HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-10, Page 3ferthereteleares
Varicorele .
Woruee's Daae
-with fever --en ineetwe
conteedous diseases -all
ere polsened blood.
:,:un,yzene act; as a. viwtmer..
o <Lees eau. do.
tile Free.
• ,
Vezuozone, and leavia
e send tts this
Ltiuu mail you an effla
egist for a, fat-
e;e 'wilt pay the drug—
it. This is our freer
tiviriee you; to show
One is, and what it
to yourself, please..
..for it placee you un --
and V.
„ ear nin. Fill out
1 it te rite airineeotie
.. • _ .....
1..te!uo7Nsus-. 1,w!nt if yet
leett:e free .i. well take it.
. , -
atql no.t1!..,51,rag Liquozona
a teL
:undersigned hee for rele eev.
cearcr - tibeep reed Durban
alder -es Eemonciville P. O. ce.
id, Tuekeramith. ROBEP
undersign h" for
bbred ehortborn butlereli-
!ell 16 end 12 month. Ona
Apply to JOHN Me
SALE -The undersigne
16 Costeeiliatt
thareughered Shorthorn
a, Het bloikytype. dark red
;.reeding. They ero el-
ne will be sold reaeonably_
P. 0, 19284f
few Grendly bred
luild with regiddered
:Lrce from 850 to t,t0, if
[Id heifere at oboe.. the Ramer
hire SaWif Lour months' old
out, 1932-tf
FOR SALE -The undez-
ceeceerelon efeEllIop,
are timberetedar- poste]. prte
. eplied on reasonabee-
14e4rd 3, our oriere
- —
-10 roma, eoft aed hsrd
indews, store. and aerteu
equarter area rf land, Th.
txs a comfortable honace
BitievaleP. IX, On
3eLea -F «ale four young
etied fr, g to 16 rrionthe„
Thee txlvee ere all sired
'dee' and are the very be
21, Coneedel .n 4. E. R. S
0.. A. & J. BROAD.
It SALE, -Te under-
meession 8, Hibbert,
rangiog fa age from ta tQ
Lela ere a fine lot,: being
-mod quality. - Four aired
Le -met.- Apply to DeVite
1938 tr.
IfEle-Wanted a haunt-
', ef "Ye Ott & tam, Apply-
4eatorth. 1938-tf
loderaigned has on Lot !.M
rt. near Stan, de lot of
tr Peed end •gueranteed
ede. e/OfIN Mitt;
-A good col:afar-Wein
--ta from a to fe acres or
Lettr chunk and store
rfe:ta, box 218, reereseli
1523 tf
te,e.-Fored a, one wile
t of Wa;ton, a lot of gond
lenethe to Bulk . Apply
'n P. O.
1 103Ee-e
re loan for a rerm et
'-CO on tiret mortgrige oi
trent•eafel to teem me
'reper'tv. Priarate funds,
OFFICE, Seaforth.
ores M.
e:eal from the premises-
rorra t), townahip of
t,teer or heifer, two
P- ZC•r. Any ioforreatiert.
anitma4 will bo liber-
Cree,arty P. 0,
he urdersigned ha e re
wel keep tor eurviee on
wtot G: FemondeilIa,
trd fear, '• Jurebe," No.
pril 4eh. 1901 erel is in
ie anural to breeel
cos wU "boiedtpatFect.
're et Ben toe. II c;nel
e. Collector and Sara --
of Seaterth. Houre
cante to turnleh two.
ry. 83f.0 per annuli,.
troist (fr Tr•iri. till 0 -
Applications for
()Mee till Febru-
oTT, Clerk,
Mai 2
LA cialPFTS ItAilTAGES. for 'it frupf ti o Empress $450,606, en
annuity eof $204000- and a tithe. of
The Victims left Weak. Nerveless nobitity-. Tho Au*trian diamond its
ef beantifui lentoo oolor, and out
and a kerey to Deaaly Diseases.
rros,c; 1S We io 139 carats
La grippe, or inflerenza, which. It -teethe 'is keel titan it Would be
teweeps over Canada every ,voar, is but for it color and the' torm tirt
iiiobably the most. t reacher ou s • dis- whicili at is- cut .ra n keine asth-
e tote knowo to medical, science.. The $500,000 irotteted of $756.
eattitek May rast only a few days, but. I
the deediy poison in the blood i- West West Huron Teachers
-1'16, You are left with hardly The followitur, is 1. list. of the teach-
er tee:teeth enough to wttik. Your ere employed in the West Huron In-
o4eq y our earti anti .speotoeateewith the post office address`
nerveae are prematurely weakened, • of ettele :
Mr. J. E. Tone Inspector, Godericb.
tko-el you fall the vietim to deadly,
pm.umonia, bronchitis, consumption, Township of Ashfield, Clayton S.
The'llMatiSM,Or Tacking kidney trou- -White, Port Albett e Minnie Durnin,
rblee. Dr. ,Willianes' leink Pelts never Kintail ; Fred Ross, Lochaleh ; Mil -
fail to Cure the disastr hes tettee- ef- dred Graham, leueltnow ; Nina Kilpat-
fecis of la grippe boausc they. pure 'tick, Mafeleing ; Tenn, MeRlwar01.,oth-
' ify the 'blood and sweep away its tan ; Charles A. Tebbutt and Kathleen
niiso.nous ne; rme. Every dose. _makes 'Swann, Dungannon ; Walter B. Haw-
itew -arm, rich blood which brings kins, Alateleman • Win. A. Cowan,
teetith and healing to every part.. of Lanes, Tena Gordou, Sheppard -
t 'body. This tis proved in the ten ; Edward, Hanna, Laurier ; Ernest
'ease of Miss Dorsina Langlois, of • Sherwood, Belfast ; Colon M. Kiel,
•St. Jerome, Quebec-, \the says : ' I Lochalsh, Clara Augustine, Crewe,
had. e aevere attacit of la grippe, Lienetta Cunningham, Port Albert.
i he after . effects of which deft mo Township of Colborne,---Graceeraw-
Tacked with pains in eyelet,- part of - ford, Loyal, Harry Long, Edward
Stewart and Melburn McDowell, Ben -
miller; Annie Courtney and Tena M.
Johnston, Carlow George S. Woods,
Goderich; (Union) Oliver Henry.Nile;
EllettMcMillan and Winnie 'Shaw,
Thinhip. •
Township of Goderich,--.Samuel Mc -
Dwain, Sarah J. 13e11, and Adelaide
E. Davidson, Goderich Nelson N.
Trewartha, Holmes ville ; John H.
Lewery, Bertha Ilityter, Edwin Mc-
Gavit, Olive Cooper, Clinton. Eva
Cooper. Porter's Hill; Lottie L. Mc..
Math, Bayiteld.
Township of Hay; George itlawson
and Florence E. Graham, flay; J. W.
Hogiteuh, Hills Green; Margaret Mac-
donald, Lillian Blatchford, Robert F.
Stelek, Kate Hart, Pearl L, Nicholson,
and Wm. Jarrett, Zurich; Laura M.
Jackell, Dashwood; Amarantha Mc-
Gregor ita d2' WilburF. Anderson, Hen -
my beely, Itly appetite completelyk
ree, I had severe headeohee,
was Subject to colds with the lease
exnosure, -and grew so weak that
I was, unable to work at my trade
a dress maker. I tried several need-.
icines, without the slightest; sue-
oess until a tdratre clerk advised me
to ta,ko Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
acte4 noon hia excellent advice and
VatriPiktglY Mired me. -My strength
returned, the headachen, and cough
disappeared, and I am regaln enjoy-
ing My old time health. I am -eat-
-belied that if sufferers from la
grippe will use Dr. Williams' Pink
they will speedily reoover fr-orce
those after effects „which naaket thA
so many people aeburden."
Dr, Williains' Pink Pills cure all,
-the et:wanton ailments due to weak
rued -'watery blood, si.eoh as anaemia, salt ; &lath M. Taylor. -.Brewster.; .11.e.
of white, which threatened eo tete larger
every loll he took.
"Do your duty, sir," 'haw vi.,40tood to
bite; ",h4t. iti reolly ell I 4 -in 4v oyou,
Geteeorronott armee, arta do winoie right."
Yee doctor," he (bawled in reply,
" but is there no word 3 ou dittle give me -
(no wore te sattsfy the cte•ire of tie who
fettle he bee been -cubed' tp teeth, o this
great work 21) The great pr twee r 1.1 once
took his meaeure, and b.44 cyt.?. gleerned aa
he eaid-th Yeti, there le a weed-ad:vide if
you like o call it -that I can give elette
Are you prepered for it 9'i
"Ye, oh, yea" °
"Are you sure, sir r
Yen ; oh, yes, thenk you,"
" Then," said Norman, pointitig" his
-finger at him with the air. of a uragediau
"go away and -buy a pate of braces)"
Be Interested In Thema, but Never De
If you would •htt'e friends be inter
There is a difference between interest
and curiosity. Neree be curious. I
Interest asks nothing, but is glad of
others' joys and sorry for others' mi.*
fortunes. -Curiosity seeks to find more
than is witten upon the surface, seeks
it for the purpose of distribution, for
innocent slander:
One's friends like one to be interested.
They detest one who is curious..
TO be interested in those one meets
needs but to wish them well.
To see the best of those about us will
cause us to wish them well.
To our wellwishers we pour out our
joys and sorrows. They are interested.
They tuiderstand.
The in -rested friend always -under-
stands. The- curious acquaintance nev-
er sees through naotiyes. The curious
one is blinded by his own interpretation
of causes and his' prejudiced view of
ascend to Curiosity.
headeehee, sideaohes, --L el aiges Lk' n• becca, Cartet, St. 'Joseph. , ,
eieNr algid, r heu m at 151320\ 5C i a kii'cao Township of Steueley,i-Geo. Baird, g Don't, there:ore, seek to know what
ne4vousnese, general weakness anti. Clinton • (Union) Isabel Thompson I° hidden. it 'our friend conceals
the speeder ailments that growine B1akc Mabel Dennison, James Del- something from you he has a reason
= girla apZi. evomen do not like, trt gat, and James Oameron „T,ayfield; for doing It.' Prove yaur interest and
talk about even to their doctors: Pawcett Sturdy, George ivy Shore, your lack of vulgar curiosity by trust-
, But only tbeganui.ne pills can edo and Gertrude Graham, , erne e Annie ing lelm In spite of the concealment.
f his, ,and you enmild see that the E. Consit Bills Greet ; ' George How- Those who are truly interested and
full earee - Dr. Williams' Pink Pals nod, Blake ; Jean Mtistited, Brucelield;
urrounded by
for Pate pooplo," is printed on the Wria.TI. Johnston, Kippen. neete,r eurkeis are s
0 -wrapper armm4r teeth box. If you Township of Stephen,
-Minnie Bet- friends. ' - , ..
cahnet get the gen ine pil-js from terill and Maude M. Porter, Centralia;
eeour 'drugteest send direct to the Mary A. Robertson, Geore W. Law -
Dr. Williarcis' *Medietne do:, Brooke son, Claude Blitette Sarah Satilter, and.
viltle . tbey wil -CaKienzle • Oredi n ; 'Percy S.Ontario•and lre
-air00 a box or six boxes for Banes, Eiceter • Olive urner, Khiva ;
Christopher iToble, Lipka : Nellie
,Cunnin9am aSm
nd Rose ith, Grand.
Beechwood Inerel hoebe 11. Tufts, eireenway •
-Nottei-Mr. Sohn- Arnold is suf-:. May Hodgins, James ;McLennan and
fering - from a •bad ease of blood Clara Koehler, -Dashwood. -
eddsoring. It ;got quite e etar b Township oi Tisborne,-Ifaude flor-
before medical ° aid was ;summoned; ton, AHurondale ; Jessie A. Hamilton
The potient is suffering, eereatin but and Free G. Sweet, Farquhar,
we hope to hear soon of an improve- mot A. Davidson mid -Peter Gowans,
Exeter e Duncan McDougall. Winona,
ment.-We are pleased to ,.no to that
Howard and Augh Kirk, Winchelsea ;
. . . Itieguaid's chil (leen are
quite ratoeeree from eafp.tett fever, Myrtle Madge, Lumleyre John M. Tor -
Teal of _ then being Vary stiCk for ranee, Whalen.
Township of West Wawanoeh,-
several days. -Mr. Patrick Givlia
raleo -is all right again after being Margaret KBPatrickr PronneritY
Won. J. Taylor andJames M. Brown,
laid Un with inflamed glandaewhieli
St. Helens ; Sylvia Seel and Mary J.
ecurkered. it impossible to stvalfow
-Mark, 1?ordyce Herbert Canelebell,
onothing exec p t a lit t le liquid
nouriehreent.-Sickness from cold is
Whiteehurch ; Hartwell
field ; Mabel Bailie, „Dungannon.
very common now. -Mr. Erneet Chit-
ienden, WC are pleased to sa-y, is' Township of East Wawaaosh,-Ir-
Blyth. : Henry Merrish, AtVestlalee ;
erie Woods, and Winnie Thompson,
aide to go out driviee, and will soon
be all right again. He says, the L.,
ttnninghani, and Ruby Rob-
leroken leg is getting strong. -Mrs.
BJ Elsie Clark and Lin -
Tito -Inas O'Hara is still very weak
da Miln4 Wingh-arn : Pearl McDon-
each, hae a very bad cough, eel: she aid, Auburn; (
is iinproving slowly. We hope soon BI h
Dion) Margaret Rielly,
y .
,loftar of her being fully recover- Village of Baydeld,-Tb.oinas H.
ed.-Oopies of a new paper aro be- Brownlee, Bayfield ;; Florella, Ston-
ing istint this -week to the publio. ih
e bury, Bayfield.
etis celled the Beech -wood Expedite -loan" - Village of Hensall.-Wm. McKay,
is eiriucipally devoted to the egeFeer- Iklina Doan, and Flora Reynolds, Hen -
health of the people. -Mr. John -110.1- ' salt.
den: is fitting up . th.e thop here for Village of' Exeter. -Louis C. Flom-
'all4I'ing and grinding and win - be ing, Wm. J. O'Brieu, Atinie Dorring-
et:0y by the 6 -tie int. He goaran-, ton. Clara Vosper, Helen E. Walrond,
tee4 to give the beret sa to stactio ri ., Evelyn Carling, Anna Martin, Sara J.
iGivel him a trial. . . Irwin, Exeter. '
A• 1 Town of Goderich.-Jas. II. Tiwrt,
,. Isabel Sharman, Florence E. all,
Florence Willlanee Mary McIver, Ada
Nettase-Much sympathy is felt for
Mr, Ort, who had his barn iburned Burrett, Constance E. LeTouzel, Kate
laet: week, and whose brother w•as Watson, Marion_ ?arsons, Edith Wig-
trareuel in the building. The ontein gins, Edna Guest, Goderich.
of elm fire is Still a mystery, as all Goderich Collegiate Institutee-Hugh
1. Strang, B. II.; John M. Field, B. A.;
°I 1- htl family i've're fr "2 1""me ax- Robert T. Merritt, B. A.; Herbert G.
riet4 the brother, who met evitht,-7. o Wilson, B, A..• Edith Parlee and Jos..
water emote a fete. He was a very , J. Bailey, Goderich.
,quii:t'man, who paver smoked or par -
aims -
All Its Expense's Are Paid by the In-
eosne From Its Property.
In the Black. forest of Gernaany is the
little eity of Freudenstadt, with about
7,00(?, inhabitants,, a busy industrial
place with iron and eberaical works of
some importance.
Small as it is, Freudenstadt is a full
fledged city, with la niayor, aldermen,
half a dozen policemen and a fire en-
gine. The public business is conduct -
•ed on an e.conomical basis, and the to-
tal expeuses do not exceed £5,000 in a
1 Freudenstadt has the distincticfa of
being the only city in Germany and.
• perhaps in the world which does not
tax the citizens a shilling for munici-
pal expenses. The yearly .net revenue
from the public pteperty covers all the
l'i'd 1-natPlus• Muni ectrnme-nda'timi NEW Booxs.-Tne followieg new books
is :flee .given Miss Lydia Ort, the hey° been received at the Sealorth Public
411111e -fetter, Who was visiting at ',a Library: Brave Hearts, by Fraser •' Sit-
ifeiethbOr'e. and when on her way ent Place, , by White, Judieh ofthe
.heenale BetW the• fire, and with great Plaine, by kenning ; Maguetio North, by
presenee of mind hurried to tho Robins ; The Crorteing, by Churchill; True
ttureing buildings and unl000ed six Blue' by Ellis; Watchers of the Trails, by
'horses arid .several cattle, thus say- Rebi'arts • Place and Power, by
Fowler ;
hthem from destruction. A nura- Rena'e ixperiment. by Holmeet ; Guide to
: bee of hogs and a ' lot of fo-wl were the Wild Flower, by Lounsberry ; A Con-,
alee got out of the burning building, gamete Seoundrel, by Boothby; The Spend
odd the -re was no live stook burned, eta, by Wilson; By Snare of Love, by
but there was about 1,000 bushels of .Marehment ; ;Denis Dent, by Horung ; The.
oats, 400 bushels of while ta a lot of Lightning Conductor, by Williarnson.
hay and fodder, and much other pro.- e______
petty. It is not only the loss of the
Indletings and fodder gr. Or t will Do You See It?
fl, but all his shelter and feed for At a village school in Suffolk a boy was
detained from aohool to assist in sorting
h Le stook has been, de,s troyed, and at
a Arery inclement season of the year. potatoeee The echoolmaster, se usual on
Ile h:aan insurance f ly $1,500. , suoh °Gemstone, desired the boy's father to
e Oon
-Zr. H. Geiger and 'family taf t for : write and state the cause of his &Wrenn.
t heir botme in liarnitton, North Da- The next morning the boy appeared with a
- ko t a., 1 ast week, after a very. pleas-; note from his father, which contained hut
one word. " Keptatomatabering." - The
- 'a tit visit with friends here. --Mr.
echoolmaster, attonished at 11110h an an-
and family aloo kf t
for their home in Cavalier, North heard -off word, puvoled over it for some
letkotee and Mr- Win• narnoilarrus tninutee, anthst that discovered it to signify
IQ fohhome
that the boy wae "Kept at borae a -tater.
- started r is , intend-
teteipplag off in Miehand
figan, to misit ing*"
his benthiers.-Mr. Wm. Fee, left for
his leamei in A.ssiteiboda last week. -e
'nee Misses Johnson, of near Hensall,
ettero visiting friends here last week.
-gr. S. Rennie purehasedthe Zel-
ler' 'brick block in this vitilage It
was sold by, euttion. Mr. Ramino
&till, make a good landlord for who -
will be the tenants!. Ile is one
of our xnlos,t enterpriSine, eitizensee:
:qr.', D. oh Steinbaand his daughter,
$lied Beatrice, were visittiing Mr. and
Mee, George Baldwin., Seaforth, last
week. Miss Stetnhaoh remained wilth
lier sister for a 'few days. -Mr. Wm.
Shank 'had a big wood cutting bee
one day last week. -Mrs. J. le. Rau,
ho has been seriously ill, is re -
c.° v ter trio' nicely.
In Dodd's KidneyPills—How Mrs.
Hughes Suffered for Four
a -Title diamond see long in the pos-
sethion of the Sultan of Mateo, of
lie helead ef Borne -o, /is remarkable
for les oize an,d purity. It wenglis
earate, and should be worth at
ettlet $3,500,000. It is shapeel like an
tete, with an indented hollow, in .the
entailer end. It was discovered at
I.andak. The Orloff diamo.nd, pur-
eleteed fo-r the Empress Catharine II.
if Russia, is about the size of a pig -
t I rde egg, and weighs 195 car-ts.
It is said to break formed the eyo
of faanouo idol in a temple of
lira:lima at Pondialierry. A Fren.elt-
deeerter robbed the pagoda of this-
y a enablesee
:tree. M ter passi ne,
through the h -ands of various pure t
vitae -ors it Came into the possessiort
of a Greek merchant, who received
Mottetiy, Ont., February 61-1.-(Speoia2)
--Mrs. James Hughes, of this place, feels
lt her duty to let her suffering /platelet all
over Canada know thee they can find re.
lief in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"1 was a great sufferer for four- years,"
says Mrs. Huehes. "1 was treated by four
doctors, and tried nearly every medicine I
oould hear of, but nothing seemed to -do me
any good.
"1 was in -bed for nearly three years,
suffering from pains up my spinal column,
in my head, over my eyes, -aeons my back
and through my lift side. Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured me, and uow I -am strong and
able to do a good day's work."
a -
Dr. Norman Macleod's Advice to
a Young Munster. •
The late Dr. Norman Macleod was in the
habit sometimes of giving a few words of
advice to students and youe.g ministere who
might call upon him for that purpoee. On
an occasion a young fellow, nowly appoint.
ed _to a kirk, went to see h4, and asked for
a helpiug Word from the great man, The
yoaug minister was a very polite talker,
tinning up the whites of his eyes, and
°leaping Ins hen& when be did so. He
was very tall -end thin, and as he rolled a-
bout in his °haft. Normal.' noticed that hIS
trousers were gradually trooping from un-
derneath his vest, leaving a narrow streak
This property consists of about 6,000
, acres of firie forest, w-hich, being man-
aged under the best forestry methods,
is a permanent source of income. One
or more trees are planted for every,one
that is cut down. No tree is cut till it
can yield the maximum profit
After deducting all the expeeses of
the industry the annual profit to the
acre is about 11. ,
At the Equator lt Lasts Only a Little
• I Over an Hour. -
As; twilight is caused by the refrac-
tion of the atmosphere, without which
we should be instantly in darkness at
sunset, all parts of the earth have twi-
light, though of 'varying -dueatiOn,
When the sun has sunk eighteen de-
grees below the horizon n� more light
can be refracted anywhere,bat the path
of the sun at the equator is so nearly
vertical. that ite disappearance is pro-
portionally rapid.
The shortest twilight at the equator
Is one hour and trtelve minutes at the
equinoxes' in March and September;
the longest is one- hour and nineteen
'minutes at the' solstices in June AO
' December:
In Loilon front;
rtMay 22 to July 21
it is twilight all through the night No
wonder, with a disparity ao great,
people speak of night in the 'tropics
as coming on almost suddenly. Farther
north still, in the Shetlands and, Nor-
way, we speak of the midnight sun,
where men never lose sight of the orb
of day and twilight is unknown. -Lon-
don Spectator. -
EAr17 Action la i'esberealoels.
The whole secret of success In the
treatzaeut of tuberculosis is to so
Increase the resistance of the patient
as to bring about the arrest of the
tubercuiosis process snd to prevent
secondary . Infection. Early receipt.
tion and proper management ta the
beginning of the disease are the chief
elements .of. cure. If the fatally physi-
cian encourages the hopet'ul patient to
believe that "It is only a bad- cold"
and that it "will wear off," or when
' 'warm weather comes he will be "all
right," he not only seals the patient's
, doombut fails to take advantage of
the opportunity presented todey for
the eu of consumption. --Suggestion.
The Dern/tad -Was Granted..
A certain city. in England sent a dep-
utation to Charles IL, who was very
soliciting some favor. The orator,
without any inerey to the sick man,
made a long, tedlots discourse. "Have
.you anything more to say?" asked the
merry monarch impatiently. ' "Noth-
ing," replied- the- orator, "except that
If iyou -do not grant our request I atit
instructed to recite my speech over-
- again:" Charles ordered' that all- his
demands should be freely and. instan.
tanttonsly complied with.
AU Exposure.
"Johnny," said the teacher, "a lie
can be acted as well aS told. Now, if
your father Was to put sand in his
sugar and sell; it he would be acting
a Ile and doing very wrong."
"That's what mother told bim," said
Johnny impethouely, "but be said he
didn't care." -London Tit -Bits.
_ L-6
.11E 111111.0,N EXPOSITOR.
The Buffalo Conamercial records that
a customer askod one of the women at
the countealn a Main street drug stare
If he could take home some tooth-
brushes "on approval." The somewhat
astonished young woman answered
that she did not believe that the firm
would allow it "Now, possibly that
strikes you as improbable," said the
man in charge of the pharmacy coun-
ter, "but only last week I personally
sold to a woman a toothbrusli. Yester-
day she brought ,it back and said it
hurt her„mouth and asked. it we would
be willing to exchange it."
Mrs. Upmore--You found a house to
suit you at last, did you? Mrs. High -
DMS -Yes. found one yesterday
morning, and I amused myself the rest
of the day by going around among the
real estate agents and asking, them if
they had an eligible flat to 'fent to a
family with fourteen children. You
don't know how much fun it was to
watch them 'go into conniption fits.
Still In Service. •
"Can't yer do a little somethin' fer
an old soldier?" whined Tired
"Well, I don't know," replied the
portly citizen. "If you caleshow your
discharge papers, I may do sompthing
lot you."
"I ha.in't been discharged yet, boss,"
replied the hobo. "It's soldier of for-
tune I am,"
J.-$0, you told Mrs. Cunningham
that she looked as young as her daugh-
ter. I suppose that caught the old
- lady? B. -Yes,' but it lost inc the
When the fool has made up his milt
the market is gone by.
The worst bankruptcy Is to lose
Many dahlia Smfthe.
In Latin, John Smith is Jobtums
Smithies; in Itailan, Giovanni Smith,
or Fabbroni; in Spanish, Juan Smithae;
in Dutch, Hans Schniithe or Schimidt or
Schmitzes; in French, jean Smeets;
in Greek, Ion Skmiton; in Polish,
Ivan Schmittiweiski; in Welsh, Ilhon
Schmidd; in Scotch, Jean Gowans; in
Russian, Jouloff Skmittowski; in Chi-
nese, jahon Shimmit; in Icelandic,
Jahne Smithson; in Mexican, Jontli
F'Smith; in Tuscarora, Ton Qu
"Pa, what Is a genius?"
"A genius Is a clever person who ean
steal somebody's originality and not
be found out"
Spending Money.
You can't spend money and have it
too. but unless youspend it nobody
will think you've got It -Puck.
Cheerfulness is health; its opposite,
melancholy, 18 disease.-nialiburton.
The Original Macintosh.
"Macintosh boasts a good deal about
his family, doesn't he?" "Yes; I think
lie claims that the head of his family
was the ortginel Macintosh that Noah
had with him during that rainy sea-
bola" -
The Heal
The shillalah, accounted Ireland's na-
tIonal,weapon of defense, was original-
ly a common blackthorn stick,, but in
modern times it has been replaced by
the more wiry ash sapling. The real
shillalah is a young shoot of the sloe
shrub or blackthorn pulled by the root
from the crevice of some rock. After
being trimmed it is placed in the smoke
of turf peat, which softens the bard
fiber, and when It has reached a eon-
..dition as pliant as rubber. it isstraight-
en.ed. When cooled inthe air it be-
comes as strong and firm as iron. The
trimming process is then continued,
and when it is desired to make a par-
ticularly handsome weapon the spus,
so effective in a melee or faction fight,
are ornamented with small brass-aalls.
Natural Preference.
Misi -Violet had made a rapid tour
of the European continent and found
little to impress her, either favorably or
"You say you saw all you wanted to
of Italy," said a friend on Miss Vice
let's-, return to her native heath in
Kansas. "What did you think of the,
"Don't talk to me about it," said
Miss Violet briskly. "I'd rather hale()
a good dish of plain American maca-
roni baked with cheese any tirae."
Mistaken Kindness.
Jack -Hello, old man! Awfully glad
to see you. Here, take oft that coat ahd
put on this smoking jacket and make
yourself comfortable. Dick Deuce take
It! Do you mean to insinuate that I
don't feel comfortable in a dress suit?
Simplicity has always been held to
be a mark of truth. It is also a mark
Suddenly Attacked.
Children ere often attacked suddenly by painful
and danger cue colic, Cramps,Diarrhoes, Dysentery.
Dholera Mo rims, Cholera Intae.t...., do Dr Fowl-
Extrect of Wild Strawberry is a prompt end
sure cure, which should envoys be kept in the house
Spring Medicine.
As a spring medieine Burdoek Blood Bitters has
no equal It toned tee the votem and removes all
itriputities from the blood, and takes away that tir-
ed, weary feeling so prevalent in the apring
ea• en
The essential lung hewing principal of the pine
tree has finally, been sec ,oestully separated and re
fined into a perfect cough medleine-Dr Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup Sold by all dealers on a" guar-
antee of satisaction Price 2a cents
DoireS Kumar nets trot on the kidueys, bledder
and urinary orgaes only They cure backaches,
weak back, rheunoitism, diabetes, congestion, in-
flammation, gravel, Bright's 'disease and all other
diseadate itriag from wrong action of the kidneys
and bledder.
Many people eay they are" all nerves," assljy
startled or tweet, smelly w treed or irritated Mil.
burn's Heart and .Nerve Pilla are just the remedy
suoh people require They reetore eferfeet harmony
of the nerve centresand give new nerve force to
shattered nervous e vetoing
The Ladies' FavOrite.
Laxs-Liver P lis are the ladies' favorite medicine.
They cure Constipation; Sick Headache, Biliousness
and Hyspopels, without griping, purging or sicken.
A CC(' -4a
Send ior the " Royal Household Recipes—
they cost nothing—and may mean bettcr
bread—better pastry—better baking gen-
erally for the rest of your life—think of what
that would mean to pcur family. If you
have never used the new Royal Household.
Flour, there is a' delightful surprise for you in
the first batch 'of bread you bake with it
just send a postal card for the .recipes.
Na..KrAmo, n.e„ Nov. 25th, 190.1,
have been making bread for nearly
twent-five years, and Royal Household
Inoue is the, best I have had for either
Brea • or Pastry.
- X ignecl) MRS. ROM'. ADAM.
Town of Seaforth
for 1904-5
A by-law to raise by way of loan the
sum of $20 000 for the purpose of load-
ing the same to the Canada Furniture
Manufacturers Limited, to assist them in
extendivg their premises in the Town of
And, whereas, it will•require the sum of
$637 53 to be reified anneaily by special
rate for the payment of the debt as here-
inaftet mentioned.
And, uhereaa, it will require the sum of
$9 0 to be raised annuelly for Che pay-
ment of the interest as hereinafter ment-
ion* d.
And,whereas,the whole rateable property -
of the Town of Sea.fortb, irrespeoleve of
any increase in lite nature of tolleinterests,
dividends, rents or feel from the maid pro-.
perty, and aim irreepeotive of any increase
derived from the temporary inyeetment ef
the ranking fund, or any part ehereof, ac-
cording to the last revieed assessment roll
of the said town, being for the year 1904,
is the sum of $615,330.
And, whereas, the existing debenture
debt of the town of Seaforth is SB feilOWB :
$5 500 borrowed under the authority of
by-law No. es of the town of Seaforth, for
$6,000 borrowed under the authority of
by law No. 3, of the town of Seaforth, for
$2,500 borrowed urd:er the authority of
by-law No. 8, of, the town of Seaford), for
$14,000 borrowed under the authority of
le -maw No, 8, of the town, of Seaforth, for
$3,500 borrowed uader the
byelew 25 B., of the town of
$17,000 borrowed under the
by-law No. 51 °Vibe Own of
Husband Joyfully Relates
a Remarkable Recovery
. from ConsuMption
with Or.Slocum',0
the Mayor and the Treasurer thereof.
3 That said debenbures shall bear in-
tereet at and after the rate of four and one
half per cent pee annum from the day pien-
tioneti for this by-law to take effect, which
interest) than he payable annually on the
15th day of Januaey in each "and ever
year, at the office of the Treasurer of the
.id munielpelity of the town of Seaforth.
4 That said debentures shall be inade
extyeble the'exeiration of twenty years
from the date mention.ed for this by-layr to
sake effect at the offiee of the Treseurer !
doe said mtedeipality of the town of See-
fortb, and shall have attached tottliem con-
ponefor the payment of interest.
5 That) for the purpose of forming a
sinking fund for the payment of the flaid
debentures an equal annual own of $63,' 53
shall, in additAin to all other rates, be robs -
ed, levied and collected by epeoial rate
upon all the rateable property in the said
corporation during the currency of the said
debentures, or any of them, ati# foe the
purpose of payingthe interest on the said
debentures an equal annual ston of $900.00
WWI, in additiou to all other rates, be rais-
ed, levied and riollected upon all the rate-
able property of the ,said corporation dur-
ing the currency of the said debenturee or
any of them. -
6 Thet it Rho tie lawful for the said
Cerporetion to lend the mum of Twenty
thousand dollars to he raised under this
By Law, to the 'Canada Vcirnitere Menu-
feotarers Limited, for the purpose of cod-
ing them to extend their businees Sea -
forth, as furniture manufacturere, without
interest, to be tenured by a mortgage upon
the lands, buildings and plant of the odd
Canada Furniture Manufacturers preinieee,
both on the present factory and the one to
be built, Said loan to be repaid in tvienty
annual instahnents of one thousand dollars
each. And thab the assessment on the
whole pruperty, new and old, shall not ex-
ceed the sum of $12,000 per annum for a
term of ten years, the said aesessmetitt to
be for all rates, it:windbag general rates,
county rate and sehool rate.
7 fhat the votes of the duly qualified
Jan -
authority ofdeeitry lad, 1905, between the hours of
etcetera shall be taken on Monday, Seaforth.Jan-
seaforthf r
authority of 9 sem and 5 p.m., at the following placee
Polling sub -division No. 1, at tho Publio
Schen' ; Lumeden Deputy Ittturning
61.500 borrowed under the authority, of
by law No, 26, of the town of Seaforth for
$8,000 borrowed under the authority of
by-law No. 20 (loeal improvement) of the
town of Seaforth for 1901,
$3,700 borrowed under the authority of
by Jaw No. 2 (local improvemeut) for 1902.
$7,889.20 boreowed under the auehority
of bY•lew No. 24, A., of the town of Sew
Officer. Polling eubelivision No. 2, at the
Council Room ; William Elliott, Deputy
Returning Officer. Polling sub -division
No. 3, at 0 a Wirson's storm, H. J. Pun -
chord, Deputy Returning Officer.
8 1 hat the Mayor of the seed municipal
corporation obeli attend at the council
room oe Friday, the 30th day of Decem-
ber. 1904. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur-
pose of appointing persona to attend at the
varioue polling places aforeiniid, and SUM -
forth for 1902 C 'Ing up of votes respect yelp on behalf ot
$1,500 berrolisced under the authority of 'persons interested in and promoting or
by law No. 2, (local improvement) of the
town of Seatorth, for 1903,
$10,000 borrowed under the authority of
oppoeing the bedew respectively.
9 fhat the Clerk of the municipal cor-
poration,' shalt,at the hour of twelve to'clo,k
hy law No, 8, of the town of St3aforth for noon on Triesday, January 3rd, 1905,
1902. 1 at thse town hall, sum up the votes given
$1,000 borrowed wider the authority of for and against the by-law and grant the
by-law No. 7, of the town of Seaforth, f or 1 rerisite certificates thereunder.
- 0 This by-law, if carried by the voten
And there le nothing in arrears either ) of the electors, shall take affect on and horn
for principal or intereet. the date of the passing thereof.
' And, whereae, ib is made neeesaary to ! -1),.... A .... „. ,-,_ „,_
appoine the time and plateds for taking flee I "e?e- tel ttPcn esttlhen,, Viii4
of u5.
J. 1
votes of the duly quelified electors and for an r' 9 ,
appointing deputy returning officers to take - N (MUFF, Mayor.
the votes of the duly qualified electors at WM. ELLIOTT, Oferk.
the meeting. .. -
Be it therefore enacted by the municipal I NOTICE.
council' of the town of Seafcirth
I rhat it shall be lawful for the Mayor 1 The abovehe a true and correct copy of
a by-law tressed by the Munfraped Council.
of the -said corporation to 'raise by way of
loan from any perton, body or bodies eor- of the Town of Seaford), On the 2nd day of
January, 1905, and all iorrtions are hereby
porate who may he witting to advance the
sante upon the credit of the debentures. toanne notice that any one de-
hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not mr°o° of aPP)340$ to have ettoll BY -Law, or
any must make his
exceeding in the aggregate the sum of' pert teereof gushed,
application for that purpose to the High
Coutt of Justice within the next three
months after the publication of this notiee
ones a week, for three sueoessive weeks. in -
the neWiptkper called TILE HURON FXPOST-
TO% or he win be too late to be heard la
that behalf.
26th day
2 That it shall he lawful for the Mayor
to canes any number of debentures to he
made foe such sums okmoney as may be
.required not loge than ono hundred dollars
emit and not exceeding in the aggregate
the steal of $2O.000, and that the
said debentures stiall be -Sealed with the
lea' of the eaid Corporation, and signed by
are known by what they have
grown, For half a century they
have been the standard -haven't
failed once to produce bigger, bet-
ter crops than any others. Sold
by an dealers. 1905 Seed Ane
anal free to all applicants.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Windsor, Ont.,
McKiI1ojf Directory for I905.
DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beeehweod P. O.'
M. ROWLAND. Councillor, Walton P. 0.
F NcQUAID. Counciilor, Beechwood 0,
CHARLE3 Lanz, Councillor, Winthrop P, 0.
JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Counellior,Winthrop P. 0.
MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Wiuthrop P. 0.
DaVID IL ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0.
SOLOMON S. SHANNON, 3,2. Sanitary Inspector,
° Winthrop P. 0.
Sore Throat end Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for, all throat
irritations is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Te.blefs
They combine the gerntricidal value of Cresoknewith
the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice,
10c. All 'Druggists 100
Magic Rum % Cubebs
The best remedy known for chasing a
cough or cold out of the system. Hun-
dreds of people know this. and that is the
reason it is so popular. Once tried always
Price -25e and :ifte it bottle. Get it
I. V. FXATI., Druggist,
Destroys Disease Germs, Build
Up Weak, Wasted Bodies.
That Should interest Sick
People, Their Friends
and Neighbors.
Coldwater, Nov. 2nd, 1903.
Dr. T. A. Slocum. Toronto.
I desire to inform yoe svhat your remedy, Psychine,
has -done for my wife. Some time ago she lokcaree
"run clown," logt flesh and strength repidly, and
toughed night and day. Her tbroal-, wee so sore and
inflamed that ehe voted Only .1) Oak in a. Whitper.
The only nonrisinnent that she took was rnilk and
eggs. The dotter said he could give her medicine
to prolonir her life, but eould not cure her.
We sent for a sample of Psyehine, nod it did her
so much gded that we immediately perehased
further supply from Our druggist, Mr. Millerd. To-
day she is well landsmug, and I thank you for
restoring to me my faithful wife and helpmate.
Our friends and neighbors are amend at Mrs.
Beach's recovery, mid join with us in wieldier you
.Yom -a s:nec rely,
P.S,-You may publish this letter.-J.C.13.
PSYCHINE ls pronounced SI -KEEN
For sale at all drug stores, or a sample
bottle free of chate if your druggist does not
have it in stock. Write, mentioning druggist's
name. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, lee
Kino Street West, Torero*, Ont.
Z.- • --
3rand Trunk Rai ay
SYSteM. Railway Time Table
Trains leave Seaforth as follows:
0.50 For Clinlon Goderich Winghean an
12.4f p m. For Clinton and Gederlob
6.0ra p. in.. riejeClinton, Witighaut sod Einem'-
10.18 p. m. For Clinton and Gedetrich.
7.68 e, , Foe Stratfoed. Guelph, 'Toronto,
.0rillis, North Bay endpoints watt
iBllevflio aud Feterboro and Paints
1137 pPer tretford, Gnelpb, Toronto, Moo-
tree. and peitite east.
6.33 p. m. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
London, auron and Bru0e,
-into Noma- l'eseenger.
London, depart- 8.16411..m• 4,50 r
Ceatralia•-e.,,, .44 4. 44
0. 18
Exeter.6. TkT 46: T • 66 • 6:6
FL3nalan 4.• lox 0.44
Itelgrevid- .
onde Seem-
(IlintOn 1.4 .as
Brileelleld 4. im.4 lb.
Eltypeu- • ire, ate *I
110neallI a ale •••• maal 6626
EXOter. 6 TT TT WTI* • ami•
Coattails. it... T-6 .mirT * T T TosTz
Loodeti, (arrive).- -
6.50 A.m. 110 r.
7.61 8.28
7.14 186
7.22 MO
7.47 4.15
8,65 4.88
8.15 4.47
8,22 4.82
8,85 5.65
146 5.10
9.45 a.AL WA
Pass. mixed
12.80 p.m 43.03 eau
1.15 1110
Lin 1300
1.35 9,93
147 11.15
Mixed, Pisa
Palmerston and
Gorse Nom. , Pees,
Bluevale.....a.... 44.45
Winghate. *1 T • T 8665
GOING Soma. Pees. -
Wingham,. .. .... 883 am 11.16a.m. 2.46 p.m
3luevale.-.- .. - 7.02 11.85 2.e5
Bruesels. ...al • • 7418 1280 808
12.60 ' 3.18
feelme;daioi.- .. .. . 8.101 -8.00 4.10
Ethel, .
Concrete Abutments to Let.
Tenders will be received by the undertigned,ren
behalf of the attuned of the tewnshin of Tacker.
smith, until eine °Pelagic en Saturday, Febrnary 18'th
for the u oni-truction of -cement, no orete abutments
for it 90 ftbriege over the Bstteld Riverbetween
lots 15 and 16, 0 meession 3, H. R. 8. Plane and
epecifleations may be seen at any time se the aim
of the undersigned, or at a meeting et the council,
at the Town Hall, Seaforth, on above date, when
the centred will be a Needed The lowest or any
tender not neeeaserilv accepted.
Clerk ef Tuekersmitli,
Tuckerernith, February let, 1905, 1038-3
riSress Cutting School.
I will he at Normandie Hotel, Clinton, en day, Mar star el 4th from 3 to 6 p. m, and at Cord:tor-
eial Hotel, Seafoith from Hite 12 it. me, Of SIM -aray
shoeing now you can learn more *bola -melee& gif-
ting and Putting together in two weeks than you
can learn any other piece in two rent. Any one
who is it good dressmaker or gond *ewer M drrnw.
er, couldn't do better than to learn so teeth ltd.
ElOttrfoO. I have taught over 4,600 girls this Itet tix
years, and offer $25 anyonsThit e.an thosr Ole -an
article in dresameking they oatet out alter takiog s
course. Next class commeoces Monday. Be
6th and next, February -2otb. I will be leeching te
Stristlordat school only, but will travel, showing
how I teach. Strangers way board at school. A
suitable -reward given to soypawn informing mo any one trying 10teach ibis nouns, whieb 1 in.
vented and 1144 patented, that does not bold it zer-
ificate front MO. MAL WM. SANDS118, Teacher in
DruffinakIng. Box 169, Stratford, Ontario.
Furniture and
We make parlor suite, odd and fancy chairs
to order, giving you -choke cf patterns and
colors of eoveriess for eaoh pieee. We also
re -upholster old • suites and chairs. /flaking
them look like new Our prices ere right
and our work guaranteed,
Cutters and Sleighs for the baby ars now
here. You can have anythhig you wish in
these lines, from the Cheapest to the best.
Furniture of all kinds et the lowest pore
eible prime. Peeetares and picture framing,
window -shades and curtain poles.
Sewing machines, the Davis and standard
Makes as so low prim- that it will pay you
to come after them. Just mime in and see
these machines before you buy.
Knechtel if McKenzie
Farm for Sale by Tender.
Belled tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed, up to Wednesday, March 1st, 1905, tor the pun
chase of Farm Lot 19, in tile !end rameeseion of
Stanley, county of Huron, being the farmowned by
the estate of Thos. Penfonnd Upon the preteiteee
are situated a good frame dwelling house with stone
cellar and good barns end good well The piaribas4
er rney pay alt wish or eau arrange -to leave it eertein
portien of the purchase price) secured by wort.
geeee. Further. ferule will be given by spplyieg 10
1937 -td Administrator.