HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-10, Page 2A
t7l* 7�7—,
- ", -f; f `7
-"tTARY -104
iiif )s i tro ii
be era
1�rovod to-
eniun tlys in. Poorer
fb WOU14 _j e a and 'tirains are stalled in 'all
_ge o Lvearai,,, a, has, to a ppt bio ible -for of our -T
dl�reetint,�4. hia m
xtell-ti taken he p I aca� th of Jianuary 4 ond vicinity- ho
hb"n. the OR V and -hie Pro�6nco, and
SRAF TH, FRIJJA�� F eb, 8,, 1905 A': or isale of cereal tj etes W the histor�.r;
1_nig in t
gal TNN' t to.:WhIch olover
Ort -is a reoor'd breake i- d- ON&
thr'thr4,gh" tho tj st
Oeorge W.: Aos 8 4. tt A' bo ab u'r oliep, i , !'of ,our t of traffic. It is thb-sev.-
Public jor thQ' c
Cal pap
r �apprebiatoad 10
r na
r pp I: 41r, S111
tihp- TorO-qtO tio-Ilod- that 'tho Toroato -of t, gan-dral over the whole* pro-
f 011 xprienmd for many years,
Aba.' will be of ind M to ioiatrol the W wift 'd, is 00
0,1)_ oeidle prices province
fWith tbian ou
prciote by_evry al i1 Ontard mob me-aftd
e mIvy ldistric�lq in, �th ONVI and 1'no people, im Uquozo'ne caniit T&�il
ativ L For a Oisea, G-
a:ad by i iny Comb as az "VeJ ore .,genexowz Stoma'o� Trrilibi s aud se e r rn
it swy
Oth017 Provinces, paitibularly'in 'tle i -f, t he np_�*d -19 pioperly presonted.
15r*vino., o - Qu'ebec,,,%ykee the �ro.:
do Ina
t u y
INI lswi;g6sti
of red 61' Chambrlaias. -omacb aEld Liver
xo it the S Ir, is,ov-4, - d'Auction
Over ild lahOe bear truit -.in 'libibral. 6spo Gttle,of Uquozone veof- and Uquozon.e—llke, gn e-�TeeSq of.oxy -Mozema-Ur,
nse T& 19ts are the b 'r $1,000 f or a disca0e rm 'tbat it gen—Is, deadly to vegdtai matter. rsipplas
-of has subs:ld-' -could be, .,tU est thing for %tom,-, fq
ren, An 1to 40od"ada-* t ify !-of 'our Christ' nit* and our -i,oubl
-ed, tl 1�eople of 011A.'rio ma:y pods! ac4 t Pas ali constipation I ba
re you Liquozone goe'Into. -,tomach
eced- 'has, tbat'Liquozone 4ceig 111�1-ggmq.
some f�ffr, ppreohibion really rrood red clover Into the bowelz and inta t All dis0ozes that, baln wizU levor_&n I
ant' s . ve 101illhOt kill. We dop 019 . assu the 011=0
bly arrive a v. dge� taM of. privilege 7am, 'a r Idi;" saJ. R. t0man, a' 910no bL leer.
dr' �,g'o be blood,, m&tjoij
nly b -all contapi
-who in a f ithl. �ho !a-st �biontb, been lthr'esfi- gym -all eat- ouis dieft$es
of the ma!n ist, Of Ptbarsvillei Mich. X13d It 1.5 the 0 Irr
ipathiizeir. X-'nOwu tO hill tO 90 -qIleever the bood goes. - N
lay aown tbo Th'at fbe od ,nNqr Sh 'ville, i the.bunty of A h y_ are e -as e 'o. Zile results ofilu ureorpofoopod blood.
In Liq
w Ind alwap germs In the body wl Out killing the- germ can C-Scape"t n�' none. ca'n' re-
q just r TM41 froih satisfaction. -ell my Vustgm�- tissues, to 61. Any dru wbarzlo.drugscando.
of ;Potia.' c, by the use .6f Un
o inaV�
7 m, and if not satisfac- Is a p()lson, and it C ot be talcen in- a gerin disease mu5t end -vreu the:
busD Ioed 'U)[� -raill ti f Strong T4Ae, �e.in-ps. era to try tb '
4 1- Afraid hat kills erms sjzt it The rc-,Wts are for.
not fl,,re4tly dlay 6 1 =
t r to come back a
ord there ever, ,I Many Peb!ple 8uffer for years f riom soce 130tide F"e*
ad get the Medidno ja ailmOSt'lielPless germs are hillecl, Meno LiVozone,
.Ir ternally..
'd prefor to do,
but have p" er bad a comr
onsagea. -in a Coughs, colds, rlleumati� Oa yo ev in any germ disease. !It is this. fact acting as -woi1d
n, an
hoarseness. and other th
pla erful, tonic, quicl,
OZ0110, lhot d 61!wo party figa wila was 41rdents are Aulckly- relieved by Oresoleur'O' e the strong -�aed- i t F � sale by Alex. Wilson, which gives Liquozone; Its 'worth to restores a co3iditin of perfect health. If you need
Ell 01
d ist, Seaforth.
'not 4-bustd- � It tJi�r4 10ines "u# ru,
eve.r as oa,3 �Ablets. ten ce�ifs per bo -t
L11 y �iven fOj� rh -humanity; a Worth sp gr6at tha after Dise
All druggigte eumatism e send us
&-ratane was oc Gaof-_e Brown, i not knwin.,g. that' ass -es 'Which have resisted medl- coupon. Vre quick rellef from tW6 Years, clue for yeam yield at t
-sUng the product fo.
-A' A Ma -ed ald, Iii; 'Pain may be had simply. 1)y
or 19(��var d appl in Qnce, to L -quo- der,on- a ocal
and hospitals, We zone, and it curera disenses -ad we pay
Gb,ba -Trotter y 1*%, e tv, hrough physicians for a
A Vov
A'youtliful globe �t,,xottet only $5,000 in
b, y #Wi ourdives for it This is our liam Ralph meredi;M filt is t 0 1 er
-00,00q for the American, rights. chle, never cures. Half h peop e yoii gi.Rt
Make, nor Oliver -Moiwat' 'nor. W Chamberlaili's pain alm. For sale ronto has pent paid $1 -91hich-3nod.1- size bottl�e, -and W,&
it -dru' ist,' &a, And We have tpent over one M1111 ' dol- meet --wherevo
not tbt Alex �isoja 'r
On cleanin f ram the sLreetg tbqs OIL
r vou re-cala tell
in oiix saaer mome If ts Nve. rogard oronto, but, forth. Ina46 t-0- convince -you; AOW,
in, comparison w! t h .$26,000 at ha t
abu§e as good, Jars, In one year, to buy the 11rst bot- Of ures th t made by. you
r�try- residktnt of T
ttle in Caria ' a. He the time last year. tle'and give It free to;each sick one quozone is, and wbat It,
politiQ%; -but W do' m to % a 'London bqy, who
h Not -do. Ili justice to, yoursp
08.1 Who Would try It. ca -IL dNvard. Gauthier, a worknien, 4blo tok keop our. t4 Acc-, from, it W Please
eGemm -accept dt to -day, for It
�L Places YOU ILM_
rom. the .1
er no d
V'hen thK� party wat- approache;�� a le has' b Catholi bligation -Whatever.
F i -red by.'a -d-oalre to see som,el -Mr.. ai�' s", of at 0 tawa, fell fitty feet f
Crdq' 0�f- rob'I of t he,
W n
t;he vount., (nfar quebec. Ile struck on his OpKyden'. medicine can do for thes.
f- the world the YouniX fellow bat ic church at Ail- the lindwn germ dlseas6s
A mado three trip;%.. -across th 1qUOzOnB c0zts 506.,and f:L
Act$ MR An t�hsa�taTe
n d e are re4y to d- -Atlan- .1
a foot,or mor -e o'snow
t e ove±
4 mit ll tNis ani to.-� pecoga 90,11, the' Con- t In4de 'by icom-
to M -r Cha UA9 �roulbbT; �Is to help Nature vercome
ic nd 1�48 Ive4l r in- Uquozone I no
ize, the a "et, iapparefit�y &yond a,shakinq pounding drugs nor la
0 ae
-an we hav he n
f he" %vice. As, �,�neral -rule t. i'n n. t. t and such xesults are lndl�'
L � M,
40,�od 0:. t bo, y ilierd 'any alco-
Wre bro the germs, Wherevr theyeare. 1`0 t1liq cffer ruay
en lie, could.not do ta, n. rom! it h -a t up -
-bM4 'belaring Ass s� as he shall W Iles UrO, erived sole -
id, hiq way. Wh qd injury. No bones bol In IL Its ;Vt ne at,
P. , departure -f ' licertMu. Liquozo acl,-
"retlir -sa' CUT
ken ly fXO . gat-jargely M
throug4fl the aNveini?, 1 by water �e wox-ked'his way ,Is Oxygen; gas --by a And
passed lii�c
blis'l, 0e blankr� .qud r 38. st 0oxtroordili. ail It to rhe. -11quo
en . zoue
portals of death,. Bi#�; niay -*te ot. I it seward, ad� -whe r9a, ZoreAm-a-n was tile 1proefts reqidring Immense apparatus 'wh the germs cause a disease 'COTMUY, $58-564 Wabash Ave., t)i;e Rreithhupt Loeather'Conjp cauv ol death of,
and forever. vitable.
little, �und a t parets live at Vsullham,a
i-ilwav far Cylter, E. Ap- and 14 day Yed, the disease must end�
amyj are destro
in� thi;,- case ante-da-tei-4�1our justice , e hie walked, W time. Thii Process -has
Pointed it Aurora, Ontario. Ile for t t bea -ap o P� MOM than 20years, been, the ic�� ine ..........
posit4on 'M Berlin. died t Revelptok EEO
I bave never trie(i xiquo7oilc, 15tit if yMI,
cotnoep t the'_A1etrRp,?0lis. Flv;e.vears !%pital, Drltisb� staut SubJect Of 2CILintifie, and hemical Astbma Will supply Yne a soc. bowe free I wjil
Jus sahurb of
t -Mr. Rotg)BTI W. obert% o bia� -from 'UOod poisoninig di- researeh. Absc0_ss-A-nmml,% hsided at 00111
nd wrt h e f St -t
go- Upton Park, Mdney Dlsoasds take it
G or
ford, bliad, fiell. idown the te-1- - rctly - laftrlbutpa;a to a r4t�y on t1be
La Grippe
t -bat h.firh- Blood
The result Is a
he, can Voi i tt HD3 ra:n r 8t.aix, at llqWd that doe -whd Plson
supposed that Applebon, Oxygen does. right's b1sease
stobeOv, qther day. eye. t is;
.4 Leucorrhea ..........
Mae bf,�,eii tre pa�k �ceir ",,bic� aiv�ay. While a pirrt of restless- it Tron bles
so, many dr Is M nerve food and Bowel Troubles
c dravqived'i nast._,plow on tihie ;Nwvho? in a ug store blood food -the most hell3fl thing I& ...........
-Yun -Vanad' put hi and a desire to r ove Coughs—Cal" 'A111dY UP-'= Troubles
lid Nvas an-* 1head,, ortLt Its eff
SL f ot, 0 e 1 2
va botom' , ects, are ex
t<4 ojqfy to be -divett a 6oubtedly t ti lth�,e e and pbssib4 bad the world to you. ConEqption -into o0i'er of his ac -
Colic -Croup
-.Mr. 'Artlbiut; Vitning, . A., w hemicaLn his fingrers. Blood 11111MMUng, vitall�lng,, ..... ...........
ht e� be, C,;n, tbe, immediate caA;�,e was 't J)b .........
PILt 41 H -0. as bd purifying. yet� it onstly)ation was -,It stiident of SL =1 QA1 9 qufck]X- developed nd to SM absolutely cert Give th. the ain gerpilcide. The Zsentery-Na
of situation -%vi
is" LPL Skin Dls&ies
to mg. up rms, aro v�Zetables;
Sorvice 5to Co k.: a f foctic Ws D&Ddrufr—Drc,
OP-L-ASi to tilt*, bl"ain In, that ge
Dyspepsia -worXtr. S, 'he f ainily he rao tf cb;�rs-6 of studies wb. Paris, Mr Thoias Donnolly, f or mat�y Tro u b IT: $0ai _'will begladly suppvj _est.
oon to I , foruf
Frr�*e. lectured in Brandoii yearls. 'he proptletDr of the garjlqa
tabitity in was fouTid kl�em
dead in that town a
Nvaz Made a i6ljool ixf&pec- only ae lioi
awebk later. 11-_ f or three or'f our yea d
_tVho, a fe f S ago, f teT havitV4
D6nald Gran
s, when he ltt ob Iiis c§tar te4
of -U�, i�vrho,
-ap�o �bacawe,pai!§tor of -the Ou Wife for vedt to De-
t ai,
with him fil'-st our. Des:triblng. thEs he sid: SHEPp AND silo
kz� _r.� . - I RTHORN CA17L-
ja FOR io d o*f his Temembr wedown'to the -doclols t Und,rWgne4
nd Mn. Dorrnelly wore A* JfZ2 L
Under and by virtue ipf the p,)wAs contained In a
erad thoroughbred Le
harge elceSter bheeP and Durhan'
cptain of there, 'waiting eii ': 0Qr*A4-1r for a �&ar to eertsin mertg-wc, y hich will ba produ
f inf-11 trank, Vr- opjiml a, schooner to 14, eed al; tho Ca tic of both *exeq.
Addrc-ca ZgmoqdvMo jD. L,,
takia th
o th. Mr, 6ra:at m to the depot. Ar, tne car timg of salu befe will be i 11ared 16Y sale by Public P.
of lWraing, -an-d ei t �ly Qb t2nn, lffill� ftsd, TuckarMlib,
0 -h-My '%va7y to Trqland. oliforni for a �%ud`tfon on Wedn6sdy, the 22nd
a pproft-oped AIr Donmolly Look & rtep yay of February, pass, 1906. at the bour of two oclock I thoaftern
oon, a,#
ilon tox a Pe yle"s school 1:1 s IP at Newoastliaf- County'Doi�rn, T� M forwr and 11111-"li foll ba-ek dead of EW4614*ed X879- tht. Commercial 11otel. in the town of Seaforth, by
b 0 tile oaptabi. slapped me, congreiStatGa,vdtied bi
make evy
KYStera w"ch Rlieui�,L ULLs FOR SALE -no
I thD f ace thr trowin Donr*lly was Th,mos Brown. Htq., auctioneer, the foil 0dersiped b*S
Whooping Cough, Croupi Omnchifis I-Als two 1borou;:bbred.,*
Oaruadiaii. 1:,* -y -and il ft,ee of- le- a spodn ovf,,r- B
�in $300 for N&a t f ilure.
'bMI74 ,nd we iimber is, in the lira! hortborn bulls, ert,
gib e for cirlk for a f arin Cough, Gri �htheria y red d thetho be -,t th&,t is in, lif nt to North 1�'Agthope far- c-0 P 10 t lY Prostrated. Frinds as -
baler left p,.Asthma, Bi H of the -.rvvoshfp 4?f Hullott, in the Count 8 alud 12 months. on,&
R(�Iief Officer Durst, body, 'to thp� Apply
Huror.. The ],.%nd is a clay loam and there are %O'JORX me.
'Mr. Ross wa r I r -five mto:ntb� -1',of '�trtford, allarg-L> quaaelty of f amity -T P43idoc.o. so vreoted on the
'r I I r i here. Af te si t i removing the,
V;3ry. b 0
tIlt -he Ariated a univefsitir ,,�ot 'tird., of it.� and walked in Ito ore lone Is a boon� to Ast-hmatles
17rty a stan-a dw&llng house and
frAme bank on stops fouridnUon and the
�an* arnb4tLon that Spr'j of -ba 'Th
a-grai, where I took g V40to-rla. daugbter
wood, t* 'o b lands re watered ith a sprinx creek. The pro.
of -Xing R d w 4 CRMM"r, Isa Imig est4bllsbed and stl6lilw-4 rampdy AM -The underaltm
ally in h--1 fh�'nd 1�u-t b -,s sliiip to Scofla�n, theri to apples, und80vent an perty is about 2� intles f row Clint -)n and 6J vallex has for asle On L -eh 16
ono ba fOr thO d)004608 1ndlrALtML It CUMS bewise the air 3r -n.
tlfree ba�", at 13uek- r
&reA strongly antlwptic lszwTiod avertlis, al5mrad our -
n life Was and �acrss gain to Irelan1d, of or-ation Tr appenclici f.m8eaforthwidiseituatod on the ifuron RDAd. number of up-t4data th
_y La-
tlfrv,P� '-and a. eo�ok of api)'le"bu't- ala. Teruiv of Sale :-Zen per cenh of thd purchase tqe low ".b blo,th-y jype. -OM
am oa a few day -,s The fdOes of Mo bronebial tubm with in color and
y 'in h
ury'i"mu', giving -breeding. T126y sra...Afl el.
and I his� di�;,. Way. From 'here I took for 'd
10 In Mir i - L i,%tri mon ey to be raid down at the time o al a, bals cc
gmee by .114rd Work-; 1 inGuiler trip t6 S- '.Ud itIMOA-r- wthe oPeratiO was' igible to
h cAu r eotlxid,, a
Oik perfornled by Sir Prolonged snd const.int ti Tboliotor a consump- --o be paid within thirty days vheu purchaver will erist"th ri and will be sold reaso"UM SAI men we m ebrouint bMimus, iind been! ladtos, conveyance indtobelatluto poss.
'which ch, I*c Traves. t9urgrcon k or- U110 teudeW.y, or �ufrerurs fro
have f by Lord and Lady' R. Wrayfor, a mdil
0 lei:�,Ixrc 1arc-s King, of Ca dinary t irmnedinte reller from cougbs or innarned conaitions or casion Pi)rfurtberp3rticnlaysaiideondttio.iis of
Bun this did "6t d- xstairs, who' wrot-e A butltin sub -
n &unt
palu apply to the auctioneer or to the undorstguo. lroRtHOMt- -LNA few G
The cir- M2 13A r4tidlybn&-
THuS. BiRt)WX. R. S. HAY 4
9 Scotch shortb
n lie 'maa 11 w a re a t ion. rtpb. fr(%,m -a�ath be pther s f the gpe-ratio.n were Vapo-Orwolene lu- sold with ragligiared pedt-
to My nactlliar, bou t -or in Stra-tford, aq a nrro-w Cq- sequntl issued sara tho throat
icklet -and s-ent Into h,omo day. He BScime 'chcap wit lia-.4 indul! ' was: f- Auctlooter. -)nths price
WA rivi-nig a by 'drugglsta or seat pri- Voodor's #Solicitor. grees, 8 to 21 in a f roka $50 to 4^ if
od b
Avay SIX morh)- -xted at Seaforth, thle Both day of JshuaTv,. Igo$ taken soon. al�w o
ia at tlm'*e.S loVer, M I cess t b-,, Laorable Th' P
r. Cr�i, a e .5 thrit �jm. ra-i bore it a -rd at abon-,,ttle
�r a ck4 -Nv'h,-i pala on roMpt of price- 010, elfc
viary 11-tk8bires9we four months,*
t n hisrigr i�as struck by a nd iv prqf�ressia;� very pricep. also -ail
apt qizotatiuns;'bu �jniaerti lov- the Atlaaib. A Vapq�crewlena out�
traip. T1113 was kit -led in- !x1tisNctOrilY-' Tile �Irincie�s, w1Io at incivaing a bottia a
of literature ilardly -join Thck� fG1[owij�jg'ye,,Lr lie
cros-sed tho Kntly a,,nd 'thia cf;ter dewmjisbed
This, fa, has beop ill for sorae rclmeo camo to Crosolene $hSo, &nd for ER FOR SALE -Tile hfpr the first tim, of bqt fortuylatrely Mr:' Wreford, One G de Only, FTWIA bAff on lat 6, coneebalon 2, MOR11top,*.
London biiok ra
Aard 1prtc�-o 1% po n, Tanuar. froa Mupt 4 wl let,
27 'to prepare, ri
th�a tl.'P i"! Ffid: "I lfgs not' ho at tll.,u-Ii -was for t1l -,o IxE3trVG AIILI�Sco., Ltd.. portabla,saw ill. squ%re Umberxedarpolto. PJ -W
f lowe briiisea and cut --,o leration. She, -was born in
rs of the lirax ub t
;4 y lwl. undo - ho befor I r n away Agentz, = at
a4ain,t-ak -not �jariousj injured. 1868. Tarnw st" rafters, w4h Ion!"
trwes, etc. supplied j..M2 rc"waXj&
torms. Arip
0 'Cmnada. sm ly on the pl!%ce. L
JAboraus. ing the kin tox1jn, of
eava I -our
th Ley� -The eath al AEr,4. Cbaxle.s Cap t i n ',\Baltri k f fho s CAlly. I at,the famM a est
!Pit w1len f�ha s�-bool i laiia bu 'Alo n tie - -P Sk on ar ty -in Re "a'
d 'for ti alva- nd That the B
t��pfttor m r a a 10 - n �r c I �"- aimouinves
a Lor is de- ran way 1*�,6m' the ship j]n Quobec-, i S*-' 191&rYs. -on Tuepday MbrWirg -hat the Dom.inion Unfe steamer.. 'ETOUSE FOR gAtE -10 ooMa
t e0ft and hara
UL, WAtet, GtOylu 'Windows, I(X)ND And screen
-ralpfoYmnt s valt: <-if last Deceasod.�Ivs isn- Vancu bROSS f 00k 1!a for- With (M English entlemii named 66tl) i ad r",ided in 8L, the Ar ot too La t e--.
Th-&"- n I i1W4'\ -en 1abartered by
t0'-`4ail from Liverpol for rulbtrees, Ow comfortable bome.
Irn public, jfte, tt#d 1tc.,.Av-aey. A(I wlar�l an old Marys*fior thip, ast 15 vears. Xbolit 'April 26 chi
Ca n ada, o, * I I have inat receired &.ear load of Mo- AP. Apply to )L. , J3
But, a. li;ith -upNM - 1 DUr
n, who. t i arlo. s life walk- a roa o, the late .-Ur�, S of 1,�bo. Laughlin Oattere. Any person
It T6c5znimd t k 1111rie r rktt.3-11 ea -'r t j�Ljs ab- o enter for 9, term in any department o
Tho 4party our excellent achool. Te
ill coix tbinkinK of investing In a new
a. in Call On SHORTHOHNS POR .84LE -Pbreple four oung
than T he used to dto Nvas to OLrryl �nto- la Lxripye., from th effer, ohag -or w
t o city. One of the tlontravLod a oold which 0, C,la
c o
.110 ORme a5' two cats. We walke L19-1 Of Salvation KA:,F\My nffia,ers Scotell Shorthorns, aireid fr in 9 U 1-0 wontles
More pAirchasitig iilvowhere, They a Ted8 �nd one roa
Irflan 01 throui-,h a coun'_. wi-ch sh-o fully rodavexd. and 'will b labo as an qdvodat� of pof- t"y, ll Frnell. Ate by Imported Truirpeter and are thoct7 beek
to ontre'Ll, and gha bd 1>een. W to t)i& rs, doms ics,an c are not. the ohespeab cutters in
somthi-ng i'di-zti af itqed , 011190 d ill so of stook
about a month.'From- for,Tm;1rly ,I year. D c aAe:(l ti Ulnj
Apply on Mt,_91. eonet_sg��n 4. H. R.
'a .0 town but theS are the best and re or ScsfortU -P. O,L# A. a J. Bito
individii. ft f There- qJ and aat �Pew re- as ',\been a
to Boston and a place in a member, quality remains long after
r u i t iq t 11-c a! a: r. Y i k' of 1),ar f ' Rhode Is3and ive walked sos and oixe) d bi u rm 1�bore)7,s� es-
y- atkd then Itr. gh- 9 dQrm�an I. for f a
placi. price forgotten.
all ' in Onario, a-nd, �tlw ijiten
Ilbs z(,',al for y
t Lew York, Ad walk- M.V("rts, for Inariv years tiOn i$,-tc� )laon as manyl -a fulf line of Genuine Rulsber HOTt!M0RX BULLS EOR SAT-E.-Tbe urra
d pas- took. baat o ep
-ho a
Sion for our ,jr, I ke
Agned haAon.1r)t 27
'that wh-Ii s- Oii N�r r f a um, f or! wbich' is Shreborn. buiisrogiDg awe from 12 to,
h Philwdblphia, where MY, mas- oif the,well know of S. 41t, CIO Earnest. also Robes and 111uga, ve
01 Sys befil qd a s � V os&i b I e S
TOROM, whieh you oan buy from me cheap.
Lur- rill be made'! in advan
here. art) a fine lot, balog
For the wintei er bEan else dark red fir colorndf lrood quality, rour
for threp. days as friendless, the on- St. lWary, died lest w c- term now open. we &&v
cr died. I wa.,, in 'the police cedls Myers, & SN.w, woolln ni'ania. IS moiAbs, for ogle, Them
ihe n.ame, df George W. at ROL',M-Iatio L;0vlorning, both
-ass ly 01 the kibd I ever li'ad t he n6slldonic-e or. son -in -taw Mr 10mplo-yed staff of bV Imported Prinea of B%nt.,,
t ho, p loyer 20 teachers, and can aerer advan Apply to DAYM
bay'q been
39n tf
'sever- J'. T.- Crabbie, Taranto. Wt dawn uninmi
h a HILL, Staffs P. O�
tages not to be fonnd in - a sroull
1Mr- Ross was la anath(arr' Chi& ad- 11 p, o protect the inl\trests
ouse'and l -blcts, and '%vent he, in Sep- vianv,,d rl,,pa t a0h001. Writeforparti A MW Oampbel
_,�;orely n�eedd t qUppar-t the. t em -of 81 yea:bg and .6. muntly_q. Lo� b t h. ulars and
1901, fter beig aivay'oino Vc�ocia:sed" wflo -A dm-�Mtcb from, Portian, to start ab'Once. Address
0rtujies f -the the- Ad, been ill
Lib- w York
sIr welak'S, -",as born in Yorksbire., E�KL:r_ datted Feb,
&t ot ta_lr, uary 3rd, ys: At OUSVELE91'Ell, WAN
'Ru%b 'till,- Whae did o SEAFORTH.
you. head f or noxt,'! ln%n. W. H. SHAW, Prneipsl. lie
Ontlario E Vcation D op a r to -thip+ 'country lice lyeadq arLers to -da Xq
o*ve r a en-ral err on 5, farm. -Alwy
'not -qn t ou _ou ()MC19. )qeaforuL
d t, was a.5&ed. 35 4 the
txc that U, m -a whafly I n t 0 , for t �or Miss Katb-
Ver to 03tena and -,Nrork- cA_i1i had
-oted lri�% busine w Gm -a a. 2 PED BA:111,1171
Q1 che� Do q.,in St.Ma.r lei -n Floodi -a youn,
OP11D, -o were 6'- the r, flux 3 -Th, undel 4ad hug on Lot
h�rt ti-m�q, but i,ft SitIvO thb doalb f bhii'wi y1cl-ars. Of NVII Conregbion 1). Hlbbert,
the gl, f, Same few lo. has been missing Ineltr st*ffa, a lot or
%mor ok tbi3 great Wa.% not the -tourist ses�un, a nd bus table; for Ped a -ad guarsutc�
ve� lie ]lad I Mons"d Barley. �8111
regime and I t w,�t.s '�el t, ne-, in ved wiffi blin 'ystdrdy afterlic-6n. Mi
-n and frte from fool seeds. �.Vg
to put at SIGN 'CIRCULAR ele
its h1da4 wi ac- Ant werp, rbbe, in TLo_ FlO`0d is a �qsidcnt of Paisley, On- -of Terrors Staff& P, 0. ry dull so, I walka- to (-�nky do-Ug)-bber, Mrs, jo The k\mg
I 'had o, diffioult-y
knowl,-M.wd madVeatio'. lario, and been visitr-r�- I-r6ends IOU.
is cotsumpt --------------
A!� -0n;e iwQ the old &t ROPERTY WANTED -A good co�31orj;Lbla
of Edllc'Qj()�n til I h "o alwarts e this, itY for th last 'w'e' OF TIJE SAW
'jd Saved She And Con sumpfion\s caused by, net
C 11011fteaudetable,witbtrarn, 2 to j5.1�creg of
NCa. -nickeroc&-cr Clab yes Let-
s neex loo in tho, pe lect. P
d up 4-ja s pu I.e-- go '110rue I ivacs' home threa m�f lftJhe K Ing to cure the ddiagerous Coughs land att"bed Muit �O POIAT 10hurrill sad -at-ore
AY PrtY man' it W�sj! gv;.�'��rqll ck, pav�,sed I- day ftern000 at J. (>'clock and li.3 �Aply toTaOXA8 P&PPE-B
sud G�I(U. box. 212, y when I ro. t way in Full.%Ttom, ra Gt &iacc, ldor'�qf the mewly P. 0.
t llv. r itwb it job on (oil 146iiday of lar3t n1ot bMn 110-61 Shia is vis -
-Can, T4e babamic o
Stk�,'Iiner coming- to Ida, Xid-wedt'. -at Me iage &
Whom gare -to 74 caxs aid 11 itig friend4 a t NLo. 5, 11ro_S t I
111) ov,(,r prett rpuch, the same y 07th cut pi4e heals and i ftor ,rround mo;�,nths. Xb + 11CHDAR POSTS FOR SALM huaking c�ur debeased Veatje:�n stmet, ,aad whicia a nV -ates tile For sale, one W
as on trip, but n lie, did, not re. CD If& V er _vlorth of WAJ ton, a job of goems
working ii�n- ivas lungs'�AWI eveti cor"iR#ves ita- ada qlAart
Mativ� tilrn J-a.st' ni-rht, nd they larned ceftr)30sts. All kit-disodlenixtbo zo Of Engla:n, bu came
e e, M to LAWS0111 BltoS, JVultca p. 4%
t i n wa_,zz up ihe -,olA --%v,,a y years tctg �anci; en -t f 'e
pt her ijlac�a I was b to p a y m t Ibis 4c�ount-ry Iman, that he b, proVe and revive amid th rfU + Ap
a wholly pci Q� 110 ad not filld a 4t' o the pines. This fact 1633�g
01itical b,- S 4L inan, rts;peioted j)y hi
a ry g t a t
f Tt and then b*ack been known to physicia. s the ON'Sly:T0 L4)Atq,-To 100n,
LeeMea by ail -Nvi + US too Mue-h to- �say 130ston, tb whem S(3V1entY1secoad strcet and Ce&ral essentigl healing ,pnticipY� of hi ye&ra, from asoo -to �$800
New- York- '. d hO had 0 M
wtt.g an had idealing-4, e�
n 1 t i os he
othp-re I wen -t to. Ni'a,,§ it Lib(..r CD WWI to 41,00)OM
a wort 4 rna or town property, qIflo froon larst raortgage Fro M Park 1hy became larmed pine has never before been s6p + Brat Moltzage on In) In
r ck Nvalki nq ),lad V 'in fund -8
df-Lacbed prt -or. f � d notifi-eilf-he police. UP to a lte ated and refined as it is in
1po Tvri' Istry, The. Sau
no t, ic,01 m.axriied. his i9ecOnd, wixe be- OFFICE4 Seatc-Ab.
the '.'y1r. nlony f or t 1 IbOW7 to-Ilight othing had bwu pt + 0PPIYAtTJ1R.RXPOSIrSap`r`V- Private
anla arris- ONUS
t. but in 1-1 11art, of DR. WOOD'S +
11drdvc Fullar'tou, who lulurnod of, Iller wlierezbouts.
ly ',V;OP.k William Quinn, a NORWAY PINE SYRUP, STRAY ANMAL,-Stray,d f
c M * r
a ticket �to 13uf- �survi.vcs 11ijil. To in fcr r -b
nore a Tllf�,i con - fale, at:', went to S L i atzr - h"he sympat]
oeption of It' I Falls, of tOm the premises
. archam farW C n .1 -red
OS9 Po - lich I t.h' 00mtrlmitY j;% fwztend- C-, Oxf rd o, ty,,,. + It combines the life-giving lung
a 011!Z11t -a splkindid sight. ;ad. jabut 34, C* + r Ribberkin November
ry rr*w ti t cre,4 From tht-re. I welit Nve owamittd isai eor or bolter, 4wo
�:q t L 0. olde by
healing virtue of the Norwa Pine + ears c1d, puie wbiw in color. . A
t ba fo:r (11 pr'i nd Ghi-cq!, Mr. y nv leformtiom
Tb,.N r11;,Inn,0_r 'in which -A-nnwi Mbbzta, daughter of- shootinq in the r;aht tem- with other a'bso + leading to thc rocovery Of this .�o, and in the latter pltco and rbent, expecorant + Id n t "i n (-,o ork-d in 'tile, M,11 -S11111 Fiold I store. Frederick Wurdl, -of ath wzLs in- and soothimz Herbs and Balsams. 30 G. WIL80,N,, Cronlarty P. 0.
u, ple wiih a r�M)lver . De
-died Sunday, J.
inc* i-,+ now 'Inuaxy 22 The a -et . was commit- 9 1 Ieft load ,It th-e .18 0rca.,r,& it cures Colds, Hoarse -
Cm "' Nd t.
to step into (J ct 4 iionths, and thK) homa of
ness, Bronchitis, and all affections RREFORD KILL -The
fla for New. York. There bi e dcrt aridervigned his Ire,
did lik, ,191It 11aya- Th ne,,vvs of 11 r Chrles Quinin, and a,love affair is
-a nofficp, + M H torso
m do hin of the bronchial tubes and air pas -
jai farm, one mile ai)d a half wilet Gf Fgmondvilla.
L great shock tor lier ana:ny 'givea cause. Circumstces sages. Mrs. M. B. Lisle, 11�-aglc + the Yuog thorobred Heford bull* 1-Jutubt)
p wrj�; to,I)ay rny u
i v(�r io-thcr Own hj!r)l Y f riclift in fur 4011113 til (I previau,.q to the fir-[ mo,
'by t J)e
lum4ed ar Liner bout four lago 6bo Avas em- in -g -of thP ��bot ige, to she Head, N.S., writes.—I baveused April 44h,1909
ud is in
I n, ko on -0 Ind landpd in London -�N-ith M Dr. Wood's Norway Pin maw
every rMect a mosl; doshuble animal to bf �e
1) 1,6Yed in e Syrup for
cf��Srs. 'C01101 & Sclicid- ]low dsate'rn�ined William f.0 &
t A limlbe4 Xumj,�r of rom will be Adinitt6a.
S01illin-s in my whem le Was v�trick(,,n ihi-s life. All nfght long b Ume of eervice, nUou
L, coughs and think itis a fine�emedy, Termssi payable.at the
A-4 bl roinst'.'
Presnt Trip. Wi tilf mroiats tro-abbe.- h1(� Ad Anum-
it-' ThIls 11'a d brother 1�,at' twerher. Witham
V, -h, -ve al V_ (lid yu'staft grown uplan her, dsite be have great f 4-n M inant. for ur -the ;b(6.,s:E of did not remo aim
h vercoat, r 0' 0 1
lily If "rovinc-e C n d and Modica I trea blient, and x p in it asit epuree's'7ery time. t=rw elf -
1W e ed (ldly 0
froin Febru Apri . I -death -on 8unday. 5 per bottle.. L'rovinco d to kill -t-
y ninatied n hiMMIllf Price 25 cent CD C
di" ircie- of nt r ea f Tie of- his brDtbei, a
iioZ t Mis Wurdl- hd a laro:e c �3 lo' urnd a deaf ear 'to fit wrked there friends in -tjjis nd
u&D'd 4 licir hiv b'!'olfher was afeep Gym C11- ath or
1to Come, out y is -Lc!nderdid r i auf of tbe m-akijf
Ltri For Pree Pro -
C. , i7 vielling by t lie - ck'01 P -a Irt's -and, -f am n tbei thin harn "o 1do 'the -r lvfontro�v,., ladinT I - TI. R. 1WU ily i *0 'go -0
n Nlorn,t (of sad baTeavem_ n t. miaTning's w rk,
PrOSP60ts fOr Clover eed. ha qnickly plced, gramma of 011
10111PS115 Ac
beg n to fee,1 L S-turdy, W'hilst -Mr. Mar-' t I -DO t le revolver a -r 1;
!�Vlvs It bulleti on t ii(A ummer toixr - 0 LONDOX . r
n IsSIV-1-d bV (be intor, nil wbQ..n I g o, t. as far a�i 'till the Rive,,r no. hi,,, baad nd
id, fifele&,3 �d,
�Gf Ary UI_L ()tt1X%_,I I hd to ff-o 'Into th-0 11 -robe, wfts outtin.'-r straw witil found I �v his brher on re vi r i t e V
ric lure, difficuu-t in 4in -e,67 to ,�nt Civneral machine, left tur
' t le rooni. D�. WT ff-'
<>f thc _.-�sul?1111( of on. Af tear hand as. accidenLalt ITH (hviilual ilifitraction.
-d tlovt�r Zot Nvell I lff`[TAMIM6� .
an dr to M !;:t
dra-wri in Lo "Zz
tile Ru%scll 111�use for le hortbai,4
1 %v(,rkud -Ind the f irvL Hirce f ROW, Toron- 0
L taii-lit ii t.hat ujsL�i4l by all
I`6d thcri canio here. -I rs A cut
Iri n ct s I -could not reverse Hic, levor,
there to --1ro home, One Of the old-fas-hioned. li-,- initruct-ors- 1.0 eourt re-
part of li'.1ir wc)rk ed iti EaLOWS the t 11 i ng itd- Off' to the botitom " int to,, Ont. 411111) 1GVed b v t IM, !16�d bra rich Lui. My mind, 1A (.he -re, i, 'is h-ind was b<�in- drawn in ttvns, I
vyatenll Of B, ook�
all the an f
of � A�ricultur
0. daughtr of ray mothars io him.self had to a at
clatl-t-Cr InfGr The Great E little thvt I pull it'ou't in order etc., r V, I i tosve the iS an old,well estab.
tliv ',ftt and take ho-inic a, -of tbo liand, bv it P�,
X'X)lid1ii0n& Of tllj�cj if hr hu,q twistiqg ft id taught,
gain Is Uric Acid in tbe blood. li6lle(l and reliable
Ve )I
otlikir in�itlwr wIll tr i her up. 'Pullin,�; the cox Proparation, Has been
�Situatioiis guamniec(l
ds Iv
cuI'Lintitt"' k was dr Unhealthy kidneyt Are the Preis ad used
over4o 3*ears. All drug. to'every Graduate.
Ile is not afraid of Work, iihrY'S, there. If the kidneys actl gists in the Dominion
Pnom tall Young fellow, bi , vens I cause of the acid bein
�olnoc lirougbt t
and w a of Canada
-till Quite reourmful, as his nara- dr-0&9ed. This is sell and ft
they Ahould they woulcl
flover utPilt Of As f,,,tr as pos accident, and 7vfr. 8 vv,t, s strain the! Uric Acid out as being
sible, Ile recommend
Wl Before and the only. = dicine of
its kind that cures and
a -
of Ontario will wor ll, no doubt, be -laid itip all wIn tcx�i f the systd and rheum wr1q. 0
vine.- V1 oduced in i ho Pro- lie. tries to Pay his a y,', MW all )7j
tO b0 infr in city bere he tism wouldn't occur, Rheu- Pv8s unlvmal satisfaction. It promptlyand two
S Permanently cures all founs of 2v4rrovs
;-"P- H0 4rot odhvertod a fL�w Ivee.ks A Guaranteed Cure for piles. D*
-thii-ids. of ,
crop n snati M iila Kidney CD JNCI
Tbe, Fev(,.r(. kv.Lnt(..r of ge,and Rpomnator7o(ra, mpotenc
Pills i Rad all effects of abuse of exceses; the excessive
.10 eas y, PA
1901-4, ma -up his mind to 11tollig, -Blind,, Meeding or Pr- e. Dodd's Kidney CL k -
with, . ProloyLt-ged 1K I to bis parblnt 6 d lhave wade a great P
it 1rov-- trudi g Drugists
lroaLll in. iiinny -of tho xii_,%tricts ni Pil art of 1 12" of Tobacco, Oi)ium or Stimulaws, e7itaz
r�efund their rep,�utatio and B -rain Worry, all of wb
n curin ich lead to I
money if razo 0i rift-Mity,
1110st t�-Clen- 1 9 Insarkity Consumption �d
1�ivill tment fails ti) cure Rheumatism and an Early Clrave,
any oase, n So et at
rown, itxxe(,din;rly un- 'rice it per papkage or six for &1'. (jne will AIL
Please, six urill Cure. Mailed prompty on
atandiago-in from 6 to 14 days. 0 Person
Tavtil,,it�lt! to tl��kj 1010* greaw�k dislies, pots or pans with ter Of - how Wa tbeca-r ib� those fearffil -0 0 Wan'
First shooting 1bains and' is CdPt of Price, Send for varnpWe t* Act As CODIA-Abl-Vo C011e&cor and Sani.
.7,(!r crop bf 1.c
111 et)ll ,()4. Tiever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- a t HT. t. Address- M tary Inspect -or fo the Town of Sesfor.,,h. I&-ourx
tile area lef I Ifor Ives -ease and rest. . Mo. Ing Joints. -11ere to 40*k CD
Pplicatiob g'
Tiurlwsv. of wed Tilove the gre itch Th Wood Contpany, from 7 a, m., till
I th th e greatest Your 0ugghsf hasn't it,, send 50c. but 0, Windsor, Ont-, Canada, d P' ]:ft's aPPIleftnt-3 " ,0 fUrnish two
producti ase Al', . Il
no suPe way- surefleg of Sifo each, Salary �$90 Per P'nouri,_
on twas '17in staraps' and it will be forwarded For sale by 0. Aberhart, J. S. R,6b- Also it night w0ahman, I
i formor
P. M. tin 6
A M- RAIKrY 452M per tunn
-iours I
Thi, -post-paid by Paris Mod Co., MMIMMM� I. V. Fear, and Alex. Wils,,
Mide was PAY the P St. Loui$, Mo., In. Applicationp jo_r
Intl oor. "NO. b efflocarecelved ell. in evidence at the clerk's ofnoo tin F
'n arlY 'all Editorl-rivery One hvbo re, 1930-6 13th next4
! I geaforth. -abru.
iu ir,
t 111) dist ricts in:, Oritai-Jio. -sty
Th papers, W3 LLIOTTI, Clark
croi) Tar(,d cmn %ro Ir is aware a -f the P.r,,o d" 4
ra ty.. f 11f. 094 Orth, JAnuary POth, I qoS.
'�titution and at. vinrz OW1 Scot,Lt has
feT(,d sevarly frni blizzard� )atnd
-%ot ()nl
Suppl 4f of VnIG
1, Rnland, w '3t0'rMs this winter, The .0,
--ro-ivn Londot
(*d linifted but 111,P qua' 'We' TQad of work- ple tbvre,are
ov CUM crip
pr�'d�e�d t his "ty 'of In 0111ada totxibu ting- Bev- Simi
is, 011 tar to tha people Of Ontario had
hoOle, inferior. and also of aflam- To Cure Old M (*e D
1'as t wiitr. A fox fn Tw 0
HY d0im� witbout eat for one, or Vil tY Mile n hou' ways
0-f Aw into drifs n
el-Ls's 1r,'J0V01* t'wo weeks in trd in tho er- to contribute
Ontrin. t llz-,ir hig troat railways ar- Landive Bromo Quin*
mite � h. ine Tabiets,
toward-, helpi ng those 'tied up,. cout- roads are WA02 bmes ScAd In paa 1;2 mouMs.
[1110, re T11)1
Co 51
, iin
W Off 1 0
g i
t sY.
G lie