HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-24, Page 5LY fat 71905 OE STORE. * 9 has been, Eye ye come, have eceett uiw- bargains in Winter such an extent that next t an entirely new stkeir and new customers, a g else. [took of Felt Boots ana Moccasin e and Legging; apportunity which ehoula r Spring Shoes. Seaforth a it tencline the operttn- d Toronto, --Miss Rouate ndiner tho past week. elm he Misses Johnston, a Farm. -Mr. Ge E. Cope - n the village this week ibueLness and taieasnre.-, Scott, who 'taught musio arears ago; ise ttleis week Leona:int ances n Rensals y. Re is neeel Lvrn a limber f relent e-ect'ded 'the tone al on of he late Mrs Hctry rar Chisathuret who was tenably known here hav- , resident of our vitiatge rr of neara. reeneenneeneana -Constance. nd better thin veto •ys' Minstrels, Bea f or th, March 6 and 7. Plan serhartts Drug "Store, on 19404 f ion Ada Drakes: spend-. • 'with her ae, eMre. hann-Our fovea et thireil- , Wm. Morn:ocean ihxlteri- rory trying weather clue - honed anow etetreao of last ot wi thneandin , only, IV: to Soaftertle one day well or his fatithfulneste ern oiroumstances. No nail -mu-lien, in general :to thave• their services dy remunerated Inhofe at le duty orf feho Govern - y !apparent, espeniall v of -Io leis fast report. The. blio`noltcsol inspector, re - ked decrease /in the a t- all schools. Of totirse, - rule &as its eicert t ions. Axle+ barn sneer add the o this name. as his Con ted Gina with a younn te-In epite of the storm re Mr. James Dale w ate road Glnitel and it was eted for niter aeurniun 'rival lof a. little ciaue.h- ote.- We are pleaned to Terme, the young dau-oh- ead Mtn. Milia.r Adams, from ther reennt and ineeet-Mx. R. W. Jew - flow set of eleigheeniatio eredesmon. Mr. The pearane and are a oredit to the and Mrs. E. Sail nciern ti home after an ex t end - 1. add lrave Veit. tied dovfl treefit les of life. -Mr. lohltam enterrained ne !people on .N1 onda v - Th( realer fat ure trf. v nro enessivo "Lot as. -yds y evening n b el* Leo:elle was heid rule r proleram un-. It: t Le. sum if. onodollar iiieeriot-secretory for . mieetionary district, Ba yr ICI (L. lo t.S-, xponws connec- ed:n tirelhirre to -1 lath rary :mono tells' Indne ah Columbia, Rev. Mr., •youni ladieeif tiie i -hr nseteth+te, e- conperned t In -rev. it It u Lai ted f f or I lo 4. nen par, or so.r olothine eertt . Fi r hr an 1101.2 ce- , el.- next Tucaday eon- . ?ne' ht,41 or preeeduret ed it+ invite 1.1,;.! Elea - O.* -re Name evenino in 1; The president wa5 r t n. Ns' lif. n thc to- could viit Icn.- nthrop Ro.ys Mrz- .. t WO ni1tts, March pent. a t Aber ha r tis rea.r,y 28th, at 12.h5. 19411-! f Of rastituto lArre on Menclay, it -pollee et erne ct1- - hope. that e he fa r- inity leili take ad - and ;et t n +1 t leis rc• eel 11 o nu m ber 41t a rot a. to t. of .ic toil to be oaaneef f farming.. lit 1 he • be sin enter.tain- commi(tee leave it -+ verye'rnsti ref:Coe u.eical programme to. RHEUM Salve ED AND ST. e raleinatien of anti - fund the price to any d simply say that " 141 FEBItETARY 24,:1905. MARKSTIS, •616•90.69. SZAIOarfft, Februsey id, 19015. an Wheat) old),Stoodard- .1 oo to te&H, wheat 0110191•8•••••12. ••••••-••••All I 00 e1 VS CfatO pet bathe.... sse oKe ...ER im 0 85 60 0 25 paas pot Inishat...—. 0 00 10 0 02 Berle, Per hoohol. ...... 0 40 be 0 42 a leolit11 tem am •••• 0 10 to 0 16 eau its ,••. 4..• 014 lo creeper totl NW an avail:item., 01e 10 raw, per 2 150 10 Hoy pot.13SW cm..fte votes* 11.1. few WV 50 to .0so ;lc! I00 Ulm We. •••"i Oa 5 00 to hr o BO to 2 sai vim 01. OM= OM caw rap am SP 0 0 21 to "'Sato* per bag (new),.. „„ „ 0 ea to 80It (Thig) Rosberre1- 1 25 to Wsott par me tIongto ono e 00 to Waal pet oord (aketi)„... cm de 3 00 to am ma Ne• 66, 99 Oa 0 25 10 ver a* 14.•••••••• •.• ••.• Baia. 6 00 to Timetby of I 26 to Caw. per th-- es OW 4, oe• fee M. am am ais 06 to Polk, per 100, L.. .. 0. 7 60 to 0 18 0 20 2 75 700 5 85 0 28 0 78 0 76 100 820 805 000 7 60 200 25 820 Dairy Markets. TORONTO, February 21nt-Butter--,The market a very firm in tone, and little but- ter of arty kind i8 corning forward. Cream- ety prints ire quoted much higher, end otron iinea ate more or Ie nominal, in the abeenoe of arrivalo. Quotations era :- Creamery prime, 28 to 300 ; good to choice dairy tubs, 19a to 20o; medium dairy, 16 to 17e ; inferior irt4e dairy, 14e to 15e9good to choice dairy pound rolls. 21c to 22o ; lodge dairy rolln 190 to 20o, medium dairy, 17+3 to 18a - Cheese -There is a normal trade doing, era the market is quoted neohanged at lle for large, and ilia for Dwins. Egee-The market is firm, and eggs ain somewhat source here. New laid' are quoted about, steal y b 27e, fresh are higher at: 20 to 2Iceaud limed at 19 to 20e. MONTREAL, February 21 -Cheese -Dell and English buyers stem to have enough to got along with withont calling on any supplies! on this side. Fioin cablea below it will be eeen that priees are rather letver in London, On spot priests ere Still nom- inal. Butter -The market continues to have a stropg tone, and prices hold firm at 22 to 28e. Receipts are +somewhat larger. Eggs -Fair demand. Sales of Montreal limed in wholesale way were made at 19 to Nish lower grades at 16i- to 18o, selected fall fresh at 23 to 24e per dozen. In a job- bing way Montreal limed in single owes sold at 20o, and *Wetly fresle at 303 per dozen. Grain. etc. ToRONVO. February 21--Whest-White, 51-08 to 51.09 ; rid, 51 08; goose, 91 to 92o; epring, 51.02 ; cereal. 51.07; peso, 703; oats, 430 • barley, 52o. Hety-No. 1 timothy, 510 ;.o 511 51; clover or mixed, $8 per ton. Straw -Sheaf straw, $1.1 ; loose, 57. 8�. Hoge -o- Dressed bees, Befit, $8 Per oar; heavy,- 57.50 per cert. Mill - feed -5I4 to .$14 50 for -bran in bulk, $16 to 516 60 for ehorts, eaet and west; Mani- toba. 519 •to 520 for shorts, $19 for bran exports. • Poultry; Tononoo,February 21-14 niet mid 'steady and crated unehanged. Tarkein 12 to 13e, duck% 13 to 14o; geese, 11 to 12o, chows chickens!, 12 to 14o, old, 8 to 10o. Potatoes. 41NTO Petiruary 21.-Potittoge-Un- changed. Ontario ebook, 65 bo ‘,70e on teaek, and 75o to -80e out of vote. Eastern, 75a to 80e on track and 90 to 95o out of store. Seeds. . TORONTO: Febreary 22.-Alaike, No. 1, 54.75 to $5 25; elatire No. 2, 54 to 54.50; alsike No 3 53 to $3'60 ; timothy No. 1, 51.10 to 51.30 o timothy No. 2, 90e to 51; 1, red clover No. 1. 57 to $7.5; red clover ' No. 2, $6 25 to 56.60, all per build. Live i3tock- Markets. LONDGN, England, February 2I-Qaota- tione for Canadian cattle to -day - ere un- changed, but fairly steady at 10- to 1 lo per pound ; refrigerator beef, ie 8 to 81e per per pound ; ebeep, 12 to 13a per pound, and lambs 13?-, to 140 per pound. LivERPOGL, February 21 -American cat - 5g to.50,2i Canadiatr, 5d. BUFFALO, February 2lat -Cattle-a-Ain tine for butchers' grades and 10 to 15c higher; native and heavy dull and. lOo lower. Prime steers, 55.50 to 55.75 ;.ship- ping, $4.75 to 55.35; butchers', 54.50 ' to $5.25 ; heifers. $3.25 to 54 85, 30W0, 52.50 to $435; bulls!, 475 to 5425; stockers and feeders+, 52.50 to 54.35; stook heifers. 52 to 52.75 ; fresh cows and epringere, 52 to 53 higher ; good to Ohoioe, 552 to 560; medium to good, $36 to 550; 3ommon, 525 to 532. Yealt-Active and 253 higher at $4.50 to 59 76, a few at 510.1 Etoge-Ao- tive,a and 10 to • 15o lower; heavy and !nixed, $5 40 to 55.45; Yorkers!, $5.30 to 53.45.; pigs, -35 10 to 55 ; roughs, 54.50 to $4.73 atage, $3 to 53.75. Sheep and 'Ambit-A:tie° and higher; native lambe, 56.50 to 59.40; western lambs, 58.75 to $9-; yearlings, 57 75 to 58 ; wethers, 86.75 to 57 ; eweet 56.25 to 56.50; sheep, Mix- ed, 52 50 to 56.50. MONTREAL, February 21st -The cattle advicea today from Liverpool and London same weak and noted a deoline prioes for cattle of 1,c to lc per pound; owing to the continued" heavy supplies add -a limited de- mand. Tee feature of the trade was the tontinned strength in the markee for hogs, anclorri3ea advanced 75o per hundred lbs., owing to the sleareity and the good demand for tee same from packerSalm of select- ed lots uere made at $6 40 per 100 pounds, fed and watered, whiela ase equivalent to $7.75 weighed of care. In cattle the feel- ing was firmer, owing to the smaller run. The demand was fair and a better trade W es done, the market being well cleaned up. Choice sold at 41 to So; good, 4 to 4 -le; fair. 3.-t. to 3et3 ; common, 211 to 3o, and inferior 11e, a, ...tie. Sheep and Lambe quiet but fierre Sheep sold at 3,t,: to 4c; lamb, to 5c ; calves 'brought 52 to $5 each. TORONTO, February 22nd -Exporters - The supply of eluppbeg cattie was limited, nab more than five straight loads being of- fered, all told. The demend was fair, ow- ing to a scarcity of good butchers', and Rome et the cattle that were good enough in quality, and were brought in for ship- ment, were bought for butchere' purposes. Prirei for expatere ranged all the -way from 54 25 to 54.85 per awe, the bulkgo- ab $4 40 to 54.70 per cwt. Eipore bulls- eold at 53 -to $3 7S. per cwt. Butehere- Trade in good to choice butcher cattle was brisk, while ooinmon to medium, which were More plentiful, did not sell so rapidly ae might be expeoted,ciurtng e time of light ram Choice picked lote, equal in quality, ;to the best exporterneold at 54.30 to $4,45, and one lot of Christmas fed cattle, men- tioned above, brought S4.75 ; loads of good sold at 54 121 to 54.25; fair to good at 53.73 to 54; medium at 53,40 to $3 60; eommen. at $3 to 53 ; cowe. 52.75 to 53.23. Feeders and Stockers --There were eeveral prominent ferment looking for good -utility feeders, lent there were few to be had. About one load, picked up in ,striall lots, -was reported by Crawford & fluent - sett ste beiug aold at 54.25 to 54.35 per mt. These were deers weighing 1,175 to 1,250 pounds eaoh, and would be called short - keeps, although rieely were brought in for exporte, Mitch ;Alters -Few were offered, although there was a good demand for hose of cholee quality. Prices are nomin- al at $30 to 535 each, and an extra ohoioe cow haiglie being a little more money. Veal tealvite-The demand for them is good and priced are firmer at 53.50 to 56 25 per cwt. More would have founchready sale tie ;these price. Sheep and Lambs -Prices I were armee. Export ewes sold. se 54.50 to $5 per atet ; bucks at 83.75 to 54.25 per; owt; lambs at 56 to 56.75 per owe. Hogelo-Re- snipes were light at $5.40 for selects, and 53,16 for lights and feta. THE LIFIIRON EXPOSITOR. THE CANADIAN BANK F COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. -1111•••••••elLr ear voaldereleeI6 Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 HON. GEO. A. COX, President. J. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l imager, fro Branches IANNE,Altatar UNITED ST TES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, rtANSA.CTED. oto.m..........776mael...6466. 4 .3E1am:tors' and Graziers' Banizi gm Every facility afforded farmers ani graziers for their bankieg business. N tee die counted. Sale Notes cashed or taken for collection, damams•mwarnammilMillimm••••••••1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 'Deposits of 51 and upwerds reoeived, and interest allowed at current ratee fr m date of deposit. Intermit added to the deposit twice in eaoh year, at the end o May and November. The depoldeor is subject to no delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or an portion of the deposit. ' BANKING BY "MAIL. Deposits eney be made or withdrawnby mail. Out:of-town aecennte receive every attention. • SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.. q. E. PARKES, Mane er, SALE REG/STERN On Thursday. March 9tle, at one o'clock p. m., on Lot 10, Concession 11, Hulled, Horses and Cattle, includivg 16 Heavy Draught Colts from 2 to 4 *eau old. Jas. Leiper, proprietor; Thos. Brown, auction eer. On Taesday, February 28bh, at 1 &cloak p. m., on Lot 1, Concession 13, Efullett, Farm, Farm Stook, Implements and Household Furniture. Alex. Smith, pro- prietor ; Thos. ErOwn, auctioneer. On Saturday, February 26th, at two o'clook p. m., at the reeidence of the late DUUCall:BAKU= .11eneall,. Household Furniture, John .koberbson, executor; John tallier, anctioneer, On Saturday, Match 11, it 1 o'clock p. M. ab the Rectory, Seakir5b, Household Fulmiture, etc. Rev. I, W. Roden!, pro- prietor ; Thotnite' Brown, audit:meet. Oa Baturdey, March 4, at 2 o'olook p. m., at the Commercial Hotel, Betiforide. choice 175 more farm. Robert Govenlook, proprietor, Thomas Brown,. auctioneer. On Monday, March 60, at 1 o'olook p. m., on Lob 25, Concession 3, Tnekeremith, Clearing Sale of Farm Stook and linpie. menta. Edward Caldwell, proprietor ; T. Brown, auctioneer. • h On'Thursday, Marsh 2nd, at 1 o'clook p, m., on Lot 22 Conoession 6, Hallett, Farm Stook. D. Re;yoolds, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 8th, at 1 o'clook p, mo. on Lot 8, Concession 7, Stanley, Farm Stook. Robert and John Forest,' proprietors.; Thou. Brown, auctioneer. On Tuesday, March 7th.. at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp,em Lot 28, Concession 9, Morris, Farm Stock and Implemenee. John Lamb, proprietor; Thos 'Brown, auctioneer. esemennensie.• 1311%1143. DALE -In Hallett, on February 14th, to Mr and Mr e James Dale, a daughter McKINNON-In Toronto, on February 18th, to Mr and Mrs John 8 McKinnon, formerly of Blyth, 000 HALE -In Clinton, on Februery /8th, to Mr and Mrs 0 B Hale, a daughter FLYNN-In Hullett, on February 18th, to Mr and Mrs Owen Flynn, a daughter Marriages. BOYD-OARNOMAN-At the mann, Egrpond. • vine, on February 15th, by Rev N Phew B A, Mr Robert Boyd. oi Manton, to Alias Agnes Carnochan, of Seaforth BARR-WELSH-At the residence of 1\he bride's parents, Grey on February 220d, by 1 Rev D B IdeRae, Mr Win Alvin Barr to Mies Selina, daughter of Mr end tiro A G %Veldt, all of Grey BRODIE-RITCHIE-In Grey, at the home of Mr • J McIntosh, brother-irelew of the bride, on February 22nd, by Rev D B McRae, Mr Charlem Brodie, to Mies Mary Ritchie PATE -RICHMOND -At the reeidenee of the bride's parents, 011 February 16th, by Rev Jr McLean, Mr Thomas Pete, of Hullett, to Mise Mary 0, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Rich. mond ef Morris COOPER -WATT -In St Thomae, on February 16th, at the residence on Mr Amos Cooper, the groom's brother, by Rev G A Gifford, Mr F. Cooper, to Miss Maggie Watt, of Clinton MOFFATT-RICHARDSON-At the rAidenoe of - the bride's mother, &noels, on February 16th, by Rev John Ross, B A, Mr Wm V Moffatt. of Turnberry, to Miss Annie, daughteir of MreM G Richardson, of Brussels RODWELL-SNELL-In Wiogham, On February 14th, by Rev Dr Grandy,. et the reeldence of the bride's4father, Kr George James Rodwell. of Middleton, Ont., to ?dies Annie M Snell, of • Wingliam LITTLEJOHN-HYNDMAN-At the residence of the bride's parents, llowick, on February 8th, by Rev A B Dobson, Mr Thomas Littlejohn, to Mise Catherine Hyndman Deaths. SLEETR-In Seaforth, on February 20bh, David Sleoth, aged 88 years. LIVINGSTONE-In Meno,Arkensae, of pleuro pneu- reonia, on February 210, John W Livingstone, M D, son of Therese Livingstone, Hullett, aged 39 years and 8 months NESBITT-In Clinten, on February 12th, Chris. Neebitt, of Goderioh township, aged 83 yeare TFLFER-In Grey, on February llth, Jean, eldest daughter of Wm and Margaret Teller, aged 29 years and 8 months TOWNSHEND-In Upland, Califoroia, on February 12th, John Townshend, son of the late Wto Townshond, of Goderieh township, aged 23 years BAWTINHEIMER-In Grey, on February 19th, Elizebeth Churchill, relict of the late Wro Bawtinhelmer Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Night calls answered at Mr. hloKenzie's residence, Church St., third house north of public sohoot, west side. Graduate Massa- ohusets College of Etubalming, Boston, 11.8 Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH. ElARII FOR. SALE. -For sale lot 29, on the 9th 32 coneession ef Hibbert, containing 100 aores,all in a good state of cultivation. There is op the pre- mises a brick house and brick kitchen and a good cellar. There is also a large bank barn. 60 x 40 and leanto of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath. Also a shed 80 x 80 ft and a driving house with everything complete. There are three never failing wells on the premises, there is also a large orchard with a good garden. There are 10 aores .of fall wheat sown and there -are 40 sores seeded dowp. Either suitable for hay or pasture. All the fail ploughing le done. The farm is well underdralned with tile and well fenced with wire fences, It Is in a good locality, being situated two and a half miles from Chlselhurst, whers,there ls a post &hoe and two churohes,lietborpeb and Presbyterian, 8 miles from &worth and there is a gocai gravel road run- ning past the farm. I* le in good condition and will be sold on reasonable terms as the proprietor wlahes to retire. For further portioulare Apply on the premises or to CHARLAS EBERHA.RT, Staffa P. 0., Ontario. 1941-4 AUCTION SALES. us:Timms 'AUOTION SALE of Hors a and Li Cattle. --Mr. Thomas' Brown has reoei ed in- structions from the undersigned proprietor, sell by public auction oh int re, concession 11, H11ost. on Thursday, March 94h, at 1 o'clook sharp, the fol- low* valuabfe property, viz: lierees.-15 d u ht colts, Mlles and gel Inge, rising 2 and 8 year b d ; 1. draught gelding tieing 4 years old ; 1 genet 1 pur- pose horse, twine ;mato old, also the j.11nown Clydesdale 84a111418, Prince of Midlothia Ca tle,- 3 cows in calf ; 1 farrow 0011' ; 4 steers iIing three years old • 8 heifers, rising 8; n steers rIaIflg 2 : two heifers rising 2.; 4 calves. All of which will h sold without reserve. Terms of sale.] --Nine nth& or. ditron "apPtoved joint notes. Five per 'oe 6. per annum for moth. -JAMES LEIFER, Froprl tor ; 4$1108. BROWN, Auctioneer. . 1 1.2 CLEAR1)1G SUM of Perin Stook and lin Imo enter -names nonce has receivoi lustre lions from Mr. Monies Brooks, to sell by pilblio au Mon on 1. t et, concession 10, t'Iwnship of Hibbe • on evergovieza.d:styiehtevrychareabahihrb5r,otahde xnf oo ,rrr efeorpai PurPese horse, 1 hervy draught colt 8. years old, mod by Pride ef Gleartio, 4 cows In cialf, 1 fat teer, 1 heifer tieing 2 years old, 2 steerarising 2 year' old, 1 steer riling 1 year old, 2 heifers, rising 1 year. old, 1 calf 2 monthe old. 1 breed ow, 7 pigs 2 ntohthe old, 60 hens. Imp1ernente.-1 Mosey -Harris. bind. er, 1 Maxwell Mower. 1 Noon seed drill oomblined, land roller, 1 hay rake, 1 set diamond harrow'', walking plow, 1 twin gang plovol souther, 1 roper, 1 wagon, I pair bobsleighs, 1 top buggy, 1 road Sort, 1 cutter, 1 well windlass and buoket, 1 gravel box, hay -took, a Clinton fan mill, 1 pnlper, 1 bag ituok and bolder, 1 pig reek, 1 sugar keitle, 1 hay 'o, ar, stings, fork; rope and pulleys, 1 grind stone,1 stone boat, 1 straw cutter, 1 water trough, 1 wheelbar- row, I eat team harness, 1 set plow harness, 1' set single harm", a number of 8 inch tile, a quantity of hay snd roots, whiff" etrees, neck yokes, 2 logging chains, forte, shovels and household eff eds. Elsie ot one o'elook. Terms. -All owe of 116 and under, cash, over the: aninunt 10 months' coedit will be given on aporoved phi% notes. 8 per cent. off 'for • cash on credit emounts. No reserve as. theni.ip m ron. rietor has sold his farand is retiring. THOMA,S BROOKS, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer 10r Perth and Huron. A. UCTION SALE of..Farm stook and Implement,. J% -Mr. James Jones, auctioneer, will sell for Mr. R. A. Switzer, lot 28,oncession 9, townshipl of Hibbert, two and a half milieu west of Staffa., on Wednesday. March let, at 1 efelnak sharp, the f1. lowing : liOri3C8,—Brood mare 10 years old la Oat to Prince Glaenick, 1 general purpose mare rising 5 years old, 1 draught gelding rieleg 4 years old. ,by Glasnio, 1 filly rising 1 year old, sired by Glasnid, 1 filly rising 8 years old, sired ry Tyrone. t Cattle.. -2 newly calved eowe, 3 cows supposed to he in calf, 2 helfere eupposed to be in calf, I steers rising 8 years old, 4 steers rising 2 years old, 2 heifers, rie• ing 2 years old, 6 steer calves, 1 heifar calf, 2 little °payee. Pige.-5 brood Bowe eupposed to be in pig, 7 pigs 10 weeks old, 9 pip just weaned. Fowl,-8 pullete. lmplemente.-Binder, 6 foot Out, lifoOnr. miclq; Hay rake, 10 feet wide, Frost & Wood ; mete- or, 6 It out, Maxwell : fanning mill ; Bain wagon, box and spring peat ; prairie sleigh, drill, turnip sower ; single bungs, valet), 2,000 lbe ; disc, harrow; wagon rook ; turnip clutter ; • set of iron harrow; land miler ; gang plow ; long plow: hay fork ; Wings and pulleys; ropeeend car; 2 sets double her- oes° nearly new ; ,Chatbam incubator, 120 egge eke nealty; ladder, especially made for picking apples ; a quantity of hay and good oat straw in barn. Terms of sale, -All 601119 of $10 and under, cash; over that amount seven months' credit on approved joint notes; a discount of 6 per cent, per arm* for cesh lo lieu of notes. Positively no reeerVe the proprietor is going west. R. A. SWITZER, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1941x1' Salvation Army's International Congress in MOVING PICTURES, Town Hall, Seaforth. On Wedneeday,March 1st at 8:o'clock p.m, lestaosioN avail The Salvation Army will present 3,000 feet of Moving Pictures of their Great Intereational Con -I • gress, recently held in London, Rosined. Adjutanti Wakefield, Reprentative of Territorial Ileeelq uar- tem, Toronto, who was present at the congrese, will give a descriptive lecture. The scenes produced are the Great Readevr of 26 000 Salvationists by Gerei eral Bonth at the 0 yetel Palmer ; the General in, his motor oar ; Conamiesioner Eva Booth andi, March of the Canadian Contingent, including Ind-, hoe, cow boy, Elontlyke Pioneers, Newfoundlan& Sailors, the Renowned Canadian Steir Band and' eplendid Braes Band and Children from Bermuda, I Delegations from all ports of the Globe, Nativel Dances, Military Manoeuvre, the Army's Finest Bands, Commissioner Coombs, (Canada's New Load- er), and British -Ital. There is also a set of moving piotureff illustrating the Salvation Army Farm Col- ony. A generous quantity which will be deeply interesting. In adntion to the iropoeing there will.; no leak of the humorous. Captain Parker will pro -1 jeot the above by means of the well known Erwin& Bioscope. The machine and eq uipment is said to be the best that has ever been used in thia country. The pictures are 16 ft. in diameter and the people of Seaforth are to be favored with an entertainment of eXceptional merit. .These moving piotureii )lave tweeted a great sensation wherever shown. Band. mater Peckham, a brillisnt cornetist, will assiet in theimusleal program. If you detire to spend a de. lightful evening do not fail to see this wonderful exhibition. The prices of admission are: adults 250- children 16o. Tickets' can be prooured front the-offi oerd. 19414 South Huron Farmers' Institute. Meetings under the auspices of the South Huron Partnere' Institute will be held as follows : Elim. ville, Township hall, on Saturday, February 26 ; Crediton, Township hap on Monday, February 27; Grand Bend, Brennerds all, on Tuesday, Febrnary 28; Zurich, Township hall, Wednesday, March 1; Hensel!, Miller's hall, on Thursday, March 2nd ; Bayfield, Town Hall, on Friday, March 8rd. Eaah of the above meetings will commence at 1 o'clock sharp, Evening Ideetiugte-At each place evening meetings will be held, when the programme will =insist of addressee, mutate' eto The evening meetings will comnienoe at 7:80. The speakers - Each of the abvoe meetings will be addressed by Dr. 11. G. Reid, Georgetown, J. L. Warren, Acton, also by local speakers. Eaoh meeting Gan select from the various subjects the ones they desire to have dimmed. The evening meetings will be ar- ranged for by the loos! direotors. All are cordially invited and the meetings will be made Se instruct- ive and interesting as possible. THOS. ERASER, 8. SMILLIE, 1941-1 Preeident Secretary. PACIFIC SERGE S. 1/4 Guaranteed Sunproot. A Trial Order Solicited AAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwkwi Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors. 1111.10.110•1 ITDder the Town Clock, - , SEAFORTH. OKINNON & CO 0 131.1Y -Ma Opening New Goods. Our new pods, suitable for early Spring trade, are arriving in large quantities. Our furdhases for the Spring trade are on a more extensive scale than formerly. Our trade is rapidly increasing, and we have prepared for a large trade this Spring: We make a specialty of Fine Dress Goods, and show some very special lines this season. Black and Navy X,..4jtres, 54 inches Wide, fine glossy -finish, good value at 65o, speeial price 50o. • Fisoablaek and colored !awes grew) vaItie at 250, 35e 50e, 75e and $1. Crepe de Cheee, 45 inches wide, in colors ef blaok, brown, navy and green, very speoial, at 50e per yard. Fide oteoptne cloth, 42 inches wide, itt colors of black, navy and brown very &menial at 501, Venetians, in bifiok and navy, 54 inches! wide, fine glossy &deb, at 75e, 51 an 1 25. Black Broadcloth, 54 Inches wide at 753, $1, 1,25 and 1.50. Mercerizsd Vetting!! inhll the new designs, from 12o to 56o. Ornitee new prints, in all patterne. very'epeotal, 12io. New a -rushee, linen lewne end organdies, in great variety, from 10d1to 350 per yard, ' Valencienee laces and insertions+, in great variety, from lo per yard up. 1‘•rew union carpets. in new patterns, at 25o, 35o, 40e and 500. New Tapestry harpets, new designs, at 25o, 35e, 500 and 75o. Goods Any Winter goods on kand will Ise sold regardless of cost. If you want a Fur Jacket, or Furs of any kind, come and see us, We will make it worth your while. Ladies' Cloth Coats will be sold. at half price to chill*. 0.AeS.IFE neSiga) C:MM McKINNON ,8c CO., ELYTH. BIG REDUCTIONS. •EVERY WINTER GARMENT MUST GO, The Price of Overcoats CUT IN HALF. All Clothing and Men's Furnishings a iPrioes you never dreamed of. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous. ' Butter and eggs taken as cash. 0 ebruary Sale. # .444+14+1+1.1*14.114-1444444.44+444444 DRY GOODS—Heavy Wool Blankets, $2,85 per pair; Grey Flannels,, 20c per yard; Ladies' Skirts, $2.75 a piece. • CLOTHENG—Suitse-A $10 suit this month for $7.50 ; a $1,25 pant this month for 75c each; a $1 suit of underwear this month for 75e, GROCERY—Tea a specialty ; a Japan at 25c a lb.—blended at 30 c a lb,; Coffee a specialty (a Java and Mocha blended). We are paying .19e a lb. for Choice Roll Butter, AND 3c A LB. FOR DRIED APPLES, B. GUNN, Seaforth. WATO4f1 OUR WEEKLY QUOTATIONS. - Hunting For better ta or v Ice than we render is a waste of time. No one could supply your wants better than we. • The one commodity in which good quality is imperative, is: Drugss Here you get) them in their beet and pur- est state. You can relit upon them abs6- 1ute1yi3 The face that they are rnodeeately priced does not mean inferiority here. Ten boxes White Castile tint received, 21lia. for 253. Our own Neuralgic Cure, guarantsed, 253. abottle. "Never Fail" Corn Cure, 10e a box. "Our Own" Con- dition Powder for bones, 25c a package. Buchu J uniper Bhiney. Pale, for rheuma- tism and sore back, 253 a box. Sleighs selling at big reduction to clear. Big bargains+ in china, We are agents for Cook'Cotton Root I Compound, and Prof. Dyke's Oil of Pines. ;I 0. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, CARDNO'S • - - BLOCK S 13.`11_1=1 - 'Wedding Rings. We have supplied the rings for quite a number of wedding' in the pint eight years, and have yet to learn of a com- pla,int. Our rings are not cast Hopi buo wiougbt and hard burnished, so they will not wear away so fast, and I hove a good color and shape. Our mark -J. B. —ie stamped. in each ring whether 10k, 14k or 18k, sold by weight, and every one warranted as stamped. Initiele and date will be , engraved free inside if wanted. Oohn Bulger, Jeweller, Seaforth, llltladam Wartda Egyptian Palmist. la no*, in town where she will remain until Monday next. She revesla the toyeteries of life such as bustnese, ooratehip, love and marriage and gives infqmation on all affairs, Don't mire the chance of seeiii: her and getting her advice, A visit to Ma4&m Wanda will 'satisfy the moat ekeptdcal. At the Royal Hotel, hours 0 a. m. to 10 p. in. Madam Wanda is noted to be one of the best, palmistin Canada. 1911x1 SEE])B ARLEY.-The undersigned has on lot 11, 'concession 2, L. R. S., Tuakeesmith, a quan- tity Of Mendeobeurie barley for seed. Clean and free from foul seeds. A, Q. SMILLIE, Hensel! 19.414. SIGN vt. CIRCULAR -OF SAW THE ';-0;sr.p. rn go rn 0 E' CO°, c'L: 0 0' 0 ONO 1-4 Pa at Cr) 0 16j eriP2 a 04 0 5 14 CD et' gt' oisig CDo 0-4 rja 1:54 Pus tg::33a M 143 " 0 4 tdoll CD P CD oa Pcj CD 1,51, et- ---, r12 Cd frc4. a; 11=4 l'et 1-4 L c-4 Ng mifb c+ Plz w cus gik co ft 0 t:s Er') NEW SHOE STORE. 111M., MIEN NNW 4111••••1 To the citizens of the town ce Sad orth and vicinity. 1 ,• Having decided to open up bnsineo in the boot and shoe line in Seaforth, 1 shall old and titer Wed. needay, 22nd Wit., be prepared meet all require. mente in Ws line, and would kindly solicit a share of your patronage, and it shall be my earnest en- deavor to execute all work entrusted to me in a prompt and satisfactory manner, I have been in the employ of Mr It Willis, for the past 25 yews and have now deoiddd to do for myself. Those wishing to see me will flnd me one door north of A. Camp- bell's Implement store, Main street, Seaforth. Fine heed -sewed work a specialty. 1941x1 J EIN MeQUAIDE. 8 Corner Molls ant Morkst Srooto Sesta rth Ontario. ickard Thai Dri oda sat Clothing Conoorn Le Fr Coontiati , _ ..........•••••*••••••••••••• Our Annual STOOK -TAKING- , SA 1. E- IS. ,NOW 11-1-144-44.44441elefeltiereHr This is a continuation of, our AiivaIStock- Clearing Sale. Suck bargains as'were never .offered in this store will be given at the sale that starts February 3rd. Goods are priced to quickly reduce stock, All remnants and ends and odd lots Of goods to be cleared, re- - gardless of price. Our prices on all furs left will be found bargains out of the ordinary. See the following list : Dress Goods- Depart.n A line of Colored. Sathens, regular priee 13e, to clear for no. Double fold Moire Skirting, regular‘price 50e, for 250. Mercerized Skirting. worth 25e, sale price 19e. A table of Remnants and Ends of Dress atods. Velvets, et., at 1i1f price. A pile of double fold Dress Goods, black and colors, *regular prices 37o to 50a, for 250. A. quantity of Dress Goods, regular prices 50e to 75e, sale price 356, .A quantity of Fancy Silks, regular pleas from 50e to $1, sale price 25e. Fifteen per cant off all heavy shawls. Imitation. A.straehan Gauntlets, ladiest sizes, worth 75e, for :30e. Mises' Astrachan Gauntlets, regular pikes 50e, clearing for 32e. Ten Fur Muffs at 50c each. Twenty-ve per cent. off all Ruffs, Muffs Caperines, etc. All Ladies' Coats are marked. at Orices t ethat it will pay you to see ; never before have dependable goods been told at such prices. 0.4 -44.4 -0140** -4'.444.4 -4..t. -41-04-420-0-4-4A Lades' Department. Five:dozen Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, worth 60e, on 13a1e to clear -at See Misses' Union Vests, regular prices 20c and 25e each, on sale at two for 25 cents. • Ladies', misses' and children's Underwear at 15 per eent.,off J Ladies' Feinnelette Wrappers 15 per cent, off, Three dozen Ladies' Black Satin Waiete, sizes 32, 34. and 36, worth front $1, to $1.25, your choice for 50e each. Black and colored glace leid and suede gloves, mostly small sizes, to °Tear at 50c each. We are still continuing our Whitewear sale. Gowns from. 50e to 55 Skirts from 75c to $5, Corset Covert from 25o to $L A table of smallwares, consisting of Ladies' Belts, Hand Bags, Belt Buckles, rim, at 25c each. A quantity of Ribbon to clear at one cent a yard. A box of children's and misses' Ringwood Gloves to clear t 15e a pax,. 6 4 a 44÷÷N÷14+ Staple Departmen A table of Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, etc., worth from 10e tee 12ic'for oie a yard, A. table of heavy dark Loch Lomond Flannelette, worth 14c a yard,. to clear at 91c. Three bales of 16 ozgrain bags, worth $3 a dozen, on sale at $2,35 a dozen—a bargain, see them. A pile of 9e Flannelette for 6c,, a pile of Cottonade worth 18e, fe 11.1,c • a pile of Sheeting's worth 10c, for The. A few patterns of Table Linens clearing at 190 a yard. Special values in Flannelette Blankets, Wool Blankets, Comforters, eta. wkiv~tAivkAAANWEAW/W# Clothing Department In men's, youths; and boys' Overcoats, we are gb ivine suelt values as were never offered in this county. All goods must be cleared regardless of price. Odd lots of men's, youths', boys' and children's fellit0 on sale at prie.ea never before offered by -us. A pile of men's heavy shirts, worth from 75e to $1.25, to clear at 50Q each. Men's fleeced and i/ool Uncleiweat at greatly reduce3. pekes. • tereseiteettoWWW4ArrefeArreneoefetf~oe MEN'S HJRS. This is the great clean-up time in Furs. Our business has been large this season, but we have 50 men's fur coats Iieft in coon, calf, Australian coon, wombat, black and brown dog. All the above are dependable pods, made for the present season's trade but they must be sold, an they will be cleared at your own price, as we positively will not carry them from one season to another. • Twenty-five sleigh robes left to be cleared regardless of price. WM. PICKARD & C4). DIRECT IMPORTERS Opposite Town Building. COMO! lIfftln and Market Rte. &earth. GRAND TRUNK RSYSTEM Special One Way Excursions from Seaforth to Billings, Montana, $35 05; Denver, Color ado Springe, Helena, Butte. Montana, Or den, Salt Lake City, Male 540.05, Neilson, Roseland, B. 0., Spokane, Wash., $40.55 ; Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Waeh., Vancou- ver, Viotoris, B. C., 543.05; Ban Fran- cisco, Califoralia, $43 60. Proportionately low rates to other pointy. Tickets on sale from March 1st to May 15th, 1905. For tickete and full information, call 071 W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent - A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent For Sale. • Coe 4 to 6 h. p. Gleoline Engine-Coulde Shapley & Muir make'almost new. Also one Maple Leaf Grinder. One 10 h. p. Pitt's Horse Power. -All the above for sale cheap. The ROBERT BELL Engine and Thresher teooletd. 1933-tf Seaforth, Notice to Contractors. Tenders Wanted -Wanted for the erection of two, brick houeee, ono in bionillop and one in Tucker - smith, on oppoeite sides of the Haron Road. Mors mud specifications may be seen at Devereux's, one- half valle cent of Seaforth. Tenderwill be melt'. ed up to March eth, 1906. 1412. a