HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-03-03, Page 41' IMAIWH 3. 1"S T-113 N UR T 'S LEA —A d" FORTH DiNG SHOE w try and poiaot f -th. ou,Thurvdap Of is Aot as to the rbght or (wrlt -th vooeamea. were WleAs IUoted. Le' STORE 9 of 1 mo threatep, him wi: TVIARGH� 1-966 SA a heir diLuigter Annie. tbO r3cPurate 8011001.014tem- The if bef- does. ino t ameed t6 do 'u to at -her -9 r bP6 14 wolid th" I -be -ttd is. Are.the bes�ts, But ya 'h, fixed in, the. "ddle for four �yeara loved by all who know her. She had Ued U titled to- Sebairate Sohoct She was' a b t and w' E qu9sti011 t.0 be knows tl4a1t their should o upto-qs. W, T F S. was .grea:tly.' be- bad' _7 Ci0i. t1ras are impotealt. We i§ firm ung lad . and SHOWN FINEST VE wIF St Columban. arv, then the S 4 .mext eleition the Ref.Orm been ill for.sq� time.—The, Winch- 1- 2 tinifed to ymi as it the dispu as p. oposed t-draperan Mriots.—The lirst.- slign of an eUli crea IU I t mery, in Usborne, whiph W er 'the Autononcey bid tre t I 6 7 8 9 10 to do -under -seen I mv. Vate 'eax ly svinlg ln'evidenoe� hero It is AdWtted by AU who ba*e aigaias At 17chATloory wi;ug wil has been *ondiicted by a joint 'stock -ato Parliamet vot ''for blm*iawd he wifil thu,3' be a. 'O Four Or five compaay for, a 4uiuber of years, eason's styles of 13 14 15' -16 17 18. ontly "Intrioduted 1 no mornin recently. �y Bir Wilfrid Lautier. If tbej are ig them that this a of on, 20 2-1 912 2S 24 25 a1n. ististOned iin i9d far as 'the Itm. a esmn weret qn- has beqn WId ito a Mr. Medd,, of Si,m- not entitled to itheM f b Of LA the mattv Pourse perance is'su16 is cancerned.. He' gaged in a hedbdcl -debate o n Ekle, coo, for _$1,000, The n'e-%v Proprietor �6 27 28, 229 SO 31 r should be: left ith Ithe k bjeot lot provindial autoxiom is -a praotical. butWrmaker,,,and is nows all thisa!nd no doubt , twill su in floe .. ...... pr4bvinces th-OMS61ves td be ct aaebidiagly. opier* Lion, on the theL Northwest. The 1,Tr mip i5f ood 'going 'to comme a. with withqui n1terterenoo on the south-east side. of a barnazd oream Igatherl Mr. Wm. The famous hoe for Waiften Ag System— 'NIRW ADVER,1tw"NTP from 'the DomiiOn. 'Our oW'M' Opan' L The as t be debate waxed lowle� aaA aoud- Dearlog, sr., is able, t� bet around Ivried than ever before. They are sht* perfecCum, VIhsat Dominion Parliament 'he of Are handsomer and more i94 is that Ithe new es are or, the siih ot an avalano again, after his. recent levere ill- esie for the f00% fasiftionalit _Vw bum entitled -to h w a bu The Dominion la m ke and have no equals in beduty, leleg-Ance snores thia page of of On wti,oh *was Aga SahoolS f ixed C. are the Separate r have snow desciendiug from the roof was esfs.—Mr. j. R. 'Aadoisan, 'of- "%ViLt- tht19 - high grde in material, ad xt -Ile ttb 'In -them by the "t of been busily te ng tile last' not hear& in eime f in shape, tion. The 1 not, noged 'duT1 or ail Ito t ake, nior'o, Xieh.lIgaa, mother of Dr. D. A. 0 ftgifflvm�­vt will bd fInA Prliament ereotig -the. a?rvl-noes week trying to digest the an early �pring.11 Two of the el- reason why Qapen Quality Shoes havO heaten all records in sales ig ftay.; you -lot.$ North- &12dor5'". of '(his 'Place' died If st _ed t"rolg nd 8fewpirt V J. N. H.00pe 'D RETAIN ad that the provision of the bill y quent (I-ebtGks ivere half buried n, wek.—Mr. a f ormer ,% ampletAtin—Wra Pickard and Oo-6 Q. am V they are rErtmm IN nT TEMM SARE No hoes dog Noth.' 3 west Aut n Well_k . - I I* 18, FAbides-9 nown an dr trodiLoed by Sir �,Wilfrjd Iaturder is I 1 'trOduccd Last the -snw, Ito -the intense deRght and d highly respected Th popularity with several milfious4. *W �dood#._MOKItnon and 'o-5 righ and tha:t th;N time to object to week. The P1 al th h nu ch dis' morfiment 'their QPPOnents who resident of #Exeter, n W�a j- equalled them in this respect. led rL Iawfp_s 9 Gunn—& the intrduo-tion escapd *ell -dressed womawyeiffies this statement- par4o Schools, ous�d in pvivate and the m Sao on the 16th inst. 'Demased was vou" nor was in-, 1875 twhen. the bill w" fpassed has not yet been, disousseO in ithe 'J. mban 52 aears, of 21ge and had suffered Dana tor s0e�_ff Smn ettd-6 inigs, wil be held in 8 t. Colu Our now Spring styles of this famous shoo for women are now in, an Vre ev -33ftlidor e&10-_3%m.e,4 WaInt-pb andftne--S by Parliament establishi-rig the xt SatuTday., 4th Inat, Q!t 30 hud from hea;rt trouble for some moaths, tend au invitation tovery lady in Seaforth and viciniky to Call and sft 11-ouse nor -will it be, untia can Vor ON Ter`rit�6ries. The Britics)i Worth Am- �r�ddresses w?jl be delver- He h(id been, a re�iident f Wi"po; them. 7.3 mqumbersl-in- �PkG_ ed Did 6&le-AutwAk Eicktooter--4 r 01 Act, 'thie- �titult,ion., febe laid befote the '91 dent cMillan, Mr. H. -5 erloap or Cox, r . ApPIWIM tW C" stor" 04ierley for iseveral years, and was traveller no#, oto -8 foupws - as tro Piw -G K BaldwIn ond 06 provides hiA per printed 11oxm. Asi it w .; in G.- �Ae i d, Gorgetawn ; and J L. or a wholesale' dry 1goods house Acton. Mus'ic a In and for oaoh Province the duced intt Ithe. Housq,.� ft was 13imly ev- there. In, his 7aealir days lie Boots, I AtiatilJn ftic--Gaorge Gray -5 may exclusively the skelet eni g meetirfig by the St. Columban sahesmanL in the store -of the late 3.75 Oe pair. JaWS in 'Tel L of, what it realiy is. Sir Feed ",-D U make tion to oduca- estr. Seats free and ll -wet- Mr. James Plckard-oi�rq. and was a Wilffi, and Son -4 Wilfrid ha4 prom-lood that, the W,11, come. `_ No, oofteation.-Mri,. � James S I o - a - tion, subject nd - EecoolrdiIg un r a v rit w StWkW.0nd_2-Bai#xa Bros -8 will be'pri4ted and istri1buted -in 'a ive Ithe, patrons It he -foll PL,- provirmi.ons: Miss Crotty calldd on of -that establishment as he was owi Shea 4nd Will F0 Noth- f�w day its further discussion friends,in Dubfi�i on 'gaturday.-Mrs. with all wl� - knew him, I -Es wife, Iohoes-t-w H vnw" intg- in any 'S'Uoh law shall pre- will 0 A few sped�s at 04 ",,,W I Key, .lskk" judicially, afect any rflgbt or pli- nOt `Kkelt take Plic�e for' a week and Miss ren-d-ergast, -of Seaforth, who r -deceased him, ekghtL y)eas hIt--upoeilor 0010--8 O -r* two.. (ma:ny ( as thi )haDRe44 lma� y1dt be vlaited friends here on Monday.- a6go, was the only a Priam is el sale. -Ser J W, Hodgins -8 Vil-690 wAh tespe6t Ito dl Om"Inaw made in lit and Its cont"it:%when Ot Miss Foy, -teacher, tXeKihop, is no d ughter of t& it r�Pasroon and smith ­8 tionl national S06 kib any - ItLte r. Piotard. - Mx. Hooper was� #r-0 %nostiv finll -0 fr�m Pa liament,. loalser. organist at St. Colupabau. Steet--�,& y m0rgea Oxfords, $3 the class t psihave by law in my: 11. brothex of\wrs. w. G. Bissett. foi _4 be so, materially chanlod that Th distaticje� o her - boarding house thi9 viftage the- Province t union.,,, Th r as werp 0 0111Y the substance survivem, wa sozreat, and the roa,6 so bA brought to Exeter for -iruterment, ms tO be, so tin This see plain thaU Jae The Finance Minister itopk tjia-t she toixind it impossible to it- the, 'funerial taking place from, the, WIN WhO TUnneth may read. The Terri pta.qe, in thie,_ no 03* 6 use - this 7eek,, for A fe cials tend' the"praotises and, so r0sidnVO of Mr. 1W. G. Bisset.t. Tho torlies re now being broougrht nt- o the firik* Itinva this sessio�i., as did - she, Teiilixned, much to the regret lot, deceased wais a - son of Rev. Nelson sold uniolp. They ham had the right ANO the Minioter of the I Interior, all. Miss 'LIzzle FlanWlgan, a natdm Hooper, a minigtqr of the, Aiethpd!A 19-EkNRT1E[ FRIDAY, N.ax6h i,1905. and privileIge 'to have denomda- Hon. Mr. l9ifton. With 'these two -of MoKillop. w10 has spent some church, and was born in Ba.-,vman Qeen QnHty*" Shoes are tioaal national schools 17 ever si�nce leadin1g miainbersf t�e Go ernmt timO Praotiginlg ere du -nine the pre. apd Mrs. J. McMahon, b4ae, visiVm :facnds in. they were t9iven, ferribprial powe�rs, eV soon in Seaforth 81� Vilfrld -Laurier itade' the 'a! J piesf&' '�dnd have the ag at the- who have seat wint-6;r is now 9 TiWht at the present settle;dowp, Ito- business i �arniest, OU13, zoubi,46ent in Parlia"ont Qn Wed- mome - OrZn; hr two brothers, are- 1yood this iviQtnit-ty, have returned to tbei jug 11"s This -right wasi ,conferred Already 6rood -progress r 09 an binig -good musiclans will a' ssigt her ard, f and.th es' 15 to I$. 1. MhfisjW:r of the -Interior, bad re- claue. budqet spe*eob ondon, and e foll wing de- reatly.-The Revd% John Ronan, Pickard, -of Drumjbo�, -two old Exeter ponferriq lit he foil( Oliff 'Yer estra, ad home in Winni-pleg.-Mr. R&Lt.,][JiZk_ o- WA 'neSA&, that Hon'L Ord Siften AlPon them by the lew. Which Iave ralade with, the es has beAu win:d P -1a s, A Elie oreh them; territorial PoWeaS� iTh� L timat d, th Mr. Josepk W rit, , Be L L f it fig the a Dr 'Wag i0tro- bte, will soon, be, -in orde par �rom, the Government 'n oys, were bore last week atter c- duzed by the ffom. Meander Xac� aliivatolbUla aretbeikig t yglt _Id- Igol 1%nd 464EMPrM; on a Sever ish pricist of Mitchell, and- Rev. b I1; o differences f opiion konzie li, e sie for the r Shoe for men, an th h T. N00nn. PsTishi PrlesE Of Du Wg the ftneraJ,of the- Ixt�_ bro;i'�- and, was adop-tedl linanimops- IT $hoes for women, 4 3NIb Ao tb-eday�slz b�y bat 'the eat fight were visitors Ilere last eck.-In with oolleai�ues on. the Nor twegt . 1Y y. arliampo"t nd 'ho 0 Mr. '.T. N. mop6r� -W it an f the session- will, most i 617, Itake Lotian the road- conx-missioner9 level nw School be- PTOP-erlY withld. in the *f)laea off :thei N ortliwestr UtOnOmY th-e­!pitcfh- holest by of tte, above quotation, from Bill, MCK11110- ing to Us h ome in th -Irr. mdny -%vha tormed hev i0qu.alufanreg Sbe'was utifted in to her . 'Constitution, we cannot me horscs to -a road. scraper and dump- aVA Xn�_ James Powler S.- C - Autonomy Bill the Notes.-Althoulgh 16 4t.Orxny Cie Ye inig all the surplus snow Into Itbe oboper cotemplat, going to the ow,bereft artner as -he. *`,iitonomy Bill, a-, the biD res- as we have already said 1,.-klis- 19dit,dria4 Notes ments ot nature tham nob in thV90 far west tbis inonth and, are, Uetltkng 090. the wlett: ito, T�6slllde J0 T V11 -to -is la1gely mgtimenta, CAMMAInts ditch. lAcKillop,'HibbeA and Tak- when t The Ont-*rio beoa ersmith should do 11-ikewlsia,-The parts turnished -our mother earth their ut-fit in order- for shiffin1g. Toron�o, whe -oom was en- t bli''h1b twoew Proii in the nortwithsan.dLug - the f a0es act that he re Mr. 1K power sumpnovo Iriisb and thir friiends are qogug to �,qiPtoted AM NO ksmt, v�d ithem as ritoTies, have had this to meet for th' dQspa:toh ople ' in iAc Ter withr &'So copiou4 a supp�y of Sao* LOur young pe r"sng gag d in the tailoring and me t -celebrate St. Patriok's, Day byl. a &.9 in 1904, iyet there, is plen1y- Dur- number* seem. to be followin!-g Hor- tilee , 'Aj_ since 1875 'there, itre I sinft's Gn after '0 only a ver March Pnd. The �bu-%Ioes fbnt shortly IV,- 13rint*.,, W -6f [bu; sacred concert -and lecture here on avo been ace Greely advie,.* GO, We4t 'moved to Winnipog- where they ;r4e­ imbs, 19a t -e Conederacy, has be- few &par W -LO -Bch-001s iS the Terri- Xaill sayi it is not o6n�emplatled thatI 19. een -on the Toads inevery direction ac th i0i� the last feiv diys men h' e"! wn, h lee . n Marbh -The sign,q Young Mn.1—The iValentinno socral nWmed for )a few -Years, when thtV Weriprim as bee:� vviously dis- fof L a ad it -is .�universluly_ admd t- the sessieft will be -as loo; as kmual, som,tj I ot s ut. --If unuch more ring are t t mes very nisleadnIg. A robM plouizhing them held under ho aw§pioea of thd 'L- igai retur dol Ourzse4 the press vnd peopidi since ted ha -precisely It -he s4m law ?Will as tho Governinent� have been' Tn of- mow� -falls -stat to 4bor will be ned :to Voronto, whkx;� be doptd by both lw4gi ait was men -on a fruit tree here la3t these Aid of St. Andrew's chux4h, 14troduoed- into Paiianlent a. ver�Y limited 'n u' they wtimwd ito, Tesl*--. The saa lain the school Toom, on Monday eveVing I"res if fice 00 short �a t1m0 L114 -will not' week. The robin, is there yet in oi ext summer. -The they a:re Igivea the p*,�rir. So- -that in trod news �of ber death tit aA tearly aigs *week tv by Sir Wilfrid-Laurier.'It u4e -OUT; mew K handsome liew briok residence ot tislatiOu Oi- fairly Igood state of preseation. Mr- was dhe of themost p"sanzp lanKI im, is , 1011 WYY Ig'round it will be bevter importanpa. James La* sea"re shook to ber many, In um1ner o'th�e matter to settfl,ed by he It WbB 'tied to a perch last d he 5th c of 'thre it ay 1g"' w-ithout s-a;yinjg that'Lite b�, I wrence, on joyable7 vatherings, hat hiLve been _faml fri�ods, A and 111i 'Dominion. It will bo a�;-a warnin 'to all other covetuous CeSsi-on, is now bompletely finished. terms d6 ngit Igive, universal atis- held for. a log time. The atenA- children axe -Itft to mour_n, 'PS The prows out It Seenja Ithab t here a" Ao be a The lbuildiog is certainly a cred�t -the 1b, h th-a letter -and is command- ance -was larae, consideri. MO offea 0 ng' the of n ffetio-nate, otbees Mvenit6bans,are. kick- Stit'L ipirht 4f tb 0 " QUOn, in 1good fa, fepiotests as an-�aftermath of Itte mnt, th-ou, ishal't not dtea.1.11 t w rkmen and ownier and tat, pf'the reads, buit Itlios, wh, tomcious -care. The� vtgua i(th; dt wili o both 0 d In ing ibci t also to t ins 'were recent Ontario electians,j Tho ialec- Ud he; bouridarles of hat _P�r iv 'any secion Of the, -1, ;f Jae co' munity in wlil h iit, t.tended were more repaid for U04 peop, brIouight to tBrussels for interme-at. Provirim- have not. been extended; el - is erected. The- occupants rei now I Ud veq new Provinegs df a ru their -4rouble in comng out. The, the ju bstan- tion of Mr, Hulgh W. K0nedy ,who Brussels. b0zinning - to reafize ite truith Of- ladies- oi the Aid who -arwa 4 do r. 1). B 'the residence t4,21e, Ant -Mr. tial IgrieVance and it may roent a' I for Port ATthur is !tq, Briefs. -Th re ains iof Mary Me- "The�re is no laea their =:91 on d4tan, Premier o the Ter- was eleotec y 0 X �he .old adage. p bi t ter Im pin wa h ro _y of pro�- on in ..t. � �Mon_ p rvi s nd who is suppose ithm L �p - be protei�ted as is also Weation Gavin,' -wife of e like S. Shftnn oe were cIanduetied, U�o 1� a -to L vince-& solves. , Wjja.'M. Moore, 1wer L nd -viding u excellent e�pread on owas- by -Re-v. Mewrs. P4�oss, of Brus- V of Mr, E. J. B. Pnse Tq Ki'AgstOn-_ brought here fro Toronto on gait- re on the Mast r John -Henderson Nve on a the people, th,ere, objects In this coi� ectio -w sluns o this kind were not �One wbiit.' els jg�nd. MOND:b of Wal to "id, toli� The -0 may''stae Both ese are LiberaL§. It is al- urd,fky last ick list 148t 1w -(y -1k, -but they arO behind ithis, timi e, and all present deepest ,s sympatily of the enti-re to 'the ho6w bill becaue two projin- i�t is, 'a misappro-he V uppos.e SO . and taken t.Q the 1home of nsuon -too s said,i-ibat a Protest h4a been en- D. B. Xoor4, from whose, residepce noNV ,WblD ito be- around again. !fully enjoyea the good 16 t 1,2740 ces a) -e-tablished while he, that these Separat, Schools are -tpr tered iWainat 'the ret!u'rn of Mr. The Township things' pro- MMIMUnitY f9ees out *to the. berea-V - 4. ay uf- Roman va the funeral ook place 6n Mond Fatho"'s.-COuncil vidd. Ater this mm ce0enb ro- 45 t athali*q alon. Both Cath- Charle§ Calder, Conser7a: Live.. for ed family and friends in tri sa-A . Viftl . on tb&t one iS teroo4yn. The deceased had OnlyL be.(M m4t t C. Whi-be's, Leadbury, o.a. Feb- and t grq4mae pf musio, n:nd re s are 1gliven South PntaTia. It w4sjXr. Calder ill but a short itime from- an attack r S, a ci t a � i au hour -of rial. also 6b Gle ito the bal a 19 rilary 24kd, membe 11 Present- wasigiven. All 'who took part 4i'd lot men, qual !ri htk�. �Un*der'the law ittis who defeated -the Hon. 2�7 hn Dryden, of pneilmona, and pasesed away on Regrding, *-the Xpodstock. and Lak, -are withelld by Opn to!, both Ito have these schools label Mij4i ter of. A,,-,,ri' so in a most creditole, a -4d P16rsin .h_ la:nds s c ture. Thursday mording last. Mrg. Mo IlurOn Railway no action.was Hills reen. the Dom*jon of bEn hapad- and under reeis y -t ore tak-- the schildrn who ]he Sam 6 cln manner, n� J_ -X-r-GinnL, jo:. D., ot Fkafortb, ed -over �4 [the it" was- thekeldest daugh,ter of J16bert We g* -open to bu,7 ny iquanti-ty new provinces,. ' A d Ions, Besides this these North- The -railway ifluence, took su�ch a lar�ge, share Uf the bro- tl4ts Yji,)Ohtl�ie SLrfnuous- West Separate ScbooJ4, Wd I a MoGavit, of the '17th concession of Was 'appointed medical bealth� offi- gramme Werve Is, of clover tand tim-oth -seed. ,nd t& ecial 'mention -for ly oppasq are Under. the .powei ja the use of Grey, and was in the 36th tyea f oar or 1905:: The'.1tender of Samples St _Wgtity. 13ea:ttle TORM the of the bill colitTol of -a committee 1)f the �Ommods at a. d J- MO the Gpv�aid mi�Lpner in whioh t P her 04e. ',)Besides her husband, she of Waltoj% for su-pplyig equally !Powrul in acquitted- them6elv9s. Bros., (grocers and seedsmeng. Sea- -0 in leaves Ehreia small dqut�hters to arato S bridge plank -vv�s acceptd. Th; 8 t which the- sistem of Sep - islitilre which exhetsthe, same qual Ott wa. It is nN 'Is fthe pe_w Provinces. itications for pubRife af)d separate 'the railwqy m t- com b tee.� Mr. Lan- mourn her early dem'ift.-John Cob- clerk requiied ;to, write 'the A,Good I . 0.0 - live i '�d!t eral clerk Grey Walton. As to, Mhl,, 04jec tions.' f Manittob taoer's and both classes of oa&tr's bill to a he go n mer has been unde-� the doctor's care _,%rding additional a serious n 0 rdilway act so tag t e I ailwa. y duriff,x, the palst we,�.k fr6m an at mstp 0 tbey afo, not of ature sob ols are alike 13.ffb', r Je;C has TdOesitIl ipurehased- fin,� yehr Igo and am nj4inly urged-.-* b compinies whose -0 6raiins Tun at a fee- BOItOn drain. the clerk A, GOoil tHore.-Mr. Thos. MoMI-1 ld Durham:_ -bull from Mr. Dav . j. t1l, poli- mtnt inSTP-ction- Thew sa:mei Icon-, was To Igo ;,U tiolans -w6 ower e of - i9pei6d thpLa ton. -miles A. -Me - a Hill, -of Stffa, for -whiah. -he to be con titnued un'der -the schbol sectibil No. 6 ask- horse fancier p ditiow- aTc hilgher rat tion -df 'the beant.-D;. J. ah3o 'required -to; w.ri t'O t he Ian, f Hullft, ' who is always X4nitojbA, '�4ihowevcr, ist. be hou.i. t Naughton left itown on Tuesday of comjxg new law. It- is also Provided that hrough townsl and vil-tages t h is week a �-i &. a l.wj: densely ing theni't o well �on 'to the hu-Areid mark. The ntain a wate an - 1for -LoAdop, where he tx- G PY �ovb�r to 'townsh�p vrocure ptmlated and - where Se arate Seboo19 are, astab- n animal is -one of the best Mr.'Turn-L 'm it toun o Mai or erect treat- -tTe4SUTer money paid to 1hem, in e be:A Ithat ca. bo ]got .,darie at,eAlreaay suffictmatl,ylailge lish-eil. they Te,-CeiVe only the propor- gates at level, �;treot c ossings was Pects to Undergo a year's mistke. The tender' f i the line of horse flesh,buyin;.- could t9et. He is 'to be taftra:t- :for afl-'Ptad- ical ipilrpoise-$ and its ob- tiOn of Gov- rnmn voted down fia he rail a - conitiniit- ment for -the benefit of bis 'health. o George, Stin- e week from tMr. as� Mer, ad2can, a ulated. on his; purdhase, and we trust; t aid whLch -ds & � Co., tor Zal.,%Vak "48' -(Vk� -at c t equita ly JAL 4uz�ber frm town a.ttended the' son dbentur 'we -table jectionis n dlie, to thoge who sup. tee 4 few days,aigo. 1. McIntyre, L year ota hear y dralaight, fillyfor that it -mill prove a prati in- on tm "v's aocep ted.' T W. C. in Prlt-,w,�ent.' The same may be wedding on Woednesday o this week f Po]�t -th'em- In this, way e M. P., foT South Perth, wa-s anion wNch'he pkid the tidy, qgnm of $210. vvstment. imid f Mt. ffiGieacy 19 r.ent tor Rarroji dri ons a, is 'secured ,Lt the home of the bride',j �pardikts, ain debntux in -'s obicabi for the separate schoolb those who had ihe co alge, to vot This filly was sired by the, fmpoxt- 9513 OnD of Mr. end Mrs. Robt. Nichol. 6th aine, was accepted. The bond of D_ AL tylle, iterritories, inip and onl,,,� those wh� use foT Oil& bill �nd his, oonstituiente 'ed bor66 " Bursar 21 and is one of them, are We- a TJ_S1)6rn6. a S a 0 the i3lay -of his t )ro; ny isi 'this vjo- That Big Drain. -A speqaj two provigcie:5. '1121talia Ce a qUiTed to pa -or their ma.initenance. Misq Ber,th, was united in marria� cepted. The clerk meet-' M r H, ,quId n -t 16 Moil:i, whn their eidest dai4ghter RS, re srer, for i1905 -%v y T sh O origet it of him. �olitia'jan, ali4 doep facr't lie his,poNv- Thist beinig the tase, iit w�ll puz was- -required to ity tbat woul' Ae d do cred�t t in4 of the twnshio curtaile'4-" as It o 'doub tr Som *to kn' to 'Mr. Jas.. Dow-flas, of Grey. -Dan draft a by-law for %ppointi,.%4patb- show ring, and erhaps so nCt The oronto-News i TOM= Ow wht all %thesqualing mias ters, p me of Ith in those imest inerfastd ria The pro-: tosl be, in. some Fult-pa has been laid up duria- s axid pound- would emn. lbrin:r a higher- fig �heasu-re, aho u t. ijl tbe the 4ead Of, one. Bu every t week 'with an aktack, of �Lppen. tow'n-L AccO'dnts We are pleawd, ba sta-to -61ha-c (t, February by havinig'two the Sepaate� Scool lause, keePdrs at ext mectilu posd drain was Meld in th Nortbwe4t At6nomyj -bill cow b6- dicitis, but 19 dmpr.6via,-r nicely now. Passed hors owned by Me&srs jAr tO the -amount of $362.89 jpe�re sh' hall o Satixrday. person. adfil�ts that ven yet both Thttedace, a�5 lallae and ,,Olne bo tsuf.6ieiontly large The Temperance Peopie and'Ahe fore Fxliament tsays: If the child -Mr�- T. 'Fletcher wAs called to and or.derod to jbe pald. The and- embaia & GIovnlock, tv�ho_ -VV-ill keep ed, 88 to I and there of last we-�k m for -tha ijAprovem Premier, Lucknow on 'Saiturda itor*� rpor.t wZ.% Irecelved and ac- bi very lively disousalons took abundance f terri- ofbath-oliepaeJUL',91 nnoteaflel be at' of 41:0�k roin,e� lbeh4g against the proposo-4 ;11 to aa 0, y mpeance People Vred, their t he h, -truJi9ters aind he dr tcry,i4 1"th 7 owiniz to the serious illness of Iher oep Led and 150 oopi<? or 11� ellp-1 or One drP-(l to in thia community. leaislafimg b' d of be 'rintea fo4 -ain )a4d th, ml.ajority f,o MoLher.-Bert Gerry has dipose7d of P The The Aed hogs, while. the burden, of fir,,%t 1,,un; t jia new- Ontario Gov- S� of various t'am Of' VPIP-Ort -of the e4gineer wafs, rend kIt tZatq h! a r djiom tions distr;buKon, raisirogr of good horses is an E dil',adjourned to Tnet at 0. 'Whitls iifterest itio Ithe, farmers, who drajM If goveil exit will baot be too ernent the :child -ot Presbyte'ria .�L, Me th a his hardware business ky Vrytolovel to owt n Fri -day la!�,t. Co -at Lead6ury, on Pdonda�y. Maxch 13, iy,,o good ,prioes for t heir ]�.p real- i�z -a bmplete 00fine- of the hoavy j. em a izentleman from Newmarket, and As, to, the reften. f the, 44 �pt iit �aieots jo wM prbably qo wesit.-Anniversary or ld on oach rat*- Royal Templar f lnds, by the, Do A for whip'll payer nected thereWith. TheL -tions o dist, Aiglioan, 13, -at 10 o'elook a, rse S T and thA 4mou4t�-v lev* r the 11)(Mainion Allianoa Old HUrx)n,take� no sepondplace, it c�,stim.m zo LIN-MrA T ha.9 a -Vyere Ha 0ould not !134- all wed to grow wrth Lsaque of L Brusqe4s. metho- te,a cost so tar is It, -m i n io3i, bet t 'entitled to the sa pr(kc6hon._., con witth, the. Ep- Clerk. in' -M', th boreign imarkets, an Ite 1�,Astern Prvinces wo -th city durib.; he week and n "lap wi th. the.4ax no jons of mar- dist church will be, ,preched on Sun- IL-ippen, pa'y6 o raise the beaL,whic)l _,Vao deci&4 to lgro, OA ith, the wr Confederation ban Friday a large- o and the, sanctIty mo humaTi will at jany time eomm�and hii4h nd tle, petition, w full-, dpu.tation. from 'day, March 12th,'*by Rev. W. e-rs Will, Ino -4-oubt. trA 'I" Briefs._1:t-,a ;bf th-vir public landjs Mill- V. M. C. McLennan, who f1gur. We, trust Lhat Messrs. Ar- reap their reiya Cattle ara� ach ody -unit-ed forcg a ad b life thet 'the, pn4lerical vehoo s n rd in tho ,near fu, I lla`0�'airt wth, s0ime om- to o , �of Ramn-ey, pmgident of Wind- 'res-ignd the- pastoraLe of St. An- cliflia-ld & i3,ovnlock will meet wiLh zafr V e�colqrmes.11 Certai ly-, that iLcy n 6or Dist -riot Epwort-bi Lea -rue_ A drew's church) P -r( -ached his fare -well a 14 of fhat s.ceess and sheep, 12 t ht tb!a WPAt.era PrOVL n, barded.the Parliament buildi: stalf e,vident propGs, ion. Every mussical, and literar enter tacitinmont &Omoil to the congrea Aaqe which their ces s, dn oodly short, e Q CT Q011fe(IG.ration lat r 12, . Pirk. The ipvaditna f�ocn_s ProteFtant denoLnation. in- OjAario Cl a' Le prmo an Lho* P fi should be treated, .1 wi I b. ih A i h -P church ion Mon- bath l&st. Ile was listemed to with d erves. Uhiselhurst cbifttion, 112MV4'.'49'Ver The, lvvere b 'by Premier Whit d Oobac noiv ihavoi �recis6ly the day evnilli., ond is ina-inly scnti-. C0 sainle- gril,vi toxe.9 as thol Rom 13th, inst.-Mrs, John tbo d&pe-St attention by a very larg4a, Local Bri-efs.-Miss ry.-There dv�-d at cbisel- an C -to eo_,� t al, a'S''O.Voo 0v1r. 11aii1tain admAs missicntr -of lbrown ands,,,tbe th- called to Thessalon, Al- 'congnegation. Ur. and Bennt hurs t, �on Tbur��day, February Ath olic, -if thu linkie 6) avMl' visited with Win-ghani iriends his are. % 0� that (hia� alldM-411noes, to be made' Ntbe ProviacLdl Treasurer, -the 6roma, on Vixiday of last week owing 1141711 left here for their npw 110Mo in, at the homje� of her Mi0'etr cf, thpin. 'And the Northwest I; to the mrioils illness of her T ther wook—A number from Lilis Mrs' Mary Eyr, 'in the 79th brear iot Owen Sound this They ieav4 VicillitY attended 'the -funer-al f t 041W PTovinl, byr th4-' DoMiALon ct A-2�ricultur nd iHo. j. S. Ia- Nk�biqh tho Newl so vllor4usly and,. am% Oliver, tftk are a behind them mny livarm jrj�a he her igre. Sho �experiecied bnt a,% dric, O.ne opposes, grants "Own M,P l, c oin y -qds W110 Mrs. W. M. Moore; at Brussels, britf Ol."'he, Ministers iUlloult SO like privil NV'11 �JIWRYS b _. fof ille bencfjIs of wh6ch p_ortfolin L aSed tQ h ul ,. h . 0, Ple previo -on ainvadinig forc6s -weye Monday af-ern,odn of this wek. are to deprived The rea-s- Iven doing and who: wi.11 ,v,16h Tha dceased her 4death -and bad epjoyad u vo:856 Exeter was well and fav�orbly led by TNrr. iG. Lhcm miell h is still ally thus far this wi U L Z L ! -Gil bff)ftbe Domiridon Gov- F. Narter, Tyrr, rt S. The §i:jjpreine,�Court Of, C�knada has aVl)in-L�ss in the beauti- km*n in -this, Nac-c-.-Work ter. Tlie late -Mrs. yre was born ernment f<)�� "r.ret WO 41713 open'bo. b Y ny quanti ty ful town to, which -they m igolwy. prog bo 10a aininig, th� Public, r. Carman and :qotllct_�, The J uis U v rs'sing -oil Ule, C. layid-, 13. tb -�Ith d ti 6 -the of clovr tand timoth sed. Send lu -Mr., X PoLter' and d i ter from thtoix-,h sonio, d leinigrattio m,,t- deputation a I n �Oxi irman, y Tit 'to mi ed siked th'o, coatention. of Ithe 0. P. 'R. Company samles statiyv iffitultY 'Is experit- Lim -ds -on July Stb, -Z quantity. . Beattie Zion CiLy, zi,�ar Chlow,20, d * MuSty, Bras,. in propurin; suitable bor U-20 ; 1p!�� 0- -lemMt of 'these submit to-, the Leigila,'ture a bill grocers and scedsmen, Sea- ing lvtr,., na z!�es From there Ishic, moved t th un- is all -,UUer th dir-ecti-on omen't 'on-cered William lvi,so,, for th work. -M SC6.5 Of albolishini,gr -the bar the. tncati�P4, th-a -1 by thir algre f rth. -a r. John Sn 0 0 ciO J de- I he and fat wer. tY f !Xidlt'-sex in 3-870., and 1-belice SYstem d d r i n k 4i,, into ivitlf lthe� Dominion Govextiment 194Z-3 Potter's 'Paxnts,-Mr. W. i. Jivlared handsoin ispan of heavy to <' hiselhurt in 1882, where she !re- a,tlubs. Thrs Uc ted, death, with th ex- demand as w�18 their entire railway pro&ty is movd his GtGck of furnitu"ri--, Of Mr 1R. B. MaLta, to $8.50 be orcated aldl('�',�jif, e -scly.th, sa-mc - NV. C. Huston has , re- e chan,,;�q-_ ad(� H�'tat ?conru�sion would is 1pr ol before tbie 'road wa-�: constr a Kipl)en old bay waid son draug,lit horw.s at Seaforth, on blon- sidtA till ib r cOLUSO of emigra- S"O fl',equ-an Uy made of- the late, i lravellez or day I-ast. Air, Jme's Archib-ild was ception of a few. 7e tion Ana �that. con- fre from 1�iovincilal'Muid- the opera. houisb'� th'a K11rtz1-'Gajq Company of- St, rWil- tho Purchaser. -The is aTs spent in 44U1611ttly, 10 to, the store liams, was in ;Climon last wk Sin- bor a few d W mi) t miew-1 11.1terest;s -of-, the Th 'ind Sch-ool tax t" n in Mani- bi-ock cro&s the Istree �1, which lfensall* was a coilsis.ten Premir's reply I'Vag PO]i io aY.3 Vvas un(lergoing irle- ber �i the Methodist, ph-ar,�h at, toba a44 -tho: Ter orlie.,8, :for c�jl recently vacated 1w Fa:rmer Bros,., 'StalliJk a larg 'a-smtYlene plant In oecsary rcpairs, is _f tha Domintion ILt nd non-co-m-mittal. a a t ho' ri run tor some tini'e 1arland Bros., block in that 'town. full blast,_H,e�-Ivy t will be 16,vt erved by allo,w- MinitN,,rs had t-01 come. -By virt e, of the, &ama, which )'a--; 'been Tecently fitted up nin.9 Clifiselhurst., ' alth-ough ing t he fo r , amiAX along tin,-. s'he has aot been 01e �to at- s-ent 'if)-ositio, for biiti a Ort t,lin algrecW- n -t all �,thtir I nd are also :his, uisc.-Mrs. -and MLss lyla- Robert Charters and Mar tho U tip, Toads is fraught with jnd to% conditnue'its -Occulpled -their pro- daui r take any, attive, part in tho )dl# and sh p V free from txation, f r a perio he,, ghber, Miss iMtggi% of tl)e Mill can Only and up tO, t110 -PreFent, had Iwjen un- d of iguire, -of Regina, K. W. T., were it m ny d t prese-at ion ae- sr -vices of Lorion v b doire, i road, Tuckiansmit)1, the church. 11tr hs- to 4a por; after te patent fqpx Ithe I,-, u c t k- of ith-C lgreat deptu of )3-.,oAv b�ind predeceased ihar wmm 8 z%ar3. lnds wlflkh abl toizot-down to serio t u 20 year�� -of Mr friends in �thi -riainii-y 'this week.- Obituary. -Sad Nvas th'nws f it GMa- us h4() j1r31rt* and Mrs. W. Haw Nmv-1 by lands are issued b shw rccently,-Mr. T nS, w those on ft"y quC.5L., the Crown. ho oil of imblio who am Lot �settle on, t th-at There isvxvive -to mburn, tbe 1, b b-clieved however, 101' Pol"cy- This is�a heavy millstone to ie in the Much s,, athy is f1jt and expres- repLched. th(L. q)-eo pract 0*0 hQm They air first )nain i nip Jr -man t Tnip Ple of this. vitini,ty �% 10 , 'thre dut Nv, aroud t4&`nvcks- 6f the west.ern' busin-ess liero- for a few 6 -ed in �this r ving J)arnt and devoted mother all clasafte Is to. khe: pe I ani- 'years has oinmunit-y for lMr. J. Icn Thur'sda� or last wee, wh* r40ji0;i01 - CIP 41, 'VIV b o se s c r - to-kon, a os� MoNe-vin, whose health if; still very en it five son nd two daughters. The ,-doubt 10w they -wer-P, and Rs la- Was flashed aer-Qs trp 'Thoma a� good -4-a - alely- tbi r. W. H. v( nioipa-11�ies ortup Le v i L t, coa I an d p r odli�eo, migA His ii4 John in De- were out, her cnsidrtion should 1 i I& n they considred tha:t- ever,y ot 6-rciftlent wu;, �nadd b �n va. - dIrrients seem to forming us iot tho d h of liffar troit, Silasr 4n Seaforth-, ]ffenry i.n 5 eat is th-ei*44. tive Govrnment, �Ja� made -Miss Hat and to require Oldcst daut-0itr of Mr. and Airs. tie Wbibe has I t,' Ve L 3 Pe 0 L'Ice, t 0 by -a Gr;t, -Govrnmen 't c, anatbe- takl& a -position as millti.ner in Til- care- and close at tantio'.n, Robert McGavin, njid the bolovd stead at it a Tba e d aoa t iQit I -ot the cPportuities sur'll, hT Very feature as I c R`b to, cause Ith-o tIAOSQ who,repro-sent Oscction or mas would b,6 loud d dee sniburg.-Miss ArmsLrongi who bas bill is th` r_p un but we hol�- to sce, him cCround a- wife of Mr. NV, M. lylool,c, of Toro'nbo,. arf�, Afr& Coulter, xzwst di i oarrid -on a &c9s makia , ain 40 Medium ,Pd TCSUlt in moSt c-artain body or iro loniz continured. busIi, Ig whp the fine. wet[ther of Dnecea.�ed was �strikn within 13 h Provinc- desirpd th nvs here for a few years, leaves sprin- dol'vn with a Mrs. T. Wren, iof Chi:Splhurst. Mrs alter' whi,c LO, la7bei6re tham 00111es.-Mr. ri-nd Mrs. James s4-'vcr.e attack #of pleurisy andpne11- Ey.re w,as af exemplary I (1 lambs W*4 -way it. ma:y The -bill what th, ol)ihions, at whi h -flic L The lr�ronto Wotld, which s, cry- t1iry week for anitoiha.-Mr. J. B. KcLean aie enjoyixL a visit mnia, %na (18Sp1L_ r4edical Ray, a kin e, q Y Pe4cs to to rapro' Knott intel;ds, ereetinl� a brwk Nvith friends i oeighbor alld a respected, csflzt�jj good WWI, the, new Pr6 sent. He therefore illig 0-4 most loudly % ainst the Sep- res- n Ripley. -Th. hh;;h kill could 'do, isb<.- rapidly sank -and and will be much, missed in Itke com- sheop bro ideoo,duria, prices for aafs are rvincm tbe prsfit systani, Of Separ.. to sy -tbt. It.his Govlarnm-6nt stood: arate , School privileizD lbeing con- the JOOMiing rminmer on died on Thurs*lay Morning. =unity as? wj,,IJ as ja jh at -e 8cheiOls- th, lo-ts, 4,n; Maia street North su]?Plit's into okur market-.' 0 1 L , _ e U=.e. T)m 'i Our far- Moore,, Nyho speill her early child- faxral . ook oo Afon&y to head, *Wb' I . Opposed to %p. INd t h, -naferce to 'the, object-, of tiniied 1by the acb the which he re-pently purchasd frZ; appmolate good prices ho6d in this community, wl itht the Px:o- tbp, deputation in a recePtive, mood. two View Provinces iin the Na _9 well T(,.;,Pe0t Lt - ow and deservedly respeeLoa by t),,p_ sold free in. thds They orth- Mr. Geerge 'Eac,rett.-Miss Olive for their 4)ro;du�ots, and are, not sr M0TaVg4Xt1S -cemetery, an -a 42-50 to -I o haw Present s -believd i t -to, lbel 1thtWr duty We, -t L which was introdiloed into) Hoper, nurse in, Victoria Hospi- to take -a dvan tae of- the, gpGd (thin�-:,,s VASWe4 Ystem Oil qlt Gocasions to--e-ndeavor to 'get Parliaipcnt,lby Sir -Wilfnidl Laii�nier tal in Toronto. ' dtzmaud I or to provide there, be, buit ;OLc, at Clore of the- feeling of fLhe 1),eo -W-19 the J?uP_st of [her Mr. -Wi ilia in, -,W(is.tcot t, of SUPPOL PV - at syst-em �13nhools last w,e.k says: " Sir. ilfrid Laur- au.n.t here, Mrs. W. G. Bisstt. Mr. Mtoira&_,was callin,3 on old frienAs rt d 01. He had n1--td1VD0 PIP-dlge-% becaiise present attem t Ito restrict, T. H. McCallum by pubJir, mom,y; On bin the char- ha'hafl bqpn. a di p -was a delegte" at in this village this we,ak, ig skd.for noe,' But lie the = '�es- re bein right. of ,the, province,& a -bout the. a4nual meeting Of. the Royai harises in this vldnity are. ehazigln, i it4d v nd the stronge4t ivia proanised that h would have " t be created, in, the - matt * 9 pre:�,sure is bei4; bxeiizht to. � or of Tmplars f TempraWnee in Toron- hands. Mr. Only ea.r thoi prnt la,%ir efficien-tjy, atm, oes, not to last weak. -A t the -rt' Thomp�son' enforced "their educational r �A- ly min upon tb GovlptOinent.by the two and in a no-parizan cent skatirug week disj:-iosed of a".%ood yo i me t* bola *9 ,I spirtit anrl he contcndinq parikl, aforin, to the carnival on the rink here the fl- fero6 - The que-sition,,6s wit'l ts-ee Lhat itbis i done. '011e, at a I:OrL!g a d Mrs,. Iar'rely one of Vittw 'in 1896, whan 'Han'ds off owing were awarded prizes. for cos, Sa-inul ThoAupso', jr., late of T o6iUmnt. Tb,ej Exi Wil -h s-tatrint 1the, deo"Uta_ i� _:y`a­a_ which tumes: Lady I s costume, Miss G&r- -second 'COnCA_18sion CC Our new Spring st,ek of W9611 Paper is here, and samples ready 110',ito has not -& diMko to -nor tio Mahitoba.' was thc. n hd to, be-sadstied, but whe Ilay, have', re- the dread of Se#4ipate Sob" th- "swept the Tupper M1 ;try from !gia Hyndman, France; Igentl' o their npiv, boml.,. i e a btautiful line, alLmarked in pla�, out of .1 profp_�h� to have. cos tume, man's MOV011 n Stailley 0016' 1hat Cr Or nGt 'th-Vy pleased and en- " power." In this th) � rld- 19 Sinene; which they recently purch " figurest and iAvite compaiison as to quality and- with anything 3!<1mi- peo_ple� Vo ased from U 40 to, It h a,-, c-ourged the reportq do AOL s -fly. mistaken. 'Ther is no a:nGlogy. te- boy's PrIce - JIVaYN, OZ the -Penfund esta.Le� The good thoics aa, t, opinion 1hxt, a Thia prs-ent licenso 4aNv has been as twen the, two oonditjon�,- Befoict land; c6cstume# Gerald Hurdon, E,mg_ from anywhere. oomic, Mark Vincent amd W. I)IBOPIC -of that palA�, of SLanley avill mines ch 801100i is prefer- ri-gidly enforced duT4:',r the Past i4oinina; the conf r We have also a great lot of odd lines to clear out at de cy Iffimitoba Ilern, Polar Bear. -A very suc,cessful find Mr. and Mrs, Thoanpso the bargain pricem ftab. tba to a purly,k+'cular sygtem of two or ye4rs as humn tL4ency did not ha"-a.se araL P C. school sys- prlor concerts'unaer te auspices be -St -of neighbars and the people iDf yon to have your papering done in March, be- and It a prlent dejsjros nd can enforc, it. �lonq tom either b 1-ducatioul z erfort. How would it suit Lity children to 1114ve- reti�Xiou a-aw -or practice. The; of 'the, W. C. T. V., was, �r&ently held thLs district who .Rtill feel thmt*t Y_ the -end x 'A,, 01113 struietion,, .9 i n- these I ines -Mr., Whitcy can ndt do Northst �I,Territ-ories, which re g -t the home of Mrs. 'A, have, h fore the $pring r�sh begins ? We have an interesting propos-ition the intlarn4agled their anY more oi� any better n his nou- entePinfigr -the ow;ifederacy had Othr nunibe t h re I I "" -althin Nwilt b, ha Dow. Am "'claim on thein see Ithat for you. W6n coming to town, bring the size of your rooms, and fair m-milar instruct he should be 'pnodmsSOT.13 UnItSS Ile Statiol1w, -L I-$, . sojo was' rendered well use(! in. tMir Inew Ujge so long as be par'te schbols imposdd4on'thein by, by Mrs. Wickwire, an I pi, home. -Mr. Robett Squiriti; from the allowe(r that priv� sl)"411 in-SPectorn every hoc4l. WO ano selft- get Particular. - .*act of Parl4imnt in 187�, and tho -tions !by Miss Jessie X do(,% not interfe+,With tlio rilghts X; far sLs advanced. It +1191 - ;111d privi feftr that in o em- syst-em has 1,0ever sinc,a bw,-n chag �ansan. After w.plt- who Nvas visitinix his father -an iLs can orned,the w a 1.4 40t,� athers in so pQrat�ce l'rislati the prot; and- 1riendq in this _�ramme a dai.rty lunch. ottler Ion- as. 1v ana ed, .and he4e. it .would 1�e a viol-- srvied 6y'the hstess.-Mr. Wm. 'returneZl o his wvstv�rn home, toml)eranev. pe.Ople have not Tecolve this adilaLalZe at 'Zoew t1l,"t ve Ried tbo, ntion, -,at IcPt Of the.!spirk of Ithoe Fltteher, -of UA6rne, 1b UP Jam'Bs S. 000PPRI', who has - f h expens ould "they hio%v be th ack - y frm, which he had I)Jesan't visit w1it '%Vho 'prefer They have no ne 1"n enjoyig 4 Inid ,the. ,gro den ggs. c<)n...3tituti.OD.. as given e of i , sh. Tlkght to CxPeot, much discntinued' h. ALE 0 WTLSk Ove purely ,Qe �. To do so r 7 !tame wv culr ' tem. BuV iha from -.Nfr. I . would be r- ieas or several years. -Much sym- friwnds in has returnW to DRUG, BOOK AND FANOY GOODS STIOPWR Whitnfy a& they re bitrary and'' % I un Injus qu(­,tion at is,�b`lyrs to frie. patTy I ere for Mr. and Mrs. thL% villaZe and will spend a fe' Sr4 UFOREET, thlo instance not likOy to, be disappoinLed. They minority. T11a 01;1 w d �ould set this Richar' Luker of Centralia, on ac- days in this vlcWty before return- ONTARIO. in%rketi t boughfj -, -Am f 14 21 28 �b wa� lRug. TAO, WX PA" b T6 Mau