HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-03, Page 5IMORNINIMMINsWift • STORE. Vorasix ans ahee perfection, the foot, fashionable a construction. The -ecords in sales is that g No f,hoes have eral millions of ren -ow ;bitty to and we ex - all and see eaforth " and "Empress' ed hey acquaintance marrieges to her tner abetet ten years y went ta reside in Mr. Moore w.ao en- Waring- and mercan- at shortly after re- ipein where tb.ey re - w yearswhen t hey, ' to Toronto, w Isere to re -side. The nail ath at on 'early a -en hook to her many, niter of three email '•_.r to mourn the loss ate mother's tender, - The restrains were aeesels for interment, in 'the resideoce loaner ou atonday af- werer n d eirs. Ross, of _Brus- h. of Walton. The -the of :the entire te out to the bereave - t friends in tide sod ISONRESSUIIM1110111NNi, Is Green. o buy any quantify. .inaothy seed. Send us ✓ tquan Lay., Beat t te, - and see&men, Sea- agi2-3 - —Mr. Jamen Turner archasecl a irte year azil from Mr. David e for which he paid ;huraired meek. The the host tMr. Turn - ie is to be ic ongrat- Lrehase and we `reuse ve a profitable- jri- A ope eta 1 !et - oernehip council 411111 .kerested in 'tile. prns the Ifd in the t ow n - day. . February le. eyes lanore and some soions took place, ree1 the proposed - ntroriter for .it. The :wee readoei v- eutline of the drain levied on each ra t e- - therewith. T Lar is $10,150. It pn with the ereork Iers iIL no doubt. I. the neer fud urst OiPri tt C. February 16I h • hcr son, dleoroe, 79th near of erienced hue a- ekteese previoue t 14 wejoyed unueue 1 hue far this o S.. Eyre w e borrt of Elizabee oie n, 111 Julit 8th, to um contr- . n 1870, rend 1. hence: ISS2, weiere she t h, lie - w years. 0-111Cnt ceneistent mew- hodiet ehureh at hou eh for in been ablet- ee titre part :in t he ehurch. tier hus- soiere e years. ertirre the loss: of devoted mot her eueeb. te rs. I he erid John in De - elf ert h, Henry in 011,1411e home - The &ugh te re ot Heneeail, Chiewihurst Mt lady, a k i nd reepected e ; tiz niseed in k h (0111 - in the tome. The ,ce. on Mondey o rectory and wee ples ready for ked in plain wit, anything rgain prices. -11 March, be- g proposition Our rooms, and ORE. - ONTARIO. i�I5. Moose jaw despatch Aays: "A TuE • Bic; inatlety River rannlear4 Mainetd C ANADIAN BANK. elow heed -Et dispute with 4antither -L-1- ealeo11er named Maleome. *einem° OF 'COMMERCE. • visited LoteS, ratinh a ew 14s after the dispute. and delibern*y short. I %Oa' dead irr his traels. the Uhl! passe =WM0E4 ing through the bea.nt. Sheriff Dav- s ie. a Culidearson, Montana, has Mal- 1 .N.letEdiK. Oiateottedt. March §nd, 11X5. to 1 05 0 0 10 040 416 Ur 005 46 fro 0 46 0 As to 0 20 0 *8 ttri 0 19 0 *7o 019 50 to 275 8 00 to 700 5 00 to 585 0 Oto 026 0 60 to 0 75 1 15 to 10O U0$4 620 216 to .25 0 50 7 50 200 65 io 26 820 tome under arres t. e'en Meat ehm pee bushel— _ tegasaeratyperotridoos—:...— lea r tow sew.. ea eft aa. 1126- *444 41111.......10010. schee••••— " baX (new)e••• ae.. &It (retall) per berg_ e, tined ea Ord 0000 • e. efeapeteerd (short). • perabaiee— 0 :its to 600 to ellf 1 25 to rks ••••a! ••,.••• W.1 41.0, if 7 09 to Seeds. TORONTO, Meech 1—There is a little im- provement irebtainese in the local market, and, as the season advances, on advance in prices is eepeated. Stooks in the country ara mostly of low grade, bus for iiiach so ea there is an advance in price :—Rea clover, .$5.50 to$7,65 ; &hike, common, 33.50 to $5.50; timothy, $1 to $1.50, all , f. o. b. (Drente. ••••WWWWWW.0.11••..... Horse Market. TORONTO, March 1. —The following is Barns' and Sleeppards weekly repot of pre- vailing prices. Siegle roadsteree' .15 to 16 hands, 3125 to 3165 ; eingle coin; and car- riage heroes, 15 to 16 1 halide 3140 to ao; matched paler, and carriatio horses 15 to161 bsnde, $350 to $500 e delivery horses, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125e 3170; general purpose and express hot*" es, 1,200 to 1 350 ills - 3125 to $175; di arigtit bargee, 1,350 to 1,750 lb., 3150 to $1804: aarvice. able secend-hand workers, 350 t 65:3ger- viceable seoendhand drivers, $6 to 380. Dairy- Markets. TORONTO, February 28th—Mettter---Is quoted unchanged with an eaglet tone. Re- ceipts 000tinue to inorease. iCreamery printe, 27 to 28o; good to °Oboe dairy tees, leo to 20o, medium dairy, ip to 18e; inferforprades dairy, 15o to 16o e ;cod to choice dairy pound rolls. 22e to 64o ; large dairy rolls, 20e to 21o; medium *Ulu, 18o to 10. Cheese—Fairly steady ithd quoted unchanged se lite per pound tor mime end 110 for large, in job lots hereEggs-- The present cool spell is not likelt to have much effect upon the steady ineriage in the arrival of eggs here, and the iharket is quoted unchiunged with an easy One. New laid meowed at 24o to 2/5eo fresh at 20 ta 21o, and limed at 19o. t MoNTREAL, Febrnary 28. —Obese% On- tario fall whits, 1,0gc to 1010 ; (*tiered, 10,e, to 10o; Quebec, JO' to 100. Butter— Finest grades, 28 to 3(h, ordiriery finest, 26 to 27a, western dairy, 22o tie 23o, roll butter 25 to 26o. Eges—Streight cold - menage stock at 18/ to 20o ; N. 2, 18 to 19e; Montreal limed, 20 to 214 ; seleeted, to 25o, eind aew 1aid:29 to 30c. Poultry.. I, • TORONTO, February 28--Citc1 °Mekong, dressed, per pound, 9e; old chiokens, 8 to 9o; spring chickens, 1,2o ; dressed spring chickens, I0o ; dressed etering ducks, 10s, live spring ducks. 14o ; &reseed geeee, 12o ; live gem, 100 ; dreesed turkeys, 17c to 18o; live tnrkeys, 14o pet pound. Potatoes- e Te teliTO, February 28.--,Potatees—The movement in potatoee are eteady and the pricee are unohanged. Ontatio etock, 65 to 70a on track, and 753 to 80:3 one of acore. Eastern, 75a to 80o on traek, and 90 to 95c out of store. Grcark, etc. ,1 ToR01,1TO. February 28—Wheat—White, 3.1 08 to $1,09 ; red, 31 OS .googe, 90 to 94a; spring, 31,02 ; cereal, .1$1 07 ; peas, -70a ; oat% 45 to 45o;.baniee 52o. Hay Na. 1 timoohy, 312 to 312; dover or mix- ed, $8 to $g per ton, rew—Sheaf straw, $11 ta 31) b0 ; loose, 37 50, Hogs—Deeeer ed hogg, light, $7.75 per ewe ; heavy, $7.25 per cwt. Live Stook Market. LIVERPOOL, February 28—Canedian oat- tle, 5 -td. LONDON, England, Falituary 28—Live cattle are quo ed at 10/ to lite per pound ; refrigerator beef is 7g to /to per pound ; itheep, 12 to 133 per pound. Bunsen, F.,brus.ry and 10 to 203 lower. Prilne stem, 35.35 to 35.65; shipping, 34 66 td $5 15; hutoto ere, $05 ro $4.85; heifers; 33.25 to $4 65; owe, 32.50 to $4 25 ; bulls = 32 75 to 34.25; stockers and feeders, 32 50*to 3415 ; stock Were, 32 to 32.50 e treks tiows and spring - era, steady to etrong ; good to cheer)°, $50 ea 356; medium to good, 835 to 348; :tom - mon, 324 to 332. Hogs—FairlY aotive, and 5 to 103 lower; heave, 25 to 35.30; mixed, $5 20 to $5.25 • ,. 'Yorker, 35 to 35.20-; lege '34 75 to 34 8.; roughs, 34.40 to 34.65 • etaga, 33 to $3,60. Sheep and (Jambs—Native larnbe and sheep, aotive; western lambs, slow ; native lambs, $6.50 to 38.50 ; yearlings, 37 to 37 25 ; wethers, 86 to 36 25: weetern lamb. 38 to 38.25 ; ewes, 35.75 to 36; elleep; mixed, 32 50 to $6 - HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.. Paid-up Capital, $8,700.609. Reserve Fund, $3,600,000 11//mEraMMON•taimmansiell•IMMEMO HO. GEO. A. COX, Preeident. J. E. WALKER, General Manager. et ALEX. LAIRD Mob. °eel Manager, ' 4fl PI IN CANADA. THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTEDi Farmers' and Graziers' Iitankiirig. Every facility afforded fartnere and graziere for their banking business. Notes die counted- Sale Notes cashed or taken foroollection. 0001111103101.1111111111.001 SAVINGS- BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 31 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current mine f'rone date of deposit+. Interest added to the deposit twiee in each year, at the endIof May and November. The depositor is eubjeob to no delay what- I ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. BANKING BY MAIL. Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out-of-town accounts reee4e every attention. . SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.. G. E. PARKES, Marager. era at prices ranging from 34 to 34.25 and Notice to Contractors. even $4 35 was paid in one or two instances Feedere, 900 to 1000 lb% each, sold at $3 25 to 33.75 per cwt. according to quality. Miloh Cows—About 30 ranch cow e and springers gold at 330 to $60 earth. There, wax a good demand, especially for geod to choice .quality cows, which were readily picked up. Veal calves—The offerings of calves are becoming larger as the season ad- vances, but prices held up fairly well at 33.50 to 36.25 per owt ,• extra 3hoice new milk fed calves would bring' from 36 50 to 36.75 per cwt. Sheep and Lambe— rhe run of cheep and Iambs was light. Sheep sold at 34 50 to $5 per owe fore ewes, and 33.50 to 34.25 for bucks, and 36)50 to 36.85 per cwt for grain -fed lamb!, while ronglo com- mon barn -yard lambs sold at $5.50 to $6.50 per cwt. Hogs—About 700 hogs were of- fered and bought by' Mr. Harris at on ad - MONTREAL, February *—Cable advices on Canadian eattle item Liverpool and London came strongrr et kn advance of to to lo per pound to -day. ! Tl e trade this morning proved quite Oncturaging from praoticalty every points... The arrivals in all classes cf stook were lerge and of fairly good quality. Butohets /Ind other buyers were out iri large numbers, and, as there was a largo choioe to selcot from, an active trade wag done. iThe exports rd eattle were 1,200, with sales ot ohoice, 44 to So ,• medium to fair, 3:S to 44d; oonemon and lean, 31 to no per pound. Sheep and larnbe were in demand. The quality was good with prices Retie °hang d. The best sheep brought 4c, iambi sold at 5o per pound. Fair sized calved broughe 35 per head, while small and lean ones broughb 32.50 to 33 50 each. The market for hogs was weak and lower, bile at the decline the demand was active, and sekoted lots eold at $(5, off oars, and $5 85 fed and watered, TORONTO, March 1.-1agiorters-- Only 81 limited number of shipping catble offered, and only a couple of straight loads were . sold as end, There woe aeveral loads of- fered as exporters that were bought for Short -keep feeders and taken back to the nountry. There were a few picked lots, cent of loads of butohers, that sold from $d 40 to 34.90, and one lot of 10 extra cheite cattle, the best seen on the market since Christman weighing 1,340 pounds weoh, thee sold at $5 per ewt. Butchere— Considerivg the large number offered at the end of lad week, and then again to- day the market for butcher's cattle was lair although prices for the° lower grades were easier. Picked lots sold at 34 to4.35 ; heeds of good at 33 75 to 34; medinm at 13.50 to 33 75-; COminon, 33.25 to 33.50; inferior, 32.50 to $3 ; canners 31.50 to $2. Feedere and Stockers — The demand for feedere and stockers was greater than for orae weeke, many leading cattlemen and farmers from Western Ortario being on the market to get a oupply. Several of them bought' Berne light Exporters as shortkeep- %ranee of 106 per owt. Select* sold at 35.60 and lights and fats at $5 45. SALE REGISTER. On Thursday. March 9bb, at one o'clock p. m., on Let 10, Concession 11, Hullette Horses and Cattle, including 16 Heavy Draught Colts froin 2 to 4 years old. Jas. Leiper, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, auction- eer. On Saturday, Match 11, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Rectory, Seaforth, Household Furniture. eto. Rev. J. W. Hodgine, pro. prietor ; Thomas Brown. auotioneer. On Saturday, March 4, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Oommeroial Hotel, Seaforbh. choice 175 sore farm. Robert Govenlook, prbprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Monday, March 6, at 1 o'olook p. m., on Lot 25, Concession 3, Tuokeremith, Clearing Sale of Farm Stook and Imple- ments. Edward Coldwell, proprietor; T. Brown. auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 8th, at 1 rrolock p. m., on Lob 8, Concession 7, Stanley, Farm Stock. Robert and John Forest, proprietors; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. On Tuesday, March 7th, at 1 o'clock p. m., eharp,ena Lot 28, Concession 9, Morris, Farm Stock and Implemente. tIonn Latrb, proprietor'Thos. Brown, auctioneer. On Saturday, March 18th. at 2 o'clock p. me at the Queen's Howie Seaforth, a choke 50 acre farm being Lot 4, Concee- sion 10, Hullett. farm, Frank rase, pro- prietress ; Then Brown. auctioneer. On Friday, Maroh 24th, at 1 o'clock p. no, on Lot 6, Concession 14, Hallett, one mile north 01 Harlock, Farm Stook and Implements. John A. Watt, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Oa Wednesday, Maroh 22nd, at twelve o'clock 1:10013, on Lot 26, Coneeeeion 3, Mc- Killop, one mile and a quarter north of Seaforth, Farm &oak, Implements and Honeehold Furniture. Robert Govenlock, jr., proprietor; James G. McMichael, auc- tioneer. On Wedoesday. March 15th, on Lob 27, Concession 2, McKillop, Farm Stock, Im- plements and Household Furniture. Geo. Gray, proprietor; Thomas Brown, elec- tioneer. Births. BOWEN—Tn deaforth, on February 28th, to Mr and Mrs 11 Bowen, a son DUPEE—In Brussels, on February 23rd, to Mr and Mrs Daniel Dupes, a daughter LAMOMT—In Seaforth, on March 1st, to Mr. earl Mrs. Alex. Lamont, a son. — MURPHI—on Clinton, on February 21st, to Mr and Mrs Thomas Murphy, a son HENDERSON —AtHotolakite. Colorado, on Febru, ary 16, to Mr and ?dre Henderson. All do- ing well. Mre Henderson was formerly Eva Landsborongh, daughter of the late James Landeborough, of Tuolearernith HIGGINS-1n Brucefield, cin February 9.3ra, to Mr and Mrs B B. Higgins, s son - Marriages. SOMERVILLF,—JAMIESON--At the Method'et parsonage, &Mortar, by Bev A K Birks, cm February 22nd, Mr George A Somerville, of Medora, Manitoba, and Mite Sadie Jamiueon, of Hullett DOUGLAS—NTCHOL—At the home of the .bride' parents, Morris, on March let, by Rev John Ross, B A, Mr Jarom Dougles, of Grey, to blies Bertha A, daughter of Mr end Mre Robt Nichol Deaths. DODDS—In hioKillop, on March 1st, ?Jr Thomas Dodds, er, aged 77 years and 6 months Funeral on Friday, March ftrd. at 2:30 o'clook, irom the late resieenoe of the dammed EYRE—In Chiselhuret, on Pebruary 16th, Mary Eyre, relict or the late Henry Eyre, aged 78 years and 7 months HOMUTII—In Wingham, on February 18th, Will T J Homuth, aged 88 years and 11 months FOWLER—In Morris, on February leth, John row- . ler, aged 72 years and 10 monahe ARMSTRONG—ln Wroxeter, on February 14th, Henry:Armstrong, aged 62 years, 11 months and 12 dater WATERS—In Fordwich, on Febrnary 15th, Wm Olsten° infant son of Mr and Mrs Wm Watere aged 2 weeke ar.d 4 days . , BAINTON—In Blyth, on February 18th, Mrs Kiln. beth 0 Bainton, formerly of Wingham BELL—In Goderioh; on February 21st, Wm Bell aged 76 years SMITH—In Goderieb, on February 2let, Wm. Har vey Smith, aged 42 years and 2 months . .•00 4•1211• 'Tenders Wanted—Wanted for the °rotten of two brick houses, one in MoKillop and one in. Tucker - smith, on opposite side e of the Huron Road. Plants and specifleatione may be seen at Devereu '9, one- half mile emt of Seaforth. Tenders will b reoeiv- ed up to March 81h, 1905. 11.441x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES.. °BED BARLEY—The undersiesed hria on his 0 farm, lot 18, London . Road. Tuokererni h, near Kipper) a cmentity nf BAILLEYI imitable for seed. ' ROBERT MoLEAN, Kippers; 942x4 DULLS FOR SALE.—Abordeen Atigue ssle, one yearling, one two year old, o year old. All registered in the Amerioa book. JAS. licINTOSH & SONS, bier 838,8 Ont. Funeral Directors ulls for e three Herd eforth, 942M AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE of Farm Stook.—Mr. Tbomas ee-1„ Brown will Sell forRobert and John Forest on Wednesday, March 8th, On Lot 8, 0onceidon 7, Stanley, near Varna, at 1 o'elook ;dart). the °Hew - hie valuable property, viz; ' Horses -1 worklng mare tieing 8 yeara old, 1 gelding rising 2 y re old, sired by Renleigh Jr. Cattle -1 fat cow, 1 newly calved oow and Calf, 8 steers rising 1 year old, 5 heifers rising 1 year ole, 7 heifers riving 2 yeare old, gainers rising 2 year old, 4 steers riling 8 ye r old, 6 heifers rising three yeers old, 1 m11kin cow, 7 small piece Terms of Sale All sures of 66 and un- der, cash; over that amount 8 month' credit will be given on furnishlog approved endorsed natei. A diecount of 5 por cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. ROBERT & JOHN FOREST, Proprietors ; THOS. BROWN, Auotteneer. 1942-1 , ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AN 1111- PLEMENTS.—There will" be Offered for tale. on lot 25, conoession 3, Tucheramith, on Monday, March 8th, at 1 o'31ook sirup, the following.valti- able property,viz: • Horees.—One , draught ho„e 6 yearkold, 2 draught fillies 8 yeare old, t re deter filly Blears old in foal, 2 driving MEWS 6 yea old, 1 draught mare 10 years old in foal, 1 draright geld- ing 2 years old, 1 draught filly 2 years old, 1 de ught oolt 9 months old, one roedster colt 10 months oil, 1 roadster colt rifting 2 years. Cittler.—Six cow in oslf to s thorobred bull, 1 therobred'Jereey cow a- bout to mite, 2 °Owe with calf at MA 7 steer ris- ing 3 years old, 6 heifers 2 years old,'4, steers r sing 2 years old 3 calves. One large brae low wttb lit- ter at foot mImplements.-1 Deering binder, 1 Deer- ing ower 6 foot cute, 1 McCormick, 10.foot Seel il rake, 1 Maesey-Harrls 3 -foot rake, 1 Deering au tiv- ator, 1 disc barrow, I land roller, 1 set dia ond harrows, 1 Champion seed drill 12 hoe, 1 Chatham fanning mill. 1 top buggy nearly new, 2 sets boo- eleighe, 2 lumber wagone, 2 single plews, 1 imperlai 2 furrow plow, 1 Massey. Harris cylinder pulper, 1 hay csrrier, with slinge, ropee and palleye, 2 new combination hey and stook racke, 1 new gravel box, 2 sets double heavy harness, 1 set almost new, 2sets single hareem, 1 Daisy churn, ale° forks, Lioee °halite, whiffletreee, neckyokes and other small ar- ticles, all of which will be sold without reeerve , as the proprietor hue rented his 1 erne and is going to the West. Terme of Sale.—All sums of $5 turd San- der, cash ; over that amount, 8 monttut' credit on furaishlog approved endorsed notes. A diner:06 of 6 per coot. per annum will be alloWed for crash on credit amounte. EDWARD CALDWELL, prop- •rietor; TRObIAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 19e2-1 and Embalmers. Nighb alla e.nswered at Mr. McKenzie's residence) Church Se., third house math of public school, west side. Graduate Massa- ohnsete College of Embalming, &sten, U.S Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH. A.I.;OTION SALE of Farm Stock aud Implerro ente.—Mr. George Gray bee instructed Mr. Thome Brown to sell by public auction on Weonea. day, hiarch I 6th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on lot 27, con - °melon 2, McKillop, one mile and a guilder north of Sestorth, the following property vlz Two heavy working horees, 1 Haekard, driver three years old and well broke. Cattle. --1 farrow cow, 8 newly calved cows, 6 °owe with calf, 1 three year steer, 6 two year cld ,steers, 3 yearling steera obe yearling htifer. Pigs —16 store Ore,. 2 breeding sows, one with pig, aleo a lot nf hens. Implements, —1 Massev-Harris binder, Frost & Wood newer, hey rake, Lay tedder, Froat & Wood 3.horze Climax oultivator, 1 two furrow plow, %riding plow, walking plow. drill piety, est diamond harrow , mod drill, scalier, diso harrow, fanning will, root p pulper, antilocutter, tread horse newer, Little Giant thresher, 2 1 mbor warons,2 enytteed uggIse pair bobrleighs, cutter, 2 hayracks, 2 graver boxes, grind stone, done boat, 2 sate team ffernesa, rot single harness, oirou'ar sawing machine, sickle grinder, 10 setof Arrnetroug eeed Meiners, 2 large seed boxes, 4. good ladders, 2,e04 lb scales, 30 now laes for lehor se tread poweroreckyokeeewhifiletree , ehovele, forks, eludes and a lei of tm diarticles, bo - sides el blacken:Mee anvil, 9 barrel wet ertank, wag- on tick, epray pump and cart, 8 wheelbarrows, wood and iron turning ltthe new, a wood turnin lathe, ref,iz ember, teretbor with stoves and a lot 1 household furniture. Theovhele will oositively.b Bold without' restyle BS the owner is giving up farming. Torme.--All sums of $6 and undoes cash.; over that ameunt Si months credit will be given ott furnithing approved endorsed note". A cileodunis of four mate on the, dollar will be allnwed for eas on credit amount. GEORGE CILIA'S% Propr:otar THOMAS BROWN, Auotioneer. 1912-2 MoKIN: ON & CO ii-gsrmua. New SpiJing Wash Goods. it is impossible for ns.tcedescribe the beauties of weave and shading of the new tissues we are showing. Never before have such fabrics been Been in Blyth. Pay a visit to our wash goods department, and allow our salespeople to show you the goods, and explain their merits to you. Printed VoiieSextette, te most delay fabric, priuted in floral patterns, in delicate shading+ of pink, sky green, etc., at 15, 20o, 25s and 350. Veettnge in basket weaves, floral patterns and stripes, very swell geode, at 15o, 25e, 35 • and 50o, Cotton Voile% in colors of pink, sky green and "linen effeots, at 10J, 12/1, 15', 20J and 25.3. Scotch Ginghame in email °heckle in lOirick and white and pink and white, also in larger checks, In a variety ef new designe'ab 10o, 12/cet15-• and 180, Spot Muelinn in small and large coin spots„ eprays and final desigus, ett 54, 8J, 10.J, 15:, 203 and 25s. New Prime, in English and Canadian goods, ineluding the celebrated Crum'e and Aehton's goode, as 8o, 103 and lit,en. CARPETS AND CURTAINS. Our new Carpets are now open for inspection They were all bought before the advance in wool, and will be sold at old prices Onion Carpets in new pattenra and colora, at 253, 35c, 40a and 50o. Wool Car- pets, new pattern% revereible, at 653, 75o and 900. Tapestry Carpets, all new designs, at 25o, 35c, 503 and 75o. We show a great snap to L400 CarttPin€1, which we imported direct. 3-11- yards long, 60 incheit wide, good value at 3/ 35, for 31 Alon a full ramp of Lace Curtains, in defferent widths and, lengths, at 253, 35, 506, 753, 31, 31.25; up to $3. 0•31.12.:C11:10111.01.V.1111... a&SIi IrD C)INTM PEZIOM MoKINNION Sc CO., BLYTH. BIG REDUCTIONS. EVERY WINTER GARMENT USTGO. The Prlce of Overcoats quar IN HALF. Ali Clothing and Men's Furnishings at 1Prices rm never dreamed of. U M T.1 WIT-11.-I1S, .. 'Latest Styles mod, Lowest Prices will make us famous. Butter and eggs taken as cash. March Sale AT B. I3 GUNN'S, C4th. 4-4-1444444+14+1144-1+,444444444++++4 DRY GOODS—Wool Blankets to clear at 32.25 a pair. Wool Hosiery to clear at 253 & pair. I HOUSE PUEtNISHINGS-40arpet0, Oil Clothe, Linoleums—special diecounts this month only. GROCEItIEi—Fine Japan Tea, 253 a lb. Fine blended Black and Green at 30o• 40s and 50o a lb. CLOTHING—Ten dollor suits for 37.50; odd coats from broirn snits, 31 50 each ; Boys' odd Venni forn broken suite, 500 and 753 emir. Men's odd Pants from broken snits at 75e, 31, and 31.25 a pair. Wool Fleece Underwear this month sold at 75c a suit. We are paying 20c a lb. for Choice Roll Butter, pene bag for Good PotatoeS, AND e A LB. FOR DRIED APPLES. B. B.41UNN, Seaforth. taP TATO OUR WEEKLY QUOTATIONS 's DISPERSION SALE of Tborcbred Harem, Cattli and Hors. The unders'gned hes' been in etruoted by Mr. August Elokrueler to sell by Publire Auction on lot 30, coneession 6. Logan, on Wednesa' Jay, Marc% 16th, 1905,-tbe following : ilioreee-11 blaok sbellion 9 years old, sired by Goderich Chief t I heavy draught mare 6 years old, in feet to Bay Chief (Imported) ; 1 driving mare 10 yearain foal to Goderloh Shiest : 1 driving nitre 2 years olcii aired by St, George (hackney horse) ; pa,ir of driv-I or 8 years old, well broken. e Cattle4horobied Shorthorn Dnrhants,-1 oow duo te vane in may ; 1 cow. due to calve in July ; 2 cows due to olive in, July ; 1 cos bred in January; 1 heifer 2 years old, bred February 7th ; 1 heifer, 2 years old, bred Feha ruary leb ; 2 cowe with calves by their eider ; 1 heti-, er 8 years old, to calve in 10 days ; 1 heifer it year old ; 8 bulls, 1 2 yeara old, 1 1 year old and I , months Old. The monad bat named heifer was got by imported Captain Mayfly, No 28,858, and le lni calf to Hot Scotch, a bull from imported stook, re- cently owned by James Cowan, Seafortie, and eold to Captain Robaon for $425. All the other helfera ' were bred to sir John No 48649, This buil had forl his deni,nanachin Daley (imported)s prize winnlngi. cow, owned by Mr, Jae. °refer, Shakespeare and for his aire, Captain tioyfly (imperiled) the winner of let prize Tororrto and London four years In succersion. Grades -2 steers 2 years old, '1 steer 1. yeer old, 3 calves riding 1 year old, 1 ealf 8 months old, 1 oalf 2 n clothe old. Hogs—Thorobred York -1 shires -1 pig 2 years old, 1 pig 10 months Old. 1 sow supposed to be irr litter. Implements -1. lumber wagon, new, 1 three.seated democrat, 1 top buggy, 1 pair bobsletighs, 1 cutter, 1 cutting bar; 1 grind , etone, 6 nee hay care, 1 milk can, 1 set double bar- LIPP% new, 3 tete single Towne's, new, leddere, 1 soffolding for puttiog up hey car tracks. ' Sale at twelve rgclook. Tern:ie.—Ali sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 8 months credit will be giv- en on furnishing approved joint notes. Feur per moat, rff for cash. No reserve. Conveyances will be at Dahill, station on wivei of noon train to take out intending purchasers. AUGUST EICKMEIER, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auotioneer for Perth & Huron. 1942.2 PACIFIC SERGE& Guaranteed Sunproot. A Trial Order Solicited A•wwwwww;w0.0~AANA Speare and Page, Merchant Tailor. Under the Town Clock, - Ak• SEAFORTH ri RAZING FARM. -145 acres for elle or to rent, kol- Apply at once to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 19428 - --- UARX FOR SALE.—For sale lot 29, concession 2, 1' H. R. S., Tuckmentith, oontsaining 100 acres, all cleared exoept about ilve claret, of good hard- wood. All underdraited, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation A good brick blase and two barns one with stone stabling underneath. Plenty of good water and a poor' bearing orchard. This farm le well alapted for either stock or grain. About midway between Seaforth end Olinton. Are ply on the premises or Seatorth P, 0. II. TOWN - SEND, Proprietor. 1942-tf LIAR51 FOR, EIAL13.—For sale lot 22, conoVro 11, township of Hibbert, °curtaining 100 acres, about 85 sores cleared, underdrtined, well fenced and in rt high state of cultivatioa, tee bat woe 14 well timbered with herdwood. There la a goo d brick house and bank barn. There is plenty of good, water and a itood orchard. It is within a mile and a half ot Grontarty and about seven miles from a railway. Will be sold on eeey terms. pply on the prendem or address 0. II. KE1L3LAKE, Orem. arty P. 0. 1912x4 FLENSA.LL FURNITURE STORE • FURNITURE ot every description, not excelled anywhere, AND AT LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING- ANT) REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. .PIQTURE 1-'RAMING. UNDERTAKING. AND EM- BALMING STOCK. IS CO V- PLETE AND UP-TO-DATE. A CALL SOLICITED. J. BEVERLY, r;HENSALL, - - ONTARIO, 1942 8 GRAND TRUNK -IN -Pea Special Settlers' Trains to 'NORTHWEST. Special Train with Colonist Sleep- er wiil leave Toronto at 9:00 p. m. every Tuesday daring March and April for Menitoba and North Went. Passenger++ travelling with- out live stock ehould take the Pad& Expreee, leaving Toronto at 1:45p m. W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depob Ticket Agent. Wedding Rings. isms;••• 4mi We have supplied tbe rings for quite , a number of weddings in the past eight) years, and have yet to learn of a emu- plaiet. Our rings are nob casb rings, bus wi ought and hard burnished, so they will not wear away ro fast, and hove a good color and rhipe.. Our mark—J. B,—is stamped in each ring whether 10k, 14k or 18k, sold by weight, and every one warranted as stamped. Initials and date will be engraved free Weide if wanted. John Bulger, Jeweller, — - Seaforth, Huntin For better eervice than we render is a emote of time. No ono could supply yoar wants better than we. Th 'e arm commodity in which good .quallyt is itnperatite, Dr u g sm Corner Main and Market Smote SenfOrths Ontario. ckard Tito worieligt Der G*94111 oft* eftlthistis Connorn Fent:, Countles2 R PRIN STOCKS ARE Nearing* ompletion. 11444.1444+++4444.4.10++ This is a season of new and beautiful goods in all .departments. From the great Eastern markets new goods have been arriving daily—new dress goods, wash goodsembroideries, laces, carpets, curtains, woollens, for tailoring department. To make rocim for our Spring display of new gocds, we will sacrifice all Winter goods and many odds and ends at prices that will Challenge comparison. Dress Goods Department Newness is everywhere in evidence throughout the departmezit. We Iare showing the very latest weaves breught out this season. New arrivals daily. You will be well repaid for the time spent inspecting our new drese goods Large shipments from Bradford and Manchester, England, have been placed in stock. Some of the new goods are in silk and wool Voiles, in colors 1 and black; silk Mild wool Eoliene in colors and black. Large range of faney Crepe de Cherie, also Box, Cloths, Amazon Cloths, Cheviots, etn; new Prints,. new Muslim, new Vestings, nearly all m.11 good e now in stock. _ Here you get them in their best and pur- est state. You ean rely upon them abeo- Intely. The fact that they are moderately priced does not mean inferiority here. Ten boxes White Castile juin, received, 21bs, for 25o. Our own Neuralgic Care, guaranteed, 253 a bort le. "Never Fail" Corn Cure. 10c e box. "Our Own?' Con- ditien Powder for hones, 25o % package. Buchu J uni per Kidney Piffle for theuma- dem and sore back, 25o a box. Sleighs Belling at big reduction to clear. Big hargain• in china, We are agent; for Cook'e Cotton Root Cotnpound, and Pro'. Dyke's Oil of Pince 0. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - BLOCK Q I=Za' Doi Yes, we can ix it Our repairing depirtment is really , where we shine best. It takes knowledge and skill to work as we do it. We, therefore, take special pride in doing repairing, and wish you would give us an opportunity to show our skill. Moderate prices in all cases. Ladies' All the new Embroideries to hand—Swiss and Parisian manufacture.. Ladies' Kid Gloves to hand, in all the new and. most desirable shadee. two dome clasps, assorted embroidered points, at 59e a pair. Twenty-five dozen Ladies' Lawn and Nainsok Corset Covers, -trimmei ith torchon lace, extra value at 270 each. A full assortment of sizes and styles in Ladies' Print Wrappers, two specials, at $1.19 and $1.42 each, mthe with flounce on skirt and. nicely trimmed. Muslin House Dresses, in fine patterns of blue and wbite, and pink and white, special at $1.75 each. A few novelties in Shirt Wald Suits to hand. WAAW%MWUW Clothing Department. New imported Suitings just to hand. If you are not a enstomer of ours, we feel a trialorderwill make you one. Try us for your next suit to order if you want the best value, best fitting and best made suit you ever wore. Wessay this in every confidence in our ability to prove it. Just give U8 30 minutes time to demonstrate it With the ae.tual cloths. Imported Tweed Suitings from $14 to $20. See OUT specials in Tweeds and Worsteds at $16 and $18. Spedal values in Panting. See OUT $0 Pants The first shipment of our $10 ready-to-wear Suit to band—fomr colorings. 0044-4,4-4-erdeeetende-e-e+.4-4-444-+-feedeen Fur Department. The balance of our Ladies' and Men's Furs to be cleared at nnhe ra of prices. Men's Fur Coats, worth $22, to clear at $14. Black Calf Coats, worth from $24 to $30, to dear fro $1te to $22. A few extra quality Coon Coats. See them, ii will pay you to buy. Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Boeharan and Electric Seal. Thesa goods have to be cleared. .A189 several lines.of email furs to be cleared regardless of -cost R. McNaught, e PIC Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Eograver wmE KARD • I & CO DIRECT MPORTER$. and Optician, SE A.F.ORTY.1, - ONT. OPPOSITE McFAUL'S STORee Qppatte Tiwn Building, Corner Main and Markzt Stri„ Seaforth,