HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-10, Page 5CI 10, 1905
h opened last Saturday,
-We are determined 4c.
Wfa have ever held and
n to Ake loWest nottle.
s be cleared out bfthe
sek, noVe being made nr
the following iline
th 653, Iny iGpre�.
$1 a pair, Fburvsaki
fre-thielt felt sole; lamb
dr. Mtin'e rubbers, worth -
1 a pair for 753 u pair -
$2 for
t1 to mforteble.
a era -
:Wiwi 'Was -in London
a couple of days this
Charles NichollN
- hard the latter part
eeek vieitines his weft*
-Miss Poster svas hero ,
ine her ount,' Atria T.
. the retarn ritockey- ;
Intean on Wednesdi
it week, in our rink;
en. -Mrs,.. Million, of
here -last weak visit-
' Mrs. Joseph "
of Exeter, is Illere vis-
'1U1din -rela tives.--Der
Miss MeKny.
the villano laet
te•nde.-Mr. arrd Mrs., •
etridorit have -been vise
it Mrs. Wm. Sinclair*, I
ne-Mr. Walter Len-
eturn to 'the hceepiteet
;week but • we novo
ecover.--Mres Wicholl'et
G NiMal Vtin. 4.'t1
trned to the eies isests
lcoek, of .Extrier, was-
pooit wee* visititne
ntiand.-Mrs. I1iuart
y entertained it num-
31--i on Priday eveninet-
Ileeloy on Mondaer eve
.-Mrs. Smie h has
_ past week w.it.h
Lueain-There is. !nude
* our igoeitheaeE
villatre that.it af
tunitg for .UL -
not ttoo enet,
acii, D. Simpson ban
all, -Dur railway;
r't'ports shipping an
litata t ion in .fact- ic
obt. ttfcLarenos. hosts
the corporation of'
' • lek and Other
for the erect iort of
tling.-Our manuu-
buyers and itter-
Tnri trade as v4ry
d Nr. Red nk r d. or
weere here visiS
Mr. find Mrs. josoph
last week for their
daily real:zing the fact
iter eels) bra goeulne rummy
tea -or before offered at such
itiftil Coand 76ailmas geode
tod $1.511 fancy parlor lorripe
depertmente. 194
to buy any quantity of
o Send us samples etating
•grocers and Freedmen, -
1.-ounz 'people of tho.
horue in the lowik
v evening of lust
ware _pi:tared
rity lunch had bean
vties intittlgad in. -Mr -
of Itipley, was visit -
e -eke -The f isheonnere
▪ week Ixavipa good
- M SS Sy I v Ai-
m engot4ed as sales-
Fair.-Flov Ed war ds-.
tulaccitlf..ni on
juist FrL-
as he 'was
fur hornet she, slip -
Irwin:, falling three
eno otl.er irIs fat-
- It the. reeult t hat
Snell en -
('t young tette.
r. -Rev. J. Birks'.
-each missionary,:
ta seven
t'Ito churclo-refee
tail "Mies Annie. ,EI-
rek for Toronto on
-ioultl and fr.:on, Jas.
tadMr. ltoniter. amt.
nes Ada and Lu-
ber! ly. \Va., wish
lin their flew,
Reeident.-On Fri-
ed a leek, alroul 11
re Hood, it resident
eeest eietrs, pase-
ilineees of about
in the ;doh
041 was (In( of t
nts Of thfr t ow rt-
tretery of j hr. East.
otst i• ute
U 10 ilto
Hood was an
ar for his years.
thrr.day af t•ernoon,
at te.oded,
ir. Sun:Aline
nbination of anti
nd the price to any
Imply say that "
Canadian Bak .of'031111�, Sea
iorhh, now pays interest from date
of deposit on 'ravine bank dnposits.
. 1933-tf
Canadian Bank oif, Coareixeorne,
rth. DOW pays interent from dette
f deposit on savings bank deposits.
_ 1433-tf
Oe Tuesday, Fetsru try 28th, at 1 o'clock
p. nae On Lot 1, Coacareion Hallett,
'.narne, Farm Stook, implements and
Household Furnitere. Alex. Smith, pro.
prietor ; Thos. Brown, -auctioneer.
Ou-Fridav. February fith. cleariag sue
Vim *ale of 'Farm Stook and Implements,on
Lot 7, Concession 7. Logan, the. property
of A. & W. Oampbell. S.1e oommhnees
o'clook sharp. Jones and Cameron,
• MIIIMMIIIIMI11.1•11111=1111.11Mall
Savours, February 10th, 1905. '
Wheal) old),Standarde,..........a. 1 00 to 132
1 00 t0 105
adepts - 035 tO 085
Pen per bushel-, INSIF:aft• ••••• •••• .•.••• 0 60 ,to �g
Gerley pottiest:ad- 0 40 10 0 42
algae, No. 1, loco° a... 013*0 03
— 0 14 to 0 16
Eggapar 0.19 to 0 20
rocr, per 100 2 60 to 2 75
ilay per torr 6 60 tO 700
Adesper100 *4- 5j0 to .535
die ••• ;AS ••• NS! tio.
tr• tee 021 to 0 78
aidn••••00,••ilee OM OW Olt ••• 1•1; 0 80 to 0 26
hag- (Bowe,- e ea to n
) per barrel- 26 to 1 00
50010 620
3 -00.to -3 05
0 26 to 000
6-00 to 760
1 25 to 200
05 to 26
64? to 820
POwheat (new).. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
persord fehorta,-- -.0.
Aper hag.. a. MP am gm ow ow ••••• (Vg• •
aver geed e•it •••• •Or•f.44. MOO •09 •a,
irireopy Seed Mb an. ••• am • .) &las Imam., ••••• •••
MO • •MF
Forka per .100. List Int • • INN on.
- Dairy Maalrets. -
Tomer°, February 7th -n -Butter -The
market is fairly 'steady and with a firm
tone. ,R3ceipts here show no signs of in -
&visiting. , Prices' No -unchanged. Cream-
ery print, 23 to 24o ;,), creamery solids, 22
to 2o; good to `choice dairy rubs, 180 to
19i`•• medium dairy, 16a to 17o; infer:or
grades dairy, 12o to 14e ; good to choice
dairy pound' rolls. 19e to 20o; large
dairy rolls; 17o to 18c ; medium dairy,
I5o ts 16e. Cheeee-The market is fairly
steady and quoted unchanged at 111 to 11ici
for largo, and 114 to 12o, for mins. ,Eggs
-The offermgt continue large, and praces%
are Bendy at 18a to 193 for trade, " and 17o
Moen -snare February 7. -Cheese On-
tario fell white, late to lOic ; ooloreci, 104
10o; Quebec 10c te,10t-c. Butter-
, Finettt grades, 2110 to 223; ordinary fin-
est, 20o to 21oo medium grades, Me to
20? -to ; wsstern dairy, 17ia to 1730. Egges-
ZStraight cold-etorage tt 17,1 to 19o;
Montreal, limed, 19 to i9 -.e.
Tenteneo, February 7 -Poultry --Steady
with little doing. Prices all round are
unchanged. Tur.c.ey-, 12c to 15o; ducks,
:13e to 14c ; gee -e, lb to 12c ;, chickens,
choice, 123 to 14o ; old, 8o to 10.1.
• Potatoes
Ti tiro. Febr i_la red 7.---Potateesa-Un-
charlacd. °uteri° stock,65 bb .70o on track,
and 753 to 80e out of a core. Eastern, 75o
to 80o on traok and 90 to 95c.oue of store.
Grain, etc.
ToitoSTo, February 7 -Wheat -White,
$1.07 ; red, 81.07; goitre. 91 to 92o ;
spring. $L02; cereal, $1,07, peas, 70o ;
oats, 41a; b.rley, 52o; hay, No. 1 tim-
othy, $9 to $10,50; a over or mixed, $7 to
$8 ; sheaf atraw. $10 ; 100.0. ; hogs,
dreseed, light. $7 75; heavy, $7.25 per cwt.
Millieed-$14 ti $4 50 for bran .in bulk,
$16 to $16 50 for shorts, east and west.
Maditoba, $19 to $20 for shortne$1t1 for
bran, exports.
; Horse Market.
TOR0/4TO, Feb. 8, -The following is
Burns & Sheppard's weekly report of pre-
vailing prime.: Slagle rosdst ere, 15 to 16
hands, $125 to $140 ; eingle. cobs and car-
riage° horses, 15 to 15.1 hazda, $150 to
.$170; matchtd pair e and carriage horeee,
15 to 16.1 handa, 8350 to 8500; delivery
horse!,'1,100 to 1,200 lbs., $125 to $150 ;
general purporei and 'exprera homes,' 11200
to 1 300 lbs.. $125 to $159 ; dr aught horses,
1:650 to 1,750 lb., $125' to 8175, service
able second:it-dud drivers, $50 to $75 -
Live Stook Markets.
LIVERPOOL, February 7 -Canadian cat-
tle, 5d .&o
LONDON, England, February 7-Liva oat -
tie are quoted at llo to 12o per period ;
refrigerator beef at *per pound ; sheep at
12 to 13e per pound.
MONTREAL, Februery 7 -Trade was goad
and prioee had an upward tendency, as
there is some darger of the snowstorm
blookiug the country roads, and thus pre-
venting the movement of live stock. A
number of large eteeth and hulls were
bought by the shippers, The prices paid
for the Steers were frem $4.40 to $4.80,and
for bulls $3 50 to $4 eer 100 ponnds, The,
butchers paid up to near 4te per Pound
for prime beeves. Pretty good cattle sold
at n to4io per pound, the common stook
at 21 to 3,te, and the lean canners at 1 to
2o per pound. There were some very fine
ranch cows on the market, but the demand
was slow. Prices rargtd from 825 to $50
each. The calves were all young yeals,and
sold at 33,- to. 40 Pei pound, lambs at about
50 pertpound. Fat hogs are higher in price
With good lett eel log at to 5ra per ib.
BUFFALO, February 7th-Catt1e--Prime
Awe, $5.50 to 85.75; shipping, $4.50 to
$5,25; butchers', $4.25 to $4.85; heifers, $3
to $t50; cows, 82 50 to $4; bulls,
$2.75 to $4; stockers and fee '
ders $2.50
to $4d5; stook heifers, $2 to 82.15;
freah °owe and epringers, $2 to $4 higher ;
good to choice, $45 to' $54 • medium to
good, $35 bo $42; mammon, e24 to $30.
lioga-Fairiy active ; 10 to 15o higher ;
heavy and mixed, $5.30 ; Yorkers and
iga, 5.5.30; roughs, $4.25 to $4.75 ;stags,
53 t53.50. Sheep and, Lembs-A3tive ;
lambs, $6.50 to $8.25 ; yearlings, 56 50
to 57:25 ; wethers, 85.75 to 56, ewes $5
to $5 50- ; sheep, mixed, 5250 to $5,76.
Timone, February 8 -Only n limited
numbeihi loads of shipping cattle were of.
•fered, and them sold at $4.25 to $4.30 per
mint- the bulk going at 84.50 to 84.70. Al
couple of choice quality steers brought $5
per owb. Export bulls sold at $3.25 to
$3 75 per owta Butchertd-Choice poked
Iota of 'butchers' cattle', 1,150 to 1.206
polio& each, sold at $4.40 per ado), but
these were equal in quality to the beat ex-
porters, and quite likely were bought for
export, although reported as butcher's", arid
there were only three or four lots of this
class. Loads of best butchers' sold at $4`
to 84„50, and there were few of these also;
fair to good butehers'aof whieth there were
a large number, field at $3.50 to $3.75 per
eat; common to medium cattle old at
. $3.25 to $&40; rough and infedor at $2.75
ea $3 oanner at $1.75 to $2 per cwt.
Feeders and Stockers -For feeders there
was a- helix demand than for Rome time.
Short -keeps sold at $3.40 to 54.14 for one
or two choice lobe, weighing 1,050 to 1,150
pounds each. Feedera,000 to 1,150 pounds
each, ot Mord quality*, ere worth about
83.25 to 8350.- Stookere nold at $3 to
$3,12i for *odd quality, weighiug 700 lbs.
But week° Were few offered. Miieh Cows -
About 30 nelleh cows and spriegere sold all
the way from $30 to 850 each, the latter
price being the highe:t quoted. Oae infer -
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000.' - Reserve. Fund, $4,500000
. , )
HON. GEC). A. COX, l'resideiab.
T . .E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Getel Manager
1 ,
1,- .
, . AND , EiNGLAN s
, smeamsamossamos .9•9999•999•••• ..9••••19.901.9569
9 I , ., •
, Farrnert7 and Graziers' litanising. i'•
Every facility afforded farmers .Med graziers for their banking bestowal. Notes die '
counted. Sale Notes muffled or taken for collection. •
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed ab Ourrent retitle from date
of deposit: Interest) added to the deposit twice in each year'at the end of
May and November. The depositor is subject to no delay what-
' ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of
the deposit'. e
Deposits may honied° or withdrawn by mail. Out.:nf.town accounts receive every
attention. ';
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. 'PARKES, 'Manager.
for ciaw sold at $20. Veal Calves -Deliv-
eries of veal ottivea were not large, and
pricet were firm it $4 to $3 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs -The 'run of sheep and
terabit was light, and demand was good at
firm prieee. Lambe sold from $5 50 to
$6.50 per cwt.; export ewes, 5450 to -$4.75 ;
bucks. $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Rogs-Deliv-
cries of 1,200 hogs sold at, unchanged cin.
tations. Selects at -$5,150, and" lignite and
tits at $5,25 per cert. •
13111t1113. "
TW14-CHELL-In Heneall, on February 2nd, to Mr
end MIVIRobort Tctitohell, a eon a
TAD -OR -In New York City, on January 24th, to
r and Mrs' Frank Taylor, nee Miss Lottie
ro'adMot, grand.daughter of =Mr John Broad-
' et, of Morris; a son
ATO ESON-In EasteWa‘vanolsh, on January 28rd.
t • Kr and Mrs JAM08 Atelatesen, e daughter
RAT --In Bast Wawahosh, on. January 20th, to
r and Kra Fred Rath, a daughter
' PIPE Winghem, on January 27th, to Mr and
re Stephen Piper, a dauehter
DUN AN -1n Witbara, o jemmy 20th, to Kr
aid Mrs &trues Duncan, "a daughter
ELL vrassio Thrriberry, ori-/attuary 80th, to Mr
nd Kti3 Alfred Elliott, a daughter
ALE 'ANDER-In hicK11112., on January 25th, to
r and Mrs Hugh Alexander, a daruebter
F111 -.In Zairith, on February 2itd, to Mr aud
rseChariett Fritz, a daughter
THE LER-In Dashwood, on January 29th, to Mr.
d Kis Horman.,Thellor, daughter-et111-born/
BicC, URE -BLACK -At I'Dirrrisderei" the resi
enoe Of the bride's mother'Mrs Mergers,"
latk, by Rev A K Birke, L B, aeeisted by
ev J it Eclmison, B tra on February lith, Mr
orbert 11 MeClurealof Lethbridge, Alberta, to
iss MariOu K Black, of Tuckeremith
KU OCK-ROSS-Atrathe residence of 'the bride's'
amaze, Stanley, on January 22nd, by Bev
ewers, ir W Murdoch, of Alberta, to Mise
ay, third daughter of air James Ross
CA ?BELL -MARTIN -In Daytield, on January,
ist, by Rev John McNeil, Mr Peter.Campbell,
Jai Stanley, ta Mies L E Martin, of Bayfield
ARIAOUR-BRO.ADFOOTa-tir Fred 13 Armour, of
iCharlottetown. Prince Edward Leland, to Miss
;May 6roadfoota. of Attigooish,, Nova Scotia,
leideet dauehter of Kr James Broadfoot, former-
ly of Brussels
CR sswErit,-In Medinine Hat, Northweat Terri-
tory, on January. 2811i,Henry Cresswell, brother
nf•G g Cresawell, of Tuckeramith, aged 75 years
AI KEN-16-Turnberry, on January 31st, Wmfl •D
Aitken. aged 50 years and 0 months
Mc URNEY-In East Wawanoph, on January 28th,
Margaret 3 Betoroft,wifd of Mr Joseph MoBui-
ney,,aged 87 yeareand 8 months
R000 -in Morris, on February 3rd, George Hood,
In hi a 80th year
Funeral• Directors
and .Embalmers.
lent calls anewered at Mr. MeKenzie'S
reSidence; Church, Ste, third hoase north of
p bite school, west side. Graduate Mama,
oh seta college of Eaiba1na1ng,I3oston, U.S
Knechtel 84, McKenzie,
EED PEAS.-Theundersigned 'has a quantity ot
June peas, suitable for.seed, for sale. JAMES
R. SCOTT, Roxboro, MoKilTop. 3089 tf f
t UCTION SALE.-Olearing auct'on sale of farm
aa, stock and implements on lab 26, conceasion 9,
ort, two and a half miles west of Staff a, on
ednesday, March let, nommenciug at one o'clock
s arp. it. A. SWITZER, Proprietor ;• JAMES
JONES, Auctioneer. 1939-3
ENDERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders will be re•
ceived by the undersigned up till , the 26th
ay of February, 1905, for the erection of a trick
eheol house in School Section No. 2, Tuckeremith,
ith cement basement. Plans and specifications
o be seen at my residence, the lowest or any ten•
er not neoessarily accepted. THOS. ELDER, Sec-
retary, Kippon P. 0. -, 1939-3
I Wood Wanted.
Five corde. our feet woad, green, beech and
, maple, deliveicd at the Segorth Collegiate 'peti-
t tate. Apply to
j. S. ROBERTS.-,
1939-11 Seaforth.
Tho undersigned is prepared to 'pay the highes
Cash price for an unlimited quantity of firet-olase
Soft Elm, Rock Elm,- Basswood, Maple
Beeoh, Ash, Hemlock and Pak Logs
Delivered at the Seaforth Saw and Stave Kill. Log
to be crat rim even length, except Soft Elm, Soft Elm
to be cut 11, 13 and 16 Num Will also buy
Basewood Heading Bate;
40 inches long, at OM per cord, delivered.
Will also btlytimber by measurement or by bulk 1
bush. Special attention paid to custom sawing, an
tisfacrtion guaranteed,
If you intend building or improving
your buildings this coming season,.and
require first -clams lumber and shingles
for that purpose, bring along your
bill early and we will fill it for you
with No. I stook at a. right price.
For Sale.
One 4 to 6 h. p. Gaeoline Engine -Gould,
Shapley &'.11.13ir make; almost new.
Also one Maple LeafGrinder,
Ooe 10 b. p. ritt'e Horse Power.
All the above for sale cheap.
Engine and Thresher o.,Ltd.
1933-tf Seaforth.
of East Huron Farmere' 4n0titute
For the discussion ef Agriculture and kindred
subjects will be held in Fit..Columban, March 4th';
Winthrop, Mardi 6th ; Herleck, March 7th ; Blue.
vale, Meech 8th; Ethel, March 9th; Molesworth,
March 10th ; Fordwieb, March ilth. Each day at
1:80 and 780 p. m. All are oordially invited to at.
tend tbeee meetinge and take an intelligent part in
the discussions on the Natious subjects introduced
by the speakers.
1939 3 President.
ItYladarn Wanda,
„ • Egyptian Palmist. -
Is pow in town, where elle will remain for a short
while. She reveals tbe mysteries of. life auch as
businer4s, courtship, love and marriage and gives in-
formation on all affairs. Don't miss' the chance of
eeeing her and getting her advice. A visit to
Madam Wadda will satisfy the moat akeptical. At
the Royal Hotel, houre 0 a, m, to 10 p. n.Madam
Wand% is noted to be ore of the best pelnaists in
Canada. 1939x1
Thin king
Is all right,' but doing
is better.. Others
May think to attitot
drug buyers by their
prices alone. We do
attract them by sell-
of superior quality.
That is the point on -
which we are most in-
eietent„ That thie
does not mean h;gh
prim will be evident
the minute you learn
Pure fresh Helle-
bore ([or lice on cattle)
30o per pound.
Ouc Own Condition
Powders (makes hot'.
see sleek and fat) 25c
tpackege or 5-dpaelt.
agei for $1.
Buohu Joniper Kid
ney Pills (for Raton
matiem & sore back
25c a box, 5 boxes for
•••ft,e7:17 81.00.
Trusses for ruptures of all kinds proper-
ly fitted. Hot water bottles and syringes
of all kinds. Come and see that we do not
only *ant you for one er two purchases
but we want you for a perineum:it onstage-
er. •
OARDNO'S ••.° - - 13LOOK
Stocktaking SalA:
.An opPorttinity to buy Winter Boots and
Shoes. It seems folly on our parb to
sell -these goons at these reduced prices.
To duplicate these will cost us much
more than these did for shoes have ad-
vanced. It would pay us to holdethem
over till' next winter but that's oen-
trary to our business policy, so they
are to be tiold for the balance of this
season at greestiieneredueed prices.
These goods weiti never more popular than
now as there is a long winter season to
come yet.
This word to the wise should be eufficient.
Riphardson& Drinnis
Sole Agents for Hagar, Sovereign and Just
Wrighb Shoes..
The annual and a epecial meeting of the share-
holders of the Robert Bell Engine & Thraeher
Limited, will be held in the company'e °nice on the
16th day of February. 1906, at two o'clock in the
afternoon, for the election of directore and ibc
transaction of other business.
By nrder,
1939-1 Secretary.
uaranteeci Sun proof.
A Trial, Order Solicited
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors._
Under the Town block, -
Now for Bargains.
• We have just finished stoeketaking, which' rings to the front a Variety of
broken lots and odds and ends from each department, which must be cleared.
out at once, regardless of cost. Below we isalention_a few' of the m:any bar-
gains we have to offer: ,
• Ladies' waistinga in wool and eilk mixturers, is fenoy 1tHpea, spate and Rom' de-
eigne, no two alike, worbh '50o,:603 and 65o, your choice for 393 per yard. Remnants of
'diens geode, in various kinds and coalition from 2 to 5 yard i win, at half pike.- Series
embrolderien-3 inches wide, in le variety of'patterne, regalar price 70, 8i3 and /0, for rte.
Pure silk Tibbetts, 3 inchee wide, in a veriety of dors, regular 10e, for 5s. Fancy
dress goode, 42 inches wide, regular 504 for 25a Srge &esti geode, all wool, in black
and navy, 54 inehee wide, regular 65o. a snap at 39a, Ladies' eatana uoderekirts, worth
$1, to rbo, Boys' frieze ulstere, high storm colleraworth $4, for $2.50. Mon's frieze
ulster, tweed lining, high storm collar, slash peahens, worth $6, for 53.75. LetlieO7
Astra han 'jackets, No. I quality, made. from seleeted tkine, regular $35, $40 and $45,
25 per cent. off. One Greenland seal jacket), with aiblo collar and reveres, lined with
heavy satin, worth $45, for $35dee.electrie seal j1ickeb, with sabfe collar and reveres,
a very! swell garment', worth $45, fee $35 Ladies' doth jeekets, all now this season,
at half price. Ladies'nuffe, naperines and waifs at redtieed pricee.
tr •
011`siM PRIOZ3
Beecher's Mainifitent Scenic Preduction
The .Most Gorgeous Production on till() American Staoe.
l• a•
I 0,
• Ettlf3STEAT.,...4414,1.0,E01.3ERMIRS1C,
• Z7
••••••• ••••••••••••••••••
!Among niodp of the sceno females& ap-
pertapiing to the drernia wail bs presented
the thrilliuge floating ice scene, 4hoilring,the•
mina of Eliza 'over the Ohio'. river, With
the man -bunting ' Siberian, bioodhoende,
trained to pertioipate in the draftee, in hot
pursot t. Cotton field o,ad 'Plantation scenes,
portraying the habits of 'the Southern :We-
gice4 With affect. _The original Georgia
i houters and jabilee tiogere,' who\ leve.
treyelled, in all countrien and givei3 heir
grand concerts before; the Or0Wried Ii9adis
nobility and people of Europe, will. render
at each performanee jabilee and eamp.
'meeting sengo banjo pleyipge quartettes,
refraios, dances, eto. The moet beautiful
etege picture of a plantation ever painted --
St. Clair's reeidence by moonlight-realistio
sumo; , .of the Miesieeij)pi levee, and 'the
great $500 picture,. We carry every par-
ticle of seeneey that is essential foe the pro.
per presentation of Ode play. Eight man.
kunting Siberiep blood houade, trained to
_.....--r*fs tieipate in the drama. -`?5 people.
th, . Monday - evening,
Opera &Rise, Seafor
February 13th.
25 and135 CENTS.
Sorting -
It- is atthie time of the year that you feel the thin spots in your
-clothes. Rather than- get new ones, many shiver. That is short-
sighted from both ends. First, you get a cold, and it coats , you ,mere
than new clothes • secondly, and best at this time of the year we ale
giving exceptimavalues in all kinds of winter..elothes. Clothes that
last you the balance of this season and all of next, and the cost
will onlybe about one-half of -what you will have to pay when the
next cold season comes. Consider the first'of these reasons, and act on
the second.
The; new Spring goods will be comin,,e• in soon, we want to be rid of the win-
ter stuff, consequently prices don't cut a very big figure.
The Price of Overcoats
All Clothing and Men's Furnishings at
Prices you never dreamed of.
.Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us -famous.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
Will It Wear. Notice of
is a
qu e s -
tion oft-
en asked
when buy-
ing a go'd-
• filled watch.
We sell the
The largest and
company in the
vc6r1d. They do
come htgher thansome
other maker, but they
have been made for 52
years and are proved.
We have the cheap. ones
too and sell them as cheap as
any one, though gold has to be
paid for in a watch same as any-
where else and a $5 case won't) have
$10 worth of gold.
John Bulger,
- Seaforth.
Jeweller, -
Caretaker Wanted.
Applications for the position of caretaker or jan-
itor for t he Presbyterian church, Seaforth, will be
received by the undersigned until MONDAY, FEB-
RUARY 1.3th, at noon. Applicants to state salary
desired with and without residence. Duties as de-
fined can be seen at me office.
1988-2 JAHNS WATSON, Secretary.
••••i• ems •••••
Notice is hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore subaistiog between ne, the
undersigned, as Hardware Merohante, ao
Seaforth, hats title day been diesolved by
mutual consent. All debts lowing to the
said partnership are to be paid to George
A. Sills and all claims against the said
partnership are to be presented to the said
George A. Sills by whom the nape will be
settled. .All accounts due January 1, 1905
must be settled by February 20th, 1905.
Geo; A. Sills,
Wm. Murdie.
Dated at Seeforth the 1st -day
of February.
In connection with the above notice of
dissolution I would respeetfully solicit a
continuance of the valued patronage of
,our numerous ouseomers.
It shall always be iriy endeavor to merit
the same by fair dealing and strict atten-
tion to your wants.
Trusting our -business relations inay be
as pleasant in the future as they have been
in the pest. 1 remain
Yours Reispectinlly
George A. Sills,
Seaforth Ontario.
Corner Main
Market Sroota
The Ligroin*
Y qooda ens
Condom In
Our .,Annmal
This is a continuation of our Ann -u I Stock -
Clearing Sale: Such bargains os, were never
offered in this store will be given at the sale
that starts February 3rd. Goods are priced
to quickly reduce stock. All remnants and
ends and odd lots of goods to be cleared, re-
gardless of price. Our prices on .all furs left
will be, flound bargains out of the ordinary.—
See the following list:
ress Goods Department
A line of Colored Sateens, regular price 13e, to elem. for Tic.
Double fold Moire Skirting, regular price 50e, for 25e.
Mercerized Skirting. worth 25e, -sale price 19e.
at half
A table of Remnants and Ends of Dress Goods, Velvete, et .,
price. .
A pile of double fold. Dress Goods, in black and colas, regular prces 37e
to .50e7 for 25e. •
A quantity of Dress Goods, regular prices 50e to 75r, sale isrice 35e, -
A quantity of Fancy Silks, regular prices from. 50e to $1, sale price 2
Fifteen per cent off all heavy shawls.
Imitation Astra:11Jan dauntletseladies' eizes, worth 75e, for 39e.
Misses' Astraehan. Gauntlets, regulat prices 60e, clearing for 32e.
Ten Fur Muffs at 50c each Twenty-five per centoff all Ituffs, Mufss
Caperi3aes, etc.
• All Ladies' Fur Coats are markedat prices that it will pay you
never before have depentlable.goods been sold at sochsprices.,
nes*-4-sesesesesers-e-0-s-e-lessesssessit**-4-.04-4-*; •
Ladies' Depar men
F,ive:dozen Ladle's' Flannelette Gowns, worth 60e, on sale to clear at 3e
Misses' Union Vests, regular prices 200 and 25c each, on 4ale at' two for
25 cents.
Ladies', misses' and children'e Underwear at 15 per cent. off.]
Ladies' F-annelette Wrappers 16 per cent. off. •
Three dozen- Ladies' Black Satin Waists, sizes 32,34 and 3e, worth from,
51 to $1.25;your choice for 50e each. •
Black and colored glace kid and suede gloves, mostly small slzes,, to dear
at 50c each.
We are still continuingsmr Whitewear -sale Getevias from -50c to 85e
Skirts from. 75c to 85, Coekt Covers from 250 to 51.
A table of sinallwares, consisting of Ladies' Belts, Hand. Bags, Lelt
Buckles, &c., at 25c eaeh,
A quantity, of Ribbon to clear at one cent t yard.
A box of children's and misses' Ringwood Gloves to•clear at 15e a pair.
Staple Department
A table of Priuts, Wrapperet• tes, Flannelettes, ete., worth from 10e
12?-3es for 6iss %yard.
table of heavy dark Loch Lomond Flannelette, worth 14c a yard, t�
clear at 9.10
Three bales of 16 oz, grain bags, Worth 53 a dozen on. sale at $2,35 a
dozen—a bargain, see them.
A pile of 9e Flannelette for 6o; a pile of nottonade -worth '18e,„ for
11?2-c ; a pile of Sheetings worth .10c, for Tie.
A few patterns of Table rail3.0118 clearing at 190 *lard.
Special values in Flannelette Blankets, Wool -Blankets, Comforters, etc.
Clothing Department.
In Men's, youths' and boys' Overcoats, we Are giving snob -values 103 were
never offered.in this county. All goods must be eleared regardless of price.
Odd lots, of men's, youths', boys' and children's suits on sale at prima
never before offered, by us. r
A pile of men's b.eav:i shirts, worth from 750 to $1.25, to clear at ofle
Men'S fleeced and /ma Underwear at greatly reduced prices.
This is the great clean-up time in Furs. Our business has been Iarge
this season, but we have 50 men's fur coats left ill C0013, calf, Australian coo
wombat, black and brown dog. All the above are dependable gods, made
for the present season's trade but thy must be sold, and they -will be cleared
at your own price, as we positively will notcarry them from ene season to
• -
Twenty-five sleigh robes left to be cleared regardless of
Ills PICKARD ilk CO. impoRTERs
Ooneeite Town Bnildies. Corner Main mad Market Ste; Seiforths
At Fear's Drug Store
Thiel is the great 1905 elle. Dinner fete as low aa $5.97 for a 97 pieee sol; a. 1.;
piece tea set for $1.60 ; fancy china is redueed itt price. See the Jong bargain table.
Don't let everybody else •geb here beforeeyou. The best zaps are always poked up by
the early buyer. Come early, cense often.
FEAR'S Drug Store Sea -forth