HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 1I
'pe oneday laSt eweek—Mrsa-
Tuftim of Staffa, visited,
ie Mies Lizzie Piolien, Toes-,
—Vistters are _numerous ae
r by little burg just novo
rut Bat -land, telegraph, op
Hargrave, Manitoba. is a -
der the parental roof.—On
ettag last a very successful,
held in the villeee hall
der the " auspices of soy-,
ur enterprising young ment
crowd atteoded gad all re -
e very enjoyable time,
were present from Hensall,
eatioloa, aliteneit, Exeter,
View. We are assured
will not be the last ball
asore.--Mr. Atfilliam Stewart
member of the stook ex -
London. spent Sundae, at
here.—We are pleased to
more thegenial smile of -
. Turnbull, of Toronto. ',Het
splendid sermons tolargei
tons in tlie Thames road,,
bu an ay tast.—W. Turn -
George Rutherfoad audited,
, of the ffeborne and Mb -
ranee Cempany kast we
ally is in a very ffourishey
non. The :volume of Wei.
noreasact nearty $80,000-t hita
iat credit is due the neee
W- F. Beavers.
,Mrs. 1. Hazlevrood, of Clif-
?ending a week., the iguest
d Mrs. W. E. Raziewood.—
net of Toronto, spent a few.
his week the guest •of Dr.
apector Itobb visited the
'ra on Friday..—Mr. Thomas
if Crandoll, Marlitobe, a, -
dent of the village'cal-
ends here last weelt.--Mrt
rohei Kerap, of St. Agatha,
' were guests • of Mr, anci;
artier last week —Mr Itoirtt
La Godetioh, thi5 week, at -
lie raeetina• of thee counita
&r. C. ;McNeil, who has .
k,wbridge for the lant few,
; visiting at his Immo her.
4 Masons of Forest lodge
Fordwich last Thursday;
teethelors of the village
!:atione out_ for an essem-
iheld in the taunt hall Fri --
-A very secoessful litete
ig was given by the mem-
e'Epworth: League of the
,chureh, on Tuesday. Ao
r debate took place- on
" Bewared -„. time -__ women
:are for the improVemeate
tarld tha.a mare" bot-weext
f the Gerrie and Wroxe-
at.—The aurtual meeting- of
i'S'" Ixttituto will be held
to hall on Saturday. Feb- ,
—A, successful and well.
Liberal ineeting W:9,5 held
en hall lest Fridayeven-
- interests of Mr. A.Risioil,
adreosect by Messrs. Kerr
of Brussels. '
Bank of Commerce, Sea`
r pays interest fromtfiate.
on ravings bank depot.
Meeting- -- Tb o annual:
of Duff 'a • Presbyterian
S held On Thursday evelle
asn.k. The statistical re-
-;all sources showed monefi
all purposes to be nearilr
titat after all expense -it
paid there is stilt a small: -
oft on hand which is a; •
table showing and epeaks
ath pastor and people. The
committee and ether of-.
are pretty much the
year. As SOGa as weatho
t he managers purpose
g to floor and fit no 'Ole
We still hope for f
ty-amen te.
ms.—Mr. rolie
addrested tbe eleotors of
cif his aonstituency in the
V. 'tllon Saturday even -
week. The hall was reas-;
ail filieti with intelligent
hoy;stened with rapt at -
our honored member dis-
forcibly the burning Pee
lions now at is•sue. There',
posi t on ker and judg--
" a peva ra ncts this part of
tuancy should do well for
al cacididate. Rut Wore;
t he eye Aof the readers
-xpo(iftor tlie fate at
el the 11013 GOVhrillUent
heotri deterMilicd,—)Yrkia
ias ri-tOrrted from an ex -
if with -relatives and
Eden Grove.—Miss 'tee ;
couple of weks with
been determin d.—Miss Cf.
LEAN BIO8 Pubilehers,
1 a Year in Advance. -
There are several reasons why our sale for this mo
previous efforts. In the first place, we never before had
of goad seasonable merchandise to offer as :we have at'
uevor before put prizes so low as we have now, and anthe feature 'iwe
'never before had so many people-toming to our Store for !clothing as we have
corning OUr way these days. :Each succeeding month bill gs .more people to
our store. -This must mean satisfied customers, and \\ as a result our businesi
growl; larger and larger. Naturally, we look for record business this month.
Ita 6 you looked into our bargains this season ? '
Official Returns.
- The following are the official returns
for the Three Hurons at the Provin-
cial elections held on May 20th, 1902,
and the official returns on January
25th, 1905;.
.No. I
No, 2
No. 3
No. 4
No: 5
1002.' 1905. .
14b. Con. McLennan Either
197 48
44 35
06 31
27 28
24 35
279 166 259 245
Maf. , 113 14
th should beat 4111 No. 1 29 78 70
uch groat quantities No 2 20 67
his time. • Also, we -Mo. 80 58
Dia. 1 45 '76 52
108 80
38 52
55 48
31 26
27 39
you pick one rom th se lots?
10 Blade Astrachan Jackets, sizes 34, 3, 38, regular price $30, •
down to' ' $20 00
10 Blaek Astrachan nekets—sizes 34, 36,.38, 40, 42— ular
price $35 t9 $40, down to _ $..ce ,po
Blaek Boeharah Lalub jackets,—sizes 32, 34, 36, 38—re ular.
price440 to $50, down to - $35 00
10 Black Ruszian Lamb Jackets, with .or without eable col ar—
• sizes 34 to,40, regular price $50 to $60, down to •$40 00
All of oure Cloth 4ackets, si
42, down to Half Pri
$ 5 00 Jackets for 5i) $1000 Joket
400 "' ° 200 12 00 ."
6 00 .c 3 00 14 00
7 00 " 3 50 15 00
• c c
0-V- ROOA.
$15 00
12 00
Coats for
s -
g I
30 to
.for $5 00
• 6 00
• .750
• $15, Suits for
12 "
75 $10 Suits
a choice for
$g 4)0 , $8 Suits for
. 7 00 6
82 PantS, for
f00 $40 Pants f
44eaiteletrafaHellek+4.44elateta elide!. +44+
$6• 00 Threepiece Suits for
5 00
4 00
S 00- Two-piece •Suits !for
2 50 C
(Waterproof and Wind Two
LeathertiCoats, corduroy lined, sleeves and
Duck Smocks, blanket lined, regular $2.25
Duck Sniocks, self lined, for
k Derry Smocks, lined, for --
CirdigaarJackets for
AllheavyUnderwear; 25 per cent. off
$3 50
•' 2 75
2 50
• 60
200 odd Undershirts and odd_ D'rawe s, regular
price each 60c to 75c, for • 350
One dollar regular priced Shirt, in blue and blaoK,
Aleeoed lined, strong ,comfortable shirt, for 60o
Boys', Heavy Ribbed Stookings, smalle t to
largest sizes, all one price, undoubtedly the best
stocking ever offered, for
Greig sitt Ste*art
Johnson Bros' Old' Otapd,
The Largest Clothing and Fur 'Store in *intern Ontario
Reduced Rates to Coast Points
Ceremeneicg March lst, and daily until May 15th inclusive, pecial tine way mond
class colonist rates, via C.L. P. R, to Vancouver, B. 0.. Victor a, B. 0.; Westminster,
B. C.; Seattle, Wash.; Titcoms, Wash.: Portland, Oregon, from SEAFORTHI $42.25.
Stop-overe will be allowed going and coming. For books and information and tickets,
GROG & STEWART, 1 Agents,
0. E R. Ticket, Telegraph.and.Dominion Express Agents.
• 133 279
No. 1, 38 ' 69 33
Maj. •,31
own:mos TOWNSHIP.
No. 3 36 72 •36
No. 4 10 63 16
No. 6 26 ,34 35
128 294
• 166
/.8,7 109
Maj. • 91
NO. 1 72 ' 35 08
No. 2 75 35 •61
No. 3 • 58 22. • 53
No! 4 84 22 77
No. 5 81 $1 78
No. 6 • 78 28.;75
• 448 , 173 415'
Maj. 275 • • , 210
• f‘ j'ST.ANLEY.F
. 55 32 56
.71 33 59
34 111 27
20.. 00 17
75i. 42 67
No. .1
No. 2
No. 3
255.8 226
No. 1 49 109 • 47112
No. 2 - 83 67 67 • 50
N o. 3 • 41 110 42 ' 116
�.4 77 68 77 55
250 •841 283 333
Maj. 91 , • 100
No. 1
No, 1
No. 2 -
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 7
'No. 8
92 85 102 • 04:
7 • 8
HAW. ..
49 27. 41 33
51 25 45* • 24
88 111 '91 100
56 23 55 21
54 35 • 51 37
92 45 so
35 29 :28
12 71 10
Maj: 100
. 431 - 360
No. 1, 42 94
No. 2, . 43 108
No3; 59 89
o 52 •39
72 39
11 79
30 65
67 61
No. 4
No. 5
No. '7
No. 8
No. 9
28 78
17 61
48 7 85
;I 83
g?) • 87
* 04
44 67
. 409 574
Maj. 165
Lib. Con. ¥clLe
Seaforth 279.166 '6'250
Goderich tp 78 169 -187
Tuck'mith 448 173
Exeter 133 279.128
Thaborne 250 344 Z.33
Stephen 409 574 363
'Jensen 1 92 85 102
Bayfield 38 69 33
Stanley 257 278 226
flay • 460 f 360 431
. •
na•ri Eilber
88 1
• 270
• 2444 2497 2277
•'Maj. - 53
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 1
No, 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 7
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
NO. 0
N. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 1
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No, 4
No. 1
1902. •1905.
Lib, Con. Hislop Bowman
34 29 30 41 .
5134roal 54
53 17 631' 213
138 . 80 159 121
58 29
50 49 49 60
58.20 5i=• 22-
90 32 831
70 35 77 35
85 62 84 - '137 '
75 51 77. 56
87 45 82 40
511 284 511, 326
237 185
71 39 53
07 41 69
47 49 42
40 47 54
52 51 51
63 72 64
2340 290 333 327
50 • . 6
62 58 49 04
83 45 81 46
27 31 .32 24
• 80 33 • 69 • 52
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
• Maj,
No. 1
No, 2.
No .3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
53 -65
84 48
61 54
59 57
200 224 232
49 83 49H90
61 85 61 t 74
58, 102 53 122
69 91 76- 115
7:3 90 • 78
55 5$ 53 74
383 495 382
112 171
• 1902. 1905.
,• Lib. Con. Ilislop• Bowman
Brussels 138 30 150 121
Grey . 521 284 .511 320
Morris '349 299 833 327
Eullett 258 162 23/ 180
Maiillop .331 252 307 ' • 247
Wroxeter 59 38 OS •44
.Turnberry 260 224 - 232 260
Nowick 383 495 382 • 553
No. 1
No. 2
No, 3
No. 4,'
No. 5
No. 0
No. 7
2299 1834 2212 ' 2070
405 142
1902. 1015.
Lib.- Con. .Cameron Holmes
80 52
60 81 39
50 64 39
27 70 32
91 17 84
80 22 72
76 28 - '77
439 374 • 395 -
05 50
No.] 45 49 54
No. 2 50 , 45 54
95' OA 108
Maj. , 21
No. 1 ' CLINTON.
63 66
No. 2 '08 60 91)
No. 3 61 • 62 160
No. 4 45 • 61 • 55
7-- —
288 •241 280.
Maj. -27. '• • 38
No. 1
Na-. 2
No. 3
No.c 4
90 65 $0
.38 49 <45
71 92 • 71
51 40 47
251 246 25
N�.1 62 76 '73
No. 2 67 71 62
No. 3 02 60 '65
No. 4 76 46.70
No. 5 52 48 50
No. 6 87 56 • 77
No. 7 48 26
454 392 460
Maj. 02 20
No. 1 30 97- 39
N�.2 86 60 40
No. 5 41 69 40
--- --
107 220 • 125
Maj. 119
No. 5 BO 31 27
No.6. 70 27 56
No. 7 48 36 52
148 91 135
Maj. at 10
'73 47 72
72 03 - 72
58 41 • 55
50 , 38 00
250 189 259
Maj. /0 70
No. 1
No. 2 -
No. 3
No. 4
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
57 85 60
41 '73 39
34 60 27
67. 47 76
55 38 45
251 283 217
63 34
43 31
73 39
115 70
No. 1 35
No. 2 43
No. 3 35
No. 4 07
181 294 174
• Maj. • 113
• 1902. '11905.
• 21
' 58 -
55 -
31 •
- 183
57 .
77 -
• 156
Lib. Con. Cara.
Ashlield • 439 374 395
'Colborne 251 246 • ,• 252
Haillett 148 94 135
Goderich tp. 107 226 ° 125
E.Wawanosh 259 189 250
.Wingham 181 294 • 174
W.Waveosh254 283 . 247
Blyth 95 94 108
Clinton 268 241 280
Goderich 454 392 460
2456 2433
Maj. 23
Owing to the mistake of the return -
47 ingofficer in No. 7, Hullett, in failing
45 to insert the figures of the Vote in his
58 returns, the returning officer was ob-
liged to declare Mr. Holmes elected by
47 15. A recount will be necessary to
85 have the matter straightened. out.
, 204
2430- '
261 143 231 186
118 45
'76 50°. 96 •• 30
108 39 95 47
68 99 57 86
79 61 59
331 252 807
79 • 60
59 38 66 44
•'1 84
21 22
Huron. Notes.
--Mr. B. 8. Cooper, of Cilinton, laaS
secured the contract kir butldios
the Summer Hill school helm,
—Miss Nellie Macdonald and Miss
Grace Macdougall, of Clinton, sailed
'for England bn tbe 24th ot January.
—Dr. Robert le Touiel, of the
West Indies, is visiting in Goderiela.
He intends remaining fin ntanfor
three moth. -
—Mrs. Shipley, Of Clinton,
died last week from the effects of a
stroke of ;paralysis. Her husband
predeceaeed her -some years ago.'
—After several months'Iiliness Ws.
William Townsend, for Many years
a resident of Goderichi tewnship,died
at the home of her elderOt daughter
Mrs. • Seraras, of Haysiille, -Water-
loo 'county, on Saturday, Jannary 21,
agod 64 years. She s born in
If a man is known by the eompany he
' keeps, a women is judged by the sta• -
tionery she uses; You know front
• your own experience how a well writ-
ten note, on real good, up-to.date pa
per, enclosed in an envelope to match
impresses you. We have the new
styles, and at the old price -10e per
cfulre for paper, 1041 per package .of 25
Piehere framing la Speelalty.
torkshire, England. but tame' to
this country with her parents when
ao natant. They ,settled at Mori -
burg where thief deoeiaitted was mar-
ried to Wm: Townsend. In iseo
they took up a. bueh Int ,on tbe Bay-
fiehl road, Gosterieh township,where
they remained until Mr. 'Tdwnsendis
death four years ago. To them were
rn three sons and fin*. daughters.
—Mr, Frederick, Webb, of Goderich,
Io has 1.1een in Ow employ of the
gnat died atteir a short Illness on
T day, Januaty 24tItt.
ee —George Maturating. of Genre -
Smith .ntiloatte, is viseltding hie
mint, Mts. tleorRa Marais and other
filendA ,in Godertch,
—The Poderioh public: library
building is now eikepliotied era It
expected eho formal apeman will
tole° place Boom
1—Nfr. W. 'Thompson who has been
einployed in Mt. W. Fiehleigh's hard-
ware store, Wingham, has secured a
god position' in Toronto.
,-=-A wood bee was held last week
iq Mr.;„Perdue's bush titter Holtnes-
tville. The wood was hauled to the
Methodist chuich.
—Mr, George Stanbury, of the,
Liendon roadwaskicked on the sale
by a colt on Triead,ay •evening of
lest week, and so severely injured
that he has sinee been confined to
bed. ,
I—Mr, • Arthur Williams, of Eat
awanoah, met with a alight •acci-
d Pt one day. lately. He was getting
oet of a sleigh and on springing to
• tte ground which was cove.red with
iee, he fell, severely injuring his
left leg.
;—Miss 'Tillie Cirri°, of Toronto,
formerly of Winghten, is at present
in St. Miehaers hospital as the4 re-
sult of a. skating aceiclent. While
;skating between Christmas and New
Years, she fell, breitking he,r Mt lere
ia three places; ono eef .the fractures
is' a very Serious one..
'—The annual Sunday school con-
vention. of Nile eircuit was held at
Nile on Thursd,ay, .Tarniar,y 2,0th. J.
A. Jackson," of Toronto, PX0r1fligai
secretary of Sunday ctools, .avas
'present. The speakers were G. ft
Maar,- of Goderich, and J. joynt;
.and Rev. M. J. Wson,Srof
—On Friday evening of lett wee- k
Whitechurch Court 41 Canadian Far -
esters had, an oyster supper and en-
tertainment which was 'very Much
enjoyed. After t he oysters had
been disposed of, ad&resses wore de-
livered by Revd's- Keine and Dunn,
other numbers helped to make a
pleasing programme. „The receipts
were satisfactory.
—Four new bridges will be built
in Huron 'county during the cornini3
summer. The bridges are as fol -
Agent: On the 18 mile river, :one and
o ne-half miles' south of. Amberley, ;
op the nine -mile creek, two miles
south of Lueknow • on the Maitland
✓ vex-, known 115 biOrriSba.lik bridge,
t and one-half miles east .ef, Blue -
and on the Bayfield river,
'known as MoCann's bridge.
1—Tho seven-year-old daughter of
Mr. Thomas Judd, of Clinton, had a
narrow escape, from meeting with, a
VOTY 'serious aecident one day last
Week. She was haneiniz on a sleigh
ladAsn With, tiM4) cord5. of wood when
the hind runner passed ever both
fCet, severely injuting them. ,one
ettosiderably more than the other
t I', !
one. • •
'—Mr. John • Newcombe, a valued
member of the Goderich township
Rifle, Association, at 200 yards, five
shote, has scored five straight bulls -
eyes; at 400 yards, four bullseyes and
an inner, 24 out of a possible 25;
20 shots at 400 yards, ,97 points out
of a possible hundred. This is a
marksman 4 reebrd whieh Might
court the challenge of an Empire.
'creek ehot.
—Mr. James lideClepagban, aiged
70; air aged •and highly esteemqd resi-
dent of Whiteohurch, passed away
.on 'the 18th o? January. Deceased
Was one of the pioneers of Kinloss,
having settled on the 243d ponces, -
sion about 40 years ego. For the
past few years he bad been failing*,
and three weeks, prior to his death
waa taken -worse. Be leaves a wid-
ow, three daughters and six sons
to mciurn his demise. Mr. McOlon-
aghan Was a member of White-
ehurch lifethodiat church and in
polities a. Libera.L
—One • Saturday evening recently,
Mr. T. B. Martipt of stelaben,, had
the misfortune to seriousli injure
his leg. He had been in Exeter dur-
ing• the .afternoon and, having taken
his cutter into the berm be altitenept-
ed to tate 4. short out off the em-
bankment, but slipped on the ice and
fell • heavily. The doctor was not
summoned until the following after-
noon, and in the leasefark time the limb
had swollen to such an extent 'theft
it w•as impossible to estima.te t4e
injury done, and it is not known
whether the hip is diejointed or -the
to Mr. Joseph Bawden, an Exeter
boy, and son of Mr. and Mrs Joseph
Bawden,ef that town. She had been
a frequent visitor in Exeter, and bad
erekts the, regard of -Ina/1y people
whom, she had met, all of whom were
eorry to hear of her demise.
• —Mr, H. P. Brown; Woo!distock,for
36 years- treasurer of Oxford county,
hos resiene4 and will be succeeded. by.
Mr. Robe•rt• McIntosh, West Zorria
Mowat, of Stratford, for
maly ,years editor of The Belacon,and
-lately el' Mowat's bank, new det
fiinct,. was stricken with paralysis.
Ile is ta an uneortscioua Donation, and
his reoovery is d•oebtful. Mr Mowat
is over 70 years of age.
—A &hocking fatality,. °centred
near Galt: a few days ago, tehen the
seven months' old child of Maetin.
Prong met death under peculiar tire
oumrftanoes. A twelve year old sis-
ter was sitting on a sofa nursing
the -child when, it gave a sudden -turn
tailing to the floor. In falling it
landed on the side of its head,brealt,
ing its neck. Death was instantan-
—AA a. Tema of the, election of
Maier . Rathlatun some freak bets
We're paid. In one case the loser
rolled a grain of wheat along the
sidewalk in, an Eat Hastings town
for n C0441.tIVA1i1e distant°, using a
toothpick -in doing so. In another
°case the victim walked from a bar-
ber abap to a hotel in his bare feet,
and thereftiput up the drinks for the
—Reports from the.eattle distriets
in ,the Northwest a.re to the effect
that the weather has been mild -all
vrinter, and stook has been able to
pasture on thee' praxis with speoial
feeding up to the present. Cattle
are in good condition, and shoul4 the
weather _centinue triad during Feb-
ruary , 'tXey will be rollbate fat in
the epring.
e—Tb e stables of the Queen's hotel
in Simcove were- destroyed by fire
last Saturday night. The cause of
the fire is unknown but it is sup-
posed to have been from a ;stove in
the barn. There were four horses
roman:lied in• the bia.ze, one ef which
was the trotting horse belooging to
M. Ramey, proprietor of the botel.
The total loss is about two ;thousand
dollars, partially irovered, by ..)141.1T -
—On Friday afternoon as. Mr, Ed-
ward Bryan, tot Metcalf tewnehip
was driving over the railway eros -
sing en Main street, Glencoe, his
cutter was struck by a Wabash ex-
press. Mr. Bryan was badly shaken
up and bruised about the hips. The
'Cutter wee temoshed and the harness
breikent but the home escaped un -
41j -tared. The watoinnari at the ores-
sieg gave warning ritt• shouting clad
waving the red flag, but Mr. Bryan
being somewhat deaf, did pot' hear
-z-Lilian Thoznas was'found dead in
her roona. at SaultfSte, Marie, haying -
committed suicide by taking carbolic
acid, Her. Mother is Mrs Areold,
Deteoit. In _a letter atiare.sseld
to 'her mother, she bade her good--
bye and Risked that her bocty be bur-
ied in Detreit. The irl was tired of -
life on account of herposition., and
a love affair, in; which a. young men
ward -Hotel, Toronto,
le of sweeitheart. She
Soo from Toronto last
—Doug•al Irferhedrate a_ well
known . resident of Watford, *as
struck and killed by an ;express train
about a mile west of Watford. a-
bout 2 ,o'clock Monday afternoon.
'Deceased was walking on the track
and was o11. hie way to visit his bro-
ther at Kintescourt. Be was thrown
thbout 60 feet, both legs: beinig brok-
en and his skull fractured. The un-
fortuna.to man was•tquite deaf, and
prisbably did not -bed'r the train ap-
prop-thing: Ife • was abont 60 years
of age, unmarried, and in comforta-
ble circunnitances. .
• —A young Men named Ernest Mo
quint coming fr,ona the Moxigen Lum-
ber Company's, camp, near Chilmis-
f,ord, Ontario, had a narrow etseaoe
frein being devoured by wolves He
ropfarts• tthe wolves being so close
upon 'him that he had to. light' a
fire. They renewed the attack fur-
ther en, - but having supplied him-
self with birch bark he mana-ged to
detain ths blood thirsty fiends
lhe reached :the railway, aad a
passiog train put them to fltght.
—*Mr.! Andrew, McKinley, of Chat-
liam.itownship, a pioneer of Kent
county, WaS 41111014, the "stalwarts"
who k)olled their votes. for A. B. Mc-
Caig, M. T. P. This is all the more
creditable* as, Mr. McKinley is 83
years of age, and the weather out of
-doorswa� urrusually stormy, but,. as
Mr. MoKinlay says, with, a humorous
smile, he was'Acit, born in Scotland
for (nothing, and_ had. not. voted at
every Parliamentary eleition since
comixr4 to, Canada in 1,840, to miss
exeroisies his franohise when Archie
"was the candidate.
—Hon. Mr. Dryden has: received a
letter from a missionary at Tokio,
Japan, -written on behalf .of Mr.
M. Yoneyame, a resident of that
city, wins waute to come to Ontario
to ,-work on a. live stock farm,with
a -view of eeentually conduotiag such
a farm in his own oountrya He is
25 years of age, and a Christian,
and a photograph amp/iv:mitre the
letter Shows him to be a well built
and good looking young Mon. Mr.
Dryden has replied promisine to
get him- -a position watb reliable
__W. Finlayson, of Port Simpson,
British' G;ilumbia, ;is able to boast
that be has oxi bine a pie -Gerd the
of the Ring
played the
cause to the
bone broken. Mr. Martin is an aged skin of ilearly every resident of the,
(gentleman and it is only a few z; &ming Paeifie terminus of the
;weeks ago that he and Mrs. Martin Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Ein-
e:loved from the town back. to their etysett has porno d,tern eepm the
farm. • north, being convalescent after a
—The sad death occurred at Stlama' expiation .in which one men
Joseph faxertPtital, London, on Wed- was killed, be being frightfully
aesday, January 24t11, of Mrs. Jos. Scalded. To save his life he bad to
Bawden, of London, as the result of •have 375 pi•ecee of skin grafted an
an operation. 'Although in her us- rim. At first the male residents of
nal health it was found necessary Fort Simpson were backward in
for Mrs Bawden to -undergo an op-ivin; up pieces of their epidermis,
eration, because of an inward treur but the ladies came ;pliantly for -
bliN and she went to the hospital ward and indured the pain inseper-
fer Met purpose' with the result as able' from the saorifice of integu-
above stated. Deceased was a dangle* ment Of course all the men quick -
ter of the late J. W. Smith, of Lon- ly followed. suit- until eracticall.9
don, ,and was married some years ago every, white resident had contributed
to this unique piece of living pat:ill-
-lark. Finlayson is on his way east
to his sister,. Mrs E. St. Laurent,
of Saskatoon, at whose horde he will
recuperate after his. marvelous ex-
Mitehell its agitating for an all-.
night ekeirie service.
—Mr. David Etty, while in Mitchell -
one day. last week, aasisting iir load -
'ng Loge at the station, reoeiyed
painful out, -severing-en arterytwhith
bled freely until medical attendance
wee tailed.
—.As Mr. Alexander Ereckenbridge
a !farmer, living about feur miles
from. Napanee, was returning to
his home Sunday afternoon his team
ran away. and before he couldget-
them under control they dashed in-
to the stone pier under ,the railway
beidge. One of - the themes strnek
the otone work, and the impa$
threw Mr. Breekenridge- -against the
stelae abutment with Guth freer 'that
his braille were eletibed. eatt He
lived absent -4.11 &Oar, bur never; ret
gained conscioneposs. The horso's
neck was broken, ;and it had fo be
iJiot Tbe other horse freed tifielf
and was captured h short distatme
away. Mr. Breckenridge was eleaut
55 years of age and fired witch: Ws
two brothers and father on thefarm.
He was/ unmarried. His 'aged father.
who,ls'02 ;years -of age, is very in.
Deceajed -WV a well known ad
higtly respected man.
Politics In. London. - -
An old littronite now realding in
the Donna City, etwites us- as fol-
lows on the day atter' the election:
Yesterday was a cold. dar here for
everybody but especially for- the
Geveroment sepporters.;Both parties
worked hard and apparentle left no
bone =turned to secure the elec-
tion of their favorite candidate.
Even up to the, closing hour both
parties seemed hopeful of' victory,
and neitrier • seemed bo have any
clearly' defined 'premonitions of
the rising tickil wave that was to
sweep tbe , Government from its
moorings/. Mr. Beck's lame ma-
jority was a surprise evento his
most sanguine "supporters I -Ludt -chile'
the member elect and his party or-
gan, in the flush of vietery attrib-
uted the result to Mr,Beck's person-
al popularity and-. his- munieipat and
parlia.mentary record, yet -sensible
people will believe rather that Mr.
Beck profited by-th;e• influences that
conspired to the getteraPreenit,vize
the defeat Alf the Government.
It will ROW be in order for the
disgruntled prohibitionists .and ethers
who tonsorted with the Whitney -
Walker itc Co. tombination in order
tn whaek Boss, to try their per-
euitsive eloquence in order to ex-
act pledges from this unholy:corn-.
bination. It will also be in order.
for the swell soreheads of the Hes-
sack type who• en'quetted with, Mr.
It.„ Whitney 111 his- hypoor1tioe1
purity cainpaign to enjoy for a brief
spate their. unholy honeymoon be-
fore history' repeath itself and the
men who now pose before the rake -
toes, as the- embodiments ef purity,
appear in their true eolors. It is
sincerely to be hoped that both the
Reform party and the country will
profit by it terra- ortwo of such dis-
Pethe credit of the city be it Said
that the Grits iboon their defeat
gracefully, while the Conservatives
confined their hilarity within reast-
enable bounds and no ersests . were
made. The geed old. Advertiser ever.
fair laid above board, suppressed its:"
discomfiture ro.anfuily• and plackard-
ed the unweleeme return:). -with the
utmost, impartiality.
--p .............,......
Bregzes.—Messrs. ThoMas Brad -
well, Chris. Gedkie and Jake Wells
have most of the Material on hand
Lor their new houses whtele they an -
tend building ,itext stammer. Mr.
Smitte of Wroneter, does the ear-
penter work for Mr. Bradwell and
Mr. John Graham for Mr. Wells.—
Cyrus Horton is - uline ace to the
$pringbank factor e He has- a largo
building ; to ft it—The Newstadt
iireetnery• purposes alutting two wag-
ons ip this distelet _next summer.—
The result of the poll her on Wed-
nesday was disappointing to the
Connervatives and pleasiog to the
Reform.ers. No. 2 gave Die Chisholm
31 majority-, here en 7.tovember 3rd,
but on Werhtteed,ay it only gave 13
tie•Mr. Bowl:eon. Tile two and a half
-hour speech made by the Toronto
lawyer here bad. no effect nor did
it assist Mr. Bowman's -chances, any
for pur Conservative friends to
give Mr. IteXillan. of Hullett, so
poor a hearing. The only conSoItn4
feature of the fray is the lose that
eee in East Huron did our duty and.
got onr an in. You people in South
Huron Must feel desperately bad.
Mr, Peter' Dichiert sold a yearling
filly to HenryHardine the other
day r S140. She is the makime of
a fine mare.—There are very few
logs -4,:an3log into the mat here. Mr.
Brown is concentrating alt hie ef-
forts at Clifford and there are an
immense lot of logs in the yerd
therta—The annual ,meeting of the
Presbyterian chareli at Meintoeh
will be bald op Thursday, February,
2n4.—Andrew .Allan, -of the burg,
bought a span of matched mires at:
Mr. Milligan's sale last Friday for
twhich he paid $330. They are not
ver y haevy- but are a good genetral
purpose teans—Mr, James Hamilton,
of the burg purposes moving to Man-
itoba in, 'the spring.—There were 136
.ed-bes polled here on Wednesday as
against 134 in Noetembe.r. Theta were
108 name* on the tiet.—The Instituto
na et tins, will be held iti the Temper-
ance hall en February Sth. A good
programme 'is beam e prepared —The
officiate here on Nifednescray were
D.'It. 0., John Darroch; poll clerk,
Bithard• ' Bowes, agents for Mr,.
Bowman, Stanley Mahood and C.
Horton; for Mr. Ilisin.p, Wieellood,
jr, and John Porterfield; toostablet
M G. Nay.—A.. daughter of Mr. Ot
Irwin, of Orange Hill, fell theotber
day and tut her wrist terribly.
TWO docitoos were in uttendanceend
she is 'very weak set.—For once in
their lives the- Grits here had, grit
emugh to eome• out in fix11 force
and poll their* votes, last Wednesday.
Tare certainly xriii welt.