HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-27, Page 88 THE HURON EXPOSITOR JANUARY 27 Stoves Reduced - Before our stock -taking, which we commence Fob- ruary LEA, we will offer the balawe of our stock of Cook and Heating Stoves, both Coal and Wood at a liberal dis- count for cash. We have a number of good second - hand heating stoves and these are put down myIOW. . . . . . Leave your order with us for 0 0 A L. CHESNEY & SMILEY, SEA.FORTH, - Hardware, 'Stoves and Coal.' • DOMINION 'BANK e HEAD OFFICE', TORONTO. E. B. OSLER, M. P. T. G. BROUGH, President General Manager Capital, Fully Paid Up-1313,000,ocio.00 Reserv%Fund and un ivi- dde Profits $ 3.634,000 Deposits by Public $29,700,060 Total Assets $ 39,225,00o SEAFORTH BRANOH, Every faollity for the transacting of a eaneral banking business. Oollections made on all points in Canada and abroad: Advances made to`raimers. Special at- ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVIN-aS BANK. Interest allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. 7 %polite of $1.00 and upwards received, and Interest paid or added to account June Silbh and December Slat. , A. E. GIBSON, Manager. R. S. RAYS, !Solicitor. ROYAL HOTEL SEAFORTIL most modern Hotel in Seaforth Fully equipped with hot and cold water _bath, Ladies' Toilee Room' ) "eta Every attention paid togneste. Good Stable, in Connection, D. T. PINKNEY, Prop. 1875-tf W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST:,SEAFORTH Dealer -in Firet-OlaieFamily and Manufacturing Sewing Machines WHITE & NEW RAYMOND- -NATIONAL CREA.M SEteeR- ATOM, &c. -GENERAL FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSIJiter ANCE A.GENT. - Sewing machine neediee, oil, attachments and sundries for all kinds of machines kept in stock, and sewing machines repaired. W. N. WATSON Ineurance Agent, and dealer in ,Sewing Machine and Bicycles; North Main street, &stadia. 1A Famous School. 1 STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Youngman, You -ng woman, there ie a- bundant room for you in the higher and more responsible positions of life. You are needed. 9-eb 4 bueinese or shorthand training and. march upwards. Eater our eohool this month if possible. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & deLACHLAN, Frit-of:pals, Sleigh Bells. We handle all the very beat lines of sleigh belle, all styles and prices. ilor8e Blankets. Call and see our line of horse blankets with and withoue stay on grape Prices 75.3 to $4.00: Robes. The first consideration in buying fur robin is the quality. We guarantee our Galloway, Bishop and Saskatchew- an Robes to the best quality that money can buy. Our prime, quality considered, are the loweat. BRODERICK'S Harness Shop Cady's Block SEAFORTH. Music. Does more to enliven the holidays than anything else, and a piano, organ, gramaphone or any musical inatrumene makes the most all round, enjoyable preeent you oan sagged. Our atook of pianoee organs and grama- pkones le complete. Speolal terms till aanuary let. Music) booke, song and dance folioe, a big stock juet received,everyth,ing new and bright also a big stone of sheet music, regular 25c, 3.Ro awl 50a lines at 3 for 25o. A Singer or New Willierne sewing machine makes a very useful and acceptable preeent. Headquarters for good neediee and nil, 0, M. Baldwin & Coe, SEA.FORTEE, •Good Work Good Material —IN ALL OUR— 8 OT 0 • ht itrqn xposifor I platmar MATTERS. TAR VOTING IN TowN.-The follow- ing is the result of the votes eastin Seaforth on Wednesday last : McLennan Haber Division No. 1 108 80 " No. 2 38 . 52 " No. 3 55 48 " No. 4 31 26 " No. 5 27 39, Total 259 245 Majority • Aeotheed Statement. -I notioe Appkford is not yet satisfied about the town printing, The stabement made end the figures .I gave two weeks ago were abiblutely correct and Mr. Appleford's contortions will not change them. They can be cor- roborated by the town ,a000nnts any person besides Mr. Appleford, is eistIfficiently interested to • 8arttity them. -M. Y. McLean. ; Another Good Sale.-MesSts.Robert Charte.rs & Sops, the well known Shs;-rthorn breeders of the Mill road, recently sold a. very pretty two year !aid thoroughbred heifer to M. William Berry. of • the London riptide near Briroefield, for which they received $100. This fine antie inal as bred from Messrs. Charter' islbock bull and is in oalf to MT. Jas. Cowan's bull "Hot Sootah." Mr. Berry has made a fortunate pur- chaeasdand.- we hope his enterprise :will prove a profitable investment to NM. • • . Sugar Beat Meetines: - P,ublio meetings for the disoussion of the ,growing of sugar beets will be held in tae council room, Seaforth, on Monday, February 6th at 0 p. m., at. Clinton, on February 7th and at Cent ralia on Thursday, February, 9th. These meetings will, be addres- sed' by A. E. Shuttleworth, fagricul- turalist of the OntarioSteger Com- pany and Kr. Simpson Rennie, of Scarboro, York county. Mr. Rennie is en extensive and successful far - inlet. and root :grower and has made a auccess of sugar beet growing. Far- mers generally ere invited to attend these meetings and we are sure that 'all who attend will be both profited and inberested. , Aniencel Meeting. - The tWenty- ninth, annual meeting of the Mc- Killop e Mutual Fire Insurace Com- pany Was ,held •in the town hall, •Sea - forth, , on Friday laet. There was not a very. large ,,number present. The- old offioers and directorwere all re-elected. Thie company in creases in strength; als it grows in wears. rrThe memberShip list is larg- er now than , at' any, former period of *ts existence and, the company is tor besis. The loases for the past on , thoroughly sound and satisfae- yeae ' were• comparatively light and the year was closed with a...substan- tial seirplus et nearly, $10eeM in the, tredsury after. sitisfyirug all claims. Ka rreed In 0 Michigan. -The Mar 7 _tette, Plinhigan, Leader,, niakes the follawipg reference - to a pleasing affair which . recently .occurrod in that town. The groom is 4' cousin of the Misses Hudson, of Egmondville, and has hosts of ffri,ends in ,this vi- cinity. It says: ' On Wednesday evening, ,Jaimary llth, a very pleas- ant wedding took place at the hom.e of Wm. Mahaffy, of Flynn, when his youngest daughter. Edith, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Wilford Hud - s. The ceremony was peeforreed •by Rev. IS. Meg,aw, in the pre..seoce of 70 guests. ! The presents present- eed to the bride were rich and numer- ous. Wilford attended to the old ,adage of hous•e building, anel' has one of the niost modern in the oommup- ity, beieg constructed throaghout with =cement. blocks which Ladle well and substantial." • , h , • , The Late Thomas Lane. -We made brief reference last week to the death a Mr. Thomas Lape, which took place on Wednesday morning of last week .st his late resed,en.ce in Tuckersrnith, near Brucefield. Mr. Lane was' barn in Harapshire, Eng- land, in 1849.. He came to Canada in r872 and resider:. in Stanley for fif- teen years. He, ttehen reraoved to the 'farm on the 3rd concession of Tuckersenith, H. R. S., which he pur- chased a,nde on N‘vilich he resided. until his death.' Mr. Lane suffered frora aboese ibn the. brain. He had been - confined te .his residence for eboue five weeks, but had only been in bed for ,about a week prior to his deata. He lea -es a widow and family of five sons end three daughters to mourn the loss and cherish the memory of an affectionate aied ever -thoughtful husband and father. Mr. Lane was just in t he,prinae of his manhood, be- ing 66 years of age.- Ile was a quiet, unassuming, well-doeug, honest man, ,Who was respected by all who knew him: • Ile wee enterprising and care- ful in bueiness, and suce„eede,d in )naking a comfortable home for him - elf and his family, and at the same time was generous to all who needed assistance. He was a oonsistent meniber o St i James' Roman Catho- lic church, Seaforth, where the fu- neral servioes took place on Friday -,Rev. Father Corcoran, assisted. by Rev. Father Northaraves, officiat- ing. The funenal was attended by a very large concourse of people, testi- fying to the eeteem in which the de- ceea_sed was held. and the sympathy .felt for the bereaved family. Tho re- eraaine were. laid to rest in St. Janes' -cemetery. • Died in leakota.-We take the fol- lowing referenee to the death of a former residght of this county, and aunt of Mr. James Diok, of t his town, from a Northy Dakota paper: On Priday last Mrs. Robert Ander- son, one of the earliest and ro.ost re- spected settlers of this section,passed to the reward of a -devoted Chrietian life after a long and painful illness born wIth exemPlary patience and fortitude. The end came at 2 oheleck in the afternoon at the family home in Eld-red township, the husband and children being present at the bed- side. The funeral took ptace at noon on Sunday. The services wee held at the Presbyterian church at Shel- don, a long cortege follpwed the hearse from the residence. The of- ficiating clengyman was the Rev./I/fr. Koehler, of the Presbyterian church don, England, on June 21, 1830, daughter. of John Phillips and Mary Manson. In May of the following year her parents brought her i to Hamilton, Ontario, and she Itved with them in the eounty of- Brant. On -January 4, 1854, she 'w -as married to Robert Anderson, of Iuron County, formerly ' of Laparke In the early eighties they e to North Dakota° and made a hotee in Eklred township, living there 'since that time- Tile bereaved husband and large family of sons and daugh- ters have 'the sincere sympathY of a wide circle of friends who hold them in high regard in theeeloss of a fond and greatly beloved, wife 0.nd mot he,r. i Travellers. -Me following were ticketed to -distant points, this week by W. Somerville, railway and steam- ship agent: Miss Tillie Smith to Per- ry,. Michigao ; Miss Annie Payne (to 'Detroit; John Mu dell returned to home MoG e,gor, Manitoba; Mrs. Higgins, of rWaIton, to Port Arthur; Miss C. Case to New York; Miss Olive Laidlaw to Northampton, Mass.; Mrs. Letiti Tasker to Mar- lette, Michigan r. F. C. Neal, of Walton to •Winnip Teee dpetor is lOokines up a locat on in the vet. Family:Re-Union,---Mr. Jas. Hays, an old and highly lo.teemed easident of rthie communityrehad the pbaasure h of aving assembl d about him his entire family, r consisting of four sons and six daughters. This pleas- ant re -union. took Jplace at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W. R. Ireland, of this town. This is the first Wane tor over .tverenty 'years that the fam- •ily have all been together, Wing chiefly to, the absence of Mr. Wm. Hays, the third son, and ;to whose re- turn. home this celebration is due. BJ6 is now one Cif -the most prosperous farmers in me Northweeit, and after a visit to his relatives, 'return there Again. Mr. James Has is, no doubt, lustily proud of Ws family,and although past the `three score years and ten, he is still active .and, cheer- ful. He has in turn served the town- ship .of 3IcKillor, as reeve, deputy - reeve and cern/wilier. He .was also Warden of the rounty of Huron. The family were photographed at the gallery of Jackson tiros. and. con- sist of, R. C. Rays, Goderiche county, solicitor ; Adana Hays, Seafor ti; William, Fort Qu'Appelle ; James, of Kihcardine; Mrs. T.. MoElro,y, of Wilithrep ; Mrs. Geo. grandtcm, ot ,Guelph ; Mrs. W. R. Ireland, 'erf Sea - forth; Mrs. W. J. Fowler, of Barrie; Mrs. J. Millson, of Barrie, and Mrs., 3. Ireland, of Clinton. BUGGIES PAINTED, -All particle .having buggies Jay. other vehicles that require painting, would do well to bring them in nos, in order to have them ready by the time wheeling begins. R. DEVERBUX'S Carriage Works. Seafortfi. 1636-2 Good Red Clover,and Alsike Seed want ed at A. Young's, Saaforth, 1937.2 For sale or to rent, house on Goderioh street, Seaforth, recently °coupled by Mrs.Beth une. Apply to Mrs. Kemp, 121 Cowan Ave. Park dale. 1932 ti 1 TO THE LA DIEs.-Switohes made from ioeneenes. •MN E. Rose, over W. N. Watson's office, -North Main street, Seaforth. • 1886-tf • .The Ladies' Guild of St. Thome' church intend giving a conundrum tea in the school room . on Friday evening, January 27th at seven o'clock Music) by the choir, Mrs. Har raves, Mr. Toward Everybody welcome. Adm sion 16o. Mr. Umbleby and others fr..stments, glEfinm7ets,- Saws Filed. -Saw flng done and a good • Job guaranteed -or no pay pply next door to the irieasmiciee. nee of Li Reinkie, Egmondville. Hugh Wil. 1936.4 Driving Horses for Sale.-Tbree good driving horses, One rising four, ono 12 years old in foal to Electric J3., and the other coming one year, sire.d Electric B., for sale cheap. Apply on lot 8, concession 7, H. It S., Tuckersmith. John Mc. ,Naughton, Seaforth, -,; 1036x4 M. BeatriCe Scott, A. T. C. M., teacher of voice, piano and theory. Terms, voice., $12 a , term ; piano, $10 a term ; theory, 88 term. memento.. Music examinations. Also open for 'concert en - Pupils prepared for the Toronto ConservaIt9o8r7y:f Oyster Supper and Entertainment vvill be held under the auspices of L. 0, L. No. 703, Sea% forth, on the evening of Wednesday, February lfith Supper served -in I he Orange hall, one block cast of ; Sallfation Army barracks, from 0 to 8 p. (n. A • god program is being prepared. admission to supper and entertainment, 26o ; entertainment without supper. 10c. Bills will be issued tato/ on. Everybody Everybody is welceine. E3re0.kfast Foods. AMMON/MP oatmeal free from hulls and specks. Rolled Wheat, Corn Meal, Cream of Wheat, Also Buckwheat Flour. MT E. Kerslake, Sucoeseor to Hamilten 'ec Kerslake, C4th, IMPOINIIIIM MIOW 4/11.1/5/1. Friday evening at seven orclock.- Mcss Edna Pickard is at her hortae here for tae present and is g-etting a violin class. -Mr. W. H. Bul- lard, sondof Mr. Hem's Bullard, of this town, ie employed by the elec- tric light company of Acton and is givieg good satisfaction in,, this po- sition as eleetrioiane-Mise Hays, of Goderich, is visiting at the home of her -brother, Mr. R..8. Hays. -The ,Epworth League of the Methodist church anticipate a pleasant -0?:n.e on T11120117 evening next when all will be made welcome. These will lie a goiad musidal and literary pro- gramme and refree3h.ments.-We have to thank our old and esteemed friend Mr. 8. T. Church, President of the Torohte Huron Old Boys' Association for a special and Very, cordial invi- tation to the annual At -Ho -me of the Association to be held id Assoaiabion Hall On the evening of Tuesday. February 9thThese At -Homes are always most pleasant social events and we are pure that any of our renderfrom here who attend will not only be made doubly welcome butr will spend a mast enjoyable ev- ening. -Miss . Grace McFaul was in Pert Dover last Sunday einem?, at the re pening services of the Pr;es- 4 byter" church there, -Mr. and Mrs. /Hood, i Pease, N. W. T., were visit- ing Mr., and Mrs. Bettie, of Eg- mondville, and other friends there this week. -Mr. James M. McMichael made a large shipment •af hogs from Seaforth, station, on 1,1 Tuesday. -Mr. Harrj Scott, who IWAIS spending the holiday season with his- uncle, and ether friends in Sao City, \Ioeva,re- turned hw home this eek. -Mr. J.ames w Donn, he has been in the Stratford lios,pital for over e. -week waiting to have an operation performed,. on his knee , ta1116 ham° on Wednesday to vote. He returned again this week. -Mr. M. McGrath, who has !been vis- iting his parents and friends ina this vicinity for a couple of weeks, left on Thursday, for East Qu'Appelle, where he Is engaged in business, - Many of OUT readers will tregret to learn of the death of Rev: Joseph Galloway, a former Pastor of the -Seaforth Me, thodie t church. Mr. Galloway was stationed in Alvinston and died there on 'Monday last. He was 57 years of age and had been suf- fering for seine •tirae from lefight's disease. The rem,ains Were jnterred in Toronto. -Miss L. Murdie has one to Chatham to attend ithe business college. -Mr. MeNaught, jeweler, is moving- • his jewelry store jilt° tehe Dominion Bank block; -Dr. II. H. Roes his purchased from Mrs. Knox the residence on, Victoria Square now occupied by Mr. 11 J.-Mceallum for $1,500. It • is one of the most pleasantly situated residences in the toevn and the doetor is to be congratulated on his purchase. - Mr. John Sbeet, sr., of Egmondville an old and highly iespected resident of this vicinity, departed this life on Thursday at the age of 83 years We shall make further referenoe to elee deceased next tweek.-Mr. John Thompson, barrister; of Ottawa,son of the late Sir John Thompson, spent a few days in 'town the past week, the guest of Dr. McGinnis. -Mrs. Smith, of McGregor, Manitoba, and daughter, Ellen, and Mrs. Smith. of Local Briefs. -Mr. G. E. Cresswell, left on Saturday for Winnipeg to wait on is brother, Henry, who is very ill in the hospital there. Mr. Henry- CreSswell was on his way to Ontario' from his stock ranch in Assinabbia, when he was taken ill and had to lie off at Winnipeg. - Mr. William Sclater has been ap- pointed chairmen of the public school - board; Mr. John Rankin, secretary and Mr. Wm. Hartry, a trustee old the Collegiate Institute board.-- Mre. T.O. Kenap, pf Toronto, is here viSiting her sister, Mrs. D. J. Mo- Callum.--Mrs. Jolin Smith, of Min- neapolis, is at present in this vicin- ity edeiteres friends. Both Mr. and Mrs; Sthith are former Huronitee.- Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmore, of Hen- soll spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westvott.-Mr. John Dick, of the Seaforth woollen, mills, was in town on Monday,: looking after his s interests here. -Mr. Wm. Brown, of t Ne* York city. , is visiting. his cous- e in, Mr. John S. Brown, of McKillop. p This is Mr. Brow's first enisit to u this part of Canada and he is ,great- ly pleased with what he has 'seen.- c -4-We ,are in repeipt of avry]aand- ome end elabarate business °alert- F dar from our old frienn, Mr. J. G. Wilson, hardware and furniture B dealer of Siretaluta, Ne W. T. The A calendar bears a representation of the Co-untees of Buchan taking leave J of King Robert the Bruce, shortly after the coronation festivities of i Scone. -Mr. John Voelker, one of the stalwart Liberals of Dashweod, was o in town last week. Mr. Voelker drove over to 'hese. Hon. John Dry- J 'den discuss thie political issues if the day and was more then delighted with address. -Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Worden, of Erin, Ontario,are the guests of Mr. and Mts. James F. Iteid Egmondville.-Mr. Thom- son, son oT the Jate Sir John Thom - Son, a former Premier of Canada, spent Sunday' last in to-wn. Mr. Thomson was in this vic.inity cam- paigning for the Coriservative can- didates. -Mr. Harold Jarvis, of D-e- troit, the celebrated tenor and Miss Merry, reader of Toronto,will give an entertainment in Cardnoie hall, on Weelnepday. evening next, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid" of the Presbyterian zburch. This prem- ises to be a rare musical„and jiteraey treat. Mr. Jarvis has long been a favorite with Seaforth audiences and Miss Merry is his equa.1 in her par - Mansell, have been visiting their, sis- ter, Mrs. William Hudson, of En-- rnondville, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudson, of Flensall: Varna. Canadian Bank of Commerce, Sea - forth, now pays interest from date of deposit on ee.vings bank deposits. 1933-tf Death 'of Mr. Dowson.-A gloom was east over this village and vi- cinity, on Friday of last week,whee it became known that Mr. Gilbert Dowson, of the Babylon line, near Varna, had died very suddenly. The young man was talreuelll on Thurs- day evening, and before the break of day his soul had taken its flight. The deoeased was in the prIme of life, 'having reached the agei of a- bout thirty years, and was Ipopular and 'highly respected, The bereaved family have the sincerest sympathy of their Inge circle of friends. • 'Osborne. Township Fathers. - The follow- ing are the salaries fixed for the everal municipal officers cin ,this ownship, and the ()Miters appoint - d. for the current -year : Clerk,$125, °stage and stationary extra; areas- rer, $80, no extras; assessor, $85; collectar, $60; auditors, $6 each; aretaker, $5. The following offi- cers were appointed for 1905: Clerk, . Morley; treasurer, P. Coates; as- sessor, Wm. Miners; collector, Wm. rook; auditors, Joshua Jones, Wm. . Turnbull f caretaker, Thos. Veal. Board of Health, The reeve, 'clerk, arnes Handford,.W. H. Passmore, P. MoTagigart ; Thomas Smilie, sanitary nspectore H. K. Hyndraan, M. D., medical 'health officer, $3 per day; tiler members of . board $1.50 per day when on duty. Fence viewers, ehn.Hanna, John 'McQueen, Charles Harvey, R. Delbridge, It; Doupe and James Earl. Pound -keepers, G.Rook, R. Hunter, R. Keddy, Thomas White, Wm, Taylor, Wm. Atkinteon, Thomas Cameron, and F. D. P. Sweitze.r. ot Wheatland, who -had been Mrs. t SAnderson's spiritua, adviser. A. s large congregation of old friends and neighbors from Sheldon and the g townships noeth of here were pre- n ale 'BRING -YOUR PICTURES TO BE aent apd Mr. Kehler's earnest and t • FRAMED. eloqueet diecourse made a deep im- d presoion. Interment was made in 'JACKSON 8808. Seaforth the Sheldon cemetery. Mrs. Susan T Phillip„s Anderson was born in Lon- a ioulat line. -Mrs. John C. Morri- on has removed from McKillop to - Varna to reside. -The C. P. R. tete- idaph company sent out a very eat' and convenient se,ore card for he, election returns and we are in- ebeed to the agents here, Messrs. Greig & Stewart, for a cop.y.-The eadiee Guild, of St. Thomas church re igivinie a conundrum tea this Sta,ffa. Surprise Party. -On Tuesday ev- ening, January 20th, the members of the Staffa Women's Institute and a number of their friends took Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Switzer by surprise by coming in a body to spend a social evening with them before their de- parture for North Dakota where Mr., Switzer has purchased land. The company spent a very pleasant time the) early part of the evening be- ing occupied in games of various kinds, The 'ladies had bro'ught filled baskets with them and about midnight lunch was served, and all did justice to the good things pro- vided. After lunch the chair was: taken by County councillor White and -the • following programme was given. Instrumental seiections by Miss Ada and Mr. A. Norris and by Mr. A. Bertram; reeitations bs Miss P. Sweitzer, Miss L. Davis and Miss Nettie Norris; addresses were dee , livered by Mrs, Fr. D. Hutchison and • Messrs. ,A. Oliver, F. D. Hutehison, Sweitzer, A. Norris and H. A. Dor- Terme. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a token from tbhe Institute to Mrs. Sweitzer. Mr. And Mrs. Sweitzer both replied to the addresses and the programme closed with singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellowse” And after singing " Auld Lang Syne," the ocirapany dispersed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer every happineas in, the land of Uncle Sam. • Hay. The Township Officers -At the' laselmeeting of the Hay council ,the following were appointed offloads -for 1905 at the salaries named; F. Hese, sr,, clerk, $125; Thos. John- ston, treasurer, $94 ; Henry, Lip- hardt, assessor, $85; C. Troyer, col- lector, $75; Mrs. Goetz, caretaker, $25; Dx. Buchanan, Medical Health officer; D. Spense, membecr of the board of health for three years; J. ilierner and W. Johnston, audi- tors. A letter f Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, regarding payment of bal-- lance 'claimed beeBender & Foster on contract of Schwerin Drain, was -laid betore the council. The clerk wee • instruoted to answer same In ao- cordance with facts. The ,next meet- ing of the, council will he held on the sixth of February. MoKullop Canadian Bak- of Commerce, Sea - forth, now pays interest from date of deposit on 13avings bank deposits. b33-tf The Council. -At the last meeting of the MoKillop oouncil it was mov- ed by J. M. Govenlook seconded by Chas. Little that the salaries of the municipal officers be: For- clerk, ' $200; assessor, $80- treasurer:, $80, and collector, $80per annum, and auditors to reoeive $8 eaoh. D. M. Ross was again appointed treas- urer ; W. Evans, collector, and M. Murdie was .appointed clerk, and John Shannon and John --Govenlook, auditors. On !motion of M, Rowland it was agreedl that the board of health be composed of t& reeve, clerk, J. Murray, B. O'Connell and Thos. McElroy. and S. J. Shaneon, sanitalY inspector. Accmeats to the amount of $192 were ordered to be paid. The council adjourned to meet in Chris. White's housetLeadbury, on Wednesday. 22nd of February, at ten o'clock, a.m.-M. Murdie, clerk. Grey. John MoKinnon Dead. -Very sud- den and without warning came the death of John, MoKbanon, an old and highly lesteemed resident of the 8th concession, on Tuesday morning of this week.' Deceased started. out to drive a pig to Brussels, but had not got far when the animal turned and went back home. Mr. McKin.non rap after it, and on reaching the barn yard he fell over, and before he could be carried into the house life was ex - fillet. Deceased was an exception- ally good-natured, kind-hearted man, and a friend te evetybody who kneev him. He was about .65 year of age, and a true member of ehe Roman Catholic church, which he attended with regularity-. ) Township Matters. -At the first meeting of the newly elected town- ship council the following officers were appointed for the 'current year: John McIntosh, clerk; J. M. Davis and John Livingston, auchitors; Dr. Ferguson, medical health offi- cer .and Thomas Chapman, cretaker of hall. Mr. Alexander McNair who has so faiti,fully and efficiently filled the position of township treas- urer for the past 29 years having tendereit .his resignation on account of ill health, the clerk was, author- ized to receive applications for that position, salary $100 per an- num and the appointee to give se- curity bonds in the sum of $25,000 said applications to be laid before the council „at its meeting on the first Monday in February. Applica- tdons for assessor, salary $100, are also to be received until the same roketing. The contract for the sup- erstructures of Cranbrook and White's bridges were awarded to the Mitehelf Bridge Company for $3,339, this to include a third raia- ing on Botz's bridge; two railings on each of the wing walls ofKing's bridge and two railings on each wing wall of the new superstructure. A resolution expressive of regret for the res:ignation of Mr. Alex. McNair as treasurer, • and -acknow- ledging his faithful, efficient ada honest services in that position dur- ing the man ,years he has filled it was passed when the council ad- journed until the first Monday in Febriiary, after passing several ac- oounts. Exeter. N,otest.-Mr. Albert Willert,, of Stratford and formerly of Dashwood has purchased frorh Mr. A. Holland what is known as the old Wilkie farm i.n the township of Hay a short distance north of Ea -later and will re- raove to it shortly. Mr. Willert's old 'friends in this district will be pleaeed to have him back with them again. -The annual congregational meeting of Cavan church was held on the 16th inst. There was a goad at- tendance of members and the reports from the various departments of churoh work were most encouiaging, sthowing that faithful steddvice is be- ing rendered along every line. Messrs. James Jeokell and L. C.Flem- ming weree elected to the managing boiled apd Mr. J.' Senior was re -ap- pointed eeCre t a ry-t r easu r or. At 'the close of the business refreshments were served by the ladies and a very pleasant euoial hour was spent.— "The annual meeting of the members of the Stephen and Usborne -Agri- cultural Society was held here on the day fixed by statute. There was a good attendance and. the various reports showed the society to be still in a very prosperous condi- tion. The year was closed with a balance of over $50 in the treasury. The following officers and directors were elected : President, Peter Mo - Taggart; first vice-president, E. Christie; 2nd vice -preside, Joseph Senior; directors, John -Renter, J. Delbridge, - James Ballantyne, John Alliston, W. D. Senders, Wm.. Rus- sell, Henry Smith, Wm. Elliott, W. Hamden; treasurer, F. E. Kern; se- aretary, A. G. Dyer; auditors, P. Gardiner, 11. E. Huston. Departed Fri en ds. -Mr. Robert Delve an old and respected resident of Exeter, departed this life on Sun- day, the 16th inst., at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. George Jeffrey, of the Thames Road, Usborne. Mr. Delve was •a native of Devonshire, England, and came to Canada about 35 years ago. For many years he was employed as section man on tbe railway, making his home in Exe- eter. He was nearly 78 years of age This Week STOCK - TAKING WILL BE COMPLETED ++++++++++++++4444++++ Next week WE WILL COMMENCE SHOWING • NEW SPRING GOODS. +++44÷4elefeadeleadelele++++444-44÷ THE. E. McFAUL DRY GOODS Cr SeaforthOntario. and since the death of his wife laie has resided much of the time with his daughter, Mrs. Jeffrey: He Was a hard Working, industrious, honest and true man and for whom every_ person had a good. word to say. He leaves a large_ grown up family of. two sons ia.nd eight daughters. -Much surprise and unihrsal re- gret was felt by our citizens on learning of the death ,on Monday, the 16th inst... of Mfs. Robert S. Lang, of the North end, Exeter. Mrs. Lang lead been suffering from la grippe - for a few- -weeks and had nearly recovered when she suffered from a relapse when pnetrinonia set in and - her weakened constitution was unable to withstand the sever- ity of this disease. She was just 39 , years of age. Iler maiden name was' Agnes Russell, being the eldest daughter of - Dr. Russell, superin- I t ndent of the asylum at Hamilton. e had been married about seven- teen years and leaves five motherless children to mourn the loss and cherish the memory of a kind, lov- ing and t ever thoughtful mother. She was a most estimable and ami- able lady and was very greatly:be- loved by all who enjoyed- her ac- quaintanee. 4. Leadburv. Canadian Bank of Comnheroe, Sea - forth, now pays 'interest from date of deposit on savings bank accounts. 1929-tf Notes. -Miss Alice, Dundas, Vries Mary E. Hackwell Etn•d. Miss Ida Boyd hare been out colleoting money in aid of Methodist „missions in this section of McKillop. Each of the young ladiee had different ground to work on and we hear they had. very good suocess.-Mr. Thomson who is a member of a legal firm in Ottawa and a eon of the late Sir John Thomson, assisted Mr. I3owman in hismeetings at Leadbory, Con- stance and at Maialeyle school. house. While here_ Mr. Thomson was the guest of Mr. 3. 3. Irvine and Mr. Sea.rlett.-We congratulate Mr Mur - die on his appointment to the clerk- ship, wlaich is certainly the most important position •in the township, While there are a number of men in McKillop fitted for the offiee we believe there ,are none better qual- ified .than Mr. Murdie,-Mr.,Freeineie Haokwell, who has been very ill with pneumonia is, we are pleased to say, aecovering.-Mr. R. Gray, of Dash- wood, , was visiting friends and at -- tending ta business here Last week. -Although the reads are somewhat rough yet the„eleaghing is fair and a great improvement on last winter. -Mr. William McIntosh who has been out in Manitoba and British Columbia for a puraber bf years, has been on an extepded visit at the reeidencie of his breether, Mr. Find- lay ildonIteste purposes retureing to British Columbia some time in Feb- ruary, -Mr. Sylvester Stitt and Mr. SainueliCrawford are both back from Manitetba where they have been for some time. We have • not 'heard whether they intend returning to the prairie proviace.-Miss Lizzie McCutcheon, who has been in Man- itoba for a year or two, has re- turned home. Her many,friends are pleased to again meet her. Farquhar. Note. -Mr. John Mean, of Har- grave, Manitoba, is renewing old aoquaintaaicee in the viilage.-Mr. G. S. Beavers spent 'a couple of days in London last week. -Mr. Shrion Camp- bell lost a valuable Norse oe Sat- urday last. -Mr. Wm. Westlake, of Inkeretese North Dakota, is spending a few weeks with his brother, Mr. 3. Westlake, of this village. -Mr.- Thos. Cameron has been very busy elec- tioneering. -Mr. Arnold Harris is spending a few days with friends in Londesborce-Messrs. J. Melner and lames Kemp, of Kirk on, paid a fly- ing visit to this vMtwgo on Friday last. -We are glad to be able to re- port that Mrs. John Cameron is im- proving igreatly, and we hope she will soon -be able to be around agaio. .-The telephone line here is paying nicely. People find it a great con- veteienoe.----Sickness seems to be quiet prevalent in our village at the present time. ,Mrs. J. Westlake, also, Mr. Westlake's mother are on the sick list. -The Star Court Fores- ters are holding an oyster supper en Friday evening in the town hall here. -Miss Lettie Kirkby has re- turned after an extended visit with her uncles, Beaver Bros. -New cut- ters mem to be few and far be- tween this winter. • As to whether the scarcity of barley has anything to do with this we an not say. -Mr. Ce-oll Russell paid a flying vt to ou-r village one day leat Charles Tuftin, of Staffs., visrted hoar sister, Miss ,Lizzie P1lei, These day last. -Visitors are. numerous -a-, Telm4 eur busy httle burg just nOevee Will Borland, telegraph op - eater, Hargrave., Manitoba, is le- ggin under the parental roof. -Ore Friday evepeng last a very suceessful ball ,was held in the village halt here, under the auspices, of seve era.' Of .our 'enterprisIng young mene A large crowd attended and all re- ported a very enjoyable tierieee Guests were present green Hensalle Seaforth, ineulire Alateeele, Exeetere and Grand View. We are assured the t this will not be -the last- bail - Of the season. -Mr. William Stewart who is a member of the stook exe change, London. spent Sunday. -at his home here -We are pleased e see once more the genial smile n Rev. J. A. Turebull, ot Toronto. Th preaohed tsplendide sermons to lar congregations in the Thames ro cnurchon 8unda.y last. Turn bull and George Rutherferd amhe the books of the Usborne end Thb bert Insuranoe Company last wee The eorcipaey is in a very flourishg condition. The volue* of bzL- - ness has increased nearly $80,990 th year. Great credit is due an Ise •,retary, B. W. F. Beavers. - Wroxeter Briefs. -Mrs. I. Haelew-oed, Vlife ford, is spending a week,, the vies -of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hazlewood.-.. mr.. Stewart, of Toronto, spent a fe days ef this week the guest eef Smale,-Inspeoter Robb visited the school here on Friday. -Mr. Thomele- Sanders, of Crandall, Manitoba, former resident of the village; ralli- ed -on friends here last weelee-Mre and Mrs. John Kemp, of St. Agat Manitoba, were gueete of Mr. Mrs. L. Palmer last week. -Mr. Miller is la Goderioh this week, tending the meeting of the eon rouncil..-Mr. C. McNeil, - who been in Trowbridge for the last f menthe, is visiting at his home he -A load of Masons of Forest I visited at Ferdwich last Thurs night-Tho.leaehelors of tile vii] have invitations out: for an assail* bly, to be held in the town hall Fri- day night. -A very, eucoessful liter- ary evening was given by the memee,, bars of the, Epworth Le,ague of the Methodist chum -ch, on Tuesday. Aft interesting debate took plate on the subject. -.Resolved that woman. has, done more tor the improvemeati of the world dela raan,'? betweea. ereernbers of the Gorrie and Wroxe- ter Leagues. ---The annual Cin 01 the Farraers' Institute will 'be hcold in the town hall on Saturday, r ttary successful, and. WeLL .attendecld' Liberal 'meeting was in the -town hall Last Friday evene in in the interests of Mel. A.His and was addressed by 'Messrs. lart and Leckie, of Brussels. * . Walton Canadian -Bank et Commeree, forth, now pays interest from Or deposit on earringe bank d Annual Meetini. ---- The meeting of Duff's Preeb ohurch`was held on Thursday ev ing of last week. The statistical r port from, all aources showed mortr raieeeclor all purposes to be neari $1,400; so that after all expo have been paid there is still a s balance left on hand which very creditable- showing and spevk well for both pastor and .pe. oele- managing committee eeend other oL- fioe bearers are pr*ttie- much VA SADIe as last year. As eoon as weat or permits t he managers purge coramenoing to floor and fit up- t basement. We still hope for 'fru ther improvements. Local Items -Mr. Archie Ilishipe M. P. P., addressed the electors o1this part of his constituency ri tM? A. O. U. W. hall on Saturday even.- ing of last week. The hall was rees- onably well filled with intelligent electors who listened with rapt ate tention as our honored member des - bussed very forcibly the burning P Mical questions now at Lssue. There was no opposition epefraker andejleige. ing- from appeara.ncen this part of the constituency should do well tor the ;Liberal candidate. But befeTa - this reaches the eye of the reader - of the Expositor the fate of Ilia - Hislop and he Ross Governmea wit !have been determined.-Mied C. Johnston has returned frotu an tended visit with relatives friends at Eden Grove. -Miss Rae ape -Ming a couple of weeks with will have been deterrnined.-Miss0. Goderich.