HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-20, Page 4t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIII7 R JAN ON taxio has been built up to. the A be xelegated to. tle Coimmittge on p nd sh�u ublic saf6ty 11 T1 Id be' ome law. that wv may somet in 1 m or al I on. AN -ot old Ontario, La SEAFORTHOS LEADING ISHOE STORE J A the object sa L is d- the New ill the church trium- ive and pro0p�r-: Pivileges nd Elections.. but"," At,any iate ugh, ous sattlement! - s. progresAi*o maou- th wh of Pailiamelit ove very si table 4nd neoessary� and if tber.e phant.' Signed - -on boblf of, the objection- oqugrega:iion, Lottie Stenvar;t, Stella n suspense MT, FOOTWEAR* factoring and oommerbial mcres !qlowly, somo time tails. .that' are, T F 8 so, he may 'have4o ae anyi de haw gprujffg up ini-thai -part of the r`�6�n i GREAT. VWXAX L U_ _ES for -a few 'weeks able they caA be elimiaE�d wiTthout pass -.0i) r Oocu_ more. 1�ev. W. U. Co, 4, whp6re 'fifteen y9ars ago yet. Of �course what the decision of defeating the main -object, which is pied the chair nd 'brief- speech" 2 4 7 there was onl �mli' laudable. wom made be, Jo_&n Cann, Peter y an unbroken w , ilder- that will be no on MI. i2 I0 U I 11 JLZ - 13 11 -predict, Whitlock n 0 hatp 6- the _s homes fo thousands,of the simplus, 'In his address at S�a�iulf Ste, Marie 4 ]?hilip Madge, who 'It is �Uot our intenti n to ubject, but the fact remaina t1lo 15 18 19- 20 21 .. I I r4plied on behalf 'of his daughter, Thia War itr the Hast. the other dav, Hon- A. G. Mackay, Mrs. Williams. Sol wearrog away, 'THE COLDEST Populatiaii,of Old Ontario as well4s ame, that-althogh the winter is '22 3 -a �26 27 281,' for im�migralits fr-6m otber.lans. os,- dVetso in -1 U are - t� .. ...... 0. des'this there is pro�ji&d asp n- If ye 29 30 11�1 W.1th, the -fall of Por Arthur it Gommis�l of Crow I Landst said: btrilmegAal -and: vocal, were giveli WEATHER IS YET TO COME tr,)ul)l,-d wit, cold fet, 0 suxp lus , by MISS'Lottie, Ste-.wrart, Miss Lizzie 11 Spring witb what shoes I ha ...... ... .. . "It is the intelition o ' the Govern- &T I a , , did' home maxk't for th as boped by. mady' that fiego�ia don!t think 11 Oh well I'll get ilong tiPrOducts-of (te farmer -and Mann- ti -ons -'would ensue Which would ul- ment to. oreaitea ne pditfofioi to pag..s ro, ff r.4 OUt COMO 8bd 1001C over our - tock O foot warmers, and the -reasonable. lfacturer of,.Old Ontario, In this way be known as the, I)epa# Mo J*hn'(3ann,, Mr. G. ness of but pricegL and 11 come to the conclusion illschellpi men o YOU 10 er t.1 own a NTEW AI)VERTISEMENTS many mi tiMat'Oly result in a d6claration. of t f Col- isEthel- Made, Mr. P. dollars. are 'eirou- onizatio, and Labor, Ito ;�be place- d pair ot,warm slioek thawto-kw_lffround with'Cold Madg0and All -As Relia Whitl63k.. and feel out, of sorts fated am4hg the People ',innually,all 'Peace. But; this hope is not likely in. char a. new Minister. Tb -i, After the pr nime luch 0:r, all the time. to maint4in, and 4n-cr-�ase -the ere is no �sigwof he said, i was found toi be necessary I *Tvea. oung people w one, denotob the, �pag6 of We p:�e qt on �wtdoh the to be realized. Th slyertisementwIlTba found rsperity 'and comf t f the - peo- 4&aWth the p or as a -result of (Ir -he weakening- thus far on the part of tllki balance of hr- evening in Lqnk)- In FELT FOOTWEAR F41),R WOMEN, we are showing great vlues. A Trade Hisle rAnd Rtewart-1 pl, of this province as well as build- Russia Ugh there' is said to be elb Slippen,ft houuo wear for 3.4 75s and:$1 a pair, Two weeks Mare --4 Keftfl Oo-8 ing the ce and 'kee Irtig at Tho The evening was q in �p 50'-, in, �Ip enjoyed Very j; 4h by all- pesdAt, tile f i�l# r� h popular feeling against the rik �of the Proviioes nine Felt Bouts, ]"ed orgalter, with or with,-uo PiJ0eL8!%le--F L W1111,4-5 Hills Greep. though to MT. . fid Mr& Wj1 I fiam� it PaWlto fferges--Svearo and edge_& Of this 1)o&4_1'ion. It would: be continuanbe of the war, the Czar a -lid P Canadian Bank' of C�mmeToe, Sea- was a OoTletla urprise. pair. F'urniture-B B Mid Ori -5 wrong- to ;my. that all this tdevelop- his avfeers seem to hi hardened Manitoba Felts, with thick felt soles, for $1, Great Value$--R­W1llf8 and Soh -4 ave th, now pays inter0st, from date 50 and $1.75 a pair, k -4 B4(o-6 �,,ment is du,6 to the legislation their 'hearts and -resolyea tu carry 'of deposit on savings bank accounts. t 0-616110 Ito augura ed 'by the Liberal n. IN FELT FOOTWEAR FOR MEN— otio, somerville-6 1%( Gover on the struggle to the bUltr end. CheMj''r SUCt &MIL101 1929-bf stoves ne Orris mentoof OntKrio, but it is nort- too 11o%tilit1-_,5 in the, meantime have Golden! 25 and Howe NO K Duff�fi i - - We h vo Gaiters for $1 &Jr. I much to say that a great deal of, Wedlilig--qri� the second of of Comme-rce, Se�,,_ a Laced Boots for $1 -0, Canadian Banl $2� slacke4ed ff and there is -not likely.- a pair. Manito'ha, felts, witb thik fe�b svlss� for $1 75' and :$2 of V4 Dabdutures for Si ic�Wtn Ulott,�-5 a'r date is ue to the -�rise legislAtJ Janu ,: 1905,; at the! home of Mr. fortb, pair, men's =ee Painted -t- R Devereux-�8 oii and to be any',further seHous . enwge�.� now Pays. interest from pair. L -,i19 MAllister, arr of deposit on savi accounts, and Mr.a. Robert Felt Boots for Sq, -89 2kand $2.50 a M Card -M 0!0arroll-6 )Iopeful enoouragement instigaed b mid the spr'ing but 'txh or. e: line Hay townshi f n1as bank Amounts Read wiltan and Kerelak MUCh._Of p, A very enjoyT k hGovernment and that a v;ill be 1929-tf No matter what' id of felt footit6ar yo which is little doubt, the U wanti whpther' -resh Herrings� ernody -Bros ;—R. w able time was ppen t,! the occasion or houre wear, Accounts No w Ae#dy---&-W R Willis ­'S opposed by Mr. resumed with all its fury as won s being Thi6 Council. -The first meeting of for driving, pr for every day wear, you'll,ffn-d it here, the 'b alitiej,at 'apxuversary of -new cou est qu lake Whitney and his.� oolleagues. in Lth 7 nd-tions will. the ?if tietb bi�ld as direct- e favorable weather -oo I the lowest pfices. lie Tal a I-sLottle Cook -8 r P1 LQgKaure. And as - yet. we have thei' wedding, Mr. McAllister only, remaining member of Ili permit, unless lth� other powers �the ed b statute. All the membeirs, ware ty�r Supper 0 L-8 li�ot done much more than -makip, a rorcle a 1settlement before- that ti present. The followiiii-g offi-cors,*"re 0# ---1 1 4-4 04 0 dVe10PMnt!.Ot'.tba next fo us terms were UTanted by cappointed for the current year : 'Mr. Me' I father's ftmily, but hi wn fami oi the Vood, -work. Genmoro ur rious Japanese -at ort Ar- bers -are at still 'living. The brido and axs bids fair to� -4utrun that'of the thur to tl�e bra a salary of $1,30; Malcolm ]Black and The the victo is. finbroken 'No &_ , '�l as all the mem- W, Cla.,r .k Past ten L Y.MrS. I 11 s, y1e, ve d4feden of the groom -ears !ago are '%ale Richard hnston, audito $8'each; was re-aOpeinte�d clerk of f if ty y Re'' WILL SON' Seafortu ould it thefi, be fortress. While -all private !io�ldiers and -heafty and bid, fai� to. me their W JWU to turn frjom�. Power those who wo-re oblied to John Watson, assessor, $70-. Tbos 90le &genie for the Slater Shoo f ot thien,-'aml thA ian Igo to Japan as Pris- 'diamond, ty d Eiuprfs ubilee. ho44 -of the fam' Laidlaw was SEAFORTJT� FRIDAY, -Jan. 20. 1904. have been endalgedi in this good work �oners, the offi' shoes for women, crs (who were permit� ily OLP pointed a member 9n'who are just '11beginniog, t0 shOw ted to were: gris. Charters, og the Boar& of Health and Dr. Me- march out wearing As land, and Mrs. R. Ash m h A,,Fipw Plain Words at their best imA replaoe� theon. sot ) were allowed to return t iedloal heialth'officer. Tbenext by d Luker, of pectin, when the ;club-% of this vi- ereoted 'f. inexpeTienced men of hose. 4bilitift Russia on giv, . Ug Rapid City�, 'Manitoba; meet the denwvd Betoro a other is or nothing. i tbetlwl word fba m t 'Tuesday, 'to ',houbes,-X1ss -Eff le' 0hapman. who sue Ei- t Mr. and Mrs. D. And�rsbn, of Varna; 8 ee ing of the' coucil will be on the oi.nity, meet, no±t tfi* f a,,e know � li they will not bear arms Xgain4t Jap -w tb t riebruary. P015itor rea h its' roii&rs ei Turning . -now ;rto th,6 Adminigtra- an during the. war.- Only, about hal Mr. and Kris, Hills, -10f: Hills Green,. shoot for the county cup, We have was here on a visit has of the t 0-i parties. in this Pro-! vc record of 'hhe Governmont we �thd ' ff" isms &W argaret Me- ,mio doubt our olub- will do bett,4r her horape in Teeswter.-Mrss Gveo, �;r, poli 1 a ti f MI Elizabeth d I have an quallyL_'. pleasing and� parole, the Allister, nibres, -of rills Green, Tuckersmith. than t hey did in . Goder iah last week. of Toronto, , h, -Ls bee 'kelk be d&ided for the! n spending thi er; '�Ibcael �g� o ot thei vInce will 111 -in- oth v w�eek or so guest- ot lcm e allows -Quite.a. number 'from' liore. drbepas-t tUr thirty the -fate -of their men. Of course. the leatr e tea mee�ting at the spirin,-g pic, 9 defermfied to share were, also present. A ientarkable Dominion Bank,. SWorth. 0110 next four �eaA' an,,l perhaps for a I y1ears. � the over , f 0 Whs that h,6L former, was interest from, date fm do it, to .6ut to th open W. s. Mill X,X o ntariIo has. fort . f JCx_ r, -as' be -e- (bhis *ep-k 'date Of wi*41174-Wal on savings bank 1119 Of w ef ,r tj,)U�_' W nd ll material of every, kind prejent -at the marrihge'50 ye r pos longo tho now Pesb_yterian ehuroli' ote h4t- the result w. . been., &dminiqter,�d by, Libeall Gov- that it contains fallg bo 'the- Japan- ago, beinIX then a more ob Id at Auburn, last onda, 'Bin boe -no,, m can Say. As Sir Joh yllmnts,,and in a11 that timeAhere The accOunts her son ajad igranddaugliter 1931-tf -Mrs. D. bse. The Russian fgarrisdn, is said to evnf was celebrtA& Mr. and Mrs'. W.'Xoser entertsL!n- 'Ur4uha very pleasantly eobert 0 Maodonold 0 mot* been one serious chag. cluiOUY owing Canadian Bapk Kd 100MMece" Boa- ia nu S lite So t or forth, now pays ed a aUniber Mber of frie used requently t' sa,ki as 6 have numbered al;6ut 40,000 at tbeA to the death of Mr. MeAllistor's bro. It h i; i either of judgm their friends on d Un_ inteTest from date Iis 1 theve js :ndflibig in dish'" b0ginnimig of the siege, and about thor. Mr. ',iklex. I&A I -ter, b evenin, all - having a most The MLis.ses ahirra;y. spent Pa t] -Tisbed Auring the op;ra- occurred f -11. jadministratio,--' bil t against IMOO Pe ch of deposit 0n'AQv'ngSL bank depd.isits- rt o"tain as 4 politicat -election and CL them. No.' b OP 7 k em- we ks ago. The e joyable time.�M-r- M B. McArtei "last week qAd this t Portion of at me 1933 has tioms. The prisonex� how n -if 11 hp quosts of he slin re spen ur y wi rien in ins, ra 'b S, QW11 such agressive entdrprl u or Axpogitor wis And Sir John Was righ Isp- : on ff ice'M and 32,491- Men. The CoirXicil.-The ounc belia f tb Priovirioe� as the re:mnt oe f-tble many friends.ol the orthy )net I eter.-Mr. Do Kennedy ortained a W. Yun-,,r:blut,, of Morden, Manitoba Y May Eti in this, as ln�_ tber gs. All rn ball, ato ­ L of admixiistrati b, H� oollple, that the ill-bespared Se h, on Satur- number of his or'o-dfig *Lieftft to a has been visiting his parents G that can be said 1, with apy � def i- Editori to enjoy each other's s)ciety day a1t0XnooA, January Uth,-after fLI.Not#s and'Comments. hop on Frid vAll had and relativs Ross. -More bT n of the ellin t O ne ll�red - a d to Oicaminin'Xi in a body tl!ie site v a friends n Blyth nitenes's is, ons -of cheer their friends b mast enjoyable ; ime. and Anburn.-Mr. . i� Joat the swtng! of viie- milli dollars have 1?assed Mr., :Rumball has (been selected by y their genial Campbell bri!&ges and fter cliscu fir Henry Taylor is thtugh tbehands' of tbo.' Govern- propquee for very. m Lny yeftrs to s ng tM, s- "ems 1 to, have turned in fa,?�qr se haifig bricks Araw for the erp-c- advisabibit 1 6r � bu I.,] tory tho Librals Of London s, tbo-ir eTLn- ding tion .0f his Alvilell-Ing here --k-1joh he mentsince 1871, and of this; 0 Wroxetr -of thLRO t wi amount didate foir the Legislature in 'two small bidqcs as at present Mo 'Oppo- r IM than ninety -to -the sprin. io JJt7 mijji;�ns of on -Mr. nd -Mrs. R. Harris initendr. builai 6ne I arge, o, it was, f iiially d-. Notel%. pUd t*h'o proabi' to Mr. Beck,, thle e olo 4 ,dollars Ila Jon I Bluevalo. _T P _Was 'Cof ined to VC been returned i� sub- X-repretsen- f ed to erect one steel brid gave social eveaW, far large allies _ ett_ go of go P. eXr.'RumballAs an old Hur. R oftee, more be returned un- _9tailtiaia�sets to 'the eople f Wedding. A quiet b -y wed hii TesIdence for seve'rl On- tb tario. Twenty millio on bo, b6iog a ut praft feet SPLall, with 14 feet ri)(fdvvay, a- number of their friendis on 7 rida. Ins there, !4 ma under ourre;4 which ns ha ive 6f,G6derich ding took plaolk at noo ,woek-owliig �bo tb-t been n on Wednes- butment -There as no 6ervice in the Pres- -nt on education, and twont Pail- SPO tONvnqhiP- He was Mayor of London ay. of -last week w114 'Rev, Mr, act locatio he ex- n the, tement WAlk JeAding tO the i's no ltvistble to the nakdd bye. ian es nj AVho lio'ns. more on for Sev6ral'yearS nd-Was one Of the," Baker married Mr. Cb;'il Bober t- decided of tho briidge will be by ter' church: Sunday -P maintenance ev Ch. M. after owing to Rev. Mr. I?errin taking sifor is. not ujddqr any lums and.LotboT.public. intit Ions. llof Blu WaS 'here Vialting his miothe-r atd !he - bad and on, f ormorly T gxpo kror that city ever the spring fresbet, n eju L 0 obligation-'sij 6 the Ross Governmenf, ale,, n �'�r a Several menibers, -of- tlie� council wish- tbarZe -of � the service in Viotoria m ake n ally go,od Par" prosperous youlT farmer, a j! 5 ill Four millions- have been ex) brothers in tbo� vain- a, wia.-XT. and Mrs, R. nor any mt�11141�er of it, nor to any of t BOi-�Se- Od it' -a Se,o te condition 6f,,mat-t,*s hall, James,tio has r0tUT -est. ip hospitals and charities a, anitob There is considerable interest: man- ned' to the W representative: ogie, daugh- at high wat' before, final and Ma their dtes In thds count People of London m;i ly <Ieid- Rde. have returned to their homf& in d Mrs. �amuol Cald- i- as to the, approre h19 y OT- nios'f five milli.Ofts)in' thq Prbi iotion not niike ai�j�. tor''of Mr." an ng the iooatjon of thd .np Ming, X. W. T. -Mr. Will G 1 W reer, 101%ewhere 4nd it'does no'expeict or ot ri-cialture ana arts. ake by electing hi Xle. hi, S le. f the second line of Morris. or the abutineilts-4:n Of Wiarton, is the contest fO-r outh Huro oa both dft-ire'favals from either 9 *1 Tearly M. ic ; .0 The contracts f )guest of relatives party. It four millions -of dollars ha" been A, il- the bride' -wo- parties are twor'Viaz I-ard is, t as rd a, gown of chain-. ftel superstructure will b, let if 3cent. The ladies societ'llad -more T. eypebted Mi. R. L. CaXrie b� herefor in the very . best Po- Spent on colonization w Bdr6h agn Vol d bouquet of dau-,-,rhter of MT.. D TO�LO, amd P MoEwen, to 11eive an indepondent-an.-d -,niaarly. xt m possible at the no, � o e last Week where be, has spent cream rses and eting. ,The SiMOO ti g are invested accepted'.th leadership -o: the was giyen away -by �olork wa!�. the last two moths,_Mr. J. Xi dispagsionat, opinion 0 . n the i.VV6 public - ton millio instructed to ask for tend- MOE-Wen. is In Glencoe, vissitinu builftin. gs wh ich er father. aunt,. Mrs. McAlpi .-Mr. and bOblopg� to `C0 UYvative- Party in -the Domini�on The weddino march was e-rs for- 'the --nipplyin- of 7,000 feet has Teturned 'to the West af-b-or a in now beforrelLthe people and which is the 'people, - LThe, i 7 M figures co��fa by Miss Marjor�e Straoh4n, 2 1.2 inch tanaraok p( Miller, of this very �laycd d b f Itott Parliament, with ,relatives here. to be dedld�d on Wedne1s_�.y ne±t at illfinita- j), ank, for ul- two weeks' c (�r u of Oarle- 'of P 'At lunclic the brid6ls table was Vert;$ -M r.� T Pleasantly entertattled a 4arZe num- -beeii eon- Nbn, -offered Mr, Borden ibis sea.t. s Ole P�Ils- This issue has wi brid& floorin"r . Tond4ors d,, homas Hemphill, spent W decorated th pink 'roses 'and smi­ to bd open and'cotraots aw M �alker ton.�The heir ftiends in (their opera tive� bad ap- Fr Neou arded at Uolouded by � partizan tra-vagance and yet he other ta4l ha( Wr*xel- hall, o �Idirably ition, Of bad manageme#, and- lof ex- He IsAi the local e ber �of t to -day, t�ere f ax,and t _n Xon(lay venin.,X last*- and -papers.- on both P'roved of his -- titin t cream the next mi ter hockey team defoaNad a Ford- ilo.t � a, speaker. or a prepared ale but -i ould be Js". Mn and Mrs. R be t 0 0ing, which will beheld -� SloigNig is s,o that ihere is danger of -the .(m behalf of the 0pp(yP8ajtPj00r hecegmry, t at the own hall `8eaforth,_ on Sa ich team in the latter place last this ih- w vera n tOL make -his co, * -1 U-0 Saturday -by a score of - 6 obtaiii the so: tion of thok the �fternoon train at U`rday,� Febrary� 18th, at one ol- 4 to 2,. The, borhood, and the famert4 are xk- ge . cloofor b6oaming OOnflis(ld a single nstit Mi -at a go-nor4;Ll edt- as to -wkit Itho is. To dp�, 1g, This )o"e_ 'return Ing avantae f -it. A tinix w)RI be held at'aXi 'a feve h chartge against eitfi;r the Toronto, whorel they spe t real issue OF to get their Wi�dWm -or bonesty with w ich. 'this ofooli.-A. G. Smilli, Clerk. match is expected to itake. - Inne f'k�iq �_& Mr.— r 1- grain,..wood an I -o. --s u I A% 4- dasis befoxe going to their d t tb FA; an it, is not expected that A;' L& - - )a ral ay vide te re- money h6s, been spent. J-A-'V,&UV home in th *dOs trav- and viciniy hats bee sition will?,be e west. The'bri hill is the guest of riends-in Her- -n oppo of frd. The Gov- rcord of the.,Government into two di- The issue befareAli elector's of ess as of 6-ree �t�ed -Talton riston.-Miss Tena, Rae visited, i& gay this 'winter as.to par- visions'l- V, T Electoral r -b- ernent.At ia udergioo(l, will is�_ w Ontario is largly containe,diintbese ith hat to match, A fiew of those Camadian Bank of Commerce, Sea- Fordwich on Saturday. it would seem as though the, uord aiiU thoir Adnodnistrabi ue, the Wyk' for the b -election ve - and f igures, and ilt i's fox the electors wern Ive -record. Indeed this dli- to with a) possible speqd. the we4 making Vp for thequiet Logistati present -at Idiiiig wqre te fowt1h, 'U0w pakS interest from date sa whether they would rather groom's paremts and , sisto-K, Mr. of dposf t bn Isavinigs ba_nk depositq. 4nw. bound, wixiter f last sp-a-r. as lready been made b the i vision h ;r-ust y the conlinue(i managem nit of tso dn'd M Un and Mrs. John Bober iss Oppositio. a r e cing their funds to, Govoi 1933-tf They condue The TorAto 'W6;s r6marki!�: The Soverafen Bank of Canada, obarter. Jessie Robertson, of Wroxeter: Mr.: Notes,-1kr. 7nme;nt Dickson. of SOU camPaign almost entirely on der -any cirbumstanCeS a- Lrnna ri$, ed by Doordnion Parliament, 42. brAnches!n Canada llakelet _h1 ability and boes,t have been triW ry el- and, 'Mrs.. Bob F, ert Black and faw�ily, Manitoba, atil Itr. TbLMe_, C and agents in all parts Of the W Irld, Intere the former an -A ighov:e the -latter. for over -thi- mpbeJ1, at an rty, ygars, ectiOn L13 or to c thers a sevee strain upo deposits -paid Viur iimesa yeUr. Absolute see Rev. Mr. Raford, f 'Psi a f courteous treatinento modern ser- U Theyask the peo�-le to turn the Ross It is urged s, 11 those, of Bluevale, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. f C�omarty, are* visitors this- week u Acilitles, urlty' 3301more, Preached pepara Mr. Andr6w ohnson. methods. Your account Isirivited. H. -mold, vices On Wi at the home of in Glif ford and bY a chanqe that the preient party -has thn clerk f)t the weather b1a4 e.x- 'I Notqs,.-Dr. -Scott, of' Senforth, -Mcssrs- Dan, McLeod and Charles anager Heusall branch GowIrnment -out 'and replace it n arIgumeAt for a w7110 participate,, in; IR; Put 'ffbi far Robextsn, of Manitoba. h0overnment because. Thoy. '111 P-0 n _F46rdw`ich On Friday. Th)'e neago, Say 1,0 hibVied -his best sde to the polilti- visited his briother, Mr�,F. B.Soott, wer too lo4g, thatl theY. I ar tl "eleoltoral record of tb6 Ross I Sill's, Of Seaforth, were visitors at Annual olearing sale at J. Weismiller's boring ministers want t avd belen at tiie heiad of th� gOv- That � is -go., The weather last week.' Mr. Malcolm, Scott _fs a 0 Met aac- Gov\-rmen,t1 is bad. This,. we may ernment for over Mr. David Campbells n-Tues4ay Of for15 days Only, cp!pmenoing January i6th. thirt4ro 1 years thus far has bee deii-ghtful and in sevel-r sufferer from, an aff" t i quaInted with him�-R. h 'the 'ii�ain issue of Gn -,1'cek._Miss Dr Say is bL Everything In dry gOM8 At reduced pricap. hey ould 'Taar t he abd thai. consequpritli, t was- early and SWUM Some of the many bargains, the Kreuller, Thomas Wallace, an Robt. k,d contrast to tba;b at hor- -of the eyes. -Mr. Hugl� Ross has sold ew Walton friend% on best always go Arsk � J. Welaniffier. e to'give place to thosb who Tuesday evening Wallace Cook fat cattle 'to Gorrie leotky.`.� If therefore, the re- be m a at h6te, to a f ROSS 'r,,P)�Pndig -period of last y�ajr. T his -farm -on thq boundary'east -of the cord, of the� Government j�� as 'have been n -opposition all e. th's week-- Glidinsu & Stanburyi, bardeterst at, Monay. Tbjey were paid _f)r= n -taa in thi��respect as their oppon- these roads.have been good and the atm - village, to Mr. Thomas Hiqgin if Mr. Arch. Hislop, Mp.p., "Will ad- Tuesday, and 8 to I 1-1 uents per pGund.,Misi ont..% Say it IS, th L Yvarl. -This, it seems'to us -is 18624f -Of nheric Me conditions orable. -Sunday was' vb e. mosf f aV Turnberry. id d`ress the electors of this con,,gtitu- record of'tbe, ry co notary Ella Can-d1e, I'vIlfo lived in Manitoba the 1 _�qtrongo;st reasons why U6� ThD Libral Pafty we and -sbpx�)p a Saturday public, 46M Whitney party iyl the 'IM8 rL re equally fav- y and in the On GY, OJ eningo on ue-ld in powoT still' �OT A ma-sa espect s116ul be 0 t1 -n Janu- c6nveysucer, lare and life Insurae agent. f a' time, is home hee. is pur- Od -at- the t)qminion uro, iservices were' thi ly at--- iglig e, spotless and Had th ary 21st, in the A.O.U.W. hall, meet- and Issuer of marriage Ucenses, Deeds. war es, Meeting ejectionR. ill ch h ey not dmi-nistered tl�6 q -t- Liberals r Bast this according to his m su*fficient -reason fot tendd.-Rany 'proopertles' in 7.30 o'clook- Mr- law 6i reasonable Wellington will be ih t' b !the 'results be the ame? ig to commence at lessesandwiUs carefutly drawn f airs -of the country honestl�, wis- Ifuron and West urning-'Rss ot,,an� repl;icinq - . i ___ gliboxhooa have chag"d hands so Bowman atsPrlv#Ae -Urunde, also 110i or any of his friqnds are compsnys%t lowest �;te of Into Ihim ly 4hd w<,,Il 40an held in Cliff,ox'd olu Tuesday evenin: is it reasonable to �sup_ A reaL Farm and by Whitny, irre4i-ective of IlDthlar, -01't he old 'guard cordiall Sol thp, tiose that the lof - Pro-' 'that wia max expect liumerous flit- Y ilivited 'to attend. -Dr. F. viDage properties for sale, office at the Post oftlee. 24th Dintelligedt , eo nald. jex-M. legislative and admiAtrati've re' Ple Of viabial Poa i1c -to tings, in th, spring, Tohn Coul- C.- Neal -eek for Winnipeg �"f his Px�ovincy -would GhL it ians o vP_Lr le1883 If and Mr. '110ach ',of Arthur, Nvill ad- -Ve- borne I a tes, wbx) is, in his last year at Phll� and will in all ProbbilCity hang up Local Briefs. -Two rinks of our ar.ess the ineetin-g-M. AGeor3e New- 'Drury, Sherift, ot cord Of the f ormer'L Bt, to what '-with the �rr-reat m&)OX1t7- Han 'Cha:rl his shingle, in the prairip, Province. curlers wtnt to London t1is week ton, of t 16th concess�lon, had a thi� extet Ls. f:bjs- the case. W p so lollig. it is to t �_Ie un- es adeli)llia Dexital 0Qlleg.e,I is suffeT-. out, hl -a disputbl,e facts e have pointed. the county We are certain that the people of lai in the compeition there. On suecesdul wood be on for a nio-went ustify the eleetoral 'of ing severely, from eye e ou an P Tft-ord 'of th-(� Government Thursday af.- that 'tho Liberal party ow Simccei died at his home ,in Bar ie during! tie hlida" Winnif)e�-, will Miad Dr c e have not ternoon,- ajad We a e� ha o undergo )ever the date f writing Mit t ILL, 'And per- betrIong leasf- of office and bRv-- On Fri(laY last, Mr. Drury was an the. L a daum a ai,ghLf__V 'i 411on th at th�y:� hve e _US 61 p�ration-_A PTactitichner and �xn I citize moving his effect done eM the amnuall meet- ,harof esult but we feel eer- JGhm 1 anil ng wwhy turn th Y)ears lot age. He r6presenled. East Old� s' Assooia� The toboggans axe kv-pt bussy these taiA 40ur-curlrs will give a 1good from Clifford to 4orrie., wliere he m, itted t,,,) be do,ne -some things Ma t ut and -Virilace t'heni by untried 'Si'm-coe in- -1 - ing of theHuron Jouht ot to have the Legislature -for :spv- ti. Mr. Jameg S. Timmins, form- fine woontlight nilghts, This.. i: heS beemi done and 'it men f we �er_ account of themse, would not lves.-Mr. Mustard boixght-a house and infip to is p tw ed -t and a clever reside fn flut�gr. pssible do that in our Ioal terms -and was solected by S, tainly pleasant a�n healthful exer- At ]Knox 'Co theY may hays -omitt Own private business and wily do it. Otiv!r ir erly ii4tmaster and merchant in llege studen, his prop-..' the first Minister Ims Bluv was elected o)n the com- -9 i5OMe thiMmirs they ought. -to in ooi�nct ted service with erty in iblifford� for $1,8o :1D 01mr. 'have done, ion with 'th�' bw4ne' of of Agriculture for the Province. At for the )ronth and bmti,ty Of young ma what shall we the State ? Wittee,, While helping Mr, Josoph Walton and vicinity.' Our little vi.1- very much acceptance 'in Carmel. Thomas XbMillall ttij?,Aded the Meet ri -� thle folJowin:g election' be was de- Leeoh with some work in his barn a.g On every coynt thpa. a was w611 repres epteA -Presbyterja4 , -ohurch of their -oponents. We have not the -Government 'have s 0'w`n f0ated and was Mo a. t Brus- on Sabbsth ing ot the, Copservati,ve can�didate, in sPar-C to (Pfo fnto details nor fs t n at terwards.ap_ on Tuesday, Mr. Rpbert Mason fell sels On N-Omiinmfion day.-Elction moTning Ust-'-Miss Hawksbaw, of the interests of Mr tbemnelves des Ehe d Isheriff of the count day will spon be necAs�vary, f erving 0 pointe % The and iiur-dVhis side badl� on record - the Con- suppo-vt qld . ;gU tF or the of it he cople - tham On hand and we Detroit, is Tfisiliting her sister, Mrs. Ing last. stervafive of P their a:rd Of Provincial po y' trust the lo.y.af Grits will -rally- i aaY veni in this liticians I n- F. C. MeDoilell.-Miss "Clarissa Mlt�. respect Is OPPOnnts Tile 'good sense and wis- IS bfiing, -�apidly thi,n I - e to line and not let f of .. - 1-1 - -.-= - w1ill knOlva to every reader oP -th(11 don, - Of ned out bytb over- Chell was in, London visiting this L Grea of It iS the p Ople usuaily'pr val t Reaper. Usborj�e" ater umba public press. A ro' . .1 - % ce Wintbrop M r fido-nee Ime the -raceF at this crit- vvedk.-The sacrament of the LGTdIS bedaum of our faith i Canadian Bank erc, Sea- leal period. n the.good itt, Canadian Bank of C�omn2ie NlvO, hoo,n unsklated sn%:oP of the ma supper was observed in CarelPres- Sea.- _hO 'P QOP 'o own w pays ktterftt from &te of the I thair In i t!3L -ropQ forth now pays interest from date forth, no r U Qf Mr. 'Whitney's ib�erian church on Sabba:t last at .4 o0urt's. than Re- ,v bse ur pes� for the cc 5 Of mf �e t sil on savings B1 of depo t bank ao'counts. grl�nter ri-dinber iul -at Chatham. last wee m-orni 11avin6ve bEmk- deposit Of the Ross Govern k tbe� yth. ng Service. On the Fri- 1929-tf Co n sw r va t i ve,s live. mtrit on W n Trdrit' reported. day Vreceding ther preparatory s6r. n-Oxt. Our-readet slould i:' Mail, says: BsEs of' 3 to. Notes. -The first gun in the p0li- <Wt�h, -iZeS for the inion Ba-nk, on trial -now being p Bulls' Sold. -Mie- S. Cudmre, -of tical campaign for th(k )-)rovinei;al el- p t, Dom are vioe,,vva3- conducted: by, Rev. C. however, that if, ire+. the lacd that Mr. ilurnaa%, recently sld his well r-(,rruT)t pracfic<,4 tba b -m, been re-, (-�,operin ey Bower ill *D* �out -in utions 011 le hj, of Thames read, the at- f rom date f deposit to Ment Tetain6d I ow6.r to' w wi January 25tb� was fired If ce beiinterest Ma --r - endan on both occasions ithdrawal eja savings bank' Th - n ,, is o.ne of t�o Most 'nsiduOus ber," to Mr. Ohrls Hackney, of ng accounts. Tj<)rtfA of Reformers.; s marky bp.l- continue the good work t West Kent." known stook bull, SuniOr Mem- 'in 1114'�Sty hall oil Skturday diate- 6f - w btle t,amp <1 ohur-c Oen thi% 11p.arl �fhv rnment. Ily ;6 I d a There, was a large crowd, nd fribrids 1A.this neigh- Win t hoj. he itS coil un- ,djt(11s,of the Gove 'E"Dimell, relatives a anlin .h. corruption at lections 9;4d 'e heall 101 vative can<lidate, Mr. Dudle VonFeTvatjv(� Nvorkers a.4 'by Re- must vote and work f cdi ,y is vlailtinZ his Annual Meetinig.-Cav-a .M� '�c large. -Mr, E. MTaggart, 6f Pilot CZe. With so ,I Spiciously Comme. and fruitful Gu es of bribery and Yaquhar to place at-th �i in thr�L interests of the conser- Mound, - Manitob y, On e'ver or tbe'qn, i- 18 very his herd. Mr. Cudmore also inuled -in by other * the ha Meeting w1se, very nice ten monthsol;l calf to- al Mr. after an bsepoe- of a -num- oil Pe'tfectly reputable porsons.. It is Paul Coats Df t being- parked, about half were- Re- the 9th inst- The People wer4 -old, bad nd ear- Ile 4th oncession. The Domin' 'Mr. Frank MetttLif w 'bor Of Years in the west.,The aa�- muhenc Thi ion Parliment. W Mr. Cu&mre the IbLual Meet_1ngJbf ()ar]jlel ura-Zed bY the reperts pre, to -O of ten -the case that a man who This bull was raisdd as in bein -bet h hair. The cadidatAi made -his an -Senbed. The total rooc1its for the nse, wh'.1t, yill the peop' is m0n!ey On the iesult of an f lie As -is their usu,,,[ custm and is by Junior Menilier and from firs t 6hurch was held in the I e i -n dd r i eq�r electiop is hot, overly, scrupulous as a New Years'Gift cow, speech to -a Blyth audience and basement oil Year 'Were $793. After meeting all of on --our Methodists he adoyts himself -an an- aid not leave t he iniprSsion ftfx-t Wed� � day the first week, of -the Wednesday to' a SeSsion, Do -e to He is venln'g last . and not- O!Krienses includin -their sto imal f spindid promiae and Abould of be- withstanding -t-110 MY twfaverable, the cost of ov4elneatS Mr. Whitney a i n(i his rAinlop lrw'Maker-s -are takin i�ubi_ and lencouralgs others 'to adopt to give �Co ng a Very brilliant speaker and i new -stable Z'mpr c0llflf'1911�6s f or Mr. Rms and his Col- ats valuable service. Mr. In other words negs quite le-isurely. Tho bixh Mak`0 him a winner. Betting On el- CudMqT0:L has still fact his isp�,ech was very weak for a state Of the %weatheT 0t 9.1ttoodane, at thema-lise, the books losed Nvith In ates the vote of the H is f wyer has bee)a . as thp bres- ections valid ar d left.; la -and candidate. was I arge and all the reports marked $14 _P -K11 * qo. on1E in thO treasury.' The chi Mr. Bober t . ,contribu- ar_�T.Ve fl�d h as' no t y6i 'om- 'pdrtieis t progress and t9reat prosperjt�r. The tio for missions f I ", Sure rrioVeMellt -Ourteen mi old and is Holmes, of Clintono follo aZgrossive and as, -,ve , the wager, but it should wed, and 30 per givings of ho -me 11 oilod. (m fhe oent.� The ladies society men'ced. But' Abe debate' nj the be niae a orihainal offence subject' although OnIY'allow(-A half in hour, and f oteign nlis- L �ad a -more he, prin- S m B 4ios being tim I k bal- 6pal difference between PeeQb f ro 'the Throvile 19 49c`V�re Punishment. -e he made good use of it, showing that --the ist. S eceSS s; ban one side as oyt the other. T ethan� Church. -A larg number allrest 'dL h% ';u fUl year ;Lnd it of the :membe ' of t rs of the Betbany', the Row Government bd made Mi he ce was $204.29 "at its Q. pa r t vis ory. loon -great end the Ian 'in this re shor close. The SPOct is all in favor of aoncluded. It was of t durtition The Exeter Advocate, ConseTva- Uetbodisit church met at Ithe home' takes i�n their 32 Years, administra- Pastor-. Rev. B. F,. MaL �Smith, ex- following appointments made the R0forin 1party. Premier.�R and was, of the Ian-guid ordie, and Of Oressed himself as more than pleas- on the I board of man Mr. George Williams o'n Tuesday 4' tion yjai no per�on could point to a age I nt: A. 'Live, 00m 11 g oh the ddress de- evening 12th inst. ed and eeouraxe br the exoelle;nt D� Somerville., The the. lead Ine tin P er of th V P the our, the I- ed b adinittpd sle' ig now clear for' ivr and ' resentted ! singlie. dollar having be lni%.-pent. ttie, f Ron. -A. G. McKay t the Mrs. Wiliams, organist of �reportr,_Next sprEa- wrong doing ag thpart of his sup- real business Of thd sessi the": Mr. E. L. Dickin�son, ot Godetioh, 9 &nA summer Blansharia, J, M. lsoon Liberal r6eet he be busy tlme� for for it his expresed his or- d's members, � are dis ing in Ithat, tom� says, Church, �vith a urk containing a 1 was the, last speaker, his principal promise t -lo. our Griv* and Thomas Jr. Aud- $91 ose move :1 :MT- MaoKft7 is a finished speaker, sum 0011trac.bors and m-6ohazios as a um- itors, A. Dickson -6 a hag taken the, most d tol of mOney nd the� following ad-'subjeot being the alleied corrup- ;_OSS. a�n hs in that directiA. 'The --1Vf1vx1 Me � Ito: prevent a rectir- addres3 I was POWS."s a fine voice and' a Pleas drep_�­EO,ar Mrs. Williams, -Over, tion in ber of bu' DrO the� bye lectiong, but he Ildin.9s are dkely to be treAurer, A. A. Cuthill. t wro,­ r alid e�igFogin.q maner Gin the platz, ago, at our,said w Z tn the moved Mr. McDonald, the �n two ;�nd" a lialf years Tiltnre. TO hi, nothing Of the corniption com- ards "the ma- membeT eaxiest r f0rM, Re uses to a reat extent Bcluesi, You accepted the: r :for Pictou, Nova �cotia, x1litt0d by"the, Cqnservatives, When �Ir romple 'the, ar,-rumentiVeLafyle in speaking Position: of organist n our church, the-theers, weref called for pX t 0 u t who has the reputation ofjbeiag mi4r A () Ile -dilTing that period, the m-emb . of R b O'� and whi affecting to, discuss both e;s a -cvp r. by Mr. Paren a So naturally not fall6d quite an orator. It w." 0 nd 'Mr. Uamon ty r�ceived TTe kef sdeot a question, he. 'the -congregation have lirovvA wron' -t to aA leartY' a,cheer as the Conserva- For Lice o n to -re clever. youn Quo- doinz in thf, booker, a son df the Premictr of the one much the stronger notice with pleasure your rog�glar I five , eandidibe. We ave no doubt Cattle. T'Llf USCS to promise, 'the person wbo is not familiar wftb punctuaitty in pre- of itself on s o his party d that Province. He gpoke, of oo�Lr$e, of the two, and Ao doubt satisifes attendne at all the servires ofttbe. but Blyth will give 6rod. account fUtUL improve- in Fraeh. lion, cliuroh, your .m G;;orge E. p; t the 25th. orit for the Os er -The -directors I re. ITIIV.4elf and ignalized his 're-entr the topile and does not wa!dt -siding at 'the origan, Your ability in -of the AM& 'his part ano.6 to, more public library met t the V orlcers th" then a superficial view. His speee'h ni-6ing and the uniform *library on Monday evening for the devote. all their House by a speell of loading the !91 an hour Park DavIS �iinfl and their en . 0 hich 'throughout was a t 9 & (jig es, to try! m elicited from Sir I urtes�y with -which you have dis- election of offi6e,rs Ito Wjdfrid the roTiaark (10 f or the eAr I "ica spee:oh, peop prejudice thp le mgainst the that be had he Oand- so different fro that -of the crhiirged all the iniporant dutie in 1905, the, following being eloctl3d: h Governinf-int a., aTd the same peecli in fl� accont of f irst' eonmeoti6n speaker that it was relief t 01 tran.* ins and many times betwgeli 18915 and �90 with the posiUon. De- Pxeisident, Dr. Lidsay; treasurer, U U U tons l of which re an�] that Mr. in ear non; secretary, A. W. qually, -Post r had not PrbTit- 1the. audience, who had o o (3iring in"some way to recognize the D. - 13. IdoKin colored 0 e t h t__A -Mlltv. Th b(,in:,r tilk, v,ang Of reflection �,giv, e if not more ed by fo Poiti-cail questions discussed, and o valuable services which you have Robinson ; 1 i9 e, Nv p q _ ibrariaia, Mr. Golden. It n him by, the electors. Hi matteT of what political complexion Ted,6red to the church, we deoid,M ! is their intenti to I* t e 0 se h -on oyed the address.,, - I j to meet at y6ur bome and evf,,ry at thn�, e.x- demo4trated that, like i's_'S1y'e1eoh to ask you braTy for the next two weeks o"t 't�*h(' B`OrboiR, 'he learned'notbing a in to 91in bY turnid- to -accept a purse, not by any means have -all the old books and 'rOP4ntant Pinner nd rpnlnn;n m and he -w, !T- calle' -toA ALL 90L nothing. The Premier an- cull -5 Lne member for. cus adquate 'remuneration for the find -out fho� that are mis-sing.- nounoed that I)Ota Lin,wfn 'has r-intro;i�uced in S�arvices whioh you have so freel Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, one of the old Szoo . the onry ir 50c; Pei? Pound unrepentant T h i., � ._q . �v to the 7 a question this Irt given without anr expectation of residents ef Morris, passed be Dominiori PaxIiappent his bill for th�e TY ele4or sbould carptully t he me as gr Teward except-fbIlift of a.igooA con- last Thursaay after a lingering ill. whieh Pve -K-SSilo would onider nd 0onsotentiously dete�_ the ure antinX �lUtC110-MY to , aple.-ft-a-men't of This article is always reliabl, and we.. have purchmed such- a quantity ss the R -G Northwe-A - terribories, rail -WW- act. It is §oienc-e in the dischar-p-i of -dutyand nesp from dropsy. Those left be- enables as to sell it as cheap as any ordinary brand. Also fresh stock of Mill` f0r hiTn",If before ho oasts hi.9 ma and -On . tbe same, lines as the bill intro- the "'well done, of Him who is our mourn her Am Moqsrs.iames, -1 hea' f1f erclnee t, the duved by Mr. Lanioa!fter last ses- Master, but as an ex David and Thoms and Miss Janet at. HPIlebore at 30c per lb. ball�t an ml,xt Wednesday, Rn eloquent r bind Governor General.,y Mr. W. P. sion, b1ht which failed rytrative M' ohlan wou elil in which you are hold and home - Mrs. W. Logan and Dr. John to Turninp,now to the adminf a to pass. It re- este, res�ion of" the nd up the' diObate i�ith quir'et3 that where railwa Littles heip Dip, 75c pai quart tin IN s run of an' ; i and legislative 'record of the Re- a ' nral criticism of Parliment high appreciation of work of Chitago. The funeral took place, accept on Monday and to show the high es 01ark's Disinfectant, 25a fos 113 o; lite% ov,6rnment we, 'have uniput- for Its alleVe4 fendenor to cor- 33fflef; an' hour through the thickly our warme6t es that hold! form G trOns at a 'Eigher speed than ten *611 &ne. Wil C4 f-vid I th the purse Of "B wi-Rd0fa of !9till re- porate interests prof oren6e over the Wish you ma teem in which the deceaseed -was ining thf� Ro� Govvrnjn(�nt in rights of the people. )populated parts of cities, towns and live long to (grace -the position and it was oe of the lar'gwt funerals villages, the crossings. shall be pro- for yoiar future pro'speFity and bap T)4* -n pr,�p�rt,s,�Ivp that ever asseA through the Their 1(`91311,itive reroord bas Mr. P. N. the genial Mem- tected by gats, watchvien or dth 'Ind P isinz. her for or Piness -and ,ntexpri that of Mr. William.g A_T_ La rgely West -'ffurGn, tas not pet e moam. This is' y _JJ a ecnd On- taken h is sea t. effectiv a bi'll which without whose assist -TAT5. W. Rath and famil are at a c y1ou - a in Clinton DRUG, BOOK A!qD FANOY GOODS STORE. I His cas6 *ff likel OUld PTeSent visiting relitties ,j, y is much required in t 0 he iznted�sts of not so vmfl haw done the -work, and and vicinity. -The Gun Club re ex- .11 -hl