HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-27, Page 6a ' 0 . 6 1: R40,11,1.. brel lt. FOR olArelfi Mt Al",at.IS FOR EiLLE.-Rsive bargaine in farms in , UE OF tA tr. E ,!tne Tromnehlea of Mullett, Morrie, anti Wawa*, - I . nosh:County of Huron. Inquire „at °nab. W3&. . CAMPBELL, Myth, Dot.. • 17744f .1 -081-1-11 FOR BALE arlj lining the viliege of Exeter, X Ray townehip. 100 aerial with a good barn -on 1 tr, anti pleoty of water. For further particulate apply to B. s, O'Neil, Mutes, On. Resy terms. 1 1. " ONE wishing -to buy or tell Winnipeg city 21, property or farm lands in the Provinse of I Manitoba, on the Territorieti, your borreepondenoe with us is solicited, and full Information given. t, Pleisee oall color addrees HARZ a LANDSBOROUGII ' No. 527 Saha street, WinnipegNanicitoba. 18884f T Etta than 85,000 will buy Lot- 88, Concession filaillop. Thin farm oontains 100 acres of good land, hoe or it &bnk barn 64x64 Is. t, with 8 toot atone ealebling Also a good 8-roome4 brink house, orchard, good water, &o It is ale miles trent BiAtorth and It miles from Constance poet office. Poseeselori given at once. Apply to WM. R. BLANSELARD or E. HINCKLEY, Seafetilln • • 192641. i -ell -FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, London 1. Road, Stanley, eontaining 100 serve, 23 ares eared, the balance is good hardwood timber. The farm in well undeidrained anB fenced, and in good condition in everyteartioular. This is ae ex - Delimit farm, no better in the township. It ie five miles from Clinton and It milefrom Brueefield. Will be weld on resernianle berme as the propriotee Is in the Implement business. Apply to F. TOMLINSON, Brueetteld. 1924.41 N EIARII FOR SALE. -In the township of Ushorne, _C being -Lot 13, Concession 2, eoususting of ihe beet 100 acres of lend in the township, well formed and Ingood&ate of cultivation. Good brick house and Ita,me barn, convenient to echool„ church and market, being only 2 mike from Exeter. For tap therrtioulare ataply to D O. stoINNES, Exeter, or T 41, 1 - . HIGGINS, executors of the estate of B. I. Nigel deal -aged, Or to GLADMAN & STAI411111tY, Sateltene teeter. 192941 ceaftlf FOR '8ALE,.-43eing lot 82, omen:Ion 2, ✓ hicKilltip, eonieluing 00 acres. There are on the premises s lank barn, silo, hay barn and implement ham* sada linstelise irameeditelling- Zhe them le !IA lantittl Mid iinderdrainlid and In* good stele of efuttraMi. -roe terms and partictia are apply to Sailor* P O. The tom mint be sold as the proprietor is going west. JOHN 2. SPIWAT. 19364 . - „ -GUM FOR SALE -The mid- ersigned, Olen for being Sot 22, con n S. and: nottb hiM of 1St 21, F," sale the valuable farm consisting etta160 sore* / -esneeesion a rash tewnship of Stanley, The farm Is three miles froueBruceneid and eve miles fro Clinton. On the premises are a good frame house is large frame been with stone stabling underneath, • a driving shed and pig axe The farm has plenty of water,* good hardwood hush and an orchard, 'Megan is clay and loam. Apply Apply to lira P. CAMPBELL, on the premises or Brucefield P. 0. I' _ ' 19354 flOUSE AND FOR SAL -For sale; brick house and 2 loti in Seatorth. One lot faces on North Main Street -and the other on West Wil. Hum Streets. The haus* is is comfortable brick renege and contains 3 bedroom!, dining room, ea . nag room Sind Wither), *Ish good cellar 'under the whole house. Ilarel and sots water in the _house, There is she a good dial° and drieing shed. All kinds of fruit on the 14t. Apply to J. 1,- ALLAN, . Londesborte or to C. Y. ATAINd017, Seaforth. 1905zett BESSITEFUL leAR, FOR SALE-Foraale cheap, .1.9 that beautiful firm in the township of hicEle lop, known as "The sissies," attested one and a bell miles north of Seaforth. The farm contains one hundred mores of the choiceet land. There is e bank barn, lugs frame house, with beautiful large rooms, rod water a creek running • through the farm. Good orchard and vineyard, all under ere tivation and well drained. The situation is excel- lent, near country soitc,o1 and near Collegnee In- stitute. It is an idea country home. Immediate possetiolon. Apply to WM. GOVENLOCK., 8eittorth, ' . 1922s11 ANOSOME NEW RESIDENCE FOR SALE - las Neer two 6tory frame house, cement bidck foundation, tontalna t arborsitting room, dining room, kitchen With herd and soft water and other conveniences, four bedrooms with closets bath- room and halls, eleetrio wires througheut and heat- ed by furnace. °eller with cement floors. cistern, coal bins, fruit shelves end outside eierance. The holm is made= in design and is finished with -hardwood and bee a veranda 12 feet wide. It built on one of the finest lots in town and will to sold reasonably. Apply to HARRY EDGE, Sea - mill. Ontario. 1931-tf tan CLASS EIGHTY -ACRE FARM FOR Sean E -Being West part of Lots land 2, Comas - ion 2, L. R. S., Tuekersmith. , Good concrete, II roomed helm, 40x28, with kitchen, woodehekand levee- house attached There is a new bank barn 88x36, with wing extending to the south, 24 feet. Also brick availed roothouee, 40 feat len, under gangeney. All buildings in good repair. Orchard ciontel.,e two and a half acres of choice winter frulL There are two never, failing wells, 6 acres of bush. Tnie farm is in a good tate of cultivation,well tented and underdrairtecl, eituated, 2 mile e froin the villane ot keneall. For 'further particulars apply - to THOMAS KERNICK, Sense% Ontario. 18954! ON CANNOT USE THAT OF MOTHER BUT JUST ONE'S ON. DAVID'S NATURAL W 'APONS Sufficed to Slay the Gioia Pi illatliie so 'Vili. the Experiehee of; very Mau • tand Rim In 'Stead in the Xn.y of Mat- e and Trial eigainitt' SRL Una' otter Than That of !inutile Itn Weed Amor din rue Act et ?exile aa, in the neer 4906,.ity ltredeis Toronee. ae ehe lien) I, et Aa-mOien. I , Los Angelesi; 'Cal„ J a Sala- leseine philosophy, - w _wet lye applied DY every 0 sise ,Success bit the battle tint which the preacher o thil Sermon, taking his te. 2 Samna . xvii, .' 9 m , "1 ane , these, for I ha . e not preived, them." -A, weaponle3soldier is a defense-- lesS and a he pleas. soldier: Neither per -onal .stren th or heroic - val.& cani eterail him withbet effective weep - was in a contiiict against tin, armed feel The military chiefs! have learn- ed at the is C of a ci napaign de- pends as inu4t on the ' irfection and precision of the weapon. as on the . viler and prsgweSs of: th soldier, In the :Attar° Pruseiaat war. It was not c So Mach t,,e valdr Pf. tic . soldier ox the strategi skill of the generals that gave Pl- 1 ia the vi to* as the fact that -elle 't•tts,4an a my had the, needle gun wiule the A ,striaine car-• ried the .old ashioned a uzzle loader. Not can radnalequaliti e.; take . the plaCe of modern equipm mt. "Thrice, arined," says' the ;dram tist, "is - he who hath b s -cpsarrel . just," but 'neither justic nor righteousness can save a causef if the cha - neglect the xx.aterial 0, inaitarY 7 Sole Ce. -- No had more ira licit fait spower than h el 'Oliver' yen ha did zot ignore for human reeautione, ("Trust ' in od," he said to- his • dilant :Iron- *dee, "and k p your p lades dry."0 -Fortitude and courage are needed now as ever in an army but the 'sol- dier without ,erfective a -ms is mere food for pow er.. This, . fact N as meow ized in an- cient times. efore the discovery of gimPowder It d suede .h rid to hand' conflicts so are as :LI est are now, soldiers were clad from head t� foot in armor to protect th eu from the blow of the s Ford or la Ltleax or the thruSt ''. of. he . spear: Thus when David, the sh pilerd boy went out to fight the Phi istine gian it seemed a matter of otdinary pa caution that he be covered with Such armor as was then in. tse. It • seta led the rash- est temerity for him to go into the fight wearing his ordirt ry, Shepherd dress. King §aul said: "I will ' let him go forth end fight in my armor. My helmet sh 11 protest his forehead. My coat of m il shall cotter his chest. My sward, ke toes a Dam lascus.blade, with. its jewe ed hilt, sl a.11,,be in his hand. Come, armor bea -er, place my armor upon tic champio . s This offer of Saul's. w s an embar- rassment. T1 e yotiag s le hard tboy .ps,s\li was unaecust med. to he c inbrous armor. But the king's oiler mist mit be rejected b: ei loyal subjec , so.- he 6111: 1 )Il1i tted to be girded vith the'ciaat 0 'nail and tic helmet r teet el is bead. s He -must have lo > e I as ridi- culous as the pale,- thin, conitunmptivc Alecander II. Stephens, that giant of as ntal " powei ane grea heart, ap- Pc teed in his multitudinous wrap - pi es- of out r garment. When Lin - CO n •saw hum at Irani') on Roads be isa d -to his ,eeretary o state, -"Se- w- rd, did y u_ over see in your life su -la a Pile o corn bushings wrapped al out one -th n net?" -, •INhy,''- said David, " cannot- fight - in this amino .. -Saul. m yt usethese- Weanons, but I am not Sialtis CiVe I rw my sling with whi -11! I am, ac- e stomed to protect Ira sheep..., Lets rrichoose ins' own sto es out of the biook for anenunitioil. Let me fight, th the ta ent Coe has eat) 'K. Diver. of , ire, Ottawa.. ich may e who de- f, life, is' 'Woes in t from i go with 'FARM FOR SALE. Lot 11, Concession 8, Hul- £ lest, containing 100 wires of landall cleared. and irefioe condition. It is at present all seeded to gram and in got d shape either for hay, pasture or cropping. There is a comfortable frame house -with summer kitchen attaehed, two barns, one 84.x 60 feet and the other 30 x 60 feet, and other out build- ings 'Ibis farm is situated e nine miles from Sea - forth, seven and one half Miles from. Clinton- and jaet one mile and a quarter from the village of Kinburn, where there are two 'general stores, two blackmail shops, pest office and school. This farm Is well bituated and will be sold cheap as the pro- prietor is aoxious to sell. For further particular* apply, to IX: S. ItAYS, Barrister, Seaforth, or on the premieete WILLIAM LEITCH, Chiselhurat, Ont. 1905-111 rpAltti roil SALE -Foe sale on reasonable terms U tele farm of the andersigned on the North Gravel road, fitelilliop. a mile north of Seafeith. It continue 176 noise all cleared except about' ten acres. It is well under -drained. well fenced and in a high state of oialvation. There is a fine two etoree brick house, bank barns and other necessary outbuildings. There is a flowing spring close to the buildings A large orehard oi choice fruit and about two sores of a vinery. This is one of the choicest farms in Huron and there is not a fools of yraste lend on it It Is all seeded to grass bxeept about 80 acres. There are ten aches sown to fall wheat and the fall plowing done. Apply to the pro: evictor, kleaforth. ROBERT GOVENLOCK. 1920 - If You Want to Buy a Farm Businese or residence, consult us or - our agents before making ,a selection. We have a large list of properties, mapy of them are extra good value at the priee asked. We can says you time, money and worry if you will allow us to assist you in making a selection. Let us know your want*, or get our oaealegue-it coats you nothing. THE INTERCOLONIAL REALTY 00'Y, LIMITED, London, Canada. R. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth B. E. PHILLIPS Agent, Bewail. 1907,-.5e Debentures for Sale. • Offen will be received let the Clerk's Office, Sea - forth, up till noon February 6th next, for 82,400 Local Improvement Debentures, payable in fifteen years, intend at per cent, pie able ye -iy. The highest or any tender not neeess orfly nee pted. The debentures are 4100 oriole. WM. ELLIOTT, Cleile- 1688-8 ,-A,last Table complete without" An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and inaintt.ta robust health, and to resew's winter's extreme cold. It is et valuable diet for children. The Most Nutritiore an:"--teeer easeiCel. IPS pions of it 'glances of moral ever in -divine remwell, but he. necessity fir Israel wi given to Inc to use." laid David said unto rot go with these, -for ovedthem lAud Da o David dr right. Ile man who fiiehla the g -eat batt/ of life with t e natural . weapons (.40d has given te him will yin. The Ilan who 'tries t fight the battle of life in 'some O her ;nail's' ; armor v,- 11 fail every time. The , purpose of his sermon is 't a point ouf home o 1lJe useless vs eapons with which me n o forth to ttle-anot tseless we pons perhaps f r others, but useless for ourselves, b cause • they belong to another's a morY and not to our A young anare in t e first place, ekes a gr at mistake in trying to fit his \fathe -'s helmet Upon- his head a 'd .coVer h s chest NNI ii his father's csat of Mail and unsl eath his fath- e 'S ?word for the battle of life mere - Q y text says: f4laul, I can - have not -id put them 1 'because, they once •elonged to his f thexe When. a. Man hi s made a big • enees as a„ minister or' lawyer or oetor or attist or nit sician or incr- ha.rit or . Mechanic. hat does not necessary Di•ove that is o fi 4f...1 ••••••••••••••• n A I uullsTIP TI . . 41thou0 geneeall described 'as • a disease, can neve exist unless I: some of the organs re deranged, 0 • which is 'generally fo, cl to be the iliver. It consists of an inability to, _ regularly evacuate the bowels, and . as a' regular action of the bowels is absolutely- essential' te general . health, the least irregularity should O , O never bei neglected. 1 e? - i i MILBURN'S 0 a 0 Lr -LIVER PILLS have n equal for relieving and a • curing , Constipation, Biliousness, : Water Brash, Heartburn, and all e Liver TFoubles. I) Mr. A. 13. Bettes, Vancouver, h.c., * Q writes ai-ronsome years past I was e troubled with chronic coestipation O anti bilious headaches. I tried 0 - 1 Q nearly ?everything, but only got , re temporary relief. A friend ind need : me- to try Laxa-Liver Pills, and O they cured me completely. . e Price 26 cents per box, or 5 boxes : for $1.00, altdealers, or mailed O direct on receipt of price. O THE 'F. MILBURN CO., reatirraa 0 ,!J 0 Toronto, Ont. 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000 000000000 411.46• • •I•0.0 41 • • S • • • a a, a a 0 TETE ilITRON EXPOSITOR Sunlight Soap does not har en or shrink woollens It is injurious chemicals and adulterations in common soaps that destroy your clothes. It is adulterations that harden year woollens and the excess alkali that destroys and shrinks them Sunli h' '%ap con6.ins no adulteration or excess alkali. It is just pare saponified fats and oils. That is why.it cleanses yotIr clothes 'perfectly in hard or soft water and does not injere them. All dealers are authorized to,yeturn yo= purchase money if you any find cause for coMplaint . • LEVER BROTHERe WAITED, TORONTO 1001 1 'The Sunlight Matchefind that flannelede not shrink when washed th. Sunlight way by mental and physieal temperament _ ... about the woman' whO lost a' part of to' walk in his father's footsteps. her wedding . dowry, But we will get, And yet, strange to say, . we find then our Materialfront past ages many fathers almost- compelling their and from the writers of old and from unwilling boys to be doctors or lawy- the sins of the Jewish people and not ems or even ministerh or merchants irom the sins of the American people, because they themselves have "lade ' who live at our very door." There successes in those professions or busi- are many doing this. •The tesult is nesses. And we ' also find many young there are helliadredi of preachers who Men forcing themselves to take up a do not wieI4 any modern "slings." line of life work for which they, are They do not preach as Christ would entirely unfitted 'merely because their . have them preath. They i are ready to fathers won faine arna fortune lis talk .about the lily of the valley and those walks of life. . 1 the rose of Sharon and the grapes i . Saul's armor was appropriate to of 1$sehol, but they are not willing his in egnificen t frame, Hie son Jona- to utter a philippic against commer- than may have been able to wear it. ' cial sins inour own day, against the There is no reason why if a .riesa s groceryman who has .false weights fittSd by -na.ture and mental power tq for his. pound of sugar and tea as follow in his father's footsteps he well ai against the wealthy million - hold not enter the profession ' his Aire who is living a double life and father adorned and fight in his fath- • is breaking the marital vows which er's armor. There are men who ha he once made to the young girl when m 1.; 'erle • a , _greater success than thei the twain at the marriage altar be- t workVoung man, do ;not do a thing came One. . ' fathers in the same fieldWhen we . What, we say about chard) work study history we find that men wile we say about every other kind of \vete great ministers, lawyers, do tors, artists, authors and merchan , as a, law er or doctor or merchant have had sons .who- became even . T merely ;because other lawyers or doc- Trade Bribery. ., greater ministers, lawyers, doctors', . tors or merchants have been emus-_ artists, authors and merchants A small boy asked. to see the man- tomed in the past to do that thing Hamilcar was a •;great Carthaginian ager of a leading firm a few days an n a way. was . e nove y of onslaught which David used that before Christmas, and his request be- e, 0-ener al. He was the parent of Hans nibal, who was a greater general was able to overthrow the nighty ing granted, the following conversa- 71 e, success ia life you must have inde- . tion took place: , , (than his noble sire. There were twe e Philistine. If you are going to make . Manager-"Wellmy boywhat do great Scipios, father and son. Which was the greater if is impossible to ou want?" nye' .0 as' far as I can make out, Is to live in the background of life and en- courage other people to do their work. It is very easy for you to say pleasant things. Keep on - saying - them. Keep on your inspiring rale- sion. Let the 41der in the prayer raeeting know how much his prayer has comforted you. Let your minis- ter know how much his sermons." help you. The tired mother Wants you to tell her how finely her boys - and girls are doing. The clerks want You to encourage them in their work God knows how much you are need- ed everywhere, just to keep on speak- ing wordof good cheer. I would entour-age every man, wo- man and child to develap for Christ the one especial Cod ghee' talent which has 'been bestowed en each one of us to work in God's SerViee. If it is to' preach, then let. us preach. If it is to teach, then let us teach. If it is to pray, then Jul. os pray by the sick beds. If it is to give money in his name, then let les giSe of our wealth, The great trouble with the world is that most. of us are afraid to do our best in the time God' has given us to do our work. We are afraid to use our slings lest David's brothers might laugh at us and _ri- dicule ns. Be yourself, 0 man. Be your plain, natural self. Be it in the pulpit, on the street, in the cherch pew. Be it everywhere and Clod will bless your work for. Christ. Be yourself, 0 woman. Be your own sweet self. Be it in the kitchen, in the parlor. Be it with your Sunday school class. Be it everywhere. God will bless you when you use your sling of one talent. Bat remember that before maxi as well as before God you will be useless if you, like David, are trying to fight the great battle of life in Sail's armor. ning,s Oldest Subject. King Edward VII,, In the fourth year of his reign, has seat his greet- ings to a subject of his royal great -great-grandfather. When George III, died, 3.1rs. Bar- bara LeWington, of Mattiegley Green, near Winch -field, Hampshire, Wall nearly twenty years old,. Though born on December 5, 1800, she is to -day. alive, and keeps fairly well. 'She has been practically con- fined to her bed for ten years, and 1 her hearing is deficient., but she un- derstailds well that His Majesty has expressed his interest in her great age, and has sent a gracious men- : sage hoping that she will continue to retain her faculties. 14Irs: Lewington has lived in the .1 . same house for seventy-six years. She has had twelve children, of whom three are living, at the age of eighty-two, seventy-seven, and sixty- one, respectively. 1 pendent ways of doing your work.. Y Samuel D. Db , Small Boy -"Please sir, , can tell. . - . ,. ' YOU MUSt get out of the -ruts. Gross -and II. L. Pansi not USO Saul's sword to fight your give tie a Christinas box? Manager -"A Christmas box! Why, coast and Lewis A, -Sayre were 'the G-oliath merely because all other great American surgeons of their/ soldiers are using -swords to fight you are not one of our customers, you times. They all .had sons who be -1 their °Rath. Develop your mark- are Small Boy -"Yes, sir; please sir, came just as great as they were..? Manshi by swinging your , natnral we borrows your h cart twice a Lyman Beecher's fame is no greater? slings. David fighting his: battles' in week." that that of his son, Henry Ward! an original way was a conqueror; Dweller. Thomas Moran 'belongs tol'• ,David using Saul's armor would have a family of artists who are, all mas- bean a 1 failure. ,tess' of the brash. Charles Wesley, I 'here is another caution to the , the hymnologist, had a • son who 'for 1 young man who is going out to fight Years was the most eminent organist 1 tile battles of life. He must be care - of all Eurdpe. Walter Darnrosc,h and ; fu about the quality and temper of Frank Darnrosch are treading in the his weapons. If we should discard --• Guaranteed Our for Piles. Itching,. Blind, Bleeding or Pro- truding Piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointmeht failto cure any case, no matter of how loag standing, in from 6 to 14 days. First applica,teon gives ease and rest. 50e. footsteps of their gifted father, Dr. ; the obsolete weapons with which , If your r!iruggist hasn't it, sends 50c. `•Leopold Damrosch. Because a father 1 our ancestors fought their battles, in stamps and it will beeforwarded is a great musical genius that does i how much more should all of us re- post-paid by Paris Megicine Co., not prove that "his son or sons may 1 fuse to go forth to battle in life St. Louis, Mo., 19.30-6 ne: nois become as great musical masters 1 with theglittering blades of sin in as their sires.'Lord Chatham was 1 our hands .which again and again Preiniel of England. , - His son, Wil- . -have proved impotent when the heat, , ham Pitt, was - Premier also. But I of the ;struggle is on. - When :we take though g,anius in one- line of work I the blades .of sin we have false wea- may pass from father to son, and be 1 pons in: our hands. In the heat of inherited that does not prove that life's battles these blades of sin will all sons are fitted by brain and tempt 1 fail us' every time. . era tient to fight- the -battle in their 1 Perhaps David was tempted to fathers'armor or to -achieve with 1 isse Sa,u1's sword, as some of us are the seine sword victories such as "tempted -at times to go forth to fight their fathers won. ..,„ , 1 ' the battles' of lift with the weapons What is true in reference -a4 ; law of sin in our hands. Methinks I can _and poetry is also true it reference 1 see the shepherd bey 'take the jewel - to he ministry. Grea.-k ministers ed blade from the handa of the king's have' had Sons? who became . great ' armorer. His face flusbeS with plea - ministers, but. that -.does not inepty- : sure, his eye flashes, he runs his that all boys born in a parsoiaagethumb alothg the keen edge of the should follow the Profession of -their' - blade, and. he looks at the jeweled the greatest pulpit orator ; fathers. \John Mitchell Mason was hilt. "What," says he -"is the king of Now ,going to let me. have his -own York city lin his day. He died Dec. sword?" But then David pushs it 26, :1829. A ,contemporary gives. this laside and says, "Better a sling than . powerful. desCription of this king of this ,cumberso-me 'blade." So Satan .pulpiteers who swayed his audiences , places the sword of sin in our hands. for Christ: "Taken altogether- no We. loole.' at. it. It seems to be a -American preacher has combinedjeweled blade. We say to out selvea : more impressive - qualities. ' His as- "it is only the sword of just one pect was -on a s.ca1e of grandeur 'eorlie. l't is only the sword of just one responding 'to the majesty of the theft. or one deceit or one sin." We mind within. Tall, robust, with a. 1....nosv we ea,n svin victory with one blow from that, sword, Then we can - head modeled after- neither Grecian nor Roman standard, yet 'symmetri- cal, not. hear to lay it aside; But to -day O cal, • combining the dignity of the one - and the grace of the other, with an eye' that shot fire, especially' when under the iexcite..ment of earnest preaching; -yet tdrsder 'and ?tearful when the - athetic chord.' was , touch- ed, ;with ',aforehead broad and hig-h and with a mouth and a chin' expres- sive of firmness and 'decision, Dr. Mason -stood before you;the prince • How did David know? What was his of Arnerfcan pulpit orators." .: But I best sling?" Well, my friends, F am though ttehn Mitchell Mason was all not here to tell your particular that, hie father Rev. John Mason' -was just - as great. John Mitchell Mason without doubt inherited the . pulpit genius of hie father. But as I read history where I find 'one min-; 1 is the one that you can wield the ister's. son Who became a great min- - . easiest- - ister I also „find 'a dozen ministers' - ; Let me illustrate my thotightitnae sons wino - won their. fame - in other ;simple way: When- yot were a little walks ;of life than in the Ministry. 'child the first intellectual passion your parents recognized in you was your love for music. If seine one sat down to play at the; .piano and you were crying you immediately ceased to cry As soon as you were able 'you climbed upon. the music stool and began to pick out the different notes with your chubby fingers. or , hours and hours you can sit and -Us - ten to music. Peopld say your are a born musician, If I were you I would develop that talent for Christ. I would go and sing and play in every sick -room I count enter. I would go to hospital and mission., hall and church choir loft.. To singnd to ) play ,is for you to wield a lavid's sling. 1 levelop that talent, rother. Deet -lop it. for Christ. 1 t What. is your -1 talent' for 9ft.te •ist? you think you have not -any? _You pay: "I cannot write or sing or play 'or preach or make money I am use- less. I have not even one talent, let alone ten." Oh, yes, you haVe; ' you h.ave a very great talent. But yeu can develop that talent even more than you can imaiilue., Your talent. ***,...ir• let us push away that sword of sin at once. It will break in our hands as sure as we, live-, and it will leave us at the mercy of our foes. "Well," says some one, "you have been telling us what kind , of wea- pons not to use. Now tell us the kind we can go forth to fight God's battles with., How do .we know with tvhat David's sling we are to fight? "sling," but I am here to 'tell you how you can find out about that "sling." As a rule, the sling which you are to use in the battle of life - But the errors. with which young men choose their' line of work are no. more ,reprehensible than the 'means some of us use after -our professions end career in life have been selected. We. then show no more common- sense in our choice of weapons with which we are to Accomplish that work than if the explorer Robert Ed- win Peary should try to reach ; the North Pole in a sailboat fashioned after the hull of the Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Co -him - bus, or to fight a modern war with out of date weapens like some of those antiques 'to be found in , the British Museum, It would be a mistake for minis- ters to say: "We will not talk to the 'people in a plain, common sense way, as Christ talked to 'his audience in parable. We will not draw our illbs- trations from the incidents' of deily life. and introduce those fresh illus- trations into our practical Sermons, as Christ did when he talked about the thieves on. the Jericho 3, cos 4-1 4 -The opera house at Neepawa, Manitoba; was destroyed by fire one- night last weisk, eat'ailitug a loss of $12,000. The fire was eaused by a defective furnace. --At the Provincial elections, . held in Toronto this week, the city was divided into 356 polLing sub -di- visions, and there were that num- leer of polling Pootb.s. They are distributed among the four ridings as follows: South Toronto, 107; West Toronto, 103; North Toroute; I 82; East Toronto, 64. Toronto is growing into a big town.. -The announcement is made that Sir William Mudonald, the Montreal tobacco millionaire, has given an ad- ditional $10,000 to the Students? Union Building of McGill "ellniver- sity, which is now In eoluNe of ereO- tipn. He bad previously given the sum of $125,000, and the site for the building, and his adellitional gift is intended to defray the expenses of equipping the building lin the most modern way,. ' • , JANTI HY ,47, 905 REASON N2 ,a9 WHY YOU SHOULD USE ed ose Tea Because of its flavor. Why do you buy certain varieties of fruit and vegetables ? Is it not because you like the flavor of some better than others? Flavor is the special quality which stamps one brand of food product as superior to another, and is the quality that always cowman& the highest price. :12Le2151E2,12.,_ 15 the result of scientific study and methods on the tea plantations, and in the tea testing and blending rooms. It has 'what might be called a fruity taste—a rich, , ripe flavor that is very pleasing to the palate -L -a taste you won't forget. The Blue Label is recommended. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES; TORONTO, WINNIPEfp. Obstinate \Coughs and Colds. The Kind That Stick, The Kind That Turn To Bronchitis. The Kind That End in Con- sumption. Consumption is, in thousands of cases, nothing more or less than the final result of a neglected cold. Don't give this terrible plague a chance to get a foot -hold on your system. If you do, nothing willsaveyou. Take hold of a cough or cold immediately by using DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. The first dose will convince you that it will cure you. Miss Hannah F. Pleating, New Germany, writes :-"I con- tracted a cold that took such a hold on me that my people thought I was going to die. Hearing how good Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup was, I procured two bottles and they effected a complete cure." Price 25 cents per bottle. Difettot accept substitutes for Dr. Wood's Nor -Way Pine Syrup. Be sure and insist on having the Tan T. mit,BuRN co., imam TORONTO„ ONTa "leanly In Furniture. 444444444144++++++444444++ We invite-attenfion torthemag. nificent assortment of Furniture. Our display is large*. Selections at this store . are made easy and every taste gratified. We are giv- ing exceptional offerings through.. ale entire store, . . -1-1-1÷1-1-1÷1.44-1-24.14-1-1•44.4++++ -CTiNTIDMIRMAJKI,INTC3-.. Ptomptly attended to night or day, BROADFOOT, BOX ircfiRT S. T. HOLMES Man er. • er's Pill Act dArectly on die flvh They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headaebe. Sold for CO wars. taAmiat _ aC 1 by 1.1 Passe leen: arm :Sony adieu ler so adtre tufo at Hee Want your moustache or beard mi0H PIMA tjuui abeastitaibrowaorriet black? use inar as. or eauemeis a .f OUR NEW STORE' k STRONG BLOOK WintOr Jis taeloa . MAW Connie Mid of ye Ste mid past 14•1•7111•11 Perhaps it came before y u were re y for it. But did your looking ahead. A§ a consequence, have on hand everything that can be proc from the best manufacturers. Heavy Suiting, Heavy Underwear, Overcoating, Mitts, Gloves, Oaps,etc.. in addition to these we have a full line of up -to- - Furnishings and Hats. We make clothing „ i,,C)62KS Su: IS S.rr-Y =El II .41..70,7 7H1MM Ds COMH1CDRT.A.333:4M,. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ir '''T% iEyII I fr RXIS ft E.R A , S WOE TB merits, prices. or no pa 'at Lot attended BULLDERS . If you inset d build;ng or improving your hnil,dingt this coming amen, and require firet-ulaes lumber and shirreae for that purpose, bring along yr ter bill early and we will fill it Lr yet. with No. I stock at a right price. N. CLUFF & SONS, LUMBER YARD and PLANING MILL SEAFORTH. 1931-tt South Huron Agricultu -al Sec' ANNUAL MEETING. The armed meeting f the up meere of the Huron Eleet nee District Agrie,..1$ ;cal Society the receiving of reports for the plot year, the el Ion of Seers and directors and the tranaeetine other business, will be held on Fliday, February Sri, 1905, at ens o'cisek p. in., Wits' s Ha' BRUCEFIELD. H. 814,1T11 M. Y1oLEAN, Praiident. Seeretiq, N. B. A meeting Of the officers and direeors te-A held At the same place end on the same day IL o'clock a. ro., at which a full attendaoee is req em A . .._ ,HEALTlly, HoRsEs , The horse has but one stomach, and haabut one chalice at his f. 00 it is absoiutely necessary to extract the largest amount of good " the food in its rapid passage through the stomach. As a rule, horses are datliseMs.red either. overwcr.ki?lfori undel;worked, and it suffers much fromh' - liT ir Nolstr:u1 ;11: abiuldtvattioOngrdeatitietr get andod a u d ak7e; itii in 1 Igeost pod shape for his every day work. Clydesdale Stock Food, with his ordinat7 feed, regulates his whole system by aiding the digestion, regulating the bowels, stimulating and correcting the action a the liver, loosening the hide'giving sleekness to the coat, and your horse will do more work and on less feed. It can be stopped am any time without bad results. lir. D. R. llicRachern, Harris' ton, Out., says: ‘11*ave used your Clydesdale Stock Food for the last six months in my stable, and I fat4 ft is the best tonic I have ever used, and it is the only tonic that when -I can stop at any time without bad results, and may horses will not lose in,flesh like they will with other Stock Foods. No better remedies on the market than Clydesdale Heave Cure, Colic Cure, Worm Powder, Gall Care, limbroc,ation Liniment and Tar Foot Remedy; they should be kaboepvtehprinepadeeratroonsu anreeeenrotcafuoutndell satisfentlettryey niyoanyrb3 needed.onw iu Ifthethi: 1 funded cheerfully by our dealers in your district, namely: 1 , Beattie Bros., Seaforth. - . Reuben Grahain, Clinton. J. Snider, Brucefield. Alf, Sesta-on, Hensall. F. D. Hutchinson, Staffs. IJ. Gs Moser, Blyth. .f OUR NEW STORE' k STRONG BLOOK WintOr Jis taeloa . MAW Connie Mid of ye Ste mid past 14•1•7111•11 Perhaps it came before y u were re y for it. But did your looking ahead. A§ a consequence, have on hand everything that can be proc from the best manufacturers. Heavy Suiting, Heavy Underwear, Overcoating, Mitts, Gloves, Oaps,etc.. in addition to these we have a full line of up -to- - Furnishings and Hats. We make clothing „ i,,C)62KS Su: IS S.rr-Y =El II .41..70,7 7H1MM Ds COMH1CDRT.A.333:4M,. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ir '''T% iEyII I fr RXIS ft E.R A , S WOE TB merits, prices. or no pa 'at Lot attended BULLDERS . If you inset d build;ng or improving your hnil,dingt this coming amen, and require firet-ulaes lumber and shirreae for that purpose, bring along yr ter bill early and we will fill it Lr yet. with No. I stock at a right price. N. CLUFF & SONS, LUMBER YARD and PLANING MILL SEAFORTH. 1931-tt South Huron Agricultu -al Sec' ANNUAL MEETING. The armed meeting f the up meere of the Huron Eleet nee District Agrie,..1$ ;cal Society the receiving of reports for the plot year, the el Ion of Seers and directors and the tranaeetine other business, will be held on Fliday, February Sri, 1905, at ens o'cisek p. in., Wits' s Ha' BRUCEFIELD. H. 814,1T11 M. Y1oLEAN, Praiident. Seeretiq, N. B. A meeting Of the officers and direeors te-A held At the same place end on the same day IL o'clock a. ro., at which a full attendaoee is req em A