HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 510E STO_ RE - WEA Fruary 4th unit les. Everything in Slippers—Heavy Mite. eteared out at Profit will be no cone 7ou have aey regard for -e intend offering, =during the following lines will ber t1v. price 48e a bair. price $1, a,le price 7;iie r-gerec price $1. 0001s.le ries 65 eale priee 50a a, pair. st 25 eel-, pd.- $1 as pair. oriot $1.35 a pair. to ne :Saturday tome any 0 eatorth lity" gnd Empreea ; :in may', aantirs. The -1Liber- • very diaappoin Led au • .laina- when the news raturnisee officer liati ; on of the polio that Ir. Cemeron 2 of a ma- - decting. Mr. liolmter e • . is A. Bennett, of Wiar-e7 e.sesent visieLoer her par- a --Ms Mamie leiv Lear - Pfrknads in Brno- yek.—Mias Done -lass. of " 'n her unek.. Mr, R. - ;Alia week.—Mies enis visiting. her .Irs, -(D.r.) Long.— kirk and W. Heffrori see n t Sunday w I/ n. -Mr. G-eser are firon s FE' i present aies7s,ires n town. -Dr. and Mrs., ! :lined a amall number :nds Tueseliy 4:venires; all. able time. --we era Mrs. McCaugliev ntof rria and Myth. very IOU .-Dr. Meleav -mithof Sea for t 11, rs erae - tea n n St1 Witt y.—Mr. A. vioited faends in Wel- aeturday till Tuvsday eE -Vcrroxeter s annual neaetine of f . eetitule will be held ire e- next Saturday af ter- eeeninse. _Messrs. W. F.. Ilorbour will athirheste A literary pros:ram seed for. ley the local; r'ood exhibition :A-8mo take place in the rink evenine7 between flrus- roxe tete—Mrs. Williani ondon, ia the •lemest of Mr. Makes near here.. of Heneall, visited in tre,,r Sunday. -Miss Mar - is the guest of •Misn. n. -The Sco t ch cancer i; "evenin,s under the tens:- Weetaninster Guild pas- , suctesefully.-A num- people of the esilIa els -ix social at Mr. Low - more Tuesday night Listowel. is vtin Mrs. 17.3. Playforde-Tlas ookea ;Lad Gertie Hare f rom a -week's visit: at Harrision. on Fri- anse went to Winghant y' afternoon and werse 1 he IN-inelam curksrse ,-The asanu.al asserts- ielora of 1,Vroxetee- si ite town hall Friday Fee number of young et t tendance and pro- - be o. moat istrecessfut sredi. ie due the beek- deralid say in n hfcla e conducted. O lIMMOOMMINNIEMONIIIMOINO jsborne. Flees. — -The a nisi - of he Tharnes Roast irch, were conducted: onday, .1 an ua ry. -e perhaps t he most m ine years. loereae greeted the. Roy. J. Torons o, an old t's- i preached bot h "MOM- • itf•V.. 'Mi. Turnbull. Liimeelf a great and occupies oue (3f Le in the Preeby tarierz Needless nest his reputatiou ore _Monde e eve:Eta r es t tee tial, was attended bv 7, !writesr eaf people, alt roe planseal wit aiiI 1 ha peter ra nano, Turnbull and Itiams. of St. Maryse. iitilrni• boy, (1(' reit McWilliams sons; seesteh sole, lot t • seerisl muaic. The, et a lade anniversary' • te the niewherg the elturel„ as ;sell poet or, 11( v, attle. ch a quantity so esh atOck of "74 FEBIOJAAY 31 •190-.. ' —Mr. tated Mra. Hyadman, from Cardell, Manitoba. acoompanied by Alm. Wallace, of Arrow RiVer,Mart- iroba, ore at eir'esee-et vi. -siting Mr. Kind Mrs. William Hill, on tiara 10th totalAntaaa.011M Loan. - —M rfeWin, Ez erma eet ho has tee n living -with l aen Wm n Miitehell, for a number of years, departed this Me on Thursday, January lila, .at -; ha Tine, old 4.1.:2x, of 79 years, 8 months ,and 12 dare Ikceaseal was a -native 4 f. Goa -many,. bue the hail lived in this counany for a number o'f yoareabave • rimed in Logan before retiring haro Pt o pend his de el ining days. Ilia -wife peedeceeeeds him about 20 years ac. K rrt SIL&POSTE. February 2nd, 1906. • ,ftII wheat) old).8iandards......., 1 00 to 1 02. Pall wheat (new) 1 00 to I. 05 Clete per bustle 0 80 tO 0 34 FoalspobtlPhel.;,0 00 10 002 ,,riey per brathel- ‘7„.. 0 40 to 0 42 sitter. No Moo - se, 13 to 0 16 Botteralub- 0 14 to -0 36 Eggs per doe._ tee tr oe • oe 2° 10° toil° 2° Flour, roar 100 .••• 6 50 to 72 75 00 flay per ton nom des tier 10e tte„. 5 00 to 5 85 .... 0 30 to 0 28 Woot_.- .. eee eoef re re • e •O 021 to 073 crataaesea per bag (oew),... *ass am 0 80 to 0 75 t (reiail) per barrel... a1 26 to 10 Waled per oord (tonal.. '15 00 to 6 20 Wood per cord (ehoet) t 013 2005 into 63 0005 isplee per bag.- -se 6 00 to 750 1 26 to 200 06 to 26 Park, per I00 La, - 7 60 to 8 20 QV er Seed,..... am • • re re re or OA. If. Timothy Seed as ow •••:' we • • • re re ro so rallOW. per M..- a.. am.; 0.1. NM OW if Mt Dairy III arkets.. TORONTO, January 3lat-13utter—There -is a good &Mame for choice deiry butter,. and quotatione for these have generally a firm tone. Receipts of all kindiare good. Creamery priori!, '22 t(K.M.o ; orea.ne • ery solids, 22 to 233; good to choice dairy tubs, 17o to 183 s medium dairy, Ina to leo infer.or prade dairy, 12e. to 143'; ecod to Lana dairy pound- folk. 183 to 190; large dairy relle 161 to 1So ; medium dairy, 14o to 15o. Oh e0 -The market) in -unchanged at U. to lno for large, 3nd.11•2 to 12a for twine Egga-The continued cold weather keeps the market firm. Qno- tations are all steady and unchanged at 20a for fresh, and 180 for lineeS, MONTREAL, January 31. -Cheese, On- tario fall we to, logo to 14"; colored, log 1Oo; (looter: wo to 'Nee Batter - Pinot grade's, 2lic to 214e;.ordinary -to- elit: 20o to 210 • imediuin grades, 192e to 20Ie ; westein dairy, 17to to lne. Eggs - Straight cold -storage stock, 18 to 20o ; Montreal, limed, 19o, • Grain, etc. 0011oNTO„. Jsrinary :-11-Wheid-Wh SI O6 to $1 07; red. $1 03 to V 06, gone, 90 to 92o: spring, $1 02; cereal, $i.07; -peas, 70o ; oiste,s401 to 420 : barley. 51 to 52'c ; hay, Nis, 1 tirruithy, $9 to $10.50; clover or mixed, $7 to $8 ; sheaf straw $10; loose, $7 ; hoge, cheesed light, .$7.75 ; heavy, 57.25 per cwt. • a. Seeds • TORONTO, Fel.rruar; 1. -The weather has not impioved nebtions in this 'market, - but more e.ctivity is soon expected. Prices , are nneaanised. Alsike, $6, to .57 25 for liarime, $5.50 for medeon .and $2 to $4 for common; red clever, $6 25 to $7.25 all f. o. b. Toronto. • Timothy, $1 to. $1 25. • ToRoNTO, (fan uary 81—Poultry—Quiet and prices unchanged, Tureave„ 12o to 353 ducks, 13o to 14o '• -sreeese, 113 to 12n ; ohickenspohoice, 12o to 141 ; old, 8o to 10. Potatoes. TeeeNTo, January 31.--1otatoes-Steady and fair movenaent; go 4 demand for choice. Ontario stook, 65 to 701 on track, and 75o to 800 out of score, .astern, 750 to 80o on track and a0 to 95o onb of store. 14ve Stook Markets. LoNuoNi England, January 31 -Live °sib- tle are quoted at 110 to 12a per porind ; refrigerator beef at 82o to 90 per pound; sheep at 12 to 133 per pound. • LIVERPOOL, .1 anuaryi 31 -American oat- . the 5id. MONTREAL, January 3let-A11 kinds of eattle were plentiful, but some 25 or SO of the best animals were beught for shipment to Great Britain, and thia helped to keep • np prices of all prime cettle, which sold at from 4 to over 4.10 per pound. • Pretty sgood animals sold at 31 to 4.io per pound. The common atoek at 2 to 3o do., and the leansoannera at 11 to 2e per pound. There were several superior cews on the market, which aold at $50 1.,';` $60 each. A man from Quebec' bought 18 'pretty good cows at an average of nearly' $44 each. Some of • ;he, smaller °owe sold at $25 to $30 each. The oalves were all young veals, that sold from $2 to $4 eaoh. Sheep sold at •31 to 40 per pound, and Iambs at aboitt 5o per nound. Good Iota of fat hogs told at 5:: to 5'.o per pound, "BuaraLo, Je.nuary 31st- Cattle -s -Prime steers, $5.25 to 85 ; thinping, $4 40 to 4 85; butohers',$4.25 n $4.75; heifers,53 25 to $4,50 ; cows, $2 25 to $4.15 ; $2.2:-.,3 to 84; etockere and 'feeders, $2,25 to $4.15 ; seoek heifers, $1.75 to 82.50; freah cows arid springere, S2eto $3 lower; 000(1 'to ()foie% $40 to 850; medium to. a I good, $28 to $35; common. $20 to 52'5.' -Yeale—Aotive, higher, $4.50 to $9.25. Hogs -Fairly active -; 5 to 103 lower; heavy and mixed. 54 85 to $4,00 ; Yosk- era and piga, $4 80 fa $4 85 ; roughs, $4 to 34.25; stage, $2 to 33.50, Sheep and Lambe -Aative ; sheep steady, lamb% 15 to 25o nigher; nativaa lambs, 87,80 to 38; no Q'ianadas ; yearlings, $6 20 to 57 ; wethers, $5.75to $5 85 ; (*was, $3 to $5 50 ; sheep, mixed, $2 50 to 55.60 TotioNTo, February 1-Ext3Ort Cattle - Trade was about steady, and a few good ziattie were ameog the arrivals. Some sela as high as $4.90, althOogh very few of the offeringe warrant sd thieeprioe. A fair de- mand wile shown for all graileei of cattle, and quotations are unchanged. Choice are (located at 54 50 to $5, good to medium, at $4.25 to $4.50, good cows at $3.25 to S4. Butcher Cattle -The run was inclined to be %light, but the"derneni was only moderate, 'and there were plenty of cattle to go round. The enmity of the offerings was only fair, • she of ohoice &took being small. The de- l:need for cowa Was fair. Qnotations gener- ally show little ohange. Good to choice are quoted at $4 tn $4.35, fair to ugood at $3-.50 to 33.80. mixed 52 50 to $3.25, com- mon, 51.75 to $2.25, and cones at -52.50 lo 53,24. Stockers and Feeders-Tradein these lines continues elow, and the market N qiioted generally nominal and, unchenged all round. Feeders are quoted at $2 50 to e$S.s0 and stockers at $1 50 to $3.40. Allah Cows -There is still a demand 'for good cowe, although few of this kind are ecieciog forward. The range_of prices are quoted uhohanged at $30 to $50 each. Ualvea—The market heid steady, and ie elicited unehanzed at 810 to Go per lb., and $2 to -$l0 each. Sheep ard Lambs—The market, had a firmer tone, owing to the feat that the run Nras light. , Export aheep are quoted firmer at $3 50 to 54,60. But- ceers' are firm at $3.50 to 8425, while Iambs had s. slightly (feeler tote at$5.50 to -$6.25, liogs-Reports oome from the country of a continued soaroity in live h'ogs. The run °Poring at the markeb to -day was light, ae it has been tor \some time past. Pries to -day were advan ed 20o per cwt.. and are now ,itneted at r 50 for selects,and -$3 23 for lights and fate. .CANADIAN F HEAD` OFFICE, TORONTO. B ANK E. \ Paid-up Capital, $8,700,000.- Reserve Fund, $3,500,000 HON. GEO, A. COX, President J. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. °sill Manager, 110 Branches IN CANADA, THE UNITED STATES AND ENOLANCti. • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmers' and GrazierS's Banking. Diary facility afforded farmers and graziers for their blanking .businees. Notes dis counted. Sale liotes meshed or taken for collection. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposi'ts of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates from date of deposit. Interest added to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of . May and November. The depoaitor is subjeot te no delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. - BANKING BY IVIAIL. Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Ont.of-town attention. - •SEAFORTH BRANCH. • F. HOLMESTED, /Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager. ia-o\ accounts receivelvery RU -1n Zurich, on January Usk to Mr ape Mrs . John P Rau, a son ElaiWOOD-in Goderioh township, on January 1 -23rd, to Mr and Mrs Thoram &lewd', twin sons JOHNSTON-In Morrie, on Janoary 23 el, to Mr and Mrs Richard Johnston, a eon LAYT05107Tuckerarnith, on January esth, to Mr and MrtaCharles Layton, a daughter SELLERY-LIn Hibbert, on January 23rd, to Ur and Mrs George Salary, a son Marriages. wiTaiNsox-JOHNSTON-kb the Congregational, manse, Yanderbila, Michigan, on December ! 23r0, by Bev A VanOckan, Mr filenly B WUkin- san, of Leamington, Jut, Ss miss Laura John- laton, of Vanderbilt 51ILLOY-LABIONT--In Grey, on Fiebrnsry 1st, by alley D 13 hicitae,,,Mr Jamea Millov, of Garafraxa, to Mise E'la Grace,- daughter of Ur and /ars ' Malcolm Lamont • ' Deaths. DOYLE-In Goderich. on January 21st, Joseph Emmet, only son of Mr James J Doyle, aged G years, 6 months and 11 days WEBB-In Goderich, on January 24th, William Frederick Joseph, fourth son of the late nos Webb, aged 18 years, 4 months and 8 daye GINGERICH-At the Bronson line, Stanley, on January 21s5, the wife of Jacob L Giogerich, at • the age of 70 years ELLIS-In Colborne townthip, on January 25th, George Ellis, aged 58 yeas and 61:tionths ,IM1011•10111MMIIIMINIMIMIDIumillillarlerefteaVILIZMAIreMMICM Funeral Director and .Embaliners. Night call e answered at Mr. MoKenzie's residence, Church Ste, third house north of public achnol, west side. Graduate Massa- chusets College of Embalming; Boston, U.S knechtel & McKenzie, SEAFORTH; RS. WM. SANDERS Dress Cutting School. • 1 will be at Norroandie Hotel, Clinton, on Satur- daa, alarch 4th from 8 to 6 p. m. and at Coma:ter-. Hbtel, Seafortlefeom 10 to 12 a. m.; of same day showing how you oan learn more about cutting, fit- ting and putting together in two weeks than you eau learn any other place in two years. Any one Who is a good dreeemaker or gond sewer and draw- er, eouldn't do bettor than to learn to teach thie corse. I have taught over t,500 girls this last six years, and offer $26 to anyone that on show me an article in dressmaking they can't cut after teking a course. beat olase commute! Monday, February 13th and next, February Soth. I will be teaching in Stratford at school only, but will travel, showing .how 1 teach. Strangers may board at school. A suitable reward given to any person informing me of any one trying to teach this ooureeswhich I in- vented and bad patented, hat doee net hold a cer- ifilate from me. MRS. WM. SANDERS, Teacher in Dressmaking. Box 159, Stratfordi Ontario. 1938-52 Madam Wanda, sEgyptian Palmist. is now in town where eh° will remain for a short while. She retells the mysteries of file suoh as business, courtship, love and Marriage and gives in- fcrmation on all affairs. Don't miss the chanoe ,of seeing her and getting her advice. A visit to Madam Wanda will satisfy the Most Skeptical. At the Royal Hotel, hams 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Madam Wanda ie nated to be one of the beat, palmists in canada. 1938x1 IMPORTANT .NOTICES. OUSEKEEPER WANTED. -Wanted a house- • keener for a family of eve on a farm. Apply to, the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth: . 1938.11 ClEED BAILLEV.-The undersigned has on Lot 23. Coneession 9, Hibbert, near Steffi, a lot/o? Dloilsori Barleysuitable for Reed and guaranteed elean and free from foul seed. JOHN SMALE, Steffa P. 0. 1937x5 HORTETORNS FOR SALE -For gale four young' ),--) Scotch Shorthorns. and fram 9 to 16 montloe, three reds and one roau: These calves' are all sired by imported "Trumpeter," apd are the very best of dock. Apply onaloot '21, Concession 4. H.S. 8 Tuakersmith, or Seaforth P. 0,, A. ea J. BROAD FOOT. 1938-tf HORTHORN BULLS EOR RALE.-Tbe under- eigned has on lot 27, concession 8, Hibbert, 6 very fine Shorthorn bulls ranging in age from 12 to 18 months, for sale. These are a fine lot, being dark red in color and ef good quality. Four sired by imported " Prince of Beni." Apply to DAVID HILL, Staffa P. 0. 1938 tf "[TRAY ANIMAL . -Strayed from the promisee II of the undersiened in Cromatty, townehip of Hibbert, in November last, a steer or heifer, two yeara old, pure white in color. Anv information leading to the recovery of thle animal will be liber. ally rewarded. G. G. WILSON, Cromarty P. O. V ' 1987-4 HEREFORD BULL -The nndersigned has re centl3opurchaseti and will keep for Rervice on, his farm, one mile and a half west of Egmondville, the young tharobred Hereford bull. a' Jumbo," No, 150,1E0. He was calved April 411e, 1902 and is in every reaped) a most deairable animal to breed from. A limited number of cows will be admitted. Terme ,a1 payable at the time of service. HUGH J. GEIEVE. 1987-tif FARM• FOR SALE. -For sale, a 'choice 100 'sore farm in the township of- Grey, being Lot 11, Concession 10. The -farm is all ha good working order with the exception of about 8 acres, which Is bush -maple, beech and elm. The farm is well no. derdrained and has good fenoes. There are two good.barne with stone stabling and ooment floors for horses and cattle. There is also a good well and a eindmill for pumping water into the b,arn. and for threshing. There IF every convenience.' There Is also a good orchard of choice fruit, five acres of fall wheat, fall ploughing done, and the balance in grass. For a Dumber of yeara the farm has bean in grass, with horses and cattle. Any person wanting a good farm should see this one. Call at the farm' and see Wm. McNair, Brussels, or address the prop. rietor, WM. MARTIN, Brussels. 1987x3 Thinking Is all right, hot doing ie beter, Others may think to attact drug buyers by their prices alone. We do attract them by sell. ing DRUGS AND MEDICINES of superior quality. That is the point on which we are most in- sistent. That this dose not mean h3gh prices will be evident the minute you learn ours. Pure fresh Helle- bore (for lice on cattle) 30o per pound. Our Own Condition Powdere (makes hor- sea sleek and fat) 25a a backup or 5 pack. age for $1. Buchu 'Juniper Kid- ney Pills (for Rhea,' matism & sore back/ (\se 25o a box, 5 boxes for $1.00. Trusees for ruptures of all kinds proper- ly firted, Hot water bottles and syringes of all kinds. Opine and see that we do not only want you for one or two purchases but we want you for a permanent) custom- er. AE3ERHART 9 DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - - BLDOK SM.A.E'CDIRMET AUCTION SALE OF •Heavy Draught Home, Steers and Heifere. • Jame e Ames has received instructions from Mr, Thomas Connelyato eel! by ,public auetion at the Collieon Howse, In the towr of Mitchell, on • THURSDAY; FEB CARY 91 1905, the toillwing 3-20 heavy draught mares and geld. ingot, from 3 to 7 years old, all guaranteed sound and right ; 16 heifers rising 4 yeara old ; 2 newly - calved heifera ; 12 eteers 8 years old. All in good condition, ea's at 1 o'clock, Tee -ea -Tea months' credit on furnishing approved j otrit notes, a dis. oeunt of four per cent. 9ff for cash. Any person wanting good etook should not fail to atten d this sale. Posibivelyno reserve. JAMES JONES, THOS. GONNE L Y, Proprietor. Auctioneer for Perth 86 Huron. 1988-1 Wanted. A Person- to oat as Constable, Collector and Sani- tary Inspector for tile Town of Seaforth Hours from 7a, m., till 9 p. m„ applicants to furnish two Isureties of WO each. Salary $360 pea annum. Also a night watohman, hours from 9 p. m. till 8 a. m. Salary 88f 0 per aunum. Applications for both offices received at the olerk'e cffice till Febru- ary 1311a next. WM, ELLIOTT, Clerk,o • Sea orth, January SOth, 19)5. 1938 2 • Concrete Abutments to -Let. Tenders will be received by the underaigned, on behalf ot the council of the Township of Tneker- • smith, until one o'clock, on Saturday, February 18th for the cl onstructIon of cement coeorete abutmente for a 90 ft. bridge over the Bai field River, between lots 15 and16, Conceseien 3, H. R. El, Plane and specifications may be seen at any time at the dile° of the undersigned, or at a meeting. of the council, at the Town Hall; 8eaforth, on above date, when the contract will be awarded The lowed or any tender not neceasarily accepted. A. G. SMILLIE, Clerk rf Tuckersmith, Tuckerernith, February 1st, 1905. • 1938-3 MOB:16CE SALE OF FARM LANDS, Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by 'Public Auction on Wednesday, the 22nd day ctf February, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the town of Seaforth, .b y Thomaa Brown. EN., auctioneer, the folimaing property, viz. -Lot number 13, in the first Con- cession of the Township of Hulled, in the County of Huron. The land is a clay loam and there are ereoted on the property a stone dwe'ling house and a frame bank barn on done foundation and the lands are watered with a spring creek. Tne pro- perty is about 21- miles feoin Clinton and 61' miles from Seaforth and le aituated on the Huron Road. Terms of Sale :-Ten per cent oe the purchase tmoboneeypatioditbwephalinirydtdhowinat the time of sale, balance daye when pureshaeer will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into pose - onion. For further partioulars and conditions of Pale apply to the auctioneer or to the undersigned. THOS. BiROWN, R. ft HAY3, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor. . Dated at Seaforth, this 30th day of January, 1906., a 1988.3 ltirONEY TO LOAN, -To loan for a term of LYL years, from 1500 to or800 on first mortgage on farm or town property, also from 8800 to $1,000 on first mortgage on bum property. Private funds, apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 1988 tf CIEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. -For sale, one relle ki and a quarter north of Walton, a lot of good cedar poets, all kinds and lengths to suit. Apply to LAWSON BROS. Walton P. 0. 1938x4 PACIFIC-- SEEGES. DE3i...gt7M Uaranteed Sunproof. A Trial Order Solicited 0.41~A~AmAAAAAAAAAAAAft Speare and Page/ Merchant Tailors. -Under the Town Clock, StAFORTH. VION•••01 , 3 NO THE HIMON EXPOSITOR. , _ • MoKINNON & CO., Great Mid -Winter Sale. Our great clearing eale will be continued one week longer, when all our winter goads will be sold at wholesale ,prices, and in some oases for leo, to clear. And to make this sale more in)erestiog to buyers, we will build& several lines of new geode, which were botight. below regular ' prima 1.Ve offer eome great Snaps in new flan- nelettes, gir gtlarne and prints. New flannelettee in fancy stripes, regular 5c, for 41 New flannelestes, 28 inches wide, good value at 8,, for 50. Fine Saxony flannelettes, , softefinish, wid9 width, heavy *tight, E, old value at 12io rind 153, for 10c. New Towel.' lings, all linen, 15 inches wide, wor.h 8, for 5o. Crurn'e Priate in good patterns, worth .143, for 10e. Magog and Colonial Prints, god value at 8o, 103 and 121'o, Heavy wool blankets, bought before the advance in wool, we have them in all nizem at 20 per oent. off. Men's tweed [mite, overcoats and ulster, 25 per cent, off, Stanfiald'e undeisvear for men and women, in all sizs, guarautel unshrinkable'at loweet priees. Ladiee'- o10.11 coats, all new goods, at half price. Ladies' fur iackets in Astrachan, electric seel and Greenland seal ; we have ,a few left, which we will sell at wholesale prices to clear. Men's heavy rubbers, ineluding J. D. King's stub -proof and the/ Btrlin gooda, ab re duoeci prices. Neckties for men and boys in knots ascots, puff, and four,in-hands. worth 25o, for 15c. Winter drisse goods of all kinds, 25 per cent. off, Maple leaf salmon, now worth 20o, for 151. Fraser river red salmon, noweesorth 17o, two cans for 250. Three cans of corn, peas and tomatoes, one can eaoh, for 25. The highest price in cash or trade paid for butter, eggs, dried apples; oto. CD-A.SPI AIVID CasTM Piaa a.•see• McKINNON & 00.1 BLYTH. GREAT FEBRUARY CHINA. SALE At Fear's Drug Store SEAFORTH. 4-e-ese-o-etee-a44-eamease-s-a4-4-e-4.-4.o-e-e0 This is the grrah 1905 sale. Dinner rets as low as $5.97 for a 97 piere set ; a 36 piece tea set for $1.60 ; fancy china is reduced to price. See the long bargain table. Don't let everybody else geb here before you. Tne best snaps are always picked up by the early buyerl, Come early, come often. FEAR'S Drug Store Seaforth. ft BIG REDUCTIONS. EVERY WINTER GARMENT MUST GO. - The Price of Overcoats _ CUT IN HALF. All Clothing and Men's Furnishings at Prices you never dreamed of. P..D. WIT.JI.JIS Latest Styles and Lowest Prices' will make us famous. Butter and eggs taken as cash. TO '111-1 +++++++++++.14+-144++..+4.1+1-1-1-1.144 We open our "business fotthe new year with that feeling which has estab- lished confidence between the customers and oureelves. It will always he our duty to rrake this feeling reciprocal with our patronsefor the mutual bene- fit of all. We have an efficient staff of clerks at your disposal:; we have three departments in touch with each other, viz.: groceries, dry goods and clothing; we have values in these departments equal to any; we want your trade, if not all, at least a fair patronage, • GROCERY DEPARTME$T.—Teas a specialty—try our 25e Japan. Fruits and figs always fresh. Table butter—first class quality always on hand. DRY GOODS.—Grey -Flannel (special fox...January), regular price 25; for 20c a yard;' Ledies' Skirts (special for January), regular price $3.50, for $2,75 each. See our wool and flannelette blankets. CLOTHING.—Special mail order department; suits made to measure, fit guaranteed; newest and latest patterns, great varietaretry Us. B B. GUNN, Seaforth. You have heard of .Prof. Dorenwenid, America's greatest hair goods artist; he is coming to the Commercial Hotel, Seaford, on Thursday, :February 16th. This visit gives you a oba.noe to consult Prof. Dorenwend about your hair, and to °hawse from' the stook of hair goods, which he carries with him, just what you require. Vou can try.on any switch, bang, pompadour, etc., and eee juat how it wili loek. Prof. Doren.wend can be depended upon to sell you only first quality hair.geods. You are not forced to buy because you call to Eee and examine these pride. Remember the date, and delft' fail to call at the hotel and see Prof, Dorinwend. 19S8x2 For Sale. One 4 to 6 h. p. Gasoline Engine—Gould, Shapley & Muir make; almost new. Also one Maple Leaf Grinder, Oice 10 b. p. Horse Power. All the above for kale cheap. The ROBERT BELL Engine and Thretheroo.,Ltd. 1933-bf Seaforth. JJ OUSE FOR SALE. -10 rooms, soft and hard water, storm windows storm and screen doors, good stable'three-quart:er sores of land, 16 fruit trees, very low taxes a comfortable home cheap. Apply to R. N. DUFF, Bluevale P. 0., Ont- ario. 1936x6 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of fhe County of - Huron, in the Estate of William Alex- - ander, deceaaed. Notice is hereby given, that all. persona having any °WM against the estate of William Alexander, of the Town of &stadia, (formerly of the Township of MeKillop)fsrtner. deeeased, who died on or about the 19th day of November, A. D, 1901, are required, on or before the 15th day of February, • A. D, 1905to send or deliver, postage prepaid, to the undersigned, solicitors for the executors, full particulars of their claim', and the nature of their security, it any, held by them, duly verified by an affidavit.' Antrfurther Wee notice thet after the said 151b day of February, the exeoutors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate a- mong the persons entitled thereto having reference only to such claims as they shall then have received notice at the time of suoh distributiora This not- ice is given pursuart to the statutes In that behalf. Dated at Seaforth this 24th day of January, 1905. F, HOLM8TED, Solicitor for Hugh tioxRador and Joanes MoKay, Eteouton. 1937,3 Will It Wear. Thie is a qu e tion oft- en oft- en asked when buy- ing a gold- • filled watch. We sell the KEYSTONE WATCH CASE CO.'S CAS E The largest and eoirnpany in the world. They do oomehigher tbaneome othek make'', but they have been made for 52 years tInd are proved. We haveq the cheap ones too and sell/them al °heap as anyonei tbo gh gold has to be paid for. in a net ch same as any- where else and a 35 ease won't have $10 worth of gold. (John Jeweller, - - - Seaforth. Caretaker Wanted. Applications for the position af caretaker or jan- itor for the Presbyterian church.' &Worth. will be received by the undersigned until MONDAY, FEB- RUARY 13th, at noon. Appliosnis to state salary desired with and without residence. Duties as de- fined can be eaten at my ofiloe. 1938.2 JAMES WATSON. Secretary. Corner Main and Market Smote Sourforth, Ontario, Tho Lornont k g . Concern in Clothing Dry 1.2,014da ism* C I Four etetiretf urn Annual .,0Q1(1:17A-K1 NG SALE IS NOW ON This is a continuation of our Annual Stock - Clearing Sale. Such, bargains as were never ()gaped in this store will be given at the sale that starts February 3rd. Goods are priced to quickly reduce stock, All remnants and ends and odd lots of goods to be cleared, re., gardless of price. Our priees on all furs left will be found bargain& out of the„ ordinary. See the following list: Dress .Goods .Department A line of Colored Sateens, regular price 13e, to'clear for 71 Double fold Moire Skirting, regular price .50c, for 25e. Mercerized Skirting. worth 25; sale price 19e. A table of Remnants and Ends of Dress Gouts, Velvets, etc,, at baif price. A pile of doable fold Dress Goods, in black and. colors, regular prices 374 to 50; for 25e. Tuesday of Dress Goods, regular pricea 50e to 7-5e, sale price 35c. A quantity of Parley Silks, regular prices from. 50c to $1, sale peice Fifteen per cent off all heavy shawls. Imitation Astraehan Gauntlets, ladies' sizes, worth 75c, fer 49c. - Mises' Astrachan Gauntlets, regular prices 50e, clearing fOr 32e. Ten Fur Muffs at 50c each. Twenty-five per cent, GE ali Ruffs, Caperines, etc. All Ladies' Fur Coats are marked at prices That it will pay you to see ever before have dependable. goods been sold at such prices. 0+++4..4-.4-40-46-40-44444-4.4.4-4+40-404-46. Ladies' Departmen Five:dozen Ladies' Flanetelette Gowns, worth 60; on sale to clear at Sc _Misses' Union Vests, regular prices 20c and 25c ea.ela, on sale at two for 25 cents. Ladies', misses' and children's Underwear at 15 per cent, off.1 Ladies' F-annelette Wrappers 15 per cent, off. Three dozen Ladies' Black Satin. Waists, sizes 32, 34 and 36, worth fro $1 to $1.25, your choice for 506 each, Black and colored glace kid and suede gloves, mostly small sizee, ear at 50e each.• We are still -continuing our Whitewear sale. Gowns Actin 50e to, $5 Skirts from 75e to $5, Coraet- Covers from 250 to $L A talale of smallwares, consisting �f Ladies' Belts, Rand Bags, Reit Buckles, See., at 25c each. A quantity of Ribbon to clear at one cent a yard. A bo:s of children's and misses' Ringwood Gloves to clear at 15e a pairs 4444-1-14444-14444-1+1-14-1-1-14+ Staple Department. A table of Prints, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, ete., worth from 10 12c, for for ole, a yard. A table of heavy dark Loch Lomond. Flannelette, worth 14.e a yard, clear Talatr9e otb. ales of 16 ozgrain bags, worth $3 a dozen, on sale at $2.34 dozen—a bargain, see them. A pile of Oe Flannelette for 6.ic ; a pile of Cottonacle Worth 180a kr& Hie a pile of Sheetings worth 10; for 7-ic. se A. few patterns of Table Linens clearing at 19c a yard. Special values in Flannelette Blankets, cool Blankets, domforters, ete. NIAA•voivvvvvktAA,Ao.4yvvviowv Clothing Department. In men's, youths' and boys' Overcoats, we are giving such values as were never offered in this county, All goods must be crearet regard1es6 of price. Odd lots of men's,iyouths", boys' and. children's suits on oale ,at price never before offered by as. • A. pile of men's heavy shirts; worth from 75e to $1.25, to elesfr at 50 each, • Men's fleeced and i/ool Underwear at greatly reduced prieeS. vomAAAAAAAAAA;vorloivookft MEN'S FURS. • This is the great clean-up time in Furs. Our business has beelarge this season, but we have 50 men's fur coats left in coon, calf, Australian coon* wombat, black and brown dog. All the above are dependable pods, made for the present season's trade but they must be sold, and they will be eleareir • at your own. price, as we positively will not carry them. from one season. to another. Twenty-five sleigh robes left to be cleared regardless of price,. WMPICKARD &CALDIBEQT °MYERS OPPodta Tow! Building, Cotner Mew in *Ake E8ei�th# a eoe