HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-13, Page 5ria
Y 13 19(15
rh,, heavy gum rubbers
you eau buy, and if you
with the wear. The
made. and include these
air Clad," Duck Never-
abbe,s are all made of
netted with the very best
id heele, and are mule in
tbbcr tope, and ranre in
ing to sty.
tibbers ie four quee--
5e aud 75e a pair.
coed '1 Ernprese
,ngra-talated and
ast partaken of,the
rove to Hensalloe here
ening exorees, fol -
e -ors of rice, flowers and
Mr. Kemp, G. T. R.
A Toronto last week, on
Is srevices.-Mrs.
nforth, was here during
eh, visiting Mrs. Wm..
qrs. Clark, of &aaforth,
re visiting relativee.-
Mr. Wm. Coleman, of
of will be pleased
has sufficiently re-
lit (Int drivinee, and alse
, a little.
rt pair e of canvas leg -
.fl it from 8 to 13 Nears or ego for
!r 75e, W. H. Willie, sole agena
• shoee
Pr men apd Dorothy
Seafoath. 1935-2
Ada CarnerOot, as ..ts-
HariErwell's store, has
pit on a visit -Miss G.
Ls returned to Chicago
an visit visit under the
-Mr. D. Sheppard, of
ee; guest at the manse
rs„-Mrs. M:
news of the aeath of
Mr. John.C. Morrieon,
-Mrs. Charles Logan is
aal,y and is ahle to sit
day. -Mr. Sane Ratit.
7hter, Mary, of Gorrie,
visit to frieuds here
:re. -Mr. Wm. Ma k ins
the horse which he
for a couple of weeks.
church intend hevinn
.he 20th of January, in
This promises to be
efr. Bert Renford had
fie to break a email
ro, while cutting wood
Gourie losi et:du-
:ids week. -The' young
:day church, Bayfield,
concert in the town
YL Friday evening:Jan-
641 of St. Johnte Son-
e programme will con-.
dialorcues and !mode.
• 30 p lira of oanv as Jfg
.g *rem 5to '3 Y are ot ago! rat
r p-ioo w. FT. W111.4. ;4- ie
Saatc e sheet; ter men awl Dar-
t 0103, iafth. 1937,-1
- annual atelonne 4tr
1. O. 0. F., will
rsoity evening or next
lodge room -W. 11.
.d to Exeter on 'Nee -
e, to attend the funeral
-• The annuid meet
legrieutural Sooiet y
elnesday of this week,
ecte41 for the ensiling
Editor's report showed
2.090.64, East flurol
dr annual eneeting on
vext week. -Mao; May
eoodueted a small
Unite has deeiated -
sttiok and relnovf• tti
re her father is n4Ew
min busineee. -
:tomtit came to a ....gel-
idity or this week, by
Ey the train, ittst west
e- running a fox. The
lelt. one, and is a It
this seetem. -Mr. and
Stoneeof Woodville,
ro.t. vieiting the lol-
ly. john MeCrae.-
purcinesed tin•
rowhteettpied hy John
Soles foot %Vine -in-
1S gait/ te be $1.-
ery low figure as the
tee - 'The residents or
treetiv surprised on
nen that .T.
i-oed away that day
!J4..ed eon. E. 1.. al
very short illness of
emia. Deceased was
aye and death wae
d. Mrs. ereig,ht
eathe -ivies Mary Ate
tlj 65th year or hoe
es were brought to
;ay evening the fen -t
; from the residence
tit. s. Jackson. --The
hieh was offered- !tn.
4.if lest week by R.
tetrehaeed by D. C.
the eurn of83 Mit
t Mr. Rose and Lim
011 ceimbine their
tni wr'llpyt 11P
as po oodon earl
aleridzip gexiet•ing by-
qd 11 1heldie 1.4 ir
will be iliasolved
k• Irian t he businese•
att e
1.41ch a quantity SP:
freh stoCk of
JANUARY 13, 1905
New. -Miss A. Capling, nurse
graduate of. Stratford hospital,
• S,pent a few days at her home here
last week. -Miss Emroa Coffee. of
Dashwood, spent a few days withMrs. Nicholson recently. -f -Mr J.
Calloway, of Coehraite, Alberta.,
formerly a well known land- owner
here, has registered at the Com-
mercial for thei winter. This gentle-
man is a fluent and impressive
speaker when referring to his Nor tit -
western home and sirAce he has been
eo proeperous himself he is anxious
that his Ontario friends should do
likewise. Anyone desiring any itte-
formation on Alberta or British Col-
umbia oan BOOR Widen their know-
ledge by consulting Mr. Calloway a
-few moments. -Me. B,, G. Nichol
spent Sunday last ''at Danhwood
friends. -Miss P. Ninholson has
boon re-enoaraed as a member of
the Zurich public_ school staff cat a
-salary of $325 for this year. This
young lady' deserves great credit for
signally distinguishing herself as an
-excellent teacher, as well as rdaking
. numerous friends in that com-
munity in the past year. -Norman
Boyce and Arthur Edighoffer have
resumed their studies at the Se.e.-
iforth and Goderich ;Collegi a tee re-
npect ively.
arr A Ri<lertt
Surcatro. January 12th, 1906:
• git haat) old),Saandard.....-...... 1 00 to 1 02
Fall wheat 1 00 to 1 06
) f pe per bnehelo.- --- 0 80 tO 0 31
Pose per -., 0 60 to 0 62
G ley per ivistral... 0 40 to 0 40
e, lever, No 1, TOM aeI re, ow. ear .be II0 10 te 0 16
- 0 14 to 0 16
gege per do.. am ow (JO ea. ea. ala a • es 0 10 *0 0 20
flour, per 100 The -2 50 to 275
flay per ion new,. _ - 6 F0 to 700
des per 100 ths- 5 00*0 5 85
•. ,..f.a.L.• re., 0 80 to 0 26
Wool— 0 WO 0 78
Potatoes pee bag (new),..._..... a0 60 to 0 76
t I (retail) per barrel-. 1 26 to 1 00
Wood per cord (lone).- o 00 to 6.20
W sod peroord (short) „... 8 00 to 805.
Arpin Per bag... par owe a mai gee a: ...seep/ 0 26 to 000
overliead..... vaeaa•er.i...••••••••• fe• 600 to 7 60
Threthy Seed-- - 1 25 to 2 00
renew. per lb-- IV. e er4ar e.e ea. ea 00 *0 25
Porky per I00 Ur. 7 50 to 8 20
Live Stock Markets.
'LONDON, Eogland, January 10 -Canadian
cattle are better at'llo to I2ko per pound;
refrigerator beef ,ie itio to 9ic per -pound
sheep are to 13o per pound ; lambs, 13i
to 14o per pound.
Mosentno, January 10 -The butchers
were pub seroug. and there being a large
number of fair to good °tattle, trade Wa8
brisk, with an upward tendency in prices
all aronnd. Prime beeves sold at 4cto
near 4itte per pound; pretty good matte,
al to near. 4/4 per pouud, and common
stock at 2i o 33 per pound, Large bulls-
eold at el to 4a per pound. Nearly all the
calves were young veals, and sold at $2 50
So Otter) eaoh, a conple of the best aold ab
54 each. Sheep sold at, 3i to per lb.,
lamb° at 5 to 5e pr lb. Good tots of fat
hogs sold at about ble per lb.
- BUFFALO, January 10eh- Cettle-Prime
steers, $5.75 to 56; shipping, $4 75 to
$5,50; hutchere',$4.50 ao $5.15; in.ifers.$3 25
to 54.50; caws, $2 75 to $ft ; bulls,
$2.50 to $4.25 ; stockers, an feeders, $2.75
to 54.35;.r.tock heifers< $2 25 to $3 ; fresh
cows and springer, $2 to $3 a beai higher;
good to ceoine. 543 to 552; medium to
good, $32 to 540; common. $20 to 530.
Veale-Aotive, 50o higher; $4.75 to $9 25;
Bop -Hog maiket, is active end steady ;
heavy-, .51 55 to 55; a few, 85 05; mixed,
-54.90 to 54 95 • Y Thera< i4 80 bo 84,95 ;
pip, $4.50 o 4 75; roughs.$4.1.5 t-.$4.25;
stage 53 to 53.50 Sheep and Lambe-A3-
tive; sheep steady ; lamh;-, 10 to 15o
higher; native Jambe. 56 to $7 90; Canada
lambs, 57 25 to 57 50; yearlinga, 56 to
56.75; wethers. $5.25 14 85 75 • wee, 55
55 40 ; eheep, mixed, 52 50 to 5g.50.
TORONTO, January 11 -The quality of
fat cattle was better than for several mar-
kets, several choice loads of butcher cattle
being offered. Trade in fat cattle, especi-
ally the beeter claeeee, was firm at about
the flaine in prices as last week. 1 Ex-
porters -Export -pre were few innumber,
compared with the number of cattle effered.
Prices ranged from 54 25 to 55 per cwt.,
but there were few broneht the latter
price, the bulk selling at 5440 to 54.75 per
cwt. Export hulls eold all the way from
$3 50 to $4 per cwt. Butchers-Choioe
butchers' caatie sold at 5420 to $4 30; loads
of good at $3.80 to $4 10; medium at $3.40
to $3.60. and 53 te 53 25 for common ,• can-
ners at 52 75 to 52 75 per cwt. Feeders -
Feeders of choice quality 1,050 to 1,150 lba.
each sold at $3.60 re 53 75 ; feedi re, 800 to
1,000 lbs. eaoh, at $3.25 to $3 50; ftook-
ere, 500 to 700 tbs. each at $2.50 co 53 per
owt, &filch Cows -About 25 miloh COV78
and springere sold at 530 to $56 each. Veal
eie calves -Deliveries were not heavy, and
: prima were firm at 53 50 to 55.50 for the
4 "bulk of offeringe, with an odd cialf selling
at 56 per owt for choice quality. Sheep
and Lembe-The run of eheep find Iambs
was light. Sheep told at $4 50 to 54.75
per ewt for ewe; 1ueks. $3.25' to 53.75;
lambs, 55 50 to 5645 per cwt. }logs -De-
liveries of hogs were not large. Paces ad-
vanced 10a per ewe,. Seleate sold at $4,90,•
and lightand fate at $4.65 per cwt.
Dairy Markets,
MONTREAL,, J nu ary , .—Cheese,. On-
tario fall wl,ite, 10i1c to 10in ; oolored, 10a
to 10Zo ; Quebec, 10c to lOic. Butter -
Finest grader, 210 to 21Jee ; ordinary fin.
et, 20e to 20Ze ; naedinin grades, 18ie to
191-o ; western dairy, Mb to 1541o. Eggs--
Seleot new laid-, 23 to 240 • straight gather-
ed, candled, 20 to 24e ; No. 2, 1541 to 16o.
TORONTO, January 21 -r- Butter -The
market is firm .wieb prices unchanged.
Creamery prints; 22 to 24a; creamery
. solids, 22 to 230• creamery tube, 190 to
20o ; eood to choice dairy tubs, Ma to
17o '• medium dairy, 14o to 150; inferior
orade dairy, 12a to 14a ; dairy pound rolls,
good to choice< lfo to 180; large dairy
rolls, 161 to 17c; medium dairy, 140 to
15o. Cheeae-Another advance has been
made in sympathy with Liverpool prices.
Stacks are light here, hue are reported to
be moving oun freely at the advance, Large
are quoted at 110 per poutol In job lots
here. and twine at 12o. Eggs -Unchanged
at 210 for fresh, and 20a for limed.
TORONTO,January 11 -Poultry -Turkeys,
12a to 150 ; ducke, Jia to 120 r geese, 103
to Ilet ; chickens, choice, 120 to 14c. old,
So to 103.
Grain, etc. .
TORONTO, January 11 -Wheat -Ontario.
The grain is gettieg into strnug hands, and
with the possibility of a shortage' in sup -
piles and the Winnipeg and Chicago prices
advancing here, holders look ' for further
advanoct. Some sales are being made at
$1.02 for red and white '- spring, 95a to
goose, 88o; Manitoba, bTo I. northern,
51.00; No. 2 northern, L05;$No. 3,
northern, 99c, Georgian Bay porta; So more
.grindhg in transit. Millfeed--Easier ;
II for bran in hulk, 516 for shorts'east
and went. Manitoba. $20 for shorts, 518
for bran, exports. Baleday-The mar -
e4.25 t 56.50 for No.
ket is fairly firm at 57.50 to 88 per ton for
No. 1 timothy, and
2 and mixed clover, all on traok here.
Baled Straw -ear lots on rack here are
quoted eteady at 56 to $6 per ton.
4:••••••••.*••••••••• 1.....posearom garerrozrom.
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reoertre Fund, $3,500,000
:HON. GEO. A. COX, Pm idea.
. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'l Manager,
rarmers7 and Graziers' Banking.
vetyleitility afforded farmere ard gr'eziers for their banking bueinese. Notes die
counted, Sale Notes cashed or taken for eon:lotion,
Deporit5 of $1 and upwards received, and ifitereat allowed at ourrent rates from date
of deposit. Interest added to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of
May and November. The depositor is militia to no delay what-
ever in the wivhdrfawal of the whole or any portion, of
. the deposit.
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail; Outiof•town enemas receive every
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
Births= ,
MCGUIRE-In Clinton, on January 4th, to Mr and
Mee W A MeGiiire„ a eon
CARTEn-fn Olathe, on December 80th, to Mr
and We 3 L Carter, a son
000K -In •Olintony on December Inst, to 'Mr and
Vire .1 Cook a deughter
MITTLEHOLTZ-in Z urioh, on Deeenober 271h, to
Ur and Mrs John Mittleholtz :a son
ENGLISH -In Wingharn, on December 29th, to Mr
anti Mrs Goy Englieh, of Wionipeg, a eaughter
00SENS-In Wingheari, on January 8th, to Mr and
Mrs bu er Cocaina a dauehter „aa, -
RUTHERFORD -In Wroxeter, on resoember 23rd,
to Mr and Mrs W Ruthertordoa son
APPLEMAN-GIF.S-At theQhorna of the bride's
parents, on the Blind line, Hay, on January
dth, by Rev W 3 Yaeger, Mies Lizzie; daughter
of Mr and Mrs Ernest Gies, to Mr Justus Ap•
pelman, of Eaksita.
WAGNER-KLOPP-at the home of the bride's
porents, Hay, ou January Snd, by Rev E Soh-
nelke. Miss Clara, eldest daughter of Mr and
Mrs Wm, Klopp, to Mr Jacob Wagner, of Tavi-
IIKYANT-WRAY-At Belgrave, on January 4111,
Mies Maude Wray, to Mr Wm A Bryant, of
LONGLEY-DOUPE-On December 27th, by Rev
T Kernish, of Mount Forest, James, eldest son
of Mr Andrew Longley, of Howie*, to Margaret
Jane, second daughter of Mr Francis Doupe, ef
Egremon6, Grey county, Ontario
ELLIOTT-CA8EMORE-4t the Baptist parsonage,
Wingham, on January 8rd, by Rev J N McLean,
B A, Mr Eli Eilott, jr., of Turnberry, to Miss
Sarah.Oasemore, of Morris
ARKELL—INGL/S—t&t the residence of the bride's
parents, on December 28th, by Kev A. 0 Stew-
art, of Sreetsville, Mr Wm 11 Arkell, of Broad
Lea Farm, Teeswater, to Miss ;Elizabeth Nichol,
eldest daughter os Thomae Inglis, Esq., of Shiel-
fleld Farm, Belmore
GILL-GRAVELLE-At the Grand Bend manse: on
Jammy 4th, by Rev 13 A Corriere, Mr Hermon
Gill, eon of Mr Ed Gill, to Miss Eva, youngest
daugliter of Mr and Mrs Asaph Graville, all of
Gr.n1 Bend
ROBERTSON-CALDBIOK-At the residenoe of the
bride's parents, Morrie, on January llbh, by
Bev George Baker, Mr Charles Roberteon, of
Alanitoba, to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr and
Mrs k Oaldbiok
MORRISON-In McKillop, on 'January 81)1, John C
Morrison, clerk of the township of MoKillop,
aged 65 rears and 10 months
FAIR -In Goderich towship, on December Stet,
John Fair, of Kincardine, aged 72 year.)
EMMERTON-An Kincardine, on December Slat,
John Erornerton aged 95 yeara and 2 months
WALTERSa--In Colborne township, on December
29th, ).nn, relict of the late Richard Walters,
aged 78 years
BROPHEY-In Geder;ch township, on January let,
Mary Jane Fiddler, wife of Mr John Brophey
aged 71 years
STANLAKE-In Stephen, on Deoember 30th, Emma
Pars nis, wife of Mr John Stanlake, aged 49
years. 1 month and 12 days
CARRICK-In Stephen, on Deoember 80th, infant
daughter of Air John Carrick, aged 9 months
VALE -In Exeter, oh January 2nd, infant daugbter
of Mr and Mrs Wm Vale .
CREIGHTON-In Hamilton, on January faith, Mary
A Crawford, relict of the late James Creighton,
formerly of Brussels, in her 66th year
14eNAIR-In Grey, on January 8th, Donald, son of
the late Duncan MoNeir,aged 21. years, 7 monthe
and a8 days
McINTYRE-In Virden, Manitoba, on December
Sisk James McIntyre, formerly of Stanley,
Babylon line, and brother of Miss 8 E McIn-
tyre, of Bewail
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls anewered at Mr. MaKenziers
residence, Church St., third house north of
public 8(1110°1, west side. Graduate Meese-
chutets College of Embalming, Boston, 13.8
Knechtel & McKenzie
Oa Tueidey, January 17th, at 1 .o'clook
p. m., on Lot 21, Croweasion 7, Hay, Farm,
Farm Stook and Implements. E. Bessen-
berry and T. Byotvio, auotioneera ; James
Hagan, tr , proptieton
L'IARM FOR 8AT.,14.1.-Being let 32, concession 2,
U McKillop, containing .00 acres. There are
on the premises a bank barn, silo, hay barn and
implement h •use and a first -el Ise frame dwelling.
The farm is well fenced and underdrained and In a
good state of cultivation. For terms and particul-
ars apply to Seaforth P. G. The farm must) be sold
as the proprietor is going west. JOHN 2 SyROAT.
F'LURK FOR SALE -The under-si,gned offers for
sale the valuable farm consisting of 160 acres,
being lot 22, eoncesion 8, and north half of lot 21,
cenaession 4, of the township of Stanley. Tile farm
is three miles from Bruoefield and „five miles from
Clinton. On the premises are a good frame home,
a large frame barn with stone stabling underneath,
.a driving shed and pig. pen. The farm has plenty
of water, a good hardwood bush and an orchard,
The soil le clay and loam. Apply to Mrs. P.
CAMPBELL, on the premises or Bromeliad P. 0.
Tenders for Cordwood.
Tenders will be reoeived at the clerk's office till
February 1.3th next, for 16 cords of hardwood, four
feet long, to be delivered by the 1st of March next
at the waterworks. The lowed or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Seaforth, Jaquary 12ili, 1905. 1935-3
Card of Thanks.
Electors of Hallett.
Kindly accept my einem thanks for the honor
you have done Me in electing me as your Reeve.
In the discharge of duty as your servant it shall be
my earnest endeavor to prove myself worth of your
cont1-.1enoe. I am
Yours Truly,
1..985-1 THOS. MoktILLAN.
, a
South Huron Agricultural Society.
• .
The animal meeting of the members of the South
Huron Eleotetal District Agrioultural Society, for
the receiving of reports for the peat year, the elect-
ion of officers and directors and the transaction of
other businees, will be held on
Friday. February 3rd, 1995, at one
o'clock p. m., at Wilson's Hall,
President. Secretary.
N. B. A meeting of the officers and directors Will be
hold at the same place and on the mune day at 10
o'clock a. m,, at which a hill attendance ha reqiired.
, 1985-8
. •
Farmers' Attention.
A meeting of the Farmers' Aesociation will be
hold at Blackall's hotel, Hensall, on Wednesday,
January 18th, 1906, ab 10 a. m. sharp.
986-1 R. B, hicaLEAN, Preeldent.
Huron County Council.
The eounoil of the Oounty of Huron, will meet in
the council chore ber, to tho town of 0 oderich on
the 24th day of this month, at the hour of three
o'olook in the afternoon.
Dated January 10th, 1905.
W. LANE, 5t3w51!i
Applications for Clerk.
Applioatione for the Position of clerk for the
municipality of thelownship of McKillop,will
be reciived up to January 17t6, 1905. Applicat-
Jona to be addressed to S. J. Shannon, Winthrop P.
0. and marked "application for cleikihip " The
council will meet at the Commercial Hotel, in the
taiwn of Seatorth, at 10 o'clook 5, m,, on Tuesday,
January 17th. 1905.
S. J. SHANNON, Actin g Clerk.
• 1985-1
Shareholder's Meeting.
A meeting of the shareholders of the Murray
Threshing Co. will be held in the Oommeacial
Hotel, Seaforth, orrTuesday, January 17th, at two
o'clodk. The executive committee will meet at one
o'clock. All amounts duo the company must be
paid on or before January 2016. ROBER,T MDR -
DIE, Secretary, 1936-1
un Bayil
FARM FOR SA.LE adj)ining the village of Exeter,
.11w/township, 100 acres with a good barn on
it and plenty ,of water. For further, partioulare
apply to B. 8, O'Neil, Exeter, Onto Easy terms.
We the membere of the Municipal Council of the
Township of MoKillop, assembled, whin to place on
record our sincere sorrow on the audden death of
our late respected end worthy towoship clerk, John
0. Morrison, esq., who, as clerk of this niunielptal•
ity, has won the reaped of the Council of IlloKillop.
We further wish to convey to Mre. Morrison and
family our deep sympathy In this the hour of their
affl lotion, and pray that an alt wise Providence wit/
comfort and ;ankle them in their bereavement. It
Is further resolved that a copy of thie resolution be
forwarded to Mrs. Morrison and family and also in-
aerted in the Seaforth newspapers.
D. ROLAND, Councillor&
Leadbnry, January ,Oth, 1905.
oKINN(11)N Mn
ete --nee
New Spring Prints anT17Cotton Goods.
We have just "roceived our first instalment of new Prints, GingVams, Cot-
tonadee and Shirtings for Spring. Our customers always like to buy these
goods early, and have them made up during the slack season. . •
We show a fine, aesortment of new Prints at 8o, 10e and 1.2io,e Heavy Cottenades
aad Moleakine, regular 30e, for 26a. Gingheans in bine and white, apron checks and
fancy pleid effect. worth 8o, for bc. Rockfast Shirtiege in new patterns, worth 18c, for
16e. Grey end Ylirite Cottontab reduced prices.
Great Stock -taking Sale.
This week we commence our great Clearing Sale, when all winter goods
livi I be sold regardless of cost We mint heve the stock redueed to the lowest
'poesible point before stocktaking.
re Ladies' ferias, silk beite, in black and colors, worth 50o, for 25a. Ladies' fancy
Ettook and turnoiren collars; all new and up to date, bought spatially for the Ohrietmas
trade, worth 50a, for 26o. Trimmed hats and reedy -to -wears at half price. Ladies'
olteth melte, all new stylieh garments, wocth 512, for $6. Ladies' cloth coats, all new,
at 56 50.'57 50, 88 and 510 -half price. Ladies/ Astreohan Jackets, regular price 528.50,
for 522.50. Ladies' electric seal and Greenland sealjackete, one-quarter cd. Men'er
fur coats, in vericeits kinds, at big reductions. Ladies' caperines, scarfs, ruffs, etc., item
20 to 26 per cam tiff, Wool blankets in all qualities, alt reduced in price.
-A...1\TI) 01\TM E3±I,100M
You'eati fit horses for ma) ket in half the tina' e if you feed them Fear's
Condition Powders..
Alex. Ross, of 13rueefield, says :ea" They pile on the flesh and make the
horses sleek and fat. 1 got a far higher price for my horses than if I had net
used Fear's Condition Powders. Three pounds for 50c at
FEAR'S Drug. Store, Seaforth.
It Gan Easily be.Seen
That unless the Watch is kept free -
from dire and regulated occasion-
. ally, it cannot keep accurate time.
- This applies as well to the high-
priced watch as to the cheap one.
A watch will last longer if cleaned
is done by skilled workmen.
Springs and oeher parte supplied
are of the beet quality, and will
perform their work well. Charges
are moderate when done by •
R. McNaught,
Practiced Watchmaker, Jeweler &Engraver
Ciounter's eld Stand,
Seaforth. '
Pullman Sleepers to Ottawa
Leaves Toronto daily on Grand Trunk East-
ern Flyer, at 10 30 p. no, making conneo.
Lions from all peints. Returning leaves
Ottawa 6.45 p. m. Reservations made at
Grand Trunk officek
That in less than two days you can be en-
joying the fruit and ilowers at Florida win•
ter resoets, and in less than four days reash
California ?
Ask your agen.bs for full information, or
address J. D. McDonald, Distriot Paseenger
Agent, Toronto. For hit:filet], call on •
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
We had a number of small pieces of
sterling silver left over from Christmas'
such as Nail Files, Masora, Seals,
Ebo., which we will sell at a rednoiion
rather than keep over tilt next Ohrlst-
If yon need some of these for your own use
they are just aa good as they were be'
' fore Christmas and pheaper.
John Bulger,
eweller, - — - Seaforth.
With Your Back Turned
• that we are having a genuine -sale to everybody. You
will all get a sale price and you wont have to ask for it,
Every Winter Garment Must Go
Befbre the Spring Goods Arrive:
SUITS :— $ 12 00 for $ 8 00
10 00 for 700
800 for 6 00
OVERCOATS :— $ 11 00 for$ 7 00
10 00 for 600
9 00 for 500
--!" LEATHER COATS :— $ 6-50 for $ 5 00
5-50 for 4 50
One dozen Men's Fur Caps left, worth $5,50, zeal 'and
Austrian Beaver at $3,00, Persian Lamb $12 caps for 57.
UNDERWEAR, Stanfields, at 90e a piece, fleece- ande
wool at 45c,
Men's Dress Shirts, $1.00 for 67e,
50c Ties for 25e. 35c Hose for 250; 75c Mitts, gauntlets
at 65c and 45e- Men's Pants worth 51135 at 9ge. Top Shirts,
$1,00 for 80c.- Gloves and Mitts at big reductions. You wont have to
'ask for bargains.
Latest. Styles and Lowest Prices Will make us famous.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
Ontario. lck ards s
Seefertts, • I
Market Set**, te
IThe La moo
DITGOOda 110,511
Clothing ,
Concern In -
, Four CettlifittP3 -
,ur Annual "- •
-$.-A 14. E
, •
This iihe greatest clearing sale in the history of this store.
Never as there such phenomenal reductions in prices. • Our
policy kr to carry no goods from one season to another. During
the -
goods, wig be offered at priees never Wore heard of. Below
is a par0.1 list to start the Bala Ali .thugle this month other
lines wir be cleared s 'many of the beat valued do not appear in ,
Sftpie Department.
One table oiWrapperette, regular prices 10e and 121-e, for 6ie a yard,
One table ol(Gernian Prints, regular pekes 14e a yarde to clear at Sic.
Five pieces* Military Flannel, regular price 37e'for 23e a yard.
A pile of tlinnelettes, wide width, regular price8; for 61-c a yard.
A pile of Co -Stoned; regular price 18; for Hie a ford.
A pile` of Skirtings, regular price 10; for ne a yard.
Three pieeeeeof Red fable Linen, worth 40e, for 28e a yard.
Three pieeeWonly of Table Linen, worth 28; for 19e a yard.
A pile of Fl4nnelette Blanoets, worth 95e, for 77c.
- ;] •
L Department.
• ,
Twenty-five ,E-eairs of straight front B and 1 Oorsete, worth $1 and $1.25,
to clear at -50e a
Sixteen paire of Comfort Hygeian Waists, Werth $1, for 50c.
Forty-five pis of Kid Gloves, colored andblack, to clear at 50e a pair. _
Five dozen Ohildren's Vests, reguTar prices 15; 20e and 2$e each, to
dear at 5e each.
Misses' Veslei worth 200 and 25c each, to clear at 12,Ic each.
Blaa Sateen Waists, regular price $-1,25 each, to clear at 500,
untie De artmen
°A. table of :iLadies' Cloth Mantles, regular price $43 to 511.75 to dear'at
• 5 each,
A table of ikadies' Short Cloth Jackets to clear at $1 each.
Ladies' all.*:)ol homespun Skirts in.Oxford greye to clear at $1 50 each. 0
A number 14 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats to clear at 25 per
:Gopds Depa
A.pile of tlfeess Goods, regular 20c, 40c and 46; to clear at 26e a yard,
A table' of, t)ress Goods, regular _prices 50e and 60e a yard, to dear at
3 e,a yard. , •
A table of i',ienanants of dress goods to clear at half price.
A table of 'O-Oalored Silks., regular prices from 50e to $1, to olear at 35e a
yard. -
Great elearikg.prices on all Ladies' Furs -25 per tent. off Oaperinee,
Ruffs, Muffs aria -,Gauntlets, and special discounts on all Ladies' Fin 00041.<
At your .1New Year's
It has alwaye been
our aim to have you
leave our titan feel,
iug you have your
money's worth. You
see we want you to
come again. There's
onlii one thing that
will bring you, and
we know it. Thee
thing ie -SOLID varion
We have them in
Pure fresh Hellebore
(for !lice on cattle)
30o a lb.
English White Castile
Soap, 2 lbe. for 25e.
"Never Fail" Corn
Cure(the kind that
cures corns), 10a a
Our Own" 'Condi-
tion Powders (tnake
horses sleek and fat)
25o a lb.
Buohn Juniper Kid.
ney Pills (for rheumatism and sore back)
253 a box.
We sell at prime that bring people back,
The Robert Bell
<engine and Thresher Co,,
• Notre° Is hereby given that a, diaidend at the
rata o17 per cent per &WHIM, upbn the paid up
capital stook of this company has been deolared for
11 months, ending October 81s1, 1904, and that the
same will be payable on and after February let,
31106, at the head offioe of the company.
By order of the board,
11115.4 Managing Dirsotor.
We extend a cordial greeting and the
congratulations of the [mason to our many
friends who have given us a share of their
patronage during the past year and we
truse that) we will not only retain the curl -
tom of all our old friends, but will make
many new ones for the year 1905 for this
reason ; that we will be io a better position
than ever to supply your shoe wants, and
we can 'insure you that it will be our high-
est aim to secure for you the latest styles
and beet qualities procurable in boots and
"-shoes from the leading factoriesof Canada
and the United Stateeetand you. can epunt
on es for the lowest priees.
Start right off with the New Year and
be convinced that we are leaders in our
Richardson& MInnis
Sole Agents for Hagar'Sovereign and Just
PHOTOS are always appreciated by
your friends.
CALL AT ONCE so that we may leave
the work out in time for dis-
JACKSON BROS., Seaforthf
For Sale.
One 4 to 6b. p. Gasoline Engine -Gould,
Shapley & Muir make; almost new.
Also one Maple LesedGrinder.
One 10 h. p. Pitt's Hone Power.
All the "%hone for sale cheap.
Engine and Thresher CooLtd,
19384f Seaforlde,
Carpet De artment
Special priees one all Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, ete. We're Qffering
'special prices on "eedd Curtains, Rennaants and ends of Carpets.
tir WwwersaftootireaAwekArr~ovreeee
Clothing Department,
One hundrolo4 Men's Top Shirtsin flannels, tweeds, moles and es
regular prices frOZa 75e to $1.25, for 60e each.
One hundrerr and fifty Men's Caps, worth from 25e to 75; for 10c.
Seventy-flve. Men's Overcoats, all kinds and sires, at half frriee.
A numberaMen's Suits1regular prices from $5 to $6.50, for $3.60.
A raumber ersuits, wort/1h= $6.50 to $11, for $6.
A pile of MoiA Suits, replier prices from $8 to $12.50 for $7.
All through 6eis sale -spaded prices on odd coats, vests and pants will be
One hundredeMen's Fur Coats in coon, black calf, brown ealf, black au&
brown dog, bro'tvnilancl silver wombat, wallaby, etc, These coats will be clear-
ed at unheard of ie;riees,
Special prieeel'on all Men's Fur Caps.
Great bargaiali on Sleigh Robes in Galloway, black, laro
bear, goat and Sadkatchewan buffalo.
A great eleariAb
egular prices fromg$1
• 140.
ery Department
!sale in Millinery. Bats clearing at 25e, roared '75;
to $3 each.
WIVI• P KARD CO. „r),11,„
°molts Tos4.6 Bnlldiug, Omer Mau awl Market 81.4.7 Sissfortitt