The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-17, Page 5a of onr Spring shoee 1 the great bulk of trefore, itrtportant that Marcie to make the ler to accomplish Gee e prices so interest- ney in 7,1(10k:et by buy. evy Rubbera and So; tog need_ a_igh4 new, lusts ranging from 15 tt a short one. Look 3ome or send for it peir. or. for 91 crt; pair. s pairt tin pair. • keaforthe,. " Entprese bronght before Ma - „;. of Crediton, end 'O'er, (art& comtriit ted el at +the, spring, me- th_ The. charae !laid ois Etat at. diffreent, hed reeeieed earette :( belonging' to Mr. used them or his hod made [no en- ef th# trent:etc- -, tire- evade:rico had ty t tre ananiatr a t etre eye eetntement a - �e taisen.- the money if wet h tiny fr.tutl-. .W(L Iliseettettlerot li- ed Nerttnirt rgail in. the - :or hie 'appearance a. apringe asnizen.-Cone. ensaiL arik of Canada, chater- • 42 branchee tri Canada ,of the world Interest en 1- a. year. Abaolute security turtwus treatemot, modern, mt le invited. H. Atnold 1034-tf 3nry, barristers, at Hen Md Seeurdays. 1662 -ti - to buy ay quantity of 1. Send us samples stating La, e. ropers and seed -snub; 1138-1 „We have tires week etieet tit of Dir. Fran- : twItiolt ortoureed: 0.1" I Sat urchey east, uuf ▪ geferenne will bo tk's itetuo.-We ham o ka t I lof Mrs. W vj11 eideet tdauelt- 'it& Murray. of this tetina were intei•reef Leett'lete Rodger vielte. end of twhom. more, (-nen will eleo In- k% eiroeie.-Areee f(!r- -,isantly entertained friends tan Twee - tend Mrs. eDr.) let.r- eday teeteninee-Itt.v. „ (-ache need puipi on, of Lee.kncee, • A. 13i,andt very tined. a tiumber et i -Wednesday ev e tr. leltedd has !been !nerd of enanagt.re another or cfourfir end Miss Wren tno. pleasant vis - and f reende 111 .1•-; -IC ere b Joe ked 1 ;nee lads evtil Lee Pt of 'the ttek. • so.lo Sunda 4r mill ieresby ern- eri muchieteerelt- 'ettitte pecple Tr cern pletisant evt•rt- a i home of f R. t c Thoma., of , •of Dundee, cord .1 Get:trete of lot% ire ttoneeing he. -etre Mrs. (W. C. I ete , nee Iteitel tiff ila y -re oleo htirt.oi t leo UnPra I .te Fr anhZ., • In Rebel eon, or trtiesionary (were tshureit, 1611 ;the church. ti iti It 25th. Service,' e nz. Th -e (tact or t'iortutat tryniple, jr., hat,. ef tire let (- an (ret her tV 1t h • l'rquhert, of t her a un t, M rs. Kinn.. of Kirtear • :weak v'reiT A. Kin. U. - Irtotrt net tee vtt , •Onee t1tn Intate- hetithurcji on Writ. C. i. of Huntsville. let t pato et.k la. rerneint .0•f iterneent in the Rodger eine. • ttfonktonlas eein of 1-C1,4411:II difT about ei *rite to accept a. on. AND ination of anti - the price to any aiy Hay that "1 TARIO. • i; —neer - • ....it* el=leien•10010, Shrt700rae February leth, 1005. Ali MINA) 1 00 to I 02 wheat (nett) - 1 00 to 1 06 eistspal 0 85 10 '0 86 •neee per Duette.- e, aba. 0 60 to 0 62 _ ,seeiey per irnevni.„ • . 0 40 to 0 42 te titer, L took, ORM Oa ses •• • 14 0 es to 0 16 netter,:initi --M. OM we epet IEN. 0 14 eu 0 ea Ems say dos- a es« Ise am e • a V 0 19 ki 0 20 romper 100144...... 2 5010 2 78 Om tee TOW N. Mel el • Mb a. itte ow ft& ma6 50 to 700 pm 100 bl- 6 00 - ta 535 bterkineitO rae"4; '1;4. 50 1110 050 .00 (.6• egie ile.619 fddi tee,Ofe 0 21 0 es reetatoto per titel” thewleat ea..' ,.. 0 60 to 0 76 (retell) per ....1 25 to 1 00 vp10,4 per covet flongl-... -0.- 5 00 to 6 20 eg$04 per cord (shorn.... 3 00 10 06 emegas rr bagelallrelee .111011.01.- 016 •O 25 40 0 00 (C10,411. it. mei efit• MO -1111 0 6 011 to 750 entreeelity -... 1 26 to 206 eatlew, per ere.- emo or 65 fa 26 letterer Pe Re. 7 60 to 8 20 V 17 I9O5. Horse Market. tORONTO, Feb 15. -The following were sthe Prevailiog price -at the Repoeittry for eltiteet week ; Singh. rod.ere, 15 to 16 • bad*, $125 b. $155 ;eongle cells and car- riage hotsee, 15 to 16 1 handl, $150 to elite ; match d pairs end oarriege horses, 15 to 16 1 head..- $350 to 8450 e delivery Intern, 1.100 to 1,200 'lbs., 812a to $160 • Federal rupee end ex reps hones, 1 206 toe nee 11)9..9115 cl to$155; .enght horses, 1,30 to 1,750 lb., $150 to S199, nervire „able tiecond-hand workers, $60 to $75 ; set - etvieerible asoond-hand driver**, $75 tei $90. Seeds-. t011,014T0, Fe(hrtia.y 15.-13114nm has net yet got into the usual spring 'aotieity. The atr-ringts are light, and the prices are-um...ringed. Aleike, $6 to $7 25 for Vtittlei $5-50 tor tnedeim and $2 te $4 for Gotham ; red clove-, $6 25 to $7.25 all f, e. h. Toronto. Timethy, $1 to $1 25, Dairy Mslarkets. TOF.OISTO, February 14th -Butter-The %searcity in. butter is more p .ononneed, and the market is firm, with prices likely to ativinee, . We quote. Creamery -print'', -O. (to 24o; good to choice dairy tubs, 181 to 18o; medium/ dairy, 16a to 17o, infer- ior tirades dairy, 12,) to 14o; gool to choice dairy pound rolise 19e to 20o; . large deity mile, 17a to 10,3 mediem dairy, 15o to 161). Chas—The market is shore) steedy. Job Iota here ere quoted at to lleo for lerge, and lie to 121 for twine. Egge-e-The cold weather is etiffen- ing ma -kat for new laid, which are not eettileg forward to freely. They are quot- tad Unchanged at 26o. Fresh are treacly at •18a to 191. Large *tacks of limed are of- feritig,.and they are quottd easier in tone, .at 16e- Meeetrareen, February 14, -Cheese, On- teriefall Waite, Igo to 10i1 • oolored, 10a be Ifteo ; Qaehee 10a to 10-jo. Batter- Firiest grader, 2210 to 230; ordinary fin- est, glio -to 2;Zi ; medium grades, 20,) to 21e oweetern didry, 18o to 19'. Eggs- -S:010e coldertorage stook, In to 190 ; No.2, lei to ; Montreal, limed, 19c to 6 Potatoes. It -v Otero, February 14. -Potatoes-The enarkieb le steady. Qatari., stock, 65 to 703 en tteeek, and 75o to 80e oat of atom. (Eatteen 75e to 80o on track and 90 to 95o out of ;tore. Grain. etc, ThkoNeo. Febrnary 14 -Wheat; -011- • tante $1.05 tn S1.06 • for red aeci white ; goose, 90o; Manitobe, Winnigep, prices a little firmer, bat quotatione here are uncheeged ; N - 1 northern; $1 10; No. 2, northern $1 0&; N', 3. north att3,91.01 ; =Geotgian Bay port., 6e mere grinding in transit, MtlIfeed-$14 to $14 50 • for bran in bulk, $16 to $16 50 for shortie east and went ; Manitoba, $19 to $20 for (aborts., $18 fee bren. exports. Baled Hay -Ey in to and unebanged at $8 per ton for No 1 tenothy, and 8625 to $6 .50 for Me 2 and Mixed clover. Bele(' Strew -There is plenty offering for all requirement, and the tendency of the market is towatd ewe. - nese Gar lots, on traek here are quo, ed unclionged at $6 te $6 25 per ten. , Live Sticek Markets. Lotibeer, England, February /3 -Ameri- can Goble 61 ; Elanadiane, eied to 5ed. Trade tory slf,W Buestite F- bruary 1411-Qatt1e--tAn- thee 15 le 25.1 higher. ,Prtme ropers, $5.50 to $5,75 t shire:erg, $4 57 to $5 35; buteh- ere', $4.26 o $3.l5; heifers $3.25 to $4.75; cower, $250 t. 8425, • hullo, $2 75 to $1,15; stockers and feeders, 82.50 to $4 25; e took heifers, $2 to $2,50; fresh cows and *tiring - era $2 eet $5 higher, gond hn choice, $50 ttc/$58 ineetern to gond, $36 to $48 ; common, $21 te $32. Veale-tkotive, 253 higher, $4. 60 to $8 50 B egs-Aotive ; 10 to 30 t higher; heavy, $5.45 to 9550 ; mixedi $6 te 95 45; Yeakere, $5 25 to 95 45 ; pig $5 10 to $5 15 ; roughs. 84.60 to 94.80 , t4gt, 93 to $3.50. Sheep and Lembe-Attive and hige er '• native lambs, 86 59 to -98.30 a few aa 98 35; weetPrn kettle 88 to $8.15 ; yearlings, $7 to $7 25, wether, $6 to 96 25 ; e wes. $5.50 to 96.75 ; ()beep, mixed, 92 50 to $5 85. MoNTREA.L, February 14 h -The heavy storm thdeh has b- en raging eittoo last evening hat had a deterring efthot on the trade doneet the Eaat End Abattoir to- day. Arrivals wore fettle, large, while atock was quite eatiefeceory. Bayera were oat in fair trumbers, bat badmen dragged, as atocks ehanged inutile along a rather slow scale. - Cattle-Quelity fair to good. Quotaticaur 'allowed a downward tencleirty. The best quelity told itt 31. to 4to per lb. fair to good, a-ts 41-o per pound; gammon and lean, frbm 2.t- te no per pmnd. Deitch tom. were qoate'ci at 925 to 950, according to qtte.lity and size Sheep and Lambs - Quality good ; prioee firm. Belt sheep told at 34. fel 4o per pound. Lemba were ousted at 43 tit 50 per pound, and in spece id comes a shade higher. Calves -Quality only mediate. Prices fair for stook offer- ed:. _Quetations were from $2.50 to 95 per hetet according to size. Hogs -Prices showed a slight upward tendency, with the -quality of stook fairly good. The beet stock sold at :Act per pound, while leaner Ware quoted et 5 to 6eo pee pound. TORONTO, February 15-Cattle-Et:port -Traria was iltriet in thieline, as few cat- tle were Wrath g There was some demand for cattle to fie apace. and the market had a firm tone. Qar,tatjon mutherged. Choice Me quoted at 84 50 to $3, good to mrd um, p4942.5 ta $4 eD, good cows at 93.25 to e4, 'Butcher tattle -The denten' was abeut aormal, bet, with the light) run of all lines, dealers had wine diffieulty in getting what they emitted, end prices were firm. About the highest) on the market) was 94.65. There was no -unusually brisk tone in the dequiry for oettle and had the run been 116L"'Y the market'inighb have been dull, as it was, medium grade and choice cattle Were those meetly effeeted. Good to choice ere quoted at $4.15 to 94.65, fair to good all $30 to 94 mixed 93 to 93.75 com- mon $1.75 to sa 23; and cows at 92.50 to 1,1.25. Stocker* and Feeders -Feeders were firm fie iympathy with other cattle, and the tuned both stockers and feeders wee Pricee had a • higher tendency and quotations are unchauged. Feeders ere qeoted at 92 50 to et, and stockers ab -91.150_ to 93 4() Milcth Cows -Few were of* tering and the range of prices is quoted uh- thanged at 920 to 960 each. ,Sheep ard tembs-The eine was light Etid everything yes eold Prim had a firm incline ttiee. Export sheep are quoted at 83.50 i;:1134;4bkes r se, t7.11'5eii higher entr:h 6: lee: edPhr51:4.0 035 °r tt) 43° aot 8t r9 are 69:5wIfb: r Into:1;C: g.le8lert. .41:3 T8ainanddre Markets. Selects are quoted at 95.40, and `ghte and fate at e5.15. THE CANARIA a., OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. rteesteemommoehadft.Pae• Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. / Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 • HON, GEO. A. COX, President. J. E. WALKER, General Manager, ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Ge'rel Manager, 110 Branches IANN E UNITED STATES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ammeinemonlealue.iarmemme0MII• --- Farmers' and Graziers' Banking. Every facility afforded fartnersoand 'graziers for their banking bueincee. Neese die counted. 81er Notes cashed or taken for colleetion. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 91 and upwarde received, and interest allowed at current rates from date of deposit. Interest) added to the depolla twitter in each year, at the end of . May and November. The depositor is eubjeot tollio delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole, or any priTeion of e the deposit. BANKING BY MAIL. Deposits may be made or withdrawn Mail. Out-of.town accounts receive every attention. , SEAFORTI41 , BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solteitor, Go_E. PARKES, Manager, SALE REGISTER. On, Thursday. March 9th, at one o'olo* p. m., on Lot 10. Conottesion 11. Hulled, Home and Cattle, includieg 16 Heavy Draught Colts from 2 to 4 yeers old. Jas. Leiper, proprietor; Thom. Brown, anotion- eer. • . On Tuesday, February 28th, at 1 otelock p.m., on Lot 1, Conceseion 13, Hallett, Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Alex. Smith, pro- prietor ; Thos. Brown auctioneer. On Friday. February 17th. clearing ante tion sale of Farm Stook and Implemente,on Let 7. Cone$ ssion 7, Logan, the property of A. & W. Campbell. Sale commences at one o'clock sharp. Jones and Cameron, Aunt ioneers. On Saturday, February 25th, at two oseloak p. m., at the reeidence of the late Duncan Robertson, Hensel!, Household Furniture, John Roberteon, ezecutor ; John Miller, auctioneer. • 131/%12113. PAPST--In Eureka, California, on February 7th, to Mr and Mrs W i Paps% a daughter ELGIE-Oa February Ilth, to Mr and Mrs Robert T Elsie, of °anomie]] 2, L R 3,- Tuckeismith sen RORKE-In Clinton, on Februery 7th, to - Mr and Mrs H E Rorke, arson WATTERS-In Fordwioh, on January 281.h, to Mr and Mrs Wm Wetter& a 13 ei KERR-At the Methodiet pareonage, Blenheirc, on February 6th, to Rev W E and Mrs Kerr, a daughter DET -In Wit:wham, on p'ebruary lst, to Mr and Mrs John Day, a eon WELSH -in Lower Win ham, en February 6t13, to Mr and Mae W Wele , a son COUSINS -In Clinton, February 96h, to Mr and id re Araby Cousins, -daughter BALKWILL-In Exeter,f on February Sth, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Balkw 11, a daughter FISHER -In Moropann, imiteba, on February 10th to Mr and Mrs Kobe t J Fisher, a daughter ' Marriages. MOFFATT-RICHARDSON-At the horn° of the • bride's mother, Brussel& on February 16th, by Rev John Roes, B A Mr Wm V Wattle of Turn. berry, to Mise Annie, daughter of Mra M Richardson LITTLEJOHN-HYNDMAN-At the residence of the bride'e perents, Itowick, on Fairway 8th, by Rev A D Dobsen, Mr Thomas Littlejohn, to Mise Catherine Hyndman ELSTON--TERDUE-Atthe residence ol the brlde'e rooth-er, Morrie, on •February 7th. by Rev Geo Better, of Innovate, Mr Robert Elston, of Wet Hope, North Dakota, formerly of Morris, to 'Miss Mize J Perdue SWEET-MOORE-In Cloth:mkt,. on February lab, by Rev G N HazSim en, Mies °ple, daughter of the late Alfred Moore, to Mr Robert Sweet, all of Clinton Deaths. NAFZ1GER-In London Asylum, on February 4th, Jacob Nafzieer, aged 28 yeare • STELCK-In Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 6th, Lonis Wm Stelek, son of tire' Mary fitelck, of Hay, aged 28 yeare, 7 mouths and 3 days SCHILBE-At Zurich, oa February 7113, the infant eon of Mr and Mrs Abel Sehilbe, aged 11 months an4 16 days I3AWDEN-In London, on February 6th, Cora K, daughter oi Mre &seder], of Clinton, aged 21. years 8KELTON-In Morrie, on Februsry 2nd, Robert • Akelten, aged e9 years, 4 months and 21 days EASOM-Ih Goderich township, on Februaly 2nd, - Alfred George Easom. aged 51eyears ELLIOTT-In Exeter, on Februaey 5th, John El- liott, aged 87 years THOMP30N-1n Elimyille, on February 6th, Mar- tin Thempaon. aged 76 years and 8 days PARKER -In Torento, on February 14th, Philip, hint an of Edward and Fraucee Parker, aged 8 months GLARIS-1n Wingharn, on February 9th, Wm Glass, seed 65 years - .TELFER-Da Ory, on February llth, Jeanie, eld- est dauehter of Writ and Margaret Tatter, aged I.9 yeare and 6 months MINOINIMIN61111111111111106 Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Night) calla answered at Mr. McKenzie's residence, Church St., third house north of public 1.0)061, west side. Graduate Marisa- ohneete College of Embalming, Boston, U.S Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH. 1001;ILDIAIG LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale, several i) desin irable building lots the town of Sea - forth. These Iota are situated in one of the best partitef the town and are well planted with the choicest of fruit. Apply to W. D. McLean, at the Exeoerroathreech, Leaforth. 1910.tf _ LIAM FOR SALE. -150 acres, lot 32 and west half of lot 84. Concession 2, H. R. S., 'Tucker - smith. Will be sold in block or in aeparate panel& A ;rood farm for mixed farming with the beak of facilities for stook raising. The buildings are good comprising a briek house, good bard and abed and atone stabling. Apply to HERBERT CRUM, Sea - forth P. 0., or to W. BRYDONE, Clinton, 0ntafio, 1906 1GIOR HALE CHEAP. -In Harphurhey, a comfort - r able Wok cottage with five rooms and ball, with kitchen and woodshed attached, hard and soft water, stsbling for three head of cattle or horses with, hen house and pig pen, also good well and pump in stable, two and a Inn acres of, land on whioh are the oholoest varieties of all kinds of Unit . This is ft most desirable property for any person wanting a comfortable home. Apply on the prem. 'tea or address JOHN MoDONOGH, Seater% P. 0. 1940.tf Card. I beg td state that I have withdrawn from the firm of Sills & Murdle, having sold out my interest to Mr. George A. Sills. I desire to thank our friends and cuttomers for their liberal patronage in the pits1 and would.reepeatfolly polieit your. contin- uance of the scam to My subeesser. I can assure ou of bonesti and fair treatment by Mr. Sills sestet - ed courteous and edloient clerks. by Respectfully Yours, 1940-1 , WM. KURDIE. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE. of Moles Farms, Farm Stook, Implements and Household Fur. Insure, on Tueerlay, February 28 le no Lot 1, Con- cession 18, Mullett, at one oielook sharp, the follow- ing valuable property, viz.: Horses, -Otte span of nuttolead fillies rising 8 pare old, 1 span of .fillies rising 5 yearteolth Cattle, -4 ,rows due to calve in tbe spring; 4 grows about to ealve ;a 1 newly ',Rived mow; 4 heifers two years old with °elf ; 1 farrow cow ; 8 eteere rising If years old ; 2 stem eking 2 peers old ; 2 eteers rising t year old ; 2 holfers rba Ing 2 years old. Pige.-1 bro id sow about to Mit r; 7 store hogs. Implemente,-1 new lifievey-Hanis binder; 1 new Deering Giant mower; 1 ten foot steel rake ; e Ocimbine 1 seed drill ; 1 set clIallinnd herrows ; 2 single plows; 1 souffle. ; 1 pair bob. sleighs; 1 truck wagon ; t hay reek; 2 cutters ; 2 °goofed buggies; 1 fannine mill; 1 lerty fork, ropes and pulley/re 2 sets of sinele harness. House. hold Furniture -1 anon ; 1 pallor suit ; 1 kitehen stove; i heating stove ; 8 bidet de with springs and Mattresiese eiao tablefechairs, pictures, dishoe9 oro.okery, glessware and otner article& The farms-- Alpe, at the same time and place. that Melee farm of 75 acres, being lob 1, coneeeelon 12, fiullett, on which is eroded a comfortable frame house, a bank barn with stone stabling underneath, alio a good hog pen. There is also on the premises a good well and an °reheard of choice bearing, fruit tree& Also that ohoice farn3, being IA 1, oonceselon 18, on which ie erected a froane barn 76 x 36 feet, with stone etablieg underneath. Thle farm is well water- ed back and front. There le, an the premlues, 10 &area f fall wheat, the helance, 05 acres. rill seeded firla ed to grass, all of ,whieh ie in etecms condition. Dines of Land, -Ten per oent. of the purchase money to be paid in Oath, or satisfaetory for the same peyable in 3r days thereafter. when a further depotit, sufficient to wake up one quarter of the puroluitio money, will be required, the balancer mey remain an mortgage for a term of year& bearing intereet at q per • cent. -per annum or the full amouet may he paid in oath. Theta farms may be sold separati ly or together, se desired by the pur. Omer. •Terms of Chattels. ----Nine months' credit on approved j notes, A discount of 4 per cent. per annum will be ellowed for cash on cledit amounts. All will be sold without reecifye ae the proprietor is retiring from farming. ALEX. teMITH, Proprietor ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 1940-2 Hunting • For better Pervice than we render is a waste of time. No one eouid supply your wants better than we. The 008 commodity In which good quality ie imperative, is Here you get them• in their beet and pur- est etate. You oan rely upon them abso- lutely. The fact that ehey are moderately priced does not mean inferiority here. Ten boxes White °utile jute received, 2Ibs. for 253. Our own Neural& Cure, guaranteed, 1.53 a bottle. "Never Fail" Corn Cure, 10a e box. "Our pan" Con- diticn Powder for hole ee, 2ee a package. Buehu Juniper Kidne3t Pille,efor, rheuma - tism and sore back, 253 a bnx. Steighe selling at big reduction to clear. Big bargaino in china, We are agent i for Cook't Cotton Root Compound, and Prof. Dyke's Gil of Pines. 0. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - • - BLOOK, SMA.M" 1.-tir I-1 es, we can fix it Oar repairing department is really where we shine best). It takes; knowledge and skill to work ,as we do it. We, therefore, take special pride in doing repairing, and wish you would give us an opportunity to show our skill. Moderate prices in all oases. R. McNaught, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver anti Optician, . SEAFORTH, - ONT.' OPPOSITE McFAUL!S STORn. PACIFI C— SERGE S. PistIm 331.1.2sA_Cl‹. Guaratiteed Sunproot. A Trial Order Solicited Aw0AA~AAAAAAANwovkAN Speare and Page, Merchant, Under the Town Clock, - ON .11 11. ailors. SEAFORTH. t •atitiON wricrgs TOR ON & 131.1111EL, Openiqg New Goods. , Our new goods, suitabre for early Spring trade, are arriving fn large quantities, Our purchases for the Spring trade are en a more extensive reale than formerly. Our trade is rapidly increasing, and wieetave prepared for al large trade this Spring. We .make a specialty of Fine Dress Goods, and show I some very special lines this season. Black and Navy Leitrim, 51 inches wide, fine glosey tioith. good value ab 65o* I speoial erica 50a. Fuel bleak and tiolored leather) great value at 250. 35e, 50; 750 and $1. Crepe de Caen% 45a. inches wide, in color. (A bleak, browri, navy and green, very special, at 50a per paid. . Fide °ravine oloth, 42 Inane wide, in oolors of black, navy and brown, very epeoial at 50). Venetians, la blaok anti navy, 54 inches wide, fine g'osey firdeb, at) 75o, 91 and 1 25. Bleak Broadeloth, 54 inches wide. at 75e, 91, 1 25 •• • end 1.50. Mereerized Veatinge in all the new designs, from 120 to ate. Crum's new prints, in all pattern% very spaded, 120. New malted, linen lawns and organdies, in great variety, from 10o to 35o per yard. Valencienes laces and insertions, in great variety, from lo per yard up. .New union, carpets. in new patterns, ab 25; ;a35o, 40e and 500. New Tapestry carpets, new designs, at 25o, 35; 50a and /50. , Any Winter goods on hand will be sold regardless of cost.- If you want a Fur Jacket, or Furs of any kind, come and see us. We will make it worth your while. Ladies' Cloth Coats will be sold at, half price to clear. allogiamomdmemaga • CAS .i ,PIR,MOM McKINNON & CO., BLYTEL February Sale. • +4 DRY GOODS—Heavy Wool Blankets, $2,85 per pair; Grey Flathaels, 20c per yard; Ladies' Skirts, $2.75. a piece. CLOTRING—Suits—A $10 suit this monSh‘for $7.50.; a $1.25 pant this month for 75c each; a $1 sugt of underwear this month for 75c.' GROCERY—Tea a specialty; a Japan at 25c a lb., ---blended at 30c a lb. Coffee a specialty (a Jaya and Mocha blended). We are pay- ing l'.8c a lb. for choice roll butter, and 3c a lbfor dried apple. We also want any quantity of good potatoes. B. Bo GUNN9 Seaforth BIG REDUCTIONS. EVERY WINTER GARMENT MUST GO* The Price of Overcoats CUT IN All Clothing and Men's Furnishings at Prices you never dreamed of P. Li. msVsTIT.JDI Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous. Butter and eggs taken as cash. GREAT FEBRUARY CHINA SALE • . At Fear's Drug Store, • SEAFOF3THR •-0-•-•-•••-•-•-o-044-e-•-•-•-•-•-•44-e4-e-a0 This is the great 1905 sale. Dinner tete as low as 95.97 for a 97 piece set ; piece tea set for $1.60 ; fanoy china ie reduced in price. See the lot g bargain Don't let everybody else gee here before you. The beet snaps are pewees picked the early buyer. Come early, come oftea. a 36 table. up by FEAR'S Drug Store, Seaforth. Tick, Tick, Tick. Fier Years eartlayea re. ethiuk of it• ! There are welcher. that will run for 20 . eeare or longer. And any minute dur- ing all those 'eater you may take three watts': from your pocket and it) witl tell you the time exactly to the minute. How ueeful a watch is How few of us can do without one. How few of us need TRY to do without We 0eell00. guaranteed 90 year Watches at front $3.0 to $30, Let ue show you. John Bulger, Seaforth, Jeweller, The Bell Telephone Co. • OF CANADA is about to issue A New Subscriber's Directory For the Dietriot of Western Oiltario, The Town of Seaforth. Orders for new connections, Changes of firm . !tamer, changes of street addreesi or for duplicate entrice in the list) should bo, handed in at ones; I. if. FEAR, LOCAL MANAGER. .1940-3 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Special One Way Excursions from Seaforth to Billings, Montana, 935 05 ; Denver, Color ado Springs, Helena, Butte. Montana;Or den, Salt Lake CUT, Unth, 940.08; Nelson*, Roseland, B. O., Spokane, Wash., 940.55; Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Wai sh. Venom - vete Victoria, B. C., 943.05; San Fran - °Woe Californlia, 943 60. Proportionately low rates to other points. Tickets on sale from March 1st to May 15th, 1905. For tickets and full information, call OD W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent- , Notice of Dissoiution. _ • Notice is hereby given thae the partner- ship heretofore subeistivg between ue, the undersigned, as Hardware Merchant*, ao Seaforth, has this day been diseoleeri by mutual consent. All debut owing to the said partnership are to be paid to George A. Sills and all claims against) the said partnership are to be presented to the eaid George A. Sills by wbom.the mime will be eettled. All accent lite due' 3.61)01117;810451.903 must be settled by February 2 Geo. A. Sills, Wm. Murdie. Dated at Seaforth the lst day of February. In connection with the above noticed of dissolution I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the e ed patronage of our numerous cuetomer. It shall alwaye be m endeavor to merle the Berne by, fair dealing and strict atten- tion to your wante. ['rusting our business relations • may be as pleasant in the future as they have been in the pasb. I' remain I Yours Respectfully George A. Sills, Seaforth Ontario. rdetclarrk Wanda, Egyptian Palmist. Is now In town where ahe will remain for a short while. She reveals the mysteries of life such as business. courtship, love and marriage and gives information on all affairs. Don't utile the °hence of seeing her and getting her advice. A visit to Madam Wanda will satisfy the most skeptical. At the eloyangotel, hem 9 a. m. to 10 peen. Madam Wanda le hotedito benne of the best palmlete in Canada. 1940-1 For Sale. One 4 to 6 h. p. Gaeoline Engine -Gould, Shapley & Muir rnake • almost new. Also one Maple Leal Grinder, One 10 le p. Pitt's Horse Power. X11 the above for sale obeap. The ROBERT BELL Engine and Thresher OoteLtd. 1933-tf • Seaforth, 2 •Corner Maio and Market Somata %Worth, •Ontario. lokard The Dry Ctatking Common id Four, Comnthen4- Our Annual STOCK -TAKING SALE IS NOVII ON. a *44111t44eat1e4eeelefethfree14t i This is- a continuation of our Annual Stock - Clearing Sale. Such bargains as were never offered in this store will be given at the sale CIO starts February 3a Goods are priced to quickly reduce stock. All remnants and endr and odel lots of goods to be cleared, re- gardless of price. Oar prices on all 'furs left will be found bargains out of the ordinary. See the following list: Dress Goods Department A line of Colored Sateens; regular price 13e, to clear for 7-1c. Double fold Moire Skirting, regular price 50e, for 25c. Mercerized Skirting. worth 25c, sale price 19e. A table of Remnants and Ends of Dress Goods, Velvets, etc., at haf price. A pile of double fold Dress Goods, in black and colors, regular prices ne to 50c for 25c. A quantity of Dresi Goods, regular prices 50e to 75c, sale price 35c. A quantity of Fancy Silks, reoular prices from -50c to $1, sale price 25e. Fifteen per cent off all heavypaltawls. Imitation Astra3han Gauntlets, ladies' sizes, worth 75c, for 39e. MiEses' Astrachan Gauntlets, regular prices 50e, clearing for 32e. Ten Fur Muffs at 50e each. Twenty-five per cent - off all Ruffs, Muffe Caperines, etc. • All Ladies' Fur Coats are marked at prices that it will .pay you to see - never before have dependable goods been sold at such prices. Ladies' Department. Fiveedozen Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, worth 60e, on' sale to dear at 390 Misses' Union Vests, regular prices 20c and 25e each, on sale at two for 25 cents. Ladies', misses' and children's Underear at 15 per cent. off,l Ladies' F annelette Wrappers 15 pe* cent. off: Three dozen Ladies' Black Satin Waists; sizes 32, 34 and 36, worth from $1 to 81.25, your choice foe 50c each. Black and colored glace kid and suede gloves, mostly small sizes, to clear at 50c each. • We are still continuing our Whisevrear sale. Gowns from 50c to $5a Skirts from 75c to $5, Corset Covers from 25e to $1. A table of stnallwares, consisting of Ladies' Belts, Hand /Bag Belt Buckles, cc., at 25e each. A q entity of Ribbon to clear atone cent a 37,Arcl„ A b x of children's and misses' Ringwood Gleves to clear at 15c a pair. Staple Department. A table of Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, •etc,, worth •from 10c te 12ic, for 61-o. a yard. A table of heavy dark Loch Lomond Flannelette, worth 14c a yard, tor clear at 91-c. • Three bales of 16 oz. grain bags, worth $3 a dozen, on sale at 2.:15. a dozen—a bargain, see them. A pile of 9c Flannelette for 6e; a pile of Oottonade worth 18c, for 11c; a pile of Sheetings worth 10c, for 7-/-c. - A few patterns of Table Linens clearing at 19z a -yard. Special values in Flannelette Blankets, Wool Blankets, Comfortei, etc. WeseAshitIeetlietere010 Clothing Department. In men's, youths%and boys' Overcoats, we are giving such values as were never offered in this cdunty. All goods must be eleared regardless of price. Odd lots of men's, youths', boys' and children's •suits on •tale at prices never before offered by us. e A pile of men's heavy shirts, worth from 75e to $1;25; to dear at 5fie each. Men's fleeced and iiool Underwear at greatly redueed piece. v1/40%94..A"...040.0.wonovtoosAmoov • MEN'S FURS. This is the great clean-up time in Furs. .Our business has been large this season, but we have 50 men's fur coats left in coon, calf, Australian coon, wombat, black and brown dog. All the above are dependable pods, made for the present season's trade but 'they must be sold, and they will be cleared at your own price, as we positively. will not carry them from one season. te- another. •• Twenty-five sleigh robes left to be cleared regardless of price. 111. PICKA4 RD & €0., IMPORTER DIRECT Onpoatt.P Town Finilasind. Colmar Main and Market RUI." &Worth. MRS. WM. SANDERS I Executors' Notice. - Dress Cutting School. . Notice1. hereby given thst all persone having an claim against the estate of Thomas Lang, late For *101 will give a 16 system f fee, and teach any of the Township -of liIihhert, In the County of Perth, lady how to out, fit and put together any article in Farmer. who died on or abant the Dith day of Jane Dimas or Mantle Making, from the , plainest shirt waist to the meat elaborate dress that can be found in the faebion book, without the use of paper pat- e terns. I have taught over 1,500 this last six years, and offer $100 to anyone i can't teach, or ean prove d to me they can learn as much any other ;Dieu *0two years. Just think. of ill For $50 I will beech any one that las. dint maker, or gored rower ard drawer, to, teach this course, giving them my teach - oral eertlficate. Stranger' may beard at school. A suitable reward given to any one itifortniqg me of any pereon trying to teach thie course, wbich I invented and had patented, that does not hold re certifieate from me, Next Ohl. comrommee Mon- day, Februery 20th. Write for particular& or eft me at my echool in Stratford, opposite Windsor Hotel, on Albert street, on Saturdas, FebrusitylStit, from 1 to 5 p.m. MRS. WM. SANDERS flleacher in Drees Cutting, Box 169, iiiiretfOrd P. O. 1838-52 U$17,11905, are required„ on or before the 4th day of ltarch, 1905, to send or deliver to the undereigo. solicitor for the executors of the estate of the Thomas Laing, full particulate of their claim verified by an aflidavet. ,And further take no r the said 4th dsy of March, 1900, the execuiate will proeeed to distribute the estate arnovg the persons entitled thereto hayiog reference only ta the claims of which they shall then havoT received nothae and after such distribution the ex- eoutors will not be reepeneible for any claim of: whieh they shall not bave reeeived notice. Thie; notice Is given pursuant to the etettates in that be- half. R. 8, HAYS, Solioltor tor the Eerecratore, Jonn 0, Leirg" and James Cuthill. Dated at Seaforth this 14th day ot Febraery, 1905 I050-5 _ . _ =z- - e -et eat tee' et -el tehe - - _ _ _