by applying
Chamberlain's pain balm. For sale
by Ale. Wilson, druggist, Sea-,
-The Wentwor th T chore As-
. sociation 'has set other fass�ciations
e.Igoe& example by agreeg to hold
its next conventiona Ue Ontario
Agricultur,s1 College, Guelph, (with
a view .of seeing the Macdonald con-
solidated school in operation.
Cause, of Insomnia.
In dig•es t ion nearly always. dis-
turbs the sleep more or less, and
is ?of ten the came of i nsomni a.
Many loa,ses have been pormauentl,y
mired by Chamberlain's fitomac)s. and
Liver 'Tablets. For sale by, Alex.
Wilson, druggist, Seafarth.
-Mr. Justice McLennan and 3Y1r.
Geor2,e Gililies, of Tor on te. have eaoh
given $5,000 to the fund of $500,-
000 for the further endowment of
Queen% University, Kingston, Mr.
Wm. MoKenzie, the well knoWn rail-
wayman of Toronto has also agre-
ed to beeome wesponsible for an an-
nual .payment of $1,200 to *over the
salary of an. assistant 'Professor,a.n4
has altready sent a eheque to mreelt,
the first year's sallar,y.
Treated by Three Doctors
John fC» Elliott is a Dutch Reformed for a
minister. All seetarian fences have
been burned in these evangelistic meet- ••
ings. Why cannot we do the same
every year as gospel ministers? Let ,
us have a, forward movement. Yes, but .
also a united movement for Christ,
'Every sectarian minister wants to
hoe in his own ecclesiastical row,
whereas, in fact and in truth, there is
but little difference In these rows. They
All end in having their sheaves of wheat Got No Relief From
deposited at the foot of the cross: Why
cannot we work hand in hand with
other Christian 4eimminations?1 Are
ire not all servanree of Christ? The
Presbyterian differs in doctrine from
the Methodist, the Congregationalist
differs in church government from the
Episcopalian, but all give the same an-
swer to the question, "What must I do
to be saved?" Every- evangelical de-
n•ornination points the sinner to Chris
as the one and only seurce of salve.-
Snore Attack of
Jim' Love, gospel love, ought to make
us all one. Oh, for gospel forces united
and welded. together! Oh, that the
churches of"- all the Protestant denomi-
nations mightenter into a concerted
and single purposed movement for
Christ, as Was done in this great gos-
pel campaign on the Pacific Coast,
which has ek.ron thousands of. souls for
the Master!
I cannot close without an expression
of gratitude, to the evangelists who
have aided us. I honor all evangelists.
lYo we realize how much these evange-
lists give up for their work? All the
joys of home life, all the sweet fellow -
snip with their people that the regular
minister enjoys -these must all be sur-
rendered by the evangelist who goes
from city to city to arouse and stimu-
late the churches. Dr. Walton told me
that for ten years the only home he had
was a trunk. ' Let us honor such men,
who devote themes -Ares' to the public
eervion. The cliUrnie Wilt. b.S.T.Igqs
Medicines, But Found It At
Last In
Burdock Blood Bit
Mrs. Frank Hutt, Morrisburg,
Ont., was one of those troutbled
with this most COMITIOTI of stomach
troubles. She writes :—"After
being treated by three doctors, and
using many advertised medicines,
for a severe attack of Dyspepsia,
and receiving no benefit, 1 gave
up all hope of ever being cured.
• Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters so
highly spoken of, 1 decided to get
a bottle, and give it a trial. Before
i 1 had taken it 1 began to feel better,
and by the time 1 had taken the
second one 1 was completely
cured. IA cannot recommend Bur-
dock Blood Bitters too highly, and
I would advise all sufferers from
I dyspepsia give it a trial."
Pecause it is put'u in sealed packages.
These packages p etect the flavor of the tea and
protect you in weight and guarantee of quality.
- No article of food is so easily tainted as tea—it
absorbs the flavor of everything it comes in contact with.
Place an orange beside some tea for an hour, and then
taste or smell the tea—drange too.
Very few tea bins are tigfit enough to prevent tea
from absorbing the odors of fruit, vegetables, -cheese,
etc., etc, usually mixed togetheoin a grocery—and the
ordinary tea chest is very little protection.
The Red Rose Tea sealed lead package preserves
all the original flavor and freshness of the tea—open a
package and smell its fresh fragrant aroma.
Packages of Red RoseTea are always full weight
and uniform in quality.
T. H. ESTABROOKS St John IV 13.s.
The cow for the dairymen is the one that can make the most •profit
ni milk, butter; or cheese for the food consumed Al.arge number of
cows are kept for dairy purposes that don't yield safficient milk to pay
for their keep. They consume as much as profitable ones and require
as much time and care in their milking. Aisc many a good "Milker"
has gone to the butchers block bwing to improper care and feeding.
Many of the railk producing ekualities of the feed are lost owing to im-
proper digestiott and assimilation. This Can be overcome by the addition
of Clydesdale Stock Food to the oniinary feed as it puts the stomach
in such shape as to help her to digest and assimilete her food, besides en-
abling her to eat more of it, as it ismade more appetising.. This makes
her capable of secreting more irnllr, and, in many instances, richer milk.
If it could b'e demonstrated that more bushels of wheat eould be
grown on a piece of ground than ordinarily, and without injury to the
and, in fact improving it, and at an extra profit, woUldn't you take up
the proposition. Clydesdale Stock Foodwill add to the milk pro..
duction, and with extra profit, and without injury to the "Milker be-
cause it gives a tone and sleekness to the animal that cannot otherwise
be had. The use of Clydesdale Carbohi. le Antiseptic will keep the
stables In a healthy eondition ensuring healthier milk'. If after using
the above, you find you are notsatisfied, your money will bee heerfully
refunded by our dealer. Clydesdale Stock,Food is sold in your district by
Beattie Bros„ Beaforth,
3. Snider, Brumfield.
. D. Hutohinson, Staffs..
IReuben Graham, Clinton.
AIL Scruton, Hensall.
3. G. Moser, Blyth.
Beauty In Furniture
We invite attention to the mag-:
nificent assortment of Furniture.
Our display is large. Selections
at this store are made easy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-
ing exceptional offerings through
the entire store, .
homptly attended to night or day.
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
lielleiter 11
Tows boil
vEGETABIG2.; Cele;gIel
liair Rena
A. high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft Snu
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
idways restores color to gray hair,
tel. Lon
Jails ens
Mid im Winter
Sorting am la mrm
It is at thia time of the year that you feel the thin spots in yo
clothes. Rather than get new ones, many shiver. That is sho
rt -
sighted from both ends, First, you get a cold, and it costa you mom-
tban new clothes' secondly, and best at this time of the year we ate
giving exceptionalvalues in all kinds of winter clothes. Clothes tht
will last you she balance of this season and all of next, and the ett
will only be about one-half of whet you will have to pay when tit'
next cold season GOMM Consider the iiret of these reasons, and act OW
tbe second.
The new Spring goods will be coming in soon, we want to be rid of the
ter stuff, consequently prices don't out a very big figure.
One Grade Only,
and That the Best.
=Ms =am se=
have just received a car load of Mc-
Laughlin Cutters. Any person
thinking of investing In a new
cattier will do well to call on me
before purohaeing elsewhere. They
are not the cheapest cutters in
town but they are the best and re-
member, quality remains long after
price is forgotten.
keep a full line of Genuine Rubber
Harness, also Robee and Rugs,
which you can buy from me cheep.
er than elsewhere.
A. M. Campbell
1P1-10Sp- 310(1111 413.
Th e arest Ecelish Raz"
is au old, well estabs
lished and raise' lb
preparation. RaSbesa
prescrilved and used
over 40 years. An drus.
eels in the Jamie:am
of Canada sell find
recommend as being
the only '
its kind that ouresand
;Ives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently cures all forms of et ervous Weak.
nen. Emissions, Sperneatorrhera, impoieocih
and all effects of abuse or exces.ses; the excessiva
use of Totmceo, Opium or ritintortonts, Mental
and Brain Worry, an of which lead to Infirmith
insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $1 per package or si" for S5. One ,wili
please, az will cure. Mailed prompty on re-
ceipt of price. Bendier free pamphlet. Addreed
The Wood Correparny,
Windsor, Ont., Canada,
For sale by C. Aherhart, J. B. Rolk
L V. Fear, and Alex. W.
Before and After,
. '
Sore Throat eend Coulees
A simple, effective and ROC remedy for eo.. ZrOat
'rritattona is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Te‘bleto
They combine the germicidal value ofCrmolencwith
the soothing properties of alippy a•W
100. All Dye:goatee