HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-24, Page 6tele. zete 1 .4e
S FOR SALEe-Rase bargains in faitms in
e Townships of Bulleit, 'dome, and Warm.
Coy of Huron. Inquire :at once. WM
l3AMPEEL4Blyth, Ont. 1774 ti
IjWLDIE LOTS FOR SALE. -For Hale, peveral
deeirable 'building lots in the town of Sea.
oe These He are eittuved in one ot the beet
est of tha town and aro well pianted with the
etioleeet of fruit Apply to W. D. McLean. at the
Eteeerrop. Oefect, Leeforth. 19404f
Ess than 45.000 will buy Lot 83, Conne,eel3n 7
MelCillen. This farni contains 100aeren, oi
nd, bas orit a bulk barn 64x64 feet, with 8
tone etabling. Abaci a good 6-rooreed brick
beute, orchard, good woter, &o It le .-tx voiles
tre_etti Seaforth end n Iles from Conetenee eoet
ctilee. Possteeinn given at °sleet Applv to WM.
JO COUNTRY S FATHER All Soap j'a not Pure SoaP
- That is the reason why $5000 oo reward t will be paid. by Lever
, Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person whO can prove that
FOB. SALE. -150 item, lot 32 mei west
Jt of lot 84. Oeneeflei n 2, 11. R S., Tucker-
- ,
tb Will be acid in Week or in eeprate pareele.
em for toixed fanning witn the b et of
s ter etack eaisine. e- e buildi ge are good
coMprIsing a brick house, eood bar and 1-h d nod
stern stabling. Apply to HERBER,T °BIWA, Bete
fotth P 0 r to W. DRYDONE, Clinton, °Marie.
.19 0.6
1J4M FOR SAE. -For erste, Lot 21, Louden
Bead, Stenley,.coutaining 100 acres, elf' fence
red, the balte3ce re good hardwo3c1 tintber. The
1ttn1 well undetdreined and well fenced, and in
good condiqon in every particular. The ie an ex-
ient fermF no better in the township. It is five
lee from Motel) and it miles from Brueefleld.
"Will be sold on reationaole terres as the propriot, r
le in the implement business. Apply to V.
TOMLINSON, Butoefield. 1924ett
Rfet FOlt SALE. In the to-Wriship of Usborne,
beleg lot 18, Concession 9, consisting of the
bet 100 sores of land in the township,- well fenced
and in good state of cultivation. Good beck home)
and frame barn, vonvenicint to school, churok and
market, being only 2 miles front Exeter:. For fur.
ther particulars apply to D 0 itoINNE8, Exeter,
or THOS. HIGGINS, executors of the estate Of B I.
deciessed, or to GLADMAN & STANBURY,
Solioitors, Exeter. 1928-tf-
• i
it,‘SALE CEIEAP.-In Harphurhey, coratott•
able Welt o ttage with tive Toms and hall.
Nettie kitchen and woodshed attaohed, h It'd and soft
wateretabling ter throe head of cattle or hprses
-with; lien h. Use and pig pen, also good well and
purnh n stable, two and a half welt of land on
whichare4tui-ohoioeet,varieties of all kinde of f ?ult.
This lea most desirablei property for any Person
wahting a comfortable home., Apply on the preme
heeds` address JOHN MoDONOGH. Seaforth P. O.,
, .,.
:-4--- - ------- .
OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale, brick
house and 2 tots In Seatorth. One lot tales
sns , or0 Main Street and the other on Week _Wil.
Item ;Street The house is a oienifortable briok
nottage and mutable 8 bedroom, dining rirthe sit.
-Meg eooro and kite:ion, with good cellar der e
-whole bowie. Hard and soft water in the house.
, There ie all° a good stel3le and driving dhed All
Mode o fruit on tinelot Apply to J. L. ALLAN,
Zondbsboo, or to 0. W. ATELISON, Seaforth.
- 1906x4if
101a-EleXTIFUL FARM FOR SALE --For sale cheap,
, tliat beautiful farm he the township of MoKil.
lopknew:a as " The Me 1e." situsted one and a
bali pities north of 8 .forth. The farm con?
one heedred aoree of fh.• (Aid:beet land. -There i
bank bine iNige frame houee'- with beautiful large
wombs, tlood water a (week running through the
dramgood oyehard and vineyard, all under ell,
-Mvation and well drained. The situetiori Is exeel-
tent, dear country school and near Collegiate In
14ie an 'deli cotintry home. Immediate
possesslifn. Apply to WM. GOVENLOOK, rfeaforth
-leeing West part of Lots i and 2, Conoees.
leo 2, S., Tuekerstaith. Good conorete, 11
voomed leans°, 40x28, with kitchen, woodshed and
boggy Mouse attaohed There is- a new bank barn
88x30, with wing -extending 40 the south, 24 feet.
.Also Meek arched roothouse'40 feeit long, wider
-gangway. All buildings in good repair. °retard
eontineg two and a haft acres of oboiee winter fruit.
There rap two never felling welle, 6 sores of bueh.
Ufa fur et is in a plod state of cultivation, well
lanced and underdesined, situated 2 miles from tbe
village ef Elerteall. Foir further particulars apply
• THOMAS KEaNsok, Hensel!, Ontario. 189641
FARM FOR BALE. -Lot 11, Concession 6, Hui -
lett containing 100 sores of land, all cleared.
and in ilte condition. It is at present all seedee to
grass atsd in good shape either ror hay, pisture or
eropplegi There is a ,mtortable frame house with
summer icitcher, catcalled, two barns, one 84 x 60
leet and Oak other 30 x 50"feet, and other out build.
logs 4131s farm is situated nine roues from -Sea -
/oath, teven and one fan miles from Cllintott and
just one mile and a quarter from the village of
ilinbure„ where there are two general (stores, two
blacksibith uhops, p let °Mee and school. This farm
le well eettuited and wil be sold cheap air the pro-
prietor iiatinxiotio to sell. For further partioulars
apply 44 R. M. HAYS, Berrieter, Seatorth, or on the
promisee. WILLIAM LEITOEI, Ohlaelhurat, Ont.
VIARM FOR SALE -For sale on reasonabletams
J the ?farm of the andereigned on the North
Gravel toed, MoKIllop. a mile north of fieaforbh,
1.eontaide tIfi acres all cleared except about ten
acre& ;It Is el1 under.d Weed, well fenced and in
• te high etate ot oeitivati n. There is a fine_ two
* storey bilok house, bank beree said other someway
outbuildinge. There is a flowing spring close to the
buildiegs , A large orebard, of choice fruit -arid
aboub two sores of a vinery. This le one of the
ehoiceee Anne in Forma and there is not a foot of
-wade feud on he It is . all heeded to gratis except
about e0 aeree. There aro ten sores sown to fail
wheat width. fall plowing done. Apply to the pro-
prietor, Seaforth. ItORERT GOVENLOOK,
if You Want to
Buy a Farm
Bueiness or residence, conault us or
our !tgellti3 before making a seleetion:
We have a large Het of properties, many
of them are extra goocl value at the
pace &eked. We can save you time,
money and worry if you will allow Ise
to &islet yon in making a seleoeion.
Let he know your weals, or get our
eatalogue-it costa you nothing.
London, Canada.
R. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth
E. S. PHILLIPS Agent, Hensall.
- 1997-62
Meeti ngs
o ilast Huroa ?Armors) Institute
For thei diseussion ti Agriculture and kindred
subjects will be held in fit. Columban, March 4th;
Winthropi filarch ; Harlook, Mere)] 7th; Bine..
vale, klarbb 8th, Ethel, March 9th,.Moleewortb,
March lef h ; Fordwich, March 11th. Each day at
ale end /no p ro. All are cordially invited to at.
tend these meetings and fake an intelligent part in
the dieetteeions on the verious subjects introduced
by the epeakere.
1839 3 President.
MckIllop Directory for 1905.
DANIEL, MANLEY, Reeve, Beachwood P. 0.:
M. ROWLAND. Councillor, Welton e. 0.
F SlcQUAID, Councillor, St, Coluraban P. 0. iiriM
0HA14L.E4 LITTLE, Counciller, Winthrop P. 0.
JOHN M. °OVERLOCK, Courmillor,Wintbrop P. 0.
MICHAEL MURINE, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. 11085. Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0.
t01.0110$ S. SHANNON, J. P. Sanitary Inspector,
Winthrop P. 0.
No Bi.eakfast Table
complete without
An admirable food, with all
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Traces Ma Achievements to a nigher
Source -Never Fatted to ankaowloolaa
That it Was lay* the neap of *bed That
ate weenie Victories -la eaTenly cOhners
Fought in His asehadagew lie Over-
Enteicel According -to Act of PrItnuioo t of Can
ada,, the year hy Frederic* Diver, of'
T'oronta. 'At 1.40 Deo't of Agri9olture. Otte..wit.
Los Angeles, Cal., robe 19 -The
preacher; takes occaki n, in view of
the °approaching cele ration of Wash -f
ington's birthday, td remind the na-
tion ot its indebtedness to God I
throughout its history for the same
care and protection th&t, he vouch -
seed to his people at a crisis of
their national affairs. r2110 text is
Joshua x., 12: "Sun, stand thou
still upon Oibeon, and thou, moon„
in the valley of Ajalon."
- 1 _ choose to -day this story of
Joshua as a topic for our thoughts
because it emphasize with °Heated
imagery the great lesson -of Wash-
ington's career.. The materialist who.
would exelude God ,from his universe
Is met here in ancient and modern
-history with the sublime truth. that
the Divine sympathy is on. the side,
of righteousness and that God is
able by ,his infinite power: to give
the victory to the weak Who trust
in him. ,
One reason given for the non-inter-
ference of God in human affairs is
that man is an ,Infinitesimal. Though
man as a finite cannot drop a lath-.
om line long en.Ough to sound the
bottom of God's deep seas of mys-
teries, that does not prove that
these "Divine mysteries" are ;slot
tilue. Because many of the leading
sCientific men of England doubted
the .a4ractica1ity of George Stephen -
son's invention, that did not Make
the 'iron traces within which was
harnessed the locomotive any less
strong. Because for years and years
Cyrfs Field's attempts to marry
the fold world to the /IOW' with the
wedding ring of an Atlantit cable
woo; th; butt and ridicule df _thou-
sands of unbelieving tongues, that
did aot make the possibility of send -
jug a, message under the seas .any
less an attainable fact. Because we
pannot explain to the satisfaction of
the skeptic this miracle Of the sun
Standing still, shall we abandon our
faith in God's providence? Shall we
pot .rather remind them that in our
man national history his interference
on behalf of the weak was displayed
no less conspicuously and no less
• °fegodivhas .
omnipotent power over
the forces of this world -the social-
istic, the atmospheric and the angelic
as well as the astronomical -and
timeand again he has compelled
tisem to bend the- knee for the _aid
nien. In this sermon 1 ani going
te show you that, though man may
seemto be insignificant, yet he is
net so in reality. Man IS so import-
' ant in God's eyes that -God .is ready
td do everything possible in his in-
terest and for his salvation. He has
no Shrunk from the sacrifice of • His
-only begotten Son, who is yet to be:
come Kings of kings and Lord of
Let us first- see how God has ex-
alted man's throne above the stars.
T4t. us study from the astronomical
telescope how man, instead of being
a mere nondescript, a being on-
-Owe -lit of, an unrecognizable, a for-
arcrttert pigmy in an uukaown world,
-sWinging out Imola the outskirts of
the universe, ie more importaat than
all *material worlds and more im-
pcirtant than any other croatUre
this side of the New Jerusalem.
Int us enter the throne room of the
heavens and see how in the past, for
map's good, the stare have wheeled.
intO line and obeyed (locrs behests,
even as a :torchlight processioa
might march past the reviewing
stead of' a King or a President.
Man a mere nondee,cript on -the
outskirts of the universe? If he is:
how can you account lot- the order
of the creation? As a bridegroom
prepares a home for his bride God
prepared this world for the habita-
tioti of man. He made the sun and
the ' moon, the one to light the clay
anq tile other to guard the night.
He spoke, and the dry land appear-
ed. He swung out into the heavens
the myriad of stare. Ile upholstered
the sky with curtains of blue. He
carpeted the fields • with grass. He
made the hillsides great woodland
temples. Then God made the song-
sters to sing. After God had created
the heavens and the earth and all
that is in them he said: "Let us
make now our masterpiece. Let us
make man after our own image." •
"SP./God created raan in His own
image." Ile, crowned him with honor
and glory and made him to have do-
minion. over tha works of his hands,
of which the moon and the stars were
only the works of God's fingers. Thus
• we find that all the worIcLs were in
one ,sense created for the great
of alerartlire_;4crils4., the ad -
., i
stimulate the sluggish liver, clean
the coated tongue, sweeten the
breath, clear away all waste and
poisonous matter from the system,
and cure Sick Headache, Bilious-
dice, Water Brash, Catarrh of the
Stomach, etc.
Mrs. C. Windrum, Baldur, Man.,
writes :-I suffered for years from
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Some time ago I got a trial package
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Price 25 cents or 6 for $1.00, all
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Sunlight Soap is guaranteed to be a pure soap. Dealers are -
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s erealgp
in .order to work out riis purpose
for the human race, God should use !;
these lower creations at His will, '1
If man is not more important
than the stars, how can you account
for the fact that Jesus Christ came
to this world to die for man? There
are billions upon billions of worlds.
There are worlds , above worlds
There are .,constellations upon con-
stellations, These worlds are born;
these worlds die. Ever3r night the
telescopic eye of the astronomer can
see their funeral pyres burning. Yet
it was not to reaniMate perishing
worlds that Jesus clied. It was to
redeem immortal* man that Jesus
left heaven and suffered upon the
• cross. Our earth is but a speck in
the universe, one of the smallest of
the millions isef wqrlds that are vis-
ible in the winter's sky, yet it was
for the redemption of itseinh,abitants
that Jesus gave himself to suffer and
die. Does not this prove the import-
ance of man? If a man is not raore
important than the stars, how can
you- aceount for the fact that weeks,
perhaps months, before . Jesus was
born in the manger at Bethlehem
God sent a stellar messenger to guide
the wise men from the east? Would
a star step out of its course and
• with finger of light become •a • guide
to man? poe6 not the fact that a
star was it messenger to man at the
first Christmas morn prove to you
that God has enrolled among the as-
tronomical hosts. mighty forces which
if necessary, are ready to serve us
and our interests? How this "star of
the east" was able to' slip its. chains
and run down the boulevards of the
'heavens we know not. SOme of the
astronomers declare the "star of the
east" was not a single star at all,
but in order- to lead those wise men
God -wheeled into line two, three,
perhaPs fifty, a thousand, stars and
. focused all their :lights upon • the
stony crib. 'But, whether the star in
,the east was a single star or twenty
or a hundred stars, one fact we
know -"God made the heavens, with
their constellations, and they are at
his command; they are his servants,*
and they do his will."
But we are not compelled to put
our world in harmony with worlds
millions and billions of miles away.
to find some 'of the mighty forces
God is able and waling to command
for man's life and service, for man's
safety ibmporal and safety spiritual.
We can hear God speaking to .man in
the 'voice of the sterna We can see
i -rim smiling- in laughing eyed- -sun-
beams. Fuethermore, we may • learn
that this voice and this .sinile in an-
ew& to bc,lieving prayer will come
f or man's . blessing if we only ask
Him for in atmospheric • blessing.
When'. one of the Princeton students
onto asked Dr. Alexander, "Profes-
sor, do you ever lose your faith in
God?" he replied, "Nemo-, except
When the wind is from the east."
God's power extends to all mete-
orological phenomena. Not yet have
the wo-nders of the storm been re-
duced to a system. The weather bUr-
eates• prognostications frequently
fail.' As with Washington, as with
Joshua, as with Moses, God's hand
is outstretched for the rescue of His
'people. What incident in history is ,
so astonishing as that of the pas-
sage of . the Iled Sea? The -children of
Israel, fleeing- from • Egyptian en-
slavement, were caught in a trap.
In eront of them was the , sea. • Be-
hind -the earth was shaken with the
revolving chariot wheels and the
thundering cavalry hoof e of the pur-
suing. soldiers of Pharaoh. What
happened? :Moses said: "Fear not, rny
children; fear not. God will rescue
US." Moses then stretched out his
hand over the sea, and the Lord
caused the sea to go back by e"a
strong east wind." In other words,
in answer to Moses' prayer fled sent
a strong east wind, which -blew back
the waters so that the Israelites
might flee away from their masters.
And to show what the power of this
east wind was Major-General Tul-
lock of •the British army a few years
ago before the London Geographical
Society read a paper in which he
declared that he stood a few years
before in exactly the same place
where those Israelites were supposed
to have crossed. Onenight he felt a
strong east wind blow. It blew so
hard that in one night it blew back '
the waters ;and left the ships which
were once. .riding at anchor stranded
on dry land. God answered Moses'.
God exercises the same control ov-
er His animate creation that He has
osier the winds, dad with this too
He operates for the benefit of His
people. After the children of Israel
had been for months living upon the
manna in -the wilderness they began
to crave meat. • They cried unto •
Moses: "Give us flesh to eat! Give
us flesh!" What happened? The Bible
says: "There went forth a wind from
the Lord and brought quails from .
the pea and let them fall by the•
camp * * * as it were two cubits'
high upon the face of the earth."
This does not mean, as Mr. Hastings
declares, that the Lord by an east
wind piled up dead quails about the
Israelite camp two cubits high. But
it does mean that the east wind
hies* the miens. azainst their will, •
straight i award the Israelites, Trie
%%hid was so powerful that the bit
haavy of -body and short of wing,
had to il low on account of the
tornado, And as they flew low the
men kill d them. God answered the
prayer o Moses. He answered it in
the shrie ng of winds.
But wh go back in Biblical bus -
tory to • nd how God has aided his
'children n the voice of the winds?
What ab ut the Spanish armada
tinder th "golden duke," Admiral
vith its 120 ships, defeated
from inv ding British harbors not by
the Engli h cannon, but by the torn-
ado whic qswcpt the English channel
in 1588? What about the storm
which pr anted Napoleon attacking
Wellingtor4 at Waterloo in the early
Morning ajnd which delay was a great
factor in ibe triumph of the English"
• What abo tt ,th,e dense and impene-
trable fog 'which settled in New York
Harbor in the early morning of the
day oxi which Washington and his
troops escaped from Long Island and
ma.cle it Possible for the American
boats to 'row to -safety under the
very guns of the British fleet which,
could hovel annihilated thena? What
about the frost which came in an-
swer to America's prayer just at the
right time 1 after a thaw which de-
stroyed the locusts by the millions a
few years ago in our western states,
where they were destroying the crops
everywhere?! Were not those storms •
and those frosts the voice of God in
answer to Airayer coming to the aid
of his childiNen? I tell you we have
to realize that there are atmospheric
answers to prayer as well as astro-
nomical anSwere to prayer. God
speaks to is in times of drqught
• when we pray ng he answered
Elijah's prayer of old wlien Ahab fied
to Jezreel o / escape the deluge -
"Hath not the rain a father?" Gdd's
rescuing voice is heard in the growl
of the storm; God's smile is seen in
the incubating sunshine, and if it is
best for us God's storm and God's
sunshine are seen and felt in answer
to our believinn prayers.
But I find , mighty forces not
only astronomical and atmospheric
but also socialistid, subserving God's
children. I Use the word soclalistie
not in its narrow sense. I allude to
it in its broad sense of men's rela-
tionsleip to man: In the triumphs
and defeats Of nations, in the sup-
remacy and the overthrow of thrones,
I find that the greet onward move-
ments of the world have been em-
ployed for the rescue and salvatiou
of God's peoples fdr all time.
What is the !meaning of that verse
Galatians iv, 4, "When the fullness
of time *as Owe,. God sent forth his
Son, made et a woman, under the
law, that we might receive the adop-
tion of sons?" Was not one time in
the sight of God just (as favorable as
any other time? 011, no. There were
certain • prophetic conditions which
had to be fulfilled. Not the least of
these Was that Jesus had to be born
in 13ethlehem of Judaea. How was
this to be accomplished? After the
whole civilized world was brought
un.der the domain of the Roman
scepter God prompts Caesar to order
that a Jewish census be taken. What
was the result? -In order to obey
that command, Joseph, the carpent-
er, who was married to Mary, had to
take a trip to .13ethiehem. He was
one of the descendants of David, and
all his family had. to be Counted in
the village where the royal shepherd
boy once lived. Then through Joseph,
through Caesar, through a foreign
command, Jesus •waS born where pro-
phecy said Chris' should be born. It
Oh, MY brother, in the struggle or
life can you afford to be downhearted
and slothful? Have I not said enougl!
to encourage yon to do anything and
everything in God's pante? When. the
King of Syria; sent his horsemen and
clutrioteeas to capture eElisha the
prophet's servant was sore afraid.
Elisha was not, 'Why? He saw re -
enforcements the frightened eyes of
• his servants could not see. At last
the prophet cried to his servant:
"LoOk, man; look! 'Look at the re-
enforeernents God is sending to us to
ffght against these men of flesh and
blood." Then the young man. look-
ed. This is the account of the
Bible: ."And the Lord opened the
eyes of the young mare hnd he saw,
and, behold, the mountains were full
'of horses, and chariots of fire round
about Elisha." alley were the ange-
lic hosts. hose angels are about
you to -day, They are messengers
sent from! God for your protection
and *triurnpla Will you not take'
courage? Before your reviewing stand
march the nations, while at your left
and right, before and behind, stand
your protecting angels. Astronomi-
cal, atmospheric, socialistic and an-
gelic forces are noW ready to fight
for your eternal welfare. •
Thu e when I beganothe study of the
tragic events of Joshpa,'s life I did
not think they were very unusual. If
Joshua by the strength of his own
arm had won the battles they would
'have been wonderful, but the victor-
ies were not won alone by the Jewish.
captain. They were won by the Lord
God Almighty, who said to the new
leader: "There shall not any man be
able to stand before thee all the days
of thy life; aa I was with Moses go I
will be with thee." When I see Alio
destruction of the city of Ai, I know
it was not Joshua's work, but God's.
When 1 hear the crashing of the walls
of Jericho, I know it was not Jos-
hua's act but God's. When I read of
the combination of the five kings
against Joshua; I expect to find that
he was./ overwhehned, but when I
read of his victory 1 know that the
qod whom the ,sun and the stars
obey must have fought for him. In
the history ,of our own nation has
• not God fought for us? How other-
• wise would the inexperienced general
whose birth we are about to cele-
bratehave triumphed over his
One of the crucial battles of the
east was &aided by the movements
of the sun, and moon. - The Phoeni-
cians were sun worshipers. Their
e enemies worshiped -the moon. When
thiS (battle ,was at its fiercest the
moon slowly passed in front of the
sun, The Phoenicians thought their
god had turned his face away .from
them, and they turned -in wild' ter-
ror and fled. Their ignorance and
superstition lost them the battle. We
smile, at their credulity, but we need
to beware lest we fall into the op-
posite mistake. We are in danger of
forgetting the God who controls not-
dral phenomena and who governsithe
, affairs of men. Through his power
and his prptection . our nation has
survived and flourished. et us
serve and obey him who was with
Washington in hisebattles and has
been With us in every crisis of our
history lest he turn his face from us
and we perish2_
A fi a w 1 S1/ erg Medicines.
May people suffer for years from
eheuthatice pa ns, and prefer to do,
so rather than take the strong med-
icines usually given for rheumatisra
not knowing that quick relief from
pain ro.a.y be had simply by applying
Chamberlain's pain balm. For sale
by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Sea -
-The Wentworth,' Teaehere As-
sociation has set other assoole.ittions
a ;good example by a/grecing to hold
its next -convention at the Ontario
A gr i cud t mai College, Gaels) la, with
a iew of seeing the aodonaldon-
Wa•oned sehool in ration. in
To Cure a t ;old in One D)3.y.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinin Tab-
lets. All druggists retard the
money if it fails to oure. B. W.
Grove's signature is, on each box.
Pries, 25c.• 1930-1 yr.
-Mr. Justice McLennan :and Mr,
•Georec Ginies, of Torontq, have ethele
given $5,000 to the f und of $500,-
000 for the further endoWinent of
Queen's UniverSity, Kingston. Mr.
Wm. McKenzie, the -well known rail-
way man of Totonto has also aore-
ed to beeome responsible for an an-
nual payment Of $1,200 to oover the
salary of an, assistant profeaser,and
, has already sent a cheque to meg%
the first year's salary.
any Women- Suffer
Untold.Agolly .From
IcRinq Trotibles
t' Very often they tink it is from so -
is folly for you lind I to say, "God exiled "female.dise " There is less
might have fulTled prophecy in . a femal.e trouble tlian ey think. Women
different way." es, he might. But stiffer from backache, sleeplessness,
God's way was al true way. And in
nervousness, irritability, and a dragging -
order to accomplish that way Caesar
must conquer anck Rome must rule. i down feeling in the loins. So db men, I
Can we not in the same way see • end they do not have "female trouble."
the finger of God', hi the discovery of Why, then, blame all your trouble to
America, in the 1 birth of our con-
stitution, in the lawful tragedy oi female disease? With healthy kidneys,
the Civil War, ili the strange ac- few women will ever have "female dis-
quisitions of Porto Rico and of the t orders." The 'kidneys are so closely con:
Sandwich and Ihdlippine Islands? nected with all the internal organs, that
Can we not feel that the booming when the kidneys go wrong, everything
guns at Port Arthur and the suc- goes prong. Much distress would be
saved if women would only take
cuss of one politic:el party over an-
other are the voice of God heard in
the same words ! that Paul spake
when he said that God is working
out his plans throogh the movements
of the nations? Because with our
nearsighted vision we cannot, see the
end from the beginning that *does not
Jesse th '
ngs or God's move -
Man's throne is higher than the •
I trouble. I ached all over, especially in
ments for the salvation of nations
S? God has made him a lit.tle .. the small of my back; not being able to
'sleep w
lower than* the angels. Yes. But on ,ell, no appetite, menstruation
irregular, nervous irritability, and brick -
account of Jesus' sacrifice for us God dust deposit in urine, were some of my
has sent his angels to re -enforce us .
temptation and in the battle for the symptoms. I took Doan's Kidney Pills,
in the awful struggle against sin and
world's redernptiqn. He has sent The pain in my back gradually left me,
my appetite returned, I sleep well, and
them, not here o e and there one, am effectually cureel. I can highly
"The chariots of God are twenty recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all
thousand, even tho sands of angels. •
sufferers from kidney trouble."
as in the holy place." These angels
The Lord is among them as in Sinai,
are everywhere, willing to minister Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25.
unto us and care for us. All dealers, or DOAN Kim= Fteee, Coo
. atedeety aneels for our oeotection1 Toaoiero, Om •_
_... •
at stated intervals.
Miss Nellie Clark, Lambeth, Ont., tells
of her cure in the following words :-"
suffered for about two years with kidney
EBRETARY 24, 905
•Beca-use of the care in Selection and Blendire
My agents in the east are expert tea tasters, and
every lot of tea that is sent down from the Gardens has
to pass their inspection. • They *take samples from the
chests and carefully taste them, then if the tea is fully
up to the Red Rose standard, it is accepted and shipped;
if not it is rejected.
The most important test of all, however, is when the
tea arrives here, as during the passage through the Red
Sea, the very great heat often affects the Tea very seri-
ously. Imruediately on arrival, samples are taken from
cach lot and subjected to the most rigid tests, and only
those teas which have retained all their original flavor
and strength are used for Red Rose (the balance is
jobbed•off in bulk).
When blended and „ready to be put into sealed pack-
ages, it is tested agais: ittst_ to make sure no mistake has
been made in the blending; nothingls left to chance.
• Will you test us by ordering a package?
There is frobably no greater loss in the inanageraent of hogs than
at farrowing time. Many a breeder complains of sows edtink their litter
and don't know that this is due to bad feeding.. Lots of pig-eafcn.g sows
would never have developed this bad habit if they hadabeen rightly
feed. before farrowing. By the time tfee sow farrows she is in a much,
fevered and constipated condition, which ereates a‘ litter eating
appetite. This :call, m almost every instance, be gotten over if the
digestive organs are kept free and open by feeding ClydesdalaShaele
Food. according.to directions. The flow of milk Of the sow is increased
by the help it gives digestion. Milk is the direct product of the digest-
ed food. The greater the flow of Milk the greater the growth and profit
of the litter. If you want to farrow the most and best pigs; pigs that
have a chance to live, and become money makers, use Clyiesdale Stock
Food before and 'after farrowing. Mr. A. Newell Kilbride, Ont, says
"Pigs have never, done better with me than those I fed Clyde.sdale
Stock Food to." "Runts" can be made money makers by using it. Mr.
Donald McDougal, Harriston, Ont, says: "Ittaci six runt pigs to
which I fed your food, and now they are as good as any pigs I have."
Carboline Antiseptic will keep your pigs and pens clean of v6nniri,
making them do better. If you find Clydesdale Stock Food, and other
preparations, do not give satisfaction, your money,will be -cheerfully
refunded by our dealer. Sold in your district by the following:
Beattie Bros., Seaforth.
J. Snider, Bruoefield.
F. D. Hutehhason, Staffa:
1 Reuben Graham, Clinton.
Alf. ScrutOn, Missal.
J. G. Moser, Blyth.
• Beauty tin iFurititnre
.We invite attention to the mag-
nificent assortment of Purniture.
Our display is 1aige. Selections
at this store are nide easy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-
ing exceptional offerings through
the enfire 'store,
4 -1 -1 -141 -1 -H -H-1.1-1-1444-1-1-1444-1.
Promptly attended to night or day,,_
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
wayasaffwarmma-mapilawma.gigsgm7=ni.0 p LI& pcyer P .
yurs 1 s thrseresver atd sz :I
‘ The best laxative, E,A=
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGIIA
sl?eautfful brown or rich black? Ilse nen ere. ete Dsussurzs
It is at this time of the year that you feel the thin spots in your
clothes.' Rather than get new ones, many shiver. That is short-
sighted from both ends. First, you. get a cold, and it costs you more
than new clothes, secondly, and best at this time of the year we ate
giving exceptional values in all kinds of winter elethes. 'Clothes that
will last you she balance of this season and all of next, and the cost
will only be about one-half of what you will have to pay when the
next cold season comes. Consider the first of these reasons, and act on
the second.
The new Spring goods will be coming in soon, we want to be rid of the win
ter stuff, consequently prices don't cut a very big figure.
Concrete Abutments to Let.
Tenders will be reoeived by the underIgned, on
behalf of the council of the ltownshin of Tneker.
amith, until one o'clock on Satitirday, February 1840
for the o onstnietion of oemene concrete abutments
for a 90 ft bridge over the Bavfield 'River), between
lot e 15 and 16, Conoession 8, 11. IL 8. Plans and
epeolfications may be seen at any time M the office
of the undersigned, or at a meeting of the tounoll,
at the Town Hall, Seaforth, on above dale when
the contract win be awarded. The lowest or any
tender not neeeesanly accepted.
Clerk of Tuckeremith
TuekeremithelFebruary let, 1905. 1938-3
Throat anti Coughs
ehnple, effective and ,safe remedy for alt throat
rritations is f ou d hi
Crosoiono Antiseptic Tablets,
They rxesubine the geiicidai value of Cresoknewith
*be gee:Ailing PfoPe of eliPPeeF elm and
. _
Cook's Cetto
Root Compoun
Lamest Favorite,
the only safe, nellabi6
regulator 4311 wretch woman
can denered. thet 410111.1 .
and time of need.'
Prepared in two degrees of
strength. leo. 1 and NO. 2.
No. 1.. --For Ordinary caseie
iS by far the best doll=
medicine known.
Speesial eases -10 'degree%
ntrereger--three dollars per box.
Lain= yo
osk ur s
druggist for Cook'
Votton Root compound. Take no other,
•as fin pills, mistures and Imitations era'
dangerous. Ne. and No. 2 are sOid and
, recommended by all druggists in the
nonimliof Canada. Mailed to any address
on receipt of price and four 2 -cent re ..2g0 - -
MtRIUM. VCIfar. ectulPanYe
Nifteadaore -
For mie by C. Alarerhart, J. S.
ortete I. V. Fear, and. Alert
lea: AU Drossfats •_ 4Q0'
• *IA
• Ties e
•eine, toe
ge.ons tat
taf, Loni
• etora ili
:3 atom
Tem 7