HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 4J"."�JL %^�FJL JL %XJLIILI -be people have do7 h r �ti FEBRUARY, 1905 Ic ment qgd islihere, not re -the vaYiou;s, numbers AM to men bo tho Oonservatilvo plde'of tho ,cicive so many boiuquet ollin04 to this and consequently Of 00JfttiXjuqd,-ug6f1al Prtolati e = by T-opeated onoor". , Tba racet! rig -sEAFoi3*rH'S LEADI SHOE STORE. all n.Xut§_t accept thez situwtion. as. it have devted -xn&t Of -eir Rv -It isays: Th tratin 'Of 010V.A sinlA.; df Auld tb es to thq -"rv�oe of ther countrk. 4a ou ng, Sale fse :it is verX.- navty to make furll�or 'rgulations -and re- bo Cie' -of .8 M T W T Y a th Uense,. w,,- and, tb4 poweV to L-mng -syne.,' Tho n0Xt-.nWqd 'It Mmti.,y -,,Sood uipn on the- Retorm sidd .0 0 _d On )rjebru�axy 14t u ari h� It - will nVligh'AW)t and one af the Bin- laa-VIO fall�,n by th wo add AY .. ........ a .4- for to' E46 Senate a tTlotions are atters o! which Ithe Iya, E d thus ha their political -aspijrt-, jLportan6o can hardly exalgiger- �;lish poets will be studio yard.'.' The o#y. fault we ha with 8 9 10 .11 aiw an,- ambitiong nipp-ed p the emprance, is cessar, much lessened y. regula- wit her s�ster jo Senate 'that ib �s unne visit "'AR 7. bad -and so t, They t he 2.0 2 to make . name OXOPt a5 an' asylum' for �deo6Apid, 'ti. a letion, com li�.,ed wLth zzie Carmichael OOT'" 2 13 14 115 16 I 18 of' hem just as ated The''eviis t Wdler -is henialropi 19 b WINTER 1 22 Lonon Miss L! 4 J?osition f or tbewsel s in. the' 24 .25 restri 3 1 �7, 9 ve 21 t '111 the usage _y pbliticiansL B , ab 6-b chanoes 1,14 t6mds at St. Marys,— hx1eate _s, of socie� ir ay be da n�ei�6us, ...... Ml life and, -its. Wicertainties and ommenses affUDAV, 06bruil 4th Wn is, ihat it and business, and thore 'is no ireli.- from 4 -any legislatiog instiltuteran W& progresg sh6ulok month's vist at C&okstown an4 IVI wh further' 'disappointmabs. Among y r,.R heaT I + NEW ADVERTISEM&M may":be menboned I bo tjiat.is nt,1.6,any b ma6a in that'diree�$OA..' Stridt Xames Campbell is back . from S't-. ++ 'Otabl sible Xdssrs. Dr Latchford, Obarl- U, 0, objections to -010 prople.! and -non-partizan administr Both a E1011 Of _Marys,—Miss Lizzie �Polja,nd, of Far- id be rom6ve�d ifftbe Pbna�a were thi� law, prper'-pro, all P -*Vqli reviout opp n4 lettypiece W. H, Taylor and MtunWes, Eveiythi quhar, is visitiog he -x sale Will ontMreaSUTe vision! fOi clean liness- and 'sanitation, 6be grven- Ar The fljrnw e J*tvi eoti the pareathepes after each ton, P gis ter, This great the panor on w1kiah, The T he," mad eloctive, as it A uld be. Eu TUffin. Staffa.—Miss, Amie, Stewart h of -ueh as Frlt Shoes and Sljp.per�s—iffeavy R&: ow denores tho page -of hp . ft Va.lentin", ksook' f, 3 lilae Winter Rootwer, 8 4ulte-rtion, are inaftors e il thi tion iof aivertloolu ntw(IN d is' event there would, likely, of was, 2-1118 (Nuest of Mr-�4. T. raen d th 1-1,rovince nd Let��- od a* bers -and will be, Fobruary Sale-Grailz anif 8 be a bi cleaiair ou which ,atfititian !*hould be J.L-Imilto�n 1,ast . week and istature, will be: losers by their de- t of 'the pro- oMrs out. e -Win Pickzrtl mud Co -5 It � 1 �an t me�nVi;. given. ...... 1. . -ootd for Ntw 8pti bold. Profit -will be high Haxniltbin. of TuckA-.Mm.ith an� I I , great ro-ductioneto make r ng feat. . '' I : . . - . - - - 0 C012- a% -o t I i loaly, that Mr. W' of Staffa, are Nide)AAOn in, OrAr t� aecomplish this puTpose. If yon have ny r�ga-- f it i 'visitintig, at 110 an d 134rRoduntions--r-r. L wq8-5 Mrs. T. M. ITamilrbon, Clearing ale -11 Willis and So"� The Zurich Iferald oll las t week 'aWaYL a -,*Info ff lalakno any rad,lcaf -or S.t Editoriail Notes and Comments can't to mist; the valixes which inten rofesqQr_ economy You We o ering eenWay ines publishos a.% excellent 1ploture of du h -take im. Thomas Gr has been Mr. Hehiy Wurm, sr.,' n�o - places. -Mr. Tuff'.n has got other T08 f0r8aJ8-1A%1R0a 13?09�6 d ;a ag" while ' j .., P L. It will, . re fainil thIS SPAle, Gommencing 'Saturday Fetnuary, 4*b$ te flollow. Houseeewr wmited-Exp 41hor offibe'-4 an oigan 0 . ing,l-, - to lget his besr4a will bt inted chairma of th6 hShorthorva far k� �%Ud J srroadroob_�._5 applo arly knOWA as Grandf ather fami .-Tho Ladies, placedon sftlp,thi� prices mentiontd being for cash only.— ovrything in jpood. order and IM�titdt* 11Mt at Mrs. Tuffin's a*nd WOMAD 1�s Felt Slip[ e ri 'Virthr, felt Sol# P, 7 JZVgUJ&r' pr�fow 650, :k4le price 46a v%;.r. Wpted�lffm Oliph-5 i" turol and- Colonization . Committee of Wurmil' -one �of Ll�e wortty plonerS . very ood time.- - r. Robert womenlo Nit s)ippertI. f t r trimmed, laced over ankle, r, gulsr.pri�� $I., To TAt--A G govrmeht have k ep t so, thbroagh- tlm- HD��' of CmM r Mr. Green- T- tha 'township of Ray.1 Although 4pamlli),eii, of WAIton, anA wife. are e-salo-118 Hayo-6 iy ab cast Nyith the hecessities of �%,fty 1,9 adwira);1y -a;daptbd for this rer'95 years of- a�� Mr. Wurramet vialting Us 0 -Bors, ReAvy Gum,'Rlibbrr. onebuckle zei 10 tu, IS, r -404,r NTx I tho tiina�s, that,there is-liftle; riaq­ U"X- 'tio 0 Pos;1 late Sohn MoMillan Drem Cuttlng-Mrg 8:%nders-;5 tb Zurih an;! cas�t'4is ba�lt for X.- azA -Mrs-. Halwily dim -visiting Mrs. W144.65i ap%ir. Mou'a Efeavv Sqx for pripw f&j, paf er r. ift 503, Underg-WriiL ffartr d in the mean,time from: tile incoin.7 othwpLs thalrmah of-: C. -enna,no tlm Refarmi can-irldabe Men'& Felt Gaftey a to wear unaer rehoes, regular ptioe $1 pr�i , Important -11 Willis and 90-0-8 Mg :Government. They are Butson,s claughter, Mrs. Cam�belj,. 2,5 sthis eoinmitt,60 14or many years.- The gpra,ld, says: The Id gentle r Seed Wanted-i.6-Beattle Bros -s. e, Cd gq' slow:anO Simfurfli an1 Mr% -'F. D. Hutohi_ Men's Wtterproof Moconsins, sizeq 6 to 1:0 re-g-ilar P, it 47, Chirta-3-1 V Frifr_8 man -is,..quitle spry pit his great 15,o is Come on S*'burday the first day,. if possibl'e. ,des YOUM 0'�nuot -tone 8 sturday. com 'cautiously and follow P*ett T Llb6ral newspapermem in tile vsitiag hex f7ather, Mr. Loeb --Wm Pickard and Co --s and did not, seem mind the Babb, -of -9 lie dAy, durio February ---L We auarantiee to sa've Yon mobey'. IF ptlan P.hlwist,- Madam NVAnda-5 ly in th, tracks� of their predects-* ue bad charinied livesi 'with Id. starmy weather. of el'Becion day. W I 4ill it Wesr-johnBulgor�6 soTg Wit,h only such ehawgncs ast IvIlf 'O 31[d -Winter- Sal o-4eginnon & Co -5 4040� exception., Mr. J�eFtypioe. Tbtsa -W-o . ba* 0 0 .0 4 4 .0 ve ood,eeason to b Jie've, t bac mTve to �show Jhe people that bay wb Chisellaurst, China 8414-1 V Fo�i-6 were re-elected were Mr. Mr.- Wirrm was the PX oldos: voker to Auction Sale-Thc -5 re do,ing sompthiag� . Mr. Whit. -m 0 nnolly nOy, ton of T'he Braiftf 6id' Exposi for ; cbme - bo, the poll& in' $0,13 th Huf6l, We are now open to bq.* any qua�tity of Twedd &--V A Edw%rda-8 howver, has an adviintage his Auld, of the-Amberstburg:Kab,; 'Mr. .-Wurm -came t -th clover and timothy sped. a JA us samples Mating Caretaker Wanted it., grccere and seedoth Mr. Smith' of te Sault'Ste.­ Marie- fr16m Gemany- in the yew 1837, and eatorth. -James Wckbon-8 nevex. httd. 116 ha usutity. Beattie Biro elf, Money to Loau�-Xxpoeltqr offic" 1Rx.,p, Majori(y behind Bole age to for the Slater Shot r.men, and the .-4 ATbinking 0 4erbxrr�8 Exprw, dria ber. Peas% of the has been a resident of tI i Qfaeeu QualUy 13 an "E'lop"M s M13,13.101; 03.unt.7 Bank bf ,Comm ce, 'Shoes for women., Canadian him to in m -to n -WhJg-- AmO4, the i06n-' pality tor 'about 60 yeafs. He is at 'forth, now 9 YS Interest f,rom date' in him indep Sea- 8-W F1 Willia-8. ake endent nd her Auction Sale -Urs 8 Brownell-$ w 1, thoreforp, ha�� a f r1ce band Ld' wrviti�ve journalists ar-6 Mr. 10�vnie, prosent making his hom( with his deposit n oavfnas bank deposits. cat �isudh impro"01-ents an of Guolph 1TY0. Clark, �of Ki ncar-* daugfiti�'r i -law, 1�m. He#ry Wiirm,'. ist Illis -lie mii�r'deem nee -he�.sicki I as ri tbolso who are on' t r dine, and. Mr. Bow er, of jr. a rsa 1933-tt d foi' so many ye4r-% -rhe Libe ap as A- nual Xc�tin half cul-m,lt d 00 t� -The annual, meetij3r W , H. Sholdice, 1�,rm William Hoy Saturday *everjjag I - I AUTo mu t mucli as many, -4n - lisappointre. But- o is expActed of )iim -by, hid- P` -0 OWA n ?antl P.r6%.ntation, week are Mr. R.* 11. Fer'-4 I lends, and. lip, will ind I his M -his - i-ou, �Iyl*s- als. h�r,6 vrere v�-ry of the Pr(-,- I'Wurm is one. of f e etc-rli r*� byteia hur,lf uras heJd in the -and Mrs. D rid Carpphcll. NV, i& bqpe came: f hat the returijin, Mr. ah -ca the n 905 path -not strwn'b, r-oes ..alone, Th Manitoba Gover.01inent.and leg- kind. SEAFORTH, F He doVs- not need o be mtdled buslemnt ---,on Monday ev ' nig fast soon-- to 'h -recov� h-rown -�Out RIDAY,, Feb. W ocasioinally- enoomiter v oar of a complae� islatur-o have -in oonte�nplaton. the a:nd poaxed find 'canvassed to do bis and was one of the POJIs, -that Z'� thorn. The empera�noe people arei larg,QY atte�nided. Encour- ,cry in. each asia.-The Irad gir4n Mr. Game m'n 2.0 e 90 0$tablishmcAt in t b at 1 pro.v.i nee of a iautyz. He has a mind of h �.5 ow4 ad- sen -which uv !bake from the'. Jority The, Three auros. already commeficiiiV to plant ono)n� Governmet9-01% - is � TePOT ta - were, pre, fed py eliectiz,_ Ined - Wl�phonc lsy��Eem. '11,0 thinks f�r himself and has intef.- ';5 Mr. Ilolme�r - ,erj his Way and if they do. not show 'him the pastor, j -hie toasurber'- Of the Frft Press may be f'� in'ti��, to Last week ..'the Lagi4atura refused ligen&e and coiiraige eoukh.to us -e vs. TIm fate -of, the three. H�m?ns,froni an mrd conelde-ration than fhey. two a. of -the many thii�i yiinhty. Tt has Special "I and !the secretar IOplidatios -from prildbe coin- .,.his Tr ' anobise s be belieOes jai Vh �Sabbath BPMC�N iss A. 13c -nett. of W, u n try, -oo n- 'interests f his howa Mr. Ros-19 he will b.a.vo- lots of. �Dhiirbexs for tb -erence to Dr, A. Waters. as pres- i�on, is at pres-qn-t visit�ng.her a political standpoint, is not" for iobool. Af bar traniglotin" ref yo� do, trb-tible 00 We -Over -t lie tempernce. tho usual buinjoss, Mj 'ana Mrs. idnt of tlj� Major. t Oil t i t flnitely�kn,07fi, West Huron is hav- qum- structio- a �Om� A4 n 'of telcpoq ex.stems for tskometinies 't-hink, it -is a pily tiba6 'a �Ss z tountriy will -�,,ivd -dai -A. 13 u t, the COn-DOT, -XIOW -of Exeter, but late o Pompany 'tit L,&amin4ton,. Ontario, igt" in - Dviir�- Ing its -usualllu�k-. It wa the j)rov ce and Te'ki The su c b men as 1hose Of oh.iseluist were ma I= 9 4'aliPosed. him%A. faix Piliow. He has overy.khin.X, provgo , do ithe' Jobn� rtL5- last e& thod',js,�Jom Mr. 'who a sop. -in4 to, that in ,and if hou'fo0s, to..Pin- cretar J. i3tat Warm atlpe, grow thils' plil and Mso -well on was elected by there ocidd be;n&hin -to pi -eve -At' bid. two verY handsomio'easV - Berry -of vjsjtr�AZ. --h �)ro:ve his by the members kx%�n to many in th�% v14ir,4,ty­ LV!4glas% Bub .-when tl4e Re� I opportunitie,q and the Gvrn and adhe�-. Mr. XL ment unoertaking thn 4V -e k. M turning be h; of the church. A 14 The -tat tlhe�situ,Aion, it -!;� Major Syndioate,011 Conipuny Al i oV, Tuckersm he Officor Came to count up, owninx and opcxat�nlg" ii syst very fldtter ar-ristiorj, s: visliting r em. bf -ad b - bru-ght in a be or ih�a ballot ',it'gPown and during ibe ith. I in addreas was rfe Mr. john Ivll Oil 'the Set� -r- 'to s he found. the returas, summer 0io'ey - in wof mt�.x We are a Nren ;fhe are ra-cobs. tba, rom jilline sub4livisi would maka enquirlci$ Nv)tll the oxtrimely anirious �o have all TtobortsOnt, w)1ile Mr,. 'A. SN"an. ingtn Saryi�, duth oi- J. Rahkirk and"W .0r.1 'No. 7,Xiil- Govornriiept, of Mr_ Whitney will to 0110top%ld before etooktaking and on that so Mr. 0. Aberhrt made the presenta, i 0 ari*.o,, which . h,as n&ased excite- lttt, incompet. -The- de view -of . foirnhilatig rmsvls, spent - �u i]i�_, put. y a majarity'of over forty. I' * -a ischem6 0011"t WO have postponed stooktakl6i until Han. tioll, Mr. oil Yield& On &AAirdAk f " h 'turn aY bafore t;he' Leghila-ture, pay. February 184h, and ho Heinds in t�own, _ig -. �ff ice'r bad 'nelglected, at Itis �ve that our cufftomerd Corynor, although taken in the to fhor e, i 11, will kindly tak'n a note of Jh a P10tely b� surprise, Anade avery i Tif tY 4uar 6 of t1liSr'ad that. (late I - Willi CO Me OOM- -,Of fill in - tho l . V noxt sssion with this end n viie-,v creent vi 't* p roe r orm in flie vOil, P 10�4 4 . possibly, jxx, few -changs' Therej i for George A. 81-itel shoeo;for men and 'f,60ing teply -in which he. s.a4d t -po%od the �,-Iilar�w �vhe book, wholi ig. thp retu Ft hat sot llis, fanlily in t rni DOrlheYnDodd shoes for ladles, 9exiorth� i98941 own, -Dr. And M r.%, ng Off6- a"' z6me.�olosa rot 41thOugh, severin4g. his c off sent a. olumn of' oil'up tbeshvXt Lon 201 urs,, '- there " Sir William Mu" cr N_ onj tguide - Y as to, the "nib P-1: - W1, ft 1-0- ve-couts,, nd.,- possiblyo Gvneral, made look. Po&t Mast,4r ()anadlan Bank i a Pj . of Commerce, Sea- -'with th6 con�grogatioo, he would 60 fourt ha the Aligs immod- f - friond-, Tues,da- tS, 4 b1l't I . 1.1wii 011, lid ly a sew,n& dischurge, Y evenill--r 0� ballots cast for each oandid''to _ t�oinii the stiteine - tO t. % int 0 aa;��S forth, now pay -erest from date always hav* J&jr -best.. interests at iatio rose '75 'having 'an me -the othr day f deap t on savings bank-, accounts.. Th6 retur' ron this polliarr pi on Parlia, nt' `�"&% t -it* will mateiall -af f -,c t 0 leart. The pre"ntAtion ov the izr'-15 feet ever the- top of Ithp- so-rr theirefore, could bot hie3_ in��stlga%on� had persuad- G:r V, to rport that Akm Xv_-1Dq1JgbVV, be oeunted f ca- on, parf i �Its­ ra iver.y. esent'of Norris ed hi tht g rral osyfiil del' the Dongrog 'tj n a4A Withc"It them*'tXr.-� Dudley 1929-tf fadies ol a Estinites PL tlie Alld- -y Vt 'the well at 50 to 7-0 barrels uipped for T Wet�t rind Notes. �Mr:, iAment of' 00-M,13 thoTG rly q the. pacit escial very a majority of f it teen introduced In, S Heiniles had hould.not be, I at �r q0oas1*n,, treted the audience tolle, Th Major Syndid and Afr-' D. Smith, of t be re, fur q- Wei 0 aivatfla The 'W&�. I -the - East. Canada. He had fou if &I presen. SrAltor M -is 1iafln a lot pey daj and it was so, declared �Y nd noV, 11 g -of sf rom thi 0 own &O of floefp It is sad 1A ties r -0 SY�tem. in. th,e United Sttes ing fown n Sav'&y.-Afrr A. iz-Gameron bad RO$til'i reneiN4ed in tha borbood,_T,,he, horse lnvitW -Watents of theiX fidj- comiposed f' number I ands h IV-'.-. i� wag vr 'our eentlil A tie i ize 4 -thison R ' -some,. its cost -was mxket. isl brisk ain tMp W&Dter. ed, baslkets� After �Wishing t: 1 k-1 fto_ he usspia and al a mai-writy 'Of twen M W. Bol ty a th �lurvg. anob,aria' Y, burden Mr. ;�Ad, s con 7) ave sold, in t:h i.9 Mrs, Connor long -life to e- Oy fhl their friends -and of- which Dr.Mrnt- VsJeY ffom Saturda `i inoreasing With Vreat ra0itffity, and nj or plaoe, .If thi�5 is th Gase,'tbafi he A'number, atmies This- time, the us, T -is pr lY bV it majority Y pt reached the, ven yet the neighlbrb od tit. (Xood fruits Of their labors in a WeTs is president. Tbe, Syndicate sixii-s w - -of a -Mri a-nd earned re8it, the mepting 61oised, 111 jubilant h'll, snwl_�$s -loom, is serjo;usly 11., Tim A �If,6 he,. agressors.. They' at- fri ,=,n ver Their r0coun, b-ofore. the county' or i Japanse i Mv!�- Wlifte. i, sr., re 1.)otli on TeCling that they had spcil,t a ni,ost only "gret' bein�g` over .616 1LOSs of Will `be' hold and -unt�l this I th army, Vat dre' leader afthe.0p the posi ion, sie'k rs. Will,jm Townsend, cajoyable evening, ver 1.00 barrels of oil which flow- Wroxeter 'tak& lylace eft -her v6a ran oou�tt rc�puls4dd wiUr b loss. j�Tt is- sup- agxmd that &r Willi'4mls v,few was ed ovr.the Jriend!$ iin CoJboxne well a& into the ditches. N 'es The Ch a vletofy- for sum., pos-� the forward mov-f?m,6.n,.t -on the a wk,pe ne. Tbis,,th�n se ms t I0 I)rillihg . for a. spo6nd NY<A1 wil be part of Russia wa!f� in-tondd to dl-. on In Eot llur-,6ii t,6 majori,f y' is'a e `Pd1nt .O.n 'which both. parties Brucefleld, W hikl(l Irt T4 0're now Opel fiCie'tly 4,eM_1Zj,Ve ve�t 11w attefift'joh of -the pwpfe agrm. commenced at oce.-'14',xperts at-urday iftt� to ve Mr. � llis�_ ..we a to blav any quantiby of 'Aif Y, tbo 6"-t inunl I withoui:� a' furlLber and vis"ited. the Well gay i t Lis ne, noo McKilliop. clover and timefty s:ved. Send u3 sumnlell stating n tiod W., but so, that'this riaipg wilre�_ of tl)e'f inest of the Lcminf: -'arbour wll adtlroso 'tr6uble in. tl.L- it Was partffill -A* stateme'nt made by S Wi quantity. diz- are I t Main in the Libe' TIxi Ya r riots in.- R-dssia b,.,Iva bee ;Laurie in th0 House i -or da tlil;� A Jitrary pr01 ir if id We arsextremel anxious h e heaforth, Beattle Bros., grocers and scedgme and L d all althoua-h rat 4olunia n Vie *tb &bib ir, amousto Psi before stooktaking and n'thab ao- priq Xr. llislop'will, .1itteatter, -ha 4U�6116 for the prese�jt " isnot mqlk- enwit % e Canadian Bank -of Commerce, Sea- n -but tl ws the hobleyed man have postponed stocktaklog until Monday for, by the ,locar, n a- very u,4c as Tapid*. dbielopment that our customers , will OBLtio instead dr Port Albert. mve his' t on t lie Opp _q t i 14 i February,13th and livol f rth, now PAY3 interetit from date, tHed wod A: good QXX�itwn W11110, sole of deposit. on savinigs bank �aebounts. i -s. 3ohn Crawford, of 'hoo 'the Go-y-ernm.,e;nt r -Sa;tisfactory -boniti d 6 a fi-M n as phlil&ntlhT�ophist could airent for'georg6 A. Sla%er -shoog 1,jr ro; will-tiiake, place, i the;4 bOwaf ( S klodly tj�e a note of this ft t. 'W. H Dotis.-Mr gde of the 11611SI-1k. on s civ, 1, on and Dror. n J n,-,, In South Huron the foared 'that insurrection may -break� d, m i ge, said - thO, 'India b 1929-tf i -of Mr. oba Crawfor, M. P., eepa- re is a large- n schoo4s. O'D Y PGdd ehoes for ladlesi Seaforth, i Wednesday t between Bru- 'Majority againot n Rua%ia is'h: v- -had not had 'A Ploasa-trt Ev �wft, Avraitoba, is hrt via!dtag rel very bo-peful. r6kults._ ' Cazadian, ning.-On Friday, the bibq a Ban 'Nilliant dat,-, so that triere �im, rib daulyb as' -o 44 heT- own share of 1-raitbles - but.ver Sea k of 030mmerce -- OveniAg, January 2M'Mr. a 'Id Tr1e*ds.-1.Vfr.-,dnd. Mrs. Y,oji _� of London, i -pais gnterest fjomp date nd Mrs. Nv and she hdsNv L u Y slow, fokfth, now William Alardock of F, -crpeen Wm. Cook gve a, farevveil parLy.-,on 5 the th no -path- were'beix Ver hr,�r mao the r, - blm� N6, S near bere." of this riding ey fe !�ym -made, but i Quebec of. deposit on pavijRgs b ank deposits. Home, en-extained a Friday List, and a inost, ea- C�00,k, of HlejLsal visited in Ana-. T I'L th,6 Indians atill kept to old next four Year�[. We may zp-rs. ;1933-tf thloir,friends -in, lio ..Jvya Sunday.- , iss Say here tb.a:t kr, icallings, f i9hi ble time was spidot by alY.-The --over Riiber's-rna* __ __ . . D!.,. huntig, and man- Note&. -Mr. Tbbmas Foster, Mr. and � X Jorl. Y W. -J. Murdock. Tht house� was Foresbars hel. ,(Ireir nnu_al hall .1-nd shall, of I Ayx# is thc, guest �of Mi ominion Parliam0n.t. 'baskets, 'etc. .Speakir�4 Mibbigan, w4s� the, uest of 4 his aunt ramb L r i se to" balth Refdrni- The Di utarturing Of Mrs. Ig oxiAucted t he 11 Ox thepoeasion. All' u mes I ex - hoiii� f e ,eld 31ondAY' 'an -der the rak off in'. the Refor f �el_ It ni glit and *.as usual, it w� s a decided r`0 JY deminated, with evergreenis tsuPPOv !it their � hall here o i F riday -010n, Da-vdson.-Tilie Sctch he did not th-iAk that ad uncle, Mr. am d M . a ers -io was bsinoss is' c , S and The aw- p y cce6df�d to wky McX*llop,- went h rea - 'rviice; o I Bee t tie. ing v,[�fy 6,rato m in'a. very. Iei4Lr�-41Y manner ait* Of- I tent in bri "Mr. M.: co_ss­�,Mr. Grinton returnd to piot ol.'- the municipality. -ed inen. up to! and Ivesminster Guild. pas- T every nfrinl;� the 'i Mn of'. Mr. Robert Beatt* _ful..to the h019t a -MID &r &his,-,� h;owvr-� 'ei is` now b0r,te�§s for their hospitalitir._: Towda O M6aday. spendi-ng, off very umessfu bl ta.wa. .but thkxe ha!�, beexo h i-th Gtaii,dard -of white h;me from, -an exteded visit to To can be1id OR the Libi�ral- Married at Frg.us.-The. folio *,a tOn 4*41YS'.- vacation at his 1iioahe 'ber young people -of the V1J1,a,7:r,e candidate. ' He did df, al of-bustintss.dope ronto and the nei gAboring 'here.r-J-a -Steve ftd, h ly li,ttle intre�ting`to nLte, tak,em f rom the Fergus NeNva Record. iox so -6 Ji is prt nd ho, r It -may be men is up froM a b- at at Xr-, -w-r-son co ave Ire N07importan't ; 1 n 10�,king hale, a!nd hearty and� don,te it b0ttr. Will b.e of in.t,ere8!t to many Of London orn I)Lasinss Lrili.-Mr.,, X He provTad inadmir-' moa��4rds have ith tbe'present Pont,' reY's in Btlutore Tuesdiay ulallit.- t� like farmer Jqhn in out 5choolb our the happy groom is an able candidate in -every reiErpe6t nd- e t been intrdued, ook Teadem as is -i.nd Tirrs. i cal situation in Ontarro thvb Mills, f Libowe-1 m, of tb.e ts hI'Ve seen ereat si6�hts- but G Teught a, fair, M11 a spvrar t ower on m4ould not giv Lili -old. Drucefield boy, bq_,jnj-r- a r r -A. r, Airs. S. Playf-ora.-The COIN . manly b ttle. ns beral -party.came into on Of- quietl oelo- 11er T14Lt did S, spot 1 and the 'Mr. Ale.N. Ross of this It says: i brated t1w. t It alarger vote ve' bc,,an discussed. and Jpq�gs- 20'. .1871, when tbe, Plak(l, )pieaco Gar Was PIO -f al lifo 11 live for all C�Le.ir To- 0f Mi*sses Ada Nookies an,d* t,ie Ilar- not The retOdence of- Godfre eddhiig day in. God"!rh n tu , St. _t a T is re ,Jd -from a --ek's visft of Patrick street, Fergus, wa 4j)&`29th in'st. --Oying to Ithe ill witli i od -ay 'his fault. We ed., -As frs-had Ministry was. I-Qrin-ed. - Ih. tbie. crucial- 1'ronto ana atrcet ears.'I-Th� paint' in any Nv oNved at It -Ma opening : L -ands hihetr, in the ii'Of the'Princival Govern- 1 vote tht Prefios montli, on w) lell ing :(A Mr. James La-wrece. hscene -it ffarrisb� on Yr.1- es A Of th' "reg this Session- Nirill e f th 61w San,dfield, Macdnald' Gov- on the 5tli I'S house -on T rA lers iv'�et. to win ople of South Hur' 311 Ot d wry Pretty -w-addin conamsion is i ues- h arth -of Mr. Hawkinw0w. veherabl-e. 4ay.-Our ur day, January 17th, When er couple retircA Lo Godorich. t%rly in Thiirsday aft�ernen ud. Nvero 45heei on to-day't lox -the e-,tblihme-n% of In-riamie-.0it clefeated, flier, 'was an of. Mr. MoGracken and to of L -M teT, Annie's, wasgivn in matnioge to Winter. Many of- their f en paii'li -ever did and the daugh- (IXPr-Arien-ces in MIX le, of M -1i pio'Vines.' in' the Qpppsition majority f one, of -t1le r dc -fated -by t he 'vV-1n real life n ed 'd:url� th-W Most prfle.Leut painters :jn tM ved ," corded as V qu uL venir ca &s by three 'shots. -The zi4nai as will be.vvwth v -NL'Dx est alrd the u 'r.'1-9 ttLe ` _ppoint 1. 37 Liberals Gti.ng �on ­rki-hborhood. of Frobyshire'ibK"M 'rcei al 01 a cominissi, to canq motion. only six survive : Nom, bly -of the ba-clielors, of ly mrr-e to him tb,,,,,,n: the ig A -Asa. Rev. J. 13. Mullan, assisted tive':Oc n- wrometer CPLMPMI n on uire I t Tey were _.A cost -him- into the tride. cpbditions of (the ciouji- I Edward Blake; the R�v-_'P- C. L. Hiatris, of- Australi ce. , 1 Ronoi-. Jud�ra Constan' Guelp,; it, -1,T104uarY, was held in tile to-wn hal, a' .7 Avith view t� th- thorog,h Te-. Hodgi% who' P In 1855 44 after spe),ldin-P several y�e4irs evening. -A larqe number f ��u_ng for West Elgin; We are now open to buy any 9�18ntitV Of MTemonA At thr i is4t I OGUSin of the bride, �rfor' ed the if the' tariff th-6 T- If- Wilson,,now Sonator, ilio clover and t1wothy seed. 8 After The'Battle. D . e6 4:00100k to t]le , there, "me to Pnirt Aibert ,%vli�ere -a dld were in atbe dance and pro- end no 8XID0,4eg FtStIngr T4is the cse thi �'Iat fbV Elgin: C sweet strains of- th' they T*Sided uiatil this w: -a Cwr that.the r al. Oharles quaptliv. Beattle Bros., grocers and e wedding ipa rob: unter� Tb no . noed it j.0 �be ynmt j,,ur yujok f r6in- the re- Sion. .%)�Quld.not, a a. imany !�riend_q' all Cllerk qf the _A,"embly affair, Olarke; now Staforth. played by Miss Jnnie Wood, ol Per- j.0i a .1 Mch credit is due tb�e Web I battfe in his p1:0vince o04 The fir divisikkii 4i the 'jiew 1.Dr. J. Baxter, .Haldimand,­no mrlor, for the spl-endid. w ith'-. Cirnadian, Bank of Com cc, Sea- u'S,, t b o bride enter'ed th rY J aipie-�s for the re- ood Parliam in wh h'as cleared allv'&'y .(Yrie ipis in [tcok, place on 'Tuesday i-strar for that caulnty, and R.Chrjisn� forth, inow pay If-aning on the ar mainder of their Eves. Avas condato,iL Tboi s Interest fr in date in of her br�4ptber, au P -tiO and in a fli, res4lted dn- 'a ti% rrusp6otor. of Prsos. Sue), are of dposit on 4.-vin;gs bank posits. Mr. T. A. Godfrey, of 'Ottalra. The to-,, d �ge Of _'�Jle mjoity ct for the,' GovrmenL� the i,avlfes, , taus brid wa Blyth. The 9313-tf -ed i wb-litc victory lo thA3 CQn_ The. divis' b Y Old Father s prettily attil Lc 'Whid, A 1vas 0-4 Mr. Lapea,ster's Time4, Thirt-four,v -1�s -l.1,0r "Na.lr D'011y and, Mr irpe de chinc, trimmed With point 1 Elfttix� Day. Usborne. S 'has bee. nf. c lab -D _e ther(� Eervative, n1p _nd �bili t" I —Tbp- vlection, last from h I amendmint of 1 -he Rail- will ot 6L, many Of - the presenE po- SpQ,ober are over frqm the *est vis- lam and ruchin"s, WearimZ Ithebrid- I -`WU,d0sdaY was vor quiet here but- Anniversary Servkes, -Tho- It is. duo' .,to -a. land act It pr v t i -at railwa -Lical actrs to the, fom. !tin -.r ossoms, and car-! t1mr-e -wa, �;t very- large an .461 .0 ides, I li L al veil and oranee bl vot.(,y ca$t, ersar sexvice.-3 of the, Thu- any"part'ic' 'Inies must pro at Charles Mcare-gorls.—mTs- Tying a bo:6quet of wbie` roe'es nd� ul** Vide rratc!E� or — — — ular Joaljit4y but, tW- B. Cook- returned 14rom Londbn All thiq avaiiable vote's bei- brought _Prsbkterin ichurch, were. condut-044 -von at. level �crssings 7 - I fl> - - atohn The To carnatio - __ is t11V r0sult o a �,Lwmeral adva."e In ownq rOYAD -NeWs in laying doi� M The residence -Nva r here trlilys run..at a rt c0d, M No s _21 for th�ir %verje perhj march I n. la -9t Saturda - 1 out. Tbp 'Liberals rolled -al) the -on Sunday.�­ap.d J- -_ ail ai�ng nd viltags w y.—Mr. I�Hugh 1 Mein- tily . de6rated, ii�nd tile' c s Prot tble trying, c A. Politicl ethim for tosh is Visitjng (Lt W. Cr=ony , large majo' 't 01, 109haT rat Into hIs d ps th most 4a pe �or 'the Liberal drd-f C of -speed thhji ton miles Whitney anZ[ his oblica' t0Ok Plave un erian qiroh prettily ' didatme., Mr e(I tMes Says: in the L"t Sund" Rev. Cameron. Thfls,is 'for in -any ar Laraa:e ftm!a ascribe 4y ca qiir du fy A. K. Birk tio;n.s rr ted the Rev. jl�'- bola to 'another -s bill d 't-0 'r-r1gard -the S, gave a splendid 1 address b0autiful crimson eddin bell Was I plave. Yn far U�e' arid 140 scoond- re.,adin of hi �o 11 � t n hour. M Lanomt� in �noving, "It is thoir 'right and tb -whirh vL i somle-thiii;g ver unu-sua,l for this c 141704 -it t 0 ., one I r d with-sm, ax from but we th i;nk %v o mse he are ic.orr" to be referred Ito tile � oo cSIX' Ives, not as t" taking from the recent �e, ection ne t Je Tu-rhbull, 'Of il '014 VS- .s'sDns t in due to mmik.- ohiefs *.of -a or a faction, 'but campaign many pralotical le 8111spe6dea. After he 'rush of -con- like beqre, and it s v(�,n ,D�Orc borne boy. ,who, i),maohd brotb Mor- Isteen a vari� -of bee. of the 'whole house, 'whereas tho as trustioes'for 'the" whole _prov" causfxs�. b�ut as no, ,,rood ince.' tht could' b uiFed Ions was' over, It be qmosts, 'markable conideri. q nd e rni benticially by - the immediate friends and'relahioins!'book pace. all o 9 the 9slide that In Turnbulk can now ariso from. - repountijjIg G-Ve anint 'wQ11tP-d it referred to'. A i,,I�t G be persumed that 101ey wilt 10'firkian- people..—On Tuesd v! -,r, ajitarip, on U3.1t has nrado for himself a great to the Tailwa c<ym ak n'9kf of the bride avd,­groorq,�e Da. hbcst,tliin�g to do i:s to 1at kyl-r mitt6e- The- Mirj_ form a istrong I-OveTniftsnt, and Mr, A. McAlii eA da�y- In re i StCT gave a veq inter- f�o t 110 aj the Llbe;rls a preaoht�r nd ccupies one. or nvi t t 6f Ranwayn, O of tile that the will takt, ning room, IN -411011 We- MtY howevex, full advantgo, esting wlis nroe- amgembled in the empty tor .Of Mr. t1w best Pulits in ,t h t. �Cxovnmcnt., Maintained talk on the Island �Elmpire the leadi' d with "A an, White hap,% nat the: of the excel lent civil 6ATviao whih.. "of apan,—The 'Jo. fe t hd f I-, I - cb in Canada. Nteedlcss to sa.V r-Lu;st' Was bill is u ve a_S i, -7 decorate car- I ChfJcw'� to recive the returnsnd n the part of thc, Liberals CO 'be l0NVr-hiP' nietlng were held' ati, be fully sustained. b- good lar -k the7Railwa, now exists, .-Lbat tht,,y will not Inatio.im The bride's goiAg aWR the C-opoerv` vqs receiw,d, I jit�m in is reputtion am at the tostumo was -of- ayeecifi, mmis:sion have�full power to do,,ii 'flampted , into the Migbibe9t olosla' 6t last Sunda 'navy blue ladies',' Ipdust Th -night- 11;)d nof Sunday. The JVot1.d1Y tem Y'sl servioe.—The rloth With a Iar,,.Aef blue feltnt, to -attraot, Ittter. In view f do- nitllnt with the systam, and t will be administo Very fn r -%v) ' i t with sacTamlon shirred! progres5ed nA hold the at- d1aration Lanork.s.-ter foar'ed,tbat that tht,.,7 Will mlke their ared at t affeta S'Ilk hat slni,Dly trimmed Doen that Ron. G. en nl'Peting, us Usual, atltended by 1-ent'" of t'c Pco­Ple.. But, t1e. dif- the object in hving, his b.' L f40 close, �of next, Sundayls: servi W. Ross, Govera- a. 'Very largre �aflj�er nOgg- :r.,&fe V f and � fbe cc r. and xrs. 'of all r- With �a sing - a white Y w -is- to Ket, uch tin �Jssue. way of e. e to 11.c� Te_ quxtrly business metin; Ross! tniq�nt were efeabed and that badly, 0f whom *rreftily please;d with _he&VJ Th(, tily one, tll,,,. to the rail '(tee in- quirc.,ni nts ct 't-110 Provine.11 then left t aPPc1are-d cow )M -M-1 olft the 5.:L5 trin,. Ami, so the Lilxmals, were, vary da-,vn _Rgt the tea serve. 'and the progriamo 11C tempora an t.b e st.(,�a:4 <)f, - Of-, 'the 'the latbdr part W surfac, Was t to tb rmi bbee ill b0 bleld In the church, itt Kin- shoN,yer�s of rie� and �,rood wisi)e.s, to tilid %mift Xieei quQs_ 101010 of the, ta,qt etenev burn at �ololock neairl after th(*y, re- T(Andere(. _R V. Mr.- urnb I . Al r Ex., there is Xtct�od pon th- L IT ul -in And while tile pik,,inie Q�use wa,s that it Monday, Ye.bruary visit the groom's frinds 111 Hron _r' the, Rev- j�fr. IfeWilli jils, f St. Xaryr.,_ e,med <'re will be a lot of. 61h�.—The, me43tijng f ihe Nyornen,s the t1lat two 0: hi he y will K_rpend tNvo Hurons Ita!l L%t1YQd Arit-J, -1310th r � I rie boy, delivpred -qlreparrd to in-ako an 15mle Cs is L- e d I d i-,9 a tive Ins1titute will b6 held at thO home or -three e o V:sbor ,bc !F-nictlier�,4 and hence -ho r p�ointd. G0untY,'wJ10`r,e the ollea-ruos a qd ('lie VartY s :r' 0 on February 8th. bejar s&OPO(,',1l �of the Governtnemt. nd P liti ianA io, t�;s Province and �Nrr, ct 1YT-r-_,.-R. Clarke beom. jeaviT for Liberl about thy_� in r En- A)q t'tivey had. during: tWO 0xcedbant Slootch I n hitnk-y .V tli(nr home in -Forbyshire, s -1 , , at thu- divv%ion ensqed *,,ith O y brigh t vill b to got lij;g Po- The subjects fox discussion 'a" ou'Lliern, I n a hcanventi Is- the The �xroom.',S prt. nt to th MIX ot pr(,pafed to follow hi M. con"W- othe bill life heavQy i(nsurecL tertainment -of the lcvenjng.� -cc qurtnfly the, 1-�arty to xvill be bf Gues't," by M Of course it was dJf_ The W C,i this Elliott.- W11,at Is's bride was a handsomp, fur coaV' and! Altent- ',at th Con, -en the rn' 0 tliirik 0i to, do wh4,.n un- _-jQrv.1tive c- f le, IV -010 !� I h .Cord of the: Go,�er 43 Gov(1-rennient 'are, 'un- h TradE niet r e S IS statement i -q expcted - company com-es," by ad cost- I "Were -very . jubilq I.t at the D111-st bo pleaing to thv��k meinbprs made, but With, his could of t T 'It! i1Y Vr%ents Lestify t ov(tr tbe O,t havc T-lillsn; "Th selection 'the- high %,s- they had ,-q-ade, till Anil adhem-11ts <q- t,he, churc_,h Is cattle what d1gree of uLhrity Nve'do -ad care- toom, in, which file �young coupfc, Lro_ Provinc 4Q_-4 N%nicll t t be; con- sig hig -Ucb might, be but -it Nk-a,4 ot i nco.6 ven�en t.. 0 t know, tmt tbe 11'r, ot hens far O,Sgs,'s by Mrs. Hinoll- hold by their f worthy pastor* 114"V, aitway corpora-.�ion% -but 'it is' nw ap olts('If to hold tim, ? G-orerninent .s.00n after votes -Y. M A*Y fri(In.&, who ex- b,,avv 1>ee�n ejuL in he of the rwople and to ocrJarinlY, r6quired jn-41�qhe pubRo &n_ being in-stal- tend their best wi.qbp le let Ober, _S for their fu- -miand ov r other d,(,- od in Pnrk, Toronto, ss and Prsperit 1*0STS and for the -public 'safet ture happinfe 7 nwl all the appoinLinrants made I _ And il and rnistlknes w l- need not by -th J:Wss G-ove-ra are ot nt ince the e,!- We nre. now olpen fo bov env quatitifiv cf, li,.irty Wirt now llvoe,� four T h e- "S e -n -&-t e �,Oction of 1902. rt�hcyqe who put t1lis c'overandtitantbYeoed Send u Walton. which - . 9 OIAMPIOSI Stating Buzcl; to, -Pulli to"Tethe, A tivrit(,r says: alropasition forward in jti�'qjifi_ (111411tit. Beattle�'Broo., grocers and qeed,me,1, Canadian Bank of Comra,_r 1-1ao tih-ir q;, , For'Lice on light, Seaf irtg.� in order and A r�o n t o . P pai catiorr of it thn; ple th,,O -t -o Gov'' fOrth, mow Pays fnterc,;�t from date if th(�y 711�Qe th. T iLh qui b ft, Sea L t Ji ' 19974 we fUdiaiO"lYUiey taste and Nvit -lvrcrs t qi1nnient Cwnadi 0 the Sen te .,was in a popular minority fKxrtb,, n 6% Sea- <tf deposit *n Isaviggs bank deposlts� iry 1�onie-'ard.11 a mi d t i- or the iiext ef- a% 11 tlimv� 1),Ipliainenj� in the country ",Ind did not even Ow pays intexedt fi; 1933-tf prspiect of com- -11Y 0XVn,,op1nion is that Y - 0 , ng ront aqain. e Senate a bank d i1VT to the f a tb, h-1vD a ol. r4a"ority of properly of depoit Yoxably ivith tN the smoke of' tba Liberal q) will coiiipre Veryl meniber:% in the L�izislatura. Osi t -elected - 0 N A f arty is t114 0 9 n Politic -al campaign. Ifns -rolled Park Dav I mee- t - away In.the distance tipp, peo,pto, will Mr, On aOcOunt of I ng of the SLaffa L Pric"IkIDY Tegretabl uf C n1rhon intllecLual It is noL lik(q, ho1vevf1r, that Scotch Nighf-.—The S 000 thing Lso -radical will be at -9t and tempted, iterdr.�, Society g nt that the ble' b porittd i 0 0-15su-me, the usual "Qrous sMtesmen nwas licld -on Janildr 31st. After the )-outin of their 'a nwre 'to him, most v",-,, Itbou"-h lexpectation Pe"hans. T ha Canada a - _% along these Lil rat n to ny ot-Mr-individ- are vtili in the Low(r House, but lin(v9*-ar43 lan4e in tl.i,,o ranks f the businss of the - upa U 11r, o, society bail been It iq impossibli s vr' I 0 0 t -ions. R, ore uncolvored red bettal, Most Of th a that both pa-rrjes treatment 'at C -Ile 111n& of tljo ein ,ire q,�ite, oldenoTagli warty,.,and there ill be areat diR- tras,acted Andrew Oliver took 'o,an bo VuitDd with the a .1) 0,0_ lio be in tll(,, an Ire ri Sen 'c 010se ex�ectafions are, 'Ws but we tru-Jk, th( vi6- P quo, WC r All rot any of fo r Tnn. the a rs. ar i n ba 0 not reason- It b ScOtcV Night torius ones Ivill bear t lie r o- to. Upper House, and, m Its f Pk, of Ontirl "POinfinPut 11`14 dissatisfactill q the chair and an excellent -pro rin 'the from his predeocs- ter, I'min pweri a.nd reco.g.rii The trials i.nd trib- th'c prgramm consisted chiefly of and qine ably gratif i nors nce,(,%sion zed to, tb(,- s ta n J6aodC'Rtl.Y and the diqga IN E k-./ A rre Ls Ueen so harnpe.r_ C,,. In,,. -?,-away ahead of the faiLlIful uhttions, . of 1-0 i)r-ivatc, Co.4erv- Sootch &Keotions as folio -,vs I In- accept <1efeat manf, ppointed OWPE rno;n,,�. Thic is the r.esult tiv-e :fftembefr Wilt from Ellis Strum' .111 y k -d both it, his Go -k N Ad We, feel as- rer ou t, bp a and Xr. A. 10('* -ss 'Of selection of a much reoital irim-ent and in t 11p of greater - !�10red' that the run �vill shin, jugt tilat 110 Ye olen timn.11 Ens were 50C Per Pound has I not n1 'clr rder than the When -lie, could blame fh Grit,_% for I D. Oliver and E. aV XII n a b It, t a 0 ' o y llijzh' e3s -9,bVen by as bri.,ziftly On tb.�o def -eat d an s. 7erC-Om,0 but I pointK,d as it 't victim to PI-oduc7eq the, HGuz OfIlom all tht, inisfortune of 11,is follo,%%.,.rg. I PWdor; vocal 4diectionl Ada. Norrlis and Xda, Drake and 'tary struck- up agaijisL exmt Ored a more, -glorious vie. He inom), 'MOst of -1L he Senators (not. y 01) it in th Calneron aild Aliss Ag�,,ri This artil ssr Hamilton and Templman-and e is always reliable, and we have purchased $2 to luck fnd has not Q L�)Wer JiGuse wou be, The Toronto News bas lredyl a. vocal due, *E Atwood, visited this,,"ek enables us to sell 't as eheap as anyordinary bra such a quantity at at h t by bIrs. Jeffries I Xnatke n� rfloo.gniz. d,,av, of Cabint rank. That "mmenctd to blaze out p and at t lie hoe of, 9r, -nd. Al -so fresh at-opk j showing W11, o 'could do. thQ been - - "I't 'done ,go usad at time h for Mrs, MoV,igh. Miss IVI. Gorml md Mr. Daniel t� s. 1th(I n0v Provincial Govern ralch undor sucil,- i Mfln whom. from -a,,Te,, j%rews will ment. Tbp, . papr� givirr-g tho -%reck Drigin of a ,num- visifin,g Helltbore at 30c per 1b. ALL'S 0 _rying ctrouni-,tance.q, (3nly fir' f"0111':-othr linfirmibiz OPPO`rtu�itl" of ber -of t --he I s, or for .ro as -,mine that had t he PeGPI(' -,ir(tn' of roa�ny ra any sliowinre the sifievrify of 4R iinde- Miss A, M Common Scotch. prior fo his removal to I)etroit- Little's Sheep Dip, 75c pea quart tin 'him anOther term with the powers tht e on-dnee. if 6Laughlin read a paper On -%vlu�rc b majo`rit�- bavP K)(�sired it W�.s s hti r p ,I 0, PxPftt!s to enxaze, in bus- Disinfectan 2.5c fos 16 to r0movu from up oz. W_ ranks, is c, MRobert Ca T t Mr. Whitney 's life ndMiss E. Noris d- pored',Gf his lo.... in 'Plx4l livis is- (.he stick a description of. hos in4ess.- 10 niakp� him of buf 'nvr been able to sym n nd lot i.n thig 3rstery read the. village -to 1iR T Dorranca gaw, Wopld be lar,,Clly Lliv MUn formr lge,ntleinan ' i Ros%. it Will bv, likely to i Papr and Mr. 11. A. brother, o-zeph 'C"XmPbP'l11 '-f McT-'-illOP. We, under- The St' _FX, WTT t'l�uc, n90 Xuth1esR,J it r 0 affa M it' a'q Well pat A T lli2�a with tht crude idea nd the ft be 1UG1 BOOK AN -D FACY GOODS STqRVjL,. "Pirit Whict he'grudgcm POMP. ft review othe ourrenf event.s. hStan it i,9 Mr. DR ynoomfortabl momets, I's infientio but it -,Vill larg ..audience sh)ved thegr a - to move Wst in th p 10 AlFing.—Amon. a