HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-20, Page 2• rarlier Proof Doubt all we've said about MOONEY'S P TION CREAM SODAS. - Doubt the crackers ail you will But the first one OF them you eat, vvill prove that we are right and you are wrong. For yoil can't doubt the fresh, crisp deliciotisness of Mooney s 'Perfection Cream Sodas The proof of Mooney quality the crackers themselves. Grand Trunk Railway System, Railway Time Tables Trains leave Seaferth as lotion : 8.50 a, ' For Clinton, Gederieh Wingbam en Kineardina p. rn. For Clinton and Goderiola p. in For Clinton, Wingham end' Khmer dine. 10.18 p. ra. For Clint= and Goderieh. 7.6a a..zu For Stratford. Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and pointe west; Belleville eud Peterbore and points 0 et. Far Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mee in treat end pots east. • Fr :Watford, Guelph and Toronto. p. tn. P. Pl. LiondOn, RelrOfe and Breice.4 nom Nowa--. Passenger. sonene,:.•£4.E .is A..13. 6.60 P hi Oentralla., . . 9.18 548 Exetse.... 9-80 664 9.44 • 0.e5 9.50 811 9.58 6.19 . Londe:di-ore -. .110°,3105 , 8,68 8.25 10 88 I 7.00 10.50 718 Wingham errive., 11.00' 203K3 Soupo--- 7.56 Winghere, 4t3p4 . . v•r• a••••••••..aa•• tati• ndellanarO• Sta.4 **um. •...•-• int°11. .0 *.r rernaefieti. .••• • • welt G. • gitVen f. • • • Burwell- .. . . . a.• etas. oma ::•4•••11t1,4•••• mf• Bratletiairt if•• ••••....•• as•-• CliriOrt ••• •.• ef• ••• • • Perveriger. 16.50 a.m. &W F. 7.01 8.2a 7.14 8.85 8.46 7.47 4.1.5 8.05 4.88 8.15 4.4T 8.22 4.52 ..... 8.85 6.(5 Ceatralta.. 8.46 5.15 pendon. 945A. s. 6.20 Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is f o u ad in „ Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets They combine the•garmichlod vat ue of CresMenewiiii the soothing, properties of slippery elm and licorice. 10o. Ali Druggists 400 One Grade Only, and That the test. ••••••••••••••ft I have just received 'a car load of Mc- Laughlin Cutters. Any person thiakiag of inveeting in a new cutter will do well to; call on me• before purchaeing elsewhere. They n e nct the otteapest cutters in town but th:43, are the best and re- member, Treaty remains long after price f eirg at en., I keep a full line of Gen:xi:re Rubber Haraese, a,he Robes aad Raga, wh tell you can hay fr :rn me eheapw er taau e'er:where. A. M. Campbell, AFR'TI-I. 1910 s Cotton Root Compound: Ladies" Pavorite, Ts the only safe, reliable IC 'iron ;Ospooltor SEAFORTH, FRrDAY, ,Tan. 20., 1904., , ..Wiat Rev. J.: 4. yinedOnald Says; e ) We have read a good deal. in Con, nervative papers as . to what Rev. , Mrsaid bout HonMr Ross nd the Ontario Government. i . I o,sseck a. . Rev. .i. A. Meolonald, ' the present .editorein -ehief ot the Globe, is equally, as able , and as reliable -a man is Mr. Hoesac , and occupied‘ equally as promine t positions in' the ehureh. In a rec et'addiess Mr; Macdinrald aid:s " He come as an ordinary eitizeri, whose only interest was in the pro- motion a the Well being of the, noun, - fry; Ile had never received itny fav- ors from them, had never asked any, •v le and . e,r mould atsk for any. The politi ian had y.dt to come to his offioeg to dictate to him -what -Line the Globe should take on any ques- tion _of any sorh, - (Applause) He. .did' not say the eeGovernrneet were -perfect 1, They iiiiiuld have a; lone- some time in thitiler.orld if they were. (Laughter.) Ther had administered the affairs of --the -province honestly and well. He could only recall one mistake they may have made -the Bele of the fragment of 'a timber limit for $250, which had afterwards been with -for a larger sum. - But What !great bueinees firm did not it ke a mistake as big as that al- t every year? - " The • liquor traffic, for exainplei was' a most difficult matter to deal with. He was Seoteh himself, but he could not tell whether whiekey was more netessary after than before 11. (Langlater.) At any rate, many respectable pe,ople believed that it was not .es serigus to !break the liquer law as to break !other lawn. His own view was in faVor of' State control, whatever their view was. The Liberal party:. at their conven- tion had -made the greatest etep in teraperanee ever made by any ' party• in Canada. - • - " Mueh was said of corruption. As a Liberal he would not stand far the Liberal party one deY if that party if the leaders of .the party, stood for corruption in elections. (Cheers.) If ,he believed the Government tof be as corrupt as the Opposition' said it, was, he, because he -was a lacteal, ;would be the first to declare against it. The heart of the Liberal party was against corruption. • , "He had known Mr. Roes for 38 years, from the days when the pre- sent Premier eam.e as an inspector to his echool. He watched his whole public,, career, and, without discus,: sing his ,ability and eloquenceswhieh everyone recognized, he had alwayis believed Mei Rose was Possessed .by a Supreme desire to serve hie coun- try. with his few: remaining years, and ,to lead the people to higher things!. Nor had the past two years in which . he had k own hint iitia a political way weakenekf the old faith he had in ahina: (Oboe. ELy !.I would. not like to Hee him e -elected," Mr. MacDonald added, "if I 'did not have confidence in his lin egeity, in his moral 'honesty, as we 1 as ,in his in- tellectual ability, a d his capacity' ,fon adminIstering the affairs of the country." (Cheers.) . Perth Notes. •-, -2-Mr. W. R. Willie 8, aii old gen- t tle,man in i Mitchell, was stricken with paralysis one da last week. -Mrs. Heald, an old and esteemed resident of St. Marys, died madly last week .of heart disease. - I --Mr. E. C. Hearse of Chicago, a forraer resident of Mitchell, died -at his hemp a sheet time ago. - -Mr. Donald Csateron, of 'Strat- ford, is confined to khis home, suf- fering from a broken leig, the re- sult of a slip on the lee.. - . -The bachelors of Stratford held their annual bat in that eity on Monday evening, January 2ncle,vhen about 13,5 guests were present. -The citizens of Stratford are ehortly to present Mr. Justice Id- ington with a cabinet of heavy sil- verware, as a meek of esteem. -Mr. D. F. Forbes, of. Victoria, Texas, is a visitox at Stratfordithe guest of his sister, Mrs. J. A. Rob- erteitatra -It is 28 y oars since •Mr. Forbes left Stratford. _errs. L. Goodwin, who has been orgattist and Choir - leader of the. Bethel Methodist cerarch was re- cently presented by the members ith an address and a well filled urse. -One of Mr.. W. 0. ',Tamen' horses;e his stable an 'ARO -veil, get loose Neew Years' eye, and kicked an - her horse, breakine. one of its nd lege in two -places. The animal, hicle was valued at $200, had to be Iled. -Dr. Wm. Gibb, V. S., of Stlefarys, ed last week, after a long illness. had been a resident of Staliectrys r many years, and was very highly espeited by the whole ocenneinity. hree' daughters and I son• ve lum. , -Mr. Noah Stedelbauer, of Hawk- eeville, and 11,0118.3 Letitia Campbell, -of Mitchell, were united in wedlock 'on December 28t3i, .et the horne of the bride's per en Ls at Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbaner will, take up their residence in Hawkest Ile. -The Stratford's Chair Company's factory is in operation. Work was started' last' weet with a Staff of twenty men, wlich will be nteadily augmented until in about tsix months it reaches fifty. The building is now entirely completed and.the ma- chinery is all in place. .-Mr. and Mrs. . James Parish, of Mitchell, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, December 3let. The , large gatheeing present were right roy- ally. entertained' by the respected couple and the evening was: mast pleasantly spent. -Oe Monday evening, January the 2nd, a family re -union wae 1$1c1 at the Old homestead, now theeprepertir of Mea Albert Fox, 10th concession of Rime., i vvhen the nine brothers and sisters met for the first time lin al- most twenty years, and were, join- ed on (this „occasion by about 175 Of their frien4s to celebrate the event. .-A very serious accident happen- ed a short time ago to Mr. Tosenh Otto, of Ellice; neer Wartburg, which may result fatally. He had put on a load of hay to take to Stratford and Shortly he started out H6 had only gone about fortV rods alone the fro lane when the load overturned. trying to save himself, the un- tunate man fell off tbe heel in opposite direction to Whieh it reed" alighting on his head on a arp piece of ice. His predieainent as noticed a f ew minutes later en be was 'removed to his home, , egulator on which woman n ean dePencl "in the :hour ' and thug of need." Prepared in two degrees of in strength. No. 1 and No. 2. on No. 1. ---Per ordinary OascO ot -Is by far the best dollar e medicine known. No. 2 -For special casco 10 degrees/ 1", letretager--three dollars per box. ki Ladies ask your druggist for Cookii ;Cotton Root voraponad. Take no other all pills, mixtures and imitations are id elangerous. No. 1 and NO. 2 are sold and He MecOlielmended by all druggists in the Do- fo dalinion of Canada. Mailed to any saddreaS r 011 rece4at of 'price and fOur 2 -cent postage atamZat The .Cook Company -‘- ‘ifladeor, Oat] For sale by C. Aberhart, J. S. Rob- erts, I. , V. Fear, and Alex. Wilson, skafortee Steers for Sale. The undersigned has fbrasale 80 two year old Ptcers for feeding and 20 yearling stook seers, also springer oows about ta calf., Them eattle are al i bred and in good condition. Mr. bricOonneil ! 11 be at Webber's Rotel, Dublin, On Monday and Saturday of oech week to meet with intendicg 1 purehasere. Terms -Cash or credit to suit the pur- chaser. These oldie must he eold art Mr, McCon- nell heti rented hie farm. - JOHN WI TONNELL 1918-tf DUBLIN. Furniture and Undertaking. UPHOLSTERING is stir SPECIALT Y. We make parlor suits, odd and fancy chairs to order, giving you choice of patterns and colors of coverings for each piece. We also re -upholster old suites and chairs, makiug them look liks now. Our pricca are right, and our work gnaranteed. Carters and Steighti for the baby are now here. You can have anything you wish in these lines, from the eheapest to the beet. Furniture of all kinds at the loweat poe- eible prices. Pictureeiand pioture framing, window shades and etytain poles. Sewing maehinea, the Davis and standard makes at ao low prices that it will pay you fro to come after them. Just come in and see these machines before you buy. for Knecht -el & McKenzie SEAFOATH. w wh and medical aid unione4. The the evidence, that plaint* had not a fracture tied natty soap wound ex- ifroved that defendant May J. teAd for about, threeinches. above • Campbell did eign the. note. Action I the right ear. as agairist her dismissed Withoasts. ! -A son of Mr. A. Grant, of Avon - bank, met with ,a bad accident one coughs, cotes-, bogie -seem, andiother throve I njot retently*Ire'•was driving' down aliments are quickly relic:TO by ,Cresolene I the Station eeiad, .ietear McCracken's, eabietie ten cents pet box. All drtiggists I 'When the horse ran away.' The. eggeeee gereeereg t at the bottom! of the hill, Mr. Grant Patridtem In The loole '-Have, -Been Spent bugy was elaiohed. agai.nst the fence an 'being, thrownA Stley Township High hoot Ste- ' out and badly shaken ent writes the 'following for bruised, up, whilst hiS shoulder was ,rverely Auron Expoeitor. ' I t • -A quiet wedding took Place at , The development • of the Vir the home of Mts. • Thos. Clappell, a the love of one's eountry, wh near Mitchell, on 'Wednesday even- -is eymbolized everywhere I byi ing, January 4th, when her fourth raising a.,so reeny .now and beau daughter, Miss Christina G. °was une ful neaps, over school harness, sho Red in marriage to Mr. Edwin not end by any means withlthe ha !Kemp, ,youtigeet Son of Mr. john ing out of these bannerS.UnJ ICenap, of the Staffa line. The young there is in the teaching of the soh couple have taken up their abode on a distinct and intelligent care the faeia recently purchased by Mr. ground, the, pupils in the true I ICehm ftona Mr. John Webb. of country, which comes with kno --I-The marriage of Mr, Lloyd M* ledge of it, and to inspire the you MacDonald, eldest son of Mr. A.Mac- with sonaething of the aire theht Donald, of Listowel, took place at the life and beauty of the! land, Livermore, California, on the • 24th nags may well be left to flutter of becember last. The bride, was to shredsZeab . trerne, daughter of Mr. A. J. G-enuine love of our country e cLeod, of Livermore, Mr.. A. Mac- not be founded upon words alo Donald being present • at the °ere-, nor apon,, tea mere reetatfon mo ny. Mr. and Mrs. Mecdonald deeds of heroisra and past Public s ive at Livermore, where he is cash- vices. To be the true spirit which h ler of the Livermore Valley Bank always animated great peoples, -The ,employees of the D. rergu- canadian patriotism mut have on & Convenes store, Stratford, speeial tie to the soil -lea feel sprung a neat surprise on the pro- 'which allies itself to the trees, flo Priettor, ex -Aid. D. P. •Fergusonithe ;ere, the birds the prairies,l- their otber night, preneeting him' with a and story and their manifold produ leather upholeternd chair, as a mark tions and colorings, , the !hills, t wild creatures of the Woods a fields and everythinethit clistil Canadian. n Acquaintances with the p,isodes ty ' our history and a knowl age of our constitution and, laws are a highly Important part of the edneation of a Canadian citizen. But hits equip- ment should not end With theta. -They represent the, intelleCtual part of one's patriotism; the heart of it is nourished from its rarnance, its natural features, its soil! and its products, the .anixnals, the atmos - sphere, the skies -all things which make the earliest and most lastine irapression upon the • individ- ual, and through which every senti- neent is typified to him. If we take the writings of a great ipoet, like MreNhittier, we' find that these na-' tural things are well known to him and their shaping influence upon character appreciated. In Mr. White tier's' poems t here is a 'constant re- ference of sentiments and ideas to the soil and aspects of nature. He makes no mistake about the flow- ers and trees whioh he Neeaves in- to his songs, nor about the birds which warble through them. There is abundance of native ljght and col- or. But the ignorance a these things among many Canadians is !striking. Not long since there went the rounds of a portion of the press! of this country an extract which told "Which birds sing earlieSh in the Morning." It was stated that the skylark sang at about such; an hour, the chafftech at another hour,- the tomtit at another, and so on through a .soro.ewhat long list. New every bird in the list was a Eurepean laded and not one of them could ;be heard in this .conetry save in a cag.e or au aviary. Yet this extract winch came from. an English periodical, was giv- en in geed faith by many Canadian journals as a statement of the or- der in which Canadian birds begin their singing ,itri The xnorning. Many Canadiani, in t heir na Lural lore for trees, plant, sb-metimes in ignoraece of their foreign origin, trees which will not thrive or rerich their full beauty in., On. sell, pass- ing by native_ trees, and shrubs superior beauty, lig • end signefic- antic. For there is slier 'eeinee is na tural `things a,s well -in facti and figure% and more healthy sentifnent in the natural sciences than Some people suppose. The enormous imigration whiieh is pouring into our country aeid Which consists ill much larger propoetion than ever before of peoples very un- like our own population in charac- ter, ha.bits and traditions, makes et desirable, and even necessary to in - &till into the rising generation of ng these people as much of the know- ledge and feeliof Canadian life and nature as possible. It is not practicable in 'lour ele- mentary sehools; 41 gine thorough Liestruction in geology, botany, and ornithology; but it is peactiteable to impart to the pupils a oerain a- mount of accurate foundation know- ledge of the natural things about them. It is especially- practicable to convey this knowledge in infoemal talks, and in ;the half uniconseious side instruction which - often takes the deepest lodgment in the brain of a boy or •girl. This fent should not be loet sight of by our teachers in thke !school year now 'begun, nor in the Normal in- struction which is given to teach- ers themselves. Lifebuoy Soap-clisinfectint4is strongh recommended by the medical prefession % safeguard against infectious diabase. " s , The When we purchased the "rights; to1 kill. Tho reasoe le that senile are to Give. LAcraozone Free. to the Sick* tue iOb the uld ng- ess ool bo• ove w - nig ' ht the 110, of of er- as ur a soil c - of appreoiation of the plocusant rela- tions texisting between employer and staff. The presentation was made 'by Mr. Charles 'Scott, Who also read the coroplinae,ntary address accom- panying it. -At a largely attended meeting f the congregadon of Knox church, tratford,.last week it was decided o extend a 01111 to Rev. R. Martin, . A„ of Erskine Presbyterian hurch, Hampton, who opoupied the pulpit at the anniverSary services oil the ' previous Sunday. There were five noreinatiens made, but on- ly three were seriously considered.- Revels. Messrs. 4. MacKenzie, of Montreal ; irlioniasE_Eakin, of Guelph, and Rev: R. Marti, of Hamilton. -The death toek place suddenly at Linwood on Wednesday, Deeember 28 of August Dammiet, at an ad - *armed age. Mr. Darninier previously farmed for enany eears in Wellesley township and owned 250 acres of and about three miles northeast of awkeeville: He . was generally es- teemed by those who knew him. Sev- eral years ago -be retired to Lin- wood, leaving 'the! busbaese of active -farming - to his only' -son, August, who is a member Of the Wellesley township 001131011. ! -There were forty-eight fire a-, terms in Stratford during the peer 1904, and nine of these were false. The largest losses were at the 13arn- dale and Kelle eitalalishinente. The total loss is rough -4,r given at M9,- 312, this inciluding ten titres. In the Others the lose was so trifling as to be not worth recorlleeg. In five fires the property 'wee uninsured.. The total loss of uninsured property was enly $212, which speaks well for the rirepautionti taken and provisions made by Stratford property owners • -Mr. J. Smith, of McCurdy Bros.' store, Stratford, left for home' one evening a short time age and was i4ralking briskly' along, when one of throe men tripped him up- Then all ree pou.nced upon 'him and injue- , him quite severely. He was kick- ed on ,the forehead and reduced to a semi-conscious condition. Marks on :his arm and back show where other kicks or blows landed. Mr. Smith rdd not know whether cir not his a seilants searched his pockets, but 1ie is -minus a bu.nch of keys, What L r object Was iihe is at a: loss to know, a- -Ex -Mayor Thal. Jarvis, of Strat- feed, had a Christmas gathering of his_ soxis at the old home. Four eons all oecupying leading positions in the railway and finaecial world% were present, viz.: T. N. Jarvis, naana.ger of the Lehigh Valley Rail- way, New York: C. Pe, of Boston, Fred. S., of Galt, and Edgar, of Pet- etberough, the latter two being bank managers.- Mr. Jarvis, follow - Inge his usual custom, fired a feu de joie. on New Years eve to usher in the new s ear. The inaelement used was a flint look musket made; in 1805, carried by one of his ances- tors at the battle, of Waterloo. It was the musket's centenary, and Me. Jarvis is quite proud of tilts pos- session. ................. - A Guaranteed Cure tor Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro- truding Piles. Druggists refund rooney if Pazo -Ointment fails to cure any ease, no matter of how long standing, in from 6 to 14 &Lys., First application gives ease and rest. 50c. IF your druggist !latas.n't it, send 50e. - stamps and it will be forwarded t-peid. by Paris Medicine Cie, St. LoulS, Mo., 1930-6 131. 1 I • -_,.......„.... -The nigh. Court. The following qasos of interest i this county were disposed of in t High Court, in . Toronto, last ie- e utchison V. Long. -E. L. Diekee- m. ef Goderich, for defeodant, ab- ealod from, judgment ofl Idington, dated the ist of November, 1904, upon the findings of a jury, in an -notion tried at Goderich in favor of plaintiff for $40, being damages for alleged slander 1,?y• defendant. The parties are farmers. - About the 1st of February, 1903, the plaintiff's barn was burned by fire, the -origin of which was -unknown. The defend- ant es being sued for language, al- leged to have been falsely and mal- iciously spoken, implying that plain- tiff Set fire to the barn to realize in- surance' moneys. Burton v. Campbell. -Judgment in action ' tried without a jury in Goderich. Action to recover $827 - Liquozone, we decided W buy the first bottle an -I give it free to each sick one we let 'Ted of We published the offer in e .e..rly every newspaper In America, an 1,300,000 people have accepted. It, li nee year it hes cost us over one irr-lhan. dollars to an- nounce and fuE, 1 the offer. ' Don't you re:. "..z4 that a, product Must have Woe -ree al Merit to make such an Offer Pc.. :hie? We have never tasked a soul. te Liquozone. We have published L'J testimonials, DO physician's endorseraent. We have simply asked the' siek to try it --try it at our expense. And that is all we ask you, If you 'iced it. Rills Inside Germs. Liquozone-is not Made byra . eehellird:. lag drugs, nor is there alcohol in it. Its virtuee are, derived solely from gas -largely oxygen gas -by a- procree re - trilling immense apparatus and 14 days' time. *This process has, for more than, 20' years, been the constant sub- ject of scientific and chemical re - he search. nd. The result. In a liquid that does what ct- oxygen does. It is a nerve food and of lb ood food -the most -helpful thing in Staita Notes. -The Staffa Literary So- seietytmet last Tuedday, • jaeuary 17. This was Irish night. A .'2good pro- gramine of Irish anecdotes and read- ings was givert.-Miss Mabel Barbour spent a few days with friends in Seaforth the past week, -Mr. T. M. Hamilton, general merchant, is !get- ting material on hand for a new Sg Store to be erected in the comin summer. -Mr. H. A. Dorrance;teach- er in school section No. 3, HAabert,' visited friends in- Seaforth and vie einity Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver entertained a number of their friends on Tueeday eveningof last week. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games of various kinds music, both vocal and instrumental and social conversation. After par - which plaintiff alleged he !gave to I served by the hostess in her best taking of a most bountiful lu.neh, defendant for safe -keeping and in- style, the company dispersed thank- terest thereonjudgment for the lila. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver for the very tfiaintifft for $131.55 with county pleasant evening they had spent eourt costs, without set-off of oasts te defendant. Burton v. Lockeridge.-Judgment To 0ure a Cold in One Day- Ili in action trial -without a jury at ctever $627, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- Goderich. Action Eo rewhich plaintiff alleged he .gaae to lets. All drruggists refund the m defendant for safe keeping. end in- Ge°onveey's Lf fsie it il tfuar: to is on each EW 'box: terest thereon. Jeldgraent for plain, tiff for $131.55', with r county court Price, 25e. 1930-1 yr. ae....."eaieeeea costs, without set qff of cost..5 to defen,dant. Wingham .• Burton v. tockeridge.- judgment in action tried without' a jury e.t oGoderich. Action -upon a proinisary note' for $1,000. Defendants Wm. and John Lockeridge made no de- fence. Defendant Mary J. Campbell alleged that her name was not plac- ed by her on the note nor by her authority, bet that her suPposed signature was a forgery. Held, on DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT. -Mr. Samuel Youill, for over 30 years a re- sident of this town, died on Wednes- day from the result of a stroke of paralysis. He had been engaged in the insurance and real estate business, and is survived by a grown up family, most of whom are now x rniding in the United States. Mr, Yotfilll had reach- ed the age of 79 years. * • the world to you. Its effects are ex- hilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet It is a germicide so certain that we . publish on every bottle an offer of 41,- 000 for a disease germ that It cannot __11011111Bils 1 1 o enter for Fh tern in any department our excelitnt school. The vegetables; and Litjuozont::--ithe excess of oxygen -is deadiy4b vegetal matter, t There lies the great va1ue'4ot Liquo- ione. It is the only wav luseign to hill gerIns in the body With011t, 1:1relng the tissues., too. Ane drug that ltfile fr;eirrns is a polt.cri, aDd it cannot,be tahen ternallx. Mediririe ;a almost helpless inany germ diseas%.-.. 'It is this fact that gives Liquozone, worill to humanity. And that worth is so great that, after testing the produt for 'LT.; o years, through phyitaa and hos- pitals, we paid $:00,000 tor the Amer- ican rights. Germ. Diseases.' These are iho known gen-4 ClTT.F.CS. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature c:rverconar- the gertris, end ouch rosulis are in,21- rect and uneerialn. LifZi107.1)1113 attachs the germs, wherever they fire. Anl when the germs whieli calii*. a elaoatie are destroyed, thedisease mrct and forever. That. 1e ie. .ttahle. Arahme. - Abacees-lartmmla Bronelites Blew Peaein Bright`e fainae Bowe1-a1ea:1)1es Constant -Wen Colic -Craw) Const-heitgen Ca ra rrh.-rat n rer Dystnierr-lenrrinia, Dandrilf•--Dropsy Dyspepsla ar ate----asene alin 7 1 eeea..,., La fee; o „real .-eenaeee -;, Ti . . .!fit• t-b:r13 71+ .0%. tint lei ',lire le a 11)i• bhis Tezenute-Eryelpolas Tuber-00mi, evers-eatill Stones Tunaors-Uleers ant re--(kout* Varieocele faonorrhea-Gaeet Wernenai Dieeases All diseases that begin with fever -all 1 mation-all catarrh -oil contagious dieeseee-alt the reitulta of Impure or poisoned blood. in nervous denting LICOIMODO seta &Ca vitalbase„ avuemplishing what no drugs made. SOCe Bottle Free If you* need Liquozonct, and ham never tried it, please send us thht coupon. We will then mail you an ce- der on a local druggist for a full- size bottle,and we will pay the drug - Lit ourselves for It. This is our free -rift, made, to convince you; to show you what Liquozone is, and What it an do. In justice to yourself, please, nceept it to -day, for it places you un-- dcr no obligation whatever. Licpiozone costs 50c, and 1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON r this offer may not appear aga :a. Fill ont tbe hlanas and mail It to tbe Liquid Ozone 46,5464 Wabaeh Ave., Chicago. y disease is.. . a .•••••• se.. a • I have never ted Liipzo7'ene, imt if yon will supply me a 50c. bottle r r;ae 1 wial take it. 11••••••••••••••••• 2 .1*. . Cive fell addre,:--wrifc Any physician or hospital r•••.yetu...,,egLIquesona will be gladly supplied for a tree, Not too Late. OF TjORONTO. For the witterm now open, we 'have 6tuff el 20 tettaihers, and eau e ffer aclvan- -agen not to be found in a small, main, Ovrtent school. Write for particulars and evraege to start at once. Address W. R. saAw. procivai. "0:3-4ZW=If=riZINGLEMSleir 'FOR SALE. EIOESTER SHEEP` AND SHORTHORN CAT= FOR SAIAl.—The undtreighed Imo for sale sev i • e: thoroughbred Leicester Sheep and Durhan Ce tie of beth sexes. Address Egtnondville P. 0. oi pill), at farm, MI Read, Tuckersmith. ROBEP2 OHARTERS & SONS. 18724 DULLS FOR SALE, --The unliersigned has for 1.) sale two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulle, gthe for regietration, aged 18 and 12 menthe. Out red at d the other white. Apply to JOHN Me NEVIN, Kippen. 18914f ioULLS FOE SALF.-The undersigned has fpr . )7) sale en Lot 26, Covoeseien 4; H.11,8„ Tirekera smith, three thoroughbred Dulham bulls, 8 to 17' menthe rad, I. roan and two reds, eligible for regis ' tration. Tilts° animale ate Item imported stook and are prize winners. BERBERT CRIOEf, Sea forth. 1920,tf OHORTHORNS- FOR SALE. --,The undersigne 0 hag for sale on Let 16. Coneeesion 2, Hay, a numbea of upto•date thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls, they are of the low seb blocky type, dark red in color and of choke breeding. They are all el. igible for repistraticn and will be: sold retie' nably. JOHN ELDER, Hensel! pa O. 128tf lIORT.1101iNS FOB, SALE. -A. few °pink bred 800teh Shorthorn Bull', with registeredpea- greee, 8 to 21 moraine Prices from -$50 to 390, if taken soon. also cows and heifers at about th sante prices, also a few. Berkshire sows four wont 81 old. DAVID AULNE, Ethel, Ont, 124f IMPORTANT NOTICES. DDILDING TIMBER FOR SALE -The under. .1.) hien, d has on lot .5, coneeesion 2, Mclitilop, Portable saw mill. Square timber.cedar poets p de rafters, ah feriae braces, etesupplied on reasonable terms. Apply on the place. Leave 3 our orders early. ROBERT RONEY. 19814f DROPERTY WANTED. -A good comfortable home) and stable, with from 2 to 6 spree of tend attaehed. Must be near church and store, Apply to THOMAS PEPPER, box 242, Brussels P. O. Ontario. 19284f D0REED GOOD STOCK -The undersigned have 13 purolmeed from Mr. W. J. Biggins, el Elm. buret ',took Farm, near Clinton, the ape YOPDS Sh rthern Bull, "Matchless Star," 18 months old and in ev-ery respeob a first-clase stock Animal. Be will be kept] half the time on lot 26. eoneession 6, tieRillap and half the thne on lot 20 of ;the shme concession.. A limited number of cows will be ad- mitted to him, Terms $1 00; thorobreds, $5, with the privilege of returning if neceesary. DORRENOE & BEATTY. 19.38x4 -sees 10:01 serrstaletelsZe•Pt.* -a* 11. II911 11111I * s" at Witlaw.itticts The King of Terrors Is Consumption. And Conauniption Is caused by neglect.. ing to cure the dangerous Coughs and Colds. The balsamic odor of the newly cut pine heals and invigorates the lungs, and even cousuinptives im- prove and revive amid the perfume of the pines. This fact has long been known to physiciaes, but the essential healing principle of the pine has never before beee separ- ated and refined as it is in , DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. It combines the life-giving lung - healing virthe of the Norway Pine with other absorbent, expectorant and soothing Herbs and Balsams. It cures Cotaglis, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Bronchitis, and all affections of the bronchial tubes and air pas- sages. 4rs. M. 13, Lisle, Egkle Head, N.Se writes :-----I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for coughs and think it is a fine rein edy, the beat we have ever used. A num- ber of people here have great faith in it as it cures every time. Price 23 cents per bottle. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice le hereby given Hitt the partnership, here. te.fore existing between E. H. Hamilton and W. E. Kerslake, under tire firm name of Hamilton & Kers. lake, as eeed merchants, in the Town of Seaforth, has thie day been dissolved by mutual consent. The buelnese will, in future, be conducted by Mr. W. R. Kerslake. All amounts will be paid by the late firm and all monies due there must be paid at Once. Z. II. HAMILT3N, W. E. KERSLAKE. 8e3fortb, January 2nd, 1905. ia 10844 RAD TO GrVIE ALTOGETH.ER AND GO TO BED. DOCTORS DID HER NO GOOD. By the time Miss L. L. Hansen, Waterside„ N. B., had _ tahei Three Boxes of MILBUR.WS - HEART AND rritvE PILLS She Was Completely Cured. She *rites us as follows ‘Gentlenteu_,preis to vou the ha--,rfeel it my eelat X e derifed quty to ex - from lifiburnle He: rt and aye Me. A year ago last 9P7'hl„'-' I began to have heart failure. At hrat I would have to atop working, and o down for a I then got so bad. that I had to give op altogether and go to bed. Itd ieveral Th doctors to attend e, but they did me no good. / got no relief un nrged friend to try MiItarrn!s Boort and Nerve rills. I sent to the store for * bet, and. by the time f had taken three- . quarters Of it I be,,Un to get relief, and by the time I had' taken thine boxes was completely cured. I fed vely grateful to your rriPdleine for what it haw done for ma. -Mins L. L. HANSON, Waterside, N.p." Price 50 cents pe, box, or 3 for 11.116. All Dealers or TRU T. MILE -cum Co., "Arnim, Toronto, Ont. Annual Meeting. • The 29th -wiling met th* of the aleborne nib. bort Farman' Mutual The luturant e Company will be held in the nubile hall, F•atquhar, on Monday, Feditrary 61h, 3905, at one </Week p. m. ' Two direo. tore will be elected and any business in the inter - este of the camPany will be taken itp, 1984x4 B. W. F. BEATERS, ice. Treas. : Huron County Council. The council of the County of Huron, will meet in the council ohomber, in the town of Goderieh on the 24th day of this month, at the Maur of tie,tee e`oloek in the afternoon. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated January 10th, 1905. 1986-1 8,1PN "'AC: "1r Lib" CIRCULAR SAW Owl W C/ 1.1g WOES CT/ Cf) +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0 nu - LAMPS. 'maws Have you seen our assortment cf lamps ? Ifyou haven't, is -would ,pay you to do so as wears, eff,:ring Hall, Parlor and Banquet LAMPS. at prices that will certainly tempt you to buy. arp'et sweepers hN� work, no noise, no dust." rheal aro the eortimeets 'expreeted by 4 every lady uoing lobe of Biesel'a 05140 Bearing r3weelpere. Meat Mappers and Raisin Beed ers Th e most u,eful kitrthen utensils of the age. Nrf hout*i. hold complete With-, out one. We carry the right kind at the right, price. Sills & Tigu HARDWARE:, Corn For Sale. tots of good yellow corn, Time or -Clot 111 afe ranged, Drive right rin ware.houee. Farmers that have beans for tale bring eample by 20411 of Jan - 20th - nary. Two cars of seed peas to arrive by January 1984x4 W. G. PERRIN, Clinton, Ontario. Money- Wanted. Wanted to borrow ter a ttem of Ivo years, sum of Sb;000 on the property of the Piot Pres terlan Church, P.eaforth, (albureh, Mimeo and Care taker's Il(sidenoe). No, wilt be roattired on or ta-fore February 1st, 1905. Applications, sutler the fate of interest desired, t ;be made to either of the under -fig' rd. 14, Y, MeLEAN, JAMES WATSON, Chaim n, Secretary. 1988.4 LOGS WANTED loce••••••••••• The undersigned 18 pre,.ared to pay the highes Cash price for an unlimited quantity of firet-elase Soft Elm, R9elt Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beeeh, Ash, Heinloek and Oak Loge Havered et the Seaforth Saw and Stave /dill. Lo gs to .:a3 cut an even length, except Soft Elm. Soft Eh» to be cut 11, 12 and 16 fee Will else buy Basswood Heading Bolts, ie Inches long, at 33,58- per cord, deliveresi. wilt also buy timber by mraeurement or by bulk Ira. hob. Speeiel attention paid to mietom ce.wieg, and tisfection guaranteed. WM. AlidENT. M. Beatrice Scott, TEA.0131gR ef Voice, Piano and Theory, Wilulatrak:1901:p 5,cIseees in SEAFORTH January, y TERMS $12.00 a term. Piano, 610 00 a term. • Theere-6,8,40 a torm. Pupils prepar d for the Toronto Censervatery of Music Examinations. Also open for Concert Engagements. Tenders for Cordwood. Tenaere will bo reoaived at the clerk's office till February 13th neat, for 16 cords of hardwood, feUr feet long, to be delivered by the 1s4 of March next at the wetorworke. The lowest or any tender not neceeeerily aowpted. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. ileafortb, January 121b, 19364 gas 0 ariaiaaiI•flial•Mala N.D0Api Cietl- given dividual instruction. The Sheri ''.9.1111 Sr: 4 1., tatIgh t is that umml. IT 30ernirrizer and vourt r. 31, Beet Rya fettle ef Book keeping, 1 enulanship, Aritli FliPtiV, 0 t e thorougliv I aught. Situations gurwarrieed to every Graduate. • et141.1)fi1:Ii; I WM. ft 0. Doo g - INC1Pea To Cure a Cold Tabs Laxative Br4. o Quinine T Seven MIlSon boxes sod ht past 12 sneeths. This sl One Day Ovals Grip in Two Dam Ott efirert ,orvivit.os 25c,